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Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 6 (2018) 301–315

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Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage: A technology overview T

Alberto Benato , Anna Stoppato
Department of Industrial Engineering (DII), University of Padova, via Venezia 1, 35131 Padova, Italy


Keywords: A large penetration of variable intermittent renewable energy sources into the electric grid is stressing the need
Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage of installing large-scale Energy Storage units. Pumped Hydro Storage, Compressed Air Energy Storage and Flow
Pumped Heat Energy Storage Batteries are the commercially available large-scale energy storage technologies. However, these technologies
Reversible Brayton cycle suffer of geographical constrains (such as Pumped Hydro Storage and Compressed Air Energy Storage), require
Transcritical Rankine Cycle
fossil fuel streams (like Compressed Air Energy Storage) or are characterised by low cycle life (Flow Batteries).
Compressed Heat Energy STorage
For this reason, there is the need of developing new large-scale Energy Storage Technologies which do not suffer
of the above-mentioned drawbacks. Among the in-developing large-scale Energy Storage Technologies, Pumped
Thermal Electricity Storage or Pumped Heat Energy Storage is the most promising one due to its long cycle life,
no geographical limitations, no need of fossil fuel streams and capability of being integrated into conventional
fossil-fuelled power plants. Based on these evidences, in the present work, a literature survey on the Pumped
Thermal Electricity Storage technology is presented with the aim of analysing its actual configurations and state
of development.

1. Introduction respectively.
A similar trend can be observed analysing the Italian wind power
In the past decades, the world energy consumption is increased sector, while a lack of growth in terms of installed power and produc-
more than 30% [1] and, at the same time, also the greenhouse gas tion can be observed in the hydroelectric power sector.
emissions from human activities are raised. These aspects coupled with In 2006, the installed wind turbines were 169 while 10 years later
the increment of the fossil fuel prices have obligated the European they were become 3598. The installed power and the annual gross
Union and the other world authorities to ratify more stringent en- electricity production were 1908.3 MW and 2970.7 GWh in 2006 while,
vironmental protection measurements and to develop and adopt energy in 2016, they were become 9409.9 MW and 17688.7 GWh, respectively.
efficiency policies, such as the one called “20–20-20 Climate and En- Regarding the hydroelectric power sector, the installed power and
ergy Plan” in which targets of primary energy consumption, renewable the annual gross electricity production in 2006 were, respectively,
energy sources production and greenhouse gases reduction are fixed. 23151 MW and 42565.8 GWh, while, in 2016, they become 24455 MW
In order to reach the targets, governments have established sub- and 43695.3 GWh. Despite this lack of growth, in 2006 there were 1912
sidies especially to promote the electricity generation from Renewable hydro-power plants while, in 2016, their number were increased of
Energy Sources (RES). In fact, statistics show that, in the last decade, 1930 units. This means that, in 10 years, the number of plants is dou-
the electricity produced from RES has rapidly increased. But, the most bled while the installed power is grew up only by 5%. Considering the
installed RES units are the ones fed by wind and solar. hydroelectric power plants detailed data it is possible to observe that
An emblematic example is represented by the Italian renewables the number of plants with a design power in the range 0–1 MW rose by
sector (data available on [2]). In 2006, the photovoltaic (PV) plants 134% in the period 2006–2016 while the ones in the ranges 1–10 MW
were 14 with an installed power and an annual gross electricity pro- and with a nameplate power higher than 10 MW rose by 39% and 3%,
duction equal to 7.17 MW and 2.3 GWh, respectively. In 2007, the PV respectively. Being estimated that the 90% of the Italian hydroelectric
plants have become 7647 with an installed power of 86.80 MW and an potential has been exploited, today, only mini and micro hydroelectric
annual gross electricity production equal to 39.10 GWh. An increment power units with a nameplate power lower than 1 MW can be built in
of 1109.3% of the installed power in one year. After 10 years (2016), Italy. A fact that justifies the high number of installed plants and the
the installed PV plants were 732053 while their power and annual gross poor growth in the installed power.
electricity production were 19283.17 MW and 22104.3 GWh, Wind, solar, hydro, etc. are environmental friendly energy sources

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Benato).

2451-9049/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

A. Benato, A. Stoppato Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 6 (2018) 301–315

Nomenclature LNG Liquefied Natural Gas

LPES Liquid Piston Energy Storage
Abbreviations MES Mechanical Energy Storage
ORC Organic Rankine Cycle
A-CAES Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage PHES Pumped Heat Energy Storage
ARES Advanced Rail Energy Storage PHS Pumped Hydro Storage
CAES Compressed Air Energy Storage PHS Pumped Hydro Storage
CAES Compressed Air Energy Storage PSB Polysulphide-bromine flow batteries
CES Chemical Energy Storage PTES Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage
CHEST Compressed Heat Energy STorage PTES Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage
D-CAES Diabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage PV Photovoltaic
EES Electric Energy Storage RES Renewable Energy Sources
ES Energy Storage SH-TES Sensible Heat Thermal Energy Storage
EST Electricity Storage Technologies SMES Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage
ETES ElectroThermal Energy Storage TCES ThermoChemical Energy Storage
FB Flow Battery TES Thermal Energy Storage
FES Flywheels Energy Storage VRB Vanadium redox flow batteries
FFPP Fossil-Fuelled Power Plant VRES Variable Renewable Energy Sources
GES Gravity Energy Storage VW-CAES UnderWater Compressed Air Energy Storage
GPM Gravity Power Module ZBB Zinc-bromine flow batteries
I-CAES Isothermal Compressed Air Energy Storage
IEA International Energy Agency Subscripts
LAES Liquid Air Energy Storage
LH-TES Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage th thermal

