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A guide for writing persuasive arguments

What is an “argument”?

Argument – a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or
idea is right or wrong.
Examples of arguments

Junk food should be banned in schools.

Social media does more harm than good.

Real Christmas trees are better than artificial ones.

People should be vegetarians.

We should not have gone to war with Vietnam.

Our next president should be Mr. Stallings.

Argumentative Essays

An argumentative essay is a piece of writing that takes a stance on an issue. In a good

argumentative essay, a writer attempts to persuade readers to understand and support his point
of view about a topic by stating his reasoning and providing evidence to back it up.
Classical Argument

There are a few types of argumentative essays. We’re going to write a classical argument.
Present the main argument, state your opinion, and do your best to convince the reader why
your stance is the right one.

Also called Aristotelian, this is the most popular strategy for making an argument because it’s
the most simple line of thinking to follow. It’s effective when your audience doesn’t have a lot of
information or a strong opinion about your topic, as it outlines the facts clearly and concisely.
How To Outline an Argumentative Essay in 4

1. Introductory paragraph

The first paragraph of your essay should outline the topic, provide background
information necessary to understand your argument, outline the evidence you will
present and states your thesis.
How To Outline an Argumentative Essay in 4

2. Thesis Statement

This is part of your first paragraph. It is a concise, one-sentence summary of your main
point. It is also called the claim.
How To Outline an Argumentative Essay in 4

3. Body Paragraphs

A typical argumentative essay comprises three or more paragraphs that explain the
reasons why you support your thesis. Each body paragraph should cover a different idea
or piece of evidence and contain a topic sentence that clearly and concisely explains why
the reader should agree with your position.

Body paragraphs are where you back up your claims with examples, research, statistics,
studies, and (if outside sources are used) text citations. This is called support for your

Also, address opposing points of view and disprove them or explain why you disagree with
them. Presenting facts and considering a topic from every angle adds credibility and will
help you gain a reader’s trust.
How To Outline an Argumentative Essay in 4

4. Conclusion

One paragraph that restates your thesis and summarizes all of the arguments made in
your body paragraphs. Rather than introducing new facts or more arguments, a good
conclusion will appeal to a reader’s emotions. In some cases, writers will use a personal
anecdote explaining how the topic personally affects them.
Sample Essay: Introduction

Superman or Batman? Spider-Man or the Hulk? For years, kids have been debating which
superhero is the best. Who could beat whom in a straight-up fight? Who has the best costume?
The mightiest superpowers? And who is the most powerful overall? The answer to this last
question is clear, though it may surprise you. The mightiest superhero in comics is the Green

How does the writer “hook” readers?

What is the essay’s claim or thesis statement?

Where is the claim or thesis statement?

Sample Essay: Body Paragraph 1

The Green Lantern’s super power is simple: he can do most anything. The signature power
of the Green Lantern is the ability to conjure "constructs:" solid green objects that he can
control telekinetically. He creates these constructs using a special power ring given to him by
the Guardians to protect earth. The constructs are incredibly powerful. Do you think the Hulk is
strong? With his power ring, the Green Lantern can create a Hulk. If Iron Man used his armor’s
missiles to try to blast the Green Lantern, the Green Lantern could easily create larger missiles
with his power ring and destroy the smaller ones. With the power to make virtually anything,
Green Lantern wields a might unparalleled in any superhero universe.

What is the topic sentence?

What evidence supports the essay’s claim?

What is the concluding sentence?

Sample Essay: Body Paragraph 2

Green Lantern’s power ring also gives him the ability to protect himself from significant threats in
multiple ways. Green Lantern can use his ring to encase himself in an impenetrable fortress of green. If
Thor wanted to strike the Green Lantern with Mjolnir, the Green Lantern would only need to surround
himself with a green forcefield. Then, if he wished, he could make a bigger Mjolnir and use it to retaliate
against Thor. While it is true that the power ring is useless against anything yellow, the ring also gives
the Green Lantern the power to fly and traverse space. So if Thor somehow wielded a yellow Mjolnir ,
the Green Lantern could still easily escape by flying into space. No other superhero has such power to
protect himself from danger.

What is the topic sentence?

What evidence supports the essay’s claim?

What concession does the writer make? What effect does this concession have on the reader?

What is the concluding sentence?

Sample Essay: Body Paragraph 3
(Counterarguments and Rebuttals)

Some might argue that Superman is stronger than the Green Lantern since he is essentially
invincible. However, this is not entirely true. Superman is susceptible to kryptonite, an alien green
mineral, which the Green Lantern has shown he can create with his power ring. Even against a
team of superheroes, like the Avengers or the Justice League, the Green Lantern would likely
prevail. He is a part of the galaxy-wide Green Lantern Corps, which enables him at a moment’s
notice to summon a legion of heroes, all just as powerful as him, to fight off other teams of
superheroes. No other superhero has that ability.

What is the topic sentence?

What evidence supports the essay’s claim?

What counter-arguments are offered? What rebuttals are used to refute the counter-arguments?

What is the concluding sentence?

Sample Essay: Conclusion

When kids argue about which superhero is the strongest, the name Green Lantern is
often forgotten, but this is a grievous error. His power ring, fueled by his astonishing courage,
makes him the mightiest of all. He has shown himself to be able to overcome any obstacle.
Stronger than Superman, mightier than Thor, more invincible than Iron Man, and certainly more
amazing than Spider-Man, it is clear that the Green Lantern possesses powers that set him apart
from the rest of these superheroes.

What does the writer accomplish in the conclusion?


Write a five paragraphs argumentative essay.

Your essay should include support, concessions, counter-arguments, and rebuttals.

400 words minimum


Heading on top left

Title centered

10-12 point font

2 copies

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