Aps Academy: Tutorial Sheet On Cells

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1. What is a cell?

2. Who discovered the cell?

3. Are cells living?

4. True or False: egg of a hen is a single cell.

5. True or False: Amoeba and Paramecium are examples of unicellular

6. What are tissues?

7. True or False: any organism begins life with a single cell.

8. True or False: most of the plant tissues are required to provide support.

9. What are the uses of pseudopodia in amoeba?

10. True or False: All cells in human body have same shape.

11. What gives shape to the cells?

12. Why do plant cells have cell walls?

13. True or False: Cell membrane lies outside the cell wall.

14. Which is the largest cell known to man?

15. What makes up the cell wall?

16. True or False: only animal cells have cell wall.

17. Which part of cell allows the entry and exit of material for the cell?

18. Which part of the cell is the fluid content inside the cell membrane?

19. True or False: all cell organelles are enclosed with a membrane.

20. Which cells do not have a well-defined nucleus?

21. What allows the movement of material from cytoplasm to nucleus?
22. Where are chromosomes located inside the cell?

23. Where is the information stored in the form of DNA?

24. Which is the control center of all activities inside the cell?

25. What is protoplasm?

26. What are genes?

27. What is nucleoid?

28. Which cell organelle acts as the storage sac in a cell?

29. True or False: animals cells have larger vacuoles than plant cells.

30. True or False: plastids are present only in plant cells.

31. Which plastids contain chlorophyll?

32. Name the three parts of a cell very important for its functioning.

33. Why does Amoeba keep changing its shape?

34. Which substances form cell membrane and cell wall?

35. We do not sense any pain when we clip our nails or cut our hair. Why?

36. Are the cells in an elephant larger than the cells in a rat?

37. Where are genes located in a cell?

38. Out of the two: prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell, which one has a well-
defined nucleus?

39. Tomatoes are red in colour, what causes the red colour in them?

40. It is seen that all cells have a cell membrane that gives shape to it. Is there
any cell in the human body that can still change its shape?

41. Mitochondria are important organelles of cell, often called powerhouse of
the cell. Give reason.

42. In a multicellular organism, all cells have the ability to perform all life
functions. State whether it is true or not. Give reasons for your answer.

43. Is this following statement correct? If it is not, then correct it: “unicellular
organisms do not respire, only multicellular organisms respire.”

44. The number of cells are related to the size of animals. Explain.

45. A cell requires water, minerals etc. to stay alive and function efficiently.
But every cell is covered with a cell membrane. How do these substances
move in and out of the cell?

46. Nucleus is removed from a cell. What is most likely to happen?

47. Is there any difference in the location of nuclei of plant and animal cells? If
yes, state what is it?

48. Read the following statements and write the appropriate term against
each statement:
a. I control the functions of a cell. Who am I?
b. I am like the policeman. I do not allow anything and everything to get in
and out of the cell. Who am I?
c. I transfer characters from parents to offsprings. Who am I?

49. A cell of a neem tree contains part A and B that are not present in a
human. Part A contains a pigment C that gives green colour to its leaves.
Part B gives shape and support to the cell and is made of D. Identify A, B,
C, D.

50. Cells consist of many organelles, yet we do not call any of these organelles
as structural and functional unit of living organisms. Explain.

51. A jelly-like substance is present in a cell. What is it called as? What are its

52. A cell has A as its control centre. A contains B that plays an important role
in inheritance with the help of C. The cell also contains a jelly-like
substance D. D contains various cell organelles like E that is essential for
obtaining energy from food. The cell is surrounded by an F that is a living
component. What could be A, B, C, D, E, F?


1. Cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism.
2. Robert Hooke
3. Yes, cells are living beings.
4. True
5. True
6. Cells specializing in one function are grouped together as a cluster of cells.
Such a cluster of cells is called a tissue.
7. True
8. True
9. It helps in ingestion of food and in movement.
10. False
11. Cell membrane
12. Cell wall gives strength and rigidity to the plant cell. The plants do not
show physical movement and cannot escape from extreme climatic
conditions, therefore cell wall protects the plant cells from temperature
variation, high wind speed, atmospheric moisture etc.
13. False
14. Egg of an ostrich
15. Cellulose
16. False
17. Cell membrane
18. Cytoplasm
19. True
20. Prokaryotes
21. Nuclear membrane
22. Nucleus
23. Chromosomes
24. Nucleus
25. The nucleus and cytoplasm together are called protoplasm.
26. A gene is a functional unit of heredity present on chromosomes of cell
27. In some organisms like bacteria, the nucleus is not well defined due to
absence of a nuclear membrane. Such an undefined nuclear region
containing only nucleic acids is called a nucleoid.
28. Vacuole
29. False
30. True
31. Chloroplast
32. Cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus
33. The change in shape of Amoeba is due to formation of finger-like
cytoplasmic projections that are called pseudopodia. Amoeba captures
food and moves by changing its shape.
34. Cell membrane is made up of proteins and lipids, while cell wall is formed
of cellulose.
35. Nails and hair are made up of dead cells. They do not have protoplasm
and nerve cells, hence one does not feel pain, when they are clipped or
36. No, the size of cells has no relation with the size of the body of the
organisms. However, number of cells varies largely in both the organisms.
37. Inside the nucleus
38. Eukaryotic cells have a well-defined nucleus.
39. Plastids (i.e., chromoplasts) cause the red colour in tomatoes.
40. Yes, white blood cells in the human body can change their shape.
41. Mitochondria are called the ‘powerhouse’ of the cell because they provide
energy for all the activities of the cell by oxidizing food.
42. In multicellular organism, all cells do not have the capability to perform
all life functions. Thus, the given statement is false.
Although each cell can carry out the important functions of life, it is not
capable of existence on its own, e.g. a muscle cell cannot obtain its own
food or oxygen. Other specialized cells in the body collect food or oxygen.
All the cells do not perform all the jobs, different tasks or functions are
divided among different groups of cells.
43. The statement is incorrect. The unicellular organisms also respire,
reproduce and carry all metabolic functions like multicellular organisms.
The difference is that all the functions are performed by cell organelles of
a single cell.
44. The cell number in an organism varies with the size of organism. Thus,
smaller organisms have limited number of cells, while the larger ones
(such as elephant, whale or banyan tree) have a countless number of cells.
In man, the number of cells is estimated to be about 100 trillion.
45. The movement of substances is through cell membrane. The cell
membrane has tiny pores on it for the movement of substances. It allows
some substances to pass through but not others. For this reason, it is also
referred to as selectively or partially permeable.
46. It is said that the nucleus controls all the metabolic activities as well as
formation of various cell organelles. Thus, if the nucleus is removed, it will
adversely affect the organism. In organism such as amoeba, removal of
nucleus may lead to death.
47. In an animal cell, nucleus is located in the center of the cell. On the
contrary, there is a large cavity called the vacuole, which occupies the
center in a plant cell. This means that the cytoplasm is pushed towards
the edge of the cell. The nucleus is usually found towards the edge of the
48. There are three parts:
a. nucleus
b. cell membrane
c. genes
49. A, B, C, D are chloroplast, cell wall, chlorophyll and cellulose respectively.
50. The cell organelles like mitochondria, golgi complex, ribosomes, nucleus
etc. carry out specific functions in a cell but they function only when
present inside a living cell. They cannot act as independent units.
Therefore, we do not call, cell organelles as the structural and functional
units of living organisms.
51. Cytoplasm is the transparent, jelly-like substance that makes up most of
the inside of a cell. It is present between the cell membrane and nucleus.
Various structures such as nucleus, mitochondria are present in it. These
are called organelles. Salts, proteins, sugars and other substances are
dissolved in this fluid.
Most of the chemical reactions, which keep the cell alive, take place in the
52. These are the following parts:
A: nucleus
B: chromosomes
C: genes
D: cytoplasm
E: mitochondria
F: cell membrane

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