which guarantee to produce electricity in eco-friendly ways but, unlike In this scenario, the available large-scale Electricity Storage
the hydroelectric power, wind and solar production suffer of high Technologies (ESTs), like Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS) or Compressed
variability, unpredictability and uncontrollability. Characteristics Air Energy Storage (CAES), can play a fundamental role. But, due to
which cause large fluctuations in their daily, monthly or even annually their need of suitable geographical sites, these energy storages (ESs) can
power production. But, in large electric grids, these power fluctuations be built only in countries with favourable morphology. Therefore, al-
result in management and control problems that only the insertion of ternative ESTs need to be explored.
large-scale Electric Energy Storage (EES) units can help to manage. Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage (PTES) or Pumped Heat Energy
Apart from the estimations, the actual need of energy storages is Storage (PHES) can become a valuable technology able to store large
related to the way in which the large electric grids have been built in quantity of energy in a cheap way especially if they use Sensible Heat
the past fifty years. The traditional grid arrangement consists of a high Thermal Energy Storage (SH-TES). In addition, PTES units can con-
number of agglomerated users and few large power generation units. tribute into the challenging process of integrating ESs into fossil-fuelled
The users demand is forecast far in advance using mathematical models power plants (FFPPs) or in their re-powering. In the first case, PTES can
based on historical data and long terms statistics while the unpredicted help into the reduction of FFPPs fast ramp rates, possible low load le-
peaks in the demand are smoothed by the high number of users or using vels, cycling operations and overnight shut-downs while, in the second
power generation technologies characterised by fast response like hy- case, the components of an underutilised fossil-fuelled power plant can
droelectric power plants. In this way, a stable and secure service is be partially reused to build the PTES unit.
guaranteed. Based on these remarks, in the present work, the Authors propose a
But, in the recent years, large number of plants fed by Variable comprehensive review of the PTES technology with the aim of ana-
Renewable Energy Sources (VRES) have been added to the traditional lysing its actual configurations and state of development.
grid introducing management and control issues. In fact, with a high
number of users and producers, the demand and the plants production
2. Energy storage technologies
become difficult to forecast. Thus, there can be areas characterised by
over-capacity and areas with under-capacity. Unbalance between pro-
Before classifying the energy storage technologies, it is fundamental
duction and demand which are difficult to predict and manage and that
to define the energy storage concept.
can cause local o even global blackouts.
An Energy Storage is a device or a system in which energy can be
Note that, the above-mentioned issues will grow with the increment
stored in some form. Subsequently, this energy can be extracted to
of VRES plants because, as remarked in [3], the grid is able to absorb
perform some useful operation.
fluctuations only if the VRES power is up to 10% of the system installed
To store some form of energy, three steps need to be done: charging,
capacity. Therefore, being expected a large integration of VRES in the
storing and discharging. Each step can occur more than one time during
near future to guarantee the energy transition, there is an urgent need
each storage cycle and some of the steps can take place simultaneously
of developing and installing large-scale electric energy storage systems
able to control the mismatch between supply and demand. The Inter-
It is well known that there are several forms of energy, but they can
national Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that an electricity capacity of
be mainly grouped in two categories: primary and secondary form of
7200 GW needs to be built worldwide by 2040 to cover the increasing
energy [7]. The first category includes all the energy forms which are
energy demand. But also a capacity of 310 GW of additional electric
not subjected to any kind of conversion or transformation process. Coal,
energy storage needs to be built in US, Europe, China and India to
natural gas, crude oil, wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, falling water, etc.
compensate the presence in the electric grid of a large number of in-
are primary energy forms while electricity, heat, hydrogen, gasoline,
termittent (such as wind, solar, etc.) and non-flexible (e.g. nuclear)
diesel, etc. are secondary forms of energy because they are a product of
plants [4,5].
a conversion or transformation process from other energy forms.

A. Benato, A. Stoppato Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 6 (2018) 301–315

Based on this classification, also energy storage can be classified as • Each storage technology has its own advantages, drawbacks and
primary and secondary energy storage [8]. scale of application.
Coal, natural gas, crude oil and biomass are primary and easy to • None of the available storage technologies are able to meet all the
store “as is” forms of energy. Coal is usually stored in piles while bio- requirements of the ideal ES: maturity, long lifetime, low cost, high
mass can be stoked as wood pellets, chips, logs or dust. Crude oil is density, high round-trip efficiency and environmental friendliness.
storable in large containers while natural gas can be stoked as a gaseous
medium in underground caverns (or pressurized vessels) or in its liquid In addition, only few of the above-mentioned technologies are able
form as liquefied natural gas (LNG) in containers. to store quantity of energy higher than 100 MWh. Therefore, only PHS,
Wind, solar, tidal and wave are also primary energy forms, but they CAES, Flow Batteries (FBs), GES, LAES, PTES and Hydrogen Storage can
are storable only after a transformation into a secondary energy forms be considered large-scale electricity storage technologies.
like electricity, heat or work. To date, Pumped Hydro Storage is the most mature and widely
Storing secondary energy forms is an easy process when they are in adopted storage technology while CAES and flow batteries are com-
gaseous or liquid phase while stoking work, heat and electricity is a mercially mature technologies but with a limited spread. On the con-
really challenging process because storing these kind of secondary en- trary, GES, LAES, Hydrogen Storage and PTES can be considered in-
ergy forms can contribute to spread VRES but also can help to diminish developing large-scale energy storage technologies.
fossil fuel consumption which in turns result in a cut of CO2 and
greenhouse gases emissions. 2.1. Mature energy storage technologies
Gasoline, diesel, hydrogen, methane, biofuels, etc. are easily stor-
able in tanks, containers or pressurized vessels while heat and elec- Pumped Hydro Storage or Pumped Hydroelectric Energy Storage is
tricity need to be stoked using different kind of materials usually called the most mature, commercially available and widely adopted large-
“energy carriers”. In a nutshell, during the charge, the energy source is scale energy storage technology since the 1890s. At the time of writing,
stored by means of an energy carrier while, during delivery, the stoked around the world, there are 340 facilities in operation with a total in-
energy is returned to supply the energy demand. stalled power of 178 GW [10]. The PHS technology uses gravity to store
Based on the works available in the scientific literature, see e.g. the electrical energy and a typical plant layout consist of an upper and a
[9,8,10,11], there is not a unique way to classify the storage technol- lower reservoirs, a waterfall, pipes, a pump, a turbine, an electric motor
ogies. However, as done by Aneke and Wang [8], in the present work, and an electric generator [12]. The pump and the turbine can be se-
the Authors firstly grouped the energy storage in Electrical ES and parated machines or the same device supplies both the functions. In the
Thermal ES. second case, the turbomachine is called reversible pump-turbine. Also
When electricity is converted into another stable form and stocked, the electric machine can be separated devices (a motor which moves
but after that it is restored again as electricity, the storage is called the pump and a generator connected to the turbine) or a unique elec-
“Electrical Energy Storage” while, when the stocked energy is restored trical machine (a motor/generator). A sketch of the PHS system is de-
in the form of thermal energy (heat or cold), the storage process is picted in Fig. 1.
called “Thermal Energy Storage”. The basic concept of PHS is really simple. The off-peak power is
Then, Electrical Energy Storage is sub-classified as follows: taken from the grid and used to feed the electric motor which drives the
Mechanical ES, Chemical ES, Electrochemical ES and Superconducting pump. In this way, the water is pumped from the lower to the upper
Magnetic ES (SMES). Also Thermal Energy Storage can be sorted as: reservoir and stored here. During high demand hours, the water is re-
Sensible Heat Storage, Latent Heat Storage and Thermochemical Heat leased from the upper to the lower reservoir through a turbine. The
Storage. In the present work, only the storage of electricity in the form turbine is mechanically coupled with an electric generator which
of heat is considered. transforms the mechanical energy into the electrical ones and injects it
In Mechanical Energy Storage (MES), electricity is converted into into the electric grid.
another easy storable form of energy by means of electromechanical This storage technology actually covers the 99% of the world large-
systems while Chemical Energy Storage (CES) includes all the tech- scale energy storage installations [14], it is characterised by a very low
nologies which produce storable chemical compounds using electrical energy density (0.5–1.5 W h/l or 0.5–1.5 W h/kg) and self-discharge
energy. MES units include Pumped Hydro Storage, Compressed Air (0.005–0.02 %/day), an acceptable price per stored energy unit
Energy Storage, Gravity Energy Storage (GES), Liquid Piston Energy
Storage (LPES), Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES), Pumped Thermal
Electricity Storage and Flywheels Energy Storage (FES) while hydrogen,
methane, hydrocarbons or biofuels like ethanol, methanol biodiesel,
etc. are part of the category called Chemical Energy Storage.
Supercapacitor and batteries constitute the technologies which com-
pose the Electrochemical Energy Storage systems.
Note that researchers like Aneke and Wang [8] do not include LAES
into MES but grouped this technology into a category called Cryogenic
Energy Storage. On the contrary, Gallo et al. [10] include LAES into
MES but include only batteries into Electrochemical ES because in their
classification Supercapacitor and SMES are considered Electric Energy
Apart the way of classifying the technologies, it is essential to em-
phasize the following aspects:

• All the energy forms (e.g. chemical, potential, kinetic, electrical or

thermal) can be stored using an appropriate technology.
• Each energy storage technology has a suitable range of application.
• Each energy storage technology can be integrated at different levels
of the electricity system: generation, transmission, distribution or
Fig. 1. Sketch of a Pumped Hydro Storage Unit [13].
customer level.

