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Assessment for oil spill chemicals: Current knowledge, data gaps, and
uncertainties addressing human physical health risk

Alesia Fergusona, , Helena Solo-Gabrieleb, Kristina Menac
University of North Carolina Agriculatural and Technical State University (NCAT), Built Environment Department, Greensboro, NC 27411, United States
University of Miami, Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, Coral Gables, FL 33146, United States
University of Texas - Houston, School of Public Health, Houston, TX 77030


Keywords: Limited models are available to estimate human physical health risks (e.g., probability of outcomes such as lung
Risk assessment disease, cancer, skin disease) from exposure to chemicals resulting from oil spills that may occur offshore and
Oil spill chemicals (OSCs) later impact coastline spills. An approach is presented to assess physical health risks from oil spills that involves
Human exposures to OSCs establishing a platform capable of assessing aggregate health risk (via inhalation, ingestion, and dermal exposure
Fate and transport of oil spill chemicals
routes). Gaps include the need to develop models reflecting oil spill concentration distributions given the in-
Oil spill management
fluence from environmental, physical, biological and chemical factors. Human activities need to be quantified
for different populations including emergency response workers, fishermen, shellfish consumers, and children
who play at beaches that may be impacted by oil spills. Work is also needed in developing comprehensive
toxicological profiles for the majority of chemicals - including dispersants found in oil spills - and to estimate
toxicity from mixtures.

1. Introduction impacts of oil spill chemicals (OSC) to human physical health following
exposures. The paper begins by providing a description of research
Risk to US coastal areas from oil spills will continue for several programs that address oil spills and literature supporting the need to
reasons. First is the increasing demand for oil, prompting expansion of address human health risk. A methodological approach for determining
oil refineries, and increased offshore and deep water drilling leading to health risks is then described in detail including the need to evaluate
further opportunities for spill incidents. Second, the U.S. population in chemical concentration distributions, human activity patterns, and
coastal counties is already dense in some areas, and is expected to chemical toxicological profiles. Importantly, data gaps are described for
continue to grow from 123 million to 134 million by 2020 (NOAA, this methodological approach in the context of developing a health risk
2013), increasing the potential impact during an oil spill and challen- modeling platform for future oil spills. Since health risks from oil spills
ging recovery efforts. Although there is some movement of populations are both physical and mental and are sometimes intertwined, the
away from the coast following some disasters, like major hurricanes complexity of these interactions are briefly mentioned, along with
(e.g., Hurricane Katrina), population numbers are later restored and challenges in communicating risks to communities given uncertainties
grow. Third, coastal storms exacerbate oil spill disasters by further and variabilities in the exposures and outcomes.
eroding and flooding landscapes (Bigio, 2009), impacting coastal eco-
systems (Bam et al., 2018; Biello, 2010), and leading to additional 2. Background
disruption of economic and social structures and processes (D'Andrea
and Reddy, 2018; Drescher et al., 2014). Climate change, including the The Institute of Medicine (now called the National Academy of
warming oceans and rising sea levels, will likely increase the number Medicine) convened a group in 2010 of scientists to discuss research
and intensity of storms and damage to oil rigs, refineries, and transport needs following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The re-
vessels (Emanuel, 2011). Oil spills, especially when coupled with sulting Report identified key areas of interest that could result in better
coastal storms, threaten the ecology of an area and can negatively outcomes for communities and for the environment following the oc-
impact human health. currence of oils spills (Institute of Medicine, 2010). This scientific group
This paper focuses on describing a method for evaluating the identified, based on what had transpired to date, a need to address the

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Ferguson), (H. Solo-Gabriele), (K. Mena).
Received 24 July 2019; Received in revised form 29 October 2019; Accepted 15 November 2019
0025-326X/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Alesia Ferguson, Helena Solo-Gabriele and Kristina Mena, Marine Pollution Bulletin,
A. Ferguson, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxxx

psychosocial impacts of oil spills, seafood safety and the lack of trust assessments. In addition, the overlay of human activities with the pre-
among parties. Also importantly, exposure assessment to address the sence of oil spill contaminants at various concentration levels can be
physical health effects was identified as a priority along with a need to difficult to measure for various populations. Physical health outcomes
more accurately and effectively communicate those exposure and are further complicated by existing health status of populations af-
health risks in a way the communities could understand and process in fected, and even prior exposures to similar compounds. There are other
a meaningful and practical manner. challenges to consider such as the source for the petroleum based
There have been more studies on ecological impacts from oil spills, contaminants along coastal regions, which can also be attributed to
and this may be justified where many believe the effects from oil spills inland sources, runoff from chemical plants, and even coastal com-
are most profound on the ocean and shore habitats for plants and an- bustion sources such as boat exhaust. Determining the appropriate
imals (Barron, 2011; Beyer et al., 2016; Brandt et al., 2002; Committee methodologies and tools to distinguish effects and sources can be per-
on the Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Mississippi Canyon-252 Oil plexing for populations. For that reason, this paper evaluates a potential
Spill on Ecosystem in the Gulf of Mexico, Ocean Studies Board, Division risk assessment approach that focuses on improved measures of phy-
on Earth and Life Studies, 2013). For example, The Gulf Sea Grant is a sical health outcomes from exposure to oil spill chemicals accounting
large consortium of research scientists across the 5 Gulf states that for various exposure scenarios (i.e., across various populations). Data
largely focus on the ecosystem health and produce a number of oil spill needs and challenges are presented within this methodological ap-
science fact sheets (Sea Grant, 2018). Some studies have also focused on proach.
the mental health outcomes for humans that have resulted from the
impacts of oil spills, where displacement, loss of jobs or earnings in 3. Methods and analysis
fishing and oil refining can cause stress and anxiety (Buttke et al., 2012;
Drescher et al., 2014; Osofsky et al., 2011). These mental health out- Exposure assessment approaches to various contaminants in the
comes can manifest in physical health outcomes making it difficult to environment can be divided into direct versus indirect methodologies.
associate OSC exposures through the inhalation, ingestion and dermal Direct methodologies can be seen as real-time approaches to evaluate
routes to any visible adverse physical health outcomes. A study by exposure (i.e., contact with) and dose uptake (i.e., movement of the
Croisant et al., for example, looked at 100 participants from three study contaminant across a human barrier, e.g., skin) and could, for example,
areas along the coast to address mental and physical outcomes fol- require subject's wearing inhalation monitors or dermal patches to
lowing the DWH spill, revealing the potential correlation between risk measure the contaminant loading, or duplicate plate analysis (i.e.,
factors for both mental and physical outcomes (Croisant et al., 2017). identical plate of consumed food analyzed for contaminants consumed)
Additional studies are needed that focuson human physical health to address ingestion dose over a set exposure period. Biological mon-
outcomes from exposures to oil spills. The majority of work published itoring of urine or blood can also be used to estimate contaminant
to date has addressed impacts to oil spill workers, individuals most uptake across all routes of exposure. There are limitations for direct
likely to come into close contact with higher concentrations soon after methods such as missed key exposure periods, subject challenges with
spill events, which is understandable. The GuLF Study, for example, is a wearing monitors and the ability to monitor sufficient subjects. Indirect
large multi-million dollar funded study through the National Institutes human risk assessment methods (i.e., algorithms and modeling ap-
of Health to evaluate exposures and health outcomes for clean-up proaches) offer advantages such as modeling exposures over longer
workers and volunteers involved in the DWHOS over a long period of periods and over populations, and conducting variability, uncertainty
time (NIH, 2018). Early publications from the group describe specific and sensitivity analysis on human activities and chemical concentra-
activities of those workers involved with a goal of evaluating how job tions. Discussed herein is an indirect methodological approach to ad-
tasks can be modeled to address potential exposures and resulting dress exposures and physical health outcomes to oil spill chemicals, and
health outcomes (Kwok et al., 2017; Stewart et al., 2017). Although the specific data needs within that approach for this risk scenario (i.e.,
there were 33,000 enrolled participants in this study, it is believed that adverse physical health outcomes from exposure to oil spill chemicals).
as many as 100,000 individuals were involved in the BP clean-up efforts
from response to administrative support (Kwok et al., 2017). Smaller 3.1. Typical risk assessment approach (EPA and National Academy of
studies have also evaluated the long-term health effects for workers Science Approach)
involved in clean-up activities (D'Andrea and Reddy, 2018). In a study
of 88 clean-up workers, researchers documented that most of the ex- Best practices in risk assessment are found in the guidance pub-
posed at their seven-year follow-up exams developed chronic rhinosi- lished by the National Research Council (National Research Council;
nusitis and airway dysfunction syndrome, in addition to illness symp- Division on Earth and Life Sciences; Board on Environmental Studies
toms that were reported during initial visits (e.g., reduced platelet and Toxicology; Committee on Improving Risk Analysis Approaches
count) (D'Andrea and Reddy, 2018). Other studies have measured the Used by the U.S. EPA, 2009) which embeds the traditional risk as-
concentration of some oil spill chemicals present in the blood of various sessment approach in a series of steps that identifies the scope and goals
populations (e.g., fisher workers and coastal residents) months fol- of the assessment, evaluates the process, and identifies management
lowing the DWHOS, finding levels well above average expected for the implications. The traditional risk assessment framework can be used to
US population indicating some cause for concern (Sammarco et al., compute comprehensive health risks to address exposures to oil spill
2013). A few other studies have looked at other populations to question chemicals. The approach consists of mathematical relationships that
the associations between exposures and health outcomes. A study by integrate knowledge of the environmental distribution of contaminants
Harville et al. (2017) for example, used a questionnaire for self-re- with human behavior to quantify health risk(s). Given this framework,
porting oil spill exposure and pregnancy complications. the computation of risk can follow a sequential process according to the
Given the research, response and reporting programs ongoing in the scenario under consideration involving concentration, exposure and
Gulf and other coastal areas, it is challenging to determine all of the dose, to ultimately estimate health risk (Ott, 2006). The standard health
relevant or overlapping work and whether they adequately address oil risk model (i.e., framework) first starts with a focus on the source of
spill impacts to human health for various populations. Furthermore, exposure and ends with the health risk outcomes. The approach re-
there is not a clear understanding of how current work could be used to quires estimates for oil spill chemical concentrations in the environ-
address oil impacts to human health in the future. There are challenges ment and ways populations can be exposed. This is followed by un-
to isolating and addressing physical health risks to oil spill chemicals. derstanding the uptake dynamics and the toxicity of the compound
Fate and transport mechanisms for both oil contaminants and dis- (e.g., how it distributes, metabolizes) in the body to estimate health
persants are complex where time and spatial scales require detailed risks to an individual or population, and a reliance of appropriate

