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Environmental Adaptations

and Stress Tolerance of Plants

in the Era of Climate Change
Parvaiz Ahmad ●
M.N.V. Prasad

Adaptations and Stress
Tolerance of Plants
in the Era of Climate
Parvaiz Ahmad M.N.V. Prasad
Department of Botany Department of Plant Sciences
Amar Singh College University of Hyderabad
University of Kashmir Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad 500 046
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir India

ISBN 978-1-4614-0814-7 e-ISBN 978-1-4614-0815-4

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4
Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London

Library of Congress Control Number: 2011938457

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Any external factor that imposes negative impact on growth and development
of the plant is known as stress. Plants often experience abiotic stress like
drought, salinity, alkalinity, temperature, UV-radiations, oxygen deficiency,
etc. Abiotic stress is responsible for the huge crop loss and reduced yield
more than 50% of some major crops. Ion imbalance and osmotic stress is the
primary effect of abiotic stress. Prolonged exposure to primary stress causes
secondary stress through the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
These are deleterious for the plants as it causes oxidative damage by reacting
with biomolecules. Plants are able to perceive the external and internal sig-
nals and are then used by the plant to regulate various responses to stress.
Plants respond the abiotic stress by up- and downregulation of genes respon-
sible for the synthesis of osmolytes, osmoprotectants, and antioxidants.
Stress-responsive genes and gene products including proteins are expressed
and provide tolerance to the plant. To understand the physiological, biochem-
ical, and molecular mechanisms for abiotic stress, perception, transduction,
and tolerance is still a challenge before plant biologists.
The chapters in this book deal with the effect of different abiotic stresses
on plant metabolism and responses of the plants to withstand the stress.
Chapter 1 describes involvement of different osmolytes, osmoprotectants,
and antioxidants during abiotic stress. Chapter 2 deals with the role of halo-
phytes in understanding and managing abiotic stress. Chapter 3 addresses the
effect and defense mechanisms in plants under UV stress. Chapter 4 throws
light on the potassium uptake and its role under abiotic stress. Chapters 5–7
deal with the effect of temperature (heat, chilling) on plants and their
responses. Chapter 8 deals with the formation and function of roots under
stress. Chapter 9 is concerned with role of ROS and NO under abiotic stress.
Chapter 10 throws light on nitrogen inflow and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE)
under stress. Chapter 11 addresses Am symbiosis and soil interaction under
abiotic stress. Chapter 12 deals with the role of small RNA in abiotic stress.
Chapter 13 describes the involvement of transcription factors (TFs) under
abiotic stress. Chapters 14–17 deal with the involvement of different signaling
molecules (Ca2+, H2O2, and phytohormones) under abiotic stress. Chapter 18
covers the role of ethylene and plant growth-promoting bacteria under environ-
mental stress. Chapter 19 throws light on new approaches about metal-induced
stress. Chapters 20 and 21 address the role of sulfur and salicylic acid in

vi Preface

alleviating heavy metal-induced stress. Chapters 22 and 23 cover the

bioremediation of organic contaminants and utilization of different weeds in
removal of heavy metals. We hope that this volume will provide the back-
ground for understanding abiotic stress tolerance in plants.

Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, India Parvaiz Ahmad

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India M.N.V. Prasad

1 Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants: An Overview..................... 1

Hans-Werner Koyro, Parvaiz Ahmad, and Nicole Geissler
2 Prospects of Halophytes in Understanding and Managing
Abiotic Stress Tolerance .............................................................. 29
Vinayak H. Lokhande and Penna Suprasanna
3 UV-B Radiation, Its Effects and Defense Mechanisms
in Terrestrial Plants ..................................................................... 57
Fernando E. Prado, Mariana Rosa, Carolina Prado,
Griselda Podazza, Roque Interdonato, Juan A. González,
and Mirna Hilal
4 K+ Nutrition, Uptake, and Its Role in Environmental
Stress in Plants ............................................................................. 85
Manuel Nieves-Cordones, Fernando Alemán, Mario Fon,
Vicente Martínez, and Francisco Rubio
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants ............................ 113
Anna Źróbek-Sokolnik
6 Responses and Management of Heat Stress in Plants .............. 135
Abdul Wahid, Muhammad Farooq, Iqbal Hussain,
Rizwan Rasheed, and Saddia Galani
7 Understanding Chilling Tolerance Traits Using
Arabidopsis Chilling-Sensitive Mutants ..................................... 159
Dana Zoldan, Reza Shekaste Band, Charles L. Guy,
and Ron Porat
8 Root Form and Function in Plant as an Adaptation
to Changing Climate .................................................................... 175
Maria Rosa Abenavoli, Maria Rosaria Panuccio,
and Agostino Sorgonà

viii Contents

9 Reactive Oxygen Species and Nitric Oxide in Plants

Under Cadmium Stress: From Toxicity to Signaling................ 199
Luisa M. Sandalio, Maria Rodríguez-Serrano,
Dharmendra K. Gupta, Angustias Archilla,
Maria C. Romero-Puertas, and Luis A. del Río
10 Reactive Nitrogen Inflows and Nitrogen Use Efficiency
in Agriculture: An Environment Perspective ............................ 217
Khalid Rehman Hakeem, Ruby Chandna, Altaf Ahmad,
and Muhammad Iqbal
11 Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis and Other Plant–Soil
Interactions in Relation to Environmental Stress ..................... 233
Patrick Audet
12 MicroRNAs and Their Role in Plants During
Abiotic Stresses............................................................................. 265
Praveen Guleria, Deepmala Goswami, Monika Mahajan,
Vinay Kumar, Jyoti Bhardwaj, and Sudesh Kumar Yadav
13 Transcription Factors Involved in Environmental
Stress Responses in Plants ........................................................... 279
Haibo Xin, Feng Qin, and Lam-Son Phan Tran
14 Plant Signaling Under Abiotic Stress Environment.................. 297
Parvaiz Ahmad, Renu Bhardwaj, and Narendra Tuteja
15 Calcium Signalling in Plant Cells Under
Environmental Stress ................................................................... 325
Sylvia Lindberg, Md. Abdul Kader, and Vladislav Yemelyanov
16 Role of H2O2 as Signaling Molecule in Plants ............................ 361
M.A. Matilla-Vázquez and A.J. Matilla
17 Role of Phytohormone Signaling During Stress ........................ 381
Mohammad Miransari
18 Ethylene and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants ....................... 395
Elisa Gamalero and Bernard R. Glick
19 New Approaches to Study Metal-Induced Stress
in Plants......................................................................................... 413
M.C. Cia, F.R. Capaldi, R.F. Carvalho, P.L. Gratão,
and R.A. Azevedo
20 Sulfur in the Alleviation of Cadmium-Induced
Oxidative Stress in Plants ............................................................ 429
Noushina Iqbal, Nafees A. Khan, Md. Iqbal R. Khan,
Rahat Nazar, Asim Masood, and Shabina Syeed
Contents ix

21 Role of Salicylic Acid in Alleviating Heavy Metal Stress ......... 447

Losanka P. Popova, Liliana T. Maslenkova, Albena Ivanova,
and Zhivka Stoinova
22 Bioremediation and Mitigation of Organic
Contaminants in the Era of Climate Changes........................... 467
Laura Coppola, Edoardo Puglisi, Costantino Vischetti,
and Marco Trevisan
23 Exploitation of Weeds and Ornamentals
for Bioremediation of Metalliferous Substrates
in the Era of Climate Change ..................................................... 487
M.N.V. Prasad

Index ...................................................................................................... 509


Maria Rosa Abenavoli Dipartimento di Biotecnologie per il

Monitoraggio Agro-Alimentare ed Ambientale, Università Mediterranea
di Reggio Calabria, Contrada Melissari – Lotto D,
89124 Reggio Calabria, Italy
Altaf Ahmad Molecular Ecology Laboratory, Department of Botany,
Faculty of Science, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi 110062, India
Parvaiz Ahmad Department of Botany, A.S. College, Srinagar 190008,
Jammu & Kashmir, India
Fernando Alemán Departamento de Nutrición Vegetal,
CEBAS-CSIC, Campus de Espinardo, Murcia 30100, Spain
Angustias Archilla Department of Biochemistry and Molecular
and Cellular Biology of Plants, Estación Experimental del Zaidín,
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), Mail box 419,
E-18080 Granada, Spain
Patrick Audet Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation,
Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland,
Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
R. A. Azevedo Departamento de Genética, Escola Superior
de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Universidade de São Paulo,
Piracicaba 13418-900, SP, Brazil
Reza Shekaste Band Department of Environmental Horticulture,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
Jyoti Bhardwaj Plant Metabolic Engineering Laboratory,
Biotechnology Division, Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology,
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Palampur 176061,
Himachal Pradesh, India
Renu Bhardwaj Department of Botanical and Environmental Sciences,
Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, India
F. R. Capaldi Departamento de Genética, Escola Superior
de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Universidade de São Paulo,
Piracicaba 13418-900, SP, Brazil

xii Contributors

R. F. Carvalho Departamento de Biologia Aplicada à Agropecuária,

Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho,
Jaboticabal 14884-900, SP, Brazil
Ruby Chandna Molecular Ecology Laboratory, Department of Botany,
Faculty of Science, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi 110062, India
M. C. Cia Departamento de Genética, Escola Superior
de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Universidade de São Paulo,
Piracicaba 13418-900, SP, Brazil
Laura Coppola Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali e delle
Produzioni Vegetali, Università Politecnica delle Marche,
Via Brecce Bianche, Ancona, Italy
Muhammad Farooq Department of Agronomy,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan
Mario Fon Departamento de Nutrición Vegetal, CEBAS-CSIC,
Campus de Espinardo, Murcia 30100, Spain
Saddia Galani Khan Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering,
University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan
Elisa Gamalero Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e della Vita,
Università del Piemonte Orientale, Viale Teresa Michel 11,
Alessandria 15121, Italy
Nicole Geissler Institute of Plant Ecology, Justus Liebig University
Giessen, Heinrich Buff-Ring 2632, 35392 Giessen, Germany
Bernard R. Glick Department of Biology University of Waterloo N2L 3G1,
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Juan A. González Instituto de Ecología, Fundación Miguel Lillo,
Miguel Lillo 251, CP 4000 Tucumán, Argentina
Deepmala Goswami Plant Metabolic Engineering Laboratory,
Biotechnology Division, Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology,
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Palampur 176061,
Himachal Pradesh, India
P. L. Gratão Departamento de Genética, Escola Superior
de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Universidade de São Paulo,
Piracicaba 13418-900, SP, Brazil
Praveen Guleria Plant Metabolic Engineering Laboratory,
Biotechnology Division, Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology,
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Palampur 176061,
Himachal Pradesh, India
Dharmendra K. Gupta Department of Biochemistry and Molecular
and Cellular Biology of Plants, Estación Experimental del Zaidín,
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC),
Mail box 419, E-18080, Granada, Spain
Contributors xiii

Charles L. Guy Department of Environmental Horticulture,

University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
Khalid Rehman Hakeem Molecular Ecology Laboratory,
Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Jamia Hamdard,
New Delhi 110062, India
Mirna Hilal Cátedra de Fisiología Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias
Naturales e IML, Miguel Lillo 205, CP 4000 Tucumán, Argentina
Iqbal Hussain Department of Botany, University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan
Roque Interdonato Cátedra de Fisiología Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias
Naturales e IML, Miguel Lillo 205, CP 4000, Tucumán, Argentina
Muhammad Iqbal Molecular Ecology Laboratory, Department of Botany,
Faculty of Science, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi 110062, India
Noushina Iqbal Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh 202002, Uttar Pradesh, India
Albena Ivanova Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Plant
Physiology, Acad. G. Bonchev str, BL. 21 1113, Sofia, Bulgaria
Md. Abdul Kader Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural
University Mymensingh, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh
Md. Iqbal R. Khan Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh 202002, Uttar Pradesh, India
Nafees A. Khan Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh 202002, Uttar Pradesh, India
Hans-Werner Koyro Institute of Plant Ecology, Justus Liebig
University Giessen, Heinrich Buff-Ring 2632, 35392 Giessen, Germany
Vinay Kumar Plant Metabolic Engineering Laboratory,
Biotechnology Division, Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology,
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Palampur 176061,
Himachal Pradesh, India
Sylvia Lindberg Department of Botany, SU, SE-106 91 Stockholm,
Vinayak H. Lokhande Functional Plant Biology Section,
Nuclear Agriculture and Biotechnology Division, Bhabha Atomic
Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085, Maharashtra, India
Monika Mahajan Plant Metabolic Engineering Laboratory,
Biotechnology Division, Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology,
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Palampur 176061,
Himachal Pradesh, India
Vicente Martínez Departamento de Nutrición Vegetal, CEBAS-CSIC,
Campus de Espinardo, Murcia 30100, Spain
xiv Contributors

Liliana T. Maslenkova Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,

Institute of Plant Physiology, Acad. G. Bonchev str, BL. 21 1113,
Sofia, Bulgaria
Asim Masood Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh 202002, Uttar Pradesh, India
A. J. Matilla Departamento de Fisiología Vegetal,
Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC),
15782, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
M.A. Matilla-Vázquez Department of Biochemistry,
University of Cambridge, Tennis Court Road,
Cambridge CB2 1QW, UK
Mohammad Miransari Department of Soil Science,
Shahed University, College of Agricultural Sciences,
18151/159 Tehran, Iran
Rahat Nazar Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh 202002, Uttar Pradesh, India
Manuel Nieves-Cordones Departamento de Nutrición Vegetal,
CEBAS-CSIC, Campus de Espinardo, Murcia 30100, Spain
Maria Rosaria Panuccio Dipartimento di Biotecnologie per il
Monitoraggio Agro-Alimentare ed Ambientale, Università Mediterranea
di Reggio Calabria, Contrada Melissari – Lotto D,
89124 Reggio Calabria, Italy
Griselda Podazza Instituto de Ecología, Fundación Miguel Lillo,
Miguel Lillo 251, CP 4000 Tucumán, Argentina
Losanka P. Popova Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Plant Physiology, Acad. G. Bonchev str, BL. 21,
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Ron Porat Department of Postharvest Sciences of Fresh Produce,
ARO, the Volcani Center, P.O. Box 6, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
Carolina Prado Cátedra de Fisiología Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias
Naturales e IML, Miguel Lillo 205, CP 4000 Tucumán, Argentina
Fernando E. Prado Cátedra de Fisiología Vegetal, Facultad de
Ciencias Naturales e IML, Miguel Lillo 205, CP 4000 Tucumán, Argentina
M.N.V. Prasad Department of Plant Sciences, University of Hyderabad,
Prof. C.R. Rao Road, Gachibowli, Central University P.O., Hyderabad,
AP 500 046, India
Edoardo Puglisi Istituto di Chimica Agraria ed Ambientale,
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Via Emilia Parmense 84,
Piacenza 29122, Italy
Contributors xv

Feng Qin Key Laboratory of Photosynthesis and Environmental

Molecular Physiology, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Rizwan Rasheed Biology Department, Foreman Christian College,
Lahore, Pakistan
Luis A. del Río Department of Biochemistry and Molecular
and Cellular Biology of Plants, Estación Experimental del Zaidín,
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC),
Mail box 419, E-18080 Granada, Spain
Maria Rodríguez-Serrano Department of Biochemistry
and Molecular and Cellular Biology of Plants, Estación Experimental del
Zaidín, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC),
Mail box 419, E-18080 Granada, Spain
Maria C. Romero-Puertas Department of Biochemistry
and Molecular and Cellular Biology of Plants, Estación Experimental
del Zaidín, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC),
Mail box 419, E-18080 Granada, Spain
Mariana Rosa Cátedra de Fisiología Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias
Naturales e IML, Miguel Lillo 205, CP 4000 Tucumán, Argentina
Francisco Rubio Departamento de Nutrición Vegetal, CEBAS-CSIC,
Campus de Espinardo, Murcia 30100, Spain
Luisa M. Sandalio Department of Biochemistry and Molecular
and Cellular Biology of Plants, Estación Experimental del Zaidín,
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC),
Mail box 419, E-18080 Granada, Spain
Agostino Sorgonà Dipartimento di Biotecnologie per il Monitoraggio
Agro-Alimentare ed Ambientale, Università Mediterranea di Reggio
Calabria, Contrada Melissari – Lotto D, 89124 Reggio Calabria, Italy
Zhivka Stoinova Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Plant
Physiology, Acad. G. Bonchev str, BL. 21, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Penna Suprasanna Functional Plant Biology Section,
Nuclear Agriculture and Biotechnology Division, Bhabha Atomic
Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085, Maharashtra, India
Shabina Syeed Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh 202002, Uttar Pradesh, India
Lam-Son Phan Tran Signaling Pathway Research Unit,
Plant Science Center, RIKEN Yokohama Institute, 1-7-22, Suehiro-cho,
Tsurumi, Yokohama 230-0045, Japan
Marco Trevisan Istituto di Chimica Agraria ed Ambientale,
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Via Emilia Parmense 84,
Piacenza 29122, Italy
xvi Contributors

Narendra Tuteja Plant molecular Biology Group, International Centre

for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg,
New Delhi, India
Costantino Vischetti Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali e delle
Produzioni Vegetali, Università Politecnica delle Marche,
Via Brecce Bianche, Ancona, Italy
Abdul Wahid Department of Botany, University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan
Haibo Xin Key Laboratory of Photosynthesis and Environmental
Molecular Physiology, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100049, China
Sudesh Kumar Yadav Plant Metabolic Engineering Laboratory,
Biotechnology Division, Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology,
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Palampur 176061,
Himachal Pradesh, India
Vladislav Yemelyanov Department of Genetics and Breeding,
St. Petersburg State University, St. Peterburg 199034, Russia
Dana Zoldan Department of Postharvest Sciences of Fresh Produce,
ARO, the Volcani Center, P.O. Box 6, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
Anna Źróbek-Sokolnik Department of Botany and Nature Protection,
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Plac Łódzki 1,
10-727 Olsztyn, Poland
Abiotic Stress Responses
in Plants: An Overview 1
Hans-Werner Koyro, Parvaiz Ahmad,
and Nicole Geissler

Plants are more and more affected by environmental stresses, especially
by the devastating consequences of desertification and water scarcity
which can be seen and felt all over the world. About 3.6 billion of the
world’s 5.2 billion hectares of dryland used for agriculture have already
suffered erosion, soil degradation, and salinization. Desertification can
hinder efforts for sustainable development and introduces new threats to
human health, ecosystems, and national economies. This problem is cata-
lyzed by global climate change which exacerbates desertification and
salinization. Therefore, solutions are desperately needed, such as the
improvement of drought and salinity tolerance of crops, which in turn
requires a detailed knowledge about tolerance mechanisms in plants.
These mechanisms comprise a wide range of responses on molecular, cel-
lular, and whole plant levels, which include amongst others the synthesis
of compatible solutes/osmolytes and radical scavenging mechanisms.
Regarding global change, elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations can
enhance salt and drought tolerance because oxidative stress is alleviated
and more energy can be provided for energy-dependent tolerance mecha-
nisms such as the synthesis of compatible solutes and antioxidants, thus
increasing the suitability of plants as crops in future. A detailed knowledge
of the physiological and biochemical basis of drought and salt tolerance
and its interaction with elevated CO2 concentration can provide a basis for
the cultivation of suitable plants in regions threatened by desertification
and water scarcity under sustainable culture conditions. Even the drylands
could offer tangible economic and ecological opportunities.

H.-W. Koyro () • N. Geissler

Institute of Plant Ecology, Justus Liebig University
Giessen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26-32,
35392 Giessen, Germany
P. Ahmad
Department of Botany, Amar Singh College,
Srinagar 190008, Jammu & Kashmir, India

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 1
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_1,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
2 H.-W. Koyro et al.

The aim of this chapter is to uncover how compatible solutes and anti-
oxidants alleviate environmental stress, especially drought and salt stress,
and the role elevated CO2 concentrations can play in this context, so that
early indicators allowing successful breeding can be identified and the
potential of plants as crops in a CO2 rich world can be assessed.

Abiotic stress • Antioxidants • Osmolytes • Oxidative stress

The latest scientific data confirm that the

1 Introduction earth’s climate is rapidly changing. Due to rising
concentrations of CO2 and other atmospheric
Plants are continuously affected by a variety of trace gases, global temperatures have increased
environmental factors. Whereas biotic environ- by about 1°C over the course of the last century,
mental factors are other organisms such as sym- and will likely rise even more rapidly in coming
bionts, parasites, pathogens, herbivores, and decades (IPCC 2007). Scientists predict that tem-
competitors, abiotic factors include parameters peratures could rise by another 3–9°C by the end
and resources which determine plant growth like of the century with far-reaching effects. Increased
temperature, relative humidity, light, availability drought and salinization of arable land are
of water, mineral nutrients, and CO2, as well as expected to have devastating global effects (Wang
wind, ionizing radiation, or pollutants (Schulze et al. 2003b). Abiotic stress is already the pri-
et al. 2002). The effect each abiotic factor has on mary reason of crop loss worldwide, reducing
the plant depends on its quantity or intensity. For average yields for most major crop plants by
optimal growth, the plant requires a certain quan- more than 50% (Bray et al. 2000; Wang et al.
tity of each abiotic environmental factor. Any 2003b). It will soon become even more severe as
deviation from such optimal external conditions, desertification will further increase and the cur-
that is, an excess or deficit in the chemical or rent amount of annual loss of arable area may
physical environment, is regarded as abiotic double by the end of the century because of
stress and adversely affects plant growth, devel- global warming (Evans 2005; Vinocur and
opment, and/or productivity (Bray et al. 2000). Altman 2005). Simultaneously, rapid population
Abiotic stress factors include, for example, extreme growth increasingly generates pressure on exist-
temperatures (heat, cold, and freezing), too high or ing cultivated land and other resources (Ericson
too low irradiation, water logging, drought, inad- et al. 1999). Population migration to those arid
equate mineral nutrients in the soil, and exces- and semiarid areas increases the problems of
sive soil salinity. As especially drought and salt water shortage and worsens the situation of land
stress are becoming more and more serious degradation in the destination, and in turn causes
threats to agriculture and the natural status of the severe problems of poverty, social instability, and
environment, this chapter will focus on these population health threats (Moench 2002). Water
stress factors. They are recurring features of scarcity and desertification could critically under-
nearly all the world’s climatic regions since vari- mine efforts for sustainable development, intro-
ous critical environmental threats with global ducing new threats to human health, ecosystems,
implications have linkages to water crises (Gleick and national economies of various countries.
1994, 1998, 2000). These threats are collaterally Therefore, solutions to these problems are des-
catalyzed by global climate change and popula- perately needed, such as the improvement of salt
tion growth. and drought tolerance of crops, which in turn
1 Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants: An Overview 3

requires a detailed knowledge about salt and Ion toxicity (III) on saline habitats is caused
drought tolerance mechanisms in plants. by ion specific effects on membranes and pro-
The viability of plants in both dry and saline teins: On the one hand, changes of the ionic
habitats depends on their ability to cope with (I) milieu lead to alterations of the membrane poten-
water deficit due to a low water potential of the tial and thus to a destruction of biomembranes
soil and (II) restriction of CO2 uptake. Plants (Schulze et al. 2002). On the other hand, the
growing on saline soils are additionally con- hydration and charge of proteins are negatively
fronted with (III) ion toxicity and nutrient influenced, so that their precipitation is promoted,
imbalance. but their activity is reduced (Kreeb 1996). These
Water deficit (I) causes detrimental changes in effects of salt stress can be alleviated by the pro-
cellular components because the biologically tective chaperone function of compatible solutes,
active conformation and thus the correct function- similarly as explained above for osmotic stress.
ing of proteins and biomembranes depends on an When looking at drought and salt tolerance of
intact hydration shell. As a consequence, severe plants in the face of global climate change,
osmotic stress can lead to an impairment of amino another important aspect should be considered:
acid synthesis, protein metabolism, the dark reac- Compared to salinity and drought, elevated atmo-
tion of photosynthesis or respiration and can spheric CO2 concentrations have contrary effects
cause the breakdown of the osmotic system of the on plants: They often improve photosynthesis
cell (Larcher 2001; Schulze et al. 2002). Water while reducing stomatal resistance in C3 plants,
deficit can be counteracted by compatible solutes, thus increasing water use efficiency, but decreas-
organic compounds which are highly soluble and ing photorespiration and oxidative stress (Urban
do not interfere with cellular metabolism. They 2003; Kirschbaum 2004; Rogers et al. 2004).
serve as a means for osmotic adjustment and also Furthermore, more energy can be provided for
function as chaperons by attaching to proteins energy-dependent tolerance mechanisms such as
and membranes, thus preventing their denatur- the synthesis of compatible solutes and antioxi-
ation. This protective function of compatible sol- dants. Therefore, the salt and drought tolerance
utes can also alleviate ion specific effects of salt and the productivity of these plants can be
stress caused by ion toxicity and ion imbalance enhanced under elevated CO2 (Ball and Munns
such as the precipitation of proteins due to changes 1992; Wullschleger et al. 2002; Urban 2003),
in charge or the destruction of membranes caused increasing their future suitability as crops.
by alterations of the membrane potential. Against the background described earlier, this
Regarding the restriction of CO2 uptake (II), review uncovers how compatible solutes and
the negative effects of osmotic stress described antioxidants alleviate environmental stress, espe-
earlier force plants to minimize water loss; growth cially drought and salt stress, and the role elevated
depends on the ability to find the best tradeoff CO2 concentrations can play in this context.
between a low transpiration and a high net photo-
synthetic rate (Koyro 2006). However, various
plant species show a clearly reduced assimilation
rate under osmotic stress conditions due to sto- 2 Compatible Solutes Which
matal closure (Huchzermeyer and Koyro 2005). Can Prevent Detrimental
A consequence can be an excessive production of Changes Under
reactive oxygen species (ROS) which are highly Environmental Stress
destructive to lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins
(Kant et al. 2006; Türkan and Demiral 2009; Severe osmotic stress can cause detrimental
Geissler et al. 2010). However, generated ROS changes in cellular components. The best charac-
can be scavenged by the antioxidative system terized biochemical response of plant cells to
which includes nonenzymatic antioxidants and osmotic stress is the accumulation of high con-
antioxidative enzymes (Blokhina et al. 2003). centrations of either organic ions or other low
4 H.-W. Koyro et al.

Fig. 1.1 Chemical

structure of some important
compatible solutes in plants

molecular weight organic solutes termed In addition, high concentration of compatible

compatible solutes. These compounds are highly solutes exists primarily in the cytosol to balance
soluble in water, electrically neutral in the physi- the low water potentials achieved by high apo-
ological pH range, and noninhibitory to enzymes plasmic and vacuolar Na+ and Cl− concentration
even at high concentrations, so that they do not (Türkan and Demiral 2009). Recent studies indi-
interfere with essential metabolic (enzymatic) cate that compatible osmolytes also protect sub-
reactions (Rhodes et al. 2002). The structure of cellular structures and mitigate oxidative damage
some important compatible solutes is shown in caused by free radicals produced in response to
Fig. 1.1. salt stress (Slama et al. 2008; Smirnoff and
Organic solutes play a crucial role in higher Cumbes 1989). In many halophytes, organic
plants grown under dry or saline conditions. osmolytes such as Pro or GB accumulate at suit-
However, their relative contribution varies among ably high concentrations to create osmotic poten-
species, cultivars, and even between different tials even below 0.1 MPa. In contrast to
compartments within the same plant (Ashraf and halophytes, in many glycophytes the concentra-
Harris 2004). A wide range of metabolites which tions of compatible solutes do not seem to be
can prevent these detrimental changes in cellular high enough to generate sufficiently low osmotic
components have been identified, including potentials (Türkan and Demiral 2009). This dif-
mono-, di-, oligo-, and polysaccharides (glucose, ference between halophytes and glycophytes can
fructose, sucrose, trehalose, raffinose, and fruc- be used as an early indicator for salt resistance.
tans), sugar alcohols (mannitol, glycerol, and Therefore, in the next chapters, the most impor-
methylated inositols), quaternary amino acid tant compatible solutes are described in detail.
derivatives (Pro, GB, b-alaninebetaine and pro-
linebetaine), tertiary amines (1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-
2-mehyl-4-carboxyl pyrimidine), and sulfonium 2.1 Betaines
compounds (choline-O-sulphate, dimethylsul-
phoniopropionate) (Flowers and Colmer 2008; The quaternary ammonium compounds that func-
Vinocur and Altman 2005). The primary function tion as effective compatible osmolytes in plants
of compatible solutes is to reduce water poten- subject to salt stress are GB, b-alaninebetaine,
tial, to maintain turgescent cells, and to ensure prolinebetaine, choline-O-sulphate, hydroxypro-
balanced water relations (Wang et al. 2003a). linebetaine, and pipecolatebetaine (Ashraf and
1 Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants: An Overview 5

Fig. 1.2 Biosynthetic

pathway of glycinebetaine
(adopted from Ahmad and
Sharma 2008)

Harris 2004). GB occurs most abundantly in agronomical crops such as tobacco, tomato,
response to a variety of abiotic stress conditions potato, barley, maize, and rice. These plants have
by numerous organisms including bacteria, long been a potential target for engineering GB
cyanobacteria, algae, fungi, animals, and many biosynthesis pathway and thus for resistance
plant families such as Chenopodiaceae and against different environmental stress conditions
Gramineae (Türkan and Demiral 2009). This (Sairam and Tyagi 2004; Türkan and Demiral
metabolite is mainly located in chloroplasts and 2009). The importance of N-methyltransferase
plays a vital role in the stroma adjustment and for stress tolerance could also be shown for
protection of thylakoid membranes, thereby Arabidopsis. Genetically modified plants of this
maintaining the photosynthetic activity (Jagendorf genus accumulated betaine to significant levels at
and Takabe 2001). GB protects the photosystem different environmental stress conditions and
II (PS-II) complex at high salinity (Murata et al. hence improved seed yield (Waditee et al. 2005).
1992) and at extreme temperatures or pH A moderate stress tolerance was noted in some
(Mohanty et al. 1993). GB also protects mem- transgenic lines based on relative shoot growth in
branes against heat-induced destabilization and response to salinity, drought, and freezing. Huang
enzymes, such as RUBISCO, against osmotic et al. (2000) reported metabolic limitation in
stress (Mäkelä et al. 2000). In higher plants, GB betaine production in transgenic plants. In fact,
is synthesized from serine via ethanolamine, cho- Arabidopsis thaliana, Brassica napus, and
line by two-step oxidation reactions that were Nicotiana tabacum were transformed with bacte-
catalyzed by choline monooxygenase and betaine rial choline oxidase cDNA, and their levels of GB
aldehyde dehydrogenase, respectively (Russell were only between 5 and 10% of the levels found
et al. 1998; Ahmad and Sharma 2008; see in natural betaine producers.
Fig. 1.2). The insertion of serine and glycine can Beyond this, choline-fed transgenic plants
be taken as an indicator for the close relationship synthesized substantially more GB. This result
of the photorespiration (peroxisomes) to the syn- was taken as a hint that these plants require a dis-
thesis of GB. Besides this, recently a biosynthetic tinct endogenous amount of choline to synthesize
pathway of GB from glycine with the involve- an adequate amount of GB (Sairam and Tyagi
ment of two N-methyl transferase enzymes has 2004).
been reported (Waditee et al. 2005). Highly toler- The protective effect of GB at salinity or
ant genera such as Spartina and Distichlis accu- drought could also be demonstrated by exogenous
mulated the highest levels of GB, moderately application at rice seedlings, soybean, and com-
tolerant species intermediate levels, and sensitive mon beans (Ashraf and Foolad 2007; Demiral and
species hardly any GB (Rhodes and Hanson Türkan 2006). GB pretreatment also alleviated
1993). Genetic evidence that GB improves salin- salinity-induced peroxidation (oxidative damage)
ity tolerance has been obtained for many important of lipid membranes of rice cultivars. Besides rice,
6 H.-W. Koyro et al.

Fig. 1.3 Biosynthetic

pathway of proline
(adopted from Ahmad and
Sharma 2008)

the correlation between the protective effect of response to salt stress, water deficit, and other
GB and the antioxidative defense system has been abiotic stresses (Ali et al. 1999; Kavi Kishore
observed in chilling-stressed tomato (Park et al. et al. 2005; Koca et al. 2007; Ahmad and
2006), drought- or salt-stressed wheat (Raza et al. Sharma 2008). The Pro concentration is meta-
2007), and salt-stressed suspension cultured bolically controlled. This imino acid is synthe-
tobacco BY2 cells (Hoque et al. 2007). sized in plastids and cytoplasm while degraded
to l -glutamate (Glu) in mitochondria. There
are two different precursors of Pro in plants:
2.2 Amino Acids, Proline, Glu and Orn (Fig. 1.3). Pro is synthesized from
and Amides Glu via glutamic-g-semialdehyde (GSA) and
D1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C). P5C synthase
It has been reported that amino acids (such as ala- (P5CS) catalyses the conversion of Glu to P5C,
nine, arginine, glycine, serine, leucine, and valine, followed by P5C reductase (P5CR), which
the nonprotein amino acids citrulline and orni- reduces P5C to Pro (Ashraf and Foolad 2007).
thine (Orn)), together with the imino acid Pro, The other precursor for Pro biosynthesis is Orn,
and the amides such as glutamine and asparagine which is transaminated to P5C by a mitochon-
are accumulated in higher plants under salinity drial Orn-g-aminotransferase (OAT) enzyme
and drought stress (Dubey 1997; Mansour 2000). (Verbruggen and Hermans 2008). In the reverse
Pro is known to occur widely in higher plants and reaction, Pro is metabolized to Glu in a feedback
can be accumulated in considerable amounts in manner, via P5C and GSA with the aid of Pro
1 Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants: An Overview 7

dehydrogenase followed by P5C dehydrogenase Ashraf and Foolad 2007; Lee et al. 2008). Pro is
(P5CDH) (Wang et al. 2003a). also involved in alleviation of cytoplasmic aci-
The contribution of Glu and Orn pathways to dosis and sustaining NADP+/NADPH ratios at
stress-induced Pro synthesis differs between spe- required levels for metabolism (Hare and Cress
cies, and it has been shown that stress-tolerant 1997), thus supporting redox cycling (Babiychuk
plants are able to accumulate Pro in higher con- et al. 1995).
centrations than stress-sensitive plants. Slama Transgenic approaches proved an enhancement
et al. (2008) showed a positive correlation of plant stress tolerance via overproduction of
between Pro accumulation and tolerance to salt, Pro. For instance, transgenic tobacco (N. tabacum),
drought, and the combined effects of these overexpressing the p5cs gene that encodes P5CS,
stresses. Osmotic stress (particularly mannitol produced 10- to 18-fold more Pro and exhibited
stress) led to a considerable increase of the Pro better tolerance under salt stress (Kavi Kishor
concentration in the obligatory halophyte et al. 2005). In Arabidopsis, the overexpression of
Sesuvium portulacastrum, while the contents in an antisense Pro dehydrogenase cDNA resulted in
soluble sugars and in Na+ remained unchanged. an increased accumulation of Pro and a constitu-
In drought-stressed plants, the concentration of tive tolerance to freezing and a higher salt toler-
K+, Na+, Cl−, and Pro, as well as ornithine-d- ance (Nanjo et al. 2003). Similarly, Borsani et al.
aminotransferase (d-OAT) activity increased sig- (2005) reported that the Arabidopsis P5CDH
nificantly. Inversely, Pro dehydrogenase activity (D1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase) and
was impaired. Re-watering leads to a recovery of SRO5, an overlapping gene of unknown function
these parameters at values close to those of plants in the antisense orientation, produced two types of
permanently irrigated with 100% of field capacity. siRNAs, 24-nt siRNA and 21-nt siRNA. In fact,
The presence of NaCl and mannitol in the culture they compared the levels of salt stress-induced
medium (ionic and osmotic stress) led to a sig- Pro accumulation in various mutant plants (dcl2,
nificant increase of the Na+ and Pro concentration sgs3, rdr6, and nrpd1a) which lacked SRO5-
in the leaves, but it had no effect on leaf soluble P5CDH nat-siRNAs and cleavage of the P5CDH
sugar content. Slama et al. (2007a, b) assumed transcript, Pro accumulation was not significantly
that the ability of NaCl to improve plant perfor- induced by salt stress or was induced to a lesser
mance under mannitol-induced water stress is extent than in the corresponding wild type. This
caused by an improved osmotic adjustment result is consistent with their inability to down-
through Na+ and Pro accumulation, which is regulate P5CDH under stress, thereby causing a
coupled with the maintenance of the photosyn- continued Pro catabolism and reduced Pro accu-
thetic activity. Similarly, the Pro concentration in mulation. In contrast, the dcl1 and rdr2 mutants,
the roots of salt tolerant alfalfa plants rapidly which were able to degrade P5CDH mRNA, had
doubled under salt stress and was significantly the same Pro level as the wild type under salt
higher than in salt sensitive genotypes (Petrusa stress. The wild-type level of Pro accumulation in
and Winicov 1997). In addition to its role as an dcl1 indicates that although the 21-nt P5CDH nat-
osmolyte for osmotic adjustment, Pro contributes siRNAs were not produced, the 24-nt SRO5-
to stabilizing subcellular structures (membranes P5CDH nat-siRNA alone was sufficient to cause
and proteins) by forming clusters with water the downregulation of P5CDH (Fig. 1.4).
molecules which attach to proteins and membranes An alternative approach to improve plant
and prevent their denaturation (Koca et al. 2007; stress tolerance is the exogenous application of
Ashraf and Foolad 2007; Lee et al. 2008). Due to Pro, which can lead to either osmoprotection or
its protective function on membranes it can also cryoprotection. For example, in various plant
improve cell water status and ion homeostasis species growing under salt stress, among them
(Gadallah 1999; Gleeson et al. 2005), and it can the halophyte Allenrolfea occidentalis, exoge-
scavenge free radicals and buffer cellular redox nous application of Pro led to a higher osmopro-
potential under stress conditions (Koca et al. 2007; tection and an increased growth (Yancey 1994).
8 H.-W. Koyro et al.

Fig. 1.4 Diagram of

phased processing of
SRO5-P5CDH nat-siRNAs
and its role in a salt-stress
regulatory loop (Borsani
et al. 2005)

2.3 Sugars and Sugar Alcohols There is a difference between starch and sugar
accumulation in short- and long-term reaction
Several studies have been attempted to relate the (da Silva and Arrabaca 2004). In short-term water
magnitude of changes in soluble carbohydrates to stress experiments, a decrease in sucrose and
salinity tolerance. Parida and Das (2005) found starch content was observed for Setaria sphace-
out that carbohydrates such as sugars (glucose, lata, a naturally adapted C4 grass while in long-
fructose, sucrose, and fructans) and starch are term experiments, a higher amount of soluble
accumulated under salt stress. Furthermore, sugars and a lower amount of starch were found.
Megdiche et al. (2007) and Geissler et al. (2009a) da Silva and Arrabaca (2004) assumed that the
proved that Cakile maritima and Aster tripolium shift of metabolism towards sucrose might occur
plants accumulate high amounts of total soluble because starch synthesis and degradation are
carbohydrates and Pro at high salinity (400 and more affected than sucrose synthesis.
500 mM NaCl, respectively). The major functions Trehalose, a rare, nonreducing sugar, is pres-
of sugars and sugar alcohols are osmoprotection, ent in several bacteria and fungi and in some
osmotic adjustment, carbon storage, and radical desiccation-tolerant higher plants (Vinocur and
scavenging (Adams et al. 2005; Ashraf et al. Altman 2005). Under various abiotic stresses, the
2006; Messedi et al. 2006; Lee et al. 2008; Ahmad disaccharide trehalose accumulates in many
and Sharma 2008). Furthermore, there is a discus- organisms as an osmolyte and osmoprotectant,
sion about that they serve as molecular chaper- protects membranes and proteins in cells, and
ones (Hasegawa et al. 2000; Liu et al. 2006). reduces the aggregation of denatured proteins
1 Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants: An Overview 9

(Ashraf and Harris 2004). In the transgenic plants, 2.4 Polyamines

a comparatively moderate increase in trehalose
levels lead to a higher photosynthetic rate and to Under stressful conditions, different plant species
a decrease in photooxidative damage during respond differently towards levels of polyamines.
stress. Trehalose is thought to protect biological Some might accumulate polyamines in response
molecules from environmental stress (such as to stress, while others do not increase or even
desiccation-induced damage), as suggested by its decrease their endogenous polyamine contents
reversible water-absorption capacity (Penna when exposed to harsh environments. It is pro-
2003). It was shown that the contents of reducing posed that PA play a defensive role during biotic
and nonreducing sugars and the activity of stress responses (Walters 2003a, b). One of the
sucrose phosphate synthase increase under salt examples is the hypersensitive response (HR)
stress, whereas starch phosphorylase activity which consists of rapid cell death at the sight of
decreases (Dubey and Singh 1999). pathogen entry, typically develops in the interac-
In general, the sugar alcohols are divided in tion between tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and
acyclic (e.g., mannitol) and cyclic (e.g., pinitol) N resistance gene carrying N. tabacum and leads
polyols. Polyols can make up a considerable per- to enhanced polyamine synthesis and accumula-
centage of all assimilated CO2 and can have sev- tion (Kusano et al. 2008). It is also believed that
eral functions such as compatible solutes, low stress-induced polyamines tend to modulate the
molecular weight chaperones, and scavengers of activity of a certain set of ion channels to adapt
stress-induced oxygen radicals (Bohnert et al. ionic fluxes in response to environmental changes.
1995). Polyols act in two indistinguishable ways, Many more examples of responses to biotic stress
namely, osmotic adjustment and osmoprotection have been quoted by Kusano et al. (2008).
(Parida and Das 2005). In osmotic adjustment they Various abiotic stress conditions have been
act as osmolytes, facilitating the retention of water reported to alter the concentration of polyamines
in the cytoplasm and enabling the sequestration of (Bouchereau et al. 1999; Walters 2003a).
sodium into the vacuole or apoplast (cell wall). Exogenous polyamine application and/or inhibi-
These osmolytes protect cellular structures by tors of enzymes involved in polyamine biosyn-
interacting with membranes, protein complexes, thesis pointed out a possible role of these
or enzymes. For instance, mannitol, a sugar alco- compounds in plant adaptation/defense to several
hol that accumulates upon salt and water stress environmental stresses (Bouchereau et al. 1999;
can alleviate abiotic stress. Transgenic wheat Alcázar et al. 2006; Groppa and Benavides 2008;
expressing the mannitol-1-phosphatase dehydro- Alcázar et al. 2010). More recent studies using
genase gene (mtlD) of Escherichia coli was sig- either transgenic overexpression or loss-of-
nificantly more tolerant to water and salt stress function mutants support this protective/adap-
(Abebe et al. 2003). Consequently, the transgenic tive/defensive role of PAs in plant response to
wheat plants showed an increase in biomass, plant abiotic stress (Alcázar et al. 2006; Kusano et al.
height, and number of secondary stems (tillers). 2008; Gill and Tuteja 2010). For example,
The cyclic sugar alcohols pinitol and ononitol Arabidopsis plants overexpressing Cucurbita
were accumulated in tolerant species such as the ficifolia Spd synthase gene were tolerant of mul-
facultative halophyte Mesembryanthemum crys- tistresses (chilling, freezing, salinity, drought,
tallinum when exposed to salinity or water deficit and paraquat toxicity) (Kusano et al. 2007;
(Bohnert and Jensen 1996). Pinitol can be synthe- Tassoni et al. 2010). According to Rhee et al.
sized from myoinositol by the sequential catalysis (2007), the basic principle underlying polyamine
of inositol methyl transferase and ononitol epim- adaptive responses appears to be shared by the
erase. An inositol methyl transferase (Imt) cDNA prokaryotic stringent response and the eukaryotic
was isolated from transcripts in M. crystallinum unfolded protein response (UPR). UPR is trig-
growing under saline conditions (Vernon and gered when unfolded proteins and uncharged
Bohnert 1992), and transgenic tobacco for Imt has tRNAs accumulate in the endoplasmic reticu-
been obtained (Vernon et al. 1993). lum (ER) due to ER stress or nutrient starvation.
10 H.-W. Koyro et al.

As a result of this, cap-dependent translation of

many mRNAs is suppressed and the expression
3 Oxidative Stress
of a certain set of genes including the luminal and Antioxidative Responses
binding protein gene BiP is induced. The under- to Environmental Stress
lying mechanisms of UPR in yeasts and mam-
mals have been well researched (Rutkowski and 3.1 Production of ROS
Kaufman 2004), although those in plants have
not (Kamauchi et al. 2005; Urade 2007; Kusano Environmental stresses are responsible for the
et al. 2008). Recently, nitric oxide (NO), an production of ROS. The production and removal
endogenous signaling molecule in plants and ani- of ROS is thought to be at equilibrium under nor-
mals, has gained considerable importance in the mal conditions, whereas environmental stress
PA studies. It is known to mediate responses to disturbs this equilibrium by enhancing the pro-
biotic and abiotic stresses. It has been reported by duction of ROS. ROS are very toxic for the organ-
Tun et al. (2006) that spermine and spermidine ism as they affect the structure and function of
are potent inducers of NO in Arabidopsis, but the biomolecules. The main source of ROS pro-
putrescine and its biosynthetic precursor arginine duction in plants is chloroplasts, mitochondria,
are not. There are many more examples of NO and peroxisomes (Fig. 1.5).
affecting the concentrations of PAs and over the Mitochondria are responsible for the generation
past few years studies on polyamines and NO are of oxygen radicals and hydrogen peroxide due to
gaining attention (Kusano et al. 2008). the overreduction of the electron transport chain.

Fig. 1.5 Sites of reactive

oxygen species (ROS) and
the biological conse-
quences leading to a
variety of physiological
dysfunctions that can lead
to cell death (adopted from
Ahmad et al. 2008)
1 Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants: An Overview 11

Chloroplasts are found to be the major pro- 3.2 Enzymatic Antioxidants

ducer of O2 and H2O2 (Davletova et al. 2005).
This is because the oxygen pressure in the chlo- 3.2.1 Superoxide Dismutase
roplast is higher than in other organelles. SOD is one of the ubiquitous enzymes in aerobic
Photoreduction of O2 to O2•− during the photosyn- organisms and plays a key role in cellular defense
thetic electron transport takes place and is called mechanisms against ROS. Within a cell, the
Mehler reaction. The production of superoxides SODs constitute the first line of defense against
is due to the reduction of molecular oxygen in the ROS. Its activity modulates the reactive amounts
plastoquinone pool. This reduction may be due to of O2•− and H2O2, the two Haber–Weiss reaction
the plastosemiquinone, by ferredoxin (Fd) or by substrates, and decreases the risk of OH radical
sulfur redox centers in the electron transport formation, which is highly reactive and may
chain within PSI (Dat et al. 2000). These super- cause severe damage to membranes, proteins,
oxides are converted to hydrogen peroxide either and DNA (reviewed by Ahmad et al. 2010b).
spontaneously or by the action of the enzyme SOD was for the first time reported by Cannon
SOD. Hydrogen peroxide is also responsible for et al. (1987) in maize and it catalyzes the dismu-
the production of hydroxyl radicals (OH•). tation of superoxide into hydrogen peroxide and
The major producer of H2O2 in plant cells are molecular oxygen.
peroxisomes. It has been reported that peroxi-
somes are also responsible for the production of 2H + + 2• O2 - ® 2H 2 O2 + O2
superoxides (O2−). In peroxisomes, the produc-
tion of O2− occurs in the peroxisomal matrix and Different types of SOD isoforms have been
the peroxisomal membrane. In the peroxisomal observed in plants on the basis of metal cofactors
matrix, the oxidation of xanthine and hypoxan- attached to the active site. The isozyme containing
thine to uric acid in the presence of the enzyme Mn II at its active site is known as Mn-SOD.
xanthine oxidase generates O2− radicals (Halliwell Similarly, the isozyme the active site of which
and Gutteridge 2000). Peroxisomes have got two contains Cu II and Zn II is known as Cu/Zn-SOD.
pathways for the production of H2O2. One is the The third isozyme contains Fe III and is referred
disproportionation of O2− generated in this organ- to as Fe-SOD. The fourth SOD isoform contains
elle and the other is a direct pathway. During pho- Ni at the active site, is called Ni-SOD and is
torespiration glycolate is catalyzed by glycolate found in several Streptomyces species (Youn et al.
oxidase, yielding H2O2. Fatty acid b-oxidation, 1996) and cyanobacteria (Palenik et al. 2003).
the enzymatic reaction of flavin oxidases, can Ni-SOD has not been reported in plants yet. Whereas
also produce H2O2 (Baker and Graham 2002; del only one type of SOD is found in most organ-
Rio et al. 2002). isms, plants have multiple form of each type,
ROS include 1O2, O2•−, H2O•, H2O2, OH•, RO• which are encoded by more than one gene, indi-
organic hydroperoxide (ROOH), excited carbonyl cating that plants have more complex antioxidant
(RO•), etc. They cause damage to biomolecules defense systems than other organisms.
like proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and DNA, Several studies have reported enhanced stress
which ultimately results in cell death (Foyer and tolerance related to overproduction of chloro-
Noctor 2005). Fortunately, plants are equipped plastic SOD (Pastori and Foyer 2002). In maize
with an antioxidant machinery that scavenges the leaves, GR and DHAR were exclusively local-
ROS and helps the plant to tolerate the stress con- ized in mesophyll cells whereas most of the SOD
ditions. The antioxidants include enzymatic anti- and APX were localized in mesophyll and bundle
oxidants, viz., superoxide dismutase (SOD), sheath cells. Increased SOD activity was reported
catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glu- in Radix astragali under water deficit stress,
tathione reductase (GR), etc., and nonenzymatic which varied in three different genotypes (Tan
antioxidants like ascorbic acid (AsA), vitamin E et al. 2006). Chilling stress has a significant effect
(a-tocopherol), reduced glutathione (GSH), etc. in the enhancement of SOD activity in cucumber
12 H.-W. Koyro et al.

seedlings (Feng et al. 2003). The increase in SOD genic rice plants expressing Mn-SOD have shown
activity under drought stress was about 25% in reduced injury and sustained photosynthesis under
soybean plants (Zhang et al. 2007). SOD activity PEG stress. Overexpression of Cu/Zn-SOD and
was doubled in water stressed citrus plants when APX in transgenic tobacco enhanced seed longev-
compared to well-watered control plants during ity and germination rates after various environ-
seedling stage (Wu et al. 2006). mental stresses (Lee et al. 2010). Transgenic
SOD activity increased under drought stress in tobacco expressing Cu/Zn-SOD have been shown
Euphorbia esula (Davis and Swanson 2001), to tolerate chilling and heat stress (Gupta et al.
maize (Pastori et al. 2000), Cassia angustifolia 1993) and enhanced tolerance to salt, water, and
(Agarwal and Pandey 2003), wheat (Singh and PEG stress (Badawi et al. 2004). Prashanth et al.
Usha 2003), rice (Wang et al. 2005), P. acutifolius (2008) have also demonstrated that Cu/Zn-SOD
(Turkan et al. 2005), and Camellia sinensis (Chen confers tolerance to salinity in rice plants.
et al. 2011), and the SOD activity was higher under
salinity stress in C. roseus (Jaleel et al. 2008) and 3.2.2 Catalase
Morus alba (Ahmad et al. 2010a). While subject- Plant catalases are tetrameric iron porphyrins and
ing higher plants to water deficit stress SOD activ- play a role in stress tolerance against oxidative
ity increases (Reddy et al. 2004). Koca et al. stress. Catalases are produced in peroxisomes
(2007) have shown that elevated SOD activity is and glyoxysomes. Catalases are involved in elim-
accompanied with an increase in the activity of inating hydrogen peroxide generated by different
major H2O2 scavenging enzymes like APX, CAT, environmental stresses (Kim et al. 2008; Ahmad
and POX in salt tolerant sesame cultivar et al. 2010b). Catalases decompose hydrogen
Cumhuriyat as compared to cultivar Orhangazi. peroxide to water and molecular oxygen without
SOD activity increased by 1.6-fold in a salt tolerant consuming reductants and may thus provide plant
mutant of Chrysanthemum compared to a non- cells with an energy efficient mechanism to
tolerant one under NaCl stress (Hossain et al. remove hydrogen peroxide (reviewed by Ahmad
2006). An increased activity of SOD enzyme has et al. 2010b). The enzyme is abundant in the gly-
also been reported under different abiotic oxysomes of lipid-storing tissues in germinating
stresses in Catharanthus roseus (Jaleel et al. 2007), barley, where it decomposes H2O2 formed during
Pisum sativum (Ahmad et al. 2008), M. alba the b-oxidation of fatty acids (Jiang and Zhang
(Ahmad et al. 2010a), and Brassica juncea 2002) and in the peroxisomes of the leaves of C3
(Ahmad 2010; Ahmad et al. 2011). SOD activity plants, where it removes H2O2 produced during
has also been observed to increase by the applica- photorespiration by the conversion of glycolate
tion of heavy metals such as cadmium (Shah et al. into glyoxylate (Kiani et al. 2008). This is also
2001; John et al. 2009; Ahmad et al. 2011), lead due to the fact that there is a proliferation of per-
(Verma and Dubey 2003; John et al. 2009), and oxisomes during stress, which might help in
copper (Lombardi and Sebastiani 2005). Canola scavenging H2O2, which can diffuse from the
overexpressing Mn-SOD confers tolerance to alu- cytosol (Lopez-Huertas et al. 2000; Kusaka
minum stress (Basu et al. 2001). Overexpression et al. 2005).
of Mn-SOD in transgenic Arabidopsis showed a High temperatures affect the structure of most
twofold increase in Mn-SOD activity and higher proteins and thus the activity of many enzymes.
tolerance to salt as compared to nontransgenic Hertwig et al. (1992) have demonstrated that the
plants (Wang et al. 2004). Tanaka et al. (1999) translation of catalase was hampered at 40°C.
demonstrated that expression of yeast mitochon- Anderson (2002) showed that high temperature is
drial Mn-SOD in rice chloroplasts led to a 1.7- responsible for the decrease in catalase activity in
fold increase in Mn-SOD as compared to pepper plants. In comparison, the desert plant
nontransgenic plants. Transgenic Arabidopsis Retama raetam exposed to heat shock tempera-
with Mn-SOD confers tolerance to heat (Im et al. ture showed only a minor inactivation of catalase
2009). Wang et al. (2005) demonstrated that trans- activity (Streb et al. 1997). Scandalios et al.
1 Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants: An Overview 13

(2000) have also observed a reduced catalase and guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) have a high affin-
activity in maize on exposure to temperatures of ity towards H2O2 (Mittler and Poulos 2005). APX
35–40°C. isozymes have been found to be most stress
Sublethal doses of NaCl induce catalase activ- responsive among the APX gene family during
ity in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia through activa- environmental stress (Mittler and Poulos 2005).
tion of cat2 and cat3 genes (Savoure et al. 1999). APX1 has been found to enhance in response to
However, catalase activity was found to decrease environmental stress (Mittler 2002; Shigeoka
due to the salt stress because of accumulation of et al. 2002). APX2 is expressed under stressful
salicylic acid (Shim et al. 2003). Vaidyanathan conditions and its expression is elevated in
et al. (2003) have demonstrated that salt tolerant response to light stress or heat shock (Mullineaux
rice cultivars contain higher levels of catalase and Karpinski 2002; Panchuk et al. 2002).
activity compared to susceptible cultivars. Cytosolic APX1 has been found to protect
Increase in catalase activity during salt stress Arabidopsis plants from a combination of stresses
has also been shown by other workers in maize (Koussevitzky et al. 2008). Lu et al. (2007) dem-
(Azevedo-Neto et al. 2006; Arora et al. 2008), in onstrated that cAPX improves salt tolerance in
sesame (Koca et al. 2007), and in mulberry transgenic Arabidopsis.
(Ahmad et al. 2010a). Mittler et al. (1999) have demonstrated that
Catalase activity has also been found to suppression of APX1 in tobacco leads to a higher
decrease in presence of heavy metal stress sensitivity of the plant to pathogen attacks.
(Mishra et al. 2006; Khan et al. 2007; Mobin and Overexpression of APX1 resulted in enhanced
Khan 2007; Ahmad et al. 2011). Verma and tolerance to oxidative stress in tobacco (Yabuta
Dubey (2003) also demonstrated that the activity et al. 2002). Biologists have demonstrated the
of catalase declines in rice plants with increasing importance of APX1 by using APX1 knockout
concentration of Pb. John et al. (2009) also mutants. The plants lacking APX1 have showed
reported that an increase in Cd and Pb concentra- delayed growth, no response of guard cells
tions decreases the catalase activity in mustard. towards light, and light stress resulted in an
Decrease in catalase may be due to the inhibition induction of catalase and heat shock proteins
of enzyme synthesis or change in assembly of (Pnueli et al. 2003). The accumulation of H2O2 is
enzyme subunits (Shah et al. 2001). responsible for the abnormal closure of stomata
in knockout APX1 plants (Pnueli et al. 2003).
The induction of heat shock proteins in knockout
3.2.3 Ascorbate Peroxidase
APX1 plants may be due to an enhanced level of
APX is an important antioxidant enzyme mainly
H2O2 which is considered as an essential signal-
found in higher plants and algae (Raven 2003).
ing molecule during abiotic stress (Mittler 2002;
APX helps to detoxify H2O2 in the ascorbate-
Neill et al. 2002).
glutathione (= Halliwell-Asada) pathway. APX
utilizes ascorbic acid and reduces H2O2 to water 3.2.4 Glutathione Reductase
and monodehydroascorbate (MDA). GR is a flavo-protein oxidoreductase and is
found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes
2AsA + H 2 O2 ® 2MDA + 2H 2 O (Romero-Puertas et al. 2006). GR is an important
enzyme of the ascorbate–glutathione system and
APX was first isolated from chloroplasts and maintains the balance between reduced glutathi-
algae (Shigeoka et al. 1980; Nakano and Asada one (GSH) and the ascorbate pool (reviewed by
1981). Different isoforms of APX which include Ahmad et al. 2010b). Meldrum and Tarr (1935)
thylakoid (tAPX), glyoxisomal (gmAPX), for the first time reported GR in eukaryotes and
stromal (sAPX), and cytosolic (cAPX) have been yeast, and in 1951 it was also observed in plants
reported (Shigeoka et al. 2002; Mittler et al. (Conn and Vennesland 1951; Mapson and
2004). In comparison to other antioxidants, APX Goddard 1951). Later on GR has been isolated
14 H.-W. Koyro et al.

from different plants and bacteria (Creissen et al. tolerance to paraquat and H2O2 stress (Lederer
1991; Creissen and Mullineaux 1995). GR is and Böger 2003).
mainly found in chloroplasts (70–80%), and
small amounts have been found in mitochondria,
cytosol, and peroxisomes (Edwards et al. 1990; 3.3 Nonenzymatic Antioxidants
Romero-Puertas et al. 2006). GR catalyzes the
reduction of glutathione in the cell. GSH is oxi- 3.3.1 Ascorbic Acid
dized to GSSG which should be converted back Among the small molecular antioxidants in
to GSH in normal cells. Rapid recycling of GSH plants, ascorbate is most abundant and is most
is more important than the synthesis of GSH. concentrated in leaves and meristems (reviewed
Hence GR and GSH have been found to play a by Ahmad et al. 2010b). It is about five to ten
very crucial role in stress tolerance in plants. GR times more concentrated than GSH in leaves
plays an important role in alleviating oxidative (Ishikawa et al. 2006). AsA is present in high
stress in plants as evidenced by increased activi- concentration in fruits, especially citrus fruits,
ties of GR during oxidative stress (Contour-Ansel but the concentration in fruits is not always
et al. 2006; Khan et al. 2007; Mobin and Khan higher than in leaves (Davey et al. 2000). Some
2007; Hsu and Kao 2007). Increased activities of fruits such as blackcurrants and rose hips are
GR during drought stress were observed in dif- famous for their exceptionally high ascorbate
ferent plants, e.g. in wheat (Selote and Khanna- content (Ishikawa et al. 2006). AsA occurs in all
Chopra 2006) and in rice (Selote and subcellular compartments, and the concentration
Khanna-Chopra 2004; Srivalli et al. 2003; varies from 20 mM in the cytosol to 300 mM in
Sharma and Dubey 2005). Salt stress also chloroplasts (Noctor and Foyer 1998). The syn-
increased the GR activity in rice (Demiral and thesis of AsA takes place in mitochondria and is
Turkan 2005; Tsai et al. 2005) and wheat (Sairam transported to other cell compartments through a
et al. 2005). A positive correlation between the proton electrochemical gradient or through facil-
increased activity of GR and chilling tolerance itated diffusion (Horemans et al. 2000).
has been reported in rice (Guo et al. 2006), in Franceschi and Tarlyn (2002) reported the pres-
maize (Hodges et al. 1997a, b) and tomato ence of ascorbate in the phloem sap of A. thali-
(Walker and McKersie 1993). Heavy metal stress ana. Other species of plants have also been
is also responsible for the increase in the activity reported to contain ascorbate in the phloem sap,
of GR in plants. Mulberry plants exposed to cop- e.g. cucurbita (Hancock et al. 2008). This led to
per stress exhibit an increased GR activity the conclusion that ascorbate is transported from
(Tewari et al. 2006). A positive correlation of source (leaves) to sink (meristem) (Ishikawa
increased GR activity in presence of Cd has been et al. 2006).
reported in potato, radish, soybean, sugarcane, Ascorbate plays an important role in plants
and mustard (Stroinski et al. 1999; Vitoria et al. as an antioxidant and as a cofactor of many
2001; Ferreira et al. 2002; Fornazier et al. 2002; enzymes (Ishikawa et al. 2006). As an antioxi-
Mobin and Khan 2007). Transgenic tobacco dant, ascorbate protects plants from oxidative
plants expressing the gor2 gene from E. coli stress. Ascorbate peroxidase utilizes ascorbic
showed an increase in GR activity (Stevens et al. acid and reduces H2O2 to water, thereby generating
2000). Pilon-Smith et al. (2000) observed that monodehydroascorbate (MDA) in the ascorbate–
cytosol GR increases by 2-fold and chloroplast glutathione cycle (Pan et al. 2003). MDA can
GR increases by 50-fold in transgenic plants of also be reduced directly to AsA in the presence of
B. juncea expressing the gor2 gene from E. coli. the catalytic enzyme MDAR and the electron
These transgenic plants showed an enhanced tol- donor NADPH (Asada 1999). Maddison et al.
erance to Cd stress up to 100 mM. Expression of (2002) have reported that ascorbate plays a role
the gor2 gene from E. coli in tobacco (cv. Belw3) in the defense against ozone. AsA has the capa-
showed an increased activity of GR and increases bility of donating electrons in various enzymatic
1 Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants: An Overview 15

and nonenzymatic reactions and is thus a powerful l-cysteine, and glycine. GSH is distributed
radical scavenger. It can directly scavenge 1O2, universally in animals, plants, and microorgan-
O2•−, and −OH radicals produced in the cell and isms and has an established role as an essential
can protect membranes against oxidative stress. compound of a free radical scavenger (Monneveux
In plant cells, the most important reducing sub- et al. 2006). GSH participates in numerous cellu-
strate for H2O2 detoxification is ascorbic acid lar processes and protects cells from the toxic
(Turkan et al. 2005). An increase in oxidized effects of many ROS (Petropoulos et al. 2008).
ascorbate during Cd stress has been reported by Additionally, GSH is involved in other biological
Demirevska-Kepova et al. (2006) in Hordeum functions, such as regulation of protein and DNA
vulgare. Yang et al. (2008) also reported that synthesis, protein activities, and maintaining
drought stress increases the ascorbate content in membrane integrity (Cabuslay et al. 2002). Meyer
Picea asperata. Water stress results in significant et al. (2005) reported that levels of H2O2 are con-
increases in antioxidant AsA concentration in trolled by the action of glutathione. Reduction of
turfgrass (Zhang and Schmidt 2000; Vranova glutathione (GSH) and oxidation of glutathione
et al. 2002; Jaleel et al. 2007). Ascorbic acid (GSSG) are necessary for controlling H2O2 levels
shows a reduction under drought stress in maize in cells and have an important role in redox signal-
and wheat, suggesting its vital involvement in ing (Pastori and Foyer 2002. Reduced glutathione
oxidative response (Vertovec et al. 2001; Nayyar is directly involved in the reduction of ROS in
and Gupta 2006). plants. Transgenic tobacco expressing glutathione
gene withstands oxidative stress (Singh and
3.3.2 a-Tocopherol Verma 2001).
Plants have the capacity to synthesize a lipophylic Glutathione is a tripeptide (a-glutamyl cystei-
antioxidant known as a-tocopherol or vitamin E. nylglycine) and is found in the cytosol, chloro-
a-tocopherol scavenges free radicals in combina- plasts, ER, vacuoles, and mitochondria (Sankar
tion with other antioxidants (Munne-Bosch and et al. 2007a, b). The nonprotein thiols are nucleo-
Algere 2003; Massacci et al. 2008). It has also philic in nature and thus are important for
been reported that a-tocopherol protects the the formation of mercaptide bonds with metals
structure and function of PSII as it chemically and for reacting with selective electrophiles
reacts with O2 in chloroplasts (Lopez-Huertas et al. (Rodriguez et al. 2005). In most plants, the major
2000; Nordberg and Arner 2001). Munne-Bosch source of these nonprotein thiols is glutathione.
and Algere (2003) reported that a-tocopherol helps Glutathione is considered the most important
in membrane stabilization and alleviates the nonenzymatic antioxidant due to its relative sta-
tolerance of plants during oxidative stress. bility and high water solubility (Samarah 2005).
Environmental stresses are responsible for the It can protect plant cells from environmental
generation of low molecular mass antioxidants stress-induced oxidative stress (Samarah 2005).
such as a-tocopherol (Lowlor and Cornic 2002;
Munne-Bosch and Algere 2003; Mahajan and
Tuteja 2005; Martinez et al. 2007).
4 The Effect of Elevated
Falk et al. (2003) reported the upregulation of
genes of a-tocopherol synthesis during oxida- Atmospheric CO2
tive stress. Water stress resulted in elevated lev- Concentration on
els of a-tocopherol in Vigna plants (Manivannan Antioxidants and Osmolytes
et al. 2007) and turfgrass (Zhang and Schmidt Under Environmental Stress
Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration leads to
3.3.3 Reduced Glutathione a higher CO2 concentration gradient between the
Glutathione (l-glutamyl-l-cysteinylglycine, GSH) outside air and the intercellular spaces of the
is a thiol compound composed of l-glutamic acid, leaves, so that the diffusion of CO2 into the leaves
16 H.-W. Koyro et al.

and the pCO2/pO2 ratio at the sites of photoreduc- improved water use efficiency and a decreased
tion is increased (Robredo et al. 2007). Therefore, photorespiration in Medicago sativa under
usually photorespiration and the rates of oxygen drought stress. As a consequence, the cells
activation and ROS formation are reduced due to showed a higher reducing status, increased ascor-
an increased NADPH utilization, whereas the net bate/dehydroascorbate and GSH/GSSG ratios.
photosynthetic rate and thus the carbon supply is There was no demand for a higher GR activity
enhanced, especially in C3 plants (Polle 1996; (no CO2 effect) and less requirement for Ca2+
Urban 2003; Kirschbaum 2004; Long et al. 2004; ATPase activity to maintain Ca2+ homeostasis
Hikosaka et al. 2005; Ignatova et al. 2005). under stress conditions. Similarly, in cold stressed
Furthermore, we often find a lower stomatal maize elevated CO2 had no effect on SOD, CAT,
resistance (Hsiao and Jackson 1999; Li et al. and APX activities, but the formation of superox-
2003; Marchi et al. 2004; Rogers et al. 2004), ide radicals and membrane injury was reduced
which together with the higher net assimilation (Baczek-Kwinta and Ko cielniak 2003). The alle-
also leads to a better water use efficiency of pho- viation of oxidative stress was probably due to a
tosynthesis (Amthor 1999; Morgan et al. 2001; higher CO2 assimilation, overcoming the Rubisco
Urban 2003). As a consequence of these effects, limitation under low temperature. In some cases
on the one hand there might be less need for anti- elevated CO2 even leads to reduced activities of
oxidants as elevated CO2 ameliorates oxidative antioxidative enzymes because there is less need
stress (Schwanz et al. 1996). On the other hand for antioxidants: Pérez-López et al. (2009)
more energy can be provided for energy-depen- reported that barley plants exposed to NaCl stress
dent stress tolerance mechanisms such as the under ambient CO2 exhibited enhanced activities
synthesis of osmolytes and antioxidants. Due to of SOD, APX, CAT, GR, and dehydroascorbate
both effects mentioned earlier, elevated CO2 can reductase (DHAR), which was accompanied by
increase plant survival under abiotic stress condi- ion leakage and lipid peroxidation. Furthermore,
tions (Ball and Munns 1992; Rozema 1993; the expression ratio of enzyme isoforms changed,
Drake et al. 1997; Fangmeier and Jäger 2001; e.g. a relatively higher contribution of GR1 rela-
Wullschleger et al. 2002; Urban 2003; Geissler tive to GR2 and of Cu/Zn-SOD (which seems to
et al. 2010). be especially important for salt tolerance in
Regarding oxidative stress, the antioxidant Hordeum vulgare) was observed. Elevated CO2
system can respond differently to elevated CO2 ameliorated ion leakage and lipid peroxidation,
depending on species or even genotype as well as while the plants showed a lower upregulation of
on treatment duration and growth conditions such the antioxidant enzymes and an even higher rela-
as mineral nutrition (Schwanz et al. 1996; Polle tive contribution of GR1 and of Cu/Zn-SOD. The
et al. 1997; Sanità di Toppi et al. 2002; Pérez- authors explain these results with less ROS gen-
López et al. 2009). Varying responses can be eration and a better maintenance of redox homeo-
related to a species-specific differential regula- stasis due to an enhanced photosynthesis and a
tion in order to maintain an adequate balance reduced photorespiration. Similar results were
between ROS formation and antioxidant ability found for Solanum lycopersicum by Takagi et al.
under the actual conditions (Pérez-López et al. (2009). NaCl salinity decreased plant biomass,
2009). However, many studies have reported an net assimilation, and the transport of assimilates
increased tolerance to various abiotic stresses to the sink (stem), while CAT and APX activities
under elevated CO2 due to an alleviation of oxi- increased. Under elevated CO2 the negative
dative stress: effects of salinity were alleviated, especially
In chestnut trees, photoinhibition due to high when the sink activity was relatively high, and
irradiance stress was ameliorated, and higher CAT and APX activities decreased compared to
GSH levels were found in juvenile leaves ambient CO2. The improvement of oxidative
(Carvalho and Amâncio 2002). Sgherri et al. stress (and of water relations) seemed to cause an
(2000) reported that CO2 enrichment led to an activation of sink activity under elevated CO2.
1 Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants: An Overview 17

Fig. 1.6 Antioxidant enzyme expressions (relative treatment. Significant differences (P £ 0.05) between the
volume percentages of the spots) in controls and salt treat- salinity treatments (within one CO2 treatment) are indi-
ments (75% seawater salinity) of Aster tripolium under cated by different letters, significant differences between
ambient and elevated CO2. (a) Superoxide dismutase, the CO2 treatments (within one salt treatment) are indi-
(b) ascorbate peroxidase, (c) glutathione-S-transferase. cated by an asterisk. ctr control, sal salt treatment
Values represent mean ± SD values of eight gels per

In contrast to the studies mentioned earlier, in salt stress led to an overexpression and thus to
some cases antioxidant activities are enhanced higher relative activities of the antioxidative
by elevated CO2. In ozone stressed Betula pendula, enzymes APX, SOD, and glutathione-S-
elevated CO2 eliminated the chloroplastic accu- transferase (GST), while under elevated CO2 the
mulation of H2O2, which could be explained by a expression and activities of these enzymes were
higher photosynthetic rate, leading to a higher further increased (Fig. 1.6; Geissler et al. 2010).
NADPH formation and a more efficient enzy- Similarly, elevated CO2 concentration led to a sig-
matic detoxification (e.g., via the ascorbate–glu- nificantly higher content of carotenoids –
tathione cycle; Oksanen et al. 2005). Marabottini nonenzymatic antioxidants – in the salt treatments
et al. (2001) found a higher activity of catalase (Geissler et al. 2009b). These results implicate
(CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and super- that the enhancement of enzyme expression and
oxide dismutase (SOD) in drought-stressed activity and the carotenoid content were not high
Quercus under elevated CO2. Rao et al. (1995) enough to sufficiently eliminate ROS under ambi-
observed a more persistent high activity of ent CO2 concentration. Under elevated CO2, how-
glutathione reductase (GR), APX, und SOD in ever, a higher supply of energy-rich organic
ozone-stressed wheat. Schwanz and Polle (2001) substances due to a significantly enhanced net
examined the drought tolerant species Quercus assimilation rate (Geissler et al. 2009a, b) enabled
robur and the sensitive Pinus pinaster. They the plants to invest more energy in the energy-
found out that Q. robur generally exhibits a higher dependent synthesis of enzymatic and nonenzy-
activity of several antioxidative enzymes; further- matic antioxidants. Therefore, ROS could be
more, elevated CO2 concentration ameliorated detoxified more effectively, so that salinity toler-
damage caused by drought stress in both species ance could be improved, manifesting itself in a
due to a higher stability of antioxidative enzymes higher survival rate of the salt-treated plants
and an enhanced SOD activity. Similar results (Geissler et al. 2009a).
were reported for the facultative halophyte Furthermore, investigations about A. tripolium
A. tripolium. Under ambient CO2 concentration showed that elevated CO2 concentration does not
18 H.-W. Koyro et al.

Fig. 1.7 Content of osmolytes in controls and salt (P £ 0.05) between the salinity treatments (within one CO2
treatments (75% seawater salinity) of Aster tripolium treatment) are indicated by different letters, significant
under ambient and elevated CO2. (a) Proline, (b) total differences between the CO2 treatments (within one salt
soluble carbohydrates. Values represent mean ± SD values treatment) are indicated by an asterisk. ctr control, sal salt
of six measurements per treatment. Significant differences treatment

only have an effect on antioxidants, but on osmo- due to a high content of compatible solutes even
lytes as well. This halophyte employed its at ambient CO2 concentration. Furthermore, a
additional carbon gain under elevated CO2 higher amount of soluble carbohydrates under
concentration also for a higher synthesis of elevated CO2 was found in all plant organs due to
compatible solutes (Geissler et al. 2009a): the increased photosynthesis and a lower conver-
Salinity (under ambient CO2) led to an accumula- sion of saccharides to starch. These results are in
tion of proline in all plant organs and of soluble accordance with the study of Abdel-Nasser and
carbohydrates in the main roots (Fig. 1.7). Under Abdel-Aal (2002) investigating Carthamus
elevated CO2 concentration, the plants accumu- mareoticus under drought stress: Elevated CO2
lated a higher amount of proline, especially in the concentration increased the accumulation of total
leaves which are the primary areas of influence of soluble carbohydrates in well watered as well as
CO2. In the main root, there was no necessity of in stressed plants due to a higher amount of
an additional accumulation of proline because assimilates. The drought-induced inhibition of
this organ is well protected against salt damage the sucrose phosphate synthase activity was
1 Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants: An Overview 19

annihilated under elevated CO2, and the drought- experience drought and 19.5% of the irrigated
induced increase in sucrose content was further land are affected by salinity. These problems will
enhanced. The content of total amino acids and be further catalyzed by global climate change.
especially of proline behaved similarly to sucrose, Prolonged environmental stresses are responsible
as well as the activities of the proline synthesiz- for the production of ROS in different cell com-
ing enzymes 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase partments like chloroplasts, mitochondria, per-
(P5CR) and the ornithine aminotransferase oxisomes, etc. ROS attack biomolecules, viz.,
(OAT). In contrast, the activity of the proline DNA, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and disturb
degrading enzyme proline dehydrogenase (PDH) the normal functioning of the cell. Under severe
was reduced by drought stress and further stress conditions, ROS ultimately lead to cell
decreased under elevated CO2. death. In order to withstand oxidative stress,
In contrast to C. mareoticus, proline (and other plants are equipped with enzymatic and nonenzy-
amino acids) do not seem to contribute to salt tol- matic antioxidants. Many workers have reported
erance in barley, but to reflect a reaction to stress the positive effects of SOD, CAT, APX, GR,
damage, as shown by Pérez-López et al. (2010): MDHAR, AsA, glutathione, etc., in combating
Although a better osmotic adjustment (more neg- oxidative damage to the cell. To overcome the
ative osmotic potential) of salt-stressed plants deleterious effects of abiotic stresses, plants also
was recorded under elevated CO2, the proline accumulate osmolytes and osmoprotectants such as
content decreased, showing less stress damage. proline and glycine betaine. These compounds
Instead, the accumulation of soluble sugars and are thought to play a role in osmotic adjustment
other unidentified osmolytes (possibly polyols and protect subcellular structures. Elevated atmo-
and/or quaternary nitrogen compounds) was spheric CO2 concentration can alleviate oxidative
actively enhanced under elevated CO2, and these stress, increase the activity of the antioxidative
substances played an important role in osmotic system, and/or increase the accumulation of com-
adjustment and as compatible solutes under saline patible substances, so it can enhance salt and
conditions. Elevated CO2 provided a higher car- drought tolerance of plants and their suitability as
bon and ATP supply for salt tolerance mecha- crops in a future world of climate change.
nisms, enabling the plants to actively increase The biggest challenge to the modern plant sci-
their compatible solute concentration, which in entists is to develop stress-tolerant plants without
turn leads to a better water uptake and turgor compromising yield. There can be no doubt that
maintenance for plant growth. transgenic plants will be invaluable in assessing
As a summary, it can be concluded that ele- precisely the role that main antioxidants, ROS,
vated CO2 concentration can enhance salt and and osmolytes play in the functional network that
drought tolerance of plants by alleviating oxida- controls stress tolerance. Researchers should look
tive stress, increasing the activity of the antioxi- for defined sets of markers to predict tolerance
dative system, and/or increasing the accumulation towards a particular type of stress. While manip-
of compatible substances, having a positive effect ulating genes for stress tolerance in important
on their suitability as crops on dry and saline soils crops, the genes incorporated should contribute
in future. to tolerance not only at a certain plant growth
stage of interest but also at the whole plant level,
because achieving maximum crop yield under
5 Conclusion and Future saline conditions is the principal objective of all
Perspective agriculturists. Modern techniques like genomics,
proteomics, ionomics, and metabolomics will be
Abiotic stresses, especially osmotic and ionic helpful to study plant responses to abiotic stresses.
stresses, are responsible for the decrease in yield Regarding global climate change, it would be
especially in arid and semiarid regions. It is esti- desirable to develop model plants not only for
mated that 45% of the world’s agricultural land understanding stress tolerance mechanisms, but
20 H.-W. Koyro et al.

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Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Mr. lation, protein pattern and photosynthesis in regen-
Jürgen Franz, Mr. Wolfgang Stein, Mr. Gerhard Mayer, erants grown under NaCl stress. Biol Planta 42:
Mrs. Angelika Bölke, Prof. Dr. Edwin Pahlich, PD Dr. 89–95
Christian Zörb, Mrs. Anneliese Weber (Giessen Amthor JS (1999) Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentra-
University), and Mr. Steffen Pahlich (Zürich University) tion, water use and water stress: scaling up from the
for technical assistance and scientific advice regarding the plant to the landscape. In: Luo Y, Mooney HA (eds)
experiments with Aster tripolium. Carbon dioxide and environmental stress. Academic,
San Diego, pp 33–59
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Prospects of Halophytes
in Understanding and Managing 2
Abiotic Stress Tolerance
Vinayak H. Lokhande and Penna Suprasanna

Halophytes are a diverse group of plants with tolerance to high salinity.
While most of our crops are glycophytes lacking the genetic makeup for
salt tolerance, halophytes are endowed with ability to seize NaCl into their
cell vacuoles as an osmoticum. The sensitivity of crops to environmental
extremities has become a major limitation to worldwide food production.
Study of halophytes can be rewarding as the mechanisms by which halo-
phytes survive and maintain productivity on saline water can be under-
stood to define and manage adaptations in glycophytes. The adaptation
mechanisms include ion compartmentalization, osmotic adjustment, suc-
culence, ion transport and uptake, antioxidant systems, maintenance of
redox and energetic status, and salt inclusion/excretion. Real benefits can
be accrued if sustained efforts are in place to investigate the species-
specific regulation during abiotic stresses and extend genetic resource and
manipulate stress tolerance mechanisms. Halophytes are also an important
plant species with potential for the purposes of desalination and restora-
tion of saline soils, withstand high soil salinity and saline water irrigation,
phytoremediation and wetland restoration. It will be invaluable to develop
these strategies to ensure sustainability, and future efforts to improve crop
performance on marginal and irrigated land.

