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Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

a. identify the literary devices and elements found in the poem;
b. interpret the poem through a creative performance; and
c. share their own experiences about the central theme of the poem.
II. Subject Matter: The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
a. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation
b. References:
c. Skills: Reading, Listening, Analyzing, Writing
III. Procedure: Poem Study Method
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Presentation
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!
Before we start with our discussion, let us pray first. Kindly lead
the prayer, Mae.

Before you take your seats, pick up the pieces of paper under (Students do as told.)
your chairs and arrange your chairs properly in the count of 5, 4,
3, 2, and 1.

You may now take your seats. Thank you ma’am.

Before we start today’s discussion, I have here rules for you to

follow. This rule is called ROAD.
R- Respect the teacher and other students
O- Observe cleanliness
A-Actively participate
D- Do the task

Are my rules clear? Yes ma’am.

Good. Kindly submit your assignments, pass them to the center (Students do as told.)
aisle and then forward.
Who were absent for today? None ma’am.
Wow! That’s good to hear.

a. Review
Are you excited for today’s lesson class? Yes ma’am

Very good! But before that, we will have a game first. Our game
is called “Beat the Buzz”.
1. Go to your corresponding groups. (The people at the right
will be the Group 1, at the center will be the Group 2, and
at the left will be the Group 3.)
2. Write your answers on the provided illustration board.
3. Each question will be read twice.
4. Answer each question within three seconds.
5. Raise your answers when the time is up.

1. It is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for
their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in Poem
short lines that rhyme.
2. It is a type of literature that conveys a thought, describes a
scene or tells a story in a concentrated, lyrical
arrangement of words. Poetry
3. It is the basic building block of a poem.
4. It is a poetry that lacks a consistent rhyme scheme, Stanza
metrical pattern, or musical form. Free verse
5. It is the basic rhythmic structure of a line within a work of
Excellent! You all got a perfect score of 5 over 5. Let us give a
Paro-paro clap for everyone.

b. Motivation
Now, I have here pictures.

What can you see in the pictures?

I can see fishes.
Very good! There are fishes. How can you describe the fishes in
the pictures? The pictures show dried fishes
Exactly! The fishes in the pictures are dried and fresh ones. and fresh one.
Now, imagine yourself eating in a restaurant, and the only food
left are these ones. What will you choose and why? I will choose the fresh one
because it is fresh.

I will also choose the fresh fish

Thank you! How about you? because I think it is delicious
to eat.

I will also choose the fresh fish

How about the others? because I love it.

I will choose the dried fish

because it is my favorite and
comfort food.

Most of you chose the fresh fish because it is fresh, delicious and
you love it. It is also healthy because you could gain nutrients
from eating it, right? But some of you also chose the dried fish
because those are your favorite food and serve as your comfort
food. Because it is stinky.
Why do you think dried fish are less chosen? It is not healthy
What else?

Yes, maybe dried fishes are stinky and not healthy but it can still
be preserved and last longer that the fresh one, right?

Just like the poem that we will be discussing today, the persona
chooses to chose the less chosen road that makes him different
from the others.
And it is entitled “ The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost .
Everybody Read.

c. Statement of the Aim

Class, be with me because at the end of our discussion you are
expected to meet the following objectives. Everybody read.

a. identify the literary devices and elements found in the

b. interpret the poem through a creative performance; and
c. share their own experiences about the central theme of the Yes ma’am

Are my objectives clear, class?

d. Author’s Background
Before we proceed to the reding of the poem, let us first know the
author of the poem.
 Born on March 26, 1874 in San Francisco, California, U.S
and died on January 29, 1963 in Boston, Massachusetts.
 American poet who was much admired for his depictions
of the rural life of New England, his command of
American colloquial speech, and his realistic verse
portraying ordinary people in everyday situations.
 One of his notable works is the Road Not Taken.
None ma’am
Is there any questions or clarifications about Robert Frost?

e. Unlocking Difficult Words

Throughout the entire poem, there are difficult words that we
will encounter. So, for us to have a smooth understanding on the
poem, we will unlock these words first.
1. Five students from the class will be chosen as the
2. On the board are sentences with underlined words.
3. Identify the corresponding meaning of the underlined
difficult words.
4. Paste your answer beside the number.

Let’s start! Trodden-walk in a specified

1. The grain is usually trodden out by cattle and is often stored in way
clay lined pits. Diverge – separate
2. The flight path diverged from the original flight plan Undergrowth - bushes
3. The undergrowth itself rises fully 15 ft.
Sigh – relief
4. Harry sank into a chair and sighed.
5. It takes ages to learn to play the guitar Ages - endless

Were the words correctly matched? Yes ma’am

Great job class. Let us give 5 claps for everyone.
I want you to familiarize these words because we will be
encountering these later.