A. Ferguson, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxxx

studies in the field that consider biomarker specificity. damage occurs to marine life at lower trophic levels, and promotes
This health risk model requires data for every model step in terms of more bacterial growth along the coastline. Evidence of this is provided
a variety of exposure, dose and chemical parameters, and requires through studies that have shown increased persistence of dispersants
verification and validation of model output against a known scenario. (White et al., 2014) and their aquatic toxicity (Edwards et al., 2003) to
In fact, various components of a modeling platform should be in- deep-water coral (DeLeo et al., 2016), marine zooplankton (Almeda
tegrated to resolve input, output factors/parameters and spatial and et al., 2016; Toyota et al., 2016), oysters (Vignier et al., 2015; Volety
temporal aspects. The overall objective is to predict the probability of et al., 2016), and fish (Dussauze et al., 2015). Chemicals trapped in
adverse health outcomes — whether cancer and acute or chronic non- tarmats inhibited cell viability in the hippocampal, kidney and epi-
cancer effects — associated with exposure to oil spill-related hazards. thelial cells, suggesting human toxicity (Bhattacharya et al., 2016). The
Dose-response estimates must be adjusted for different vulnerabilities 2-butoxyethanol found in Corexit 9527A is linked to liver cancer and
during developmental stages (i.e., fetus to adulthood). reproductive disorders (Mallinckrodt Baker Inc., 1996). Some groups
Elements of this human health risk methodological approach and now show caution in the use of dispersants. Alaska's contingency plan,
current data gaps are presented below in terms of 1) Determining for example, calls for the use of dispersants only where there is a high
Chemical Source and Concentration of Oil Spill Chemicals (OSC), 2) probability of success (e.g., lighter oil), and encourages the use of other
Determining of Relevant Human Activity Patterns for Exposure, and 3) containment and or removal techniques (e.g., skimming, booming)
Determining Chemical Toxicity for OSCs. Example algorithms are pre- otherwise or allowing oil to degrade on its own (NOAA, 2018a). On the
sented to demonstrate the risk assessment approach that can be in- other hand consideration to the use of oil dispersants is given to avoid
tegrated into a comprehensive risk modeling platform. Also discussed human exposures, and beach impacts if large oil masses impact the
are the statistical considerations and the challenges of communicating shore.
human health risks to OSCs given the uncertainty and variability with
collecting data and, analyzing and interpreting health risks. 3.2.2. Current options for concentration determination of OSCs for human
contact and existing data gaps
3.2. Modeling chemical source and concentration To determine OSC concentrations in areas where populations be-
come exposed, the point source, location, timing of spill, and spill load
3.2.1. Defining oil spill chemicals need to be identified. Source and spill volume provide an estimate for
Oil spill chemicals (OSCs) are defined as crude oil components the original chemical constituents and their concentrations. Knowing
predominantly containing alkanes, cycloalkanes, aromatics and as- the location and timing of the spill, along with spill volume, allow for
phaltenes (Huba and Gardinali, 2016; Stout and Payne, 2016). The the potential determination of environmental concentrations for human
aromatics are known to be more toxic, and some are persistent in the contact based upon predictive modeling platforms that incorporate
environment, such as the polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Very multiple interconnected environmental, physical, biological and che-
complex hydrocarbons such as polycyclic isoprenoids (e.g., hopanes mical predictors. Environmental predictors could include changing
and terpanes) can also be persistent (Bagby et al., 2017; Del'Arco and ocean and air conditions that move, disperse, or facilitate the de-
De França, 2001; Ramseur, 2011), depending on whether degradation gradation of the oil mass (e.g., wind, waves, tide, currents, temperature,
is assessed in exposed or subsurface sediments. Trace metals are also and sunlight). Physical predictors could include beach and shoreline
found in OSCs, some of which are natural or added from refining or geography that influence shoring and mass distribution of the oil.
processing of the crude oil, where their consideration depends upon the Biological predictors could include interaction with marine life and in
spill event (i.e., tanker versus drilling). Every oil has a signature defined particular breakdown of oil droplets by bacterial organisms in the
by the type and percent of various types of hydrocarbons (Baszanowska ocean's water column and along the beach. Chemical predictors could
and Otremba, 2014). In some cases, biomarkers specific to a particular include interactions of oil components and other chemicals present in
oil can be used to identify impact regions corresponding to a specific the water, soil, or air. Fig. 1 illustrates the complex interactions be-
spill. Often, it is the chemical and biomarker signature that allows the tween all these factors.
responsible party (i.e., spiller) to be identified. However, defining the NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) currently has a
chemical signature in environmental samples is a challenge especially number of modeling platforms developed or under development for the
after the oil has weathered. In many cases there is difficulty in separ- prediction of environmental concentrations of OSCs. NOAA's General
ating impacts from oil spills from other sources of the same chemicals NOAA Operational Modeling Environment (GNOME) is a tool devel-
found in oil. oped and used to predict the trajectory of oil in a body of water. It can
Dispersants may also be included if added to the spill as part of be run in default mode for specific locations where the bathymetry is
mitigation efforts. When dispersants are used as a part of a response already defined in the model through readily available location files. It
treatment for oil spills, they are also included as a component of OSCs. interfaces with on-line environmental data that provides information
Dispersants are surfactants. They are a mixture of emulsifiers and sol- about winds and tide which in turn is used to simulate two-dimensional
vents (Cressey, 2010) which break down oil to droplet form, allowing currents in the nearshore. The GNOME model can also be run using
bacteria to degrade the oil at a faster rate. There were two main types of other sources of current information and has the capability of in-
dispersants used in the DWHOS: Corexit 9500A and Corexit 9527A. tegrating current data from other readily available sources such as
These Corexit mixtures contain various chemicals including dioctyl- HYCOM (Chassignet, 2003; Wallcraft, 2003) and the Navy's Global
sulfosuccinate (DOSS) (a sulfonic acid salt) and propylene glycol. Ad- HYCOM which assimilates satellite observations, sea surface tempera-
ditional components of Corexit 9500 include sorbitan, butanedioic acid, ture, and salinity profiles from floats and buoys (Metzger et al., 2014).
propanol, and petroleum distillates. Additional components of Corexit The NOAA Trajectory Analysis Planner (TAP) is another model that
9527 include 2-butoxyethanol (NALCO Environmental Solutions LLC, analyzes statistics from potential spill trajectories generated by GNOME
2018). to incorporate the likelihood of one trajectory over the other. TAP also
The use of dispersants is controversial as some believe these pro- incorporates relevant data such as shoreline characteristics for the
ducts allow the oil to remain in the environment for longer periods than beaching and refloating of an oil mass. The Automated Data Inquiry for
oil on its own, while others believe they are a useful and significant part Oil Spills (ADIOS) is another NOAA model that predicts weathering of
of the oil mitigation process (Kleindienst et al., 2015, 2016; Lubchenco oil based on physical changes in the marine environment (ADIOS
et al., 2012; Prince et al., 2016; Tremblay et al., 2017). In terms of the Development Team; NOAA, 2016). The next version of GNOME is being
negative outcomes for use of dispersants, some scientists believe that by further developed as a web-based system integrated with ADIOS. The
allowing the oil droplets to enter the water column at a faster rate, more NOAA suite of models provides an impressive start to predict OSC

A. Ferguson, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxxx

physical factors such as water temperature and solar radiation may also
have influences. In addition, beach activities such as heavy beach use
and beach maintenance can also impact local OSCs.
An ideal, comprehensive concentration modeling platform must be
flexible in its predictive ability to consider all beaches, allowing for
variations of relevant parameters to resolve the OSC concentrations.
There is a potential loss in accuracy as models are integrated and some
difficulty may be encountered when addressing the uncertainties and
variabilities across the concentration prediction platforms.
Contingency plans and recorded removal and containment actions
taken in the field should also be considered to address the reduction or
change in the original oil mass. Mitigation techniques include in-situ
burning designed to volatilize oil spill components, containment using
booms to minimize impacts to coastlines, and skimming to remove
floating oil (NOAA, 2018b). In-situ burning creates a toxic smoke and is
not recommended for spills near coastlines. Containment using booms
can be used in predominantly calm seas to protect sensitive shorelines
such as beaches and marshes. But during stormy conditions, booms are
ineffective. Skimming coupled with containment booms can remove oil
from the surface of the ocean under calm conditions.

