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QJP0010.1177/1747021818781425The Quarterly Journal of Experimental PsychologyMiller et al.

Original Article

Quarterly Journal of Experimental

Does task-irrelevant colour information Psychology

© Experimental Psychology Society 2018
create extraneous cognitive load? Reprints and permissions:
Evidence from a learning task DOI: 10.1177/1747021818781425

Paul Miller1, Batel Hazan-Liran1 and Danielle Cohen2

Previous studies have shown that task-irrelevant information impedes learning by creating extraneous cognitive load.
But still open is whether such intrusion reflects a purely semantic phenomenon or whether it also stands for sheer
perceptual interference. Using Cognitive Load Theory as a framework, this study aimed to answer this question by
examining whether and how task-irrelevant colour information modifies extraneous cognitive load in relation to a new
code-learning paradigm. For this purpose, university students were asked to learn, based on an example, associations
between colour-related and colour-unrelated words and digits presented in black or in a mismatched ink colour. Evident
costs in learning efficacy were found in learning the associations between words and digits for colour-related, but not
for colour-unrelated, word stimuli. This suggests that interference by task-irrelevant information in learning stands for
a mere semantic conflict. Implications of the findings for extraneous cognitive load on learning efficacy are discussed.

Learning; cognitive load theory; extraneous cognitive load; task-irrelevant information

Received: 8 January 2018; revised: 14 May 2018; accepted: 14 May 2018

Literature review
Optimising learning processes requires a profound under- Merriënboer & Ayres, 2005). The suppression of such
standing of the mechanisms involved in the acquisition of information—information that in some cases directly
new knowledge. Cognitive load theory (CLT) seeks to obstructs the application of available schemas or the crea-
bring about a better understanding of how cognitive tion of new ones—eventually takes attentional resources
resources sustain our ability to process and learn informa- away from the learning process, resulting in less effective
tion for the completion of a specific task. According to learning.
CLT, learning efficacy is determined by several learner- In sum, according to CLT, next to load imposed by the
independent and learner-dependent factors. The first is degree of element interactivity—intrinsic cognitive load—
Intrinsic Cognitive Load which represents the interaction overall cognitive load is directly or indirectly determined
between task complexity and learner’s level of expertise by extraneous cognitive load linked to characteristics of
(Sweller, van Merriënboer & Paas, 1998; van Merriënboer the instructional design and is considered ineffective for
& Sweller, 2005). More specifically, intrinsic cognitive learning (Paaas & Van Gog, 2006). Note, however, that the
load is the degree of element interactivity reflected in the effect of such extraneous cognitive load on learning is
number of elements a learner has to process simultane-
ously in Working Memory (WM), modified by the availa-
1Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, University of
bility and automaticity of retrieval of permanently stored
Haifa, Haifa, Israel
schemas (Sweller, 2010). 2Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of
A second factor considered to influence overall cogni- Haifa, Haifa, Israel
tive load is Extraneous Cognitive Load, that is, the entry of
Corresponding author:
task-irrelevant information into cognitive processes Paul Miller, Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education,
applied to materials held in WM (Sweller, 2010; Sweller, University of Haifa, Haifa 31905, Israel.
Ayres, & Kalyuga, 2011; Sweller & Chandler, 1994; van Email:
2 Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 00(0)

