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NAME OF THE STUDENT : KAVIYA.S.% REGISTRATION VUMIBER ! BA0LC00LR COURSE NAME : ee COURSE CODE + P0003 —.2/ DATE OF THE EXAMINATION + 23 Ju fat TOTAL NOMI BER “4 PAGES WRITTEN 1 WINE CI) PLOITICOL SCIENCE -I11 INTERNATIONOL RELATIONS Pant -A Arausr the follouring 9 werteond * The given statement elucdolates that There ance dey eects few cases that Ahouwed opposition to the weccencise of poeser, Therefore Ares ectie of pout being an Amp orkunt factor ib the society tn the antenational aena oppetition fencs fo [retomen ate ote LL. Home, the Cooperation in the snteinational stage us alto not domeptetety C10 wroted off by The opperttconal behautoun, Conflict or pacibies. Thewse fare, thene xe always a balance ameng the wage of pom and the opp esitebn which arrive and this center an og witli bheciuem of pou among ranieus Atutes wy the Antenationas stage. Pow ard ile atistuiution cb the Pundamental at f the nternatemmas Peuttes. A lage numben af ebcter with vanious clegrees of pou 2H th thy Lrte notional stage and euch one of them © Hbauyn.. ss + | uy to measti'méize thein pou and try | achbue clominance orrey othe erates Therce lore fo ensere batanee Of Fee ranious states form nfo PeT* so that no single state becomes otominant. /n thts way the pou of ene group us balanced by fe other guoup which «1 th opp ariton | fo that guoup. An camps for thes | wae be QUAD, whith wt Japan, USA» Inca and Aushatia joing 0 neo eentet Chtne un the Pacific. Batance of pout Uden extabttshed fprontoes and eee ee ang secunity of smattey stares . Lack of power butance dering Ae cold war leag fo the obominante of ene Nat/en and the cettruction of otheus. In the pot cold wat peciod, US And USSR Wet wg 40 clominase each ofhoy. Hout, they oid not Arg otdue tty ab £6 woUutY reste th a Auge tar for them. Ouey the ported » Various Atutes wanted fropepdetanes Fe. They @ Fthau Dea. wanted 40 goin povust Cherpite pa of Powe ensuring peace and secetly - HOULMEM » Le onty ceapeiue 7o gue ep uctechecicem of power. Butance of pow Aus heer the key factr th the Inleinationa petal ons | practcet and tr the ateretep menk of Intexnatebnad petits theories. These fore s | espite beueus stho/ees adcuerting | them Ayrenymecsty » theues acre atifrerences beter them. /nkeunatzina retatyons olenks With ate the relations feecereer states and citeyens but inkinatvend Peles is narroned lout ro erty hear eee pouticar Pel ations among tHetet ang Gorethments- Iittnatione retationy eats cuth hoth offecel and nen -offreices petations cthe0eas the Ofhery Aecees Orey uth ofltiar ttetatons ard meetings hetuen states and effiecals. The statement giuen vexptains the hate of peace toning mem feus of the Aoctery én CU Coming the practise of a4age ef force as a facet rp natcones Poti. Howeney, the POO et werpteins thet usage of force us rot a wer and ty ft stimitay to en forcement Of Jaur. Thee x nothing beet a pote Attion to ennue ap Orelenty olomes tie s0uety. The preceptedn of states Powanay PAL and force hangel. with patious euenls thet crete encdten reed. (bey the, an the tnt hetone etena. The atome a uc bombs eopped in Japan ctevei And furthermore, fnanecet iets Phat the 20OUuntries Pecticepate of tn the AvOIS Way tens Yherough affected them to a (euge extent . Hee @ Hawa ., The Buicth gorse up ate ult Colonies ang Germany wads treed as pou The wees of Amita and douiet. /noia ard tpypt which wasne the rewty forme reputptics became the financial ecptoitatory wichm. Thesepores ALY wrortd way fi The | Orled Noting Org Uris otedy te ol ie feague formed eerntisy ferteg +o achiene its objectives of Matnt acning pence. The effort ef Varied Watens tn Prtce-keeping enrolued ct an aeseynatiice | to the collectitre seurily . Tereafley, the atures ttauted working Yowarncls the metrtenance of peace ard de cetrily - These fr cto encouraged retour steser fo have a thought oven Ahleinekeney peace and clare Aat concepe . Howey, erreny Hine nacntenance of peace anol Aaumony

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