A. Benato, A. Stoppato Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 6 (2018) 301–315

(5–100$/kWh) and a high round-trip efficiency (65–87%). Note that the years, the researchers have studied and developed other plant
the round-trip efficiency is defined as the ratio between the produced configurations with the aim of reducing fuel consumption, recovering
energy during discharging phase and the one absorbed during charging the heat generated during the compression process and mitigating the
phase. PHS units are also characterised by a power rating in the range issue related to the geographical requirements. Adiabatic CAES (A-
100–5000 MW, an energy storage capacity which can achieves values CAES), Isothermal CAES (I-CAES) and Underwater CAES (UW-CAES)
higher than 1000 MWh, a long life (in the range of 30–60 years), a are the upgraded versions of the Diabatic CAES. It is expected that these
really low response time (few seconds) and a very fast start up time: in a CAES layouts will be commercially available with a rated power from
coupled of minutes (generally less than 3 min), the plant is able to move 0.1 MW to 1000 MW, storage capacity in the range 1–1000 MWh,
from zero to its full load. The major drawback of the PHS technology is higher round-trip efficiency (75–95%) and lower start up time (less
related to the need of an acceptable water availability and an adequate than a minute compared to approximately 10 min of Diabatic CAES).
geographical morphology. Aspect which increases the capital cost The energy density and the specific energy are expected to be the same,
(600–2000$/kW). For these reasons, new PHS units can be installed while capital costs are expected, in general, higher (Adiabatic CAES:
only in countries with a favourable morphology or upgrading conven- 700–1000$/kW and 40–80$/kWh, Isothermal CAES: 500–1000$/kW
tional hydroelectric power units. In this case, it is expected a reduction and 10–100$/kWh, Underwater CAES: 750–2000$/kW and 40–200$/
of the capital cost (100–300$/kW) and an increment of the power kWh).
rating (> 5000 MW). Despite the technology updates, CAES and PHS have the same
For a reader interested in the PHS technlogy see, e.g., [15,16] while drawback: they require a particular morphology of the installation site.
a historical overview and a survey on technological developments can But, until now, CAES remains the only technology able to compete with
be found in, e.g., [17,18]. PHS for large-scale ES applications despite the actual need of a fossil
Compressed Air Energy Storage is the second commercially available fuel stream.
large-scale energy storage technology (see Fig. 2). The first con- For a complete overview on CAES technology and its integration
ceptualization of CAES technology was presented in the early 1940s with renewables, refer to, e.g., [24–28] while an interesting combina-
[20] but the first CAES plant was built 30 years later. tion of CAES and PHS technologies is presented in [29].
As for the working principle of PHS, also the CAES one is really The last already available large-scale energy storage technology is
simple. When the power demand is low, excess generation capacity is Flow batteries. Flow batteries are a relatively young technology which
used to compress the air and store it in an underground cavern (e.g. work in a similar manner as conventional batteries. The ions flow from
hard rock caverns, salt caverns, depleted gas fields, aquifer, etc.) or in the negative and the positive electrodes during charging and delivering
aboveground man-made tanks, pipes, containers or vessels [21]. During phases respectively through a selective membrane.
high peak demand hours, the stocked and pressurized air is drawn from During the years, several types of flow batteries have been devel-
the storage, heated up (usually using natural gas) and expanded in an oped. Hence, several works are available and can be used to determine
air turbine. Being the air turbine mechanically coupled with an electric the actual state-of-the-art, the future developments, the critical safety
generator, the potential energy of the pressurized air is converted back features and how to dynamically control the ions flow [30–35].
into electricity. This kind of CAES plant is called Diabatic CAES (D- Flow batteries offer a power ranges from 0.005 to 15 MW, a storage
CAES) because, during the compression phase, the generated heat is capacity from 0.010 to 10 MWh, a power density in the range
wasted. 0.5–25 W/l (or 45–166 W/kg), and an energy density in the range
The two CAES plants today in operation use the above-mentioned 16–60 W h/l (or 10–85 W h/kg). FBs have a low self-discharge rate of
working principal. Subsequently, they are Diabatic CAES units. The first 0.2–0.24 %/day and can become fully discharge without any damage.
CAES plant has been built in Huntorf (Germany) [22], it is in operation Other characteristics are acceptable cycle life (2000–13000 cycles at
since 1978 and it uses a 310000 m3 underground salt cavern at a depth 80% of Depth Of Discharge) and satisfying round-trip efficiency (from
of 600 m. The working pressure is in the range from 50 to 70 bar while 57 to 90%). The major drawbacks are the poor lifetime (5–15 years)
its charging cycle requires 8 h. The plant is able to generate 290 MW for and the high capital costs. Based on the most recent works, the price per
2 h. Based on available data, the plant needs 0.8 MWh of electricity and stored energy unit of flow batteries ranges between 120 and 1000$/
1.6 MWh of natural gas to produce 1 MWh of electricity. The second kWh. In particular, Vanadium redox flow batteries (VRB) are char-
CAES plant actually in operation has been built in McIntosh (USA) [23], acterised by a capital cost in the range 600–1500$/kW, a price per
it is in operation since 1991 and uses a 538000 m3 underground salt stored energy unit in the range 150–1000$/kWh and a price per cycle
cavern at a depth of 450 m. The system works with a pressure in the in the range 5–80$/kWh per cycle. Zinc-bromine flow batteries (ZBB)
range from 45 to 76 bar. Since 1998, the plant was able to provide have the same price per stored energy unit and price per cycle of
110 MW for 26 h, but after the installation of two additional generators, Vanadium redox flow batteries while the capital cost is higher
the plant can produce 226 MW. The system round-trip efficiency is
estimated in 34.5% because it needs as input 0.69 MWh of electricity
and 1.725 MWh of natural gas to generate 1 MWh of electricity.
Based on the practical experience, Diabatic CAES is characterized by
a round-trip efficiency in the range 40–89%, an energy density and a
price per stored energy unit of 3–12 W h/l (or 30–60 W h/kg) and
2–50$/kWh, respectively. The capital cost is estimated in the range
400–800$/kW, while the power rating, the storage capacity and the
lifetime are 5–300 MW, higher than 1000 MWh and 20–60 years.
Compared with PHS, the capital cost per cycle is higher (in PHS ap-
plication it is in the range 0.1–1.4$/kW h per cycle, while in CAES plant
it is 2–4$/kW h per cycle), while the self-discharge rate (for PHS it is in
the range 0.005–0.02 %/day while for CAES it is 0.003–0.03 %/day)
and the start-up time are comparable (∼3 min for PHS and ∼10 min for
Despite these characteristics, Diabatic CAES is an energy storage
technology which uses fossil fuel. Then, this implies a non-negligible
Fig. 2. Sketch of a Compressed Air Energy Storage Unit [19].
environmental impact during the discharging phase. Therefore, during

