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EXERCISE 8A (OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS) Mark (¥) against the correct answer in each of the following : 1. Fifteen years hence, a man will be just four times as old as he was 15 years ago. His present age is : (M.B.A. 2006) (a) 10 years (b) 15 years (©) 20 years (d) 25 years 2 Meena’s age after 15 years will be 5 times her age 5 years back. What is Meena’s Present age ? (@)5 years (6) 10 years (c) 15 years (d) 50 years 4. The product of Rajeev’s age 5 years ago with his age 9 years hence (both in years) '8 16, Rajeev’s present age is : 8 2004) (0) 6 years, (6)8 (c) 9 years (d) 10 years years d ) 4886 years old and Bis 16 years. In how many years will A be ee B? (a) 3 years (d) 4 years Vyear (b) 2 years (c) 3 year eee Scanned with CamScanner ARTHNe is 4; 8. The sum of thei, Meera is 4: 3. Tr ag eenented Il be Railway, 8% after 8 years Wi YS, 2098 7:4 (6:5 ") daughter's present age. Six years }, his daughter will be 23 : 13. What ae (LL, » + 200, (@ Cannot be determined 153 : 5. The ratio of the ages of M ‘The ratio of their ages (6) 12: ll is twice his Suresh and years (@4:3 6 The present age of Suresh the ratio between the ages o present age of Suresh ? (6) 40 years (a) 36 years (c) 46 years (e) None of these in the ratio 9: 8 respectively. After 5 vq, Arunima are 9 Teens e en runt 9, What is the difference between their aye.) anya (6) 5 years (c) 6 years (d) 7 years 3 ; Bank (e) None of these oe Es an P02 a ne sum of the ages of husband and wife s 70 years and the ratio of their ages 3:2. The wife's age is e S.C. 200) (c) 28 years (d) 27 years (a) 82 years (0) 36 years 9. The difference between the present years ago, the ratio of their ages was age? (@) 49 years (6) 42 years (e) None of these 10. The sum of the ages ofa boy and his father is 40 years. After 16 years, the father will be twice the age of his son. What is the present age of the boy ? (S.S.C. 2006) (a) 4 years (6) 6 years (©) 8 years (d) 10 years 11. Ina family, the average age of father and mother is 38 years, whereas the average age of father, mother and their only daughter is 28 years. The age of the daughter is: (S.S.C. 2007) (@) 5 years (6) 6 years (©) 8 years (d) 10 years 12, The ratio between the ages of Ram and Mohan is 4 : 5 and that between the ages of Mohan and Anil is 5 : 6. Ifthe sum of the ages of the three be 90 years, how old é ae ez 5 (Railways, 2008) ee care (6) 20 years (c) 30 years (d) 25 years 13. PS ate bebean thes se ot and B i 3:4 and that between the ages of B anes Gunes le me be a years, how old is z 2 14. The ‘ A years (d) 32 years ais Seen hna and Rishab is 43 years and the average 26°” 1s 49 years. If Rohit is 54 years old, what is ee ages of Arun and Deepak is 14 years. Seve, 5: 7 respectively. What is Deepak’s presen, (Bank P.O, 2099) (c) 63 years (d) 35 years ? (ala yo () 24 (Bank P.0- fears: ‘Ss * a Cannot be determined Bee me eres 7 < eee father and his son 10 years hence will be 5 : 3 whit! , 21. The i (a) 1:2 ae sag ofthe age of the son to that of his father today:* (1:3 Scanned with CamScanner | ems ON AGES 159 ratio of the present ages of two brothers is 1: 2 and5 16. at will be the ratio of their ages relat ean TWh ir ages after 5 years? (SS.C. 2005) io iz (6) 2:3 ()3:5 (d)5:6 age of a woman is thrice her son's age. Five years ago Th ’, A 11. (th of his father’s age, Ifhis father is 5 years elder than his ge of the son ? the son’s age was of mother, what is the present (Railways, 2006) (@) 10 years (6) 12 years (©) 15 years (d) 18 years f Neelam and Shan are in the ratio 5 : ‘ 3, The ages 0} in the ratio 5 : 6, If the ratio of one- 48 Yeelam's age and half of Shan’s age be 5:9, whatis Shan's age? ae (a) 25 years (6) 30 