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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111797

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Bioenergy production from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste

and sewage sludge using mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion: An
experimental and kinetic modeling study
Afsane Sedighi a, Mohsen Karrabi a, *, Bahar Shahnavaz b, Morteza Mostafavinezhad c
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khavaran Institute of Higher Education of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Keywords: Following the rapid surge in global demand for energy as well as the rising generation of municipal solid waste
Methane (MSW) worldwide, much more attention has been drawn to sustainable waste management solutions to tackle
Anaerobic both problems. The present study investigated the potential for biogas production from the anaerobic co-
digestion (ACD) of the organic fraction of MSW (OFMSW) and sewage sludge after physical and chemical pre­
Solid waste
Sewage sludge
treatments at three inoculum-to-substrate (I/S) ratios (ISR: 2, 4, & 6) and three levels of total solids (TS: 3, 5, &
Kinetic 7%). A series of experiments were further carried out in laboratory-scale (1-L) single-stage digesters in batch
mode at the temperature of 35 ◦ C (viz. Under mesophilic conditions) for 50 days. The results demonstrated that
the digestion produced the best outputs at TS = 5% and ISR = 2, whereby it offered the biogas yield of 0.697, the
methane (CH4) production of 0.448 m3/Kg-volatile solid (VS)added, and the total VS (TVS) removal by 65%.
Moreover, it was observed that most reactors with TS = 7% encountered the phase separation problem while
augmenting the TS content from 3 to 5% increased the biogas yield and CH4 production. The kinetic study of the
mesophilic ACD additionally showed that both models of modified Gompertz (GM) equation and logistic function
(LF) provided a reasonably accurate description of biogas production, but the first-order (FO) model failed in this
task. Furthermore, the amount of sludge (namely, ISR) in the digester enlarged and the models showed a better
fit to the experimental data.

incineration or landfilling, to prevent air and groundwater pollution.

This has accordingly drawn much more attention to ACD as a process for
1. Introduction sludge disposal, which offers features such as the excellent stabilization
of organic matter (OM) and pathogenic microorganisms as well as
Statistics show that the global generation of municipal solid waste biogas production [3].
(MSW) is increasing at an annual rate of 2–3%. Indeed, waste manage­ Considering the finite nature of non-renewable energy sources (most
ment has long been one of the major challenges facing urban manage­ importantly, fossil fuels), their frequent price fluctuations, and rising
ment in big cities [1]. Among the components constituting MSW, its awareness about the environmental impacts of greenhouse gas (GHG)
organic fraction (OF), which contains food waste, paper products, and emissions, energy and environment policy-makers have long searched
green waste, can be decomposed through the biochemical process, for alternative energy sources with high renewability as well as effec­
called anaerobic co-digestion (ACD), inducing biogas as the final prod­ tiveness in soothing environmental concerns and preventing climate
uct [2]. In addition to MSW, cities also produce other types of wastes change [4]. Over recent years, growing attention has been directed to­
such as a large amount of sludge from municipal wastewater treatment ward the energy generation potentials of biomass resources including
plants, which can impose substantial treatment and disposal costs on MSW and sewage sludge, which are estimated to account for over 20% of
urban management organizations. In recent years, some limitations the world’s total energy supply in 2020 [1]. As compared with other
have been placed on common sewage-sludge disposal methods, such as

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Sedighi), (M. Karrabi), (B. Shahnavaz), morteza.mostafavinezhad@ (M. Mostafavinezhad).
Received 7 July 2021; Received in revised form 18 September 2021; Accepted 17 October 2021
Available online 23 October 2021
1364-0321/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Sedighi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111797

Nomeclature CRD Randomized Design Completely

FO First Order Model
TS Total solid (% of waste) MG Modified Gompertz Model
VS Volatile Solids (% of TS) LF Logistic Function Model
TVS Total Volatile Solids S (m3/kg-VS) Maximum Biogas Production
ISR Inoculum to Substrste Ratio (VS/VS) Rm Maximum Cumulative Biogas Production rate (m3/kg-VS.
pH Power of Hydrogen (− ) d)
MSW Municiple Solid Waste λ Lag phase (d)
OFMSW Organic Fraction of Municiple Solid Waste k Reaction Rate Constant (d− 1)
AD Anaerobic digestion t Time (d)
ACD Anaerobic co-digestion RMSE Root Mean Square Error (m3/kg-VS)
FAs Fatty Acids i Data Point
CNR Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio (− )

