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Chemical Engineering Communications

ISSN: 0098-6445 (Print) 1563-5201 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/gcec20

Reviews on Corrosion Inhibitors – A Short View

Pandian Bothi Raja, Mohammad Ismail, Seyedmojtaba Ghoreishiamiri,

Jahangir Mirza, Mokthar Che Ismail, Saeid Kakooei & Afidah Abdul Rahim

To cite this article: Pandian Bothi Raja, Mohammad Ismail, Seyedmojtaba Ghoreishiamiri,
Jahangir Mirza, Mokthar Che Ismail, Saeid Kakooei & Afidah Abdul Rahim (2016): Reviews
on Corrosion Inhibitors – A Short View, Chemical Engineering Communications, DOI:

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00986445.2016.1172485

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Reviews on corrosion inhibitors – A short view

Pandian Bothi Raja1,2, Mohammad Ismail1 , Seyedmojtaba Ghoreishiamiri1, Jahangir

Mirza1, Mokthar Che Ismail2, Saeid Kakooei2, Afidah Abdul Rahim3
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Johor,
Malaysia, 2Centre for Corrosion Research, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Malaysia, 3School of Chemical Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Corresponding author, Tel: +6075531503, Fax: +6075566157. Email:

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A range of numerous corrosion inhibitors viz., organic molecules with hetero atoms and π

– electron clouds, inorganic salts and plant excerpts likewise their corresponding

phytoconstituents were reported with success for metals in different corrosive media.

Various literature reviews related to corrosion inhibitors have been reported by many

authors based on their application, classification and inhibition mechanism. A short view

of all these reviews is summarized in this manuscript. Various aspects of corrosion

inhibitors as well as their recent trends and advancement are also discussed.

KEYWORDS: Corrosion; Corrosion inhibitor; Metals; Metal dissolution; Mechanism;



Metal corrosion is a costly material science problem which originated from the day of

metals discovery. Corrosion is defined as the gradual degradation of metals / materials

properties caused by the chemical reaction and or the electrochemical reaction with its
surrounding atmosphere (Kelly et al. 2003). Physical metal decay is classified as galling,

wear and erosion. Rather, Fontana (1986) descript that corrosion is a reverse process of

extractive metallurgy; which happens because the basic metal forms are

thermodynamically less stable as compared with their corresponding ores. Actuation that

routes the metals undergo corrosion could be the natural consequences of their temporary

subsistence in metallic state. In order to attain this metallic form from their origin state

(ores), system requires a mandatory energy feed which has been reverted later by means
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of corrosion progress (Roberge, 2007).

When the metal unites with its surroundings, corrosion is the main cause by which metals

decay. In general, metals degrade when they are in contact with moisture / water (H 2O),

bases (NaOH, CaCO3, NaHCO3, etc.,), acids (HCl, H2 SO4, HNO3, etc.,), salts (NaCl),

liquid chemicals, aggressive metal polishes and gases (formaldehyde, ammonia and

sulfur containing gases). Non-metals like plastics surface’s may crack or swell, granite

gets erode, wood may cleave or decompose and Portland cement may leach away, while

the mean for “corrosion” is currently limited to chemical thrust over metals.

Significance of corrosion studies is divided as following three categories,

Economics - economical aspects including direct / indirect losses

Safety - improved safety of operating instruments / equipments

Conservation of materials / metal resources

Corrosion may cause failures in pressure basins, boiler tanks, aggressive, harmful

chemical containers, blades of turbines / motors, aero-plane parts, bridges, and

automotive routing devices. Nuclear power plants need serious concern about safety

during equipment construction and nuclear waste disposal. Corrosion loss is not only

limited with metals, while also influence in water, energy, and manual efforts employed

during manufacture and devise the metal frames.

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Proper corrosion prevention regulations enable to abstain various severe damages,

includes loss of economy, water resources, ecological pollution and lack of human

values. Thus, material engineers and corrosion scientists aim to reduce the corrosive

impact on pipelines, reservoirs, ships, machinery components, coastal constructive,

bridges and other structural materials which consequently reduce the economic losses,

enhance industrial safety as well as the material conservation.

In industries, usage of corrosion inhibitors is an effective remedy among other several

corrosion protection measures viz., protective coatings, cathodic protection, selection of

materials and anodic protection (Bregman, 1963; Eldredge & Warner, 1948; Putilova et

al. 1966; Ranney, 1976). Any corrosion retarding process can be considered as corrosion

inhibition, which may be attained through adding chemical compounds. Corrosion

inhibitors are any chemical additives / substances that once added in low quantity with

aggressive / corrosive environment either decrease or forestall the corrosion progress

between metal surface and media (Riggs, 1973; Papavinasam, 2000).

Corrosion inhibitors act in two steps: the transfer of inhibitor molecules over metal’s

surface followed by interaction of inhibitor’s functional groups with metallic surface.

Important parameters considered for inhibitors are,

Solubility of inhibitor in corrosive medium

Compatibility of inhibitor in corroding system

Stability of inhibitor by varying pH and temperature

Inhibitor cost
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Environmental friendliness

Corrosion inhibition efficiency

Normally, corrosion rate is higher at acidic environment in which hydrogen gas liberated

through cathodic reaction. Hydrogen ejected from the metallic surface either reunite and

leave as gas or enter into metal producing the hydrogen – activated deterioration of the

metal (Sanatkumara et al. 2012). Corrosion inhibitor plays a vital role to reduce hydrogen

evolution by adsorption phenomenon that subsequently inhibit corrosion and protect

metal surface (Sanatkumarb et al. 2012).

The effectiveness of inhibitors depends on,

Solution corrosives




Dissolved salts

There has been a large increase in number of research work over the investigation of

novel corrosion inhibitors.

Thus, a number of chemicals including inorganic complexes, organic molecules, natural

products and rare earth elements were successfully identified as corrosion preventing

agents for wide vary of metals in different corrosive environments (aqueous / non-

aqueous, dry media and molten substances). All these inhibitors were found to be
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effective and unique in their activity depending on the metals, medium and

environmental conditions.

