Mooshme Which Medical Conditions May Benefit From An Emotional Support Animal - Mooshme

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Which Medical Conditions May Bene t from

an Emotional Support Animal? S


Emotional support animals have received a lot of attention in recent years, both positive and negative. If you su er from an

illness or condition, you may bene t from an emotional support animal. It can be di cult to decide if an ESA animal is a good

therapy for you, but if you su er from one of the conditions below, you may be surprised to learn how helpful they can be.

Unfortunately, anxiety is a very di cult condition to de ne and manage. It is generally characterized by a long-term feeling of

unease or dread that can manifest in numerous ways, including but not limited to insomnia, loss of appetite, antisocial

tendencies, phobias, nausea, heart palpitations or shortness of breath. Depending on the type of anxiety you have — and there

are many di erent types — an emotional support animal could be extremely bene cial. Some su erers of social anxiety nd it

incredibly di cult to leave the house and an ESA animal, especially a dog, can give them a sense of purpose and force them

into a routine as dogs require regular walks. In addition, an emotionally intelligent animal can provide generalized emotional

support for anxiety disorders of all types.


Emotional support animals require little social interaction in comparison to humans, so socializing

with them is a lot less pressure, lessening the sense of dread that someone su ering from

depression may feel in social situations.

Although depression and anxiety are often con ated, they are two very separate psychiatric conditions. Having said that, it is

common for those who su er from depression to also su er from anxiety and vice versa. Depressive episodes can vary in

symptoms and severity, but general symptoms include a lack of interest in day-to-day activities, feelings of hopelessness and

regret, low mood, self-hatred and insomnia. Alongside regimens of talk therapy or medication, it has been shown that the

support of an animal can be extremely bene cial to someone who su ers from depression. It is very easy to feel isolated as a

su erer of depression, and an emotional support animal can o er you support when you feel completely alone. In addition,

there is little pressure to visibly interact with an animal the way there is with a human. Emotional support animals require little

social interaction in comparison to humans, so socializing with them is a lot less pressure, lessening the sense of dread that

someone su ering from depression may feel in social situations.

Panic Attacks
Panic attacks are de ned as sudden bursts of fear that are accompanied by physical symptoms. Depending on the su erer,

these symptoms can include dizziness, shortness of breath, heart palpitations and sweating. Panic attacks are also

accompanied by a serious and genuine sense of danger and fear, leading su erers to act irrationally due to base adrenaline
reactions. Panic attacks can also be a symptom themselves of depression or anxiety. Emotional support animals can often sense

the signs that precede a panic attack and can lead su erers to a safe space so that they do not injure themselves while

panicking. They can also provide the necessary social support to a su erer and help them calm themselves back to their normal

state after a panic attack.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder S

PTSD su erers can often feel isolated, and an ESA animal can often calm them, making them feel

grounded in an unsure situation.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a stress-based mental condition that has a range of symptoms resulting from a

physical or mental trauma. It is most commonly observed in those who have fought in or su ered through wars and survivors of

rape and sexual assault. The condition manifests itself in a range of symptoms that are often noted in other mental illnesses.

These include insomnia, panic attacks, paranoia, hypervigilance and avoidance of situations like that of the initial trauma. It is

not known what exactly triggers PTSD, but it is di cult to treat due to its erratic and unpredictable nature. However, animals
can be very helpful in the treatment of PTSD. PTSD su erers can often feel isolated, and an ESA animal can often calm them,

making them feel grounded in an unsure situation. It also o ers them a steady relationship when they feel they cannot rely on

humans due to previous traumas.

Autism S

Autism is classi ed as a neurodevelopmental disorder, which means that it a ects a person’s development through their brain. ItI
is a varied condition, and di erent people with autism can show very di erent symptoms. It is usually diagnosed through the
observance of di erent kinds of behavior, including poor social skills, repetitive behaviours and delayed speech. Autistic

individuals often tend to self-harming behavior. Emotional support animals have proved exceptionally helpful in the alleviation U

of certain symptoms of autism, especially in children. Although many autistic children will experience extreme stress in P

performing the tasks associated with everyday life, ESA dogs have shown to give these children a sense of security in situations

they nd stressful. They can also help autistic children socialize, which is often something they nd very di cult to do.

Emotional support animals can help individuals with a wide range of conditions, not just the ones listed. If you have a letter from
a medical professional noting that you require your emotional support animal for the treatment of a condition, you can travel
and live with them as you see t. Whatever works for you is the best course of action, so feel free to live your best life with your

ESA animal.


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