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Reg Anesth Pain Med: first published as 10.1136/rapm-2021-102735 on 29 June 2021. Downloaded from on March 3, 2022 at Post Graduate Institute of Medical
Regional anesthesia and acute compartment
syndrome: principles for practice
Tim Dwyer,1,2,3 David Burns,4 Aaron Nauth,1,5 Kaitlin Kawam,4 Richard Brull  ‍ ‍6

Department of Surgery, ABSTRACT of the affected compartment, and paresthesia due
University of Toronto Division of Acute compartment syndrome (ACS) is a potentially to ischemia of the entrapped peripheral nerves.10
Orthopaedics, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada reversible orthopedic surgical emergency leading to Compartment pressure testing and monitoring can
Department of Surgery, tissue ischemia and ultimately cell death. Diagnosis of be useful in confirming the diagnosis, with pain and
Women’s College Hospital, ACS can be challenging, as neither clinical symptoms ischemia thought to develop at pressures greater
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
nor signs are sufficiently sensitive. The cardinal symptom than 20 and 30 mm Hg, respectively.11 However,
Department of Surgery, Mt the latter threshold values are variable, and can be
associated with ACS is pain reported in excess of what
Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada would otherwise be expected for the underlying injury, seen in patients with and without ACS.12–14 Due to
University of Toronto Division and not reasonably managed by opioid-­based analgesia. these variations, it is recommended that compart-
of Orthopaedics, Toronto, Regional anesthesia (RA) techniques are traditionally ment pressure values alone should not be used to
Ontario, Canada discouraged in clinical settings where the development diagnose ACS.15
Department of Surgery, St
Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, of ACS is a concern as sensory and motor nerve blockade
Ontario, Canada may mask symptoms and signs of ACS. This Education
Toronto Western Hospital, article addresses the most common trauma and elective
Toronto, Ontario, Canada The use of regional anesthesia (RA) techniques for
orthopedic surgical procedures in adults with a view

Education & Research. Protected by copyright.

