Check Your Fitness!: Otherwaystoexpress Modality

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Check your fitness!

What would you rather Would you be capable

do on Saturday morning? of running 10 km?
a S t a y in b e d - it’s not a N o p roblem !
worth ge ttin g u p e a rly b I’m not sure if I'll
b G o fo r a run - there's no m a n a g e m o re th a n 5.
point d o in g nothing, c No way!
c G o sh o p p in g - it’s
about time y o u bought
so m e th in g n ic e !

Someone offers to buy

you an ice cream. What
“ Your friend invites you to do you say?
the gym. Which argument a I'd just as soon h av e an
would persuade you? a p p le
b There's no sense
a You're coming w ith me
s a y in g n o - I'll h a v e tw o!
w h e th e r y o u w a n t to o r not!
c I sh o u ld n 't, b u t I'd better
b Com e on - it’s time to get
h a v e o n e s o I d o n 't s e e m
ru d e .
c If y o u c o m e , maybe I II bu y had better = should
y o u a b u rg e r later.

Check your score:
1 a 0 b 10 c 5 2 a 5 b 10 c 0 O ther w a y s to e x p r e ss m o d a lity
3 a 10 b 5 c 0 4a10b0c5
1 We use adjectives, adverbs, nouns and modal verbs to talk about
30-40: Congratulations! There's no how likely something is.
need for you to change anything
certainly She's bound to know.
15-25: There's still a good chance It’s alm ost certain that she knows.
you can get fit. It’s not likely to There's a good chance that she knows.
happen but it's not impossible
She's very likely to know.
0-10: Your only exercise is sure She could well know.
to be a walk to a burger bar You’d ,, She probably knows.
better do something about it - now!
maybe She might know. / Perhaps she knows.
She might not know.
It’s possible that she knows.
There's a slight possibility that she knows.
I'm not sure if she knows.
1 W h at was your score? She's unlikely to know. / She probably doesn't know.
2 Do you agree w ith the advice? certainly not I'm sure she doesn't know.
► See Unit 9 for modal verbs of probability.
2 W e can use adjectives to describe probability in three
HP I t ’s time + to-infinitive just means that something
needs to happen now.
it + be + adjective + (that) + clause:
It's time to get up!
It's unlikely that he'll win.
subject (person) + be + adjective + (that) + clause:
We also make suggestions with Let's, could, Why don't
I’m certain she'll come.
(we I you). How about + -ing and How about (if).
subject + be + adjective + to-infinitive: L e t’s go out tonight.
Your only exercise is sure to be a walk to a burger bar. How about having a salad?

There are different ways o f talking about past

Commands and refusals
He's likely to have gone. (= I think now it’s likely that he 6 We can give commands with the present continuous or
went.) with be + to-infinitive.
He was likely to go. (= I thought then that it was likely You 're coming with me, like it or not!
You're to phone as soon as you arrive.
that he would go.)
W e can use i f / whether after not sure. We can also use the present continuous to refuse
I'm not sure i f I'll manage more than five. something strongly.
I’m not eating this!It's disgusting!
► See Unit 22 for more information on structures like He was
likely to go.
Lack of necessity
3 We can use maybe / perhaps at the beginning, in the 7 We can use the following expressions to say something
middle, or at the end o f a sentence. isn’t necessary:
Maybe I'll buy you a burger. / I ’ll maybe buy you a There's no... need (for somebody) + to-infinitive /
burger. / I'll buy you a burger, maybe. point / sense (in) (somebody) + -ing
It's not worth... it (for somebody) + to-infinitive /
W e usually use definitely, certainly, probably and (somebody) + -ing
possibly in the middle o f a sentence. In negative
There's no need fo r you to change anything.
sentences, they come before the negative word.
I t ’s not worth getting up early.
You’ll definitely meet her tonight.
You probably won't meet her tonight. ► See Unit 15 for more information on it and there.
► See Unit 24 for the position of adverbs.
4 W e can use there is + a / the chance / possibility / 8 We can use these expressions to talk about preference:
likelihood to talk about probability. A fter these nouns would prefer + to-infinitive (... than + infinitive):
we can put a statement (with or without that) or o f + We'd p re fer to go swimming than go shopping,
-ing. W e often put adjectives like good, strong or slight would prefer it + if+ somebody + past simple:
before these nouns, or quantifiers like no and every. I'd p refer it i f you didn't stay out late,
There's still a good chance you can get fit. would rather / sooner + infinitive (... than + infinitive):
He'd sooner drive around for hours than ask the way.
W e can also use There’s no way+ clause to express would rather + somebody + past simple:
strong impossibility. I'd rath er you didn't open the window,
There’s no way she'll agree! would just as soon + infinitive (... as + infinitive):
I'd ju s t as soon have an apple. (= I have no strong
We sometimes use No way! to refuse strongly. preference.)
A: Can I borrow your compu ter ? B: No way!
9 We can use be capable of+ -ing to talk about abilities
Suggestions based on physical or mental qualities.
5 We can use had b ette r (not) + infinitive without to or Would you be capable o f running 10 km?
It's (high / about) time + past simple or past continuous We use manage / fa il + to-infinitive to talk about
to make strong suggestions. success or failure in specific situations.
I'd b ette r have one so I don't seem rude. / wanted to run 10 km, but I only managed to run 6.
I t ’s about time you bought something nice.

