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3 Present and past tenses

28 The simpple present tense

PEG 172

Read the following in the third person singular. Do not change the object if it is plural. Note
that after certain consonants a final es is pronunced as a separate syllable. See PEG 12B: kiss,

1. They wish to speak to you.

He wishes to speak to you.
2. Buses pass my house every hour.
Bus passes my house every hour.
3. They help their father.
He helps their father.
4. We change planes at Heathrow.
He changes planes at Heathrow.
5. You watch too much TV.
He watches too much TV.
6. They worry too much.
He worries too much.
7. I cash a cheque every month.
He cashes a cheque every month.
8. I always carry an umbrella.
He always carries an umbrella.
9. They wash the floor every week.
He washes the floor every week.
10. His sons go to the local school.
His son goes to the local school.
11. These hens lay brown eggs.
This hen lays brown eggs.
12. Rubber balls bounce.
Rubber ball bounces.
13. These figures astonish me.
This figure astonishes me.
14. Do you like boiled eggs?
Does he like boiled eggs?
15. These seats cost $10.
This set costs $10.
16. They fish in the lake.
He fishes in the lake.
17. Elephants never forget.
The elephant never forgets.
18. They usually catch the 8.10 bus.
He usually catches the 8.10 bus.
19. They sometimes miss the bus.
He sometimes misses the bus.
20. I mix the ingredients together.
He mixes the ingredients together.
21. The rivers freeze in winter.
The river freezes in winter.
22. They fly from London to Edinburgh.
He flies from London to Edinburgh.
23. The carpets match the curtains.
The carpet matches the curtains.
24. They realize the danger.
He realizes the danger.
25. I use a computer.
He uses a computer.
26. What do they do on their days off?
They do nothing. They lie in bed all day.
What does he do on his days off?
He does nothing. He lies in bed all day.
27. The boys hurry home after school.
The boy hurries home after school.
28. They push the door open.
He pushes the door open.
29. They kiss their monther.
He kisses their mother.
30. They box in the gymnasium.
He boxes in the gymnasium.
31. They dress well.
He dresses well.
32. Your children rely on you.
Your child relies on you.
33. They snatch ladies’ handbags.
He snatches ladies’ handbags.
34. You fry everything.
He fries everything.
35. The taxes rise every year.
The tax rises every year.
36. They do exercise every morning.
He does exercise every morning.

29 The simple present tense

PEG 172

Read the following (a) in the negative (b) in the interrogative.

In Nos. 2 and 14, have is used as an ordinary verb and should be treated as one.