renewable energies, the use of these biomass resources has advantages, that thermophilic reactors could offer higher digestion performance and
such as (i) universal availability, (ii) no environmental problems lower digestion duration [14]. However, Guo et al. (2018) had reported
including GHG emissions, (iii) clean energy production, and (iv) that certain acetoclastic-methanogenic and propionate-butyrate oxida­
recruitment of simple technologies for conversion purposes [4,5]. tive activities during the AD of food waste had been significantly higher
Within ACD, anaerobic bacteria decompose OM in the absence of oxygen in mesophilic reactors. Under mesophilic conditions, the particles of
(O), producing biogas, such as methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). 1–2 mm in diameter had also formed crystalline calcium complexes,
Thanks to its biochemical nature and complex reactions, the ACD effi­ which had mitigated the inhibitory effect of long-chain FAs during AD. It
ciency can be affected by various factors, such as the had become clear that both temperature regimes could be suitable,
inoculum-to-substrate (I/S) ratio (ISR), carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio depending on substrate and retention time. In other words, the ther­
(CNR), moisture content, digestion duration, process temperature, po­ mophilic condition could be more appropriate for the digestion of
tential hydrogen (pH), alkalinity, and volatile matter percentage [6]. high-fiber biomasses with short retention times, while the mesophilic
In Izumi et al. (2010), reflecting on biogas production from food condition could be preferred for the digestion of biodegradable mate­
waste and the effect of particle size on its performance, waste crushing rials with a long retention time [15]. Given the raw nature of OMs, the
had increased its solubility by 30%, but too much particle size reduction AD of the wastes that included such materials may thus affect
could lead to the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (FAs), which could biochemical reactions, especially at the hydrolysis, acidogenesis, ace­
ultimately result in reduced solubility and lower CH4 production [7]. As togenesis, and methanogenesis stages. However, the ACD of certain
well, Parra et al. (2016) investigating the effect of mixing ratio on the wastes (including MSW and sewage sludge) together may improve the
ACD of municipal bio-waste with domestic wastewater sludge had re­ process at various stages and boost biogas production efficiency [16].
ported that using particles smaller than 2 mm had resulted in 0.128 In general, widespread access to fossil fuel resources, as well as the
L/g-volatile solid (VS) (~19%) more CH4 production from reactors very low costs of energy carriers, has thus far made energy decision-
compared with larger particles [8]. Brown et al. (2012) had also makers reluctant to develop renewable energies. This has also led to
examined the process of biogas production from the co-digestion of food growing consumption of fossil fuels and consequently environmental
and backyard wastes with different mixing ratios and had analyzed how damage. In addition, in countries such as Iran, the food industry is not
it would be affected by the use of different feedstock-to-inoculum (F/I) sufficiently developed in terms of proper food processing and packaging,
ratios (FIRs) [9]. and the culture of food consumption has given rise to the burial of a
Chen et al. (2014) had correspondingly studied the application of large number of biodegradable food materials along with MSW in
food and green waste mixtures at six different ratios for biogas pro­ landfills. This can undoubtedly increase GHG emissions and contami­
duction. They had reported that as the food waste percentage in the nate groundwater resources [17,18]. In the meantime, conducting
feedstock had increased, so did the CH4 yield, but the retention time had fundamental and applied research on biomass resources and sustainable
declined once the green waste percentage had augmented. After energy development can influence government approaches toward new
selecting the food waste-green waste ratio of 40:60 as the optimal energy sources. As little research has been so far conducted on the ACD
mixing one, they had also examined the effect of the total solid (TS) level of OFMSW along with sewage sludge, the effect of two parameters, viz.
at the range of 5–25%. During this examination, they had found that CH4 TS and ISR, on co-digestion performance was simultaneously investi­
production had been higher in the digestion with lower moisture gated in this study. In addition, the ACD kinetics, less examined in
(namely, higher TS levels) [10]. Alrawashdeh et al. (2017) had similarly previous works, was explored to simulate biogas production. Of note,
reported that the co-digestion of untreated sludge and the OFMSW had the most widely used kinetic model in AD has been the first-order (FO)
resulted in up to 36% higher biogas production and 94% higher CH4 equation, which provides information on the rate constant of hydrolysis.
content than the individual activated sludge digestion [11]. Moreover, However, this model fails to assess some very important aspects, espe­
Keucken et al. (2018) had established that the ACD of mixed sludge and cially operating batch-mode anaerobic reactors. Therefore, predicting
OFMSW at a ratio of 1:1, based on the VS levels, had led to stable mi­ biomass decomposition behavior and its relationship with AD
crobial activity and rapid adaptation to acetate degradation, thus by-products (mainly, CH4 production) has doubled the need to use other
resulting in higher CH4 production compared with the individual acti­ kinetic models. In this regard, some models have been developed to
vated sludge digestion [12]. As well, Duan et al. (2012), investigating demonstrate the important features of AD, including the lag phase of
the anaerobic digestion (AD) of sewage sludge had reported that biogas production as well as the daily biogas yield. For this purpose, the
increasing the TS level from 10 to 15% had boosted the CH4 yield by present study aimed to (i) investigate the potential for biogas production
7.4% and then reduced the removal of organic solids by 6% [13]. from the mesophilic ACD of OFMSW together with sewage sludge, (ii)
In order to compare thermophilic and mesophilic AD, Ince et al. evaluate the effect of TS at three levels (viz. 3, 5, & 7%), and ISRs (that
(2017) had further applied maximum organic loads onto two thermo­ is, 2, 4, & 6%) on ACD, and (iii) present the kinetic modeling of biogas
philic (55 ◦ C) and mesophilic (35 ◦ C) reactors. They had further found production using models such as FO, logistic function (LF), and modified

