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Journal of Alloys and Compounds 326 (2001) 292–297 L / locate / jallcom

Nanophase iron oxides by ball-mill grinding and their Mossbauer
a b b ,1 a c b,
S. Bid , A. Banerjee , S. Kumar , S.K. Pradhan , Udayan De , D. Banerjee *
Department of Physics, University of Burdwan, Golapbag, Burdwan 713104, W. Bengal, India
Department of Physics, University of Calcutta, 92 Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Calcutta 700009, India
Variable Energy Cyclotron Center, Department of Atomic Energy, 1 /AF Bidhan Nagar, Calcutta 700064, India
Received 3 July 2000; received in revised form 27 November 2000; accepted 20 December 2000


Ball-mill grinding of ferric oxide, Fe 2 O 3, to obtain nanophase samples has been undertaken for different duration with repeated X-ray
diffraction monitoring of nanophase formation. Particle size and strain have been calculated from XRD patterns, for different periods of
ballmilling at 300 rpm. Mossbauer spectra of as-supplied or bulk iron oxides and these finely ballmilled samples have been compared
looking for the signature of superparamagnetism possible in the nanophase samples.  2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ball-milling; a-Fe 2 O 3 ; Nanophase; X-ray diffraction; Mossbauer spectra

1. Introduction erties of nanophase materials have been investigated by

X-ray powder diffraction [1,5,6,14] and Mossbauer ¨
In recent years nanocrystalline materials have been spectroscopic [1,7–9] techniques. The present work is
extensively investigated due to their unusual properties and devoted to X-ray powder diffraction line profile analysis
application potentials [1]. The iron oxides, a-Fe 2 O 3 ¨
and Mossbauer studies on differently ball-milled a-Fe 2 O 3
(hematite) and Fe 3 O 4 (magnetite), for example, are im- ¨
fine particles. It is noted that the nature of the Mossbauer
portant as electrical and magnetic materials. Mossbauer spectrum depends on the relation between the time of
spectra [2] of fine particles of a-Fe 2 O 3 , produced by a measurement and that of the magnetization vector relaxa-
chemical impregnation process and supported on a high tion. If the time of observation is much less than the
area silica, in different sizes, have been recorded before the relaxation time, the particles exhibit ferromagnetism, while
name nanophase was coined. Among various methods of in the opposite case one observes superparamagnetism.
producing nanomaterials, ball-milling [3] has potential for Also, the relaxation time of superparamagnetic particles
large scale production and is being further developed. increases with particle volume, as detailed later. Therefore,
Particle size reduction and possible chemical transforma- in ferromagnetic samples consisting mainly of nanoparti-
tion of the sample during ball-milling are believed to be ¨
cles, the Mossbauer spectrum is usually a superposition of
influenced by ball-to-powder mass ratio (BPMR), milling a superparamagnetic doublet, corresponding to particles of
time, milling environment, milling speed as well as the smaller size, and a Zeeman sextet, corresponding to large
type of ball-mill itself. Recently, Zdujic et al. [4] reported ferromagnetic particles [10,11].
the results of ball-milling of a-Fe 2 O 3 powder in air and in
closed atmosphere milling conditions using a planetary
ball-mill, and showed the results to be very sensitive to 2. Sample preparation and experiments
milling conditions. Recently, structural and magnetic prop-
Analytical-grade a-Fe 2 O 3 powder was used as the
starting material for milling in Fritsch Pulverisette 5
planetary ball-mill. Two hardened-steel vials of 80 cm 3
*Corresponding author. Fax: 191-33-351-9755. volume, each charged with 30 hardened-steel balls of 10
E-mail address: (D. Banerjee). mm diameter were used for milling, keeping the angular
Presently at JIS College of Engineering, Kalyani 741235, India. velocity of the supporting disc at 31.42 rad s 21 (300 rpm).

0925-8388 / 01 / $ – see front matter  2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0925-8388( 01 )01287-7
S. Bid et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 326 (2001) 292 – 297 293

