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Started on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 11:35 AM State Finished Completed on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 12:47 PM Time taken hour 12 mins 19.00 out of 20.00 (95%) Feedback A minimum fo 15 correct answers is required to pass. ra Congratulations, you passed the qui for IBM LinuxOne Sales Foundation ~ Level 2 ‘Question ‘What are two of the main reasons enterprises are adopting open-source databases? ne Termanagebth dol daa per and now datatype (mb ci o7 mare fey anda Toimoror ta nso nd prov rie sri Tosh sc ning dla costar Eas and moe secre nb apliston delopmen cmt. | chon ot flowing dihae ion fecvein handing sacred date “orice ‘Select one: nee renteesoh, ys. onal ons ‘Question 3 What is causing dramatic changes across financial institutions? ceri son Se coptonurancis Verlag cans Dauber atm venders axes | yoatsTomenor 247 compete ‘Select one: nee ‘sre bankngslton A finance industry security protecal ‘An open source database designed fro currency exchange A.Unux operating system distribution tailored forthe finance industry 48 ueston 5 ote question orice question? 1.00 pointeout uestion 1.09 pointeaut uestion you could only pick one, which combination ofthe following value proposition statements best describes ‘What the LinuxONE infrastructure can offer core banking solutions? Select one: 'Non-volatile memory cst, size Cost, availablity transaction time Size, cost, security Security, scalability, availability ‘ne of your clients has multiple types of applications runaing on Oracle databases, What kinds of applications are best suited forthe IBM LinuxONE platform? Select one: (Only applications written in or c++ Only in-house written apalications Splittier architecture applications that suppart the database being on a different system from the application Any applications from Oracle carporation Even customers with an Unimited License Agreement (ULA) for Oracle Database can get financial benefit from running on LinuxONE. Choose why. Select one: 8, Any core-based software components like GoldenGate or RAC that are not included in their ULA could result in quick savings if consolidated to LinuxONE Oracle wll ssue a rotund tothe customer for any core-based licenses that they didn't use «. ULAs only apply to software running on x86 and do not apply to LinuxONE 6. Oracle runs faster on LinuxONE, so ther contact wil be up for renegotiation sooner Which one ofthe folowing cients would not be a good opportunity for buying a LinuxONE server to host Oracle databases? Select one: 18, They ae concerned about security and privacy of ther data b. Thay are executing an a strategy to move tothe Oracle Cloud «They only have 60 x86 cores running Oracle DB today 6. Thoy are unsure about Oracle's commitment to SPARC \What isa key benefit for running 18M Financia Transaction Manager (FTM) on IBM LinuxONE? Select one: Customizable interface containerized financial applications Open-source libraries Pervasive encryption 28 uestion 10 ote question AL oreo uestion 2 uestion 3 uestion 1A of00 Yous clint asks you for just one main festure that citferenciates the IBM LinuXONE platform from the Competition. You want to list them al, but f you could just pick one, which one would you pick? Select one: CCompatbiity with x86 Lower total cost of ownership (TCO) Security capabiities Reduced footprint \What does pervasive encryption prove? Select ane: a, Protection of data fom outside attacks b. Encryption of only the data-in-ight -End:-to-ond encryption for 100% of the data, 6. Encryption of only the data-at-rest 18M Financial Transaction Manager (FTM) on LinuxONE provides prebult, ndust selutions for which af the following? standard capabilities and Select ane: Retail chains SWIFT Temenos 124 Government health programs [As Financial Insitutions modersize their payments infrastructure, you need to discuss with lion koy features ‘that will help them achieve ther vision, Whieh ofthe following features is not a strategie component of a payment sclutions infrastructure? Select one: a. Post-payment fraud detection b, 24x7 payments infrastructure support «.Bleckehain 6. Immediate payments with real-time fund availabilty \Where does the majority of threats on data come from? Select one: Flaws in hardware and software Internal Sources Vendors and third-party sources External Sources 38 question 1S ote question 6 compete uation 7 soo poinieout orc question 1B 2.00 poine oe uestion 9 \What ae the benefits of 18M Cloud Private on IBM LinuxONE? Select one: Secure Service Containers, eneryption of datarat~est, and waterfall do lopment methodology Securty, scalability, and aglie development methadology ‘Spee6, lower total cost of ownership (TCO), and encryption of data-at-est Containers, lower TCO, and open source \What LinuxONE message shovle you lead with to shorten the sales cycle and increase success? Select one: Security Lower total cost of ownership (TCO) Open Source Replace x86 How many customers do you need at each stage ofthe sales cycle to generate enoush pipeline to meet your quota? Select one: 20104 tote1 a5t04 3102 When isa good time to ask for help during the sales cycle? Select one: ‘ter you have contacted support Early and ofton Only atter you have secured a lead Only whan a client asks you for information outside of your expertise You have been discussing wth a client various features ofthe LindXONE architecture that makeit one ofthe ‘most avalable platforms in the world. One statistic that you cite is that LinuxONE has not had a reported outage «due to memory. What is the name ofthe feature that makes LinuxONE memary so resiliont? Select one: Redundant Array of Independent Memory (RAIM) Random Access Memory (RAM) Redundant Array of Memory Extensions (RAME) Redundant Array of Independent Disk (RAID) 48 uestion20 1.00 pomout ote ‘How does blockchain benefit from the [8MEnbspyLinuxONE platform? Select one: Low total cost of ownership (TCO) means that money can be spent on mo security measures TBM LinuxONE restricts user access through a proprietary administrator vetting process. © Fastest hardware acceleration means fast exyptographic hashing (open source means the Linux community can rite system updates

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