1. You know the answer.

You don’t know the answer.
Do you know the answer?
2. He has breakfast at 8:00.
He doesn’t breakfast at 8:00.
Does he breakfast at 8:00?
3. He loves her.
He doesn’t love her.
Does he love her?
4. Some schoolgrils wer uniforms.
Some schoolgrils don’t wer uniforms.
Do some schoolgrisl wer uniforms?
5. He trusts you.
He doesn’t trust you.
Does he trust you?
6. He tries hard.
He dont’t try hard.
Does he try hard?
7. The park closes at dusk.
The park doesn’t close at dusk.
Does the park close at dusk?
8. He misses his mother.
He doesn’t miss his mother.
Does he miss this mother?
9. The children like sweets.
The children don’t like sweets.
Do the children like sweets?
10. He finishes work at 6:00.
He doesn’t finish work at 6:00.
Does he finish work at 6:00?
11. He lives beside the sea.
He doesn’t live beside the sea.
Does he live beside the sea?
12. He bullies his sisters.
He doesn’t bully his sisters.
Does he bully his sisters?
13. This stove heats the water.
This stove doesn’t heat the water.
Does this stove heat the water?
14. She has a cooked breakfast.
She doesn’t have a cooked breakfast.
Does she have a cooked breakfast?
15. She carries a sleeping bag.
She doesn’t carry a sleeping bag.
Does she carry a sleeping bag?
16. He usually believes you.
He doesn’t usually believe you.
Does he usually believe you?
17. She dances in competitions.
She doesn’t dance in competitions.
Does she dance in competitions?
18. You remember the address.
You don’t remember the adress.
Do you remember the adress?
19. She plays chess very well.
She doesn’t play chess very well.
Does she play chess very well?
20. He worries about her.
He doesn’t worry about her.
Does he worry about her?
21. These thieves work at night.
These thieves dont’ work at night.
Do these thieves work at nigh?
22. He leaves home at 8:00 every day.
He doesn’t leave home at 8:00 every day.
Does he leave home at 8:00 every day?
23. Ann arranges everything.
Ann doesn’t arrange everything.
Does Ann arrange everything?
24. She agrees with you.
She doesn’t agree with you.
Does she agree with you?
25. Their dogs bark all night.
Their dogs don’t bark all night.
Do their dogs bark all night?
26. Their neighbours often complain.
Their neighbours don’t often complain.
Do their neighbours often complain?
27. Tom enjoys driving at night.
Tom doesn’t enjoy driving at night.
Does Tom enjoy driving at night?
28. He engages new staff every Spring.
He doesn’t engage new staff every Spring.
Does he engage new staff every Spring?
29. Tom looks very well.
Tom doesn’ look very well.
Does Tom look very well?
30. They shell fresh grape juice here.
They don’t shell fresh grape juice here.
Do they shell fresh grape juice here?
31. He charges more than other photographers.
He doesn’t charge more than other photographers.
Does he charge more than other photographers?
32. She cuts her husband’s hair.
She doesn’t cut her husband’s hair.
Does she cut her husband’s hair?
33. They pick the apples in October.
They don’t pick the apples in October.
Do they pick the apples in October?
34. The last train leaveas at midnight.
The last train doesn’t leave at midnight.
Does the last train leave at midnight?
We use the present simple to talk about things in general. We use it to say that sometinh happens at
the time or repeatedly, or that something is true in general:

o Nurses look after patients in hospitals.

o I usually go away at weekends.
o The earth goes round the sun.
o The cafe opens at 7:30 in the morning.

2.1 Complete the senteces using the following verbs:

cause(s), connect(s), drink(s), live(s), open(s), speak(s), take(s)

1. Tanya speaks German very well.

2. I don’t often drink coffee.
3. The swimming pool opens at 7:30 every morning.
4. Bad driving causes many accidents.
5. My parents live in a very small flat.
6. The Olympic Games take place every four years.
7. The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

2.2 Put the verb into the correct form.

1. Julie does’t drunk (not/drink) tea very often.

2. What time does the banks close (the banks/close) here?

3. I’ve got a car, but I don’t use (not/use) it much.

4. Where does Ricardo come (Ricardo/come) from? From Cuba.

5. What do you do (you/do) ? I’am an electrician.

6. It takes (take) me an hour to get to work.

How long does it take (it/take) you?

7. Look at this sentence. What does this word mean (this word/mean)?

8. David isn’t very fit. He doesn’t do (not/do) any sport.

2.3 Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the negetive.

belive / eat / flow / go / grow / make / rise / tell / translate

1. The earth goes round the sun.

2. Rise doesn’t grow in Britain.

3. The sun rises in the east.

4. Bees makes honey.

5. Vegetarians eat meat.

6. An atheist doesn’t belive in God.

7. An interpreter translates from one language into another.

8. Liars are people who dont’ tell the truth.

9. The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

2.4 You ask Lisa questions about herself and her family. Write the questions.

1 You know that Lisa plays tennis. You want to know how often. Ask her.

How often do you play tennis?

2. Perhaps Lisa’ sister plays tennis too. You want to kno. Ask Lisa.

Does your sister play tennis?

3. You know that Lisa reads a newspaper every day . You want know which one. Ask her.

Hello Lisa! Do you read any newspaper? Which one do you usually read?

4. You know tha Lisa’s brother works. You want to know what he does. Ask Lisa.

Does your brother work? What kind of job does he has ?

5. You know that Lisa goes to the cinema a lot. You want to know how often. Ask her.

Hey Lisa, do you go to the cinema? How often do you go.

6. You dont’t know where Lisa’s grandparents live. You want to know. Ask Lisa.

Lisa, where do your grandparents live?