essentially determined by intrinsic cognitive load, with its “blue” or “sky” was presented in blue ink. In the second
impact becoming increasingly prominent with an increase condition, the base-code words’ corresponding digits were
in element interactivity and/or a decrease in learner’s provided with ink colours incompatible with their mean-
expertise (van Merriënboer & Sweller, 2005). ings (a colour-incongruent condition). For example, the
CLT has been conceptualised as a framework to reflect digit associated with “blue” or “sky” was presented in red
on learning processes occurring under ecologically real ink. Finally, in the colour-neutral control condition, both
conditions, such as learning subject matters at school base-code words and their corresponding digits were pre-
(Sweller, 2016). The numerous approaches taken to con- sented in black. Black ink—because it is typically used
solidate the validity of CLT have focused on a wide range with digits as well as other written materials—is assumed
of subject matters. Experimental manipulations typically to be treated by the brain as neutral (achromatic), therefore
refer to variance in the instructions given to learners (e.g., is hypothesised to be unnoticed as part of their processing.
instructional designs magnifying extraneous cognitive Findings from the above study indeed revealed strong
load as opposed to instructional designs minimising extra- interference by the digits’ colour on learning efficacy.
neous cognitive load) and/or to their level of expertise in More specifically, compared with the colour-neutral con-
the domain under investigation (see Kalyuga & Singh, trol condition, participants made markedly more comple-
2016). However, in such endeavours, controlling the learn- tions in the colour-congruent condition and significantly
er’s expertise in the examined domains, hence the degree fewer in the colour-incongruent condition, with the magni-
of element interactivity, was limited—across experiments tude of facilitation and inhibition being strikingly similar.
as well as across subjects. Experimental designs holding This was true whether the base-code words were colour
these factors constant are rare. Therefore, it becomes names or colour-related word concepts.
extremely difficult to determine the unique variance con- In sum, the evidence suggests the occurrence of extra-
tributed to learning by extraneous cognitive load. neous cognitive load originating from task-irrelevant
In an attempt to reveal how learning efficacy is modi- peculiarities, namely, the digits’ ink colour. In other words,
fied by unique variance added by extraneous cognitive although principally irrelevant with regard to the instruc-
load, Hazan-Liran and Miller (2017) designed an innova- tion to learn associations between digits and words, the
tive experimental paradigm that combines principles of the digits’ ink colour proved influential in task performance
Stroop colour paradigm (Stroop, 1935) and the symbol- because it tapped into semantic properties inherent to the
digit coding subtest (Wechsler, 1997). The paradigm asks base-code words. The question is, “Does the mere pres-
individuals to learn associations between eight colour ence of task-irrelevant colour information still influence
names or eight colour-related word concepts—the base- the efficiency of learning associations between words and
code words—and specific digits as demonstrated in an digits in instances where based-code words lack colour
example section presented at the top of the test sheet (mod- semantics?” In short, does colour per se increase cognitive
ified version of the symbol-digit coding subtest). Learned load?
associations were expected to accelerate the completion of To provide satisfactory answers to this question, we
rows of base-code words with their corresponding digits in used a modified version of the original Hazan-Liran and
a 2-min time span. Miller paradigm, set up as two experiments with a mixed-
In this particular paradigm, element interactivity is con- model design. In both experiments, university students
stantly low as there seem to be no available schemas learn- were asked to complete as fast as possible test sheets com-
ers can apply to reduce the retention of isolated colour prising rows of base-code words with corresponding dig-
words in WM while completing the task. Moreover, as col- its, as shown in an example presented above the test
our names or colour-related word concepts are not typi- section. The basic assumption was that the faster the par-
cally associated with specific digits, learners will not be ticipants learn the provided associations between base-
distinguishable on their initial level of expertise. Given code words and digits, the less would they have to rely on
this to be true, the effect of task-irrelevant information in time-consuming recourse to the example section, that is,
the form of extraneous cognitive load on learning efficacy the more completions would they achieve in a 2-min time
should not be confounded with variance originating from span.
intrinsic cognitive load (Hazan-Liran & Miller, 2017). The first of the experiments used colour names versus
To elucidate the impact of extraneous cognitive load on colour-unrelated adjectives, and the second used colour-
learning efficacy Hazan-Liran and Miller (2017) developed related word concepts versus colour-unrelated nouns for
three conditions implemented in two experimental para- stimulation. Each experiment comprised four conditions.
digms. In the first of these conditions, they presented the In two of the conditions, the base-code words were colour-
base-code words’ corresponding digits in the example sec- related (e.g., blue or sky); in one of them, the associated
tion in colours that were compatible or strongly associated digits were presented in colours not matching the base-
with their meanings (a colour-congruent condition). For code words, and in the other, both base-code words and
example, the digit associated with the base-code word digits were presented in black (achromatic colour). In the
Miller et al. 3

