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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149 (2021) 111416

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Operationalising the water-energy-food nexus through the theory of change

Dhesigen Naidoo a, e, Luxon Nhamo a, *, Sylvester Mpandeli a, f, Nafisa Sobratee b,
Aidan Senzanje c, Stanley Liphadzi a, Rob Slotow b, g, Michael Jacobson d, Albert T. Modi e,
Tafadzwanashe Mabhaudhi e, **
Water Research Commission of South Africa, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria, 0081, South Africa
Centre for Transformative Agricultural and Food Systems, School of Life Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg, 3209, South Africa
School of Engineering, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg, 3209, South Africa
Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Pennsylvania State University, PA, 16802, USA
Centre for Transformative Agricultural and Food Systems, School of Agricultural, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Scottsville,
Pietermaritzburg, 3209, South Africa
University of Venda, School of Environmental Sciences, Thohoyandou, 0950, South Africa
Department of Genetics, School of Genetics, Evolution & Environment, University College, London, WC1E 6BT, UK


Keywords: The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus facilitates understanding of the intricate and dynamic interlinkages among
Nexus drivers the three resources. Its implementation can enhance resource securities and sustainable development. Despite its
Resilience potential, full adoption of the approach has been hindered by a lack of actionable strategies to guide its practical
Regional integration
application. This is attributed to (i) poor data (ii) lack of empirical evidence, (iii) inadequate analytical tools, and
Southern Africa
(iv) lack of clarity on applicable spatial scale. This study undertook a literature review, coupled with systemic
Indicators analyses of a WEF nexus analytical model, whose outputs were used as a basis to develop a Theory of Change, an
iterative outline for operationalising the approach in the context of southern Africa. The consultative and iter­
ative Theory of Change culminated with the formulation of pathways to (i) overcome the barriers impeding WEF
nexus operationalisation, (ii) mitigation of trade-offs while enhancing synergies towards attaining simultaneous
resource securities, (iii) poverty alleviation and reduction of inequalities, and (iv) reconciling policy with
implementation scale. The WEF nexus operationalisation outcomes are linked to Sustainable Development Goals
2 (zero hunger), 6 (clean water and sanitation), and 7 (affordable and clean energy), with synergies to SDGs 1 (no
poverty), 5 (gender equality), 8 (decent work and economic growth), 12 (responsible consumption and pro­
duction), 13 (climate action), 14 (life below water), and 15 (life on land). Operationalising the WEF nexus
through an interactive process can inform sustainable pathways towards resource security, job and wealth
creation, improved livelihoods and well-being, and regional integration.

productivity of over 50% of agricultural land in southern Africa by 2050,

and a reduction of between 10 and 30% in rainfall, a situation that
1. Introduction threatens the livelihoods and well-being of over 60% of the population
living in rural areas relying on natural systems [5–7]. The Intergov­
The projected African population growth to about two billion people ernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that 350–600
by 2050 will further exert pressure on already depleted resources as million people in Africa will be at risk of increased water stress by 2050
demand exceeds supply [1]. Coupled with other multiple stressors, such due to rainfall variability [8]. Furthermore, the International Energy
as dependence on climate-sensitive rainfed agriculture, lack of resources Agency (IEA) indicates that only 32% of southern Africa’s population
to adapt, poor infrastructure, lack of institutional arrangements, and low currently has access to electricity [9]. This shortfall could increase due
adaptive capacity, there is increasing uncertainty as to the security and to population growth and limited planning to improve energy access to
sustainability of essential natural resources in southern Africa and most of the population [9]. The increasing demand for, and uneven
beyond [2–4]. Climate change projections indicate a reduction in the

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (L. Nhamo), (T. Mabhaudhi).
Received 2 August 2020; Received in revised form 16 June 2021; Accepted 21 June 2021
Available online 27 June 2021
1364-0321/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
D. Naidoo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149 (2021) 111416

