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McGrath’s (1976) define the conditions necessary for stress as the response people may have
when presented with work demands and pressure that are not matched to their knowledge and
abilities which challenge them in every aspect of life.

Stress and Stress Management, in SAM Advanced Management Journal by Suzanne M.

Crampton, John W. Hodge, Jitendra M. Mishra, Steve.

Definition: Stress management encompasses techniques intended to equip a person with

effective coping mechanisms for dealing with psychological stress, with stress defined as a
person's physiological response to an internal or external stimulus that triggers the fight-or-flight
response. Stress management is effective when a person utilizes strategies to cope with or alter
stressful situations.

St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co: Even seemingly positive events such as career
advancement or the purchase of a new home may trigger unforeseen anxiety. However, what
may be stressful to one person may minimally affect another and vice versa. The reason, it is not
the event which is stressful, but how we view and respond to the event that counts. Problems at
work are more strongly associated with health complaints than are any other life stressor-more so
than even financial problems or family problems.
Allstate Insurance Company Case Study: Allstate provide their employees with a road map to
succeed. They give them tools and resources to become a better employee. They have
quarterly leadership measurements as well as the survey to get feedback from employees.
Allstate focus on diversity, four step process to reach their goals.

Step one: Succession Programming, Step two: Development, Step Three: Measurement

Step Four: Accountability and Reward.

This process has led to a stress free life at this place.

MetLife China:
The sales process focus on customer retention. The insurance business is always focusing on
customer retention, the agent need to provide professional service to the customer to make them
satisfied. In the process of this customer retention the work life is being stressed out for the


This paper talks about the work related stress and the indicators and how well we can tackle this
with all the stress relieving techniques. A measurement strategy called triangulation was
proposed by Kristensen in the form of “3-s matrix” which includes stressors, stress and


1. "Research on Work-Related Stress", European Agency for Safety and Health at


2. Managing Workplace Stress: A Best Practice Blueprint by Stephen Williams, Lesley


3. Guidance on Work-related Stress – spice of life or kiss of death- h&s publications.

4. People and Change: An Introduction to Counseling and Stress Management by Catherine

M. Flanagan.

5. Houtman I. Work-related stress. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and
Working Conditions.

6. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Expert forecast on emerging
psychosocial risks related to occupational health and safety.

7. Delta Life Insurance Company: Case Study

8. Monumental Life Insurance Company (Mock Up): case study

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