remaining two conditions, the base-code words were col- participants will also have to suppress a semantic conflict
our-unrelated (e.g., deep or sweet); in one of them, the created by the digits’ task-irrelevant colour, leading to
associated digits were presented in colour, and in the other, even greater increase in extraneous cognitive load.
both base-code words and digits were presented in black.
Experiment 1: colour names versus Participants. Participants were 60 Haifa University stu-
adjectives dents (23 males, 37 females, age range: 20-41 years)
As already stated, the basic assumption of the current recruited via a flyer distributed around the campus. Half of
experiment was that the encoding of a base-code stimulus them (30) were tested with colour names as base-code
word on its initial encounter in the test section will lead to word stimuli and the others (30) with colour-unrelated
the retrieval of its semantics—but at this point, an associa- adjectives. Thirty-five of them studied social sciences such
tion with a particular digit is still lacking. To create such an as education, social work, and health care, whereas the
association, participants were obliged to look it up in the study domains of the remainder were computer sciences,
example section, holding the base-code word’s semantics statistics, economy, and law. All were paid for participa-
active in WM. In the first two conditions, the stimulus tion. All had intact or corrected-to-intact vision and proper
words’ semantics were in essence colour, whereas in the hearing. Hebrew was their first spoken and read language.
others their semantics did not bear colour as a property. In Only students with no history of learning disabilities were
instances where digits were presented in an ink colour included.
incongruent with the colour semantics triggered by encod-
ing their parallel colour names, the digits’ colours were Design and stimuli.  The experiment was implemented as a
expected to create extraneous cognitive load which the paper and pencil test with four separate test sheets used for
participant had to suppress, removing attentional resources assessing participants’ efficacy in learning associations
from the learning process. In instances where digits were between base-code words and digits, reflected in the num-
presented in colour, but the semantics of their associated ber of completions within 2 min. It was implemented as a
base-code stimulus words did not bear colour as a property 2 × 2 mixed-model design with word type (colour names
(colour-unrelated adjectives), the digit colour was not vs. colour-unrelated adjectives) as the between-subjects
expected to create extraneous cognitive load rooted in con- variable and digit colour (coloured vs. uncoloured) as the
flicting colour information (see MacLeod, 1991, p. 173). within-subjects variable.
However, its sheer presence may still produce extraneous The basic design was the same for each test sheet, the
cognitive load because—due to its redundancy—the associations between the eight base-code words and their
learner has to ignore it. Going by this scenario, we tested corresponding digits being displayed in a permanently pre-
the following hypotheses: sent example section at the top (see Supplementary
Material A). The test section below the example section
was 10 double rows, both having 12 rectangular fields.
Research hypotheses Each of the 12 fields of every upper row was randomly
1. Overall, learning of associations between words filled with 12 base-code words; the 12 fields of the lower
and digits will be less effective with coloured digits rows were empty, and the participants had to write the cor-
than with digits coloured in black ink. responding digits in them. The first four items of the top
row of the test section served for practice. Participants
We assume that the mere colouring of the digits leading to were instructed to learn the associations and apply their
increased extraneous cognitive load, regardless of the new knowledge by complementing the base-code words in
base-code words’ semantics, consequently will leave par- the test section with appropriate digits in the empty fields.
ticipants with fewer cognitive resources for the consolida- They could not focus on the example and test sections
tion of associations between words and digits. simultaneously, that is, they were likely to rely on their
WM for task completion.
2. The effect of digit colour information on the learn- The digits 1 to 8 assigned to the base-code words were
ing of associations between words and digits will randomised across conditions to prevent learning transfer.
be more prominent in instances where digits’ col- The basic assumption was that the quicker participants
our interferes semantically with the base-code learned the association between a base-code word and its
words’ meaning, as is the case with colour names. corresponding digit, the more digits would they insert in a
given time. This is because once a particular association
In addition to suppressing the sheer intrusion of colour was learned, the learner could insert the corresponding
information into the process of learning associations digit without needing to spend time searching for the rela-
between words and digits, in the case of colour names, tion in the example section (Wechsler, 1997).
4 Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 00(0)

Word type Digit color Base-code word/digit associations

brown orange white black green red yellow blue
Color names 7 1 8 6 4 2 5 3
(Group 1) brown orange white black green red yellow blue
5 3 2 6 4 7 1 8
cheap locked pretty long kind deep humble sweet
Color unrelated adjectives 7 1 8 6 4 2 5 3
(Group 2) cheap locked pretty long kind deep humble sweet
3 6 8 5 1 4 7 2

Figure 1.  Study design and illustration of the example section of the four experimental conditions in English. The colour version of
this figure is available online.
Note: The digits’ colors in the example sections of the coloured condition are as follows: 7= blue, 1= black, 8= red, 6= brown, 4= yellow, 2=
orange, 5= white, 3= green.

