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Machine Input Assingment Bank 2019 TEST ID - MBB - 87340674

Direction Q.(1-5) A word arrangement machine when given an input line of words, rearranges them following a particular rule
in each step. The following is an illustration of the input and the steps of the arrangement.
Input: vani is the most beautiful girl on earth
Step-1: beautiful vani is the most girl on the earth.
Step-2: beautiful earth vani is the most girl on
Step-3: beautiful earth girl vani is the most on
Step-4: beautiful earth girl is vani the most on
Step-5: beautiful earth girl is most vani the on
Step-6: beautiful earth girl is most on vani the
Step-7: beautiful earth girl is most on the vani
Since the words are already arranged, the machine stops after this step.
Q.1 Input: ‘is you are again famous on this’. Find the 3rd step.
(1) again are famous is you on this (2) on this you is famous are again
(3) this on you is famous are again (4) famous this on you is are again (5) None of these
Q.2 If given, Step-4: ‘option pen rose seema tape yolk’, what will be the input?
(1) pen option rose tape seema yolk (2) option tape rose seema pen yolk
(3) tape rose pen option seema yolk (4) Can’t be determined (5) None of these
Q.3 Input: ‘no gum to sum fame game’. Find the Step-1.
(1) game no gum to sum fame (2) gum no to sum fame game
(3) game gum no to sum fame (4) Can’t be determined (5) None of these
Q.4 Input: ‘he is a great Indian cricketer’. Find out the number of steps to complete the arrangement.
(1) 7 (2) 6 (3) 4 (4) CND (5) None of these
Q.5 Input: ‘when men ten gain rain’. What is the 2 Step for this input?

(1) gain when men ten rain (2) gain men when ten rain (3) rain ten men when gain
(4) CND (5) None of these
Directions Q.(6-10) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (All the numbers are two-digit
Input : 41 street 10 earnings 97 naughty 26 65 apple driver
Step-I : 97 41 10 earnings naughty 26 65 apple driver street
Step-II : naughty 97 41 10 earnings 26 apple driver street 65
Step-III : 41 naughty 97 10 26 apple driver street 65 earnings
Step-IV : driver 41 naughty 97 10 apple street 65 earnings 26
Step-V : 10 driver 41 naughty 97 street 65 earnings 26 apple
Step-V is the last step of the above arrangement as the required arrangement is obtained.
As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input: orange 36 59 yield 41 entertainment travel 12 learning 85
Q.6 Which element comes exactly between ‘85’ and ‘learning’ in the Step-III of the given input?
(1) 59 (2) Yield (3) Entertainment (4) Orange (5) Travel
Q.7 If in the first step, ‘59’ interchanges its position with ‘learning’ and ‘orange’ also interchanges its position with ‘12’,
then which element will be to the immediate left of ‘41’?
(1) 59 (2) orange (3) 12 (4) Entertainment (5) Learning
Q.8 Which of the following combinations represents the first two and the last two elements in the Step-V of the given input?
(1) 41, travel and orange, 36 (2) 12, learning and 36, entertainment
(3) 12, learning and orange, 36 (4) Learning, 41 and 36, entertainment
(5) Learning, 41 and 59, orange
Q.9 Which element is fourth to the right of the one which is ninth from the right end in the Step-V of the given input?
(1) Yield (2) 36 (3) 85 (4) Entertainment (5) 12
Q.10 In which step are the elements ‘travel 85 yield 59’ found in the same order?
(1) Third (2) Fourth (3) Second
(4) Fifth (5) The given order of elements is not found in any step.
Direction Q.(11-15) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow.
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of Input and rearrangement.