a discourse tool or a conceptual framework without offering effective

List of abbreviations analytical tools or operationalisation strategies [22]. The WEF nexus
came to the fore intended as a systemic approach that (i) indicates the
AQUASTAT FAO’s Global Information System on Water and performance of resource utilisation and planning, (ii) establishes
Agriculture quantitative relationships among interlinked resources, and (iii) in­
EU European Union dicates priority areas for intervention, aimed at establishing a balanced
FAOSTAT Food and Agriculture Organisation Corporate resource use and planning, and inclusive economic growth for sustain­
Statistical Database able development [7]. Thus, the approach is envisaged to catalyse
GWP Global Water Partnership climate change adaptation and resilience-building initiatives, improve
IEA International Energy Agency human wellbeing, and steer up the attainment of Sustainable Develop­
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ment Goals (SDGs), particularly SDGs 2, 6, and 7 [6,11].
MCDM Multi-criteria decision making However, despite its potential, operationalising the WEF nexus re­
RSAP Regional Strategic Action Plan mains elusive due to the inability of current models to move the theo­
SADC Southern Africa Development Community retical model approach into a practical decision support tool. Critics of
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals the approach have often based their arguments on the failure of the WEF
SHEFS Sustainable and Healthy Food Systems nexus to offer practical solutions, and the lack of adaptable guiding
SIWI Stockholm International Water Institute frameworks [23]. Some even suggest that its operationalisation is far
ToC Theory of Change from being achieved [24]. The criticisms are compounded by the sub­
UKZN University of KwaZulu-Natal stantial literature portraying the approach only as a theoretical frame­
WEF Water-energy-food nexus work but lacking analytical tools [24,25]. The failure to address these
WEF-ToC WEF nexus Theory of Change key issues by existing models has been their main drawback, as they also
WRC Water Research Commission either remain theoretical or maintain a ‘siloed’ approach to resource
management [22,24]. An effective WEF nexus analytical model should
assess the three sectors simultaneously and providing unified evidence
on quantitative and qualitative relationships among the sectors and
distribution of these essential and interlinked natural resources (water, eliminating the sectoral approach in practice [7].
energy, and food) accelerates their depletion in southern Africa [10,11].
This has brought about calls for transformative, integrated, and sys­ 1.1. An overview of WEF nexus interventions in southern Africa
tematic approaches to managing natural resources and improving social
services delivery and planetary health [12]. In southern Africa, the WEF nexus approach is anticipated to address
The depletion and degradation of natural resources in southern Af­ issues related to water, energy, and food security in an environmentally
rica present the greatest threat to regional growth and achieving sus­ and socially sustainable way to improve livelihoods, build resilience and
tainable development by 2030 and the 2063 African Agenda [11]. The enhance regional integration [13,26]. However, these targets have been
situation is exacerbated by the increasing intensity and frequency of elusive mainly due to habitual sector-based approaches in resource
extreme weather events like droughts, heatwaves, cyclones, and flood­ management, which inadvertently create an imbalance in resource
ing and the prevalence of pests and diseases [13]. This has resulted in allocation, resulting in scarcity and inequality in some areas [27].
crop failure, destruction of infrastructure, and loss of human life, de­ Climate variability and change also exacerbate resource depletion,
velopments that threaten to reverse and derail economic gains made in further compounding regional vulnerabilities [28]. The situation is
the past [4,14]. Current sector-based institutional and governance ar­ worsened by the dependence on climate-sensitive sectors of agriculture
rangements are inadvertently fuelling the mismanagement of natural and hydroelectric energy, which require abundant and consistent water
resources, at both national and regional scales [11]. Sectoral manage­ supply [4]. Thus, operationalising the WEF nexus in southern Africa is
ment of resources lacks coordination, dialogue, and collaboration, envisaged to integrate strategies for adapting to the challenges of steep
among relevant sectors, significantly affecting resource use efficiency, population growth, rapid urbanisation and increased consumer de­
and the effectiveness of policies that address service delivery [13]. mands due to improved living standards, and climate change and vari­
These bottlenecks need to be addressed through a transformative and ability [11]. Such integration would result in (i) savings from the costs
integrated systems approach, such as the water-energy-food (WEF) that are caused by duplication of activities, (ii) increased efficiencies by
nexus, balancing trade-offs, and synergies in resource management [7]. collectively prioritising strategic activities, and (iii) a higher likelihood
However, adopting and eventually operationalising the WEF nexus re­ of success due to consideration of WEF nexus trade-offs and synergies.
quires a paradigm shift from the current ‘siloed’ institutions and However, the approach’s success hinges on governance and institutional
governance structures to those aligned to ‘nexus thinking’, in the public transformations, aligning policies and strategies to nexus planning,
and private sectors [15]. As the nexus shifts from water-centric to which allows joint adoption by both the public and private sectors.
multiple resource systems, it accounts for the integrated dynamics Operationalising the WEF nexus at a regional scale in southern Africa
linking politics, resource security, environments, economies, and soci­ provides opportunities to reduce vulnerabilities, inequalities, and
eties, which can be viewed as complex and adaptive systems [16,17]. poverty levels. It is a catalyst to achieving the 2030 global agenda on
This was noted well before its introduction in 2011 by the Stockholm sustainable development [13]. However, such an endeavour requires
International Water Institute (SIWI) at the World Economic Forum [16, regional countries to shift from the sovereignty mindset to one that
17]. However, since 2011, the concept has emerged as a holistic and realises the transboundary nature and uneven distribution of natural
integrated resources management approach and a catalyst for sustain­ resources across the region and within some transboundary river basins,
able development [18,19]. and to identify the potential synergies from collective planning and
Given the shared nature of resources in southern Africa, operation­ implementation across non-natural territorial boundaries [13,27].
alising the WEF nexus at the regional level can address the challenges The anticipated important role of the WEF nexus in sustainable
related to water, energy, food insecurity, unemployment, and social development in southern Africa is evidenced by the increasing number
imbalances [13,20]. The WEF nexus approach promotes long-term of research projects and publications since 2013. The Southern Africa
water, energy, food security and sustainability, and eventual prepared­ Development Community (SADC) has been spearheading WEF nexus
ness for systemic shocks through scenario planning [6,21]. However, research through the Global Water Partnership (GWP), and other
since its introduction in 2011 [19], the WEF nexus has been presented as stakeholders, since the Sixth Multi-Stakeholder Water Dialogue held in