Halophytes • Abiotic stress • Compatible solutes • Antioxidants
• Phytoremediation

P. Suprasanna () • V.H. Lokhande

Functional Plant Biology Section, Nuclear Agriculture
and Biotechnology Division, Bhabha Atomic Research
Centre, Mumbai 400085, Maharashtra, India

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 29
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_2,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
30 V.H. Lokhande and P. Suprasanna

paste extract (ECe) is 4 dS m−1 or more (which is

1 Introduction equivalent to 40 mM NaCl) and generate an
osmotic pressure of approximately −0.2 MPa.
Environment basically consists of balanced inter-
Based on this, plants differ greatly in their growth
action between biotic and abiotic factors, and
response to saline conditions and therefore clas-
often abrupt perturbations in abiotic factors sur-
sified as “glycophytes” or “halophytes” referring
rounding the biotic organisms lead to change the
to their capacity to grow on highly saline envi-
homeostasis, consequently creating a stressful
ronments (Munns and Tester 2008). Halophytes
condition for the survival of living organisms.
are remarkable plants which have the ability to
Environmental stresses represent the most limit-
complete their life cycle in a substrate rich in
ing factors for agricultural productivity. The abi-
NaCl that normally found toxic to other species
otic stresses such as shade or high light levels,
and destroy almost 99% of their population
subzero, low or high temperatures, drought, flood-
(Flowers and Colmer 2008). These are highly
ing, high salinity, inorganic nutrient imbalance,
evolved and specialized organisms with well-
infection, predation, and natural or man-made
adapted morphological, anatomical, and physio-
toxic compounds and oxidative stress (Bohnert
logical characteristics allowing them to proliferate
and Sheveleva 1998) cause losses worth hundreds
in the soils possessing high salt concentrations
of million dollars each year due to reduction in
(Flowers et al. 1977; Flowers and Colmer 2008).
crop productivity and crop failure (Zhu 2001;
Moreover, some halophytes consistently require
Flowers 2004). In view of their sessile nature,
a particular concentration of NaCl in the growth
plants should have developed some adaptation
medium are referred as “obligate halophytes” or
strategies to manage the changing environmental
“true mangroves” and, apart from their growth in
conditions particularly with the available
highly saline environment, some halophytes have
resources. Therefore, foremost adaptation carried
capacity to grow on the soil devoid of salt are
out by terrestrial plants to its surrounding is
called as “facultative halophytes” or “mangrove
adjustment in their water potential as low as that
associates.” This presence or absence of substrate
of soil in which they are able to grow. In the course
in the form of salt offers advantages for the halo-
of evolution, some plants have evolved and
phytes in the competition with salt–sensitive
adapted to freshwater habitat for acquiring nutri-
plants (glycophytes) for the management of abi-
ents from the low concentrations of minerals pres-
otic stress tolerance and utilization of these spe-
ent in fresh water such as glycophytes, whereas
cies for the improvement of crop yield.
the plants which retained their habitat in nutrient-
In this regard, it is essential to understand the
rich marine environment were found more suc-
adverse effects of abiotic stresses and tolerance
cessful to combat the adverse abiotic stresses and
mechanisms developed by the halophytes and
are referred as “halophytes” (Flowers et al. 2010).
exploit such knowledge for the improvement of
These plants can be grown using land and water
crop plants which can meet the demand of food,
unsuitable for conventional crops and can provide
feed, fodder, and industrial raw material. The
food, fuel, fodder, fiber, resins, essential oils, and
standard approach to this problem would be to
pharmaceutical feedstocks (Table 2.1).
increase the tolerance capacity of conventional
crop plants, which otherwise are high yielders.
An alternative strategy is to make use of halo-
2 Halophytes phytes that already have the required level of
stress tolerance and are still productive at high
Soil salinity and irrigated agriculture have co- external adverse conditions. Salinity is one of the
existed since ancient times, and ever since the major abiotic constraints, affecting almost every
problem of salinity in agriculture has become a aspect of plant’s physiology at both whole plant
challenge. Soils are generally classified as saline and cellular level through osmotic stress in an
when the electrical conductivity of the saturated earlier phase and ionic stress at a later stage of
2 Prospects of Halophytes in Understanding and Managing Abiotic Stress Tolerance 31

Table 2.1 List of halophytes used for saline agriculture in Pakistan and other countries (modified from Khan and
Qaiser 2006)
Uses Plant species
Food A. hortensis, Aizoon canariense, Apium graveolens, Arundo donax, Atriplex halimus,
Avicennia marina, Cocos nucifera, Cynamorium coccinium, Echinochloa crusgalli, Glinus
lotoides, Glossonema varians, H. stocksii, Haloxylon griffithii ssp griffithii, N. schoberi,
Neurada procumbens, Nitraria retusa, Ochradenus baccatus, Oxystelma esculentum,
P. sylvestris, Pedalium murex, Pentatropis nivalis, Pheonix dactylifera, Pisonia grandis,
Polypogon monspeliensis, Portulaca oleracea, Rumex vesicarius, S. brachiata, S. persica,
Salicornia bigellovi, Salvadora oleoides, Sesuvium portulacastrum, Solanum incanum,
Suaeda fruticosa, Triglochin maritime, Zizyphus nummularia, Zygophyllum simplex
Fodder A. griffithii, A. halimus, A. leucoclada, A. tatarica, Aegiceras corniculatus, Alhaji maurorum,
Anagallis arvensis, Artemisia scoparia, Arthrocnemum indicum, Atriplex canescens,
Avicennia marina, B. glaucus, Beta vulgaris ssp maritma, Bienertia cycloptera,
Bolboschoenus affinis, Caesalpinea bonduc, Camphorosma monspelictum, Carex divisa,
Chloris virgata, Cressa cretica, Dalbergia sissoo, Glinus lotoides, Halocnemum strobila-
ceum, Haloxylon stocksii, Lobularia maritime, Lolium multiflorum, Neurada procumbens,
Orthochloa compressa, P. farcta, P. juliflora, Populus euphratica, Prosopis cineraria,
Raphanus raphanistrum, Rhizophora mucronata, Salsola tragus, Seidlitzia florida,
Seriphidium quettense, Suaeda fruticosa, T. repens, T. triquetra, Trianthema portulacastrum,
Trifolium fragiferum, Vicia sativa, Zaleya pentandara, Zygophyllum simplex
Forage A. littorali, A. macrostachys, Aeluropus lagopoide, Agrostis stolonifera, Aristida adscesho-
ines, Aristida mutabilis, Atriplex dimorphostegia, C. ciliaris, C. pennesittiformis, Cenchrus
biflorus, Chloris gayana, Cynodon dactylon, D. aristatum, D. scindicum, Dactyloctenium
aegyptium, Desmostachya bipinnata, Dichantheum annulatum, Diplachne fusca, E. crusgalli,
E. japonica, E. superba, Echinochloa colona, Eleusine indica, Eragrostis curvula, Festuca
rubra, Halocharis hispida, Halopyrum mucronatum, Haloxylon persicum, Lasiurus
scindicus, Nitraria retusa.Oligomeris linifolia, P. minor, P. pratensis, Paspalum pasploides,
Phalaris arundinacea, Poa bulbosa, S. helvolus, S. ioclados, S. kentrophyllus, S. tourneuxii,
S. tremulus, S. virginicus, Sacchraum bengalense, Salvadora persica, Sporobolus coroman-
delianus, Urochondra setulosa
Ornamental Achillea millefolium, Alhaji maurorum, Ammi visnaga, Artemisia scoparia, Avicennia
marina, Caesalpinea bonduc, Calotropis procera, Camphorosma monspelictum, Cassia
italic, Centella asiatica, Ceriops tagal, Chenopodium ambrosoides, Corchorus depressus,
Cressa cretica, Cynamorium coccinium, Erythrina herbacea, Evolvulus alsinoides, Glinus
lotoides, Halogeton glomeratus, Imperata cylindrical, Inula brittanica, Ipomoea alba,
L. gilsei, L. sinuatum, L. stocksii, Leptadenia pyrotechnica, Limonium axillare, Melhania
denhamii, Microcephala lamellate, Neurada procumbens, olanum surrattense, Oligomeris
linifolia, Oxystelma esculentum, P. oleracea, Pedalium murex, Pentatropis nivalis, Populus
euphratica, Portulaca quadrifida, Psylliostachys spicata, Rumex vesicarius, S. quettense,
Seriphidium brevifolium, Solanum incanum, Sonneratia caseolaris, Thespesia populneoides,
Trianthema portulacastrum, Tribulus terrestris, Urginea indica,Verbena officinalis, Withania
sominifera, Z. simplex, Zaleya pentandara, Zygophyllum propinquum
Chemicals Aeluropus lagopoides, Ardisia solanacea, Calotropis procera, Cenchrus ciliaris,
Clerodendrum inerme, Dalbergia sissoo, Euphorbia thymifolia, Ficus microcarpa,
Halocnemum strobilaceum, Ipomoea pes-caprae, K.iranica, Knorringia sibirica subsp.
Kochia indica, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, N. schoberi, Nitraria retusa, Phyla
nodiflora, Polypogon monspeliensis, Raphanus raphanistrum, S. taccada, Scaevola plumier,
Sessuvium sessuvioides, T. passernioides, T. ramosissima, T. szovitsiana, T. tetragyna,
Tamarix mascatensis, Thomsonii, Trianthema portulacastrum
32 V.H. Lokhande and P. Suprasanna

plant growth (Munns and Tester 2008) and leads based on their capacity to tolerate the salt
to a series of morphological, physiological, bio- concentration more than 80 mM NaCl (equiva-
chemical, and molecular changes. In the past 2–3 lent to EC 7.8 dS m−1), whereas, plants limiting
decades, considerable progress has been made in the growth beyond this concentration were cate-
the evaluation of halophytes to understand their gorized as glycophytes or salt-sensitive. Using
survival mechanisms to be used as crop plants. In similar features, Menzel and Lieth (2003)
the present article, we document different aspects recorded total 2,600 species as salt-tolerant.
of halophytes, with an emphasis on mechanism However, considering the salt tolerance limit pro-
of tolerance to salinity, drought and heavy metal posed by Aronson (1989) and Menzel and Lieth
tolerance, and their exploitation to manage the (2003) which is found to be significantly lower
problems associated with the abiotic stresses as than the salt concentration of seawater (~480 mM
well as for environmental protection. Na+ and 580 mM Cl−), Flowers and Colmer
Halophytes respond to salt stress at cellular, (2008) defined the halophytes as plants that have
tissue, and the whole plant level (Epstein 1980). evolved and tolerate to complete their life cycle
In response to salt stress, the general physiology in at least ~200 mM NaCl. Applying the new
of halophytes has been reviewed occasionally definition to Aronson’s database, Flowers et al.
(Flowers et al. 1977; Epstein 1980; Flowers 1985, (2010) further classified a total of 350 species as
2004) and since then other reviews have exam- halophytes with major species distributed in 20
ined their eco-physiology (Ball 1988; Rozema orders including 256 families. It has also been
1991; Breckel 2002), photosynthesis (Lovelock suggested that salt tolerance was widely distrib-
and Ball 2002), response to oxidative stress (Jitesh uted among flowering plant families and had a
et al. 2006), and flooding tolerance (Colmer and polyphyletic origin. The authors also stated that
Flowers 2008). Therefore, studies on the halo- distribution and development of evolutionary
phytes can be instructive from three prospects: link of halophytes may account to not more than
first, the mechanism by which halophytes survive ~0.25% of the known species of angiosperms.
and maintain productivity under abiotic con-
straints can be used to define a minimal set of
adaptations required in tolerant germplasm. This 4 Adaptations to Abiotic
knowledge can help to focus the efforts of plant Stresses
breeders and molecular biologists working with
conventional crop plants (Glenn and Brown 1999). Halophytes have evolved a number of adaptive
Second, halophytes grown in an agronomic set- traits which allow them to germinate, grow, and
ting can be used to evaluate the overall feasibility achieve their complete life cycle of development
of high-salinity agriculture, which depends on under such harsh conditions (Flowers et al. 1977).
more than finding a source of tolerant germplasm A variety of studies performed on glycophytes
(Glenn et al. 1997). Third, halophytes may become and halophytes subjected to abiotic stresses has
a potential source of new crops. demonstrated that impairment in growth under
stress condition results from various responses
induced through both osmotic effects related to
3 Halophytes Diversity disturbance in plant–water relationships and ionic
effects associated with mineral toxicity and defi-
Halophytes show immense diversity in habitat ciency (Lauchli and Epstein 1990). Associated
and behavior to tolerate the abiotic stress condi- with these primary stresses, higher plants also
tions with uneven distribution across the taxa of suffer from secondary stresses provoked by
flowering plants (Flowers et al. 2010). This group cellular damages especially those induced by
of plants has been classified based on their toler- oxidative stresses due to imbalance between
ance capacity to salinity stress. Aronson (1989) production and destruction of reduced reactive
listed approximately 1,550 species as salt-tolerant oxygen species (Zhu 2001).
2 Prospects of Halophytes in Understanding and Managing Abiotic Stress Tolerance 33

In order to achieve the tolerance status, three up outside the cell. To maintain a high K+/Na+
interconnected aspects of plant activity are sig- ratio in the cytosol, plant cell employs primary
nificant: damage must be prevented, homeostatic active transport, mediated by channels and co-
condition must be re-established, and growth transporters for Na+ extrusion and/or the intrac-
must resume. At present, there are different ellular compartmentalization of Na+ into the
mechanisms of abiotic stress tolerance in halo- vacuole (Blumwald 2000). When halophytes are
phytes that have been proposed which include exposed to saline condition, a large increase in
ion compartmentalization, osmotic adjustment extracellular Na+ level establishes the Na+ elec-
through osmolytes accumulation, succulence, trochemical potential gradient more than the
selective transport and uptake of ions, enzymatic actual negative electrical membrane potential
and nonenzymatic antioxidant response, mainte- difference at the plasma membrane (−140 mV)
nance of redox and energetic status, salt inclu- which favor the passive transport of sodium ions
sion/excretion and genetic control (Flowers and from the outer environment inside the cell.
Colmer 2008). Understanding the mechanism of Recently, uniporter or ion channel type transport-
tolerance in halophytes at morphological, ana- ers have been identified for the entry of Na+ into
tomical, physiological, biochemical, and molecu- the cell; these are high-affinity potassium trans-
lar levels is crucial to improve the tolerance of the porter (HKT), low-affinity cation transporter
crop plants and their adoption under abiotic stress (LCT1), nonselective cation channels (NSCC)
conditions to exploit such problem soils. A gen- like cyclic nucleotide-gated channels (CNGCs)
eralized scheme for the plant’s response to abi- and glutamate-activated channels (GLRs) (Apse
otic stresses and mechanism of stress tolerance is and Blumwald 2007). HKTs have been shown to
presented (Fig. 2.1). function as Na+/K+ symporter and as Na+ selec-
tive uniporters (Horie and Schroeder 2004). In
the process of elevated levels of Na+ outside the
4.1 Ion Compartmentation cell, the electrochemical gradient makes the
sodium uptake passive; however, the efflux of
The sensitivity of cytosolic enzymes to salt is Na+ outside cell is an active process and requires
similar in both glycophytes and halophytes, indi- energy in the form of ATP. In this process, the
cating that the maintenance of high cytosolic K+/ Na+/H+ antiporter (NHX) present on the plasma
Na+ ratio is a key requirement for plant growth membrane facilitates the Na+ efflux. This elec-
under salt conditions (Glenn and Brown 1999). troneutral exchange of sodium for protons to
While dealing with Na+, the cell must also acquire facilitate efflux is the only mode of transport that
nutrient K+. The Na+ ion is the foremost inorganic has been measured for efflux under physiological
ion and a cheap source of osmoticum in the halo- conditions (Apse and Blumwald 2007). Besides
phytes to maintain the osmotic balance under the efflux of Na+, some halophytes have devel-
abiotic stresses. Under typical physiological oped mechanism to sequester the Na+ into the
conditions, plant cells require high K+ (100– vacuoles as an efficient mechanism to avoid the
200 mM) and lower Na+ (less than 1 mM) and toxic effects of Na+ in the cytosol. The transport
accordingly the high cytosolic K+/Na+ ratio to of Na+ into the vacuoles is mediated by cation/H+
maintain the osmotic balance (Tester and antiporters that are driven by the electrochemical
Davenport 2003) for proper functioning of the gradient of protons generated by the vacuolar H+
cell. Na+ competes with K+ for intracellular influx translocating enzymes such as H+-ATPase and
since both these are transported by common H+-PPiase (Gaxiola et al. 2007). These transport-
channels present on the membranes and, thus, ers play an important role in the sequestration of
subsequently increase K+ efflux from intracel- Na+ ions into the vacuole or exclusion outside the
lular stores as against the higher Na+ stress built cell of the halophytes.
34 V.H. Lokhande and P. Suprasanna

Fig. 2.1 Generalized scheme for plant responses to abi- ionic, and energetic homeostasis of the plant. These stress
otic stresses and mechanism of stress tolerance. Plants signals triggers the downstream signaling processes and
exposed to various abiotic stresses (salinity, drought, gene activation through transcription factors. Activation
extreme temperatures, toxic metals, etc.) initiate the cas- mechanisms involve enzymatic and nonenzymatic anti-
cade of changes in plants’ functioning such as imbalanced oxidants for detoxification of ROS, osmolytes (proline,
water and nutrient uptake, stomatal closure, altered gas- glycine betaine, sugar polyols) synthesis for osmotic bal-
eous exchange, improper functioning of photosynthetic ance and protection to structural molecules, ion compart-
systems due to over-reduction of electron transport chains mentation for ionic homeostasis and maintenance of redox
in chloroplast and mitochondria causing generation of and energetics through the higher ratios of GSH/GSSG,
reactive oxygen species (ROS). The integrative effect of ASC/DHA, NADP/NADPH, and ATP/ADP. The coordi-
these factors leads to induce the oxidative damage to func- nated action leads to re-establish the cellular homeostasis,
tional and structural molecules (DNA, proteins, lipids, and protection of functional and structural proteins and mem-
carbohydrates) making the changes in the redox, osmotic, branes, and ultimately the tolerance to abiotic stresses
2 Prospects of Halophytes in Understanding and Managing Abiotic Stress Tolerance 35

4.2 Succulence 2010a). Thus it appears that increased succulence

could be due to a “diluting” effect on the ion con-
Succulence is commonly called as halosuccu- tent of cells which might otherwise rise to toxic
lence and found to occur within a range of salt levels, and sodium acts as a specific stimulant of
concentrations optimal for growth. The seques- growth which can be considered as tending to
tration of saline ions into the vacuoles leads to the reduce the turgor pressure component of the
plant to increase the succulence, one of the com- water potential of the cell (Jennings 1968).
mon characteristics of the halophytes (Flowers The succulent halophytes are able to balance
et al. 1977). Succulence minimizes the toxic the growth and ion accumulation through its
effects of excessive ion accumulation and has sequestration into the vacuole; however, some of
been reported to be associated with accretion of the halophytes were adapted to saline environ-
osmotically active solutes for the maintenance of ment through secretion of salts from salt glands,
cell turgor pressure. The succulent halophytes cuticles or in guttation fluid, re-transported back
unlike glycophytes tend to accumulate sodium in to the roots and soil via the phloem or become
the vacuole to higher levels than in the cytoplasm concentrated in salt hairs. Salt glands act as tran-
and as the volume of the vacuole is much greater sient cells because they are devoid of vacuole and
than that of the cytoplasm in fully expanded cells, have a large number of mitochondria and other
the total sodium content of the root will approxi- organelles. The halophytes which secretes the
mate to the sodium content of the vacuole (Yeo saline ions include Limonium latifolium, Spartina
and Flowers 1986). Succulent halophytes gener- sps., Sporobolus spicatus, Atriplex sps., etc.
ally have thick leaves and stems, mainly associ- (Ramadan 2000). However, not all halophytes
ated with an increase in the size of their mesophyll have salt glands; neither do they all discard salt
cells along with smaller intracellular spaces. It saturated tissue, demonstrating that individual
has also been shown that succulent leaves have halophytes utilize different salt tolerance traits
more and large-sized mitochondria because the under different stress periods.
succulent halophytes require excess energy for
salt compartmentalization and excretion. Whether
succulence is a response to salinity or adaptation 4.3 Osmotic Adjustment
to salinity is debatable. But as halophytes tend to
become succulent in response to salinity (due to Osmotic adjustment in response to abiotic stresses
physiologically less available water which affects is an adaptive mechanism in the halophytes in
the changes in the integral part of the plant devel- order to maintain their water balance (Flowers
opment), the succulence might be the adaptation and Colmer 2008). Besides the accumulation of
to salinity stress (Waisel 1972). This adaptive inorganic ions and its sequestration in the vacuole,
nature of succulence made the halophytes more the osmotic balance between vacuole and cyto-
successful in the course of evolution exposing plasm is also maintained through the synthesis of
to various environmental constraints. Most of organic solutes to retain the stability of the proteins
the halophytes such as Sesuvium portula- in cells in response to drop in the water potential
castrum, Suaeda sps., Lobularia maritime, of the environment (Glenn and Brown 1999).
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, Halosarcia Plant cells synthesize a variety of organic solutes
pergranulata subsp. Pergranulata, etc. were such as proline, sucrose, polyols, trehalose and
found more amenable to accumulate the excess quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) such
Na+ in their leaves and stems and increase the as glycine betaine, alaninebetaine, prolinebetaine,
succulence under optimum NaCl concentrations choline-O-sulfate, hydroxyprolinebetaine, and
in the range of 100–400 mM which leads to pipecolatebetaine (Rhodes and Hanson 1993).
sequester these saline ions into the vacuole and These are low molecular weight, highly soluble
become more successful for their growth in saline compounds and are nontoxic even at high cellular
environment (Qi et al. 2009; Lokhande et al. concentrations (Ashraf and Foolad 2007) without
36 V.H. Lokhande and P. Suprasanna

disturbing intracellular biochemistry and cellular the accumulation of proline in response to abiotic
functions (Cushman 2001), protects subcellular stresses, wherein plants from the Aizoaceae fam-
structures, mitigate oxidative damage caused by ily accumulate large quantities of proline show-
free radicals (Attipali et al. 2004), maintains the ing its role in osmoprotection (Delauney and
enzyme activities under salt stress and protection Verma 1993). Proline concentrated in the cytosol,
of cellular components from dehydration injury chloroplast and vacuoles and compatible with
(Ashraf and Foolad 2007). The osmolytes accu- enzyme activity in the cytoplasm showed its sig-
mulation is frequently reported in glycophytes nificant contribution to osmotic adjustment.
and halophytes being continuously exposed to Besides being an osmoprotectant, proline also
abiotic stresses; however, synthesis of these osmo- has a role in detoxification of reactive oxygen
lytes is an energy-dependent process which con- species and act as an antioxidant, stabilization of
sumes large number of ATP molecules (Raven proteins and protein complexes and as a signal-
1985), thus affecting the growth. Osmolytes syn- ing/regulatory molecule (Szabados and Savoure
thesis and their overproduction in transgenic 2009). It also function as a protein-compatible
plants has been achieved in transgenic crop plants, hydrotrope (Srinivas and Balasubramanian 1995),
however little success has been achieved on the alleviating cytoplasmic acidosis, and maintaining
desired protective levels of these osmolytes in appropriate NADP+/NADPH ratios compatible
plants. In contrast, some plants showed increased with metabolism (Hare and Cress 1997). Also,
tolerance to abiotic stresses after exogenous appli- rapid breakdown of proline upon relief of stress
cation of these organic solutes (Ashraf and Foolad provides sufficient reducing agents that support
2007). Although increased accumulation of these mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and gen-
osmolytes by the plants exposed to abiotic stresses eration of ATP for recovery from stress and
has been reported, not all plant species synthesize repairing of stress-induced damages (Hare and
the all kinds of osmolytes at a time; some plant Cress 1997). In halophytic plant species in
species synthesize and accumulate very low quan- response to abiotic stresses, proline accumulation
tity of these compounds while some plant species in the cytosol has been shown to contribute sub-
not do so (Ashraf and Foolad 2007). stantially to cytoplasmic osmotic adjustment. For
example, in cells of Distichlis spicata treated
4.3.1 Proline with 200 mM NaCl, the cytosolic proline concen-
Similar to glycophytes, proline accumulation is a tration was estimated to be more than 230 mM
common adaptive response to various abiotic (Ketchum et al. 1991). In Sesuvium portulacas-
stresses. Several studies using transgenic plants trum, Lokhande et al. (2010a, b, 2011a) found an
or mutants demonstrated that proline metabolism extensive increase in proline content when the
has a complex effect on development and stress callus and axillary shoot cultures exposed to salt
responses, and that proline accumulation is and drought stress alone or under iso-osmotic
important for the tolerance to certain adverse stress conditions of NaCl and PEG. Higher pro-
environmental conditions (Hong et al. 2000; line accumulation has also been shown in S. por-
Miller et al. 2010). In plants, proline is mainly tulacastrum plants exposed to various abiotic
synthesized from glutamate using two important constraints that include salinity, drought, and
enzymes such as pyrroline-5-carboxylate syn- heavy metals (Messedi et al. 2004; Slama et al.
thetase (P5CS) and pyrroline-5-carboxylate 2008; Ghnaya et al. 2007; Moseki and Buru 2010;
reductase (P5CR). Proline is synthesized in cyto- Lokhande et al. 2011b). Such an osmotic adjust-
plasm; however in mitochondria, the catabolism ment through proline accumulation is also
occurs via sequential action of proline dehydro- evident in other species like Plantago crassiflora,
genase (PDH) producing pyrroline-5-carboxylate Salicornia europaea, Atriplex halimus, A. halimus
(P5C) and its conversion to glutamate using P5C subsp. schweinfurthii, Avicennia marina, Hordeum
dehydrogenase (P5CDH) (Szabados and Savoure maritimum, Ipomoea pes-caprae, Paspalum
2009). Halophytes have shown vast diversity for vaginatum, Phragmites australis, and Suaeda sps.
2 Prospects of Halophytes in Understanding and Managing Abiotic Stress Tolerance 37

(Vicente et al. 2004; Reda et al. 2004; Nedjimi Tipirdamaz et al. (2006) categorized the halo-
and Daoud 2009; Pagter et al. 2009; Lefevre et al. phytes from inland and salt marsh habitats of
2009; Sucre and Suarez 2010). Among different Turkey. The studies have shown that the species
halophytic plants, S. portulacastrum has been that behaved as GB accumulators appeared poor
reported as a high proline accumulator, with lev- proline accumulators and vice versa. The GB
els reaching 300 mmol g−1 leaf dry matter (Slama accumulation reported in the halophytes is
et al. 2008). Such a pronounced accumulation of generally in the range of 1.5–400 mmol g−1 DW
proline and its physiological role in osmotic and some of the highest GB accumulating halo-
adjustment may have made the halophytes more phytes are members of the Chenopodiaceae
successful to grow under adverse environmental (Halocnemum strobilaceum, Petrosimonia bra-
stresses. chiata, Suaeda confuse), Compositae (Artemisia
santonicum), and Frankeniaceae (Frankenia hir-
4.3.2 Glycine Betaine suta). Increased accumulation of GB has also
Among the variety of quaternary ammonium been demonstrated in other halophytes such as
compounds, glycine betaine (GB) is one of the Beta vulgaris (Subbarao et al. 2001), Spartina
most abundantly occurring and synthesized at anglica (Mulholland and Otte 2002), Atriplex
higher concentrations in the plants exposing to halimus (Martinez et al. 2005), A. Nummularia
dehydration stress due to adverse environmental (Silveira et al. 2009), and S. portulacastrum
calamities. GB is located in chloroplast where it (Lokhande et al. 2010a, b). Increased GB accu-
plays an important role in osmotic adjustment mulation has also been correlated with increased
and protection of thylakoid membrane, by main- betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase gene expres-
taining the photosynthetic machinery in active sion (BADHmRNA) in Salicornia europaea and
state (Robinson and Jones 1986). GB is synthe- Suaeda maritima leaves exposed to salt stress
sized mainly from choline, which is converted to (Moghaieb et al. 2004). Considering the signifi-
betaine aldehyde and then to GB through sequen- cance of GB in the osmotic balance of the halo-
tial enzymatic action of choline monooxyege- phytes under stressful environment, different
nase (CMO) and betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase methods can be derived to enhance the concen-
(BADH), respectively. Although other pathways tration of this compound in crop plants to
such as direct N-methylation of glycine are also increase their stress tolerance. The approaches
known, the pathway from choline to GB has can include breeding of sensitive cultivars with
been identified in all GB-accumulating plant their tolerant relatives from halophytes with nat-
species (Ashraf and Foolad 2007). It is widely ural abilities to produce high levels of GB or
believed that synthesis and accumulation of GB genetically engineer the sensitive species through
protects cytoplasm from ion toxicity, dehydra- transformation of the genes responsible for GB
tion and temperature stress and helps normal synthesis. Although some progress has been
functioning of the metabolic machineries in the made in introducing the genes for the production
cell during stressed conditions by stabilizing of these compounds in naturally accumulating or
macromolecule structures, protecting chloro- low-accumulating plant species, levels of these
plast and photosynthesis system II (PSII) by sta- compounds’ accumulation in transgenic plant
bilizing the association of the extrinsic PSII have often been low or insufficient to the plant
complex proteins and indirectly interacting with stress tolerance (Ashraf and Foolad 2007).
phosphatidylcholine moieties of membranes to
alter their thermodynamic properties (Subbarao 4.3.3 Soluble Sugars
et al. 2001). It has been shown that tolerant spe- In general, modulations in the carbon metabo-
cies are more amenable to accumulate higher lism and the levels of carbohydrates (sugars) are
GB in comparison to sensitive species as a seen due to changes occurring in the process of
response to abiotic stress imposition. Based on photosynthesis and carbon partitioning of the
the GB and proline accumulation potential, plant at organ level and in whole plants exposing
38 V.H. Lokhande and P. Suprasanna

to abiotic stresses (Gonzalez et al. 2009). Soluble also been observed in P. euphratica (Zhang et al.
sugars function as metabolic resources and struc- 2004). Accumulation of soluble sugars has been
tural constituents of cells, besides acting as sig- observed in plants undergoing drought, flood-
nals regulating various processes associated with ing, and water logging conditions (Chai
plant growth and development. Such signaling et al. 2001; Munns 2002; Li and Li 2005).
can modulate stress pathways into a complex net- Chenopodium quinoa exposed to water deficit
work to further orchestrate metabolic plant and water-logging stresses showed no changes
responses. A variety of sugar compounds such as in starch, sucrose, or fructose content but showed
sucrose, glucose, mannose, maltose, trehalose, increased glucose and total soluble sugar con-
and many other sugar alcohols have been studied tent in stressed plants in comparison to control
in response to abiotic stresses (Briens and Larher (Gonzalez et al. 2009). These studies in halo-
1982; Yuanyuan et al. 2009) and the accumula- phytes demonstrate that soluble sugars play a
tion of soluble sugars has been attributed as an significant role besides other osmolytes in the
important parameter of osmotic adjustment in the osmotic adjustment.
halophytes. Briens and Larher (1982) screened
different organs of 16 halophyte species for solu-
ble carbohydrates and other osmolytes and found 4.4 Antioxidant Systems
that all the species accumulated sucrose, fructose
and glucose whereas Plantago maritime, Juncus The halophytic plants display a cascade of events
maritimus, Phrgamites communis and Scripus upon exposure to environmental stresses leading
maritimus showed the highest accumulation of to metabolic disturbance. The cascade of events
soluble sugars. The presence of higher amounts include physiological water-deficit abscisic acid-
of soluble sugars has been reported as main con- regulated stomatal closure in leaves, limited CO2
tributors to osmotic adjustment in the Atriplex availability, over-reduction of electron transport
halimus plants exposed to PEG and NaCl stresses chain in the chloroplast and mitochondria and
and it is correlated with the response of NaCl finally generation of reactive oxygen species
stress on soluble sugar synthesis (Martinez et al. (ROS). These ROS are highly toxic and in the
2005). The accumulation of total soluble sugars absence of protective mechanism in the plant can
has also been correlated with the variations at cause oxidative damage to proteins, DNA, and
genotypic level among two genotypes of Cakile lipids (Mittler 2002; Miller et al. 2010).
maritime namely Jebra and Tabarka which Additionally, this may also lead to alteration in
showed differences in the total soluble carbohy- the redox state resulting in further damage to the
drate concentrations. While the content of the cell (Mittler et al. 2004). To regulate the ROS lev-
sugars was unaffected in the leaves of Jerba els, plant cells are evolved with complex enzy-
plants at moderate salinity, the plants of the salt- matic and nonenzymatic antioxidant defense
sensitive Tabarka showed a slight increase in mechanisms, which together help to control the
soluble carbohydrate contents during leaf devel- cellular redox state under changing environmen-
opment. The contribution of this compatible sol- tal conditions. A correlation between enzymatic
ute group to the “osmotic pool” was found higher and nonenzymatic antioxidant capacitance and
in the salt-tolerant Jerba than in the salt-sensitive abiotic stress tolerance has been reported in sev-
Tabarka seedlings exposed to 400 mM NaCl eral plant species such as Crithmum maritimum,
stress (Megdichi et al. 2007). Further, Sesuvium C. maritime, Plantago genus, Sesuvium portulac-
portulacastrum axillary shoots exposed to salin- astrum, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (Ben
ity stress showed optimum growth at 200 mM Amor et al. 2005; Jitesh et al. 2006; Sekmen,
NaCl in comparison to control and exhibited Turkan and Takio 2007; Ashraf 2009; Lokhande
increased synthesis of total soluble sugars over et al. 2010a, b, 2011a-c). Superoxide dismutase
proline and glycine betaine (Lokhande et al. 2010b). (SOD) constitutes the first line of defense con-
Salinity-induced soluble sugar accumulation has verting O2•− to H2O2, which is further reduced to
2 Prospects of Halophytes in Understanding and Managing Abiotic Stress Tolerance 39

Table 2.2 Examples of halophytic plant species studied for the antioxidant responses in response to abiotic stresses
Plant species Enzyme/protein/gene studied References
Avicennia marina SOD, CAT, POX, APX, Cherian et al. (1999), Jitesh et al. (2006),
MDHAR Kavitha et al. (2008), and Kavitha et al. (2010)
Bruguiera parviflora, SOD, CAT, APX Takemura et al. (2000) and Parida et al. (2004)
B. gymnorrhiza
Beta vulgaris, B. maritime SOD, CAT, APX, GR Bor et al. (2003)
Crithmum maritimum SOD, CAT, POX Ben Amor et al. (2005)
Hordeum vulgare SOD, POX, CAT, GR Patra and Panda (1998)
H. maritimum SOD, CAT, GPX, APX, Hafsi et al. (2010)
M. crystallinum SOD, ferritin, CAT, Mn, Slesak et al. (2002, 2008), Slesak
Fe, Cu/Zn SOD and Miszalski (2003), Hurst et al. (2004),
and Parmonova et al. (2004)
Nitraria tangutorum SOD, CAT, APX Yang et al. (2010)
Phragmites australis SOD, CAT, APX, POX, Carias et al. (2008)
Phaseolus vulgaris SOD, APX, CAT, GPX Jebara et al. (2005)
Sesuvium portulacastrum SOD, CAT, APX, GR Lokhande et al. 2010a, b, 2011a-c)
Suaeda nudiflora, S. salsa SOD, CAT, POX Cherian and Reddy (2003), Wang et al.
and Fang et al. (2005)
T. halophila SOD, APX, POX Taji et al. (2004), Wang et al. (2004a, b),
and M’rah et al. (2006)

water and oxygen by ascorbate peroxidase (APX) 2004; Slesak et al. 2002, 2008; Slesak and
and catalase (CAT). Monodehydroascorbate Miszalski 2003; Jitesh et al. 2006; Lokhande
reductase (MDHAR), dehydroascorbate reductase et al. 2010a–b, 2011a, c). The response of anti-
(DHAR), glutathione reductase (GR), and gluta- oxidant enzyme systems in the halophytes
thione peroxidase (GPX) are an important exposed to abiotic stresses has been reviewed by
enzymes involved in regeneration of ascorbate Jitesh et al. (2006) and is summarized in Table 2.2.
and GSH for the proper functioning of ASC-GSH Most of the halophytes have shown increased
cycle (Noctor and Foyer 1998; Mittler 2002; efficiency of antioxidant enzyme machinery thus
Miller et al. 2010). removing the ROS levels to a greater extent and
Halophytes have evolved various mechanisms maintain the plants survival under stressful
of adaptations of which increased antioxidant conditions.
enzyme activities was found one of an important
mechanism of stress tolerance. Halophytes have
capacity to maintain high metabolic activity even 4.5 Redox and Energetics
at inhibitory concentrations of intracellular Na+
due to enhanced antioxidant mechanism (Jitesh The cellular redox state is made tangible in terms
et al. 2006). Most of the early studies in halo- of the redox state of the individual redox-active
phytes were on photosynthesis and respiration molecules in a cell. For each redox-active mole-
and related to ion compartmentation, osmotic cule, its redox state can be defined as the propor-
adjustment (Flowers et al. 1977; Fukushima et al. tion of reduced molecules relative to the total pool
1997). However, recently, more emphasis has size, or alternatively as the ratio between reduced
been given on abiotic stresses in relation to anti- and oxidized molecules within a pool (Potters
oxidant enzymes in halophytes (Takemura et al. et al. 2010). A large number of redox-active com-
2000; Cherian and Reddy 2003; Parida et al. pounds such as ascorbate (ASC), glutathione
40 V.H. Lokhande and P. Suprasanna

(GSH), pyridine nucleotides (NADH and state, as proposed by Foyer and Noctor (2005), is
NADPH), carotenoids, tocopherols, distinct very useful in terms of elucidating the importance
redox-active phenolics, polyamines and proteins of redox reactions in gene expression, metabo-
carrying redox-active S-groups are contained in lism control, signal transduction, and cellular
plant cells (Smirnoff 2005; Queval and Noctor defense. The concept must now be developed to
2007). The enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxi- identify and quantify those redox-active com-
dants involved in ROS scavenging significantly pounds that are the specific regulators of cellular
contribute to the redox state maintenance of the responses (Potters et al. 2010).
cellular environment through continuous chan-
neling of these redox-active components which
facilitate the proper functioning of the cell under 4.6 Genomic Approaches
stressful conditions. In general, the maintenance
of redox state is correlated with the energy Plant adaptation to environmental stresses is con-
metabolism of the plant cell in terms of ATP/ trolled by a cascade of molecular networks. In this
ADP ratio. Under stressful conditions, the ROS regard, the application of genomic technologies
produced due to oxidative stress requires more has made more impact on understanding the plant
energy in the form of ATP to maintain the cellular responses to the abiotic stresses (Cushman 2003).
homeostasis such as ion compartmentation, The technology has made remarkable success in
osmolytes synthesis, etc. The ATP requirement understanding the abiotic stress tolerance at
for these processes is different, such as 3.5, 41 genome level with potential to modify plants’ tol-
and 50 ATP molecules are required for the syn- erance for increasing yield under stressful condi-
thesis or accumulation of one molecule of Na+, tions (Bohnert et al. 2006). In contrast to traditional
proline, and glycine betaine, respectively (Raven breeding and marker-assisted selection programs,
1985). Thus, the energetic status of the plant is the direct introduction of a small number of genes
also dependent on the type of molecule synthe- by genetic engineering has also become tangible
sized or accumulated by the plant. It is possible and attractive as a rapid approach to improve the
that halophytes evolved to survive under abiotic plants’ stress tolerance (Cushman and Bohnert
stress conditions through proper maintenance of 2000; Popova et al. 2008) to re-establish homeo-
a higher redox and energetic status which could stasis and to protect and repair damaged proteins
have conferred a plasticity to grow under stress. and membranes (Wang et al. 2003).
Not much information is available on the redox In the course of studies on mechanism of abi-
signaling and energetics in case of the halophytes. otic stress tolerance, Arabidopsis thaliana has
Recently, Lokhande et al. (2010c) for the first emerged as an excellent model system (Zhu 2001)
time demonstrated that maintenance of redox and because most of the crop plants are glycophytes.
energy state plays a major role in mediating salin- However, study of some novel mechanisms
ity tolerance and in achieving a balance between unique to halophytes or stress-tolerant plants may
tolerance and growth in Sesuvium portulacas- be difficult with Arabidopsis and this has been
trum. The plants under optimum levels of NaCl made possible by the available genome informa-
(250 mM) showed retention in the growth whereas tion on Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, which,
significantly toxic levels of NaCl (1,000 mM) when compared with the Arabidopsis genome,
disturbed the homeostasis of the plant due to seems to contain a number of transcripts that have
abrupt changes in the ratios of redox-active com- no counterparts (Wang et al. 2004b). Thereafter,
pounds (ASC/DHA, GSH/GSSG, NADP/ several halophytes such as M. crystallinum,
NADPH) and energy molecules (ATP/ADP) Suaeda species, Atriplex species have been
(Fig. 2.2a–f). Further to stick this work, more employed to dissect out the molecular basis of
efforts could be initiated to unravel the redox and stress tolerance mechanism of the halophytes.
energetic of the halophytes to gain the knowledge Recently, Thellungiella halophila (salt cress), a
of redox control. The concept of a cellular redox member of the Brassicaceae, has emerged as a
2 Prospects of Halophytes in Understanding and Managing Abiotic Stress Tolerance 41

Fig. 2.2 The salinity stress responses (growth, redox, and energy status) of Sesuvium portulacastrum exposed to
optimum (250 mM) and supra-optimal (1,000 mM) concentrations of NaCl

model for understanding adaptation of the halo- and other crop plants (Zhu 2001; Nah et al. 2009).
phytes to abiotic stress tolerance due to its homol- The salient features of T. halophila such as small
ogy with the glycophyte model, A. thaliana diploid genome (240 Mb and 2n = 14), short and
(Wang et al. 2004b; Amtmann 2009). This halo- self-fertile life cycle and ease of floral dipping
phyte has the ability to grow in high salt concen- method of transformation have enabled it as a
trations which otherwise become inhibitory for successful candidate for molecular detailing of its
the growth of its salt-sensitive relative A. thaliana response to abiotic stress tolerance and relative
42 V.H. Lokhande and P. Suprasanna

comparison with A. thaliana. The comparative stresses using the Arabidopsis GeneChip array or
genomics of T. halophila and A. thaliana revealed full-length cDNA microarrays have shown that
extensive and novel information on presence of extensive changes occur in the transcriptome of
differential genes responsible for abiotic stress Arabidopsis (Fowler et al. 1999; Kreps et al.
tolerance in T. halophila in comparison to A. thal- 2002; Seki et al. 2002). It is known that approxi-
iana (Nah et al. 2009). Taji et al. (2004) studied mately 30% of the transcriptome on the
the differences in the regulation of salt tolerance Arabidopsis GeneChip 8 K oligoarray changed
between salt cress and Arabidopsis by analyzing in stress treatments (Kreps et al. 2002). The
the gene expression profiles using a full-length expressed sequence tag analyses of Thellungiella
Arabidopsis cDNA microarray. Only a few genes clones revealed 90–95% identities between
were induced by 250 mM NaCl in salt cress stress Thellungiella and Arabidopsis cDNA sequences
compared to Arabidopsis. Even in the absence of (Wang et al. 2004a, b; Wong et al. 2006). In a
stress, a large number of known abiotic- and comparison of three stresses (cold, low water
biotic-stress inducible genes, including Fe-SOD, availability, and saline conditions) as well as
P5CS, PDF1.2, AtNCED, P-protein, b-glucosidase, recovery from water deficits in Thellungiella,
and SOS1, were expressed at high levels. The Wang et al. (2006) employed an expression pro-
study also found salt cress to be more tolerant to filing strategy to identify stress responses. There
oxidative stress than Arabidopsis. The salt toler- was not much degree of overlap among genes
ance mechanisms between salt-sensitive glyco- responsive to drought, cold, or salinity suggest-
phytes and salt-tolerant halophytes could result ing relatively few common end responses trig-
from alterations in the regulation of the same gered by these stresses existed in this halophyte.
basic set of genes involved in salt tolerance among While Thellungiella had shown activation of the
these plants. Kant et al. (2006) used gene-specific expression of some well-known stress-responsive
primers of Arabidopsis that showed similar real- genes, it was found to downregulate a large num-
time PCR amplification efficiencies with both A. ber of biotic stress-related genes under drought
thaliana and T. halophila cDNA and concluded and salinity treatments. The study has made a sig-
that the expression of specific salt tolerance nificant step in showing the emergence of
orthologues differs between unstressed and Thellungiella as a model species for the molecu-
stressed plants of both species. lar elucidation of abiotic stress tolerance, and that
The development of expressed sequence tags Thellungiella responds precisely to environmen-
(ESTs) and cDNA libraries using various genomic tal stresses, thereby conserving energy and
approaches such as suppressive subtractive resources and maximizing its survival potential.
hybridization (SSH), differential display reverse
transcription-polymerase chain reaction (DDRT- SOS1 (Salt Overly Sensitive 1) is known to play
PCR), representational difference analysis (RDA), key role in the ion homeostasis mechanism move-
serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE), and ment (Shi et al. 2000). Although SOS1 has been
cDNA microarray (Breyne and Zabeau 2001) intensely studied in Arabidopsis, its involvement
provided an enormous databases for understand- in the salt tolerance of halophytes is not much
ing the genetic network involved in abiotic stress known. Oh et al. (2009) investigated the role(s)
tolerance mechanism of halophytes (Wang et al. by which ThSOS1, the SOS1 homolog in
2004b; Kore-eda et al. 2004; Popova et al. 2008). Thellungiella, was involved in modulating the
Using this approach, various genes responsible halophytic character using ectopic expression of
for stress tolerance have been isolated from halo- the gene in yeast and in Arabidopsis and
phytes and cloned or overexpressed in the bacte- Thellungiella SOS1-RNA interference (RNAi)
rial systems as well as sensitive cultivars of lines. The knockdown of SOS1 expression totally
glycophytes to enhance the stress tolerance capac- altered Thellungiella into a salt-sensitive plant
ity and improve crop yield (Table 2.3). like Arabidopsis. The authors found that the
Transcript-profiling experiments in Arabi- activity of ThSOS1 could limit Na+ accumulation
dopsis in response to drought, cold, or salinity and the distribution of Na+ ions.
Table 2.3 Source of genes from halophytes for the improvement of abiotic stress tolerance
Source organism Genes Trait improved Target organism References
Atriplex gmelini Vacuolar Na+/K+ antiporters Eightfold higher activity of the Oryza sativa Ohta et al. (2002)
AgNHX1 vacuolar-type Na+/H+ antiporter
Medicago sativa Vacuolar Na+/K+ antiporters Increased osmotic adjustment A. thaliana Bao-Yan et al. (2002)
MsNHX1 and MDA content
Aeluropus littoralis Vacuolar Na+/K+ antiporters Compartmentalize more Na+ N. tabacum Zhang et al. (2008)
AlNHX1 in roots and keep a relative high
K+/Na+ ratio in the leaves
Atriplex centralasiatica Betaine aldehyde Improved synthesis of glycine N. tabacum Yin et al. (2002)
dehydrogenase AcBADH betaine
Suaeda liaotungensis, Beta vulgaris, Choline monooxygenase Three- to sixfold increased activity N. tabacum Russell et al. (1998),
Atriplex hortensis, A. nummularia CMO of CMO increases glycine betaine Shen et al. (2001),
synthesis Tabuchi et al. (2005),
and Li et al. (2003, 2007)
Avicennia marina Monodehydroascorbate reductase Ascorbate regeneration and ROS N. tabacum Kavitha et al. (2010)
(MDHAR) scavenging
Sesuvium portulacastrum Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate Strongly expressed in roots than Escherichia coli Fan et al. (2009)
aldolase SpFBA in leaves and stems under abiotic
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum IMT1, myo-Inositol Inositol methylation E. coli Rammesmayer et al. (1995)
2 Prospects of Halophytes in Understanding and Managing Abiotic Stress Tolerance

Thellungiella halophila FLC gene Controls vernalization response T. halophila Fang et al. (2006)
Suaeda salsa Peroxiredoxin Q Thioredoxin-dependent peroxidase E. coli Guo et al. (2004)
gene SsPrx Q activity
44 V.H. Lokhande and P. Suprasanna

portulacastrum and Suaeda sps. meet these crite-

5 Role of Halophytes in Abiotic ria since they are able to accumulate enormous
Stress Management Na+ quantities within their above-ground organs.
They can become useful candidates for the desal-
5.1 Desalination and Stabilization ination of salt-affected soils under nonleaching
of Saline Soils conditions. Zhao (1991) calculated that Suaeda
salsa produced about 20 ton DW ha−1 and with-
The problem of salinity is widespread covering at draw 3–4 ton NaCl. Ravindran et al. (2007) esti-
least 75 countries (Goudie 1990). Various physi- mated that Suaeda, Sesuvium, Excoecaria,
cal, chemical, and biological approaches have Clerodendron, Ipomoea, and Heliotropium spe-
been developed for the reclamation of such saline cies could remove 504, 474, 396, 360, 325, and
soils (Shahid 2002). Biological methods include 301 kg NaCl, respectively, from 1 ha land in 4
organic manure, crop rotation, salt-tolerant crops months.
(Shahid 2002), as well as vegetative bioreclama- Selection of suited species is the first step for
tion (Qadir and Oster 2004). The reclamation of affordable soil desalination at a wider scale in the
saline soil using such biological means is also arid and semi-arid regions (Rabhi et al. 2009). In
referred as desalinization (Zhao 1991), biodesali- a case study, a significant decrease in electrical
nation, and desalination of salt-affected soils by conductivity of the soil having a 50% saturation
halophytes (Rabhi et al. 2009). The potential of percentage was recorded from 33 to 20 dS m−1 in
plants to accumulate enormous salt quantities the presence of single growth cycle of J. rigidus in
depends often on the capacity of their above- Egypt (Zahran and Wahid 1982). Suaeda salsa
ground biomass (hyper-accumulating plants) showed its potential to reduce the soil Na+ content
(Rabhi et al. 2010). This ability could be signifi- at depth 0–10 cm by 2.4 with a density of 15
cant particularly in the arid and semi-arid regions plants m−2 and by 3.8 with a density of 30 plants
where insufficient precipitations and inappropri- m−2 (Zhao 1991). It has also been demonstrated
ate irrigation systems are unable to reduce the that the growth of annual glycophytes (Medicago
salt burden in the rhizosphere of plants and suit- ssp.) was much better on the soil previously desal-
able physicochemical methods are too expensive inated with perennial halophytes in saline ecosys-
(Shahid 2002). The plant-based method of saline tems (Abdelly et al. 1995). It was concluded that
soil stabilization is of importance especially in perennial halophytes desalinize and fertilize the
several developing countries where chemical rhizosphere, offering a favorable microhabitat for
amendments are getting more and more expen- a better growth of annual glycophytes. Ravindran
sive. In this regard, the use of Na+ and Cl− hyper- et al. (2007) evaluated the capacity of six halo-
accumulating plants for soil desalination is often phytic species (Suaeda maritima, Sesuvium por-
suggested as a strategy (Ravindran et al. 2007). tulacastrum, Clerodendron inerme, Ipomoea
A large number of species has been utilized for pes-caprae, Heliotropium curassavicum and one
soil desalination based on their suitability and tree species Excoecaria agallocha) to desalinize
capacity to accumulate the salt. Halophytes are the upper 40 cm of soil under field conditions in
one of the important categories of plant species India. This study demonstrated that after 120 days
extensively used for this purpose with rice as the of cultivation of the halophytes, Suaeda maritima
only one glycophytic exception (Iwasaki 1987). and Sesuvium portulacastrum showed a decrease
In order to be useful for desalination purpose, the in electrical conductivity of saline soil from 4.9 to
plant species to be used should have high salt 1.4 and 2.5 dS m−1, respectively. The potential of
resistance, high biomass production, consider- native halophytes Arthrocnemum indicum and
able shoot sodium content, and high degree of Suaeda fruticosa to desalinize saline soils was
economic utilization (such as fodder, fuel, fiber, compared with that of an introduced halophyte,
essential oil, and oil seeds) (Rabhi et al. 2010). S. portulacastrum. In this study, Rabhi et al. (2009)
Shoot-succulent halophytes such as Sesuvium confirmed S. portulacastrum as the most suitable
2 Prospects of Halophytes in Understanding and Managing Abiotic Stress Tolerance 45

plant with higher accumulation of Na+ in its shoot metals from contaminated soil and water bodies
parts for desalination purpose in arid and semi- and reclamation of such lands for sustainable
arid regions where precipitation is too low to agriculture. In this regard, extensive research is
leach salts from rhizosphere. Similarly, success- undertaken to exploit the use of metal hyper-
ful germination and growth of Hordeum vulgare accumulating plants and search for a suitable
(barley) was observed on the soil desalinated with plants that can significantly accumulate heavy
salt accumulator halophyte S. portulacastrum metals and metalloids (Zabłudowska et al. 2009).
(Rabhi et al. 2010). Taken together, the reports However, phytoremediation constitutes a group
suggest that salt accumulator halophytes can be of strategies meant not only to reduce the metal
exploited as a potential source for desalination of load at the contaminated site but also to stabilize
agricultural land in the arid and semi-arid regions the site. These strategies are referred as “phyto-
as well as for the stabilization of saline lands extraction” or “phytostabilization” and the selec-
along the coastal regions of the world. tion of a plant may depend on the level of
contamination at the site of concern. Both strate-
gies can be integrated into operation at highly
5.2 Phytoremediation contaminated mine sites with a plant that may not
be a hyper-accumulator but can tolerate even very
Contamination of agricultural soil by heavy met- high concentrations of toxic metals (Lokhande
als (such as Cu, Cd, Zn, Mn, Fe, Pb, Hg, As, Cr, et al. 2011b). Various halophytes have evolved
Se, Ur, etc.) has become a serious environmental distinct morphological specializations for deal-
concern due to their potential impact on the eco- ing with abiotic stressed environments such as
systems. Such toxic elements are considered as presence of “aerial stilts” in the members of fam-
soil and water pollutants due to their widespread ilies Rhizophoraceae and “pneumatophores” in
occurrence, and their acute and chronic toxic the members of Avicennaceae and Sonneratiaceae
effect on plants grown in such soils as well as on which enable gaseous exchange and oxygenation
humans living in their surrounding (Yadav 2010). for respiration in an anoxic environment
Plants, as sessile organisms have developed (Hutchings and Saenger 1987); however, the
diverse detoxification mechanisms against members of Myrsinaceae, possess no aerial roots.
absorbing a diversity of natural and man-made Table 2.4 presents phytoremediation potential of
toxic compounds. Pollutant-degrading enzymes some halophytes.
in plants are a natural defense system against a Numerous laboratory-based trials suggested
variety of allelochemicals released by competing that the concentrations of metals required to show
organisms, including microbes, insects and other significant negative effects on halophytes may be
plants. Therefore, plants act as natural, solar- significantly higher when compared to their
powered pump-and-treat systems for cleaning up aquatic and terrestrial floral counterparts
contaminated environments, leading to the con- (MacFarlane et al. 2007). For example, there
cept of phytoremediation (Aken 2008). A variety were no adverse effects on the growth of
of plant systems have been studied for phytore- Rhizophora mucronata and Avicennia alba seed-
mediation practices of contaminated soil; how- lings treated with Zn (10–500 mg ml−1) and Pb
ever, each species has limitations to accumulate (50–250 mg ml−1). In Kandelia candel seedlings,
the toxic metals and detoxify to nontoxic com- only at the highest applied metal concentrations
pounds through the enzymatic actions. In the (400 mg kg−1 Cu and Zn) inhibition of leaf and
course of evolution from marine to freshwater root development was observed (Chiu et al.
habitat, halophytes are found most successful 1995). Similarly, Pb (0–800 mg g−1) had little
group of plants which have shown adaptations to negative effect on Avicennia marina seedlings
a variety of abiotic stresses, tolerance to heavy (MacFarlane and Burchett 2002). Studies have
metal stress is one of these. In recent years, more demonstrated the accumulation of metals (Cu,
emphasis has been placed to remove the toxic Zn, Pb, Fe, Mn, and Cd) predominantly in root
46 V.H. Lokhande and P. Suprasanna

Table 2.4 Examples of halophytic plant species used for the purpose of phytoremediation
Plant species phytoexcretion of heavy metals References
Sesuvium portulacastrum Cd, Pb and As Ghnaya et al. (2007), Nouairi et al. (2006), Zaier
et al. (2010a, b), and Lokhande et al. (2011b)
Mesembryanthemum Cd Ghnaya et al. (2007) and Nouairi et al. (2006)
Halimione portulacoides, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn Reboreda and Caçador (2007, 2008)
Spartina maritima
Arthrocnemum Cd and Cr Redondo-Gómez et al. (2010a, b)
macrostachyum, Spartina
Triglochin maritima, Hg Castro et al. (2009)
Juncus maritimus,
Sarcocornia perennis,
Halimione portulacoides
Atriplex halimus subsp. Cd Nedjimi and Daoud (2009)
Schweinfurthii and Lefevre et al. (2009)
A. halimus Pb and Cd Manousaki and Kalogerakis (2009)
Spartina densiflora, As, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Cambrolle et al. (2008)
S. maritima and Zn
Aster tripolium Cu and Pb Fitzgerald et al. (2003)
Sarcocornia perennis Fe, Mn, and Hg Lilebo et al. (2010)
Halimione portulacoides Zn, Pb, Co, Cd, Ni, Sousa et al. (2008) and Almeida et al. (2009)
and Cu
Tamarix smyrnensis Pb and Cd Kadukova and Kalogerakis (2007),
Kadukova et al. (2008), and Manousaki et al. 2008
Juncus maritimus Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Almeida et al. (2006)
Ni, Pb, and Zn
Sporobolus virginicus, Zn, Cu, and Ni Eid and Eisa (2010)
Spartina patens,
and Atriplex nammularia
Salicornia europaea Cd Ozawa et al. (2009)

tissue, rather than in foliage, in numerous man- as hyper-accumulating species. Lokhande et al.
grove species grown in the field conditions, such (2011b) recently demonstrated the arsenic (As)
as Avicennia sps., Rhizophora sps. and Kandelia accumulation potential of Sesuvium exposed to
sps. (Peters et al. 1997). It has also been observed As(V) (100–1,000 mM) for 30 days, wherein the
that for some mangroves, concentrations of trans- growth of the plant was not affected even after
located metals are low, with bio-concentration prolonged exposure to arsenic stress with the sig-
factors (BCF; ratio of leaf metal to correspond- nificant As accumulation (155 mg g−1 dry weight)
ing sediment metal concentration) ranging from and a bioaccumulation factor of more than ten at
<0.01 in Rhizophora mangle to 0.06 for other each concentration. On the basis of total As accu-
species such as A. marina (Lacerda 1997). mulation, bioaccumulation factor and known
However, other studies suggest that mangroves biomass production capacities, the Sesuvium like
may accumulate and translocate some metals other As hyper-accumulator plants has been sug-
with leaf BCFs greater than 1, for example, gested to use as potential candidates for applica-
1.5–2.4 for A. marina (Sadiq and Zaidi 1994), tion in arsenic removal and land re-vegetation/
1.7 for Aegiceras corniculatum and 1.2 for reclamation projects in the As-contaminated sites
Kandelia candel (Chen et al. 2003) and behaved of the world.
2 Prospects of Halophytes in Understanding and Managing Abiotic Stress Tolerance 47

Heavy metal uptake in halophytes is generally Therefore, restoration and re-vegetation of

regulated at the root endodermis through modify- mangrove forest has become important for the
ing uptake from predominantly apoplastic to development of sustainable agriculture and to
selective symplastic transport. The contribution avoid the destructive natural calamities. In this
of each tissue type is dependent on the molecular context, restoration or rehabilitation of saline
properties of the plamsalemma (i.e., specific lands using potential halophytes will act as an
membrane transport proteins) and on the metal in effective strategy. Restoration or rehabilitation is
question (MacFarlane and Burchett 2000). Some recommended when an ecosystem is altered to
halophytic genera such as Aegiceras and such an extent that it can no longer self-correct or
Avicennia secrete excessive Na+ and K+ through self-renew. This could result in total disturbance
specialized glands or glandular trichomes on to ecosystem homeostasis and permanent stop-
abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces, while such spe- ping of the normal processes of secondary suc-
cialized structures are absent in nonsecretors, for cession or natural recovery from damage.
example, Rhizophora and Sonneratia (MacFarlane Wetlands play an important role in nutrient
and Burchett 1999). Indeed mangroves and a cycling, sediment accretion, pollution filtration,
number of other estuarine halophytes with glan- and erosion control in the world. In addition, they
dular tissue are known to excrete heavy metals are known for their distinctive flora and rich spec-
concomitantly with other solutes (MacFarlane trum of wildlife, especially waterfowl, which
and Burchett 2000). The variation in morphol- makes them more valuable and more prone to
ogy/function of nutritive root tissue and glandu- human impact than other ecosystems (Mitsch and
lar tissue to deal with the challenges of excess Gosselink 2007). However, only a small percent-
cations in saline environments could become sig- age of the original wetlands have remained
nificant for metal accumulation, transport, parti- around the world after over two centuries of
tioning, and excretion among halophytic plant intensive development and urbanization. Having
species (MacFarlane et al. 2007). lost so many wetlands, it seems that there are
many opportunities for wetland restoration along
coastal lines, rivers, lakes, etc. The deteriorated
5.3 Wetland Restoration saline wetland can be restored using halophytes
and Re-vegetation and salt-tolerant plants. The research on salt-tolerant
plants and halophytes has attracted attention of
Mangrove forests are ecologically important many scientists because these plants could be
coastal ecosystem currently covering 146,530 km used for saline agriculture and biomass energy on
of the tropical shorelines of the world (FAO saline land, and for overcoming the worldwide
2003). There has been a steady decline from problem of food shortage and energy crisis.
198,000 km of mangroves in 1980 and 157,630 km Restoration of areas of damaged or destroyed
in 1990 (FAO 2003) which represents about 2 mangrove forests has been previously discussed
and 1% losses per year between 1980–1990 by many workers (Brockmeyer et al. 1997; Lewis
and 1990–2000, respectively (Lewis 2005). and Streever 2000; Saenger 2002). Saenger and
Mangroves have provided ecological benefits in Siddiqi (1993) described one of the largest man-
terms of shorelines stabilization, reduction in grove afforestation programs which covered
wave and wind energy against shorelines thus plantings of primarily one species (Sonneratia
protecting inland structures, supporting coastal apetala) over 1,600 km2 on newly accreting mud
fisheries for fish and shellfish through direct and flats in Bangladesh.
indirect food support and provisions for habitat, Research in this field of wetland restoration
and support of wildlife. However, increasing has demonstrated the potential of salt-tolerant
human activities and adverse environmental con- plants and halophytes (Wang et al. 2008a, b;
ditions have led to destruction of mangrove for- Zhang et al. 2008) for restoration and re-vegeta-
ests thus limiting the available resources. tion of barren lands and wetlands along the
48 V.H. Lokhande and P. Suprasanna

coastal regions. Use of halophytes from the produced the successful transgenic plants which
ancient period for restoration of wetlands is sum- could tolerate the excess saline stress and yield
marized here. Scirpus species have been exten- more productivity in such conditions. Therefore,
sively used in constructed wetlands for wastewater extensive efforts should have been undertaken to
treatment as the species has ability to efficiently protect the available resources of freshwater and
remove nutrients and pathogens from effluent arable lands in the arid and semi-arid regions of
(Huang et al. 2000; Coleman et al. 2001). Besides the world through the application of halophytes
S. robustus showed efficiency for removal of for the variety of uses as a source of nonconven-
selenium (Se) from contaminated water demon- tional cash-crops such as food, fodder, forage,
strating potential for Se phytoremediation by medicinal, ornamental, chemical, timber, and
wetlands (Pilon-Smits et al. 1999). Tissue culture other usage of wood and fibers (Khan and Qaiser
mode of plant regeneration has been suggested as 2006). Introduction of these potential halophytes
an efficient tool for producing plants required in has led to cover the barren saline land along the
wetland creation and restoration (Wang et al. coastal zones of the world and provided economic
2003). Seliskar and Gallagher (2000) have fur- benefits to the humans.
ther proposed that tissue culture-induced soma- A variety of halophytic plant species have
clonal variation can be advantageous to produce been categorized into different groups such as
plants with particular characteristics for use in euhalophytes, xerohalophytes, and hydrohalo-
wetland restoration. Further, Wang et al. (2006) phytes on the basis of their growth performance
evaluated the wetland restoration potentials of in variable climatic conditions and salt concen-
selected tissue culture regenerants of ecologically trations in the soil which has been utilized as a
important salt marsh monocots, Spartina patens, source of nonconventional cash-crops (Khan and
S. alterniflora, Juncus gerardi, J. roemerianus Qaiser 2006; Khan and Ansari 2008). Hollington
and Scirpus robustus in a simulated marsh fields. et al. (2001) described the successful stories of
the utilization of halophytic species for the
improvement of sustainable agriculture as well as
5.4 Saline Agriculture sources of economy. Atriplex species showed the
highest productivity and increases water uptake
The rapidly increasing human population in the whereas tree species of Acacia and Prosopis have
arid and semi-arid regions of the world has tre- shown its role in re-vegetation and for biological
mendously increased the pressure on the avail- drainage. Further, the use of raised-bed technol-
ability of good quality water and land resources ogy and on-farm seed priming have improved the
for human usage, industry and agriculture. In production and efficiency of a range of halophytic
addition, improper and poor quality irrigation plant species in saline conditions. Zhao et al.
practices have increased the level of under-ground (2002) have screened the halophytic species dis-
water and large areas have become water logged tributed along the coast of China and categorized
which eventually results into higher salinities of into different groups and suggested their uses in
the soil (Yensen 2006). Salinity affects the growth saline agriculture for the economic purposes. The
of the plant to a sever extent thus reducing the variety of halophytic species so far used as a non-
crop productivity in the arable lands. It becomes conventional source for various purposes in
a serious threat of growing any conventional Pakistan have been reviewed extensively (Khan
crops which are otherwise sensitive to high salt and Qaiser 2006; Khan and Ansari 2008) and
concentrations and expect the yield at higher presented in Table 2.1. Similarly, various strate-
level in such saline lands to fulfill the demand of gies have been utilized for managing the saline or
ever-growing human population for food, fodder, alkaline soil for sustainable agricultural produc-
shelter and as a raw material for the industrial tion in South Africa (Sharma and Minhas 2005).
purposes. The research work on engineering the Besides, Masters et al. (2007) also reviewed
salt tolerance of the crop plants has not yet the utilization of halophytic grasses and shrubs
2 Prospects of Halophytes in Understanding and Managing Abiotic Stress Tolerance 49

(such as Medicago sativa, M. polymorpha, variety of tolerance mechanisms such as halosuc-

Trifolium sps., Hordeum vulgare, Distichlis spi- culence, ion compartmentation (exclusion/inclu-
cata, Suaeda sps., Sporobolus sps., etc.) in biosa- sion), osmoregulation, enzymatic and nonenzymatic
line agriculture for the production of forage and antioxidants and maintenance of redox and energy
livestock which showed their growth potentials status. Research on understanding the abiotic stress
in highly saline soil with salt concentrations tolerance mechanism of halophytes has been on
>25 dS m−1 and produce 0.5–5 ton of edible dry the upfront using wide array of physiological, bio-
matter year−1. The potentials of five halophytic chemical, and molecular tools. Some of the halo-
plant species namely Diplachne fusca, Spartina phytes (e.g., Thellungiella halophila) that tolerate
patens, Sporobolus virginicus (Smyrna-smooth), adverse conditions have become the choice model
Sporobolus virginicus (Dixe-coarse), and Medicago systems for unraveling the different pathways
sativa have been studied as a source of forage associated with halophytic behavior. However,
plants in Egypt on the soils irrigated with different research in the context of progress in metabolom-
concentrations of seawater. The studies showed ics, genomics, and proteomics has to be initiated in
that S. virginicus (Dixe) produced the highest bio- diverse halophytic species with the use of advanced
mass upon irrigated with either 25 or 37.5% sea techniques to gain detailed knowledge of abiotic
water, followed by S. patens and D. fusca whereas stress tolerance.
S. virginicus showed the lowest yield. The stud- Halophytes have also been utilized practically
ies conducted on cultivation of Salvadora persica for managing the stressful environment and shown
in semi-arid saline and alkali soils showed its to be involved in increasing the economy of devel-
efficiency for growth and as a source of industrial oping countries in many parts of the world.
oil on both saline and alkali soils for economic Halophytes have shown their role in desalination
and ecological benefits which is otherwise not of saline lands from arid and semi-arid regions as
suitable for conventional arable farming (Reddy well as the stabilization of saline lands along the
et al. 2008). Therefore, considering the approach coastal sides, phytoremediation of heavy metal
of biosaline agriculture more efforts should have contaminated sites and wetland restoration and re-
been undertaken on the cultivation of nonarable vegetation through introduction of variety of
lands with nonconventional plant resources such halophyte species. This has led to developing
as halophytes to bring the uncultivable land for agriculture on saline lands for supporting the
the use of economic purposes of the human being. sources of food, forage, fodder, medicine, orna-
This strategy will help to improve the gross econ- mental and important plant-based chemicals to
omy of the developing countries. ever-growing human population. In addition, this
may also help in reducing the burden on the crop
plants which are facing the productivity problems
6 Conclusions and Future due to exposure to various abiotic stresses.
Perspectives Considering these applications, constructive strat-
egies have to be developed and implemented for
Worldwide food production is affected to a large the protection of world’s nonrenewable resources,
extent by environmental extremities and the sensi- wherein available halophyte diversity can be uti-
tivity of crops is a major limitation for achieving lized as an important source. Investigation of the
higher plant productivity. Plants have evolved gene regulation and the balance of individual
adoptive mechanisms which can be understood stress tolerance mechanisms will aid in translat-
and exploited as an important resource for devel- ing the information to other salt-sensitive crops.
opment of crops tolerant to extremities. Halophytes Such studies will be helpful for ensuring sustain-
show a diversity of growth responses to increasing ability of future research efforts to improve and
salinity. Halophytes have evolved to the changing manage crop performance on marginal and irri-
environmental conditions through developing gated land through genetic manipulation.
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UV-B Radiation, Its Effects
and Defense Mechanisms 3
in Terrestrial Plants
Fernando E. Prado, Mariana Rosa, Carolina Prado,
Griselda Podazza, Roque Interdonato,
Juan A. González, and Mirna Hilal

The UV-B is an important component of solar radiation to which all
terrestrial and aquatic plants were exposed during the early evolutionary
phase of the Earth. Hence the plants, principally terrestrial, have evolved
different mechanisms to avoid and repair the UV-B damage; therefore, it is
not surprising that photomorphogenic responses to the solar UV-B are erro-
neously assumed to be adaptations to the harmful UV radiation. The
responses to UV-B enhancement include changes in the leaf area, leaf
thickness, stomatal density, wax deposition, stem elongation, and branch-
ing pattern, as well as in the synthesis of secondary metabolites, alterations
in plant–pathogen and plant–predator interactions, and in gene expression.
However, under field conditions the ambient solar UV-B provides an impor-
tant signal for the normal plant development and may be perceived by the
plants through nondestructive processes involving both UV-B specific and
UV-B nonspecific signaling pathways. The specific signaling pathways
include the components UVR8 and COP1 which regulate the expression of
a set of genes that are essential for the plants’ protection. The nonspecific
signaling pathways involve DNA damage, reactive oxygen species (ROS),
hormones, and wound/defense signaling molecules. Indeed under the field
conditions, the ambient UV-B might more properly be viewed as a photo-
morphogenic signal than as a stressor. Therefore, it might not be appropri-
ate to evaluate the adaptive roles of plant responses to UV-B cues upon
stress tolerance by the simultaneous application of both solar radiation and
supplemental UV-B. In this chapter, we analyzed the information regarding

F.E. Prado () • M. Rosa • C. Prado

• R. Interdonato • M. Hilal
Cátedra de Fisiología Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias
Naturales e IML, Miguel Lillo 205, CP 4000
Tucumán, Argentina
G. Podazza • J.A. González
Instituto de Ecología, Fundación Miguel Lillo,
Miguel Lillo 251, CP 4000 Tucumán, Argentina

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 57
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_3,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
58 F.E. Prado et al.

physiological and morphogenic responses of the terrestrial plants to the

UV-B radiation, as well as the events related to UV-B perception, signal
transduction, gene expression, and ROS formation from different studies
carried out in greenhouses, growth chambers, and field conditions.

UV-B radiation • DNA damage • DNA repair • Metabolites • Signaling
• Secondary metabolites • Morphogenic responses

pollutants (e.g., smoke, aerosols) and especially

1 Introduction: Knowing the weather factors (e.g., clouds, haze) greatly
the Solar UV-B Radiation, decrease the level of UV-B reaching the Earth’s
a Historical Background surface. Depending upon the type and height of
clouds, liquid water content, and particle distri-
Within the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, bution, the cover of clouds can attenuate over
the UV radiation describes a spectral range 70% of the incident UV-B radiation (McKenzie
between 200 and 400 nm, which borders on the et al. 2007).
visible range. The UV radiation is divided into Over 35 years ago, it was warned that man-
three effective types: UV-A (320–400 nm), UV-B made nitrous oxide and chlorine-containing com-
(280–320 nm), and UV-C (200–280 nm). Less pounds (e.g., chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs) produce
than 7% of the sun’s radiation reaching the Earth’s the breakdown of large amounts of ozone in the
surface falls approximately in the range between stratosphere (Crutzen 1972; Molina and Rowland
295 and 400 nm (UV-A and UV-B); the shorter 1974; in Velders et al. 2007). This fact causes the
UV wavelengths get filtered out by the strato- depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer increas-
spheric ozone. Therefore, the lower limit of ing the UV-B radiation at the ground level, espe-
shorter wavelengths of the solar UV radiation cially in Antarctic and Arctic regions as well as in
reaching the surface is determined by the strato- high altitude areas (Ryan and Hunt 2005). By
spheric ozone layer. The stratospheric ozone their contributions on chlorine-containing com-
absorbs virtually all the UV radiation ranging pounds and the depletion of the ozone layer,
approximately 295 nm and lesser. Although the Crutzen, Molina, and Rowland were awarded
stratospheric ozone determines the amount of with the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1995. After
UV-B radiation that reaches the surface of the the Molina and Rowland’s work, Farman,
Earth, its level is significantly affected by varia- Gardiner, and Shanklin, scientists of the British
tions in latitude and altitude. The level of UV-B Antarctic Survey, shocked the scientific commu-
radiation over tropical latitudes is higher than in nity during the early middle 1980s by publishing
temperate regions due to lesser atmospheric the results of a study showing a springtime ozone
UV-B absorption determined by the solar angle hole in the Antarctic ozone layer (Farman et al.
and the ozone layer itself which is thinner in 1985, in Ryan and Hunt 2005). This fact rang
equatorial regions. Thus, the UV-B radiation is alarm bells worldwide and within the same year,
relatively high in tropical areas and relatively 20 nations including most of the major CFCs
low in the polar regions. Increases of the UV-B producers signed the Vienna Convention, which
irradiance with increasing elevation above sea level established a framework for negotiating an inter-
is also known, i.e., measurements of the UV-B national regulation on the ozone-depleting sub-
irradiance show an average increase between 10 stances. After that, on September 16, 1987 the
and 19% for every 1,000 m increase in elevation. Montreal Protocol on “Substances that Deplete
Besides geographical factors, the atmospheric the Ozone Layer” was opened for nations signature
3 UV-B Radiation, Its Effects and Defense Mechanisms in Terrestrial Plants 59

and entered into force on January 1, 1989 (Velders with some of the most essential components of the
et al. 2007). At present, after several amendments, biochemical machinery, i.e., DNA molecule and
all the countries in the United Nations have ratified photosystem II (PSII) (Singh et al. 2008). However,
the Montreal Protocol ( when the stratospheric ozone layer developed, the
Meeting_Documents/). However, today the ozone UV-A radiation and a minor portion of the UV-B
depletion is a global phenomenon and according wavelengths only could reach the Earth’s surface
to the European Ozone Research Coordinating due to the atmospheric absorption and scattering of
Unit (EORCU) its amount approximately reaches the UV-C radiation. Therefore, how the UV radia-
0.6% per year. The level of UV-B radiation in the tion has altered the Earth’s environment over geo-
biosphere varies, spatially and temporally, quite logical time periods is essential for understanding
considerably but the depletion of the stratospheric the evolutionary history of the earth and also to
ozone strongly affects its penetration (Ryan and understand how the UV-B radiation has contributed
Hunt 2005). Thus, despite reductions in the pro- as selection pressure on the development of terres-
duction and use of ozone-depleting chemicals, the trial plants (Björn and McKenzie 2007). In fact,
potential of ozone depletion by anthropogenic Sagan (Sagan 1973 in Singh et al. 2008) first con-
emissions or natural causes (e.g., volcanoes) still sidered the UV radiation as a selection pressure on
remains. In this scenario, the level of stratospheric the early photosynthetic organisms, when our
ozone will continue decaying with a severe decline knowledge on biological effects of the UV radia-
occurring between 2010 and 2019 in the northern tion on plants was in its infancy. During the evolu-
hemisphere that may result up to 50–60% increase tionary history of the Earth, the terrestrial plants
in the springtime UV-B radiation according to the coevolved under different solar UV-B levels and
Global Climate Model (GCM) that is based on the may have experienced significantly higher UV-B
simplified ozone-depletion chemistry (Taalas et al. irradiances than the current surface UV-B level
2000). Furthermore, the recovery of the strato- (Cockell and Horneck 2001; Rozema et al. 2002).
spheric ozone to early 1980s levels is not predicted Thereby, the UV-B tolerance acquired earlier prob-
until roughly 2050. ably helps to explain why plants are distributed at
lower latitudes or higher elevations, where UV-B
irradiances are greater, are less sensitive to high lev-
2 Solar UV-B Radiation els of the UV-B radiation than those at higher lati-
and the Life of Terrestrial tudes and/or lower elevations (Turunen and Latola
Plants 2005; Ren et al. 2010). The present rate of atmo-
spheric changes is so rapid that evolution may not
Since the discovery of the ozone layer depletion keep up with it, particularly in long-living plants
(~30 years ago) the responses of microorganisms, like trees. The UV-B environment of terrestrial
animals, and terrestrial plants to solar UV-B radia- plants is presently quite variable in both time and
tion have been active subjects of many studies space, and thus organisms experience different
(Rozema 2000; Björn et al. 2002; Ryan and Hunt UV-B doses and adapt to UV-B radiation at differ-
2005). Prior to building of the atmospheric oxygen ent levels (Rozema 2000). In this context it is
and then the stratospheric ozone layer, the UV-C expected that terrestrial plants respond differen-
radiation and high levels of both UV-B and UV-A tially to increasing solar UV-B. Nevertheless,
would probably have reached the Earth’s surface although studies assessing possible consequences
relatively unattenuated affecting all the living organ- of the ozone depletion have greatly increased our
isms. In this context, the UV radiation seems to be understanding on how living organisms are affected
a ubiquitous factor in the course of terrestrial biota? by the UV-B radiation, the focus of these researches
Plant evolution from the early Archean era began as may also have distracted the attention from the
solitary photosynthetic cells (Cockell and Horneck UV-B radiation as a component of the ambient light
2001). The UV effects on terrestrial plants, which environment involved in the evolution of life on the
are principally detrimental, have been demonstrated Earth’s surface (Cockell and Horneck 2001).
60 F.E. Prado et al.

3 UV-B Radiation as a Rozema et al. 2002; Ballaré 2003; Caldwell et al.

Modulator of the Plant 2007). However, from an evolutionary perspec-
Function tive this assumption is questionable. The terres-
trial plants have always developed under the solar
Due to their absolute sunlight requirement for UV-B and then their genetic machinery coevolved
survival, the plants are inevitably exposed to together with the ambient UV-B level. Therefore,
solar UV-B radiation. However, from equatorial it can be hypothesized that the metabolic machin-
to the polar regions and from the sea level to high ery of plants contains all the necessary elements
mountains, the terrestrial plants are exposed to for a normal coexistence with the current UV-B
greatly different UV-B irradiances, given the level and so the solar UV-B radiation should not
geographical differences in UV-B irradiances is be considered as an environmental stress factor.
much greater than corresponding differences in In fact, the current level of the ambient UV-B
the total solar radiation (Rozema 2000). The plant radiation should be considered as a signal factor
chemical photoprocesses respond differently to that induces the expression of genes related to the
different UV wavelengths as the biological dam- normal plant development (Jenkins 2009). While
age exacerbated as wavelength becomes shorter. the UV-B exclusion must be considered as an
Thus, the relative effectiveness of UV-B-ranging anomalous signal factor that induces the expres-
wavelengths (effective UV-B irradiance) must be sion and/or repression of another set of genes
known in order to assess the responses to ozone (Brosché et al. 2002; Stratmann 2003; Hectors
changes. The effective UV irradiance (E) or dose et al. 2007). In this context, the solar UV-B radia-
rate exposure is given by tion appears as a reliable plant effector, but it is
not always possible to identify a unique particu-
E = ∫ F(λ)W(λ)dλ, lar reason as explanation of the underlying UV-B
effects. In nature, the terrestrial plants are seldom
where W(l) is the weighting function (action spec- affected by only a single environmental factor;
trum) for a specific biological or chemical effect they typically respond to several environmental
and F(l) is the spectral irradiance, either computed factors acting in concert (Bruno et al. 2003).
or measured, for a given time (e.g., hour, day, year) Therefore, the influence of changing UV-B in
and location. As a result, the biological effective- natural ecosystems must be evaluated consider-
ness of the weighted UV-B irradiances (UV-BBE, ing two opposite processes: (a) facilitation; (b)
biologically effective UV-B radiation) related to competition. These processes have been recog-
different action spectra has different responses to nized as key drivers in a wide range of natural
atmospheric ozone changes (Flint and Caldwell communities and hence, effectiveness of the UV-B
2003). It has been estimated that 1% decrease in radiation will be greatly modified by other envi-
the stratospheric ozone concentration would result ronmental factors, in some cases aggravating and
in nearly 2% increase in the UV-BBE at mid-lati- in others, ameliorating the overall UV-B effect
tudes. Therefore, the recently projected 15% (Bruno et al. 2003).
stratospheric ozone reduction would result in up to
30% increase in the value of UV-BBE in the next
three decades (McKenzie et al. 2007). 5 Responses of Terrestrial
Plants to Ambient Solar UV-B
4 Solar UV-B Radiation: Stress The most extended researches relating to the
Factor or Beneficial Signal effects of increasing solar UV-B radiation on ter-
Factor? restrial plants have been performed in both austral
and boreal polar regions (Day et al. 2001; Phoenix
From the ozone depletion perspective, the UV-B et al. 2003; Robson et al. 2003; Rozema et al.
radiation is considered as an environmental stres- 2006; Newsham and Robinson 2009). The deple-
sor of photosynthetic organisms (Jordan 2002; tion of the stratospheric ozone is greater in both
3 UV-B Radiation, Its Effects and Defense Mechanisms in Terrestrial Plants 61

Antarctic and Arctic regions than in other nonpo- Rozema et al. (2005, 2006) claimed the finding
lar latitudes where it is less pronounced and sub- that neither flowering plants nor mosses and lichen
ject to other atmospheric factors such as horizontal species of the polar ecosystems are markedly
and vertical ozone transport. In the Antarctic zone, affected by the enhanced solar UV-B. Almost all
the complete breakdown of the stratospheric the plant parameters related to the growth and
ozone occurs only during few springtime days, photosynthesis were not significantly affected by
but the springtime ozone depletion reaches elevated UV-B simulating 15, 30, or may be
50–60% on average (Rozema et al. 2005). This higher (e.g., 50%) of the ozone depletion (Rozema
event has occurred uninterruptedly for at least 30 et al. 2005). In fact, these overviews contradict
years, leading to a marked increase of the solar many authors who hypothesized that stressful
UV-B irradiance. Since the 1990s frequent occur- harsh climatic and environmental polar conditions
rence of the springtime ozone hole over the Arctic would make the polar plants vulnerable to the
also occurs resulting in significant ozone deple- enhanced UV-B, and that the repair of UV-B-
tion and increasing the UV-B irradiance at the induced damage could be hampered by the low
ground level (Rex et al. 2004). Similar to the polar temperatures (Newsham and Robinson
Antarctic area, the ozone loss over the Arctic area 2009; Snell et al. 2009). The absence of signifi-
is higher in the early springtime than in the grow- cant UV-B effects on polar plants could imply that
ing plant season (late springtime and summer). they are better adapted to high UV-B regimes and
The Arctic springtime ozone depletion is lower capable of preventing and/or effectively repairing
than the Antarctic one and rarely reaches 40–50% the UV-B damage (Rozema et al. 2005). Although
on average (Rex et al. 2004). Also, the Arctic this fact may be interpreted that terrestrial plants
ozone loss is extremely sensitive to frequency of from polar ecosystems are particularly tolerant to
sudden stratospheric warming due to the green- the ozone depletion, in a more generalized way it
house effect. Because of the influence of increas- has been applied to all the plants and ecosystems,
ing greenhouse gases, the ozone holes may worsen especially those located in high UV-B environ-
leading to greater ozone depletion over the Arctic ments (e.g., tropical and subtropical mountain
and increasing the severity and duration of the areas). This assumption implies that terrestrial
Antarctic ozone depletion (Rozema et al. 2005). plants occurring naturally in the high UV-B habi-
At present both Antarctic and Arctic polar regions tats would undoubtedly have evolved specific
represent one the most extreme UV-B environ- adaptations that protect them against the deleteri-
ment and constitute an excellent site to study the ous effects of the UV-B radiation. Hence such
responses of terrestrial plants to increased solar plants could show a reduced responsiveness
UV-B. Although almost all the investigations mainly due to their reduced sensitivity to UV-B
were carried out in the Antarctic area this ecosys- radiation. Similarly, the plants growing in habitats
tem only has two species of higher plants: with low UV-B irradiances (e.g., forest under-
Deschampsia antarctica and Colobanthus quiten- ground) could suffer changes even under small
sis (Convey and Smith 2006). While the terrestrial variations in the stratospheric ozone layer
Arctic ecosystem has more than 160 higher plant (Turunen and Latola 2005).
species, allowing more species interactions and The solar UV-B radiation cannot be regarded
feedbacks and perhaps providing a more general as merely an environmental factor causing plant
representative ecosystem response to enhanced damages because it can also act as an informa-
UV-B than the more simple two-species Antarctic tional signal leading to morphogenic effects on
ecosystem (Rozema et al. 2006). Short- and long- the structure of plants and the overall function
term studies have shown different and controver- of forest ecosystems (Julkunen-Tiitto et al.
sial effects of both enhanced and excluded solar 2005). For many years both field and laboratory
UV-B radiation on the Antarctic and Arctic flora experiments have focused on the UV-B increased
species (Searles et al. 2002; Phoenix et al. 2003; scenario, being scarce those on the responses of
Robson et al. 2003). However, in three extensive plants to the current level of solar UV-B (Searles
overviews, Dormann and Woodin (2002) and et al. 2001). This lack of information constitutes
62 F.E. Prado et al.

an important gap that impedes us to understand tion as well as a greater cost of maintenance
the responses of terrestrial plants to solar UV-B (Snell et al. 2009). The reason for the low UV-B
changes completely. Many reports consider the transmittance in the conifer needles is that
solar UV-B as an environmental stressor that UV-absorbing compounds are located in both
affects the development of plants (Láposi et al. vacuoles and epidermal cell walls, whereas in
2002; Kadur et al. 2007), while others have herbaceous plants these are located primarily
communicated no detrimental effects of the inside the vacuoles of epidermal cells (Julkunen-
solar UV-B on the plant growth (Amudha et al. Tiitto et al. 2005). Moreover, the soluble fla-
2010). Some have even reported protective and/ vonoids can be actively and rapidly mediated by
or beneficial effects of the solar UV-B radiation the exposure to UV-B radiation whereas the
(Winter and Rostás 2008). Although there is no cell-wall bound insoluble phenyl-propanoids
conclusive explanation for these contradictory represent a more passive UV-screening mecha-
effects, they could obey to variations in the nism (Krauss et al. 1997; Clarke and Robinson
UV-B sensitivity among different species and 2008). These compounds absorb the UV-B
even among cultivars of the same species wavelengths effectively, but they also transmit
(Gilbert et al. 2009; González et al. 2009). In the visible PAR inside the mesophyll cells
this context, the terrestrial plants have devel- (Krauss et al. 1997). Interestingly, excess of
oped different strategies to avoid UV-B radia- penetrating UV radiation (UV-A and UV-B)
tion reaching the most sensitive cellular targets. could be converted into visible PAR radiation
A major strategy against penetration of the solar through both yellow and green fluorescence
UV-B is based on epidermal screening of the emission from the epidermal cell-wall bound
incident radiation (Tattini et al. 2005). The UV-absorbing compounds (Hoque and Remus
mechanisms that inhibit the penetration of UV-B 1999). Although the epidermal thickness and
radiation inside the leaf tissues comprise differ- concentration of UV-absorbing compounds
ent leaf structural features such as leaf surface seems to be the strongest predictors of epider-
reflectance due to the leaf surface wax and hairs mal transmittance and depth of the UV-B pene-
(trichomes) (Liakopoulos et al. 2006; González tration, clear relationships between effectiveness
et al. 2007), epidermal thickness (Hilal et al. of the accumulation of UV-absorbing com-
2004), epidermal terpenoids (resin) accumula- pounds and epidermal morphological changes
tion (Zavala and Ravetta 2002), and epidermal have still not been established, suggesting that
accumulation of UV-absorbing compounds other intrinsic plant factors are also important in
(Burchard et al. 2000; Agati and Tattini 2010). determining the UV-B screening efficiency.
However, despite largely evolved UV-protection Moreover, the endogenous constitution of plants
mechanisms, complete UV-B protection is not can affect the chemical composition at both
achieved and a small percentage of the solar whole and organ level. Even within an individ-
UV-B radiation penetrates inside the leaf (Krauss ual plant the quality and quantity of secondary
et al. 1997). It is generally accepted that a gradi- metabolites may differ between young and old
ent exists in the ability to screening of UV; the leaves, as well as between the leaves exposed to
herbaceous plants (being least efficient) towards the sun and those that remain in the shade
woody and perennial plants, with the conifers (Brenes-Arguedas et al. 2006). Alteration in the
being the most efficient (Krauss et al. 1997). accumulation of species-specific UV-absorbing
Moreover, the proportion of UV-B radiation compounds may result in changes in the tissue
reaching the leaf photosynthetic mesophyll is attractiveness or palatability to insects and her-
significantly higher in the deciduous broadleaf bivores (Izaguirre et al. 2007), pathogen attacks
trees than in the evergreen conifer trees (Stratmann 2003), plant–plant interactions
(Julkunen-Tiitto et al. 2005; Turunen and Latola (Sullivan 2005), and changes in litter decompo-
2005). This indicates a greater susceptibility of sition processes (Pancotto et al. 2003). Because
the deciduous trees to the enhanced UV-B radia- most of these studies have been conducted on
3 UV-B Radiation, Its Effects and Defense Mechanisms in Terrestrial Plants 63

crop monocultures or isolated pot grown plants, were important to understand the physiological
the extrapolation of their responses to natural responses and identify possible targets for the
ecosystems is difficult (Phoenix et al. 2003). UV-B radiation, extensive recent studies have
One previous ecosystem study found little effect shown that effects of the artificially manipulated
of the ambient solar UV-B on Sphagnum bog UV-B have been often overestimated (Rozema
and Carex fen in Tierra del Fuego-Argentina 2000). Moreover, the responses of terrestrial
(Searles et al. 2002). Moreover, in related stud- plants to simulated solar UV-B enhancement
ies the solar UV-B reduced the herbivory, but vary greatly due to artifacts derived from the
increased the damage of DNA in the perennial experimental conditions (Musil et al. 2002a;
herb Gunnera magellanica and reduced both the Flint et al. 2003). A critical point besides the
leaf number and length of the Antarctic species variability of experimental conditions in the
D. antarctica and C. quitensis (Ballaré et al. evaluation of simulated solar UV-B enhance-
2001). Although overall these studies expand ment is the use of lamps to provide the UV-B
our limited knowledge on how the exposure to radiation. Both UV-fluorescent and broad-
natural ambient UV-B can modify the biomass spectrum xenon-arc lamps are the most com-
accumulation, population dynamics, and com- monly used sources of UV radiation in UV-B
petitive interactions in nonagricultural species enhancement experiments (Flint et al. 2009). In
and thereby how ecosystems may respond to terrestrial studies, the UV-fluorescent lamps are
future UV-B fluctuations. Presently long-time usually used, but in aquatic experiments the
studies are very scarce, only a few studies with xenon-arc lamps are preferred. Although the
more than 4 years under continuous monitoring UV-fluorescent lamps are widely used, they sup-
have been communicated (Robson et al. 2003; ply more short- than long-wave UV-B radiation
Rozema et al. 2006; Trošt-Sedej and Gaberščik compared with the solar spectrum (Musil et al.
2008). Although the visible radiation can often 2002a). In addition, all the UV lamps emit small
penetrate dense canopies deeper than the UV-B but biologically effective UV-C radiation, which
because of its higher transmittance through is not present in the solar radiation reaching the
leaves, in less dense canopies the situation may Earth’s surface (Flint et al. 2009). Other debat-
be reversed. This implies that the UV-B/PAR able question in the studies on UV-B effects is
ratio should change with the canopy leaf area the use of UV filters. The major filters used to
and leaf architecture (Shulski et al. 2004). In exclude either UV-A or UV-B in UV-exclusion
order to understand how the natural ecosystems studies are: (a) cellulose diacetate, CA, that is
respond to the ambient solar UV-B radiation, commonly used to exclude the UV-C radiation
many additional well-designed long-term stud- and transmit both UV-A and UV-B; (b) polyes-
ies with various plant species are needed in ter, the generic name for Mylar (trade name of
order to understand the different behavior of the DuPont Co.) that is used to exclude both
UV-B and PAR inside the canopy as well as to UV-C and UV-B and transmit the UV-A only;
obtain a complete picture of the gene–environment (c) polychlorotrifluoroethylene, PCTFE (Aclar
interactions. 22 C) that transmits all the UV radiation (UV-A,
UV-B, and UV-C); (d) copolymers of
tetrafluoroethylene and hexafluoropropylene,
6 Effects of Artificially Teflon FEP (trade name of the DuPont Co.) that
Enhanced UV-B Radiation transmits the radiation at 245 nm and above;
(e) polyvinyl fluoride, Tedlar TUT (trade name
Different to polar studies, earlier researches on of the DuPont Co.) that blocks wavelengths in
nonpolar terrestrial plants were mainly focused the UV-B region; (f) clear polyethylene, Dura-
on the effects of artificially increased UV-B Film Super 4 (trade name of the AT Plastics
radiation on crop species rather than ecosystems Inc.) that blocks the UV radiation up to 380 nm;
(Flint et al. 2003). Although, such researches polymethylmethacrylate, Plexiglas (trade name
64 F.E. Prado et al.

of the Arkema): the standard Plexiglas excludes

the UV-B wavelengths and a portion of the 7 Physiological and
UV-A region, whereas the UV-T Plexiglas trans- Morphological Responses
mits all the wavelengths in both UV-B and UV-A to UV-B Enhancement
regions (Krizek et al. 2005). Although these fil-
ters have been widely used in UV-B studies, From indoor and outdoor studies, there is a gen-
their transmittance properties vary leading to eral consensus that UV-B enhancement produces
erroneous interpretations of the UV effects in physiological, biochemical, morphological, and
long-term experiments (Day et al. 2001). anatomical changes in the plants (Searles et al.
Moreover, CA, the most widely used UV filter 2001). According to the literature, the enhance-
produces detrimental effects on plants (Krizek ment of UV-B radiation can affect the terrestrial
and Mirecki 2004). On the other hand, in green- plants at different functional levels involving
houses or growth chambers unrealistic bal- conformational changes and damages to different
ances frequently occur among the different light molecules such as DNA, proteins, and lipids (Li
spectral regions: UV-B/UV-A/PAR (photosyn- et al. 2010). As a result, if damage to macromol-
thetic active radiation (PAR), 400–700 nm) and ecules, that is, DNA is not effectively repaired,
often levels of PAR lower than in the field the UV-B effect will be translated to the biochem-
conditions are also observed. Low levels of ical level with the consequent alteration and/or
PAR increase the sensitivity of plants to impairment of the plant functionality (e.g., photo-
UV-B-induced damages (Pradhan et al. 2006). synthetic process, growth, yield). Although it is
Additionally, to calculate and compare the doses clear that there is a wide range of both intra- and
of UV-B under different spectral regimes the interspecific sensitivity to UV-B radiation (Gilbert
UV-B radiation is weighted (UV-BBE) accord- et al. 2009) the terrestrial plants through the evo-
ing to a suitable biological action spectrum or lution have acquired different protective strate-
biological weighting function (BWF). To obtain gies to avoid the adverse effects of UV-B radiation.
the UV-BBE there are different BWFs available The two major protective mechanisms are: (a)
but there is a generalized consensus for the use shielding through the production of soluble phe-
of the Caldwell’s BWF (Flint and Caldwell nolics (e.g., flavonoids, anthocyanins, hydroxy-
2003). Several results, however, have shown cinnamic acid derivatives), insoluble polyphenols
that this very steep action spectrum may lead to (e.g., lignin), and cell-wall bound UV-absorbing
over- or underestimation of the UV-B effects compounds (Hilal et al. 2004; Clarke and
(Micheletti et al. 2003). Moreover, differences Robinson 2008), as well as by reflection of the
in climatic conditions can also affect the inter- UV-B radiation by epicuticular waxes and cuticu-
pretations and comparisons among different lar structures (Hada et al. 2003; Schmitz-Hoerner
studies based on the BWF (Musil et al. 2002b; and Weissenböck 2003; Agati and Tattini 2010);
Flint et al. 2009). Therefore, all the quantitative (b) removal and direct reversion of the DNA
predictions relating to UV-B enhancement lesions induced by UV-B radiation (Tuteja et al.
effects could be greatly affected. On the other 2001; Britt 2004; Kimura et al. 2004).
hand, more recent studies have proposed that
increases of the ambient solar UV-B radiation at
magnitudes anticipated under the current strato- 7.1 DNA: Damage and Repair
spheric ozone projections will not significantly
have large-scale deleterious effects on terrestrial The more important UV-B-induced DNA altera-
plants even though some species may suffer tions are the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine
photosynthesis decreases and growth reductions dimers (CPDs) and pyrimidine (6–4) pyrimidine
(Rozema et al. 2006; Xu and Qiu 2007; Newsham dimers (6–4 photoproducts, 6-4PPs) (Dany et al.
and Robinson 2009). 2001). The DNA repair mechanisms operating in
3 UV-B Radiation, Its Effects and Defense Mechanisms in Terrestrial Plants 65

plants include the following processes: (a) direct radiation (pyrimidine dimers) and chemical
reversal (DR); (b) photoreactivation that induces agents (bulky DNA adducts) (Kimura et al. 2004).
photolyases; (c) dark repair (Tuteja et al. 2001; The NER pathway sequentially involves recogni-
Britt 2004). The DR is a simple mechanism that tion of the DNA damage, incision on the dam-
involves a single-enzyme reaction for the removal aged strand, excision of the damage-containing
of certain types of DNA damage. Alkyltransferases oligonucleotides, and the DNA synthesis and
simply extract alkyl groups from the alkylated ligation (Liu et al. 2003). Also, the NER pathway
bases that are transferred to internal cysteine resi- is a slow process (about 24 h for completion) and
dues and thus inactivate themselves. The best includes several enzymes. There are two subpath-
example for DR is the correction of miscoding ways of the NER process that are designated as:
alkylation lesion O6-methylguanine, which is (a) global genomic repair (GGR); (b) transcrip-
generated endogenously in small amounts by the tion-coupled repair (TCR). While the GGR path-
reactive cellular catabolites. This reaction is cata- way repairs the DNA damage over the entire
lyzed by a specific enzyme, called methylguanine genome, the TCR pathway is selective for the
methyltransferase (MGMT), which removes a transcribed DNA strand in expressed genes
methyl group from a guanine residue of the DNA (Kimura et al. 2004). Oxidized or hydrated bases
molecule and transferring it to one of its own and single-strand breaks are repaired by the BER
cysteine residues in a rapid and error-free repair pathway that is considered an essential process
process (Tuteja et al. 2001). The photoreactivating for maintenance of the DNA molecule. The BER
enzyme DNA photolyase (PRE) is a DR phenom- mainly removes the DNA damages that are arising
enon performed by the combined action of one or spontaneously in the cell from hydrolytic events
more photolyases and the visible light (blue, violet, such as deamination or base loss, fragmented
or long-wave UV) (Hidema et al. 2007). bases resulting from ionizing radiation (e.g.,
Photolyases specifically recognize and bind the UV-B radiation), and oxidative damage or meth-
pyrimidine dimers to form a complex molecular ylation of the ring nitrogen by endogenous agents.
structure which is stable in absence of the light. The process that involves the BER mechanism is
After absorbing a blue light photon the pyrimi- initiated by DNA glycosylases that release the
dine dimers are reversed to pyrimidine monomers damaged base by cleavage of the sugarphosphate
without excision of the damaged base (Tuteja chain followed by excision of the abasic residue
et al. 2001). The repair reaction is fast and or abasic residue containing oligonucleotides and
requires about 1 h for completion (Takeuchi et al. then the synthesis and ligation of the DNA occurs.
2007). In plants, two specific types of pho- The BER pathway involves several enzymatic
tolyases have been characterized: (a) CPD- steps and depends strongly on the presence of
photolyase; (b) 6-4PP-photolyase (Tuteja et al. nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+).
2001). The dark repair processes include the Also, the BER process comprises two subpath-
nucleotide excision repair (NER), base excision ways that are designated as: (a) BERshort-path;
repair (BER), mismatch repair (MMR), and other (b) BERlong-path. The BERshort-patch is a DNA
DNA repair pathways. These mechanisms have polymerase beta-dependent mechanism, while
been observed in several plant species and some the BERlong-patch is a DNA polymerase delta/
of the genes required for the processes were iden- epsilon-dependent mechanism (Kimura et al.
tified (Kimura et al. 2004). The wide class of 2004). The major difference between BER and
helix-distorting lesions such as CPDs and 6-4PPs NER pathways is the way by which the DNA
are repaired by the NER process. It is one of the damage is removed. The NER pathway cuts out
most versatile DNA repair pathway operating in the damage as a part of an oligonucleotide
plants. Unlike other DNA repair pathways that fragment, while the BER mechanism excises
are specific repair processes, the NER pathway is only one nucleotide (Tuteja et al. 2001). The
capable of removing various DNA damage excision repair processes (NER and BER) are very
classes, including those induced by the UV-B important for maintaining the genome stability
66 F.E. Prado et al.