3.2.3. Using collected environmental concentrations to validate model

predictions for OSCs
There is a potential to validate concentration models (i.e., test the
Fig. 1. Influence of environmental, physical, biological and chemical factors on model's predictive ability) against measurements taken in the field. Oil
OSC concentrations for human contact. spills, such as the DWHOS and the Texas City “Y” oil spill in Galveston
have repositories of measured data. The USEPA data from DWHOS (U.S.
concentrations at the shoreline. EPA, 2015), consisting of over 58,000 data points in air, 20,000 in
The U.S. Department of Energy's National Energy Technology water and 14,000 in sediment, has been preliminarily assessed by
Laboratory has also designed a Blowout and Spill Occurrence Model various researchers looking to understand environmental contamina-
(BLOSOM) that provides assistance in getting the nearshore con- tion and some human exposure scenarios (Black et al., 2016, Montas
centration for OSC (Nelson et al., 2015; U.S. DoE, 2018). BLOSOM is et al. 2019), and this can be further extended. In addition to this da-
designed to simulate offshore oil spills resulting from deepwater tabase through EPA, other repositories exist such as NOAA's Data In-
(> 500 ft) and ultra-deepwater (> 5000 ft) well blowouts. It simulates tegrations Visualization Exploration and Reporting (DIVER), GoM
oil and gas jet rising from the wellhead, simulates transport until Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS), and the integrated data-
beaching, sinking or complete degradation, and simulates weathering bases established through the Ocean Conservancy. The Gulf of Mexico
of the oil during transport. Research Initiative Information and Data Cooperative (GRIIDC) also has
Additional oil spill models have been developed (ITOPF, 2018). an extensive data repository of concentration measures associated with
Some models have been developed for specific environments, such as DWH, including almost 800,000 environmental data measures in sedi-
the Mediterranean Sea (Alves et al., 2015), Canada's Pacific North Coast ments, water, weathered oil, and raw oil (Gulf of Mexico Research
(Living Oceans, 2018), and the U.S. Continental Coasts including Alaska Initiative (GoMRI), 2018). This wealth of existing data can be poten-
(BOEM, 2018). The Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL), an international tially used to validate models predicting geographic environmental
industry-funded cooperative, and RPS Group, a consulting firm, have concentration.
also developed modeling capabilities specific to industry needs (ASA,
2018; OSRL, 2018). Several models also exist that have been developed 3.3. Determining human activities relevant for exposure to OSCs
and utilized through universities and other research institutions
(GoMRI, 2016; Guo and Wang, 2009). Adverse exposure is the contact of humans with unwanted, harmful
If the goal is to be able to predict human exposures from future oil contaminants and relies on an understanding of human activities.
spills, ultimately, various models need to refine the concentration of Contact can occur through dermal contact, inhalation, and ingestion
OSC compounds in media that populations are likely to contact. Herein routes, depending on the properties of the chemical or media (i.e., air,
is where data gaps lie. For children playing in the beach environment water, soil, foods) in which the chemical resides and human behavior in
for example, concentrations in beached sand, in nearshore waters, and and around that media. Health risk assessments might focus on specific
in the air for volatile and semi-volatile compounds are of interest. For scenarios or populations, especially for groups that possesses greater
fish consumers, OSC concentrations in floating oil and ultimately dis- vulnerabilities or susceptibilities. The types of activity patterns needed
solved or suspended in the water column can potentially accumulate in include, but are not limited to, contact duration and frequency with
shellfish. Algorithms that compute oil spill chemical concentrations in sand and beach water, numbers of visits to beach, consumption pat-
air, water, and beach sand can be potentially coupled with results from terns, work routines and tasks, and hygiene activities, and depend on
fate and transport models for this further refinement, taking into ac- the population of interest (Fig. 3). There are other types of exposure and
count other characteristics that influence these relevant exposure con- dose activity factors needed to ultimately make a calculation uptake
centrations. Concentration model algorithms must consider spatial and and dose such as soil/sand loading and inhalation rates, and much
temporal distributions of OSCs in air, water, and beach sands (i.e., depends on the route of exposures for the OSC chemicals. Some lit-
depositional zones) and can be evaluated in the context of constant or erature values may exist. However more refined data may be needed to
changing beach or ocean physical factors. Wave height and beach slope look at spill exposure scenarios (i.e., recreational and work behaviors
may influence the retention of OSCs in the nearshore. Important sedi- along coastal beaches). We can obtain some of this information from
ment physical factors include grain size and mineralogy. Environmental existing databases but some types of specific information require data
collection and analysis. It can be challenging and potentially cost-