pear soup song elephant bag salt pot bucket dition to prevent carry-over effects of previous informa-
tion stored in participants’ WM.
3 6 8 5 1 4 7 2 For task explanation, the experimenter placed a sepa-
rate sheet with an example and a practice sample on the
Figure 2.  Example of base-code words and corresponding table before the participants (see Figure 2).
digits, both in black ink. The participants received the following instructions:

Here is an example of eight Hebrew words presented one after

Eight Hebrew colour names (blue, yellow, red, green, another in rectangular fields and a digit from 1 to 8 below
black, white, orange, brown) and eight colour-unrelated each of them. Beneath this example you see another row of
adjectives (sweet, humble, deep, kind, long, pretty, looked, these words but this time with an empty field below each
cheap) were used as base-code words. All were presented word (see Figure 3). Your task is to learn which digit belongs
in black ink and in unpointed Hebrew, a primarily conso- to which word so you can fill the empty fields with the
nantal orthography. appropriate digits.
According to the word-frequency database for printed
Hebrew (Frost & Plaut, 2005), the colour names’ average The experimenter filled the first four empty fields with
letter length was 3.75 letters, their average syllabic length corresponding digits.
was 1.87 syllables, and their average raw frequency per Following task explanation, the experimenter placed the
1 million words was 56.12. The adjectives’ average letter first experimental sheet on the table before the participants
length was 3.75 letters, their average syllabic length was 2 (e.g., Supplementary Material A), with all but the example
syllables, and their average raw frequency per 1 million section and the first four words of the test section being cov-
words was 58.37. Information regarding the letter length, ered by a blank piece of cardboard. She then asked them to
syllabic length, and word frequency of each of the Hebrew complete the four practice items with their corresponding
stimuli is provided in Supplementary Material B. Figure 1 digits, as exemplified in Figure 3, in a time of about 15 s.
illustrates the experimental design with the example sec- After the participants’ performance in the example sec-
tions of the four experimental conditions. tion demonstrated their proper understanding of the task
requirements, the experimenter informed them that they
Procedure. Participants were tested individually by a would now be tested; they had to fill in the digits, word by
trained experimenter in the authors’ lab. Prior to being word, without skipping words. The goal was to achieve as
tested, they were asked to fill out a demographic form and many completions as possible until they were asked to
received a short explanation concerning the study purpose. stop. Moreover, they should beware of making mistakes,
They were further informed that they could stop participa- but if they did they should move on without correcting
tion at any point without being penalised in any form. Test- them. The experimenter did not mention that in some con-
ing started only after they signed a written consent. ditions the digits were presented in different colours. The
Administration order of the different conditions was moment they indicated their readiness, the experimenter
counterbalanced. A short computerised same/different removed the coversheet and set a stopwatch. She termi-
task—asking participants to determine as fast as possible nated each session after exactly 2 min, writing down the
whether two simultaneously presented Hebrew words total number of completions as well as the number of
were the same or not—was inserted in between each con- erroneous completions—the two dependent variables
Miller et al. 5

song pot pear soup bucket bag elephant salt resulted in a significantly reduced completion rate. The
8 7 3 6
effect of digit colour in relation to colour-unrelated adjec-
tives was statistically nonsignificant, t(29) =−0.71, p > .05,
Figure 3.  Demonstration of task requirements by the d = 0.00, indicating that digit colour did not bias participants’
experimenter. completion rates for this word type.