and essential for the survival of plants. The mis- repaired via the BER which is initiated by the
match repair pathway (MMR) is also important DNA repair enzyme adenine-DNA glycosylase
in the DNA repair processes when by errors of (Yang et al. 2001). The UV-absorbing compounds
replication or homologous recombination can be (e.g., flavonoids, anthocyanins, hydroxycinnamic
produced mismatched bases. The MMR pathway acid derivatives, phenolics) accumulating in epi-
basically discriminates between correct and dermal and subepidermal cell layers have tradi-
incorrect bases and after DNA synthesis the error tionally been thought to function as UV-B filters,
is corrected (Tuteja et al. 2001). Although most but also play an important role as quenchers of
of the present understanding of the eukaryotic the ROS and free radicals in the amelioration of
MMR has come from studies of the E. coli MutS the UV-B-induced DNA oxidative damage (Agati
and MutL proteins (Kolodner and Marsischky and Tattini 2010). The UV-absorbing compounds
1999), recent studies carried out in Arabidopsis are also effective in reducing the induction of
and rice have reported interesting findings on the cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) in plants
MMR pathway operating in plant cells (Tuteja exposed to high UV-B levels (Hidema et al.
et al. 2001; Kimura et al. 2004). According to the 2007). The inhibition of CDP formation seems
E. coli model, the MutS dimer recognizes mis- to be high enough to compensate the DNA dam-
pairs and then binds on it followed by the MutL age arising even from unusually strong solar
binding, which activates the MutH (endonu- irradiations (Tuteja et al. 2001). Other related
clease) that makes a single-strand incision (nick). UV-absorbing compounds, that is, anthocyanins
The MutH incision can be done on either side of through an anthocyanin-DNA complex could
the mismatch. Subsequent to incision the exci- also provide protection against the oxidative
sion is initiated and proceeds toward mismatch. damage. Since both anthocyanins and DNA
To fill the gap (100–1,000 nucleotide gap), the mutually protect each other in vitro, it is likely
original template strand can then be replicated that such protection mechanism may also operate
and finally sealed by ligation. The proteins in vivo (Sarma and Sharma 1999). In the plant
involved in the last step of eukaryotic MMR are: cells, anthocyanins are predominantly localized
(a) DNA polymerase d, RP-A (replication pro- inside the vacuoles and thus their putative role in
tein); (b) PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear anti- the protection of DNA should be critically
gen); (c) RFC (replication factor) (Kolodner and examined. Accepting this fact, it has been
Marsischky 1999). demonstrated that the excess accumulation of
Although the UV-A wavelengths can mediate anthocyanins reduces the amount of blue/UV-A
the photoxidative damage (Turcsányi and Vass radiation reaching the cell and may sometimes
2000) the UV-B radiation is the most important lower the ability to photorepair the damaged
photooxidant agent for terrestrial plants. The DNA. For example, the purple rice is a highly
DNA damage can also be caused by reactive oxy- UV-B sensitive species despite possessing an
gen species (ROS) and free radicals produced by elevated level of anthocyanins in their leaves
the UV-B radiation. This damage includes sev- (Hada et al. 2003). Although significant amounts
eral modifications such as cross-linking, aggre- of flavonoids have been found in the chloroplasts
gation, denaturation, and degradation (Hidema or etioplasts isolated from a wide range of plants
et al. 2007). The formation of 7,8-dihydro-8- growing under both ambient and enhanced UV-B
oxoguanine (GO) is a common oxidative DNA irradiances (Tattini et al. 2005; Agati et al. 2007),
lesion generated by a direct modification medi- it is also likely that some amount of anthocyanins
ated by ROS. The GO is mutagenic and can can be present in the nuclei and organelles and
mispair with adenine (A) during the DNA repli- then may associate with the DNA molecule,
cation (Yang et al. 2001). If the resulting A/GO is offering to it a certain protection against the oxi-
not repaired before the next round of the DNA dative damage (Feucht et al. 2004). In this con-
replication, a C/G → A/T transversion occurs and text, the UV-absorbing compounds seem to have
the opportunity for repair is lost. The A/GO is an important protective function against the DNA
3 UV-B Radiation, Its Effects and Defense Mechanisms in Terrestrial Plants 67

damage induced by shorter solar wavelengths derivatives of the flavonols quercetin and
(Schmitz-Hoerner and Weissenböck 2003) and kaempferol (Buer et al. 2010). Quercetin- and
so the speculations concerning a great biological kaempferol-derivative flavonoids are usually
risk with regard to increases in solar UV-B radiation glycosylated and frequently contain a hydroxy-
after the depletion of the ozone layer are presum- cinnamic acid moiety esterified to one of the
ably premature. glycosyl groups (orthodihydroxy B-ring-
In the natural populations, both protection and substituted flavonoids) (Tattini et al. 2004). The
DNA repair are complementary and necessary flavonoids are ubiquitous molecules occurring in
processes for the plant development. Thereby, it the vacuoles and cell walls of epidermal cells and
is expected that the plants growing under different in nonsecretory and glandular trichomes, and it
UV-B irradiances can exhibit different levels of has been assumed that they primarily have the
the DNA protective mechanisms (Turunen and function of attenuating the shorter solar wave-
Latola 2005). Under field conditions, the observed lengths due to their good quantum efficiency
DNA damage can often be modified by climatic (Burchard et al. 2000). In this way, the location of
conditions and then a direct extrapolation of the flavonoids in trichomes (Tattini et al. 2004),
DNA changes obtained in controlled-environment cuticular wax layers (Fukuda et al. 2008), and
experiments under artificially enhanced UV-B epidermal cells (Burchard et al. 2000) may largely
radiation to plants growing under the ambient prevent that the UV-B radiation reaches sensitive
solar UV-B is complex and unrealistic. Differences targets within the leaf. However, the flavonoids
between damage, repair, and defense can be sub- also have another protective function against the
tle and identification of a particular mechanism shorter solar wavelengths. Considering that the
does not always occur as the explanation under- flavonoids with orthodihydroxylated B-ring may
lying a given phenomenon. For example, the efficiently dissipate the excess of energy through
UV-induced degradation of the D1 protein of the tautomeric interconversions (Smith and Markham
PSII can be seen either as damage or as a part of 1998), scavenge the ROS through the quenching
the repair mechanism leading to substitution of mechanism (Yamasaki et al. 1997; Hilal et al.
the damaged components of the PSII (Turcsányi 2008), and inhibit the formation of free radicals
and Vass 2000). Consequently, understanding (Neill and Gould 2003; Xu et al. 2008), they can
these differences and potentially using the DNA also act as effective antioxidant molecules (Jordan
repair mechanisms could become very important 2002; Tattini et al. 2005; Buer et al. 2010).
for producing UV-B-tolerant plants. However, a major criticism regarding functions
of the flavonoids is the use of mutants that lack or
possess the ability to synthesize flavonoids, which
7.2 Secondary Metabolites: may oversimplify the plant model system for
Flavonoids and Anthocyanins quantifying the UV-B-tolerance/flavonoid-
biosynthesis relationships (Bieza and Lois 2001).
The increase of secondary metabolites synthesis In this context, contrary to determination of the
has been recognized as one of the most frequently flavonoid concentration at the whole-leaf level,
observed plant response to UV-B enhancement less attention has been devoted to analyzing the
(Searles et al. 2001; Rozema et al. 2002; Bassman tissue-specific location of individual flavonoids,
2004). Considerable attention has been focused, which may clarify their complex functional roles
over the past two decades, on the UV-B-induced in both attenuation and antioxidant mechanisms
biosynthesis of phenylpropanoid-derivative com- against the high UV-B irradiances (Tattini et al.
pounds, particularly flavonoids and hydroxycin- 2004). Furthermore, the short-term experiments
namic acid derivatives (Jordan 2002; Rozema and inappropriate microscopy techniques for
et al. 2002; Bassman 2004). Although these com- visualizing the flavonoids also greatly contrib-
pounds exhibit important interspecific differences uted to this superficial conclusion. More recent
induced by the UV-B radiation, they are often studies, however, suggest that the biosynthesis of
68 F.E. Prado et al.

flavonoids, particularly internal flavonoid syringaldazine peroxidase associated with the

glycosides may be largely controlled by constitu- process of lignification may be involved in the
tive morphoanatomical and biochemical features, mechanism of ROS scavenging (Hilal et al.
primarily intended both to prevent the light pen- 2004). The concept of delocalized scavenging of
etration (Burchard et al. 2000) and to remove the H2O2 by the vacuoles can be applied not only to
consequent oxidative damage (Apel and Hirt the organelle–organelle interactions but also to
2004). Agreeing with these findings, Semerdjieva the cell–cell interactions (Yamasaki et al. 1997).
et al. (2003) showed in the Vaccinium spp. an It is also acknowledged as a controversy matter
inverse relationship between cuticule thickness whether the ability to accumulate flavonoids, par-
(primary barrier to UV-B penetration) and the ticularly flavonoids with orthodihydroxylated
mesophyll accumulation of UV-B-induced B-rings, and the tolerance to UV-B radiation is
flavonoids. highly correlated (Dixon et al. 2001; Musil et al.
Regarding to ROS scavenging activity of the 2002b; Hofmann et al. 2003). The orthodihy-
flavonoids, Yamasaki et al. (1997) proposed a droxylated B-ring-derivative flavonoids such as
model to address major criticisms on the antioxi- quercetin and luteolin glycosides are accumu-
dant functions of the flavonoids compartmental- lated in the vacuoles of the mesophyll cells in
ized in epidermal vacuoles, and at the same time Ligustrum vulgare leaves exposed to the full sun-
to explain the preferential UV-B-induced synthesis light, in presence or absence of the UV-B radia-
of flavonoids with effective antioxidant proper- tion (Agati and Tattini 2010). This finding, which
ties in vitro. According to Yamasaki’s model, the is consistent with previous reports indicating that
orthodihydroxy B-ring-substituted flavonoids, the UV-B radiation is not a prerequisite for the
not their monohydroxy B-ring-substituted coun- synthesis of flavonoids (Tattini et al. 2004, 2005;
terparts, are effective substrates for the class III Jenkins 2009), leads to the conclusion that the
peroxidases, which quench the H2O2 freely dif- light-induced oxidative damage may regulate
fusing from the mesophyll cellular organelles to the biosynthesis of flavonoids, irrespective of the
vacuoles of the epidermal cells. The model was presence of UV-B radiation. The flavonoids and
remarkable in calling out the question whether other UV-absorbing phenolics (e.g., hydroxycin-
vacuolar flavonoids could be effective in protect- namic acid derivatives) are also synthesized in
ing underlying tissues from the damaging shorter other abiotic/biotic unfavorable conditions such
solar wavelengths, while not protecting the as drought, salinity, low temperature, heavy metal
epidermal cells from the oxidative damage. pollution, pathogen attack, and as feeding deter-
Epidermal cells and glandular trichomes usually rent. Besides their antioxidant abilities the fla-
contain much higher concentrations of flavonoids vonoids might exert modulatory effects in the
than the mesophyll cells (Burchard et al. 2000), cell through selective actions at different compo-
then the H2O2 leaked out from the mesophyll nents by cell interactions (Buer et al. 2010). This
cells under high UV-B irradiances can be scav- fact has become increasingly important because
enged by the flavonoid-peroxidase system in the attention focuses on the new concept of flavonoids
epidermal cells according to the proposal of as potential modulators of the intracellular sig-
Yamasaki et al. (1997). Consistent with this idea naling cascades that are vital for the cell func-
blackening of the epidermis after a severe light tionality (Jenkins 2009).
stress is frequently observed in many species The anthocyanins, other members of the phe-
under the field conditions. This phenomenon has nol family, have generally been included into
been ascribed to the polymerization of vacuolar photodamaging-protective compounds (Gould
phenolics that result from the penetration of H2O2 2004). The anthocyanins show a weak absorption
inside the epidermal cells (Yamasaki et al. 1997). in the shorter UV region (270–290 nm), but their
Nevertheless, it cannot be excluded the possibil- acylated counterparts (hydroxycinnamic acid
ity that other apoplastic flavonoid-depending derivatives) exhibit an increased absorption in
peroxidases such as guaiacol peroxidase and the longer UV-B region (310–320 nm) (Neill and
3 UV-B Radiation, Its Effects and Defense Mechanisms in Terrestrial Plants 69

Gould 2003). Because anthocyanins are photoin- of anthocyanins (Close and Beadle 2003), then it
duced many researchers surmise that they must is obvious that such changes will influence the
either have a photoprotective function against the absorption spectra of anthocyanins under the
light-induced photooxidation or against the UV-B UV-B enhancement. Also absorptive artifacts due
damage (Hughes et al. 2005). Even without to the dissociation of covalent bonds can occur
acylation the anthocyanins can significantly during the improper isolation of anthocyanins
attenuate the visible radiation. In fact, the more and misread absorption spectra will be generated
clear evidences really support the theory of the (Gould 2004).
photooxidative protection, while the role in UV-B The accumulation of anthocyanins is usually
protection seems to be much less apparent transient and generally occurs in the vacuoles of
(Kytridis and Manetas 2006). This assumption, peripheral tissues such as palisade and/or spongy
however, contradicts the theory that anthocyanins mesophyll exposed to high light irradiances, but
have a UV-B-filtering role (Neill and Gould there are some exceptions (e.g., accumulation in
2003). Disagreeing with the last theory the UV-B the abaxial leaf tissues and in obligatory shade
vulnerability is poorly correlated with the content plants) (Kytridis and Manetas 2006). Perhaps the
of anthocyanins. For example, an Arabidopsis improved solubility of anthocyanins that in con-
mutant with enhanced sensitivity to UV-B radia- trast to other flavonoids are nearly always glyco-
tion was found deficient in certain flavonoids, sylated allows them to be stored in the vacuole
whereas the amount of anthocyanins displayed more efficiently than the nonglycosylated fla-
unchanged. Similarly the responses of a Brassica vonoids (Winefield 2002). In fact, the importance
rapa mutant to the supplementary UV-B treatment of flavonoids should not be overlooked in the dis-
were mostly independent of the anthocyanin level cussion of anthocyanin production and UV-B
in leaves (Gould 2004). Agreeing with these find- protection. In this context, the flavonoids induced
ings the anthocyanins often occur in very low by the UV-B radiation (Agati and Tattini 2010;
concentrations compared to other UV-absorbing Buer et al. 2010) are recognized as strong UV-B
compounds, and require a long exposure to the absorbers, and their UV-B absorption capacity is
UV-B radiation to be synthesized (Neill and much stronger than that of anthocyanins (Bieza
Gould 2003). On the other hand, the red-leafed and Lois 2001). Since the production of antho-
plants of Impatiens capensis and rice displayed cyanins represents a conversion of flavonoid pre-
significantly worse performances under the UV-B cursors that themselves are strong UV-B
enhancement than their green-leafed counterparts absorbers, a conundrum appears: if one of the
(Dixon et al. 2001). Moreover, it has been com- effects of UV-B radiation on plants is to induce
municated that the accumulation of anthocyanins the UV-B-protective pigments, why are anthocy-
can cause deleterious effects on terrestrial plants anins produced instead of their flavonoid precur-
after a long-term UV-B exposure (Gould 2004). sors? Characteristics of both flavonoids and
It has been noted that the DNA damage after a anthocyanins absorption spectra must be ana-
prolonged UV-B treatment was substantially lyzed to respond this conundrum (Solovchenko
greater in the purple-leafed rice than in the near- and Merzlyak 2008). The flavonoids exhibit two
isogenic green line. Anthocyanins in the purple bands in the UV region: (a) short-wave peaking
rice prevented the photoactivation of photolyases around 280 nm; (b) long-wave situated in the
by absorbing some of the incident blue/UV-A range of 300–360 nm. However, the exact posi-
light on leaves. Thus, any short-term gain from tions of the maxima vary for different flavonoid
the absorption of UV-B radiation by anthocyanins derivatives. The anthocyanins also have two
would be offset by their property to absorb the maxima: one in the UV-B region (270–320 nm)
visible light and thereby limit the rate of DNA and another in the visible region with a maximum
repair (Hada et al. 2003). Furthermore, it has located in the blue-green part of the visible wave-
been demonstrated that other abiotic and biotic lengths (500–540 nm) (Gould 2004). In this way,
stresses produce changes in the chemical pattern the UV-B component of the solar spectrum can
70 F.E. Prado et al.

be screened by both flavonoids and anthocyanins. making it less efficient in utilization of the
However the UV-A radiation, whose proportion absorbed light and therefore prone to the photo-
in the solar spectrum could be tenfold higher as damage (Merzlyak et al. 2008a). As a general
compared with the UV-B spectrum region also rule, these situations are accompanied by an
exerts significant effects on plants (Krizek 2004). increased generation of ROS causing photooxi-
For example, maximum inhibition of the photo- dative damage to the plant and, eventually, its
synthesis under natural radiation fluxes is induced death (Bukhov 2004). Under these conditions,
by radiation in the UV-A region (Ivanova et al. the anthocyanins may afford a detoxifying sink
2008). Although this fact supports the importance for some ROS when the chloroplast, the first line
of the UV-protection provided by the flavonoids of the antioxidative defense, is surpassed (Kytridis
in the range of 300–360 nm, the high visible and Manetas 2006). It is not clear, however,
fluxes (400–700 nm) also induce a photodamage whether the ROS scavenging occurs predomi-
in plant tissues, especially in the chloroplast nantly through the anthocyanins found inside the
(Krizek 2004). The anthocyanins are able to vacuole or through their counterparts located in
intercept a great proportion of the solar radiation the cytosol. Both anthocyanin forms have impressive
in the range of 500–600 nm, which correspond to antioxidant potentials (Neill and Gould 2003),
the maximum solar energy reaching the Earth’s but due to their proximity to the chloroplastic
surface (Gould 2004). This finding therefore con- source of ROS it is more probable that anthocya-
tributes to support the role that anthocyanins play nins located in the cytosol (mesophyll tissue)
in the photoprotection of plant tissues than in the vacuole (epidermal tissue) provide the
(Solovchenko and Merzlyak 2008). In this context, major contribution to antioxidant defense
the accumulation of anthocyanins requires visible (Kytridis and Manetas 2006). In a similar trend,
light and generally coincides with the period of recent evidences suggest that flavonoids may
high excitation pressure and the increased poten- scavenge the ROS within or near sites of its gen-
tial for the photooxidative damage. The photo- eration (Schmitz-Hoerner and Weissenböck
oxidative damage is produced by an imbalance 2003; Tattini et al. 2005; Agati et al. 2007).
between the light capture, CO2 assimilation, and Interestingly, equal effectiveness as antioxidant
carbohydrate utilization (e.g., greening of devel- molecules of other colorless phenolics suggests
oping tissues, senescence, adverse environmental that the putative photooxidative protection
conditions) (Hughes et al. 2005). Thereby, the afforded by the anthocyanins should be unrelated
attenuation of light by anthocyanins may help to to their ability to quench oxidants.
reestablish this balance and to reduce the excita- Noteworthy the accumulation of anthocyanins
tion pressure (Kytridis and Manetas 2006). Then, in terrestrial plants has always been a contentious
the risk of cellular photooxidative damage is low- issue of the special interest. They often appear in
ered. Also, it would seem that the anthocyanin juvenile plants but mature plants usually lack
biosynthesis can enhance under the high light, them or display transiently levels under stressful
but it is not usually a prerequisite for the protec- conditions (Merzlyak et al. 2008a). Obviously,
tion against the oxidative stress (Gould 2004). upon maturation of the photosynthetic apparatus
Like the colorless flavonoids the colored or its acclimation to stressors the photoprotective
anthocyanins may scavenge the free radicals and screen of anthocyanins is no longer required and
ROS (Gould 2004). The anthocyanins diminish the juvenile reddish pigmentation disappears.
the oxidative trend in the leaf simply by filtering However, unfavorable environmental conditions
out the yellow-green light, because most of the such as low temperatures, heavy metals, drought,
reactive oxygen in plant cells is derived from wounding, and pollutants can also predispose the
excitation of the chlorophyll molecule (Neill and photosynthetic apparatus to photoinhibition and
Gould 2003). Agreeing with this theory, in juve- photooxidation, and then the plants may increase,
nile and senescing plants the regulation of photo- although not necessarily ascribed to, the accumu-
synthetic apparatus functions is often impaired, lation of anthocyanins in vegetative organs
3 UV-B Radiation, Its Effects and Defense Mechanisms in Terrestrial Plants 71

(Gould 2004). Accordingly, the production of thiarubrines, toxic chemicals that are believed to
anthocyanins would fit neatly into the definition deter herbivory and prevent both fungal and bac-
of Leshem and Kuiper’s (1996) general adapta- terial infections. The thiarubrines are photolabile
tion syndrome (GAS). The GAS indicates that molecules and are degraded by both visible and
different types of stress evoke similar adaptation UV light giving thiophenes that are less toxic.
responses. In this context, along with compounds Page and Towers (2002) have shown that the
such as tocopherols, flavonoids, glutathione, and anthocyanin sheath, by absorbing a proportion of
ascorbate, the anthocyanins may function as the rays that would otherwise strike the laticifers,
general mitigators of the oxidative damage. protects these light-sensitive defensive chemicals
However, it should be addressed that there is no from degradation, and thus provides a mecha-
direct evidence that terrestrial plants benefit from nism for the antiherbivory under conditions of
the antioxidant properties of anthocyanins yet strong sunlight.
(Neill and Gould 2003). Although anthocyanins However, although the role of anthocyanins in
are of special importance for the photoprotection protecting plant tissues under stress conditions,
in senescing leaves, it seems not to be the only including the photodamage mediated by both
function of anthocyanins. It has been suggested, UV-B and visible light, as well as in the pollina-
for example, that the red color may also deter tor attractiveness and seed dispersion seems to be
aphids from laying their eggs or from feeding on important, it is clearly evident that the adaptive
the sugar-rich sap in the phloem. Noteworthy, significance of anthocyanins is still not fully
despite that the autumnal color may be an extrav- understood (Close and Beadle 2003). Meanwhile
agancy without a vital function. This phenome- two poorly explored areas became interesting:
non that enchants so many tourists each year may (a) how the increase of anthocyanin production is
hold a vital key to the survival of deciduous trees integrated to tissue responses to UV-B; (b) how
(Archetti et al. 2009). Also the anthocyanins are the UV-B-induced anthocyanins contribute to the
involved in the photoprotection of ripening fruits, plant survival.
for example, the chlorophyll in apple fruit peel
with high anthocyanin content showed a very
high resistance to the photobleaching as com- 7.3 Morphogenic Responses
pared with the anthocyanin-free zones of the
same fruit (Merzlyak et al. 2008b). Despite its Studies carried out in greenhouses or in growth
function as photoprotective molecules, the antho- chambers using ultraviolet lamps and filters to
cyanins may instead serve to decrease the leaf simulate different solar UV-B enhancements
osmotic potential. The resulting depression of have been conducted on a variety of terrestrial
leaf water potential could increase the water plants, including economically important crops
uptake and/or reduce transpirational losses. This (Santos et al. 2004) and wild plant species (Zu
phenomenon may allow to the anthocyanin- et al. 2010). Overall these studies showed that the
containing leaves to tolerate suboptimal water UV-B enhancement besides physiological effects
levels. The often transitory nature of the foliar induces a range of morphological changes includ-
anthocyanin accumulation may allow plants to ing: (a) increase/decrease of the leaf area and leaf
respond quickly and temporarily to environmental thickness (González et al. 2002; Hilal et al. 2004);
variability rather than through more permanent (b) reduction of the plant height (Santos et al.
anatomical or morphological modifications 2004) and increase/decrease of the shoot/root
(Chalker-Scott 2002). Interestingly, the anthocy- ratio (Furness and Upadhyaya 2002); (c) axillary
anins also fulfill the less common but important branching (Kakani et al. 2003); (d) increase of
function of avoiding the photodegradation of the leaf glandular and uniseriate trichome density
sensitive molecules. The Ambrosia chamissonis, (Liakopoulos et al. 2006); (e) deposition of the
for example, hold strands of laticifers surrounded waxy surface structures (Fukuda et al. 2008);
by an anthocyanin sheath. These laticifers contain (f) opening of the cotyledon curling (Boccalandro
72 F.E. Prado et al.

et al. 2001; Barnes et al. 2005); (g) inhibition of the field. Microclimatic conditions and the inter-
the hypocotyl and stem elongation (Shinkle et al. actions of different abiotic and biotic environ-
2004; Gerhardt et al. 2005); (h) premature leaf mental factors additionally contribute to
senescence (Pradhan et al. 2006). The effects of inconsistency between the results obtained in
UV-B also include changes (increase/decrease) growth chambers or greenhouses with those
in the number and size of flowers as well as in the obtained under the field conditions (Flint et al.
size of seeds (Kakani et al. 2003; Qaderi and Reid 2003; Caldwell et al. 2007). Furthermore, the
2005). While some of the UV-B responses consti- plant responses to above ambient UV-B radiation
tute a stimulation of the growth (e.g., axillary (e.g., from stratospheric ozone depletion) have
branching, leaf thickening), others reflect a rarely been assessed in the broader context of the
growth inhibition (e.g., reduced hypocotyl elon- possible effects emerging from variations in the
gation). However, in these experimental setups, UV-B radiation within the ambient range. Also
frequently unrealistic balances between UV-B/ there is a significant knowledge gap between
UV-A/PAR are obtained, and in some cases the field and laboratory studies, which has two major
plants have been exposed to relatively high short- components: (a) the occurrence of certain effects
term doses of UV-B, which lack the ecological of the UV-B radiation under laboratory condi-
relevance (Newsham and Robinson 2009). tions has not yet been demonstrated in the field
Additionally, the levels of UV-A or PAR as well studies; (b) although some indoor responses are
as other experimental conditions also affect the known to occur in the field, their functional impli-
morphogenic responses, making it difficult to cations are still unclear. Therefore, the obvious
compare the results from different indoor studies. corollary from greenhouses or growth chambers
In addition, it is clear that not all the plant species studies is: study methodologies are as varied as
respond in the same way to UV-B exposure results. In fact, from the field grown plants, the
(Pliura et al. 2008). In general, the monocots are consensus that effects of artificially changed
more morphologically responsive to UV-B than spectral UV-B irradiances are less pronounced
the dicots (Pal et al. 1997). Closely related spe- (Searles et al. 2001). While under UV-B enhance-
cies or ecotypes, especially when occupy differ- ment among other changes, leaf thickness,
ent habitats, also differ with respect to their reduced leaf area, decreased plant height, changes
morphogenic responses (Hofmann et al. 2003). in plant architecture, and biomass/yield reduction
Plant species also differ in the use of PAR and have been observed (Searles et al. 2001; Flint
UV-B radiation; while some species use the PAR et al. 2003; Barnes et al. 2005). Nevertheless, the
to trigger responses others use the UV-B radia- more recent studies have suggested that in the
tion. Then the plants responding mainly to PAR field, primary effects of the most realistic solar
radiation will probably be more sensitive to UV-B UV-B enhancements are subtle morphological
radiation than the UV-responding ones (Rozema and chemical changes with altered carbon parti-
et al. 2005). A critical factor in the UV-B studies tioning and allocation, but doubt reveals such
is the visible light irradiance, which in growth changes show significant effects on both plant
chambers and greenhouses can be quite different growth and biomass accumulation (Gilbert et al.
to the natural sunlight (Flint et al. 2009). Indeed, 2009; González et al. 2009; Morales et al. 2010;
it has been shown that as a result of the insuffi- Ren et al. 2010; Zu et al. 2010). The morphogenic
cient visible wavelengths and, therefore, of unre- effects of the realistic UV-B enhancements are
alistically high UV-B/PAR ratios in indoor not usually considered as primary ecological fac-
studies, the morphogenic effects of the UV-B tors influencing both species abundance and spe-
radiation are magnified (Musil et al. 2002a, b). In cies distribution in relation to other abiotic
fact, even if realistic levels of the UV-B radiation environmental factors (e.g., drought, temperature,
in simulating ozone reductions are used the salinity). There are, however, situations where
indoor responses of plants to UV-B radiation may the UV-B-induced morphogenic effects can be
be quite variable and exaggerated in relation to ecologically important, giving changes in the
3 UV-B Radiation, Its Effects and Defense Mechanisms in Terrestrial Plants 73

competitive ability with a significant impact on damage, even in the UV-B-tolerant species. The
the composition of the plant community (Flint pollen surface of some species may transmit up
et al. 2003). The UV-B enhancement alters the to 20% of the incident UV-B radiation (Stadler
leaf angle and differential transmission, and and Uber 1942 in He et al. 2007), despite the
absorbance of the UV-B radiation through stands presence of a variety of UV-B-absorbing pigments
of erectophilous or planophilous plant species (Rozema et al. 2001). Thus, the mature pollen
may have an important consequence on terrestrial grains are potentially susceptible to the UV-B
plant responses to the UV-B radiation (Rozema damage during a short period between the dehis-
2000). In a model study, it was predicted that a cence of anthers and the penetration of the pollen
more planophilous leaf angle in erectophilous tube into the stigmatic tissue (Koti et al. 2004).
species would reduce the UV-B/PAR ratio and This fact may lead to both reduced pollen quality
therefore the UV-B damage. Of course, this effect and altered patterns of competition among species
may affect the competitive relations among affecting the composition of the ecosystem.
species and also the ecosystem composition Furthermore, the UV-B enhancement can alter
(Deckmyn 1996 in Rozema et al. 1997). The the production and/or the temporal availability of
morphogenic effects often can be pronounced on flowers so as to make the plant a less attractive
different organisms at other trophic levels host for the pollinators and impinge upon compe-
(Bassman 2004). The UV-B radiation also affects tition of plants for the pollinator service, as well
the decomposition of plant materials into ecosys- as on the reproductive success of the plant/pollinator
tems. Plants grown under the enhanced solar system (Sampson and Cane 1999).
UV-B showed a reduced rate of the litter decom-
position when compared to control plants grown
under the ambient solar UV-B. The accumulation 8 UV-B Radiation and Signaling
of UV-B-induced lignin and/or tannin accounts Pathways
for the reduced litter decomposition rate (Cybulski
et al. 2000). Nevertheless, the reduced rate of the The UV-B radiation triggers diverse responses
litter decomposition can be produced as conse- involving a differential regulation of the genes
quence of detrimental effects of the enhanced and participate in several protective pathways
UV-B radiation on decomposing fungi and other including the DNA repair, detoxification of ROS,
decomposer organisms (Pancotto et al. 2003). In and production of secondary metabolites as well
opposite trend, the plant litter material exposed to as in photomorphogenic events (Agrawal et al.
the enhanced solar UV-B can be decomposed by 2009). The UV-B responses can be elicited with
photodegradation more rapidly than under the either high fluence (HF-UV-B, over 15 kJ m−2),
ambient solar UV-B (Gallo et al. 2006). Moreover, intermediate fluence (IF-UV-B, 5–7 kJ m−2), low
it has also been demonstrated that the species fluence (LF-UV-B, 1–3 kJ m−2), or very low flu-
growing for several generations under enhanced ence (VLF-UV-B, less than 1 kJ m−2) (Brosché
UV-B radiation show accumulation and exacer- et al. 2002). However, the exposure of plants to
bation of the UV-B effects and likelihood they low fluence UV-B promotes the expression of
might be heritable (Mpoloka et al. 2007). varying genes involved in the UV-B protection,
Much of the UV-B research on terrestrial and genes responsible for the production of fla-
plants has concentrated on vegetative plant parts, vonoids and several phenolic compounds, while
but fitness of the organisms depend mainly on as the low fluence photomorphogenic responses
their successful reproduction. Of particular seem to be initiated by photoreceptors and no
concern is the detrimental effect of UV-B on the alternative UV-B-absorbing molecules seem to
pollen quality observed for some species (Koti mediate the photomorphogenic UV-B responses
et al. 2004; He et al. 2007). This finding suggests (Ulm and Nagy 2005). Also, many components
that pollination may be an ecologically critical of the protective pathways which lead to the
developmental stage vulnerable to the UV-B changes of the gene expression in response to
74 F.E. Prado et al.

both UV-B radiation and pathogens are similar or lular component. Whether or not the UV-B pho-
identical (upregulation of PDF1.2), except the toreceptor exists the responses to UV-B radiation
pathways which are distinct (upregulation of PR-1), could be mediated by nonspecific signaling path-
signifies the effects of the high fluence UV-B ways involving the DNA damage, ROS produc-
radiation on the gene expression are unlikely to tion, hormone synthesis (e.g., salicylic acid,
be due to nonspecific damage and a yet unidenti- ethylene, jasmonic acid), and wound/defense sig-
fied UV-B photoreceptor (Brosché et al. 2002). naling molecules (e.g., flavonoids, phenolics)
The response of plants to UV-B radiation depends (Apel and Hirt 2004; Demkura et al. 2010) ; or
upon the adaptation and acclimation to UV-B by specific UV-B signaling pathways mediated
irradiances, as well as of the interactions with by the UV-B-specific component UV
other environmental factors. Moreover, studies RESISTANCE LOCUS8 (UVR8) (Cloix and
carried out with Arabidopsis plant suggest that Jenkins 2008.). The UVR8 acts specifically to
some genes are differentially responsive to UV-B mediate the UV-B response, together with the
in both 280–290 nm and 300–310 nm ranges, expression of genes to establish the UV-B protec-
hence could be multiple UV-B photoreception tion (Jenkins 2009). Moreover, the UVR8 also
mechanisms (Kalbina et al. 2008). Consequently, mediates the expression of genes activated at low
the exposure of plants to UV-B radiation can UV-B fluence level, showing consistency with
cause multiple responses on the primary and their involvement in the photomorphogenic UV-B
secondary metabolisms as well as different signaling pathway (Brown and Jenkins 2008). No
changes on the growth and overall performances. other component is known to act specifically in
Although other light-dependent photoreceptors the photomorphogenic UV-B responses. The
(e.g., phytochrome, cryptochrome) have been transcriptome analysis revealed that a set of
described (Carvalho et al. 2010), presently a approximately 70 indentified genes are stimu-
UV-B-specific photoreceptor has still not been lated by UV-B under control of the UVR8.
described and therefore the basic mechanism of Among these several genes are known to have
UV-B perception and the signal transduction key roles in the UV-B protection mechanism,
remain still poorly understood. Nevertheless, the including those encoding principal enzymes of
chromophores that could act as photoreceptors to the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway, as well as
absorb the UV-B radiation exist. Pterins or fla- DNA photolyases and enzymes involved in
vins in their reduced forms are candidates where amelioration of the photooxidative damage
some experimental work supports the involve- (Jenkins 2009). The findings demonstrate that the
ment of the perception of UV-B radiation (Galland Arabidopsis UVR8 mutant shows severe necrosis
and Senger 1988a, b in Jenkins 2009). For exam- under exposure to UV-B levels found in the bright
ple, the compounds that antagonize the flavins sunlight, whereas it is indistinguishable from the
and pterins impair the UV-B induced anthocya- wild type in the absence of UV-B (Brown and
nin synthesis in maize (Jenkins 2009) along with Jenkins 2008). The UVR8 regulates the expres-
UV-B suppression of the hypocotyl elongation in sion of both ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL5
tomato plants (Ballaré et al. 1995). In addition, (HY5) and HY5 HOMOLOG (HYH) transcrip-
other possible chromophore can be a phenolic tion factors at low UV-B fluence levels. The tran-
molecule, with this assumption the p-coumaric scriptome analysis shows approximately the half
acid chromophore present in the photoactive yel- of genes regulated by the UVR8 is also regulated
low protein (PYP), a photoreceptor found in the by the HY5 transcriptor factor, but this is an
purple photosynthetic bacteria Ectothiorhodospira underestimate and does not take into account the
halophila, enables to absorb in UV-A and blue functional redundancy between HY5 and HYH
regions of the solar radiation spectrum (Imamoto (Brown et al. 2005). Further analysis, however,
and Kataoka 2007). Moreover, an alternative pos- suggests that the HY5 and HYH transcription
sibility is that the UV-B radiation be sensed factors may regulate all the genes of the UVR8
through some form of direct activation of a cel- component, and therefore are pivotal downstream
3 UV-B Radiation, Its Effects and Defense Mechanisms in Terrestrial Plants 75

effectors of the UVR8 signaling pathway. In fact, acts positively in other light responses, however,
the HY5 is evidently a very important regulator still remains unknown (Jenkins 2009). On the
of the UV-B responses because the HY5 mutant, other hand, both UVR8 and COP1 regulate many
similar to the UVR8 mutant, is very sensitive to of the same genes and are required for the low
UV-B, while the HYH mutant is less sensitive fluence UV-B induction of the HY5 transcrip-
indicating that it has a subsidiary role (Brown tor factor expression which plays a central role
and Jenkins 2008). These findings demonstrate in the regulation of genes involved in the photo-
that the UVR8 is a key regulator of the UV-B pro- morphogenic UV-B responses (Brown and
tection and therefore helps to promote the survival Jenkins 2008). Although both UVR8 and COP1
of terrestrial plants exposed to UV-B radiation seem to function in the same pathway, little infor-
(Jenkins 2009). mation is available to explain their functional
Another important component of the low relationships. Since UVR8 is a UV-B specific
UV-B signaling pathway is the CONSTITUTIVELY component, it may have a direct action of the
PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 (COP1) (Oravecz COP1 in UV-B responses. To explain this fact
et al. 2006). Contrarily to UVR8, the COP1 one possibility is that the UVR8 regulates the
represses the expression of photomorphogenic nuclear accumulation of the COP1 or vice versa,
genes and the plant development in the darkness. while another can be that the UVR8 recruits the
The COP1 acts as an E3 ubiquitin ligase, destroys COP1 into a complex involved in the regulation
HY5 and other positive regulators of the expres- of the transcription by UV-B. The last hypothesis
sion of photomorphogenic genes (Yi and Deng is supported by a recent study demonstrating that
2005). Following illumination, the COP1 is inac- the UVR8 colocalizes with the COP1 and directly
tivated and moves slowly out of the nucleus, interacts with a UV-B-dependent manner (Favory
enabling the HY5 and other transcription factors et al. 2009). Besides these, the expression of
to accumulate and promote the photomorphogen- some genes at low UV-B fluence levels occurs
esis. In contrast to this function, the COP1 is a independently of the action of both UVR8 and
positive regulator of the UV-B responses such as COP1 components (Jenkins 2009).
the accumulation of flavonoids. Nevertheless, According to data of A-H-Mackerness et al.
nearly half of genes regulated by the COP1 are (2001), the expression of genes by intermediate
controlled by HY5, indicating HY5 a key effector UV-B fluence levels (IF-UV-B) may be regulated
of the COP1 pathway. Both COP1 and HY5 tran- partly by the enzymatic ROS formation after the
scriptor factors must act together in the nucleus to specific UV-B induction, whereas the changes in
evoke the UV-B responses. Furthermore, the pos- mRNA levels of the high fluence (HF-UV-B)
itive role of the COP1 seems not to be specific to genes could be due to the formation of ROS as a
UV-B because some evidences show a compara- result of the nonspecific damage to plant cells.
ble function in several responses to the red light However, it seems unlikely that sufficient ROS
that require the involvement of the phytochrome would be generated by the exposure of plants to
B. With regard to this theory, the COP1 is required the current ambient solar UV-B to cause the acti-
for the nuclear accumulation of the transcrip- vation of the signaling pathway leading to bio-
tor factor PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING synthetic responses; thus, presumably, the
FACTOR3 (PIF3) in the darkness, although it activation by ROS would not be UV-B specific
does not mediate its destruction following the red (Jenkins 2009). Nevertheless, evidence exists for
and far-red illumination (Oravecz et al. 2006). the involvement of ROS in some morphological
Moreover, a more recent study showed that changes and gene expression responses initiated
exposure to supplemental far-red (FR) light by the UV-B radiation. Furthermore, the
compared to red (R) light under UV-B radiation Arabidopsis RADICAL-INDUCED CELL
leads to a fast elongation growth and a phenolic DEATH1 (RCD1) transcriptor factor is also
accumulation in leaves of the silver birch seed- involved in the UV-B signaling pathway.
lings (Tegelberg et al. 2004). Whether the COP1 Interestingly, the expression of RCD1 genes is
76 F.E. Prado et al.

not significantly changed by the UV-B radiation. acid JAR1 Arabidopsis insensitive mutants (A-H-
Previous study has shown that the SALT Mackerness et al. 1999; Jenkins 2009). Also a
TOLERANCE (STO) protein is interacting with transgenic Arabidopsis plant expressing the sali-
RCD1 in vitro being the mRNA level of the STO cylate hydroxylase was unable to accumulate sali-
(SALT TOLERANCE) gene greatly increased in cylic acid and showed a reduced UV-B induction
the Arabidopsis rcd1-1 mutant after UV-B of the several PR genes (Surplus et al. 1998). The
irradiation. However, the expression of UV-B- expression of genes related to the pathogenesis-
induced HY5 and CHS (CHALCONE SYNTHASE) related proteins (PR) and class I Endo-b-1,3-
genes is partially inhibited in the STO mutant, glucanases (IbGlus I) are also induced by the
subsequently, seems to be the RCD1, together UV-B radiation (Kucera et al. 2003). The PR genes
with the STO, involved in the Arabidopsis UV-B have been grouped as: (a) intermediate UV-B level
signaling (Jiang et al. 2009). genes (PR-5); (b) high UV-B level genes (like
The cotyledon curling in Brassica napus PR-1). The IbGlus I are also assigned to PR pro-
stimulated by both UV-B and H2O2 is also inhib- teins and constitute the PR-2 family. In addition, it
ited by ascorbate (Gerhardt et al. 2005). In addi- has been demonstrated that the UV-B-induced
tion, the exposure to relatively high fluence rates DNA damage seems to be related to induction of
of UV-B decreases the abundance of transcripts of the IbGlus I genes, but not with the synthesis of
the Arabidopsis LHCB1 gene that encodes the flavonoids under high levels of UV-B radiation
major chlorophyll binding protein of the chloro- (Kucera et al. 2003). The involvement of ROS in
plast, and this response is inhibited by ascorbate defense signaling is well established and evidences
as well as by a scavenger of superoxide radicals show that superoxide generated by the plasma
(A-H-Mackerness et al. 1999). Interestingly, sup- membrane NADPH oxidase seems to be involved
plementation of the ambient UV-B under green- in UV-B-induced regulation of some defense
house conditions increased the formation of CPDs genes, either directly or through the production of
and reduced the leaf area in G. magellanica, how- H2O2 (A-H-Mackerness et al. 2001). In agreement
ever did not cause lipid peroxidation being the with this assumption, it has been reported that
modulation of the ascorbate content that counters both redox activity of the plasma membrane and
the oxidative stress (Giordano et al. 2004). cytosolic-free Ca2+ homeostasis are involved in the
The exposure to UV-B stimulates the expres- induction of gene expressions by UV-B and blue/
sion of a set of genes normally induced in response UV-A wavelengths in Arabidopsis plants (Long
to the pathogen attack, insect predation, and and Jenkins 1998). Although the available data
wounding (Stratmann 2003; Ulm and Nagy 2005). supports that ROS might be used by plants to
It also reduces the level of insect herbivory in a modulate the expression of different genes in
range of species, probably because of increased response to varying levels of UV-B, little informa-
production of the secondary metabolites, protei- tion is available regarding the scope and nature of
nase inhibitors, and other molecules that deter the the ROS production and function in response to
herbivorous insects (Ibañez et al. 2008). An expla- the solar UV-B radiation under natural growth
nation for the overlap in responses to UV-B, conditions. However, the ROS are very dangerous
wounding, and pathogens is that the UV-B stimu- to the cellular integrity and must be eliminated
lates the accumulation of ROS and other signaling (Agrawal et al. 2009). Most plants scavenge the
molecules (e.g., jasmonic acid, ethylene, salicylic excessive amounts of ROS using a combination of
acid) that mediate the wounding defense responses enzymatic scavengers such as superoxide dis-
(Izaguirre et al. 2007; Demkura et al. 2010). mutase, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione
Molecules mediating the responses of some UV-B- reductase, and nonenzymatic scavengers such as
regulated genes have been reported (Izaguirre ascorbate, glutathione, carotenoids, tocopherols,
et al. 2003). Alterations in the induction of defense- and secondary metabolites (mainly flavonoids,
related genes by the UV-B radiation have been hydroxycinnamic acids derivatives, and anthocya-
observed in both ethylene ETR-1 and jasmonic nins) (Xu et al. 2008).
3 UV-B Radiation, Its Effects and Defense Mechanisms in Terrestrial Plants 77

Although it is clear that the UV-B radiation radiation growing under UV-B-reduced irradi-
stimulates both defense and wound signaling, ances, because till now data on this topic are very
there is little information on how the UV-B scarce. Like morphological features, emerging
activates components of the signaling pathways. findings revealed that the UV-absorbing com-
Experiments in tomato indicate that the UV-B pounds could be affected by the reduced solar
radiation initiates similar signaling processes to UV-B (Ibañez et al. 2008; González et al. 2009).
systemin, an 18-aminoacid peptide that stimu- In this context, the removal of UV-B from the
lates the wound responses (Ulm and Nagy 2005). natural solar radiation causes large increases of
Although data suggests that the tomato systemin the growth in Glycine max and Cyamopsis plants
receptor might also function as a brassinosteroid and a marginal increase in the Vigna radiata but
receptor (Wang and He 2004), more recent evi- did not affect the growth of Vigna mungo plants
dences indicate otherwise (Holton et al. 2007). In (Varalakshmi et al. 2003; Amudha et al. 2010). In
fact, a better knowledge of the mechanisms addition, it has also been demonstrated that the
involved in the signaling pathways can help to photomorphogenic regulatory mechanisms,
understand the functional roles of the solar UV-B rather than the photosynthesis seems to play key
radiation in the resistance of plants to environ- roles in the observed metabolic changes upon
mental factors into the terrestrial ecosystems. exposure to the reduced solar UV-B (Kadur et al.
2007). In agreement with these findings, the pro-
longed treatment with chronic low doses of UV-B
9 Reduced Solar UV-B: A Future caused changes in the morphology, gene expres-
Scenario? sion, and biomass redistribution without cessa-
tion of the growth and in absence of the stress
Despite the influence that the ambient level of symptoms (Hectors et al. 2007). In fact, the
solar UV-B radiation can exert on the plant life, reduced solar UV-B induces probably a plethora
recent findings have shown that the increases of of key enzymes into the metabolic pathways
UV-absorbing tropospheric gases (e.g., ozone, transmitting a general plant response, which
SO2, NO2) and aerosols can reduce the amount of under a future long-time solar UV-B-reduced
solar UV-B radiation reaching the Earth’s surface scenario will probably affect the plant productiv-
(McKenzie et al. 2001). Thus, a further attention ity, species competition, trophic interactions, and
is needed to understand how the reduced solar ultimately the structure of ecosystems.
UV-B can have an effect on the dynamics of eco-
systems. Similar cues can occur when species
originated from highland regions such as moun- 10 Conclusion and Future
tains (Ren et al. 2010), the Bolivian Altiplano Perspective
(González et al. 2009) and the Tibet Plateau
(Yang et al. 2008) or those from the equatorial The enhanced UV-B radiation produced important
regions that naturally receive high UV-B irradi- physiological and morphological effects on the
ances, are grown in lowland areas and/or high terrestrial plants, but most of these studies were
latitudes (Turunen and Latola 2005). carried out in greenhouses and growth chambers.
So far the ecological cost of terrestrial plant Then the extrapolation and quantification of the
responses to the solar UV-B radiation has not observed indoor effects to field experiments is
been studied in detail. Clearly, some morphologi- very complex, because they can reflect exacer-
cal and physiological responses must have a cost bated responses of the plants and confuse the
in terms of resources that in absence of the UV-B interpretation of physiological and morphogenic
could have been allocated elsewhere (Snell et al. responses, as well as the molecular analysis at
2009). Under this perspective seems to be an both individual species and ecosystem composi-
interesting point to study the question how the tion. In fact, much remains to be done to define
terrestrial plants respond to the solar UV-B and establish the effects of both increased and
78 F.E. Prado et al.

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K+ Nutrition, Uptake, and Its Role
in Environmental Stress in Plants 4
Manuel Nieves-Cordones,
Fernando Alemán, Mario Fon,
Vicente Martínez, and Francisco Rubio

The increasing world population makes high yield crop production a necessity
in future agriculture. However, the negative effects of the emission of green-
house gases into Earth’s atmosphere and the resulting climate change may
impede reaching this goal. New stresses will appear and the existing ones will
be exacerbated. Important plant processes such as the acquisition of K+, which
is an essential macronutrient for plants, will be negatively affected. The devel-
opment of new crop varieties with enhanced capacities in the acquisition of
K+, especially under the future environmental conditions, is an important chal-
lenge. One of the first steps may be the identification of the K+ uptake systems
operating in the roots, which may be later improved to enhance K+ acquisition
under stress conditions. Some gene families encoding K+ transporters, that is,
the HAK1-type, and channels, that is, the AKT1-type, key pieces for root K+
uptake, have been identified. Members of other families of transport systems,
such as the cation proton antiporter (CPA) family, or the cyclic nucleotide-
gated channel (CNGC) family may also participate in that process. The use of
T-DNA insertion lines in the model species Arabidopsis thaliana has allowed
the demonstration of the role of some of these transport systems and, in some
cases, the results obtained in the model plant also apply to crop species.
Important points of the regulation of these transport systems are found at the
transcriptional and the translational level. Internal K+ concentrations, plasma
membrane potential, reactive oxygen species (ROS), hormones, kinases, and
phosphatases are involved in their regulation. The knowledge accumulated to
date and that to be obtained in the future could be used in biotechnological
approaches to produce more efficient K+ transporters that endow plants with
enhanced performance to face the future environmental challenges. Genetic
engineering, natural variability, and the development of -omic technologies
are valuable tools for the achievement of these objectives.

F. Rubio () • M. Nieves-Cordones • F. Alemán

• M. Fon • V. Martínez
Departamento de Nutrición Vegetal, CEBAS-CSIC,
Campus de Espinardo, Murcia 30100, Spain

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 85
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_4,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
86 M. Nieves-Cordones et al.

Potassium • Transporters: Signaling molecules • Abiotic stress • Genetic

K+ functions can be classified into those that

1 Introduction rely on high and relatively stable concentrations
of the nutrient in certain cellular compartments
The increasing world population makes high yield
or tissues and those that rely on its movement
crop production a necessity in future agriculture.
between different compartments, cells, or tissues
One important factor that will affect agriculture
(Amtmann et al. 2004). The first class of func-
worldwide and that prominent climate scientists
tions includes enzyme activation, stabilisation of
have been warning of is the dangerous effects of
protein synthesis, neutralization of negative
the continual emission of greenhouse gases into
charges on proteins, and maintenance of cyto-
Earth’s atmosphere. Atmospheric CO2 concentra-
plasmic pH homeostasis (Marschner 1995). Other
tion, average temperature, and tropospheric ozone
roles of K+ are linked to its high mobility. This is
concentration will be higher in the near future.
particularly evident where K+ movement is the
Droughts will be more frequent and severe, more
driving force for osmotic changes – as, for
intense precipitation events will lead to increased
example, in stomatal movement, light-driven and
flooding, some soils will degrade, and climatic
seismonastic movements of organs, and phloem
extremes will be more likely to occur. Existing
transport. In other cases, K+ movement provides
abiotic stresses such as salinity will be exacer-
a charge balancing counter-flux essential for
bated. All these changes will produce an environ-
sustaining the movement of other ions. Thus,
mental stress for plants and will have many
sugar, amino acid, and NO3− transport can be
important implications for plant physiology and
accompanied by a flux of K+ (Marschner 1995).
crop yield. Among the processes that will be
The most general phenomenon that requires
altered, K+ nutrition deserves special attention. K+
directed movement of K+ is growth. Accumulation
is an essential macronutrient that is absorbed from
of K+ (together with an anion) in plant vacuoles
the soil solution by the roots. Environmental stress
creates the required osmotic potential for cell
may reduce K+ availability and at the same time
expansion which relies on its high mobility, and
may produce physiological alterations that impair
therefore only few other inorganic ions can
K+ acquisition. The development of plant varieties
replace K+ in this role (Reckmann et al. 1990).
with increased capacity to absorb K+ may contrib-
Once cell growth has come to a halt, maintenance
ute to reducing the negative effects of the abiotic
of osmotic potentials can be carried out by less
stress conditions derived from climate change.
mobile sugars, and K+ ions can be partially recov-
Characterizing the systems involved in the pro-
ered from vacuoles (Marschner 1995; Poffenroth
cess of K+ absorption and how they are regulated
et al. 1992).
and the effect that abiotic stresses will have on
their functioning will help to obtain the required
new plant varieties (Fedoroff et al. 2010).
2.1 Range of K+ Levels Inside
the Plant
2 Role of K+ in Plants
As for other nutrients, three ranges in internal K+
K is an essential macronutrient for plants, com- concentrations can be distinguished (Marschner
posing up to 10% of the total plant dry weight (Taiz 1995): a deficient, an adequate, and a toxic range.
and Zeiger 1991) and fulfilling important functions K+ internal levels found in plants may vary
in metabolism, growth, and stress adaptation. depending on the tissue considered and the
4 K+ Nutrition, Uptake, and Its Role in Environmental Stress in Plants 87

nutritional status of the plant, but they are always K+ deficiency entails important effects on
in the millimolar range. An optimum K+ concentra- plant physiology such as limited cellular expan-
tion of around 50–100 mM in the cytosol is sion and reduction of photosynthesis which
required for the performing of the functions men- ultimately results in growth reduction and
tioned above (Jones 1983). Many of the K+- development impairment. When external K+ is
activated enzymes require K+ at concentrations limiting, its translocation from mature leaves
between 10 and 50 mM to achieve their maxi- and stem is activated. Under conditions of
mum activity and plant cells keep the cytosolic severe deficiency, these organs become chloro-
K+ concentration around this value (Walker et al. tic and even necrotic. At the cellular and meta-
1996). In contrast, vacuolar concentrations are bolic levels, important negative effects are
more flexible and mirror the external supply of observed. It has been reported that in barley,
K+. Under K+ limiting conditions, cytosolic K+ K+-limiting conditions give rise to a decrease in
activity can be efficiently maintained around its K+ activity and pH in the cytosol of root cells
optimum value due to the release of vacuolar K+ (Walker et al. 1996). These reductions positively
ions into the cytosol. Once the electrochemical correlated with a decrease in protein synthesis
gradient from the vacuole reaches its limit, cytoso- and a subsequent decline in growth (Walker
lic K+ activity starts to decrease (Nieves-Cordones et al. 1998). At the metabolic level, increase in
et al. 2008; Walker et al. 1996, 1998). sugars and depletion of pyruvate has been
K+ homeostasis is not necessarily effective in described in roots and shoots (Armengaud et al.
all cell types. In barley epidermal leaf cells, cyto- 2009). Other changes also take place to (1)
plasmic K+ levels as low as 15 mM have been maintain carbon flux into amino acids and pro-
reported under saline conditions (Cuin et al. teins, (2) decrease negative metabolic charge,
2003). These cells were still alive but they and (3) increase the nitrogen–carbon ratio in
probably showed very low metabolic activity. amino acids. In addition, K+-deficient plants are
Indeed, low epidermal K+ concentrations reflect more susceptible to abiotic and biotic stresses
selective tissue allocation of K+ within leaves, such as drought, cold, salinity, and fungal
which allows the plant to protect metabolically attacks (Marschner 1995).
active mesophyll cells against K+ deficiency.

3 K+ Uptake Systems
2.2 Problems Related
to K+ Deficiency Root K+ uptake occurs through specialized
epidermal cells (root hairs) which increase the
Although current agriculture is based on high lev- surface in contact with the soil solution as well as
els of fertilization, soils of some intensively cul- through cortical cells. K+ must get through root
tured lands may became K+ deficient (Dobermann tissues to reach the stele where the xylem vessels
et al. 1998; Pal et al. 2001; Rengel and Damon will distribute K+ to the rest of the plant.
2008; Yang et al. 2004) because of the withdrawal There are two possible parallel pathways that
of K+ during crop harvests (Pal et al. 2001) or due +
K can follow to reach the stele: the apoplastic
to K+ losses as a result of lixiviation in sandy soil and the symplastic pathways. The apoplastic
(Kayser and Isselstein 2005). In other cases, the pathway is blocked by the Casparian strip that
importance of K+ has sometimes been overlooked, limits K+ flux into the stele. Therefore, K+ needs
and financial constraints have forced farmers to to enter into the symplast to reach the xylem
prioritize applications of nitrogen (N) over K+ vessels by crossing the plasma membrane of an
(Armengaud et al. 2009). As a result, a consider- epidermal or cortical root cell and through K+
able area of farmland has become K+ deficient transport systems of different capacities, with the
(Andrist-Rangel et al. 2007; Dobermann et al. latter constituting crucial pieces in the control of
1998; Hoa et al. 2006). K+ acquisition.
88 M. Nieves-Cordones et al.

3.1 High- and Low-Affinity mutants defective in the endogenous K+ uptake

K+ Uptake systems TRK1 and TRK2. In 1992, the Arabidopsis
Shaker K+ channels AKT1 and KAT1 were iso-
In the 1950s, of last century Epstein reported that lated (Schachtman 1992; Sentenac et al. 1992).
in barley roots, K+ uptake exhibited biphasic Both AKT1 and KAT1 did not exhibit inactiva-
kinetics in response to increasing external K+ tion through time which suggested that they
concentrations (Epstein and Hagen 1952; Epstein mediated long-term K+ supply (Gaymard et al.
et al. 1963). The first system showed high-affinity 1996; Schachtman 1992). AtAKT1 expression
for K+ (Km for K+ of 21 mM) and was not inhibited was preferentially localized in the peripheral cell
by Na+. The second system showed low-affinity layers of the root mature regions, which was con-
for K+ (Km of 11.4 mM) and was inhibited by Na+. sistent with a role of AtAKT1 in root K+ uptake
In maize roots, the low-affinity component was (Lagarde et al. 1996). However, AtKAT1 is mainly
linear (Kochian and Lucas 1982), and tradition- expressed in leaves discarding its participation in
ally, it has been thought that ion channels are this process (Szyroki et al. 2001).
mostly responsible for the low-affinity compo- After the cloning of AtAKT1, several cDNAs
nent (Maathuis and Sanders 1996). encoding K+ channels with homology to AKT1
The high-affinity system has been thought to were obtained from other species. For instance,
be mediated by transporters because with the SKT1 from potato (Zimmermann et al. 1998),
reported data on plasma membrane potentials LKT1 from tomato (Hartje et al. 2000), TaAKT1
and gradients for K+ concentrations for barley from wheat (Buschmann et al. 2000), OsAKT1
and Arabidopsis (Maathuis and Sanders 1993, from rice (Golldack et al. 2003), DKT1 from
1994; Walker et al. 1996), a channel would not be carrot (Formentin et al. 2004), CaAKT1 from
operative for K+ influx. A K+:H+ symport with a pepper (Martínez-Cordero et al. 2005), NKT1
1:1 stoichiometry has been suggested as the from tobacco (Sano et al. 2007), and VvK1.1
transport mechanism. In Neurospora crassa, a from grapevine (Cuellar et al. 2010).
fungus which exhibited high-affinity K+ uptake Intriguingly, another cDNA from Arabidopsis,
similar to that present in plants, the high-affinity AtKC1, encoding a protein with high homology
K+ uptake was shown to be mediated by a K+:H+ to K+ channels was cloned, but it never exhibited
symport (Rodriguez-Navarro et al. 1986). In plant ion currents when expressed alone in heterolo-
cells, as in fungal cells, the membrane potential is gous expression systems (Reintanz et al. 2002).
sustained by the H+-ATPase, supporting the idea Later, it was shown that AtKC1 together with the
of the plant K+:H+ symport. Other features syntaxin SYP121, regulated AtAKT1 function
observed in the high-affinity K+ uptake in plants by forming a ternary complex (Honsbein et al.
are the upregulation by K+ starvation, the lack of 2009) (see below). Homologues of AtKC1 have
discrimination between K+ and Rb+ and the inhi- also been found in other plant species (Downey
bition by NH4+ (Kochian and Lucas 1988; et al. 2000; Wang et al. 2002).
Maathuis and Sanders 1996; Rodríguez-Navarro
2000; Rodríguez-Navarro and Rubio 2006). 3.2.2 HAK/KT/KUP Transporters
High-affinity K+ uptake in plants resembles that
mediated by SoHAK1, a high-affinity K+ trans-
3.2 Molecular Entities Mediating porter from the yeast Schwanniomyces occiden-
Low- and High-Affinity tals. By using an RT-PCR approach, a plant
K+ Uptake homolog, HvHAK1, was isolated from barley
(Santa-María et al. 1997). Yeast expression of
3.2.1 Shaker Channels HvHAK1 demonstrated that it was a high-affinity
The identification of the genes involved in K+ K+ transporter that did not discriminate between
uptake began in the 1990s by using the functional K+ and Rb+ and was inhibited by Na+ and NH4+, in
complementation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae agreement with the characteristics of high-affinity
4 K+ Nutrition, Uptake, and Its Role in Environmental Stress in Plants 89

K+ uptake previously described in barley roots. involvement of this system in high-affinity K+

Homologous transporters were later isolated in uptake seems unlikely. Later studies have involved
Arabidopsis (Fu and Luan 1998; Kim et al. 1998; HKT transporters from different plant species to
Quintero and Blatt 1997). One of them, AtHAK5, Na+ uptake from the external solution and Na+
showed a high homology to HvHAK1 and no movements within the plant through loading and
discrimination between K+ and Rb+ (Rubio et al. unloading at the xylem and the phloem
2000). Phylogenetic analyses show that the (Berthomieu et al. 2003; Garciadeblas et al. 2003;
HAK family (also named KT or KUP family) of Golldack et al. 2002; Haro et al. 2005; Horie
transporters is composed of four clusters and et al. 2007; Laurie et al. 2002; Rus et al. 2001,
that all high-affinity K+ transporters from this 2004; Uozumi et al. 2000). This has focused the
family characterized so far belong to Cluster I. research on the physiological roles of plant HKT
These Cluster I transporters are encoded by towards adaptation to saline environments rather
genes that are rapidly upregulated in root cells than K+ nutrition.
when the supply of the external K+ is removed
(Rodríguez-Navarro and Rubio 2006). When 3.2.4 Cation Proton Antiporters
expressed in yeast they mediate K+ uptake of This superfamily of antiporters is composed of
similar characteristics to plant high-affinity K+ three families: the monovalent cation:proton anti-
uptake such as low Km values for K+ or sensitiv- porter-1 (CPA1) family (eight members), the
ity to NH4+, suggesting that they are major com- monovalent cation:proton antiporter-2 (CPA2)
ponents of this system (Rodríguez-Navarro and family also referred to as the CHX family (28
Rubio 2006). members), and the NhaD family (two members)
After AtHAK5 cloning, numerous genes (Maser et al. 2001; Saier et al. 1999). In plants,
encoding K+ transporters of the HAK family were Na+/H+ and K+/H+ antiporters belonging to the
identified in other plant species: 17 genes in rice first family (CPA1) are likely critical determi-
(Bañuelos et al. 2002), GsKT1 in cotton (Ruan nants of salt tolerance and K+ homeostasis either
et al. 2001), LeHAK5 in tomato (Wang et al. by compartmentalization in cellular organelles,
2001, 2002), CnHAK1 and CnHAK2 in for instance NHX transporters, or by extrusion
Cymodocea nodosa (Garciadeblas et al. 2002), from the cell, for example SOS1 transporters
four genes in Mesembrianthemum cristallinum (Apse et al. 1999; Leidi et al. 2010; Pardo et al.
(Su et al. 2002), LjKUP in Lotus japonica 2006; Rodriguez-Rosales et al. 2008; Shi et al.
(Desbrosses et al. 2004), VvKUP1 and VvKUP2 2003). On the other hand, some members of the
in Vitis vinifera (Davies et al. 2006), AlHAK in CPA2 family have been related to K+ acquisition.
Aeluropus littoralis (Su et al. 2007), five genes in KEA5, AtCHX17, and AtCHX13 are upregu-
Phragmites australis (Takahashi et al. 2007b, c), lated in K+-starved roots (Cellier et al. 2004; Shin
CaHAK1 in pepper (Martínez-Cordero et al. and Schachtman 2004; Zhao et al. 2008).
2004), and ThHAK5 in Thellungiella halophila AtCHX13 was indeed shown to complement a K+
(Alemán et al. 2009b). uptake deficient yeast mutant showing a Km
K+(Rb+) of 136 mM (Zhao et al. 2008), although
3.2.3 HKT Transporters its expression in the root tip suggested a role in
In 1994, a wheat cDNA, TaHKT1, was isolated, sensing external K+ rather than mediating K+
and it encoded a protein with homology to the uptake.
TRK transporters from yeast (Schachtman and
Schroeder 1994). Its heterologous expression 3.2.5 Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channels
showed that TaHKT1-mediated high-affinity K+ Cyclic nucleotide-gated channels (CNGCs) share
uptake coupled with Na+ symport in addition to structural homology with Shaker channels,
low-affinity Na+ uptake (Rubio et al. 1995). although they lack a GYGD motif (Szczerba
Because Na+-activated high-affinity K+ uptake et al. 2009; Talke et al. 2003). Published data has
has never been demonstrated in higher plants, the shown that their activation is cGMP- and/or
90 M. Nieves-Cordones et al.

cAMP-dependent and that most CNGCs do not GFP localized to the plasma membrane in tobacco
discriminate among monovalent cations, have a mesophyll protoplasts (Hosy et al. 2005).
limited Ca2+ permeability, and are blocked by AtAKT1 function is regulated by the AtKC1 sub-
NH4+ and external Mg2+ (Balague et al. 2003; unit, whose gene is strongly expressed in roots
Demidchik and Maathuis 2007; Leng et al. 2002). (Reintanz et al. 2002) and upregulated by salt
A notable exception is AtCNGC2 that exhibited a stress in the shoot (Pilot et al. 2003). When
high degree of K+ selectivity as opposed to Na+ AtKC1 is coexpressed together with AtAKT1 in
(Hua et al. 2003), a feature that is unknown in heterologous systems, a shift in the activation
animal CNGCs. In particular, some CNGCs have threshold toward more negative values is observed
shown features related to K+ uptake. For instance, (Duby et al. 2008; Geiger et al. 2009), probably
AtCNGC10 was shown to rescue K+ channel preventing AKT1 from mediating K+ efflux.
mutants of Escherichia coli (LB650), yeast Recently, it has been shown that AtKC1 forms a
(CY162), and atakt1 Arabidopsis plants (Kaplan ternary complex with AtAKT1 and a syntaxin
et al. 2007). In heterologous systems, AtCNGC3 (SYP121) that mediates K+ uptake in Arabidopsis
can function as a Na+ and K+ uptake pathways roots (Honsbein et al. 2009). When expressed in
(Gobert et al. 2006). Moreover, promoter-driven Xenopus oocytes, the characteristics observed in
GUS activity data has shown that, in seedlings, this ternary complex are more similar to those
AtCNGC3 is mainly expressed in epidermal and observed in native Arabidopsis roots than those
cortical root tissues, something consistent with a recorded without the syntaxin (Honsbein et al.
role in K+ uptake. 2009), indicating that in planta, the functional
unit is the ternary complex.
As for HAK transporters, experiments per-
3.3 Advances in the Characterization formed with T-DNA insertion mutants in
of Entities Mediating Root K+ Arabidopsis demonstrated that root high-affinity
Uptake K+ uptake was impaired in the athak5-1,
athak5-2, and athak5-3 mutants which lacked a
Although the characterization in heterologous functional AtHAK5, (Gierth et al. 2005; Rubio
systems together with gene expression patterns et al. 2008). Moreover, in the athak5 plants,
strongly suggested that many of the aforemen- NH4+ did not inhibit Rb+ uptake, while this cat-
tioned entities participated in root K+ uptake, a ion did so in WT plants, indicating that AtHAK5
clear demonstration was still pending. It was nec- mediates the NH4+-sensitive high-affinity K+
essary to demonstrate the transport activity of uptake in plants, in agreement with the sensitiv-
such systems in vivo, in their native environment. ity to NH4+ that AtHAK5 shows when expressed
Furthermore, a subcellular localization compati- in yeast (Rubio et al. 2000). Recently, it has
ble with K+ uptake (plasma membrane localiza- been shown that adult athak5-3 plants display
tion) was also required. lower plant biomass due to reduced K+ uptake
The first successful study on this topic demon- when they are grown for several weeks at 10 mM
strated that an Arabidopsis T-DNA knock-out K+ (Nieves-Cordones et al. 2010), evidencing
mutant in AKT1, atakt1-1, had reduced plant that this transporter supports growth at very
growth in the presence of 2 mM NH4+ when low-external K+ concentrations. These results
external K+ was below 1 mM (Hirsch et al. 1998). are in agreement with another study performed
These results suggested that K+ channels could in agarose plates in which AtHAK5 mutants
also mediate K+ uptake in the high-affinity range seedlings exhibited reduced root growth when
of concentrations. Further studies showed the grown below 10 mM K+ (Qi et al. 2008).
presence of two components of K+ uptake: an Moreover, in this study, it was also reported that
NH4+-insensitive AKT1-mediated component AtHAK5 fused to an epitope of the human influ-
and an NH4+-sensitive component (Spalding et al. enza virus hemaglutinin protein (HA epitope)
1999). A later study showed that AKT1 fused to localizes to the plasma membrane.
4 K+ Nutrition, Uptake, and Its Role in Environmental Stress in Plants 91

mediate important Na+-tolerance mechanisms in

plants mainly by improving K+/Na+ homeostasis.
Previous work based on the identification of a
quantitative trait locus (QTL) determining salt
tolerance showed that Kna1 in Triticum aestivum
controls the selectivity of Na+ and K+ transport to
shoots, resulting in a high K+:Na+ ratio in leaves
(Dubcovsky et al. 1996; Gorham et al. 1987,
1990; Luo et al. 1996). Other loci identified by
QTL analyses in durum wheat, Nax1 and Nax2,
also contributed to salt tolerance (Lindsay et al.
2004; Munns et al. 2003). Furthermore, the pres-
ence of Nax1 and Nax2 was shown to enhance K+
accumulation in leaf blades and sheaths, leading
to the model that Nax1 and Nax2 mediate K+-
Fig. 4.1 Molecular entities participating in K+ uptake in loading into the xylem (James et al. 2006). These
Arabidopsis roots. The graphic shows the external K+ con- QTLs are attributable to polymorphisms in cop-
centrations at which the high- and the low-affinity K+
ies of wheat HKT genes, TmHKT1;4-A1 and
uptake systems operate. In the high-affinity range, AtHAK5
is the only system mediating K+ uptake when the external TmHKT1;4-A2 (also named TmHKT7-A1 and
concentration is below 10 mM. At higher concentrations, -A2) for Nax1 and TmHKT1;5 and TaHKT1;5
AtHAK5, AtAKT1, and AtCHX13 may be the main sys- for Nax2 and Kna1 (Byrt et al. 2007; Huang et al.
tems participating in this process. In the low-affinity range
2006). Independent analysis of another QTL in
of K+ concentrations, AtAKT1, AtCHX13, unidentified
members of the CNGC or unknown systems could contrib- rice, named SKC1 (shoot K+ content), resulted in
ute to K+ uptake. Dashed horizontal lines depict the range an identical model for the function of the rice
of external K+ concentrations in which the system just gene OsHKT1;5 (Ren 2005). The SKC1 QTL
above plays its important role in root K+ uptake
was due to point mutations in OsHKT1;5 that
replace several amino acid residues in the salt-
As stated above, AtAKT1 also contributes to tolerant cultivar NonaBokra (Ren 2005).
K+ uptake in the high-affinity range of concentra- Studies performed in different null mutant
tions. Recent studies with single athak5, atakt1 types of the class I HKT transporter AtHKT1 has
and double athak5, atakt1 mutants in combina- shed light into the mechanisms by which this
tion with NH4+ and Ba2+ that inhibit AtHAK5 and entity controls Na+/K+ homeostasis under salt
AtAKT1, respectively, have allowed the estab- stress. According to these studies, AtHKT1 may
lishment of the relative contributions of each of be involved in Na+ recirculation in plants by oper-
these two systems to K+ uptake from diluted solu- ating in Na+ loading in the phloem (Berthomieu
tions (Rubio et al. 2010). AtHAK5 is the only et al. 2003) or removal of Na+ from the xylem
system-mediating K+ uptake at concentrations preventing the accumulation of Na+ in the leaves
below 10 mM. Between 10 and 50 mM K+, (Davenport et al. 2007; Horie et al. 2006; Sunarpi
AtHAK5 and AtAKT1 have been demonstrated et al. 2005). In agreement with this model,
to be the only systems contributing to K+ uptake. AtHKT1 overexpression in the root pericycle
Above 50 mM K+, both systems are thought to improves salt tolerance (Moller et al. 2009).
act, and at concentrations higher than 200 mM, Concerning K+ homeostasis, mutations in
the contribution AtHAK5 decreases and the only OsHKT1;5 and AtHKT1 have also been found to
system operating is probably AtAKT1, although reduce K+ and enhance Na+ accumulation in
the contribution of other unknown systems cannot shoots during salt exposure, contributing to
be ruled out (Fig. 4.1). enhanced salinity stress (Ren 2005; Sunarpi et al.
Recent research has demonstrated that 2005). Interestingly, the disruption of AtHKT1 in
members of the HKT transporter/channel family mutants of the salt overly sensitive (SOS) pathway
92 M. Nieves-Cordones et al.

prevented the K+-deficiency symptoms observed indicated a role in Na+/K+ homeostasis in roots by
in sos mutants when grown at low K+ concentra- providing a pathway for Na+ influx and K+ efflux
tions and improved cellular K+/Na+ ratios when at the root/soil interface (Guo et al. 2008). Similar
compared with single sos mutants under saline results were obtained for AtCNGC3. A null
conditions (Rus et al. 2001, 2004). mutation in this channel altered both short-term
All the results described above refer to HKT Na+ influx and K+ uptake at high-external K+ con-
transporters belonging to the class I of this family. ditions, suggesting an alternate role in nonselec-
They have been shown to mediate Na+ transport tive monovalent cation uptake at the plasma
and the effect upon K+ nutrition may be indirect. membrane level (Gobert et al. 2006).
On the other hand, some members of the Class II
of HKT transporters can operate as Na+–K+ sym-
porters under some conditions (Haro et al. 2005; 4 Regulation of the Transport
Jabnoune et al. 2009; Rubio et al. 1995), and a Systems
contribution to K+ uptake may be expected.
However, mutations in the OsHKT2;1 gene do 4.1 Transcriptional Regulation
not have a strong impact on high-affinity K+ (Rb+)
uptake into intact rice roots (Horie et al. 2007). In general terms, genes encoding AKT1-like K+
Many of the presently characterized HKT class channels do not show great differences in expres-
two genes are also induced by K+ starvation, sion levels in response to the external supply of K+
including those in wheat, barley, and rice as it has been observed for AtAKT1 and CaAKT1
(Garciadeblas et al. 2003; Horie et al. 2001; Wang (Lagarde et al. 1996; Martínez-Cordero et al.
et al. 1998). Therefore, in addition to mediating 2005; Pilot et al. 2003). However, K+ withdrawal
K+ uptake, this system mediates Na+ uptake, from the growth solution increased TaAKT1 tran-
allowing Na+ to act as a substitute nutrient for K+ script levels (Buschmann et al. 2000), and NaCl
in K+-starved rice plants under moderate Na+ treatments or hormonal addition to the external
concentrations (Horie et al. 2007), supporting the medium produce changes in AtAKT1 expression
long-standing hypothesis that Na+ may substitute (Kaddour et al. 2009; Pilot et al. 2003).
for K+ when this nutrient is scarce (Flowers et al. Substantial differences are found in the expres-
1983; Mengel and Kirkby 1982). sion pattern of the genes encoding HAK1-type
Regarding CHX transporters, it has been K+ transporters in comparison to that observed in
shown that disruption of AtCHX17 led to lower the aforementioned genes for K+ channels. It
root K+ concentrations under saline and K+- seems that an important point in the regulation of
deprivation conditions, although a subcellular this type of transporters resides in the control of
localization and a functional characterization for gene expression.
AtCHX17 remain to be assessed (Cellier et al. K+-starvation is a common inducer in the gene
2004). On the other hand, AtCHX13 was local- expression of the HAK1-type K+ transporters.
ized to the plasma membrane and AtCHX13 This induction has been observed in HvHAK1
knock-out and over-expressing mutant plants (Santa-María et al. 1997), AtHAK5 (Ahn et al.
showed impairment and enhancement of K+ 2004; Armengaud et al. 2004; Gierth et al. 2005;
uptake, respectively (Zhao et al. 2008). All these Qi et al. 2008; Shin and Schachtman 2004),
results suggested that this transporter may be OsHAK1 (Bañuelos et al. 2002), LeHAK5
involved in K+ uptake in planta. (Nieves-Cordones et al. 2007; Wang et al. 2002),
With respect to CNGCs, AtCNGC10 is tar- CaHAK1 (Martínez-Cordero et al. 2004), and
geted to the plasma membrane, transports both ThHAK5 (Alemán et al. 2009b). The reduction in
K+ and Na+ and partially rescues Arabidopsis root K+ concentration below a threshold level has
akt1 mutant plants (Kaplan et al. 2007). Results been proposed as the stimulus that could trigger
obtained in antisense lines of this channel, which the increase in the transcription of these genes
displayed lower expression than WT plants, (Martínez-Cordero et al. 2005).
4 K+ Nutrition, Uptake, and Its Role in Environmental Stress in Plants 93

Some other factors have been shown to con- et al. 2008) and high-affinity K+ uptake (Nieves-
siderably modify gene transcription of the HAK1- Cordones et al. 2007). Changes in plasma mem-
type genes. CaHAK1 expression in K+-starved brane potentials are one of the first signals that
plants was reduced, if half of the nitrogen of the root cells sense after a stress is applied (Wang
growth solution was supplied as NH4+ (Martínez- and Wu 2010). In tomato roots, the recorded
Cordero et al. 2005). Similarly, AtHAK5 pro- plasma membrane potentials were importantly
moter activity was diminished in K+-starved affected by long-term changes in the composition
plants after exposure to NH4+ (Qi et al. 2008). of the growth solution. For instance, the presence
Conversely, HvHAK1 transcript levels were of NH4+ and K+ starvation hyperpolarized and
increased by the presence of NH4+ in the growth Na+ depolarized plasma membrane potentials,
solution in K+-sufficient plants (Fulgenzi et al. which produced an increase and a decrease in the
2008). Intriguingly, LeHAK5 was downregulated LeHAK5 mRNA levels, respectively. Short-term
when NO3− was supplied again after a withdrawal exposure of depolarizing agents such as CCCP or
period (Wang et al. 2001). Another case in the Vanadate to K+-starved roots also decreased
regulation of HAK transporters was the increase LeHAK5 expression. These changes in LeHAK5
in AtHAK5 mRNA levels after exposing plants to expression at both long- and short-term denoted a
sucrose in the absence of light (Lejay et al. 2008). tight regulation at the transcription level and they
Similar results were found previously in also indicated that LeHAK5 contribution to K+
Arabidopsis when plants were grown in the uptake could be limited to some specific condi-
sucrose-containing media MS (Rubio et al. 2000): tions even if K+ deficiency was still present
It was observed that in K+-sufficient plants (Nieves-Cordones et al. 2008).
AtHAK5 expression was high; in this medium, K+
starvation did not further increase the expression
levels, probably because K+ was substituted for 4.2 Post-translational Regulation
NH4+ in these experiments.
Another important factor affecting the expres- Recent studies have gained insights into AtAKT1
sion of these genes seems to be the presence of regulation. By analyzing mutants sensitive to low
salinity. This was illustrated, for example, in the K+ stress, a CBL-interacting protein kinase,
decrease of LeHAK5 (Nieves-Cordones et al. CIPK23, turned out to be essential in the activa-
2007), AtHAK5, and ThHAK5 (Alemán et al. tion of AtAKT1, therefore permitting Arabidopsis
2009b) transcripts when plants were starved of plants to grow under low K+ conditions (Xu et al.
K+ in the presence of Na+. Importantly, salinity 2006). Two positive regulators of CIPK23, CBL1,
decreased, to a lesser extent, the levels of ThHAK5 and CBL9, which are two Calcineurin B-like pro-
mRNA in T. halophila than those of AtHAK5 teins, were also found. Both CBL’s could phos-
transcripts in Arabidopsis. phorylate CIPK23 which became active after this
There is not much information about the sig- phosphorylation (Fig. 4.2). Activation of the
nal transduction elements involved in the induc- CBL’s depended on Ca2+ as demonstrated by
tion of HAK-type K+ transporters expression. In patch-clamp recordings (Li et al. 2006). Later on, it
2004, the important role of reactive oxygen spe- was shown that the network was more complex,
cies (ROS) in the signaling events after removing being CIPK6 and CIPK16, in addition to CIPK23,
K+ from the growth solution was described for able to interact with CBL1, CBL2 and CBL3 and
Arabidopsis (Shin and Schachtman 2004). CBL9 (Lee et al. 2007). Furthermore, a PP2C
Recently, it has been proposed that ethylene sig- phosphatase (AIP1) inactivated AKT1 by dephos-
naling acts upstream the increase of ROS during phorylating the latter. AIP1 bound AKT1 through
K+ deprivation (Jung et al. 2009). AKT1’s ankyrin domain. In addition, formation
In tomato plants, LeHAK5 expression levels of heterotetramers of AKT1 subunits with AtKC1
correlated with steady plasma membrane poten- also serves as another mode of regulation in
tials registered in root cells (Nieves-Cordones which such heterotetramers display different
94 M. Nieves-Cordones et al.

changes in the K+ status or to direct/indirect

regulation of K+ uptake, suggesting a role in this
process. In some cases, significant advances in
the mechanisms by which some of these mole-
cules regulate K+ nutrition have been reported
(Fig. 4.3).

4.3.1 ROS and Ethylene

ROS have been shown to accumulate in a discrete
region of roots active in K+ uptake and they are
translocated during low K+ stress (Shin and
Schachtman 2004). Knock-out of an NADPH
oxidase (rhd2 plants) prevented upregulation of
genes that are normally induced by K+ starvation,
such as AtHAK5, but the high-affinity K+ uptake
Fig. 4.2 Regulation of the activity of AtAKT1 by the remained unchanged. Application of H2O2
CBL–CIPK complex and by the phosphatase AIP1. (a) Low restored the expression of those genes induced by
K+ stress provokes an increase in ROS levels that can pos- K+ deficiency in rhd2 plants. Both ethylene
sibly be translated into a cytosolic Ca2+ wave. This wave
mainly activates CBL1, CBL9, and CIPK23. The acti- production and the transcription of genes involved
vated CBL/CIPK complex phosphorylates the AtAKT1 in ethylene biosynthesis also increased when
channel, resulting in its activation (channel open). (b) At plants were deprived of K+ (Jung et al. 2009; Shin
high-external K+, the AIP1 phosphatase is thought to and Schachtman 2004). However, in the ethylene
dephosphorylate AtAKT1, resulting in the inactivation of
the channel (channel closed) insensitive2-1 (ein2-1) mutant, the ethylene-
mediated low K+ responses were not completely
eliminated, suggesting that some K+ deprivation-
voltage dependence and sensitivity to external K+ induced responses are either ethylene indepen-
(Duby et al. 2008; Geiger et al. 2009). dent or EIN2 independent. Ethylene signaling
The only report in which the regulation of stimulated the production of ROS and thereby it
HAK1-like K+ transporters at the protein level seems to constitute an earlier step in low K+
was discussed revealed that HvHAK1-mediated response. Nevertheless, elements acting upstream
Rb+ uptake in yeast cells was modulated by the ethylene signaling in the onset of low K+ responses
HAL4/5 kinases and the PPZ1 phosphatase are still unknown. These results suggested that
(Fulgenzi et al. 2008). Both types of enzymes K+-dependent regulation of AtHAK5 mRNA
seemed to negatively regulate HvHAK1 activity levels relied, at least to some extent, on this
in K+-starved yeast cells. ethylene-ROS pathway.

4.3.2 Abscissic Acid

4.3 Signaling Molecules: ROS Abscissic acid (ABA)-mediated control of ROS
and Hormones levels has been invoked to explain its function in
protecting plants against oxidative conditions
ROS and hormones represent two of the most caused by many stress conditions, including nutri-
important signaling mechanisms in plants. They tional deficiencies (Rubio et al. 2009). For instance,
are produced when stimuli act upon certain types K+ deprivation increases ABA levels both in the
of cells and they constitute an effective means of root and in the shoot (Kim et al. 2009) that would
communication between cells, adjusting plant to produce, among the responses of this hormone, a
the new environmental conditions. In recent decrease in plant transpiration. Moreover, exposure
years, several hormonal activities and ROS have of Arabidopsis roots to ABA evoked a dramatic
been related to responses that take place after reduction in the transcript levels of SKOR, the
4 K+ Nutrition, Uptake, and Its Role in Environmental Stress in Plants 95

Fig. 4.3 Hormonal responses in relation to K+ uptake. levels. Ethylene activates reactive oxygen species (ROS)
Root apex is an important source of cytokinins and when production, which mediates AtHAK5 upregulation and, in
it is removed, rapid efflux of K+ is observed. Such efflux turn, high-affinity K+ uptake. The ABA increase reduces
can be reversed by adding cytokinins. K+ transport through stomatal aperture in leaves and in roots, it induces SKOR
TRH1 greatly contributes to auxin gradients in the root downregulation and thereby decreases K+ xylem load.
and therefore supporting auxin responses such as gravit- Jasmonic acid production activates several pathways
ropic growth and root hair development. Low-external K+ which aim at enhancing nutrient recycling, storage, and
concentrations trigger stress-related pathways by increas- allocation processes
ing ethylene, abscisic acid (ABA), and Jasmonic acid

outward-rectifier K+ channel involved in K+ release to these plants downregulated the expression of

in the xylem (Gaymard et al. 1998). Interestingly, 19 JA biosynthesis-related genes. Interestingly,
important reductions in SKOR mRNA levels in the these transcriptional responses were observed
roots were also observed due to K+-starvation mainly in the shoot, but not in the root, indicat-
(Pilot et al. 2003), suggesting that this reduction ing that there is organ specificity in the K+-
could be related to the ABA increase under low K+ mediated control of JA accumulation. This
growth conditions. specificity could be related to the increased
nutrient recycling observed in senescent leaves
4.3.3 Jasmonic Acid of K+-deprived plants, a process that is triggered
Upregulation of the genes controlling the first by JA (He et al. 2002). If we consider the exact
three steps of jasmonic acid (JA) biosynthesis position of ethylene and jasmonate signals
has been observed in K+-deprived plants within the K+ starvation response, there is still a
(Armengaud et al. 2004). In contrast, K+ resupply gap to be filled.
96 M. Nieves-Cordones et al.