A. Sedighi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111797

Gompertz (MG). 2.2. Experiment procedure

2. Materials and methods Upon preparing both substrate and inoculum, moisture, TS, and TVS
contents, they were measured using the standard methods instructed by
In this study, the anaerobic sludge from a municipal wastewater the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-821-R-01-
treatment plant was used as the inoculum and the OFMSW was utilized 015, alkalinity was calculated as instructed in the American Public
as the substrate of ACD. In general, ACD could be performed at one or Health Association (APHA) 2017, pH was determined via a Hanna
multiple stages and under dry or wet conditions, in thermophilic (HI98194-USA) multi-parameter probe, and the CNR was established
(50–60 ◦ C) or mesophilic (30–40 ◦ C) conditions, and continuously or in through the standard method of APHA (namely, CHNS experiment)
batch modes [19,20]. In this study, ACD was completed at the [23]. The experiments were also developed using a completely ran­
single-stage batch mode under wet and mesophilic (35 ◦ C) conditions. domized factorial design for two factors of ISRs (viz. 2, 4, & 6) and TS at
The raw materials were also subjected to physical pretreatment (i.e., three levels (i.e., 3, 5, 7%) with three replications and three control
crushing to increase contact surface) as well as chemical pretreatment samples. The experiments were further conducted in 36 pre-designed
(namely, adjusting pH and alkalinity) to optimize the process conditions anaerobic digesters. The quantity of each material to be placed in
for maximum biogas production. In this study, the effects of ISR (at 2, 4, each digester was also determined based on the target ISR and TS levels
& 6%) and TS levels (at 3, 5, & 7%) on the biogas production were and the effective volume of the digesters (700 mL). It should be noted
further investigated in laboratory-scale (1-L) digesters. The CNR was that some treatments required sludge concentration, which was done by
also tested before loading. The TS level, total VS (TVS) content, pH, and the use of a JB-Eliminator vacuum pump (DV-6E-250 – USA), an
alkalinity were then measured at the retention times of 5, 15, and 50 Erlenmeyer vacuum flask, a Buchner funnel, and Whatman filter papers.
days. Of note, the biogas production and the CH4 content were measured In addition, the previously collected supernatant was utilized to provide
every day. the required moisture for some treatments. With regard to the low pH of
the raw materials (i.e., 6.2 for the sludge and 6.9 for the OFMSW) and
2.1. Specifications of raw materials the possibility of further pH drop during acidogenesis, which could
result in insufficient intrinsic alkalinity (due to insufficient protein
During the ACD in this study, the substrate was OFMSW. To prepare compounds), a chemical pretreatment was performed by adding 7 M
this substrate, five fresh waste samples were collected from the Waste sodium hydroxide (NaOH, Merck – Germany) solution until a pH of 7.5
Management Organization of Mashhad Municipality (Mashhad, Iran) was reached. For each group of digesters (that is, 9 groups), a control
and 2 Kg of each one were mixed to reach a completely random 10 Kg digester containing sludge with similar characteristics was also consid­
final sample [21]. The ratio of different components in this waste after ered. The information obtained from these control digesters was
separation and weighing is illustrated in Table 1. This waste contained consequently employed to assess the changes in the biogas production
non-degradable components such as plastics, glasses, and metals, which process.
had to be separated and discarded. To prepare the waste for ACD, all the As mentioned, biogas production and CH4 content were measured on
materials were crushed until reaching a homogenous mix of particles a daily basis. Given the difficulty of installing a drain valve on each 1-L
smaller than 2 mm. The crushed materials were then stored in a sealed reactor and the possibility of errors due to the large volume of samples
plastic container at 4 ◦ C for 24 h before loading into the digesters [22]. relative to the total volume, TS and TVS contents, as well as pH and
The inoculum of the ACD in this study was the sludge from a alkalinity were measured in two other reactors under the same condi­
municipal wastewater treatment plant. To prepare this inoculum, 150 L tions at the retention times of 5, 15, and 50 days at each stage of the
of anaerobic sludge was collected from a municipal wastewater treat­ experiment. The experiment was further carried out using a semi-
ment plant located in the city of Torqabeh (Mashhad, Iran) and then automatic system built at the Environmental Engineering Laboratory
transferred to the Environmental Engineering Laboratory of the Fer­ of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. The main com­
dowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. To ensure full anaerobi­ ponents of this system included a set of reactors, biogas collection and
cization of the sludge and prevent impurities (i.e., nutrients) to affect the storage bags, and water baths (as a system for digester temperature
experiments, the sludge was stored in a sealed plastic container under control).
anaerobic conditions for 1 month at room temperature (with an average As shown in Fig. 1, 1-L glass digesters (DURAN®– Germany) were
of 18 ◦ C). The main purpose during this process was to make sure that all firstly coupled via pneumatic connections to 2-L gas collection bags.
the nutrients were consumed by microorganisms and the sludge could Inside the digesters, washers and silicone adhesives were also used to
reach the endogenous phase. After this, the supernatant was removed to prevent biogas leakage from inside and air infiltration from outside in
obtain a more concentrated sludge with higher TS levels. The product order to create completely anaerobic conditions. All 1-L reactors were
was subsequently mixed until perfect homogeneity was reached. further loaded to an effective volume of 0.7 L to reach a 1:1 reactor
Following this process, 40 L of the prepared sludge was separated and diameter to height ratio. To generate an anaerobic environment, first,
placed in sealed plastic containers at 4 ◦ C, for 24 h, before digestion the air inside the contents of the reactor was vacuumed out by a JB-
[22]. Eliminator vacuum pump (DV-6E-250 – USA), and then the remaining
air was taken out by injecting nitrogen gas through a V-shaped (namely,
two-way) fitting installed above the lid of the reactors. To keep the re­
actors at 35 ◦ C, a 200-L insulated water bath with a water circulator was
made in the laboratory environment. The temperature of this water bath
was also controlled by a precise electrical circuit (RTD temperature
Table 1 sensor, Autonics TC4y thermostat – South Korea, 100mc contactor, two
The composition of OFMSW used in the present study. 2000-W industrial elements) with a maximum variation of ±0.5 ◦ C [22].
Components Values (%) The produced biogas was stored in a series of bags made from
corrosion-resistant plastic, which were then connected to the digesters.
Fruit waste 35
Vegetable waste 20
The volume of biogas produced was further measured by vacuuming the
Protein products 5 bags with a 60-mL syringe [24]. As well, CH4 production analysis was
Cellulose products 5 performed using the method developed in Kaluza et al. (2014) by
Carbohydrates 15 titration [25]. For this purpose, 5 mL of the produced biogas was
Inseparable and identifiable materials 20
injected into 7 M NaOH solution in an Einhorn’s saccharometer. Given