A. Ferguson, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxxx

prohibitive to obtain all the needed activity information to evaluate risk breathing rates, soil consumption), while individual studies offer re-
to all populations from various OSCs found in various media. In cases fined and more recent information on other exposure factors. For ex-
where data are not available, estimates can be made and a probabilistic ample, estimates of sand and soil adhesion to skin to improve estimates
approach can be used to obtain a range of risk estimates that consider of dermal exposure can be found in a number of published works
the uncertainty in the data. (Ferguson et al., 2009; Ferguson et al., 2008). Also, the U.S. EPA's NEER
(National Epidemiological and Environmental Assessment of Recrea-
3.3.1. Methods activity patterns collection tional Water) conducted over a three-year study surveying 29,100 lake
Relevant activity patterns for human exposure are typically col- beach visitors in Rhode Island, Alabama, Mississippi, Indiana, Mi-
lected through observation and recording, surveys of past and planned chigan, Ohio and Indiana (Heaney et al., 2012, 2009). Although the
activities, purchase and sales records, and interviews and recall diaries study was focused on addressing microbial exposure, it offers some
(i.e., dynamic and more timely logs of activities). There may be other activity patterns across, age, gender, race and ethnicity on certain be-
innovative variations on these standard methods such as videotaping haviors (e.g., digging in sand and body buried in sand). The study also
and video-translation methodologies (Ferguson et al., 2013; Ferguson addressed number of visits to a lake beach, distance traveled, and wash
et al., 2005) and mobile phone data mining usage (Jiang et al., 2017). events following play activities. These activities offer insights relevant
These methods are used to assess various types of activity patterns that for both acute and chronic-long term potential exposures for children
can be defined as micro, meso and macro activity patterns. Micro, meso and adults. There are some other specific limited information available
and macro suffix define the level of details in activity patterns starting concerning average swim and play times for adults and children that
from per second behaviors in contact frequency and duration, to counts might be useful. Wiley et al., evaluated, for example, children's activ-
of frequency per hour, to yearly time spent, respectively, where the ities in California over the course of a day (Wiley et al., 1991). One of a
exact demarcations lines are blurred in types. Meso and macro activities few studies specific to recreational beach use include Zhu et al. (Zhu
can often be derived from micro-activity patterns. Videotaping and et al., 2011), which focused on estimating the contributions of human
video-translation techniques can be used to collect very detailed micro bathing to beach water microbial levels. In their study, an informal
activity patterns (i.e., lines of contact patterns, locations visited) useful survey of 12 beach users found that beach-goers in south Florida swam
for the dermal route that relies on understanding the variability in about 3 times per beach visit for a total water exposure time of 1 h.
contact patterns (Zartarian et al., 1997). Using videotaping and video- Ferguson et al. (2019)b found from 400 parental surveys found that
translation methodologies, allows for sequences of activity patterns, 46% of the respondents stay at the beach 3 h or longer when they take
from which can be derived frequency and duration of contact with their children, followed by 2 to 3 hours for 37.2% of respondents, 1 to 2
object and surfaces and time spent in various micro-environments. hours for 13% of respondents, and less than 1 hour for 1.3% of re-
In any risk assessment algorithmic approach, there are other con- spondents.
siderations such as timeframe for the risk assessment and that may Researchers should consider, however, capturing children activity
depend on the toxicity of the chemical and its persistence in the en- patterns across a broader population of children and adults specific to
vironment. These timeframes will affect the needed level of detail in understanding behaviors at regional coastal beaches where spills are
activity patterns. There are other factors important for health risk as- likely to occur to improve estimates of risks to OSCs. Videotaping and
sessment, such as changes in our environment that might affect the video-translation methodologies can be used to capture contact patterns
activity/behavior patterns (e.g., seasonal and economic changes). with surfaces (e.g., play toys, sands, seawater) and time spent in beach
Below we explore three populations at-risk for exposures to OSC and microenvironments (intertidal zones, seawater). In addition, more fo-
address current knowledge and data gaps in activity patterns. Other cused surveys capturing activities for coastal beaches where spills are
populations and communities may also be at-risk and require estimates likely or common would allow researchers to understand long terms
of specific and relevant activity patterns (Fig. 3). behavior and even variability in behaviors (e.g., how many times per
year do you go to these beaches, do you always bring toys, do you have
3.3.2. Activity patterns for populations of interest a bath soon after leaving the beach and so forth). Soil adherence studies
Exposure scenario for child beach play: should also address the loading of various beach sands to the skin as a
Children are important for evaluating recreational beach use and result of actual children's play and based on soil type and conditions.
potential health risks given their potential susceptibility and vulner- Current work is being funded through the Gulf of Mexico Research
ability to adverse health outcomes (Beamer et al., 2012; Freeman et al., Initiative to collect activity patterns for children and families through
2005; Xue et al., 2007) where contaminants may be present. For one, surveys and to conduct videotaping and video-translation for more
children transition through critical developmental periods when toxic precise contact activities related to oil spills (Ferguson et al., 2019a).
exposures impact developing organs and systems. Children are also at We hope these initiatives continue.
higher risk also due to their play habits which involve intimate contact Exposure based on shellfish consumption:
with beach sands or contaminated seawater for example (Shoaf et al., Aquatic life and therefore fisheries are heavily impacted by oil
2005). Additionally, a child's mouth and nose are closer to the ground spills, often leading to loss of jobs and income to the industry where
than that of an adult, resulting in a greater inhalation of pollutants that exposures to those who consume seafood are of concern. Shellfish are
accumulate in sediments. For children, primary pathways of chemical considered to be of particular risk due to their ability to filter and
exposure should include incidental ingestion of sand or water during concentrate contaminants, potentially accumulating oil spill particu-
recreation, as well as dermal and inhalation exposures (Barraj et al., lates and/or accumulation of chemicals (Viñas et al., 2009). People who
2007). Inhalation exposures should also be addressed for children when consume shellfish can be at risk of ingesting higher levels of OSCs due
considering volatilization and aerosolization of OSCs. Special attention to their accumulation within this food source. There needs to be a more
should focus on child play scenarios at beaches within the intertidal complete understanding of health risks following oil spills for those who
zone sands, an area where contaminants tend to accumulate in the se- consume seafood. Closure of fisheries should depend on accurate and
diments (Shah et al., 2011; Wright et al., 2011). real time data on risks through an understanding on harvesting location
For the child beach play scenario, it is important to consolidate all and related consumption patterns for various geographic populations
available activity data for children's play activities (e.g., time spent in and groups. Shellfish and other fish consumption patterns are available
contact with contaminated media, skin loading, and inhalation rates). in the literature (Tran et al., 2012; USDA, 2018) for various socio-
EPA's Children's Exposure Factors Handbook and Child-Specific economic groups and age groups. Consideration in any health risk es-
Exposure Scenario (U.S. EPA, 2008, 2011, 2014) offers well accepted timate should be also given to the risks to pregnant women and their
consolidated exposure- dose factors and algorithms (i.e., children fetuses, considered in this context the most susceptible group (Rotkin-