4.3.4 Auxins At the root level, cytokinins seemed to play a role

Both physiological and molecular evidences show in the regulation of K+ fluxes in root epidermis
a relation between K+ transport and polar auxin (Shabala et al. 2009). Removal of the root apex, an
transport. For example, it was observed that important source of cytokinins, evoked significant
Arabidopsis mutant plants that lack activity of the K+ efflux from root segments that was rapidly
K+ transporter TRH1 (AtKUP4/AtKT3) displayed reversed by the addition of exogenous kinetin.
agravitropic root growth and impaired root hair Regarding regulation of K+ transport systems,
development and that these defects correlated with exposure of roots to the synthetic cytokinin,
altered auxin transport or perception, as shown by benzyladenine, produced a rapid decrease in the
the fact that addition of auxins rescued these trh1 mRNA levels of the Shaker subunits AKT1 and
phenotypes (Vicente-Agullo et al. 2004). K+ status AtKC1 in addition to the one previously mentioned
may also affect auxin accumulation, as observed of SKOR (Pilot et al. 2003). This effect of benzy-
by reduced expression of genes controlling auxin ladenine mirrors that observed after the addition of
biosynthesis, such as CYP79B2 and CYP79B3, exogenous auxins. Nonetheless, studies revealing
when K+-deprived Arabidopsis plants were resup- the underlying mechanisms of this interaction
plied with this nutrient (Armengaud et al. 2004). cytokinins–K+ are lacking.
Conversely, a role for auxins in the control of K+
homeostasis is supported by the fact that treatment
of maize plants with auxins increased expression 5 The Arabidopsis Model
of the gene encoding the K+ transporter ZMK1
(Philippar et al. 1999). Such transcriptional induc- 5.1 Integration of Uptake Systems
tion is in agreement with the increase in K+ trans-
port observed in maize coleoptiles protoplasts Presently, root K+ uptake systems from Arabidopsis
upon auxin application. These results contrast with are the best characterized and it is possible to inte-
those found in Arabidopsis in which exposure to grate all the information available to generate a
the synthetic auxin 2,4 D drastically reduced comprehensive model. Plants show a high concen-
AKT1, AtKC1, and SKOR root mRNA levels trative capacity for K+ (Martínez-Cordero et al.
(Pilot et al. 2003). 2005; Nieves-Cordones et al. 2007), mediated by
an active transport mechanism (Maathuis and
4.3.5 Cytokinins Sanders 1994) through HAK transporters. As
Cytokinins have long been implicated in the regu- described in a previous section, the disruption of
lation of K+ transport in plants (Abutalybov et al. AtHAK5 led to lower K+ uptake rates and growth
1980; Abutalybov and Akhundova 1982; Alizade impairment at 10 mM K+ and lower K+ concentra-
et al. 1988; Green and Muir 1979; Shabala et al. tions (Nieves-Cordones et al. 2010). Together with
2009). It has been described that K+ release into the micromolar Km obtained when AtHAK5 was
the xylem (as measured by 86Rb+ release into root expressed in yeast (Rubio et al. 2000), this sug-
exudates) is inhibited by micromolar concentra- gested that at the lowest K+ concentrations,
tions of kinetin (Collins and Kerrigan 1974; Hong AtHAK5 is the only system mediating root K+
and Sucoff 1976; Rains 1969). These observations uptake, in agreement with the higher Km values in
are in agreement with the important decrease in athak5 plants (Gierth et al. 2005). AtHAK5-
the SKOR root transcript levels after exposure to mediated uptake probably occurs via H+–K+ sym-
benzyladenine (Pilot et al. 2003). In another study port, as membrane potentials registered in root cells
(Albacete et al. 2009), it was shown that xylem K+ were not negative enough to drive passive flux of
(but not Na+) concentration was strongly corre- K+ into root cells. Currently, the mechanism of
lated with leaf size and maintenance of the photo- transport through AtHAK5 remains elusive.
synthetic apparatus in tomato under salt stress, as When external K+ concentrations are above 10
was leaf xylem zeatin concentration, highlighting mM K+, AtAKT1 becomes an active player.
another interesting cytokinin–K+ interaction. In such conditions, the electrochemical gradient is
4 K+ Nutrition, Uptake, and Its Role in Environmental Stress in Plants 97

compatible with K+ fluxes through channels and 5.2 Usefulness of This Model
therefore AtAKT1 could mediate K+ uptake. to Understand Other Species
Indeed, this idea is further supported by the fact
that athak5 mutants did not display a defective Arabidopsis has been proven to be a useful
phenotype at 20 mM K+ (Pyo et al. 2010), exhib- plant model for the understanding of physiolog-
ited Rb+ uptake above that K+ concentration ical processes in other plant species such as
(Rubio et al. 2008) and only double mutants tomato, pepper, and T. halophila (Alemán et al.
atakt1,athak5 lacked any of these features (Pyo 2009b; Martínez-Cordero et al. 2005; Nieves-
et al. 2010; Rubio et al. 2010). These results Cordones et al. 2007; Rubio et al. 2008). With
strongly suggested that the channel was mediat- this in mind, it has been shown that lower
ing K+/Rb+ uptake in this context. It is worth not- upregulation of HAK transporters due to salt
ing that in this range of K+ concentrations, there is stress when plants are deprived of K+ is a com-
an overlap in the K+ uptake capacities between mon feature observed in barley, tomato, T. halo-
AtHAK5 and AtAKT1 which made the pheno- phila, and A. thaliana. In contrast, regulation
typic study of their corresponding single mutants by NH4+ of HAK transcript levels was found to
difficult. AtAKT1 contribution to K+ uptake starts be different in Arabidopsis with respect to
in the low micromolar range, but the upper limit tomato but similar to barley and pepper.
is not well defined. At 1.4 mM K+, atakt1 plants Moreover, CIPK–CBL pathways from
exhibited lower plant biomass and lower tissue K+ Arabidopsis (like that regulating K+ uptake
concentrations, including an upregulation of through AKT1) are conserved among species
AtHAK5 that reflects clear symptoms of K+ defi- and can interact with other Shaker channels
ciency stress (Rubio et al. 2008). Therefore, with from other species such as VvK1.1 from grape-
growth solutions containing around 1 mM K+, the vine and ZmK1 from maize (Cuellar et al. 2010;
AtAKT1 function was not compensated by other Geiger et al. 2009). This interaction has allowed
systems such as AtHAK5, and thus AtAKT1- the production and characterization of func-
mediated uptake seems to be unique. At higher tional channels in Xenopus oocytes.
concentrations, for example, 10 mM K+, atakt1 On the other hand, comparing Arabidopsis
mutant plants exhibited normal growth and tissue with monocots species becomes more difficult.
K+ concentrations, denoting that other systems For instance, genome complexity in monocots
were indeed able to support growth under these implies that some K+ transport systems are found
conditions (Nieves-Cordones et al. 2010; Rubio as different isoforms (e.g., HvHAK1A B) that
et al. 2010). Similar results were obtained in the could exhibit differential regulation and contri-
athak5,atakt1 double mutants showing that bution, something not yet observed in
AtHAK5 was not important in this range of con- Arabidopsis. Moreover, HKT transporters
centrations. Interestingly, a complete inhibition of belonging to subfamily II are present in mono-
K+ uptake and plant growth were not observed in cots and absent in dicots such as Arabidopsis.
the aforementioned double mutant at 0.5 mM K+ Therefore, although some general assumptions
(Rubio et al. 2010), suggesting that unknown sys- regarding K+ uptake could be valid for monocots,
tems are mediating K+ nutrition in this for example, occurrence of high- and low-affinity
athak5,atakt1 line. Candidate systems thought to components with similar properties or regulation
mediate K+ uptake in this mutant line are AtCHX13 of HAK transporters by K+, NH4+, and Na+, in-
(Zhao et al. 2008) or non-selective channels regu- depth studies addressing the contribution of the
lated by cyclic nucleotides (CNGC’s) (Demidchik different transport systems deserves a monocot
and Maathuis 2007; Li et al. 2005). model.
98 M. Nieves-Cordones et al.

vessels was linearly related to it (Bowling and

6 Future Environmental Weatherley 1964). Similarly, K+ transport to the
Stresses Affecting K+ shoot was shown to be increasingly reduced at
Acquisition low transpiration rates (high relative humidity) in
comparison to normal conditions, whereas K+
Current agriculture faces many environmental absorption by the root was less affected by such
abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, or high changes in transpiration (Hooymans 1969).
temperatures. In the future, climate change will A long-term study concluded that, in response
worsen the effects of these stresses. In addition, to sustained exposure to elevated CO2 concentra-
the continuous over-fertilization of crops to main- tion, biomass is enhanced by 47% in C3 plants,
tain production and the irrigation with low-quality 21% in CAM plants, and 11% in C4 plants
water will also produce negative effects. All these (Poorter and Navas 2003). Generally, elevated
abiotic stress conditions will have an important CO2 alters root architecture and fine-root turn-
impact on K+ acquisition by the plant (Fig. 4.4). over (Tingey et al. 2000) and increases the pro-
portions of fine roots and secondary roots,
implying an expansion of the rhizosphere (Curtis
6.1 High CO2 et al. 1994; Norby 1994; Pregitzer et al. 1995).
Several studies have demonstrated that elevated
Stomatal movements and, in turn, plant transpira- CO2 increases the root to shoot ratio (Norby
tion are regulated by CO2 levels in the atmo- 1994; Rogers et al. 1996; Rogers et al. 1994;
sphere. These elevated atmospheric CO2 Stulen and den Hertog 1993), thereby improving
concentrations could induce stomatal closure and the capacity of the root system to acquire nutrients
thereby reduce plant transpiration. Implications from the soil. In fact, it was described that after
of low transpiration rates in K+ uptake were stud- 2 years of exposure to elevated concentrations of
ied in short-term experiments (hours) and it was CO2 (around 700 ppm), an increase in the K+, Pi,
found that the accumulation of K+ by the cells of and N accumulation was observed in every organ
the root was unaffected by water flux, whereas in Larix kaempferi, together with an increase in
the passage through the root to the shoot via the dry matter (Shinano et al. 2007). The enhanced

Fig. 4.4 Predicted effects of global warming and conse- may cause secondary salinization. Drought and flooding
quences over K+ nutrition. An increase in CO2, O3, and periods may also alter soil moisture triggering nutrient
temperature is expected, enhancing stomatal closure, and imbalance
reducing transpiration. Irrigation with low-quality water
4 K+ Nutrition, Uptake, and Its Role in Environmental Stress in Plants 99

uptake of nutrients in plants exposed to elevated may lead to lower rainfall values in some lands,
CO2 resulted from increased root biomass rather which would ultimately produce drought and
than increased root activity. episodes of water logging and floods in other areas.
Although, as stated above, elevated CO2 may These opposite water disorders evoke a series of
have a positive effect on biomass production, stress responses in plants. First, drought leads
important adverse effects also take place. Some plants to a stand-by state in which general physio-
plant species could respond to high CO2 by a logical processes such as transpiration and growth
downregulation of net photosynthesis rate, which are greatly diminished to prevent further water loss.
may be attributed to an end-product inhibition by K+ homeostasis can also be affected, as K+ defi-
elevated carbohydrate concentration in the leaf, ciency symptoms often appear on drought stressed
combined N and P deficiency. In addition, photo- maize, grain sorghum, and soybeans (Wiebold and
inhibition, possibly due to the damage of PS core Scharf 2003). These symptoms may occur even if
complexes, may also occur (Reddy 2010). the soil tests high for K+. If root growth is inhibited
by dry soil, K+ uptake decreases and deficiency
symptoms are induced. There are additional prob-
6.2 High Temperature
lems derived from low water potentials in the soil,
like salinity. Water loss from the soil increases salt
High temperatures may be the main factor in
concentrations (for instance, sodium salts) leading
global change that could decrease crop yield
to toxic levels of these salts in the plant and further
(Battisti and Naylor 2009). In general, increased
impairing nutrient homeostasis.
soil temperature appears to have a more consis-
Conversely, soil flooding causes oxygen defi-
tent effect on root nutrient uptake kinetics than
ciency (hypoxia), leading to a reduction in ade-
elevated CO2 (Bassirirad 2000). A number of
quate soil conditions for plant growth
studies have demonstrated that changes in soil
(Ponnamperuma 1972), and adversely affecting
temperature can directly affect root transport
nutrient uptake in plants (Pezeshki et al. 1999).
properties for K+ (Siddiqi et al. 1984), NH4+
The mineral nutrition of plants in response to
(Chapin et al. 1986), NO3− (Bassirirad et al. 1991,
flooding depends on plant species and soil type
1993; Cumbus and Nye 1982), and PO43− (Chapin
(Kozlowski 1984; Pezeshki 2001). In flood-
1974, 1977; Cumbus and Nye 1985). Temperature
intolerant species, the concentrations of N, P, and
sensitive processes, such as root respiration,
K+ in foliages are often, but not always reduced
which affects ion movement across the root,
by flooding (Kozlowski 1984; Pezeshki 1995).
could partially explain the observed changes in
Furthermore, flooding and drought together
nutrient uptake with increasing soil temperature.
with extreme temperatures could modify chemi-
However, in maize roots, it was observed that the
cal and physical properties of the soil, which can
absorption rates for K+ increased with tempera-
lead to reduced nutrients mobility and absorbance
ture but they reached a maximum between 25 and
or leaching of some individual nutrients.
35°C, whereas root respiration did not reach its
The final outcome resulting from the interac-
optimum even at 40°C (Bravo and Uribe 1981).
tion of these climate changes described above on
Interestingly, the enhanced uptake with tempera-
K+ uptake and nutrition requires further investi-
ture was observed in both high- and low-affinity
gation. Nevertheless, it clearly indicates that K+
components of K+ uptake, revealing a general
uptake is going to be negatively affected and spe-
improvement in K+ uptake capacity by the root.
cial attention is needed in this issue to ensure
plant performance in the field.
6.3 High and Low Soil Moisture

Variations in moisture levels are mainly driven by 6.4 Salinity

precipitation, and are also affected by temperature
and other factors that determine evapotranspiration Most crops are glycophytes (Greenway and
rates. As for water supply by rain, climate change Munns 1980) and have been grown in soils with
100 M. Nieves-Cordones et al.

low salinity. Thus, the mechanisms developed to concentrations can be a consequence of the
absorb, transport, and manage nutrients may not inhibition of K+ uptake by Na+ (Alemán et al.
operate as efficiently under salinity as they would 2009a; Kochian et al. 1985; Kronzucker et al.
under non-saline conditions. Salinity negatively 2006), stimulation of root K+ efflux (Lynch and
affects plant development and growth and, there- Lauchli 1984; Nieves-Cordones et al. 2010; Shabala
fore, reduces crop yield and quality (Laüchli and et al. 2006) (Cramer et al. 1985; Nassery and Baker
Epstein 1990). 1975), and differential allocation between organs
Over 800 million hectares of land worldwide (Graifenberg et al. 1995; Naidoo and Rughunanan
are affected by salinity (Munns 2005), compris- 1990). Inhibition of K+ uptake by high-external Na+
ing nearly 7% of the world’s total land area and concentrations is a consequence of the competition
approximately 5% of cultivated land (Amtmann between K+ and Na+ for the K+ uptake systems. The
et al. 2004). The expected drought periods that characteristics of such an inhibition may depend on
global warming is predicted to cause will entail the conditions and species. Thus, the addition of 3
more water used by farmers. As water resources mM Na+ to the growth media resulted in a 50%
are becoming more scarce, secondary saliniza- suppression of K+ influx in maize plants (Kochian
tion will be increased as the water quality is likely et al. 1985), and this effect was limited to the low-
to be reduced. affinity transport range for K+. In barley, high-
There are two types of effects of salt stress on external Na+ was shown to inhibit both high- and
plants: osmotic effect and the specific effect. The low-affinity K+ uptake (Kronzucker et al. 2006,
latter includes the toxic effect, the nutritional 2008) and the same has been observed in many
imbalance and the oxidative stress. The osmotic other studies (Botella et al. 1997; Fu and Luan
effect results from the reduction of the soil water 1998; Martínez-Cordero et al. 2005; Rains and
potential due to salt accumulation. Plant cells Epstein 1967; Rubio et al. 2000; Santa-María et al.
respond with osmotic adjustment by synthesizing 1997). Differences in Na+ effects may originate
compatible organic solutes and by accumulating from differences in experimental conditions, but in
ions from the external environment (Niu et al. some cases they are due to differences between
1995). By doing this, plants can revert water flow species. For example, the inhibition of K+ uptake
and permit growth (Kurt et al. 1986). The specific by Na+ has been observed in Arabidopsis and in its
effect depends on the salt species present. The salt-tolerant relative T. halophila when grown
most abundant salt under salinity conditions is under several saline conditions. However, the inhi-
NaCl and therefore, the specific effect is mainly bition was less intense in T. halophila in compari-
derived from the high Na+ and Cl− concentrations. son to Arabidopsis (Alemán et al. 2009a). The
Na+ specifically affects K+ nutrition because Na+ lower reduction of K+ uptake in T. halophila was
and K+ share physicochemical properties and Na+ concomitant to lower Na+ absorption rates, whereas
competes for the K+ binding sites that are essential the contrary was observed in Arabidopsis. It could
for the cellular function. More than 50 enzymes be concluded that plant species that differ in salt
are activated by K+ and Na+ cannot replace its tolerance may have different K+ uptake systems
function (Bhandal and Malik 1988). Therefore, K+ that results in different sensitivities to high-external
nutrition under salt stress is greatly impaired. Na+ which may constitute important tools for
improving plant K+ nutrition efficiency under
6.4.1 Salt Stress Affects K+ Nutrition salinity conditions.
One of the key physiological processes disrupted K+ efflux from salinity-induced plants is
by high Na+ concentrations is the maintenance of another process that contributes to the reduction
cellular and whole-plant K+ homeostasis (Cakmak of tissue K+ concentration. The strong membrane
2005; Flowers et al. 1983; Gaxiola et al. 1992; depolarization caused by high Na+ uptake favors
Kader and Lindberg 2008; Kronzucker et al. 2006; K+ efflux via depolarization-activated outward-
Peng et al. 2004; Rains and Epstein 1967; Santa- rectifying K+ channels (Shabala et al. 2006).
María and Epstein 2001; Takahashi et al. 2007a; This is a Na+-specific effect because isotonic
Zhu et al. 1998). Reductions in K+ tissue mannitol solution causes significant membrane
4 K+ Nutrition, Uptake, and Its Role in Environmental Stress in Plants 101

hyperpolarization, resulting in increased K+ nutrients. It is, therefore, important to optimize the

uptake (Chen et al. 2005; Cuin and Shabala 2007; efficiency of fertilizer usage. Cultivating crops that
Shabala et al. 2000; Shabala and Lew 2002). In acquire and/or utilize K+ more efficiently can
agreement with this, net K+ balances in reduce the use of K+-fertilizers which would be
Arabidopsis roots grown for 14 days in the pres- environment and economic friendly (White and
ence of 30 mM NaCl and low-micromolar K+ Brown 2010). Efforts to minimize fertilizer input
concentrations reflected a prominent K+ loss and to develop nutrient-efficient, high-quality
(Nieves-Cordones et al. 2010), although other crops rely on detailed understanding of the exact
studies have shown that under steady-state condi- interaction among the nutrients for uptake and the
tions high-external Na+ reduced K+ efflux possible deficiency effects of a given nutrient
(Kronzucker et al. 2008). caused by the supply of other nutrients (Amtmann
Salinity also interferes with K+ sensing because and Armengaud 2009).
high Na+ suppresses the induction of high-affinity
K+ uptake by low K+ (Alemán et al. 2009b; Nieves- 6.5.1 NH4+
Cordones et al. 2007, 2010) leading to lower K+ Interaction between NH4+ and K+ has been studied
uptake capacity under these conditions. since long. Several studies have shown that exter-
The reduction in tissue K+ concentrations due nal NH4+ decreases K+ uptake (Deanedrummond
to salinity also leads to a redistribution of this and Glass 1983; Kirkby 1968; Martínez-Cordero
macronutrient to maintain its concentration buff- et al. 2004; Pyo et al. 2010; Rubio et al. 2010),
ered in metabolic active cells. For example, it has which is probably due to the fact that NH4+ and K+
been observed that in leaves of plants grown at 50 share some features such as charge value, hydrated
mM external NaCl, K+ concentrations decreased ion diameter, and their effect on membrane elec-
preferentially in mesophyll cells, whereas at higher tric potentials (Wang et al. 1994). In agreement
salt levels, K+ concentrations decreased only in with this, amelioration of NH4+ toxicity by K+
epidermal cells (Fricke et al. 1996). Since K+ is supply has been shown (Cao et al. 1993).
more compatible with cellular (i.e., cytoplasmic) Since the description showing that NH4+ specifi-
processes than Na+, K+ is preferentially retained in cally inhibits the non-AKT1 pathway of root K+
metabolically active (i.e., mesophyll) compared transport (Santa-María et al. 1997; Spalding et al.
with metabolically less active (i.e., epidermis) tis- 1999), some advances have been made in the
sues or cell compartments (Cuin et al. 2003). understanding of the NH4+–K+ interaction in K+
uptake. The use of Arabidopsis mutants lead to the
demonstration that the non-AKT1, NH4+-sensitive
6.5 Effect of Other Nutrients component of high-affinity was exclusively medi-
ated by AtHAK5 (Pyo et al. 2010; Rubio et al. 2010).
The increasing world population makes high yield
crop production a necessity in agriculture. The use 6.5.2 Cross-Talk in the Responses to K+,
of fertilizers has raised crop yield considerably NH4+, NO3−, and Pi
(Stewart et al. 2005). The expansion of agriculture The development of molecular biology techniques
has lead to an important increase in global K+ and the availability of plant genome sequences
consumption [4.4% per year between 1999 and have accelerated the identification of transport
2005] and K+ fertilization to maintain crop pro- systems for all plant nutrients. Now the research
duction is a regular cultural practice. Global K+ focus is moving towards the understanding of the
consumption reached 33.9 Mt K2O in 2008. regulation of these systems and cross-talk between
In some cases, over-fertilization occurs, which them (Ohkama-Ohtsu and Wasaki 2010).
implies a financial and an environmental cost. A relationship between K+ supply and regula-
Moreover, the high input of fertilizers to crops tion of NO3− and NH4+ transporters seems to exist.
may lead to the inhibition of K+ acquisition because NO3− transporters are downregulated in K+-starved
of the presence of high concentrations of other plants (Armengaud et al. 2004) and NH4+
102 M. Nieves-Cordones et al.

transporters are upregulated by K+ deprivation The correlation between the increased

(Maathuis et al. 2003). Short-term (6 h) K+ depriva- frequency of extreme environmental events and
tion in maize plants leads to the rapid upregulation global warming, underlie an urgent need for pro-
of a maize NO3− transporter NRT2 homolog tective measures including the development and
(Schachtman and Shin 2007), suggesting that introduction of new crop cultivars with enhanced
factors other than changes in NO3− metabolism tolerance to environmental stresses (Etterson and
may act on NO3−-sensing mechanisms. Moreover, Shaw 2001; Mittler 2006). Different strategies
it has been recently described that K+ and NO3− could be carried out for this purpose, and each of
sensing share a protein kinase in the signaling path- them will present certain advantages and incon-
way. As mentioned previously CIPK23 is known to veniences that need to be taken into consider-
be involved in K+ signaling through phosphoryla- ation. Two of these strategies, natural variability
tion of the AKT1 channel (Krouk et al. 2010), and exploitation and genetic engineering, that could
CIPK23 is also an NO3−-inducible gene which is be used for the improvement of the K+ uptake
downregulated in chl1 (nrt1.1) mutants. systems in plant roots, will be discussed below.
Regulation of Pi and K+ transporters may also
share signaling elements. Sucrose supply induce
the Pi transporters, PHT1;4 and PHT3;1, as well as 7.1 Natural Variability
the K+ transporter HAK5 upstream of hexokinase and QTL Mapping
(HXK) sugar sensing pathways (Lejay et al. 2008).
Other NO3−, SO42−, and K+ transporters are also Natural variability offers a large resource of poly-
upregulated by sucrose but downstream of the morphism, which is often explored to identify
HXK sugar sensing pathway. On the other hand, traits with environmental adaptive value or
genes encoding an MAP kinases, transcription quality properties. Responses to environmental
factors, and nutrient transporters are induced by conditions depend on numerous genes and are
K+ and Pi deprivation (Wang et al. 2002). typically controlled by QTLs. Genomic mapping
ROS may be a common signaling element of the of such QTLs may lead to the identification and
plant response to the deficiency of several nutrients. cloning of important regulatory genes or allelic
ROS in roots is a common feature in response to variants. It could also provide genetic markers for
NO3−, Pi, K+, and SO42− deprivation. Although this molecular breeding and/or cloned genes for
response occurs because of the deprivation of sev- genetic engineering for the improvement of stress
eral macronutrients, it appears that there are some tolerance in plants (Papdi et al. 2009).
differences in localization as well as differences in Natural variability is often based on minor
the molecules that produce the ROS (Schachtman genetic changes, generating small quantitative
and Shin 2007), thus allowing some specificity. alterations in responses to environmental condi-
tions. One single nucleotide change, so-called
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), could lead
7 Biotechnological Perspectives to different plant yield (Fleury et al. 2010; Papdi
et al. 2009; Rafalski 2002; Xing and Zhang 2010).
To improve crop productivity, it is necessary to The identification of genetic variability which
understand the mechanisms of plant responses to affects stress responses requires phenotypic
environmental changes with the ultimate goal screenings capable of distinguishing between
being the increase of food availability. There are plants with different stress tolerance. Although
concerns about our ability to increase, or even previously tedious and time-consuming, next-
maintain, crop yield and production in the context generation sequencing of natural accessions can
of global environmental change and its associ- reveal sequence variability at the genome scale
ated abiotic stresses (Tester and Langridge 2010). and will facilitate the large-scale identification of
Furthermore, the current increment in biofuels SNPs in different ecotypes and varieties. This is
production adds more doubts about our capacity one of the goals of the “1001 Genomes Project,”
to produce enough food. spearheaded by Magnus Nordborg, Joe Ecker,
4 K+ Nutrition, Uptake, and Its Role in Environmental Stress in Plants 103

Fig. 4.5 Proposed points of genetic engineering for of Na+/K+ transporters (HKT); upregulation of unknown
obtaining plants with improved K+ nutrition: K+ transporters (CPAs, CNGCs). In addition, protein
Upregulation of known root K+ uptake transporters activity and selectivity may be also modified to enhance
(HAK5) and channels (AKT1); selective upregulation K+ uptake

and Detlef Weigel among others, http:// HKT1;5 (HKT8), respectively (Byrt et al. 2007; 617 accessions have Huang et al. 2006). Recently, RAS1 (Response to
been committed as of 2010-6-2. ABA and Salt 1) were found by using QTL
There are many examples of successful uses mapping of a recombinant inbred population
of genetic markers and QTL mapping. ERECTA derived from Landsberg erecta (Ler; salt and
was the first Arabidopsis gene that was mapped ABA sensitive) × Shakdara (Sha; salt and ABA
as a main QTL, and it regulates transpiration effi- resistant). This transcription factor have been
ciency by controlling leaf photosynthesis effi- shown to play an important role in salt tolerance
ciency and stomatal conductance (Masle et al. and ABA sensitivity (Ren et al. 2010).
2005). Freezing tolerance is controlled by seven As we can see, the analysis of natural varia-
QTLs in Arabidopsis. QTL mapping revealed tion in crop plants and Arabidopsis has provided
that the C-repeat binding factor (CBF) locus is an unprecedented amount of information on the
the most important component in cold acclima- genetic and molecular mechanisms that deter-
tion (Alonso-Blanco et al. 2005). mine intraspecific variation and adaptation. It can
As mentioned above, the identification of be anticipated that this trend will continue in the
QTLs for determining salt tolerance or K+ accu- next decade, especially with the broad implemen-
mulation have highlighted the importance of tation of “-omics” technologies for the precise
HKT transporters in these processes. High- analysis of natural variation at different levels
throughput ionomic coupled with genomic analy- (Alonso-Blanco et al. 2009).
sis allowed the identification of the genetic
alteration that drives the natural variation in shoot
Na+ accumulation in Arabidopsis populations 7.2 Genetic Engineering
(Rus et al. 2006). Polymorphism of the AtHKT1
gene and sensitive wild populations of Arabidopsis Two main strategies can be developed by research-
illustrate the importance of this transporter in salt ers to attain biotechnologically improved plants:
tolerance. Other examples are the already men- Modifying the protein quantity of interest or
tioned SKC1, a rice HKT-type Na+-selective modifying the protein quality to make it more
transporter involved in unloading Na+ from the selective or active. These two strategies may be
xylem, characterized as a QTL for salt tolerance achieved with modifications at the nucleic acid
(Ren 2005); or the durum wheat Nax1 and Nax2 level that will encode the protein. These strate-
loci, linked to Na+ exclusion which correspond to gies may be applied to K+ uptake systems to
the Na+ transporters HKT1;4 (HKT7) and improve K+ nutrition (Fig. 4.5).
104 M. Nieves-Cordones et al.

7.2.1 Modification of Gene Expression 7.2.2 Modification of Protein Activity

Although all cells in an organism contain essentially Future modification of K+ transporters and
the same DNA, cell types and cell functions vary channels may contribute to K+ nutrition under
because of qualitative and quantitative differences adverse conditions such as high-external concen-
in their gene expression. Overexpression and trations of K+ uptake inhibitors. The finding of
downregulation of key genes will provide plants transporters and channels with higher affinity for
with the necessary resources to grow properly in K+ (lower Km) and/or higher transport capacity
the global warming challenge. The nutrition of K+, (higher Vmax) could lead to obtaining plants better
one of the most important macronutrients pres- suited to cope with the problems derived from
ently found in most commercial fertilizers, could climate change. Some advances have been made
be improved in this way. Thus, enhanced expres- for this purpose and several random and site-
sion of K+ transporters and channels could result in directed mutagenesis have been developed.
an increase in plant K+ uptake which could lead to S. cerevisiae, as a screening system model, has
high-yield production. At the same time, improved allowed the identification of modifications in the
K+ nutrition could lead to enhanced salt tolerance, gene sequence encoding the transporters that
because of the aforementioned competition confer salt tolerance or enhanced K+ uptake
between K+ and Na+, or to alleviation of drought (Garciadeblas et al. 2007; Mangano et al. 2008;
stress as K+ is a known osmolite (Amtmann et al. Rubio et al. 1995, 1999). None of these studies
2004; Römheld and Kirkby 2010). have shown whether the enhanced yeast growth
To our knowledge, only two plasma membrane was due to a higher Vmax or to an increase of trans-
K+ transporters or channels have been porter quantity at the plasma membrane. Only
overexpressed. Overexpression of the barley Garciadeblas and colleagues (2007) have reported
high-affinity K+ transporter HvHAK1 in on a mutated transporter of the moss Physcomitrela
Arabidopsis transgenic plants has been character- patens (PpHAK1), with a lower Km for K+, but
ized (Fulgenzi et al. 2008). They showed still high for high-affinity K+ uptake (200 mM).
increased K+ uptake when plants were deprived Although good candidates for increasing K+
of K+ but not in K+-sufficient conditions. Also a uptake in salt environments have been described
correlation between HvHAK1 transcript level for some K+ transporters, no biotechnological
and K+ uptake was absent. The cation:proton advances in plants have been made to date (or to
antiporter AtCHX13 has also been overexpressed our knowledge). Promising candidates would
(Zhao et al. 2008). Driven by the 35S promoter, finally confirm in planta the hypothesis that the
AtCHX13 increases K+ (Rb+) uptake in intact K+/Na+ ratio and not absolute Na+ concentration
plants with a Km of 196 mM, although it is not in the cytoplasm is critical for stress tolerance
clear whether AtCHX13 localizes to the plasma (Amtmann et al. 2004; Maathuis and Amtmann
membrane of the root cortex in native tissue. 1999) and that by modifying root K+ uptake sys-
More K+ transporters and/or channels have to be tems salt tolerance can be increased. In addition,
upregulated to unravel their biotechnological the possibility that improved K+ uptake amelio-
potential. Biotechnological success has been rates the plant response to other stresses such as
recently reported by cell-specific overexpression drought and cold should be also considered.
of an HKT transporter. Specific expression of
AtHKT1 in the mature root stele leads to a reduc-
tion of root-to-shoot transfer of Na+ and increased 8 Conclusion and Future
salinity tolerance (Moller et al. 2009). Perspective
Interestingly, not only Arabidopsis but also rice
plants exhibit salinity tolerance with the specific The development of new crop cultivars with
expression of AtHKT1 in root cortex cells (Plett enhanced tolerance to environmental stresses
et al. 2010). such as salinity, heat, etc., is a necessity for modern
4 K+ Nutrition, Uptake, and Its Role in Environmental Stress in Plants 105

agriculture, as these stresses will be exacerbated changes in xylem ionic and hormonal status are
as a consequence of future climate change. One of correlated with delayed leaf senescence, and increased
leaf area and crop productivity in salinized tomato.
the targets for improvement is the plant’s capacity Plant Cell Environ 32:928–938
to maintain/control its mineral nutrition. As regards Alemán F, Nieves-Cordones M, Martínez V, Rubio F
to the acquisition of K+, the research developed in (2009a) Potassium/sodium steady-state homeostasis in
the past decades has allowed the identification of Thellungiella halophila and Arabidopsis thaliana under
long-term salinity conditions. Plant Sci 176:768–774
key pieces to this process, namely the identifica- Alemán F, Nieves-Cordones M, Martinez V, Rubio F
tion of genes encoding the transport systems, the (2009b) Differential regulation of the hak5 genes
regulation of these genes and the elements involved encoding the high-affinity K+ transporters of
in modulating the activities of these transport sys- Thellungiella halophila and Arabidopsis thaliana.
Environ Exp Bot 65:263–269
tems. Relevant transcription factors and promoter Alizade VM, Akhundova TS, Alieva FK (1988) Role of
regions will hopefully be identified in the near kinetin in regulation of potassium-transport motive forces
future, which in turn will constitute objectives and in root epidermal-cells. Soviet Plant Physiol 35:504–509
targets of further research. Another set of targets in Alonso-Blanco C, Gomez-Mena C, Llorente F, Koornneef
M, Salinas J, Martinez-Zapater JM (2005) Genetic and
need of study are composed by the regulatory pro- molecular analyses of natural variation indicate CBF2
teins that have been shown to interact with struc- as a candidate gene for underlying a freezing tolerance
tural proteins involved in K+ acquisition. In this quantitative trait locus in arabidopsis. Plant Physiol
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as kinases, phosphatases, and Ca2+ binding pro- JJB, Reymond M, Vreugdenhil D, Koornneef M
teins are of special importance. In addition, key (2009) What has natural variation taught us about
players involved in hormone and ROS homeosta- plant development, physiology, and adaptation? Plant
sis should be also considered. The development of Cell 21:1877–1896
Amtmann A, Armengaud P (2009) Effects of N, P, K and
genetic engineering tools, the -omics approaches s on metabolism: New knowledge gained from multi-
and the exploitation of natural variability should level analysis. Curr Opin Plant Biol 12:275–283
produce advances in the understanding of the pro- Amtmann A, Armengaud P, Volkov V, Michael RB (2004)
cess of K+ acquisition that could lead to the devel- Potassium nutrition and salt stress. Membrane trans-
port in plants. Blackwell, Oxford, pp 293–339
opment of improved crop varieties better suited Andrist-Rangel Y, Edwards AC, Hillier S, Öborn I (2007)
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mixed cropping systems as related to management and
Acknowledgements This work was supported by grants soil properties. Agric Ecosyst Environ 122:413–426
08696/PI/08 from Fundación Séneca of Region de Murcia Apse MP, Aharon GS, Snedden WA, Blumwald E (1999)
(Spain) and AGL2009-08140 form MICINN of Spain to Salt tolerance conferred by overexpression of a vacuolar
FR. Na+/K+ antiport in arabidopsis. Science 285:1256–1258
Armengaud P, Breitling R, Amtmann A (2004) The potas-
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prominent role of jasmonic acid in nutrient signaling.
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Temperature Stress
and Responses of Plants 5
Anna Źróbek-Sokolnik

Among the abiotic environmental factors temperature is the most impor-
tant factor which significantly affects life processes of all organisms.
Temperature stresses experienced by plants are usually classified into
three types: (a) chilling stress (occurring at temperatures below freezing),
(b) freezing stress (occurring at low temperatures above freezing), and (c)
high temperature stress. This chapter shows the influence of low and high
temperature to physiological and metabolic processes in plants. The con-
sequences of chilling and freezing or heat stresses are presented as well as
mechanisms of plant resistance to low or high temperature and adaptation
or/and acclimatization possibilities is reported in this chapter.

Temperature • Vernalization • Stratification • Metabolism • Freezing
• Acclimatization • Adaptation

solution and the cytoplasm, phloem, and xylem

1 Introduction solutions in plants (Sung et al. 2003). Living
organisms can be classified into three groups,
Temperature is an abiotic environmental factor subject to the preferred temperature of growth
that significantly affects life processes in all (Fig. 5.1). This chapter analyzes the impact of
organisms by modifying membrane properties, temperature on plant growth with emphasis on
enzyme activity levels, the rate of chemical plant response to temperature stress.
reactions and diffusion, viscosity of vacuole It is believed that land plants evolved in a
tropical climate. This evolution process was
spurred not so much by a warm climate, but by
A. Źróbek-Sokolnik () the stability of ambient temperature. Plants
Department of Botany and Nature Protection,
gradually migrated into temperate regions both
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn,
Plac Łódzki 1, 10-727 Olsztyn, Poland north and south of the equator as they developed
e-mail: mechanisms that allowed them to accommodate

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 113
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_5,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
114 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

Fig. 5.1 Classification of the living organisms, subject to their preferred temperature of growth

wider variations in temperature on both a daily 1.1 Vernalization

and a seasonal basis (Fitter and Hay 2002). The
growth and development of plants involves a In some plant species, a period of low tempera-
countless number of biochemical reactions that tures is required to induce flowering, while in
are sensitive to temperature. Plant life is gener- other plants, low temperatures only accelerate
ally limited by the freezing point of water at the flowering or have no effect at all. Plants with a
low end of the temperature scale and the irre- vernalization requirement experience a period of
versible denaturation of proteins at the high end. low temperatures in late fall and/or winter at the
Temperature is a critical factor in the plant envi- stage of seed imbibition or young seedlings (annual
ronment, and it may play a significant role in winter crops) or upon reaching vegetative matu-
growth and development. Growth is defined as rity (biennial and perennial plants) (Kim et al.
an increase in dry weight, while development is 2009). Flowering is induced in the temperature
the increase in the number and/or dimension of range of 0 to +10°C. The duration of the vernaliza-
organs by cell division and/or expansion: leaves, tion period, that is, the required number of days
branches, spikelets, florets, root apices, etc., with low temperatures, varies subject to species,
including those present in seed embryos. It also and it usually reaches from 2 weeks to several
seems that the rate of plant development tends to weeks (Dennis et al. 1996; Amasino 2006). In
be controlled primarily by temperature, and it is seeds, temperature stimuli are perceived by the
less sensitive to other environmental factors. embryo, while in seedlings and matured plants,
The development of vegetation is determined by this signal is sensed by apical meristems. A vernal-
a broad variety of environmental factors that ized meristem retains competence following the
exert combined effects. Plant organisms are reception of the inductive signal. When the signal
rarely affected by individual factors, and tem- is absent for a longer period of time, the plant is
perature stress is usually accompanied by water de-vernalized, and a similar effect can be achieved
stress and, in consequence, oxidative stress by exposing the plant to higher temperatures
(Fitter and Hay 2002). Temperature can also (around 40°C for 1–2 days) (Tretyn et al. 2003).
play a part in controlling the pattern and timing The mechanisms underlying vernalization have
of plant development, and this accounts for the not yet been fully explained. It is believed that low
below phenomena. temperatures lead to changes in the permeability
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 115

of cell membranes and/or the level of expression result of an exponential increase in the reaction
of “vernalization” genes. Phytohormones, in par- rate, caused by increased collision frequency, and
ticular gibberellin, significantly contribute to this increasingly modified by the thermal denatur-
process (Sheldon et al. 2000; Amasino 2005). ation of macromolecules (Fitter and Hay 2002).
The effect of temperature on enzyme activity
is not a simple correlation. Activity levels rise
1.2 Stratification with an increase in temperature, but only within a
temperature range that guarantees the enzyme’s
Stratification is a popular method of breaking stability (Cornish-Bowden 2004). When the criti-
seed dormancy that has been used for centuries. cal temperature is exceeded, enzymes undergo
This technique involves the storage of seeds in a thermal denaturation, and their activity drops
moist and well-ventilated environment at rela- rapidly. The average rate of enzymatic reactions
tively low temperatures in the range of 1–10°C. increases twofold with every 10°C increase in
Stratification is generally defined as the process temperature within the range that does not cause
of subjecting seeds to cold or warm and cold enzyme denaturation (Fig. 5.3). The correlation
conditions in a moist and ventilated environment between temperature and the increase in enzy-
to break the dormancy stage. Low temperature, matic activity is described by temperature coef-
high moisture content, and oxygen supply during ficient Q10 which illustrates changes in reaction
the treatment induce deep physiological and bio- rate when the temperature increases by 10°C:
chemical changes in seeds. Stratification leads to
the decomposition of germination inhibitors in v( t +10)
Q10 = .
seeds, and it induces the production of growth vt
stimulators: cytokinin, gibberellin, and auxin. At
various stages of the dormancy breaking period, Parameter Q10 applies only in a nondenaturing
changes are noted in the quantitative ratio of range of temperatures, it is enzyme specific and
various stimulators which modify the seeds’ sen- determined by the activation energy of the cata-
sitivity to light and temperature and support dor- lyzed reaction. Enzyme activity reaches the high-
mancy breaking in various dormancy mechanisms est level at optimal temperature. The representative
(e.g., Baskin and Baskin 1998; Opik and Rolfe values of temperature coefficients (Q10) for
2005; Wróbel et al. 2005). selected plant processes measured at varying
intervals within the range 0–30°C are determined
at 1–2.3 (e.g., light reactions of photosynthesis
1.3 The Effect of Temperature ~1; diffusion of small molecules in water: 1.2–1.5;
on Membranes, Enzymes, water flow through seed coat: 1.3–1.6; water flow
and Metabolic Processes into germinating seeds: 1.5–1.8; hydrolysis reac-
tions catalyzed by enzymes: 1.5–2.3; root axis
An increase or a decrease in temperature changes extension: 2.3). Coefficient value reaches 2–3 for
the kinetic energy of particles, accelerating their dark reactions of photosynthesis, 0.8–3 for phos-
motion and weakening hydrogen bonds in mac- phate ion uptake into storage tissue, and 2–5 for
romolecules. All of the reactions contributing to potassium ion uptake into seedlings. Grass leaf
growth are catalyzed by enzymes whose activity extension is characterized by Q10 of 3.2, and the
depends on their precise, three-dimensional, ter- relative growth rate is marked by coefficient
tiary structures, to which the reacting molecules value of 7.2 (Fitter and Hay 2002). The observed
must bind exactly for each reaction to proceed. optimal temperature is the product of two pro-
As the temperature rises, tertiary structures are cesses: an increase in the reaction rate related to
damaged, reducing enzyme activity and reaction an increase in kinetic energy and an increase in
rates (Price and Stevens 1999). The asymmetry the rate of thermal denaturation of an enzyme
of response curves, such as Fig. 5.2a, b, is the net above a critical temperature point. When the
116 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

Fig. 5.2 Schematic illustrations of plant responses to temperature (adapted from Fitter and Hay 2002). (a) The response
of plant growth rate; (b) the influence of temperature on the rate of photosynthesis and respiration

second parameter is higher, a drop in activity An alternative approach involves the applica-
levels is noted. For most enzymes, the optimal tion of the Arrhenius equation (from chemical
temperature falls within the range of 30–45°C. kinetics) to plant processes:
Enzymes are irreversibly denatured and inacti-
k = A exp( − E a / RT ),
vated at temperatures higher than 60°C. The
enzymes of thermophilous organisms (such as where k is the rate constant, Ea is the activa-
thermal spring bacteria) remain active and attain tion energy for the process, A is the constant, R is
maximum reaction rates at higher temperatures. the gas constant, and T is the temperature
The highest temperature at which an enzyme is expressed on the absolute temperature scale.
not thermally inactivated under given conditions Arrhenius constants (Ea/R for the process) can
determines the enzyme’s thermal stability. be useful in biochemical comparisons between
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 117

growth do not all respond to temperature in the

same way. For example, in most crop species,
gross photosynthesis ceases at temperatures just
below 0°C (minimum) and above 40°C (maxi-
mum), with the highest rates being achieved in
the range of 20–35°C. In contrast, rates of respi-
ration tend to be low below 20°C but, owing to
the thermal disruption of metabolic controls
and compartmentation at higher temperatures,
they rise sharply up to the compensation tempera-
ture, at which the rate of respiration equals the
rate of gross photosynthesis, and there can be no
Fig. 5.3 The influence of temperature on enzyme activity net photosynthesis (Wilkinson 2000; Fitter and
Hay 2002; Jenks and Hasegawa 2005; Wahid
et al. 2007).
species (Criddle et al. 1994; Levine 2005) and Temperature stress in plants has been broadly
in analyses of plant membrane changes during researched, and the problem has been widely
cooling and freezing. addressed by review articles (Wang et al. 2003;
Higher temperatures increase the liquidity of Wahid et al. 2007; Jan et al. 2009), books dis-
membrane lipid layers. A temperature drop has cussing various types of stress (Wilkinson 2000;
the opposite effect: biological membranes Fitter and Hay 2002; Jenks and Hasegawa 2005),
become more rigid and the activation energy of studies investigating the negative effects of
membrane enzymes increases. The above phe- extreme temperatures (Iba 2002; Sung et al.
nomenon is as the result of thermotropic changes 2003), etc. It should be noted that unlike homeo-
in the lipid phase. Temperature modifies the orga- thermic animals, plants are unable to maintain
nization of fatty acid residues in phospholipids their cells and tissues at a constant optimum
and galactolipids, the components of various temperature, therefore, their metabolism, growth,
membranes. The configuration of polyunsatu- and development are profoundly affected by
rated fatty acid residues is more difficult to reor- changes in environmental temperature. This sug-
ganize at lower temperatures than that of saturated gests that as sessile organisms, plants must be
fatty acids, but polyunsaturated fatty acids resi- able to sense transient fluctuations as well as
dues “melt” more easily at higher temperatures. seasonal changes in temperature and respond to
Temperature-induced changes in the liquidity of these changes by actively adjusting their biology
the cell membrane or its selected domains that to fit the subsequent temperature regime. Tem-
modify the structure and function of membrane perature is a major environmental factor that
proteins. Cell membrane’s response to tempera- changes from season to season and undergoes
ture variations may also be determined by its ste- daily fluctuations and short, erratic lows and
rol content or interactions with other nonlipid highs. For this reason, the stress-inducing role of
organic compounds (Sung et al. 2003; Alberts temperature is difficult to define unambiguously
et al. 2004). Temperature-induced changes in since the response to various temperatures is
membrane properties also significantly affect determined by the plants’ ability to adapt to
water regulation in cells, and secondary water different climate regimes. Vegetation occurs in
stress may occur when the rate of water uptake climate zones characterized by extreme temper-
by the roots is slower than leaf transpiration. At atures of −50 to +50°C, that is, within a range of
temperatures below 0°C, liquid water changes 100°C. The margin of thermal tolerance that
into solid ice. Ice crystals are formed inside the conditions the stability of life processes in most
protoplast which could lead to structural damage. plants is relatively wide, ranging from several
Extracellular formation of ice may cause cell degrees above zero to around 35°C, and it is
dehydration. The component processes of plant genetically determined. Many genotypes specific
118 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

Table 5.1 Factors which determinate temperature of above- or under-ground organs (adapted from Fitter and Hay
Leaf/above-ground organs – The amount of solar radiation intercepted
– The potential for energy exchange with the environment
– Time of day (regular diurnal variation of solar elevation)
– Month (typical seasonal variation)
– Cloud cover
– Wind force and origin of air mass (irregular, short-term variation)
– Position in the canopy (e.g., “sun” or “shade” leaf)
– Altitude above soil surface
– Canopy characteristics, including leaf shape, dimensions and surface properties
Roots/under-ground organs – Seasonal and diurnal variations in energy exchange Determine how much energy
– The interception of solar radiation by the canopy reaches the soil surface
– The account of the depth below the soil surface
– Soil properties which influence the energy balance
at the soil surface, and the transfer of heat through the
soil (e.g., moisture content, bulk density, color/albedo,
and the vegetative or litter cover)

to extreme climate conditions, from arctic to response to extreme temperatures than the
tropical, have a much wider tolerance margin. In above-ground parts of plants, and the above
principle, plants in the dormant state (dry germs applies to both extreme cold and extreme heat
and seed embryos, dehydrated dormant organs) (Fig. 5.4). During the evolution process, roots
are far less sensitive to temperature change, and became adapted to more stable temperatures.
they are able to survive through periods of Nonetheless, the temperature of both the roots
extreme temperature unharmed. Metabolically and other under-ground organs is also deter-
active tissues have thermal activity limits which, mined by factors presented in Table 5.1.
when exceeded, lead to a reversible drop in the Plants can adapt to changes in the temperature
rate of life processes to a minimum level. Further regime through the evolution of genotypes with
temperature change (referred to as critical or more appropriate morphologies, life histories,
lethal temperature) causes permanent damage to physiological and biochemical characteristics, or
cell structures, it affects cell metabolism, impairs by plasticity. Plants also adapt to changing tem-
vital life processes, and kills the protoplasm. peratures during the growing season by plastic
During evaluations of plant response to extreme responses.
temperatures, special attention should be paid to
the temperature of the plant which often differs
from ambient temperature. In the summer, leaf 2 Low Temperature
temperature often exceeds ambient temperature
by up to several degrees. Higher differences are Periodic temperature drops below zero degrees
noted in plants whose leaves are positioned hori- are reported on around 64% of the Earth’s surface.
zontally, such as apple trees. In the spring and The lowest temperatures are noted in Antarctica,
autumn, the night temperature of leaves, in par- reaching around −50°C in coastal areas and up to
ticular when the sky is clear, may be even sev- −90°C in the interior. The minimum temperature
eral degrees lower than ambient temperature at which a given species can survive is one of the
(Wilkinson 2000; Fitter and Hay 2002; Jenks main criteria determining plant distribution on
and Hasegawa 2005). At a given moment, leaf our planet. In a temperate climate, low-temperature
temperature is determined by several factors stress eliminates or inhibits the growth and yield
(Table 5.1). Roots demonstrate a stronger growth of valuable plants and crops (Xin and Browse
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 119

Fig. 5.4 Schematic illustration of the influence on growth and morphology of roots and above-ground organs of potato
seedlings (adapted from Marschner 1995)

2000; Jan et al. 2009). Plants indigenous to colder The plants’ ability to survive freezing and
regions are usually well adapted to chilling tem- other adverse temperature changes differs from
peratures and are, therefore, not significantly the remaining stressors. Levitt’s stress avoidance
impaired by cold periods, apart from a general theory (1980) does not apply in this case. Plants
slowing down of the metabolic rate and growth. are unable to avoid freezing temperatures, and
In a temperate climate, plants respond differently they can only protect themselves from the nega-
to freezing temperatures and the winter environ- tive consequences of cold by increasing their
ment than other factors that occur irregularly. In tolerance to chilling. Many plants enter the
the winter, chilling temperatures do not come as dormant state to survive harsh winter weather.
a surprise for plants that have adapted to the peri- This is a typical feature of adaptation to freezing
odic, adverse vegetation factors in the course of which is a genetically inherited trait.
evolution. Low temperatures are accompanied by Plants can be classified into three categories
short daytime and low radiation intensity. The based on the range of lethal temperatures and the
adaptation to growth inhibiting factors is charac- characteristics of mechanisms conditioning their
teristic of the dormant state (Jan et al. 2009). resistance to low temperatures (Fig. 5.6).
There are two types of injuries a plant can
sustain through exposure to low temperatures
(Fig. 5.5). On the other hand, many plants that 2.1 Consequences of Chilling
are native to cold climates can survive extremely and Freezing Stress
low temperatures without injury (Levitt 1980).
An analysis of freezing winter temperatures as There are two theories explaining the plants’
an environmental stressor should also account primary response to temperature stress. The first
for the impact of other adverse factors such as concept, formulated by Lyons (1973), states that
low light intensity and short daytime. The above low temperatures induce the phase transition of
conditions arrest the growth and development of cell membranes where a liquid-crystal structure
vegetation (Hopkins 2006). is transformed into a crystal (gel) phase.
120 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

Fig. 5.5 Two types of injuries a plant can sustain through exposure to low temperatures (adapted from Stushnoff et al.

Fig. 5.6 Classification of the plants, subject to their range of lethal temperatures and the characteristics of mechanisms
conditioning their resistance to low temperatures (adapted from Stushnoff et al. 1984)
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 121

Thermotropic phase changes are the primary drops (thermal shock) have particularly damaging
cause of membrane dysfunctions that lead to irre- consequences. The lower the temperature and the
versible damage and cell death. The above may longer its effect, the greater the extent of the sus-
produce reactive oxygen species and the accom- tained injury (Mahajan and Tuteja 2005; Solanke
panying oxidative stress. According to recent and Sharma 2008). Plant structures and physio-
research, the phospholipid which initiates the logical cell processes have varied sensitivity to
phase transition of the cell membrane is phos- chilling temperatures (Fig. 5.7). Most injuries are
phatidylglycerol (PG). If a PG molecule contains sustained in the cell membrane which may repre-
fatty acids with a high melting point, that is, satu- sent a potential site of perception and/or injury
rated fatty acids, then the phase transition of this (Lindberg et al. 2005). There are changes in the
lipid takes place relatively easily at low tempera- viscosity and liquidity of the membrane, leading
tures and this, in turn, induces the transformation to an increase in diffusion resistance and, in many
of other phospholipids and galactolipids adjacent cases, enzyme inactivation. The reversibility of
to PG (Los and Murata 2004; Wang et al. 2006). those effects is determined by the severity of
According to the second chilling injury theory, damage. Changes in chemical composition may
the primary cause of damage is the sudden be observed as the result of lipid degradation, the
increase in the concentration of free calcium ions release of fatty acids and changes in the activity
in the cytosol (Minorsky 1989). Calcium ion of metabolizing enzymes, peroxidation, disinte-
concentrations increase as calcium channels in gration of lipid–protein bonds, and higher mem-
the plasmalemma become opened due to sudden brane permeability. The chemical composition of
depolarization (Lecourieux et al. 2006). In chill- the cytoplasm and differences in lipid quality in
ing-sensitive plants, calcium opens the stomata, various chilling-sensitive species determine the
and transpiration significantly exceeds water phase transition point, that is, the point at which
uptake by the roots (Liang et al. 2009). In many the membrane is transformed from a liquid-crys-
sensitive species, the first indication of cold stress tal state into a gel state (Solanke and Sharma
is striking wilting of the leaves, despite optimal 2008; Jan et al. 2009). This change in the mem-
water supply in the soil (Mahajan and Tuteja brane’s physical state impairs its normal func-
2005; Solanke and Sharma 2008). The release of tioning. In most chilling-sensitive plants, the
calcium ions into the cytosol has many secondary phase transition point is around 10°C. Chilling
effects, including induced gene expression which sensitivity is mostly related to a higher content of
could result from changes in the content or distri- saturated fatty acid residues in lipids, while the
bution of cell hormones, mainly abscisic acid cold-hardiness mechanism is explained by the
(ABA). This phenomenon is in particularly desaturation of fatty acids which enables the plant
related to the acidification of the cytoplasm at to quickly acclimatize to low temperatures. The
low temperatures (and the corresponding alkal- above is only one of the factors explaining varia-
ization of the vacuoles) which, at least in part, is tions in the plants’ response to temperature stress
actively controlled by H+-transport from the cyto- (Lindberg et al. 2005; Zhang and Tian 2010).
plasm to the vacuole catalyzed by H+-ATPase Interactions between membrane components,
located on the vacuolar membrane. The inactiva- including lipid–lipid and lipid–protein, are also
tion of this enzyme has been reported to occur believed to play an important role. Higher sterol
much earlier than other symptoms of cell injury concentrations increase membrane rigidity. The
(Yoshida et al. 1999; Lindberg et al. 2005). role of membrane proteins during chilling is
Chilling affects the entire internal environment of also a source of controversy, but there is gen-
each cell and each molecule within the cells eral agreement that conformational changes in
(Kartsch and Wise 2000). The rate and extent of protein–lipid systems may lead to membrane
injury is determined by temperature, its duration disintegration and dysfunction (Los and Murata
as well as the chilling rate. Sudden temperature 2004; Lindberg et al. 2005). Frost-induced
122 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

Fig. 5.7 Functional disturbance occurred in chilling-sensitive plants, subjected to stress duration (adapted from
Kacperska 1998)

changes may lead to inhibited protoplast move- et al. 2005; Liang et al. 2009; Sun et al. 2010).
ment, excessive protoplast vacuolization, damage Other membranes (plasmalemma and tonoplast)
to the endoplasmic reticulum, drop in turgidity, are damaged after relatively longer exposure, as
and higher membrane permeability. Cytoplasmic demonstrated by membrane cells’ ability to plas-
streaming and photosynthesis, including thyla- molyze and vital staining. Those injuries are irre-
koid functioning in chloroplasts (as demonstrated versible. Other metabolic functions are marked
by enhanced in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence), by varied sensitivity to low temperatures which
are most susceptible to reversible disruptions. cause metabolic disorders and lead to toxin accu-
Irreversible damage, including injuries caused by mulation, for example, respiration efficiency may
stressors other than temperature, is also most be higher or lower subject to environmental
likely to affect thylakoid membranes, mostly factors that accompany freezing temperatures.
photosystem II. Chloroplast lipids undergo vari- Chilling may also inhibit the activity of many
ous metabolic changes in both chilling-sensitive oxidoreductive enzymes, such as catalase, lead-
and cold-hardy plants. Higher levels of galactoli- ing to the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide
pase activity and, consequently, higher free fatty and the production of free radicals (Suzuki and
acid concentrations are noted in the chloroplasts Mittler 2006; Liang et al. 2009; Sun et al. 2010).
of chilling-sensitive species (faba beans, beans, In sublethal cold stress, fruit ripening and seed
tomatoes, maize) than in cold-hardy plants (spin- germination are most severely inhibited (Kumar
ach, pea). Lower temperatures disrupt the main- and Bhatla 2006).
tenance of the proton gradient in thylakoid Frost leads to the appearance of stress which
membranes conditioning ATP synthesis. Powerful is linked not directly to low temperature, but to
radiation during or directly after chilling intensi- freezing (crystallization) of water in the plant
fies the relevant injuries and retards, or even (Mahajan and Tuteja 2005). Intracellular and
disables, damage repair in both chilling-sensitive extracellular crystallization produces different
and cold-hardy plants. Long-term frost inhibits effects. Ice crystals are formed readily in those
the synthesis of chlorophyll and starch (Muller parts of the plant where temperature drops most
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 123

rapidly and where water freezes most easily (due Multiple forms of membrane damage can occur
to high water potential), mostly vascular bundles as a consequence of freeze-induced cellular
and intracellular spaces in above-ground parts dehydration including expansion-induced-lysis,
where water vapor undergoes condensation. Ice lamellar-to-hexagonal-II chase transitions, and
crystals spread quickly via vessels and other fracture jump lesions. The above leads to cell
tissues with uniform structure. The presence of contraction and the associated changes in reac-
air-filled intercellular spaces as well as tissues tions between the plasmalemma and the cell
with lignified or cutinized walls slows down crys- wall, partial loss of plasmalemma due to exocy-
tallization. Ice formation is accelerated by ice- tosis and endocytosis, changes in the structure
nucleation active bacteria of the genera Ervinia of the plasmalemma and other cell membranes,
and Pseudomonas. The proteins formed on the and the creation of protein-deprived lipid areas
outer bacterial cell wall react with water particles in the membrane. The greatest damage is done
and facilitate the formation of ice crystals at tem- to the plasmalemma. Dehydration also increases
peratures just below 0°C. In the absence of ice- the concentration of solutions in the cytosol and
nucleation active bacteria on the surface of tissues the cell sap, leading to higher salinity (Mahajan
and on the walls of intracellular spaces, ice and Tuteja 2005; Solanke and Sharma 2008; Jan
formation would begin at temperatures several et al. 2009). Conformational changes in proteins
degrees lower due to the supercooling of water found in the plasmalemma and other membranes
solutions. lead to changes in the activity of various mem-
If tissue is supercooled rapidly (e.g., faster brane enzymes, including ATPases responsible
than 5 K min−1) and the cells have high water for the movement of protons and other ions
potential, or if cell water had been first deeply through membranes (Lindberg et al. 2005).
supercooled, ice may be formed in the protoplast. Some ions, accumulated in cells by ion trans-
The above invariably leads to cytoplasm destruc- porters (e.g., potassium ions), are diffused after
tion and cell death (Fitter and Hay 2002; Rajashekar thawing into intracellular spaces together with
2000; Jan et al. 2009; Janska et al. 2010). Water water, for example, in leaf tissue. Certain pro-
freezing in intracellular spaces is a less dangerous teins, such as the thylakoid coupling factor,
phenomenon. In nature, where temperature decline become dissociated in the process. The effect of
is generally slow (1–5 K min−1), crystallization chill injury on life processes is often visible
usually takes place outside the protoplast in intra- when plants resume their normal growth after
cellular spaces and between the cell wall and the freezing temperatures subside. Even partial deg-
protoplast (partly due to the extracellular fluid radation of thylakoid membranes inhibits photo-
having a higher freezing point, i.e., lower solute synthesis, and the process may be reversible. PS
concentration, than intracellular fluid). The above II activity may be partially or completely inhib-
leads to extracellular crystallization. Vapor pres- ited, and the balance between the light-dependent
sure decreases in the spaces above ice, and a phase and CO2 assimilation may be upset. There
water potential gradient is created between the is a rise in photorespiration intensity (Alam et al.
unfrozen interior of the cell and the extracellular 2005). Changes in the mitochondria and the
environment. Water moves along this gradient respiration process are not as profound. In
into extracellular spaces where it is crystallized strongly dehydrated cells, the membrane under-
(Fitter and Hay 2002; Jan et al. 2009; Janska et al. goes lyotropic phase transitions, and hexagonal
2010). Cells are dehydrated (secondary stress) arrangements are formed in lipid bilayers of a
and they contract due to desiccation. The lower single membrane or two layers of two adjoining
the surrounding temperature, the longer it takes membranes (e.g., plasmalemma and endoplas-
for an equilibrium to be reached between the mic reticulum). The membranes’ primary struc-
water potential above ice and inside cells, and the ture is not always restored after thawing, and
greater the effect of cell dehydration (Solanke water is diffused into the extracellular environ-
and Sharma 2008). ment together with ions through membrane
124 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

channels. Cell dehydration caused by extracel- preventing or delaying symplastic ice formation
lular crystallization increases the concentrations is frost plasmolysis. Poorly hydrated plants which
of salt and organic acids in the protoplast which, are acclimatized to water stress usually show
in turn, may lead to protein denaturation and increased cold resistance, for example, plants
enzyme inactivation (Mahajan and Tuteja 2005; which are extremely tolerant to drying out, for
Solanke and Sharma 2008). Few enzymes example, embryos of ripened seeds, can be con-
remain active at below zero temperatures, but served alive at −200°C without damage (Jan et al.
some of them are activated, such as phospholi- 2009). Species-specific cold resistance is a genet-
pase D which catalyzes the hydrolysis of phos- ically programmed trait that can be modified by
pholipids (Ruelland et al. 2002). The degradation both endogenous and exogenous factors. For a
of membrane lipids begins during freezing and vast number of species, frost tolerance is not a
after thawing, releasing unsaturated fatty acids static feature, but it is closely correlated with sea-
which are peroxidized. Chlorophyll may be also son, it fluctuates in various growing periods, and
be photooxidized in green tissues exposed to it is not identical for all organs (Rorat et al. 2006;
light (Sung et al. 2003). Chill injuries may occur Hekneby et al. 2006). The above-ground parts of
not only during freezing, but also during the wheat seedlings were acclimatized even to −20°C,
thawing of tissue. Plant survival is also deter- but the roots’ sensitivity to frost did not change.
mined by post-thawing environmental factors – Acclimatization can be accelerated by hardening
rapid temperature growth and high light intensity the plants, that is, exposing them to increasingly
may disturb metabolic pathways in cells and lower temperatures on successive days, initially
cause additional damage. During rapid melting above zero, followed by insignificantly below
of ice, the cell is rehydrated, and it quickly zero (Li et al. 2005a; Zhang and Tian 2010). This
increases its volume. The above leads to tension process is continued for several weeks. Plants are
and cracks in cell structures, mostly in the cyto- characterized by the greatest frost resistance 1–3
plasm which is the site of primary cell injury. weeks from the beginning of exposure to freezing
The above changes have less damaging conse- temperatures. The period of deacclimatization,
quences for dormant plants. In a temperate cli- that is, dehardening, is much shorter, and it usu-
mate, winter frost is not a typical stressor for ally lasts several days. The higher the ambient
plants, but freezing temperatures could be a temperature, the faster the deacclimatization pro-
source of stress if they occurred in the spring or cess. After dehardening, repeated exposure to
summer (Muller et al. 2005). frost can severely damage many plants (Li et al.
2004; Burbulis et al. 2008).
Plant organs are also marked by varied sensi-
2.2 Resistance to low Temperature, tivity to frost (Li et al. 2005a; Rorat et al. 2006).
Acclimatization Roots are most susceptible to the damaging
effects of freezing temperatures, shoots are less
Resistance is related to frost tolerance, that is, the sensitive, while tree trunks and older branches
ability of the organism to survive low tempera- are characterized by the highest frost resistance
tures without damage. In regions characterized (Muller et al. 2005; Kato-Noguchi 2007). Snow
by seasonal climate change, plants’ resistance to cover minimizes the temperature drop in the soil,
freezing fluctuates periodically – it is the lowest and it protects crops from freezing. The cold sen-
during intensive elongation growth in the spring, sitivity of flowers is determined by the given spe-
and it rises significantly in the fall when growth is cies’ phenological growth stages (Thakur et al.
arrested by the direct effect of low temperature or 2009; Ohnishi et al. 2010).
the combined effect of shorter daytime and tem- ABA stimulates and speeds-up plant harden-
perature drop (Li et al. 2005a, b). Frost resistance ing. According to Weiser (1970), acclimatization,
is usually achieved by preventing ice formation and perhaps also hardening, is determined by
in the symplast. An important mechanism modifications in gene expression. In this case,
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 125

ABA can enhance cold resistance if it is able to (Rajashekar 2000; Hopkins 2006; Jan et al.
induce the expression of the respective genes 2009).
(Gusta et al. 2005). Gibberellins and auxins Membranes are restructured under exposure
deliver an opposite effect. Substances that retard to cold before the temperature drops below zero.
gibberellin synthesis accelerate hardening. In these conditions, the water potential is gradu-
Intensive nitrogen fertilization generally delays ally lowered with a simultaneous drop in the
dormancy and increases susceptibility to freez- osmotic potential due to the accumulation of
ing. Heavy potassium fertilization has the oppo- carbohydrates in vacuoles. ABA is accumu-
site effect by increasing the frost resistance of lated, and it induces the synthesis of specific
both herbaceous and arborescent plants. The con- proteins. The next stage brings intensified
centrations of sugar and other osmoprotectors changes in the cell membrane – degradation of
that protect the cell from dehydration increases in phosphatidylcholine and phosphoinositol,
the cytosol and vacuoles (Liang et al. 2009). accompanied by a continued increase in ABA
Fluid supercooling inside the cell is yet levels and protein synthesis modifications
another factor that increases the plants’ cold (Gusta et al. 2005; Lindberg et al. 2005).
resistance by delaying crystallization in the cell. Cryoprotectants, substances that directly pro-
The presence of substances dissolved in the vac- tect the membrane from damage, are also syn-
uolar sap lowers crystallization temperature. In thesized at this stage. Rigid membranes are less
small, weakly vacuolated cells, water may likely to be deformed during frost-induced
undergo deep supercooling. In large and hydrated dehydration, and they protect cells against
parenchymal cells and xylem vessels, the super- freezing more effectively. This parameter is
cooled state is very unstable, and it rarely lasts largely dependent on the sterol content of cells
longer than several hours. Supercooling pro- (Hopkins 2006; Janska et al. 2010).
vides temporary protection against freezing In addition to membrane unsaturation, it
caused by, for example, strong ground frost. In appears that lipid asymmetry in the membrane
tissues comprising small, densely packed and also contributes to the physical structure of the
weakly vacuolated cells whose walls prevent ice membrane at low temperature (Gomès et al.
crystals from spreading, a supercooled state may 2000).
persist until the temperature drops below a The mechanism protecting chloroplast mem-
threshold value. The accumulation of nonpolar branes enables the plant to begin photosynthesis
lipids on the surface of the plasmalemma also as soon as ambient temperature increases.
prevents ice penetration from the apoplast to the The cold resistance of plants is also deter-
cell interior. In herbaceous plants, the supercool- mined by the following mechanisms:
ing of water is observed at −1 to −15°C, and in 1. Thermal insulation which delays and mini-
arborescent plants at −30°C, and even −50°C. mizes heat loss, for example, shoot apices are
Such a high degree of supercooling is observed often covered with dense foliage (rosette plant
only in some living tissues, such as core paren- habit) or they winter under a layer of leaves or
chymal cells, meristematic tissue, leaf bud litter (geophytes). Frost tender organs are
scales, and flower buds. When ambient tempera- often rejected before the onset of very low
ture drops below the critical supercooling point, temperatures (deciduous plants shed leaves in
this meta-stable state is rapidly disrupted, and the fall). In high mountainous regions of tropi-
ice is formed inside the cells, ultimately leading cal zones, the leaves of large rosette plants
to their death. In some extremely frost-resistant close above the tip at night to protect the inte-
tree species, the protoplasm is able to vitrify. rior from freezing (Hopkins 2006).
Vitrification is stimulated by a high concentra- 2. Water freezing in intertissue spaces, for exam-
tion of sucrose and other sugars. In this rela- ple, between the seed coat and the embryo or
tively stable condition, it is possible to cool cells between bud scales, where extensive areas are
almost to absolute zero without destruction covered with ice.
126 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

3. Cell structures are protected against excessive mechanisms that enable them to avoid secondary
dehydration with an accompanying increase thermal stress at below zero temperatures, such
in the effectiveness of barriers that prevent ice as photoinhibition, draught, oxygen deficiency
crystals from propagating from the apoplast (under ice cover), or mechanical effects of ice
inside the cell. The following mechanisms are load (Alcázar et al. 2011).
(a) Osmotic pressure increases to keep water
inside the cell, and the water potential 3 High Temperature
decreases due to the accumulation of
osmotically active compounds (simple Heat stress occurs when a rise in temperature has
sugars and oligosaccharides, polyols, negative consequences for a plant. It is a complex
low-molecular-weight nitrogen com- function of intensity (temperature in degrees),
pounds, such as selected amino acids) in duration and the rate of temperature increase. For
vacuoles and hydrophilic proteins in the plants inhabiting very cold climates such as the
cytoplasm (Rorat 2006; Liang et al. 2009). Arctic, temperatures in the region of 15°C can
The share of highly polar lipids in the already be a source of heat stress. In a temperate
membrane structure increases, such as climate, heat stress takes place in the temperature
phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidyle- range of 35–40°C. In scientific literature, heat
thanolamine in the plasmalemma and stress denotes temperatures that exceed the opti-
cytoplasmic membranes or digalactosyl- mum values by around 10–15°C (Larkindale
diacylglycerol in chloroplast membranes, et al. 2005). Plants can be divided into three
which increases matrix interactions inside groups, subject to their sensitivity to high tem-
the cell. perature (Fig. 5.8). In geographic zones with a
(b) The membrane is enriched with more stable hot climate, in habitats marked by high fluctua-
lipids containing polyunsaturated fatty acid tions in daily temperature (soil surface, littoral
residues, selected sterols, and cryopro- zone, shallow waters) or seasonal fluctuations
tectants are accumulated in the cytoplasm and in volcanic areas, temperature levels can be
to protect cell structures against strong lethal for vascular land plants. High absorption of
dehydration (Lindberg et al. 2005; Zhang solar energy during windless weather can increase
and Tian 2010). These substances stabilize the temperature inside plant tissues in excess of
membrane structure and prevent conforma- the ambient temperature. Creeping grass shoots,
tional protein changes. They counteract the the runners and tillers of young plants can also be
accumulation of salt ions and selected subjected to heat stress. The lethal temperature
organic acids in the cell, and they protect range (thermal death point) is determined by the
proteins against denaturation. Small pro- duration of tissue exposure to high temperature
teins, whose synthesis is enhanced or (Table 5.2). Only single-celled organisms can
induced under exposure to low tempera- complete their life cycle during continued expo-
tures, play a protective role. Some of them sure to temperatures higher than 50°C, while only
show significant homology to proteins syn- prokaryotic organisms can survive in tempera-
thesized in response to water stress, for tures higher than 60°C.
example, to dehydrin (Rorat et al. 2006).
The cell wall plays an important role in
protecting the cell against the adverse con- 3.1 Consequences of Heat Exposure
sequences of dehydration, and it is the main
barrier to ice penetration. At very high temperatures, severe cellular injury
In addition to mechanisms responsible for and even death may occur within minutes or even
resistance to the primary consequences of frost, seconds (due to denaturation and/or aggregation of
cold-resistant plants develop acclimatization proteins), while at moderately high temperatures,
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 127

Fig. 5.8 Classification of the plants, subject to their sensitivity to high temperature (adapted from Stushnoff et al.

Table 5.2 The lethal temperature range (thermal death point) characteristic for varied types of plants
Type of plants Thermal death point
Aquatic plants and plants growing in shaded habitats 38–42°C following several hours of exposure
Temperate plants with hydrated and metabolically 45–55°C following several hours of exposure
active organs
Desert plants Higher than 60–65°C for more than several hours per day

injuries or death may occur only after long-term Under field conditions, high temperature stress is
exposure (due to disruptions in basic metabolic frequently associated with reduced water avail-
processes). The adverse effects of overheating are ability (higher during daytime than at night). Heat
directly noticeable. The morphological symptoms stress may secondarily induce oxidative stress via
of heat stress include scorching of leaves and the generation and the reactions of activated oxygen
twigs, sunburns on leaves, branches and stems, species (Xu et al. 2006; Almeselmani et al. 2006).
leaf senescence and abscission, shoot and root Metabolic pathways and processes show
growth inhibition, fruit discoloration and damage, varied sensitivity to temperature which may result
and reduced yield. Cell size reduction, closure of in a deficit or an excess of selected metabolites. It
stomata, and curtailed water loss is observed at the is generally believed that the processes taking
tissue and cellular level. At the subcellular level, place in membranes are most sensitive to tem-
major modifications occur in chloroplasts (chang- perature change. A heat-induced increase in
ing the structural organization of thylakoids, loss membrane liquidity (either by denaturation of
of grana stacking or its swelling) (Wahid et al. proteins or an increase in unsaturated fatty acids)
2007; Mitra and Bhatia 2008). In vascular land and changes in reactions between lipid and pro-
plants, the negative consequences of elevated tem- tein components impair membrane functions
perature are often related to secondary stress, (Savchenko et al. 2002; Wahid et al. 2007),
namely, a negative water balance (leading to the including the functioning of ion and water
perturbation of many physiological processes) due channels, ion transporters, metabolite transport,
to intensive leaf transpiration during daytime. energy generation, and other processes. Ion leakage
128 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

from the cell is observed; photosynthesis and 3.2 Mechanism of Plant Resistance
respiration are also impaired (Wahid et al. 2007; to High Temperature
Wang et al. 2009). It has also been suggested that
changing membrane fluidity plays a central role Plants rely on two adaptation mechanisms to
in sensing (plant thermometer) and influencing survive high temperatures: the ability to prevent
gene expression both under high and low tem- excessive temperature growth in tissues or allevi-
peratures (Plieth 1999). Photochemical reactions ate its effects and the heat tolerance of the
in thylakoid lamellae and carbon metabolism in protoplasm.
the stroma of chloroplast have been suggested as Survival in hot, dry environments can be
the primary sites of injury at high temperatures achieved in a variety of ways, by combinations of
(Yang et al. 2006a; Wang et al. 2009). Thylakoid adaptations (Fitter and Hay 2002). Plants grow-
membranes are particularly sensitive to high tem- ing in a hot climate avoid heat stress by reducing
perature, and this especially applies to photosys- the absorption of solar radiation. This ability is
tem II whose activity is greatly reduced or even supported by the presence of small hairs (tomen-
partially stopped under high temperatures tose) that form a thick coat on the surface of the
(Salvucci and Crafts-Brandner 2004; Camejo leaf as well as cuticles, protective waxy covering.
et al. 2005; Marchand et al. 2005). High tempera- In such plants, leaf blades often turn away from
ture has a greater influence on the photosynthetic light and orient themselves parallel to sun rays
capacity of C3 plants than C4 plants (Crafts- (paraheliotropism). Solar radiation may also be
Brandner and Salvucci 2002). Heat shock reduces reduced by rolling leaf blades. Plants with small
the amount of photosynthetic pigments (Wang leaves are also more likely to avoid heat stress:
et al. 2009), soluble proteins, rubisco binding they evacuate heat to ambient more quickly due
proteins (RBP), large-subunits (LS), and small- to smaller resistance of the air boundary layer in
subunits (SS) of rubisco in darkness but increases comparison with large leaves. Plants rely on the
them in light (Kepova et al. 2005). Moreover, same anatomical and physiological adaptive
heat stress greatly affects starch and sucrose syn- mechanisms that are deployed in a water deficit
thesis, as demonstrated by the reduced activity of to limit transpiration. In well-hydrated plants,
sucrose phosphate synthase, ADP-glucose pyro- intensive transpiration prevents leaves from heat
phosphorylase, and invertase (Wahid et al. 2007; stress, and leaf temperature may be 6 K or even
Sumesh et al. 2008). In any plant species, the 10–15 K lower than ambient temperature. Many
ability to sustain leaf gas exchange under heat species have evolved life histories which permit
stress is directly correlated with heat tolerance. them to avoid the hottest period of the year. This
During the vegetative stage, high daytime tem- can be achieved by leaf abscission, leaving heat-
perature can cause damage to compensated leaf resistant buds, or in desert annuals, by complet-
photosynthesis, reducing CO2 assimilation rates ing the entire reproductive cycle during the cooler
(Crafts-Brander and Salvucci 2002; Morales months (Fitter and Hay 2002). Such morphologi-
et al. 2003). Photosynthesis is more sensitive to cal and phonological adaptations are commonly
heat than dark respiration which could have addi- associated with biochemical adaptations favoring
tional consequences under prolonged stress, net photosynthesis at high temperatures (in par-
including the depletion of carbohydrate reserves ticular C4 and CAM photosynthetic pathways),
and plant starvation (Sumesh et al. 2008). Heat although C3 plants are common in desert floras
stress rapidly increases selected phytohormone (Fitter and Hay 2002).
levels, including ABA, ethylene, and salicylic Heat tolerance is generally defined as the
acid (SA), and it decreases cytokinin and gibber- ability of the plant to grow and produce economic
ellin concentrations (Dat et al. 2000; Talanova yield under high temperatures. This is a highly
et al. 2003; Larkindale and Huang 2004). The specific trait, and closely related species, even
overlapping effects of the above changes in hor- different organs and tissues of the same plant,
mone levels speed-up plant aging. may vary significantly in this respect. The above
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 129

is affected by climate conditions and the species’ temperature. Smaller quantities of HSPs are also
geographic origin. Plants native to cold regions determined at optimal temperature, but in this
(tundra, high mountain ranges) are much more environment, they play a different role than dur-
sensitive to heat than temperate flora. The latter, ing and after stress. Under optimal conditions,
in turn, are more susceptible to high temperatures HSPs regulate the formation of protein structures
than desert and tropical plants. The highest heat from newly emerged polypeptide strings to pro-
tolerance is demonstrated by selected sedge and tect the cell from proteins that are nonfunctional
grass species, mainly C4 plants. Heat tolerance is due to synthesis “errors.” At excessively high
associated with greater enzyme thermostability temperatures, HSPs minimize cell injuries by
and a higher share of saturated fatty acids in protecting cell proteins from denaturation and
membrane lipids which increases the lipid phase creating chelate bonds with ions leaking from the
transition (melting) temperature and prevents a vacuoles into the cytosol (Kotak et al. 2007;
heat-induced increase in the membrane’s liquid- Wahid et al. 2007; Al-Whaibi 2010). An increased
ity. It is believed that PG is the phospholipid ini- content of ABA mediates the acclimation/adapta-
tiating phase transitions in thylakoid membranes. tion of plants to desiccation by modulating the
Heat tolerance leads to a rapid genome reaction up- or downregulation of numerous genes
even during short-term overheating. The biosyn- (Talanova et al. 2003; Wahid et al. 2007). It is
thesis of heat stress proteins (HSP) which prevent suggested that the induction of several HSPs
macroparticle denaturation is induced (Kotak (e.g., HSP70) is regulated by ABA (Snyman and
et al. 2007; Al-Whaibi 2010). During exposure to Cronje 2008). Increased ethylene secretion at
high temperature, plants synthesize two groups high temperatures leads to the abscission of
of HSP: four high-molecular weight HSPs (HSP reproductive organs; this is accompanied by both
100, HSP 90, HSP 70, HSP 60) and several low- reduced levels and transport capacity of auxins to
molecular weight HSPs (smHSPs). Those pro- reproductive organs (Wahid et al. 2007). Among
teins remain stable over a certain period of time, other hormones, SA has been suggested to be an
and they are probably the main factor enabling important component of signaling pathways in
plants to survive a temperature increase. HSPs response to systemic acquired resistance (SAR)
are found in the cytoplasm and organelles such as and the hypersensitive response (HR) during heat
the nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, and stress (Kawano et al. 1998; Wang and Li 2006).
endoplasmic reticulum. The tolerance conferred Gibberellins and cytokinins have an opposite
by HSPs results in improved physiological phe- effect on high temperature tolerance than ABA.
nomena such as photosynthesis, assimilate parti- The potential roles of other phytohormones in
tioning, water and nutrient-use efficiency, and plant thermotolerance are yet unknown (Wahid
membrane stability. Those improvements make et al. 2007). Under stress, different plant species
plant growth and development possible under may accumulate a variety of osmolytes such as
heat stress (Wang et al. 2004). The HSPs/chaper- sugars and sugar alcohols (polyols), proline, ter-
ones may be involved in stress signal transduc- tiary and quaternary ammonium compounds, and
tion, gene activation, and the regulation of the tertiary sulphonium compounds (Singh and
cellular redox state. They also interact with other Grover 2008). The accumulation of such solutes
stress-response mechanisms such as the produc- may contribute to enhanced stress tolerance of
tion of osmolytes and antioxidants (Kotak et al. plants, for example, proline and glycinebetaine
2007; Wahid et al. 2007; Al-Whaibi 2010). In may buffer the cellular redox potential under heat
heat-stressed plants, the induction of HSP syn- and other environmental stresses (Wahid and
thesis inhibits the biosynthesis of other proteins. Close 2007); gama-4-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
A plant’s resistance to heat is determined by has a physiological role in the mitigation of stress
protein synthesis in cells that are lost with age. effects (Kinnersley and Turano 2000). High-
For this reason, aging organs (and organisms) temperature stress induces the production of
have impaired ability to acclimatize to high phenolic compounds such as flavonoids and
130 A. Źróbek-Sokolnik

phenylpropanoids. The heat-induced increase in acetyltransferases and lipid transport proteins.

the activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase At the current state of knowledge, it remains
(PAL) is considered to be the cell’s main acclam- unknown whether a higher or a lower degree of
atory response to heat stress (Wahid and membrane lipid saturation is beneficial for high-
Ghazanfar 2006; Wahid 2007). Carotenoids of temperature tolerance (Klueva et al. 2001;
the xanthophylls family and selected terpenoids, Rahman et al. 2004). It is believed that the syn-
such as isoprene or tocopherol, stabilize and pho- thesis of HSP is also an effective mechanism pro-
toprotect the lipid phase of thylakoid membranes tecting the plant from high temperature and other
during exposure to strong light and/or elevated HSP synthesis-inducing stressors. In many plants,
temperatures (Wahid and Ghazanfar 2006; Wahid heat tolerance varies on a seasonal basis in view
2007). The expression of stress proteins is an of their growth cycle and changes in seasonal
important adaptive mechanism for environmental temperature (Froux et al. 2004). During active
stress tolerance. Most stress proteins are soluble growth, all plants are highly sensitive to tempera-
in water and, therefore, they contribute to stress ture stress. Selected species of land plants
tolerance, presumably by hydrating cellular increase their resistance to heat only in the sum-
structures (Wahid and Close 2007). Heat stress mer, while others demonstrate the highest level
also induces the synthesis of other plant proteins, of tolerance during winter dormancy. Dormant
including ubiquitin (Sun and Callis 1997), cyto- plants become resistant to stress upon reaching a
solic and chloroplasts Cu/Zn-SOD (Tang et al. developmental stage induced by factors other
2006) and Mn-POD (Brown et al. 1993), cytoso- than high environmental temperature. In many
lic (Iba 2002) and chloroplasts APX (Tang et al. land plant species, noticeable changes in heat tol-
2006), and other antioxidant enzymes (Sairam erance are not observed. Due to the close correla-
et al. 2000; Almeselmani et al. 2006), proteins of tion between drought and high temperature, the
late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) (Goyal et al. effects of each stressor on field-grown plants can
2005), and dehydrins. Their main function is to be difficult to distinguish, and adaptations to arid
protect cellular and sub-cellular structures against environments can be effective only if they lead to
oxidative damage and dehydrative forces. avoidance or tolerance of both stresses (Fitter and
Hay 2002).

3.3 Adaptation to High Temperature

4 Conclusion and Future
Plants adapt to heat already after several hours of Perspective
exposure to a temperature that evokes a stress
response, but remains below the lethal tempera- Temperature is a major environmental factor that
ture level (Xu et al. 2006). For most land plants, changes from season to season and undergoes
heat stress is triggered at temperatures slightly daily fluctuations. For this reason, the stress-
above 35°C, and in grasses at 38–40°C. The loss inducing role of temperature is difficult to define
of resistance (dehardening) is a slower process unambiguously since the response to various
that lasts several days in optimal growth condi- temperatures is determined by the plants’ ability
tions (Sung et al. 2003; Burke and Chen 2006). to adapt to different climate regimes. Plants
During acclimatization, the structure of the cell exhibit a variety of responses to different (high
membrane changes by increasing the share of and low) temperatures, which are depicted by
saturated fatty acids in the lipid layer. More symptomatic and quantitative changes in growth
unsaturated acyl residues are removed from the and morphology. However, it must be remem-
sn-2 position in a glycerolipid molecule by the bered the ability of the plant to cope with or
respective hydrolases. They are replaced with adjust to the temperature stress varies across and
saturated fatty acid residues (mostly 18-carbon within species as well as at different developmen-
chains) with the involvement of the respective tal stages. Generally heat or low temperature
5 Temperature Stress and Responses of Plants 131

stress induces structural changes in tissues and various stresses from their surrounding environ-
cell organelles, disorganization of cell mem- ment, which affect them in a complex manner
branes, disturbance of leaf water relations, and (plant is usually subjected to many abiotic and
impedance of photosynthesis by effects on biotic stresses at the same time). That means, it is
photochemical and biochemical reactions and necessary to identify the key strategies that plants
photosynthetic membranes. In response to tem- use to deal with complex stresses of both biotic
perature stress, plants manifest numerous adap- and abiotic origin (Iba 2002; Wahid et al. 2007).
tive changes. Metabolic pathways and processes
show varied sensitivity to temperature which may
result in a deficit or an excess of selected metabo- References
lites (such as HSPS, osmoprotectants, antioxida-
tive enzymes, etc.). According to this, it is Alam BD, Nair B, Jacob J (2005) Low temperature stress
important to discover the induction of signaling modifies the photochemical efficiency, of a tropical
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cascades leading to profound changes in specific
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Responses and Management
of Heat Stress in Plants 6
Abdul Wahid, Muhammad Farooq,
Iqbal Hussain, Rizwan Rasheed,
and Saddia Galani

On the eve of global climate change, temperature increase, is the most
evident phenomenon. This temperature increase is posing severe threat
for sustainable crop production in many countries across the globe in the
form of heat stress. Plants respond in many ways to the prevailing high
temperature environment, and several inter- and intraspecific differences
are reported. Heat stress produces quite tangible changes at cell, tissue,
and organ levels. Photosynthetic acclimation to heat stress, synthesis and
accumulation of primary and secondary metabolites, induction of stress
proteins are among the major adaptive responses to heat stress. The impor-
tant genes expressed in response to heat stress include heat shock protein
(hsp) genes, dehydrins (dhn), senescence-associated (sag) genes, stay-
green (sgr) genes. As mechanisms of heat stress tolerance, plants display
the maintenance of membrane stability, scavenging of ROS, production of
enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants and adjustment of compatible
solutes. Plant thermotolerance can be improved by various means; major
being the mass screening and morphological and biochemical markers-
assisted selection, identification, and mapping of QTLs conferring heat
resistance, conventional and molecular breeding, and exogenous use of

A. Wahid () • I. Hussain

Department of Botany, University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan
M. Farooq
Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan
R. Rasheed
Biology Department, Foreman Christian College,
Lahore, Pakistan
S. Galani
Khan Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic
Engineering, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 135
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_6,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
136 A. Wahid et al.

osmoprotectants and stress-signaling agents. Although pretty well under-

stood, more research efforts are required to understand novel aspects of
heat tolerance including molecular cloning and characterization of genes/
proteins and understanding the basis of growth improvements with seed
pretreatments and plant acclimations. In this chapter, we discuss the plant
responses to high temperature stress and integrated approaches, such as
genetics, breeding and management options to improve the resistance in
plants against heat stress.

Heat stress • Metabolites • Molecular breeding • Osmolytes • Pretreatment

short-terms can permanently damage to cells and

1 Introduction tissues due to calamitous collapse of cellular
organization (Schöffl et al. 1998). Long-term
Plant growth and development throughout the effects may be reduction in the size of tissues and
globe is controlled, in one way or the other, by the organs and hampered morphological develop-
prevailing environmental conditions. Abiotic ment (Gilani 2007; Rasheed 2009).
stresses, including temperature extremes, salinity Heat stress substantially affects yields of many
and drought, are serious intimidation to the sus- economically important cereals such as wheat,
tainability and productivity of economic plants. rice, maize, etc., and effects are quite often regis-
Current climatic model predicts that global air tered at the reproductive stages. Photosynthesis is
temperature may increase by 1.1–6.4°C with dou- the fundamental basis for carbon accumulation,
bling of atmospheric CO2 (Kim et al. 2007; Lobell growth and biomass yield in plants. Photosynthetic
and Field 2007). According to Intergovernmental response of terrestrial plants can potentially
Panel on Climatic Change (IPCC), there was an change ecosystem carbon balance and cycling
increase of 0.5°C during the past 100 years in under global warming (Gunderson et al. 2000).
ambient temperature, which is expected to rise by Increased ambient temperature affects plant pro-
0.2°C per decade for the next two decades and ductivity by damaging photosynthesis (Al-Khatib
1–3.4°C per decade warmer in the year 2100 and Paulsen 1990). According to Berry and
(IPCC 2007). Such a rise in the global tempera- Bjorkman (1980), at moderately higher tempera-
tures greatly influences the agricultural produc- tures suppression of photosynthetic rate is revers-
tion, specifically in terms of aggravating the ible; nonetheless upon exposure to extremely high
associated effects of salinity, drought, mineral temperature, the whole system of photosynthesis
toxicity stresses or as the case may be. may be permanently damaged. It may also
Global warming is negatively affecting the decrease chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic
agricultural activities. On exposure to high tem- rate, and stomatal conductance (Morales et al.
perature, crop yield is decreased because of 2003). Likewise, upon exposure to severe heat
shortened life cycle and accelerated senescence stress, net photosynthesis is substantially inhibited
in different agro-climatic zones (Porter 2005). due to impaired supply of Rubulose-1, 5-biphos-
Higher temperatures, either of days and nights or phate (RUBP) (Law and Crafts-Brandner 1999).
of soil and air, hamper plant growth or cause con- Sudden heat stress may either denature the mem-
siderable pre- and postharvest losses (Hall 2001). brane proteins or increase the unsaturated fatty
Injuries occur due to short- and long-term expo- acids, leading to increased ion-leakage and thus the
sure to high temperature. Severe heat stress for loss of cellular functions (Savchenko et al. 2002).
6 Responses and Management of Heat Stress in Plants 137

Such damages occur due to production of activated stages starting from seed germination to final
(AOS) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) and yield harvested. An account of changes in the
dehydration-induced changes in phase transitions phenology of plants has been described in
due to high temperature (Nishida and Murata 1996; the following lines.
Liu and Huang 2000). Both the AOS and ROS react Seeds put to germinate at supraoptimal temper-
with pigments, membranes, enzymes, and nucleic atures show reduced or even inhibited germina-
acids, and change their structure and functions tion. In soybean, heat stress changed the protein
(Smirnoff 1993; Scandalios 1993; Sairam et al. expression profiles and reduced the seed germi-
2000). Electrolyte leakage, a measure of stress nation and seedling vigor, which appeared to
injury to membranes, varies in relation to mem- determine the seed quality attributes (Egli et al.
brane abilities to take up and retain solutes and 2005; Ren et al. 2009). Seed germination, seed-
reflect stress-induced changes in their potential. ling emergence and its establishment is prone to
Studies indicated that finding genotypic variability increased temperature in most of the plant spe-
for heat tolerance based on leaf electrolyte leakage cies (Grass and Burris 1995; Burke 2001; Ashraf
might be more effective to screen plants for rel- and Hafeez 2004; Wahid et al. 2007). Columbo
atively hot areas (Li et al. 1991; Rahman et al. 2004; and Timmer (1992) demonstrated that black
Wahid and Shabbir 2005). Heat stress decreases the spruce plant seedlings are more susceptible to
activities of antioxidant enzymes leading to increase high temperature stress than adult plants. Maize
in injury to cell membranes by lipid peroxidation shows optimal germination and growth at
and leaf senescence (Liu and Huang 2000). 20–30°C and 28–31°C, respectively (Hughes
Heat stress tolerance in plants is an intricate 1979; Medany et al. 2007; Farooq et al. 2008a, b,
phenomenon involving a great variety of 2009).
response, mechanisms, and management prac- There are conflicting reports about the post-
tices. Determination of responses and possible emergence seedling growth in maize under heat
strategies to improve heat stress tolerance is stress. For instance, some studies show that maize
important to grow crop plants in the heat-stressed coleoptile was more heat tolerant at all stages of
areas of the world. In this perspective, this chap- seedling development (Venter et al. 1997;
ter presents explicit responses and some prag- Momcilovic and Ristic 2007), while in some
matic management options to avert the high other studies on maize, upon exposure to 40°C,
temperature stress effects in plants. there was a substantial reduction in coleoptile
growth and at 45°C growth was completely
stopped (Weaich et al. 1996, Akman 2009). Heat
2 High Temperature Stress: stress lowered the activity of specific enzymes
Responses and thus reduced the protein synthesis in germi-
nating maize embryos (Riley 1981). Likewise,
Plants subjected to heat stress show a range of seedling growth and development of cotton
responses and manifest mechanisms to cope with (Gossypium hirsutum L.) was also reduced under
its adversaries. These changes can be discerned heat stress (Mahan and Mauget 2005).
at whole plant to subcellular and molecular lev- High temperature is a major environmental
els. An individualistic account of all these factor that determines the sustainability of crop
responses is briefly described below. growth and yield in some regions (Blum 1988;
Al-Khatib and Paulsen 1999). Plants grown in
warmer environments have much lower biomass
2.1 Growth and Phenology than those grown at optimum or lower tempera-
ture (Kim et al. 2007). High temperature reduced
High temperature is a major determinant of the plant growth by affecting different mecha-
agricultural production throughout the world nisms (Sibley et al. 1999; Wollenweber et al.
and its effects are evident at all critical growth 2003). For example, it decreased the dry weight,
138 A. Wahid et al.