local anesthetic-­based anesthesia and analgesia has
towards assessing their respective risk of ACS and
Correspondence to traditionally been discouraged in clinical settings
offering suggestions regarding the suitability of RA for
Dr Tim Dwyer, Department of where the development of ACS is a concern.
Surgery, University of Toronto, each type of surgery.
Prolonged sensory and motor nerve blockade can
Division of Orthopaedics, complicate timely and accurate clinical evaluation
Women’s College Hospital, 76
Grenville St, Toronto M5S1B2, by masking the early symptoms and signs of ACS,
Canada; especially pain out of proportion to injury in other-
​tim.​dwyer@w ​ chospital.​ca wise awake and alert patients,15 16 and delay the
Acute compartment syndrome (ACS) is a critical
diagnosis of ACS17–27 with potentially devastating
Received 23 March 2021 and potentially reversible orthopedic surgical emer-
Accepted 10 May 2021
consequences.15 16 However, controversy arises
gency, whereby excessive limb swelling (bleeding,
Published Online First given that RA techniques are among the most effi-
edema, or other fluid) within a myofascial compart-
29 June 2021 cacious and opioid-­sparing analgesic strategies to
ment compromises tissue perfusion leading to
treat post-­ traumatic and/or postoperative ortho-
tissue ischemia and ultimately cell death. Once
pedic pain. Furthermore, there are reports in the
tissue perfusion is sufficiently compromised to
literature wherein ACS was appropriately diag-
cause muscle death and permanent nerve injury,
nosed and successfully managed in the setting of a
significant loss of function due to muscle contrac-
single-­injection nerve block or continuous catheter-­
ture, stiffness and deformity likely ensues,1 which
based perineural local anesthetic infusion.28–35
can be further complicated by high rates of infec-
Finally, the likelihood of ACS in the setting of most
tion, repeat surgery,2 amputation,3 4 and mortality.5
elective orthopedic and trauma surgeries is actually
While the time after which permanent muscle and
very low. Indeed, much of the available literature
nerve damage occurs is not clear, irreversible isch-
regarding the role of RA for analgesia in the devel-
emic injury may begin as soon as 2 hours following
opment of ACS is limited both in quality and quan-
the onset of swelling.6 The longer the delay to
tity, thereby making any causal association between
treatment, the more devastating the sequelae.4 The
the use of RA and the development of ACS a precar-
possibility of ACS must therefore be anticipated,
ious one.
and early intervention in the form of surgical fasci-
otomy must take priority when ACS is suspected or
imminent.7 PURPOSE
Unfortunately, the diagnosis of ACS can be chal- In an effort to identify scenarios whereby anesthe-
lenging, as neither clinical symptoms nor signs siologists and orthopedic surgeons should avoid or
are sufficiently sensitive for ACS.8 Moreover, the cautiously consider the use of RA for anesthesia
clinical symptoms and signs associated with ACS and/or analgesia, this special article will review the
© American Society of Regional
Anesthesia & Pain Medicine are common to many types of orthopedic injuries etiology and address the most common trauma and
2021. No commercial re-­use. that are traditionally not associated with ACS.9 elective orthopedic procedures in adults with a view
See rights and permissions. The cardinal symptom associated with ACS is pain towards assessing the risk of ACS for each. Proce-
Published by BMJ. reported in excess of what would otherwise be dures will be organized into orthopedic trauma
To cite: Dwyer T, expected for the underlying injury, and not reason- and elective surgical procedures according to esti-
Burns D, Nauth A, et al. ably managed by opioid-­based analgesia. Signs asso- mated risk of ACS, from greatest to least, based on
Reg Anesth Pain Med ciated with ACS include excessive tightness of the our collective clinical experience and expertise in
2021;46:1091–1099. affected compartment, pain with passive stretch the fields of orthopedic trauma surgery, elective
Dwyer T, et al. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2021;46:1091–1099. doi:10.1136/rapm-2021-102735    1091

Reg Anesth Pain Med: first published as 10.1136/rapm-2021-102735 on 29 June 2021. Downloaded from on March 3, 2022 at Post Graduate Institute of Medical
hematoma formation (especially in the setting of anticoagula-
tion), and vascular injury.43


This section will address the risk of ACS associated with fractures
of the lower limb, starting with those injuries most commonly
associated with ACS. It is important to note that high-­energy
injuries, such as those caused by motor vehicle accidents and fall
from heights, are associated with greater fracture comminution,
hemorrhage, and soft tissue swelling, and are thus more likely to
develop ACS independent of the site of the fracture.

Tibial shaft fractures

Tibial shaft fractures (figure 1) have a reported incidence of
Figure 1  (A) Mid-­shaft tibial fracture. (B) Tibial fracture treated with
16.9/100 000/year,44 and are recognized as one of the highest
intramedullary nail. Reprinted with permission from www.boneschool.
risk injuries for ACS, as they are associated with significant
bleeding and swelling confined within the four small anatomical
compartments of the lower leg. Diaphyseal or mid-­shaft frac-
tures are thought to be most commonly associated with ACS,
orthopedic surgery, and RA and review of the available litera- although the reported incidence varies widely between 3% and
ture. Finally, we will endeavor to make informed and pragmatic 30%.13 45 46 More severe fracture patterns associated with higher
suggestions regarding the suitability of RA for anesthesia and/or energy injuries (such as motor vehicle accidents and fall from
analgesia in the setting of each surgical procedure. heights) are associated with higher risk of ACS.45 However,

