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Brilliance CT TM

16/10/6-Slice Configuration

V1.1.0 Software Installation

Brilliance CT Installation A Index


4550 193 01561

Revision A

This document and the information contained in it is proprietary and confidential information of Philips Medical Systems (“Philips”) and may not be reproduced,
copied in whole or in part, adapted, modified, disclosed to others, or disseminated without the prior written permission of the Philips Legal Department. Use of this
document and the information contained in it is strictly reserved for current Philips personnel and Philips customers who have a current and valid license from Philips
for use by the customer’s designated in-house service employee on equipment located at the customer’s designated site. Use of this document by unauthorized persons
is strictly prohibited. Report violation of these requirements to the Philips Legal Department at 22100 Bothell Everett Highway, Bothell, WA 98021.
This document must be returned to Philips when the user is no longer licensed and in any event upon Philips’ first written request.

Philips Medical Systems © 2004

Philips Medical Systems

Warranty Disclaimer

Limitation of Liability
Symbol Descriptions

Attention symbol Radiation warning symbol

Laser warning symbol Biohazard warning symbol

Magnetism warning symbol Projectile warning symbol

Electrical warning symbol

Revision History

ECO # Revision Date Comments

E20040033 A March 2004 New Release

This document was prepared by the CT PMG Haifa Service Innovation Department.
For any additions, corrections, or suggestions, contact:
CT PMG Haifa Customer Support Department
Safety Information
To the User of This Manual
The user of this manual is directed to read and carefully review the instructions, warnings and cautions contained herein prior to beginning installation or service activities.
While you may have previously installed or serviced equipment similar to that described in this manual, changes in design, manufacture or procedure may have occurred
which significantly affect the present installation or service.

Installation and Environment

Except for installations requiring certification by the manufacturer per federal standards, see that a radiation protection survey is made by a qualified expert in accordance
with NCRP 102, section 7, as revised or replaced in the future. Perform a survey after every change in equipment, workload, or operating conditions which might
significantly increase the probability of persons receiving more than the maximum permissible dose equivalent.

Diagnostic Imaging Systems - Mechanical-electrical Warning

All of the moveable assemblies and parts of this equipment should be operated with care and routinely inspected in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations
contained in the equipment manuals.
Only properly trained and qualified personnel should be permitted access to any internal parts. Live electrical terminals are deadly; be sure line disconnects are opened and
other appropriate precautions are taken before opening access doors, removing enclosure panels, or attaching accessories.
Do not under any circumstances, remove the flexible high tension cables from the x-ray tube housing or high tension generator and/or the access covers from the generator
until the main and auxiliary power supplies have been disconnected. Failure to comply with the above may result in serious or fatal bodily injuries to the operator or those
in the area.

Electrical-grounding Instructions
The equipment must be grounded to an earth ground by a separate conductor. The neutral side of the line is not to be considered the earth ground. On equipment
provided with a line cord, the equipment must be connected to properly grounded, three-pin receptacle. Do not use a three-to-two pin adapter.

Diagnostic Imaging Systems - Radiation Warning

X-ray and Gamma-rays are dangerous to both operator and others in the vicinity unless established safe exposure procedures are strictly observed.
The useful and scattered beams can produce serious or fatal bodily injuries to any persons in the surrounding area if used by an unskilled operator. Adequate precautions
must always be taken to avoid exposure to the useful beam, as well as to leakage radiation from within the source housing or to scattered radiation resulting from the
passage of radiation through matter.
Those authorized to operate, participate in or supervise the operation of the equipment must be thoroughly familiar and comply completely with the current established
safe exposure factors and procedures described in publications, such as: Subchapter J of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, "Diagnostic X-ray Systems and Their
Major Components", and the national council on radiation protection (NCRP) no. 102, "Medical X-ray And Gamma-ray Protection For Energies Up To 10 Mev-
equipment Design and Use", as revised or replaced in the future.
Those responsible for planning of x-ray and gamma-ray equipment installations must be thoroughly familiar and comply completely with NCRP no. 49, "Structural
Shielding Design and Evaluation For Medical Of X-rays and Gamma-rays of Energies Up to 10 Mev", as revised and replaced in the future. Failure to observe these
warnings may cause serious or fatal bodily injuries to the operator or those in the area.
Add additional safety information as needed
Only qualified and system trained Philips service staff is allowed to perform service (installation, maintenance, quality assurance) on the Brilliance CT systems. Make

sure that the latest version of the service instructions are available. Read the corresponding instructions carefully prior to working on the system. For your own safety and
for more detailed safety information, refer only to the current version of the documents.
Use only specified tools and auxiliary materials. After finishing any service activity, ensure that all covers of the Brilliance CT, including the mylar gasket, are closed

Precautionary Measures Regarding Electrical Voltage

Before you start the procedure outlined in this manual, make sure that you read and understand the warnings listed below.