Table 6.1 Effect of heat stress on yield and yield components of the bread and durum wheat genotypes
Genotype Control Hat stress Genotype × temperature
Grains per spike
Bread wheat mean 70 ± 0.85 70 ± 0.88 ns
Golia 69 69 ± 1.31 a 70 ± 1.43 a ns
Sever 71 ± 1.10 a 71 ± 1.05 a ns
Durum wheat mean 63 ± 0.75 64 ± 0.74 ns
Acalou 66 ± 0.98 a 65 ± 0.95 a ns
TE 9306 60 ± 0.99 b 63 ± 1.15 a ns
Individual grain weight (mg)
Bread wheat mean 56.54 ± 1.08 48.73 ± 0.90 ***
Golia 69 47.11 ± 0.84 a 43.75 ± 0.90 a **
Sever 64.67 ± 1.03 b 53.53 ± 1.23 b ***
Durum wheat mean 72.06 ± 0.60 59.97 ± 0.61 ***
Acalou 72.42 ± 0.70 a 57.69 ± 0.86 a ***
TE 9306 71.74 ± 0.95 a 62.55 ± 0.70 b ***
Yield per spike (g)
Bread wheat mean 3.97 ± 0.09 3.43 ± 0.07 **
Golia 69 3.26 ± 0.08 a 3.06 ± 0.09 a ns
Sever 4.58 ± 0.11 b 3.78 ± 0.09 b ***
Durum wheat mean 4.52 ± 0.06 3.84 ± 0.06 ***
Acalou 4.76 ± 0.08 a 3.77 ± 0.08 a ***
TE 9306 4.29 ± 0.09 b 3.92 ± 0.08 a **
ns nonsignificant, significant at the **0.01, and ***0.001 levels of probability, respectively; for each Triticum species,
different letters in the same column refer to significant differences between genotypes. Source: Dias and Lidon (2009)

growth and net assimilation rates of shoot (Wahid Dias and Lidon (2009) did not find any effect of
2007 ) . Likewise, heat shock affected the heat stress on number of grains per spike in both
meristematic activity and reduced the growth of durum and bread wheat; nonetheless upon
various parts mainly the leaves (Salah and Tardieu exposure to heat stress during grain growth,
1996). Applied heat stress arrested the cell wall grain size was substantially reduced in both
elongation and altered cell differentiation bread and durum wheats (Table 6.1). Likewise,
(Potters et al. 2007). heat stress also reduced the grain yield in both
Reproductive growth is more critically wheats (Table 6.1). However, different geno-
affected by the prevailing high temperature stress types responded variably in terms of grain size
during anthesis and seed growth. Pollination is and grain yield and a strong relationship between
especially sensitive to heat stress. The mature genotypes and temperature has been observed
pollens are more sensitive, and quite often fail to (Table 6.1).
fertilize (Dupuis and Dumas 1990). Heat stress High temperature also results in the boll and
interferes with the development of pollen mother flower bud abortion in cotton, pea, and brassica,
cell and microspore and causes male sterility possibly owing to limited water supply and nutri-
(Sakata et al. 2000; Sato et al. 2006; Abiko et al. ents during reproductive development (Hall
2005). In the event of successful pollination, 1992; Guilioni et al. 1997; Young et al. 2004).
heat stress affected the kernel development in During seed development, heat stress was found
maize (Monjardino et al. 2005) and reduced the to affect seed storage process and kernel quality
kernel density and reproductive growth in maize, like starch and protein metabolism during grain
wheat and Suneca during kernel development filling in maize (Wilhelm et al. 1999; Maestri
(Wilhelm et al. 1999; Maestri et al. 2002). et al. 2002).
6 Responses and Management of Heat Stress in Plants 139

Fig. 6.1 Hypocotyl elongation phenotype of different pea is expressed as the germinated seeds were acclimated at
varieties for 36 h in the dark at 22°C after heat acclimation 37°C for 1 h, followed at 22°C for 1 h, and then stressed at
and stress [(a) local variety, (b) Shandong variety, (c) 48°C for 2 h. Right is expressed as the seeds were stressed
Taiwan variety]. Left is expressed as control (22°C); middle at 48°C for 2 h. After Tian et al. (2009) with permission

2.2 Anatomical and Developmental round-shaped chloroplasts, swollen stroma

Responses lamellae, badly affected the antenna complex of
photosystem (PS) II (Carpentier 1999), clump
Like other abiotic stresses, heat stress brings formation of vacuolar contents, disrupted cristae
about quite a few morphogenetic and histologi- and deformed mitochondria (Zhang et al. 2005).
cal modifications. At whole plant level, gener- Heat stress restricted the emergence and elon-
ally cell size is reduced (Santarius 1973; Berry gation of hypocotyls in three pea (Pisum sativum)
and Bjorkman 1980). There may be several mor- varieties (Tian et al. 2009). Nonetheless, heat
pho-anatomical modifications in cells and tis- acclimation for 1 h at 37°C improved the germi-
sues such as increased densities of stomata and nation and hypocotyl development (Fig. 6.1). In
trichomes and greater xylem vessels area of the sprouting buds of sugarcane, heat stress badly
shoot and root in Lotus creticus seedlings (Banon affected the differentiation of various cells and
et al. 2004). On exposure of grapes to heat stress, tissues (Rasheed 2009). Here the major changes
cell membrane permeability was substantially were noted on mesophyll cell expansion and
increased and mesophyll cells were severely development of vascular connections (Fig. 6.2).
damaged (Zhang et al. 2005). High temperature
also causes various changes at subcellular level.
For instance, in chloroplast, it changed the thyla- 2.3 Physiological and Metabolic
koids structure in maize (Karim et al. 1997) and Responses
resulted in loss of swelling and stacking of grana
(Gounaris et al. 1984). In grapes, heat stress In hot environments, plants exhibit various
damaged the mesophyll cells, which showed physiological and metabolic responses. The most
140 A. Wahid et al.

Fig. 6.2 Sprouting bud of sugarcane under control condition (left). Effect of heat stress on the histological changes in
sprouting buds of sugarcane after 36 h of exposure (middle) and role of proline in mitigating heat stress effect (right).
Source: Rasheed (2009)

important of those may be the changes in carbon photosynthesis (Havaux 1993; Pastenes and
fixation, oxidative stress; tissue water status and Horton 1996a; Heckathorn et al. 1998a).
metabolites accumulation. These responses are Extensive studies show that both PS-I and PS-II
briefly discussed below. are damaged by increased temperature. In barley
and potato, heat stress damaged PS-I and PS-II
2.3.1 Photosynthesis and affected electron transport (Havaux 1998;
Heat stress causes photosynthetic acclimation Szilvia et al. 2005). Heat stress damaged the
and alters the physiological processes directly antenna complex of PS-II and reduced photosyn-
and changes the developmental patterns indi- thetic behavior (Carpentier 1999; Rokka et al.
rectly (Downton and Slatyer 1972). All the steps, 2000; Zhang et al. 2005). High temperature during
processes, and aspects of photosynthesis are greening led to the inactivation of PS-I and PS-II
prone to increased ambient temperature (Sasmita and Narendranath 2002). High tempera-
(Al-Khatib and Paulsen 1990). The photosynthesis ture increased chlorophyll a:b ratio and decreased
in C3 plants is more affected by high temperature chlorophyll:carotenoid ratio in sugarcane (Wahid
than C4 plants (Wahid and Rasul 2005). The 2007).
maize seedling grown at 25°C and transferred to High temperature alters the energy sharing by
35°C for 20 min led to 50% inhibition in photo- changing the action of Calvin cycle and other
synthesis (Sinsawat et al. 2004). Maize showed metabolic processes such as photorespiration,
maximum net photosynthesis near 31°C, decreased synthesis and stability of the Rubisco enzyme
at temperature above 37°C and was completely (Holaday et al. 1992; Pastenes and Horton
inhibited near 45°C (Crafts-brandner and Salvucci 1996b), disruption of electron transport activity
2002). Heat stress diminished the net photosyn- and bound RUBP supply by heat stress (Ferrar
thetic (Pn) and stomatal conductance substan- et al. 1989). Extreme temperature reduced the
tially in many plant species (Ranney and Peet activation state of Rubisco enzyme in the exposed
1994; Crafts-Brandner and Salvucci 2002; leaf tissue and increased the RUBP (Feller et al.
Morales et al. 2003); in this regard, Pn in devel- 1998; Crafts-Brandner and Law 2000), which
oped leaves was more sensitive than mature inhibited photosynthesis as compared to control
leaves (Karim et al. 1997, 1999). plants (Sharkey et al. 2001). High temperature
Photosynthetic apparatus are highly sensitive enhances chlorophyllase activity and decreases
to heat temperature and inhibited when leaf tem- the quantities of photosynthetic pigments
perature exceed 38°C in most plants (Edwards (Todorov et al. 2003). The loss of chlorophyll is
and Walker 1983). PS-II, water splitting and good indicator of heat tolerance in wheat (Ristic
oxygen evolving complex (OEC) in photosyn- et al. 2007, 2008). High temperature modifies
thesis are more heat-sensitive components of the activities of carbon metabolism enzymes,
6 Responses and Management of Heat Stress in Plants 141

especially the Rubisco (Ferrar et al. 1989; stress. Studies conducted in this regard revealed
Holaday et al. 1992; Pastenes and Horton 1996a, that heat acclimated turf grass showed reduced
b). Moreover, activities of starch and sucrose ROS production owing to enhanced ascorbate
synthesis enzymes are greatly influenced and glutathione synthesis (Xu et al. 2006). It is
(Chaitanya et al. 2001; Vu et al. 2001). suggested that antioxidant capacity of cells can
be increased by some signaling molecules (Gong
2.3.2 Reactive Oxygen Species et al. 1997; Dat et al. 1998). Nonetheless, research
and Oxidative Damage is imperative to add to the list of potential signaling
Like other abiotic stresses, heat stress evokes the molecules, which may enhance the antioxidant
ROS generation including hydrogen peroxide production in cells exposed to heat temperature
(H2O2), superoxide radical (O2−), singlet oxygen stress (Wahid et al. 2007).
(1O2) and hydroxyl radical (OH−), and induces
oxidative stress (Mittler 2002; Taiz and Zeiger 2.3.3 Water Relations
2006; Potters et al. 2007). Chloroplast and mito- Heat stress drives the rapid loss of water from the
chondria are the major sites where superoxide plant surface, causes tissue and organ dehydration,
radicals are regularly produced, whereas some and restricts growth in plant species, for example,
quantities are also produced in microbodies. sorghum (Machado and Paulsen 2001), tomato
Principally, ROS causes peroxidation of mem- (Mazorra et al. 2002), and sugarcane (Wahid and
brane lipids, destruction of pigments, and modifi- Close 2007). Heat stress produces osmotic strain
cation of membrane functions (Xu et al. 2006). on the growing tissues due to diminished root
The OH− appears to be more damaging than other hydraulic conductance and tissue water status
ROS, which is formed with the combination of (Jiang and Huang 2001; Morales et al. 2003).
O2− and H2O2 in the presence of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in Likewise, it may result in substantial reduction in
trace amounts in Haber–Weiss reaction (Apel and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) leaf growth and leaf
Hirt 2004). The OH− is greatly damaging to chlo- water content and water potential in wheat (Shah
rophyll, proteins, lipids, DNA, and other impor- and Paulsen 2003).
tant macromolecules (Sairam and Tyagi 2004). Heat stress also disrupts the uptake and trans-
Tolerant plants have the tendency to protect location of water, ions, and organic solutes across
themselves from the damaging effects of ROS the plant membranes, interferes with photosyn-
with the synthesis of various antioxidant systems thesis and respiration, increases evapo-transpiration
(Apel and Hirt 2004). This protection starts with rate, reduces the leaf osmotic potential and increases
the conversion of O2− by superoxide dismutase the chlorophyll fluorescence (Tsukaguchi et al.
(SOD) into H2O2, with the help of ascorbate per- 2003; Huve et al. 2005; Taiz and Zeiger 2006). It
oxidase (APX) or catalase (CAT). A number of results in stomatal closure and reduces the tissue
physiological processes are affected by the over- water contents (Berry and Bjorkman 1980; Wahid
expression of SOD in plants, including removal et al. 2007). Heat stress-induced water stress thus
of H2O2, toxic reductants, biosynthesis and deg- is closely associated with reduction of soil water
radation of lignin in cell walls, auxin catabolism, contents (Talwar et al. 1999).
etc. (Scandalios 1993). Activation of APX is due
to the physiological injuries occurring in plants 2.3.4 Osmolytes Accumulation
under heat stress (Mazorra et al. 2002). Accumulation of certain low molecular mass
Increased levels of ROS under high tempera- organic compounds, generally called compatible
ture cause cellular injury due to reduced antioxi- solutes or osmoprotectants, is an important adap-
dant activity in the stressed tissues (Fadzillah tive mechanism in plants subjected to abiotic
et al. 1996; Mittler et al. 2004). In order to stresses including temperature extremes (Hare et al.
increase the heat tolerance, the levels and activities 1998; Sakamoto et al. 1998). Several osmolytes,
of antioxidants must be increased to protect including sugars and sugar alcohols (polyols),
against high temperature-induced oxidative proline, tertiary, and quaternary ammonium
142 A. Wahid et al.

compounds and tertiary sulphonium compounds, Wahid and Close 2007; Wahid et al. 2008). In a
are reported to accumulate in different plant recent study, using cluster and principal compo-
species exposed to stress conditions (Sairam nent analyses, it was revealed that out of 122
and Tyagi 2004; Wahid et al. 2007). primary and secondary metabolites determined
Among different compatible solutes, enhanced using advanced techniques like GC-MS and
synthesis of soluble sugars, free proline and amino acids analyzer, only sucrose, quinate,
glycinebetaine (GB) has been more frequently trans-aconitate, guanine, g-amino butyric acid
studied for their osmoregulatory and protective (GABA), and ethanolamine held relationships
roles (Matysik et al. 2002; Bohnert et al. 2006; with the high temperature tolerance of sugarcane
Wahid 2007; Wahid et al. 2008; Farooq et al. bud chips (Rasheed 2009).
2008a). GB plays a great role as osmoprotectant On the contrary, the synthesis and accumulation
in plants under a range of abiotic stresses including of secondary metabolites are less well understood
high temperature (Sakamoto and Murata 2002). under high temperature stress. Secondary metab-
However, the ability of plants to synthesize GB olites are biosynthesized in plants from the inter-
under stressful conditions varies among species mediates of primary carbon metabolism via
(Ashraf and Foolad 2007). For example, sugar- phenylpropanoic acid, shikmic acid, mevalonic
cane under heat stress (Wahid and Close 2007) acid, and methyl erythritol phosphate pathways
and maize under drought (Quan et al. 2004) and (Taiz and Zeiger 2006). Recently, it is reported
chilling (Farooq et al. 2008c) and rice under that heat stress induces production of secondary
drought (Farooq et al. 2008a) are reported to accu- metabolites including phenolics, flavonoids,
mulate large amounts of GB. Like GB, increased phenyl propanoids, and plant steroids (Bharti and
free proline accumulation in higher plants in Khurana 1997; Wahid 2007; Wahid et al. 2008).
response to abiotic stresses has also been reported Carotenoids show a role in protecting cellular
(Kavi Kishore et al. 2005). Biosynthesis of GB or structures in various plant species under different
proline may buffer the cellular redox potential stress types (Havaux 1998). Studies show that
under heat and other abiotic stresses, suggesting lipid layer of the thylakoid membranes are stabi-
their functional significance (Rontein et al. 2002). lized and photoprotected by various carotenoids
The accumulation of soluble sugars was greatly and some terpenoids such as isoprene and
implicated for improved heat tolerance of sugarcane a-tocopherol. Exposure of plants to strong light
(Wahid and Close 2007). In view of the impor- and high temperatures caused the partitioning of
tance of osmoprotectants accumulation, more xanthophylls (violaxanthin, anthraxanthin, zeax-
concerted efforts on engineering pathways for anthins, etc.) between the light-harvesting com-
enhanced biosynthesis of osmolytes may be fruitful plexes and lipid phase of thylakoid membranes
(Ashraf and Foolad 2007). and increases membrane thermostability (Havaux
1993, 1998).
2.3.5 Metabolite Synthesis Isoprenoids are low molecular weight volatile
Heat stress leads to the accumulation of a range compounds, synthesized via mevalonic acid
of primary and secondary metabolites. Primary pathway (Taiz and Zeiger 2006); their emission
metabolites are either direct products of carbon from leaves confers their role in heat tolerance
fixation (e.g., sugars, organic acids) or are synthe- (Loreto et al. 1998; Sharkey 2005). Although
sized after preliminary transformations of primary their synthesis is cost intensive, they show com-
metabolites (e.g., amino acids, betaines alcohol pensatory benefits in terms of heat resistance
sugars). Like other abiotic stresses, the accumu- (Funk et al. 2004). Plants, capable of emitting
lation of primary metabolites under heat stress higher amounts of isoprene, photosynthesize
has also been well documented (Iba 2002; Zhu better under heat stress, which indicates a relation-
2003). Important primary metabolites showing ship between isoprene emission and heat tolerance
accumulation under heat stress include free (Velikova et al. 2004). Isoprene emission protects
proline, GB, soluble sugars, etc., (Wahid 2007; PSII under high temperature (Sharkey 2005),
6 Responses and Management of Heat Stress in Plants 143

whereas the endogenous production of isoprene (Chen and Zhu 2004; Kotak et al. 2007). Different
protects the biological membranes by directly studies revealed that several genes are up- and
binding with singlet oxygen (1O2) by virtue of downregulated by abiotic stresses (Kawasaki
isoprene-conjugate double bond (Velikova et al. 2001; Provart et al. 2003; Nogueira et al.
et al. 2004). 2003). Elevated temperature affects the gene
Phenolics are the largest class of secondary expression in storage protein synthesis and starch
metabolites and include flavonoids, lignin, antho- metabolism during grain filling stage in rice
cyanin, etc. Accumulation of soluble phenolics (Yamakawa et al. 2007). Heat stress changes the
under heat stress is accompanied with increased pattern of gene expression, which is important
activity of phenyl ammonia lyase (PAL) but for thermotolerance (Yang et al. 2006). An
decreased activity of peroxidase polyphenyl lyase account of various genes and proteins showing
(Taiz and Zeiger 2006). Acclimation to heat stress expression under heat stress is given below.
is triggered by the biosynthesis of phenolic
compounds induced by high temperature (Rivero 2.4.1 Heat Shock Genes and Proteins
et al. 2001). They act as efficient antioxidants in Several transcriptome studies have identified
plant tissues under stressful conditions (Dixon many stress-responsive genes and encoding
and Paiva 1995; Sgherri et al. 2004). Levels of transcriptional factors during environmental
flavonoid (e.g., anthocyanins) are greatly altered stresses. Recent transgenic approaches suggest
in plant tissues under heat stress (Oren-Shamir that heat tolerance is a multigenic character. Heat
and Nissim-Levi 1999; Sachray et al. 2002; shock induces many genes, which are attributed
Wahid et al. 2008). to heat shock elements (HSE).These HSE are
Plant steroids, a class of secondary metabolites, situated in the promoter region of hsp genes
also influence a variety of functions under (Hubel and Schöffl 1994). Transgenic approach
stressful conditions. Brassinosteroids (BRs) and confirmed that Heat-shock transcription factor
ginsenosides are important plant steroids whose (HSF) binding to pentameric nucleotides (5¢-
physiological importance to high temperature nGAAn-3¢) of HSE sequences (Perisic et al.
tolerance in plants has been explored. Studies 1989; Sung et al. 2003). This HSF–HSE interac-
confirm that BRs confer tolerance to high tem- tion and transcriptional activation is quite con-
perature stress in brassica and tomato seedlings, served in nature. This multigenic phenomenon
by inducing the biosynthesis of major heat shock modifying the expression pattern of transcription
proteins (Dhaubhadel et al. 1999). Production of factors motivate a series of genes (Dong et al.
ginsenosides, another important plant steroid, has 2003). Studies show that Hot1-Hot4 genes of
been reported in all organs of Panax quinquefo- Arabidopsis may function to improve heat toler-
lius. It is recently reported that growing season ance; Hot1 is identified as Hsp101 in Arabidopsis
had a great effect on the ginsenosides biosynthesis thaliana (Hong and Vierling 2000). HsfA1 acts as
P. quinquefolius plants grown at high temperatures master regulator of thermotolerance in tomato by
had 49% higher concentrations of storage root reducing the expression of heat shock genes in
ginsenosides than respective control plants co-suppression lines (Mishra et al. 2002).
(Jochum et al. 2007; Wahid and Tariq 2008). Hsfs are essential for gene expression in
response to high temperature (Nover et al. 2001).
Various studies show that distinctive hsp genes
2.4 Molecular Responses are not expressed in germinating pollen. Only
hsp18 and hsp70 genes are transcribed in response
Transcritional regulation plays an important role to heat stress (Wahid et al. 2007). A defective
in plant defense from heat stress (Singh et al. heat shock response of mature maize pollen was
2002). Heat stress induces numerous genes due to inefficient induction of heat shock gene
encoding transcriptional factors, which are transcription (Hopf et al. 1992). Enhanced
involved in heat stress response and tolerance expression of HSP70 assisted in translocation,
144 A. Wahid et al.

proteolysis, protein translation, protein folding, et al. 2004; Momcilovic and Ristic 2007). Maize
aggregation, and refolding of denatured proteins EF-TU is a 45–46 kDa HSP confined to chloro-
(Zhang et al. 2005; Iba 2002; Weggle et al. 2004; plast stroma is involved in development at heat
Gorantla et al. 2007). Recent studies revealed tolerance in maize (Ristic and Cass 1992; Bhadula
that a-amylase genes in seeds of rice reduced the et al. 2001; Moriarty et al. 2002). In maize, heat
seed weight and chalkiness during ripening under shock of 40°C induces the synthesis of HSPs18
heat stress (Asatsuma et al. 2006; Yamakawa (Nieto-Sotelo et al. 2002). Interaction of HSPs
et al. 2007). 22 kDa with the Chenopodium album and com-
The synthesis and accumulation of heat mon bean chloroplast membranes affects the
shock proteins (HSPs) through heat shock fac- composition of membrane and decreases its flu-
tors (HSFs) network play great role in plant idity; thus increasing the efficiency of ATP trans-
responses to heat stress (Wang et al. 2004; Kotak port (Barua et al. 2003; Simões-Araújo et al.
et al. 2007). Amounts of specific mRNA synthe- 2003).
sis, mRNA stability, translation efficiency and Mitochondrial HSPs have been isolated
alteration in protein activity increase in plants from pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) cotyledons
as a result of gene expression (Sullivan and under high temperature stress (Tsugeki et al.
Green 1993). All organisms synthesize HSPs 1992; Kuzmin et al. 2004). They act as molec-
upon exposure to high temperature. Heat stress ular chaperones in vitro (Schöffl et al. 1998;
altered gene expression in reproductive organ of Guo et al. 2001; Kim and Schöffl 2002), pre-
plant (Dupuis and Dumas 1990; Oshino et al. vent aggregation of denatured proteins
2007). Abortion of development and demarca- (Sheffield et al. 1990), aid in folding of
tion of pollen mother cell due to heat shock is nascent polypeptides and refolding of dena-
due to tissue specific alterations in gene expres- tured proteins (Lee et al. 1994; Goloubinoff
sion (Sakata et al. 2000; Abiko et al. 2005). In et al. 1999). They also resolubilize the dena-
plants, a heat shock of 8–10°C above ambient tured aggregated proteins (Parsell et al. 1994).
temperatures induces the synthesis of both high HSP68 synthesis was restricted to mitochon-
(60–110 kDa) and low (15–30 kDa) molecular dria as a precursor protein, but its synthesis
weight HSPs (Vierling 1991; Waters et al. 1996; increased during heat shock in cell (Neumann
Sun et al. 2002). These HSPs were induced et al. 1993). When wheat, maize, and rye seed-
either to protect the plant from injury or to help ling were exposed at 42°C, five mitochondrial
repair the injury caused by the heat stress LMW HSPs (19, 20, 22, 23, and 28 kDa) were
(Leshem and Kuiper 1996). The synthesis of induced in maize and only one (20 kDa) in rye
HSPs occurred in different plant species when and wheat mitochondria each; the tolerance of
they were exposed 10–15°C above growing maize was higher than wheat and rye
temperatures (Dubey 1999). Their synthesis is (Korotaeva et al. 2001). The specific nucleus-
extremely fast, diverse, and intensive in a vari- encoded HSPs have been identified in potato,
ety of organisms (Parsell and Lindquist 1993; maize, soybean, barley, and tomato (Neumann
Wahid et al. 2007). et al. 1993; Nautiyal and Shono 2010), peas
Both cytosolic and organelle synthesis of (Ko et al. 1992; Watts et al. 1992) under heat
HSPs has been well studied. Some HSPs that stress.
accumulate in the cytosol at 27°C and in the Although with less certainty, some putative
chloroplast at 43°C and 37°C respectively, functions have been assigned to HSPs when pro-
appeared to play a role in photosynthesis and duced under normal or high temperature condi-
thermotolerance (Heckathorn et al. 1998b). In tions. The rapid accumulation of HSPs may play a
maize, high temperature induced the synthesis significant role in the safety of metabolic apparatus
and accumulation of chloroplast protein elonga- of the cell. Some HSPs are produced in some
tion factor EF-TU, which defended the chloro- developing cells under control condition (Hopf
plasts proteins from heat-induced damage (Ristic et al. 1992) during embryogenesis, germination,
6 Responses and Management of Heat Stress in Plants 145

Fig. 6.3 Effect of heat acclimation and stress on the expression of HSP70 in hypocotyls of different pea varieties. After
Tian et al. (2009) with permission

pollen formation, fruit set and its maturation young pea seedlings due to enhanced synthesis of
(Vierling 1991; Sun et al. 2002 Prasinos et al. HSP70 (Fig. 6.3).
2005; Wahid et al. 2007). For instance, HSPs
were produced in greater amounts in etiolated 2.4.2 Dehydrins
maize seedling after 5-h exposure to high tem- Dehydrins (DHNs), belonging to subclass of
perature stress (Lund et al. 1998). Acquired ther- LEA group II (Dure et al. 1989), are produced at
motolerance depends upon the synthesis of HSPs the later stages of seed development in various
and their cellular localization (Heckathorn et al. plant species under drought, salinity, low tem-
1999; Korotaeva et al. 2001). In arid and semi perature, heat stress, nutrients deficiency, and
arid areas, plants may accumulate significant ABA application (Close 1996; Campbell and
amount of HSPs in response to high leaf tempera- Close 1997; Svensson et al. 2002; Wahid and
tures. In 2-day-old soybean seedlings, HSPs Close 2007; Pulla et al. 2007; Rurek 2010). D-11
appeared to maintain the conformation of other from cotton (Baker et al. 1988), RAB16 (respon-
proteins, as an aid for the acquired thermotoler- sive to ABA) in rice (Mundy and Chua 1988) and
ance (Jinn et al. 1997). The wide diversity and RAB17 in maize (Vilardell et al. 1990) were
abundance of HSPs is important for altering the cloned and characterized as DHN genes
plant response to high temperature stress (Waters (Campbell and Close 1997; Ismail and Hall 1999
et al. 1996). The mature pollen was susceptible to Koag et al. 2003). Immunological evidence indi-
high temperature and pollen viability was cated that DHNs are expressed in cyanobacteria
extremely reduced due to nonproduction of HSPs. (Close and Lammers 1993), brown algae (Li et al.
A distinct set of HSPs was induced in male tis- 1997), liverworts (Hellwege et al. 1994), ferns
sues of maize under heat stress (Dupuis and (Reynolds and Bewley 1993), ginkgo (Close and
Dumas 1990). HSPs (64 and 72 kDa) were Lammers 1993), and conifers (Jarvis et al. 1996).
induced in germinating pollens under heat stress Using immunological studies, DHNs were
(Frova et al. 1989). In a recent study, Tian et al. detected in the nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria,
(2009) reported the improved heat tolerance of chloroplasts, and vacuole (Close 1996; Campbell
146 A. Wahid et al.

Fig. 6.4 Immunohistochemical expression of dehydrins lower and upper epidermis, and buliform cells during heat
in the leaf of sugarcane clone HSF-240 under control and stress, as evident from golden brown color in staining.
heat stress. The dehydrins were found to associate to stele, Source: Gilani (2007)

and Close 1997; Wahid et al. 2007) and found to 1994) and aspartic proteinase in Brassica
be associated with cytoplasmic membranes sys- (Buchanan-Wollaston and Ainsworth 1997) are
tem under abiotic stresses (Koag et al. 2003). associated with leaf senescence. A large number
Immuno-histolocalization studies revealed that of SAGs and defense genes has been reported to
the DHNs are associated with the mesophyll, express during leaf senescence in maize (Smart
vascular, and dermal tissues of heat-stressed sug- et al. 1995), barley (Kleber-Janke and Krupinska
arcane (Gilani 2007, Fig. 6.4). In maize, all parts 1997), rice (Lee et al. 2001), A. thaliana (Lohman
of mature embryos show dehydrin accumulation et al. 1994; Oh et al. 1996; Gepstein et al. 2003),
(Godoy et al. 1994). In recent studies, three low tomato (John et al. 1997; Drake et al. 1996), rad-
molecular weight dehydrins were reported to be ish (Azumi and Watanabe 1991), and Brassica
expressed in sugarcane leaves in response to heat napus (Buchanan-Wollaston and Ainsworth
stress (Wahid and Close 2007). 1997).
Heat stress accelerates the senescence and
2.4.3 Senescence-Associated Genes results in decreased assimilation partitioning to
Temperature, pathogenic infection, drought, and grains (Spano et al. 2003). For instance, high
nutrient deficiency; wounding and shading may temperature induced the expression of dehydra-
increase leaf senescence (He et al. 2001). Thus tion responsive genes (ERD1), which is known as
about 183 senescence-associated genes (SAGs) SAG15. This gene also protects the cells from
are involved in energy metabolism, gene expres- injury (Weaver et al. 1999). A combine effect of
sion regulations, protein biosynthesis regulations, heat-shock and drought induced a senescence-
pathogenicity, stress and flower development associated gene (SAG12), at least in Nicotiana
(Liu et al. 2008). QTLs for some senescence- tabacum, which improved the stress tolerance in
related traits have been mapped on chromosome plants (Rizhsky et al. 2002). Heat shock (40°C)
2A, 3A, 3B, 6A, 6B, and 7A in winter wheat sub- induced tmr genes in Agrobacterium, which
jected to heat stress (Vijayalakshmi et al. 2010). delays the senescence. This was achieved by an
A number of encoding SAGs for proteinases such inducible promoter such as HS6871 from soy-
as serine proteinase in parsley (Jiang et al. 1999), bean (Smart et al. 1991). Chen et al. (2002) iden-
cysteine proteinase in Arabidopsis (Lohman et al. tified 18 transcription factors such as WRKY
6 Responses and Management of Heat Stress in Plants 147

genes and its protein in response to senescence

and environmental stresses, including heat stress,
3 High Temperature Stress:
which improved the agronomic characters of crop Management
Despite the fact that heat stress affects all the
2.4.4 Stay-Green Gene aspects of growth and development in plants, its
Photosynthetic responses of annual plants can be effects may be mitigated by adopting various
improved by extending duration of vegetative approaches. Some of the pragmatic strategies in
growth and delaying leaf senescence (Thomas this regard are detailed below.
and Howarth 2000). Stay-green (Sgr) proteins are
responsible for the green-flesh and retention of
chlorophyll during senescence (Park et al. 2007; 3.1 Exploitation of Genetic
Barry et al. 2008). The trait stay-green is divided Variability
into five types such as type A, B, C, D, and E on
the basis of its chlorophyll retention during leaf As mentioned above, heat tolerance is a multigenic
senescence (Thomas and Howarth 2000). trait, which offers the opportunity of improving
Overexpression of Sgr gene reduces the loss of plants against heat stress. Temperate genotypes
chlorophyll and delays early senescence of devel- show less dry matter production and reduced
oping leaves (Park et al. 2007). Sgr synthesis has yield due to high temperature stress as compared
been reported in many plants such as sorghum to tropical ones (Giaveno and Ferrero 2003).
(Tao et al. 2000), maize (Rajcan and Tollenaar Attempts have been made to find the genetic
1999), rice (Cha et al. 2002; Park et al. 2007), differences in plants based on morphological and
durum wheat (Spano et al. 2003), tomato (Akhtar physiological criteria (Wahid et al. 2007; Khan
et al. 1999; Barry et al. 2008), pea (Sato et al. et al. 2008). For instance, high temperature stress
2007) A. thaliana (Oh et al. 2000; Ren et al. during grain filling can reduce setting and filling
2007), oat (Helsel and Frey 1978), and Festuca of seed by accelerating senescence thereby reduc-
pratensis (Armstead et al. 2006). ing crop yields (Harding et al. 1990; Siddique
A stay-green protein potentially downregu- et al. 1999). This is because, resources required
lates the chlorophyll degradation at transcrip- are utilized by plants for heat stress tolerance and
tional level and delays senescence (Nam 1997; limited amount is available for reproductive
Park et al. 2007). Delaying leaf senescence growth (Hall 1992). Search for genotypic varia-
resulted in about 11% increase in carbon fixa- tion in heat resistance on the basis of leaf electro-
tion in Lolium temulentum (Thomas and lyte leakage is important for improving heat
Howarth 2000). Tollenaar and Daynard (1978) tolerance (Li et al. 1991). It is known that mem-
demonstrated that some maize varieties such as brane stability is positively associated with crop
L087602 shows stay-green phenotype, which yield under heat stress (Rahman et al. 2004).
increases the water, carbohydrates, and protein Such association was important for survival of
contents in the husks, cobs, and seeds. Nguyen wheat when exposed to high temperature at
(1999) demonstrated that stay-green genes anthesis stage (Saadalla et al. 1990).
delay leaf senescence in sorghum and reduce
lodging in heat-stressed and low moisture areas.
In fact stay-green is used as a selection crite- 3.2 Conventional Breeding
rion in warm areas (Acevedo et al. 1991; Kohli and Molecular Strategies
et al. 1991). For instance, most lines of wheat
are sensitive to heat stress while some lines are Conventional and modern breeding methods have
heat tolerant due to stay-green character been practiced for improving plant stress toler-
(Rehman et al. 2009). ance for the last many decades. For conventional
148 A. Wahid et al.

breeding, major challenges include germplasm mass and Vierling 2000). Use of restriction fragment
screening, selection criteria, and identification of length polymorphism (RFLP) mapped 11 QTLs
heat tolerant materials (Wahid et al. 2007). for pollen germination and pollen tube growth in
Among the several screening and selection heat-stressed maize plants (Frova and Sari-Gorla
methods, heat tolerance index (HTI) based on 1994; Wahid et al. 2007).
recovery of plants from heat stress has been pro-
posed in case of sorghum (Young et al. 2001). In
tomato, for example, under stress, there was a 3.3 Seed Treatments and Plant
positive relationship between fruit set and yield. Acclimation
In this regard, many studies suggested that heat
stress is not the only reason for impaired seed In addition to the above, seed treatment and plant-
setting, nonetheless heat stress driven reduction ing materials and foliar spray of with various
in pollen tube growth and fertilization are rather organic and inorganic agents has proven their
more important (Wahid et al. 2007). worth in enhancing heat tolerance in a number of
Present-day molecular and biotechnological plant species. For instance, presowing GB treat-
tools have contributed enormously to understand ment in barley (Wahid and Shabbir 2005), H2O2
the complexity and cellular pathways of stress treatment in maize (Wahid et al. 2008), and pre-
responses and signal transduction mechanisms sprouting soaking of sugarcane bud chips with
under abiotic stress responses (Sreenivasulu et al. GB and proline (Rasheed 2009) have been impli-
2006). Molecular studies involving cDNA arrays cated with great success in improving high tem-
have revealed several genes, which are upregu- perature tolerance at germination and subsequent
lated by several biotic and abiotic stresses growth stages (Fig. 6.2). Epibrassinolide, a sub-
(Kawasaki et al. 2001; Provart et al. 2003; class of brassinostreoids, treatment modulated
Nogueira et al. 2003). Many of these genes are the translational machinery, resulting in higher
involved in signaling pathways via encoding HSPs synthesis and rapid resumption of protein
proteins particularly mitogen-activated protein synthesis during and after the application of high
kinase (MAPK), histidine kinase, Ca2+-dependent temperature stress (Dhaubhadel et al. 1999;
protein kinase (CDPK), SOS3 Ca2+ sensor family Kagale et al. 2007). More so, precondition of
and numerous transcription factors. tomato plants (Morales et al. 2003) and acclima-
Marker-assisted selection (MAS) and genetic tion of turfgrass (Xu et al. 2006) to heat stress
transformation are two main approaches to resulted in better growth of plants in heat-stressed
improve heat stress tolerance in plants, which environments.
proved worthwhile in improving our understand-
ing of stress tolerance mechanisms at molecular
level (Foolad 2005). The use of MAS approach 4 Conclusion and Future
requires identifying genetic markers associated Perspective
with genes or QTLs contributing to whole or
individual stress tolerance. A number of research Responses of plants to heat stress may be symp-
efforts have identified genetic markers related to tomatic to quantitative. Despite the fact that heat
different environmental stresses at various growth stress responses are well evident at all growth
stages of plants to facilitate understanding of stages, reproductive growth stages are more prone
genetic relationships for stresses tolerance to heat episodes. Other heat stress effects may
(Foolad 2005). However, limited studies have entail structural changes in tissues and cell organ-
identified genetic markers related to high tem- elles, disturbance of leaf water relations, and
perature tolerance in plant. Available studies decline in the rate of photosynthesis, production
show that in a number of Arabidopsis mutants, of ROS and lipid peroxidation, changes in enzy-
four QTLs were found to be involved in acquiring matic and nonenzymatic antioxidants, and synthe-
thermotolerance in heat-sensitive mutants (Hong sis of secondary metabolites are also important.
6 Responses and Management of Heat Stress in Plants 149

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Understanding Chilling Tolerance
Traits Using Arabidopsis 7
Chilling-Sensitive Mutants
Dana Zoldan, Reza Shekaste Band, Charles L. Guy,
and Ron Porat

Many plants of tropical and subtropical origin are severely damaged when
exposed to chilling temperatures between 2 and 15°C. In contrast, the crucifer-
ous plant Arabidopsis thaliana is chilling tolerant and, therefore provides an
alternative model plant system for the identification of chilling tolerance traits.
In this chapter, we describe physiological, biochemical, and molecular
responses of Arabidopsis class 1 chilling-sensitive (chs) mutants to low tem-
peratures. These mutants, including chs1, chs2 and chs3, are extremely chill-
ing-sensitive and wilt and turn yellow in just a few days after transfer to low
temperatures of 4–13°C. Overall, following exposure to chilling, class 1 chs
mutants suffer from: (1) loss of chlorophyll and decrease in photosynthetic
efficacy resulting in lack of starch accumulation, (2) damage to cellular mem-
branes resulting in increased electrolyte leakage, and (3) accumulation of the
reactive oxygen species (ROS) hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). At the molecular
level, transcriptome analysis studies following exposure to 10°C for 48 h using
the Affymetrix ATH1 genome array reveal remarkable changes in expression
patterns of between 1,500 and 3,000 genes, which are significantly differen-
tially expressed (p £ 0.05 and up- or down-regulated by a factor of at least 4) in
chs1, chs2, and chs3 mutants compared to wild-type (WT) plants. The main
functional categories of up-regulated genes by chilling include “stress,” “pro-
tein,” and “signaling,” whereas the main categories down-regulated by chilling
were “photosynthesis,” “tetrapyrrole synthesis,” “carbohydrate metabolism,”
“cell wall,” and “lipid metabolism”. Overall, these and other studies using
Arabidopsis chilling-sensitive mutants allow the recognition of major genetic
traits crucial for plant survival under chilling conditions.

R. Porat () • D. Zoldan

Department of Postharvest Sciences of Fresh Produce,
ARO, the Volcani Center, P.O. Box 6,
Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
R.S. Band • C.L. Guy
Department of Environmental Horticulture,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 159
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_7,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
160 D. Zoldan et al.

Arabidopsis • Low temperature stress • ROS • Transcriptome • Physiological
response • Biochemical response • Gene mapping

the cellular antioxidant defensive system required

1 Introduction to avoid accumulation of toxic reactive oxygen
species (ROS). Indeed, overexpression of anti-
Low temperature is an important environmental
oxidant defensive genes, such as ascorbate per-
factor that greatly influences the growth, devel-
oxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase
opment, survival, and geographical distribution
(CAT) enhanced chilling tolerance (Van
of plants (Levitt 1980). Whereas most plant spe-
Breusegem et al. 1999; Payton et al. 2001),
cies from temperate regions can acclimatize to
whereas repression of catalase gene expression
cold and can survive exposures to deep freezing
reduced chilling tolerance (Kerdnaimongkol and
temperatures, plants of tropical and subtropical
Woodson 1999). Finally, several reports have
origin are severely injured when exposed to low
suggested that various stress genes, usually
nonfreezing temperatures between 0 and 15°C
related to other types of stress responses, may
(Lyons 1973; Lynch 1990; Wang 1990).
also contribute to the acquisition of chilling toler-
Symptoms of chilling injury often include cessa-
ance. For instance, it has been suggested that heat
tion of growth, wilting, chlorosis, necrosis, and
shock proteins (HSPs) (Sabehat et al. 1998) and
eventually plant death (Lyons 1973; Graham and
dehydrin genes (Ismail et al. 1999) may also be
Patterson 1982; Maruyama et al. 1990; Allen and
factors in chilling tolerance in plants.
Ort 2001). In addition to its adverse effects on
In this chapter, we will summarize data
plant growth and development, chilling sensitiv-
obtained from studies on Arabidopsis chilling-
ity also imposes major limitations on the posthar-
sensitive (chs) mutants, and will suggest how the
vest storage and handling of many fruits and
adoption of Arabidopsis as a plant model system
vegetables, because it necessitates storage at rela-
could improve our basic understanding regarding
tively high temperatures that do little to delay
the molecular and biochemical nature of chilling
deterioration and spoilage (Paull 1990).
tolerance. Overall, Arabidopsis has many advan-
In contrast to our knowledge of plant responses
tages as a plant model system and its chilling tol-
to other abiotic stresses, such as freezing, drought,
erance makes it an excellent study subject for the
salinity, and heat, little is known regarding the
identification of major genetic traits important
molecular basis in regulating chilling tolerance
for low temperature survival of plants.
or about the signal transduction networks involved
in its acquisition. In previous reviews, the occur-
rence of chilling damage was attributed mainly to
the general disruption or dysfunction of cellular 2 Using Arabidopsis
metabolic processes (Lyons 1973; Graham and as a Genetic Resource
Patterson 1982; Markhart 1986). In this respect, for Identification of Chilling
it has been suggested that an important primary Tolerance Traits
event in the occurrence of chilling injury is an
alteration in the physical state of the cellular It is believed that chilling-sensitive species
membranes, which leads to dysfunctional selec- evolved in warm tropical regions where there was
tive permeability and increases in solute leakage no selection pressure favoring growth at low tem-
from the cells (Lyons 1973; Markhart 1986; peratures. In contrary, the dispersal of plants to
Nishida and Murata 1996). Another factor that cooler climates necessitated the acquisition of
affects susceptibility to chilling is the status of chilling tolerance and other low temperature
7 Understanding Chilling Tolerance Traits Using Arabidopsis Chilling-Sensitive Mutants 161

tolerance traits. Indeed, trees and shrubs in tem- example of forward genetics includes the chy1–10
perate regions are able to grow at low chilling mutant that is freezing-sensitive after cold accli-
temperatures, and become dormant during the mation. The chy1 mutant accumulates ROS. Map-
coldest portion of the winter when temperatures based cloning of CHY1 revealed that the mutant
are below 0°C (Levitt 1980). Many herbaceous encodes a peroxisomal b-hydroxyisobutyryl–
annual species such as Arabidopsis normally CoA hydrolase needed for valine catabolism and
overwinter in their vegetative state, survive both fatty acid b-oxidation, and suggests a role in cold
chilling and freezing conditions, and switch to a stress signaling, and freezing tolerance for per-
reproductive stage during the spring, when tem- oxisomal metabolism (Dong et al. 2009).
peratures rise. Thus, over-wintering herbaceous Arabidopsis mutants have also helped to bring
annual species can be very resistant to chilling, light to the relationships of lipid metabolism and
and continue their growth and development, low-temperature exposure particularly as the
albeit more slowly, at low temperatures. Indeed, isolation of mutants with altered lipid composi-
it has been shown that Arabidopsis can complete tions has assisted in biochemical and molecular
its entire life cycle and produce fertile seeds when approaches to understanding lipid metabolism
sown and grown under continuous chilling tem- and membrane function (Wallis and Browse
peratures of 4–6°C (Hasdai et al. 2006). Therefore, 2002). Further, the availability of a variety of
naturally chilling-resistant plants, such as plant lines with specific changes in membrane
Arabidopsis, may provide valuable genetic lipids has afforded valuable resources to study
resources for the identification of chilling toler- the structural and adaptive roles of lipids.
ance traits which, in the future, may be incorpo- Presently, there are at least five types of
rated into horticultural important chilling-sensitive Arabidopsis fatty acid metabolism mutants that
crops (Tokuhisa and Browse 1999; Porat and Guy grow well at 22°C, but are injured at low tem-
2007). peratures (2–6°C). The mutant lines include fab1
Arabidopsis mutants and forward genetic (Wu et al. 1997), fad2 (Miquel et al. 1993), fad5,
approaches have become useful tools to study the fad6 (Hugly and Somerville 1992), and the fad3-2
molecular and physiological responses and traits fad7-2 fad8 triple mutant (Routaboul et al. 2000).
of plants to low temperature stress. Because Some examples that could be equated to chilling
Arabidopsis is freezing tolerant and can modu- injury include the fab1 mutant of Arabidopsis
late its freezing tolerance by cold acclimation, thaliana that was derived from the Columbia
and is easily genetically modified, creating and ecotype following mutagenesis with ethane
characterization of mutants deficient in freezing methyl sulfonate (EMS). The mutant contains
tolerance has been a productive strategy to increased levels of saturated fatty acids, particu-
uncover major determinants of signaling path- larly increased proportions of 16:0 in all of the
ways and regulators of gene expression at low major membrane lipids of the leaf tissue (Lightner
temperatures. Forward genetic analysis has iden- et al. 1994). When subjected to 2°C, after 14
tified a number of transcription factors like HOS9, days, major changes in chloroplast ultrastructure
HOS10 and other regulators of freezing tolerance were observed (Wu et al. 1997). The mutant chlo-
like ESKIMO1 (ESK1). HOS9 and HOS10 roplasts were irregular in shape with poorly
encode a homeodomain and MYB transcription defined and broken envelopes. By 21 days at a
factors, respectively, (Zhu et al. 2007). Loss-of- low temperature, chloroplasts had largely disap-
function mutations in HOS9 and HOS10 cause peared from the mutant, but some chloroplast
significant decreases in basal and acquired freez- remnants remained visible in most mesophyll
ing tolerance. Mutations in ESK1 (Xin and cells. The loss of chloroplast ultrastructure cor-
Browse 1998) result in constitutive freezing tol- related with a major loss of photosynthetic func-
erance. Also, mutations in a transcriptional adap- tion as indicated by Chlorophyll a fluorescence
tor protein ADA2b causes constitutive freezing data. Nevertheless, the fab1 plants were able to
tolerance (Vlachonasios et al. 2003). Another largely recover upon return to 22°C. Given that
162 D. Zoldan et al.

fab1 plants are unable to maintain photosyn-

thetic function at 2°C and will die after
3 Arabidopsis Chilling-Sensitive
5–7 weeks, the sensitivity of fab1 plants to 2°C Mutants
may result from increased levels of phosphati-
dylglycerol (PG) having high-melting-point In order to study the molecular basis of chilling
molecular species (containing only 16:0, 18:0, tolerance in Arabidopsis, EMS-mutagenized M2
and 16:1, D3-trans fatty acids) (Kim et al. 2010). populations of Arabidopsis were grown at 22°C
A fab1 suppressor line, S7, had reduced levels of for 2 weeks after which they were transferred to
16:3 fatty acid in leaf galactolipids compared to 10 or 15°C and were screened for the appearance
WT and was identified by map-based cloning as of chilling-sensitive mutants (Schneider et al.
a hypomorphic allele of lysophosphatidic acid 1995a). Of about 20,000 M2 plants examined, 21
acyltransferase1 (lpat1), lpat1-3. The lpat1-3 mutants were identified that appeared normal at
mutation was found to strongly affect fatty acid 22°C, but developed chlorosis or necrosis when
composition of PG, with the proportion of high- shifted to lower temperatures (Schneider et al.
melting-point molecular species in PG being 1995a). The chilling-sensitive mutants were cat-
reduced from 48.2% in fab1 to 10.7% in fab1 egorized into four different phenotypic classes
lpat1-3 (S7), a value that was close to the 7.6% according to the severity of their chilling damage
found in wild type. symptoms: class 1 mutants (chs1–3) turned yel-
The ability to modulate membrane fatty acid low, wilted and died, in class 2 mutants (chs4)
unsaturation has long been thought to be critical only the mature leaves became necrotic, and class
to membrane function and cell viability for poiki- 3 mutants (chs5–6) developed yellow chlorotic
lothermic organisms like plants. The Arabidopsis patches, but continued to grow and develop at
fad3-2, fad7-2, fad8 triple fatty acid desaturase low temperatures; and in class 4 (chs7–15) only
mutant was found to be only subtly impacted part of the leaf near the rosette turned yellow
upon short-term exposure to low temperatures, (Schneider et al. 1995a). Crosses among mutants
with small decreases in photosynthetic quantum in different phenotypic classes showed that those
yield, FII, were observed in the mutant in the first three classes were found only in a
(Routaboul et al. 2000). However, long-term small number of loci (Schneider et al. 1995a).
exposure to 4°C resulted in lower fluorescence Detailed characterization of the chs1 mutant
parameters, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic revealed that it was sensitive to temperatures
processes, and thylakoid membranes in the triple- below 18°C, and that exposure to low tempera-
mutant. When taken together, the examples out- tures resulted in defects in chloroplast mainte-
lined above demonstrate the value in forward nance and integrity, including disruption of
genetic approaches to understanding plant low- chloroplast protein accumulation and altered
temperature responses. steryl-ester metabolism (Hugly et al. 1990;
Overall, in contrast to nearly all chilling- Patterson et al. 1993; Schneider et al. 1995b).
sensitive species, with Arabidopsis it is rela- Furthermore, it was found that only the leaf tis-
tively easy to screen large mutagenized sues of chs1 plants were injured at low tempera-
populations for individuals sensitive to chilling tures whereas germination, root and callus growth
phenotype resulting from a loss-of-function were unaffected by chilling. All these findings
mutation in an important gene. Furthermore, suggest that the function of the chs1 gene product
there are Arabidopsis populations with inser- may be required to maintain chloroplast function
tional mutations, in which the compromised at low temperatures. Overall, the chs1 mutant
genetic locus can be readily obtained, and the was found to be extremely sensitive to low tem-
mutated gene can be isolated and sequenced. peratures, and after 3 days at 13°C, as the plants
Additional follow-up complementation studies become irreversibly injured and could not be res-
can confirm the linkage of a mutant gene with cued upon returning them to normal temperatures
the ability of the plant to tolerate chilling. (Schneider et al. 1995b). Interestingly, it was also
7 Understanding Chilling Tolerance Traits Using Arabidopsis Chilling-Sensitive Mutants 163

noted that the chs1 mutants were much more the constitutive activation of the TIR-NB-LRR
sensitive in terms of leaf yellowing and time till domain. An activated defense response was
the initiation of wilting to exposure to 15°C than supported by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) analyses
to 5°C (Schneider et al. 1995b). with 3,3¢-diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining.
Transcriptome profiling studies among Strong staining was observed in chs3 plants
approximately 8,000 Arabidopsis genes that grown at 16°C, but not in WT plants under the
compared gene expression patterns in wild-type same conditions indicating H2O2 levels were high
(WT) plants with those in 12 chilling-sensitive in the mutant. The chs3 growth and defense phe-
mutants showed that the expression of more than notypes could be suppressed by eds1, sgt1b and
1,000 genes in normal plants was unaffected by rar1, and partially suppressed by pad4 and nahG,
chilling at 13°C but was affected by at least two- but not by npr1 and ndr1. These findings reveal
fold in class 1 chs mutants (Provart et al. 2003; an unexpected linkage between defense responses
Zhu and Provart 2003). In the light of these and cold stress, and points to a mutual interaction
microarray expression data, it was suggested that between cold signaling and defense responses
the normal functions of the mutated chs1, chs2, (Yang et al. 2010).
and chs3 genes might be to prevent widespread Beside chs3, the only other gene among the 21
chilling damage effects on transcriptional regula- chs mutants identified by Schneider et al. (1995a)
tion (Provart et al. 2003). It was further observed that has been cloned so far is chs5; it belongs to
that the profiles of gene expression of the various class 3 of chs mutants, which become chlorotic at
class 1 chs mutants (chs1, chs2, and chs3) at 13°C low temperatures but otherwise continue to grow
were very similar to each other, which supports and develop normally. Genetic and sequence anal-
the idea that the products of these genes might ysis demonstrated that the chs5 mutation occurred
perform related biological functions. In the in the coding region of 1-deoxy-D-xylulose
future, identification of the gene products of class 5-phosphate synthase (DXS), an enzyme belong-
1 chs mutants by means of mapping and chromo- ing to the nonmevalonate pathway localized in the
some walking technologies will certainly provide chloroplast (Araki et al. 2000). DXS functions in
important insights into the molecular basis of at the synthesis of isoprenoid compounds like caro-
least some major factors that are crucial for plant tenoids, xanthophylls, sterols, and isopentynyl
survival at chilling temperatures. chains of cytokinins and chlorophylls. Once again,
A recent report on the chs3 mutant has demon- as in the case of the chs1 mutation, it seems that
strated the expected arrested growth and chloro- among the diverse components of cellular machin-
sis phenotype when grown at 16°C or when ery that chloroplast is especially vulnerable to low
shifted from 22 to 4°C. chs3 plants exhibited chilling temperatures.
chlorotic and spontaneous lesion phenotypes In another independent study, Tokuhisa et al.
when grown at 16°C as older leaves turned yel- (1997) identified additional Arabidopsis EMS
low and died, and emerging leaves became water- and T-DNA insertion chilling-sensitive mutants
soaked (Yang et al. 2010). Evidence presented that were indistinguishable from WT plants when
indicated that chs3 plants exhibit an activated grown at 22°C, but exhibited visible chilling
defense response at 16°C, which was suppressed symptoms after 42 days of growth at 5°C. Under
to WT levels at 22°C. Map-based cloning of chs3 these conditions, the chilling symptoms that were
gene revealed an unusual disease resistance pro- identified included chlorosis, reduced and
tein belonging to the TIR-NB-LRR class and also impaired growth (small stature, reduced leaf
having a zinc-binding LIM domain at the car- growth, high anthocyanin content, and distorted
boxyl terminus. The mutation of a G-to-A substi- leaf morphology), necrosis, and death. Thus, two
tution at the ninth intron–exon junction appears independent populations of chilling-sensitive
to lead to abnormal splicing and the formation of mutants have been identified so far in Arabidopsis:
a truncated protein. Thus, chs3 seems to be a class 1 chs mutants described by Somerville and
gain-of-function mutation as the mutation led to coworkers (Schneider et al. 1995a) which showed
164 D. Zoldan et al.

apparent chilling damage symptoms after a short ing temperature of 10°C all class 1 chs mutants,
exposure (3–7 days) to mild temperatures including chs1, chs2, and chs3, turned yellow,
(10–15°C), and the mutants described by Browse wilted and eventually died (Fig. 7.1). The yellow-
and coworkers (Tokuhisa et al. 1997) which ing and growth arrest phenotypes become visible
showed apparent chilling symptoms only after a in 7 days after transfer to chilling temperatures,
much longer period of 6 weeks at a very low tem- and these phenotypes become more severe as the
perature of 5°C (Schneider et al. 1995a; Tokuhisa time of exposure to chilling increased up to
et al. 1997). The first type of mutants, especially 3 weeks (Fig. 7.1). Furthermore, we found that in
class 1 chs mutants, most likely encode proteins addition to what has been reported previously for
crucial for basic aspects of cell survival at chill- chs1 (Hugly et al. 1990), chs3 mutants are also
ing temperatures, whereas the second type of extremely sensitive to low temperatures, as they
mutants probably involves governing particular showed a severe dwarfism phenotype when grown
mechanisms of adaptation to low temperatures of at a moderate chilling temperature of 18°C
older cells and organs or are characteristic of (Fig. 7.2). Overall, all class 1 chilling-sensitive
older cells. One of the latter T-DNA-tagged mutants are very sensitive to chilling, and turn
mutants, paleface1 (pfc1), that becomes chlorotic yellow and wilt in just a few days after exposure
during growth at 5°C, was cloned and encodes a to low temperatures.
specific 16 S rRNA methylase, which is required To further evaluate the effects of chilling on
for maintenance of a particular step in pre-RNA chs1, chs2, and chs3 plants, we examined their
processing in the chloroplasts, and which is chlorophyll content, photosynthesis efficacy and
apparently sensitive to low temperatures electrolyte leakage rates at various periods after
(Tokuhisa et al. 1998). exposure to 10°C. It can be seen that the earliest
Further cloning and isolation of additional event that was observed within 4 days of expo-
Arabidopsis chilling-sensitive genes will greatly sure to chilling was a sharp decline in chlorophyll
improve our understanding regarding the molec- content (Fig. 7.3a), and this was followed by a
ular basis of chilling tolerance (Tokuhisa et al. gradual decrease in photosynthetic efficacy
1998; Araki et al. 2000). In the following sec- (determined by measuring chlorophyll fluores-
tions, we will analyze in more details the physi- cence; Fv/Fm ratio) which continued up to
ological, biochemical and molecular responses of 21 days of exposure to 10°C (Fig. 7.3b). An
class 1 chilling-sensitive mutants, including chs1, increase in electrolyte leakage rates was evident
chs2, and chs3, to low temperatures, and based after 7 days at 10°C and gradually became more
on that will aim to identify crucial traits required severe as the plants were kept for longer periods
for survival of Arabidopsis plants under chilling at 10°C (Fig. 7.3c).
conditions. In accordance with the observed decreases in
chlorophyll contents and photosynthetic efficacy,
we found that chs1, chs2, and chs3 plants were
4 Physiological and unable and did not accumulate starch in their
Biochemical Responses leaves as observed in WT plants (Fig. 7.4).
of chs1, chs2, and chs3 Following exposure to low temperatures, WT
Mutants to Chilling plants continued to produce assimilates by photo-
synthesis, but since growth was slowed down
Class 1 chilling-sensitive mutants include chs1, they accumulated starch. In contrast, the chs1,
chs2, and chs3. In addition to previous observa- chs2, and chs3 mutants were defected in their
tions regarding the responsiveness of chs1 plants photosynthetic machinery (as observed by the
to chilling (Hugly et al. 1990; Patterson et al. decrease in chlorophyll content and photosynthe-
1993; Schneider et al. 1995b), we hereby show sis efficacy) and, therefore, did not produce
that upon transfer of 2-week-old plants from a sugars and did not accumulate starch following
normal temperature of 22°C to a moderate chill- exposure to low temperatures (Fig. 7.4).
7 Understanding Chilling Tolerance Traits Using Arabidopsis Chilling-Sensitive Mutants 165

Fig. 7.1 Phenotypes of wild-type and chs1, chs2, and chs3 mutants following transfer to chilling conditions. Plants
were grown for 2 weeks at 22°C and afterwards transferred to a chilling temperature of 10°C

Fig. 7.2 Effects of a moderate growth temperature of 18°C on the phenotypes of wild-type and chs1, chs2, and chs3 mutants.
Plants were grown from sowing at 22 or 18°C, and photographs were taken after 3 weeks of growth at each temperature
166 D. Zoldan et al.

Fig. 7.3 Effects of chilling on chlorophyll content, pho- temperature of 10°C. (a) Chlorophyll content, (b) photo-
tosynthesis efficacy, and electrolyte leakage rates of wild- synthesis efficacy, and (c), electrolyte leakage. Data are
type and chs1, chs2, and chs3 mutants. Plants were grown means ± S.E. of five replications
for 2 weeks at 22°C and afterwards transferred to a chilling

Another response of chs1, chs2, and chs3 chs2, and chs3 mutants were stained by brown
mutants to chilling was enhanced accumulation spots indicating presence of H2O2 (Fig. 7.5).
of ROS in general, and H2O2 particularly, as The accumulation of H2O2 was somewhat more
observed by DAB staining experiments pronounced in chs2 and chs3 plants as com-
(Fig. 7.5). It can be seen that WT plants remained pared with chs1, and after exposure to the lower
clear and did not accumulate H2O2 following temperature of 4°C as compared with 13°C
exposure to chilling, whereas leaves of chs1, (Fig. 7.5).
7 Understanding Chilling Tolerance Traits Using Arabidopsis Chilling-Sensitive Mutants 167

Fig. 7.4 Effects of chilling on starch accumulation in chilling temperatures of 13 and 4°C. Starch accumulation
wild-type and chs1, chs2, and chs3 mutants. Plants were was indicated by iodine staining after 7 days at chilling
grown for 2 weeks at 22°C and afterwards transferred to conditions

erecta (Ler) WT plants, and scanned populations

5 Mapping of the chs1, chs2, of F2 plants for chilling sensitivity phenotypes
and chs3 Genes upon transfer to low temperatures. Afterwards,
we extracted DNA from chilling-resistant plants
Identification of the gene products of class 1 chs and searched for possible linkage of PCR mark-
mutants by means of mapping and chromosome ers with the chilling tolerance phenotype.
walking technologies will provide important Accordingly, based on polymorphism between
insights into the molecular basis of chilling toler- Col and Ler ecotypes, we mapped the chs1, chs2,
ance traits crucial for plant survival at low tem- and chs3 genes to the following chromosomal
peratures. To facilitate the mapping of chs1, chs2, locations (Fig. 7.6):
and chs3 genes, we crossed the mutants present (1) chs1 – was mapped to chromosome 1 in the
in Colombia (Col) background with Lansdberg region between 5.9 and 7.0 Mb.
168 D. Zoldan et al.

Fig. 7.5 Effects of chilling on H2O2 accumulation in chilling temperatures of 13 and 4°C. Accumulation of
wild-type and chs1, chs2, and chs3 mutants. Plants were hydrogen peroxide was indicated by DAB staining after
grown for 2 weeks at 22°C and afterwards transferred to 7 days at chilling conditions

(2) chs2 – was mapped to chromosome 4 in the

region between 9.02 and 9.95 Mb.
6 Effects of Chilling
(3) chs3 – was mapped to chromosome 5 in the on the Transcriptome of
region between 5.41 and 7.37 Mb. chs1, chs2, and chs3 Mutants
This initial mapping of the chs1, chs2, and
chs3 genes to a final resolution of approximately To identify transcripts that exhibited significant
1 Mb will facilitate in the future the final cloning changes in their abundance after exposure to
and isolation of these important genes that are chilling, we performed pair-wise comparisons,
crucial for survival of Arabidopsis plant at low and selected transcripts that had ANOVA values
chilling temperatures. As indicated in Sect. 3, the of p £ 0.05 and that were induced or repressed by
chs3 gene was recently mapped to the top of a factor of at least 4 after exposure of chs1, chs2,
chromosome 5 and its sequence was identified and chs3 mutants to 10°C for 48 h, as compared
(Yang et al. 2010). with their corresponding expression levels in WT
7 Understanding Chilling Tolerance Traits Using Arabidopsis Chilling-Sensitive Mutants 169

Fig. 7.6 Chromosomal locations of the chs1, chs2, and chromosome 4 in the region between 9.02 and 9.95 Mb,
chs3 loci. The chs1 gene was mapped to chromosome 1 in and chs3 was mapped to chromosome 5 in the region
the region between 5.9 and 7.0 Mb, chs2 was mapped to between 5.41 and 7.37 Mb

Table 7.1 Effects of chilling (48 h at 10°C) on the transcriptome of chs1, chs2, and chs3 mutants
Probe sets differentially expressed at p £ 0.05 and induced or repressed by a factor of
at least 4
Pair-wise comparison Up-regulated Down-regulated Total
chs1/wild type 913 591 1,504
chs2/wild type 1,523 1,717 3,240
chs3/wild type 1,293 1,426 2,719
Data include numbers of probe sets on the Affymetrix ATH1 Genome Array differentially expressed at p £ 0.05 and
induced or repressed by a factor of at least 4

plants. Doing so, led to the identification of 1,504, affected in both chs2 and chs3 mutants (Fig. 7.7).
3,240, and 2,719 probe sets whose expression Thus, chs1, chs2, and chs3 mutants endure simi-
significantly changed after exposure to chilling in lar molecular responses following exposure to
chs1, chs2, and chs3 mutants, respectively chilling stress.
(Table 7.1). In order to assign the chilling-induced differ-
To define the degree of similarity and differ- entially expressed genes in chs1, chs2, and chs3
ences between gene expression patterns in the mutants into corresponding molecular functions,
various class 1 chs mutants in response to chill- we performed functional categorization analysis
ing, we conducted a Venn diagram comparison using the MapMan software (Thimm et al. 2004).
(Fig. 7.7). It was found that the expression of a Doing so revealed that the main functional cate-
large group of 1,426 probe sets was similarly gories up-regulated by chilling in the mutants
affected by chilling in all class 1 chs mutants, and were “stress,” “protein,” and “signaling,” whereas
that of 1,207 additionally genes were similarly the main categories down-regulated by chilling
170 D. Zoldan et al.

genes included mainly suppression of transcripts

involved in fatty acid synthesis and desaturation;
the latter is known to be a crucial factor required
for adaptation to chilling (Murata et al. 1992;
Nishida and Murata 1996).
The overall meanings of these findings are
that under chilling conditions class 1 chs mutants
are defective in normal gene expression related to
the photosynthesis machinery and carbohydrate
metabolism, and cell wall and lipid metabolism.
In addition, the chs mutants were in severe stress
as indicated by massive up-regulation of stress
genes, and suffered from imbalanced protein
metabolism (suppression of protein synthesis and
induction of protein degradation).

7 Conclusion and Future

Fig. 7.7 Venn diagram illustrating the overlapping and Perspective
differences in gene expression patterns among the various
chs1, chs2, and chs3 chilling-responsive regulons. The
From the current evaluations of the physiologi-
numbers on the diagram indicate the amount of over-
lapped probe sets cal, biochemical and molecular responses of class
1 chs mutants to chilling, we have arrived at the
following main conclusions:
were “photosynthesis” and “tetrapyrrole synthesis,” (1) Under chilling conditions, class 1 chs mutants
“major carbohydrate metabolism,” “cell wall,” are defective in normal gene expression
and “lipid metabolism” (Table 7.2). A more or related to photosynthesis, chlorophyll syn-
less similar response consisting differential thesis and major carbohydrate metabolism
expression of stress, photosynthesis, and protein, (Table 7.2). Furthermore, these molecular
carbohydrate and lipid metabolism genes, fol- observations were confirmed by biochemical
lowing exposure to chilling were reported also in measurements indicating a rapid loss of chlo-
several other chilling-sensitive commodities, rophyll content and decrease in photosyn-
such as rice, sunflower and potato as well as thetic efficacy (Fig. 7.3), leaf yellowing
chilling-tolerant poplar trees (Yan et al. 2006; (Fig. 7.1), and inability to accumulate starch
Fernandez et al. 2008; Oufir et al. 2008; Maestrini as observed in WT plants (Fig. 7.4).
et al. 2009). The up-regulated category of “pro- (2) Under chilling conditions, class 1 chs mutants
tein” included massive up-regulation of genes are defective in normal gene expression
involved in protein degradation, and particularly related to lipid metabolism including down-
transcripts encoding members of RING finger regulation of fatty acid synthesis and desatu-
and F-BOX proteins belonging to the ubiquitin ration (Table 7.2). Furthermore, these
protein degradation pathway. In addition, the molecular observations were supported by
“protein” category further included massive conductivity measurements indicating a con-
down-regulation of genes involved in protein tinuous increase in electrolyte leakage rates
synthesis. The up-regulated category of “signal- upon transfer of the chs mutants to chilling,
ing” included mainly up-regulation of receptor thus indicating accumulated damage to cel-
kinase genes and calcium signaling genes, as pre- lular membranes (Fig. 7.3).
viously reported (Bhattacharjee 2009). The (3) Under chilling conditions, class 1 chs mutants
observed down-regulation in “lipid metabolism” activated a battery of stress-related genes,
7 Understanding Chilling Tolerance Traits Using Arabidopsis Chilling-Sensitive Mutants 171

Table 7.2 Functional categorization of chs1, chs2, and chs3 regulon genes
chs1 regulon chs2 regulon chs3 regulon
Functional categorization Up Down Up Down Up Down
Photosynthesis 1 16 2 48 2 38
Major CHO metabolism 2 12 4 26 2 21
Minor CHO metabolism 9 3 15 16 12 12
Glycolysis 2 3 4 5 4 3
Fermentation 0 0 2 1 1 0
Gluconeogenesis 1 0 2 0 1 0
OPP 0 1 2 3 2 2
TCA/transformation 0 0 0 5 0 5
Electron transport/ATP 4 2 5 3 4 3
Cell wall 15 35 27 83 22 77
Lipid metabolism 9 31 24 57 18 49
N-metabolism 1 0 3 3 2 3
Amino acid metabolism 10 9 31 36 19 24
S-assimilation 0 3 0 4 0 4
Metal handling 4 3 6 8 5 7
Secondary metabolism 19 17 33 46 39 27
Hormone metabolism 27 25 47 46 41 42
Tetrapyrrole synthesis 0 11 0 21 0 17
Stress 73 15 99 47 81 44
Redox regulation 12 7 21 17 19 12
Polyamine metabolism 0 1 1 1 1 1
Nucleotide metabolism 6 2 9 19 7 11
Misc 59 48 91 113 83 101
RNA and transcription 64 48 120 133 105 113
DNA 4 6 9 18 7 13
Protein 115 32 211 140 177 105
Signaling 103 21 141 72 120 66
Cell 18 7 28 44 27 35
“Micro RNA” 0 0 0 0 0 0
Development 11 10 19 23 15 18
Transport 43 32 68 61 54 56
Not assigned 296 223 496 579 433 495
Functional categorization was performed according to MapMan software ( The
functional groups of “Photosynthesis,” “Major CHO metabolism,” “Cell wall,” “Lipid metabolism,” and “Tetrapyrrole
synthesis” down-regulated in chs mutants are marked by light shading, while the groups of “Stress,” “Protein,” and
“Signaling” up-regulated in chs mutants are marked by dark shading

indicating that the plants were under severe transcripts involved in protein synthesis and
stress conditions (Table 7.2). This observa- massive induction of transcripts belonging to
tion was further supported by our findings the ubiquitin protein degradation pathway.
regarding enhanced accumulation of ROS, as These processes obviously lead to progres-
observed by DAB staining for detection of sive destruction of normal cellular activity.
H2O2 levels (Fig. 7.5). Overall, based on our studies with Arabidopsis
(4) Following exposure to chilling, class 1 chs chilling-sensitive mutants, we conclude that
mutants suffered from imbalanced protein several biochemical and molecular traits are appa-
metabolism, demonstrated by suppression of rently crucial for plant survival under chilling
172 D. Zoldan et al.

temperatures; these include maintenance of oxidative stress and chilling injury in tomato plants.
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Center, Bet Dagan, Israel, no. 597/10. of membrane lipids. In: Katterman F (ed) Environmental
Injury to Plants. Academic, San Diego, CA, pp 17–34
Lyons JM (1973) Chilling injury in plants. Annu Rev
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Root Form and Function
in Plant as an Adaptation 8
to Changing Climate
Maria Rosa Abenavoli, Maria Rosaria Panuccio,
and Agostino Sorgonà

Climate variables including temperature, atmosphere CO2, and precipitation
are expected to change during this century. As consequence, in the short- and
long-term, the increase of soil temperature, salinity, drought, and water-
logging stresses could be the more exceeding problems for agricultural
productivity and the functioning of the natural ecosystems. Root system
represents the first and more sensitive target of the climate change, being
seriously damaged in its form and function, and consequently strongly
contributes to limit plant growth, development and crop productivity. This
review focuses on changes of root morphology, architecture, distribution
and dynamics, and on essential root physiological processes, such as water
and nutrient uptake in response to soil warming, salinity, drought, and
waterlogging. The literature appear sometimes to be controversial due to
the complexity of root system characterized by different root types, genet-
ically, developmentally, and functionally distinct, and by diverse root
morphological parameters such as total root length, biomass, specific
root length (SRL), and tissue density and fineness differently involved
on root stress responses. For example, the change on total root length and
dry weight, the lateral root formation, the depth of rooting and the root
dynamics represent the preferential strategy for plant species in water-
limited environments. Whereas, the development of aerenchyma, tissue
containing enlarged gas spaces with a low-resistance pathway to oxygen,
often accompanied by the aerotropic and extensive lateral roots formation,
the herringbone-type root architecture, the emergence of adventitious
roots and the presence of anatomical barriers are expressed in flooded
root. Salinity reduces plant growth and yield by two mechanisms, osmotic
stress and ion cytotoxicity. It is difficult to separate the osmotic effect

A. Sorgonà () • M.R. Abenavoli • M.R. Panuccio

Dipartimento di Biotecnologie per il Monitoraggio
Agro-Alimentare ed Ambientale, Università Mediterranea
di Reggio Calabria, Contrada Melissari – Lotto D,
89124 Reggio Calabria, Italy

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 175
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_8,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
176 M.R. Abenavoli et al.

from specific ion effects that overlap during the development of salinity
stress, thereby some uncertainty exists regarding the relative importance
of both mechanisms. The responses of root cells are finalized to maintain
their own correct functionality, despite the condition of elevated Na+ con-
centration. The genetic diversity of the root system in the plant response to
climate change was also reported.
Behind the root “form” changes, many metabolic and physiological
pathways are involved in the plant adaptation to climate change. The
maintenance of lower respiration rate, carbohydrate metabolism and cell
expansion and elongation, often mediated by hormones, are expressed in
roots grown in dry soil. At molecular level, the deposition of proline,
metabolite responsible of the total osmotic adjustments, the higher
expansin and xyloglucan endotransglycolase/hydrolase (XTH) activities,
enzymes of the cell wall extension, represent the physiological mecha-
nisms implemented by plants for improving their drought tolerance. In
waterlogging soils and also in presence of salinity, the adaptation of phys-
iological mechanisms are addressed to improve the cellular energy sta-
tus and reduce the accumulation of toxic end products that acidify the
cytosol or damage membrane integrity. Remarks on proteomic and molec-
ular aspects which represent a future approach to individuate the plant
strategies for their adaptation to the climate change are also included.

Root system • Drought • Precipitation • Salinity • Temperature
• Waterlogging

of its responses could provide useful information

1 Introduction in the plant adaptation to the future atmospheric
composition. In the present chapter, we will
Climate change variables such as temperature mainly focus on how direct (temperature, drought,
(warming), precipitation (drought and flooding), flooding) and indirect (salinity) components of
and atmospheric CO2 concentrations (CO2 fertil- climate changes influence the root form and
ization) have greater impact on agricultural function in higher plants.
productivity, ecosystem structure and function. Let us consider the root form as a “photo-
Plant has a strong photohydraulic system involved graphical description” of the root system at the
in water and nutrient uptake, a sink for the photo- tri-, bi-, and one-dimensional levels, as determined
assimilates in which the root system plays a key by biometric parameters. The root form includes
role in determining plant responses to climate the root morphology, architecture, distribution,
change. Further, the root system, by its respiration, and dynamics. Root morphology means “superfi-
turnover, exudation processes, and interactions cial features of the whole and single root axis”
with the soil biota, plays a critical role in control- (Lynch and Nielsen 1996) such as the length,
ling the soil C storage and cycling and ultimately mass, surface area, volume, and diameter. Further
in the feedbacks of terrestrial C cycling to climate morphological parameters derived from the
change. Hence, the root system could be considered formers and having a functional significance
as sink and source of carbon dioxide, the main (Ryser 1998) are the root length ratio (RLR) (root
driver of climate change, and a better understanding length per unit of the plant’s dry mass), root mass
8 Root Form and Function in Plant as an Adaptation to Changing Climate 177

ratio (RMR) (root mass per unit of the plant’s dry during this century (IPCC 2007). Soil temperatures
mass), specific root length (SRL) (root length per are also expected to increase reflecting the future
unit of root dry weight), root fineness (RF) (root atmospheric temperature trend (Pollack et al.
length per unit root volume) and root tissue 1998). The plant root system will be affected by
density (RTD) (root dry mass per unit root volume). soil temperatures which will have a significant
The root architecture is defined as the spatial impact on its form and function and therefore on
configuration of the root system (Lynch and plant development and productivity. Lots of study
Nielsen 1996) and is generally estimated in terms have been done on the effects of temperature on
of topology (Robinson et al. 2003). Root topology, the root system (Cooper 1973; Voorhes et al.
which refers to the distribution of the branches 1981; Kaspar and Bland 1992; McMichael and
within the system, can lie within two extreme Burke 2002), relatively few information have
types: the “herringbone” type in which branching focused on integrated root development, growth,
is confined to the main axis and the “dichoto- metabolic responses to soil warming and how
mous” type exhibiting a more random branching roots preserve its form and function under warming
(Fitter and Stickland 1991). The root distribution, soil conditions is not completely clarified.
which refers to the deployment of the root axis in Considerable evidence indicates that the root
terms of biomass or length along the soil profile growth increased in response to increased soil
is described by root mass density (RMD) (root temperature up to an optimum threshold, typical
mass per unit soil volume) and root length density for each species and depending partly on their
(RLD) (root length per unit soil volume). Finally, native temperature regime (McMichael and
the root dynamics includes the root production, Burke 1998), beyond which root growth
mortality, and turnover (ratio of root number decreased. Faster elongation rates of whole root
present at a time point to the number of roots system were observed in the temperature range
produced up to that time) and life span. of 5–23°C for Eucalyptus species (Misra 1999),
The root system as defined by Robinson et al. 10–30°C for sunflower (Seiler 1998), 10–15°C
(1991) “…is the result of an evolution strategy to for winter wheat (Gavito et al. 2001) and bog
solve the problems of soil resources acquisi- and fen plant communities (Weltzin et al. 2000).
tion….” Hence, the main function of the roots is Supraoptimal soil temperatures, on the other
the capture of belowground resources, such as hand, reduced the root growth in many species
water and nutrients, from that “…heterogeneous such as Agrostis stolonifera (>35°C, Huang et al.
and porous system …” (Robinson et al. 1991) 1998), Lactuca sativa (>35°C, Qin et al. 2007;
which is the soil environment. The climate change He et al. 2009) and wheat (>38°C, Tahir et al.
has impact on the plant C allocation and respira- 2008). McMichael and Burke (2002) grouped
tion, water and nutrients uptake which are impor- the different taxa in relation to optimum of tem-
tant physiological processes in terms of C perature for the root growth, pointing out the
(Hinsinger 1998, 2001; Hinsinger et al. 2003). influence (incidence) of diverse genetic back-
Finally, we will discuss the impact of climate ground on temperature-dependent root growth
changes on the root’s “secondary functions” such pattern among the plant species due to their
as storage of carbon and nutrients and supply of different acclimation strategies. For example, a
energy to belowground food web and microor- diverse response and adaptation, in terms of both
ganisms (Hinsinger et al. 2005, 2006). root length and mass, was evident among geneti-
cally diverse sunflower (Seiler 1998) wheat gen-
otypes (Tahir et al. 2008) and in two Agrostis
2 Roots and High Temperature species; where the root system of A. scabra was
more thermotolerant growing up to 45°C
The Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) of the Inter (Terceck et al. 2003) than that of A. stolonifera
governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which grew upto 23°C only (Pote et al. 2006).
of United Nations predicted an approximately These observations suggested that genetic diver-
1.8–4°C increase in global mean air temperature sity in root growth contributes to the survival of
178 M.R. Abenavoli et al.

plant species and to improve their productivity photosynthesis determines a variation of the
under high soil temperature conditions and carbohydrate supply to root system. Indeed,
deserves further studies. the tap and lateral root elongation rate of sun-
To better understand the temperature-induced flower were weakly correlated with soil temperature
root responses between and within plant species and sharply dependent on the amount of radiation
is needed to consider that the root systems com- intercepted (Aguirrezabal et al. 1994). Further,
prise of different root types which are distinct the root biomass and length of temperate north-
genetically, developmentally, and functionally ern grassland species dominated by Holcus
and differently respond to soil environmental lanatus were strongly affected by incident radia-
stresses (Waisel and Eshel 2002). Several examples tion and not by soil temperature (Edwards et al.
can be mentioned in this regard: the first root axes 2004). Consequently, in order to understand root
of pearl millet showed a higher elongation rate in responses to warming soil, it is necessary to
response to the increase of temperature (from 20 separate the effects of photosynthetically active
to 32°C) with respect to the second one (Gregory radiation by soil temperature.
1986), the primary root of sunflower was less Root growth is not only associated with the
inhibited at temperature above 35°C than lateral carbohydrate metabolism but is also correlated
roots (Seiler 1998), the fine roots were more with other cellular processes, such as cell expan-
sensitive to soil warming (Pregitzer et al. 2000), sion and elongation. By analyzing the spatial
the SRL (root length/root mass) and specific root distribution of expansion growth along the primary
area (root area/root mass) increased in warmer root axis of Zea mays, Walter et al. (2002)
soil in the root finest fraction (<0.5 mm) only observed a greater extension accompanied by a
(Bjork et al. 2007). However, more studies are maximal expansion activity of the growing zone
needed for gaining a better knowledge on how with the rising temperature (from 21 to 26°C).
the different root types/orders respond to high Furthermore, several lines of evidence suggested
soil temperatures. that the root morphological changes to high
The morphological responses and the acclima- temperatures might be mediated by hormones.
tion of the root to higher temperatures involve the Qin et al. (2007) demonstrated that the application
integration of many metabolic and physiological of the ethylene precursor (1-aminocyclopropane-
pathways. It is well-known that the root growth 1-carboxylic acid, ACC), in lettuce seedlings,
depends on the supply of carbohydrates which are mimicked the high temperature-induced root
sharply consumed by higher root maintenance res- morphological changes (inhibition and increase
piration in warmer soil conditions. Therefore, the of the root length and diameter, respectively) and
maintenance of lower respiration rate may repre- the addition of ethylene biosynthesis inhibitors
sent an important basis for the thermotolerance of such as aminooxyacetic acid (AOA) or aminoisobu-
the root systems and, ultimately, for the plant adap- tyric acid (AIB) relieved these effects.
tation to the higher soil temperatures. Indeed, the The soil temperatures fluctuated over a wide
lower energy required for root maintenance per- range of temporal (diurnal and seasonal) and spa-
mitted to Agrostis scabra to grow up to 45°C while tial (depth) scales (Kaspar and Bland 1992) deter-
the root growth of Agrostis stolonifera, heat-sensi- mining soil-zone temperatures. This soil gradient
tive species was inhibited above 27°C affects the orientation of the root axis, mainly
(Rachmilevitch et al. 2008). Other plant species nodal and seminal roots which observed a plagio-
such as Citrus volkameriana (Bouma et al. 1997), tropic growth (growth at angles from the vertical).
Bellis perennis, and Poa annua (Gunn and Farrar For example, the seminal roots of Zea mays which
1999), adapted to warmer soil exhibited a lower at 17°C grew horizontally, above and below this
maintenance respiration rate of their root systems. temperature showed a more vertical growth
However, several authors pointed out that the (Onderdonk and Ketcheson 1973). The result of
temperature-induced root growth patterns also the diverse root orientation was a different root
depend on radiation flux which influencing the distribution in terms of length and mass within the
8 Root Form and Function in Plant as an Adaptation to Changing Climate 179

soil profile. Root mass of a community constituted availability and soil temperature interactions in
by Cardamine hirsuta, Poa annua, Senecio vulgaris, the root growth responses. Bai et al. (2010)
and Spergula arvensis was reduced at the surface revealed that the temperature-induced inhibition
soil layers by elevated temperatures (Kandeler on the root production and mortality of temperate
et al. 1998). Similar results were pointed out by perennial steppe species was observed with
Soussana et al. (1996) in the root of perennial increased precipitation while the root dynamics
ryegrass (Lolium perenne). was improved under ambient precipitation.
Different studies have been focused on the Further, the effects of the increase of temperature
influence of the soil temperature on the root (from 10 to 15°C) and N supply on the total root
dynamics although no consistent patterns have length of winter wheat were highly significant
been observed. The root production and mortal- and additive (Gavito et al. 2001), Majdi and
ity, especially of the fine-roots, determining the Ohrvik (2004) observed that the addition of N
soil C inputs and soil microbial activity, play a reduces the risk of root mortality in Norway
critical role in regulating agro- and ecosystem C spruce contrasting the effect of soil warming. The
balance and, ultimately, in the below-ground CO2 reduction of the root biomass of a mixing plant
efflux. An increase of root turnover in response to species (Cardamine hirsuta, Poa annua, Senecio
soil warming were observed in maple tree seed- vulgaris, and Spergula arvensis) at 0–10 cm of
lings (Wan et al. 2004), Norway spruce stand soil layers (Kandeler et al. 1998) and the greater
(Majdi and Ohrvik 2004) and Eriophoretum vagi- induction of the root production and mortality in
natum (Sullivan and Welker 2005) unlike of tem- Acer spp. (Wan et al. 2004) by higher soil tem-
perate steppe perennial species (Bai et al. 2010), peratures were observed at elevated but not at
Douglas-fir (Johnson et al. 2006), maple (Côté ambient CO2. Soil warming influences several
et al. 1998) and oak trees (Joslin et al. 2001) root functions such as nutrient and water captures
whose root dynamics were not affected by high (St.Clair and Lynch 2010) which are fundamental
soil temperatures. physiological processes of the plant development
Warming is one of the main factors of climate and productivity and the functioning of the ter-
change along with altered precipitation, elevate restrial ecosystems. In general, high temperatures
atmospheric CO2 and N deposition and each of increased the nutrient acquisition up to a peak of
these may be expected to vary independently as a maximum activity and then decline. Over the
well as to be interdependent. For example, ele- range of 14–34°C two cultivars of red maple
vated CO2 reducing the evapotranspiration increased the net nitrate uptake reaching a
increased the soil moisture (Nelson et al. 2004), maximum absorption at 24°C (Adam et al. 2003).
the increase of the soil temperature stimulated Roots of Eucalyptus nitens treated with 20°C
the soil microorganism activity causing a higher showed a greater nitrate and ammonium uptake
N availability for the plant (Rustad et al. 2001) rates than that exposed to 10°C (Garnett and
and finally soil warming interacted with the con- Smethurst 1999). The K (Ching and Barber 1979)
comitant drought stress also (Kramer and Boyer and the P uptake (Mackay and Barber 1984) were
1995). In this respect, combinations of different increased in response to the moderate increase of
climate change factors are possible and it would temperature up to 29°C. However, Gavito et al.
be interesting to know the root responses to the (2001) pointed out that the specific absorption
interactive effects of these factors. For example, rates are temperature dependent for each nutrient,
Tierney et al. (2003) reported a strong relation- varying from 10 to 15°C. During the vegetative
ship between root production and soil tempera- growth, winter wheat reduced both the root and
ture in a hardwood forest which contrasted with shoot N concentrations leaving unchanged the P
the results of Joslin et al. (2001). Tierney et al. concentration. Further, E. nitens showed the dif-
(2003) justified this discrepancy by difference in ferent Q10 values of the NO3− and NH4+ uptake
water availability between their site with that of rates estimated as 1.88 and 1.31 between 10 and
Joslin et al. (2001) pointing out the water 20°C, respectively (Garnett and Smethurst 1999).
180 M.R. Abenavoli et al.