years (c) 36 years (d) Cannot be determined (¢) None of these (Bank P.O. 2002) 19, Ramesh is as much younger to Anil as he is older to Sumit, If the sum of the ages of Anil and Sumit is 48 years, what is the age of Ramesh ? (a) 20 years (6) 24 years (c) 80 years (d) Cannot be determined (e) None of these 20, Six years ago, Sushil was thrice as old as Snehal. Six years hence, Sushil will be 3 times as old as Snehal. How old is Snehal today ? (@LB.A. 2006) (a) 12 years (6) 15 years (c) 18 years (d) 24 years 21, Ten years ago, Mona’s mother was four times older than her daughter. Ten years hence, the mother will be twice older than the daughter. Mona’s present age is (a) 5 years (6) 10 years (c) 20 years (d) 30 years 22, The sum of the present ages of A, B and Cis 90 years. Six years ago, the ratio of their ages was 1: 2: 3. What is the present age of C ? Railways, 2004) (a) 36 years (6) 40 years (c) 42 years (d) 45 years 28, The sum of the ages of a man and his son is 45 years. Five years ago, the product of their ages was four times the man’s age at that time. Man's present age is : (a) 35 years (6) 36 years (c) 39 years (@) None of these (MLB.A. 2005) 24, 16 years ago, my grandmother was 8 times older than me. After 8 years from today, my grandmother will be thrice as old as I will be at that time. Eight years go, what was the ratio of my age and my grandmother's age ? (S.S.C. 2003) @1:2 () 1:5 (3:8 (d) None of these 25. On dividing the remainder obtained by subtracting 6 from Anil’s present age by | 18, Anup's age is obtained. Mahesh is 5 years old and Anup is 2 years younger than Mahesh. What is Anil’s present age ? (@) 60 years (0) 48 years (c) 64 years (d) 54 years 6. girl is twice as old as her brother and half as old as her father. After 22 years, brother’s age will be half of her father’s age. What is the present age of the Birl? ‘9)20 years (b) 21 years (c) 22. years (d) 23 years Scanned with CamScanner X ARITHMET 9 160 : ’s father’s ag = ofhis father’s age. Ten years hence, Ramu’s father’s age win), 27. Ramu's age i rthday of Vimal Was celeb twice of Vimal’s age. If 2 years ago, the 8th bi what is Ramu’s present age ? (a) 6 years (b) 8 years 28. One year ago, a man was 7 times as old on square of his son's age. The present age of the man is : s (a) 36 years (6) 49 years (c) 64 years (d) 70 years 29. Reena’s father was 38 years old when she was born while her mother was 36 year, old when her brother 4 years younger to her was born, What is the differenc, between the ages of her parents ? (a) 2 years (6) 4 years (c) 6 years (d) 8 years 30. The ratio between the present ages of Kunal and Vijay is 3 : 2. If Kunal was ¢ years older to Vijay, 4 years back, how old is Vijay now ? (c) 5 years (d) 12 years as his son. Now, his age is equal to thy (@) 6 years (b) 12 years (c) 18 years (d) Data inadequate (e) None of these 31. The sum of the ages of 5 children born at the intervals of 3 years each, is 50 years, What is the age of the youngest child ? (S.S.C. 2000) (a) 4 years (6) 8 years (c) 10 years (d) None of these 32. The ratio between the present ages of two brothers is 1: 2. Five years ago, the ratio of their ages was 1: 3. What will be the ratio of their ages after 5 years ? (@)1:4 ()2:3 (3:5 (d)5:6 33. A was born 6 years earlier than B. B's age is 4 years more than (’s age and 3 years Jess than D’s age. The present age of A is 17 years. What is the age of D ? (a) 19 years (6) 15 years (c) 12 years (d) 8 years es z oo (S.8.C. 2008) . Four years ago the ages of A and B were in the ratio 11:14 and after 4 ages will be in the ratio 13 : 16. The present age of A is : eee (a) 48 years (6) 26 years () 44 years (d) 28 years ee ee —— Scanned with CamScanner

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