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Alfelor Sr. Memorial College Inc.

Name: Renes, Jefry D.

Major: MATH

1. Explain each of the three dimensions of value

 Cognitive Dimension is a mental understanding and readiness, In short if we form one value when it comes
cognitive we must understand that value we want to acquire, we need to know why we have this kind of value
and what sense of this and also we need to know how to live that value. Cognitive you have to think of how and
Affective Dimension if we say affective it is related to your feelings to how you affect that value or it is
experience toward something because the more you feel experience and how you affect this, something happen
to you and also, we say affective you feel something different values such honesty, industry and more.
Behavioral Dimension is living by value, we can say living that value is the true acid test it means of how we
can adopt a behavior and also a value.

2. Read the following quote below and in the context of value formation write down your responses to each as a
proof that you are accepting continuing value formation.

a. “Take care of your thoughts, they become your actions; take care of your actions, they become your
habit; take care of your habits, they become your character; take care of your character, they
become your destiny!”

This quote is related to your values formation which include how you train your intellect and will, where your
intellect needs to recognize a value and show to your will which is right and wrong and will, wills to act the
right values and will to avoid the wrong value shown by your intellect. In summary we need to take care of your
intellect, they become your will.

b. “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” - The
Little Prince by Antoine Exupery 

 It means if you do something it should be spontaneous and your heart is open. Even if we say that things are
written just because that what we see is right does not enough we should do all things where your intellect and
will is united to do things. The eye has many visible things but you must choose what is inside your heart,
which you should follow so that in the end you will not be blamed for any eventuality.

3. In your own words compare teaching as a vocation, a mission and a profession.

Teaching as a vocation is only for someone who is really dedicated not just to work but also to serve
other people. Teaching as a mission is your action in a unique way and you have already set a goal of what you
want your student to achieve, simply because you want your student to become competent, use their skills,
knowledge and also to be a better person and use it in the real world. Teaching as a profession is a profession
that you have mastery to your teaching. It means you already have evidence that you can teach in a professional
way with full expertise. Teaching as a vocation you have to answer calls to fulfill your mission and to practice
your profession.

4. Read the letter sent by a school principal to her teachers on the first day of the school year. Make a reflection
of your mission as a future teacher.

Dear Teacher,

I am a survivor of a concentration camp. My eyes saw what no man should witness. Gas chambers built by
LEARNED engineers, children poisoned by EDUCATED physicians; infants killed by TRAINED nurses,
women and babies shot and burned by HIGH SCHOOL and COLLEGE graduates.

So I am suspicious of education. My request is: help your students become human. Your efforts must never
produce monsters, skilled psychopaths, educated Eichmann’s.

Reading, writing and arithmetic are important only if they serve to make our children more humane.

As a future teacher my mission is to give my students full learning not only for the basic essential of
education but also I always put dignity and reputation with high moral values every time I teach, strictly adhere
to observe and practice the set of ethical and moral principles, standard values. Teacher is the way God used to
let them know the true knowledge, not just to prepare them for their lives, but to teach also the true meaning of
life. Wisdom is a grace of God that must be used for the right and for his pleasure. 

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