Moreover, nutrient uptake appeared to be considering that half of the 320 Tg of N input to
controlled by warmer temperatures through a terrestrial ecosystems annually comes from the
direct and an indirect effect, that is, via root sys- biological fixation of N2 (Paul and Clark 1996).
tem changes and/or via plant–soil interactions, Symbiotic nitrogen fixation was positively influ-
respectively. Direct changes in root morphology enced by increased soil temperature which raised
could explain the temperature-induced effects on nodule mass and activity. However, although
K uptake (Ching and Barber 1979) and P uptake Rhizobium can tolerate high soil temperature
(Mackay and Barber 1984), as well as changes (30–35°C), the extreme temperatures (>40°C)
of the fluidity of fatty acids and thermostability strongly affected the bacterial infection and N2
of plasma membrane (Clarkson et al. 1988; fixation, at different degree among the host plant
Sibley et al. 1999), the uptake kinetics (BassiriRad species (Zaharan 1999). The total N2 fixation of
et al. 1993, 1996; BassiriRad 2000; Adam et al. Trifolium repens was enhanced by an increase of
2003) the root cell energy by respiration process the temperature in the 7–13°C range while it was
(Atkin et al. 2000), plant nutrient demand (Lainè not influenced by temperatures above 13°C
et al. 1993; Gavito et al. 2001). Thus, suggesting (MacDuff and Dhanoa 1990). Warmer soil also
that temperature directly effects on root physiol- affected other main symbiotic relationship of the
ogy of nutrient uptake. On the other hand, the higher plants, that is, the plant host-mycorrhizal
temperature-induced indirect effects on nutrient fungi interactions. Increasing the soil temperature,
uptake were mainly correlated with the capacity root length colonization (LRC) was improved
of the soil warming to influence the nutrient (Heinemeyer and Fitter 2004) and an increase in
availability through changes on the biogeochemi- development of arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae
cal, nodulation, and mycorhizzation processes was observed which consequently helped in higher
and/or nutrient transport, at the rhizosphere level. P uptake by roots of pea plants (Gavito et al. 2003).
Mineral weathering, decomposition of organic However, Olsrud et al. (2004) pointed out that the
matter and exchange reactions between soil positive relationship between the mycorrhizal
solid-solution phases, the biogeochemical pro- development and warmer soil was an indirect
cesses involved in the nutrient availability, effect due to an increased C allocation toward the
occurred at accelerated rates in warmer soils roots in response of the concomitant low soil mois-
(Pregitzer and King 2005). For example, an ture content rather than a direct temperature effect
increase of N mineralization was observed in a on the root system (Olsrud et al. 2004).
litter and a sandy mineral soil from forest of
Pinus sylvestris (Ross et al. 1999) and in a boreal
Norway spruce stand (Stromgren and Linder 3 Roots and Altered
2002). The nutrient movement toward the root Precipitation
system was improved at moderate supraoptimal
soil temperatures which increased the ion diffu- The climate change models of the Intergovern-
sion and transpiration-driven mass flow. mental Panel on Climate Change predicted that,
Therefore, the nutrient uptake was enhanced by as a consequence of temperature increases, the
the higher nutrient concentration around the root precipitation pattern will vary (IPCC 2007). At
axis in warming soil. In this respect, Ching and high latitudes, it should increase in winter and
Barber (1979) observed that temperature changes decrease in summer, and in various regions of
(from 15 to 29°C) determined a sharp improve- Central and South Europe will also increase the
ment of the K uptake due to increase of the dif- frequency and duration of summer precipitation.
fusion flux (+160%) rather than the enlargement Thus, the climate change will be responsible for
of the root surface area (+70%). determining an increased risk of both soil drought
An important agricultural and ecological func- and waterlogging.
tion of the root system is the biological nitrogen Generally, water is believed to be available for
fixation of the legume species by bacterial infection plant uptake at soil water potential greater than
8 Root Form and Function in Plant as an Adaptation to Changing Climate 181

wilting point, −1.6 MPa, which is considered the drought conditions. In particular, they observed
limiting value for the growth and development of that elongation rate of the apical region (<3 mm,
many mesophytic plants. Suboptimal water avail- region 1) of the water-stressed roots (−1.6 MPa)
ability, that is, drought soil condition is in fact was maintained same as well-watered roots but
considered a major constraint limiting the crop was reduced and completely inhibited in the basal
productivity. Soil drought more severely affect root regions (3–7 mm region 2; and >7 mm,
shoots than roots (Spollen et al. 1993) which have region 3, respectively). The mechanisms involved
the ability to grow under mild stress condition. in the maintenance of the elongation rate in the
This differential sensitivity represents an impor- region 1 may be due to the following reasons: (1)
tant advantage to plants and allows them a greater accumulation of the plant hormone abscissic acid
exploration of soil for ensuring a supply of water (ABA), (2) the osmotic adjustments, and (3) the
and increasing their probability to survive at dry cell wall extension properties. Saab et al. (1990)
condition. and Sharp et al. (1994) showed that endogenous
Drying soils produce a range of effects on the ABA accumulated in the apical region of water-
plant root system and varies from species to spe- stressed maize roots causing prevention of excess
cies. The total root length and dry weight, the ethylene production and playing a regulatory role
lateral root production, the depth of rooting and in the ion homeostasis (Ober and Sharp 2003).
the root dynamics represent the major traits influ- Accumulation of proline was responsible for as
enced by water deficit. Several evidences indi- much as 45% of the total osmotic adjustments in
cated that the primary root length of maize was the apical root region of maize seedlings under
inhibited at −0.5 MPa water potential after 24 h water stress (Voetberg and Sharp 1991). Further,
(Fan and Neumann 2004). The reduction in the Wu et al. (1996) reported differential responses
primary root elongation of Arabidopsis thaliana of cell wall extension properties in maize seedlings.
was observed at moderate water stress (−0.2 MPa) The expansion and xyloglucan endotransgly-
(van der Weele et al. 2000), similar results were colase/hydrolase (XTH) activities were higher in
observed in Pinus pinaster whose root system the apical region of water-stressed than well-
was increased at −0.15 MPa and reduced at watered roots. It is interesting to note that ABA
−0.66 MPa) (Triboulot et al. 1995). In White oak accumulation was involved in both processes
(less sensitive) whose root elongation rate was increasing the proline transport and the XTH
reduced in the range of −0.4 and −0.8 MPa and activity in the apical region of water-stressed
completely ceased at −1.2 MPa soil water potential roots underlying its regulative role in drought
(Kuhns et al. 1985). The rapid soil drying condi- stress (Ober and Sharp 1994; Wu et al. 2001). In
tions determined an intense reduction of the elon- addition, Fan and Neumann (2004) found that the
gation rate of the Opuntia ficus-indica roots after water stress induced an acidification in the apical
3 days of water deficit while the gradual drought region of maize roots which maintained the
stress caused the root inhibition after 9 days of growth in presence of drought stress. Consistent
water stress (Dubrovsky et al. 1998). Additionally, with these results, transcriptomic and proteomic
as response to soil drying, lateral roots varied in analyses of root growth of maize seedlings in
length in a specie-specific manner. The length of responses to soil drought revealed that the water
the first-order lateral roots was more reduced in stress induced gene expression and the cell wall
maize than in wheat making this species less protein abundance were largely region specific.
sensitive to water deficit (Ito et al. 2006). The apical region exhibited a greater gene and
What physiological mechanisms are involved protein numbers involved for the root adaptation
for maintaining the root elongation at low water to drought (Yamaguchi and Sharp 2010).
potential? Over the last 20 years, Sharp and Under water stress conditions, beyond the
coworkers (Sharp et al. 2004; Ober and Sharp root length, other root morphological parameters
2007) pointed out detailed results on the regula- were modified such as root diameter or SRL.
tion of maize primary root growth under soil Water-stressed roots became thinner than that of
182 M.R. Abenavoli et al.

well-watered plant such as, A. thaliana (van der characterized by deep roots (Salsola oppositifolia
Weele et al. 2000), rice (Trillana et al. 2001), and Retama sphaerocarpa) had consistent access
maize ((Liang et al. 1997; Hund et al. 2009) and to deep water content and pointed out a success-
rootstocks of Vitis vinifera (Baurle et al. 2008). ful survival compared with shallow-rooted plants
Root thinning as adaptive traits in dry environ- (Ephedra fragilis, Olea europaea, and Pinus
ments could imply: (1) a lower construction cost halepensis) which died as drought progressed.
for unit of root length (Sharp et al. 1988; Ho et al. Further, root depth was found to be the preferential
2005), (2) a faster elongation rate of root axis strategy for plant species in dry ecosystems
(Thaler and Pages 1996; van der Weele et al. (Canadell et al. 1996), long dry periods (Paz
2000), (3) a greater root proliferation in moisture- 2003), dry sandy soils (Yamada et al. 2005), and
disturbed soils (Eissenstat 1991), and (4) a limi- seedling of dry forest (Markesteijn and Poorter
tation on radial expansion to conserve water (van 2009). The root depth as drought-adaptive trait
der Weele et al. 2000). However, since the thicker was exploited in crop breeding programs for
roots were positively correlated with an increase improving the yield in water-limited environments.
of water transport (Passioura 1988; Doussan et al. Two drought-tolerant maize hybrids exhibited
1998) and a greater RLD in deep soil layers around three times more axile roots in the deeper
( Azhiri-Sigari et al. 2000; Kato et al. 2006). The soil layers compared drought-sensitive ones
reduction of the root diameter as plant adaptive (Wan et al. 2000). Drought-tolerant genotypes of
traits in drying soils was still questioned. sorghum were characterized by deeper roots
Generally, the soil dried gradually from the (Ludlow et al. 1990) and the ability to produce
upper layers producing a sharply vertical soil- roots in deeper soil layers could markedly
moisture gradient. Padilla and Pugnaire (2007) improve the drought tolerance of wheat cultivars
observed that in a semi-natural field during the (Manschadi et al. 2006). Change in root distribution
summer, the soil moisture was <8% and >20% at under water stress was reported among genotypes
5 and below 30 cm of soil depths, respectively, in cowpea (Matsui and Singh 2003), white clover
and this difference disappeared in the spring (Annicchiarico and Piano 2004), and chickpea
season. This vertical soil-moisture gradient in the (Kashiwagi et al. 2006). Beside the deep rooting,
rainfed or non-irrigated conditions was also the higher RLD at lower soil depths has been
observed in field experiments by Songsri et al. identified as a drought adaptative trait that
(2008), Bucci et al. (2009), and Cheng et al. permits to stabilize the pod yield and the harvest
(2009). As the soil environment became drier, index in drought-avoiding peanut genotypes
root system changed its distribution becoming (Songsri et al. 2008) and the ability to produce
deeper since deep-rooted plants had an improved roots in deeper soil layers could markedly
ability to extract water from well-watered deep improve the drought tolerance of wheat cultivars
soil layers compared to shallow-rooted. This shift (Manschadi et al. 2006). However, the direct rela-
on root distribution in response to water stress tionship between the deeply rooted system and
has been confirmed by Schenk and Jackson increased water absorption from deeper soil lay-
(2005) who collected data of >1,300 records of ers has not been clearly demonstrated and it was
root distribution of individual plants from des- generally based on indirect evidences with the
erts, scrublands, grassland, and savannas along above-ground biomass and/or yield parameters.
the soil depths, showed that the “absolute” rooting This consideration pointed out the following
depth was more strongly correlated with the mean question: did root form changes root functional
annual precipitation in all plant growth except modification? Hund et al. (2009) demonstrated
shrubs and trees. However, Bucci et al. (2009) that the root system of CML444, drought-tolerant
observed that shallow-rooted shrub species of maize germoplasm, compared with that of
Patagonia steppe were correlated with leaf SC-Malawy, moderate drought-tolerant, exhibited
negative water potential than deeply rooted ones. a deeper roots accompanied by higher ability
Padilla and Pugnaire (2007) observed that species to absorb water from deep layers. Further, the
8 Root Form and Function in Plant as an Adaptation to Changing Climate 183

deep-rooting is an important root architecture (Javot and Maurel 2002; Tyerman et al. 2002;
strategy for efficient water uptake in dry environ- Maurel 2007). Several studies suggested that
ments. Indeed, Manschadi et al. (2008) observed aquaporin-mediated transport was important in
that the narrower angle of the seminal roots caus- the regulation of root water flow under drought
ing a deeply rooted architecture was a trait to stress (Siemens and Zwiazek 2004), although
exploit in breeding for improved wheat cultivars their actual function was still unclear. Indeed
for water-stressed environments. Further, the roots of sunflower exposed to water limitation
investment in terms of carbon allocation toward exhibited an up- and downregulation of different
specific root types, such as tap root in bean, deter- aquaporin genes (Sarda et al. 1999) and transgenic
mining a deeply rooted architecture improved the plants of Arabidopsis and tobacco, that constitu-
water acquisition efficiency (Ho et al. 2005). tively over-expressed PIP1b, PIP1;4 or PIP2;5,
In the agro-ecosystems, plants usually faced had adverse effects on plant growth under drought
with several different environmental stresses acting stress (Aharon et al. 2003; Jang et al. 2007).
in combination or in sequence and then it must The drought stress altered the root functionality
optimize their resource allocation for the construc- such as the nutrient uptake. Substantially, drought
tion and maintenance of root systems. For example, reduced the uptake of phosphorous (P) in barley
the reduction of the soil water status caused the co- (Shone and Flood 1983) and rye grass (Jupp and
presence of both water stress and mechanical Newman 1987) and nitrogen (N) in maize
impedance to root growth (Whitmore and Whalley (Buljovicic and Engels 2001), Pseudoregneria
2009). Ho et al. (2005) demonstrated that the spicata (BassiriRad and Caldwell 1992a), and
“dimorphic” root system exhibited the best perfor- Artemisia tridentata (BassiriRad and Caldwell
mance in environments characterized by multiple 1992b). Conversely, N uptake was not affected
stresses. The bean genotype BAT477, exhibiting by drought stress in Agropyron desertorum
root architecture with both shallow and deep root (BassiriRad and Caldwell 1992a) while P uptake
localization, was well adapted in the presence of was increased in Artemisia tridentata (Matzner
suboptimal water and phosphorus availability. and Richards 1996). These controversial results
Besides the root morphological and architec- could be due to the wide influence of drought
tural traits, the regulation of root water flow stress on all other factors/components involved
represented a physiological adaptive mechanism in actual rate of nutrient uptake from soil, such as
to soil water limitation. Root hydraulic conduc- (1) soil processes that provide the nutrient avail-
tance (Kr) was generally reduced when soil dried ability at root surface; (2) anatomical (endo- and
(North and Nobel 1991, 1992; Nardini et al. exodermis), morphological (length and surface
2002). However, it has been observed that, when area), and architectural (shallow and deep rooting)
seedlings were exposed to moderate water stress, root characteristics; and (3) physiological (nutri-
drought-sensitive plants increased the Kr (Nardini ent transporters) root characteristics.
et al. 1998) and drought-tolerant plants decreased
it (Lo Gullo et al. 1998). The capacity and the
time-course necessary to recover Kr was a key 4 Root and Excess Water
factor of plant adaptation to seasonality in water
availability under water stress, especially in Excess water in soil determines the full filling of
Mediterranean species. The timing of recovery the pore space restricting the diffusion of oxygen
seemed to be correlated with the recovery of by 104-fold than in air (Drew and Armstrong
growth of root tip pre-existing and the new lateral 2002) and causing a stress, named waterlogging,
root formation (Lo Gullo et al. 1998; Dubrovsky with dramatic impact on plant growth and
et al. 1998). Other than apoplastic pathway, the productivity. Climate change provisions provide
root hydraulic conductance was also related with that, as a consequence of anomalous weather
water movement occurred along the cell-to-cell patterns, waterlogging could be a more exceed-
path by the aquaporins, water channel proteins ing problem for many plant communities.
184 M.R. Abenavoli et al.

Under oxygen absence (anoxic soil) or under specific pattern of cell separation with subsequent
severe hypoxic conditions, the cytochrome oxidase creation of cell spaces and (2) the lysigenous pro-
activity of the plants became oxygen limited with duced by the death and dissolution of the root
a consequent reduction of ATP and pH of the cortical cells. While the former was common in
cytoplasm, carbohydrate starvation, and accumu- various wetland species as Rumex (Laan et al.
lation of the toxic products due to a switch to a 1989), the lysigenous was typical of many crop
fermentative pathway (Drew 1997; Geigenberger species as soybean (Thomas et al. 2005), rice
2003; Bailey-Serres and Chang 2005). Within (Kaway et al. 1998), maize (Drew et al. 1979;
short-time (few minutes or hours), these toxic Gunawardena et al. 2001), wheat (Huang et al.
effects caused severe damages to the plant growth 1994), and pasture species (Gibberd et al. 2001;
and ultimately leads to death of many plant species. Ashi-Smiti et al. 2003). However, there was a
However, the supply of small amount of oxygen third type of aerenchyma defined secondary aer-
(hypoxic soil) stimulated several acclimative enchyma, a white spongy tissue filled with gas
mechanisms which allowed the plants to sur- spaces, which was found in stem, hypocotyls, tap
vive to the transient waterlogging. roots, and root nodules of Glycine max
In waterlogging soils, root system represented (Shimamura et al. 2003), Lotus uliginosus (James
the first and more sensitive target of plants which and Sprent 1999), and Sesbania rostrata (Shiba
could be seriously damaged in its form and and Daimon 2003). Generally, the aerenchyma
function. Significant inhibition of the root growth, was constitutively expressed in rice and wetland
exposed to waterlogging stress were observed in species. Recently, Seago et al. (2005) described
Arabidopsis (van Dongen et al. 2009), Trifolium the pattern of aerenchyma formation in 85 spe-
glomeratum (Gibberd et al. 1999), wheat (Malik cies representing 41 families of wetland plants.
et al. 2002), maize (Wei and Li 2000; Qiu et al. On the other hand, the aerenchyma development
2007), woody species (Poot and Lambers 2003; was also induced by flooding and other stresses,
Nicoll and Ray 1996; Nicoll and Coutts 1998; e.g., nutritional and drought in many field crops.
Coutts and Philipson 1978). At the same time, the For example, soybean, very sensitive species to
root system was also able to engender several flooding stress during the vegetative stage devel-
adaptative responses to waterlogging that could oped a secondary aerenchyma in stems, roots,
enhance the plant survival in flooded soils. The and root nodules within few weeks of stress
root adaptation mechanisms were addressed to (Shimamura et al. 2003). Complex physiological
improve the cellular energy status and reduce the and molecular mechanisms were involved in the
accumulation of toxic end products that acidify development of aerenchyma in plants subjected
the cytosol or damage membrane integrity. to the flooding stress (Colmer 2003a; Evans
To provide sufficient oxygen for maintaining 2003). In maize roots, the hypoxia conditions
the root respiration and, consequently, the ATP (3–12% oxygen) promoted the ethylene biosyn-
production it was essential to improve the root thesis which triggered a signal transduction cas-
energy status and, ultimately, the root growth in cade involving Ca2+ and protein kinases, inducing
anaerobic and chemically reduced soils. a programmed cell death in target cells of the root
Aerenchyma, a plant tissue containing enlarged cortex (Drew et al. 2000).
gas spaces, is an important trait for the root growth The genetic variability of the plant species in
and function which provides a low-resistance path- the differing tolerance to waterlogging was asso-
way to obtain the oxygen from the atmosphere to ciated with the aerenchyma formation which
the flooded below-ground organ. The develop- determined higher root porosity. Indeed, the
ment of aerenchyma has been associated with the superior tolerance to waterlogging of Trifolium
tolerance to waterlogging in many plant species tomentosum, T. fragiferum and T. repense than
(Colmer et al. 1998). Evans (2003) distinguished T. subterraneum var. subterraneum and T. glom-
two types of aerenchyma: (1) the schizogeneous eratum, more sensitive species were due to the
derived from a differential cell expansion and development of aerenchyma in adventitious roots
8 Root Form and Function in Plant as an Adaptation to Changing Climate 185

(Gibberd et al. 1999). The different ability to gramming of gene expression and metabolism:
form aerenchyma and, hence, to exhibit a greater (1) up- and downregulation of genes in
tolerance to the waterlogging stress were observed Arabidopsis that mainly encoded proteins
among the genotypes of soybean (Bacanamwo involved in fermentative process and energy-con-
and Purcell 1999), maize (Zaidi et al. 2004), suming processes (transport, lipid and secondary
wheat (Boru et al. 2003), and woody species metabolism), respectively (van Dongen et al.
(Aguilar et al. 1999). Further, the wetland Rumex 2009), (2) a quantitative trait locus containing the
species tolerant produced a higher root porosity ethylene response factor-like genes was regulated
than sensitive ones (Laan et al. 1989). by submergence in rice (Fukao et al. 2006), and
Beside the aerenchyma, other root mechanisms (3) several quantitative trait loci associated with
which improved the presence of oxygen in plant waterlogging tolerance were detected in maize
tissues subjected to the flooding stress, such as the plants (Qiu et al. 2007).
aerotropic roots and extensive lateral roots
(Gibberd et al. 2001), the herringbone-type root
architecture (Bouma et al. 2001), the emergence of 5 Root and Salinity
adventitious roots (Mergemann and Sauter 2000)
and the anatomical barriers such as exoderism Salinity reduces plant growth and yield by two
(Colmer 2003b) were suggested to be part of the mechanisms, osmotic stress and ion cytotoxicity
basis of tolerance to waterlogging. The recovery (Munns and Tester 2008). Munns 2002 proposed
of the root cellular energy status in oxygen defi- a two-phase model of salt injury where growth is
ciency conditions was obtained through different initially reduced by osmotic stress and then by
metabolic adaptative mechanisms: the switch to a Na+ toxicity. According to this biphasic model,
fermentative pathway (Sachs et al. 1996; Chang growth is first reduced by the decrease in soil
et al. 2000), the global depression of ATP- osmotic potential (ψo), caused by salt outside the
consuming processes (van Dongen et al. 2009), plant rather than within it. The induced osmotic
the death of metabolically intensive tissues as root stress is controlled by inhibitory signals from the
tip (Subbaiah and Sachs 2000; Subbaiah and Sachs roots and, genotypes differing in salt resistance,
2001) and the induction of anaerobic protein syn- respond identically in this first phase. Ionic stress
thesis (Lal et al. 1998; Mujer et al. 1993; Chang develops over time and is due to a combination of
et al. 2000). During waterlogging, the roots were ion accumulation in the shoot and to an inability
more prone to oxidative stress which caused the to tolerate ions that have accumulated. The adap-
generation of “reactive oxygen species” (ROS), tation responses to ionic stress by plants are of
including superoxide anion radicals (O2−), hydroxyl two distinct types: Na+ exclusion and tissue toler-
radicals (OH), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), alkoxy ance, and is the result of different abilities by
radicals (RO), and singlet oxygen (O1/2) (Munné- plants to exclude or to sequester toxic ions into
Bosch and Peñuelas 2003). The production of vacuoles. In this second phase of growth reduc-
ROS led to enhanced peroxidation of membrane tion, genotypes varying in salt resistance may
lipids and degradation of nucleic acids, and both respond differently. Secondary stresses induced
structural and functional proteins. In this respect, by salinity, such as nutritional imbalances and
the induction of free radical scavenging enzymes oxidative stress, are also responsible of reduced
observed in wheat roots subjected to hypoxia plant growth.
determining tolerance to the waterlogging stress It is difficult to separate the osmotic effect
(Biemelt et al. 1998). from specific ion effects that overlap during the
Proteomic and genomic analysis supported development of salinity stress, thereby some
the morphological and physiological mechanisms uncertainty exists regarding the relative impor-
that made up the root acclimative responses to tance of both mechanisms. Rengasamy (2010)
the waterlogging stress. Indeed, the roots stressed conducted a pot experiment on wheat growth
by water shortage exhibited a large-scale repro- where the plants were exposed to NaCl or to a
186 M.R. Abenavoli et al.

Hoagland nutrient solution at different salinity because of the soil-buffering capacity, associated
levels. The results evidenced that the osmotic with the cation exchange soil complex (Vetterlein
effect is continuous but, at low level of salinity, et al. 2004). Thus, plants in soil have more time
the ionic effect may be significant in reducing to adapt to the increase of salinity than plants in
growth and, the application of nutrients (Hoagland hydroponic system. This is of a particular impor-
solution), alleviates the salinity stress on plants. tance for cellular homeostasis adjustments that
However, above a threshold value of soil solution require ion uptakes and compatible solute accu-
salinity, the osmotic effect becomes the dominant mulation. A result consistent with the two systems
mechanism limiting the growth. Although the is the more significant negative effect of osmotic
term salinity implies high concentration of salts stress on plant growth, in comparison with the
in soil NaCl contributes the most part in soil specific ion effects (Tavakkoli et al. 2010). This
salinity and this explains why all plants have agrees with assumptions by Munns (2005) and
evolved some mechanisms to regulate NaCl Rengasamy (2010) which indicated that the big-
accumulation or exclusion. Moreover, the spe- gest reduction in growth is caused by the osmotic
cific-ion toxicity of NaCl is not only the result of stress and a relatively smaller effect is due to the
an excessive Na uptake, but a combined contri- genetic differences in ion exclusion.
bution of both Na+ and Cl− as well. In fact Cl−
concentrations may be higher than those of Na+
ions, cations that can be adsorbed by soil particles. 5.2 Soil Constraints on Root Growth
Generally, anions like Cl− are repelled from soil in Saline Environment
surface and retained in soil solution where they
can accumulate also at large amount, controlling The evaluation of the average soil salinity and
the overall salt concentration of the soil solution. water content of a specific soil layer cannot be
For most species Na+ appears to reach a toxic considered comprehensive to calculate the effec-
concentration before Cl− does; however, for some tive soil solution salinity roots are exposed to. In
crops, such as soybean, citrus, and grapevine, Cl− fact, it does not consider aspects concerning
is considered to be the more toxic ion (Storey and interactions between roots and soil at the root/
Walker 1999). soil interface. Driven by transpiration of the
shoot, saline soil solution moves from the bulk
soil to the root surface where water uptake occurs
5.1 Hydroponic vs. Soil Systems but most ions are excluded. Consequently, rhizo-
spheric soil can be up to 15 times more saline
The majority of works regarding salt effects and than the bulk soil and this gradient is also more
developing selection criteria for improved salt expressed under conditions of higher ET demand.
tolerance in plants has been done using solution The osmotic water potentials of the soil solution
culture, assuming that responses in hydroponics contacting the root surface are significantly lower
mimic those in soil. In a recent study on barley, than the bulk soil and this gradient initiates a flow
Tavakkoli et al. (2010) show that the effects of of soil solution directed to the root surface (mass
salinity on plants differed between the hydro- flow). Then, the increase in soil salinity, as result
ponic and soil systems. The salt concentration in of evaporation, occurs at the soil interface, while
the rhizosphere may increase, as a result of the site of separation of salts from the soil water,
decreasing water content in the vicinity of the due to root water uptake, takes place at the soil–
roots, due to the high transpiration demand and root interface.
low hydraulic conductivity of soil. This does not In many saline soils a deterioration of the
occur in solution culture where no ion gradients structure leads some physical constraints that in
will build up and neither depletion nor salt accu- the root zone appear principally in the form of
mulation in the rhizosphere will occur. In soil compaction and crusting. Low porosity restricts
sudden changes of salt concentration are unlikely rates of water and nutrient uptake by roots as well
8 Root Form and Function in Plant as an Adaptation to Changing Climate 187

as gas exchange, whereas high soil strength been discovered in A. thaliana (Colmenero-
directly inhibits root elongation and expansion. Flores et al. 2007). Then, it was suggested a
Soil oxygen movement to roots is critical to possible mechanism in which active Na+ efflux
maintain adequate respiration for plant growth. is energized differently from current models,
Under anoxic conditions some bacteria shift met- possibly via its coupling to passive fluxes of
abolic pathways so as to utilize alternative terminal ions other than protons.
electron acceptors and produce some substances, The compartmentation in root vacuoles of
such as hydrogen sulfide, that are toxic for plants. remaining Na+ is achieved by tonoplast Na+/H+
Roots need nutrition, water aeration, and low antiporters. A passive leakage of Na+ back to the
mechanical strength to grow and function in the cytosol (possibly via tonoplast nonselective
soil environment. The study of interactions cation channels) requires a constant reseques-
between root properties (morphology and activity) tration of Na+ into vacuoles (Apse et al. 1999).
and soil conditions are relevant to assess the This mechanism allows plants to minimize or
water supply of plants and the salt tolerance of delay the toxic effects of high concentrations of
plants. If root growth and physiological processes salts, so genotypes with a poor ability to seques-
in the root are affected, adverse leaf water status ter salts have a greater rate of leaf death. Therefore,
and top growth can occur through both hydraulic an efficient sequestration system may improve
and biochemical signals. tissue tolerance by plants, perhaps by reducing
cytosolic Na+ concentrations. As the water moves
from the soil across the root cortex ions are trans-
5.3 Na+ Uptake and Accumulation ported by this stream toward the stele. Some
in Roots X-ray microanalysis on roots of wheat plants
showed that the root cortex is the main barrier to
In most plants, roots should exclude 98% of the Na+ transport into the stele, rather than the endo-
salt in soil solution allowing only 2% to be dermis (Läuchli et al. 2005) and the highest con-
transported to the shoot. Then roots filter out centration of Na+ was in the cell layer of pericycle.
most of the salt in the soil while taking up water Similar results show substantial sequestering of
and play a fundamental role in protecting the large amount of Na+ and Cl− in vacuoles of peri-
plants from excessive uptake of salts. cycle cells in grapevine roots, grown at relatively
Furthermore, roots have a remarkable ability to low salinity (25 mM NaCl), suggesting an impor-
control their Na+ and Cl− concentration, which is tant role of pericycle in the radial transport of
rarely much higher than in external solution. Na+ and resulting xylem loading (Storey et al.
(Munns 2005) 2003).
Unidirectional influx and efflux provide the
two main components of the currently accepted
model of Na+ uptake in plants. Na+ ions pas- 5.4 How Salinity Is Sensed in Roots
sively enter the cell, down the ion’s electro-
chemical potential gradient, and exit the cell via The perception of salinity is achieved by both
a secondarily active proton-driven sodium with ionic and osmotic stress signals in plants. The
a probable Na+:H+ stoichiometry of 1:1 (SOS1; responses of root cells are finalized to maintain
Shi et al. 2002). This process consumes signifi- their own correct functionality, despite the condi-
cant cellular energy. Recently, Malagoli et al. tion of elevated Na+ concentration. Long distance
(2008) showed that the energy predicted to drive signals to shoots are activated in the form of
active Na+ efflux in rice roots was much greater hormones or their precursors; in fact the reduc-
than the measured one. This discrepancy may tion of leaf growth under salinity is independent
indicate the involvement of more Na+-specific of carbohydrate supply and water status (Turka
transport systems and interestingly, a sodium– and Demiral 2009). ABA plays a central role in
potassium–chloride transporter has recently root-to-shoot and cellular signaling, but gibberellins
188 M.R. Abenavoli et al.

are also involved. ABA can inhibit leaf elongation 5.5 Root Form and Function
by lowering the content of active GA, as observed in Saline Environment
in barley leaves (Munns et al. 2006). Root growth
is usually less affected by salinity than leaf Root system is the main interface between plants
growth. Root elongation rates recover remark- and their environment, and shows a high degree
ably well after exposure to NaCl or other osmotica of plasticity in its development in response to
and, unlike leaves, the recovery takes place local heterogeneity of the soil. On the level of the
despite turgor. Changes in wall properties must individual root and the entire root system, various
occur, but the mechanism is unknown. With time, morphological parameters such as length, sec-
reduced initiation of new lateral or seminal roots tion, surface area, root hairs are used as potential
is evident. indicator of root plasticity. Moreover, responses
Signals within root cells are likely indepen- of biomass allocation patterns and structural traits
dent from ABA. Plants respond directly and such as SRL, RTD, and root diameter distribu-
specifically to the addition of Na+ within seconds. tion, are associated with acquisition capacities
Then, a plasma membrane protein must be the for below-ground resources and respond to
sensor, but this is still obscure. The first recorded stresses and environmental changes. Therefore,
response in roots is an increase in [Ca+2]cyt from some morphological modifications, at the indi-
an influx across the plasma membrane and also vidual root level can affect the structural and
from the tonoplast. This perturbation in Ca+2 physiological characteristics of the entire root
level activates salt stress signaling, sensed by a system and this can change water uptake and
protein (SOS3) that interacts with a protein nutrient supply by plants.
kinase, identified as SOS2. The complex SOS3/ Rice is considered as a moderately salt-sen-
SOS2, enabling the phosphorylation, activates sitive crop, although a large variability exists
the membrane bound Na+/H+ antiporter, SOS1, among cultivars, as well as between developmen-
that is responsible of Na+ efflux. The discovery tal stages (Bahaji et al. 2002). A delay in the
of the SOS (Salt-Overlay-Sensitive) pathway in emergence of primary, adventitious, and lateral
Arabidopsis clarified how Na+ (ionic stress) is roots and a subsequent inhibition of root develop-
sensed and the relationship between ion homeo- ment, in terms of number and length were com-
stasis and salinity tolerance. However, mon responses to osmotic and saline treatments.
Arabidopsis is a glycophite species, sensitive to However, some specific NaCl responses were
moderate levels of NaCl, and the adaptive detected and concerned lateral root development.
responses to Na+ in this plant should be extrapo- In particular, lateral roots were thicker, as well as
lated with caution. In fact, if Arabidopsis more densely arranged, and more irregular spaced
remains a useful model to study and discover than those of control plants. Furthermore, some
plant Na+ transport processes, the identification bifurcations were occasionally noticed in primary
of signaling pathways in salt tolerant species is and adventitious roots of NaCl stressed rice seed-
more relevant to define adaptive rather than dys- lings. In rice under salinity silicon can accumu-
functional responses to salinity. The relationship late to high levels and it reduces Na+ loading to
between Na+ tolerance and Na+ accumulation is xylem in plants. X-ray microanalysis of root
different in Arabidopsis and cereals (Tester and transverse sections showed that the greatest sili-
Davenport 2003). More work is necessary for con deposition was in the endodermis. Silicon
the identification of the different mechanisms deposition restricted the movement of water and
that are fundamental to specific aspects of ions through the apoplast so the Na+ uptake was
salinity tolerance, and also the evaluation of the reduced by blocking the influx through the apo-
time of exposure and the severity of salt treat- plastic pathway. It has been reported a positive
ment are important, because they determine the role for silicon in reduction of salt stress in many
physiological and molecular changes that are crop grasses including wheat, maize, and barley
detected. (Munns 2002; Munns et al. 2006; Flowers 2004).
8 Root Form and Function in Plant as an Adaptation to Changing Climate 189

Wang et al. (2009) showed that high salt expo- Kikuyu seedlings grown in Hoagland nutrient
sure suppressed lateral root initiation and solution with different salt concentrations
organogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana, resulting (Panuccio et al. 2002, 2003; Muscolo et al. 2003).
in the abortion of lateral root development but, on The cross sections of the primary structure of
the other hand, salt stress markedly promoted lat- Kikuyu grass roots exposed to 50–100 mM NaCl
eral root elongation. The lateral root shaping is did not show significant changes in the cortex
considered a prime example of developmental growth and stele development; in contrast,
plasticity because both number and placement of 200 mM NaCl caused a significant reduction in
lateral roots are highly responsive to external the relative volume of the endodermis around the
cues. This indicates that there must be a signal central cylinder, a thickness of the Casparian
transduction pathway that interprets complex band and an increase in the number and diameter
environmental conditions and makes the “deci- of root metaxylem vessels. These anatomical
sion” to form a lateral root at a particular time modifications may increase the mechanical resis-
and place. Auxin plays a key role in shaping plant tance and decrease the root permeability to avoid
architecture and it mediates responses to a broad the toxic effects of ions in excess. Lens culinaris
range of external signals. Histochemical staining, has always been considered as a salt-sensitive
physiological experiments using transport inhibi- species, but the microsperma landrace “Ustica”
tors and genetic analysis revealed that the quan- is a genotype that behaves like a salt-tolerant one
tity of auxin and its patterning in roots were both because of its adaptation to the particular envi-
greatly altered by exposure to high concentra- ronment of the homonymous little island (North
tions of salt stress and auxin transport pathway is of Sicily). Some studies have been conducted to
important for adaptive root system development evaluate salt effects and plant responses in Ustica
under salt stress (Malamy 2005). Root hairs can seedlings, grown for 20 days in microcosms,
make up 70–80% of the root surface area. They using agrilite as solid substrate and in the presence
play an important role in nutrient uptake, and root of different salt concentrations (0, 50, 100, 200 mM
hair number and density generally increase as a NaCl) (unpublished data). Various morphological
consequence of a nutrient stress (Glory and Jones root parameters such as length (cm), diameter
2000). Wang et al. (2008) showed that in (mm) and surface area (cm2) were tested, by using
Arabidopsis thaliana root hair number and den- an image analysis system. The results were also
sity decreased significantly under salinity, in a compared with those of a commercial cultivar
dose-dependent manner, and they reported a (Eston), as they are valuable parameters when
physiological mechanism for root hair develop- describing and comparing root systems. In both
ment in response to salt stress. They hypothesize cultivars, the length of lateral roots was more
that salt stress may affect cell-fate specification affected than that of primary roots, but to differ-
and the reduction in root hair number is likely ent extent (Fig. 8.1). The parameter “root length”
caused by a decrease in the epidermal cells dif- is considered more important than the “root
ferentiating into trichoblasts. The inhibition was weight” to indicate the root functionality, because
sensitive to ions but not to osmotic stress, and it expresses the potential for solute and water
was considered an adaptive mechanism to avoid uptake (Ryser 2006). In Eston seedlings, exposed
excessive ion uptake, by reducing the absorptive to 100 mM NaCl, no lateral roots were expressed
area when ion disequilibrium occurs in roots. while seedling of Ustica showed an inhibition of
Furthermore, because of high sensitivity of root the lateral root length even though the number
hairs toward salt, they suggest a possible role of was not significantly influenced. Generally, a
root hair alteration as an early indicator of salt water supply reduction in plants brings to a lower
stress and plant response. lateral root production (Fig. 8.1). The SRL values
Salinity stress is also responsible for thicken- were higher in Ustica than in Eston seedlings
ing of roots. Some studies were carried out on (Table 8.1). SRL is the length-to-mass ratio; it is
growth and changes in structure of root cells in believed to characterize economic aspect of the
Fig. 8.1 Effects of salinity (0–200 mM NaCl) on primary and lateral root length and on lateral number of a landrace
(Ustica) and a commercial cultivar (Eston) of Lens culinaris seedlings

Table 8.1 Effects of salinity (0–200 mM NaCl) on specific root length (cm g−1) and root tissue density (g cm−3) of a
landrace (Ustica) and a commercial cultivar (Eston) of Lens culinaris seedlings
NaCl (mM) Specific root length (cm g−1) Root tissue density (g cm−3)
Ustica 0 8.0 ± 1.9 48.1 ± 6.1
50 10.6 ± 2.9 42.0 ± 9.3
100 2.8 ± 0.3 73.1 ± 1.9
200 4.5 ± 2.0 82.2 ± 10.7
Eston 0 4.9 ± 0.3 47.9 ± 1.7
50 3.5 ± 0.5 63.3 ± 4.7
100 1.1 ± 0.1 106.1 ± 11.2
200 – –
8 Root Form and Function in Plant as an Adaptation to Changing Climate 191

Fig. 8.2 Effects of salinity (0–200 mM NaCl) on the frequency (%) of different root diameter classes of primary
(a) and lateral roots (b) of Lens culinaris landrace (Ustica)

root system and is frequently used as indicator of bution was shifted toward larger diameter classes
root fineness. Then, higher SRL results from lon- (Fig. 8.2a, b). Root diameter distribution is usually
ger and thinner roots per unit construction cost expressed as the mean diameter but sometimes it
(root mass) and this root apparatus is more effec- does not necessarily characterize a response of
tive in water and nutrient uptake (Fitter 2002). root system structure adequately. In fact, fine and
SRL is a complex parameter that includes varia- coarse roots show different responses, indicating
tions in root diameter and RTD, which respond to that root diameter classes should be considered
environmental conditions differently (Ryser as functionally distinct and regarded separately
2006). In the Ustica variety, a salinity increase to fully understand stress responses of root
leads to an increase in SRL (Table 8.1), due to systems. It is known that roots with a smaller root
thicker lateral roots and the root diameter distri- diameter can contact a larger soil volume per
192 M.R. Abenavoli et al.

unit root surface area; however, the mainte- growth, metabolic) involved in root responses to
nance carbon cost of producing finer roots may the warmer, drought, and salinity environments
be higher as these will have to be replaced more 3. A study of changes in proteins, metabolites,
frequently (Fitter 2002). In Ustica plants, coarse and other compounds inside the root cells by
roots, for both principal and lateral prevailed advanced genomic techniques for better under-
under high salinity conditions. This result can be standing the molecular mechanisms imple-
explained by considering that under salinity, the mented by the plant in response to temperature,
construction costs per root length should be min- water availability, and salinity change
imized because of the onset of growth-limiting 4. An increase of the knowledge on the genetic
conditions, and the root development resulted diversity of the root system in plant response
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types to salt treatments might be partially respon- for engineering roots that can withstand and
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Reactive Oxygen Species
and Nitric Oxide in Plants 9
Under Cadmium Stress:
From Toxicity to Signaling
Luisa M. Sandalio, Maria Rodríguez-Serrano,
Dharmendra K. Gupta, Angustias Archilla,
Maria C. Romero-Puertas, and Luis A. del Río

The toxicity of heavy metals as a result of increasing environmental
pollution in living organisms has become a major focus of research in
recent decades. Among the heavy metals cadmium is one of the most dan-
gerous heavy metals because of its high mobility in plants. It causes severe
disturbances in plant metabolism that affect photosynthesis and water/
nutrient balance, and it also causes oxidative damage. Although there is an
enormous literature on the tolerance and accumulation of cadmium in
plants, very little research has been performed on the molecular mecha-
nisms and signaling events underlying plant responses to Cd toxicity. The
dual role as both oxidative damage inducers and signaling molecules of
ROS and NO in heavy metal toxicity has been demonstrated by many
workers. In this chapter, we review the contribution of different ROS and
NO sources in cells and their role in regulating cellular responses to Cd.

Cadmium stress • ROS • NO • Photosynthesis • Metal transporters • GSH
metabolism • Signaling

1 Introduction

Heavy metals such as Cd, Hg, Pb, and Al are

major environmental pollutants, particularly in
industrial areas. The heavy metals are generated
L.M. Sandalio () • M. Rodríguez-Serrano
• D.K. Gupta • A. Archilla • M.C. Romero-Puertas as a result of anthropogenic activities such as
• L.A. del Río metal working industries, cement factories,
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular smelting plants, refineries, traffic, and heating
Biology of Plants, Estación Experimental del Zaidín,
systems (Sanitá di Toppi and Gabbrielli 1999).
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC),
Mail box 419, E-18080 Granada, Spain Much of the arable soil around the world has
e-mail: been moderately contaminated by Cd through the

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 199
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_9,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
200 L.M. Sandalio et al.

use of phosphate fertilizers, sludge, and irrigation avoid metal toxicity have been developed by plants,
water (Sanitá di Toppi and Gabbrielli 1999). In which include preventing the entry of metal
polluted soils, Cd is generally present as a free through exudation of metal-complexing agents
ion or in other soluble forms, and its mobility (citrates and phytosiderophores) by roots and metal
depends on pH as well as the presence of chelat- immobilizing pectic sites and histidinyl groups in
ing substances and other cations. Cadmium has a the cell wall (Sanitá di Toppi and Gabbrielli 1999;
toxic impact on all living organisms by entering Clemens 2006). A second line of defense involves
the food chain and accumulating by humans and the induction of specific peptides called phytochel-
animals (Nordberg 2004). Prolonged exposure to atins (PCs) which chelate the metal. PC–Cd com-
Cd by humans can cause renal dysfunction, lung plexes are transported into the vacuole to protect
damage, acute gastrointestinal problems, depres- cells from toxicity (Cobett 2000). The isolation of
sion of immune system, increased cancer risk, an Arabidopsis cad1 mutant, which is defective in
and anemia (Nordberg 2004). The accumulation PC activity and hypersensitive to Cd, has demon-
of cadmium in plants causes chlorosis, growth strated the importance of this mechanism in
reduction, and even cell death. The cellular toxic- defending plants against Cd (Howden et al. 1995).
ity of this metal results from its various direct and Cd and other metals can also be complexed by
indirect effects on cell metabolism and can be metallothioneins and nicotianamine (Sharma and
explained by its chemical characteristics. Cd can Dietz 2006).
bind to SH groups of proteins and enzymes, lead-
ing to misfolding, enzyme inhibition, and inter-
ferences in redox regulation. Cadmium can also 2 Cadmium Toxicity in Plants
displace other cations from proteins and enzymes,
which affects their functioning (Van Assche and The toxic effects of cadmium on several plant
Clijsters 1990). Like most heavy metals, cad- species have been reported by different authors
mium induces oxidative stress by generating (Sanitá di Toppi and Gabbrielli 1999; Sandalio
reactive oxygen species which causes oxidative et al. 2001; Schützendübel et al. 2001; Benavides
damage to biomolecules such as membrane lip- et al. 2005), although the mechanisms involved
ids, proteins, nucleic acids, etc. (Sandalio et al. in cadmium toxicity are still not fully under-
2009). stood. Cadmium inhibits seed germination,
Cadmium is one of the most dangerous heavy decreases plant growth, induces premature
metals in nature, and at low concentrations it senescence, and can even trigger cell death in
adversely affects the plant growth and develop- cell suspension cultures (Fotjová and Kovařik
ment. Strong evidence have shown that Cd-induced 2000; McCarthy et al. 2001; Rodríguez-Serrano
generation of reactive oxygen species plays an et al. 2009; De Michele et al. 2009). At cellular
important role in cellular toxicity, and the effects levels, Cd produces alterations in membrane
produced are dose- and species-dependent functionality by inducing changes in lipid com-
(Benavides et al. 2005; Sandalio et al. 2009). position and by promoting lipid peroxidation
However, ROS are double-faced molecules acting (Ouariti et al. 1997; Hernández and Cooke 1997;
as signal molecules that regulate a large gene net- Sandalio et al. 2001); it also produces distur-
work involved in cell response to biotic and abiotic bances in photosynthesis by affecting CO2 fixa-
stress. Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous reactive mol- tion and by inhibiting PSII photoactivation
ecule with a pivotal signaling role in many devel- because of competition with essential Ca2+ sites
opmental and cell response processes (Besson-Bard (Faller et al. 2005; Baryla et al. 2001). Cadmium
et al. 2008). This molecule can also interfere with toxicity is associated with modifications in both
the ROS metabolism. There are many reports that the uptake and distribution of macro- and micro-
showed the role of NO in the alleviation of the tox- nutrients (Hernández et al. 1998; Rogers et al.
icity caused by heavy metals including Cd and As 2000; Sandalio et al. 2001; Tsyganov et al. 2007)
(Xiong et al. 2010). Several defense strategies to and can therefore compete with other cations for
9 Reactive Oxygen Species and Nitric Oxide in Plants Under Cadmium Stress... 201

protein- and transporter-binding sites (Clemens Arabidopsis and tobacco cell cultures exposed to
2006). Cd uptake occurs through plasma mem- Cd (Fotjová and Kovařik 2000; De Michele et al.
brane transporters similar to those used for other 2009). Cadmium-dependent senescence and
cations such as K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Mn2+ or Cu2+ PCD are regulated by ROS and NO, although the
(Clemens 2006). Cadmium reduces Ca2+ content, mechanisms involved are not fully understood
which can then affect the activity of calmodulin- (Yakimova et al. 2006; De Michele et al. 2009;
dependent proteins (Rivetta et al. 1997; Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2009). Lipid signaling
Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2009). Cd tolerance and Ca2+ also play an important role in Cd-induced
and Ca2+ homeostasis in a Cd-resistant pea cell death (Yakimova et al. 2006).
mutant (SGECdt) have been observed to be inter-
related (Tsyganov et al. 2007), while in radish
and Arabidopsis seedlings, calcium has been 3 Sources of ROS in Plants
reported to alleviate Cd toxicity by reducing Cd Exposed to Cadmium
uptake (Rivetta et al. 1997; Suzuki 2005). The
role of oxidative stress in Cd toxicity has been The reactive oxygen species are mainly singlet
established in different plant species by analyz- oxygen (1O2), superoxide radical (O2·−), hydroxyl
ing oxidative damage to proteins and lipids as radical (·OH) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
well as by studying disturbances in antioxidative which are by-products of normal aerobic metabo-
defenses caused by this metal (Benavides et al. lism such as respiration and photosynthesis. Their
2005; Sandalio et al. 2009; Remans et al. 2010). steady-state levels are determined by the inter-
Although Cd is a bivalent cation unable to par- play of different ROS-producing and ROS-
ticipate in redox reactions in the cell, most tran- scavenging mechanisms. This balance is
scriptome studies show upregulation of genes maintained by enzymes such as superoxide dis-
encoding proteins involved in defense against mutase (SOD), which remove O2− radicals, and
oxidative stress and ROS production (Suzuki catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POX), and peroxire-
et al. 2001; Zhao et al. 2009). These results sug- doxin, which decompose H2O2 and use metabo-
gest that oxidative stress is one of the primary lites such as glutathione (GSH) and ascorbate
effects of Cd exposure. Reactions involving oxy- (ASC), to control ROS accumulation in different
gen free radicals are an intrinsic feature of plant subcellular compartments. An excess of ROS is
senescence and stimulate the process of oxida- dangerous mainly because of reactions with lip-
tive deterioration that leads to cell death (del Río ids, proteins, and nucleic acids, giving rise to
et al. 2009). Cd induces senescence and cell lipid peroxidation, membrane leakage, enzyme
death in both cell culture and plant tissues char- inactivation and DNA breaks or mutations, which
acterized by the induction of the glyoxylate can cause severe damage to cell viability. Subtle
cycle, protein oxidation, and proteolytic activi- control of ROS production enables these species
ties (McCarthy et al. 2001; Romero-Puertas et al. to act as signaling molecules which are involved
2002). Senescence is considered to be a type of in the regulation of processes such as mitosis,
plant programmed cell death (PCD), and various tropism, cell death and cell response to biotic and
studies have indicated that Cd induces PCD in abiotic stresses. Compared with other ROS, H2O2
cell cultures (Fotjová and Kovařik 2000; De is a relatively long-lived molecule that is able to
Michele et al. 2009). There are evidence to sup- diffuse across cell membranes and acts as a sig-
port the possibility of dose dependence and naling molecule during growth and development
intensity of the onset of the senescence process (Van Breusegem and Dat 2006). However,
and the final cell death event (De Michele et al. although we have a clear understanding of the
2009). Condensation of chromatin, fragmenta- toxic effects of ROS induced by metals as well as
tion of DNA, as visualized by TUNEL assay, and detoxification mechanisms, information on their
induction of SAG12 expression are some of the role in regulation and signal transduction under
symptoms of PCD and have been observed in metal stress remains quite limited.
202 L.M. Sandalio et al.

The electron transfer chains associated with control point in ROS production induced by Cd is
chloroplasts and mitochondria are the main at the level of protein phosphorylation/dephos-
sources of ROS generation. However, this view phorylation. A comparative transcriptomic study
has changed and the oxidative metabolism of per- using different metals and sodium chloride in
oxisomes is now seen as a very important source Arabidopsis thaliana showed that Cd specifically
of ROS under different stress conditions (del Río induced genes coding kinases (Zhao et al. 2009),
et al. 2006, 2009). In peroxisomes purified from which demonstrates the importance of these pro-
pea leaves, a Cd-dependent increase in the H2O2 cesses in regulating cell response to Cd. Calcium
concentration was observed, mainly as a result of ions are also important in the regulation of ROS
the activation of glycolate oxidase, a key enzyme production induced by Cd, and cGMP is also
in the photorespiration cycle (Romero-Puertas involved in this process, probably as result of a
et al. 1999). In pea leaves, it has been demon- transient increase in Ca2+ concentration (Romero-
strated through the use of a cytochemical approach Puertas et al. 2004).
that Cd-dependent H2O2 production occurs in NOXs are located in the plasma membrane
peroxisomes, in the outer mitochondrial mem- and catalyze the production of O2−, which can be
brane, and mainly in the plasma membrane, converted into H2O2, spontaneously or in the
where the NADPH oxidase (NOX) is the main reaction catalyzed by SOD. Ten genes encoding
source of ROS (Romero-Puertas et al. 2004). In NOXs in Arabidopsis have been described and
peroxisomes, H2O2 was located in close contact are termed respiratory burst oxidase homologs
with other organelles, which suggests possible A–J (rbohA–J) given their homology with the
cross-talk with other cell compartments (Romero- catalytic subunit gp91 phox (Nox2) of the NOX
Puertas et al. 2004). In mitochondria, the complex of mammalian phagocytes (Torres and
Cd-dependent H2O2 produced could be because Dangl 2005). The role of NOX as the main source
of increased O2− production at the complex III of ROS under Cd stress has also been demon-
site of the electron transport chain, as reported in strated in tobacco cell cultures (Olmos et al.
animals treated with Cd (Wang et al. 2004) and 2003; Garnier et al. 2006; Horemans et al. 2007)
also suggested for soybean roots (Heyno et al. and alfalfa roots (Ortega-Villasante et al. 2005).
2008). H2O2 was also observed in the tonoplast In Arabidopsis plants, the analysis of transcript
from bundle sheet cells and plasma membrane levels of different NOXs shows a transient
from epidermal and transfer cells (Romero- increase in the expression of rbohF in response to
Puertas et al. 2004). Cd-dependent superoxide Cd, while the expression of rbohC and rbohD
radical accumulation was demonstrated in the remained unchanged (Horemans et al. 2007).
tonoplast from bundle sheet cells and plasma However, the contribution of NOXs to cadmium-
membrane from mesophyll cells, although the induced ROS production is a subject of debate
source has not been identified (Romero-Puertas (Heyno et al. 2008). In tobacco cell cultures, Cd
et al. 2004). Accumulation of both H2O2 and O2− induced cell death, which was preceded by three
was also observed in vascular tissues from successive waves of ROS production. The first
Cd-treated pea plants using confocal laser micros- wave was because of an NOX followed by an
copy, electron microscopy, and cytochemistry accumulation of O2− and fatty acid hydroperoxides
(Romero-Puertas et al. 2004; Rodríguez-Serrano (Garnier et al. 2006). Before the first oxidative
et al. 2006, 2009). This ROS accumulation is burst induced by Cd, a rapid and transient induc-
associated with lignifications processes which tion of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration takes place,
are highly active in vascular tissue under physio- which requires protein phosphorylation and IP3-
logical conditions and are also induced in mediated release of calcium from internal stores
response to metal toxicity (Schützendübel et al. (Garnier et al. 2006). Downstream, protein phospho-
2001; Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2009). Results rylation, calmodulin, and Ca2+ may directly regulate
using different inhibitors and modulators of sig- NtrbohD activity (Garnier et al. 2006). The distur-
nal transduction demonstrated that the earliest bances caused by Cd in the mitochondrial
9 Reactive Oxygen Species and Nitric Oxide in Plants Under Cadmium Stress... 203

Fig. 9.1 Sources of reactive oxygen species activated in mitochondria and peroxisomes (mainly glycolate oxidase).
response to cadmium. Cd-dependent ROS production Overaccumulation of H2O2 produces redox imbalance and
takes place in different compartments: plasma membrane- oxidative damage, but also can regulate gene expression
associated NADPH oxidase, electron transport chain from in order to improve plant survival

electron transport chain stimulate a second wave balance of the cell which then increases ROS
of ROS production possibly because of an accumulation (Romero-Puertas et al. 2007a, b).
increase in the semi-ubiquinone radical concen-
tration (Garnier et al. 2006). A third wave of ROS
coincides with cell death and involved membrane 4 NO Production in Plants
peroxidation as a result of increase in ROS pro- Exposed to Cadmium
duction caused by mitochondria (Garnier et al.
2006). Remans et al. (2010) have recently dem- Nitric oxide is a simple gaseous signaling mol-
onstrated a Cd-dependent induction of NOX and ecule which, in many plant tissues, regulates a
differential regulation of gene expression by Cd wide range of physiological and biochemical
and Cu in Arabidopsis plants and have suggested processes as well as plant responses to biotic
a link between NOX and lipoxygenase gene and abiotic stresses (del Río 2011; Delledonne
expression. A diagram showing the different sub- 2005; Siddiqui et al. 2010). An increasing num-
cellular locations of ROS production is provided ber of studies have reported the role played by
in Fig. 9.1. NO in plant response to heavy metals including
The inhibition of antioxidative enzymes may cadmium, although the source of NO and its role
also lead to a cadmium-mediated increase in the in metal toxicity and plant responses are not yet
level of cellular ROS (Sandalio et al. 2001, 2009; clearly established (Xiong et al. 2010). NO can
Romero-Puertas et al. 2002; Schützendübel and be generated enzymatically by nitrate reductase
Polle 2002; Benavides et al. 2005). One of the and nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-like activities
consequences of plant cell exposure to cadmium and can also be produced nonenzymatically by
is the rapid consumption of GSH for sequestra- reduction of apoplastic nitrite under acid condi-
tion of the metal and synthesis of PCs. This limits tions and by reduction of nitrite to NO in the
the GSH level required to maintain the redox mitochondria (Neill et al. 2008; del Río 2011).
204 L.M. Sandalio et al.

There is still some uncertainty concerning NOS activity of certain proteins (Lindermayr et al.
in plants. Although there is strong evidence to 2006; Lindermayr and Durner 2009; Romero-
show the presence of L-arginine-dependent NOS Puertas et al. 2007b, 2008). Some studies of NO
activity in plants (Barroso et al. 1999; del Río production during the exposure of plants to
2011), the only NOS from the plant kingdom to heavy metals have reached controversial conclu-
be fully characterized so far is the enzyme from sions. The cell cultures of soybean (Kopyra et al.
the Ostreococcus tauri green alga (Foresi et al. 2006) and Arabidopsis (De Michele et al. 2009)
2010). NOS activity has been shown to be pres- exposed to Cd showed an increase in NO and
ent in peroxisomes from pea leaves (Barroso was dependent on NOS-like activity (De Michele
et al. 1999). This enzyme uses L-arginine as et al. 2009), whereas, in pea leaves and roots,
substrate and requires NADPH, Ca2+/calmodu- prolonged exposure to 50 mM Cd reduced NO
lin, BH4, FAD, and FMN, although its gene has accumulation (Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2006,
not yet been characterized (Corpas et al. 2004; 2009). Bartha et al. (2005) reported increased
del Río 2011). The generation of NO in peroxi- NO in the roots of Brassica juncea and Pisum
somes by this NOS activity has also been sativum exposed to 100 mM Cd, Cu, and Zn.
reported by Corpas et al. (2004). In addition, Besson-Bard et al. (2009) have shown that NO
chloroplasts have recently been identified as a production in Cd-treated roots is related to
source of NO via arginine and nitrite, although Cd-induced Fe deficiency. The discrepancies
the enzyme involved has not been characterized observed in these results could be because of
yet (Jasid et al. 2006; del Río 2011). A nitrite- differences in Cd exposure duration, with NO
NO oxidoreductase enzyme (Ni-NOR) associ- increasing after a short period of Cd treatment
ated with root plasma membrane may also and decreasing after a prolonged treatment
contribute to NO production (Stöhr and Stremlau (Fig 9.2). The metal concentrations, plant ages,
2006). However, there are other potential enzy- and plant tissues used could also explain these
matic sources of NO in plants (del Río et al. discrepancies (Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2009).
2004; del Río 2011) such as xanthine oxidase Exogenously supplied NO has been demon-
which can produce NO under hypoxic condi- strated to alleviate heavy metal toxicity (Kopyra
tions (Millar et al. 1998; Harrison 2002). and Gwóždž 2003; Hsu and Kao 2004; Yu et al.
Regardless of the source of NO involved, the 2005; Wang and Yang 2005; Laspina et al. 2005;
mechanisms determining the effects of NO are Xiong et al. 2010) possibly because of its ability
far from being fully understood, while a number to act as an ROS-scavenging antioxidant such as
of downstream signaling pathways involving SOD and CAT (Wang and Yang 2005; Rodríguez-
Ca2+, cyclic GMP, and cyclic ADP-Rib have Serrano et al. 2006; Singh et al. 2008; Siddiqui
been described (Besson-Bard et al. 2008). NO is et al. 2010). Exogenous NO application also
able to react with oxygen radicals such as O2−, affects root cell walls and helps in metal accu-
generating peroxynitrite (ONOO−), and also to mulation. NO cause increases in cytosolic Ca2+
control ROS levels in cells and vice versa concentrations by regulating Ca2+ channels and
(Delledonne et al. 2001). NO can also react with transporters, which may be involved in the sig-
GSH to produce S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), naling cascade that regulates gene expression
which is regarded as a long-distance-signaling under stress conditions (Besson-Bard et al.
molecule and a natural reservoir of NO (del Río 2008). Recently, cross-talk between Cd, Ca2+,
2011). NO directly or indirectly can regulate ROS, and NO has been detected in pea leaves
gene expression and protein functions. It there- (Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2009). The supply of
fore reacts very rapidly with heme groups and exogenous Ca2+ to pea plants exposed to Cd
thiols, thus regulating enzymatic activities reduced Cd-dependent O2− accumulation and
(Moreau et al. 2010). The protein S-nitrosylation restored NO accumulation to the level observed
of cystein residues has been demonstrated to be in control plants (Rodríguez-Serrano et al.
very important in regulating the enzymatic 2009).
9 Reactive Oxygen Species and Nitric Oxide in Plants Under Cadmium Stress... 205

cadmium can be categorized into different protein

groups in terms of photosynthetic processes, sig-
nal transduction, and transcriptional regulation,
cellular defenses, ROS detoxification and repair,
hydric balance, metal transport, cell wall metabo-
lism, sulfate and GSH metabolism and protein

5.1 Photosynthesis Regulation

The decrease in chlorophyll content has been

considered to be one of the early symptoms of
cadmium toxicity. The inhibition of chlorophyll
biosynthesis has been suggested to be a primary
event in Cd toxicity (Baryla et al. 2001). A sub-
stantial number of genes involved in photosyn-
thesis were downregulated in the leaves of
Arabidopsis plants grown with 5–50 mM Cd. For
example, the genes involved in the photochemi-
cal process of photosynthesis, such as the chloro-
Fig. 9.2 Cadmium induces differential response in plants
phyll synthesis pathway, glutamyl tRNA
depending on the period of treatment. A short period of reductase, hydroxymethylbilane synthase, and
treatment produces oxidative and NO burst, which induces Mg chelatase, some proteins of PSI and PSII,
gene expression to prevent oxidative damages caused by electron transporters, enzymes involved in Calvin
the metal. Long-term treatment produces overaccumula-
tion of ROS and a reduction of NO giving rise to severe
cycle and Rubisco are downregulated (Herbette
damages. Gene regulation in long-term treatment is et al. 2006). Genes encoding enzymes in the pen-
focused on repairing oxidative damages and cell death. tose phosphate pathway were also downregulated
PCs phytochelatins, HSPs heat shock proteins by Cd (Herbette et al. 2006). These results have
been corroborated by proteomic approaches
(Álvarez et al. 2009) and correlate with the reduc-
5 Plant Responses to Cadmium tion observed in the photosynthesis net rates for
different plant species (Sandalio et al. 2001;
Information on molecular mechanisms and sig- Faller et al. 2005). Downregulation of photosyn-
naling events underlying plant transcriptional thesis-related genes is a primary response under
responses to Cd is rather limited as compared to different stress conditions probably to avoid oxi-
research in the field of cadmium toxicity. The dative damage (Mittler 2002).
mechanism by which Cd modulates the levels of
expression of most genes is not clearly under-
stood, while our knowledge of global changes in 5.2 Signal Transduction and
the expression of Cd-responsive genes is also Transcriptional Regulation
limited. A number of studies have been carried
out involving both small-scale experiments and Numerous genes involved in signal transduction
whole-genome approaches. Their findings sug- were regulated in response to Cd in different
gest that gene expression is time- rather than plant species showing that signal transduction
dose-regulated in response to Cd and is differen- pathways are rapidly activated by the presence of
tially regulated in roots and leaves (Herbette et al. Cd (Suzuki et al. 2001; Herbette et al. 2006;
2006; Ogawa et al. 2009). Genes regulated by Ogawa et al. 2009). These include genes encoding
206 L.M. Sandalio et al.

mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), transcripts were specifically accumulated in pali-

calmodulins and calcium-dependent protein sade mesophyll cells, as evidenced by in situ
kinases (CDPKs) (Suzuki et al. 2001; Herbette hybridization (Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2009).
et al. 2006; Ogawa et al. 2009), which suggests These results point to an overlap in the regulatory
that Cd interferes with the Ca2+ signaling path- mechanisms underlying these processes, with
way, as demonstrated by Rodríguez-Serrano et al. ROS production being a common event in these
(2009). MAPKs and CDPKs are involved in situations.
biotic and abiotic stress responses and participate HSPs are upregulated by heat stress and can
in cross-talk with ROS production activities act as molecular chaperones favoring the trans-
(Kobayashi et al. 2007). Transcription factors port of proteins to organelles and preventing pro-
belonging to different families, such as WRKY, tein aggregation (Ma et al. 2006). Induction of
bZip, MYB, DREB, NAC, and AP2, are induced HSPs by Cd has been observed in different plant
by Cd in different plant species (Herbette et al. species (Sanitá di Toppi and Gabbrielli 1999;
2006; Weber et al. 2006; Ogawa et al. 2009). The Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2009) and is regulated
inductions by Cd of transcripts for bZIP, MYB, by H2O2 overproduction (Rodríguez-Serrano
and zinc finger transcriptional factors have also et al. 2009). The transcription factors involved in
been demonstrated in the root of the metal accu- HSP expression can act as H2O2 sensors (Miller
mulator B. juncea (Fusco et al. 2005). Genes and Mittler 2006). In B. juncea, Cd upregulates a
involved in hormone signaling, mainly ABA and DNAJ HSP (BjCdR57), a chaperone involved in
ethylene and jasmonic acid, have also been shown protein protection against stress, which confirms
to be regulated in response to Cd (Herbette et al. that protein denaturation is one of the effects of
2006; Minglin et al. 2005). Cd toxicity (Suzuki et al. 2001; Fusco et al.
2005). GSH S-transferases catalyze the conjuga-
tion of xenobiotics with GSH and participate in
5.3 Cellular Detoxification the removal of ROS and are upregulated in
and Repair response to Cd (Suzuki et al. 2002; Fusco et al.
2005; Ogawa et al. 2009). Antioxidative defenses
Several genes associated with cellular detoxifica- such as glutaredoxin, thioredoxin, GSH reductase,
tion and repair have been shown to be induced by monodehydroascorbate reductase, SOD, CAT,
treatment with cadmium. Chitinases and heat and POXs are upregulated by Cd in order to deal
shock proteins (HSPs) are induced in response to with oxidative damage caused by this metal
heavy-metal stress and are regarded as a second (Lemaire et al. 1999; Herbette et al. 2006;
line of defense under these stress conditions Romero-Puertas et al. 2007a, b; Smeets et al.
(Metwally et al. 2003; Békésiová et al. 2008; 2005; Ogawa et al. 2009). Enzymes involved in
Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2009; Zhao et al. 2009). vitamin E biosynthesis are upregulated in
Transgenic plants expressing fungal chitinases response to Cu and Cd in Arabidopsis plants,
actually showed enhanced tolerance to metals while vitamin E-deficient mutants (vte1) showed
(Dana et al. 2006), while chitinase isoforms are enhanced oxidative stress and sensitivity to both
differentially modified by certain metals metals, suggesting that Vitamin E also contrib-
(Békésiová et al. 2008). Chitinases are regulated utes to defense against heavy metals (Collin et al.
by ROS and are possibly part of the general 2008). The regulation of these antioxidative
defense response program of cells under heavy- enzymes is mainly dependent on H2O2 (Romero-
metal stress (Békésiová et al. 2008; Rodríguez- Puertas et al. 2007a, b; Rodríguez-Serrano et al.
Serrano et al. 2009). Other pathogenesis-related 2009), although GSH metabolism also plays an
proteins (PRPs) are upregulated by Cd (Fusco important role in controlling the gene regulation
et al. 2005; Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2009). ROS- of antioxidants in response to Cd stress (Cuypers
dependent up-regulation of PRP4A has been et al. 2011). The activity of glucose-6-P dehydro-
demonstrated in pea plants exposed to Cd, whose genase (G6PDH), malic enzyme (ME), and
9 Reactive Oxygen Species and Nitric Oxide in Plants Under Cadmium Stress... 207

NADP isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP-ICDH) pectins and hemicelluloses, both of which are
is stimulated by Ni, Zn, and Cd (Van Assche and rich in polygalacturonic acids (Xiong et al. 2010).
Clijsters 1990; León et al. 2002), while, in pepper Cellulose is a key component in plant cell walls,
cultivars with different levels of sensitivity to Cd, and it has been reported that NO affects the cel-
tolerance to this heavy metal was more depen- lulose content of tomato roots in a dose-dependent
dent on the availability of NADPH than on its manner. Low concentrations of sodium nitroprus-
antioxidant capacity (León et al. 2002). side (SNP) increase cellulose content in roots,
while higher concentrations have the opposite
effect (Correa-Aragunde et al. 2008). Exogenous
5.4 Metal Transporters NO increases Cd tolerance in rice plants by
increasing pectin and hemicelluloses content in
Some of the genes regulated by Cd, such as the root cell wall and by decreasing Cd accumu-
AtPcr1 (Song et al. 2004) and those belonging to lation in the soluble fraction of cells in rice leaves
the ABC, MATE, cation diffusion facilitator (Xiong et al. 2009). H2O2 may also trigger sec-
(CDF), heavy metal P-type ATPase (HMA) and ondary defenses, causing cell wall rigidification
ZIP families, are involved in Cd transport (Ogawa and lignifications in Cd-exposed cells
et al. 2009). Fe and Zn transporters are also often (Schützendübel and Polle 2002). The transcript
involved in Cd transport because of their low sub- levels of genes involved in cell wall metabolism
strate specificity. The iron transporters ZIP, are modulated in response to Cd. The proteins
AtIRT1, OsIRT1111, and OsIRT2 as well as the involved in lignification and extension were
Zn transporter OsZIP1 have been shown to trans- therefore upregulated (Fusco et al. 2005; Herbette
port Cd. The HMA family is also involved in Cd et al. 2006), whereas expansins and pectin
detoxification in addition to CDF transporters esterases were downregulated (Herbette et al.
and natural resistance-associated macrophage 2006).
protein (NRAMP) family transporters (Ogawa
et al. 2009). Pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR)
family proteins are involved in Cd tolerance via 5.6 Sulfate and GSH Metabolism
export out of the cytoplasm (Kim et al. 2007).
AtPDR8 is a cadmium extrusion pump, while One of the best described mechanisms induced
AtOSA1 could be involved in the signal trans- under heavy-metal toxicity is the chelation of the
duction pathway in response to oxidative stress metal by PCs and GSH. PCs have the general
(Kim et al. 2007; Jasinski et al. 2008). Cd-binding formula (gGlu-Cys)n-Gly (with n = 2–11) and are
proteins such as Cdl19 could be involved in main- synthesized enzymatically through the transpep-
taining heavy-metal homeostasis and/or detoxifi- tidation of gGlu-Cys moieties of GSH onto
cation (Suzuki et al. 2002). another GSH molecule by the phytochelatin syn-
thase (PCS) enzyme, which is known to be acti-
vated posttranslationally by a range of heavy
5.5 Cell Wall Metabolism metal metalloids (Grill et al. 2006). Chelation of
metals by PCs and the compartmentalization of
The cell wall is one of the first structures to be PC–metal complexes in vacuoles (Clemens 2006;
directly exposed to Cd and has the ability to bind Grill et al. 2006) are generally considered as first-
metals, which is regarded as a mechanism of line defense mechanisms.
metal tolerance. Most of the heavy metals associ- The rate-limiting step for PCs and GSH bio-
ated with the cell wall are linked to polygalactur- synthesis is the availability of reduced sulfur to
onic acids, whose metal ion affinities vary the roots. Various genes involved in the sulfate
depending on the metal in question. The plant metabolism are induced in response to Cd, which
cell wall is mainly composed of cellulose and include sulfate transporters from roots (Sultr1; 1;
matrix polysaccharides, which are divided into Sultr1; 2), enzymes involved in sulfate reduction
208 L.M. Sandalio et al.

to sulfide (ATP sulfurylase), and those involved proteolytic activity in leaves following Cd treat-
in PC biosynthesis (PC synthases) (Herbette et al. ment and more efficient degradation of the oxi-
2006; Ramos et al. 2007). One of the steps in PC dized proteins have been observed (McCarthy
biosynthesis is the synthesis of cysteine catalyzed et al. 2001; Romero-Puertas et al. 2004). Similar
by O-acetylserine(thiol)lyase (OASTL) which is results have been reported by Pena et al. (2006)
upregulated by Cd (Fusco et al. 2005). Arabidopsis in Helianthus annus and by Djebali et al. (2008)
plants over expressing OASTL were highly Cd in Solanum lycopersicum. A proteomic study of
resistant, which suggests that cysteine pool A. thaliana cells has also reported an increase in
required for GSH biosynthesis is one of the prin- several proteases after Cd treatment (Sarry et al.
cipal factors affecting Cd tolerance (Domínguez- 2006). Cd treatment has also been shown to
Solis et al. 2001). A deficiency in the major increase polyubiquitinated protein accumulation
OASTL isoform in the cytosol from Arabidopsis (Pena et al. 2007). The proteasome–ubiquitin
plants, OAS-A1, causes aH2O2 homeostasis system is the major proteolytic pathway in
imbalance (López-Martín et al. 2008). eukaryotes and is also involved in the depreda-
tion of oxidized proteins (Pena et al. 2007). The
plant proteasome was upregulated at transcrip-
5.7 Hydric Balance tional and translational levels under oxidative
conditions caused by cadmium stress (Pena et al.
The plant–water balance is also disturbed by 2006, 2007; Djebali et al. 2008; Polge et al.
Cd, and the stomatal opening is inhibited 2009). Using in vivo experiments with A. thali-
(Poschenrieder et al. 1989; Sandalio et al. 2001; ana mutants, it has been demonstrated that 20S
Perfus-Barbeoch et al. 2002). Sequence analysis proteasomes are preferentially involved in the
of Cd-responsive genes in the metal accumulator degradation of oxidized proteins (Kurepa et al.
B. juncea revealed the induction of genes encod- 2008). The remobilization of oxidized proteins
ing aquaporins, which facilitates the movement may be a protective mechanism under stress
of water through cellular membranes. In addition, conditions to prevent further damage to other
other drought and ABA-responsive genes, such macromolecules and to facilitate the recycling of
as BjCdR39 (the aldehyde dehydrogenase) and amino acids for protein biosynthesis.
BjCdR55, (RNA-binding protein), are also upreg-
ulated by Cd, which confirms the existence of
cross-talk between Cd-induced and water stress- 6 Signal Transduction Under
induced signaling using ABA as a signal trans- Cadmium Stress
ducer. Stomatal closure, a symptom of water
stress mediated by ABA, is one of the principal The response to heavy metals depends on a com-
responses of higher plants to Cd (Sanitá di Toppi plex signal transduction pathway within the cell
and Gabbrielli 1999). which begins with the sensing of heavy metal
and converges in transcription regulation of
metal-responsive genes (Sing et al. 2002),
5.8 Protein Degradation although much remains to be learned about the
molecular components of metal-induced signal
Oxidative damage to proteins has been observed transduction. Various transcription factors (TFs)
in different plant species exposed to Cd and is involved in the regulation of cell response to
regarded as an oxidative stress marker (Sandalio metal stress have recently been identified (Sect.
et al. 2001; Pena et al. 2007; Djebali et al. 2008; 21.5.2). The modulation of different groups of
Paradiso et al. 2008). Some of the proteins under- TFs highlights the complex response of plants to
going oxidative modification have been identified Cd (DalCorso et al. 2008). ROS and NO are
in pea leaves and include CAT, GR, Rubisco, and important players in the regulation of plant
Mn-SOD (Romero-Puertas et al. 2004). Increased response from signal perception to the intracellular
9 Reactive Oxygen Species and Nitric Oxide in Plants Under Cadmium Stress... 209

transduction cascade, triggering the activation between ethylene biosynthesis and Cd stress
of genes involved in the induction of different have yet to be clearly determined. Transcriptomic
metabolic pathways to deal with Cd toxicity. studies of Arabidopsis plants have detected
Hydrogen peroxide governs the transduction of Cd-dependent up-regulation of ACC oxidase
cellular response in different abiotic stresses and ACC synthase as well as the ethylene
including those caused by heavy metals. The responsive factors ERF2 and ERF5 (Herbette
transduction of H2O2 signals into biologically et al. 2006). JA content increases in response to
relevant information is coordinated by a com- heavy metals in various plant species (Wang and
plex network of sensors and receptors, such as Wu 2005; Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2006, 2009).
MAPKs, and transcription factors and is thought JA regulates genes involved in GSH and PCS in
to be evolutionarily conserved (Vandenbroucke Arabidopsis plants under Cd treatment (Xiang
et al. 2008), although there are around 400 and Oliver 1998). In different plant species,
H2O2-responsive protein families in A. thaliana Ca2+, calmodulin, CDPK and an MAPK act as
and may vary depending on the plant species in signaling molecules which regulates cell
question (Vandenbroucke et al. 2008). There are response to cadmium stress (Romero-Puertas
several elements in the signal transduction path- et al. 2004, 2007a, b; Herbette et al. 2006; Yeh
way of ROS-sensitive plants which include the et al. 2007; Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2009).
MAPK, MAPKK, MAPKKK, AtMPK3/6, Several studies have provided genetic evidence
AtANP1, NtNPK1, Ntp46MAPK, and calmod- for the importance of NO in gene regulation.
ulin (Mittler 2002; Vanderauwera et al. 2009). Two studies involving large-scale transcriptional
The increase in H2O2 levels induced by Cd can analysis of A. thaliana have revealed
be perceived by oxidative protein modifications. NO-dependent regulation of genes involved in
The protein thiol groups tyrosine, tryptophan, signal transduction, disease resistance, stress
and histidine can be oxidised by H2O2 and O2−. response, photosynthesis, and basic metabolism
The redox changes in the Cys residues of tran- (Grün et al. 2006); however, the intracellular
scription factors directly regulate nuclear gene signaling pathway involved has not yet been
expression. However, transcriptional modifica- defined. Most of the information available relates
tions may also require additional upstream to plant defense and wounding and suggests that
sensing and transduction of ROS and ROS- NO and salicylic and jasmonic acids are inter-
derived signals, being involved MAPKs and related (Grün et al. 2006). The activity of differ-
several protein phosphatases (Vanderauwera ent nuclear regulatory proteins is dramatically
et al. 2009). Salicylic and jasmonic acid as well affected by NO. Modification by S-nitrosylation
as ethylene can also participate in signal trans- can regulate the activity and function of some
duction under Cd stress (Rodríguez-Serrano regulatory proteins and transcription factors.
et al. 2009; Ogawa et al. 2009). Salicylic acid Although no plant transcription factor has been
(SA) acts as an important signaling element in observed to be regulated by this process, some
plants and has been observed to alleviate regulatory proteins could be S-nitrosylated
Cd-induced growth inhibition and oxidative (Grün et al. 2006). NO can regulate cell signal-
damage (Metwally et al. 2003). Although this ing by controlling Ca2+ homeostasis. Most Ca2+
mechanism is not fully understood, it has been channels are regulated by NO either directly
suggested that SA may induce H2O2 signals through S-nitrosylation or indirectly through
involved in Cd tolerance, such as repair pro- cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) involving GMP
cesses, Cd binding and compartmentation (Courtois et al. 2008). NO-dependent activation
(Metwally et al. 2003). The Cd-induced ethyl- of protein kinases, MAPK, and CDPK has been
ene biosynthesis has been reported to occur in reported in various plant species. The activation
various plant species (Sanitá di Toppi and of these kinases by NO is thought to be involved
Gabbrielli 1999; Rodríguez-Serrano et al. in defense responses and/or cell death (Courtois
2006), although the molecular relationships et al. 2008).
210 L.M. Sandalio et al.

In this scenario, NO plays an important role in

7 Conclusion and Future the regulation of cell responses to this metal, but
Perspectives further works are needed to better understand the
coordinated role of ROS and NO in both toxicity
A hypothetical model depicting some of the and regulation of cell response to cadmium. The
players involved in ROS, NO perception, and role of some hormones, such as JA and ET, in the
signal transduction pathways in response to cad- cell response to Cd is also an interesting point
mium is shown in Fig. 9.3. Cadmium promotes which deserves more research in order to under-
an increase of ROS production in different cell stand the cross-talk between hormone balance/
compartments and their accumulation could give ROS and NO in the regulation of plant defense
rise to oxidative damages affecting to lipids and against heavy metals. In response to Cd the up-
proteins. However, ROS can also trigger defense regulation of some defense genes takes place,
cellular responses indirectly acting as signaling although some of them are also induced during
molecules, by promoting changes in Ca2+ con- pathogen attack, which suggests an overlap in the
centration, through GMP or by altering the redox regulatory mechanisms governing these pro-
status of several proteins, and further activating cesses. However, the role of genes such as HSPs
the MAPK cascade. But ROS can also directly or chitinases in the mechanisms of tolerance to
regulate nuclear gene expression by affecting the Cd has not been explored in depth so far, and
redox state of transcription factor Cys residues. they could be important in the development of

Fig. 9.3 Hypothetical model showing signal transduction proteins or transcription factors. The transcriptional
of cell response to cadmium toxicity. Cd-dependent response can also require more upstream transduction
changes in H2O2 and NO levels can be perceived by changes involving mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and
in Ca2+ concentration, and oxidation or S-nitrosylation of hormones such as jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene (ET)
9 Reactive Oxygen Species and Nitric Oxide in Plants Under Cadmium Stress... 211

new strategies for phytoremediation. Further Clemens S (2006) Toxic metal accumulation, responses to
studies will be necessary to understand the role exposure and mechanisms of tolerance in plants.
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Acknowledgments This work was supported by ERDF- Courtois C, Besson A, Dahan J, Bourque S, Dobrowolska G,
cofinanced grants from the Ministry of Education and Pugin A, Wendehenne D (2008) Nitric oxide signalling
Science (Grant BIO2008-040067) and Junta de Andalucía in plants: interplays with Ca2+ and protein kinases. J
(Project P06-CVI-01820), Spain Exp Bot 59:155–163
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Reactive Nitrogen Inflows
and Nitrogen Use Efficiency 10
in Agriculture: An Environment
Khalid Rehman Hakeem, Ruby Chandna,
Altaf Ahmad, and Muhammad Iqbal

Increased use of nitrogenous (N) fertilizer has significantly altered the
global N-cycle and produced nitrogenous gases of environmental conse-
quence. While nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions contribute to global green-
house gas accumulation and the stratospheric ozone depletion, degradation
of groundwater quality by N use in agriculture is fundamentally a nitrate
leaching problem. Despite these evident negative environmental impacts,
consumption of N fertilizer cannot be reduced in view of the food security
for teeming population in the developing countries. Various strategies,
from agronomic to genetic engineering, have been tried to tackle this
problem. Split application of N, use of slow-release fertilizers, nitrifica-
tion inhibitors, and the use of organic manures are some agronomic tech-
niques adopted. One of the important goals to reduce N-fertilizer
application can be effectively achieved by choosing N-efficient (i.e., which
can grow under low N conditions), ensuring their optimum uptake of
applied N by application of adequate amounts of fertilizer nutrients in a
balanced manner and knowing the molecular mechanisms for their uptake
as well as assimilatory pathways. Newer approaches like quantitative trait
locus and proteomics could also help us in understanding these processes
fully, hence could contribute greatly in enhancing nitrogen use efficiency
and reduction of N pollution in the environment.