Since, numerous reports on corrosion inhibitors exist; many authors have reviewed them

recently. A short view and collection of all these reviews enable the corrosion engineers

and material scientists to easy access the early literature, its content and recent updates.

Thus, an effort has been made to summarize different reviews of corrosion inhibitors

reported by several authors. A synopsis is presented here.

Corrosion Inhibitors - Reviews

In general, literature reviews enable the readers to get an overview of a particular topic.

Likewise, corrosion inhibitors reviews have been evaluated to present a comprehensive

report. Table 1 summarizes the reviews reported by several authors while a short view of

all those reviews is discussed in subsequent section.

All these reviews were summarized based on ascending order of publication year which

enlighten many aspects of corrosion inhibitors research and the key outcomes are,

Outline the main arguments in research articles

Assessment of current state on corrosion inhibitor research

Determination of methodologies in early studies

Detection of future research directions on corrosion inhibitors

Identification of experts and research groups

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Identification of research gap and area of controversy - different mode of action

(anodic, cathodic, mixed), different mechanism proposal for similar compounds and

corrosive environment

The first journal review on corrosion inhibitors was reported by Hackerman, during 1948.

His review quoted any substance injected into the system that interferes with the

dissolution of metal will be considered as inhibitor regardless of the mechanism by which

it operates. This manuscript narrates various factors of corrosion inhibitors under

following headings and subheadings.

Inhibition by effect on the corrosive medium

Inhibition by effect on the metal – inorganic chemicals

 Treatments for cadmium, zinc and aluminum

 Phosphates and silicates

 Other cations investigated

Inhibition by effect on the metal – organic substances

 Compounds having Oxygen

 Compounds having Nitrogen

 Compounds having Sulfur

 Colloids

 Miscellaneous inhibitors

Consideration of factors

 Types of corrosion

 Nature of corrosion products

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 Chemistry of system

 Effect of temperature

 Sodium chromate

 Excessive consumption of inhibitors

Theories of inhibition

 Adsorption

 Strength of adsorption bond

 Orientation pattern of molecules

 Metal structure and adherence

This review mainly focuses to cite the use of number of corrosion inhibitors and its

theory / mode of action through adsorption. Interestingly, the reviewers (M. G. Fontana,

H. G. Mc Donald and J. T. Waber) comments and author’s (Hackerman) response also

included in the manuscript.

Stern (1958) reviewed the mechanism of passivating - type inhibitors and defined that all

passivating – type inhibitors are oxidizing agents while not all oxidizing agents are

corrosion inhibitors. This review also quoted that a passivating - type inhibitor functions

via generating a local - action current that polarizes (anodic region) the metal into the

passive potential zone and thereby provides the means for obtaining a noble mixed

potential which is independent of whether passivity is caused primarily by oxide or

adsorbed films. This review includes major discussion on,

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Mechanism of passivating inhibitor

Nature of passivating inhibitor

Effect of concentration of passivating inhibitor

Effect of critical anodic current

Quantity of passivator associated with the surface

The review concluded that passivity is favored by high values of redox potential,

exchange current and limiting diffusion current. Further, the following major factors

determine the passivity existence;

reversible potential of redox system

electrochemical parameters for inhibitor’s reduction over metallic surface

critical anodic current and metal’s flade potential

Evans (1971) review discussed the possible mechanisms for corrosion inhibition,

passivity and their importance in resistance alloys in details. Furthermore, the formation

and maintenance of protective films over the metal surface were also pointed out. Evans’s

review included major topics such as:

corrosion inhibition exclusive of anodic current density

specific effect of anion

use of polarization curves

metal passivity induced through immense current density

cathodic effect of inhibitors

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root of oxygen in oxide film

resistance alloys

This review concluded that formation and presence of protective films played a major

role in producing passivity.

Impure iron (corroded product) features a serious negative impact on the potency of Zn -

galvanic anodes because of inert layer accumulation. However, similar mechanism has a

positive side as formation of shielding layer over Cu - Zn alloys in saline media. Pearson

(1972) has reviewed these beneficial effects of iron with detailed mechanisms. His

review focused mainly on the role - played by iron corrosion product as inhibitor over

corrosion of marine condenser pipes / tubes which were made of Cu-Ni alloy or brass.

Pearson concluded that, although the corrosion inhibition mechanism is based on the root

cause of rust products (either by condenser material or through cooling water); in each

cases, the iron found to be embedded over rust layer formed on the metallic surfaces.

This may subsequently depress the layer’s potency; hence it may not be more active as

cathode to the clean metallic surface and so that not subsidize the local electrochemical

corrosion cells.

Leidheiser (1980) reviewed the potency of corrosion inhibition and the passivity of

metallic cations (Zn, Ni, Ti, Pd, Co and Ag). His review also included proposed

mechanisms under the following eleven headings.

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involvement on cathodic reaction

alternative substitute reaction for anodic reaction

reduction of rust inducing matters

cations as factors in regulate the pH of media

catalysis the polymer progression

influence the electrochemical (cathodic) reaction

modification in surface morphology of rust / metallic surface

alteration of shielding effect of oxide over metal bodies

production of non - soluble defensive layer on metallic bodies surface

production of intermetallic complexes

adsorption of metal atoms and cations

Sanyal (1981), the former Director of Materials Defense Research Laboratory

(Materials), Kanpur, India has written a 72 pages review on “organic compounds as

corrosion inhibitors in different media”. His review classified the organic inhibitors,

based on their applications on different corrosive media viz., neutral medium (H 2O,

NaCl), acidic medium (HCl, HBr, H 2 S, H 2SO4 , HClO4, HNO 3, H3 PO4), alkaline medium

(NaOH, KOH), organic medium (glycerin, alcohol, ethylene glycol), petroleum products

(oil well, CO2 / H2 S on pipelines, crude oil tanks) and volatile corrosion inhibitors for

atmospheric corrosion. Report includes the range of organic compounds for metal

protection viz., iron, steel (include mild steel, carbon steel and stainless steel), Cu, Zn, Al

and Ni.
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Sanyal (1981) chronicled the early literature and various aspects of organic corrosion

inhibitors applications. The probable mechanism involved during corrosion inhibition

progress has also been explained on the basis of,

molecular structural activity relationship

adsorption phenomenon


insoluble film formation

The review also extends the discussion of various factors affecting the performance of

corrosion inhibitors, which included,

effect of temperature

effect of inhibitor concentrations

fluid velocity

metal cations




Sanyal’s review was a milestone in corrosion inhibitor’s research and plays a vital role in

all later reviews.