2.5 Complete using the following:

I apologice / I insist / I promise / I recommend / I suggest

1. Mr Evans is not in the office to day. I suggest you try calling him tomorrow.

2. I wont’t tell anybody what you said. I promise!

3. (in a restaurant) You must let me pay fort the meal. I insist.

4. I apologise for what I did. It won’t happen again.

5. The new restaurant in Hill Street is very good.


A. Change the infinitive without to of these verbs into the correct present simple form with it.

1. play -> it plays

2. do -> it does

3. enjoy -> it enjoys

4. fix -> it fixes

5. miss -> it misses

6. say -> it says

7. teach -> it teaches

8. think -> it thinks

9. try -> it trys

10. wash -> it washes

B. Complete these facts about Egypt. Use the correct present simple forms of the verbs in the box.

boy / come / have / have / live / show / study / visit

1. Egypt has a population of around 80 milion.

2. 17 milion people live in Cairo.

3. The name „Egypt” comes from the Greek word Egyptos.

4. Around 6.000.000 tourists visit Egypt every year.

5. Every tourist buies presents from a night market.

6. Egypt has about 100 pyramids.

7.Tourist guides show people the pyramids of Giza.

8. An egyptologist is a person who studies Egyptian history from a long ago.

C. Complete Layla’s letter using the correct present simple form of the verbs in brackets.

Every morning I make (make) breakfast for my brother and me. I walk (walk) to school with my
brother. We see (see) the same two girls. They always say (say) „hello”. I feel (feel) lonely sometimes,
but I really like my new school. The school has (have) a very good library. My brother goes (go) to
primary school. He always wears (wear) his old red coat. My brother goes (go) to work early in the
morning. She works (work) very hard. Thank you for the card. You write (write) very good letters.
Write again soon! Love, Layla.

In your notebook, write present simple statements about your school morning.

1. Every morning I have breakfast with my family.

2. I always eat the oats made with water or peanut milk.

3. You never know which street is our school.

4. My teacher has a unique way of teaching us to calculate integrals.

5. The school has more classes of mathematical.

6. My friends sometimes play football after school.

7. We are best friends since 6 years.


Circle the correct option

1. He walks to the shops.

2. Layla’s mum goes by bus.

3. It never rains in Cairo.

4. Layla has big brown eyes.

5. Her mum studies English.


A. Underline the correct option.

1. I dont’t know the answer.

2. Most trees don’t grow very quickly.

3. Does Sara understand this?

4. Do you want to talk about it?

5. The price doesn’t include service.

6. I don’t think he’s very nice.

7. We don’t see our grandparents very often.

8. They don’t live very near.

B. Complete the text about black rhinos using the correct present simple forms of the verbs in

We have a large number of rhinos living here. Black rhinos don’t live in groups. They prefer to live
alone. Black rhinos are in danger because of their horns. People use the horns as medicine. A mother
black rhino doesn’t have many babies. A baby stays with its mother for three to four years. The
mother rhino doesn’t stay with the father. Rhinos don’t fight with other animals in the park. In fact,
they are friendly animals.

C. Make present simple questions from the words, then answer the questions in your notebook
using short answers.

1. a mechanic / fix cars

Does a mechanic fix cars?

2. you/work at the weekend

Do you work at the weekend?

3. a vet / look after animal

Does a vet look after animals?

4. zoo keepers / work in shops

Do zoo keepers work in shop?

5. a young colobus monkey / have white fur

Does a young colobus monkey have white fur?

6. you / do sport in the evening

Do you do sport in the evening?

D. Read part of an interview with a gorilla keeper. Complete her answers, using the verbs in the

not eat / not fight / get up / not go home / have / have / not look after / love

1. Yes, I get up at 6:30 every morning.

2. Yes, but they don’t eat banans all the time. They like a lot of other fruit, too.

3. The gorillas in the park are all friends. They don’t fight.

4. Yes, it does. The park has more than 50 gorillas.

5. Yes, they do. We have a baby gorilla in the park at the moment.

6. Yes, but sometimes a mother doesn’t look after her baby. Then we help the baby.

7. Yes, I give the baby milk every four hours day and night. I don’t go home in the evening. I sleep at
the park.

8. I love my job! No day is the same!


What did the interviewer ask? Make present simple questions using the word in brackets and write
them in your notebook.

