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Lesson no.

4 Looking at Switzerland
SUBJECT: Social Studies GRADE:2

NAME: ___________________ DATE: ____________

I. Answers the following questions:

1.Which mountain makes the climate of Switzerland very changeable?


2.What attracts the holiday makers to Switzerland?


II. Define the following:

1. meadows:


III. Choose the correct answer:

1.The ground around Sisikon is .

a) steep b) flat c) flow

2. Alps are _____________________.

a) valleys b) mountains c) snow mountains

3. Switzerland is in .

a) Europe b) Paris c) Egypt

4. ___________is a landlocked country.

a) France b) Australia c) Switzerland

IV. Fill in the blanks:

1.Switzerland is a small country in .

2.The mountains attract many holidaymakers in winter and in summer.

3.The people of Siskin speak language.

4.Summer are and in Switzerland.

5. Farmers keep cattle for _______ and __________.

V. Correct the statements wherever required:

1. Sisikon is a big village.

2. In winter snow lies deep, almost down to the edge of the lake.

3. Sisikon has thick soil.

4. There are several small farms around Sisikon.

VI. Look at the given map, mark and answer the following:

a) The river which has its beginning in Switzerland is .

b) Are the borders straight or wiggly?

c) The capital city of Switzerland is .

d) The highest mountain in Switzerland is .

e) The two big cities of Switzerland are i) ii)
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