Atmospheric corrosion of metals like aqueous corrosion happens as a result of unique and

collective role with moisture, oxygen and numerous atmospheric polluting gases / ions.
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Since, the open atmosphere has no bounds of available oxygen, humidity majorly

controls the atmospheric corrosion. Usage of vapor phase inhibitors (VPI) is an effective

and convenient means for metal protection; this method was mainly developed for ferrous

metals in tropical climate. Singh & Banerjee (1984) have reviewed the applications of

VPI’s for different metals (Fe, Fe alloys, Cu, Cu alloys, Ag and Al). His review also

covers the sections on,

evaluation methods for VPI

mechanism of VPI protection

methods of using VPI

measurement of vapour pressure of VPI

Schmitt (1984) has reviewed the application of corrosion inhibitors for ferrous metals

protection in acid media (which includes inorganic acids viz., HCl, HNO3, H2SO4,

H3PO4, HF and organic acids viz., acetic acid, citric acid and glycolic acid). They were

employed for scale removal, acid cleaning / pickling and oil / gas well acidizing. It was

concluded that the selection of ideal inhibitor for a typical environment would be

troublesome, since inhibitor’s potency relies on several aspects. Hence, thorough

knowledge on property profile of each inhibitor is highly important. Furthermore,

corrosion inhibition results in one scheme, which may not be transmitted with different

corrosion scheme till complete further analysis. Hence, evaluation of corrosion inhibitor

potency must be investigated under similar settings to real surroundings of applicability.

Molybdate anion is one of the earliest effective corrosion inhibitors and its behavior was
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first attributed during 1939. Vukasovich (1986) reviewed molybdate’s corrosion

inhibition potency which summarized its basics and practical studies on molybdate

protection efficacy along with industrial applications. This review also encapsulates

molybdate’s chemical / physical characteristics and emphasized environmental factors

related with their usage as corrosion inhibitor. This review also provided a mechanism of

molybdate’s inhibition under the following headings,


film formers synergism effect with molybdate

molybdate’s influence in anodic pits

Calcium nitrite is considered an effective corrosion inhibitor against reinforced steel

corrosion over concrete caused by chloride attack. Berke & Rosenberg (1989) reviewed

calcium nitrate’s corrosion inhibition from the data generated by W. R. Grace & Co, U.

S. Federal Highway Administration. Historical perspective of corrosion inhibition by

chemical substances / compounds was reviewed by Hackerman (1990). His review

combines the molecular structure and nature of the bonding surface with corrosion

inhibition potential of organic molecules. Furthermore, geometry and molecular

structures has also been included in the discussion.

Microorganisms on the metal surface lead to microbiologically influenced corrosion

(MIC) which affects various construction elements over seawater to earth, airplane

materials and drains. MIC involves electrochemical basis, which forces researchers to

make many attempts to use electrochemical evaluation. Mansfeld & Little (1991)
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systematically reviewed the advantage / effective utility of electrochemical methods for

MIC evaluation. His report covers the literature of MIC from 1970, which incorporates

assessment of redox potential, corrosion potential, resistance polarization,

electrochemical noise, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Tafel polarization.

All the above techniques were discussed in great details along with practical measures,

benefits and drawbacks for MIC screening.

Since, possible cause of toxicity and cancer – causing threat of using few organic /

inorganic corrosion inhibitors, researchers made considerable efforts to develop

environmentally acceptable inhibitors. During 1992, Aeronautical Research Laboratory

(ARL) groups in Australia found that few soluble REM (rare earth metals – Ce, Pr and Y)

salts are effective corrosion inhibitors for steel, aluminium alloys and zinc. Hinton (1992)

from ARL reviewed the experimental studies in REM used as corrosion inhibitors along

with their mechanisms involved. He concluded from the lab studies and field trials that

REM salts can be developed / used as an effective commercial corrosion inhibitors for

industrial operations.

Romangoli & Vetere (1995) have reviewed the zinc phosphate as non-pollutant corrosion

inhibitive pigment for various metals in corrosive media. Their review article contains

discussion on,

advantages and disadvantages of zinc phosphate anticorrosive pigment

elaboration process of zinc phosphate

modified zinc phosphate

mixing of zinc phosphate with other pigments

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formulations performance

zinc phosphate anticorrosive action mechanism

other phosphate as inhibitive pigments

Corrosion inhibitors of aluminium metal corrosion over various aqueous environments

were well reviewed by Jayalakshmi & Muralidharan during 1997. This review narrates

typical thermodynamics involved in Al – H 2O system and classified the aluminium

corrosion inhibitors based on the corrosive media as follows;


acid medium

neutral medium

alkaline medium

miscellaneous medium

Major conclusions of this review are,

corrosion inhibitors protection failed at higher concentrations in all corrosive

media (neutral, acid and alkaline)

corrosion inhibition mechanism is a complex process while in-depth studies

would be helpful for better understanding

Computer usage in corrosion inhibition research was reviewed by Banerjee and Vasanth

(1997). This interesting review was well narrated by the following headings and sub -
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Computer modeling

 Predicting mechanism of corrosion inhibition

 Simulating inhibitor application in an industrial environment

 Determination of adsorption mechanisms

Real time monitoring of corrosion rate

Statistical process control

Expert systems

The review concluded that, though many software available for corrosion monitoring, it

is needed for a second generation engineering expert systems which can incorporate

features like hypertext and neural networks.