Table 1.  Mean performancea for colour names and adjectives Discussion
with reference to the digits’ colour (standard deviations in
parentheses). The general goal of Experiment 1 was to clarify whether
colour per se contributes independent variance to extrane-
Digit colour Colour names Adjectives Total ous cognitive load, biasing performance in learning the
Coloured 57.60 (13.03) 63.10 (10.27) 60.35 (11.96) association between base-code words and digits. We gen-
Uncoloured 70.57 (12.87) 63.90 (12.66) 67.23 (13.10) erally hypothesised that the colouring of the base-code
Overall 64.08 (11.91) 63.50 (11.42) 63.79 (11.42) words’ corresponding digits—while principally being
irrelevant to task—would lead to increased extraneous
aPerformance is the average number of correct completions in 2 min. cognitive load reflected in the participants’ performance,
regardless of the base-code words’ semantics (Hypothesis
measured in the experiment—for further analyses. None of 1). This is because it leaves them with fewer cognitive
the participants managed to complete an entire test sheet in resources for the consolidation of associations between
the 2-min time span. words and digits. We further estimated that the effect of
digit colour on participants’ performance would be more
prominent in instances where participants had to suppress
Results a semantic conflict created by the digits’ ink colour, as was
Error rates were very low, therefore not analysed sepa- the case of colour names (Hypothesis 2).
rately. However, to account for their occurrence, we calcu- Findings from Experiment 1 failed to support
lated performance averages of each condition as a function Hypothesis 1 while fully corroborating Hypothesis 2.
of participants’ number of digits indicated in the test sec- More specifically, the close-to-identical completion rates
tion in 2 min minus the number of erroneous indications. found for adjectives in the coloured and uncoloured con-
We used generalised linear model (GLM) analysis with ditions indicate that digit ink colour per se did not lead to
word type (colour names, adjectives) as a between-sub- decrease in performance due to increase in extraneous
jects variable and digit colour (coloured, uncoloured) as a cognitive load. For task-irrelevant information to yield
within-subjects variable to reveal the impact of irrelevant an increase in extraneous cognitive load that negatively
colour information on new code learning. Average number affects performance, it has to interact semantically with
of completions and standard deviations with reference to to-be-processed information (see Hazan-Liran & Miller,
word type and digit colour are presented in Table 1. 2017). This is evident from the participants’ rather mark-
Word type, the between-subjects effect, was statisti- edly reduced performance when asked to learn the asso-
cally nonsignificant, F(1, 58) = 0.04, p > .05, η2p = .00, ciations between colour names and digits presented in
indicating that overall, word type did not determine the colours incompatible with the colour names’ semantics.
number of completions participants performed in the given As predicted by CLT (Sweller & Chandler, 1994; van
time. The effect of digit colour was statistically significant, Merriënboer & Sweller, 2005), the above findings strongly
F(1, 58) = 40.18, p < .001, η2p = .41, implying that overall, suggest that extraneous cognitive load originating from the
presentation of digits in colours other than black reduced entry of task-irrelevant information is a significant factor
participants’ completion rates. The word type effect sig- in determining individuals’ efficiency in integrating and
nificantly interacted with the digit colour effect, F(1, learning new information for proper task performance.
58) = 31.38, p < .001, η2p = .35, indicating that the impact of However, they expand such understanding by showing
digit colour on completion rate differed for colour names that the presence of task-irrelevant information may not
and colour-unrelated adjectives. automatically transform into increase in extraneous cogni-
We conducted several post hoc analyses to clarify the tive load that removes attentional resources away from the
final significance of the word type × digit colour interaction. learning process. More specifically, it distinguishes seman-
As a first step, we compared completion rates for colour tically intrusive task-irrelevant information from task-
names and adjectives under coloured and uncoloured condi- irrelevant information which, despite its presence, may not
tions in two paired-sample t-tests (one-tailed). The effect of prove harmful to the learning process. Experiment 2 was
digit colour in relation to colour names was statistically sig- conducted to strengthen this conclusion by learning the
nificant, t(29) =−6.98, p < .001, d = 1.09. This suggests that associations between base-code words and digits for dif-
in contrast to presenting digits in black, presenting them in ferent word types and with colour being a property rather
colours incongruent with the colour names’ semantics than the core meaning of the base-code words.
6 Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 00(0)

Word type Digit color Base-code word/digit associations

sky banana strawberry grass darkness whipped Orange(a) mud
colored cream
Color-related 6 2 5 1 3 8 4 7
word concepts
(Group 1) sky banana strawberry grass darkness whipped orange mud
uncolored cream
5 3 2 6 4 7 1 8
bell towel pocket shoulder helicopter carriage oven string
Color-unrelated colored
7 1 8 6 4 2 5 3
(Group 2) bell towel pocket shoulder helicopter carriage oven string
3 6 8 5 1 4 7 2

Figure 4.  Study design and illustration of the example section of the four experimental conditions in English. The colour version of
this figure is available online.
Note: For Group 1, the digits’ colors in the example section of the colored condition are as follows: 6= brawn, 2= orange, 5= white, 1= black, 3=
green, 8= red, 4= yellow, 7= blue. For Group 2, the digits’ colors in the example section of the colored condition are as follows: 7= blue, 1= black,
8= red, 6= brown, 4= yellow, 2= orange, 5= white, 3= green.