D. Naidoo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149 (2021) 111416

Lusaka, Zambia in 2013 ( KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) think-tank, the team explored the trans­
-sadc-multi-stakeholder-water-dialogue-water-energy-food/). Further­ formational pathways required to turn the WEF nexus into a practical
more, watercourse commissions, universities, and research institutions decision support tool in the context of southern Africa. The idea that was
have been conducting WEF nexus research. Currently, the SADC Secre­ interrogated was: ‘‘Given the current evidence regarding the operational
tariat has produced the WEF Nexus Action Plan, through the Regional aspects of the WEF resource base, scaling, and data requirements, how
Strategic Action Plan (RSAP) on Integrated Water Resources Develop­ can complexity be addressed to capture WEF collaboration and gover­
ment and Management, that recognises the role of the nexus in adapting nance contexts that overcome the traditional technical and ‘mos­
to the challenges faced by the region, as well as in optimising resource t-rational-solution’ methods?’’
use [29]. The WEF Nexus Action Plan is a region-wide WEF nexus The team has been involved in water research for the past decade
operational framework to support the attainment of regional goals and focusing on sustainable food systems, agricultural water management,
targets, including regional integration, poverty alleviation, and climate change adaptation, the WEF nexus, project management,
improved livelihoods and well-being. The Action Plan also recognises adaptive biodiversity, and conservation management initiatives in
the role of the WEF nexus in achieving related SDGs, particularly Goals 2 southern African. The WRC/UKZN think-tanks and the expert discus­
(zero hunger), 6 (clean water and sanitation), 7 (affordable and clean sions culminated in reaching sufficient consensus about which features
energy), and 13 (climate action), 14 (life below water, and 15 (life on are currently perceived as nexus transition gaps. Moreover, in the form
land). of a World Café Discussion, a participatory exercise was conducted as a
A fundamental step towards operationalising the WEF nexus is side event during the WRC Symposium in South Africa in September
transforming the concept from theory to practice and direct resource 2019. The aim was to gather the audience’s opinions, which were
management in an integrated manner [7]. This requires stakeholder invited as WEF stakeholders, regarding the challenges they perceive as
engagement at all levels of the public and private sectors (vertical), as barriers to the WEF nexus’s successful operationalisation. Participants
well as across sectors (horizontal), as driven by enabling institutional were asked to respond to the same question asked to the expert group.
and governance instruments [15,30]. Cross-sectoral coordination facil­ Altogether, 61 participants represented different sectors that included
itates an effective nexus approach, permitting sound relationships academia, policy, consultancy, and other public and private stake­
among related institutions, allowing them to cooperate and work to­ holders. Participants provided prior informed consent according to the
wards a common goal [28,31,32]. UKZN Human and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee re­
This study is based on the Southern African Development quirements. The lead authors, who are transdisciplinary research spe­
Community-European Union (SADC-EU) Nexus Dialogue Project that cialists in the WEF nexus, led the participatory exercise acting as both
focused on analysing the transitions of the WEF nexus from theoretical researchers and practitioners.
research to practical actions and impacts in southern Africa. Since 2013, Following the World Café Discussion, the idea of the WEF nexus
various platforms, science-policy dialogues, workshops, and symposia Theory of Change (WEF-ToC) was conceived and the process culminated
were organised to partner with various stakeholders to share research in developing the building blocks that were perceived important in
output on the WEF nexus [6,7,33–36]. Key challenges remain mainly in operationalising the concept. This resulted in integrating the expert
terms of driving a more practical evidence-based decision-making opinion discussion with the stakeholders’ outlook on the WEF nexus.
approach. Recently, decision support tools for the WEF nexus have been Special emphasis was laid on questioning the long-term goal that was
developed to establish contextualised quantitative relationships among expected to be achieved when considering the WEF resource base’s
the WEF sectors within the South African context [7]. Buoyed by this operational aspects, scaling, and data requirements. The interrogations
evidence and previous cross-sectoral resource management assessments, addressed at each level of the ToC are given in Table 1.
this study focuses on developing an operational framework to facilitate The general conclusion from the consultative processes was that
the envisioning of its implementation. The premise was to develop transitioning into the nexus implementation domain necessitates an
plausible pathways towards operationalising the WEF nexus through a understanding of complex realities. This is because emergent outcomes
dynamic and iterative Theory of Change (ToC) for informing policy and are likely to occur where partnerships and network governance, such as
strategic decisions related to achieving socio-economic and environ­ those involved in WEF security, are considered. Therefore, activities and
mental sustainability. The aim was to provide pathways towards oper­ specific objectives emerge through negotiation, developing, and using
ationalising the WEF nexus and how, through doing so, the region could opportunities to generate emergent outcomes [39]. The conceptual
achieve its vision of sustainable natural resources management, job, and meaning of ’outcomes’ is inevitably linked to underlying assumptions
wealth creation, WEF resources securities and regional integration, and meanings which may not be evident to users of the term [40].
notwithstanding the existing challenges. Operationalising the WEF Therefore, it is essential to clarify a set of desirable outcomes and how
nexus is envisaged to facilitate achieving regional goals, and meet the the complex intervention aims to create impact pathways that drive the
targets set out in the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the SDGs. systemic change and generate the desired outcomes.