CAUTION Always use an ESD protection wrist strap when servicing any component in the system.
Brilliance™ CT Software V1.1.0 Installation Overview............................................................................................. 1
Brilliance™ CT Software Version 1.1 Release Notes .............................................................................................. 2
New Features...................................................................................................................................................... 2
Open Issues ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Workarounds for Open Issues ............................................................................................................................ 4
Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Software Installation Procedure Steps ..................................................................................................................... 8
Pre-installation.......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Record System Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 9
Record Computer Name and Workgroup or Domain .......................................................................................... 11
Installing the Host Computer .................................................................................................................................... 12
Host Computer OS.............................................................................................................................................. 12
Windows Activation............................................................................................................................................. 13
Installing the Environment Creator...................................................................................................................... 15
Installing the COTS Software.............................................................................................................................. 16
Installing the Host Software ................................................................................................................................ 17
Post Install................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Initializing Acrobat Reader and CesarFTP.......................................................................................................... 20
Entering the License Key .................................................................................................................................... 21
Installing The IRS Computer .................................................................................................................................... 23
Setting the Boot Devices..................................................................................................................................... 23
Windows NT Installation ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Installing the Environment Creator...................................................................................................................... 25
Post Installation ........................................................................................................................................................ 30
Restarting the IRS and the Host Computer ........................................................................................................ 30
Verifying IBox Card Installation........................................................................................................................... 30
Gantry Firmware Installation ............................................................................................................................... 31
Setting Synchronization Files with CanPro 8.1 ........................................................................................................ 33
Converting the Scan Protocols ........................................................................................................................... 34
Converting the Impulse Response Protocols...................................................................................................... 35
Final Steps ............................................................................................................................................................... 36
Appendix A: Installing the I-Box Driver (for systems with the Cardiac option) ........................................................ 37

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 1

V1.1.0 Software Installation Brilliance™ CT Software V1.1.0 Installation Overview

Brilliance™ CT Software V1.1.0 Installation Overview

This document details a new software installation of Brilliance V1.1.0. There are three Brilliance CT configurations:
16, 10, and 6 slices. Each configuration has its own set of installation CDs. Verify that the correct CD is being used
during each stage of the installation.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 1

V1.1.0 Software Installation Brilliance™ CT Software Version 1.1 Release Notes

Brilliance™ CT Software Version 1.1 Release Notes

This document describes the new features in Version 1.1 of the Brilliance CT. In addition, the workarounds for open
issues are detailed.

New Features
• Faster workspace: The workspace is faster than the previous version and allows you to open a new study, Plan
on Surview, and open offline recon instantaneously.
• New thickness in Helix mode: The new thickness of 0.7 mm is derived from 2 x 0.6 collimation. This is only
available in 0.75 pitch.
• Add recon behavior with Axial and Helix:
NOTE In Helix, this is only the case when the recon mode is Concurrent
— If the add recon Shift/FOV/Length is the same as in the Main Recon:
When updating the main scan, the add recon updates according to the main Shift/FOV/Length
— If the Add Recon Shift/FOV is different than the Main Recon:
When updating the main recon, shift and FOV of the Add Recon remains as originally planned
— When shortening the main recon and the add recon is planned with offset, offsets are deleted first. After no
offset exits, the reconstructed area is shortened.
— When elongating the main recon and the add recon is planned with length offset, the offset from the start/end
position will remain the same. The reconstructed area of the additional recon will be longer.
• DDC Artifacts problem was fixed: (DDC rings.)
• 4 X 4.5 Collimation on CCT: This collimation is now possible on all models. Available only in Single mode.
• New Adaptive Filter: The new adaptive filter enables reduction of the pattern noise (streaks) in non-
homogeneous bodies.
In asymmetrical objects, readings of lower signals contribute higher noise, while readings with higher signals
make only minor contributions to the total noise. The adaptive filter processes a small amount of the readings,
i.e., those that contribute the highest noise. These readings are filtered and their noise is reduced. The result is a
reduction of the image pattern noise, with only a minor degradation in the resolution.
• Prefetch: Also known as “Pre. Study”. Clicking the Prefetch button in the patient data dialog (enabled only when
ID field is not empty) opens the Archive manager in a special retrieve history mode displaying only the specific
patient (determined by ‘Patient ID’).