A. Ferguson, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Ellman et al., 2011; Traynor et al., 2013). Some progress on risk as- of beach recreational area in San Clemente, California, 1100 visitors
sessments for fish consumption or fisheries closures have been per- indicated that a little over 26% lived > 60 miles away, demonstrating
formed (Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), that local populations are most affected (King and Ph, 2002). This result
2015; Stuchal et al., 2019; Wickliffe et al., 2018; Wilson et al., 2014). is similar to information found in the U.S. EPA NEER Study (Heaney
However more dynamic and comprehensive risk estimations are needed et al., 2009). Studies should emphasize the demographics of those po-
that rely on integrating a variety of consumption patterns with chan- pulations that live near coastal areas where local U.S. census data on
ging seafood uptake and accumulation of toxic OSCs. Researchers must populations along coastal area can offer information on their potential
be cognizant of the fact that chargrilling and smoking foods can add vulnerabilities. Some individual studies have synthesized local demo-
similar chemicals of interest to food when looking directly at bio- graphic data. For example, the Gulf Coast Community Health and Well
markers of exposure in a population based on dietary exposures. Being Indicators study monitored the health and well-being of residents
Exposure for oil spill response workers (OSRWs) adjacent to coastal environments evaluating factors such as health
OSRWs are those who work onshore to cleanup oil during the post- disease rates, economic security and access to health care services
emergency response phase (Walker et al., 2016). If not protected and (National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, 2017). The Office of Re-
procedures not followed, OSRWs risk exposure to OSCs through dermal sponse and Restoration has also developed coastal sensitivity maps for
and inhalation routes may be high. Marine oil spill response for worker consideration of human resource areas (NOAA, 2017), and these might
protection is managed according to the regulations found in 40 CFR be useful in understanding human impact (e.g., to beaches and parks).
300, the National Oil and Hazardous Substance Pollution Contingency Use of well-designed surveys however may be necessary to obtain re-
Plan. Response actions conducted under the plan must comply with the levant information.
provisions established by OSHA in 40 CFR 300.150, Hazardous Waste
Operations and Emergency Response. There are some current ongoing
studies to address worker exposures as mentioned earlier, such as the 3.4. Determining chemical toxicity for OSC components
GuLF study and other studies on clean-up workers (D'Andrea and
Reddy, 2013; Gam et al., 2018; Kwok et al., 2017), which rely on Determination of health risks cannot rely only on knowing the ex-
questionnaires of exposures and in some cases clinical data. Some posure and ultimately the amount of chemical that enters the body over
controversies exist in the field concerning the methodologies used for time. Risks are also dependent upon an understanding of the harm that
the GuLF Study to address physical outcomes an interpretation of bio- chemicals can cause in the body. The harm can be cancerous, or acute,
markers (e.g., Piacentino et al., 2014; Wickliffe et al., 2014). There is or chronic noncancerous outcomes. There are some known and sus-
need then to expand risk assessment approaches, and address any future pected health risks to the various chemicals found in the dispersants
potential exposure for oil spill workers by addressing their possible and crude oils (Aguilera et al., 2010; Laffon et al., 2016). Many of the
activity patterns, potential exposures and health outcomes. Procedures individual chemicals in dispersants are found in cosmetics at low levels
found under OHSA and EPA response and management plans (OSHA, and at higher levels can cause skin, eye and respiratory irritation
2017; U.S. EPA, 2016), can be further integrated into the activity pat- (McGowan et al., 2017). This is also true for many of the compounds
terns databases to understand worker tasks and their variability with found in crude oil (e.g., PAHs and metals), where some PAHs and other
locations, types of responses and clean-up methods used for inclusion in OSCs influence physical health in prolonged exposure scenarios
risk assessment modeling efforts. (Cheong et al., 2011; Ha et al., 2008).
Robust health risk assessments require detailed studies evaluating
hazard parameters to relate exposure to health effects. For non-can-
3.3.3. Inclusion of social-demographic data for health risk evaluation to cerous effects, these include hazard quotients, which require the defi-
OSCs nition of minimum risk levels (MRLs) for chemical compounds. MRLs
Health risk estimates should broadly consider how adverse impacts are the concentrations of a particular chemical per unit body weight per
to coastal areas will affect diversified populations that live along coastal unit time that does not cause disease. To estimate the probability of
areas through quantitative and qualitative assessments where practical. cancer from exposure to a chemical, a slope factor is needed that relates
Therefore, all socio-demographic and socio-economic factors (e.g., age the exposure to the probability of cancer, where slope factors are upper
susceptibilities, varying play activities of different racial groups, access bound values for the increased risk for a cancer outcome from a lifetime
to health treatment) should be considered that may affect the exposure exposure.
scenarios and health risk outcome (Fig. 2). Those that visit beach areas The CDC's Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry has
may not travel very far. In an economic survey of the financial benefit toxicological profiles (i.e., MRLs, slope factors) for some of the OSCs

Fig. 2. Population, activity and socio-demographic considerations for understanding health risks.