A. Benato, A. Stoppato Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 6 (2018) 301–315

(700–2500$/kW). Finally, Polysulphide-bromine flow batteries (PSB) 40 years and equal to 800$/kW. Again, ARES suffers of the same to-
are characterised by a capital cost in the range 330–2500$/kW and a pological constrains of PHS and CAES.
price per stored energy unit in the range 120–1000$/kWh. Liquid Air Energy Storage is another emerging large-scale storage
Comparisons among the above-mentioned available large-scale en- technology which implies to store electrical energy in the form of li-
ergy storage technologies demonstrate that, in the near future, PHS will quefied air. As in CAES technology, the first step of the charging phase
remains the dominant technology while it is expected that CAES and consists on the air compression. Then, the pressurized air is liquefied
Flow batteries have a rapid development. Despite this outlook, there is and stoked in thermally isolated man-made vessels/tanks/containers. A
an urgent need of developing new large-scale ESTs which do not suffer sketch of the LAES process is depicted in Fig. 6. During discharge, the
of geographical limitations (like PHS and CAES), low cycle life (such as liquid air is heated up using a heat exchanger. During this process, the
flow batteries), high capital cost and need of fossil fuels. pressure is increased. Then, the high pressure air is used to drive an
expansion machine mechanically connected to the electric generator.
2.2. In-developing energy storage technologies The main advantages of LAES are the high energy density (50 W h/l
or 97–210 W h/kg) and the low volume occupied by the liquid air
Gravity Energy Storage systems have been studied with the aim of compared to the gaseous one (1/700). This feature guarantees to
solving the main PHS drawbacks: need of a sufficient water flow and of drastically reduce the storage vessels volume. In fact, a LAES plant can
a particular geographical morphology of the installation site. be up to 12 and up to 140 times smaller than a CAES and a PHS plant,
The first type of GES has been developed by Gravity Power and it is respectively [10].
called Gravity Power Module (GPM) [36]. The scheme of a GPM unit is Regarding the round-trip efficiency, the actual value is in the range
shown in Fig. 3. The system is a closed-loop composed by a deep storage 40–50%, but significant improvements can be achieved when the
shaft, a return pipe, a large piston and a reversible pump-turbine. Water charging phase waste heat is recovered and used during delivery. In this
is used as working fluid. The large piston, equipped with large sliding case, the round-trip efficiency is expected to be in the range between 70
seals which prevent leakage, is suspended in the deep storage shaft. and 85%.
During low demand hours, the off-peak electricity is used to pump the Based on available calculation, it is expected that LAES plants can
water from the deep storage shaft to the return pipe. In this way, the be built with a nameplate power in the range from 0.35 to 100 MW, a
large piston is lifted by the water from the bottom to the top of the deep storage capacity of 10–1000 MWh and a lifetime of 20–40 years.
storage shaft. During high demand hours, the large piston moves from The main LAES drawback is the high cost: 900–2000$/kW and
the top to the bottom of the deep storage shaft and forces the water 260–530$/kWh. Regarding the response time, it is expected in the
along the return pipe. The water feeds the hydraulic turbine which range 5–10 min while the self-discharge rate is very small. Though,
generates electrical energy. Despite the absence of GPM installations, a based on tests conducted on the demonstration plant built up by
round-trip efficiency higher than 80% [36] is expected for this storage Highview Power Storage [40] in Slough (UK), it is expected significant
technology by Gravity Power company. Generally speaking, it is ex- technological improvements in the near future.
pected that these systems are characterised by a power rating in the Further informations about the LAES technology can be found in,
range 40–1000 MW, a storage capacity of 8.5–200 MWh, a round-trip e.g., [41–43] while a comparison between LAES and CAES technologies
efficiency in the range 75–80% and a lifetime higher than 30 years. is given in [44].
Regarding the energy density and the power density, they are expected Hydrogen Energy Storage is the most convenient way to store off-peak
in the range 0.5–1.5 W h/l (or 0.5–1.5 W h/kg) and 3.13 W/l (or electricity when long term season-to-season storage is needed. In a
3.13 W/kg), respectively. nutshell, during the charging phase, water is transformed in hydrogen
Clearly, compared to PHS, this storage system does not require a using the electrolysis process. The produced hydrogen can be stored in
constant water flow because it is a closed-loop system in which water is gaseous or liquid form as well as using metal hydrides or carbon na-
recirculated. In addition, it does not require a waterfall because the nostructures [45]. When power is needed, the stored hydrogen can be
deep storage shaft and the return pipe are man-made channels. used in a fuel cell or directly burnt in, e.g., gas turbine unit.
However, in the Authors’ opinion, also Gravity Power Module unit Several works are available in the scientific literature (see, e.g.,
needs to be placed in a site with a stable morphology like PHS and [46–52]), but all of them underline the need of developing safer and
CAES. In addition, due to system complexity, the investment costs
(1000$/kW) are comparable with the PHS (600–2000$/kW) and the
CAES (400–2000$/kW) ones.
Another kind of GES is the one proposed by Energy Cache [37]. The
idea is to use the off-peak power to move buckets of gravel from a low
to a high elevation (see Fig. 4). Obviously, when power is needed, the
buckets are released back from the top to the bottom. The expected
efficiency is around 90%.
A demonstration plant has been built in California with a rated
power of 50 kW [37]. The working principle is really simple but there is
the need of a sufficiently high hill. Therefore, as PHS and CAES, the
system requires a rather large drop between the top and the bottom part
of the storage unit.
The last type of GES system is called “Advanced Rail Energy
Storage” (ARES) and has been developed by ARES company [38]. The
idea is to load train wagons with concrete blocks (see Fig. 5). During
low demand hours, the train wagons is move from the bottom to the top
of a hill or a mountain. Then, when power is needed, the wagons
charged with the concrete blocks run down from the top to the bottom
of the hill/mountain under gravity and generate electricity.
As for the other GES systems, the ARES power rating and round-trip
efficiency are in the range 100–3000 MW and 75–86%, while the life-
Fig. 3. Sketch of a Gravity Power Module [36].
time and the capital cost are expected, respectively, higher than