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 2

V1.1.0 Software Installation Brilliance™ CT Software Version 1.1 Release Notes

— When OK is clicked, a dialog with destinations is opened allowing the operator to select the destination
device(s) to which the selected images should be sent. The selected device and selected destinations are
‘remembered’ in the next Pre. Study activation (if OK was used and not Cancel).
• Classify Protocols Utility: Improved workflow.
— Moved Edit menu into the Edit List tab.
— Moved File and Use classification menu into flow buttons.
The program remembers changes made in columns width in the ‘Classify protocols’ utility.
• Improved Analysis Workflow Button. When clicking the Analysis button in the workflow bar, the Post-
processing Applications list opens below the Analysis button (similar to a menu) instead of changing the toolbox
content as was implemented in Version 1.0.
• Improvement in Slab Viewer: The following improvements were made in the Slab Viewer:
— The Film button was added.
— The Quit button was added.
• Improved “Examination flow” Dialog Box (previously “Stop /Pause”): The Examination Flow dialog box has
the following new features/changes:
— Removed the Patient moved and Plan on Surview buttons. Patient moved was not used. Instead, open a
new study. Plan on Surview was replaced by Plan scan on the workflow bar.
— Added Length and Position in mm in addition to the existing ‘start at slice #’ and ‘No. Of slices’.
• Generate Exam Protocols – The generate exam protocols now has a Drag and Drop option for changing the
order of protocols.
— Windows-like Drag and Drop allows you to change the position of the protocol buttons within each group.
— There are two modes (toggled via radio buttons):
Select – to select protocol for editing (like in V1.0)
Change order – where Drag and Drop is enabled but selecting is not enabled
— Improved Patient Data and Exam Protocols windows:
Exam protocols - Small buttons. Clinical Images have been removed to save space.
New “Comments” field (the old “Patient comment” field was removed)
• Patient data: The first field to be completed can be configured, either manually or automatically, by the Bar Code
Reader. It can either be “Patient ID” or “Accession number”.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 3

V1.1.0 Software Installation Open Issues

• Utilities Menu was reorganized. Several application names were changed and moved from mx user to
• Changes in Service tools:
— The bug report now takes less than 50% of the time that it used to take.
— The service banner can be hidden by clicking on it.
• Dual monitor support (according hardware configuration).

Open Issues
• MCU error 24 occurs during Axial range.
• Storage Commitment failure - do not configure the node with Storage Commitment.
• Images are displayed wih a rotation of 1°.

Workarounds for Open Issues

The following is a list of the workarounds for the open issues.
• Do not use backslash (\) on the comments files in patient data. Any text written after it will be deleted.
• The adaptive filter can be used only with body protocols (it is blocked on head protocols). Therefore, neck
protocols should be derived from body protocols only.

• Cardiac: If the ECG Viewer is not shown, click the Windows key ( ) and click on the ECG Viewer
minimized application.
• Cardiac: Do not use 4 x 6 collimation.
• If a Dual Surview scan is paused in the middle, it is not possible to scan another surview until a new study is
• If clicking on the Archive, HIS/RIS, Schedule, or Catalog doesn’t open the application, check that the

application is not already open and minimized by clicking on the Windows key ( ).

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 4

V1.1.0 Software Installation Open Issues

• Offline Reconstruction on more than one Raw does not work; execute Offline Reconstruction on one Raw each
• On the Examination Flow window, when “Start Position” is changed, Slice counting starts from ONE and not as
shown on the Examination flow.
• When the Archive Manager is open and you want to open a Post Processing application, use the Processing
menu on the Archive Manager and not the Analysis menu.
• Every scanner has to have a printer defined (through user config) whether it is used or not. If a printer is not
defined the system will eventually crash.
• After opening Voice Manager application in order to record a new voice set, make sure that the Microphone is not
muted in the Volume Control of Windows XP. If it is, clear it. This should be done every time the Voice Manager
application is started.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 5

V1.1.0 Software Installation Prerequisites

This installation procedure installs the Brilliance software V1.1.0. The following CDs and items are needed:

Brilliance 16 Slice Configuration, 455012201712

Table 1: S/W KIT Brilliance CT - 16 slice configuration V1.1.0 --- 455012201712

Item # Part Number Description

1 455012801832 HOST OS Installation V1.1.0
2 455012801842 COTS (3rd Party) V1.1.0
3 455012801852 Environment Creator V1.1.0
4 455012701331 Application Software V1.1.0
5 455012801902 Reference QA Images V1.1.0
6 455012801912 IRS OS V1.1.0

Brilliance 10 Slice Configuration, 455012201722

Table 2: S/W KIT Brilliance CT – 10 slice configuration V1.1.0 --- 455012201722

Item # Part Number Description

1 455012801962 HOST OS Installation V1.1.0
2 455012801972 COTS (3rd Party) V1.1.0
3 455012801982 Environment Creator V1.1.0
4 455012701341 Application Software V1.1.0
5 455012701052 Reference QA Images V1.1.0
6 455012701062 IRS OS V1.1.0

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 6

V1.1.0 Software Installation Prerequisites

Brilliance 6 Slice Configuration, 455012201732

Table 3: S/W KIT Brilliance CT - 6 slice configuration V1.1.0 --- 455012201732

Item # Part Number Description

1 455012701112 HOST OS Installation V1.1.0
2 455012701122 COTS (3rd Party) V1.1.0
3 455012701132 Environment Creator V1.1.0
4 455012701351 Application Software V1.1.0
5 455012701182 Reference QA Images V1.1.0
6 455012701192I RS OS V1.1.0

• EOD Cartridge
• Service Key (Current-you do not need to get a new one)
• Option License Key (Current-you do not need to get a new one)

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 7

V1.1.0 Software Installation Software Installation Procedure Steps

Software Installation Procedure Steps

The software installation procedure includes both HOST and IRS computers. Follow the procedures listed in this
chapter in the order listed.
NOTE If, during software installation, the Host computer or the IRS computer gets stuck or finishes
unsuccessfully, you must start the installation procedure for that computer from the beginning.
The following is the list of installation steps:

1 Prerequisites a Installing The IRS Computer

2 Pre-installation b Windows NT Installation
a Record System Parameters c Installing the Environment Creator
b Record Computer Name and Workgroup or d Installing the Test Raws
e Installing the IRS Software
3 Installing the Host Computer
f Installing the Reference and Integrity
a Host Computer OS
4 Post Installation
b Installing the Environment Creator
a Restarting the IRS and the Host Computer
c Installing the COTS Software
b Verifying IBox Card Installation
d Installing the Host Software
c Gantry Firmware Installation
e Installing the Operation Manual
d Converting the Scan Protocols
f Installing the Reference and Integrity
e Converting the Impulse Response Protocols
g Post Install
5 Final Steps
h Initializing Acrobat Reader and CesarFTP
Appendix A: Installing the I-Box Driver (for systems
i Setting Synchronization Files with CanPro 8.1 with the Cardiac option)
j Entering the License Key
k Entering the Service Key
l Scanning the System for Viruses
m System Tune-ups – User mx
n System Tune-ups – User mxservice

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 8

V1.1.0 Software Installation Pre-installation

Record System Parameters
1 Log on as administrator (password: mxroot).
2 Insert the CD labeled Application Software V1.1.0.
Table 4: Application CD Part Numbers

Configuration Part Number Description

16 Slice configuration 455012701331 Application Software V1.1.0
10 Slice configuration 455012701341 Application Software V1.1.0
6 Slice configuration 455012701351 Application Software V1.1.0

3 Double-click on My Computer.
Navigate to E:\Backup\Disk1.
4 Double-click Setup.exe. The Philips
Install Supervisor window opens.
5 Click Start. The Backup/Restore
dialog opens.
6 In the Backup tab, select a destination
path for backup (usually F:\ - the EOD
7 Click Start Backup.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 9

V1.1.0 Software Installation Pre-installation

NOTE Do not touch the keyboard before the message Installation Completed appears at the bottom of the
Philips Install Supervisor window.
8 When the message Installation completed appears at the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor window,
scroll through the list of Installed Components and verify that the Status for all components is Done with exit
code = 0x00000000. (If any of the exit codes is some other value, return to the beginning of this procedure.)
9 Click Close.
10 Close ALL windows.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 10

V1.1.0 Software Installation Pre-installation

Record Computer Name and Workgroup or Domain

1 Right-click My Computer and select Properties.
2 Switch to the tab labeled Computer Name. Write down the Computer Name and the Workgroup or Domain.

Computer Name Workgroup or Domain

3 Close the System Properties dialog.

4 Right-click My Network Places and select Properties.
5 Right-click the Based Network Connection network card and select Properties.
6 Double-click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and write down the following information. If Obtain an IP address
automatically is selected, proceed to the next step.

Proxy Setting Value

IP address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Alternate DNS

7 Close ALL windows.

8 Click Start | Settings | Control Panel | Internet Options. Switch to the Connections tab.
9 Click LAN Settings… and write down the proxy settings. Click Cancel twice.

Proxy Setting Value

10 Close ALL windows.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 11

V1.1.0 Software Installation Installing the Host Computer

Installing the Host Computer

Host Computer OS
NOTE Before installing the Host Computer, turn OFF the Gantry.
Disconnect the Host computer from the hospital’s network.
1 Insert the CD labeled HOST OS and restart the Host computer.
Table 5: HOST OS Installation CD Part Numbers

Configuration Part Number Description

16 Slice configuration 455012801832 HOST OS Installation V1.1.0
10 Slice configuration 455012801962 HOST OS Installation V1.1.0
6 Slice configuration 455012701112 HOST OS Installation V1.1.0

NOTE During this installation, drive D: is be formatted. This means all images are be deleted. Make sure the
the important images have been backed up.
2 The following options appear:
1 Format Drives C and D (this option deletes all files on your hard disks)
2 Format Drive C only - Images will be saved (this option deletes Drive C data, but saves Drive D data)
3 Disk Utilities
4 Exit to DOS
3 Click option 1 (Format Drives C and D).
4 When the installation is complete, a black screen appears with the message:
Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart the computer.
Eject the CD, and press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to restart the computer.
5 The Host computer is restarted and the Windows XP installation continues automatically for about 35 more
minutes. During this process, the Host computer is automatically restarted several times.
6 A dialog opens asking you to select whether you are using an LCD monitor or not. Before you respond to the
dialog, reconnect the Host computer to the hospital’s network.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 12

V1.1.0 Software Installation Installing the Host Computer

7 Click Yes or No to the LCD Monitor prompt.

8 When prompted to enter a computer name, enter the name you wrote down in Step 2 of Record Computer Name
and Workgroup or Domain before the installation. Click OK. A message informs whether the computer name was
changed successfully or not. Click OK.
9 You are asked whether to set a fixed IP address for the hospital LAN. Proceed according to the information you
wrote down in Step 6 of Record Computer Name and Workgroup or Domain.
• In case the Host computer does not have a fixed IP address (Obtain an IP address automatically was
selected), select No and proceed to Step 10.
• If it does have a fixed IP address, select Yes and continue.
10 A LAN settings dialog opens. Fill the fields according to the information you recorded in Step 9 of
Record Computer Name and Workgroup or Domain.
11 Mandatory fields are marked in red. If you don’t have any information recorded for one or more of the non-
mandatory fields, just leave it blank. Click OK.
A message informs you whether the IP address was changed successfully or not.
Click OK.

