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Directions (1-5): In the following questions, each sentence consists of a blank that can be filled
with any of the given word (s) to make the sentence grammatically correct and contextually
meaningful. Choose the most appropriate alternative reflecting the word (s) that can fill the
given blank.

1. The WHO recently ___________that transmission of the virus through aerosols “cannot be ruled”
out in “certain closed settings

A. Confessed

B. Acknowledged

C. Conceded

(A) only (A) and (C)

(B) only (B)

(C) only (B) and (C)

(D) only (C)

(E) All of these

2. This philosophy of universal health coverage is already practised in diverse ways, including
engagement of the private sector, by _______ of countries

A. umpteen

B. Scores

C. Innumerous

(A) only (A) and (C)

(B) only (B)

(C) only (B) and (C)

(D) only (C)

(E) All of these

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Drona PDF 5

3. While we are __________new ways of digital interaction and more of our critical infrastructure is
going digital, the parameters of the transformation under way are not understood by most of us.

A. Espousing

B. Reliance

C. Embracing

(A) only (A) and (C)

(B) only (B)

(C) only (B) and (C)

(D) only (C)

(E) All of these

Q4. The continued fighting threatens to _________efforts to negotiate an agreement.

A. Diminished

B. undermine

C. Bolster

(A) only (A) and (C)

(B) only (B)

(C) only (B) and (C)

(D) only (C)

(E) All of these

5. The pandemic is an opportunity for the global community to __________the consequences of its
unscientific actions on nature and prepare for behavioural change.

A. Traversed

B. Explore

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C. Assimilate

(A) only (A) and (C)

(B) only (B)

(C) only (B) and (C)

(D) only (C)

(E) All of these


1. E

Solution: All the words can be used to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

Confessed: admit that one has committed a crime or done something wrong.

Acknowledged: accept or admit the existence or truth of.

Conceded: admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it.

2. B

Solution: Only (B) is correct.

If you refer to scores (quantifier) of things or people, you are emphasizing that there are very many of

Umpteen: indefinitely many; a lot of.

Innumerous: too many to be counted (often used hyperbolically).

3. A

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Drona PDF 5

Solution: only (A) and (C) can be used to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

Espousing means to adopt

Embracing: accept (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically.

4. B

Solution: Only (B) is correct.

Undermine: lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously.

Bolster: support or strengthen.

5. C

Solution: only (B) and (C)

Explore: inquire into or discuss (a subject) in detail.

Assimilate: take in and understand fully (information or ideas).

Traverse: travel across or through.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800  

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