2. Methods

2.1. Stakeholder engagement process

The main methodological approach used to derive the required re­ Table 1
sults was a stakeholder engagement process which had various phases, Systemic questioning for WEF nexus operationalisation.
where the first part included an overview of currently available WEF Level of Exploratory questions to theorise pathways for nexus transitioning
nexus analytical tools that evaluate synergies and trade-offs among the Change

WEF resources. As an antecedent to the current work, the team devel­ Impact How can complexity be addressed to capture WEF collaboration
oped a WEF nexus analytical model that integrates various indicators contexts that overcome the traditional technical and ‘most-rational-
solution’ methods?
related to the security of WEF resources [7]. The tool was developed
Outcomes What is the status of WEF resources in southern Africa?
through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in a multi-criteria deci­ Outputs How can the WEF nexus be objectively operationalised?
sion-making (MCDM) process. The analytical model provided the Activities What analytical model(s) is most suitable for WEF nexus analysis?
required evidence to support the Science-Policy and Regional Dialogues At what scale should the WEF nexus be applied?
[37,38]. Based on the developed analytical model and expert opinions Inputs What are the data requirements and availability at each scale of
obtained from a Water Research Commission (WRC)/University of

D. Naidoo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149 (2021) 111416

2.2. The logic for choosing the Theory of Change approach aims to address the limitations associated with sector-based
planning, it is envisaged to reduce poverty and vulnerability through
A ToC is a model that addresses pathways of change and how those inclusive and equitable resource planning, development, and distribu­
changes are expected to occur (ex-ante case) or how change has occurred tion. Thus, the Venn diagram (Fig. 1) addresses sustainable WEF nexus
(ex-post case) [41]. As such, a ToC has various uses that include adaptation targets, including poverty and vulnerability reduction, ach­
designing, managing, and accessing interventions [41]. The ToC evolves ieved by managing resources holistically.
from theory-driven evaluation and seeks to move beyond a simplistic Overcoming the barriers associated with the WEF nexus operation­
input-output notion of intervention evaluation. In the context of the alisation (the first block of the matrix in Fig. 1) is key to achieving the
WEF nexus, it requires that the WRC/UKZN think-tank designers WEF nexus sustainability targets given in the Venn diagram. The bar­
explicitly state how they expected the implementation practice to work, riers that must be overcome include complex collaboration between
thereby making their implicit assumptions explicit. This created a better interlinked sectors, divergent sectoral institutional frameworks and in­
understanding of what is being implemented and why, making clear the terests, poor governance frameworks, and lack of motivation to coop­
connections between a given intervention and its outcomes. These were erate with different stakeholders from different disciplines and
interrogated, assessed, and revised systematically as it was being government levels. Other barriers to WEF nexus implementation include
implemented [41]. Thus, the adopted argument was that transitioning uncertainty and anxiety, which are brought about by the fear of the
from water-centric research to the multicentric WEF nexus implies unknown due to change from the norm to novel ways of doing things.
implementing even more interventions with multiple components and The development of WEF nexus analytical tools (the second block of
agencies, multiple simultaneous causal strands, and/or multiple alter­ the matrix, in a clockwise direction in Fig. 1), offers opportunities to
native causal strands with complex aspects [39]. provide a synopsis of the quantitative and qualitative relationship in the
The ToC framework for operationalising the WEF nexus described in use, planning, and management of the three resources. Such a synopsis
this study is not an end, but it sets the pace to recognise systemic insights in the relationship of resources with different measurement units is
and adaptive management across the nexus. Ideally, this recognition established, for example, through multi-criteria decision making
should not only be at the decision-making level but should resonate (MCDM), which is key to the analytical tool, and represented using a
across sectors, jurisdictions, and research-practice interface. Alternative spider diagram [7]. The evidence provided by analytical tools is useful
methods to planning research interventions include the logical frame­ for identifying areas for intervention and informing decisions in
work analysis, which emphasises a linear input-outcome standpoint resource management that ought to be applied through transformative
without the opportunities for developing and nurturing systemic in­ methods (nexus planning, scenario planning, sustainable food systems
sights in the light of complex collaborative realities [42]. As much as a and circular economy), as shown in the matrix’s third block (see Fig. 1).
ToC facilitates long-term strategic planning and monitoring of in­ The WEF nexus analytical tool’s capability to identify areas for imme­
terventions, support reflection, and learning about change processes to diate intervention was the missing piece in operationalising the
integrate the findings, the development of meta-capabilities is also dis­ approach [7]. However, this is dependent on the application scale (the
cussed as a set of levers required to catalyse the WEF nexus operation­ fourth block of the matrix in Fig. 1) and data availability for that scale.
alisation [43]. Having unpacked most of the expert-based methodological outline’s
essential building blocks, the remaining gap yet to be explored is the
implementation strategy to operationalise the WEF nexus (the centre­
2.3. Components for WEF nexus transition thinking piece block of the matrix with the question mark in Fig. 1). As the
process demands a major shift from the status quo, emphasis should be
The methodological outline (Fig. 1) illustrates the thematic areas placed on nurturing stakeholder engagement and commitment. The
that were considered by the expert groups and are based on the context overarching goal is to create a platform to establish WEF nexus gover­
of the WEF nexus framework for southern Africa and the regional goals, nance and institutional frameworks that drive towards desired out­
namely, to achieve (i) simultaneous and long-term water, energy, and comes, such as resource security, equitable and sustainable
food security, and sustainability, (ii) job and wealth creation, and (iii) development, and a healthy environment (Fig. 1).
regional integration and inclusive economic development [13]. The
WEF nexus approach emphasises integrated resource management,
specifically for the interlinked water, energy, and food resources. As the

