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1. Explain the concept of a tourism product and identify its components.

According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, a tourism product is "a
blended collection of tangible and intangible resources, like cultural and natural heritage, man-
made resources, tourist attraction, infrastructure, services, and activities centered on a specific
point of interest. Which serves as the foundation of a destination marketing mix and provides a
comprehensive tourist experience, which include emotional responses for prospective customers.
A tourist product is priced and marketed via distribution platforms, and it has a life-cycle that
must be followed." It has two components which are tangible and intangible. Under the tangible
are infrastructure, restaurants, food, hotels, natural environment, food and resorts. It can often be
seen and touched by our senses. While the intangible are composed of ambiance, friendliness,
security, image, helpfulness, courtesy, and hospitality. These can be felt or experienced by a
customer towards the staff or facilitator. Prior to purchase, where a product cannot be seen,
tasted, touched, heard, or smelled.

2. What are the prerequisites to successful tourism product development?

A prerequisite is anything that must occur or appear before something else may happen or
exist. While the UNWTO and ETC describe tourism product development as a process in which
a destination's assets are sculpted to satisfy the demands of national and international consumers.
There are seven prerequisites to successful tourism product development.

To start off with accessibility, access to appropriate transportation and infrastructure, as

well as freedom from foreign entities. Trip frequency, seat capacity, and transit connections at
the destinations are all factors to consider in this area. Next is resources, or existing products. It
has diversity, regional emphasis or spread of tourist resources, and quantity and quality of human
capital. Then there is the demand, which is defined by the size and trends of existing market
demand, the expected growth rate, and the destination's capacity to provide items that meet the
market's preferences and features. One prerequisite as well is the acceptance by stakeholders.
There's also politics and government. Stability, tourist transparency, emphasis given to tourism
growth, type of governance indicating the amount of involvement permitted in decision-making,
and tourism investment strategy are all points to consider here. Moreover, tourism in relation to a
destination's overall economy is also one of them. The proportion of employment produced by
tourism, the destination's phase in the TALC, and the degree and value of business, development,
and education are all factors to be taken into account. Furthermore, adherence to nationally
accepted standards is also one of the prerequisites. For example, there are certain rules for
different types of lodging facilities that must be met in order for them to be approved by the
Department of Tourism.
3. Identify and describe each step in the tourism product development process.
These are the steps in the tourism product development process. First is to do market
research. The tourist marketing team researches the present market to discover possibilities. It
covers the economy, market categories and their needs, historical market statistics, and current
market and tourist trends. Second is the product-market matching. Different packages are
designed for distinct market segments based on the needs of each specific segment. Third is to
evaluate the spot. Because destinations are the foundation of product creation, the product
development team visits possible tourism sites to analyze their potential, their capacity to accept
and service visitors, and their deficiencies. It is used to determine whether a place has enough
accommodation, attractions, activities, or amenities. It is also tested for accessibility. Fourth is to
recognize the stakeholder roles. Diverse stakeholders work together to generate tourism
products. It entails identifying all corporate and public sector players, DMOs, tourism and related
enterprises, and their responsibilities in building a tourist offering.

Fifth is creating goods. This stage involves creating intermediate inputs and intermediate
outputs utilizing appropriate resources and knowledge. It includes both destination infrastructure
and support for unique activities and experiences. Sixth is to do marketing and promotions. The
market is informed of the functional and emotional advantages of travel. To promote the location
and the goods on television and radio, marketing creates brochures and places ads on business
websites. They also employ different marketing strategies to promote the goods. Lastly and
seventh is to have resource management. It entails supplying qualified people and modern
technology to efficiently serve guests, conduct all tourism-related activities at the site, and
interact with workers.

4. What are the principles of tourism product development?

The principles of tourism product development according to the UNWTO-ETC are as

follows. It has relevance, sustainability, routes and circuits, product and market knowledge,
product-market compatibility and spokes and hubs. As well as variation, the participation of
tourists, and the government's important role. Local government units are extremely important,
TPD functions are dedicated, participation of stakeholders, long-term strategy, and zoning are
also part of it. Furthermore, promotion of investment, capacity-building, compatibility with the
branding of the destination and taking a holistic approach are all its principles.

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