Usage of chromates as corrosion inhibitors for aluminium alloy protection is a serious

threat to the environment which compelled researchers to find the remedy. Lanthanide

compounds were successfully identified as one of the best replacements for chromates by

many researchers. Bethencourt et al. (1998) have reviewed the lanthanide complexes as

possible corrosion inhibitors for the protection of aluminium metals / alloys which

included the topics on,

corrosion inhibition by chromates

ecological alternative to chromates

lanthanide salts as corrosion inhibitors

lanthanides as corrosion inhibitors for aluminium alloy

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mechanism of inhibition

lanthanide embedded conversion coatings over aluminium metals / alloys

Their review concluded that lanthanide compounds have a high potential for corrosion

inhibition, as well as they fulfill the basic requirements for effective eco – friendly

corrosion inhibitor blends: less toxic with durable protecting capability. While, results of

present literature show numerous restrictions which limits lanthanide compounds

applications in industries. Deeper investigation is required to improve the viable usage on


Hansson et al. (1998) have reviewed the various possible corrosion inhibition/passivation

mechanisms concerned with the inhibitors in a concrete environment. Their review

concluded that application of synthetic corrosion inhibitor formulations is a simple

implementable remedy for irresistible corrosion issues for reinforcement steel embedded

concrete. Corrosion inhibitor supplements act in concrete as not only to inhibit / lag the

corrosion progress and also minimize any critical threat over concrete properties viz.,

workability, setting time, strength, durability and air – void content. Besides, concrete

corrosion inhibitors should stay active / effective throughout the desired lifetime of

concrete structures. Thus, it is quite critical to derive an exhaustive corrosion inhibition

mechanism and admixtures effect over concrete in prediction of internal / external

aspects, which can influence inhibitors potency.

High temperature corrosion is a persisting issue over heavy fuel oil industrial operations
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(high temperature gas generators / turbines and steam reservoirs). It usually triggered

through trace amounts of substances viz., vandaium, sulphur and sodium. Residual oil

combustion produces the accumulation of mineral ashes over metals / alloys surface that

inflict rust and fouling. This produces a vital compound through chemical reactions

among sodium sulfates (Na 2SO4 ) and vanadium petoxides (V2O 5) over gas turbines and

steam reservoirs. Compounds comprising of Manganese are found to prevent oil ash

corrosion effectively. Inclusion of Manganese substance undergoes chemical reaction

with sodium and hence reduces sodium – vanadium reaction that generates aggressive

sodium vanadate. Tiwary & Prakash (1998) reviewed the magnesium oxide’s influence to

inhibit high temperature corrosion.

Quarishi and Rawat (2001) have reviewed the macrocyclic compounds (porphyrin and

pthalocyanin) as corrosion inhibitors. Literature review was classified based on the

experimental techniques viz.,

gravimetric analysis

tafel polarization

electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

hydrogen permeation method

auger electron spectroscopic (AES) studies

Azoles (imidazole, benzimidazole, triazole, tetrazole), the heterocyclic group of

compounds can serve as potent corrosion inhibitor that provide efficient protection for

metals (Fe, Al and Cu) in various corrosive media. Kusnetzov (2004) reviewed several
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physiochemical aspects of azole’s corrosion inhibition potential in metal protection. The

composition and key mechanisms of ultrathin (Nano sized) protective layers formed over

the metals surface by azole group (Fig. 1) inhibitors were also discussed in this review.

Ponmariappan et al. (2004) have reviewed the corrosion inhibition potential of bacterial

biofilm. The review includes major discussion on,

types of bacteria involved in corrosion control process

 aerobic bacteria

 heterotrophic bacteria

 methanotrophic bacteria

 phosphate solubilizing microorganisms

mechanism of corrosion inhibition

 protective layer formation over metal / alloy surface

 fatty acids

 amino acids

 vivianite coating

 corrosion inhibition by neutralization of the corrosive substances

 corrosion inhibition by decreasing the medium corrosiveness

effect of inhibitive species on ennoblement

effect of inhibitive species on cathodic protection

This review concluded that corrosion inhibition by microorganisms has many advantages

viz., pollution free, easier to develop, minimum maintenance cost and cheaper than other
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classical methods of corrosion control.

Corrosion inhibitor developments for managing corrosion within wet oil and gas

production pipelines and production equipment are well documented throughout the

NACE literature. Gregg & Ramachandran (2004) reviewed the improvement and

analyzed the offshore oil and gas manufacturing units. This review article provides

literature summary, which is classified under the following sections.

assessment of corrosion inhibitor development and screening pertaining to

offshore 'shallow water' production systems

summary of developments and testing related to offshore 'deep water' production


Volatile corrosion inhibitors (VCI) / Vapor phase inhibitors / Volatile rust inhibitors are

substances injected in a sealed atmosphere which can target towards the corrosion spot by

evaporation. Typically, VCI may be a compound or mixture that is vaporized slowly at

room temperature. The vaporized gas is absorbed in a metallic surface chemically /

physically which may form a protective layer and prevent metal corrosion. Various

prospects of VCI were well reviewed by Bastidas et al., (2005). This review includes

literature as well as a narration of the various factors influencing VCI’s performance and

corrosion inhibition mechanism under the following headings.

Transporting of inhibitor to the metallic surface

Vapor pressure

Effect of pH
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Formation and destruction of adsorbed films

Raja & Sethuraman’s (2008) review gave an intense version of green compounds (natural

products) that are applicable as potent rust inhibitors. This review discussed,

Function of inhibitors over the metal surface

Criteria for choosing inhibitors

Literature of natural corrosion inhibitors

Applications and limitations of natural corrosion inhibitors

The review concluded that natural substances rise as impressive rust inhibitors in nearby

future owing to their advantages as easy accessibility, eco – friendly, biodegradable in

earth and non - toxicant; the era of green corrosion inhibitors has already begun. Authors,

namely Buchweishaija, (2009); Sangeetha et al. (2011); Kesavan et al. (2012); Rani &

Basu, (2012); Acharya et al. (2013); Patni et al. (2013); Sangeetha et al. (2015), further

reviewed the literature and various aspects of green corrosion inhibitors effectively.