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ACS has also been described after low-­energy injuries such as a
ETIOLOGY OF ACS fall from standing height and athletic injuries,46 47 especially in
Anatomical compartments are closed, non-­elastic muscle regions young men,48 and in those treated with intramedullary nails.48
that are surrounded by fascia and bone.36 Among the bodily Due to the high risk of ACS with tibial shaft fractures, studies
regions most commonly associated with ACS are the lower leg, have evaluated the use of continuous compartment pressure
which comprised four such compartments (anterior, lateral, monitoring, with no evidence that doing so improves outcome
superficial and posterior),37 the forearm, which has only two over routine clinical observation.13 49 The latter is likely explained
(flexor and extensor) compartments,2 and the foot, which is by the poor correlation between pressure measurements and
described as having nine separate compartments.37 ACS most clinical symptoms and signs.50 Moreover, the risk of overtreat-
commonly affects the legs and feet, but ACS can also affect the ment, namely unnecessary surgical intervention,51 carries its own
hands, feet, forearms, buttocks and thighs.16 set of potential complications.52 It is important to note that the
While ACS is primarily encountered in the setting of frac- literature separately describes the incidence of ACS after injury
tures, it can also occur with vascular and crush injuries.16 38 ACS and after surgical fixation (with either intramedullary nailing,
secondary to trauma typically develops within the first 48 hours external fixation, or plating). While it seems likely that the risk
after injury, but can occur days after the precipitating event.39–41 of ACS may decrease when there is significant delay between
In the context of surgical fractures, compartment syndrome the injury and subsequent surgical fixation, it has been shown
may develop before or after the related orthopedic operative that intramedullary nailing increases compartment pressures.
procedure(s). It should also be remembered that ACS can be also However, the role of intramedullary nailing in the development
encountered after elective orthopedic surgery, although the risk of ACS remains uncertain since fracture stabilization afforded by
in this setting is much lower than emergency trauma. early intramedullary nailing does reduce bleeding and swelling,
In the setting of trauma surgery, it is unknown to what extent and may actually lessen the risk of ACS. In a retrospective cohort
the surgical procedure itself either aggravates or mitigates the study of 772 patients with tibial shaft fractures, 87 (7.73%)
development of ACS, which further undermines prognostication developed ACS, and 64 of these patients required fasciotomy
and underscores vigilance. In a study of 273 tibial shaft fractures, after surgical fixation, with a mean time from surgical fixation
ACS developed in 31 cases (11.4%): 9 cases were diagnosed to fasciotomy of 16 hours.53 It is therefore not surprising that
preoperatively, 12 cases were diagnosed intraoperatively, and 10 the use of RA (including epidural anesthesia and peripheral
were diagnosed postoperatively and brought back to the oper- nerve blocks) has been reported to delay the diagnosis of ACS
ating room for fasciotomy.41 Interestingly, all 10 patients with in the setting of tibial shaft fractures, sometimes with severe
ACS diagnosed postoperatively had surgery performed within consequences.17–21
the first 24 hours of admission, suggesting that the initial trauma Risk of ACS: High.
led to the development of ACS rather than the surgical proce- Opinion: RA should not be considered in the setting of tibial
dure itself. Traction and intramedullary nailing have been shown shaft fractures.
to result in transient increases in compartmental pressures but it
is unclear whether or not surgical traction and intramedullary Tibial plateau fractures
nailing independently increase the risk of ACS.42 In our opinion, Tibial plateau fractures have an incidence of 10.3/100 000/year,54
the primary inciting insult for ACS in cases of orthopedic surgical and there are many reports of ACS affecting one or more of the
trauma is likely the initial traumatic injury, and early surgical four compartments of the lower leg after intra-­articular tibial
stabilization may help mitigate the risk of ACS. plateau fractures (figure 2).9 As the severity of the tibial plateau
In the setting of elective surgery, ACS is rare and associated fracture increases due to increased bleeding and swelling (partic-
with prolonged surgical procedures, postsurgical bleeding and ularly in the setting of high-­ energy, bicondylar tibial plateau
1092 Dwyer T, et al. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2021;46:1091–1099. doi:10.1136/rapm-2021-102735