Other ways to express modality 47

P r a c tic e
A Put the sentences in order, 1 to 3 .1 should be the strongest C Complete the sentences, using the information
opinion or prediction. in the table and be capable of, manage to and
1 a I’d rather you didn’t eat that burger in here, m fa il to.
b You are not eating that burger in here.
m Name Sport Personal Yesterday’s
c You shouldn’t eat that burger in here.
m best result
2 a It’s not impossible that we’ll be late, □
b It’s possible that we'll be late.
□ Dan high 2.10 m 2.05 m

c There's a strong possibility that we’ll be late. □ jump

3 a We could have a pizza but I’d sooner have a salad. □ Ruth 100 m 15 sec did not
b We could have a pizza but I'd just as soon have a salad,
□ running finish
c We could have a pizza but I’d much rather have a salad. □ Marion marathon 3 hours 3 hours 39
4 a You’re to stop eating hamburgers immediately, □ 20 min min
b It's about time you stopped eating hamburgers,

c You realty had better stop eating hamburgers.
□ Pete long
5.40 m 5.40 m

5 a I’m not sure she’ll be there. □

b I’m fairly sure she won't be there,
□ Greg diving 1st place 4th place
c She’s sure to be there.

6 a There’s every chance that he’ll have finished by now. □ 1 Dan is capable ofjumpiM 2.10
b He’s bound to have finished by now.
□ 2
... but yesterday
5twj rtuuuyei tCjurup 2.05

c He could have finished by now.

□ 4 ... but yesterday
7 a There’s no way you’ll beat me. □ 5 Marion
b Maybe you'll beat me.
□ 6 ... but yesterday
c It’s really unlikely that you'll beat me. □ 7 Pete
8 a There’s absolutely no point in you coming now.
b It’s really not worth it for you to come now.
□ 8
... and yesterday
10 ... but yesterday
c Perhaps it might not be worth you coming now.

B Underline the correct option.

[%»•"%>. ? ' ▼k

Hi Dan, Josie,
It's great that you're coming over for the weekend What do you fancy doing on Saturday afternoon? Would you ' r a t h e r / s o o n e r / p r e f e r have a quiet
afternoon in the flat or go to watch the match? If you want to watch the match, you'd3 r a t h e r / s o o n e r / b e t t e r l e t me know pretty soon so I can book tickets
Take care.

Hi guys
To be honest, I'd just a s 3 r a t h e r / s o o n / w e l l stay in the flat and watch it on TV There's no * n e e d / s e n s e / p o i n t for us all to buy tickets when we can
watch it at home for free ' I ' m n o t p a y i n g / / don't p a y / I ' m n o t t o p a y £30 for something I can watch at home for nothing1
Bye for now1

We've been trying to get you to come to a football match for years - it’s ' t h e / h i g h e s t / a b o u t time you gave it a try You'll love il Matt, it's not worth 1 t o l i s t e n /
l i s t e n i n g / l i s t e n to Josie - you'd * r a t h e r / b e t t e r / p r e f e r just get the tickets Josie, sorry, but9 y o u c o m e / y o u m ig h t c o m e / y o u ' r e c o m i n g with us, like it or not1


OK, so that's a decision There's n o 10 n e e d / p o i n t / w ay in hanging around - I’ll book the tickets now
PS Don't worry, Josie I'll pay

D Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning, E Rewrite these sentences to talk about probability in
using the words in brackets. Sometimes more than one the past, present or future. Sometimes more than one
answer is possible. answer is possible.
1 It’s highly likely that she’ll beat me at tennis, (every) 1 I’m convinced they went swimming in the morning,
There’s every chance that shell beat me at tennis. (future)
2 It’s inevitable that he’ll win the race, (bound) I’mconvinced tlieijlljo swimming in the mommy.
2 There’s likely to be plenty to eat. (past)
3 I’m sure he’ll play well. (He’s)
3 She’s unlikely to have had a running machine at home,
4 It’s fairly likely that the match will be cancelled, (good (present)
4 He’s bound to spend the evening watching TV. (past)
5 There's no chance o f me being able to lift that weight,
(way) 5 It’s possible that she's lost some weight, (future)

6 I’m sure they won’t want to eat lettuce, (definitely) 6 Perhaps she isn’t at home, (future)

7 I think your ideas might not work, (sure) 7 They’re sure to be invited, (past)

8 There’s a slight chance she'll come with us for a run. 8 There is no need for us to book a table, (past)

9 There’s no point her paying so much for a new bike,


10 W e’d really rather you stayed at home tonight,

(prefer it if)

Complete these sentences about your attitudes to health and fitness.
1 It’s not worth biujtfiy a ruwiiiiy maclufte - I'd ratlieryo 5 It’s about time I
rwuiwy in the part
2 I'd rather 6 I’m capable o f

3 There’s no way 7 I’d better

4 I'm unlikely to 8 I’m not sure

I’f U i f f l _______________________________________
| Circle the correct option. |
| 1 Sam’s not in - he’s to be at the gym as usual. a probable b bound c possible |
I 2 We’re not if we can come to your birthday party. a likely b probable c sure I
3 There’s no we can all fit in only one car. a point b sense c way
I 4 It’s about you started to look after yourself better. a time b better c rather I
I 5 Gabrielle and Jo decided they’d not go camping again this year. a soon b prefer c rather I

’S ~>Z q i :sj 3msuc jis a i Aw

Other ways to express modality 49

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