Guide Questions:
1. If you were the persona of the poem, would you take the
same road?
2. If you were given the chance to go back from where you
started, would you take it?

B. Poem Proper
a. First Reading
I am going to read the poem first. Listen very carefully as I read
the poem, observe my way of delivering it because you will be
doing this afterwards. Am I understood class?

The Road Not Taken

By Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
b. Second Reading
I shall be telling this with a sigh We will read the poem once
Somewhere ages and ages hence: again, but this time you will be
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— the one doing it.
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. All girls will read the first 2
stanza, while the rest of the
poem will be read by the boys.
c. Intellectual Discussion
(After reading the poem)
Now class, for us to understand the meaning of the poem, let
us dig deeper by identifying the different elements in the It has 4 stanzas

How many stanzas do a poem has?

The rhyme scheme of the
Very Good. It has 4 stanzas. poem is ABAAB

What do you think is the rhyme scheme of the poem?

Exactly! ABAAB is the rhyme scheme of the poem. I feel amazed

How about the mood? I felt excited.

Very Good. What else?

The author felt brave because he was able to travel the road Brave
less travelled and felt excited about travelling it.
How about the tone? Making good decision is

Now, what do you think is the theme of the poem? Don’t let your fear stop you
from pursuing what you want
Another? and your dreams

Assonance – “roads and

Alliteration- “wanted wear”,
Now, what are the literary devices used in the poem? “ages and ages”
Personification- “it was grassy
and wanted wear”
Imagery – “Two roads
diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel
None ma’am
Do you have any clarifications about the literary devises that
are found in the poem?

Alright. Since there none, let us proceed.

d. Aesthetic Discussion
Since the poem is too long, we will discuss it per stanza to
fully understand the message of the poem. The first stanza describes the
persona’s dilemma in choosing
What have you understood in the 1st stanza? between two roads.

Very Good! The persona of the poem faced diverging roads.

And as a traveler, it is impossible for him to travel both at the
same time. The persona stands there trying to choose which
path he is going. He is staring the roads and trying to figure
out where it goes. The second stanza revealed the
road he has taken. He chose
How about the second stanza? the grassy and wanted wear

Exactly! The second stanza describe the path he has taken –

the grassy and wanted wear road. It means that the path he
selected was covered in grass and had never been waked
before. And there, he found out that both roads can be equally
travelled. In the third stanza, the persona
wanted to take the first road
How about the third stanza? for another day.

Good! Yes, the persona wanted to take the first road for
another day. He also showed his bravery in travelling a road
that he didn’t know where it will lead. The 4th stanza describes that he
is excited to tell his journey to
How about the last stanza? everyone.

Very good! Yes, the persona gives us an idea of how his

journey goes. Though he chose the road less travelled by, he
did not regret his choice. He even proud of himself because
he made a decision that is different from the others. Yes ma’am
Am I understood class?

Values Integration
 What do you think is the central theme of the poem?

 How important making good decisions are in our


 Can you share any experiences in where you make a

good decision?

The poem is like about the journey of our lives. We

faced different choices and it is very important for us to
choose what’s best for ourselves. In life, there’s always
someone or something that will hinder us from achieving
what we want and our dreams. It may be our fears and doubts,
friends and even our family but the choice is still in our
hands. We should not be afraid of taking risk, making choices
and travel a path that are less travelled by because along the
way, we will be ended up learning

C. Post Activities

To test if you truly understood our discussion, let us have an


In the same group, show your interpretation of the poem

through a performance. You decide with your group what
performance you will be presenting in front (song, jazz chant,
role play, slogan, etc.) I will give you 12 minutes to prepare.


5 4 3 2
Expression Always Usually Often Rarely
and body expresses expresses expresses expresses
language emotion emotion emotion emotion
through through through through
voice, facial voice, facial voice, facial voice,
expression, expression, expression, facial
and gestures. and gestures. and gestures. expression,
Relevance Stay on topic Stay on topic Stay on topic It was hard
all the time. most of the sometimes. to tell what
time. the topic
Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not
understandin understanding understandin seem to
g of the topic. of the topic. g of parts of understand
the topic. the topic
very well.
Creativity Exceptionally Thoughtfully A few Show little
in clever and and uniquely original creativity,
understanding unique in presented; touches originality
the topic. showing deep clever at enhance the and/or
understandin times in performance effort
g on the showing to show some
topic. understanding understandin
of the topic. g of the topic.

IV. Evaluation

Activity 2:
On a 1⁄2 lengthwise, write a 3 stanzas poem about your dreams in life. Make
use of literary elements and devices.

V. Assignment
On a 1⁄2 crosswise, write a 10-15 sentences reflection on what you have learned
from the poem, “The Road Not Taken” to be passed on March 3,2021
Thursday .

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