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Graphs of functions: Approaches to learning: Thinking skills,

Communicating, Research
Exploration criteria: Presentation (A),
describing the “what” Mathematical communication (B), Personal
engagement (C)
and researching the IB topic: Graphs, Functions, Domain
Modelling and investigation activity

Bulgaria population data
y Bulgaria total population
to in

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This graph includes two essential elements:

• a title
• x- and y-axis labels with units.

Using sources ; Via-ve tte

You can use your general knowledge, printed sources and Internet ^/Vefliore «" w .
sources to research data. Different sources can often give different
explanations, and not all sources are valid, useful or accurate.
How do you know if a source is reliable?
Use Internet research to find out more precisely what happened at the
key dates shown on the Bulgaria population graph.
Keep a record of any sources that you use.
Could you use the graph to predict what might happen to the
population of Bulgaria in the future? Explain your answer.
Worldwide Wii console sales

Initially without research write a paragraph about this graph,
then research the reasons for the shape of this graph.
What is the domain?
Global mean temperature anomaly When is the graph rising (Increasing)?
When is the graph falling (decreasing) ?

Modelling and investigation activity

y Global mean temperature anomaly (Land and Ocean) 1880 to 2017
What is the shape of the graph?
Describe and explain.
Temperature anomaly (°C)

This is a potentially
controversial topic with
many opinions and
Research what is meant by “global mean temperature anomaly". theories. How can you
protect against your own
This data is based on deviations from the base average for 1951 to 1980.
On the graph in red, the 5-year moving average trend line is included.
What is a 5-year moving average?
On the second graph is a linear trend line.
What is a linear trend line? Extension
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Find and research a graph from the news or an academic
each of the representations of the data shown?
journal on one of your subjects or another source.
Describe the data, note any interesting points
Describe and explain the trends and the reason for the
or trends and to try to explain and investigate
shape of the graph.
why the trends may be as they are.
Now display or print out the graph.
Write a series of questions for other students to answer
that encourage them to describe and explain the graph.

Hanging around! Approaches to learning: Thinking skills:
Create, Generating, Planning, Producing
Exploration criteria: Presentation (A), Personal
engagement (C), Reflection (D)
IB topic Quadratic modelling, Using technology
Modelling and investigation activity

(-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \
Hang a piece of rope or chain by its two ends. It must be free hanging
under its own weight. It does not matter how long it is or how far apart the
ends are.
What shape curve does the hanging chain resemble?
How could you test this?

Import the curve into a graphing package

A graphing package can (it an equation of a curve to a photograph.
Take a photograph of your hanging rope or chain.
What do you need to consider when taking this photo graph?
Import the image into a graphing package.
Carefully follow the instructions for the graphing package you are
The image should appear in the graphing screen.

Fit an equation to three points on the curve
Select three points that lie on the curve.
Does it matter which three points you select?
Would two points be enough?

Modelling and investigation activity

In your graphing package, enter your three points as x- and y-coordinates.
Now use the graphing package to find the best fit quadratic model to your
three chosen points.
Carefully follow the instructions for the graphing package you are using.

Test the fit of your curve

Did you find a curve which fits the shape of your image exactly?
What reasons are there that may mean that you did not get a perfect fit?
The shape that a free-hanging chain or rope makes is actually a catenary and The word “catenary”
not a parabola at all. This is why you did not get a perfect fit. comes from the Latin
word for “chain”.
Research the difference between the shape of a catenary and a parabola.

A well-known
Explore one or more of the following—are they quadratic?
perhaps the
The cross section of a Sydney Harbour
football field Bridge or the
arches at the
bottom of the
Eiffel Tower.

The curve of
a banana The path of a football when
kicked in the air—here you
would need to be able to
Other objects that look like a
use available software to
parabola—for example, the arch
trace the path of the ball
of a rainbow, water coming from
that is moving a fountain, the arc of a satellite
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