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Bread & Pastry


Quarter 3
Module 11
Writer: Marianne Q. Estilong
Validators: Ma. Gina C. Bunda and
Katherine J. Guevarra

At the end of this module, the learners should be able to:

A. explain portion control concept;

B. apply measurement in relation to portion control; and
C. identify food nutritional value and information.

Directions: Read and understand each statement. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before each number.
_________________ 1. An integral part of cost control.
_________________ 2. Measure by using ladle, spoon and scoops.
_________________ 3. Simplest method to measure food to be served.
_________________ 4. Set of instruction to prepare and present a dish.
_________________ 5. Number of portions or serving that a prepared dish produced.


What type of finishing was

applied in the illustrated bakery
product? Describe briefly.


Over the years, portion control has developed into a great consideration
when one must take its daily sustenance like eating and drinking. Portion control is
all about the right measure or amount. The food eaten is served in amounts that
promote good health. Engaged in the food industry, it is getting the right number of
serving from a recipe and serving the right amount. Standard portions also mean
consistency in the taste, quality and quantity of food, which will result to customer
satisfaction. Portion control places a crucial role in the success of any food business
entity. Utilizing the concept will surely yield a positive result.
P ortion control is an integral part of cost control in any food industry and can
have a significant impact on your revenues. It also helps in maintaining consistency
in food and increases return of visits.

Importance of Portion Control

1. correct serving size to meet nutritional needs;
2. control costs;
3. reduce waste;
4. serve as guide in purchasing and preparation of food;
5. contributing factor in getting consistent yield and serving portion size;
6. customer satisfaction.

People rarely complain about getting too much food but they’ll certainly notice if given
less, especially if the price remain the same.

Ways to support portion control

1. Standardize recipe – a set of instructions that are used to prepare and
present a dish. It consists of the quantity of the ingredients to be used, and
also the portion to be served to the guests. It also include the following
➢ Menu name (name of the given recipe)
➢ weight/volume of each ingredient
➢ serving size (amount or size of the individual portion)
➢ recipe yield (number of servings or portions that a recipe produces)
➢ equipment and utensils to use
➢ ingredient list/quantity – (exact quantities of each ingredient)
➢ procedure – specific directions for the order of operation and type of
operation (grill, bake, cook, roast, boil, etc.)
➢ cooking temperature and time
➢ special instruction (service instruction, garnishing, etc.)
➢ also include – recipe cost, nutritional analysis, variations, work
simplification tips and photos.
2. Right plating – plating instruction essential for helping food and portioning
size. Prepare a sample plate before serving to visualize the amount to serve.
3. Right measurement – follow the recipe accurately when measuring and
weighing ingredients, combining and cooking the product; using the right
measuring tools and utensils and/or measuring ingredients in 3 ways:
i. measure by count – count the number of elements to be used or
ii. measure by volume – use measuring spoons, cups, ladles, scoop, etc.
iii. measure by weight – use a scale for measuring ingredients.
whether measuring solids or liquids, measuring by weight is more reliable and
4. Staff training - a staff well trained in serving the food properly on the
plate while keeping the portion size and aesthetics in mind as well.
5. Right buying – right type of raw materials is purchased in the correct

Methods of portion control in food service

Control portioning is extremely challenging, however constant implementation of
the three methods will surely aid to deliver recommended portion size while
controlling food cost.
1. Before placing the food on the serving line divide it into uniform pieces.
2. Portioning the food items using measuring tools such as ladles, scoops and
spoons. Such devices come in various size.
3. Weighing by using a food scale in order to get the recommended weight for
each food item.

Examples of portion control tools and the descriptive amount of food it


Food Guide

A handy tool providing us with the recommended daily servings of each food group
in order to consume the right amount of nutrients.
Plated Method

portioning food will enable an individual to receive all of the required daily nutrients
and the amount of each food item.

Hand Jived

This method a simple measure of the amount of food that should be served.

You’ll notice that above mentioned are staple foods such as meat, grains, fruit
and vegetables. When it comes to snacks and treats such as cookies, cakes, chips
and chocolates, for a dietary guideline “only eat them sometimes and in small

Portions and Servings

A portion is the amount of food that you choose to eat for a meal or snack. It
can be big or small, you decide.
A serving is a measured amount of food or drink, such as one slice of bread
or one cup (8 ounce) of milk.
Many foods that come as a single portion actually contain multiple servings.
The Nutrition Facts label on packaged foods, on the backs of cans, sides of boxes,
etc. tells you the number of servings in the container. For example, look at the
label of a 20-ounce soda (usually consumed as one portion). It has 2.5 servings in
it. A 3-ounce bag of chips, which some would consider a single portion, contains 3

Directions: Fill me. Images to fill the plate.
Part I. Food Guide and Plate Method.
A. fruits & veggie
B. meat, fish, eggs, beans A. E.
C. fatty & sugary foods
D. dairy
E. starch foods

Part II. Write your answer in the space provided.

A.Briefly describe portion control.
B. Enumerate the importance of Portion Control
__________________________________ ______________________________

__________________________________ ________________________________
__________________________________ ________________________________

Part III. Submit one each (local and international) standardized recipe and give its
portion control (image).

Directions: Recipe Sleuthing. Read the instruction and give your answer.

1.Put brackets { } around the ingredients.

2.Cirle the ingredient amounts.
3.Place a star beside the yield.
4.Put a box around the cooking temperature.
5.Underline the cooking time.
6.Put an asterisk * * on either side of the cooking container.
7. Highlight the nutritional analysis (if given).


Directions: Read and write your answer legibly. Explain briefly.

Portion Control
A. Importance of portion control in the food business industry.
B. If your given the chance to put up a snack bar, will you be able to apply portion
control in serving food? Tell us how.
Directions: Search Party. Locate object that describe each phrase.

1.measure by weighing

2.reduce waste

3.method of portion control

4.control cost

5.standard recipe

6.right platin
1.portion control
2.measure by volume
3.hand jived
4.standardized recipe
5.recipe yield
Portioning. Size and shape is
WRAP UP determined before finishing
the bakery product.
Part I
Part II
A. Portion control is all about
the right measure or amount.
B. Importance of Portion
1. correct serving size to
meet nutritional needs;
2. control costs;
3. reduce waste;
4. serve as guide in
purchasing and
preparation of food;
5. contributing factor in
getting consistent yield
and serving portion
Part III 6. customer satisfaction.

Blooms, B. S. 2013. Training Industry, Content Developmen. May 30. Accessed August 9, 2020.

Cyprus, Sheri. 2020. "Indiatimes." Vers. Healthy Living. August 23. Accessed
September 25, 2020.

Mary Jane Brown, PhD, RD. 2018. "Healtline." November 19. Accessed September
25, 2020.

Mealey, Lorri. 2019. The Balances MB. November 20. Accessed September 28, 2020.

—. 2019. The Balances MB. August 20. Accessed September 28, 2020.

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. 2014. August 26. Accessed October 06, 2020.

National Heart, Lungs, Blood Institute. 2014. We Can. Lungs, Blood Institute National Heart. August
26. Accessed October 06, 2020.

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