A. Sedighi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111797

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the anaerobic bioreactor, 1) Electric circuit with temperature display, 2) External heating tank, 3) Element (2000w), 4) Submersible
pump, 5) RTD temperature Sensor, 6) Discharge valve, 7) Baffle, 8) Digester, 9) Pneumatic connections, 10) Three way stopcock, 11) Gas storage bag [22].

the rapid dissolution of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and CO2 (namely, other regression [34], in such a way as to achieve the highest fit to the
gasses in the produced biogas) in a strong base solution, the gas that experimental data [32]. During this regression process, the coefficient of
remained after this process was considered to be completely CH4 [19]. determination (R2) and the root mean square error (RMSE) (Equation
(4)) were further employed as the measure of the model’s ability to
predict cumulative biogas production [35,36].
2.3. Kinetic modeling √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
√N ( )2
It should be noted that the ACD of OFMSW and sewage sludge pro­ √
√i=1 Se,i − Sm,i
duces some biogas, which can serve as a renewable energy source. The RMSE = (4)
kinetic analysis of this ACD is also essential for predicting its biogas
production behavior [26]. The mathematical modeling in the kinetic wherein Se,i represents the biogas yield measured in the experiment, Sm,i
process is thus crucial for ACD performance optimization, simulation, refers to the biogas yield simulated by the model, and N indicates a
and monitoring [27]. In this study, the kinetics of the biogas production number of measurements (namely, data points). The lowest RMSE value
process was modeled with MG, LF, and FO equations, and the resulting also suggested the highest compliance of the model with the experi­
models were utilized to simulate the cumulative biogas production. Each mental data.
of these models had its own advantages. For example, while the FO
model (Equation (1)) could give more detailed information on the hy­ 3. Results and discussion
drolysis rate constant, the MG model (Equation (2)) could provide more
information on the lag period and the maximum biogas production rate, The results of the experiments performed to determine the moisture
which could be employed to optimize process design parameters content, TS, TVS, alkalinity, pH, and CNR are provided in Table 2. Upon
[28–32]. The LF model (Equation (3)) was further suitable for an initial preparing the raw materials and mixing them based on the target ISRs
exponential increase, leading to stabilization at the highest biogas pro­ and TS levels, a few preliminary tests were performed to measure pH and
duction levels [33]. alkalinity inside the digesters (Table 3), revealing that the alkalinity and
S(t) = S.(1 − exp(− k.t)) (1) pH of the environment would fall outside the optimal range for the ac­
tivity of methanogenic bacteria right from the beginning of the experi­
( (
)) ment. Therefore, to ensure ACD in all treatments with different ISRs and
S(t) = S.exp − exp .exp(λ − t) + 1 (2) TS levels, it was necessary to adjust the alkalinity and pH of the raw
materials, which was fulfilled by conducting an alkaline pretreatment
S with concentrated NaOH to adjust the pH of all treatments to 7.5 and
S(t) = ( ) (3)
1 + exp S
(λ − t) + 2
Table 2
where S(t) refers to the cumulative biogas production at time t (m3/kg- The specifications of OFMSW and anaerobic sludge.
VS), S stands for the maximum biogas production (m3/kg-VS), Rm rep­ parameter OFMSW Sewage sludge
resents the maximum cumulative biogas production rate (m3/kg-VS.d), Total Solids (%) 16 ± 0.5 3 ± 0.2
λ shows the lag period before the start of biogas production (d), k de­ Volatile Solids (%) 93 ± 3 75 ± 2
notes the FO reaction rate constant (d− 1), and t suggests the time for pH 6.9 ± 0.1 6.2 ± 0.1
which the process has been in progress (d). For these equations, the Alkalinity (mg/l CaCO3) 1800 ± 85 1250 ± 55
C/N ratio 33.2 ± 2.5 14.9 ± 1.4
kinetic parameters of Rm, λ, and k were estimated via a nonlinear

A. Sedighi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111797

Table 3
The specifications of treatments before feeding and at the beginning of the anaerobic process.
ISR 3 Total Solids (%) 7