Quantum chemical calculations, theoretical predictions of corrosion inhibition potential

and molecular modeling for organic compounds were reported in many research articles.

Gece [39] had given an immense review over this topic and narrates on following


Quantum chemical parameters

 Atomic charges

 Molecular orbital energies

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 Dipole moment

 Energy

Semi empirical techniques

 Modified Neglect of Differential Overlap (MNDO)

 Austin Model 1 (AM1)

 Parameterized Model Number - 3 (PM3)

His review classified the literature of corrosion inhibitors studied using semi empirical

method and ab initio and density functional theory (DFT method). Gece concluded that

quantum chemical calculations are powerful tool for the prediction of corrosion inhibition

potential while immense care must be taken in planning these studies.

Antonijevic & Petrovic (2008) reviewed the literature dealing with electrochemical

decay of copper metal and their application as rust inhibitors. Their review included a

short discussion of inorganic copper corrosion inhibitors and an elaborate discussion and

literature review of organic corrosion inhibitors. The influence of organic corrosion

inhibitors for steel corrosion in acidic environment has been well reviewed by El

Maksoud in 2008. He mentioned the following sections,

The effect of organic inhibitor’s structure on their inhibiting properties

Zero charge potential

The synergistic effect

Further, he classified the organic inhibitors based on their applications in corrosive

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Mineral acids (hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid)

Organic acids (oxalic acid, formic acid and tartaric acid)

Reviews concluded that organic substances / additives comprising N, S, O and P in the

conjugated system were found as efficient rust inhibitors. Their inhibition mechanism

involved adsorption viz., physisorption/chemisorption.

Various physiochemical aspects were involved during metal protection by azoles as

corrosion inhibitors; which was well reviewed by Kuznetsov & Kazansky (2008). This

review contains the literature of corrosion inhibitors which including N – based

heterocyclic compounds and azoles. Further, various azole compounds viz., Imidazoles,

Triazoles and Tetrazoles were also classified based on their application as corrosion


The review concluded that,

azoles can be considered as a promising rust inhibitor for metals (including Fe, Cu

and Al) protection against different corrosion media

azoles produce a polymeric complex with copper’s metal cation which results in

the formation of nano coating and inhibits corrosion

corrosion inhibition potential of substituted azoles is determined not only by

electronic effects of substituent but also by hydrophobicity.

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Polymers can be efficient corrosion inhibitors because they have potent hetero functional

groups that produce inhibitor (polymer) – metal ions complexes; which can occupy

immense zone over metallic surface and shield it from the corrosive media.

Umoren (2009) reviewed the polymers usage as metal corrosion inhibitors in different

corrosive environment. His report emphasized on the literature of polymer rust inhibition

based on their applications for different metals viz., mild steel, aluminium, iron, copper

and other metals. Highlight of his review is that water soluble polymers are effective

corrosion inhibitors for aqueous media. The review also concluded that corrosion

inhibition potential of polymers based on,

nature of the corrosive environment

characteristics of metal surface and zero potential

Structure of the inhibitor including adsorption active center, adsorption

mechanism, molecular dimension, charge density, development of inhibitor – metal

complexes and inhibitor’s projection area towards metal surface

Corrosion inhibitors for steel in concrete have been reviewed by Soylev & Richardson

(2008) which emphasized on most commonly used concrete corrosion inhibitors viz.,

aminoalcohols (AMA), calcium nitrites and sodium mono fluorophosphates (MFP). This

review includes the discussion on mode of application and classification of concrete

corrosion inhibitors. Further, this review extends the discussion on various aspects of

AMA, MFP and calcium nitrite when they are applied as concrete corrosion inhibitors.

Narration was made on the following headings,

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basic mechanism of corrosion protection

effectiveness of inhibitors in chloride / carbonate contaminated concrete

inhibitors penetrability into the concrete

effect on concrete (fresh / hardened) properties

 fresh concrete (air content / density, workability, hydration / setting time)

 mechanical properties (tensile / compressive strength, steel concrete bond,

modulus of elasticity)

 durability (shrinkage, penetrability & resistance, freeze – thaw resistance,

carbonation death, abrasion resistance, other organic)

field trials

The review concluded that more research is needed on factors influence the protection

efficacy of migrating rust inhibitors. The info concerning corrosion inhibitors “long –

term” progress over real environment is much restricted.

Allam et al. (2009) have reviewed benzotriazole (BTAH) influences over copper metal /

alloys protection in different corrosive environment. The review discussed in depth of

BTAH’s literature as corrosion inhibitors along with the following sections,

Structural chemistry of BTAH and mode of corrosion inhibition

Inhibiting effects of BTAH, its derivatives and blends

Adverse effects of BTAH

The review summarized two possible mechanisms involved during copper corrosion
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inhibition by BTAH (Fig. 2) and its derivatives. The review concluded that BTAH

supremely inhibits corrosion for copper metals / alloys in cleaner atmosphere while the

presence of pollutants such as sulfide ions remarkably affects the performance of BTAH

for copper protection.

The corrosion inhibition effect of BTAH on copper protection was later reviewed by

Fingsar & Milosev (2010). This review summarizes the significant research on BTAH’s

corrosion inhibition for copper metals protection with vast discussion on molecular

structure of BTAH. Corrosion inhibition mechanism of BTAH has been amply reviewed

along with literature examples. This review paper contains following sections,

Innovative studies on BTAH’s inhibition for copper corrosion protection

Surface structure / its composition on BTAH treated copper

Inhibition mechanism of BTAH

Inhibitory effectiveness of BTAH

Synergistic and acceleration effects

Derivatives of BTAH

Important conclusions of this review are,

BTAH can be considered as the leading rust inhibitors for copper metals / alloys

corrosion under both stationary and dynamic conditions

BTAH performs through mixed mode corrosion inhibition, while it primly

controls the anodic dissolution.