Windows Activation
1 When prompted, enter the Windows XP Professional OEM product key, as written on the Windows XP sticker.
Click OK.
2 Follow the instructions on the screen and activate Windows.
Write down the activation key number and keep it near your computer for future reference.


Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 13

V1.1.0 Software Installation Installing the Host Computer

3 After restart, you are asked whether to add the computer to a workgroup/domain. There are two options:
• Click No to stay with the default workgroup (PHILIPS)
Yes to join a different Domain / Workgroup.
In case you selected Yes, the Join Domain / Workgroup dialog opens.
a Select either Domain or Workgroup and enter its name.
b Enter a User and Password and click OK.
c A message notifies you whether the operation ended successfully.
d After successfully joining a Domain / Workgroup, you are asked whether to restart the computer.
e Click Yes. When the installation is completed, an appropriate message appears. Click OK.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 14

V1.1.0 Software Installation Installing the Host Computer

Installing the Environment Creator

1 Insert the CD labeled Environment Creator V1.1.0. The Philips Installation dialog opens automatically.
Table 6: Environment Creator CD Part Numbers

Configuration Part Number Description

16 Slice configuration 455012701132 Environment Creator V1.0.0
10 Slice configuration 455012801982 Environment Creator V1.1.0
6 Slice configuration 455012801852 Environment Creator V1.1.0

2 Click the Install Environment Creator icon. The Philips Install Supervisor opens. Click Start.

NOTE Do not touch the keyboard before the message Installation Completed appears at the bottom of the
Philips Install Supervisor window.
3 When the message Installation completed appears at the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor window,
scroll through the list of Installed Components and verify that the Status for all components is Done with exit
code = 0x00000000. (If any of the exit codes is some other value, return to the beginning of this procedure.)
4 Click Close.
5 Close ALL windows.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 15

V1.1.0 Software Installation Installing the Host Computer

Installing the COTS Software

1 Insert the CD labeled COTS V1.1.0. The Philips Installation dialog opens automatically.
Table 7: COTS CD Part Numbers

Configuration Part Number Description

16 Slice configuration 455012801842 COTS (3rd Party) V1.1.0
10 Slice configuration 455012801972 COTS (3rd Party) V1.1.0
6 Slice configuration 455012701122 COTS (3rd Party) V1.1.0

2 Click the Install COTS icon. The Philips Install

Supervisor opens.
3 Type mxroot in the Password field and click Start.

NOTE Do not touch the keyboard before the message

Installation Completed appears at the bottom
of the Philips Install Supervisor window.

4 When the message Installation completed appears

at the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor
window, scroll through the list of Installed Components
and verify that the Status for all components is Done
with exit code = 0x00000000. (If any of the exit codes
is some other value, return to the beginning of this
5 Click Close.
6 Close the Philips Install Supervisor window.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 16

V1.1.0 Software Installation Installing the Host Computer

7 In the Philips Installation dialog click the Install UPS

icon. The Philips Install Supervisoropens.
8 Click Start.

NOTE Do not touch the keyboard before the message

Installation Completed appears at the bottom
of the Philips Install Supervisor window.

9 When the message Installation completed appears

at the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor
window, scroll through the list of Installed
Components and verify that the Status for all
components is Done with exit code = 0x00000000.
(If any of the exit codes is some other value, return to
the beginning of this procedure.)
10 Click Close.
11 Close ALL windows.

Installing the Host Software

1 Insert the CD labeled Application Software. The Philips Installation dialog opens automatically.
Table 8: Application Software CD Part Numbers

Configuration Part Number Description

16 Slice configuration 455012701331 Application Software V1.1.0
10 Slice configuration 455012701341 Application Software V1.1.0
6 Slice configuration 455012701351 Application Software V1.1.0

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 17

V1.1.0 Software Installation Installing the Host Computer

2 Click the Install Host icon. The Philips Install

3 Type mxroot in the Password field and click Start.

NOTE Do not touch the keyboard before the message Installation Completed appears at the bottom of the
Philips Install Supervisor window.
4 When the date and time properties window appears, switch to the Time Zone tab, set the correct time zone and
click Apply. Enter the correct time and date and click OK.
5 When the message Installation completed appears at the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor window,
scroll through the list of Installed Components and verify that the Status for all components is Done with exit
code = 0x00000000. (If any of the exit codes is some other value, return to the beginning of this procedure.)
6 Click Close.

Installing the Operation Manual

1 In the Philips Installation dialog click the Install
Operation Manual icon. The Philips Install
Supervisor opens. Click Start.