A. Ferguson, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxxx

(e.g., PAHs, metals), but not for all. Toxicological profiles rely extensive Equation 2: Determining average daily dose from ingestion of con-
toxicological and epidemiological studies. The EPA's Integrated Risk taminated shellfish
Information System (IRIS) (U.S. EPA, 2018) also provides a synthesis of
available dose-response information where some of the OSC chemicals ADDingest , shellfish =
BW ∙AT (2)
of concern are included. Notable exceptions to available dose-response
information include the dispersant components, 2-butoxyethanol, and where: ADDingest,shellfish = Potential average daily dose from ingested
dioctylsulfosuccinate, and oxidative by-products of OSCs (Aeppli et al., shellfish
2012; White et al., 2014). For chemicals not included in IRIS or other harvested from a contaminated site (mg/kg-d)
toxicological databases, quantitative structure-activity relationships Cs = Concentration of chemical in shellfish (mg/g fish)
(QSAR) can be potentially used to relate the properties of the chemical IR = Intake rate (g/d)
(structure, solubility, octanol water partition coefficient, hydrogen-ac- EF = Exposure frequency (d/yr)
tivity) to potential behavior in organs and tissues (i.e., its potential ED = Exposure duration (yr)
toxicity or toxic equivalents). Work is needed to integrate known in- BW = Bodyweight (kg)
formation on all components for oil spill chemicals and to identify data AT = Averaging time (d)
gaps in understanding toxicity across population (e.g., pregnant The equations are simplistic algorithms, or snapshot, deterministic
women, children). equations that use point values. Eq. (1) is a daily dose computation
There is also a need to better understand the toxicity to humans through the dermal route for say a child at a beach, and requires
from exposure to OSCs in mixtures at various exposure levels. Some lab knowing the concentration of the chemical in the sand, the adherence
studies have been conducted to evaluate the toxicological impact to of that sand to the skin, exposure frequency and duration, and the
lung health from exposures to OSCs. For example, Liu et al., evaluated absorption rate through skin. Various averaging times are used based
the impact of crude oil, dispersants Corexit 9500 and Corexit 9527 on on the health risk endpoint. Eq. (2) is a daily dose determination which
human airway epithelial cells and found pathological modes of action is based upon the consumption of seafood. To compute the daily dose,
common to the development of common lung diseases (Liu et al., 2016). estimates are needed for the consumption rate of seafood (i.e. intake
Their study suggests synergistic effects from the crude oil and dis- rate), the concentration of a contaminant in that seafood, and the time
persants relevant for understanding physical health outcomes and the period over which seafood will be consumed. For both exposure sce-
importance of respiratory protection for especially clean-up crews narios illustrated by the equations data gaps exists for its parameters
working immediately after a spill. Ramesh also investigated the impacts across populations.
of the DWH oil, Corexit and oil-Corexit mixtures on the health of ro- For cancer endpoints, the average daily dose (determined from al-
dents in a lab setting, with findings showing increased effects of the gorithms combining chemical concentration in the environment, with
mixture on altering white blood cells and platelet counts, and impacting human activity patterns and relevant exposure and dose parameters) is
liver and kidney function (Ramesh et al., 2018). These types of studies multiplied by a cancer slope factor (where the slope factor represents
provide good mechanistic information. But integrating this type of in- the toxicity of the chemical). Average daily doses are divided by
formation in a human health risk platform is however challenging Maximum Risk Levels (MRL) to compute hazard quotients. Hazard
where more precise dose-response profiles are needed in terms of ha- quotients greater than one suggest risks for non-cancer chronic and
zard quotients and cancer slope factors for mixtures to understand acute effects. Again the MRLs for a particular chemical are based on the
population effects at various and relevant exposure levels. Future stu- toxicity studies on the compound. It is important to evaluate cancer and
dies should specifically evaluate the relationships among exposure non-cancer risks across routes of exposure (i.e., aggregate exposure)
parameters, different OSCs, and adverse health outcomes. and across chemicals (i.e., cumulative effects) in model platforms,
where the data is available and can be predicted. Natural variability
3.5. Exposure and dose assessment algorithms and performing a full risk and uncertainly through Monte Carlo simulations should be conducted
assessment using these equations and changing parameters to provide exposure-
dose-profiles, and population outcomes across chemicals and routes.
Ultimately, mathematical models of OSC concentration distribu- Monte Carlo also allows an evaluation of risks to high-end exposures
tions can be combined with human activity data, toxicity data, and groups.
other parameters to estimate exposure, dose and health risks for po-
pulations. To illustrate how all of these concepts and factors are con- 3.6. Statistical considerations for health risk models
sidered in an exposure-dose assessment for oil spill scenarios, here we
have some two example algorithms for daily doses estimates adapted There will be a wealth of data gathered and integrated into such a
from the EPA (EPA, 2017). modeling approach and where statistical considerations for interpreting
Equation 1: Determining average daily dose from dermal contact and presenting the risk assessment findings are needed. Basic statistical
with contaminated soil analytical tools that can be utilized, but are not limited to, are SAS
(v9.3, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC), Stata 13 (StataCorp, College Station
ADDdermal = TX), and R (v3.1 In general, data generated should
BW ∙AT (1)
be reviewed for outliers and out-of-range values, along with any in-
where: ADDdermal = Absorbed average daily dose from dermal consistencies. Summary statistics (e.g., measures of central tendency,
contact location, and spread; frequency and cross-tabulation) can be generated
with contaminated sand (mg/kg-d) for all data collected. For activity data, the frequency and duration of
Cb = Concentration of contaminant in sand at site (mg/kg) contacts for all locations and objects can be tabulated. For secondary
ABS = Chemical specific absorption fraction (unitless) analysis (i.e., differences across locations, between sub-populations),
AFsand = adherence factor for sand (mg/cm2) inferential techniques, such as t-tests and/or ANOVA if normality as-
SA = Surface are of skin that contacts soil (cm2/event-kg) sumptions are met and appropriate and non-parametric tests for non-
EF = Exposure frequency (events/yr) normally distributed observations (e.g., Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney U,
ED = Exposure duration (yr) and Kolmogorov Smirnov tests) can be applied. Multivariable linear
CF = Conversion factor (kg/mg) regression can be used to test associations between continuous out-
BW = Bodyweight (kg) comes and multiple covariates of interest and to develop models of
AT = Averaging time (d) OSCs as a function of location and environmental conditions. To

