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B.A. LL.B. (Hons) Degree Programme
Second Year, Third Semester, Mid Semester (Odd-Semester) Examinations, November 2021
POLITICAL SCIENCE - III (International Relations)
Time: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 20
PART – A (2 X 10= 20 Marks)

Answer the following Questions. Each Answer should not be less than 400 Words.
1. “The very fact that international society affords so few examples of non-resistance
to the exercise of power and that power plays such an important role in that
society indicates that opposition tends to predominate over cooperative
international behaviour. Oppositional behaviour, conflict, and politics do not
entirely crowd cooperation off the international stage; international relations and
international politics are not synonymous”- Analyze the statement in the light of
examples from International Politics.

2. “The temptation, or yielding to temptation, to employ force as an instrument of

national policy will be deterred or frustrated by the overwhelming power of the
‘peace-loving members’ acting on behalf of the security community to protect the
innocent. That is not war, but police action, similar to law enforcement within an
orderly domestic society”- Critically analyse the statement with an example.


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