The powder was milled in air atmosphere without any the X-ray spectra in the vicinity of overlapping region in
additives (dry milling) under ‘closed’ milling conditions, order to obtain the accurate values of peak-position
i.e., the vials were not opened during all the milling maxima, peak intensities, full-width at half-maxima
periods. Milling with the ball-to-powder mass ratios (FWHM) and Gaussianity of the experimental profiles.
(BPMR) of 30:1 and 35:1 have been tried. The Scherrer equation [12] for grain size (D) estimation
The X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) stepscan data or Warren–Averbach method of Fourier analysis of the line
(2u 50.028) were collected on a Philips PW 1710 auto- shapes [12] for determination of particle size (De ) and
matic diffractometer with Cu Ka radiation. The Mossbauer r.m.s. strain k´ 2 l 1 / 2 have been used after the correction for
spectra have been recorded in transmission geometry using background by a standard profile fitting procedure [13].
a constant acceleration type. Mossbauer spectrometer with For peak fitting, the most suited pseudo-Voigt peak shape
a 5 mCi Co 57 source in a Pd matrix. A Xe-filled proportion function has been used, as recommended by Young and
counter has been used as detector. The data have been Wiles [14]. The said function has the following refinable
acquired in the MCS mode in a multichannel analyzer. parameters: peak-height (I), peak area (S), peak maximum
Mossbauer spectra of Fe 2 O 3 fine particles produced by position (2umax ), full width at half maxima (FWHM), an
ball-milling have been recorded at room temperature. asymmetry parameter (A), Gaussiabity of the peak (G) and
background parameters (linear / non-linear). Two weighting
schemes can be used during the profile fitting: (a) un-
3. Results and discussions weighted refinement (w I 51) and (b) weight equals to the
reciprocal of the standard deviation. Refinement uses the
We have considered the most prominent reflections of Marquardt minimization algorithm. The adopted software
a-Fe 2 O 3 (012), (104), (110), (113), (024), (116), (214) [13] allows simultaneous fittings of up to 15 overlapping
and (030) for X-ray line profile analyses (XRLPA). The peaks of mixed Gaussian and Lorentzian type. For both the
very weak and / or overlapping reflections from Fe 3 O 4 and Scherrer and Warren–Averbach analyses and a specially
Fe ( 12x) O x , that appears to have been formed due to prepared polycrystalline Si is used as the ‘instrumental
milling, have not been considered for XRLPA. As some of standard’ [15]. The results of X-ray powder diffraction line
the peaks of a-Fe 2 O 3 are partially overlapping (Fig. 1), it profile analysis on differently ball-milled samples of Fe 2 O 3
is of prime necessity to estimate the correct background of is presented in Table 1.

Fig. 1. X-ray powder diffraction patterns for different periods of ball-milling of Fe 2 O 3 .

294 S. Bid et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 326 (2001) 292 – 297

Table 1
Results of X-ray powder diffraction line profile analysis on differently ball-milled samples with Fe 2 O 3 (0 h) denoting the as-supplied or the starting
Sample hkl Lattice Particle size (nm) R.m.s. strain (10 23 )
(nm) Scherrer Warren–Averbach Warren–Averbach
(D) hkl (D) av (D) hkl (D) av k´ 2 l 1hkl/ 2 k´ 2 l 1av/ 2
Fe 2 O 3 012 a50.50250 57.05 62.26 29.8 35.2 1.71 0.96
(0 h) 104 c51.36838 54.91 32.4 1.37
110 61.61 30.1 1.03
113 53.12 59.8 1.32
024 62.69 35.3 0.79
116 62.40 27.6 0.58
214 80.94 36.7 0.41
030 65.38 30.0 0.47
Fe 2 O 3 012 a50.50281 8.08 7.70 5.02 3.86 9.97 5.89
(5 h) 104 c51.37402 8.04 3.01 7.60
BPMR 110 9.56 6.54 6.16
530:1 113 6.93 3.29 6.06
024 6.85 3.20 5.09
116 7.59 3.62 4.21
214 6.74 3.00 4.25
030 7.84 3.21 3.81
Fe 2 O 3 012 a50.50320 8.16 9.12 6.16 4.46 10.38 5.19
(10 h) 104 c51.37751 10.70 4.67 4.99
BPMR 110 9.69 3.93 5.44
535:1 113 9.64 3.85 4.82
024 7.75 3.15 4.93
116 10.21 4.85 3.15
214 7.72 5.46 4.44
030 9.10 3.62 3.38
Fe 2 O 3 012 a50.5038 8.20 10.39 3.27 4.81 9.53 4.53
(15 h) 104 c51.37638 9.91 3.95 5.76
BPMR 110 10.41 5.89 5.04
535:1 113 11.66 6.41 3.79
024 10.83 4.37 3.56
116 8.87 4.25 3.61
214 12.59 5.12 2.44
030 10.72 5.26 2.58
Fe 2 O 3 012 a50.50391 10.39 9.41 5.00 4.71 6.92 4.42
(20 h) 104 c51.37664 9.27 5.17 4.94
BPMR 110 9.02 3.61 5.89
530:1 113 9.97 7.93 2.36
024 7.45 4.11 4.92
116 9.95 4.04 3.54
214 6.96 2.85 4.39
030 12.29 5.01 2.45

Mossbauer spectra for all the samples (Table 2) are ¨
2a,b, respectively. The Mossbauer spectra of different
fitted by least-square fitting programme [16] with Lorent- ball-milled a-Fe 2 O 3 samples consists of a sextet and a
zian profiles to determined the line positions, line-widths doublet.
and peak-intensities. The continuous lines represent the ¨
Mossbauer spectrum of the bulk a-Fe 2 O 3 sample,
computer fitted data, where as the dot represents the having particle size 35.2 nm according to Warren–Aver-
experimental data. The isomer shift (IS), quadrupole bach calculations, shows a six-finger pattern having IS5
splitting (QS), internal hyperfine field (Hn ), obtained from 0.41 mm / s and Hn 551.82 Tesla, which is in agreement
best fitted Mossbauer spectra lines are presented in Table with earlier findings [2]. Kundig and Bommel [2] have
2. Two typical spectra of bulk or as-supplied Fe 2 O 3 and 5 obtained only a central doublet with samples having
h ball-milled Fe 2 O 3 powder samples are shown in the Fig. particle size |18 nm or lower. They attributed the doublet
S. Bid et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 326 (2001) 292 – 297 295

