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Camiguin is known to the island “Born of Fire”. The name Camiguin is

derived from the native word “kamagong”, a species of ebony tree. It
has seven volcanoes and several volcanic domes. Volcanic eruptions
and land movement have created this spectacular island which is full of
natural wonders and historical riches. You can find Camiguin province
in Region X, Northern Mindanao. Ferdinand Magellan and Miguel Lopez
de Legaspi landed in Camiguin since 1521 until 1565 respectively.
Moreover, in order to get there if you’re from afar example like Cebu
you can have a flight to Camiguin Airport while on the other side many

travellers chooses to board a ferry from Cagayan de Oro to experience

more about our wonderful nature.

I myself, had already go to Camiguin Island due to Athletic event

since I’m an Athlete that time. My expectations before I go there is, this
place is not a an island since I don’t have any idea that time about that
place and I expect we don’t have to board a ferry but to my surprise we
get into the ferry and our travel as I was not mistaken it lasts 1hour and
half. Moreover my other expectations is that, the prices of the products
wouldn’t be expensive and normal like what I used to know from my
place, also it I expect that it only has 2 volcanoes, and you can just go to
the volcano without any restrictions or what. Since I don’t hear about
this place before that’s what I only expected but when I got there I’m
shocked because when we arrived many people welcome us, I also see
some food stalls nearby that I don’t usually see from our place or its
rare but I its quite expensive because of some ingredients that they
need to buy from other places. Then, when we finally know about
volcanoes it shooked me because its not only 2 as what I’ve expected
but its seven volcanoes. I also observed that they are very strict about
the rules when you want to visit the volcanoes. In addition, Camiguin
Island wasn’t that so big in reality, the size of it is normal and from afar
you can’t be able to see the volcanoes because its not that big as what i
have thought, it’s like they are hiding that’s why it urged you more to
go and look for it.

Based on the people I’ve asked about Camiguin island, 8 out of 10

describe it positively and you can really see from their eyes that
Camiguin island satisfied them. Moreover, I have a classmate before
and she lives in there and she said that the water there was really cold
and I agree with that since I also experienced it.

The Camiguin culture is a mixture of both Boholano and Cebuano

culture. It is very colorful and creative. The people are deeply religious,
hospitable and friendly. “Bisaya” is the major dialect in the Province.
Camiguin is also famous for its craftworks. Blessed with a natural
artistry and abundance of a variety of handicraft materials, the people
have long been making baskets, pottery, metal works and other
products. The people of Camiguin are called “Camiguingnons”. They are
fun-loving, deeply religious, friendly, hospitable and very hardworking
people. Most of them trace their roots to Bohol and Cebu. Camiguin is
known to have the sweetest lanzones in the world. Every Holy Week,
thousand from across the country and the world also trek to Camiguin
to celebrate the Panaad. The Panaad, a Cebuano term that means
Commitment, is an annual religious Christian celebration in memory of
Christ’s sacrifice for man’s salvation.
As I’ve got in Camiguin I can say that even though I only stayed
there for only one week but the satisfaction I felt was so filled and that
place was very nice. The happenings I cannot forget there is their
Pastel bread, it has a filling yema and ube and it’s really delicious and I
buy many of it and also I cannot forget the barriers they put at the side
of the road since it’s dangerous when landslide happen because it’s like
a mountain, also you can see the view when your are riding a
transportation, the view of ocean is so nice and satisfying to see and
lastly the people there, they are really kind and cheerful. I want to go
back there if I have enough time

As a conclusion, Camiguin Island was really nice and you can really
chill when you get there but much better if you will be the one who will
go there and experience what I have experience. Travelling was really
nice and it you can explore and know more things when you go some
many places. You will be able to explore more and learned different
culture, traditions etc.

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