Reg Anesth Pain Med: first published as 10.1136/rapm-2021-102735 on 29 June 2021. Downloaded from on March 3, 2022 at Post Graduate Institute of Medical
Figure 2  (A) Comminuted bicondylar tibial plateau fracture. (B) Tibial Figure 4  (A) Ankle fracture with distal fibular fracture and talar shift.
plateau fracture treated with medial and lateral plating. Reprinted with (B) Ankle fracture treated with fibular plating and syndesmotic screw.
permission from Reprinted with permission from

fractures), so too does the risk of ACS.55 56 Similar to tibial shaft ACS in the setting of severe foot fractures is difficult, as both the
fractures, the reported rate of ACS in plateau fractures varies injury and ACS are associated with significant levels of pain and
widely between 1.7% (11/661)45 and 12% (39/326).55 However, swelling in the foot. Persistent pain despite cast immobilization,
the rate of ACS has been reported to be as high as 17% (25/143) pain with passive motion, and sensory changes are important to
in high-­energy bicondylar fractures,55 and 53% (9/17) in fracture identify ACS of the foot, and compartment pressure measure-

Education & Research. Protected by copyright.

dislocations of the medial tibial plateau.57 It is important to note ments may be especially helpful to confirm the diagnosis.37 59 65
that severe tibial plateau fractures are often treated by delayed Risk of ACS: Moderate to high.
fixation, most commonly in conjunction with external fixation, Opinion: RA may be considered in most cases, with the excep-
to allow for swelling to resolve, which may reduce the risk of tion of high-­energy injuries such as fracture dislocations, and
developing ACS following surgery.56 calcaneal fractures treated acutely, which can continue to swell
Risk of ACS: Moderate to high. postoperatively.
Opinion: RA should not be considered in the setting of high-­
energy tibial plateau fractures. For low-­energy unicondylar frac- Tibial plafond fractures
tures, the use of RA may be considered with caution and only Tibial plafond fractures are thought to represent only 5%–7%
after risk-­benefit discussion with the attending surgeon, the care of all tibial fractures,66 and the risk of ACS in the setting of
team and the patient. these distal intra-­articular tibial fractures (figure 5) is thought
to be somewhat lower than for other tibial fractures,45 with
Fractures of the foot reported rates of 7/326 (2%)55 and 9/342 (2.6%)45 in larger case
ACS affecting one or more of the foot’s nine separate compart- series. While the reasons for this reduced rate of occurrence are
ments has been described following high-­ energy fractures unclear, tibial plafond fractures remain high-­energy injuries with
(figure 3),58 and can lead to significant disability, including claw significant associated swelling, and the risk of ACS must not be
toes, stiffness, motor weakness, and other fixed deformities.59 discounted. Tibial plafond fractures are typically treated with
While calcaneal fractures (10.2/100 000/year) and Lisfranc frac- delayed surgical fixation, which may reduce the risk of devel-
ture dislocations of the foot (1.9/100 000/year) are relatively oping ACS following surgery.
uncommon,60 ACS is thought to be most prevalent with these
types of higher energy forefoot injuries. Chopart and Lisfranc
fracture dislocations have reported rates of ACS exceeding
20%,61 62 while the rate of ACS after calcaneal fractures is
reported to range from 3.8% to 23%.59 61 63 Calcaneal fractures
(figure 4) complicated by significant comminution are at greater
risk of ACS,63 which may be missed.64 Indeed, the diagnosis of

Figure 5  (A) Tibial plafond fracture, with distal tibial fracture

Figure 3  (A) Intra-­articular displaced fracture of the calcaneum. (B) extending into ankle joint. (B) Tibial plafond fracture treated with open
Calcaneal fracture treated with lateral plate and screws. Reprinted with reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) ankle joint and minimally invasive
permission from plating. Reprinted with permission from
Dwyer T, et al. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2021;46:1091–1099. doi:10.1136/rapm-2021-102735 1093

Reg Anesth Pain Med: first published as 10.1136/rapm-2021-102735 on 29 June 2021. Downloaded from on March 3, 2022 at Post Graduate Institute of Medical
Opinion: RA may be considered with caution and only after
risk-­benefit discussion with the attending surgeon, the care team
and the patient.