1. Do you get up early? (early)

2. Do monkeys eat all the time bananas? (bananas)

3. Do rhinos like to fight? (fight)

4. Does the zookeeper feed a lot of gorillas in an hour? (a lot of gorillas)

5. Don’t the gorillas have many babies? (have babies)

6. Doesn't the baby stay with its mother? (stay with its mother)

7. Does the baby of gorilla drink a lot of milk? (drink milk)

8. All gorillas in the zoopark do like to stay in cage? (like)


Circle the correct option.

1. A: Do you want to go to the zoo?

B: No, I don’t.

2. We don’t visit zoos very often.

3. My sister doesn’t like zoos.

4. She says the animals not have a very happy life.

5. A: Do the rhinos fight with other animals?

B: No, they don’t.

E. Complete the questions using the verbs in brackets in either the present simple or present

1. A: Do you know that woman? (know)

B: No, I’ve never met her befor.

2. A: When does he get home? (get home) OBS! Nu poate sa fie si „she” ?

B: Usually at about 4.

3. A: Where is she going? (go)

B: To the shop, I think.

4. A: Do you agree? (agree)

B: Yes, I think you are right.

5. A: Why are you laughing? (laught)

B: I just heard a funny joke.

6. A: Are you remember his name? (remember)

B: I think it began with B.

7. A: What are you reading? (read)

B: It’s a novel by a new young writer.

8. A: Why are you crying? (cry)

B: It’s a really sad film.

F. Complete the sentences in an appropriate way.

1. First of all, the oven has to be hot ... NU SE VEDE BINE IN POZA

2. He doesn’t eat the pork because he’s a vegetarian.

3. On Saturday I work in a cafe all day but I’m available now.

4. She scare of blood but she wants to be a doctor one day.

5. Hurry up – It’s time to goes to work.

6. Look – This is a good view.

7. I’am an only child – and for this you are shouldn't never screaming at me.

8. He makes me angry – I should ignore him.


Complete the description by inventing answers to the questions.

1. Where are you? And what are you doing?

I’m in bed and I’m sleeping.

What happens next? The alarm rings. I turn ot off and go back to sleep.

How do you feel? I feel tired.

2. When is it? And where are you?

It is in less than two weeks and now I’m in another city.

OBS! Nu stiu unde vine exact now in propozitie. e corect si I’m in another city now?

What happens next? I see my brother.

How do you feel? I feel good, it’s all right for me.

3. When is it? And where are you?

It’s probably tomorrow, I’m in the car now.

„It’s probably” -> poate fi inteles si la prezentul simplu si la continuu, se scriu la fel, nu?

What happens next? The lights go out.

How do you feel? Yes. I saw, I’m feeling so sad.

4. Where are you? And what are you doing?

I’m now in the plane and I'm serving the food.

What happens next? I see someone famous and I go up to her.

How do you feel?

I'm feel so lucky to fly with my idol.

5. When is it? And what are you doing?

The race is now and I’m seeing everything that happens.

What happens next? The car breaks down.

How do you feel?

I’m feeling disappointed.

6. When is it? And what are you doing?

The concert is tomorrow. I'm near the scene.

What happens next? A stranger comes up to me.

How do fou feel?

I’m feeling scared.


Circle the correct option.

1. The Pyrenees lie on the border between France and Spain.

OBS! to lie, nu este a minti?

2. This bag doesn’t belong to me.

3. We sometimes watch the car racing in the holidays.

4. It’s Sunday and I’m bored. It is raining heavily.

5. This film is great – I really like it.


A. Underline the correct option.

1. They play / are playing rugby twice a week.

2. Are you having / Do you have breakfast every morning?

3. It snows / it snowing so we can’t go skiing.

4. You guide speaks / is speaking three languages.

5. We don’t know / aren’t knowing the way.

OBS! (Pot sa mearga si amandoua)

6. The DJ plays / is playing my favourite song.

7. Do you like / Are you liking the food?

OBS! (Amandoua merg, depinde de moment, daca vrei sa il intrebi daca ii place in general mancarea
sau chiar acum cand e la masa, nu?)