2 4 6 2 4 6 2 4 6

Before feeding pH 6.4 ± 0.1 6.3 ± 0.1 6.1 ± 0.1 6.7 ± 0.1 6.5 ± 0.1 6.4 ± 0.1 7 ± 0.1 6.7 ± 0.1 6.4 ± 0.1
Alkalinity (mg/l as 1450 ± 65 1350 ± 60 1200 ± 42 1650 ± 75 1600 ± 72 1500 ± 68 2100 ± 1750 ± 80 1600 ± 72
CaCO3) 105
pH 7.5 ± 0.1 7.5 ± 0.1 7.5 ± 0.1 7.5 ± 0.1 7.5 ± 0.1 7.5 ± 0.1 7.5 ± 0.1 7.5 ± 0.1 7.5 ± 0.1
Fed-batch Alkalinity (mg/l as 2200 ± 2200 ± 2100 ± 2350 ± 2250 ± 2200 ± 2500 ± 2350 ± 2200 ±
reactors CaCO3) 130 130 120 140 135 130 150 140 130
TVS (%) 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77
TVS (gr) 16 16 16 27 27 27 38 38 38
NaOH added (gr/l) 0.57 0.59 0.71 0.65 0.53 0.54 0.33 0.53 0.45

their alkalinity to 2300 ± 200, as shown in Table 3. Accordingly, the TVS additionally supported this argument. It is worth noting that both CNR
content of all treatments was 77%. and VS had a deep impact on ACD. Moreover, C could further increase
CH4 production capacity, and N did the same by augmenting the
3.1. CH4 production metabolism in the materials being digested. Reaching the best results at
ISR = 6 could be also due to the high amount of N compared with C in
Fig. 2 shows the diagram of cumulative CH4 production for different municipal wastewater, which resulted in more active reaction, degra­
TS levels and ISRs. At TS = 3%, the highest CH4 production (6847 mL) dation, and digestion of the materials in this wastewater, and ultimately
occurred at ISR = 6. There was also no significant difference between the produced more CH4 [37–39]. To generate more CH4, the raw materials
amount of CH4 produced at ISRs = 4 and 2, indicating the effect of the needed to have a large VS content. While CNR and VS level were both
population of anaerobic bacteria on CH4 production, because the pres­ higher in OFMSW than in sewage sludge, the digesters that contained
ence of larger populations of these bacteria could increase the anaerobic more sludge at TS = 3% produced more CH4, because the population of
reactions, thereby leading to a faster decline in TVS content and more microorganisms could have a greater impact on biogas production
biogas production. The TVS reduction rate observed at different ISRs where there were fewer microorganisms and nutrients at lower

Fig. 2. Cumulative CH4 production and yield at the TS levels of (a) 3, (b) 5, and (c) 7%.

A. Sedighi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111797

concentrations (that is, higher moisture contents). of FAs produced during the decomposition phase, leading to higher pH.
Biogas production and CH4 content could be also influenced by The same trend was also observed at ISR = 4; but, at ISR = 6, the initial
several other factors including pH and alkalinity. During the experi­ pH drop in the hydrolysis and acidogenesis phases was smaller than that
ments in this study, biogas production showed a decreasing trend after at ISRs = 2 and 4, probably due to the higher concentration of NaOH
the first day. Given the decrease in pH and alkalinity (Fig. 3), the growth injected into this digester. Furthermore, at ISR = 6, the 45% increase in
and activity of acidogenic microorganisms were also much faster than alkalinity on the fifteenth day indicated the faster onset of the meth­
methanogenic ones, leading to the slight acidification of the environ­ anogenesis phase and the better activity of microorganisms during this
ment. In Borowski (2015), reflecting on the co-digestion of OFMSW and phase thanks to the presence of better conditions compared with other
sewage sludge, it had been further reported that the hydrolysis of the digesters, which had led to an escalation in biogas production. Ac­
compounds in the early days and then CO2 production during acido­ cording to Zupancic et al. (2012), the optimal pH ranges for acidogenic
genesis could lower pH, and thus reduce biogas production [40]. After and methanogenic microorganisms were respectively 5.2–6.3 and
some time, the acidogenesis phase could end and the population of 6.7–7.5 [44]. Therefore, the better results of ISR = 6 and TS = 3% could
methanogenic microorganisms could start to adapt and grow; as well, be attributed to more suitable pH and alkalinity conditions for the
volatile FAs could be consumed, and pH and alkalinity could start to growth and activity of methanogenic microorganisms (because of the
increase (due to ammonia [NH3] production), resulting in higher biogas NaOH concentration injected into the alkaline pretreatment process).
production. The studies carried out by Fonoll et al. (2015) and Siciliano At TS = 5%, the highest CH4 production and the highest VS removal
et al. (2016) had similarly reported a surge in pH and biogas production rates were further related to ISRs = 2, 4, and 6, respectively, which was
following acid consumption [41,42]. Therefore, pH in the digestion the opposite of what occurred at TS = 3% (wherein ISR = 6 had the
environment could be assumed as an important indicator of digestion highest CH4 production). To explain the better results of TS = 5%
optimality and stability. compared with TS = 3%, firstly, it was argued that the higher dilution of
At ISR = 2, biogas production started to drop after the first day and the digesters with TS = 3% had reduced the microbial population and its
this trend continued until the thirteenth day, but then started to in­ required substrate, resulting in lower biogas and CH4 production. Sec­
crease. According to the pH and alkalinity measurements made on the ondly, the quality of the substrate in terms of CNR and VS level could
fifth and fifteenth days, the pH of this treatment also started to elevate play a more decisive role in CH4 yield because of the larger microbial
roughly on the thirteenth day. Kangle et al. (2012) had further shown population at TS = 5%. As well, given the better quality of the substrate
that the decomposition of OM, especially proteins and N-containing at ISR = 2 compared with ISR = 4 and at ISR = 4 compared with ISR = 6,
substances in a digester, could produce NH3, which could amplify the the best digesters in terms of biogas and CH4 production and primary
alkalinity of the environment [43]. In the present study, a 30% rise in CH4 yield were those with ISR = 2 and then ISR = 4 above those with
alkalinity on the fifteenth day additionally prevented the accumulation ISR = 6 (Table 4). In Ahmadi Pirloo et al. (2017), the ACD of MSW and

Fig. 3. pH and alkalinity at the TS levels of (a) 3, (b) 5, and (c) 7%.