BTAH is highly active at upper pH limit.

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BTAH derivatives with substituted functional groups on benzene ring actively inhibit Cu

corrosion instead of substitution over triazole moiety.

Precise mode / mechanism of BTAH’s copper metal protection yet pending for


Microorganisms have the ability to alter the electrochemical environments significantly

by forming biofilms over the interface of electrolytic solution / metallic surface.

Electrochemical alterations may vary as either induction or acceleration of metal

corrosion to corrosion protection. Bio corrosion / microbial influenced corrosion

inhibition are seldom related in either single mode of mechanism or one class of

microorganisms. Either of the following two common mechanisms or their combined

mechanisms may progress for microbial influenced corrosion protection:

Neutralize the existing active corrosion species within the surroundings

Formation of protection layer / strengthening existing protective layer over

metallic surface

Videla & Herrera (2009) have reviewed the microbial corrosion inhibition and its

mechanism under different practical cases. They classified the mechanism under the

following headings,

Microbial inhibition through neutralization of potent corrosive substances

Microbial inhibition through formation / stabilization of protection layer over

metallic surface
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This review concluded that, electrochemical reactions lead both bio corrosion and

microbial influenced rust protection; hence electrochemical methods may successfully be

employed for their measurements. Microbial species participation in corrosion protection

leads to many effects, which are lacking in the abiotic conditions while it does not alter

the electrochemical basis of the system. It should be highlighted that sometimes

bacteria’s protective behavior may turn as corrosive nature over the microbial groups

placed inside the biofilms.

Surfactants (surface active agents) are extensively employed as commercial corrosion

inhibitors and huge numbers of applications can be found at petroleum industries. This

may because surfactants have incredible potential to effect the nature of metal surfaces

and solution interfaces. The surfactants role as corrosion inhibitors in the petroleum field

was reviewed by Migahed & Al – Sabagh (2009). This review discusses how the

corrosion problems occur in petroleum industry as follows:

Acidizing oil and gas wells

Drilling fluids

Pipelines (different soil, dissolved oxygen, dissimilar metals, microbial corrosion)

Scale removal treatment using acids

Refinery units

Oil storage tanks

The review also includes the general characteristics of surfactants, their application as

rust inhibitors and corrosion protection mechanism. The review concluded that inhibition
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effect of surfactants,

based on the surfactant molecules adsorption capacity over the reactive sites of

the metal surface

rises along with sum of carbon atoms in aliphatic hydrocarbon chain.

varies with CMC (critical micelle concentration) properties.

Later, Malik et al. (2011) reviewed the corrosion inhibition ability of surfactants. This

review covers the literature as well as classification of surfactants (anionic, cationic,

nonionic and zwitterionic), micelles, micellar structure and properties, critical micelle

concentration (CMC), corrosion of materials (surface corrosion, filiform corrosion,

fretting corrosion, inner granular corrosion) and corrosion inhibition mechanism. They

concluded that surfactant molecules have high affinity to adsorb over the interfaces and

forms micelles. This is the reason behind the usage of surfactants over various interfacial

systems. The surfactants possess high potential to resolve corrosion issues over metal

surface, which consequently provides material protection and saves the economy aspects.

Saji (2010) reviewed the patents on corrosion inhibitors, which were reported in 2008 -

2009. His review classified the literature of patents on corrosion inhibitors based on their

following applications.

Corrosion inhibitor in cooling water systems

Corrosion inhibition in oil and gas field

Corrosion inhibitors in paints and coatings

Acid corrosion inhibitors

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Corrosion inhibitors in lubricants, hydraulic and metal working fluids

Vapor phase corrosion inhibitors

Corrosion inhibitors in electronic industry

Concrete corrosion inhibitors

Other applications

The main conclusions drawn were:

conventional inorganic inhibitors continue to be a major component in many

patented inhibitor combinations

few patents explored nano technology for better inhibition

novel packaging products are patented based on vapor corrosion inhibitors

Later, Saji (2014) reviewed the recent patents on contemporary developments in

corrosion inhibitors on similar sections and came up with similar conclusions.

The usage of inorganic / organic corrosion inhibitors were identified as toxic to both

humans and environment. Extensive research and development have been carried out to

discover a new class of corrosion inhibitors. Drugs were introduced as corrosion

inhibitors to solve the toxicity issues. Many drugs were reported as effective corrosion

inhibitors since it contained ideal molecular elements viz., five – six membered aromatic

structures, benzene substitutions, heterocycles (pyridines, furans, thiophenes, imidazoles,

isoxazoles) that were well reviewed by Gece (2011). His review outlined the literature on

drugs usage as corrosion inhibitors for different metals / alloys and classified them based
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on their clinical usage. This review narrated various drugs as corrosion inhibitors under

the following headings and subheadings.

Rust inhibitors of class - β – lactam antibiotics

 The penicillins

 Natural penicilins

 Penicillinase-resistant semisynthetic penicillins

 Aminopenicillins

 Extended spectrum penicillins

 Classified (first, second, third, fourth and fifth) generations of cephalosporins

Corrosion inhibitors of various classifications viz., quinolones, tetracyclines,

macrolides, lincosamides, sulphonamides, aminoglycosides, amphenicols, antifungal

drugs, anthelmintics, muscle relaxants, antiviral drugs, opioid analgesics, histamines,

antipsychotic drugs, antihypertensive drugs, amoebicidal drugs

The review concluded that drugs are preferred for corrosion inhibition application is

mainly because most of them are environment friendly substances. Corrosion inhibition

efficacy of drugs based on their molecular skeleton, functional groups and their attraction

towards metallic surface. Furthermore, it is pointed out that precise corrosion inhibition

mechaism by various drugs have yet to be clarified.