A. Benato, A. Stoppato Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 6 (2018) 301–315

efficient hydrogen storage system with acceptable volumetric energy

densities. For this reason, hydrogen storage could become economically
feasible around 2030 [53]. It is expected that this technology has a
power rate comprises between 0.1 and 1000 MW, a storage capacity in
the range 100–1000 MWh, an energy density in the range
500–3000 W h/l (or 800–10000 W h/kg), a power density higher than
500 W/kg (or 500 W/l), a round-trip efficiency of 20–50% and a life-
time comprises between 5 and 30 years. The capital costs are expected
in the range 1900–10000$/kW while the price per stored energy unit
and the price per cycle can be estimated in the range 1–10$/kWh and
6000–20000$/kWh per cycle, respectively. The expected self-discharge
rate is really small while the estimated cycle life is approximately equal
to 1000 cycles.
Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage or Pumped Heat Energy Storage is
the last in-developing storage technology suitable for large-scale ES
Fig. 4. Energy Cache 50 kW Gravity Energy Storage demonstration plant located in applications. PTES is based on a high temperature heat pump cycle,
California [37]. which transforms the off-peak electricity into thermal energy and stores
it inside two man-made thermally isolated vessels: one hot and one
cold. During delivery, a thermal engine cycle is adopted to convert the
stored thermal energy back into electrical energy.
The working fluid is a gaseous medium, air or argon, while elec-
tricity is stored as sensible heat using cheap and solid materials like
concrete, gravel or other common minerals.
Compared to CAES and PHS, PTES is characterised by higher energy
density (110–170 W h/l or 50–140 W h/kg), low self-discharge rate (1
%/day), no geographical limitations and small installation footprint. It
uses an inert gas as working fluid and cheap storage materials.
Therefore, PTES is characterised by low capital costs: 600$/kW and
60$/kWh. It does not suffer of low cycle life like flow batteries and the
expected round-trip efficiency (70–80%) and lifetime (25–30 year) are
very good. In additions, PTES units can be integrated in fossil-fuelled
thermal power plant to reduce cycling operation, fast start up and
overnight shut downs.
Fig. 5. Train wagon used in the Advanced Rail Energy Storage demonstration plant [38]. For these reasons and being the power rating and the storage ca-
pacity in the range 0.5–10 MW (or larger) and 0.5–60 MWh (or larger),
the PTES is considered one of the most promising large-scale energy

Fig. 6. LAES process working principle [39].

A. Benato, A. Stoppato Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 6 (2018) 301–315

storage technology. However, only few works are actually available on pressure and temperature vessel initial temperature is considered equal
this topic. At this purpose, in Section 3 the Authors present a survey of to 500 °C. The total volume of the vessels are 21622 m3 while the cycle
the works on PTES technology with the aim of understanding the cur- pressures are equal to 4.6 bar and 1 bar, respectively.
rent state of the art, the future developments and the possible in- During the charge, argon is compressed in the hot turbomachine
tegration in the energy markets. and reaches the temperature of 1000 °C and the pressure of 4.6 bar.
Then, the hot argon enters into the hot tank and heats up the refractory
3. The PTES technology material from 25 °C to 1000 °C. At the same time, the cold tank is cooled
down from its initial temperature (equal to 500 °C) to −70 °C. The hot
PTES is a technology which stores the electricity in the form of heat. heat exchanger placed before the hot turbomachine and the cold heat
The heat can be stored in the form of sensible or latent heat [54,55]. In exchanger placed before the cold turbomachine are used to maintain
the first case, the thermal energy is stored in the change of the storage the hot and the cold turbomachine inlet temperatures equal to 500 °C
medium temperature consequences of a variation in the internal energy and 25 °C, respectively.
while, in latent heat storage, the thermal energy is stored as the phase Based on the simulations performed with the plant numerical
change latent heat of some media. Solid or liquid media are usually model, Desrues et al. [72] estimated a plant storage capacity equal to
good for sensible heat storage while media able to change the phase 602.6 MWh and a charging and delivering times equal to 6 h and 3 min
from solid to liquid or from liquid to vapour are suitable for latent heat and 5 h 52 min, respectively. Desrues et al. [72] computed also the
storage. storage efficiency (66.7%) but concluded that the model needs to be
Sensible heat storage which employs solid media like concrete, validated using a test rig with sufficiently large storage vessels.
rocks or sand is the most inexpensive, safety and easy way to store In the same period of Desrues et al. [72], also Howes [73] worked
thermal energy. For this reason, in literature a large number of studies on the conceptualization of a pumped heat electricity storage device
on this topic can be found [56–61,54,55,62,63]. starting from the investigations done in 1833 by John Ericsson. The
Despite the way of storing heat, in a PTES system, the off-peak proposed plant arrangement, depicted in Fig. 8, is similar to the one
electricity is converted into heat using a high temperature heat pump showed in Fig. 7 but, in this case, the adopted machines (compressor
and stores in two man-made tanks. This process is called “storing and turbine) are reciprocating devices.
phase”. Then, the conversion of the stored heat into electricity is done Hiwes [73] firstly investigated the thermodynamic aspects of the
by means of a heat engine. This phase is usually called “delivering” or idealized heat pump. Then, a first prototype has been designed and
“discharging” phase. built with the aim of investigating the valve pressure losses and the heat
Since 1979, several patents have been registered with different transfer process during the compression and the expansion phase. A
types of PTES configurations (e.g. [64–71]) while only a reduce number peculiarity of the prototype is the integration of the heat exchangers
of theoretical works have been published in the scientific literature. into the piston of the reciprocating machine.
Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage or Pumped Heat Energy As presented in [73], this device consist of a single double-acting
Storage can be categorised according to their thermodynamic cycle and cylinder with valves at both ends of the cylinder and a piston for a
working fluid: closed Brayton cycle or reversible Brayton cycle is the uniflow configuration. The cold cylinder is smaller than the hot one for
first plant arrangement. It uses a single phase gas like air or argon and it equal mass flow. Despite the poor results obtained during the experi-
is equipped with a low and a high pressure and temperature reservoirs. mental campaign on this machine, a second and a third prototypes of
The electricity is stocked as sensible heat in these reservoirs. the system have been built to investigate the loss which occurs during
Transcritical Organic Rankine cycle using CO2 as working fluid and the compression and the expansion processes. Based on the experi-
equipped with ice and pressurised water storages are the second type, mental investigations performed on these prototypes, Howes [73] de-
while the third one is called Compressed Heat Energy Storage system. In veloped a hypothetical 2 MW PTES system with 16 MWh of storage. The
the following, the available works on these plant types are analysed. estimated ground foot print is 17 m by 7 m while the compressor and
After that, a brief overview of the methods adopted to predict the the turbine machines are included in a unique four cylinder machine in
temperature distribution of the gaseous fluid and the solid medium
which compose the storage reservoirs are presented.

3.1. Brayton PTES systems

In 2010, Desrues et al. [72] were the first to present an investigation

on a pumped thermal energy storage system for large scale electric
applications based on Brayton cycle. The system works as a high tem-
perature heat pump cycle during charging phase. It converts electricity
into thermal energy and stores it inside two large man-made tanks. A
thermal engine cycle is then used to convert the stored thermal energy
into electricity during the delivery phase.
The proposed plant is constituted by two compressor/turbine pairs,
two man-made storage vessels and two heat exchangers. Compressors
and turbines are turbomachinery based devices. During changing
phase, the system uses one compressor/turbine pair while, during de-
livery period, the other compressor/turbine pair is used to flow the
working fluid. A sketch of the plant scheme proposed by Desrues et al.
[72] is depicted in Fig. 7.
The storage reservoirs are thermally insulated artificial tanks in
which a refractory material is used as storage material. The heat is
stored as sensible heat and the storage are thermally stratified (constant
temperature) while the adopted working fluid is Argon.
In their work, Desrues et al. [72] assumed that the high pressure and
Fig. 7. Sketch of the plant scheme proposed by Desrues et al. [72].
temperature tank is at an initial temperature of 25 °C while the low