8. I’m not laughing / don’t laugh, I’m crying / cry.

OBS! (Pot sa mearga si amandoua)

B. Match the pairs.

1. She speaks French well. b. because her mother is from Paris.

2. She is speaking french a. because the tourist doesn’t know Italian.

3. It rains a lot a. in Mozambique.

4. It’s raining a lot b. and I’m wet.

5. She always has lunch b. at school.

6. she’s having lunch a. – please phone later.

7. A: Do you buy computer games? b. B: No, I download them from the Internet.

8. A: Are you buying a computer game? a. B: Yes, I’m in the shop.

9. I don’t work b. I’m a student.

10. I’m not working c. It’s Sunday

11. A: What is she doing? a. B: She’s reading.

12. A: What does she do? b. B: She’s a student.

C. Complete the dialogues using the verbs in the box in the present simple or present continous.
Some are negative or questions.

agree / carry / know / need / rain / understand / wait / wear

1. A: I don’t understand these instructions.

B: Why not? They look clear to me.

2. A: London is a very expensive city.

B: Yes, I agree with you.

3. A: Are you needing any help?

B: No, I’m OK. thanks.

4. A: She is wearing a coat.

B: That’s strange – it’s very cold today.

5. A: They are carring a piano up the stairs.

B: Help them – it’s very heavy.

6. A: Where is the History Museum?

B: Sorry, I don’t know!

7. A:____ Terry ____for me?

B: Yes – you’re late.

8. A: It’s a lovely day for a picnic.

B: We’re lucky that it doesn’t rain.

D. Complete this postcard with the present simple or present continous of the verbs in brackets.

Hi Rita,

I’m having (have) a lovely time in Manchester. The weather is nice and warm today, the sun
is shine (shine) and everyone are wearing (wear) T-shirts. Our teacher is great. He comes (come)
from Manchester too but he doesn’t speak English with an accent. We study (study) three hours in
the morning and go (go) on excursions in the afternoon. Now I’m siting (sit) in a cafe on King Street. I
don’t think (not think) a king really does live (live) here!

How are you? Do you work (work) this summer? Write soon.

Love, Julio


You are on holiday. In your notebook, write a text message to your friend. Describe what you are
doing and what you are wearing. Tell your friend what you do every day and what you like / don’t

Exemple: I’m lying by the pool. I swim every day.

I’m writing to you from the sunbed. I went on vacation.

The weather is good. I swim every day with my brother. He tries to convince me to hold my
breath under the water.

But I'm afraid of that. I prefer to stay on sunbed and eat. I love their food. I forgot to tell you
that we are in Thailand. It’s a beautiful country.

Next time you must go with us.


Circle the correct option.

1. The tourist look for the Eiffel Tower.

a. is looking b. look c. are looking

2. He has a map, but he doesn’t understant it.

a. isn’t understanding b. doesn’t understand c. isn’t understand

3. A: Are you having a car?

B: Yes, but I never drive in Paris.

a. Are you have b. Do you have c. Are you having

4. When we are in Paris, we always go by metro.

a. are go b. are going c. go

5. It is often sunny in Paris, but today it rains.

a. are rain b. is raining c. rains


Stay cool/Move on

1. Make nouns from the verbs by adding -er, -r or -or and write them in the correct list.

actor / dive / conduct / walk / paint / sail / sing / swim / drive / write / surf / drum / report

Sports and acivities

diver – scafandru

walker – drumet, plimbator

sailor - marinar

swimmer - inotator

driver – conducator auto

surfer - surfer

drummer – baterist/ tobosar

reporter - reporter

Arts, media and entertainment

actor – actor

conductor – dirijor

painter – pictor

writer – scriitor

2. Complete the crossword


1. I’m a profesional surfer, so I travel everywhere with my surfboard.

2. How tall are you? I’m about 1.8 metres.


Stay cool

Present simple and continous

3. Complete the postcard using the present simple or the present continous tense of the verbs in
the box.

stay / come / write / live / not live / wait / work / be / like

Hi, everyone!