Addition of inhibitors in concrete structures reduces the corrosion of steel reinforcement

and also improves its quality and integrity. Abdulrahman et al. (2011) reviewed the

corrosion inhibitors used in concrete structures along with the mechanism of action. The
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review classified the concrete corrosion inhibitors as,

Inorganic inhibitors

Organic inhibitors

Sealers and barrier inhibitors

Green corrosion inhibitors

Following main conclusions were drawn from this review.

Protection of epoxy coated reinforcement concrete is a big question because of its

failure record under localized corrosion and high level of chloride attack

Usage of stainless steel reinforcement concrete is very effective although it isn’t

cost effective

Amines, alkano amines, amino acids, mono, poly carboxylates, amino – alcohol

based inhibitors, BTAH, organic heterocycles and green products could be successfully

employed as effective inhibitor for concrete protection.

The corrosion inhibition effect of organic hetero compound viz., pyrimidine (Fig. 3) was

reviewed by Loto et al. (2010) along with environmental friendly corrosion inhibitor.

Their review narrates the synthesis of pyrimidine, mechanism of inhibition and the

literature of pyrimidine as corrosion inhibitors. This review concluded that pyrimidine

compounds can be used as effective corrosion inhibitors, and are also considered as

environmental friendly formulations due to their low toxicity. Thus, usage of Cr (VI)

complexes (inorganic corrosion inhibitor) can be replaced with pyrimidine derivatives. It

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shows a high inhibition potential in mild acid medium and acted through mixed mode of

corrosion inhibition mechanism. Presence of hetero atoms S, N and O, π – electrons of

aromatic moiety, alkyl chain length, molecular mass and functional group substitution

may increase the corrosion inhibition potential of pyrimidine.

Loto et al. during 2012, reviewed the corrosion protection ability of thiourea (Fig. 4a) and

thiazole (Fig. 4b) compounds. Similar to their earlier review, this article also includes the

synthesis of thiourea and derivatives, thiadiazole and derivatives. Their applications on

corrosion inhibition for various metal protections have been discussed along with

literature. This review concluded that thiourea and thiadiazole derivatives showed

corrosion inhibition effect as similar to Cr (VI) based inhibitors; in particular they are

very effective versus both uniform (general attack) corrosion and pitting (extremely

localized attack) corrosion of ferrous metals over liquid media. Further, these substances

acted by mixed corrosion inhibition mechanism through covering active spots in the

metallic alloys.

Phosphonic acid is an effective chelating agent which had been widely used as corrosion

inhibitors along with Zinc metal ion (Zn2+). Kavipriya et al. (2012) reviewed the

application of phosphonic acid as corrosion inhibitors. The review highlights the

phosphonic acid properties and its corrosion protection ability for different metals / alloys

in various corrosive atmosphere. Further, this review concluded that phosphonic acid

inhibits / prevents metallic corrosion by means of adsorption, which obeys Temkin and

Langmuir adsorption isotherms. They were also classified as anodic / mixed mode
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Saeid et al. (2012) were well reviewed the mechanism involved during microbiologically

influenced corrosion (MIC). This manuscript narrates various mechanism proposed for

sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) and classified the mechanism of MIC under following


cathodic depolarization by hydrogenise

iron sulfides mechanism

a volatile phosphorous compound

anodic depolarization

Fe – Binding exopolmers

sulfide and hydrogen – induced stress corrosion cracking


three stages mechanism

biocatalytic cathodic sulfate reduction

They conclude that MIC proceeds through either one mode of mechanism or combined

sequence of many mechanisms, which based on the corrosive environment. However,

deeper studies has to be carried out to investigate the bacterial growth / self-protecting

capability against biocides / other inhibitors.

Aruthur et al. (2013) reviewed the evaluation of polymeric compounds (plant gums)

usage as rust inhibitor / corrosion protector for metals / its alloys. Arthur’s review

highlighted the following sections,

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natural polymeric materials as corrosion inhibitors

polymers as corrosion inhibitors

mechanism of polymers action as corrosion inhibitors

natural occurring polymers

synthetic polymers

advantages and limitations of using polymeric materials as corrosion inhibitors

The review concluded that water soluble polymers are high potent rust inhibitor for liquid

environment. Polymers corrosion protection proceeds through adsorption mechanism

which are dependent on the nature of the metal surface and chemical / physical properties

of the polymer molecules viz., hetero functional groups and their steric hindrance,

aromaticity nature of donor atoms and electron clouds over molecular skeleton.

Corrosion inhibitors used for stainless steel metal within acidic environment was

reviewed by Kumar et al. (2013). Their review classified the literature on the basis of

different grades of stainless steel, medium, inhibitor additives, and different methods of

assessment, surface analysis and adsorption study.

Recently, Finsgar & Jackson (2014) have written a vivid review about corrosion inhibitor

applications in oil / gas industries for ferrous metal protection in acidic conditions. This

includes discussion on corrosion inhibitor formulations with variety of rust inhibitors,

surface active agents, intensifiers and thinners / solvents. This review narrates in-depth

discussion on the following section headings and subheadings,

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The well acidizing procedure

 Usage of acids over acidizing process

Components employed in well constructions and corrosion experiments

Inhibition of iron metal rusting

 Usage of rust inhibitors within acidizing system

 Corrosion inhibitor compounds

 Corrosion inhibitor (novel synthetic organic molecule and natural products

- green substances) effect in HCl medium

Designing corrosion inhibitor formulations (potent corrosion inhibitor

constituents, surface active agents, thinner / solvents, intensifiers, other additives and

efficacy of various corrosion inhibitor combinations)

Ecological factors involve during inhibition process

Methane sulphonic acid (MSA) usage as eco – friendly well acidifier

Recommendation for testing corrosion inhibitor acceptability

 Acid volume / sample area ratio

 Surface preparation and cleaning

 Contact time

 Evaluation of pitting corrosion

 Testing techniques

The review mainly focused on the application of corrosion inhibitors in hydrochloric acid

medium. During well acidification process usually temperature evolved eminently which

is a serious threat for metals usage. This review suggested that throughout the acidizing
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process, corrosion inhibitor formulations (combination of ideal surface active agents,

intensifiers and solvents) is a mandatory need for metal protection. Further, this report

highlights the threat of mineral acids usage during well acidification process and the

advantages of using methanesulphonic acid (MSA).