A. Sedighi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111797

Table 4
CNR at the onset and end of ACD.
Total Solids (%)

3 5 7

C/N ISR 2 4 6 2 4 6 2 4 6
Fed-batch reactors 20.8 ± 1.2 19.6 ± 1.5 18.5 ± 1.1 27.5 ± 1.7 24.8 ± 1.5 20.2 ± 1.1 20.4 ± 1.1 19.2 ± 0.9 18.8 ± 0.8
End of process 12.9 ± 0.5 10.4 ± 0.4 11.5 ± 0.5 10.6 ± 0.4 13.2 ± 0.6 9.8 ± 0.4 11.7 ± 0.5 9.3 ± 0.4 10.4 ± 0.4

sewage sludge with four mixing ratios (viz. 50:50, 40:60, 20:80, & The observations made during the experiment (an example is dis­
10:90) had been also investigated at 37 ◦ C for 30 days, and the optimal played in Fig. 4) showed that the high concentration of the load in a
MSW-sewage sludge ratio had been determined by 40:60. Based on this small digestion environment without a stirrer in the digesters with TS =
ratio, the effect of TS levels of 5, 10, 15, and 20% had been also 7% and ISRs = 2 or 6 resulted in the separation of its materials into a
examined, revealing that CH4 yield was higher at the TS content of 5%. solid phase (viz. sediments at the bottom), a liquid phase (namely, semi-
These researchers had further reported that biogas and CH4 production opaque phase in the middle) and a semi-solid phase (floating above the
had respectively increased by 15 and 18% after pretreating the feedstock liquid phase) on the early days of the process. At ISR = 4, this occurred
that had TS = 5% with 6% (by the weight of raw material) NaOH [45]. well after the early days of the process (in the middle). In any case, this
However, the best results in this regard had been obtained at TS = 7% in separation reduced the contact surface between the materials in the
the studies by Cesaro et al. (2012) and Patil et al. (2014) [46,47]. reactor and decreased the effective digestion volume.
It should be noted that the treatment with ISR = 6 reached its CH4
yield at TS = 5 and 3% within a shorter retention time. In Boulanger 3.2. Kinetic study
et al. (2012), examining the ACD of MSW, it had been also reported that
increasing ISR had boosted CH4 yield and decreased the retention time, Fig. 5 displays the fit of the FO, MG, and LF models to the experi­
attributed to the reduced risk of inhibition due to pH drop and the mental data (namely, cumulative biogas production) at TS = 3% for
increased population of methanogenic bacteria [48]. In the present ISRs = 2, 4, and 6 as well as the control sample (i.e., sludge). These
study, the growth in biogas and CH4 production after the initial reduc­ results revealed that the models had a better fit to the experimental data
tion started from the fifth day. Considering the rise in pH and alkalinity as ISR and the amount of sludge in the digester increased. Indeed, the
between the fifth and fifteenth days, it was concluded that the reactors best fit to the experimental data with the lowest RMSE was associated
left the acidogenesis phase and the methanogenic bacteria started to with the sludge as the control sample, due to the presence of more
consume the produced acids on the fifth day. With the onset of CH4 anaerobic microorganisms in the digesters with higher ISR. As the
generation in the reactor, the volatile FAs produced at the previous stage amount of the sludge relative to the substrate in the digester elevated,
were metabolized by CH4-producing bacteria and their amount in the the lag phase of the experimental curve (viz. the roughly horizontal part
reactor was reduced. According to a study carried out by Panigrahi et al. of the curve before the twentieth day) drastically shortened so that this
(2020), CNR decreased, resulting in higher NH3 production, which led to part was removed for the control sample, allowing the models to achieve
an increase in pH as well as the optimization of the CH4 production a better fit to the experimental data.
process [36]. At ISR = 4 and 6, the increasing trend of biogas and CH4 The results also established that the worst fit to the experimental
production also started from the sixth day, which was as a result of the data in all cases belonged to the FO model and the best fit was for the LF
consumption of the volatile FAs by methanogenic bacteria, considering one, which could always perform slightly better than the MG equation in
the rise in pH between the fifth and the fifteenth days. In Zhang et al. this respect. It should be noted that here the best model was in the one
(2011), upon reaching the methanogenesis phase of the digestion pro­ with the highest R2 and the lowest RMSE values, indicating its better
cess, NH3 concentration in the environment elevated and the pH rose to performance in explaining general variations in the data [33]. The ki­
even above 8 [49]. In a study conducted by Kumar et al. (2021), it had netic parameters calculated in the modeling process are given in Table 5.
been also reported that pH at the range of 6.8–7.2 could result in stable Accordingly, there was only a small difference between the RMSE of the
CH4 production [50]. Given the obtained results and the similarity of the MG and LF models, but they were notably lower than the values of the
pH and alkalinity trends at TS = 5% (Fig. 3), the better outputs obtained FO model. The λ value was also at the range of 1–2 days in all cases
from the digester with ISR = 2 compared with other ISRs could be except for the control sample. This suggested that the microorganisms
attributed to the difference between their CNRs. had a lag of 1–2 days before starting to decompose the substrate and
In the reactors with TS = 7% and ISRs = 2 or 6, a sharp pH drop one produce the biogas. As presented in Table 5, the reaction rate constant
the early days (because of the activity of the microorganisms at the (k) rose as the ISR and the amount of sludge in the digesters increased.
hydrolysis and acidogenesis phases) caused the pH of the environment Since a larger k indicated a higher biodegradation rate, this might prove
to fall outside the suitable range for the activity of methanogenic mi­ the effect of microbial population on the biogas production rate [51].
croorganisms (that is, pH from 6 to 8). This led to the reduced activity of The highest Rm values given by the MG (24.35 m3/kg-VS.d) and LF
methanogenic microorganisms compared with acidogenic ones and the (22.33 m3/kg-VS.d) models were thus related to ISR = 6, which had the
accumulation of acid in the digester (Fig. 3), resulting in a substantial highest cumulative biogas yield.
reduction in CH4 production throughout the digestion period. The As shown in Fig. 6, the models exhibit a better fit to the experimental
reduction was so severe that the digesters could not even match the data at TS = 5% than TS = 3%. At TS = 5%, the MG model accordingly
production rates of the control ones. In the reactor with TS = 7% and produced accurate cumulative biogas production estimates for all ISRs
ISR = 4, however, the pH drop on the early days was not severe enough and sludge amounts, and its outputs had the highest consistency with the
to halt the activity of methanogenic microorganisms (that is, it remained experimental data (namely, the lowest RMSE). At this TS level, the es­
above 6). Over time, the activity of these microorganisms increased timates of the LF model were also highly corresponding to the experi­
alkalinity by 25%, which also augmented pH. The better control of mental data, and even the FO model produced somewhat acceptable
conditions (viz. pH and alkalinity) in this digester could be due to the biogas production estimates. As presented in Table 6, at TS = 5%, λ was
higher amount of NaOH injected into the alkaline pretreatment stage, mostly zero, indicating no lag in biogas production. This could be due to
which created more resistance to pH drop on the early days, and the presence of more anaerobic sludge in the digester compared with TS
consequently led to the better activity of methanogenic microorganisms = 3%, which allowed biogas production to take place even before the
in the following period. substrate was introduced. As with TS = 3%, the reaction rate constant