Experiment 2: colour-related word as those who participated in Experiment 1. Half of them

concepts and nouns tested with colour-related word concepts as base-code
word stimuli and the others with colour-unrelated nouns.
Experiment 1 suggests that when learning associations
between colour names and digits, participants not only Design, stimuli, and procedure.  The design and procedure of
process their letter strings down to their meaning but Experiment 2 were identical to those of Experiment 1,
also—although not required to do so for proper task per- except that stimulus materials were colour-related word
formance—seem to process the semantics of the digits’ ink concepts and not colour names, and colour-unrelated nouns
colour. Digit ink colour was found to impose extraneous instead of colour-unrelated adjectives. The English transla-
cognitive load on learning new information (see also tions of the eight colour-related word concepts are sky
Hazan-Liran & Miller, 2017), yet did so only in instances (blue), banana (yellow), strawberry (red), grass (green),
it interacted—created a conflict—with the semantics of darkness (black), whipped cream (white), orange (orange),
the base-code words, that is, the colour names. More spe- and mud (brown) and those of the colour-unrelated nouns
cifically, the observed decrease in performance was not in are bell, towel, pocket, shoulder, helicopter, carriage, oven,
essence a colour effect but the result of a semantic conflict. and string. For a detailed description of the colour-related
Given this to be true, learning associations between word word concept and the colour-unrelated noun lists, see Sup-
concepts of which colour is only an attribute, and digits plementary Material B. According to the word-frequency
that are incongruently coloured with respect to these attrib- database for printed Hebrew (Frost & Plaut, 2005), the col-
utes, would presumably lead to decreased performance, our-related word concepts’ average letter length was 3.75
albeit in more moderate form. On the contrary, digit colour letters, their average syllabic length was 2.12 syllables, and
should not bias performance in relation to colour-unrelated their average raw frequency per 1 million words was 8.12.
nouns as it did not influence performance in relation to The colour-unrelated nouns’ average letter length was 3.75
colour-unrelated adjectives (see Experiment 1). Experiment letters, their average syllabic length was 2.12 syllables, and
2 was designed as a quasi-replication of Experiment 1. their average raw frequency per 1 million words was 7.50.
Information regarding the letter length, syllabic length, and
Research hypothesis word frequency of each of the Hebrew stimuli is provided in
Supplementary Material B. Figure 4 illustrates the experi-
The research hypotheses tested in Experiment 2 were gen- mental design with the example sections of the four experi-
erally identical to those formulated for Experiment 1, with mental conditions.
the occurrence of a marked digit colour–related decrease
in performance predicted in relation to colour-related word
concepts and a less pronounced decrease in this regard in Results
relation to colour-unrelated nouns. As in Experiment 1, error rates were very low, therefore
were not analysed. However, to account for their occur-
rence, we calculated performance averages of each condi-
Method tion again as a function of participants’ number of digits
Participants. Participants were a new group of 60 Haifa indicated in the test section within 2 min minus the number
University students recruited according to identical criteria of erroneous indications.
Miller et al. 7

Table 2.  Mean performancea for colour-related word concepts and nouns with reference to the digits’ colour (standard deviations
in parentheses).

Digit colour Colour-related Word concepts Nouns Total

Coloured 63.70 (12.44) 72.97 (15.08) 68.33 (14.48)
Uncoloured 70.37 (14.47) 75.43 (12.15) 72.90 (13.49)
Overall 67.03 (12.57) 74.20 (13.05) 70.61 (13.21)
aPerformance is the average number of correct completions in 2 min.

