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LDM Practicum Portfolio Content

Items in the boldface are RPMS Year 2 Priority Strand. You may also refer to the supplemental
RPMS Documents for other MOVs/artifacts under these strands. LDM2 LAC leader may also use
the artifacts of teachers for their self-selected LDM practicum portfolio artifacts.

LDM Artifact Remarks PPST Strand
Individual Learning  You may include 2-3 3.1 Learner gender, needs,
Monitoring Plan ILMPs to show the strength, interests and
improvement you experiences
made in creating

 Highlight in the
the parts of the ILMPs
in which you made

 The ILMPs could be

for the same
Lesson Plans (e.g DLP,  You may include 2-3 3.4 Learners in difficult
DLL,WHLP, WLL, Lesson lesson plans from circumstances
Ezemplars and the likes) different quarters to
show the 4.1 Planning and
improvement you management of the teaching
made in creating learning process

 In annotation,
highlight compare the
parts of the lesson
plans in which you
made adjustments.
You may cover the
1. Competencies
2. Learning objectives
3. Performance tasks
4. Learning outputs, etc
Teacher modified learning You may include any of the Teaching and learning
resources following learning resources resources including ICT

 MDL: 2-3 sample

 ODL: screenshots of
2-3 online lessons,
presentations, quizzes
using collaborative
technology (padlet,
google classroom,
Certificate of participation in You may include certificates 7.3 Professional links with
any professional received from any PD colleagues
development (PD) activities activities
7.5 professional
In annotation, briefly explain development goal
whether these parts were
part or not part of your
original PD goals in your
development plan, and how
you applied what you have
learned in your work as a
MOVs on engaging You may include photo- 5.4 Communication of
stakeholders in the teaching document of learner needs progress and
learning process  Conversation with achievement to key
parents/guardians stakeholders
chats/texts/video 6.2 Communication with
conference parents to wider school
 Parents dropping off community in the educative
modules at process
designated boxes
Exemplars and the likes In the annotation, highlight 7.3 Professional links with
the parts of the lesson plans colleagues of assessment
in which you focus during strategies
your learning with colleagues
5.1 Design, selection,
organization and utilization
Reflective Summary This reflective essay should 7.4 Professional and learning
always the question: Do you to improve practice
feel that this reflection of
work really reflects your
abilities and what you have
achieved this year through
the LDM course? Why or why

Your reflection should

describe your personal
experience in implementing
distance LDM/s show depth
of analysis and synthesis and
experience and relate it to
the professional standards
and to your personal and
professional development

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