Machine Input Assingment Bank 2019 TEST ID - MBB - 87340674
Input: name gain 53 18 31 44 wait dect
Step-1: ycku 106 name gain 18 31 44 dect.
Step-2: qdpg 132 ycku 106 gain 18 31 dect.
Step-3: kemq 124 qdpg 133 ycku 106 18 dect.
Step-4: ijhx 90 kemq 124 qdpg 133 ycku 106.
As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the Input.
Input: olpj 21 htpl 34 tnjg 56 67 bnmc
Q.11 Which element comes exactly between ‘105’ and ‘168’ in Step-4 of the given input?
(1) Vplh (2) Lxto (3) Rosl (4) 136 (5) None of these
Q.12 Which element is fourth from the left in second last step?
(1) 134 (2) 168 (3) Vplh (4) Rosl (5) None of these
Q.13 In which step are the elements ‘168 vplh 134’ found in the same order?
(1) Third (2) Second (3) First
(4) Fourth (5) The given order of elements is not found in any step
Q.14 If in the Step-3, ’136’ interchanges its position with ‘bnmc’ and ‘rosl’ also interchanges its position with ‘21’, then
which element will be fifth to the left of ’rosl’?
(1) bnmc (2) 136 (3) Vplh (4) 134 (5) None of these
Q.15 Which element will come at extreme right position in the second last step for the given input?
(1) vplh (2) 134 (3) rosl (4) 136 (5) None of these
Direction Q.(16-20) A numbers arrangement machine when given an input of Numbers/words, rearranges them following a
particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.
Input : Oscar 88 bella 97 Toby 2 apple 19 dog 21
Step I : Bella 2 oscar 88 97 Toby apple 19 dog 21
Step II : Bella 2 apple 19 oscar 88 97 Toby dog 21
Step III : Bella 2 ap ple 19 dog 97 oscar 88 Toby 21
Step IV : Bella 2 apple 19 dog 97 oscar 21 88 Toby
Step V : Bella 2 apple 19 dog 97 oscar 21 Toby 88
And step V is the last step of above input. As per the rules followed in above input find out appropriate step for given
Input : Sony 24 charlie 23 Toshiba 11 compaq 18 Dell 15
Q.16 What is position of “Dell” in step IV ?
(1) Fourth from left (2) Fourth from right (3) Fifth from left (4) Third from right (5) None of these
Q.17 What is 6th element of step III from left end ?
(1) Dell (2) 15 (3) Sony (4) 18 (5) Compaq
Q.18 Which step would be the following output ? Toshiba 11 charlie 23 Dell 15 Sony 24 Compaq 18.
(1) Step II (2) Step III (3) Step IV (4) Step V (5) Step V
Q.19 In last step, What is the sum of second element from left and third element from right ?
(1) 35 (2) 26 (3) 32 (4) 29 (5) 39
Q.20 What is position of “Charlie” is last step ?
(1) Third from the left (2) Third from right (3) Fourth from left (4) Second from right (5) None of these
Direction Q.(21-25) A word arrangement machine when gives an input line of words rearranges them following a particular
rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input : Yhaurk stijk cadxq zuprv efobl
Step I : Cadxq yhurk stijk zuprv efobl
Step II : 14 efobl yhurk stijk zuprv
Step III : 14 7 stijk yhurk zuprv
Step IV : 14 7 8 14 4
Answer the following questions are based on the following input.
Input : Swder gnokl aesxv uckmf thpbc
Q.21 What will be the sum of number which is first from left end and second from the right end of step IV ?
(1) 36 (2) 38 (3) 21 (4) 22 (5) None of these
Q.22 What will be the step III of given Input ?
(1) 21 gnokl swder ukcmf thpbcf (2) 21 5 thpbc uckmf (3) 21 5 1 thpbc uckmf
(4) 21 5 1 17 Uckmf (5) None of these
Machine Input Assingment Bank 2019 TEST ID - MBB - 87340674
Q.23 Which is last step of given input ?
(1) Step III (2) Step IV (3) Step V (4) Step VI (5) None of these
Q.24 Which is second last word/number in step IV ?
(1) tjhpbc (2) Uckmf (3) 15 (4) 17 (5) None of these
Q.25 What is difference between 1st number in step III and last number in step IV ?
(1) 8 (2) 7 (3) 6 (4) 10 (5) None of these
Directions Q.(26-28) Study the following information to answer the questions given below-
A number arrangement machine when given an input line of numbers rearranges them following a particular rule.
The following is an illustration of input and re-arrangement.

Step 1- 86 41 112 57 75 14 81
Step 2- 48 4 2 35 35 4 8
Step 3- 24 2 1 17.5 17.5 2 4
Step 3 is the output of the above input.
As per the rules followed in the above steps. Find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps of
the given input.
Input:- 87 95 89 83 72 68 64 34
Q.26 Which of the following element is second to the right of the element which is sixth from the right end in step III?
(1) 14 (2) 7 (3) None of those given as option
(4) 16 (5) 72
Q.27 Which of the following are the first two elements in the last step?
(1) 8,0.5 (2) 8,7 (3) 8,3 (4) 7,3 (5) None of these
Q.28 What will be the resultant if second element from the left end in step II is multiplied by Fourth element from the right
end in step III ?
(1) 3 (2) 30 (3) 2 (4) 12 (5) None of these
Directions Q.(29 -30) Study the following information to answer the questions given below-
A number arrangement machine when given an input line of numbers rearranges them following a particular rule.
The following is an illustration of input and re-arrangement.

Step 1- 54 61 6 81 28 88 36
Step 2- 20 6 6 8 16 64 18
Step 3- 5 1.5 1.5 2 4 16 4.5
Step 3 is the output of the above input.
As per the rules followed in the above steps. Find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps of the
given input.
Input:- 97 82 73 69 76 63 59 48
Q.29 Which of the following element is second to the right of the element which is fifth from the right end in step III?
(1) 0.25 (2) 6.25 (3) None of those given as option
(4) 1 (5) 0.75
Q.30 Which of the following are the first two elements in the last second step?
(1) 5,25 (2) 25,4 (3) 5,4 (4) 1,4 (5) None of these


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Machine Input Assingment Bank 2019 TEST ID - MBB - 87340674

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