Ankle fractures
Ankle fractures (figure 4) are extremely common (179/100
000/year)74 (figure 4), and displaced fractures typically require
surgery, frequently in the ambulatory setting. Fortunately,
compartment syndrome of the leg75 76 and foot77 78 is rarely
described following these injuries, including postoperatively,77
with limited numbers of case reports in the literature.
Risk of ACS: Low.
Opinion: RA may be considered in nearly all cases, with the
possible exception of high-­energy injuries.

Hip fractures
Every year, hundreds of thousands of hip fractures (figure 7)
in the elderly are treated with surgical fixation or replacement
Figure 6  (A) Mid-­shaft femoral fracture. (B) Femoral fracture treated (957/1 000 000/year for women and 414/100 000/year for
with intramedullary nail. Reprinted with permission from www. men).79 Compartment syndrome is rare, although there have been reports of ACS in the contralateral leg after lengthy surgical
procedures, due to prolonged position of the well leg in a leg
Risk of ACS: Moderate.

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Risk of ACS: Extremely low.
Opinion: RA may be considered with caution and only after Opinion: RA may be considered in all cases.
risk-­benefit discussion with the attending surgeon, the care team
This section will address the risk of ACS associated with frac-
Femoral shaft fractures tures of the upper limb, beginning with those injuries believed
Thigh compartment syndrome is relatively uncommon and to have the highest risk. Again, it is important to note that high-­
typically associated with blunt trauma to the thigh resulting in energy injuries (motor vehicle accidents, falls from height) have
femoral fracture (figure 6),67 vascular injury,68–70 or blunt thigh a greater risk of ACS, independent of the site of the fracture.
trauma in the setting of anticoagulants.71 ACS following femoral
fracture (10/100 000/year)72 can be especially difficult to diag- Mid-shaft forearm fractures
nose, as femoral fractures are associated with significant pain and Fractures of the radius and ulna, excluding wrist fractures, have
swelling, identical to the presentation of ACS. For this reason, an incidence of 64/100 000/year.81 Mid-­shaft fractures of the
ACS in the setting of femoral fractures is associated with delay to radius and/or ulna (figure 8) can be associated with ACS of the
fasciotomy and increased complications,69 71 including persistent two anatomical compartments of the forearm.82 Higher energy
neurological and other functional deficits.67 73 Our review of the and more complex fractures of the forearm are more likely to
literature uncovered one case report of a femoral nerve block result in ACS of the forearm,83 as are dual bone fractures84;
used prior to intramedullary nailing of a femoral fracture, where however, ACS can also occur secondary to low-­energy mech-
the RA was possibly associated with a delay in diagnosis.22 anisms such as a fall from standing height.84 A retrospective
Risk of ACS: Moderate. review of the National Trauma Data Bank in the USA, including
301 351 forearm fractures, estimated the incidence of ACS in
the context of single or dual forearm bone fractures to be 1.2%
(3672/301 351).85 In a series of 151 dual forearm fractures, 23
(15%) underwent fasciotomy, suggesting that dual bone frac-
tures of the forearm place the patient at higher risk of ACS.83
From the literature available, it would seem that the majority of
ACS cases occur prior to surgery; the effect of surgical fixation
on the development of postoperative ACS is unclear.
Risk of ACS: Moderate to high.
Opinion: RA should not be considered in the setting of dual
bone forearm fractures and high-­energy single bone fractures.
For low-­energy single bone forearm fractures, RA may be consid-
ered with caution and only after risk-­benefit discussion with the
attending surgeon, the care team and the patient.