A. Benato, A. Stoppato Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 6 (2018) 301–315

analysis also found that a higher round-trip efficiency can be obtained

using reciprocating devices instead of turbomachinery-based machines.
Finally, White et al. [75] claimed that reducing the ratio between the
hot and the cold temperatures during the discharge can mitigate the
effects of the compression and the expansion irreversibility. In addition,
this temperature ratio reduction implies an increment of the power and
energy density.
In other works, the same research group, deeply investigate the
effects which occurred in the thermal reservoir made of packed-beds
[76,80] and how to design this fundamental component [79]. In ad-
dition, they performed a parametric study and a plant optimisation of a
PTES in which also a buffer vessel has been included [77,78] (see
Fig. 10).
In this work, McTigue et al. [77] built the PTES mathematical model
using the steady flow approach coupled with the Schumann-style
model. The first one is used to model the compressor and the expander
while the second one is used to predict the behaviour of the reservoirs.
The analysis considered a PTES system characterised by a storage
capacity of 16 MWh which adopts argon as working fluid. Reservoirs
have a volume of 71 m3 (hot) and 117 m3 (cold) while the cycle works
Fig. 8. Simplified sketch of the plant scheme proposed by Howes [73].
between temperatures and pressures equal to 10.5 bar and 505 °C (hot
part of the cycle) and 1.05 bar and −150 °C (cold part of the cycle).
Fe3O4 is used as storage material while a packed bed with a void
which the compression and expansion process is performed in two fraction equal to 0.35 is assumed to store the heat. As said, a buffer tank
stages. The energy storage plant works with argon as working fluid with has also been included into the cycle to allow the fluid expansion.
a mass flow rate of 12.56 kg/s. The temperature and pressure in the hot The investigation reveals that the losses which occur in the com-
storage reach 500 ° C and 12.13 bar while in the cold tank pressure and pressor and in the expander affect the round-trip efficiency. In addition,
temperature are equal to 1.0135 bar and −166 °C, respectively. At the being pressure drops and heat transfer irreversibilities in the reservoirs
end of the work, Howes [73] claimed that pumped heat energy storage really small, the development of the PTES technology is only linked to
has a great potential because it can offer efficient and low cost storage the ability of developing high efficiency compressor and expander
units. machines.
The PTES arrangement proposed by Desrues et al. [72] has also been Thess [81] built a model of the PTES system using the finite time
investigated from other researchers in [74–80]. thermodynamic model with the aim of theoretically analysing the
White [74] analysed the thermodynamic losses which occurs in the thermodynamic efficiency of the system. Results show that the PTES
PTES thermal reservoirs. The plant scheme is depicted in Fig. 9. The efficiency is a function of the storage temperature at the maximum
plant uses argon as working fluid while the hot and cold reservoirs store output power.
the electricity as sensible heat. Each reservoir is composed by a packed Ni and Caram [82] analysed the relationship between the round trip
bed of a solid storage made of gravel. The hot and the cold storage efficiency and the other PTES system parameters using the exponential
temperatures are assumed equal to 773 K and 123 K, respectively. matrix method. Being the plant efficiency affected by the storages
The reservoirs losses can be grouped in two categories: thermal and performance and the operation characteristics of the compressor and
pressure losses. The first one are mainly associated to irreversible heat the turbine, dimensionless numbers have been developed with the aim
transfer while pressure losses are caused by frictional effects. After the
definition of the governing equations, White [74] developed correla-
tions to estimate these losses. The major result of the investigation is
that thermal and pressure losses are not negligible but not really high.
So, these losses do not preclude the possibility of integrating thermal
storages into the PTES scheme.
Based on the promising results obtained in [74], White and his re-
search team performed a thermodynamic analysis of the entire pumped
thermal electricity storage unit [75]. The study aimed at evaluating the
sources of irreversibility in a PTES system and thier impact on energy
density, power density and round-trip efficiency. As in the previous
study, the plant scheme comprises a compressor, an expander, two heat
exchangers and two thermal reservoirs. The two heat exchangers are
used to reject the heat from the cycle while the two thermal storages,
one hot and one cold, are used to store the off-peak electricity as sen-
sible heat. The adopted working fluid is, as in previous studies [72,74],
To compute the irreversibilities, White et al. [75] built a simplified
mathematical model of the PTES system. The model has been used to
estimate the plant operating conditions and how the irreversibilites
affect the plant performance, the round-trip efficiency and the storage
density. The investigations found that the round-trip efficiency and the
storage density increase with the compressor temperature ratio. But,
adopting high temperature ratios imply high pressure ratios; working
conditions which require reservoirs made with high cost materials. The Fig. 9. Sketch of the plant scheme adopted by White [74].

A. Benato, A. Stoppato Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 6 (2018) 301–315

evaluating their influence on the plant performance and cost. Despite

the low round trip efficiency, the proposed plant arrangement is char-
acterised by an energy density in the range 70–430 kWh/m3 and a
specific costs in the range 50–180 Euro/kWh.
Finally, Guo et al. [86] compared the performance of pumped
thermal and pumped cryogenic electricity storage systems using the
finite time thermodynamic approach. The study found the optimal
operating region of both systems and the parameters which affect their

3.2. Transcritical rankine PTES systems

This kind of PTES systems have firstly attracted the attention of ABB
company and, then, of several researchers around the world [87].
Mercangöz et al. [88] observed that conventional PTES arrange-
ment which is based on an argon Brayton cycle needs large storages;
regenerators which are affected by losses. Therefore, they proposed an
alternative scheme called ElectroThermal Energy Storage (ETES) in
which a transcritical CO2 cycle is adopted with the aim of improving
Fig. 10. Sketch of the plant scheme proposed by McTigue et al. [77].
the plant round-trip efficiency. In this case, the storage system is con-
stituted by four hot storage reservoirs and four ice storage tanks. With a
maximum storage temperature of 123 °C, the plant reaches a round trip
of describing the overall process operation. Results show that the efficiency of 53%.
overall process operation can be described by temperature difference Subsequently, using the pinch analysis approach described in
representing the energy stored per unit heat capacity, the storage bed [89,90], Morandin et al. [91,92] optimised different transcritical CO2
utilization ratio and the round trip efficiency. cycles. The basic scheme is composed by a hot and a cold side. The hot
Also Guo et al. [83] analysed the performance of a PTES with the side is constituted by one or more hot sensible heat storages which
aim of deriving the relationship between the round-trip efficiency and works with temperature higher than 100 °C. During the charge the heat
the output power. The investigation results reveal that the derived pump cycle is used to heat the water contained into the tanks at high
equations can be really useful during both design and management of a temperature while, during discharging period, the hot water is used to
PTES system. feed the thermal engine cycle. In the cold side, the latent heat storages
In recent studies, Benato [84] and Benato and Stoppato [85] pre- are obtained by storing salt-water ice at a temperature in the range from
sented a PTES configuration (see Fig. 11) in which an electric heater is 0 °C to −21.2 °C. The transcritical CO2 cycle is used to better match the
used to convert off-peak electricity into thermal energy, air is used as thermal profiles of the hot and cold storages. A sketch of the system is
working fluid and only a heat exchanger is adopted to maintain the depicted in Fig. 12.
expander inlet temperature at its design value. During the delivery The optimisation process produces a system able to reach a round
phase, no heat exchangers are used. The system has been design with trip efficiency of 60% when eight hot storage reservoirs and a turbine
the characteristics of commercially available compressor and expander inlet temperature of approximately 177 °C. As remarked by Morandin
devices. Five types of storage material, two bed material shapes and et al. [91], an additional 2% improvement in the efficiency can be
different maximum plant temperature have been tested with the aim of reached adding a superheat at the compressor suction section.