Reviews on corrosion inhibitors were summarized here and the major topics

discussed in those reviews were enlisted. Following conclusions were drawn from these


Researchers have necessary awareness of corrosion issues and its prevention.

Variety of corrosion inhibitors viz., inorganic, organic, polymeric, green and

vapor phase, were successfully identified and serious research is under progress.

Series of water soluble polymers and organic heterocyclic compounds were

identified and successfully tested as potent corrosion inhibitors.

Commercial applications of these corrosion inhibitors in industries have not yet

been highlighted.

Importance of identifying on environmental friendly corrosion inhibitors is

warranted and the current research is more focused towards greener alternatives.

Green inhibitors for concrete corrosion have only limited literature in which

researchers can polarize their work.

Proposal of corrosion inhibition mechanism for both synthetic corrosion inhibitors

as well as for green corrosion inhibitors has not yet been completely resolved.

Development of nano corrosion sensors, nano coatings, smart nano corrosion

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inhibitors, green nano inhibitors and green sensors are the points to new areas for

corrosion inhibitors research.


Authors thankfully acknowledge the financial support of MOHE (grant No

4F528), MOSTI (grant No 4S090), RMC (grant No. 01E65), PDRU and CRC, Universiti

Teknologi Malaysia.


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Table 1. Corrosion inhibitors – review

S. No. Review Authors

1. Use of inhibitors in corrosion control Hackerman, 1948

2. Mechanism of passivating inhibitors Stern, 1958

3. Inhibition, Passivity and Resistance Evans, 1971

4. Role of Iron in the corrosion inhibition of Pearson, 1972

marine heat exchangers

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5. Mechanism for corrosion inhibition and Leidheiser, 1980

passivation by metallic cations

6. Organic compounds as corrosion inhibitors Sanyal, 1981

7. Vapour phase corrosion inhibitors Singh et al. 1984

8. Corrosion inhibitors for acid media Schmitt, 1984

9. Molybdate as corrosion inhibitor Vukasovich et al 1986

10. Calcium nitrate as corrosion inhibitor for Berke et al. 1989


11. Corrosion inhibition science and technology Hackerman, 1990

12. Application of electrochemical techniques on Mansfeld & Little, 1991

Microbiologically influenced corrosion

13. Rare earth metals as corrosion inhibitor Hinton, 1992

14. Zinc Phosphate pigment as corrosion Romagnoli & Vetere, 1995


15. Aluminium corrosion inhibitor Jayalakshmi &


16. Computer application in corrosion inhibitor Banerjee & Vasanth, 1997


17. Lanthanide compounds as corrosion inhibitor Bethencourt et al. 1998

for aluminium metal

18. Corrosion inhibitors in concrete Hansson et al. 1998

19. Magnesium oxide as inhibitor for hot oil Tiwari & Prakash, 1998

Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 16:05 23 April 2016

20. Macrocyclics as corrosion inhibitors Quraishi & Rawat, 2001

21. Physiochemical aspects of metal corrosion Kuznetsov, 2004

inhibition in aqueous solution

22. Corrosion control by bacterial biofilm Ponmariappan et al. 2004

23. Corrosion inhibitor developments and testing Gregg &Ramachandran, 2004

for offshore Oil and gas production systems

24. Volatile corrosion inhibitor Bastidas et al. 2005

25. Natural Products as corrosion inhibitors Raja & Sethuraman, 2008

26. Phytochemicals as green corrosion inhibitors Buchweishaija, 2009

Sangeetha et al. 2011

Kesavan et al. 2012

Rani & Basu, 2012

Acharya et al. 2013

Patni et al. 2013

Sangeetha et al. 2015

27. Use of quantum calculations in corrosion Gece, 2008

inhibitors studies

28. Corrosion inhibitors for copper metal Antonijevic & Petrovic, 2008

29. Organic compounds as corrosion inhibitor for Abd– El–Maksoud, 2008

steel in acidic media

30. Azoles as corrosion inhibitors Kuznetsov & Kazansky, 2008

31. Polymer as corrosion inhibitor Umoren, 2009

32. Corrosion inhibitors for steel in concrete Soylev & Richardson, 2008
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33. Benzatriazole as corrosion inhibitor for Allam et al. 2009

copper metal Finsgar & Milosev, 2010

34. Microbial inhibition of corrosion Videla & Herrera, 2009

35. Surfactants as corrosion inhibitor in Migahed & Al – Sabagh, 2009

petroleum industry

36. Surfactant as corrosion inhibitors Malik et al. 2011

37. Recent patents on corrosion inhibitors Saji, 2010

38. Contemporary developments in corrosion Saji, 2014


39. Drugs as corrosion inhibitors Gece, 2011

40. Corrosion inhibitors for steel reinforcement Abdulrahman et al. 2011

in concrete

41. Pyrimidine derivatives as corrosion inhibitor Loto et al. 2012

42. Corrosion inhibition of thiourea and Loto et al. 2012


43. Corrosion inhibition by Phosphonic acids Kavipriya et al. 2012

44. Mechanism of microbiological corrosion Saeid et al. 2012

45. Polymeric material as corrosion inhibitor Arthur et al. 2013

46. Corrosion inhibition of stainless steel in Selvakumar et al. 2013

acidic medium

47. Corrosion inhibitors application in oil and gas Finsgar & Jackson, 2014

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Figure 4.


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