Distal radius fractures

Fractures of the wrist (distal radius and ulna) are the most
Figure 7  (A) Displaced intertrochanteric neck of femur fracture. (B) common fractures of the upper limb, with an incidence of
Neck of femur fracture treated with dynamic hip screw. Reprinted with 72/100 000/year.81 ACS of the forearm typically presents within
permission from the first 3 days after distal radius fracture (figure 9), especially
1094 Dwyer T, et al. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2021;46:1091–1099. doi:10.1136/rapm-2021-102735

Reg Anesth Pain Med: first published as 10.1136/rapm-2021-102735 on 29 June 2021. Downloaded from on March 3, 2022 at Post Graduate Institute of Medical
Figure 10  (A) Elbow dislocation. (B) Elbow dislocation treated with
plating of coronoid fracture and lateral collateral ligament repair.
Reprinted with permission from

Fractures and dislocations of the elbow

Elbow dislocations (figure 10) are relatively uncommon, with
an incidence of 6.1/100 000/year.88 Fortunately, ACS of the
forearm following dislocation and fracture dislocation of the
elbow is thought to be relatively rare event.82
Risk of ACS: Low.
Opinion: May consider the use of RA in most cases, with the
exception of high-­energy injuries associated with forearm and
Figure 8  (A) Dual bone forearm fracture. (B) Dual bone forearm

Education & Research. Protected by copyright.

distal radius fractures, as described above.
fracture treated with plating of the radius and ulna. Reprinted with
permission from
Fractures of the proximal humerus, humerus shaft, and distal
following a high-­energy mechanism and with severe fracture Proximal humerus fractures have a reported incidence of 60/100
patterns.40 In a series of 6395 fractures of the distal radius, the 000/year.89 ACS in the setting of fractures of the humeral shaft
overall incidence of ACS of the forearm was 0.25%, but higher (figure 11A), proximal humerus (figure 11B,C), and distal
in patients under the age of 35 (1.4%).82 The risk is known to humerus are rare entities, possibly because the fascia of the
be higher in patients with ipsilateral elbow injuries, likely due upper arm is thought to be more compliant than the compart-
to higher energy injury.86 The overall incidence of developing ments of the forearm, and therefore not strong enough to limit
ACS after surgery for distal radius fractures is relatively low swelling. The fascia of the upper arm also communicates with
(0.1%, 2/1955), but has been described as a complication of the the shoulder girdle, significantly expanding the volume of fluid
surgery,87 and can occur in the setting of delayed procedures.23 28 that can be accommodated.90
Risk of ACS: Low to moderate. Risk of ACS: Low.
Opinion: May consider the use of RA in most cases, with the Opinion: May consider the use of RA in all cases.
exception of younger patients with high-­energy injuries and/
or severe fracture patterns, particularly in the setting of acute ORTHOPEDIC ELECTIVE SURGERY OF THE LOWER LIMB
fixation. Osteotomies about the knee
High tibial osteotomies (figure 12) and distal femoral osteot-
omies are indicated infrequently for osteoarthritis in young
people or in conjunction with meniscal transplant or osteo-
chondral allograft for bone and cartilage defects of the knee.
These are very invasive procedures, associated with reports of
serious complications including vascular injury (2/115, 1.7%)
and consequent ACS (1/115, 0.9%).91
Risk of ACS: Moderate.

Figure 11  (A) Mid-­shaft humerus fracture. (B) Completely displaced

Figure 9  (A) Fracture of the distal radius. (B) Fracture of the distal surgical neck of humeral fracture. (C) Surgical neck of humerus fracture
radius treated with plate. Reprinted with permission from www. treated with plating. Reprinted with permission from www.boneschool. com.
Dwyer T, et al. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2021;46:1091–1099. doi:10.1136/rapm-2021-102735 1095

Reg Anesth Pain Med: first published as 10.1136/rapm-2021-102735 on 29 June 2021. Downloaded from on March 3, 2022 at Post Graduate Institute of Medical
Figure 14  (A) Positioning for hip arthroscopy. (B) Portals for hip
arthroscopy. Reprinted with permission from