Fig. 11. Sketch of the plant schemes developed by Benato [84]: (a) Charge, (b) Discharge.

A. Benato, A. Stoppato Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 6 (2018) 301–315

Fig. 12. Sketch of the plant schemes developed by Morandin et al. [91]: (a) Charge, (b) Discharge.

correlations to predict the heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops

in the heat exchangers. They also assumed that the charging and de-
livery process shared the heat exchangers. The key result of the in-
vestigation is the fact that the maximisation of the round trip efficiency
can be obtained only if the temperature of the low temperature hot
storage tank has been optimized.
In [95], Ayachi et al. proposed to use the transcritical CO2 cycle and
the ground heat storage while in [96] an electricity storage system
based on CO2 transcritical cycles and geothermal heat exchangers is
analysed and the plant performance evaluated.
Finally, Ayachi et al. [97] evaluated the effects of a large spread of
the CO2 Transcritical Heat-Pump and Power Cycles in Massive Elec-
tricity Storage System.
A different concept of Transcritical Rankine PTES has been pro-
posed by Kim et al. [98]. In this work, Kim et al. examined a cycle
called isothermal transcritical CO2 cycle in which the compression and
the expansion are isothermal. The proposed system reaches a round trip
efficiency higher than 65.5% when the temperature of the hot storage
tank is 180 °C while its value becomes close to 62.5% when the tem-
perature of the hot storage tank is 130 °C. As suggested by Kim et al.
Fig. 13. Sketch of the plant scheme proposed by Peterson [99].
[98], in order to reach high round trip efficiency it is necessary to adopt
large hot storage vessel because only in this way the storage has a large
water mass and lower temperature drop in the tank.
However, to obtain this high efficiency, an ammonia cycle needs to be Another modification of the standard PTES is the so called
integrated during the charging phase in order to improve the cold side Thermally Integrated PTES. The system is powered by both electrical
thermal integration. and thermal energy and is able to achieve a higher electrical efficiency
In a later study, Morandin et al. [93] performed also a thermo- of a standard PTES configuration [99]. As depicted in Fig. 13, the
economic optimisation of a system composed by a transcritical CO2 system is composed by a sensible heat storage tank, a heat exchanger
cycles and water and salt-water ice storages. The plant charge and for ambient temperature energy exchange, a compressor/expander, a
discharge power is equal to 50 MW while the charge and discharge time cold storage tank made of latent heat storage material a pump. The
is 2 h. The study found that the cycle pressures are the variable that pump is mechanically coupled with an electric motor and it is used to
affect the system performance and cost while the optimal configuration pressurize or depressurize the liquid working fluid (in the analysed case
includes two fully independent systems of hot water storage vessels it is propane) while the compressor/expander is linked with a motor/
above and below the ambient temperature, an air cooling at the heat generator machine. This component can adsorb or deliver electricity
pump side and a superheating before the CO2 heat pump. from or for the electric grid. The evaporation and condensation pressure
As remarked by Baik et al. [94], in the above mentioned works, heat of the fluid is set equal to 50 °C while the cold storage temperature is
exchangers pressure drops and heat transfer coefficients are considered assumed equal to −15 °C.
constant. Therefore, to better predict the system performance, Baik During the system charging phase, a boiling refrigerant at sub-am-
et al. [94] deeply discretized the heat exchangers and adopted bient temperatures is used to freeze the latent heat storage material

A. Benato, A. Stoppato Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 6 (2018) 301–315

using compressors driven by electrical energy. During the discharging efficiency are in the range 10–50 Wth h/kg, 0.1–10$/kWh and 50–90%.
phase, the latent heat is used to generate electricity. The investigation Latent heat storage units and TCES systems can be built with smaller
results show that the round trip efficiency can reach values in the range power: for LH-TES in the range between 0.001 and 1 MWth while for
50–60% using a common refrigerant as working medium. TCES the power ranging between 0.01 and 1 MWth , respectively. The
An updated version of the system proposed by Peterson [99] has energy density and the price per energy unit stored are, for LH-TES, in
been developed by [100]. In their proposal the system is composed by a the range 50–150 Wth h/kg and 10–50$/kWh, while for TCES, they are
vapour compression heat pump which is used during the charge of the 120–250 Wth h/kg and 8–100$/kWh, respectively. Comparing LH-TES
thermal energy storage and by an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) which and TCES with SH-TES, it is possible to notice that the capital cost is
is used to recover the stored heat. A diagram of the proposed plant higher in the case of LH-TES (6000–15000$/kW) and lower for TCES
scheme is depicted in Fig. 14. (1000–3000$/kW).
Seventeen working fluids (R11, R141b, R1233zd(E), ammonia, Despite these data, in PTES systems, the storage reservoirs are man-
Isobutan, SES36, etc.) and different temperatures of the hot reservoir made tanks in which the electricity is stored as sensible or latent heat.
and of the heat source have been considered during the investigation. In sensible heat storages, gaseous substances are used as working
Results show that the maximum round trip efficiency (equal to 1.3) is fluid. Then, as suggested by Singh et al. [105], the most suitable storage
reached with a heat source temperature of 110 °C and adopting unit is a packed bed system.
R1233zd(E) as working fluid. Despite the high round trip efficiency, A packed bed storage system consists of loosely packed solid ma-
this kind of PTES seams to be suitable for little to medium capacity terial through which the heat transport fluid is circulated. As under-
(5–10 MWh) due to its plant complexity. lined by Coutier and Farber [106] in 1982, packed bed generally re-
presents the most suitable and widely adopted energy storage unit for
3.3. Compressed Heat Energy STorage system air based solar systems. Therefore, a packed bed storage is a well-es-
tablished technology.
The last modification of the PTES system which has been proposed Generally speaking, the optimum size of the storage system is a
is the so called Compressed Heat Energy STorage (CHEST) [101]. The function of several parameters such as storage temperature and mate-
system is a PTES based on a conventional steam Rankine cycle (see rial, storage heat losses and storage container cost, heat exchangers,
Fig. 15). cost of auxiliary energy and operating conditions [105]. Despite the
During the charge, the water at low pressure is evaporated using the above mentioned parameters are fundamental, in sensible heat storage,
heat coming from a low temperature source as a heat pump or a re- the real most import aspect is the need of adopting an inexpensive, non-
frigeration cycle. After the compression process, the high pressure toxic, non-flammable, with high thermal diffusivity and good con-
steam releases its energy in a thermal storage reservoir. Then, in this ductive solid storage medium. For this reason, materials like rocks,
storage, the steam is condensed and the condensate is cooled down to metals, concrete, sand and brick are the most adopted because they can
the saturation temperature of the evaporation process. During the de- be used for low as well as high temperature thermal energy storage
livery phase, the heat released by the storage system is used to generate [107].
steam for moving the steam turbine. After the expansion process, the In literature, several mathematical models have been proposed to
steam is condensed. The cycle is closed because the condensate is de- predict the thermal performance of packed beds. The first model was
livered to the preheating section of the storage unit. Based on the presented by Schumann [108], who initially studied the behaviour of a
performed analysis, the minimum plant size should be 5–10 MW while liquid at uniform temperature which passes lengthwise a right, porous
charge/discharge duration should be in the range of 6–10 h. However, prism, also initially at another uniform temperature. After that, he
it in important to remember that the size needs to be determined substituted the liquid with a gas. Obviously, the problem became much
considering both economic aspects and charge/discharge durations. more complicated but, he concluded that a one-dimensional two phase
Considerations about the scheme advantages demonstrate that CHEST model for the packed bed system by ignoring the thermal capacity of
is suitable for both high and low temperature heat sources. Another the fluid, axial conductivity in the fluid and axial conductivity in the
interesting characteristic of CHEST is the possibility of being integrated bed, could provide useful results. However, the governing equations
in conventional steam power plants with the aim of improving their proposed by Schumann were computationally expensive to solve.
flexibility. This need of integrating storage in conventional power Therefore, Beckman and Duffie [109], Lilleleht et al. [110] and Mumma
plants to increase their flexibility and availability is another hot re- and Marvin [111] made attempt to solve the governing equations for
search topic (see, e.g., [102–104]). the packed bed by finite difference methods. Note that, being the
packed bed made of large size elements, the most used modelling ap-
3.4. Sensible and latent heat thermal storage: Materials and modelling proach is the so-called Mumma and Marvin model reported by Howell