News from Newquay! Everyone is waiting for the surfing championships to begin. They are a
very popular event and thousands of people come to Cornwall every summer to watch them.

I’ve already got some good friends here. One is an Italian guy called Gianni. He’s a lifeguard
on the beach and he stay at the same guesthouse as I am. Then there’s a girl called Nicola. She’s here
for the summer holidays. She works for her aunt, who has a hotel here. The rest of the year, she
doesn’t live in Newquay; she lives in London with her parents. I like her very much.

I write this postcard at a cafe on the beach. Life’s hard!

See you soon,


Infinitive of purpose

4. Match an action in the left-hand column with a purpose in the right-hand column to make
complete senteces.

1. I’m going to the bathroom  h. to change the towels.

2. They’re staying at home tonight.  g. to watch fotball on TV.

OBS! De ce They’re staying at home tonight e la present continous? Nu am inteles!

3. I’m washing cars at a garage  f. to earn some extra money.

4. I want to buy a new shirt.  a. to wear at Mel’s party.

5. She listens to British pop songs  d. to improve her English.

6. I’m writing to my aunt  b. to thank her for my present.

7. John wants to go to college  c. to study Art.

8. I’m going to the shopping mall  e. to buy some new trainers.

Move on/Go for it

Present simple and continuous

5. Use the pictures and prompts to write questions and answers in the present simple or continous.

What / Sasha / Anna / do?

What are Sasha and Anna doing?

They’re playing tennis.

1. How / Martin / usually / get to / school?

How does usually Martin get to school?

2. Karen / work / restaurant / this summer?

Does Karen work in restaurant this summer?

3. What / they / often / do / on Friday evenings?

What do they do often on Friday evenings?

4. Where / Kyoko / study / this year?

Where does Kyoko studies this year?

6. Join the sentences using the infinitive of the verbs in the box describe these people’s plans.

study / visit / learn / earn / raise

Carol wants to speak Spanish. She’s going to Madrid for three months.

Carol’s going to Madrid for three months to learn Spanish.

1. Bob’s working in a supermarket. He needs some extra money.

Bob earns some extra money and he’s working in a supermarket.

2. We need money for our school. We’re doing a sponsored swim. (Cum se traduce swim aici?)

We’re doing a sponsored swim, must earn money for our school.

3. Shari’s going to college. She’s got a place on the Law course.

Shari studies the Law course, she goes to college.

4. My grandmother’s ill. i’m going to the hospital.

I’am visiting my grandmother to the hospital because she’s ill.


Stay cool

7. Write the echo questions in the correct place in the conversation.

Are you? / Do you? / Does it? / Have you? / Is it?

A: I’ve got a part-time job.

B Have you?

A: Yes, but it’s jsut for the summer season.

B: Is it?

A: Yes, because I’m going to college in the autumn.

B: Does it? Do you like the job?

A: It’s Ok but I have to work shifts.

B: Do you?

A. I must go now. The late shift starts at 6 p.m.

B: Are you?

A: Yes, and I don’t want to be late! Bye!

Move on
8. Complete the conversations.

A: Do you live near here?

B: Yes, I live in the next street.

A: Do you? I live miles away.

1. A: Do you listen to music when you’re studying?

B: Yes, It help me to feel more concentrated.

I have a CD player in my room.

A: Have you? I’ve only got a radio.

2. A: I went to the new pizzeria last night.

B: Do you can eat there ?

A: Yes, it is very cheap and food is really good.

B: When is it open?
A: We can go on Friday evening, if you like.

B: Are you sure? Brilliant!

3. A: I’ve just seen Claire. She was going into town with Andy.

B: Are you telling me the truth?

A: Yes. And they were holdings hands.

B: What is she doing with Andy? Maybe she and Peter have slip up.

A. Maybe.

Go for it

9. In your notebook, continue the conversation between Kate and Jay. Kate asks:

 Where the courts are.