We used GLM analysis with word type (colour-related process only in instances where it triggers a conflict with
word concepts, colour-unrelated nouns) as a between-sub- the semantic properties of the base-code words, in the pre-
jects variable and digit colour (coloured, uncoloured) as a sent case the colour attributes (Hypothesis 2). Where there
within-subjects variable. Average number of completions is no such semantic conflict—in our study in the case of the
and standard deviations with reference to word type and colour-attribute-lacking nouns, digit colour, albeit irrele-
digit colour are presented in Table 2. vant, does not seem to hinder learning by creating extrane-
Word type, the between-subjects effect, was statistically ous cognitive load (Hypothesis 1 not confirmed).
significant, F(1, 58) = 4.69, p < .05, η2p = .07 , indicating that The impact of the digit colour in the colour-related word
overall, the number of completions participants performed in concept condition is proof that the participants processed
the 2-min time span was biased by the word type used as the base-code word stimuli down to their semantics, yet
base-code words. The effect of digit colour was statistically could not inhibit processing the semantics of the digits’ ink
significant, F(1, 58) = 15.20, p < .001, η2p = .21, implying that colour (see Dalrymple-Alford, 1972). The latter was likely
overall, presenting digits in colours other than black reduced to be true also with regard to the digit ink colour in the
participants’ completion rates. The interaction of the word colour-unrelated noun condition, but in this case it did not
type effect with the digit-colour effect was statistically not tap into semantic properties retrieved by the processing of
significant, F(1, 58) = 3.21, p = .08, η2p = .05, indicating that the nouns. Given this scenario to be true, the conclusion
the impact of digit colour on completion rate did not differ seems tenable that performance differences found between
for colour-related word concepts and colour-unrelated nouns. the colour and uncoloured conditions for colour-related
The word type × digit colour interaction—although sta- word concepts was purely semantic in nature.
tistically not marked—was found to be of borderline sig- Experiment 2 shows that extraneous cognitive load
nificance. Therefore, to reveal more fine-tuned differences occurs due to a conflict between task-irrelevant informa-
between the different experimental conditions, we decided tion and words’ semantic attributes even in instances where
to conduct post hoc analyses that paralleled those con- it does not tap into the words’ core meaning per se (van
ducted in Experiment 1. As a first step, we compared com- Merriënboer & Sweller, 2005). Whereas this conclusion is
pletion rates for colour-related word concepts and unequivocally supported by findings revealed from the
colour-unrelated nouns under coloured and uncoloured analysis of Experiment 1, the lack of a statistically signifi-
conditions in two paired-sample t-tests (one-tailed). The cant interaction between word type and digit colour sug-
effect of digit colour in relation to colour-related word gests that the magnitude of the impact of task-irrelevant
concepts was statistically significant, t(29) =−3.73, information on basic learning processes may be mediated
p = .001, d = 0.53. This suggests that—in contrast to pre- by particularities of the to-be-processed information. For
senting digits in black—presenting them in colours incon- example, in Experiment 2, the colour-unrelated nouns used
gruent with the colour-related word concepts’ semantic for stimulation may indeed not be conventionally associ-
attributes resulted in a significantly reduced completion ated with a specific colour, yet for some of the participants,
rate. The effect of digit colour in relation to colour-unre- some of them may still have had associations with colours
lated nouns was statistically nonsignificant, t(29) =−1.63, due to their personal experience. For example, the colour
p > .05, d = 0.18, suggesting that for this word type digit of an oven may not be conventionally determined, yet for
colour did not bias the participants’ completion rates. a person with an oven at home it has a colour that is likely
to be retrieved and, consequently, bears the potential to
modify the efficacy of learning its association with a col-
oured digit. This would reasonably explain why learning
Overall, analyses applied to Experiment 2 data replicated associations in relation to coloured nouns in Experiment 2
evidence found in relation to Experiment 1, with marked was less effective than in relation to uncoloured nouns (see
completion rate differences found between the two colour- Table 2). It also would make sense that in Experiment 1 the
related word concept conditions, in contrast to nonsignifi- base-code word-digit completion rates found for coloured
cant differences found between the two colour-unrelated and uncoloured adjectives were virtually the same, given
noun conditions. This further supports a notion that task- that the semantics of these stimuli did not bear colour as a
irrelevant digit colour information hampers the learning property.
8 Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 00(0)