NOTE Do not touch the keyboard before the message Installation Completed appears at the bottom of the
Philips Install Supervisor window.
2 When the message Installation completed appears at the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor window,
scroll through the list of Installed Components and verify that the Status for all components is Done with exit
code = 0x00000000. (If any of the exit codes is some other value, return to the beginning of this procedure.)
3 Click Close.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 18

V1.1.0 Software Installation Installing the Host Computer

Installing the Reference and Integrity

1 In the Philips Installation dialog click the Install
Reference and Integrity icon. The Philips Install
Supervisor opens. Click Start.

NOTE Do not touch the keyboard before the message Installation Completed appears at the bottom of the
Philips Install Supervisor window.
2 When the message Installation completed appears at the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor window,
scroll through the list of Installed Components and verify that the Status for all components is Done with exit
code = 0x00000000. (If any of the exit codes is some other value, return to the beginning of this procedure.)
3 Click Close.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 19

V1.1.0 Software Installation Post Install

Post Install
1 In the Philips Installation dialog click the Post Install
icon. The Philips Install Supervisor opens.
2 Click Start. The Backup/Restore dialog opens.
3 In the Restore tab, select the location of the backup
you performed earlier (usually F:\ - the EOD drive)
(see ‘Record System Parameters on page 1-9).
4 Click Start Restore.
5 After restore is finished, click OK to close the Backup/Restore dialog. Click Exit and wait a few seconds.
6 When the message Installation completed appears at the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor window,
scroll through the list of Installed Components and verify that the Status for all components is Done with exit
code = 0x00000000. (If any of the exit codes is some other value, return to the beginning of this procedure.)
7 Click Close.
8 Eject the CD-ROM.

Initializing Acrobat Reader and CesarFTP

1 Initialize Acrobat Reader:
• On the desktop, double-click the Acrobat Reader icon.
• In the Software License Agreement window, click Accept.
• Close Acrobat Reader.
2 Initialize CesarFTP:
• On the desktop, double-click the CesarFTP icon to open the FTP window.
• Click Control and select Exit. Click OK.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 20

V1.1.0 Software Installation Post Install

Entering the License Key

NOTE The License key is restored during the Restore procedure. Enter a new license key only if you are
adding a new option or if you are installing from scratch without Backup.
1 Double-click the Update Key desktop icon.
The Update Key utility opens.
2 Type in the license key (switching from one
box to the next it is done automatically).
Click Update Key.
3 When asked to approve replacement of the old
key, click Yes.
4 A message informing you of the successful
update of the key appears. Click OK.
5 Click Exit.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 21

V1.1.0 Software Installation Post Install

Entering the Service Key

NOTE The License key is restored during the Restore procedure. Enter a new license key only if you are
adding a new option or if you are installing from scratch without Backup.
1 Click Start | Run. Type C:\usr\tamar.root\bin\setpwd.exe -s and click OK. The service key utility dialog opens.
2 Type the service key. Click Enter.
3 Close all windows and restart the Host computer.

Scanning the System for Viruses

1 Login as user administrator (password mxroot).
2 Click Start | Programs | The Virus Search utility opens.
3 Click Start. Virus Search now scans the Host and IRS computers for viruses. This stage takes 10 to 30 minutes,
depending on your system configuration.
4 If no virus is found, Virus Search disappears without a message. If a virus is found, a message appears.
5 When finished, restart the Host computer.

System Tune-ups – User mx

1 Login as user mx (no password needed).
2 (For Dell 530 only) Double-click the Volume icon on the Taskbar. Check Mute under PC Speaker. (This may
also be named PC Beep.)
3 Click Start | Run. Type c:\misc\UserPolicyXP_Sys_NT4.reg and press <Enter>. Click Yes and OK.
4 Logout.

System Tune-ups – User mxservice

1 Login as user mxservice (password: service_only).
2 (For Dell 530 only) Double-click the Volume icon on the taskbar. Check Mute under PC Speaker. (This may also
be named PC Beep.)

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 22

V1.1.0 Software Installation Installing The IRS Computer

Installing The IRS Computer

Setting the Boot Devices

The following procedure enables the setting of boot devices during restart. Verify that the devices are set in BIOS in
the order that appears below. If it is not in that order, change it to the order of the procedure below.
1 Insert the IRS OS V1.1.0 CD. Restart the IRS computer.
Table 9: IRS OS Ghost Images CD Part Numbers

Configuration Part Number Description

16 Slice configuration 455012801912I IRS OS V1.1.0
10 Slice configuration 455012701062 IRS OS V1.1.0
6 Slice configuration 455012701192I IRS OS V1.1.0

2 When the Intel screen appears with a message saying F2-setup in the bottom left-hand corner, press F2 and
wait for the setup screen to appear.
3 Use the arrow keys to highlight the Boot menu. Press <ENTER>.
4 A menu appears. Highlight the CD-ROM Drive. Use the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ keys and move the CD-ROM Drive to the top of
the list. The list should appear as follows:
• CD-ROM Drive
• Removable Devices
• Hard Drive
5 Highlight the Hard Drive and press <ENTER>.
6 A sub-menu appears. The list should appear as follows:
• ST340016A- (PM)
• Bootable Add-in Cards
• PCI RAID Adapter (bus 03 dev 00)
In case the order is different, use the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ keys to change the devices’ order.
7 Use the arrow keys to highlight the exit button. Click Enter and save changes.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 23

V1.1.0 Software Installation Installing The IRS Computer

Windows NT Installation
1 When prompted Ready to begin ghost process… select either according to your system configuration:
1 for Pentium3 IRS computer

2 for Pentium4 IRS computer

Ghost installation starts automatically.