Reactive nitrogen • NUE • QTL • Proteomics • N pollution

K.R. Hakeem () • R. Chandna • A. Ahmad • M. Iqbal

Molecular Ecology Laboratory, Department of Botany,
Faculty of Science, Jamia Hamdard,
New Delhi 110062, India

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 217
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_10,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
218 K.R. Hakeem et al.

non-agricultural neighboring bacteria, animals,

1 Introduction and plants. As a result of leaching, the unused N
fertilizer causes impacts like eutrophication of
Nitrogen (N) represents one of the most impor- freshwater (London 2005) and marine ecosystems
tant nutrients found in terrestrial ecosystems. It is (Beman et al. 2005). In addition, gaseous aug-
an important constituent of a number of complex mentation of N oxides reacting and affecting with
organic molecules viz., proteins, nucleic acids, stratospheric ozone and the volatilization of toxic
etc. Atmosphere is the main reservoir of nitrogen ammonia into the atmosphere (Stulen et al. 1998)
(N2), which stores around one million times more has also been linked to unused N fertilizers. The
N than contained in all the organisms. Oceans toxic effects of nitrate are due to its endogenous
and organic matter in soil are the other major conversion to nitrite and this ion has been impli-
store houses of nitrogen. N is often considered as cated in the occurrence of methaemoglobinemia,
an important limiting nutrient for plant growth gastric cancer, and many other diseases (Anjana
and development, despite its remarkable abun- et al. 2007).
dance in the atmosphere. This is the reason for Presently the human population is more than
the past half a century, supply of nitrogen through 6.5 million, which is expected to increase around
fertilizers has been an influential application for 10 billion by 2025 (Hirel et al. 2007), therefore,
increasing the growth and yield of cultivated the major challenge will be to reach a highly
plants such as cereals. To meet the increasing productive agriculture without degrading the
demand for food, farmers apply more fertilizers quality of our environment. Efficient farming
in their bid to increase the agricultural productivity. techniques and choosing plant varieties/geno-
Fertilizer nitrogen has provided food security types that have better nitrogen use efficiency
particularly to developing nations including (NUE) could be the tools to tackle this problem.
India, as the cereal production has kept pace with The development of such varieties/genotypes,
its ever-increasing population. Today, India occu- through conventional plant breeding techniques
pies the third rank in the world in fertilizer N con- or by using recombinant DNA technology, will
sumption and second in fertilizer N production be more proficient with a better understanding
(FAI 2008). The consumption of fertilizer nitro- the physiological, genetic, and molecular bases
gen in India increased from a mere 55,000 metric of NUE among cereal crops. Therefore, there is
tons in 1950–1951 to over 14.2 million tons in an urgent need of a “second green revolution”
2007–2008 and is still increasing (FAI 2008). that does not rely on exhaustive use of inorganic
With the current rate of N fertilization, the fertilizers rather would aim at improving crop
requirement of nitrogen will be 22–25 million yields in soils by developing varieties with better
tons/year in 2020 (FAI 2008). However, it is adaptation to low-fertility soils (Yan et al. 2006).
remarkable that utilization of applied fertilizer In the present chapter, we have discussed the
nitrogen in field by most cereal crops does not inflow and effects of reactive N in the environ-
exceed 50% and around 70% of the total nitrog- ment and then summarized the strategies adopted
enous fertilizer is applied for rice and wheat to develop the crop varieties/genotypes with high
cultivation (Abrol et al. 1999). Therefore, with NUE.
the increase in agricultural food production
worldwide in last 50 years, the N fertilization of
crop plants has increased more than 20-fold 2 Reactive Nitrogen Inflow
(Shrawat and Good 2008). However, the use of
this fertilizer is generally inefficient, as lesser Reactive nitrogen (Nr) is usually referred to all
amount of applied N (around 30–40%) is actually the nitrogen species that are biologically active,
utilized by cereal crops, and the major part (60–70%) photochemically reactive, and radiatively important
is lost from the plant–soil system which has N compounds in the atmosphere and biosphere of
caused severe impacts on the ecosystems of the the earth (Galloway 1995). Thus, Nr includes
10 Reactive Nitrogen Inflows and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Agriculture¼ 219

reduced inorganic forms of N (NH3, NH4+), soil solutions, which leads to N losses to the
oxidized inorganic forms (NOx, HNO2, N2O, atmosphere by NH3 volatilization (Wood et al.
NO3−), and organic compounds (urea, amines, 2000). This represents an important source of N
proteins, nucleic acids). There are numerous loss in agricultural soils under favorable condi-
sources in environment that contribute to Nr and tions. Due to extensive use of N fertilizers and
total nitrate content of natural waters, e.g., atmo- nitrogenous wastes, the amount of N available to
sphere, geological features, anthropogenic plants significantly exceeds the N returned to the
sources, atmospheric nitrogen fixation, and soil atmosphere by gaseous losses of N through vola-
nitrogen. However, detailed hydro geological tilization and denitrification (Martre et al. 2003).
investigations conducted have indicated a hetero- Minimizing drying of surface soil and providing
geneous pattern of nitrate distribution. Soils with additional source of urease enzyme can minimize
low water-holding capacity (sandy soil) and high NH3 volatilization. A portion of this excess N is
permeability, movement of pollutants like chlo- leached out in the soil profile as NO3− or carried
ride and nitrate is much quicker than in clayey in runoff waters. These are conductive conditions
soil. This is probably the main cause for high for N losses in agricultural soils, thus reducing
nitrates in areas with sandy soil. Vegetables the NUE (Delgado et al. 2001). With transport of
account for more than 70% of the nitrates ingested N in water ways and neighboring ground-water
in the human diet. The remainder of nitrate in a systems, the N concentration could exceed the
typical diet comes from drinking water (21%), levels acceptable for human consumption. Nitrate
meat and meat products (6%) (Prasad 1999). in soil profile may be leached into groundwater
The form of added N plays a role in regulating when percolating water moves below the rooting
N losses and influencing NUE. Among these depths of crop and provides leaching potential.
forms, NO3 is the most susceptible to leaching, Paramasivam et al. (2002) have reported a potential
NH4 the least, and urea moderately susceptible. leaching of NO3− in arid regions and sandy soils.
Ammonia and urea are more susceptible to vola- Losses of N by leaching are affected by local
tilization loss of N than fertilizers containing differences in rainfall, water-holding capacity of
NO3. Urea is the most widely used N fertilizer in soil, soil-drainage properties, and rates of miner-
India. The studies showed the importance of alization of soil organic N (Delgado et al. 1999).
selecting ammonium-based N fertilizer early in Processes such as adsorption, fixation, immobili-
the season to reduce N leaching due the mobility zation, and microbial assimilation of added
of urea and nitrate source in irrigated rice and NH4-N in soils are of great importance as they
wheat systems (Prasad and Prasad 1996). Nitrate affect NUE and have the corresponding environ-
containing fertilizers when applied to rice proved mental repercussions (Kissel et al. 2004).
less efficient because nitrate is prone to be lost In many field situations, more than 60% of
via denitrification and leaching under submerged applied N is lost due in part to the lack of synchrony
soil conditions in normal and alkali soils (Prasad of plant N demand with N supply. The remainder
1998). In saline soils, however, it is beneficial to of the N is left in the soil, or is lost to other parts
use NO3 containing N fertilizers as it compensates of the environment through leaching, runoff,
the adverse effects of Cl− and SO42− on absorp- erosion, NH3 volatilization, and denitrification.
tion of NO3 by plants (Choudhary et al. 2003). The cereal NUEs are 42% in developed and 29%
Nitrogen losses from soil–plant system. Once in developing countries (Raun and Johnson
inorganic N has appeared in the soil, it can be 1999). Many 15N studies have reported N fertilizer
absorbed by the roots of higher plants or still losses in cereal production from 20 to 50% with
metabolized by other microorganism during nitri- higher values in rice than in wheat (Ladha 2005).
fication. This process is carried out by a specialized Prasad (1998) reported that apparent recovery of
series of actions in which a few species of micro- N applied to wheat varies from 40 to 91%. It has
organisms oxidize NH4+ to NO2 or NO2− to NO3−. been estimated that rice and wheat N recovery
Ammonium ion reacts with excess hydroxyls in efficiency ranging from 30 to 40% are occurring
220 K.R. Hakeem et al.

volatilization losses. Firstly, in porous soils under

rice it is difficult to maintain continuous flooding.
Rather there occur very frequent alternate aerobic–
anaerobic cycles, which lead to very fast forma-
tion of nitrate under aerobic conditions and their
subsequent denitrification under anaerobic
conditions that develop due to application of
irrigation (Singh and Singh 2001). Secondly, due
to high permeability of coarse textured porous
soils, urea as such is rapidly transported to sub-
soil where even after it is hydrolyzed to NH4, it is
not prone to losses via NH3 volatilization
(Sangwan et al. 2004a). Sangwan et al. (2004a, b)
Fig. 10.1 Diagrammatic representation of N inflow and have shown that NH3 volatilization losses from
N loss in ecosystem urea increases with the increase in soil salinity,
sodicity, and the rate of N applied. The losses of
in irrigated conditions. An N recovery efficiency fertilizer N as NH3 in rice decreased with increas-
exceeding 40% is expected to occur in response ing floodwater depth and depth of placement
to improved N management practices. In a rice– (Singh et al. 1995a), and with the application of
wheat cropping system of Punjab, recovery of organic manures (Sihag and Singh 1997).
N by the first wheat crop was 30–41%, the soil Alkalinity, pH, and NH3 concentration in flood
at wheat harvest retained 19–26%, and the suc- water control the extent of NH3 loss from flooded
ceeding rice recovered 5.2% of the 120 kg N ha−1 soils (Singh et al. 2003). Sarkar et al. (1991)
applied (Singh and Singh 2001). Total losses of reported a loss of 15–20% of applied N when
applied N (not recovered from soil–plant system) urea was broadcast in a wheat field. Prasad (1999)
were about 42% in rice and 33% in wheat grown reported a marked reduction in the loss of applied N
on a typical sandy loam soil in north-west India. when the urea was deep placed as compared with
The main causes of for low N recovery are surface broadcast on a moist soil. They have
usually attributed to (1) ammonia volatilization, reported 13.5% N losses as ammonia after 1 week
(2) denitrification, (3) leaching, and (4) runoff of urea application under submerged conditions.
and erosion (Fig.10.1). Loss of N via NH3 volatil- The high pH or alkalinity resulted in high losses
ization can be substantial from surface-applied of ammonia by volatilization, which can be nearly
urea in both rice and wheat, which can exceed 60% of applied N at field capacity. Submergence
40%, and generally greater with increasing soil decreases pH as well as losses to 35% of applied N.
pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, and The reclamation of sodic soils using gypsum has
surface residue (Singh et al. 2003; Choudhary been found to decrease N losses through ammo-
et al. 2003). Water management in rice and wheat nia volatilization (Choudhary et al. 2003). The
fields influences the extent of N losses due to timing of fertilization and irrigation could further
nitrification–denitrification and NH3 volatiliza- influence the losses of urea applied to porous
tion. Available research results from ideal rice soils. If applied on the wet soil surface following
soils suggest that NH3 volatilization rather than irrigation, as much as 42% of the applied 15N was
denitrification is an more important gaseous loss lost, most likely due to volatilization (Sangwan
mechanism for fertilizer N applied to continu- et al. 2004a). Singh et al. (1995b) showed that
ously flooded, puddled rice soils of the tropics. application of urea before irrigation increased the
The picture is quite opposite in highly permeable NUE by 20% as compared to its surface applica-
porous soils under rice. There exist two mecha- tion after irrigation or broadcast application and
nisms in such soils due to which losses due to surface mixing of urea at field capacity in a clay
denitrification assume more importance than NH3 loam soil.
10 Reactive Nitrogen Inflows and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Agriculture¼ 221

In nonideal porous soils under rice, there exist well as its percentage in grain in pulses depends
every possibility that applied urea N is preferen- very much upon the plant stature and its veg-
tially lost via denitrification rather than NH3 vola- etative growth. For example, Prasad (2004)
tilization. Direct measurement of denitrification reported a removal of 50.6 kg/ton in chickpea
losses made by Aulakh et al. (2001) showed that and 92.1 kg/ton in pigeon pea; these are the two
denitrification is a significant N loss process under major pulse crops in India. Most of this nitrogen
wetland rice amounting to 33% of the applied N. is obtained by N fixation by Rhizobia as very lit-
In excessive N fertilizer application (i.e., at rates in tle fertilizer N is applied to pulses. Again depend-
excess of that needed for maximum yield in cereal ing upon the plant stature and vegetative growth,
crops), NO3 leaching can be significant, particu- 63.3% of total N removed by chickpea was con-
larly from the coarse-textured soils. Residual N is tained in its grain, while the values for pigeon
then available in soil profile for potential leaching. pea, a tall and heavily fertilized plant, was 31.6%.
High levels of NO3-N in the region’s groundwater The protein-rich pulse foliage is widely used for
have been reported by Singh et al. (1995b). There enriching rice or wheat straw fed to cattle. Before
is not much information available on leaching the mechanization of Indian agriculture which is
losses of N. In a pot culture study, the leaching loss even now limited mostly to north-western India,
was 11.5% of the applied urea N and was reduced draught animals were the major source of farm
to 8.7% when urea was coated with neem cake power and the Indian agriculture provided a char-
(Prasad and Prasad 1996). In a field study at acteristic “humans–animals–crops” ecosystem
Pantnagar on a silty clay loam soil, 12% of the where man survived on the grains and the ani-
applied N was lost by leaching and these losses mals on the straw/stover. Taking an average N
were reduced to 8% when urea was blended with contribution by grain legumes at 30 kg N/ha,
neem cake (Singh et al. 1995b). about 0.66 million metric tons of N is annually
added to soil on 22 million hectares occupied by
them. Another 0.34 million metric tons N may be
3 Nitrogen Removal by Crops added by leguminous trees and plants in forests
and grasslands, and by leguminous oilseed crops
From the human nutrition point of view, rice and such as groundnut. Thus the N contribution of
wheat are the most important cereals and their legumes in Indian soils can be roughly estimated
production in north-west India in rice–wheat at least at 1 million metric tons, it is likely to be
cropping system, which covers about 10 million much more. In addition, some N is added by rains
hectares, is the backbone of the India’s food secu- and use of N-fixing biofertilizer such as
rity (Prasad 2005). Rice–wheat cropping system Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Acetobacter, Blue-
produces 5–14 ton/ha/year grain and this depends green algae, and Azolla.
heavily on nitrogen fertilization which ranges
from 100 to 150 kg N/ha/crop or even more,
especially in rice. From the animal nutrition point 4 Concept of NUE
of view, maize, sorghum, and pearl millet stovers
which contain 27–51% of nitrogen harvested by NUE at the plant level is its ability to utilize the
the crop in stover are more important both for available nitrogen (N) resources to optimize its
milch as well as draught cattle. On the contrary, productivity (Raghuram et al. 2006). As a con-
rice and wheat straw is low in nitrogen content cept, NUE includes N uptake, utilization, or
and is a poor protein source. Nevertheless, they acquisition efficiency, expressed as a ratio of the
meet majority calorie requirements of the cattle. total plant N, grain N, biomass yield, grain yield
Also most sorghum and pearl millet is grown (output) and total N, soil N, or N-fertilizer applied
in rainfed areas where nitrogen application (input) (Pathak et al. 2008). NUE is quantified
rates are low and even response to N applica- based on apparent nitrogen recovery using physi-
tion is low. Nitrogen removal per metric ton as ological and agronomic parameters. Agronomic
222 K.R. Hakeem et al.

efficiency is an integrative index of total economic applications are recommended for short and
outputs relative to the available soil N (native and medium duration varieties, while three split appli-
applied). Apparent nitrogen recovery is related to cations are recommended for long duration variet-
the efficiency of N uptake; physiological NUE ies (Prasad 1999). Another way is NIs, these are a
deals with N utilization to produce grain or total group of chemicals that are toxic to Nitrosomonas
plant dry matter. NUE in the context of photosyn- sp. and Nitrosomonas sp. involved in the conver-
thesis is called as photosynthetic nitrogen use effi- sion of NH4 to NO2− as well as to Nitrobacter sp.
ciency (PNUE), which is determined by the rate involved in the conversion of NO2 to NO3 and
of carbon assimilation per unit leaf nitrogen therefore, inhibits nitrification, which reduces
(Kumar et al. 2002). The most suitable way to losses due to leaching and denitrification. The most
estimate NUE depends on the crop, its harvest widely tested NIs are 2-chloro-6-trichloromethyl
product, and the processes involved in it. pyridine (N-serve), 2 amino-4-chloro-6 methyl
pyrimidine (AM), dicyandiamide (DCD), and
sulfathiazole (ST) (Prasad and Power 1995).
5 Strategies for Minimizing Research on the use of NIs for reducing N losses
N Pollution in Agriculture and increasing NUE from the soil was initiated in
India by Prasad (1999) at the Indian Agricultural
Various strategies were adopted to minimize the Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, with a
N loss from the agricultural fields. Split applica- field experiment on rice. Treatment of ammo-
tion of N, use of slow-release fertilizers, nitrifica- nium sulfate with N-serve significantly increased
tion inhibitors (NIs), and the use of organic rice yield and nitrogen uptake by the rice crop.
manures are some agronomic techniques used. Prasad (2005) showed from a laboratory experi-
Bulk of the fertilizer nitrogen in India is broadcast ment that N losses due to denitrification could be
on surface and both surface runoff (on sloppy considerably reduced by treating ammonium sul-
lands) and ammonia volatilization lead to N fate with NIs N-serve and AM. Prasad and Prasad
losses. This can be easily overcome by deep (1996) showed through field experiments that
placement of N a few centimeters below soil treatment of urea with NIs, N-serve, and AM sig-
surface. For example, Sarkar (2005) showed that nificantly increased rice yield and N uptake. Das
in wheat surface broadcast application of urea as et al. (2004) showed the effect of N-serve and
band or top dressing caused 15–20% loss of N AM on nitrification under field capacity moisture
due to agriculture volatilization. Surface broadcast (upland) and water-logged (low-land paddy) con-
application followed by its mixing with top soil ditions at New Delhi. Both the NIs were effective
reduced the volatilization loss to 10%, while side in retarding nitrification. The nitrification rate
band placement of urea reduced it further to only (nitrates expressed as percentage of total mineral
5%. Thus the farmers need to be told about the N) after 40 days of incubation was 78% with
advantage of incorporation in surface soil or if N-serve at 2 ppm and 76% with AM at 10 ppm
possible its placement using a ferti-drill or a pore (mg/kg) as against 100% with untreated urea.
in upland crops. Split application is a well- Slow-release N fertilizers (SRFs) were developed
established technique for increasing NUE. In with an aim to slowdown the dissolution of
wheat and maize, studies with 15N showed that applied N so that most of it is taken up by crop
application of 40 kg N/ha as basal followed by plants rather than be subjected to N-loss mecha-
60 kg N/ha at crown root initiation (CRI) gave nisms. There are two kinds of SRFs, namely,
significantly higher yield than all basal applica- coated fertilizers and inherently slow dissolution
tion and other split application combinations rate materials. The examples of coated SRFs are
(Sachdev et al. 2000; Narang et al. 2000). Havangi sulfur-coated urea (SCU) (developed by TVA,
and Hegde (1983) showed in pearl millet also USA), lac-coated urea (developed by Indian Lac
two or three split applications were found to be Research Institute), polymer-coated urea, and to
better than a single application. In rice, two split some extent neem cake-coated urea. The other
10 Reactive Nitrogen Inflows and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Agriculture¼ 223

kind of slow-release fertilizers are generally sufficient NO3− to satisfy total nitrogen demand
urea–aldehyde condensates, e.g., urea-form (urea of the plant in face of varying external NO3−
and formaldehyde products developed in USA), concentrations. Plants can also take up other
isobutylidene diurea (IBDU, urea and isobutyral- forms of nitrogen, such as amino acids and
dehyde product developed in Japan and USA), ammonium ions. Root NH4+ uptake is carried out
and CD-urea (urea and crotonaldehyde product by both high-affinity and low-affinity NH4+ trans-
developed in Germany) (Prasad 2005). After 20 porters that are encoded by a multigene family
days of incubation under field capacity condi- (Glass et al. 2002). However, nitrate is the most
tions, the mineral N (NH4+ NO3−) in soil was 67, abundant form of nitrogen available to the plant
43, 31, and 27 ppm (mg/kg soil) with urea, oxamide, roots in aerated soils. Nitrate influx is an active
IBDU, and SCU, respectively. As would be process driven by the H+ gradient and can work
expected under submerged conditions, NO3-N against an electrochemical potential gradient
was not detected and the NH4+-N content in soil (Vidmar et al. 2000). The uptake involves high- and
after 20 days of incubation was 67, 61, 46, and low-affinity transport systems, also known as
15 ppm with urea, oxamide, IBDU, and SCU, HATS and LATS, respectively (Forde 2000). One
respectively. Thus, of the three SRFs oxamide of the high-affinity systems is strongly induced in
released, the N the fastest and SCU the slowest. presence of NO3− and is known as inducible high-
affinity transport system (or iHATS), while the
second high-affinity system (the cHATS) and
6 Physiological and Molecular LATS are constitutively expressed (Aslam et al.
Aspects for Improving NUE 1993; Glass and Siddiqi 1995; Forde 2002). The
Km values of iHATS, cHATS, and LATS for
NUE at the plant level is its ability to utilize the nitrate are in the ranges of 13–79 mM, 6–20 mM,
available nitrogen (N) resources to optimize its and >1 mM, respectively.
productivity. In terms of agriculture, it is the The iHATS is a multicomponent system
optimal utilization of nitrogenous manures or encoded partly by genes of the NRT2 family or
fertilizers for plant growth, yield, and protein nitrate–nitrite porter family of transporters.
content, as atmospheric nitrogen gas is not uti- Recently, two dual affinity transporters have been
lized by higher plants, except symbiotic legumes. identified in Arabidopsis, AtKUP1, and
The inherent efficiency of the plant to utilize AtNRT1.1, of which the latter is induced as
available N for higher productivity needs to be HATS by phosphorylation at threonine residue
tackled biologically (Abrol et al. 1999; Abdin 101. This family of transporters is recognized as
et al. 2005). This includes uptake, assimilation, being exceptional in both the variety of different
and redistribution of nitrogen within the cell and substrates which its members can mobilize (oli-
balance storage and current use at the cellular gopeptides, amino acids, NO3−, chlorate) and in
and whole plant level. Moreover, since N demand the ability of individual transporters to handle
and its actual availability tend to vary in time, substrates of very different sizes and charges.
space, and environmental conditions, the regula- Nitrate acts as a regulator for its own uptake, a
tion of plant nitrogen metabolism must be specific property which is not seen in other ion
responsive to nutritional, metabolic, and envi- transport systems such as phosphate, sulfate, etc.
ronmental cues. On exposure of the cells to external NO3−, the
uptake capacity increases after a lag period of
0.5–1.5 h and reaches a new steady state after
6.1 Regulation of Nitrate Uptake 4–6 h. Use of RNA and protein synthesis inhibi-
tors provided early evidence that induction of the
Plants have evolved an active, regulated, and iHATS involves gene expression and the synthe-
multiphasic transport system making their NO3− sis of new transporter protein (Aslam et al. 1993).
uptake scheme efficient enough to transport The evidence that the inducer of iHATS is indeed
224 K.R. Hakeem et al.

nitrate ion and not its downstream metabolite nitrate to nitrite by catalytic reaction in the
came from NR-deficient mutants of Arabidopsis cytosol. Nitrite is transported into the chloro-
and N. plumbaginifolia (Krapp et al. 1998; Lejay plast, where it is further reduced into ammo-
et al. 1999). Studies in the last decade have shown nium ion by a ferredoxin-dependent NiR. Being
that enhancing the uptake of N by overexpressing the first, irreversible, and often rate-determining
transporters may not necessarily improve NUE. step of the N-assimilatory pathway, nitrate
For example, transgenic overexpression of a reduction has been a favorite step for physio-
CHL1 cDNA (representing the constitutive logical and biochemical approaches to optimize
HATS) driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus fertilizer N use.
35S promoter in a chl1 mutant, recovered the
phenotype for the constitutive phase but not for
the induced phase (Liu et al. 2003). Similarly, the 6.3 Developing Plants with
NO3− contents in transgenic tobacco plants over- Transport Gene Systems Using
expressing the NpNRT2.1 gene (encoding Genetic Engineering Tools
HATS), were remarkably similar to their wild-
type levels, despite an increase in the NO3− influx. Plants receive N from the soil in the form of
These findings indicate that genetic manipulation nitrate or ammonia, however, some may utilize
of nitrate uptake may not necessarily lead to amino acid as an important sources of N. Specific
associated improvement in nitrate retention, utili- transporters located in the root cell membrane are
zation, or NUE, though it remains to be seen responsible for uptake of N from the soil.
whether different plants respond differently to Subsequent to its uptake, NO3− is assimilated via
the overexpression of different transporters a series of enzymatic steps. Nitrate reductase
(Pathak et al. 2008). Light as an important abiotic being the first enzyme in nitrate assimilatory
factor is known to enhance NO3− uptake in a pathway and thus an important gene for manipu-
number of plant species and diurnal changes in lation. NR activity in leaf blades, express either
nitrate uptake have been observed (Anjana et al. as seasonal average or converted into seasonal
2007). These changes seem to be linked to the input of reduced N, has been related to total
imbalance between nitrate uptake and reduction reduced N, grain N, and grain yield of cereals.
due to the light regime and as well as to the rate The pattern of nitrate assimilation from different
of photosynthesis in shoots. Reduced nitrate plant parts, viz. the main shoot of wheat, devel-
uptake during darkness could be reversed by oping ear of wheat plants grown at different soil
exogenous supply of sugars (Raghuram and N levels, and in the leaf blades at different stages
Sopory 1995). Recent evidence on the upregula- of growth has revealed a direct positive correla-
tion of AtNRT1.1 gene expression by auxin (Li tion between increasing NR activity and increas-
et al. 2007) suggests that nitrate transporters ing rates of nitrogenous fertilization. Most plant
may also be regulated by hormones. tissues have the capacity to assimilate nitrate,
though their NR activity varies widely. Several
endogenous as well as exogenous factors have
6.2 Physiology of Nitrate Reduction been found to influence the expression of NR
in Crops genes at both translational as well as transcrip-
tional levels.
A portion of the nitrate taken up is utilized/ Andrews et al. (2004) reported that overex-
stored in the root cells, while the rest is trans- pression of either the NR or the NiR gene often
ported to other parts of the plant. Due to the affects N uptake by increasing mRNA levels in
abundant availability of photosynthetic reduc- the plants. However, this does not seem to
tants, leaf mesophyll cells are the main sites of increase the growth or yield of plants, irrespec-
nitrate reduction. This is initiated by the NAD/ tive of N source. It is believed to be due, in part,
NADP-dependent NR enzyme, which converts to the complex regulation of both NR and the
10 Reactive Nitrogen Inflows and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Agriculture¼ 225

pathway as a whole. Transcriptional regulation of 6.4 Glutamine Synthetase and

NR has only minor influence on the levels of free Glutamate Synthase (GOGAT)
amino acids, ammonium, and nitrate, whereas Gene Systems
posttranslational regulation of NR strongly
affects these compounds (Lea et al. 2006). The Glutamine synthetase (GS) catalyzes the critical
light/dark conditions affect NR activity; het- incorporation of inorganic ammonium into glu-
erotrophic nitrate assimilation in darkness is tamine. In higher plants, it is represented by two
closely linked to the oxidative pentose phosphate groups of protein – the cystolic and plastidic
pathway and the supply of glucose-6-phosphate. forms (Miffin and Habash 2002). Cystosolic GS
Under photoautotrophic conditions, glucose-6- (GS1) is known to be encoded by a complex
phosphate dehydrogenase is inhibited by reduc- multigene family, whereas plastidic GS (GS2) is
tion with thioredoxin in light, thus replacing the encoded by a single gene. Glutamate synthase
heterotrophic dark nitrate assimilatory pathway (Glutamine (amide): 2-oxoglutarate aminotrans-
with regulatory reactions functioning in light. ferase, GOGAT) catalyses the reductive transfer
These studies as well as bioenergetic calculations of the amide group of glutamine (produced by
have indicated that both yield and N harvest or GS) to 2-oxoglutarate (a-keto glutarate) to form
protein can be increased to some extent with two glutamate molecules (Lea and Ireland 1999).
adequate nitrogen supply by altered management GS/GOGAT pathway is of crucial importance
practices, thus improving the fertilizer NUE. since the glutamine and glutamate produced are
Genotypic differences in the NR levels also pro- donors of amino groups for the biosynthesis of
vide insight in the relation of varietal differences major N-containing compounds, including amino
in N assimilation. The genotypic differences in acids, nucleotides, chlorophylls, polyamines, and
NR expression have been reported in corn, wheat, alkaloids (Lea and Ireland 1999; Hirel and Lea
sorghum, and barley. In sorghum, a positive rela- 2001). A direct correlation was reported between
tionship between decline in the height of the plant an enhanced GS activity in transgenic plants in
and enhancement of NR activity was observed, some cases, which is depicted by an increase in
though no such relationship was evident in tall biomass or yield by transforming novel GS1
and dwarf cultivars of wheat, T. aestivum. Wheat construct. Similarly, Kozaki and Takeba (1996)
genotypes revealed over twofold variability in constructed transgenic tobacco plants enriched or
NR activity, which supports genetic findings that reduced in plastidic glutamine synthetase (GS2, a
the enzyme level is highly heritable, its differ- key enzyme in photorespiration). Ectopic expres-
ences are reflected in N harvest and that hybrids sion of GS1 has been shown to alter plant growth
could be bred with predictable NR levels by (Fuentes et al. 2001; Oliveira et al. 2002) and the
selecting parents appropriately. In the high NR overexpression of GS1 in transgenic plants could
genotypes, higher levels of NR activity were cause the enhancement of photosynthetic rates,
found under low N levels, often with significantly higher rates of photorespiration and enhanced
higher N concentration in the grains. They also resistance to water stress (Fuentes et al. 2001).
have sustained activity at later stages of growth, The overexpression of soybean cytosolic GS1 in
such as flag leaf emergence and anthesis. The the shoots of Lotus corniculatus was reported to
reasons for these genetic differences are not fully accelerate plant development, leading to early
understood, except that the regulation operated at senescence and premature flowering, particularly
the level of gene expression and that low levels when plants were grown under conditions of high
of NADH might limit NR activity in low NR ammonium (Vincentz et al. 1993). Man et al.
genotypes. Similarly, overexpressing NiR genes (2005) provided additional empirical evidence
in Arabidopsis and tobacco resulted in increased for enhanced nitrogen-assimilation efficiency in
NiR transcript levels but decreased enzyme activity GS1 transgenic lines. However, differences in the
levels, which were attributed to posttranslational degree of ectopic GS1 expression have been
modifications. reported (Fuentes et al. 2001) and attributed to
226 K.R. Hakeem et al.

positional effects, effectiveness of chimeric con- Medicago truncatula increase when GS is reduced
structs, or differences in growth conditions. This suggests that AS can compensate for the reduced
may be due to lack of correlation between the GS ammonium assimilatory activity. However, it
enhanced expression of GS1 and concomitant was also demonstrated that GS activity is essen-
growth (Vincentz et al. 1993; Ortega et al. 2001). tial for maintaining the higher level of AS. Thus,
A significant increase in leaf area, plant area, GS is required to synthesize enough Gln to sup-
plant height, and dry weight has been recorded in port Asp biosynthesis via NADH-GOGAT and
poplar trees transformed with conifer gs1a gene. AspAT (Carvalho et al. 2003). A reduction in GS
Striking differences were observed at low nitrate activity in transgenic Lotus japonicas is also cor-
concentration. Furthermore, higher rates at 15N related with an increase in Asn content (Harrison
incorporation into the transgenic plants demon- et al. 2007), supporting the hypothesis that when
strate that the transformed plants have increased GS becomes limiting, AS may be important in
NUE (Man et al. 2005). Transgenic overexpres- controlling the flux of reduced N into plants.
sion and antisense technology have been With the aim of increasing Asn production in
employed recently to modulate the expression of plants and to study the role of AS, several
NADH-GOGAT in alfalfa and rice plants researches have attempted to clone AS genes and
(Yamaya et al. 2002). The studies on transgenic to examine the corresponding gene expression in
rice plants expressing antisense RNA for either plants. Lam et al. (2009) showed overexpression
GS1 or NADH-GOGAT point towards the possi- of the ASN1 gene in Arabidopsis and demon-
ble involvement of GS1 in the export of N via strated that the transgenic plants have enhanced
phloem in senescing leaves. On the other hand, in soluble seed protein content, enhanced total pro-
case of developing leaf blades and spikelets, tein content, and better growth on N-limiting
NADH-GOGAT was implicated in the utilization medium. Arabidopsis plants overexpressing the
of glutamine transported from senescing organs ASN2 gene accumulate less endogenous ammo-
(Yamaya 2003). While these genes appear to be nium than wild-type plants when grown on
good candidates for improving NUE in the short medium containing 50-mM ammonium. This
run, the degree of improvement may vary with study indicates that signaling processes may pro-
the crop and cropping conditions. Therefore, the vide an attractive route for metabolic engineer-
utility of transgenic overexpression of ing. In comparison to GS/GOGAT enzymes,
N-assimilatory genes for major improvements of the physiological role of glutamate dehydroge-
NUE remains uncertain, though the possibility nase (GDH) has been less clear (Dubois et al.
that different crops respond differently cannot be 2003). In an attempt to investigate the role of
ruled out yet. GDH by expressing a bacterial gdhA gene from
E. coli in tobacco, Ameziane et al. (2000) found
that biomass production is consistently increased
6.5 Other Gene Systems Regulating in gdhA transgenics, regardless of whether they
N Metabolism and Their are grown under controlled conditions or in the
Manipulation field.

Enzymes like asparagine synthetase (AS), that

catalyzes the formation of asparagine (Asn) and 7 Signaling and Regulation
glutamate from glutamine (Gln) and aspartate. In of Nitrogen Metabolism
higher plants, AS is encoded by a small gene
family (Lam et al. 1998). Together with GS, AS It is a well-known concept in signal transduction
is believed to play a crucial role in primary N that whenever multiple genes are subject to tran-
metabolism. The observation made by Carvalho scriptional regulation by a common signal, it is
et al. (2003) that the levels of AS transcripts and mediated through a regulatory sequence that
polypeptides in the transgenic nodules of exists in all the genes that respond to the signal.
10 Reactive Nitrogen Inflows and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Agriculture¼ 227

These signature sequences, commonly known as nitrate-responsive genes in all plants. The dis-
response elements, are identified by mutations covery of NREs is important, as it provides an
that abolish their function, and their conserved end point for nitrate signal transduction.
nature as revealed by homology comparisons.
Early experiments in transgenic Nicotiana plants
using GUS gene fused to NR and NiR promoter 8 QTL Approach to NUE
sequences clearly demonstrated for the first time
that nitrate induction of gene expression requires NUE in plants is a complex quantitative trait that
some sequence(s) associated with the NR and depends on a number of internal and external fac-
NiR promoters (Raghuram et al. 2006). tors in addition to soil nitrogen availability, such
Subsequent studies in transgenic tobacco incor- as photosynthetic carbon fixation to provide pre-
porating the 5¢ flanking regions of the nitrate cursors required for amino acid biosynthesis or
reductase genes NR1 and NR2 (designated NP1 respiration to provide energy. Although this trait
and NP2), in case of Arabidopsis thaliana, dem- is controlled by a large number of loci acting
onstrated that 238 and 330 bp of NP1and NP2, individually or together, depending on nutri-
respectively, are sufficient for nitrate-dependent tional, environmental, and plant developmental
transcription (Lin and Demain 2006). These conditions, it is possible to find enough pheno-
nitrate-responsive elements (NREs) are com- typic and genotypic variability to partially under-
posed of several copies of a core A[G/C]TCA stand the genetic basis of NUE and thus identify
sequence motif preceded by an ~7-bp AT-rich some of the key components of yield for marker-
sequence present in the 5¢ flanking regions of assisted breeding. Thus the development of
nitrate reductase (NR1 and NR2) genes. This molecular markers has facilitated the evaluation
particular sequence motif was also found to be of the inheritance of NUE using specific quanti-
very well conserved in the 5¢ flanking regions of tative trait loci (QTLs) that could be identified. In
NR and NiR genes from eight other plants. maize, Hirel et al. (2001) and Masclaux et al.
Sarkar (2003) compared the flanking sequences (2001) analyzed recombinant inbred lines for
of all available plant nitrate-responsive genes physiological traits such as nitrate content, NR
and found that the NRE core sequence (A[C/G] and GS activities. When the variation in these
TCA) was present in multiple copies on both traits and yield components were compared, it
strands in all the known nitrate-responsive genes was found that there was a positive correlation
in many dicots, monocots, and cyanobacteria. between nitrate content, GS activity, and yield.
Though most of the NREs examined contained When the loci that govern quantitative traits were
both the core sequence and a proceeding AT-rich determined on the map of the maize genome, the
sequence, there were some cases which had positions of QTLs for yield components and the
GC-rich regions or did not reveal any AT/GC locations of the genes for cytosolic GS (GS1)
bias. A more detailed bioinformatic analysis of coincided. In maize, studies on different geno-
the entire Arabidopsis genome in our lab revealed types or populations of recombinant inbred lines
that the proposed NREs are randomly distrib- based on NUE components, chromosomal
uted, with no difference between nitrate-responsive regions, and putative candidate genes have hinted
genes and the presumably nonresponsive genes at some factors that might control yield and its
and intergenic regions in the rest of the genome components directly or indirectly, when the
(Raghuram et al. 2006). These findings raise amount of N fertilizers provided to the plant is
doubts on the validity of the proposed NRE varied (Hirel et al. 2007).
as comprising of (A[C/G] TCA) elements Similar results were obtained in rice by Obara
preceded by AT-rich sequence. Further work in et al. (2001), confirming the earlier indications
this area will need a combination of bioinfor- that the GS1 enzymatic activity in the leaf cyto-
matic and experimental approaches to redefine sol is one of the major steps controlling organic
the NREs that mediate the expression of all matter reallocation from source to sink organs
228 K.R. Hakeem et al.

during senescence and for grain-filling in cere- Proteomic-based technologies have been
als. Previous studies have already demonstrated recently applied for the systematic analysis of the
that when GS1 is over expressed in Lotus, nitro- induced gene products in a number of plant spe-
gen remobilization was prematurely induced cies subjugated to a wide range of abiotic and
leading to early senescence of the plant (Vincentz biotic challenges. Proteome analysis is becoming
et al. 1993). In rice (Yamaya et al. 2002) and a powerful tool in the functional characterization
wheat (Habash et al. 2001), preliminary investi- of plants. Due to the availability of vast nucleotide
gations with enhanced or decreased GS1 sequence information and based on the progress
activity indicated that grain yield and grain achieved in sensitive and rapid protein identifica-
nitrogen content were modified. In other species tion by mass spectrometry, proteome approaches
such as tobacco (Migge et al. 2000) or poplar open up new perspectives to analyze the complex
(Gallardo et al. 1999), overexpression of GS2 functions of model plants and crop species at dif-
or GS1 significantly increased plant biomass ferent levels. Improvements in proteomic tech-
production at early stages of plant development. nology regarding protein separation and detection,
With these experiments, two out of seven as well as mass spectrometry-based protein iden-
QTLs for GS1 protein content were detected in tification, have an increasing impact on the study
different regions from other physiological and of plant responses to salinity stress (Parker et al.
biological traits. In maize, QTLs for the activi- 2006; Qureshi et al. 2007; Caruso et al. 2008).
ties of acid-soluble invertase and sucrose- Proteomics has provided valuable information in
phosphate-synthase were detected in the various fields of plant biology. Construction of
regions where each structural gene was mapped several plant protein databases is in progress for
(Ishimaru et al. 2001). Arabidopsis, rice, maize, and some trees, where
Thus, quantitative studies of genetic variability different genetic, cellular, and physiological infor-
for NUE using molecular markers and combining mation is available, such as expression in various
agronomic and physiological studies will be organs or tissues, response to treatments, cellular
increasingly used in the future to identify new localization, and genetic bases (Thiellement et al.
genes or loci involved in the regulation of these 1999). Recent advances in MS techniques will
metabolic pathways and their interconnection facilitate protein identification so that in the future
with carbon assimilation and recycling and to this will not be a limiting factor in the interpreta-
select genotypes that assimilate or remobilize tion of variations detected on 2D gels. By provid-
nitrogen more efficiently. ing information on affected and unaffected
proteins, large-scale protein identification will
simplify determining the consequences of muta-
9 Proteomics Approach to NUE tions, plant transformation, or natural polymor-
phism for plant metabolism, as well as interpreting
The ability of crop plants to cope up with the the effects of protein changes on development, or
variety of environmental stresses depends upon a in response to biotic and abiotic stress. Studies in
number of changes in their proteins, which may Saccharomyces cerevisiae, for which hundreds of
be up- and downregulated as a result of altered proteins have been identified, show the power of
gene expression. Under a stressful condition, the the proteomic approach in the study of the regula-
modifications in the expression levels of these tion of metabolic pathways. Schiltz et al. (2005)
proteins could provide us valuable information studied that during seed filling, the accumulation
about the nature of stress factor as well as the of proteins in the seeds relies on the nitrogen sup-
physiological and molecular state of a biological ply from the mother plant, and a proteomic
system. Hence, provides us some clues to under- approach was used to study the mobilization of
stand the nature of defensive mechanism and proteins from the leaves to the filling seeds in pea.
adaptability, besides stress monitoring in these Two contrasting N-responsive wheat varieties have
biological systems. differential expressions of root as well as leaf
10 Reactive Nitrogen Inflows and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Agriculture¼ 229

proteins when grown under controlled conditions that optimizing the plants, NUE goes beyond the
at different N levels (Bahrman et al. 2004, 2005). primary process of uptake and reduction of
These proteins were grouped into two categories, nitrate, involving quality of events, including
one involved in carbon metabolism and the other metabolite partitioning, secondary remobiliza-
associated with other pathways and functions like tion, C–N interactions, as well as signaling path-
thiol-specific antioxidant proteins, etc. This study ways and regulatory controls outside the
revealed that levels of gene expressions are modi- metabolic cascades. Despite the various attempts
fied with the varying levels of nitrate supply, even to manipulate each of the above steps in some
if only a few polypeptides appear, disappear, or plant or the other, we are far from finding a uni-
change. Sarry et al. (2006) have demonstrated the versal switch that controls NUE in all plants.
protein level changes associated with nitrogen However, transgenic studies, QTL, and proteom-
and sulfur metabolism, and their interaction. With ics approaches seem to increasingly suggest that
the help of high throughput proteomic tools, they the enzymes of secondary ammonia remobiliza-
were able to detect various enzymes including tion are better targets for manipulation, followed
ATP sulfurylase, sulfite reductase, cysteine syn- by regulatory processes that control N–C flux,
thase, S adenosylmethionine synthase, glutamine rather than the individual genes/enzymes of pri-
synthase, aspartate aminotransferase, GDH, etc., mary nitrate assimilation. There is an urgent need
involved directly or indirectly in S and N metabo- of large-scale, co-ordinated research on plant
lism. Recently a study for the detection of low nutriomics, involving sincere efforts from both
nitrogen-responsive proteins in cultivated rice national and international researchers to develop
species was done by Kim et al. (2009). Studies at the nutrient-efficient, high-yielding, and stress-
constructing 2-D gel reference map for use in tolerant genotypes/varieties that will contribute
comparative proteomics among cultivars for to both environmental safety as well as food
N-responsive proteins might provide an insight security worldwide.
for precise identification of potential molecular
protein markers to assist the breeders for screen-
ing N-efficient genotypes and help in understand- References
ing how crop adapts to low N availability.
Correlations between the level of expression and Abdin MA, Dwivedi RK, Abrol YP (2005) Nitrogen in
NUE might bring information on the possible role agriculture. In: Singh RP, Shankar N, Jaiwal PK (eds)
Nitrogen nutrition and plant productivity. Studium
of the genes involved in nitrogen metabolism. Press, Houston, TX, pp 1–41
Abrol YP, Chatterjee SR, Kumar PA, Jain V (1999)
Improvement in nitrogenous fertilizer utilization –
10 Conclusion and Future physiological and molecular approaches. Curr Sci
Perspectives Ameziane RK, Bernhard K, Bates R, Lightfoot D (2000)
Expression of the bacterial gdhA gene encoding
Present review provides an overview of plant NADPH glutamate dehydrogenase in tobacco affects
plant growth and development. Plant Soil 221:47–57
nutriomics, which is still at a conceptual stage. Andrews M, Lea PJ, Raven JA, Lindsey K (2004) Can
Although considerable efforts are in progress genetic manipulation of plant nitrogen assimilation
with the aim at enhancing plant nutrient effi- enzymes result in increased crop yield and greater
ciency through molecular and genetic approaches. N-use efficiency? An assessment. Ann Appl Biol
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Arbuscular Mycorrhizal
Symbiosis and Other Plant– 11
Soil Interactions in Relation
to Environmental Stress
Patrick Audet

In this chapter, focused on the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and
their mostly mutualistic association with the vast majority of herbaceous
plant species, we examine the cellular, molecular, and physiological
mechanisms by which the mycorrhizal symbiosis can enhance plant stress
tolerance in relation to a number of abiotic environmental stressors, such
as macro- and micronutrient deficiency, drought, and metal toxicity.
Overall, the primary mechanisms of interaction discussed here include:
(1) the enhanced uptake of macro- and micronutrients and water; and (2)
the stabilization of the soil architecture via mycorrhizal-enhanced soil
aggregation and metal biosorption processes. A key facet of this analysis
involves the identification of direct vs. indirect benefits of interactions,
and their distinctive impacts toward plant development as well as the
proximal growth environment. Accordingly, due to the significant and
widespread effects of these direct and indirect processes toward plant
physiological and soil ecological function, it is suggested that the mycor-
rhizal symbiosis should constitute an extrinsic stress tolerance strategy
that could complement the inherent resistance mechanisms of plants when
subjected to an array of potential stressors, and also buffer the growth
environment. For this reason, it is recommended that future studies take
into account such multitrophic interactions (e.g., above- and belowground
relationships) to better depict physiological and ecological phenomena in
relation to environmental stress.

Mutualism • Macro- and micronutrients • Drought • Soil stabilization

P. Audet ()
Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation,
Sustainable Minerals Institute,
The University of Queensland,
Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 233
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_11,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
234 P. Audet

development (Larcher 1987, 2003). As shown in

1 Introduction other chapters of this volume, potential environ-
mental stress factors are many (e.g., radiation,
1.1 Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Stress temperature, water, nutrient availability) and often
Tolerance grouped according to their abiotic or biotic origins
(Fig. 11.1). From this definition, such stressors
In the field of plant physiology, environmental
can be either localized (root vs. shoot predation)
stress (or strain) refers to a state or event causing
or systemic (heat shock, frost), and typically incur a
a deviation in plant growth relative to its optimal
complex cascade of physiological effects ranging

Stress Factors

Abiotic Biotic

Radiation Plants
Deficiency Crowding
Excess Allelopathy
UV Parasitic plants

Temperature Microorganisms
Heat Viruses
Cold Bacteria
Frost Fungi

Water Predation disturbances

Dry air Grazing
Dry soil Trampling
Anthrophogenic activity
Gases Industrial pollution
Oxygen deficiency Agrochemicals
Volcanic gases Soil compaction
Minerals Ionization radiation
Deficiency Electromagnetic fields
Excess (Toxicity)

Mechanical disturbances
Snow cover
Ice sheets

Fig. 11.1 Abiotic and biotic environmental stress factors (adapted from Marschner 1995)
11 AM Symbiosis and Other Plant–Soil Interactions in Relation… 235

from temporary (reversible) to permanent Duke 1994; Langenheim 2003; Wagner 1991). By
(irreversible) adaptive responses depending on the contrast, extrinsic stress tolerance refers to plant
relative intensity of the given stress factor. In order investment in external systems, particularly sym-
to increase their survivorship and reproductive biotic mutualism, to circumvent environmental
success, plants have developed a remarkable array stress. In this regard, the symbiotic mutualism
of stress tolerance (endurance), resistance (accli- encompasses an intimately co-operative relation-
mation), and (or) avoidance (prevention) mecha- ship between two different species (referred to as
nisms to circumvent a number of environmental symbionts) contributing to the mutual benefit of
challenges and avoid any permanent associated- both individuals (Leung and Poulin 2008).
stress injuries. Further to these more conventional Notably, the balance between the benefits of asso-
descriptors of adaptive stress tolerance (e.g., toler- ciation among the symbionts is critical for defin-
ance, resistance, and avoidance), two alternative ing the symbiotic mutualism since symbiotic
descriptors have been proposed relating to plant relationships are believed to function along a con-
investment (or resource and energy allocation) in tinuum ranging from parasitism to mutualisms
either intrinsic (e.g., metabolic) or extrinsic (e.g., (Boucher et al. 1982; Bronstein 2001; Johnson
symbiotic) tolerance strategies1 (Audet and et al. 1997). From this definition, it can be argued
Charest 2007b, 2008). Here, intrinsic stress toler- that plants have developed the widest assortment
ance refers to plant investment in inherent (or of mutualism in the natural world, whereby host
built-in) metabolic systems that are inducible plants typically exchange essential resources (e.g.,
when subjected to stress. For example, the pro- plant carbohydrates, soil nutrients) and (or) eco-
duction of metallothioneins which bind ion-free logical services (e.g., pollination services, shelter)
radicals to prevent metal-induced cellular oxida- with individuals from another species to recipro-
tive stress (Chaps. 9, 20, and 21), the production cally enhance their tolerance to environmental
of secondary metabolites to thwart herbivores stressors and thereby increase their survivorship
(Howe and Jander 2008; Mole 1994), the dispatch (Boucher 1988; Boucher et al. 1982). Examples
of heat shock proteins to prevent enzyme denatur- of plant mutualism include plant–pollinator inter-
ing under temperature extremes (Chaps. 5–7), or actions with insects, birds, and mammals to ensure
the production of anti-microbial proteins to inhibit plant fertilization and sexual reproduction
viral, fungal, and (or) bacterial pathogens (Dangl (Rønsted et al. 2005, 2008; Wiebes 1979), plant–
and Jones 2001; Fritig et al. 1998; Ganz and fungus (mycorrhizal) interactions to increase the
Lehrer 1999), to name just a few. More broadly, root system’s resource acquisition capacity (Douds
intrinsic stress tolerance can also include constitu- and Johnson 2007; Marschner and Dell 1994),
tive systems such as the processes of cell lignifica- and plant–rhizobial interactions for the fixation of
tion, the development of trichomes and glandular inorganic soil nitrogen (Long 1996, 2001; Young
hairs, or the exudation of resins and waxes which, and Johnston 1989). Among these interactions,
together, offers mechanical defenses to some of the mycorrhizal symbiosis is considered to be one
these environmental stressors (Bhuiyan et al. 2009; of the most widespread and well-studied ecologi-
cal associations having key implications at the
scale of plant physiological and whole-ecosystem
In their review of “Heavy metal tolerance in plants,” function. In this chapter, focused on the arbuscu-
Antonovics et al. (1971), and later Baker and Walker lar mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and their symbiotic
(1990), were first to allude to and distinguish between
association with herbaceous plant species, we
internal and external tolerance mechanisms. Similarly to
the investment of plant resources toward intrinsic versus examine how some plants invest in mycorrhizal
extrinsic strategies proposed here, the internal and exter- symbiosis as an extrinsic stress tolerance strategy
nal tolerance mechanisms suggested by Antonovics et al. in relation to a number of abiotic environmental
refer to central (e.g., metabolic) and peripheral (e.g.,
stressors, such as macro- and micronutrient defi-
rhizospheric) processes, respectively, which can impact
plant development when faced with critical metal toxicity ciency, drought, and metal toxicity. It is also sug-
conditions. gested that such an investment can contribute
236 P. Audet

Fig. 11.2 Defining the mycorrhizosphere and its zone of influence (adapted from Beare et al. 1995)

in shaping plant development by influencing Orchidaceae and Ericaceae species). A common

edaphic conditions within the proximal growth feature among all mycorrhizae is the develop-
environment. ment of the mycorrhizosphere2 (Fig. 11.2) con-
sisting in the combined zones of influence of the
roots (rhizosphere) and extraradical hyphae
1.2 Mycorrhizae and the AM (hyphosphere), and encompassing a highly active
Symbiosis and multilateral interface between the host plants,
mycorrhizal fungi, and proximal soil environ-
Aptly referred to as “fungus roots” (Frank 1885), ment (Duponnois et al. 2008; Garbaye 1991). In
the mycorrhizae are mostly nonpathogenic soil line with the notion of plant investment in extrinsic
fungi living intimately with terrestrial plant roots systems for the purpose of stress tolerance, plant
that, together, form a symbiotic mutualism char- investment toward the development of the myc-
acterized by the direct exchange of plant carbo- orrhizospheric network involves a considerable
hydrates for soil resources, such as mineral plant carbon allocation (occasionally represent-
nutrients and water (Allen 1991). The mycor- ing up to and possibly well over 20% of the
rhizae are ubiquitous organisms having adapted plant’s total carbon budget) which is required for
to and successfully colonized nearly all known
terrestrial ecosystems by forming symbiotic asso-
ciations with the broad majority of all plant fami- 2
Fitzpatrick’s (1984) characterization of the micromor-
lies (Peterson et al. 2004). For this reason, the phology of soils indicates that the pedosphere (e.g., soil
mycorrhizal fungi are classified into three primary realm) is constituted of four essential “spheres”: atmo-
sphere (e.g., soil air), biosphere (e.g., litter and microor-
assemblages depending on their respective
ganisms), lithosphere (e.g., rocks and minerals), and
morphologies and specific plant hosts: the ecto- hydrosphere (e.g., soil water). Accordingly, Beare et al.
mycorrhizae (primarily associated with Pinaceae, (1995) have subclassified arenas of interaction to identify
Fagaceae, Betulaceae, and Salicaceae species), the further interfaces within the pedospheric framework, such
as the drilosphere (e.g., worm castings), detritusphere
endomycorrhizae (associated with the majority
(e.g., saprotrophs), rhizosphere (e.g., plant roots), mycor-
of angiosperms and some gymnosperms), and the rhizosphere (e.g., combined roots and extraradical
ectendomycorrhizae (primarily associated with hyphae), etc.
11 AM Symbiosis and Other Plant–Soil Interactions in Relation… 237

actively sustaining the symbiotic infrastructure alone (Koide 1991, 2000; Koide and Elliott 1989).
and maintaining the functional viability of the With the development of this active and bidirec-
mycorrhizal symbiont (Douds et al. 2000; Tinker tional symbiotic exchange network, the AM fungi
et al. 1994). In exchange, this extrinsic invest- then shift their developmental allocation to the
ment provides the host plant with a number of production of extraradical spores and vesicles
ecological services typically pertaining to the which are involved, respectively, in fungal repro-
enhancement of the plant’s resource acquisition duction and lipid storage (Bago et al. 2000; Dalpé
capability and the stabilization of the proximal et al. 2005). Under these circumstances, the AM
soil environment. fungi are generally considered to be “true” mutu-
Falling within the grouping of the endomycor- alists due to their host obligate status which
rhizae, the AM fungi and their symbiosis with requires that they maintain an active symbiosis in
herbaceous plants are particularly well studied in order to ensure an influx of plant carbon alloca-
the field of plant physiology and mycology, and tions for the completion their life cycle (Johnson
widely recognized for benefiting host plants when et al. 1997; Jones and Smith 2004).
subjected to various environmental stressors As stated previously, numerous advances have
(Table 11.1). Having originated an estimated 450 been made over the past decades demonstrating
million years ago, the AM fungi comprise species the beneficial role of the AM fungi in plant physi-
of the Glomeromycota phylum which are believed ology and soil ecology; this being attributed
to form associations with up to 90% of all herba- especially to the dynamic function of the mycor-
ceous plants (Redecker et al. 2000; Remy et al. rhizosphere in relation to various edaphic pro-
1994; Schüßler et al. 2001). As characterized by cesses (Fig. 11.4). In order to accurately depict
a unique morphology consisting of intra- and such dynamic interactions, the classification of
extraradical hyphae, arbuscules, vesicles, and the mycorrhizospheric processes presented here
spores (Fig. 11.3), the AM fungi behave in a distinguishes specifically between two types of
peculiar manner compared to other mycorrhizal interaction depending on the nature of the bene-
phyla since they penetrate between the cortical fits of association being either direct or indirect.
cells of vascular plant roots in order to develop an In the present context, the direct benefits of inter-
intracellular exchange network (Garcia-Garrido action refer to processes that directly enhance the
et al. 2009): a behavior believed to be rooted in plant health status as mediated by the dynamics
ancient parasitic origins (Purin and Rillig 2008). of bidirectional exchange between the symbionts
Following reciprocal signaling processes between described above (Cushman and Beattie 1991;
the symbionts resulting in the successful coloni- Schwartz and Hoeksema 1998). For example, the
zation of host roots (Harrison 1999, 2005; process of mycorrhizal enhanced uptake in which
Vierheilig and Piché 2002), the intraradical the extraradical hyphae increase the uptake of
hyphae proliferate within the root architecture to limiting soil resources in exchange for plant car-
interact with roots cells across a slender periar- bohydrates, then enabling the host plant to sup-
buscular zone formed between the fungal arbus- plement its nutrient status when subjected to
cular structures and plant cell membranes. It is deficiency conditions. Alternatively and occa-
across the periarbuscular zone where soil sionally overlooked from a plant physiological
resources (e.g., phosphorus, nitrogen, or mineral perspective, the indirect benefits3 of interaction
nutrients) and plant carbohydrates (e.g., glucose, refer to processes that indirectly enhance the
hexose) are actively exchanged between the sym- plant growth or survival status by altering the
bionts (Hahn and Mendgen 2001). Meanwhile, proximal growth environment thereby providing
the extraradical hyphae typically scavenge
beyond the root depletion zone to form an expan-
sive mycorrhizospheric network, thereby increas- 3
The notion of “indirect benefits” derived from mutualism
ing the host roots’ resource acquisition capabilities has previously been used within the context of species
and zone of influence compared to the rhizosphere community structure.

Table 11.1 Summary of the impact of AM symbiosis on plant physiology and soil ecology
Mechanism Target Description Reference
Direct benefit Enhanced resource Essential soil resources Preferential uptake of nitrogen (NO3/NH4) Bolan (1991)a, Chapman et al.
acquisition capability (nonmetals, metals, and phosphorus (Pi) (2006)a, Schachtman et al. (1998)a,
and water) Smith et al. (2003)a, and George et al.
Mobilization and uptake of trace essential elements Jeffries et al. (2003)a, Koide (1991)a,
having low bioavailability (e.g., Zn, Ni, Co, Cu, Mn, Fe) and Marschner and Dell (1994)a
particularly under nutrient-deficiency conditions
Enhanced water use efficiency and drought recovery Augé et al. (2001), Augé (2001)a, and
Montaño et al. (2007)a
Indirect benefit Soil structure stabilization Metal bioavailability Metal binding due to negatively charged surface Leyval et al. (1997)a, Galli et al.
constituents of extraradical hyphae (e.g., carboxyls, (1994)a, Gadd (1993)a, Meharg
hydroxides, oxy-hydroxides, sulfhydryls); Reduction (2003)a, and González-Guerrero et al.
of plant metal uptake to delay phytotoxicity, particularly (2009)a
at high soil exposure levels (e.g., Zn Pb, Cd, Ni)
Soil retention capacity Enhanced soil aggregation properties; increased water Augé et al. (2001), Augé (2001)a,
and nutrient retention capacity, decrease of nutrient Bearden (2001), Bearden and
leaching Petersen (2000), Miller and Jastrow
Mycorrhizal exudation Soil microbia Promotion of beneficial bacteria (i.e., nitrogen fixation), Chapman et al. (2005)a, Barea et al.
competitive exclusion of soil pathogens (1998)a, and Johanson et al. (2003)a
Metal bioavailability Precipitation of metal–ligands, modulation of soil pH Leyval et al. (1997)a, Galli et al.
(1994)a, and Gadd (1993)a
Denotes review publications
P. Audet
11 AM Symbiosis and Other Plant–Soil Interactions in Relation… 239

Fig. 11.3 Defining structures of an arbuscular mycorrhizal (Ve), arbuscules (Ar), host roots (HR), spores (Sp), spore
fungus (Glomus intraradices Schenck & Smith) in associa- clusters (Sc), extraradical hyphae (Eh), and intraradical
tion with Ri T-DNA carrot roots (Daucus carota L.) grown hyphae (Ih). Roots are stained with an aniline blue 0.02%
under aseptic conditions. Shown from (a) to (e) are: vesicles dye solution and observed under a compound microscrope

more favorable developmental conditions (Bertness nonassociated species within the mycorrhizo-
and Callaway 1994; Stachowicz 2001; Müller sphere’s zone of influence, unlike the direct ben-
and Krauss 2005). For instance, the process of efits which suggest an intimate exchange
mycorrhizospheric-enhanced soil aggregation occurring exclusively between the symbionts. By
which contributes in stabilizing the proximal distinguishing between the direct and indirect
growth environment to increase its resource benefits of interaction, it is intriguing that a com-
retention capacity. A key aspect of the indirect bination of such AM-induced mycorrhizospheric
benefits of interaction is the notion that such processes can complement many intrinsic toler-
processes can benefit host plants as well as ance mechanisms when subjected to a broad
240 P. Audet

Root Mucilage
Enhanced Resource

Metal Biosorption and

Precipitation of Metal-Ligands Host

- Soil-pH
+ Modulation
Soil Matrix -
Soil Microbial
Bulk Soil

Fig. 11.4 Summary of potential mycorrhizospheric interactions

range of environmental conditions and abiotic plant growth and increased leaf senescence
stress. For this reason, it is considered that these thereby detrimentally affecting the plant’s photo-
processes likely play a key role in enhancing synthetic potential and overall growth yield.
plant stress tolerance, as well as shaping the A particular environmental challenge regarding
proximal growth environment to increase the plant N assimilation exists with regard to the
soil’s resilience, in relation to a number of poten- source of N in soils, whether it is in the form of
tial ecological stressors. nitrate (NO3−) which is readily assimilated in
roots and (or) shoots but easily leached from the
rhizosphere or, instead, in the form of ammonium
2 Direct Benefits of Association (NH4+) which can be more abundant than the
former but requires detoxification prior to its
2.1 Macro- and Micronutrient Uptake assimilation (Gutschick 1981; Bloom 1997). The
primary benefit of mycorrhizal associations per-
2.1.1 N Acquisition tains to the increase in belowground surface area
Plant productivity in temperate agro-ecosystems (e.g., roots and extraradical hyphae) which
is most commonly limited by soil nitrogen (N) enhances the host plant’s soil resource acquisi-
bioavailability (Vitousek and Howarth 1991; tion capability compared to the rhizosphere alone.
Chapin et al. 2002). Due to its principal role in In this regard, two complementary mechanisms
protein biosynthesis and nucleic acid metabo- describing the role of AM fungi in plant N assim-
lism, N deficiency typically results in stunted ilation have been presented suggesting that the
11 AM Symbiosis and Other Plant–Soil Interactions in Relation… 241


Peri-Arbuscular Interface


Intraradical Hyphal Extraradical Hyphal

Carbon Pool Carbon Pool
Exudation of
Amino Acid Organic
Synthesis Chelators

aminotransferase NO3- NO3-

NH4+ Mep
AMT Ornithine
Mep NH4+ NH4+
Rh Urea
Urease Bidirectional
Transfer Glutamine
Acid Arginine Arginine
Intraradical Mycelium Extraradical Mycelium

Host Root Soil Environment

Fig. 11.5 AM fungal nitrogen uptake and transfer pathway (adapted from Govindarajulu et al. 2005; modified according
to Jin et al. 2005, Chalot et al. 2006, and Cruz et al. 2007). Bidirectional transfer is indicated by solid and dashed
lines. Refer to text for abbreviations

mycorrhizosphere contributes first by generally (GDH), and glutamate synthase (GOGAT).

increasing the plant N acquisition capability Collectively, these studies have shown that
(both NO3− and NH4+ sources), and second by AM-colonized rye grasses (Lolium perenne),
specifically increasing the uptake of NH4+ as a “field” clover (Trifolium repens), and maize (Zea
result of fungal pre-assimilation and detoxification mays) all gained considerable increases in total
processes (Chapman et al. 2005; Marschner and nitrogen uptake leading to an overall greater
Dell 1994). Together, these mechanisms are amino acid composition compared to non-AM
believed to increase the bioavailability of N plants. Notably, these physiological effects coin-
within and often beyond the rhizosphere’s cided with increases in the activity of NR, GDH,
resource depletion zone to improve plant stress and GS-GOGAT assimilation enzymes measured
tolerance when subjected to N-deficiency condi- in the AM roots and shoots. As predicted, the
tions. Among others, Haystead et al. (1988), AM–plant nutritional status was supplemented
Faure et al. (1998), and Subramanian and Charest by increasing the overall uptake of N, especially
(1997, 1998, 1999) investigated these hypotheses by increasing the uptake of its less labile form,
using greenhouse experimental systems in the [NH4+]. More recently, the studies of Toussaint
objective of assessing the nutritional status of et al. (2004), Govindarajulu et al. (2005), Jin
plants in relation to the amendment of NO3− and et al. 2005; Chalot et al. (2006), and Cruz et al.
NH4+ fertilizers, and then comparing the N assim- (2007) have corroborated these general findings
ilation pathways of AM vs. non-AM plants by using in vitro culture tools to further characterize
measuring the activity of key assimilation the AM fungal uptake, assimilation, and translo-
enzymes: namely, nitrate reductase (NR), glu- cation pathways as soil-N travels from the extra-
tamine synthase (GS), glutamate dehydrogenase radical hyphae to the host root (Fig. 11.5).
242 P. Audet

Accordingly, it has been elucidated that NO3− and nutrient leaching and (or) acidic soil conditions
NH4+ are actively taken up by extraradical hyphae conducive to reciprocal antagonisms (also known
via transporters of the AMT/Mep/Rh protein as phosphorus-induced micronutrient deficien-
superfamily (Khademi et al. 2004). Having cies) which can cause leaf chlorosis and stunted
reached the cytosol of the extraradical mycelium, growth (Cleveland et al. 2002; Mengel and Kirkby
NO3− and NH4+ are converted to glutamine and 2001). Similarly to the case of N assimilation
then arginine via the fungal NR, GDH, and described above, it has been hypothesized that the
GS-GOGAT enzyme cycles. In this form, argin- AM fungi hold a significant role in plant P acqui-
ine travels to the intraradical mycelium through sition by increasing the plant’s soil resource
cytoplasmic streaming via coenocytic channels uptake capacity, particularly by enhancing the
to be further broken down through the action of uptake of phosphates and inorganic P which typi-
ornithine aminotransferase and urease, thereby cally have slow soil diffusion rates (Marschner
releasing ornithine, urea, and ultimately NH4+. 1995; Picone et al. 2003; Saito 2000). In this
Finally, the NH4+ is either catabolized via AM regard, these physiological mechanisms are
fungal amino acid synthesis or transferred to among the most thoroughly investigated in the
roots across the periarbuscular interface appar- study of the AM symbiosis and have been well
ently via ammonium transport proteins. To com- reviewed by Bolan (1991), Koide (1991), George
plete the bidirectional exchange between the et al. (1995), Schachtman et al. (1998), and Smith
symbionts, plant carbohydrates in the form of et al. (2003). The consensus from these studies
hexose are transferred to the AM fungus via is that host plants benefit from an investment in
putative transporters (HXT1, potentially among AM symbiosis for the supplementation of their
others – Hahn and Mendgen 2001) and likely P nutritional status, especially when subjected
mediated via plasma membrane H+-ATPases to soil-P deficiency, due to the expansive mycor-
(GmHA1-5 – Ferrol et al. 2000). Once in the fun- rhizosphere’s ability to increase soil–surface
gal cytosol, the hexose is converted to trehalose, contact and reduce soil–P diffusion distances.
glycogen, and glucose for usage in various fungal Consistent with the notion of plant investment
metabolisms. As such, the characterization of the in extrinsic systems to circumvent environ-
AM nitrogen uptake pathway provides key evi- mental stress, the mycorrhizal investment is
dence as to the active role of AM fungi in supple- often inversely correlated with the bioavailability
menting the plant N nutritional status in the of soil–P such that AM root colonization and
enhancement of plant nutrient stress tolerance. symbiotic activity are believed to be highest
under low P conditions (Smith et al. 2003, 2004).
2.1.2 P Acquisition Consequently, this relationship would suggest
After soil-N, plant productivity in temperate agro- that P bioavailability is a key factor dictating the
ecosystems is limited by phosphorus (P) bioavail- plant’s relative symbiotic investment (or mycor-
ability4: a key bioenergetic constituent (e.g., ATP) rhizal responsiveness) in order to maximize the
and cellular structural component (e.g., phospho- reciprocal benefits of association (Graham et al.
lipids, DNA, RNA). In this regard, P deficiency is 1991; Janos 2007; Tawaraya 2003). Under such
prevalent in areas of high rainfall due to extensive environmental conditions, soil–P can be actively
taken up by the extraradical hyphae and efficiently
transferred to host roots (Fig. 11.6 – Schachtman
Unlike temperate environments, plant productivity in
et al. 1998; Smith et al. 2003; Javot et al. 2007).
tropical agro-ecosystems is primarily limited by phospho-
rus bioavailability followed by less labile soil micronutri- This process is characterized by the activity of
ents due to their slow diffusion rates and subsequently low extraradical hyphae which increase the solubility
bioavailability to plants. In addition, the high rates of plant of soil-P due to the exudation of organic chelators
photosynthesis and evapo-transpiration in this ecosystem
to then facilitate the uptake of both organic (Porg)
typically cause the bioavailable nutrient pool to be rapidly
assimilated (Brams 1973; Baligar and Bennett 1986; Ewel and inorganic (Pi) forms of P. Coinciding with
1986). these events, a number of AM fungal phosphate
11 AM Symbiosis and Other Plant–Soil Interactions in Relation… 243

RNA ???

Synthesis Intraradical Hyphal Extraradical Hyphal

Carbon Pool Carbon Pool
Exudation of
Peri-Arbuscular Interface

ATP, DNA, Chelators
Synthesis Pi Pi
Poly-P GmosPT
H2PO4- Porg
Polyphosphatase Bidirectional
HPO4-2 Poly-P
HvPT1-8 NtPT1-4
LePT11-5 OsPT1-13
LjPT1-3 StPT1-5 Polyphophate
MtPT1/2/4 ZmPT11-6 glucokinase

Intraradical Mycelium Extraradical Mycelium

Host Root Soil Environment

Fig. 11.6 AM fungal phosphorus uptake and transfer pathway (adapted from Schachtman et al. 1998; modified
according to Smith et al. 2003 and Javot et al. 2007). Bidirectional transfer is indicated by solid and dashed lines.
Refer to text for abbreviations

transporters have been isolated from the myce- (or) phospholipid syntheses, or transferred to the
lium of a number of AM fungi and found to be host plant across species-specific phosphate trans-
upregulated under P-deficiency conditions, such porters in exchange for plant carbohydrates in the
as: Glomus intraradices (GiPT – Maldonado- form of hexose. To date, advanced molecular
Mendoza et al. 2001), G. mosseae (GmosPT – analyses have identified an array of phosphate
Benedetto et al. 2005), and G. versiforme (GvPT – transporters (Table 11.2) isolated especially in the
Harrison and van Buuren 1995). Once taken up periarbuscular interface region of various model
into the cytosol of the extraradical mycelium, the study organisms, such as barley (Hordeum vul-
Porg and Pi are converted to polyphosphate gare), deervetches (Lotus japonica), tomato
complexes (poly-P – e.g., glucose-6-phosphate) (Lycopersicon esculentum), alfalfa (Medicago
through the enzymatic activity of polyphosphate truncatula), rice (Oryza sativa), potato (Solanum
glucokinase (Capaccio and Callow 1982; Cox tuberosum), and maize (Zea mays). Accordingly,
et al. 1980). In this more stable cytosolic form, it has been reported that these species also experi-
the poly-P complexes are either stored in fungal ence an increase in phosphorus assimilation activ-
vacuoles or transferred to the intraradical myce- ity (e.g., acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase,
lium through cytoplasmic streaming via coeno- and H+-ATPase) in their roots which can contrib-
cytic channels: a process which is putatively ute in increasing P assimilation and P nutritional
linked with H+-ATPase co-transport (Gauthier status following the enhanced uptake and transfer
and Turpin 1994). Here, the polyphosphate com- of soil-P from the extraradical hyphae to the host
plexes can be broken down by polyphosphatases plant (Capaccio and Callow 1982; Dexheimer
for use in AM fungal ATP, DNA, RNA, and et al. 1982; Schwab et al. 1991), which was later
244 P. Audet

Table 11.2 Summary of known AM fungal and plant phosphate transporters (from Javot et al. 2007)
Taxon Nomenclature Reference
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Glomus intraradices GiPT Maldonado-Mendoza et al.
Schenck & Smith (2001)
Glomus mosseae GmosPT Benedetto et al. (2005)
(T.H. Nicolson & Gerd.)
Gerd. & Trappe
Glomus versiforme GvPT Harrison and Van Buuren
(P. Karst.) S. M. Berch (1995)
Plant host
Hordeum vulgare L. HvPT1 Smith et al. (1999), Rae et al.
HvPT2 (2003), and Glassop et al.
HvPT3 (2005)
Lotus japonicus L. LjPT1 Maeda et al. (2006)
Lycopersicon esculentum L. LePT1 LePT3 LePT5 Daram et al. (1998), Liu et al.
LePT2 LePT4 (1998a), Rosewarne et al.
(1999), and Nagy et al. (2005)
Medicago truncatula L. MtPT1 Karandashov et al. (2004), Liu
MtPT2 et al. (1998b), and Harrison
MtPT4 et al. (2002)
Oryza sativa L. OsPT1 OsPT5 OsPT8 OsPT11 Paszkowski et al. (2002)
OsPT2 OsPT6 OsPT9 OsPT12 and Guimil et al. (2005)
OsPT3 OsPT7 OsPT10 OsPT13
Solanum tuberosum L. StPT1 StPT3 StPT5 Nagy et al. (2005), Leggewie
StPT2 StPT4 et al. (1997), Rausch et al.
(2001), and Karandashov et al.
Zea mays L. ZmPT1 Glassop et al. (2005), Wright
ZmPT2 et al. (2005), and Nagy et al.
ZmPT3 (2006)

corroborated by molecular analyses of phosphate literature describing the beneficial role of the AM
transporter activity (Karandashov and Bucher symbiosis in micronutrient uptake, particularly
2005). As in the case of AM–plant N uptake, the soil-metal5 deficiency conditions (Jeffries et al.
ongoing characterization of the mycorrhizal P 2003; Koide 1991; Marschner and Dell 1994).
uptake and translocation pathways provide key
evidence as to the active and intricate role of AM
fungi in the enhancement of plant nutrient stress 5
Macro- and micronutrients are alternatively classified
tolerance. according to their physicochemical properties to define
them, respectively, as either non-metals (nitrogen, sulfur,
phosphorus, boron, chlorine) which have a negative
2.1.3 Micronutrient (Metal) Uptake valence, or metals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron,
Analogous to the processes of AM–plant N and manganese, zinc, copper, molybdenum, nickel) which
P acquisition, there is a considerable body of have a positive valence (Foy et al. 1978; Larcher 2003).
11 AM Symbiosis and Other Plant–Soil Interactions in Relation… 245

Metabolic HXT1
Intraradical Hyphal Extraradical Hyphal
Carbon Pool Carbon Pool
Peri-Arbuscular Interface

Exudation of
Essential Organic
Function Coenocytic
Channel M+ M+

M+ Transfer Metallothionein M+ M+
GintZIP Complexation
LeNramp1,3 GintMT1
Compartmentation Glutathione

Intraradical Mycelium Extraradical Mycelium

Host Root Soil Environment

Fig. 11.7 AM fungal micronutrient (metal) uptake and transfer pathway (adapted from Meharg 2003; modified
according to Göhre and Pazkowski 2006 and González-Guerrero et al. 2009). Bidirectional transfer is indicated by
solid and dashed lines. Refer to text for abbreviations

In this regard, soils of temperate environments translocated, and transferred from the extraradical
(typically classified as alfisols and vertisols) and hyphae to the host roots, as depicted in reviews
tropical environments (ultisols and oxisols) can by Meharg (2003), Göhre and Pazkowski (2006),
suffer from suboptimal elemental compositions and González-Guerrero et al. (2009). These
and (or) nutrient imbalances due to long-term recent studies have reported that the exudation
weathering and soil erosion resulting in plant of organic chelators by the extraradical hyphae
zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), contributes in solubilizing metal ions in the
manganese (Mn), and (or) iron (Fe) nutritional mycorrhizosphere followed by the mobilization
deficiencies and (or) mutual antagonisms of metal–chelator complexes across fungal
(Blinkley and Vitousek 1989; White and Zasoski transporters, such as GintZIP in Glomus intrara-
1999). As described previously, the AM symbi- dices (González-Guerrero et al. 2009). Free
osis contributes in circumventing nutrient defi- metal ions may also be taken up passively across
ciency stress by increasing nutrient bioavailability trans-membrane ion channels depending on the
in the mycorrhizosphere due to an increased soil metal concentration gradient. In the cytosol,
resource acquisition capability which helps in metal ions are typically bound and (or) seques-
supplementing the plant nutritional status, espe- tered by metallothionein proteins or glutathione
cially poorly labile metal nutrients (Eckhard complexes. Notably, it has been shown that
et al. 1994; Liu et al. 2000; Marschner 1998; this course-of-action can correspond with an
Rengel et al. 1999; Sharma et al. 1994). A com- upregulation of GintMT1 (encoding for fungal
monality in the mode-of-action seems to exist metallothioneins in G. intraradices – González-
regarding the general AM–plant metal uptake Guerrero et al. 2005, 2007; López-Pedrosa et al.
pathway (Fig. 11.7) as metal nutrients are taken up, 2006) as well as an increase in glutathione
246 P. Audet

S-transferase activity (González-Guerrero et al. their intrinsic drought resistance (i.e., survival at
2009), which could represent critical steps in low internal water content) or, rather, by increasing
limiting internal stress due to the production of their drought avoidance (i.e., maintenance of high
reactive oxygen species in the fungal cytosol internal water content) when subjected to a low
(González-Guerrero et al. 2010a). Subsequently, external water potential, such as drought and
the production of such less reactive metal com- drought recovery conditions. As outlined in
plexes enables the AM fungi to store excess recent reviews by Augé (2001, 2004), a wide
metal ions into their vacuolar compartments (via array of AM–plants in association with a number
GintZIP, GintABC1, or GintZnT1 membrane of Glomus and allied AM species (refer to Augé
transporters), integrate them into their essential 2001 for a more comprehensive list of plant and
metabolic function, or transfer them to the host AM fungal species interactions) have been shown
root across the periarbuscular interface (via to develop a variety of beneficial physiological
MtZIP2 or LeNramp1,3) (González-Guerrero responses compared to non-AM plants, with such
et al. 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010b). The identifica- responses ranging from relatively higher stomatal
tion of ion transporters common to both plants conductance, leaf transpiration, and (or) osmotic
and fungi which are putatively involved in the potential (Allen et al. 1981; Augé 2000; Augé
regulation of metal uptake (Burleigh et al. 2003; et al. 2003, 2007, 2008). Among AM–plants,
López-Millán et al. 2004) could support the such enhanced metabolic and physiological func-
perspective that this process is actively co- tions under strained water conditions have subse-
modulated by both symbionts and provides quently been linked to an increased photosynthetic
further evidence as to the fundamentally mutual- potential due to a generally larger leaf area, rela-
istic nature of the association, as suggested tively greater water potential (i.e., water content)
regarding the symbiotic transfer of P. Altogether, in roots and shoots, and an increased overall
these combined processes characterize the growth status observed under both greenhouse
complex role of the mycorrhizosphere in plant and field conditions (Cho et al. 2006; Khalvati
mineral nutrition contributing by modulating et al. 2005). Altogether, these physiological
plant nutrient uptake and thereby enhancing the responses contribute to an increased AM–plant
host plant’s physiological status compared to stress tolerance occurring especially, but not
non-AM plants, particularly when subjected to a exclusively, during both drought and drought
number of environmental stress factors. recovery conditions. In addition to imposing a
direct physiological stress toward host plants as
symptomatically expressed by a general loss of
2.2 Plant Water Relations turgidity and down regulation of various essential
metabolisms (Hsiao 1973; Nautiyal et al. 1994),
Besides the significant role of the AM symbiosis strained water relations often also cause alterations
in plant mineral nutrition, there is a considerable in nutrient bioavailability in the soil solution
body of literature describing the beneficial effects which leads to significant nutrient imbalances
of the AM mycorrhizosphere in plant water rela- and potential antagonisms between metal ions.
tions across a broad range of water stress, for This potential correlationality between environ-
instance, from amply watered to droughted con- mental stressors (e.g., both water and nutrient
ditions (Augé 2001, 2004). Yet, unlike the dynam- deficiency) represents an important challenge
ics of AM–plant nutrient acquisition described faced by experimental investigators in determin-
above, the specific mechanisms underlying the ing the role(s) of AM fungi in plant water rela-
direct impact of the mycorrhizosphere on plant tions, particularly when attempting to distinguish
stress tolerance under such environmental condi- the specific mechanisms of AM-enhanced plant
tions remain slightly ambiguous. A central ques- stress tolerance (Koide 1993). Similar to the
tion in this regard considers whether the AM notion of enhanced mycorrhizospheric uptake
symbiosis benefits plants more by enhancing regarding AM–plant nutrient acquisition, it has
11 AM Symbiosis and Other Plant–Soil Interactions in Relation… 247

been suggested that the mycorrhizosphere should effects provide a significant environmental advan-
play a fundamental role in enhancing both the tage to AM vs. non-AM plants when subjected to
nutrient and water acquisition capabilities of host adverse water conditions, plants having overall
plants by increasing their resource acquisition increased photosynthetic activities and stomatal
pool compared to the rhizosphere alone; this, conductances also tend to have higher rates of
again through the general mechanism of actively evapo-transpiration. Ironically, this effect can
scavenging the proximal soil environment for impose further stress on the plants themselves by
essential resources (Koide 1993). More specifi- increasing the rate of soil-drying in the proximal
cally, extraradical hyphae could contribute soil environment. In adding further complexity to
directly in circumventing water deficiency condi- the role of the AM symbiosis in plant water rela-
tions by penetrating soil micropores to improve tions, these plants could be more vulnerable com-
hydraulic conductivity due to the expansive myc- pared to less photosynthetically active plants
orrhizosphere, and thereby enhance plant stress under such environmental conditions due to com-
avoidance during drought stress and drought plications stemming from accelerated soil-dry-
recovery (Miller and Jastrow 1990). Accordingly, ing. Nevertheless, investigations into the role of
analyses comparing AM and non-AM root con- the mycorrhizosphere in stabilizing the proximal
ductivity among plants under drought and amply soil environment could shed light into these mat-
watered conditions have also shown improve- ters, especially regarding the impact of extraradi-
ments in AM–plant water uptake that often coin- cal hyphae in soil aggregation and biosorption
cide with increases in the host plant’s mineral processes which can buffer a number of edaphic
nutrition. Here, an improved N, P, and (or) micro- factors such as the water and nutrient retention
nutrient status could further benefit AM–plants capacities. In fact, such “indirect” mycorrhizo-
by circumventing internal mineral deficiencies spheric processes could represent equally impor-
that may otherwise detrimentally affect their tant components of plant stress tolerance and
intrinsic drought resistance mechanisms, such as ecosystem function compared to the “direct” pro-
the accumulation and maintenance of high foliar cesses presented here.
concentrations of soluble sugars and free
polyamines (Augé 2001, 2004). This improved
mineral status has also been linked with lower 3 Indirect Benefits
amino acid accumulation in AM than non-AM of Association
plants which suggests that the former are gener-
ally less metabolically strained under these con- 3.1 Soil Structure Stabilization
ditions (Augé 2001). The consensus from these
overall findings suggests that AM colonization 3.1.1 Soil Aggregation
primarily contributes by bolstering intrinsic plant Notwithstanding the direct role of the AM sym-
resistance mechanisms by circumventing internal biosis in plant resource acquisition, the mycor-
deficiencies. In addition, water conductance and rhizosphere also provides significant indirect
nutrient uptake are improved due to an increased benefits of interaction which can buffer and (or)
bioavailable pool of soil resources within the stabilize the soil matrix. In this regard, processes
mycorrhizosphere (Cho et al. 2006; Khalvati such as mycorrhizal-induced soil aggregation and
et al. 2005). Together, these mycorrhizospheric metal biosorption (Figs. 11.8 and 11.9) are con-
processes can increase AM–plant resilience in sidered, here, to fall within the category of indi-
relation to stressful water relations by enabling a rect benefits since plant investment in the
relatively more stable (or less strained) metabolic mycorrhizosphere can provide key ecological
function, which is typically manifested through services which are not directly associated with
an increased overall photosynthetic potential and the intimately co-modulated mechanism of
relative growth potential during drought stress resource exchange. Accordingly, it can also be
and drought recovery. While these physiological argued that non-associated species could benefit
248 P. Audet


Root Mucilage

Nu. Host

Nu. H2O


H2 O

H2O Particulate
H 2O Aggregation


Bulk Soil

Fig. 11.8 Mycorrhizal-induced micro- and macroaggregate formation indicating affinities for binding soil nutrients
and water. (adapted from Miller and Jastrow 1990 and Rillig and Mummey 2006)

from these processes due to their proximity to the micropores can significantly enhance the aggre-
mycorrhizosphere’s zone of influence and its gation properties of soils to then improve their
broad effects on the soil growth environment. overall water and nutrient holding capacities
Coincidentally, it has been suggested that such (Piotrowski et al. 2004): a process akin to the
edaphic interactions should influence ecosystem enmeshment of roots throughout soils during
function at various hierarchical scales due their rhizospheric expansion (Angers and Caron 1998).
biogeochemical implications ranging from the More specifically, the greater degree of mycor-
micro- (e.g., soil water and nutrient retention, rhizal branching and ramification produces local-
enhanced resource acquisition) to the macro- ized compression forces within the proximal soil
scopic levels (e.g., whole plant functionality, environment which serve to increase the forma-
species abundance and distribution) (Beare et al. tion of micro- and macroaggregates (Fig. 11.8)
1995; Rillig and Mummey 2006; Rillig et al. (Miller and Jastrow 1990; Rillig and Mummey
2010). In this regard, and further to the role of the 2006). Consequently, mycorrhizospheric expan-
extraradical hyphae in directly improving nutri- sion can directly increase the rate of soil cluster
ent uptake and hydraulic conductivity (as formation and enhance the overall resilience of
discussed previously), the proliferation of extra- the soil structure in relation to stress (e.g., soil
radical hyphae and their penetration into soil drying, flooding, compaction, nutrient leaching).
11 AM Symbiosis and Other Plant–Soil Interactions in Relation… 249

Metal Biosorption

M+ –O(OH)

Exudation of

Complexation and
Intraradical Mycelium Extraradical Mycelium Precipitation

Host Root Soil Environment Chelator-M+ Complex

Metal Biosorption

Fig. 11.9 Mycorrhizal-induced metal biosorption and metal complexation (adapted from Apak 2002, Gadd 1993, Galli
et al. 1994, González-Chavez et al. 2002, and González-Guerrero et al. 2008)

Alternatively, under such conditions, bulk soils also believed to bind soil particles in the same
tend to have a comparatively lower particulate manner leading to increased structure stability
binding capacity and subsequently lower aggre- (Driver et al. 2005; Purin and Rillig 2007).
gation potential resulting in the relatively more Altogether, this improved potential for soil clus-
rapid collapse of their matrix structure. In addition ter formation can increase the incidence of
to the physical entanglement of soil aggregates micropores within the soil architecture leading to
by the mycorrhizosphere, mycorrhizal-induced an overall increased colloidal surface area. As a
soil aggregation can also be attributed to the exu- result, the mycorrhizosphere can have a higher
dation of organic acids by extraradical hyphae affinity for retaining water molecules as well as
(Bais et al. 2006; Bertin et al. 2003; Rovira 1969). metal and nonmetal ions compared to bulk soil.
Fundamentally, these mucilage exudates – typi- Taking into account the processes of hyphal pro-
cally consisting in polysaccharides and other liferation and chelator exudation, Augé (2004)
extra-cellular polymeric compounds – contribute and Rillig and Mummey (2006) have likened the
to nutrient chelation for mineral solubilization mycorrhizospheric network to an essential skele-
within the mycorrhizosphere as well as protec- tal structure and the production of mycorrhizal-
tion of the extraradical mycelium from desicca- derived organic compounds as the “glue” which,
tion. Further to these essential roles, such organic together, contribute in holding together the soil
exudates also adhere to soil particles and permit matrix. Consequently, from a biogeochemical
the physical entanglement of micro- and macro- perspective, the mycorrhizospheric network
aggregates leading to the development of soil should play central role in enhancing soil water
clusters within the mycorrhizosphere. Glomalin and nutrient retention. When subjected to envi-
and glomalin-related soil proteins, considered to ronmentally stressful conditions, these enhanced
be effective biochemical markers of AM fungal soil stabilization properties can significantly
growth and mycorrhizosphere development, are increase the soil’s resilience to then buffer the
250 P. Audet

growth environment for plants and associated complexes and precipitates in the soil solution.
soil microorganisms. Notably, under drought For these reasons, the general processes of metal
stress, the development of soil aggregates biosorption, including ion-exchange (i.e., CEC),
increases water and nutrient retention to delay the metal complexation, and metal–ligand precipita-
effects of soil drying (Auge 2004; Rillig and tion and crystallization occurring on and within
Mummey 2006); meanwhile, these aggregates the fungal cell wall (Gadd 1993; Galli et al. 1994),
also increase water infiltration during drought represent significant mechanisms regarding the
recovery due to the more hydratable (or water modulation of metal bioavailability within the
stable) soil matrix (Rillig et al. 2010). This myc- mycorrhizosphere. As in the case of mycorrhizal-
orrhizal-induced structural advantage benefits induced soil aggregation, these enhanced metal
plant stress tolerance by increasing the soil’s biosorption properties can improve the soil’s resil-
water storage capacity and increasing its resil- ience by increasing its nutrient retention capacity,
ience. Likewise, the increased water retention while reducing nutrient losses due to leaching
capacity within the mycorrhizosphere can also (Giller et al. 1998; Leyval et al. 1997). Notably,
impact plant stress tolerance in relation to nutri- there is considerable evidence suggesting that,
ent stress (e.g., reciprocal ion antagonisms lead- when essential and nonessential metals occur at
ing to deficiency) since soil nutrient bioavailability exceedingly high exposure levels representing
is closely correlated with soil water potential. As potentially toxic metal conditions, such metal bio-
a result, nutrient bioavailability may be increased sorption properties can significantly reduce the
within the mycorrhizosphere due to a greater bioavailability of metals in the soil solution to
retention capacity; meanwhile nutrient losses are reduce plant metal uptake and then delay the onset
decreased due to a reduction in leaching. of metal phytotoxicity (Audet and Charest 2007b).
In this regard, a wide array of plant species (refer
3.1.2 Metal Biosorption to Audet and Charest 2007b for broad list plant
The metal-binding capacity of soil is primarily species) subjected to increasingly high metal con-
dictated by its essential composition, whereby centrations, both essential (e.g., Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni,
soils having a higher proportion of organic matter and Zn) and nonessential elements (e.g., Cd, Co,
(e.g., humic and fluvic acids) typically tend to Cr, and Pb), have repeatedly been shown to incur
have a greater retention capacity and redox poten- considerably lower (up to 50%) metal uptake
tial than other soil types (Bohn 1971; McBride among AM (Gl. caledonium, Gl. intraradices, Gl.
1994). Further to the role of the mycorrhizosphere mosseae, and a consortium of unidentified Glomus
in stabilizing the soil’s structural matrix, the extr- species) than non-AM plants; an effect often coin-
aradical hyphae have also been shown to increase ciding with an increased plant growth and (or)
the biosorption potential of soils. This is attrib- health status. As proposed by Leyval et al. (1997),
uted primarily to the preferential binding of metal and later Audet and Charest (2006, 2007a, b,
ions to negatively charged mycelial and root sur- 2008, 2009), Hildebrandt et al. (2007), and
face constituents (Fig. 11.9), such as carboxyl, Giasson et al. 2008, these findings suggest that
hydroxide, oxy-hydroxide, and sulfhydryl groups mycorrhizal-induced metal biosorption could rep-
(Apak 2002; Gadd 1993; Galli et al. 1994; resent a significant extrinsic plant stress avoidance
González-Chavez et al. 2002, 2008). Similar strategy, whereby excess soil metals are bound
analyses of non-mycorrhizal fungi suggest that and precipitated in the soil solution as well as
phenolic polymers and melanins should also be sequestered in fungal tissues instead of being
effective metal binding sites even among AM transferred to host roots. As such, plant invest-
fungi (Baldrian 2003; Fogarty and Tobin 1996). ment in this extrinsic stress avoidance mechanism
Likewise, the exudation of organic chelators could complement known intrinsic plant detoxifi-
within the mycorrhizosphere (described above) cation mechanisms, for instance, metallothienin
has been shown to result in an enhanced binding and phytochelatin metabolisms (Cobbett 2000;
capacity due to the formation of metal–ligand Cobbett and Goldsbrough 2002) by reducing
11 AM Symbiosis and Other Plant–Soil Interactions in Relation… 251

Critical Deficiency Critical Deficiency

Symptoms Symptoms

Relative Plant Growth

Plant-Metal Uptake

Range Adequate Range Luxury Range
Luxury Range
Adequate Range

Deficiency Critical Toxicity Range Critical Toxicity
Range Symptoms Symptoms

Dynamics of AM-plant metal uptake Dynamics of AM-plant stress tolerance

Nutrient Metal Stress

Relative Plant Growth

Supplementation Avoidance
Plant Metal Uptake

Enhanced Stress
Metal Biosorption Tolerance

non-AM non-AM

Extrinsic Metal Exposure Extrinsic Metal Exposure

Fig. 11.10 Dynamics of AM–plant metal uptake as char- Fig. 11.11 AM–plant relative plant growth in relation
acterized by the mycorrhizospheric processes of enhanced to metal exposure corresponding to the “Dynamics of
uptake and metal biosorption. (adapted from Audet and AM-plant metal uptake” (adapted from Audet and Charest
Charest 2007b, 2008, 2009) 2007b, 2008, 2009)

AM–plant metal uptake and subsequently reduc- sphere seems to shift toward the modulation of
ing cellular oxidative stress and other physiologi- soil nutrients due to metal biosorption processes
cal challenges associated with metal toxicity which can delay the effects of metal phytotoxicity
conditions. This entire perspective has been sum- when subjected to potentially toxic conditions.
marized by Audet and Charest (2007b, 2008, Here, the combination of the enhanced uptake
2009) who described plant metal uptake and metal biosorption mechanisms occurring
(Fig. 11.10) and relative plant growth (Fig. 11.11) simultaneously and (or) independently causes a
by AM and non-AM plants using a conceptual distinct metal uptake profile among AM than non-
modeling strategy based on meta-analytical, AM plants in relation to a wide range of metal
in vitro, and greenhouse culture systems. When tak- exposure, albeit depending on the soil’s funda-
ing into account the many different roles of AM mental composition and inherent properties. As
fungi in plant physiology and ecosystem function, such, AM–plant growth and stress tolerance are
the mycorrhizosphere is first believed to increase often significantly improved as evidenced by an
AM–plant metal uptake to supplement the plant increased growth status whether under trace or
nutritional status under nutrient deficiency condi- toxicity conditions. As for conditions within the
tions. Subsequently, the role of the mycorrhizo- proximal growth environment, the mycorrhizal-
252 P. Audet

induced processes of metal biosorption and metal– micronutrient deficiency, drought, metal toxicity),
ligand complexation are also believed to influence the role of the mycorrhizosphere toward biotic
a number of edaphic factors, for instance, the soil soil interactions is still worthy of mention – albeit
pH and redox potential (Christie et al. 2004; discussed only briefly in the present context. In
Fourest and Roux 1992; Joner et al. 2000; Leyval addition to shaping growth parameters such as
et al. 1997). When considering the case of phos- soil nutrient bioavailability and other edaphic fac-
phorus and nitrogen acquisition by mycorrhizae, tors, mycorrhizal proliferation and exudation can
the extraradical hyphae are believed to cause the also significantly impact belowground biodiver-
moderate alkalinization of the growth substrate sity by influencing soil microbial communities
due to their selective depletion of nutrients and within the proximal soil environment (Brussaard
specific exudation of organic chelators, unlike et al. 1997; Newsham et al. 1995a, b; Wardle et al.
roots that tend to acidify it (Bago et al. 1996; 1998, 2004). In turn, such subsidiary mycorrhizo-
Eckhard et al. 1995; Gahoonia and Nielsen 1992; spheric interactions can have important conse-
Li et al. 1991; Rufyikiri et al. 2004). Similar out- quences toward aboveground species biodiversity
comes have been reported by Li and Christie (i.e., plant species abundance and distribution)
(2001) and Audet and Charest (2010 and unpub- due to the mutual feedback existing between
lished results) who investigated the impact of the above- and belowground symbionts (Bever 1999,
rhizosphere (roots), mycorrhizosphere (roots and 2003; Bever et al. 1997; Klironomos 2002; van
extraradical hyphae), and hyphosphere environ- der Heijden et al. 1998). As such, the AM fungi
ments (strictly extraradical hyphae) in relation to are believed to develop their own soil microflora
increasing soil–Zn exposure levels. Although apparently due to the exudation of organic com-
these facets of plant–AM–soil interactions should pounds and chelators within the mycorrhizo-
require further and more in-depth investigation, sphere (Andrade et al. 1997; Fitter and Garbaye
these studies indicate preliminarily that the pres- 1994; Frey-Klett et al. 2007; Linderman 1988);
ence of roots and (or) extraradical hyphae should this, in addition to their modulation of edaphic
play an essential part in shaping edaphic condi- factors (as described previously) which can
tions due (in part) to differential nutrient depletion provide more favorable soil pH and nutrient
zones caused by AM and non-AM plants, their bioavailability conditions for the development of
exudation of organic chelators, and their retention such a microflora (Cavagnaro et al. 2006; Deubel
(or biosorption) of metals within the proximal and Merbach 2005; Villegas and Fortin 2001).
growth environment. These factors are relevant to This is not surprising considering that AM fungal
the bioavailability of metal and non-metal nutri- spores are known to harbor their own internal
ents in soils since the process of hyphal alkaliza- bacterial flora within their sporocarps, meanwhile
tion could favor metal biosorption and contribute the extraradical hyphae maintain their own exten-
in reducing metal bioavailability and toxicity, sive array of bacterial biofilms (Andrade et al.
whereas root acidification may facilitate leaching 1997; Bianciotto and Bonfante 2002; Fitter and
by increasing metal solubility (Apak 2002; Bradl Garbaye 1994; Frey-Klett et al. 2007). Although
2004; Tack et al. 1996). the ecological role(s) of these bacteria in AM fun-
gal development have yet to be fully understood,
various in vitro analyses have demonstrated a
3.2 Biotic Interactions number of interactive behaviors ranging from
stimulated spore germination, induced hyphal
3.2.1 Biodiversity of Beneficial and branching, and enhanced sporulation due to the
Nonbeneficial Soil Microflora presence of volatile bacterial metabolites (Azcón-
Although this chapter has focused primarily on Aguilar and Barea 1992; Barea 1997; Bianciotto
identifying the role(s) of the AM symbiosis in and Bonfante 2002; von Alten et al. 1993). In
benefiting plant tolerance when subjected to a response, the AM fungi seem to reciprocate this
number of abiotic stressors (e.g., macro- and ulterior “symbiotic” association by enriching the
11 AM Symbiosis and Other Plant–Soil Interactions in Relation… 253

mycorrhizosphere environment with carbon in the ber of potential mechanisms (particularly in the
form of organic exudates (Antoun and Prevost context of integrated pest and disease manage-
2001; Artursson et al. 2006). For this reason, it is ment) in which AM fungi can interact with such
possible that such bacteria (also known as mycor- soil microorganisms within the proximal growth
rhiza helper bacteria – Garbaye 1994; Frey-Klett environment to then enhance plant stress toler-
et al. 2007) and their exudates are fundamen- ance, which include: the competitive exclusion
tally involved in AM fungal development and (or mechanical inhibition) of nonbeneficial soil
mycorrhizospheric function, and then potentially microorganisms by competing for sites of infec-
impacting plant health status due to their role as tion and (or) colonization; the subsequent altera-
growth promoters (Bianciotto and Bonfante 2002; tion of root architecture and anatomical structure
Bianciotto et al. 1996a, b; Söderberg et al. 2002). due to AM colonization; the activation of plant
In terms of their potential effects on plant stress defense responses such as antibiotics and phy-
tolerance and extrinsic growth conditions within toalexins due to AM–plant signaling; the modifi-
the mycorrhizosphere, the mycorrhiza helper cation of soil physicochemical parameters such as
bacteria are generally considered to influence soil pH and nutrient bioavailability as well as
edaphic parameters similar to the extraradical alteration in carbon partitioning (or rhizo-deposi-
hyphae themselves: for instance, by increasing tion); and, finally, the increase in damage com-
the solubilization of soil nutrient via chelation pensation due to an enhanced nutrient status.
and (or) contributing in the modulation of nutrient Although some of these perspectives have been
bioavailability via metal biosorption and soil described only briefly in this sections, it is evident
aggregation processes (Cavagnaro et al. 2006; that such mycorrhizospheric processes leading to
Deubel and Merbach 2005; Villegas and Fortin the development of a beneficial belowground spe-
2001). Accordingly, these mechanisms should cies biodiversity profile can then indirectly influ-
benefit plant stress tolerance by indirectly improv- ence the composition of aboveground species
ing nutrient bioavailability and uptake, particu- biodiversity. Likewise, further experimental
larly when subjected to suboptimal soil nutrient investigation to better elucidate specific mecha-
conditions. Moreover, the AM fungi could also nisms of interaction would certainly highlight the
benefit plant stress tolerance in relation to biotic impact of AM fungi toward plant stress tolerance
stressors by inhibiting and (or) impeding soil- in regards to biotic stress and other biodiversity
borne pathogens (Azcón-Aguilar and Barea 1996; interactions.
Barea et al. 1998; Newsham et al. 1995a, b). In
this regard, St. Arnaud and Elsen (2005) have
meticulously summarized the interaction out- 4 Conclusions and Future
comes of a number of AM fungi cultured under Perspective
in vitro conditions in the presence of soil bacteria
(Table 11.3), other soil fungi (Table 11.4), and 4.1 Assessing AM–Plant Interactions
nematodes (Table 11.5). This meta-analysis as to in Plant Stress Tolerance
the impact of the AM fungi on soil-borne patho-
gens, and vice versa, suggests that their interac- In this chapter, it has been reported how the AM
tion can be highly variable (i.e., having positive, symbiosis is a widespread ecological association
neutral, or negative outcomes under experiment which is deeply rooted in the essential function of
conditions); however, the AM fungi are still the vast majority of herbaceous plant species, as
widely recognized for benefiting plant growth in well as the function of soils and associated soil
relation to a number of highly persistent and microorganisms. By describing some of the mech-
destructive pathogens (Azcón-Aguilar and Barea anisms underlying these plant physiological and
1996; Barea et al. 1998; Newsham et al. 1995a, b). soil ecological functions, it is clear that a number
Harrier and Watson (2003, 2004) as well as of such AM fungal processes are fundamentally
Mukerji and Ciancio (2007) have outlined a num- involved in enhancing the stress tolerance of
254 P. Audet