General discussion intrusion of competing meaning. This line of reasoning

complies with conclusions from Stroop (Dalrymple-Alford,
The principal objective of this study was to expand our 1972; MacLeod, 1991; Stroop, 1935) and Stroop-like
understanding of the impact of task-irrelevant information research (Hazan-Liran & Miller, 2017; Kaufmann & Nuerk,
on learning efficacy, using CLT as a theoretical platform 2006; Kimble, Frueh, & Marks, 2009; Konkle & Oliva,
(Sweller, 2010; Sweller et al., 2011; Sweller & Chandler, 2012), suggesting that interference in the processing of
1994; Sweller et al., 1998; van Merriënboer & Ayres, information seems to be rooted in the presence of semanti-
2005; van Merriënboer & Sweller, 2005). Specifically, we cally identified task-irrelevant information.
were interested in clarifying whether and under which con- Finally, most cognitive load theory effects have been
ditions extraneous cognitive load modifies learning effi- obtained under conditions in which element interactiv-
cacy when intrinsic cognitive load is held constant. In a ity associated with intrinsic cognitive load was high
previous study, Hazan-Liran and Miller (2017) showed (e.g., Chen, Kalyuga, & Sweller, 2015, 2016; Sweller &
that task-irrelevant ink colour assigned to digits modifies Chandler, 1994; Tindall-Ford, Chandler, & Sweller,
efficacy in learning associations between colour names 1997). The finding that in this study extraneous cogni-
and colour-related word concepts and corresponding dig- tive load interfered with learning efficacy, despite the
its. Whereas this study has been fruitful in demonstrating information processed being low in element interactiv-
the occurrence of ink colour–related semantic interference ity, implies that its impact on learning outcomes can
in learning, in the form of extraneous cognitive load, the hardly be overstated and should therefore be of constant
question whether ink colour per se creates independent concern to teachers and designers of curriculum
extraneous cognitive load in instances where the base- materials.
code words lack colour semantics has not received
The two experiments of this study were designed to fill Implications
this gap. Evidence from both suggests that for task-irrele- This study bears several implications with respect to CLT.
vant information to add to overall cognitive load, leading to First, it provides a more detailed understanding of the ori-
a decrease in learning efficacy, its semantics must interact gins of extraneous cognitive load by demonstrating that its
with semantic properties inherent to the to-be-learned/pro- origin is a semantic conflict. It further shows that the mag-
cessed information. Where this is not the case, the human nitude of extraneous cognitive load is intrinsically deter-
information-processing system seems able to prevent task- mined by the degree to which task-irrelevant information
irrelevant information entering into the learning process is central to the core meaning of the to-be-learned informa-
seemingly without effort (for a review, see Cohen, Dunbar, tion. Optimising students’ learning outcomes therefore
& McClelland, 1990). This becomes evident from the seems to require teachers’ awareness of task-irrelevant
finding that in both experiments digit ink colour had no constituents in the learning environment whose semantics
detrimental impact on learning associations between conflict with those of the to-be-learned information.
words and digits when the word stimuli were colour- However, as has been shown elsewhere (e.g., Hazan-Liran
unrelated. It also is in line with evidence from variations of & Miller, 2017), task extraneous constituents eventually
Stroop studies that manipulated the semantic overlap of the bear the potential to facilitate the learning process in pro-
irrelevant verbal stimuli (colour-related vs. colour-unre- viding the learner with a task-relevant semantic context.
lated words) with their ink colour. As in this study, evidence To create optimal learning conditions, the presence of the
from such research leads to the conclusion that interference first has to be minimised as much as possible, whereas the
from the task-irrelevant verbal stimuli in naming their ink second should be exploited to its full potential to strengthen
colour is contingent on the degree of their semantic overlap the learning process.
(for a comprehensive review, see MacLeood, 1991).
Findings from both experiments seem to suggest that
extraneous cognitive load is the by-product of semantic
processes applied to the to-be-learned information rather This study used a rather simplistic learning paradigm, with
than a result of more basic cognitive operations such as its factors such as element interactivity and learner experi-
perceptual or lexical processing. It is noteworthy that in this ence held constant. Such control facilitated observing how
study neither the experimental paradigm nor the instruc- extraneous cognitive load in the form of task-irrelevant
tions asked participants to create meaning-based associa- information modifies learning associations, but it obvi-
tions; they principally could have accomplished the task ously did so in respect of a not very ecological learning
without accessing the word stimuli’s semantics. The find- context. In more ecological learning environments, overall
ing that they nevertheless did so may indicate that learning cognitive load determining learning efficacy typically
is principally a cognitive process that operates on meaning reflects variance from element interactivity and learner
and its efficacy, consequently, is primarily modified by the expertise as well. Therefore, conclusions drawn from this
Miller et al. 9

study should be applied to such environments with appro- Hazan-Liran, B., & Miller, P. (2017). Stroop-like effects in a
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authorship, and/or publication of this article. J. D. Fletcher & D. C. Berliner (Eds.), Acquired wisdom:
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Supplementary material Tempe: Arizona State University.
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