2 When the installation is complete, a command window opens with the message:

Eject CD-ROM and press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart the computer.

Eject the CD, and press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to restart the computer.
3 Login as user administrator (password: mxroot).

Drive Letters Modification

1 From the windows Start menu, select Programs | Administrative Tools | Disk Administrator.
2 At the message prompt click OK. A dialog box opens. Click Yes.
3 The Disk Administrator window opens (see Figure 1 —proper drive labelling). If two drive letters must be
switched, do the following:
a Change the first incorrectly-labelled drive letter to an unassigned letter (see Figure 2). Highlight the disk to
b Right-click and select Assign Drive Letter.
c The Assign Drive Letter window opens. From the pull-down menu (see Figure 1) assigning the disk an
unassigned drive letter.
d Click OK to close the Assign Drive Letter window.
e A confirmation window opens. Click Yes to confirm the change and close the window.
f Repeat steps b to e and change the second drive letter to the correct disk letter.
g Click OK to close the Assign Drive Letter window
NOTE The volume of Drive C: and Drive D: may slightly vary.
However, the total volume must be 38 GB for a 40-GB hard disk.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 24

V1.1.0 Software Installation Installing The IRS Computer

4 Verify that the drives are correctly assigned as follows:

• Drive C: Local Disk, total size 4.1 GB
• Drive D: Local Disk, total size 34 GB
• Drive E: Local (RAID) Disk, total size 104 GB
• Drive F: Compact Disk

Figure 1: Disk Administrator Window Figure 2:

5 Click OK to close the Disk Administrator window.

6 Close all open windows.

Installing the Environment Creator

1 Insert the CD labeled Environment Creator. The Philips Installation dialog opens automatically.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 25

V1.1.0 Software Installation Installing The IRS Computer

Table 10: Environment Creator CD Part Numbers

Configuration Part Number Description

16 Slice configuration 455012701132 Environment Creator V1.0.0
10 Slice configuration 455012801982 Environment Creator V1.1.0
6 Slice configuration 455012801852 Environment Creator V1.1.0

2 Click the Install Environment Creator icon. The

Philips Install Supervisor opens.

NOTE Do not touch the keyboard before the message

Installation Completed appears at the bottom
of the Philips Install Supervisor window.

3 When the message Installation completed

appears at the bottom of the Philips Install
Supervisor window, scroll through the list of
Installed Components and verify that the Status for
all components is Done with exit code =
0x00000000. (If any of the exit codes is some other
value, return to the beginning of this procedure.)
4 Click Close.
NOTE It’s highly recommended to delete all existing raws (Except IRS_START_UP.raw) before installing the
Test Raws.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 26

V1.1.0 Software Installation Installing The IRS Computer

Installing the Test Raws

1 In the Philips Installation dialog, click the Install Test Raws icon. The Philips Installation Supervisor opens.
Click Start.
NOTE Do not touch the keyboard before the message Installation Completed appears at the bottom of the
Philips Install Supervisor window.
2 When the message Installation completed appears at the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor window,
scroll through the list of Installed Components and verify that the Status for all components is Done with exit
code = 0x00000000. (If any of the exit codes is some other value, return to the beginning of this procedure.)
3 Click Close.
4 Double-click My Computer and navigate to Drive E:/.
5 Verify that a folder Raws exists.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 27

V1.1.0 Software Installation Installing The IRS Computer

Installing the IRS Software

1 Insert the CD labeled Application Software V1.1.0. The Philips Installation dialog opens automatically.
Table 11: Application Software CD Part Numbers

Configuration Part Number Description

16 Slice configuration 455012701331 Application Software V1.1.0
10 Slice configuration 455012701341 Application Software V1.1.0
6 Slice configuration 455012701351 Application Software V1.1.0

2 Click the Install IRS Software icon. The Philips Install Supervisor opens.
3 Click Start. Do not touch the mouse or the keyboard before the Date and Time Properties window appears.
4 Switch to the Time Zone tab, set the correct time zone and click Apply. Enter the correct time and date and click
NOTE Do not touch the keyboard before the message Installation Completed appears at the bottom of the
Philips Install Supervisor window.
5 When the message Installation completed appears at the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor window,
scroll through the list of Installed Components and verify that the Status for all components is Done with exit
code = 0x00000000. (If any of the exit codes is some other value, return to the beginning of this procedure.)
6 Click Close.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 28

V1.1.0 Software Installation Installing The IRS Computer

Installing the Reference and Integrity

1 In the Philips Installation dialog, click the Install Reference and Integrity icon. The Philips Install Supervisor
opens. Click Start.
NOTE Do not touch the keyboard before the message Installation Completed appears at the bottom of the
Philips Install Supervisor window.
2 When the message Installation completed appears at the bottom of the Philips Install Supervisor window,
scroll through the list of Installed Components and verify that the Status for all components is Done with exit
code = 0x00000000. (If any of the exit codes is some other value, return to the beginning of this procedure.)
3 Click Close.
4 Close ALL windows.
5 Eject the Application Software V1.1.0 CD.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 29

V1.1.0 Software Installation Post Installation

Post Installation

Restarting the IRS and the Host Computer

1 Shut down the IRS computer. Wait for 20 seconds and then power it up again.
2 Login as user mx (no password needed).
3 Turn ON the Gantry.
4 Turn on the Host computer and logon as mx (no password necessary).