Fig. 1. A stepwise WEF nexus methodological outline illustrating the systemic processes and adaptation targets and action fields towards WEF nexus operation­
alisation. Sustainable adaptation has a dual purpose acting as the driver and impact derived from systemic change. Resource use efficiency backed by scientific
evidence ought to address the four contextual governance gaps identified. These could either create or compound WEF security challenges namely (i) complex
collaboration, (ii) types of analytical tools to generate evidence, (iii) determinants of application scale and, (iv) transformational lenses to achieve large-scale
systemic change. Finally, outcomes to be derived from an optimised nexus transitioning ought to ensure resilience through adaptive management.

D. Naidoo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149 (2021) 111416

3. Results and discussion highlighted the importance and relevance of context regarding societal
needs, risks, and current capabilities strength. This was deemed essential
The outcomes of the stakeholder engagements resulted from a to articulate the overarching vision to improve livelihoods and
specified chronological order: first, expert opinions were sought through ecosystem services. The synergies needed to achieve the human out­
dialogues to discuss the components that would shape the WEF nexus’ comes were based on the targets of the SDGs. The discussion emphasised
strategic transition and enactment. The second step comprised a stake­ the need for an adaptive enabling environment to harmonise policies
holder engagement workshop to gather feedback from participants in a considering WEF securitisation challenges. These conditions ought to
World Café setting. Thirdly, the elements discussed by the stakeholders improve programme outcomes assessment based on interdisciplinary
were combined, within a ToC, as preconditions to envision the multiple and cross-sectoral evaluation and reflection. Participants foresee chal­
impact pathways required to achieve the overarching nexus transition lenges in terms of application scale and data requirements at the
outcomes. Finally, because the WEF nexus has been deployed to connect implementation phase, which can essentially be addressed by generating
water, energy, food, and climate to the global economy in terms of relevant contextual evidence.
complex systems, levers to achieve transformational capabilities were The building blocks in Fig. 2 explain the implementation and eval­
also discussed. The outcomes of these four steps form the results section uation process for operationalising the WEF nexus in southern Africa,
where an interpretation and discussion on the significance of the out­ but it can be adopted anywhere at the national or local levels. The
comes is also given. process is necessary for providing feedback and a knowledge base about
the need and basis for WEF nexus operationalisation. Articulating the
ToC at the outset and engaging stakeholders minimised the challenges
3.1. The WEF nexus Theory of Change (WEF-ToC) associated with causal attribution of impact. They highlighted the ac­
tivities that lead to short- or long-term outcomes and unveil the cir­
3.1.1. Formulating the problem statement to accentuate contextual cumstantial conditions that may affect and direct outcomes [32].
pathways to reach outcomes Therefore, it strengthened the evidence for subsequent implementation
The World Café Discussion culminated in the formulation of the of the approach. Thus, the analytical model saved as a lens for policy and
WEF-ToC (Fig. 2). The process refined the WEF nexus operationalisation decision-making to formulate coherent policies build around nexus
planning, starting from the design stage to enhance locally led stake­ planning.
holder buy-in and create a sense of ownership. The design stage outlines Effective and influential governance structures have to be leveraged
clear activities that need to be implemented to achieve the envisioned at strategic points in the context of the WEF nexus within an organisa­
desired human outcomes. The ToC also identified the contextual factors tion [44]. The building blocks in the WEF-ToC indicate complex inter­
that are envisaged to influence those outcomes, factors that also influ­ active structures held together by a balance of incentives to leverage the
ence the adoption of the WEF nexus by decision-makers. Participants

Fig. 2. The Theory of Change for complex interventions to operationalise the WEF nexus in the context of southern Africa. The problem statement defines the context
of the WEF nexus and perceived barriers to implementation. With a view to balance trade-offs and positively reinforce synergies in the implementation phase,
sufficient consensus has been reached to promote the normalisation of complex collaboration process through adaptive stakeholder engagement and methods to
assess WEF nexus interaction.