Recommendation: RA may be considered in all cases, with

the possible exception of acute surgical management of knee

Foot and ankle surgery

Reports of ACS after ankle arthroscopy96 97 and other elec-
tive foot and ankle procedures are rare,98 possibly due to the
Figure 12  Knee X-­ray following high tibial osteotomy. Reprinted with controlled setting of elective surgery, careful hemostasis control,
permission from and the release of fascial compartments during the surgical
approach. However, there does seem to be an association with

Education & Research. Protected by copyright.

revision surgery and extensive deformity correction,26 99 prob-
ably due to the extensive dissection, invasive nature, and higher
Opinion: RA may be considered with caution and only after
propensity for bleeding and swelling.
risk-­benefit discussion with the attending surgeon, the care team
Risk of ACS: Low.
and the patient. Providers should be aware of risk of vascular
Opinion: RA may be considered in all cases, with the possible
injury and compartment syndrome postosteotomy.
exception of extensive deformity correction.

Knee arthroscopy, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Hip arthroscopy

and other ligament reconstruction about the knee Similar to knee arthroscopy, there are isolated reports of intra-­
ACS following knee arthroscopy and anterior cruciate ligament abdominal fluid extravasation and abdominal ACS after hip
reconstruction (figure 13) is extremely rare, and thought to stem arthroscopy (figure 14), in conjunction with psoas tendon
from extravasation of the fluid used during arthroscopy into the release.100 101 Abdominal ACS is a life-­ threatening condition,
dependent compartments of the leg, by way of capsular defects.92 characterized by abdominal pain and distention, difficulty venti-
In the immediate postoperative period, the arthroscopy fluid will lating patients, hypothermia, reduced urine output, hypotension,
resorb over time, and fasciotomy is rarely required.93 However, and potential cardiac arrest.100–102 It is unlikely that standard RA
ACS has also been described following vascular injury,94 and as a techniques for hip arthroscopy would mask these symptoms and
result of bleeding complications.92 Some patients require multiple signs.
elective ligament reconstruction procedures as a consequence of Risk: Very low.
prior traumatic knee dislocation, which is a high-­energy injury Recommendation: RA may be considered in all cases. Providers
often associated with vascular injury, and is associated with a should be aware of the risk of abdominal compartment syndrome
relatively high (2.7%) risk of ACS.95 after psoas tenotomy.
Risk of ACS: Low.

Figure 13  (A) X-­ray of the knee following anterior cruciate

ligament (ACL) reconstruction. (B) Arthroscopic image following ACL Figure 15  (A) Total hip arthroplasty. (B) Total knee arthroplasty.
reconstruction. Reprinted with permission from Reprinted with permission from
1096 Dwyer T, et al. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2021;46:1091–1099. doi:10.1136/rapm-2021-102735

Reg Anesth Pain Med: first published as 10.1136/rapm-2021-102735 on 29 June 2021. Downloaded from on March 3, 2022 at Post Graduate Institute of Medical
While there are no absolute contraindications as regards the use
of RA in settings where ACS is a concern, some fracture patterns,
high-­energy injuries, and surgical procedures do carry a higher
risk and RA should be considered relatively contraindicated. In
these clinical situations, we suggest that RA techniques for anes-
thesia and analgesia should be either avoided or considered with
caution only after a risk-­benefit discussion with the attending

Funding  AN receives research time support from the Fracture Care Research
Endowed Chair, St Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. RB receives
research time support from the Evelyn Bateman Cara Operations Endowed Chair in
Ambulatory Anesthesia and Women’s Health, Women’s College Hospital, and Merit
Award Program, Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Toronto, Ontario,
Competing interests  None declared.
Patient consent for publication  Not required.
Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

Richard Brull http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0002-​7708-​8843

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Education & Research. Protected by copyright.

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