As previously said, thermal energy storage or heat and cold storage,

allows to store heat or cold for a later use. In order to retrieve the heat
or cold after some time, the storing method needs to be reversible. The
possible methods can be divided into chemical and physical processes.
Physical processes can be also subdivided in sensible (SH-TES) and la-
tent (LH-TES) heat storage (solid–liquid, liquid–vapour and solid–solid
phase change).
In sensible heat storage, heat is stored by increasing the storage
medium temperature while in latent heat storage systems the energy is
stored in phase change materials. In particular, the heat is stored when
the material changes its phase from solid to liquid. When the storage
processes involve chemical reactions, the adopted storage is called
ThermoChemical Energy Storage (TCES).
Based on available works, Gallo et al. [10] computed that SH-TES
can be built with a power ranging between 0.001 and 10 MWth , while
the capital cost can be estimated in the range 3400–4500$/kW. The Fig. 14. Sketch of the conceptual diagram of the storage plant proposed by Frate et al.
energy density, the price per energy unit stored and the round-trip

A. Benato, A. Stoppato Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 6 (2018) 301–315

Fig. 15. Sketch of the plant schemes proposed by Steinmann [101]: (a) Charge layout composed by an ammonia cycle for low temperature compression and a water cycle for high
temperature compression, (b) Discharge layout composed by a water Rankine cycle.

Table 1 literature depending on the container geometry and the adopted phase
Energy density, specific costs, round-trip efficiency and the lifetime of different energy change material. All heat storage problems are dynamic problems;
storage systems [8,10,12,23,75,81,125–142].
therefore, it is also essential to find the solution in time. The simplest
Energy storage Energy Price per energy Round trip Lifetime model to solve the heat transfer problem has been proposed, in 1981,
technology density [Wh/ unit stored efficiency [%] [years] by Stefan [118]. The model is very useful and it is widely adopted to
l] [$/kWh] test the 1 or 3-dimensional models built with commercial software.
These models are able to show a qualitative trend of the heat trans-
PHS 0.5–1.5 5–100 65–87 30–60
GES 0.5–1.5 N/A 70–86 30–40
ferred due to the absence of accurate data of the density, viscosity, and
CAES 3–12 2–200 40–95 20–60 enthalpy of each phase change material as a function of the tempera-
LAES 50 260–530 40–85 20–40 ture. Therefore, despite the use of complex and accurate modelling
Flow Batteries 16–60 120–1000 57–85 5–15 software, the lack of accurate experimental data causes significant un-
Hydrogen 500–3000 1–10 20–50 5–30
certainties in the numerical results.
PTES 110–170 60 70–80 25–30
For the reader interested in analytical, numerical and experimental
work on this topic, please referred to, e.g., [117–124].
et al. [112]. For brevity, the Authors do not report the equations which
describe the methods. Therefore, for more details, please referred to 4. Discussion and Conclusions
[109–116] while, for a clear overview of the works available on packed
bed mathematical modelling or experimental testing see, e.g., [105]. Based on the analysed works and the data reported in Table 1, it is
The term “latent heat” describes the heat of solid–solid, solid–liquid, possible to claim that Pumped Hydro Storage is the most widespread
and liquid–vapour phase changes. However, “latent heat storage” and large-scale energy storage technology while Compressed Air energy
“phase change material” are terms widely used only for solid–liquid Storage can be considered its actual leading competitor while Flow
phase changes and not for solid–solid or liquid–vapour phase changes Batteries can become a useful way of storing large quantity of energy
[117]. only in the near future. Unfortunately, PHS requires a particular mor-
In a latent heat storage, the change of phase from solid to liquid or phology of the installation site, a sufficiently high water fall and a
vice versa is really advantageous because the melting or the solidifi- regular water flow rate, while CAES requires a particular morphology of
cation occur at a constant temperature called melting temperature. the installation site and a natural gas stream. Flow batteries do not
Being the melting temperature constant, the latent heat storage allows require particular morphology of the installation site and are char-
the stabilization of the temperature. In addition, the melting process is acterised by a high energy density compared to PHS and CAES but they
characterized by a small volume change, usually less than 10%. suffer of low lifetime (see Table 1). Therefore, to properly match the
In general, phase change materials need to be characterised by demand in an electric system composed by a large number of variable
suitable phase change temperature, large phase change enthalpy, re- and intermittent power plants fed by wind and solar, there is the need
producible phase change (also called cycling stability), little sub- of developing large-scale energy storage which do not suffer of geo-
cooling, good thermal conductivity, low vapour pressure, small volume graphical constrains, low lifetime or round-trip efficiency. In this sce-
change, chemical stability, high compatibility with other materials, low nario, Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage or Pumped Heat Energy
price and good recyclability. Storage constitutes a valid and really promising alternative to PHS,
By far, the best phase change material is water. It is the most CAES, FBs, GES, LAES and Hydrogen storage. With the aim of under-
adopted material for cold storage. For temperatures below 0 °C, water- standing the actual state of development, in the present work, the Au-
salt solutions with a eutectic composition are commonly used while, in thors present firstly an overview of the available and in-developing
the temperature range from 0 to 150 °C, paraffins, fatty acids, sugar large scale storage technologies. Then, they focus the attention on the
alcohols and salt hydrates are used. For temperature higher than 150 °C, PTES technology. Until now, three PTES arrangements have been pro-
different type of salts and their mixtures are adopted. posed and studied. These systems can be grouped based on their ther-
Regarding the modellization efforts, several works are available in modynamic cycle and working fluid: reversible Brayton cycles,

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