D. Naidoo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149 (2021) 111416

buy-in from stakeholders, namely researchers, practitioners, and gov­ analytical model in a standardised manner. Coupled with appropriate
ernment agencies, to maximise the contributions received from them. nexus analytical models like the one developed by Nhamo et al. [7], data
availability plays an important role in evaluating trade-offs and syn­
3.1.2. Application scale for the model ergies to avoid conflicts and risk reduction [49]. The essence of the WEF
While the nexus concept is envisaged to address global challenges nexus is its recognition of the WEF resources’ interlinked nature, and its
associated with climate change, rapid urbanisation, limited resource capability to promote synergies and reduce trade-offs, which are vital
base, growing population, among others, it is at the local scale (house­ aspects of sustainable development. Thus, data requirements for the
hold and community), and natural scale (catchment) where nexus takes WEF nexus vary according to the issues being tackled, and its avail­
place, and where adaptation and resilience-building occur at varying ability at every scale is the major challenge [7].
levels, depending on capabilities and capacities [24,45]. Local and The availability of data simplifies WEF nexus complexity by applying
natural spatial scales are closely linked to jurisdictional scale (political the WEF nexus analytical model developed by Nhamo et al. [7], enabling
units like cities, municipalities, or provinces), which are responsible for decision-makers to make evidence-based, appropriate, and proactive
formulating and implementing policy and governance that affect intervention strategies, taking into account the diverse and multiple
households and communities [46,47]. The fourth scale important in impacts these responses may have across sectors and over time [7]. Data
nexus analysis is the temporal scale, which is especially vital in scenario availability is, therefore, key in operationalising the WEF nexus. Data
planning for interpreting future climate change situations, resource are generally available at national or regional levels in accessible da­
availability, or population projections at different time intervals [48]. tabases such as FAOSTAT, AQUASTAT, and the World Bank Indicators.
The applicability of the WEF nexus at each of these four scales is At the local municipal level, WEF data are generally recorded through
dependent on data availability. Each spatial scale has its own dynamics smart-meter technologies installed at household levels, thus, data can
when it comes to data availability for the indicators. For example, the also be available at the household level for specific indicators, except
water indicator on the “proportion of crops produced per unit of water used” that challenges may arise where this is not practised. The other chal­
may not be appropriate in an urbanised municipality or at the household lenge is standardising the WEF nexus analytical model as some in­
scale, but applicable at national and regional scales (Table 2). Although dicators may not be valid at all scales. However, where data are not
the model could still be applicable, there will be a need to adjust or adapt readily available, existing, and planned Earth Observation systems have
the indicators to suit each spatial scale. Moreover, the WEF nexus in­ proven to be important data sources [50,51]. The success of sustainable
dicators should always be assessed within the broader indicators to development hinges on the availability of reliable data at all levels and
allow for integration and scaling at different spatial scales. This flexi­ human understanding and evidence-based appropriate planning, and
bility to incorporate other indicators is an important component of the expert opinion.
integrative WEF nexus analytical model to be extrapolated to different Table 2 provides a synopsis of data availability at different scales in
levels or different situations [7]. southern Africa for each of the considered WEF nexus sustainability
indicators according to the set criteria. WEF nexus data are generally
available at regional and national scales, but there are disparities at the
3.2. Data requirements and availability for WEF nexus application
catchment, municipal, and household scales. For example, some of the
indicators may have to be adjusted to suit household dynamics at the
While implementing the WEF nexus as a management and gover­
nance tool has gathered momentum worldwide, one main challenge household level.
Interestingly, data could be readily available at the household and
relates to data availability and heterogeneity needed to provide insights
based on a top-down (national-local) approach [25]. The variation in municipal levels but becomes scarce at the basin level. This is possible in
southern African as data is generally available in urban areas where
WEF nexus applicability scales brings about a host of other challenges,
which include data disparity, mismatch, and plurality, as there are water and electricity usage are metred, and food consumption styles are
known. Yet, the same data could be unavailable at the basin level as the
varied methods of data collection and storage [25]. Data availability
allows stakeholders to take stock of economic and environmental re­ shared transboundary river basins include rural areas with no proper
data monitoring mechanisms [7,52]. As many countries share the ba­
sources through the WEF nexus analytical model, providing a detailed
overview of natural resources stocks and flows through a spider graph, sins, the data collection methods differ from country to country, making
the data collection highly heterogeneous [52].
portraying resource use and management [7]. However, the heteroge­
neous nature of data at different WEF nexus spatial scales, and the
distinct methods of data collection and archiving, and different data
quality and standards present some challenges when applying the

Table 2
Data availability at various spatial scales for WEF nexus application in southern Africa.