 What time the courts open.
 How much it costs to play. De ce nu se pune do/does aici?
 About taking lessons. sau „are” la prezentul continous?
 About playing tennis with Jay.

Kate: Excuse me, can you tell me where the tennis courts are? Cum se traduce „are you”?
Jay: Yes, of course. They’re on Lawn Road.

I’m going there now.

Kate: Are you? What does time the coursts is open?

Jay: I don’t know but we can ask them.

Kate: But are you knowing the cost?

Jay: Yes. It costs 5$ per hour.

Kate: Nice! Does exist coaches can learn me about playing?

Jay: Of course!

Kate: Would do you like to play the first match with me?

Jay: Sure! Let’s go!

What’s wrong?

10. Circle the mistakes in these sentences using the key. Then correct them.


p = punctuation gr = grammar ^ = there is a worg missing

w.o. = word order sp = spelling v = vocabulary

We’re saving money go on holiday.

^ We’re saving money to go on holiday.

1. They’re looking for a drumer for the band.

sp They’re looking for a drummer for the band.

2. We go there usually in July.

w.o. Usually we go there in July.

3. They’re going to the same place every year.

v ???

4. I dont like it when the weather’s bad.

p I don’t like it when the weather’s bad.

5. Nicola’s got a half-time job as a waitress.

gr Nicola’s got a second job as a waitress.


Stay cool

Present simple and continous

1. You meet Kelly when she is visiting Edinburg. Complete the conversation using the verbs in the
box in the present simple or continous.

do / enjoy / like / have / live / stay / study

You: Hello, my name’s Stefan. (give your name)

What’s yours?

Kelly: Kelly. Kelly Malone.

You: Pleased to meet you. Where do you live?

Kelly: In London.

You: Does you have great time in London?

Kelly: Yes, I do. There’s always lots to do there.

You: How long does you stay here in Edinburgh?

Kelly: I’m here for a couple of weeks.

You: Are you liking your stay?

Kelly: Yes, I enjoy a great time.

You: Are you a student?

Kelly: Yes, I’m at sxth-form college.

You: What are you studying?

Kelly: Art and Design.

You: What do you do in your free time?

Kelly: I take photographs, I paint and I windsurf.

You: Nice

Kelly: Well, I’d better go. My friend’s waiting for me. Nice to meet you.

You: Nice to meet you, too. Bye!

2. Complete the exchanges using the verbs in the box in the present simple or continuous.

belong / work / think / think / not feel / need / not remember / have / phone / not matter / want /
belive / hope / have/

Ex A: Whose bag is this?

B: I think it has to Anna.

1. A: Can I borrow your bike?

B: Sorry, I need it today.

2. A: Was Sylvia at the party?

B: I do not remember.

3. A: I’m so sorry!

B: It’s OK. It

4. A: Are you OK to go out this evening? You’ve had a long day.

B: Yes, I’m fine. I’m not feeling tired.

5. A: What time does work he usually has his guitar lesson?

B: From seven till eight.

A: And what time ....... he ....... it today?

B: From six till seven.

6. A: Don’t matter you belive in telepathy?

B: Yes. My sister an I sometimes have telepathic thoughts.

7. A: Hi, it’s me. I’am phoning from the bus station in York. There are no coaches back to
London tonight so I want about getting the train.

B: OK. Good luck. See you later, I hope!

8. A Could you go to the shop for me?

B: Sorry, I work on my project and I think to finish it tonight.


Stay cool

5. Write what relation these people are to me.

My uncle’s daughtere. cousin

1. My brother’s son nephew

2. My father’s new wife stepmother

3. My brother, who is exactly the same age as me twins

4. My wife’s father and mother parents

5. My wife’s father father in law

6. The couple who looked after me after my parents broke up adoptive parents

6. Match the expressions with the meanings in the box.

to drive someone mad  c) to make someone very angry.

1. to break up  j) to end a relationship, such as marriage

2. to get away  g) to escape

3. to get on someone’s nerves  i) to annoy someone

4. to get on well  d) to recover from

5. to get over  ??

6. to get through  ??