Table 2
Mossbauer parameters for differently ball-milled a-Fe 2 O 3
Sample IS D12 2 D56 a QS Hn FWHM, Relative
(mm / s) (mm / s) (mm / s) (Tesla) G (mm / s) intensity (%)
Fe 2 O 3 (0 h)
Six-finger 0.41 0.22 20.08 51.82 0.34 100
Doublet – – – – – 0
Single line – – – – – 0
Fe 2 O 3 (5 h)
Six-finger 0.37 0.197 0.15 49.467 – 84.09
Doublet 0.38 – 2.33 – 0.71 15.91
Fe 2 O 3 (10 h)
Six-finger 0.48 0.008 0.087 49.13 – 80.52
Doublet 0.40 – 1.79 – 2.27 19.48
Single line – – – – – 0
Fe 2 O 3 (15 h)
Six-finger 0.37 0.01 0.27 48.89 – 77.18
Doublet 0.40 – 1.69 – 1.22 22.82
Single line – – – – – 0
Fe 2 O 3 (20 h)
Six-finger 0.35 0.167 0.038 49.867 – 74.22
Doublet 0.64 – 2.33 – 1.89 25.78
Single line – – – – – 0
(D12 2 D56 ) is the energy difference between lines 1 and 2 of the sextet, minus the energy difference between lines 5 and 6 of the sextet (line 1 is at
extreme left.) All the values of Mossbauer parameters have been calculated using a-Fe as standard.

to the superparamagnetic state. In our case, Mossbauer volume V and anisotropy energy constant K. The nature of
spectrum consisted of a sextet (predominating in intensity) ¨
the Mossbauer spectrum of magnetic nano-particles de-
and a broad central doublet for particle sizes much smaller pends on the correlation between the time of observation
than 18 nm (Table 2). However, the Mossbauer spectra of (tobs ) and that of magnetization vector relaxation (t ). For
the 5-h milled sample is best fitted with a sextet, a doublet all the samples we have obtained complex Mossbauer ¨
and a single line of very weak relative intensity (0.01%). spectra consisting of a sextet and a doublet, implying that
This single line having an IS50.64 mm / s can be attributed t (tobs . The time of relaxation t at a fixed temperature
to Fe ( 12x) O x phase. It is interesting that the relative depends both on particle volume V and anisotropic phase
intensity of the doublet increases as particle size decreases constant K. In our case particle sizes smaller than that in
(corresponding to longer milling time). So the doublet is the experiments of Kundig and Bommel [2], which should
attributed to the superparamagnetic behaviour of ferromag- lead to a predominant superparamagnetic doublet. Pre-
netic fine particles. One still needs an explanation for the dominance of the sextet in our patterns can be explained
additional presence of the sextet, that obviously indicates a through a possible variation of the anisotropy constant K
ferromagnetic ordering in the samples. Appearance of this for differently ball-milled samples presumably due to
ferromagnetic ordering can be explained either from the internal strain (Table 1).
theory of superparamagnetic relaxation or from a presence It is noted that according to the model of collective
of larger particles (at least.18 nm) in high proportion. magnetic excitations, the hyperfine magnetic field of small
However, XRD analysis does not detect such high propor- magnetic particles depends on particles size and broaden-
tion of larger particles. Therefore the only option remain- ¨
ing of the Mossbauer lines can be explained by a particle
ing is to explain the appearance of sextet from the theory size distribution [17,18]. The magnetic splitting in a
of superparamgnetic relaxation. The superparamgnetic ¨
Mossbauer spectrum of small magnetic particles is general-
relaxation time is given by ly smaller than that found in a microcrystal and if the
samples contain a broad size distribution, the magnetic
t 5 t0 exp(KV/kT ) (1)
splitting of the spectra of those particles will be different.
where t0 depends only slightly on temperature and is of the Superposition of all these spectra give rise to asymmetric
order of 10 29 –10 212 , k is Boltzmann constant, T is the ¨
and broadened Mossbauer pattern. In the present experi-
temperature, K is the magnetic anisotropic energy constant, ment, hyperfine field (Hn ) obtained for the fine particle is
and V is the volume of the particle. Now the time of |49 Tesla, that for bulk sample H is |51.8 Tesla, and the
relaxation t at a fixed temperature depends both on particle lines are asymmetric and broadened. The reduction in Hn ,
296 S. Bid et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 326 (2001) 292 – 297

Fig. 2. (a) Mossbauer ¨
spectrum of bulk or as-supplied Fe 2 O 3 . (b) Mossbauer spectrum of 5 h ball-milled Fe 2 O 3 .

broadening of lines and asymmetry of line shape suggest Acknowledgements

not only a broad particle size distribution but also a
fluctuation of the magnetization vector in a direction close S. Bid thanks the West Bengal (India) State Fund
to the easy direction leading to the so-called collective Fellowship (JRF); A. Banerjee and S. Kumar thank to the
magnetic excitations. UGC, Government of India, for financial support.
S. Bid et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 326 (2001) 292 – 297 297

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