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3.3. WEF nexus implementation through transformational meta- the rigour of the capacity-building process at (A) within different
capabilities contextual requirements, such as funding and scales, to determine the
potential to improve effectiveness strategically (Fig. 3).
Successful WEF nexus operationalisation requires robust structures Lever (C) harnesses both the capacity and the capabilities to priori­
that promote stakeholder buy-in and evidence-based instruments and tise a discourse to oversee the governance and operationalisation of the
application tools to move the transformational process. The concept WEF nexus. The goal is to generate a policy framework to delineate
acknowledges that transformation is dependent on both behavioural and action. Barriers identified in the WEF-ToC were considered as suscep­
voluntary processes that drive resilience from multiple scales and tible to constrain nexus operationalisation. Lever (D), therefore, medi­
diverse sources. Allowing the monitoring and evaluation of change in ates the effects of change, both in the environment and internal to the
both the private and public sectors [53]. It is, therefore, a catalyst for sub-systems research-academia, policy, and governance agencies. It
resource use efficiency and sustainable development. Such a trans­ consists of routines, knowledge, and technology that perform organ­
formative instrument enhances the preparedness and readiness of soci­ isational functions. Thus, it addresses extrinsic barriers to effective up­
ety against shocks in the socio-ecological systems. It addresses the take of new knowledge and intrinsic barriers preventing cohesive and
dynamics and developments of complex social-ecological interactions coherent dialogues and consensus. Lever (E) scales the readiness of the
towards resilience and adaptation [54]. The processes facilitate data WEF nexus system for polycentric and transformative change. The
collection, ensure stakeholder engagement, and monitors and evaluate governance mechanisms serve a functional role within the converged
the progress towards intended goals over time as they are iterative. The system to enable activities that explore the environment (for cascading
success of these processes is enhanced through ongoing stakeholder opportunities) and the WEF nexus’s internal possibilities for developing
engagements [53]. new capabilities. Lever (F) renews competencies and reconfigures its
Effective and influential governance structures have to be leveraged capabilities to achieve unity with changing environmental contexts.
at strategic points in the context of the WEF nexus within an organisa­ Innovation, strategic alliances, and mergers and acquisitions are some of
tion [44]. The building blocks in the WEF-ToC indicate complex inter­ the means to achieve this meta-capability. Such dynamic capabilities
active structures held together by a balance of incentives to leverage the form the mechanisms of recombination (adaptability) and change.
buy-in from stakeholders, namely researchers, practitioners, and gov­ Organisational capabilities and dynamic capabilities are considered to
ernment agencies, to maximise the contributions received from them. A be complementary. Together, the levers make up the dynamic mecha­
meta-capabilities perspective is used to illustrate the influential levers nisms of nexus operationalisation.
that harness the competencies for nexus operationalisation (Fig. 3).
Lever (A) refers to building effectiveness through evidence. This has 4. Recommendations and way forward
occurred mainly through the positive reinforcing outputs of nexus
thinking alongside niche experiments and innovations in the WEF sys­ To achieve the vision of improved livelihoods and ecosystem services
tems. The development of WEF nexus analytical tools has paved the way and associated human outcomes, an operational WEF nexus approach
to operationalise the approach effectively. The focus on improving needs to be integrated with other transformative approaches [7,34],
effectiveness occurs within the academia and research context, as this is these include:
where the building blocks for evidence are produced. Lever (B) considers

Fig. 3. Levers to catalyse WEF nexus operationalisation: a meta-capabilities perspective. Levers A to F represent the essential mechanisms that enhance WEF nexus
transformational capabilities in achieving impact and regional goals.