A. Ferguson, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxxx

incorporate uncertainty within the risk assessment model, all inputs is derived. In essence, those that are concerned about loss of jobs that
should be explored, when applicable, and represented as an appropriate may follow a large spill, its environmental impacts and any adverse
probabilistic distribution using goodness-of-fit tests. Sensitivity analysis public media surrounding the events, may also be those at most risk to
can also be conducted across the modeled components to highlight adverse public health exposures. Oil spill disasters, for example, nega-
those inputs that have the greatest effect on outputs and contribute the tively impact tourism and fishing, and these effects grow and affect
highest uncertainty. This allows for the identification of data gaps in surrounding communities. Therefore coastlines must be managed and
parameters of importance. Calculations of health risks to OSCs may, for livelihoods appropriately restored (Pomeroy et al., 2006; Sales, 2009)
example, indicate that risks are higher for lower socio-economic groups following a spill event, while ensuring public safety, and reducing ex-
(based on income and education) as has been commonly found in other posures.
environmental studies of risk (World Health Organization, 2010). Vulnerable and sensitive populations are most affected by any im-
However, it may be challenging to incorporate other socio-demographic pacts from disasters, where socio-economic disparities heavily influence
factors in health risks assessments such as existing health conditions, a community's ability to prepare, respond and recover (Kim et al., 2014;
both physical and mental. Researchers can explore additional safety Paton and Johnston, 2001; Wolanski and McLusky, 2011). A commu-
factors to represent increased risks based on particular susceptibility nity's resilience in the face of hardships is influenced by enabling,
considerations. predisposing, or reinforcing factors (i.e., determinants of health)
(Leichenko, 2011; Magis, 2010; Townshend et al., 2015). Measures of
3.7. Communicating exposure and health risks to communities in light of resiliency and indicators of vulnerability (DasGupta and Shaw, 2015;
uncertainties Jacob et al., 2013; Kirmayer et al., 2009; Morzaria-Luna et al., 2014;
Orencio and Fujii, 2013; Reams, 2012) that incorporate social and
There are challenges in communicating risks to the public, where ecological factors have been explored in the field (Adger, 2000; Adger
various communication methods and strategies might be needed. It et al., 2005; Bathi and Das, 2016), however predominantly related to
starts with a coordinated effort to relay early messages from the com- impacts from storm events. Exploring the relevance of these factors for
mand center (i.e., center established for communications and cen- oil spills, specifically related to physical health outcomes, will enhance
tralized operations) and from local, state and federal agencies with the our understanding of a community's ability to respond and recover from
input from community organizations that understand their audience oil spill events. The application of specialized response programs might
(Walker et al., 2014). Messages should be simple and clear on what is benefit outcomes for specific communities (e.g., improved health care
known and what is not known. systems, training for doctors on physical health outcomes from OSCs).
In early time periods of an oil spill, there may be a need to close The physical impacts from oil spill disasters may also vary across
beaches or halt seafood consumption to protect the most vulnerable populations and groups. First responders and clean-up crews, for ex-
before adequate or full risk assessments are conducted. Great damage ample, might be more threatened by physical impacts (e.g., fire and
can occur, however, to a community by closing a beach or halting explosions, drowning) and chemical exposures (e.g., higher con-
seafood consumption if no risk exists, and so more rapid risk assessment centration of volatiles from recent oil release), whereas children might
methodologies are needed. In this context, there needs to be pre-de- be more affected by low exposures in sands (e.g., unusual play beha-
termined acceptable risks and acceptable safety factors given that viors at beaches) and by stress (e.g., psychosocial impacts from dis-
economic loss from unnecessary beach and industry closures due to the placement). Other specialized groups such as fishermen and fish con-
possibility of escalating adverse psychosocial outcomes. More dynamic sumers (e.g., loss of income and health impacted by oil contaminated
oil spill and health risk models that predict the shoring and distribution fish) and the elderly and immunocompromised (e.g., difficulty of
of contamination based on how that beach is typically used should be transportation and access to medications during displacement) must
developed where easy to understand visuals showing for example red also be considered. Ultimately there are challenges to deciphering and
zones (i.e., high risks areas for different groups) can be appropriately responding to the varied physical and sometimes intertwined psycho-
and effectively communicated to the public. A health risk model is also social impacts (Gruebner et al., 2016; Morris et al., 2013), and devel-
only useful if it is valuable to those in an oil spill incident command oping strategies into our public health and medical infrastructure for
center, and at federal and state department responsible for commu- refined disaster preparedness and response (Brock et al., 2013; Redlener
nicating health risks to the public in real-time. and Reilly, 2012).
There are also difficulties in predicting and communicating health There is value therefore in also building predictive platforms to
risks appropriately given the uncertainties and variability in the data. measure and access physical health outcomes to oil spill contamination.
Community members and those at risk need simple ways to understand These platforms should be based upon fate and transport mechanisms
these uncertainties. Building community health partners into oil spill that can describe chemical concentration distributions along the coast.
response mechanisms can facilitate the understanding by oil spill re- The concentration information can be translated to human health risks
sponse teams on how communities perceive and understand risks. This through an understanding of human activities and the toxicity (dose-
can lead to the refinement of health risk models aiming to build a risk response) of the individual chemicals and mixtures of chemicals typi-
communication component into the model. Developing earlier trust cally found in oil. Such platforms that simulate health risks can be used
between communities and oil spill response teams is advantageous to by federal, state and local governments to prepare for planning and
tumultuous events that occur following any disaster event where a re- remediation activities and for communicating risks to communities.
sponsible party is to blame. There will be challenges to building a robust and accurate predictive
platform for chemical risks to humans given the variability and un-
4. Discussion and conclusion certainty in OSC concentrations and in potential exposures across po-
pulations. However, a comprehensive approach that relies on using a
Communities live, work and play along our coastlines. Unique number of validated tools and use of more accurate human activity
economic and social dynamic interactions exist for Gulf communities patterns will improve confidence in the predictive platform. Here we
with respect to the oil industry, where economies largely rely on fishing have discussed aspects and factors for consideration in understanding
and tourism as well as oil exploration and refinement. The ways in some of the current knowledge in the field and where potential gaps
which society obtains energy drives industrialization and also mod- may exist. Fig. 3 summarizes some of the data gaps for each link in the
ulates the economy (Costanza and Farley, 2007). Therefore, commu- human health risk model applied to looking at impact and exposures to
nities that indirectly or directly rely on jobs from oil exploration and oil spill chemical as discussed. We look forward to progress in the field,
refinement are also most heavily impacted by the ways in which energy which will help protect groups and communities at risk, in light of our

A. Ferguson, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxxx

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