7. to get together  h) to go places as a couple

8. to get on  e) to make contact by phone

9. to get out  ??

OBS! Said when you recognize that you generally worry too much about people trying to harm you,
but believe that in this particular situation people really are trying to harm you

a) to meet socially

b) to be very firendly with

f) to make progress; to be friendly

7. Complete the letter using the expressions in Exercise 6 in the correct tense.

Dear Kate,

It seems ages since we’ve been in touch. A lot has happened recently, especially now that my
stepbrother and stepsister have finally come to live with us.

Before they moved in, it was OK. We used to get together at cafes and so on, and we used to
.......... with each other.

But things have changed since we started living in the same house. I find Richard irritating –
in fact, he really ...... But Anna is worse. She’s always on the phone. When my friends try to phone me,
they can never get on It drives someone mad!

It was bad enought when Mum and Dad break up.

At first, Dad and I used to argue about everyting. But we get over that. It’s worse now. I’m
not .......... very well at school because I can’t concentrate properly. And I’m not together with Tom
any more – we’ve broken up.

I just want to get out from it all.

Write soon to cheer me up!



8. In your notebook, write sentences using the following words.

1. a) write  I write the homework to english.

b) right  You are right about me.

2. a) it’s  It’s hard to write so much homework to english.

b) its  Their house has its own swimming pool.

3. a) hear  Do you hear me when I spek to you?

b) here  I like it here

4. a) there  There is a nice place.

b) their  Their books are with me. (sunt la mine, e corect, nu?)

Stay cool

9. Complete the conversations using the prompts.

? = show interest using a questions form,

e.g. Are you? or Do you?

! = show interest in another way,

e.g. Really or That’s interesting

v = agree with what the person says using

So or Neither

A: I’m doing a life-saving course at he local swimming pool.

B: ? Are you? ! That’s interesting.

A: I think it’s important to know how to help a swimmer in trouble.

B: v So do I.

1. A: I spend two weeks in Scotland every year.

B: ? Do you spend two weeks in Scotland every year?

2. A: Yes. I go for the Edinburgh Festival. I’m really interested in theatre.

B: v

3. A: I play quite a lot of sports.

B: ? Do y

4. A:




A. Underline the correct option

1. She is walking/are walking down the street.

2. People is singing/are singing too loudly.

3. We isn’t waiting/aren’t waiting in the right place.

4. I am running/is running because I’m late.

5. Hello? Are I speaking/Am I speaking to Lucy?

6. The guests is not enjoying/are not enjoying the party much.

7. At the moment I am living/are living with my friend.

8. Is that boy smiling / Are that boy smiling at me?

B. Cmplete the sentences using the present continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1. It’s raining. (rain)

2. The baby is not crying now. (not cry)

3. We are planning our holiday. (plan)

4. I’m walking to school. (walk)

5. They aren’t run very fast. (not run)

6. The cat is drinking some milk. (drink)

7. I’m not having a good time. (not have)

8. He is carrying a computer upstairs. (carry)

9. She isn’t working hard today. (not work)

C. Complete the telephone conversation using the present continuous of the verbs in brackets.
Some are negatives or questions.

Hello, Dad. Yes , I’m still at the party. What’s happening?

Well, everyone’s dancing but I’m sitting on the sofa. Geoff is telling some friends about his holiday
and he is showing them the pictures. Diego and Bianca are looking at he pictures because they think
they are boring. What? Oh, that’s Helen. She is shoutting, she just speaks very loudly. I’m glad she is
singing- she is a terrible singer! Wait.. Nicole are coming in the door. She looks OK now. Everyone are
smiling Anyway, what about you, Dad? Are doing anything interesting? I see. Great, they are bringing
the food. I’m hungry! I’ll phone later. Bye.’
D. Complete the senteces using the present continuous of the verbs in the box. Some are negatives
or questions.

carry / feel / play / stay / study / talk / try / watch / wear / write

1. Are you watching this film?

2. I ...... very well.

3. A: Be quiet! listen to the radio!

B: Sorry

4. A: My team are losing again!

B: They.... very well this season.

5. Sarah, ....... my red dress?

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