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Study the forces in loaded frame using roof truss apparatus.

Objective of this experiment is to measure the forces in loaded frame and then compare them with
theoretical values using roof truss apparatus.
Apparatus as illustrated on the manual consists of triangular roof truss. Each member is fitted with a
calibrated leaf spring balance which is used to measure the force therein in conjunction with a
digital caliper. The apparatus is constrained to pivot only at left end. At right end movement is
allowed to enable the truss to take up a true loaded position with pin joints.
Figure 1: Roof Truss Apparatus
A roof truss can be examined by the resolution of forces. As it is simple arrangement therefore
method of joint is better as it is quicker and easy method to find reactions in members of simple
 First step is to draw free body diagram:

Left hand of the frame is pivoted while on right hand is sliding support.

Figure 2: Free Body Diagram of Roof Truss

 Solve External Reactions:

Vertical: RA + RC – W = 0 …………. (i)

Horizontal: HA = 0
Momentum about Point A:
CW+ W * x – 2x * RC = 0 …………. (ii)
RC = W/2
Similarly by (i) and (ii)
RA = W/2
 Applying Method of Joints:

Joint C:

Vertical: W/2 – FBC sin α = 0

Horizontal: FCA – FBC cos α = 0
Joint B:

Horizontal: FCB sin β – FAB sin β = 0

Vertical: FAB cos β + FCB cos β – W = 0
As α = 90 - β
So sin α = cos β
Therefore FBC = FCB =
Now to verify our solution lets solve joint A
Joint A:
Vertical: RA – FAB sin α = 0
W/2 - * sin α = 0
Horizontal: FAC + HA – FAB cos α = 0
+ HA – * cos α = 0
HA = 0
 Maximum recommended applied load is 40 N, choose a length for the bottom tie and adjust the
position of the right hand support so that support links are approximately vertical.
 Then measure the anvil spacing for each leaf-spring balance. Care must be taken, if the calipers
are roughly applied it is possible to obtain a false reading which will have a significant effect upon
the experimental results
 Apply a load and again measure the anvil spacing, note that we are not interested in the absolute
anvil spacing, only change in spacing under load.
 Subtract initial anvil spacing from final to get deflection.
 Practical force in the member will be obtained using equation F= kx. Where k is spring constant
or calibration of spring.
 Use steel tape to measure the joint centers whilst frame is unloaded. Use cosine rule to find an
angle in the frame.

a2 = b2 + c2 -2bc cos a
 After determining first angle it will be easier to find the sine rule for other angles.
= =d
Where d= constant
 Use equations to calculate theoretical values of member reaction.

FAB = FBC = W/ 2 sin α

FCA = W/ 2 tan α
 Repeat procedure with 20N load.

 Always use appropriate load bearable by the assembly.
 Measure the forces in every member accurately.
 Measure the displacements carefully and multiply by least count.


Frame Member AB BC AC
Length (mm) 450 450 635
Initial Anvil Space
Loaded Anvil At -- N
At -- N
Deflection At -- N
At -- N
Calibration (N/mm) 21.4 20.8 17.2
Force in Theoretical
member At 10
Practical =
(calibration x
Force in Theoretical
member At 20
Practical =
(calibration x

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