A. Sedighi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111797

Fig. 4. The phase separation of digester contents with TS = 7% into three distinct layers.

Fig. 5. Kinetic models and experimental data in TS = 3% for the ISRs of (a) 2, (b) 4, (c) 6, and (d) the sludge.

(k) at TS = 5% also elevated with the increase in the ISR and the amount kinetic models and the experimental data. Accordingly, the models
of sludge loaded to the digester. achieved a better fit to the experimental data as the ISR and the amount
Fig. 7 depicts the biogas production trend at TS = 7%, as given by the of sludge in the digester increased. For TS = 7%, the MG and LF models

A. Sedighi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111797

Table 5
Parameters estimated by the kinetic models of biogas production in TS = 3%.
First-order Kinetic models Logistic function
Modified Gompertz

ISR 2 4 6 Sludge 2 4 6 Sludge 2 4 6 Sludge

k 0.067 0.073 0.091 0.078 – – – – – – – –
Rm - – – – 16.51 17.37 24.35 15.67 17 16.43 22.33 12.4
λ - – – – 0.84 1.62 1.09 1.81 2.13 1.94 1.25 0
R2 0.78 0.882 0.912 0.913 0.814 0.937 0.972 0.733 0.92 0.952 0.888 0.798
RMSE 0.1088 0.1027 0.0904 0.0346 0.0596 0.0391 0.0252 0.0246 0.0547 0.0299 0.0253 0.0246

Fig. 6. Kinetic models and experimental data in TS = 5% for the ISRs of (a) 2, (b) 4, (c) 6, and (d) the sludge.

could accurately predict the biogas production trends in all cases except (11.21 m3/kg-VS.d) models were also related to ISR = 4.
for ISR = 2, but the predictions of the FO model had a slight inconsis­ In this study, the FO reaction rate constant (k) for all concentrations
tency with the experimental data (as reflected in the RMSE values in and all sludge-to-waste ratios was at the range of 0.054–0.095 d− 1.
Table 7). At this TS level, the best results in terms of fit (namely, con­ Previous studies on the AD of OMs had further reported a wide range of k
sistency with the experimental data) were related to ISR = 6. According values from 0.027 to 0.49 d− 1 [26,31,35,52,53]. The FO model could be
to Table 7, the λ value at TS = 7% was mostly zero, much like that at TS thus recruited to determine the degradability of OM, which had a direct
= 5%. It seemed that increasing the concentration of the microorgan­ impact on the maximum biogas production [51]. The results of this
isms in the digester shortened the lag phase of biogas production. At TS study also showed no particular pattern in how the hydrolysis constant
= 7%, the highest Rm values given by the MG (14.21 m3/kg-VS.d) and LF had changed following the increase in TS content (at least not at the