D. Naidoo et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149 (2021) 111416

1. Scenario planning: Scenario development supports policy and processing, storage, and waste management. It is linked to other
decision-making to formulate coherent strategies by developing al­ important systems such as energy, trade, and health systems [65].
ternatives and response options in climate change adaptation, other The concepts of sustainable food systems and the WEF nexus are
than models full of uncertainties [55]. These attributes establish concerned with ensuring food and nutritional security and main­
linkages with the WEF nexus, as the nexus identifies priority areas for taining a sustainable economic, social, and environmental base that
intervention, guiding the scenario planning process [56]. Unlike continues to meet the needs of the present and future generations
predictive models, scenarios provide multiple alternatives through [66]. To meet the growing demand for food (and bioenergy) and
stakeholder-led discussions and, therefore, minimise uncertainty. meet SDG 2 (zero hunger), agricultural production must nearly
Thus, the WEF nexus analytical framework is a “fitting approach” for double by 2050 [18]. There are various approaches to this, with
scenario development, as it provides strategic options by indicating recent evidence suggesting sustainable intensification as the most
whether intervention on any resource is sustainable or not and how ideal [67,68]. However, even then, sustainable intensification only
the intervention affects the other sectors, providing options to miti­ provides a framework that needs to be supported by other
gate trade-offs [57]. cross-cutting approaches and collaboration to bring about the
2. Rural livelihoods transformation: Societal megatrends such as desired food system transformations.
increasing population growth, conflict and migration, economic
growth, international trade, rapid urbanisation, diversifying diets, Basing on the challenges facing southern Africa, the WEF nexus
cultural and technological changes, as well as climate variability and provides the pathway towards effective solutions to regional challenges
change, continue exerting pressure on already depleted natural re­ that include: (i) the risks brought about by climate variability and
sources, threatening sustainability [58]. These challenges have change, (ii) increased land degradation, (iii) rural-to-urban migration,
widened the rural-urban inequalities, particularly in developing (iv) accelerated population increases, among others. Although the nexus
countries where rural communities rely on natural systems for live­ approach will not solve all the problems related to humanity and natural
lihoods [59]. As economies grow, it is critical to ensure a vibrant resource, this is the starting point towards sustainability and resource
rural economy that includes robust agricultural productivity, rural use efficiency. Relevant governance and institutional structures are
non-farm jobs, and access to markets and trade [60]. The WEF nexus required to facilitate compliance at all scales and levels, from imple­
is a decision support tool that ensures integrated resource utilisation mentation at local communities to regional perspectives and integrated
and management and inclusive development, ensuring that rural strategies. Governance structures ensure the coherence of develop­
areas are not neglected and central to economic, social, and envi­ mental plans across national and provincial or subnational scales, and,
ronmental developmental plans [6,13]. importantly, communicating progress clearly across space and over
3. SDGs progress assessment: As progress towards the SDGs is time. This is essential for achieving sustainability by 2030. The proposed
assessed through quantifiable indicators that track measurable tar­ WEF nexus roadmap to operationalise the WEF nexus should be used
gets, the WEF nexus contributes to the monitoring and evaluating within the transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary lens to encourage in­
progress towards the 2030 global agenda; WEF nexus indicators puts and participation of various players.
build on and compliment SDG indicators [7,61]. The WEF nexus Of note is the scalability and flexibility of the developed framework
analytical model assesses, monitors, and tracks resource utilisation to operationalise the WEF nexus in other areas and at any spatial scale.
and performance over time using some of the same SDG indicators. Although the developed WEF-ToC is specific for southern Africa, the
As a cross-sectoral approach, the WEF nexus integrates indicators approach can be replicated in other regions using context-specific goals
across sectors and elucidates how best resources can be allocated and challenges. These attributes, coupled with their iterative and
between competing needs, thus, making the implementation of SDGs interactive nature, permits the approach to be applicable at any spatial
more efficient and cost-effective [21,62]. scale, particularly considering that challenges and priorities differ across
4. Project appraisal: The WEF nexus analytical framework is designed spatial scales and context.
to systematically integrate and streamline the human understanding It is imperative to note that the approach does not intend to create a
of resource utilisation and management. It, therefore, becomes an mega “Nexus Ministry”, but rather build a strong and binding coordi­
important tool for project planning and appraisal at all levels of the nation mechanism that facilitates nexus policy dialogues, where key
project cycle as it manages trade-offs and synergies. Thus, it is an stakeholders can better identify and prioritise solutions together from an
important tool for project design and evaluation, for complex pro­ overall nexus perspective. With the available evidence from science,
jects involving various expertise. The WEF nexus analytical frame­ such dialogues allow line departments to priorities optimal projects that
work enables project leaders and funders to quantify the linkages give the overall trade-off solutions for all sectors. Thus, effective
among WEF nexus components, identifies critical links and leverage collaboration is at the centre of WEF Nexus. The complexity of the WEF
the results to improve project design and implementation [23]. nexus requires stakeholder engagement from the onset as it is a change
5. Circular economy planning: A circular economy is characterised by from the norm, and the prospects of facing opposition and resistance
low energy consumption, low emission of pollutants, and high effi­ could be high. Engaging key stakeholders from the onset enhances the
ciency in resource use; it is restorative and regenerative, ensuring operationalisation framework’s quality, acceptance, and legitimacy,
resource security [63]. These attributes provide the linkages with the improving the chance of informing decision-making. Raising awareness
WEF nexus as both are concerned with resource use efficiency and and creating a platform of stakeholder buy-in is a fundamental pathway
security through integrated planning and management [64]. Thus, through which the proposed changes could be adopted, particularly
the WEF is a catalyst for climate action and adaptation through through concrete and viable projects at various scales. Importantly,
informed and transformational decisions like the circular economy. transparency and ongoing communication are crucial to retaining
A WEF nexus approach offers sustainable pathways to support the participation and influence from the range of stakeholders.
transition toward a circular economy by considering synergies and
trade-offs coupled with optimising resource use efficiencies. In 5. Conclusions
southern Africa, both the circular economy and the WEF nexus
promote resource security and economic growth by creating The WEF nexus has developed into an important transformative and
employment opportunities, sustainable resource management, and integrated approach for guiding other contemporary transformative
reducing environmental pressures. systems, such as sustainable food systems, circular economy, scenario
6. Sustainable food systems: A food system is composed of sub- planning, SDGs progress assessment, and livelihoods transformation. It
systems, value, and supply chains such as farm production, food has become a decision support tool that provides evidence in complex

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