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Name: Dominique Marie S.

Origenes Course and Year: BPED 1

Schedule: MATH 101 MW 9:00-10:30 am Date: February 27, 2022

Mathematics helps control nature and occurrences in the world for our own good.
Synthesis Paper

The map is not the mountain.

Math is a language to describe natural actions. Using mathematical tools, we create models
which correspond to what we can measure and observe in the world of reality. Mathematics
provides the framework within which our observations of the physical world can be
encoded. However, it is almost impossible to control nature.

Mathematics can only help us understand why nature is such a powerful force, and how
things develop and form. The understanding of these can help us make small changes in the
specific organisms, but nature cannot be controlled. Using mathematical tools, we create
models which correspond to what we can measure and observe in the world of reality.
Models that work well, that predict behavior. I believe that mathematics is like a bridge,
between reality and imagination. Mathematics lets us build models of nature. It is important
to understand that these models of nature are not nature.

Indeed, the map is not the mountain. On the other hand, having the map makes the mountain
much easier to navigate. The map will not move the mountain, but having it helps us
understand how we might shape the mountain in small ways to a form that suits us better.

Mathematics is the language of the universe. It is the same as traveling to a new land, and
slowly picking up on the native language so that you may begin to learn from them. This
mathematical endeavor is what allows us to explore the depths of the different phenomena
of the world. There is no way for us to venture around the globe and anticipate upcoming
natural occurrences. Yet, through mathematics, we are able to understand how these things
exist and work for our own good. The grand story of the universe is written in mathematics,
and our ability to translate those numbers into the events that we all love to learn about is

 Mazur J. E. (2006). Mathematical models and the experimental analysis of

behavior. Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior , 85(2), 275–291.

 Derse, O. (2021). A New Approach to the Fine Kinney Method with AHP Based
ELECTRE I and Math Model on Risk Assessment for Natural Disasters. Journal of
Geography, (42), 42.

 CABARLES VALENCIANO, J. U. L. I. E. T. (n.d.). Unit1.5 mathematics helps control

nature and the occurrences in the World F . Scribd. Retrieved February 26, 2022,

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