A. Sedighi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111797

Table 6
Parameters estimated by the kinetic models of biogas production in TS = 5%.
parameter First-order Kinetic models Logistic function

Modified Gompertz

ISR 2 4 6 Sludge 2 4 6 Sludge 2 4 6 Sludge

k 0.054 0.092 0.095 0.083 – – – – – – – –
Rm - – – – 19.14 21.88 19.79 11.91 21.89 17.51 15.67 9.73
λ - – – – 0.64 0 0 0 3.87 0 0 0
R2 0.955 0.984 0.953 0.933 0.992 0.98 0.971 0.964 0.953 0.973 0.962 0.966
RMSE 0.0714 0.0358 0.0327 0.0263 0.0216 0.0116 0.0366 0.0102 0.0253 0.0252 0.0263 0.0145

Fig. 7. Kinetic models and experimental data in TS = 7% for the ISRs of (a) 2, (b) 4, (c) 6, and (d) the sludge.

concentrations examined). However, the outputs revealed that the lag In Deepanraj et al. (2017), examining the AD kinetics of food waste,
period tended to approach zero as the TS level elevated, which could be it had been also reported that the MG model had provided a better
due to the presence of larger amounts of anaerobic sludge. At all TS description of the kinetic process than the LF equation [54]. Pramanik
levels studied, the RMSE value was also minimized with the growing et al. (2019) had further studied the AD kinetics of food waste with FO,
trend in the amount of sludge in the reactor, suggesting that the higher MG, and LF models, and had reported that the MG model could give an
the number of anaerobic microorganisms in the digester, the better the over 99% accurate description of biogas production in this process [31].
kinetic models could fit the experimental data. The lower fit of the Moreover, Zahan et al. (2018) had found similar results for the ACD of
models to the experimental data for ISR = 2 at all TS levels also sup­ industrial-agricultural wastes [29]. In Donoso et al. (2010), wherein the
ported this argument. MG, LF, and reaction curve-type models had been used to compare the

A. Sedighi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153 (2022) 111797

Table 7
Parameters estimated by the kinetic models of biogas production in TS = 7%.
parameter First-order Kinetic models Logistic function

Modified Gompertz

ISR 2 4 6 Sludge 2 4 6 Sludge 2 4 6 Sludge

k 0.084 0.086 0.075 0.083 – – – – – – – –
Rm - – – – 6.19 14.21 6.57 8.09 3.34 11.21 5.24 6.61
λ - – – – 0 1.72 0 0 0 0 0 0
R2 0.964 0.97 0.918 0.927 0.862 0.864 0.945 0.958 0.929 0.903 0.954 0.959
RMSE 0.0248 0.0280 0.0074 0.0163 0.0106 0.0130 0.0920 0.0071 0.0262 0.0117 0.0100 0.0106

anaerobic degradation of untreated and pre-treated wastewater sludge, Credit author statement
the results had established that the reaction curve-type model had
offered better descriptions of this process than the other two cases [33]. Mohsen Karrabi: Supervision, Conceptualization, Writing – review
In addition, Behera et al. (2010), Ramos et al. (2012), and Nielfa et al. & editing; Bahar Shahnavaz: Validation, Formal analysis, Writing –
(2015) had reported that the MG model was well adapted to experi­ review & editing; Afsane Sedighi: Methodology, Investigation, Writing
mental data and could describe the development of the AD of food waste – original draft; Morteza Mostafavinezhad: Investigation, Writing –
[55–57]. In the present study, the results revealed that, among the MG, original draft
LF, and FO models, the MG one produced the most accurate estimations
of the experimental biogas production data. While the LF model could Authors’ contributions
give slightly worse but mostly acceptable biogas production estimates,
the FO one did not outperform in this case, especially at low ISRs. MK and BS devised the project, the main conceptual ideas and proof
outline. AS and MM carried out the experiment. AS and MK derived the
4. Conclusion kinetic models and analyzed the data. AS and MM wrote the manuscript
in consultation with MK and BS. All authors discussed the results and
The study results revealed that the ACD of biomass materials, espe­ commented on the manuscript.
cially those serving as major substrate and inoculum sources, could
substantially improve biogas production efficiency in this process. This Declaration of competing interest
study also investigated the potential for biogas production from the
mesophilic ACD of OFMSW and sewage sludge at three ISRs (viz. 2, 4, & The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
6) and three TS levels (namely, 3, 5, & 7%). The combination of high interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
microbial load in the sludge with the good CNR and the nutrient content the work reported in this paper.
of OFMSW also provided favorable conditions for the co-digestion of
these wastes. The experiments in this study were further carried out in Acknowledgment
single-stage anaerobic digestion reactors operating in batch mode and
under mesophilic conditions. The results showed that the highest biogas This research study was conducted with the support of the Vice
yields were 0.642 and 0.697 m3/kg-VSadded at TS = 3 and 5%, respec­ Chancellor of Research of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad through
tively, and were observed at ISRs = 6 and 2, in that order. The experi­ grant number 48955.
ments indicated that the injection of more NaOH (within the range used
in this study) into the alkaline pretreatment resulted in better preser­ References
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