Verifying IBox Card Installation

Follow the instructions below regarding IBox installation.

For Systems with IBox

After Host restart the Add New Hardware message appears.
Refer to (see ‘Appendix A: Installing the I-Box Driver (for systems with the Cardiac option) on page 1-37).
If the Add New Hardware message does not appear, take out the IBox USB cable from the rear of the Host
computer and insert it again.

For Systems without IBox

Proceed to Gantry Firmware Installation.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 30

V1.1.0 Software Installation Post Installation

Gantry Firmware Installation

1 Log on as mxservice (password: service_ only).
2 Switch the Gantry ON.
3 On the Scan Control Box, press the emergency STOP button.
4 Click Home | Utilities and from the Calibration menu, click Gantry and Couch Calibration.
5 From the Flash menu, select Load.The Flash Load
dialog box appears (Figure 3).
6 Select the specific firmware controller.
7 Ensure that the Flash Load Firmware option is
selected, and click Select File. The Select
Controller dialog box appears (Figure 3).
8 Select the required Firmware Version from the
Available Firmware Versions list (Table 12), and
click OK.
The Flash Load dialog box reappears (Figure 3).
9 Click OK again.The Flash Loading message
appears. Wait until Firmware loading is complete.
Figure 3: Flash Load Dialog Box
10 In the next window click Yes.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 31

V1.1.0 Software Installation Post Installation

11 Repeat Step 6 to Step 10 for all of the remaining controllers as

needed. Table 12: Controller Firmware
12 Select Exit from the File menu to close the Gantry and Couch
Calibration window. Click OK.
Controller Firmware Version
13 Turn the Gantry OFF and then turn it ON.
14 Log off from the Host and then log on again as mxservice
(password service_only). DOM VAOOD
15 Click the Disk icon. FOC VAOOF
16 Select Help | Product Information.
17 Verify the list in Table 12 is correct.
PTV E0037

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 32

V1.1.0 Software Installation Setting Synchronization Files with CanPro 8.1

Setting Synchronization Files with CanPro 8.1

1 Click Start | Run and type:
C:\usr\canpro\switch_description.bat. Click OK.
2 The dialog asking which version CANpro opens and a
command window runs in the background.
Select 8.1 and click OK.
3 This procedure takes approximately five seconds, at
which time the command window closes.
4 Log off and log on twice as mxservice
(password: service_only).
5 On the Desktop, click on the Disk icon and select Help.
6 Verify that the last line in the Information window is Current CanPro Version is 8.1 as seen below.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 33

V1.1.0 Software Installation Setting Synchronization Files with CanPro 8.1

Converting the Scan Protocols

1 Go to Home | Utilities | Misc. | Protocol Convertor.
2 In the Source directory path type: c:/usr/diamond.root/spr and click Convert.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 34

V1.1.0 Software Installation Setting Synchronization Files with CanPro 8.1

Converting the Impulse Response Protocols

1 Go to Home | Generate Protocols.
2 Select Factory Exam Protocols.
3 Under Abdomen protocol group select Axial Scans. Open the Impulse Response Body protocol.
4 Click OK. Click Save As and OK.
5 Repeat steps 2-4 for the Impulse Response Head protocol.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 35

V1.1.0 Software Installation Final Steps

Final Steps
Follow the instructions in the documents listed below.
1 Perform Full Phantom and Air Calibration (16, 10, 6)
Table 13: Full Phantom Calibration

Configuration Part Number

16 Slice configuration 4550 193 01351
10 Slice configuration 4550 193 01361
6 Slice configuration 4550 193 01351

2 Run a Performance Calibration (16, 10, 6)

Table 14: Performance Calibration

Configuration Part Number

16 Slice configuration 4550 193 01321
10 Slice configuration 4550 193 01331
6 Slice configuration 4550 193 01341

The installation has been successfully completed.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 36

V1.1.0 Software Installation Appendix A: Installing the I-Box Driver (for systems with the Cardiac option)

Appendix A: Installing the I-Box Driver (for systems with the Cardiac option)
1 Verify that you are logged on as mxservice.
1 Shortly after turning on the Gantry a Found New Hardware Wizard window opens.
2 Click Next. When asked for the IBox driver, type: C:\DRIVERS\IBOX and click OK.
3 Click Finish.

Philips Medical Systems Confidential and Proprietary Information 37

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