Table 11.3 Interactions between AM fungi and bacteria (from St. Arnaud and Elsen 2005)
Bacteria AM fungi Interaction outcomea Reference
Azospirillum brasilense Glomus intraradices N Hildebrandt et al. (2002)
Bacillus chitinosporus; B. pabuli G. clarum P, n,N Xavier and Germida (2003)
and other spore-associated bacteria
Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. G. intraradices N Filion et al. (1999)
Corynebacterium sp. G. versiforme P Mayo et al. (1986)
Escherichia coli G. intraradices N Hildebrandt et al. (2002)
Paenibacillus validus G. intraradices P Hildebrandt et al. (2002)
Pseudomonas sp. Endogone sp. P Mosse (1962)
Pseudomonas sp. G. versiforme P Mayo et al. (1986)
P. aeruginosa G. intraradices P Villegas and Fortin (2001, 2002)
P. chlororaphis G. intraradices P Filion et al. (1999)
P. fluorescens Gigaspora margarita P Bianciotto et al. (1996a, b)
P. putida G. intraradices P, n Villegas and Fortin (2001, 2002)
Rhizobium leguminosarum Gi. margarita N Bianciotto et al. (1996a, b)
Serratia plymutica G. intraradices P Villegas and Fortin (2001, 2002)
Streptomyces avermitilis G. mosseae N Tylka et al. (1991)
S. griseus Scutellospora P Tylka et al. (1991)
S. orientalis Gi. margarita P Tylka et al. (1991)
S. orientalis G. mosseae P Mugnier and Mosse (1987) and
Tylka et al. (1991)
S. orientalis S. heterogama P, N Tylka et al. (1991)
Spore-associated bacteria G. versiforme P Tylka et al. (1991)
Unidentified soil bacteria G. mosseae P Azcón (1987, 1989)
P Positive, N negative, n neutral
Refers to the impact of the bacterial species toward the AM fungus (e.g., promotion of spore germination and hyphal

plants and bolstering the resilience of soil in which indirectly benefit the symbionts (potentially
relation to a number of abiotic environmental including non-associated species) due to their
stressors due especially to the dynamic function effects in buffering the proximal growth envi-
of the mycorrhizosphere. When taking into ronment. This perspective is intriguing since
account the significant allocation of plant it presumes that a number of essential mycor-
carbohydrates required for the development and rhizospheric processes could occur simultane-
maintenance of an expansive and prolific mycor- ously and (or) independently, and thereby have
rhizospheric infrastructure, it has been suggested fundamental ecological functions across different
that the AM symbiosis should represent an extrin- trophic levels. This could account, in part, for the
sic plant stress tolerance strategy which could widespread abundance and distribution of mycor-
inherently complement other intrinsic plant stress rhizal associations within the majority of terres-
tolerance strategies. To further depict the roles of trial ecosystems, especially those subjected to
the mycorrhizosphere in ecosystem function, the highly stressful and (or) extreme environments.
present description of the AM symbiosis has dis- Still, there are so far very few modeling strategies
tinguished between the direct vs. indirect dynam- depicting these combined, multilateral effects
ics of interaction. Accordingly, this distinction especially across a broad or continuous spectrum
refers to AM-induced activities which either of stress (e.g., from trace to toxicity conditions or
directly benefit host plant due to intimately co- from droughted to amply water conditions). For
modulated pathways or, alternatively, activities instance, the case for AM–plant metal uptake is

Table 11.4 Interactions between AM fungi and other fungi (from St. Arnaud and Elsen 2005)
outcomea, Interaction
Fungus AM fungi P, n, N Reference Fungus AM fungi outcome Reference
Alternaria alternate G. mosseae N McAllister et al. (1996) Pyrenochaeta Gi. margarita n Chabot (1991)
Aspergillus fumigatus G. mosseae N Calvet et al. (1992) Rhizoctonia solani Gi. margarita n Chabot (1991)
A. niger G. mosseae n McAllister et al. (1996) Rhodotorula G. mosseae P Francchia et al. (1998)
Bipolaris sorokiniana Gi. margarita P, n, N Chabot (1991) Sclerotinia Gi. margarita n Chabot (1991)
Fusarium equiseti G. mosseae N McAllister et al. (1996) Thievaliopsis Gi. margarita n Chabot (1991)
F. oxysporum f. sp. G. intraradices N Benhamou et al. (1994) Trichoderma G. mosseae P Calvet et al. (1992)
Chrysanthemi and Filion et al. (1999) aureoviride
F.o. chrysanthemi G. intraradices P, N St. Arnaud et al. (1996) T. harzianum G. intraradices P Filion et al. (1999)
F. solani Gi. margarita N Chabot (1991) T. harzianum G. mosseae P Calvet et al. (1992)
F. solani G. mosseae P, n McAllister et al. (1996) T. harzianum G. mosseae n Francchia et al. (1998)
Gaeumannomyces Gi. margarita n Chabot (1991) T. harzianum G. intraradices N Rousseay et al. (1996)
AM Symbiosis and Other Plant–Soil Interactions in Relation…

Gliocladium roseum G. mosseae n Francchia et al. (1998) T. koningii G. mosseae N, n McAllister et al. (1996)
Ophiostoma ulmi Gi. margarita n Chabot (1991) T. pseudokoningii G. mosseae n Francchia et al. (1998)
Paedilomyces G. mosseae P, n Francchia et al. (1998) Verticillium Gi. Margarita n Chabot (1991)
farinosus albo-atrum
Penicillium decumbens G. mosseae N Calvet et al. (1992) V. dahliae Gi. margarita n Chabot (1991)
Phytophthora sp. Gi. margarita n Chabot (1991) Wardomyces G. mosseae N Francchia et al. (1998)
P. nicotianae G. intraradices N Lioussanna et al. (2003) Unidentified soil G. mosseae P Azcón-Aguilar et al.
fungi (1986)
Pythium ultimum Gi. margarita n Chabot (1991)
P Positive, N negative, n neutral
Refers to the impact of the bacterial species toward the AM fungus
256 P. Audet

Table 11.5 Interactions between AM fungi and nematodes (from St. Arnaud and Elsen 2005)
Nematode AM fungi Interaction outcomea Reference
Globodera pallida Glomus sp. P Ryan et al. (2000)
Radopholus similis G. intraradices N Elsen et al. (2001)
Pratylenchus coffeae G. intraradices N Elsen et al. (2003)
P Positive, N negative, n neutral
Refers to the impact of the bacterial species toward the AM fungus

noteworthy since the AM fungi apparently hold descriptors could provide an insightful analysis
two antithetical roles in plant metal uptake (i.e., of this continuum of interaction.
enhanced uptake vs. metal biosorption) having Another potential topic of concern regards the
different predicted outcomes depending on the quantification of the mycorrhizosphere in rela-
soil metal conditions. From this viewpoint, a few tion to plant mycorrhizal dependence. With
lingering questions (among other) have yet to be exception to the characterization of AM–plant
fully addressed regarding the fundamental role(s) nutrient uptake and symbiotic transfer using
of the AM symbiosis in plant stress tolerance and molecular tools, we have yet to quantitatively
ecosystem function, such as: define the mycorrhizosphere’s and (or) hyphos-
How do these combined mycorrhizospheric pro- phere’s actual zones of influence (e.g., their
cesses benefit plant stress tolerance? Under what capacity to bind metals or stabilize the soil struc-
environmental conditions do they occur? How are ture) other than by indirect methodologies. Such
they regulated by the host plants, or the AM fungi? a quantification of the mycorrhizosphere could
Considering the abundance of high-quality help address issues such as:
data available within the published literatures How prolific is the mycorrhizosphere compared
which were developed primarily using reduction- to the rhizosphere? What are its biogeochemical
ist strategies, future investigations could benefit properties and subsequent area of influence? How
prolific is the mycorrhizosphere in relation to the
from more holistic approaches in order to bridge plant’s carbon allocation investment?
our current mechanistic understanding of mycor-
rhizospheric function with other known soil eco- In turn, it may be feasible to quantitatively
logical processes to better depict the impact of assess the mycorrhizal dependency (or resource
the AM symbiosis in whole-ecosystem function; allocation and extrinsic investment) of plants in
in other words, taking into account multitrophic relation to a wide-range stressors and broad-spec-
interactions and making attempts to quantify trum of environmental stress. Altogether, the
such relationships at the physiological and eco- potential focus-shift of future research objectives
logical levels. Such an approach would highlight toward assessing the combined mycorrhizospheric
the interconnectedness of above- and below- impact in whole-ecosystem function as well as the
ground species, as well as proving beneficial in quantification of the mycorrhizosphere in relation
re-assessing the balance between the costs of to plant symbiotic investment could highly benefit
maintaining the symbiosis vs. the benefits of the effective integration of mycorrhizal technolo-
association among the symbionts. As mentioned gies into agro-ecosystem management practices,
previously, this resource allocation balance has especially sustainable agriculture and environ-
been critical for plant physiologists and mycolo- mental remediation (Brussaard et al. 1997, 2007;
gists alike in defining the symbiotic mutualism Gosling et al. 2006; Jeffries et al. 2003; Mäder
since it is widely believed to function along a et al. 2002) – an intricate topic deserving of more
continuum potentially ranging from parasitism to lengthy discussion. Nevertheless, in the present
mutualisms (Bronstein 2001; Johnson et al. 1997; context, it can be concluded that the AM fungi
Jones and Smith 2004). And so, an assessment of have a quintessential role in plant stress tolerance
plant–AM–soil interactions using quantifiable which could translate well toward enhancing the
11 AM Symbiosis and Other Plant–Soil Interactions in Relation… 257

stress tolerance and stress resistance of whole Audet P, Charest C (unpublished) Assessing AM-plant
ecosystems, particularly in the current era of cli- metal uptake and soil metal bioavailability among
‘dwarf’ sunflower in a stratified compartmental growth
mate change and in relation to anthropogenically environment
derived environmental stressors. Augé RM (2000) Stomatal behavior of arbuscular mycor-
rhizal plants. In: Kapulnik Y, Douds DD (eds)
Arbuscular mycorrhizas: physiology and function.
Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp 201–237
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MicroRNAs and Their Role
in Plants During Abiotic 12
Praveen Guleria, Deepmala Goswami,
Monika Mahajan, Vinay Kumar,
Jyoti Bhardwaj, and Sudesh Kumar Yadav

Abiotic stresses have been considered as the growth-limiting factors
affecting plants. Nutrient deficiency, drought, salinity, cold, submergence,
and hypoxia are some of the severe types of abiotic stresses. Interdisciplinary
research has been carried out to find stress-regulating mechanisms.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are the newly discovered, 18–24 nucleotides long
molecule of the genome. They have been considered as the key players
against plant stress. They have been identified in plants, animals, humans,
and even microbes. miRNAs have been shown to regulate various stress-
responsive genes, proteins and transcription factors, thus helping to coun-
teract adverse conditions. Various stress-inducible miRNAs have been
identified and well characterized. Most of these miRNAs have been con-
served among plants. This conservative nature has become the basis of
development of computational methods of miRNA identifications, in
additional to the traditional cloning approach. Presence of computational
strategy has further simplified the miRNA prediction. Using this approach
various stress-responsive miRNAs have been predicted, annotated and
functionally validated from cotton, grapes, rice, maize, and soyabean.
This chapter reviews the expanding world of miRNAs, methods unveiling
miRNAs from various organisms, and specifically stress-induced

miRNA • ESTs • GSSs • Drought • Salt • Nutrient stress • Hypoxia
• Submergence • Plant responses

S.K. Yadav () • P. Guleria • D. Goswami • M. Mahajan

• V. Kumar • J. Bhardwaj
Plant Metabolic Engineering Laboratory,
Biotechnology Division, Institute of Himalayan
Bioresource Technology, Council of Scientific
and Industrial Research, Palampur 176061,
Himachal Pradesh, India

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 265
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_12,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
266 P. Guleria et al.

sRNAs differ from rest of the RNAs of genome

1 Introduction because of their small length and capability to
bind to the Argonaute (AGO) family proteins
Gene regulation is the basic and foremost phe-
(Ghildiyal and Zamore 2009). It has been
nomenon assisting the possible survival of multi-
observed that sRNAs mostly repress the expres-
cellular organisms in the adverse environmental
sion of the target genes and hence, the phenome-
conditions and varying evolutionary changes.
non is also defined as RNA silencing. They have
Gene regulatory mechanisms are highly complex,
a sequence-specific mode of action. They direct
diverse, variously linked, and flexible (Szymanski
the final effector proteins, i.e., AGO proteins to
et al. 2003). This regulatory mechanism has been
the target molecules by the approach of base-
found to work at various important levels of
pairing interactions (Carthew and Sontheimer
genome function like chromosome segregation,
transcription, RNA processing, and translation
Several classes of sRNAs have emerged and a
(Carthew and Sontheimer 2009). It has been the
number of them have been identified and func-
area of intense research in the recent years and
tionally characterized. On the basis of their ori-
has lead to the discovery of new mechanism
gin, structure and functional identifications, three
termed as RNA interference (RNAi). RNAi was
main categories of sRNAs have been identified:
initially studied in plants followed by fungi and
short interfering RNAs (siRNAs), microRNAs
was later studied in almost each and every eukary-
(miRNAs), and piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs).
otic organism. It has been considered as the con-
Out of these three, siRNAs and miRNAs have
served mechanism of gene regulation among all
been broadly studied among plants whereas piR-
eukaryotes. Most important feature of RNAi is
NAs, found in mammalian testes, are still under
the presence of RNA as a signal molecule that
exploration. The piRNAs are reported to have
triggers gene regulation. These signaling RNA
single-stranded RNA precursors, while miRNAs
molecules are actually 22–25 nucleotides (nts)
and siRNAs have double-stranded RNA precur-
long small RNAs (sRNAs) (Mao et al. 2009).
sors (Carthew and Sontheimer 2009). Both of
sRNAs came into scenario when the hidden
these sRNAs have been characterized as riboreg-
facts regarding eukaryotic gene regulation were
ulators. They have the ability to act on DNA as
explored. These are actually a part of noncoding
well as on RNA (Vaucheret 2006).
RNAs (ncRNAs). ncRNAs are characterized as
miRNAs are 20–22 nts and are more abundant
the RNA molecules lacking significant open
in the plant system. They act posttranscription-
reading frames that code for RNAs, not proteins.
ally through mRNA degradation or translational
Genes coding for ncRNAs have been explored
repression. Unlike miRNAs, siRNAs are 21–24
and annotated from certain genomes. This sug-
nts long and act at both transcriptional and post-
gests that ncRNAs have a role to play during the
transcriptional levels by carrying out DNA meth-
cellular development, physiology, and mainte-
ylation, histone modification, and mRNA
nance. But still a lot is to be discovered about
degradation (Sunkar and Zhu 2007). It has been
ncRNAs and genes encoding them. It has been
mentioned that siRNAs and miRNAs have the
expected that with the generation of sRNA librar-
tendency to adopt similar mechanism for gene
ies, EST analysis and new algorithms, sooner or
regulation. But the kind of mechanism they adopt
later more and more ncRNAs and respective
depends upon the level of complementarity
genes will be revealed. Thus, the horizons of
between the target gene and sRNAs (Zeng et al.
plant genomics will be widened (MacIntosh
2003). As far as their biogenesis is concerned,
et al. 2001).
they differ on the basis of kind of precursors,
ncRNAs are variously classified depending
mechanism of synthesis and maturation, forma-
upon their origin and functions, out of which
tion of RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC)
sRNAs have been extensively studied (Erdmann
and finally mode of action on the target gene
et al. 2001; Kim 2005; Rymarquis et al. 2008).
(Bartel 2004).
12 MicroRNAs and Their Role in Plants During Abiotic Stresses 267

miRNAs are endogenous by origin. Genes (Bartel and Bartel 2003). Twenty miRNA families
encoding miRNAs are part of the host’s genome have been computationally predicted in case of
and termed as miRNA genes. miRNA genes form Oryza, out of which 14 miRNAs have been
a fold-back stem-loop structure which is around experimentally isolated and characterized (Sunkar
10–100 nts long. This structure is known as pri- et al. 2005). Similarly, eight novel miRNAs have
miRNAs. The double-stranded region created by been isolated and characterized from Medicago
the fold-back acts as a marker for Dicer-Like (Szittya et al. 2008). miRNAs have been identi-
(DCL) enzyme, that cleaves pri-miRNAs and fied by cloning as well as computational
synthesizes mature miRNAs against the specific approaches. The two strategies for miRNAs iden-
endogenous target mRNAs. Mature miRNAs tification are:
bound to AGO proteins of RISC. This binding
directs miRNAs toward the target mRNA, thus
repressing the gene expression. siRNAs are 2.1 In Silico Prediction
endogenous as well as exogenous sRNAs. It has and Characterization
been found that siRNAs precursors are double-
stranded RNAs but longer than miRNAs precur- The very first miRNAs were experimentally
sors. siRNAs precursors are again acted upon by isolated and cloned by biochemical and genetic
certain unusual Dicer ribonuclease, giving rise to approaches (Lee et al. 1993). But in cases of low
mature siRNAs (Zeng et al. 2003; Eckardt expression and tissue-specific miRNAs, cloning
2004). is not an appropriate approach. As a result, it has
It has been observed that among the known been replaced by the method of computational
sRNAs, miRNAs have emerged as one of the predictions and experimental validations (Zhang
important regulatory molecules of plant and et al. 2006). Since then computational approaches
animal system (Carrington and Ambros 2003; have dominated the field of miRNAs research.
Bartel 2004). This very fact has initiated an era The traditional computational strategy was based
of evolutionary miRNA research in the scien- on the decoded genome sequences of certain
tific fraternity. It has lead to the identification model species. In that case only completely
and characterization of various miRNAs from sequenced genomes could be analyzed for miR-
plants as well as animals. This research, in turn, NAs prediction, leaving behind the species with
has enhanced the development of several new unsequenced genomes (Zhang et al. 2005).
and novel experimental and computational Because of the inefficiency associated with the
approaches for miRNA prediction, isolation, traditional method, presently a new approach has
and characterization. The miRNA study has been developed. It has been reported that within
revealed surprising facts related to genomics. It same kingdom as well as sometimes in between
has also well played a part to understand metab- different kingdoms, miRNAs show evolutionary
olomics, proteomics, and stress biology. So, it conservations. It gave the idea that comparative
can be concluded that miRNAs have initiated genomics could be a powerful strategy to identify
and well supported the era of interdisciplinary miRNAs. So, this conservative nature was
research. employed to predict miRNAs (Zhang et al. 2007).
Most recently, genomic survey sequences (GSSs)
and expressed sequence tags (ESTs) have been
2 miRNAs Isolation adopted for mining novel, undiscovered miRNAs
and Characterization (Zhang et al. 2005).
Various steps involved in the in silico miRNAs
With the initiation of miRNA research, a lot of prediction are: (1) miRNAs prediction using
work has been carried out since then. Fifteen ESTs and GSSs analysis, (2) identification of
classes of miRNAs have been identified and well potential miRNAs, and (2) miRNAs target
characterized from the model plant Arabidopsis identification.
268 P. Guleria et al.

2.1.1 miRNAs Prediction Using ESTs 2.1.2 Identification of Potential miRNAs

and GSSs Analysis Potential miRNAs are predicted on the basis of
It has been known that ESTs are the cDNA data obtained from their secondary structures.
sequences of the expressed genes. In case of For the predicted miRNAs or pre-miRNAs,
organisms with incomplete genomic draft, secondary structure is determined by using soft-
ESTs have been considered as an alternative ware MFOLD 3.1 (
tool for gene discovery. Also, ESTs and applications/mfold/rna/form1.cgi) (Mathews
expressed genes are actually obtained from true et al. 1999; Zuker 2003). In order to screen the
gene expression. Thus it justifies the use of miRNAs, following criteria are followed (Xie
ESTs to predict miRNAs for species with undis- et al. 2007; Sunkar and Jagadeeswaran 2008):
covered genomes (Matukumalli et al. 2004; 1. Pre-miRNA sequences should fold into an
Zhang et al. 2005). National Center for appropriate stem-loop hairpin secondary
Biotechnology Information (NCBI) contains structure that contains around 22 nts mature
22,165,266 entries of ESTs from various organ- miRNA sequence within one arm of the
isms in its EST database (Boguski et al. 1993). hairpin.
ESTs could be obtained from EST database of 2. Predicted mature miRNAs are allowed to have
NCBI, dbEST ( only 0–3 nts mismatch in comparison to the
dbEST/). Initially, redundancy within the ESTs previously known plant mature miRNAs.
is removed by using software CAP3 (http:// 3. Predicted secondary structures should have This software higher negative minimal free energies (MFEs)
presents the overlapping sequences as contigs and minimal free energy index (MFEIs) than
and nonoverlapping sequences as singletons. the other different types of RNAs.
The contigs are used for miRNAs prediction. 4. No loop or break is allowed in the miRNAs
These processed sequences, i.e., contigs are sequence.
submitted to miRNA-finder (http://bioinfo3. 5. miRNAs sequence should have 30–70% A + U This software predicts the content.
possible miRNAs from the query sequence. In 6. miRNAs should have no more than six mis-
order to further remove the redundant and over- matches with the opposite miRNA* sequence
lapping miRNAs from the predicted ones, a ref- in the other arm.
erence set of miRNAs is used. This reference miRNAs satisfying the following parameters
miRNAs set belongs to any of the closely are thus considered as the potential miRNAs.
related organisms and can be obtained from
miRNA registry database (http://miRNA. 2.1.3 miRNAs Target Prediction (Manila et al. 2009). A computa- It has been known that plant miRNAs have the
tional tool MicroHARVESTER (http://www. tendency to bind to the protein coding regions of their mRNA targets. The binding of miRNA to
index/php) has been designed to search homol- target mRNA is based on the nature of comple-
ogy between the predicted miRNAs and previ- mentarity between them, either perfect or nearly
ously detected miRNAs (Dezulian et al. 2006). perfect (Xie et al. 2007). This reveals the usage of
While using GSSs, the complete sequence is homology search to determine miRNA targets
used as miRNA precursor sequence. Overlapping (Zhang et al. 2007). A software for miRNAs tar-
as well as protein coding sequences is removed. get prediction based upon above said approach is
The remaining nonprotein sequences are used miRU2 ( This
for further proceedings (Sunkar and tool has been applied for the prediction of several
Jagadeeswaran 2008). The predicted miRNAs miRNA targets (Fig. 12.1) (Manila et al. 2009).
are then analyzed to determine the potential Presently, computational approaches are being
miRNAs among them. further explored to ease the process of novel
12 MicroRNAs and Their Role in Plants During Abiotic Stresses 269

Fig. 12.1 Flowchart

showing computational
tools and related criteria
to predict potent miRNAs

miRNAs identification. One of such modified 2.2 sRNA Library Preparation

computational approach is miRTRAP. miRTRAP and miRNA Characterization
stands for miRNA Tests for Read Analysis and
Prediction. This tool simplifies the systemic and The experimental approach of miRNAs identifi-
whole-genome prediction of miRNAs by making cation has been termed as RNomics. It deals with
use of high-throughput sequencing data. This the preparation of cDNA libraries of sRNAs
tool utilizes a system of binary decisions that are (Huttenhofer et al. 2005). In order to develop
based on biochemical mechanisms behind sRNA libraries, a number of strategies have been
miRNA biogenesis (Hendrix et al. 2010). This adopted. Various commercial kits are available
program has been able to predict 400 putative that specifically isolate sRNAs fraction from the
miRNAs loci from simplest chordate Ciona intes- sample. Other method is to isolate total RNA and
tinalis. No doubt in silico prediction provides an then purification of sRNAs fraction from the
efficient and easy method for miRNA prediction large RNA fractions. sRNAs fraction is usually
and target identification. For organisms with resolved on 15% polyacrylamide gel and then
incomplete genomic draft, in silico methods offer eluted. sRNAs range from 18 to 26 nts in length,
a promising approach to study genetic regula- as a result before cloning, adaptors are ligated to
tions. But an important fact to note is that all the them. Before ligations, sRNAs are often polyade-
data obtained by in silico predictions require nylated to avoid circularization of linker RNAs
experimental validations. (Devor et al. 2009). Ligation of adaptors on both
270 P. Guleria et al.

5¢ and 3¢ ends helps in the visualization of sRNAs Dicer activity (Ambros et al. 2003). With the
in the further steps. Ligated product is reverse- development of more sophisticated techniques
transcribed using adaptor-specific primers. for miRNAs prediction, it has been observed that
Resulting PCR product is used for cloning pur- some miRNAs followed the criteria but some not.
pose and cloned into the desired vector (Sunkar This has led to the generation of new annotation
et al. 2005). Prepared sRNA clones are then parameters. These parameters are divided as:
sequenced. primary criteria and ancillary criteria.
Sequencing of clones using BLAST analysis Primary criterion defines the fundamental
against Genbank genome assemblies helps to features of miRNAs. It states that biogenesis of
determine its nature, whether it is a transposon, around 21 nts miRNA/miRNA* duplex should
any degraded product or already known noncod- occur by an excision of a qualifying stem-loop
ing RNAs except miRNAs/siRNAs. Candidates precursor. These criteria have been considered as
with perfect matches against genome sets are fur- the most necessary and sufficient parameters for
ther used for fold-back secondary structure pre- miRNAs annotation. In order to fulfill this param-
dictions using MFOLD 3.1 software (Zuker eter, both miRNA as well as miRNA* should
2003). sRNA sequences are folded with flanking satisfy the conditions. In case of miRNA*-defi-
sequences in five contexts: (1) 300 bp upstream cient clones, the potential miRNA candidate
and 20 bp downstream, (2) 150 bp upstream and should be isolated and sequenced from multiple,
20 bp downstream; (3) 150 bp upstream and 150 independent libraries. During sequencing, often
downstream, (4) 20 bp upstream and 150 down- very low abundance of one or two sequencing
stream, and (5) 20 bp upstream and 300 bp down- reads of putative miRNA is obtained. In such
stream (Lu et al. 2005). Candidate clones cases, even RNA gel blots fail to satisfy the quali-
satisfying all the criteria are considered as poten- fying conditions of primary criteria. It is so
tial miRNAs. Further target for these miRNAs is because detection of sRNAs via blotting is unable
determined using software miRU2. sRNAs isola- to determine whether it is a miRNA, siRNA, or a
tion and cloning is a laborious job. Also it does decay product of larger precursors. To help out in
not always ensure that each clone is a miRNA. As such cases low depth sequencing and extensive
a result, in silico prediction of miRNAs and their blot analysis using multiple probes is utilized.
experimental validation outshine the above In addition to primary criteria, certain other
technique. features have also been determined for miRNAs
annotation. However, satisfaction of ancillary
parameters is not essentially required but fulfill-
3 miRNAs Annotation Criteria ing these features would further enhance the sig-
nificance of miRNAs annotation. Ancillary
With the increasing rate of sRNA discovery, there criteria include miRNAs conservation, their
is an increased requirement for miRNA annota- targets, Dicer-like 1 (DCL1) dependence, RNA
tions. A specific criterion has been managed for Dependent RNA polymerases (RDRs) indepen-
the purpose of annotations that include experi- dence. Conservation of stem-loop secondary
mental as well as computational data. It has been structure and mature miRNA sequence among
considered that any sRNA should fulfill two con- lineages is a sufficient proof for miRNAs annota-
ditions to be recognized as miRNA. These two tion. Target prediction is not a necessary miRNAs
conditions are expression and biogenesis criteria. annotation. There could be cases where conserved
Where expression criteria stands for the identifi- miRNAs are target-less or nonconserved miR-
cation of miRNA by cloning or hybridization; NAs have well characterized targets. So, in both
biogenesis criteria includes folding of predicted cases, functional characterization of miRNAs is
precursors into a defined stem-loop hairpin struc- not required for its annotation. Plants require
ture, phylogenetic miRNA conservation, and DCL1 enzyme for miRNAs generation but not in
increased precursor accumulation on decreased all cases. The dcl1 mutant has also been reported
12 MicroRNAs and Their Role in Plants During Abiotic Stresses 271

to possess miRNAs. So, DCL1 dependence among the miRNAs. Mismatches from zero to
cannot be a strict annotation requirement. Similar four are considered as typical and are accept-
is with RDRs. RDRs generate dsRNA precursors. able up to four.
These precursors lead to siRNAs biogenesis and 6. miRNAs derived from same sequence but
hence, RDR dependence is an essential feature of having different targets can be classified under
siRNAs. But miRNAs are not synthesized from different families.
RDR-generated dsRNA molecules. As a result, 7. In case miRNAs originating in equal propor-
RDR independence should not be a necessary tion from same miRNA/miRNA* duplex, suf-
condition for miRNAs annotation (Meyers et al. fixes 5p and 3p are used. 5p and 3p signify the
2008). This can be summed up as: the primary end, either 5¢ or 3¢, giving rise to the miRNA
criterion, but not the ancillary, is a kind of eligi- sequences.
bility for sRNAs to be annotated as miRNAs.

5 Role of miRNAs in Abiotic

4 miRNAs Nomenclature Stress
Abiotic stresses have already been known as the
The process on submission of novel miRNAs to primary plant growth-limiting factors. Abiotic
miRBase registry requires miRNAs to be well stress is a broad term including various phys-
named and numbered. Certain rules have been iochemical stresses like salinity, drought, tem-
formulated to ensure proper nomenclature of perature, and oxidative stress (Vinocur and
miRNAs (Griffiths-Jones et al. 2008; Meyers Altman 2005). These stresses have been reported
et al. 2008). The rules are discussed as follows: to reduce the average yield of most of the crops
1. A three-letter prefix “miR” is written in every by 50% (Tuteja and Sopory 2008). It has been
miRNAs name. This is followed by a number observed that plants possess the ability of moni-
denoting the order in which they were discov- toring fluctuations occurring around its niche and
ered, e.g., miR1, miR2. In an organism, have the inbuilt capacity to respond against them.
miRNA genes are named as “mir,” e.g., mir1, Plants survive in unfavorable stress conditions by
mir2 in animals and MIR1, MIR2 in plants. carrying out variations at their physiological and
Identical miRNAs are given the same numeri- genetic grounds. Various genes, proteins, tran-
cal designations, no matter from which organ- scription factors, DNA histone-modifying
ism they were isolated. enzymes, and several metabolites have been
2. Similar or identical miRNAs, originating from reported responsible for plant stress tolerance
a common locus should be assigned that num- (Cushman and Bohnert 2000; Vinocur and
ber followed by a sequential alphabetical suf- Altman 2005; Chinnusamy and Zhu 2009). Now-
fix, e.g., MIR172a, MIR172b. a-days, molecular studies are being done to
3. miRNA is assigned a three-letter prefix that decode the mechanism by which plants cope with
specifies the genus and species-generating these adverse conditions. These studies have
miRNA, e.g., miRNA from Brassica napus unveiled that sRNAs, mostly miRNAs present
designated as bna-miR167a, bna-miR167b. within the plant system, have the ability of regu-
4. In some cases, miRNA genes encode similar lating stress-responsive factors (Sunkar and Zhu
miRNAs, that for certain historical reasons 2004). It has been reported that miRNAs either
have been assigned distinct identifiers. They upregulate or downregulate in response to stress.
are thus grouped under same families, e.g., Various miRNAs specifically responding to abi-
miR156/157, miR170/171 families. otic stresses have been reported from various
5. While naming miRNAs derived from the same plants as Arabidopsis, Oryza, Nicotiana, Brassica,
arm of stem-loop, miRNA designations should Gossypium, etc. Role of several miRNAs in vari-
also consider the number of mismatches ous kind of stresses are discussed.
272 P. Guleria et al.

5.1 miRNAs in Response to Nutrient dated that miR399 down regulated the E2 mRNA
Stress levels (Chiou et al. 2006). The same study proved
that overaccumulation of miR399 was responsi-
Plants often grow in nutrient-deprived soils, ble for the increased uptake of Pi. In wild plants,
where amount of macronutrients is less than the Pi normally constitutes 0.2% of plant dry matter
required concentration. In such cases, plants (Schachtman et al. 1998). While in transgenics
sense the internal and external mineral ion con- overexpressing miR399, Pi level was reported to
centration and adapt in response to the nutrient increase up to 1.8–2.0%. The plants also showed
deficiency. Various miRNAs have been reported symptoms of Pi toxicity like chlorosis, necrosis
to act during nutrient stress. (Delhaize and Randall 1995; Shane et al. 2004).
It was further reported that overaccumulation of
5.1.1 Phosphorus Starvation Pi in transgenics was due to the increased uptake
Phosphorus is the structural unit behind nucleic of Pi (Chiou et al. 2006).
acids, cellular membranes and energy currency
ATP (Chiou 2007). Phosphorus is taken via plant 5.1.2 Sulfur Deficiency
roots in the form of inorganic phosphate Cysteine and methionine are two important sul-
[Pi(HPO42−)] (Marschner 1995; Schachtman et al. fur-containing amino acids. Animals and humans
1998). It has been found that external phosphorus cannot synthesize them, so they are essential part
concentration is 100–1,000 times lower than of their diets. In plants, sulfur is a component of
internal concentration (Marschner 1995). It has important anti-cancerous secondary metabolites
lead to the development of adaptive responses by (Talalay and Fahey 2001). Sulfur concentration
plants to maintain phosphate homeostasis. With keeps changing; as a result plants initiate their
the discovery of miR395 involvement during sul- sulfate transport system for an enhanced uptake
fate stress, it has been considered that miRNAs of sulfur. Sulfur is taken by the plants in the form
do play a role in nutrient starvation. So, after- of inorganic sulfate (Nikiforova et al. 2006). It
wards miR399 was reported to act specifically in has been reported that miR395 has a role in sulfur
response to Pi deprivation (Fujii et al. 2005; Bari starvation (Kawashima et al. 2009). miR395 has
et al. 2006). Affymetrix GeneChip analysis in been observed to accumulate in sulfur deficient
Arabidopsis has revealed that At2g33770 is the conditions. It has been found to regulate the activ-
target gene of miR399. miR399 was reported to ities of low-affinity sulfate transporter (SULTR2;1)
target multiple sites on the 5¢ untranslated regions and ATP sulphurylases (APS1, APS3 and APS4)
(UTRs) of At2g33770 mRNA encoding a ubiq- (Jones-Rhoades and Bartel 2004; Allen et al.
uitin-conjugating E2 enzyme AtUBC24 (Sunkar 2005). ATP sulphurylases are the key enzymes of
and Zhu 2004; Kraft et al. 2005). It was reported sulfate assimilation pathway and SULTR2;1 is a
that during low Pi concentration, miR399 was transporter helping sulfate translocation from
highly expressed with lower accumulation of roots to shoots (Takahashi et al. 2000; Allen et al.
UBC24 mRNA transcript and vice versa during 2004; Jones-Rhoades and Bartel 2004). miR395-
higher Pi content. Thus, it is demonstrating a mediated cleavage of APS1, APS4, and SULTR2;1
direct relation between E2 and miR399. has been reported both in roots and leaves whereas
Role of miR399 was further confirmed by for APS3 in the leaves only (Kawashima et al.
generating transgenic Arabidopsis overexpress- 2009). While studying the relationship between
ing miR399. The transgenics showed an enhanced miR395 and ATP sulphurylases, a negative
expression of miR399 both in decreased and correlation has been determined (Jones-Rhoades
increased Pi levels. Elevated levels of miR399 and Bartel 2004); whereas for SULTR2;1 contra-
accumulation suggested a successful processing dictory results were obtained. It was found that
and expression of precursor RNAs. Further a in sulfate-deficient conditions, in leaves with
detectable loss in the expression of E2 RNA was miR395 upregulation, SULTR2;1 mRNA was
observed. The transgenics experimentally vali- downregulated. But at the same time, roots
12 MicroRNAs and Their Role in Plants During Abiotic Stresses 273

showed upregulation both in the levels of miR395 miRNAs target laccase and plastocyanin mRNAs
as well as SULTR2;1. Later, it was found that a (Sunkar et al. 2005; Yamasaki et al. 2007).
transcription factor Sulfur Limitation 1 (SLIM1) Cleavage site analysis has experimentally vali-
was actually responsible for the induction of dated the computational predictions. Expression
miR395. This was further experimentally vali- analysis data of miR397, miR408 and miR857 in
dated by carrying out miR395 and SULTR2;1 presence of varying copper concentrations have
mRNA expression analysis in slim1 mutants evidenced an inverse relationship between these
(Kawashima et al. 2009). miRNAs and their target genes. It has been con-
sidered that miRNA-mediated downregulation of
5.1.3 Copper Maintenance the respective genes offer a significant mecha-
Copper is an essential micronutrient required for nism of copper homeostasis (Abdel-Ghany and
photosynthesis, ethylene perception, respiratory Pilon 2008).
electron transport, and oxidative stress protection
(Marschner 1995). Plant proteins requiring
copper as an important cofactor are plastocyanin, 5.2 miRNAs in Response to Cold
laccases, and intracellular proteins formed by Cu, and Related Stresses
Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD). Plastocyanin is
an essential protein of electron transport chain, Cold stress is a house of other secondary stresses.
laccases are required for wound healing, lignin Cold stress refers to variation in temperature
synthesis, stress responsiveness and Cu, Zn-SOD ranges causing freezing (T < 0°C) and chilling
for regulating reactive oxygen species (ROS) (T < 20°C). This stress itself causes direct damage
(Abdel-Ghany and Pilon 2008). to the genetic potential of plant by causing inhibi-
It has been reported that CSD1, CSD2, and tion of plant secondary metabolism. In addition,
CSD3 are three Cu, Zn SOD encoding genes, out cold stress is responsible for causing further dam-
of which CSD1 and CSD2 have been considered age due to osmotic, oxidative, and other kind of
as two important isoforms. Copper deficiency has abiotic stresses (Chinnusamy et al. 2007).
been shown to downregulate the expression of Microanalysis has revealed that 17% of cold
CSD1 and CSD2. Later it has been proved that a upregulated genes code for transcription factors.
miR398 is responsible for their downregulation On the contrary, only 7% of cold downregulated
(Yamasaki et al. 2007). It has been observed that genes code for transcription regulators. This has
copper deficiency causes upregulation of miR398 given a view that plants undergo cold acclimatiza-
that resulted in the reduced expression of above tion via post-transcriptional downregulation of
two genes. This also gives a view of miR398 role genes. miRNAs have been observed as an efficient
toward oxidative stress. It has been found that genetic regulators, so they might have a role to
oxidative stresses causes transcriptional down- play in cold stress. Later, it was hypothesized that
regulation of miR398. This downregulation is the miRNAs targeting growth and development
responsible for posttranscriptional CSD1 and responsive genes might be cold-responsive.
CSD2 mRNA accumulation, thus providing tol- Various miRNAs have been found responsive to
erance to oxidative stress. By generating CSD2 cold and its related stresses. It has been reported
overexpression Arabidopsis transgenics, it has that miR393, miR397b, and miR402 are upregu-
been proved that plants neglecting miR398-medi- lated in response to cold, ABA, dehydration, and
ated suppression of CSD2 are more tolerant to salt stress; whereas miR389a.1 is downregulated
high light, heavy metals, and oxidative stress under similar set of conditions. The cold-specific
(Sunkar et al. 2006). upregulation has also been observed in case of
Further experimentation has shown that three miR319c. Oxidative stress-responsive miR393 has
more miRNAs, miR397, miR408, and miR857 been found to be upregulated during cold stress.
are accumulated during copper starvation. miR393 targets E3 ubiquitin ligase mRNA caus-
Computational analysis has revealed that these ing their cleavage during cold acclimatization.
274 P. Guleria et al.

An F-Box protein similar to glucose repression miRNAs. Depending upon the expression pat-
resistance 1 (GRR1) has been known to undergo terns, miRNAs were categorized as:
miR393-mediated cleavage (Sunkar and Zhu 1. Type A miRNAs: suppressed by tension and
2004). Sugar has been considered as a signaling compression stresses. This type includes
molecule regulating the growth and developmen- miR156, miR162, miR164, miR475, miR480,
tal processes during various stresses. miRNA- and miR481.
mediated targeting of sugar-related gene suggests 2. Type B miRNAs: upregulated in tension and
that miR393 has the ability of integrating sugar compression stresses. This type includes
signaling with cold and other related stresses miR408.
(Sunkar et al. 2007). Most recently, 18 novel cold- 3. Type C miRNAs: upregulated specifically in
responsive miRNA families have been reported compression tissues. This type includes
from rice. Most of these have been shown to miR159, miR476, and miR479.
undergo downregulation. Out of these, three fami- 4. Type D miRNAs: suppressed only in compres-
lies have been characterized as miR167, miR319, sion tissues. This type includes miR160 and
and miR171. miR167 and miR319 have been miR172.
observed to show downregulation in their expres- 5. Type E miRNAs: attenuated induction specifi-
sion pattern, whereas miR319 has shown variable- cally by tension stress. This comprises of
expression profiles (Lv et al. 2010). miR168.
It has been reported that type A and B miR-
NAs have the ability of counteracting against
overall mechanical stress without differentiating
5.3 miRNAs in Response
between compression and tension stresses. Type
to Mechanical Stress
C, D, and E miRNAs have been considered
responsible for the specialized regulatory mecha-
Plants have various stress-sensing mechanisms.
nisms behind development of reaction woods (Lu
It has been observed that plants undergo certain
et al. 2005).
developmental changes in xylem and cambium to
increase its mechanical support. Two types of
woody tissues, tension wood and opposite woods, 5.4 miRNAs in Response
synthesized in response to stress are termed as to Salt Stress
reaction woods (Wu et al. 2000). This long-term
deposition of supporting woody tissues is one of Salt stress has been considered as one of the most
the most critical plant defense mechanism against severe abiotic stress. Plants have the ability of
mechanical stress. In order to have a better under- altering their genetic profile in order to counteract
standing of plant developmental changes, miRNA against salinity. miRNAs microarray analysis has
networks ruling xylem tissues were explored in revealed the presence of 98 miRNAs belonging to
one of the species of Populus (Lu et al. 2005). 27 miRNA families during varying salt treatments
Experimental analysis has revealed the presence (Ding et al. 2009). It has been observed that most
of 21 novel miRNAs in the developing xylem and of the miRNAs responding to salt stress are
phloem tissues. Presence of miRNAs suggests directly involved in the regulation of transcription
their role in cambium differentiation activities. factors (TFs). From Zea mays, miR159a/b,
The cloned miRNAs were designated as miR156, miR164a/b/c/d and miR1661/m have been cloned
miR472, miR160, miR164, miR171, miR473, that targets TFs Myb, NAC1 and homeodomain-
miR477, miR478, miR479, and miR480. A com- leucine zipper protein (HD-ZIP) (Jones-Rhoades
parative expression analysis of miRNAs was car- and Bartel 2004). Other salt-responsive TFs tar-
ried out in tension-stressed and normal-developing geted by miRNAs were MADS-box proteins and
xylem tissues. A detectable difference was zinc-finger proteins (Fang et al. 2006). Further
observed in the expression patterns of most of the experimentation has lead to the cloning of miR474,
12 MicroRNAs and Their Role in Plants During Abiotic Stresses 275

miR395, and miR396 family miRNAs from Zea been considered that these cloned miRNAs are
mays. miR474 and miR395 were reported to target actually responsible for the physiological and
negative regulators of salt tolerance. They were developmental changes occurring during drought
upregulated during salt stress, causing suppres- stress. miR854 and miR170 have been confirmed
sion of the respective factors. On the contrary, as novel drought-induced miRNAs from rice.
miR396 was reported to downregulate in presence Rest of the miRNAs requires experimental verifi-
of salt stress. cations (Zhou et al. 2010).
It has been observed that during salt stress
miR395, miR474 initiated a salt-induced nonspe-
cific pathway for the maintenance of continuous 5.6 miRNAs in Response to Hypoxia
energy supply. Both of these miRNAs were
reported to upregulate in salt-stressed plants, thus Hypoxia is a state of reduced availability of oxygen.
targeting the key enzymes of plant energy trans- But it should not be confused with flooding or
duction pathways, NADP-ME and NAD-ME water logging. Till date very less is known about
(Cheng and Long 2007; Ding et al. 2009). It has hypoxia and its responsive signaling cascade.
already been known that salt stress causes the Recently, a study has been carried out to predict
excess accumulation of ROS in plants. It has been the role of TFs and miRNAs in response to hypoxia.
experimentally validated that miR528 from Oryza More than 1,900 TFs and 180 miRNAs primary
sativa targets Cu/Zn SOD, causing its upregula- transcripts from Arabidopsis roots have been
tion and scavenging ROS (Kim et al. 2007). exposed to hypoxic conditions via quantitative
Another miRNA family, miR169 has been known PCR. It has been found that TFs do play a signifi-
to be induced by high salinity. It causes cleavage cant role to regulate the expression of hypoxia-
of CCAAT box-binding transcription factor and induced genes, whereas only single miRNA,
thus plays role in transcriptional regulation of miR391 showed a potent activity against hypoxia.
large number of genes (Zhao et al. 2009). Thus, it has been concluded that TFs are the potent
transcriptional regulators of hypoxia and miRNAs
are a minor players (Licausi et al. 2010).
5.5 miRNAs in Response to Drought
5.7 miRNAs in Response
Drought stress is considered as a moderate loss of to Submergence
water content. This stress causes extensive water
loss, stomatal closure, hampered gas exchange, Submergence of plants or flooding of soil causes
disruption of cellular metabolism, and leads to adverse anaerobic conditions. Plants carry out
death in severe cases (Jaleel et al. 2009). Genome- several morphological, physiological, and meta-
wide miRNA profiling has revealed 30 drought- bolic changes to survive the adversity but the
responsive miRNAs from Oryza sativa. Out of underlying mechanism remains unknown. It has
these, 16 miRNAs namely miR156, miR159, been thought that miRNAs might have submer-
miR168, miR170, miR171, miR172, miR319, gence-responsive roles. Microarray analysis has
miR396, miR397, miR408, miR529, miR896, resulted into the prediction of 39 submergence-
miR1030, miR1035, miR1050, miR1088, and responsive miRNAs. It has been found that these
miR1126 were downregulated in response to miRNA-targeted enzymes are involved in carbo-
drought stress. The remaining miRNAs miR159, hydrate and energy metabolism, ROS elimination
miR169, miR171, miR319, miR395, miR474, pathways. Most of the targeted mRNAs pos-
miR845, miR851, miR854, miR896, miR901, sessed cis-acting elements that are considered as
miR903, miR1026, and miR1125 were signifi- an essential requirement for anaerobic responses
cantly upregulated during drought stress. It has (Zhang et al. 2008).
276 P. Guleria et al.

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Transcription Factors Involved
in Environmental Stress 13
Responses in Plants
Haibo Xin, Feng Qin, and Lam-Son Phan Tran

Environmental stresses such as drought, high salinity, high temperature,
and cold stresses are the major factors which cause significant losses to
the yields of economically important crops. Sequence-specific binding
transcription factors (TFs) are known to be involved in regulation of
stress responses. In this chapter, we review our current knowledge about
the functions of various TFs in stress responses, including the major
DREB/CBF, AREB/ABF, and HSF TFs, and their signaling cascades.
Understanding the mechanisms of how the TFs act as “master regulators”
in the signal transduction networks involved in the conversion of stress
signal perception to stress-responsive gene expression will enable us to
develop stress-tolerant crops by genetic engineering of the major TFs.

Drought • Salinity • Cold, DREB • Transcription factors • Heat shock
proteins, plant responses

considered as major stressors because of severe

1 Introduction desertification worldwide (Vinocur and Altman
2005). It has been reported that abiotic stresses
Environmental stresses such as drought, salinity,
may cause more than 40% yield loss for most of
and extreme temperatures adversely affect the
the major crop plants (Bray et al. 2000; Manavalan
growth and production of plants, and have been
et al. 2009; Tran and Mochida 2010; Hadiarto
and Tran 2011). Over the last several decades,
L.-S.P. Tran ()
Signaling Pathway Research Unit, Plant Science Center, botanists have been seeking various approaches
RIKEN Yokohama Institute, 1-7-22 Suehiro-cho, including traditional breeding, promotion of
Tsurumi, Yokohama 230-0045, Japan cultivation environment, and adoption of rational
cropping system to reduce the crop loss caused
H. Xin • F. Qin by these stresses.
Key Laboratory of Photosynthesis and Environmental
However, conventional methods are known
Molecular Physiology, Institute of Botany, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China to face with difficulties to improve such complex

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 279
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_13,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
280 H. Xin et al.

stress-related traits which are considered to be Shinozak 2000; Thomashow 2001). Among the
controlled by quantitative loci. For example, DREB1 genes, the DREB1B/CBF1 and DREB1A/
breeding strategies based on genetic variants, CBF3 genes were first isolated using yeast one-
natural mutations, and intergeneric crosses often hybrid screening by two independent research
meet with the difficulties in eliminating undesired groups (Stockinger et al. 1997; Liu et al. 1998).
linkage drag (Rommens et al. 2007). In contrast These two proteins specifically recognize and bind
with traditional breeding, genetic engineering to the DRE motif containing the core sequence
takes an advantage in connecting the tolerance A/GCCGAC located in the promoters of cold
trait directly to determinant gene loci by manipulating and water stress-inducible genes (Yamaguchi-
expression level of key stress-associated genes Shinozaki and Shinozaki 1994; Baker et al. 1994;
(Ashraf 2010). Recent advances in functional Liu et al. 1998). In cold signal transduction
genomics have enabled biotechnologists to identify pathway, the Arabidopsis DREB1A/CBF3, regu-
and characterize many stress-responsive functional lated positively by the Inducer of C-repeat binding
and regulatory genes which are key components factor Expression 1 (ICE1) and negatively by the
in abiotic stress signaling pathways in various MYB15, functions as a switch to control expres-
plant species (Chinnusamy et al. 2007; Nakashima sions of downstream COR genes (Chinnusamy
et al. 2009). Among the regulatory proteins, tran- et al. 2007). In addition to ICE1 and MYB15,
scription factors (TFs) have been known to play members of the calmodulin binding protein tran-
crucial roles in signal transduction by receiving scriptional activator (CAMTA) family target
the upstream signal and activating the expression directly the CM2 motif found in the promoters of
of downstream stress-inducible genes. the CBFs, and CAMTA3 is a positive regulator
In this chapter, we focus on the regulation of of DREB1C/CBF2 expression, which provides
stress-responsive TFs under various abiotic evidence of a link between calcium signaling
stresses and summarize the recent advances in and CBF-dependent cold accumulation (Doherty
enhancing stress tolerance of plants by genetic et al. 2009).
engineering using TFs. The Arabidopsis genome contains six DREB1/
CBF genes (Sakuma et al. 2002), including the
well-studied DREB1B/CBF1, DREB1A/CBF3,
2 DREB1/CBF TFs and Cold and DREB1C/CBF2, which lie in tandem on
Stress Response chromosome 4 and are rapidly induced by cold
and slightly by high-salinity stresses but not by
Cold stress adversely affects all aspects of cellular dehydration (Liu et al. 1998; Gilmour et al. 2000;
function. The DREB1/CBF regulon is one of the Nakashima et al. 2000). It should be noticed that
most important regulatory systems at transcrip- although the transcripts of DREB1s/CBFs were
tional level in cold signal transduction in plants. specifically induced by cold stress, the majority
The DREB1/CBF TFs, which specifically bind to of their downstream genes respond not only to
the dehydration-responsive cis-element (DRE), cold stress but also to dehydration and high salinity.
belong to the AP2_EREBP family that is unique The enhanced tolerance to drought, high salinity,
to plants (Nakashima et al. 2009). The DREB1/ and freezing stresses was observed in transgenic
CBF TFs have been the most extensively studied Arabidopsis plants overexpressing DREB1B/
TFs in the last 20 years aimed at improving plant CBF1 or DREB1A/CBF3 under control of the
tolerance to various abiotic stresses, including cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter
cold stress (Thomashow 2001; Shinozaki et al. (Jaglo-Ottosen et al. 1998; Liu et al. 1998; Kasuga
2003; Yamaguchi-Shinozaki and Shinozaki 2006; et al. 1999; Gilmour et al. 2000), indicating that
Nakashima et al. 2009). It has been shown that DREB1s/CBFs target multiple genes which
DREB1 genes are promising candidates for devel- respond to various stresses. Genomewide analyses
opment of stress-tolerant plants by manipulation of the DREB1A transgenic Arabidopsis plants
at transcriptional level (Shinozaki and Yamaguchi- using both cDNA and GeneChip microarrays
13 Transcription Factors Involved in Environmental Stress Responses in Plants 281

identified more than 40 target genes of DREB1A/ induced by cold stress. In addition, OsDREB1A
CBF3, such as RD29A, Cor15B, Kin1, Kin2, was also induced by salt stress. Additionally,
RD17, LEA14, AtGolS3, and STZ/ZAT10 (Seki OsDREB1C displayed a constitutive expression
et al. 2002; Fowler and Thomashow 2002; pattern, whereas OsDREB1D transcripts were
Maruyama et al. 2004). These target genes contain undetected in plants (Dubouzet et al. 2003).
DRE or DRE-related core sequences in their Overexpression of OsDREB1A in Arabidopsis
promoter regions, suggesting that the DREB1A/ conferred freezing and high salinity tolerance,
CBF3 TF could bind to these motifs and directly implying that this gene may have similar function
activate expressions of these genes in plants as that of AtDREB1A, and play an important role
(Maruyama et al. 2004). The majority of the in stress tolerance in rice. Furthermore, Ito et al.
target genes of DREB1A/CBF3 encode TFs, (2006) generated transgenic rice plants indepen-
phospholipase C, RNA-binding proteins, sugar dently overexpressing the Arabidopsis DREB1A,
transport proteins, desaturase, LEA proteins, 1B, and 1C using the 35S promoter, and the
osmoprotectant biosynthetic proteins, which are OsDREB1A and 1B using the maize Ubi promoter.
known to play important roles in plant acclima- Under the normal conditions, all the transgenic
tion to stresses. However, constitutive overex- plants exhibited growth retardation and enhanced
pression of DREB1/CBF genes adversely affects stress tolerance to drought, high salinity, and
plant growth, leading to severe growth retardation cold stresses in comparison with control plants.
even under optimal conditions (Liu et al. 1998; Microarray and RNA-blot analyses confirmed
Kasuga et al. 1999). To overcome the negative that 12 genes were up-regulated by either
impact of DREB1 TFs on growth and develop- OsDREB1A or AtDREB1A in rice. Among the
ment, Kasuga et al. (1999) used the stress- 12 up-regulated genes, 8 genes contained DRE
inducible RD29A promoter instead of the sequences in their promoters, implying that they
constitutive 35S promoter. With this strategy, the could be direct target genes of OsDREB1A and
DREB1/CBF genes have been successfully AtDREB1A proteins. Additionally, the majority
used to promote the tolerance in a number of of these downstream genes were induced not
transgenic plants to various abiotic stresses only by dehydration, but also by cold and high
(Kasuga et al. 1999, 2004). The potential applica- salinity.
tion of DREB1/CBF genes in genetic engineering It is worthy to mention that, in another inde-
of stress-tolerant plants has led to isolation and pendent study Oh et al. (2005) did not observe
functional studies of DREB1/CBF orthologs in any negative effects on the growth of transgenic
many plant species such as rice, maize, Brassica rice plants in which the AtDREB1A/CBF3 was
napus, tomato, wheat, rye, oat, sorghum, ryegrass, constitutively overexpressed using the maize Ubi
and dwarf apple (Jaglo et al. 2001; Gao et al. promoter. These transgenic rice plants exhibited
2002; Dubouzet et al. 2003; Qin et al. 2004; enhanced stress tolerance as well. This phenom-
Zhao and Bughrara 2008; Yang et al. 2010). The enon was explained that stress-associated genes
availability of DREB1/CBF genes in various were not up-regulated under unstressed conditions
plant species implies that the DREB1/CBF in the transgenic plants (Oh et al. 2005).
regulon is ubiquitous in higher plants. In maize, Kizis and Pagès (2002) isolated two
DREB1/CBF genes have been widely studied members of the AP2-EREBP TF family, and
in rice, which is not only an important crop named DBF1 and DBF2. Phylogenetic analysis
worldwide but also a model for monocotic plants. indicated that these two genes were classified
Interestingly, the OsDREB1A–D genes, which into the A-6 and A-4 subgroups of the DREB
were cloned as DREB1 orthologous genes from family proteins, respectively. Although both pro-
rice, showed different stress-inducible expression teins are capable to bind to the DRE motif, only
patterns in comparison with their Arabidopsis DBF1 functions as transactivator to activate DREB-
counterparts (Dubouzet et al. 2003). Both dependent gene expression. Overexpression of
OsDREB1A and OsDREB1B expressions were DBF1 gene in Arabidopsis led to enhanced
282 H. Xin et al.

tolerance of transgenic plants to dehydration Eleven ScCBF genes spanning all four main
and salt stresses (Saleh et al. 2006). A maize subgroups were cloned. Several ScCBF genes
DREB1 orthologous TF encoding gene, named were found to be expressed at warmer acclimation
ZmDREB1A, was identified by Qin et al. (2004). temperatures and be repressed at the end of an
Its transcripts were increased greatly at 4°C and 8-h dark period at warmer temperatures, implying
induced slightly by high salinity stress. An that the ScCBF genes might have not only temper-
enhanced tolerance to dehydration and cold ature-dependent but also light-regulated diurnal
stresses was observed in transgenic Arabidopsis response in rye (Campoli et al. 2009).
plants overexpressing ZmDREB1A which was In horticultural plants, progress has been made
accompanied with a dwarfed phenotype correlated in studies on isolation, functional and transfor-
to expression levels of the transgene. In two inde- mation analyses of DREB1 genes. The growth
pendent ZmDREB1A transgenic lines, down- and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum),
stream genes of DREB1 TFs, such as COR, KIN1, which is originated from subtropical area and
KIN2, RD29A, and RD17, were found to be up- sensitive to cold, are adversely affected by chilling.
regulated. These data indicated that DREB1 regu- As a means to provide a solution to this negative
lon might play a conserved mechanism to protect impact, transgenic tomato plants overexpressing
different plant species under adverse conditions. AtDREB1B/CBF gene were constructed (Hsieh
Skinner et al. (2005) reported that barley et al. 2002). As expected, transgenic tomato exhib-
(Hordeum vulgare), an important crop and a dip- ited enhanced tolerance to chilling by showing
loid Triticeae plant, contains at least 20 DREB/ higher survival rate under stressed conditions in
CBF genes comprising three multigene phyloge- comparison with control plants. However, the
netic subgroups designated HvCBF1, HvCBF3, growth rate, the fruit and seed numbers of trans-
and HvCBF4 subgroups. In transgenic Arabidopsis, genic plants tolerant to freezing were not observed
the temperature-independent CBFs, the members to be improved. Three DREB1/CBF homologous
of the HvCBF1- and HvCBF3-subgroups, acti- genes, LeCBF1/2/3, were cloned and character-
vated COR genes at warm temperature, whereas ized in tomato (Zhang et al. 2004). Among these
the cold-dependent CBFs, HvCBF4-subgroup three genes, only expression of LeCBF1 is induced
TFs, did not. HsDREB1A from wild barley by chilling stress. Overexpression of LeCBF1 in
(Hordeum spontaneum) shows a high degree of Arabidopsis improved tolerance of transgenic
sequence conversation to that of barley (H. vul- plants. However, the same authors demonstrated
gare) (James et al. 2008). Eight CBF genes from that neither overexpression of AtDREB1A/CBF3
another cereal, the Einkorn wheat (Triticum mono- nor that of LeCBF1 in tomato improved freezing
coccum), have dramatically different levels of stress tolerance. Recently, a dwarf apple MbDREB1
induction after exposure to cold stress (Vágújfalvi was isolated and functionally characterized (Yang
et al. 2005). Differences in CBF expression were et al. 2010). Expression of MbDREB1 was induced
generally associated with a variation in frost tol- by cold, drought, salt stress, and exogenous ABA
erance. Pellegrineschi et al. (2004) introduced treatment. In comparison with wild-type plants,
RD29Apro:AtDREB1A construct into wheat, and transgenic Arabidopsis overexpressing MbDREB1
screened 12 T2 transgenic lines exhibiting water- showed increased tolerance to low temperature,
deficit stress tolerance. The AtDREB1A wheat drought, and salt stresses. These data imply
plants displayed substantial tolerance to water that MbDREB1 might increase plant tolerance to
stress in comparison with control plants under low temperature, drought, and salt stresses in
experimental greenhouse conditions. In the both ABA-dependent and ABA-independent
Triticeae, rye (Secale cereale) is one of the most manners in apple. It has also been reported that
low-temperature-tolerant species. Therefore, it RD29pro:DREB1A construct was introduced
has been considered as an excellent model to into Chrysanthemum (Hong et al. 2006a, b). As
study and compare expression profiles of DREB/ expected, transgenic plants showed stronger
CBF-type TF encoding genes under cold stress. resistance to drought, salt, and low temperature.
13 Transcription Factors Involved in Environmental Stress Responses in Plants 283

DREB1/CBF-type genes, BnCBF5, 7, 16, and CA using stress-inducible RD29A promoter

17 from B. napus were cloned by Gao et al. eliminated the dwarfism and maintained a better
(2002). Deduced protein sequences of BnCBF5, tolerance (Sakuma et al. 2006a).
7, and 16 are very similar to the Arabidopsis Further analyses of expression and sequences
CBF1 whereas that of BnCBF17 is different demonstrated differences in stress-responsive
because of the presence of two extra regions in its expression profiles and the AP2-EREBP domains
acidic domain. All the BnCBF genes are induced between DREB1-type and DREB2-type TFs which
by low temperature. Additionally, expression of might lead to their different response to different
BnCBF5, 7, and 16 is also slightly responsive stresses and the discrepancy in their downstream
to salt stress, but that of BnCBF17 is not. target genes. In Arabidopsis, DREB1 genes are
Furthermore, overexpression of either BnCBF5 induced greatly by cold or slightly by salt stress;
or BnCBF17 improved tolerance of transgenic however, DREB2 genes are greatly increased by
Brassica to freezing (Savitch et al. 2005). salt and dehydration stresses (Liu et al. 1998;
Overall, the DREB1/CBF TFs regulate cold Sakuma et al. 2002). Recently, it was reported that
stress signaling at transcriptional level without DREB2 genes are induced by heat stress (Sakuma
posttranscriptional regulation. Overexpression of et al. 2006b; Qin et al. 2007; Lim et al. 2007). It
DREB1/CBFs can improve tolerance to cold was also found that downstream target genes of
stress in various transgenic plants. Noticeably, DREB2A were different from those of DREB1A.
the adverse effect caused by overproduced This might be explained by the fact that the DNA-
DREB1/CBFs should be minimized by using binding domains of DREB1A and DREB2A are
inducible or controllable promoter such as RD29A slightly different, which causes a high affinity of
promoter instead of the constitutive 35 S. DREB1A to A/GCCGACNT sequences and the
Investigation of several upstream regulators of preferential binding of DREB2A to ACCGAC
the DREB1/CBFs, such as ICE1 and MYB15, motifs (Sakuma et al. 2006a).
may provide a deeper understanding of DREB1/ Interestingly, in addition to drought and salt
CBF function in cold acclimation. inducible genes, overexpression of DREB2A-CA
in Arabidopsis also up-regulates heat shock
related genes (Sakuma et al. 2006b). Consequently,
3 DREB2 and Drought/High the DREB2A-CA transgenic plants displayed
Salinity Stress Response enhanced thermotolerance. Thus, DREB2A was
recognized to play an important regulatory role
Although DREB2A was isolated from the yeast- in response not only to drought but also to high
one-hybrid screening together with DREB1A temperature stress. Microarray analysis of
(Liu et al. 1998), its function has been less DREB2A-CA-overexpressing plants identified
reported than that of DREB1A gene. The reason heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), HSP18.2, and
might be that because overexpression of DREB2A heat shock A3 factor encoding gene (HSFA3)
led to neither enhanced tolerant phenotype nor among the up-regulated downstream genes (Sakuma
alteration in expression of stress-inducible genes. et al. 2006b). The DREB2A protein was shown to
Domain analysis of DREB2A in Arabidopsis bind to the DRE sequence located in the promoter
protoplasts revealed that DREB2A contains a of the AtHSFA3 and activate its transcription
negative regulatory region and the deletion of this (Schramm et al. 2008; Yoshida et al. 2008).
region activated DREB2A protein. The deleted Additionally, Chen et al. (2009) presented data in
protein was called DREB2A-CA (Sakuma et al. regard to the regulation of HSFA3 by DREB2C in
2006a). Overproduction of DREB2A-CA protein the heat shock signal transduction cascade.
in Arabidopsis enhanced water stress tolerance Similar to DREB2A, DREB2C interacts with two
and caused a dwarf phenotype. However, no DREs located in the HSFA3 promoter. Deletion
obvious tolerance to freezing was observed. As is analysis of DREB2C indicated that its transacti-
the case for DREB1s, overexpression of DREB2A- vation region is located in the C terminus.
284 H. Xin et al.

A DREB2A orthologous TF encoding gene, by degradation caused by DRIPs (DREB2A-

the ZmDREB2A, was isolated from maize. interacting proteins), which are C3HC4 ring
Expression analysis revealed that ZmDREB2A is domain-containing proteins. The DRIPs function
strongly induced by high salinity, slightly by as E3 ubiquitin ligases and are able to mediate
drought, and unchanged by heat stress (Qin et al. DREB2A ubiquitination and proteolysis under
2007). Interestingly, in contrast with Arabidopsis favorable growing condition, which probably
DREB2A, ZmDREB2A gene contains 53 bp intron, restricts the negative effects of DREB2A protein on
causing a premature termination of translation. plant growth and development (Qin et al. 2008).
This fragment was shown to be involved in an Collectively, research on DREB2 TFs indicates
alternative splicing under stress conditions. that the DREB2 regulon forms an ABA-independent
This phenomenon was also found in other mono- pathway which functions in both osmotic and
cotic plants, such as wheat and barley (Xue and heat shock responses (HSR). Alternative splicing
Loveridge 2004; Terashima and Takumi 2009). and posttranscription regulation are the two mech-
Constitutive overexpression of ZmDREB2A in anisms which control the stress-related DREB2
Arabidopsis enhanced water-deficit stress tolerance functions in grass species and Arabidopsis,
but caused dwarfism. Using the RD29A promoter respectively.
instead of the 35 S for overexpression of the
ZmDREB2A diminished plant growth retardation
(Qin et al. 2007). In contrast with overexpression 4 AREB TFs and ABA-
of ZmDREB2A, that of a Populus euphratica DREB2 Dependent Drought and High
gene, designated PeDREB, under the control of 35 S Salinity Stress Response
promoter improved salt stress tolerance but did
not cause dwarf phenotype (Chen et al. 2009). Under water stress conditions, such as cold, high
Matsukura et al. (2010) performed a compre- salinity, and drought, endogenous ABA levels in
hensive analysis of all five DREB2-type genes plants increase, which triggers stomatal closure
(OsDREB2A, OsDREB2B, OsDREB2C, to avoid environmental stress damage (Leung and
OsDREB2E, and OsABI4) in rice. Among them, Giraudat 1998). In Arabidopsis and rice, many
only OsDREB2A and OsDREB2B exhibited abi- drought and high salinity-inducible genes also
otic stress-inducible expression. OsDREB2B respond to ABA (Seki et al. 2002; Rabbani et al.
showed nuclear specific localization and the 2003). The key transcriptional regulators of
highest transactivation activity. In transgenic ABA-dependent gene expression are ABA-
Arabidopsis, overexpression of OsDREB2B up- responsive element binding TFs (AREBs/ABFs)
regulated expression of AtDREB2A target genes, which belong to the basic-leucine zipper (bZIP)
including both the drought and heat shock-inducible TF family (Finkelstein et al. 2005; Choi et al.
genes. Noticeably, OsDREB2B has functional and 2005). AREBs/ABFs control ABA-dependent
nonfunctional transcripts similar to its orthologues gene expression by binding to cis-acting regulatory
in the grass family. In the study on DREB2-type elements which share the C/TACGTGGC
TFs in diploid progenitors and hexaploid wheat consensus, designated as ABREs, in the promoters
lines, it was found that allopolyploidization during of ABA-inducible genes (Busk and Pages 1998).
wheat polyploid evolution could inhibit efficiently ABRE element is usually coupled with other
alternative splicing of WDREB2 transcripts sequences to realize its function. ABRE and
(Terashima and Takumi 2009). These data suggest GC-rich coupling elements, including coupling
that DREB2 genes in grass family play an impor- element 1 (CE1) and coupling element 3 (CE3),
tant role in response to drought and heat shock function together as a complex in the regulation
stress which is controlled by alternative splicing. of gene expression in wheat (Shen et al. 1996).
In contrast with alternative splicing found for The core sequence of known coupling elements,
DREB2 genes in grass, AtDREB2 protein was which is A/GCGT, is similar to that of ABREs
shown to undergo posttranscriptional regulation (Hobo et al. 1999a). Narusaka et al. (2003)
13 Transcription Factors Involved in Environmental Stress Responses in Plants 285

reported that the DRE/CRT may also function as An independent study indicated that deletion
a coupling element of ABRE in response to ABA of a fragment from 61 to 318 aa region between
in Arabidopsis. the transactivation and the DNA binding domain
In Arabidopsis, cDNAs encoding AREBs/ transforms the inactive AREB1 into a constitu-
ABFs were successfully isolated using yeast tive active form, which can promote its target
one-hybrid system (Choi et al. 2000; Uno et al. gene expression, even in the absence of ABA
2000). Further genomic sequence analyses indi- (Fujita et al. 2005). Transgenic Arabidopsis
cated that the Arabidopsis genome contains at plants overexpressing the active form of AREB1
least 75 distinct bZIP TFs, among which 13 mem- under the control of 35 S promoter were shown to
bers are identified as AREB/ABFs (Bensmihen be hypersensitive to ABA and displayed enhanced
et al. 2002; Jakoby et al. 2002). Among these drought tolerance. Microarray and RNA-gel blot
AREB/ABFs encoding genes, AREB1/ABF2, analyses of transgenic plants discovered eight
AREB2/ABF4, and ABF3 are induced by ABA, genes as downstream target genes of the active
drought, and high salinity in vegetative tissues AREB1. These up-regulated genes were classi-
but not in seeds (Fujita et al. 2005). However, fied into two groups: the first group consists of
ABI5, AREB3, DPBF2, and EEL (Enhanced Em genes encoding functional proteins, such as
Level) genes were expressed during seed matura- LEA or LEA-like proteins, including RD29B,
tion (Finkelstein and Lynch 2000; Lopez-Molina At3g17520, and the other contains regulatory
and Chua 2000; Bensmihen et al. 2002). proteins, including RD20 and HIS1-3 (Fujita
Different from DREB1/CBF TFs, AREB/ABF et al. 2005). Concurrently, the same lab demon-
proteins contain many target sequences of protein strated that overproduction of a phosphorylated
kinases, and modification of AREB/ABF by phos- AREB1 protein in Arabidopsis improved RD29B
phorylation is required to transform the native but and other ABA-inducible gene expression in
inactive AREB/ABF TFs into their active form. plants (Furihata et al. 2006). Taken together,
A number of reports have revealed that phospho- these results support that AREB1 protein requires
rylation of the AREB1 protein by SnRK2, a posttranscriptional modification to modulate its
sucrose nonfermenting protein (SNF1)-related downstream gene expression.
kinase, is important for its activation. Recent In addition to AREB1, other AREB/ABF TFs
research showed that SnRK2.2/SnRK2D and also contribute to ABA-dependent stress response.
SnRK2.3/SnRK2I are involved in the phosphory- ABI3, a member of B3 transcriptional regulators,
lation of AREB1 (Fujii et al. 2007). A strong interacts with ABI5 to enhance its action. An
lines of evidence indicated that OST1/SnRK2.6/ AP2-type TF, ABI4, and some MYC/MYB-
SnRK2E (an ABA-activated protein kinase, type TFs (AtMYC2 and AtMYB2) function as
homologue of SnRK2.2/SnRK2D and SnRK2.3/ positive regulators of ABA response (Yamaguchi-
SnRK2I) was also able to directly target ABF/ Shinozaki and Shinozaki 2006).
AREBs to phosphorylation, and three of SnRK2 In rice and barely, the homologues of
kinases cooperatively phosphorylate AREB1 in Arabidopsis AREB1/ABF2, the TRAB1, and
response to water stress or ABA signals (Fujii HvABI5 encoding genes, respectively, were
et al. 2007, 2009; Yoshida et al. 2010). Therefore, found to respond to ABA treatment and drought
it was the reason why transformation of an stress in seedlings (Hobo et al. 1999b; Casaretto
unphosphorylated or inactive AREB1 gene into and Ho 2003). Zou et al. (2008) reported the
Arabidopsis has failed to cause remarkable cloning of OsABI5 and that its expression was
improved expression of downstream genes and induced by ABA and high salinity, but was down-
ABA-related phenotype (Fujita et al. 2005). In regulated by drought and cold stresses in seed-
addition to the SNF-type kinases, Ca2+-dependent lings. Overexpression of OsABI5 caused high
protein kinases, such as the CPK4 and CPK11, sensitivity of transgenic rice to salt stress.
also phosphorylate ABF1 and ABF4/AREB2 However, down-regulation of OsABI5 enhanced
(Zhu et al. 2007). stress tolerance, but negatively influenced rice
286 H. Xin et al.

fertility. Microarray analysis indicated that, transactivational activity, and they function as
among 89 OsbZIP genes surveyed, 26 genes were repressors or co-activators (Kotak et al. 2004).
up-regulated and 11 genes were down-regulated In the plant kingdom, cloning and genetic
under dehydration, high salinity, and cold condi- analysis of HSF encoding genes have been
tions (Nijhawan et al. 2008). pioneered from tomato (Nover et al. 1996,
In conclusion, AREB/ABF regulon is a 2001; Lyck et al. 1997). The excellent work of
common ABA-dependent signaling pathway in Mishra et al. (2002) revealed that HSFA1a func-
plants, functioning in response to dehydration tions as a master regulator of HSR in tomato.
and high salinity stresses. Phosphorylation of AREB/ In their study, plants with tenfold overexpression
ABF TFs, such as AREB1, may be required for of HSFA1 (OE) and cosuppression (CS) plants
their full activation. were produced. Under normal conditions, major
developmental parameters of OE and CS plants
are similar to that of wild type. However, CS
5 HSFs and HSP-Related Heat plants and fruits were extremely sensitive to ele-
Stress Response vated temperatures because of reducing and
lacking of heat-inducible HSFs and synthesis of
Heat stress is one of the key environmental HSP chaperons. These results indicated that
stresses in fields around the world, especially in HSFA1 has a unique function as master regulator
tropical areas. As sessile organisms, plants can for induced thermotolerance in tomato. In
acquire better thermotolerance against unavoid- contrast with HSFA1a, tomato HSFA2 or HSFB
able high temperature challenges by a prior high subgroup members could not function indepen-
temperature treatment (Sun et al. 2002). In this dently. HSFA2 needs interaction with HSFA1 for
process, heat acclimation involves the accumula- efficient nuclear import (Scharf et al. 1998), and
tion of HSPs that are molecular chaperons HSFB1 has been identified as a co-activator of
(Sun et al. 2002), which are important for cellular class-A HSFs and other TFs for transactivation
homeostasis in cells under both optimal and (Bharti et al. 2004).
adverse growth conditions (Kim and Schöffl Multiple plant HSFs display diversity in their
2002; Hartl and Hyer-Hartl 2002; Port et al. 2004; biological functions. Completion of Arabidopsis
Wang et al. 2004). Expression of HSP encoding genomic sequence has enabled us to find and
genes is regulated by a large family of HSFs analyze HSFs and their target genes such as
which bind to the heat shock elements (HSE) HSPs encoding genes at whole genome scale.
“GAANNTTC” in the promoters of HSP encoding In Arabidopsis, 44 HSPs and 21 HSFs were iden-
genes (Schöffl et al. 1998; Nover et al. 2001; von tified (Swindell et al. 2007). Additionally, Guo et al.
Koskull-Döring et al. 2007). (2008) reported that the Arabidopsis genome
While there are only a few HSF encoding genes contains 22 HSFs, and in contrast with TAIR
in yeast, Drosophila and vertebrates (yeast and annotation of HSFs, an additional HSF has been
Drosopholia have only 1; vertebrates possess 4), found to be probable member of HSFA2 class.
plants have multiple HSF encoding genes (for Unlike tomato HSF system, no master HSF
instance tomato, Arabidopsis, rice and soybean regulator has been found, suggesting that there
have 18, 21, 25, and 34 genes, respectively) divided may be more complicated HSF regulation in
into three classes of A, B and C (Nover et al. 1996, Arabidopsis. A number of studies on the functions
2001; Nakai 1999; Baniwal et al. 2004; Kotak of Arabidopsis HSFs have been conducted.
et al. 2004; Xing et al. 2005). Identification and HSFA1a and HSFA1b play important roles in the
detailed functional analyses of HSFs of Arabidopsis induction of some HSP encoding genes in the
and tomato have revealed that the majority of early phase of HSR and in acquired thermotoler-
class-A HSFs contain the AHA motifs vital for ance (Lohmann et al. 2004). Arabidopsis
transcriptional activation of their downstream HSFA2, HSFA3, and HSFA7a also play critical
genes, while the class-B and C HSFs have no role in this process (Charng et al. 2007; Larkindale
13 Transcription Factors Involved in Environmental Stress Responses in Plants 287

and Vierling 2008; Schramm et al. 2008; Yoshida There is an ongoing effort to elucidate functions
et al. 2008). There are five different HSFB of the HSFs. However, detailed analyses of the
genes in Arabidopsis genome. The HSFB3 and HSFs are still mainly restricted to tomato and
HSFB4 function at the early stage after heat Arabidopsis (Panchuk et al. 2002; Baniwal et al.
shock, and HSFB1, HSFB2a, and HSFB2b are 2004; Zhang et al. 2009). During recent several
considered to function as late HSFs (Lohmann years, functional analyses of HSFs from other
et al. 2004; Busch et al. 2005). species have been conducted. In rice, a mutant
Although functionally similar to HSFA1a, of HSFA4 exhibited a potted leaf phenotype
several plant HSF encoding genes are HS-inducible under elevated temperature (Yamanouchi et al.
genes themselves, such as HSFA2 proteins from 2002). It has been reported that GmHSFA1, a
tomato and Arabidopsis, which encode the major heat shock TF, was cloned and characterized
HSFs in thermotolerant cells (Scharf et al. 1998; from soybean (Glycine max), and its overex-
Morimoto 2002; Busch et al. 2005). According pression conferred enhanced thermotolerance of
to the data gained from transcriptome analyses, transgenic soybean plants (Zhu et al. 2006). Zhu
six HSF encoding genes, HSFA2, HSFA4a, et al. (2009) cloned a HSF gene named BhHSF1
HSFA7a, HSFB1, HSFB2a, and HSFB2b, are from Boea hygrometrica. Their study revealed
strongly up-regulated in Arabidopsis leaves by that this gene may play dual functions in medi-
heat shock treatment at 37°C for 1 h (Busch et al. ating heat stress tolerance and growth retarda-
2005). Among these up-regulated genes, function tion via regulation of target genes related to
of AtHSFA2 was analyzed in detail. Loss-of- stress protection and mitotic cell cycle. A HSFA2
function studies of AtHSFA2 supported the direct from lily, an important ornamental flower, has
evidence that AtHSFA2 is essential for acquired recently been isolated by Xin et al. (2010). This
thermotolerance (AT) after long recovery but not gene was found to be induced exclusively under
short recovery (Charng et al. 2007). On the other heat shock. Ectopic overexpression of the lily
hand, ectopic overexpression of OsHSFA2e led to HSFA2 obviously improved thermotolerance of
increased thermotolerance not only in the transgenic Arabidopsis.
cotyledons but also in rosette leaves, inflores- Recently, a CaM-binding protein kinase
cence stems, and seeds in transgenic Arabidopsis (CBK) was identified as an interacting protein of
(Yokotani et al. 2008). HSFA1a in Arabidopsis (Liu et al. 2008). The knock-
In addition to heat stress, numerous abiotic out lines of AtCBK failed to acquire thermotoler-
and biotic stressors can induce expression of ance and accumulate downstream HSP encoding
HSF encoding genes (Swindell et al. 2007), suggest- genes, implying that the activity of HSFs can be
ing that HSFs may play crucial role in crosstalk modulated at posttranscriptional level (Liu et al.
between multiple stress response pathways. Recently, 2008). This case is similar to that of CAMTA
it was reported that overexpression of AtHSFA2 regulation for cold induction.
conferred not only increased tolerance of trans- Taken together, HSFs form a group of key
genic Arabidopsis to heat and osmotic stresses regulators, controlling gene expression, thereby
but also enhanced callus growth (Nishizawa et al. playing critical roles in heat signal transduction
2006; Yokotani et al. 2008). High-level overex- pathway. Manipulation of single HSF can change
pression of the Arabidopsis HSFA2 gene revealed expression of a series of heat-inducible genes
that HSFA2 plays, in addition to its role in heat which may lead to thermotolerance.
and salt stress tolerance, an important role in cell
proliferation (Ogawa et al. 2007). Interestingly,
AtHSFA2 was shown to be one of the regulatory 6 Other Stress-Related TFs
components of cytoplasmic protein response (CPR)
(Sugio et al. 2009) and target of sumoylation In addition to the major TFs mentioned earlier,
which may regulate AtHSFA2 transcriptional many other TFs are involved in plant response to
activity (Cohen-Peer et al. 2010). abiotic stress.
288 H. Xin et al.

AtMYC2 and AtMYB2 proteins are thought Arabidopsis and rice contains 117 and 151 nonre-
to function as transcriptional activators in the dundant NAC TFs, respectively, which are charac-
ABA-responsive gene expression of the RD22 terized by the conserved N-terminal region known
(Abe et al. 1997). Overexpression of AtMYC2 as the NAC domain (Ooka et al. 2003; Nuruzzaman
increased the ABA-responsive expression of et al. 2010). NAC proteins play critical role in
RD22. In plants overexpressing both AtMYC2 plant developmental processes such as formation
and AtMYB2, the expression of RD22 was of apical shoots and in disease defense. Several
induced by ABA significantly earlier than in NAC TFs were found to be regulators of abiotic
35S:AtMYB2 or 35S:AtMYC2 plants. At the same stress response (Tran et al. 2010). Three NAC
time, the AtADH1 transcript in plants overex- genes have been isolated from Arabidopsis by
pressing both two genes accumulated to high yeast one-hybrid screening (Tran et al. 2004).
level under normal condition, implying that These NAC TFs were found to bind to a CATGTG
MYC2 and MYB2 act together as transcriptional motif in the promoter of ERD1. Expression of
activators in the ABA-responsive expression of these three NAC genes was induced by drought,
AtADH1. Furthermore, microarray analysis of high salinity, ABA, and methyl jasmonate.
35S:AtMYC2/MYB2 transgenic plants demon- Following this study, Hu et al. (2006) reported
strated that the up-regulated genes possess the the isolation of a rice NAC gene, named SNAC1,
MYC (CANNTG) and MYB (C/TAACNA/G) whose expression was found to be induced by
recognition sequences in their promoter regions drought, salt, cold, and ABA treatment. The
(Abe et al. 2003). 35S:SNAC1 transgenic rice showed significantly
Cys-2/His-2-type zinc-finger and zinc-finger increased drought resistance under field condi-
homeodomain (ZFHD) proteins have been iden- tions and strong tolerance to salt stress. Another
tified to be important as transcriptional regulators NAC TF encoding gene, OsNAC6, was also
in plant abiotic stress responses. Unlike the above- reported to be induced by cold, drought, and high
mentioned TFs, Cys-2/His-2-type zinc-finger salinity (Nakashima et al. 2007). When OsNAC6
TFs were observed to regulate target genes by was overexpressed in rice under the control of the
repressing their expressions in plants (Sakamoto maize Ubi promoter, the transgenic plants were
et al. 2004). Overproduction of Zat10/STZ, a more tolerant to both drought and high salt stresses
Cys-2/His-2-type zinc-finger TF, in Arabidopsis accompanied by retarding of growth. Lip9 (low
enhanced drought stress tolerance (Sakamoto temperature inducible protein 9) promoter was
et al. 2004). Zat12 was also shown to be involved subsequently used to minimize the adverse effect
in response to both cold and oxidative stresses on plant growth. Recent research has revealed that
(Iida et al. 2000; Rizhsky et al. 2004; Vogel et al. Arabidopsis ATAF1, a NAC family member, plays
2005). As for ZFHD TFs, an Arabidopsis important roles in both abiotic and biotic stress
ZFHD protein, the ZFHD1, was characterized by responses. ATAF1 overexpression lines exhibited
a putative DNA-binding homeodomain in the C enhanced drought tolerance, implying a positive
terminus which binds to the 62-bp region in the regulation in plant drought response (Wu et al.
promoter region of ERD1 (early responsive to 2009b). Recent studies indicated that some NAC
dehydration 1) gene. Expression of the ZFHD1 members are membrane-associated proteins and
gene is induced by dehydration, high salt, and involved in stress responses (Kim et al. 2006). It is
ABA treatment. Overexpression of ZFHD1 in worthy to mention that a membrane-bound bZIP
transgenic plants conferred drought stress tolerance TF, the bZIP28, was found to be involved in regu-
(Tran et al. 2007). lation of heat-stress-associated gene expression
The NAC gene family, which is specific to (Gao et al. 2008).
plant kingdom, was originated from the names of The WRKY TFs, which are regulators of
three TFs (1) NAM (no apical meristem, Petunia), downstream genes including NAC genes, were
(2) ATAF1-2, and (3) CUC2 (cup-shaped cotyle- reported to be involved in the ABA signaling
don, Arabidopsis) (Nuruzzaman et al. 2010). pathway (Zou et al. 2004). Transient expression
13 Transcription Factors Involved in Environmental Stress Responses in Plants 289

study using aleurone cells revealed that signaling pathways. Up-to-date, a plenty of
OsWRKY24 and OsWRKY45 acted as repres- valuable TFs have been identified and isolated
sors of an ABA-inducible promoter; however, for our original intention of studying their func-
OsWRKY72 and OsWRKY77 were shown to be tion in stress responses and using them to
activators of the same promoter (Xie et al. 2005). improve tolerance of plants to environmental
Overexpression of OsWRKY11 using heat shock- stresses by genetic engineering. Importantly,
inducible HSP101 promoter led to enhanced heat the biological functions of some TF encoding
and drought tolerance in transgenic rice (Wu genes have been characterized in transgenic
et al. 2009a). In Arabidopsis, overexpression of plants. These findings have provided us a better
either AtWRKY25 or AtWRKY33 increased salt understanding of transcriptional regulatory
tolerance (Jiang and Deyholos 2009). In B. hygro- mechanisms in plants exposed to environmental
metrica, the BhGolS1 gene is inducible by both stresses and a bright perspective in improve-
dehydration and ABA (Taji et al. 2002). The pro- ment of stress tolerance of plants by manipulat-
moter of BhGolS1 encoding galactinol synthase, ing gene expression.
which plays an important role in drought and On the other hand, there is a long way to go
cold tolerance, contains four W boxes. Chromatin for our ultimate goal of enhancing plant toler-
immunoprecipitation demonstrated that they are ance to environmental stresses by manipulating
bound in vivo by the early dehydration- and key stress-associated TFs in a field condition
ABA-inducible BhWRKY1 (Wang et al. 2009). because of the complexity of regulatory systems
These data provide direct evidence linking a in plant itself and uncontrollable testing condi-
dehydration-inducible WRKY TF with a down- tions. The challenge ahead is to elucidate more
stream target gene that plays a vital role in drought detailed regulatory mechanism at transcriptional
response (Rushton et al. 2010). level, find internodes of multiple signals, and
Additionally, some nuclear TFs were identi- improve gene transfer strategies and evaluation
fied to be important regulators of abiotic stress systems. All these efforts will lead to an essen-
response. Nelson et al. (2007) identified a TF tial advance in development of stress-tolerant
from the nuclear factor Y family, the AtNF-YB1, plant cultivars.
whose overexpression improved drought toler-
ance in Arabidopsis. ZmNF-YB2, an ortholog of Acknowledgements The financial support from Chinese
AtNF-YB1, also has similar function in maize. Academy of Sciences to F.Q. (grant number KSCX2-
YW-N-097) is highly appreciated. Research in Tran’s lab
The Arabidopsis NF-X1 has a heat-inducible
is supported by a Grants-in-Aid (Start-up) for Scientific
expression pattern and promotes both acquired Research grant (No. 21870046) from Ministry of
thermotolerance and salt tolerance (Larkindale Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of
and Vierling 2008; Hua 2009). Japan, and by a Start-up Support grant (No. M36-57000)
from RIKEN Yokohama Institute Director Discretionary

7 Conclusions and Perspectives

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Plant Signaling Under Abiotic
Stress Environment 14
Parvaiz Ahmad, Renu Bhardwaj,
and Narendra Tuteja

Abiotic stress is one of the major factors that negatively affect crops yield;
therefore, development of stress-tolerant crops is essential for future food
security. The stress stimuli are perceived by the plasma membrane and
different signals get activated. In response to the stress, expression of
many genes gets altered which plays an important role in the transmission
of the signals. Various chemicals are also responsible for these signals like
calcium (Ca2+), nitric oxide (NO), sugars, abscisic acid (ABA), brassinos-
teroids (BRs), ethylene, jasmonates (JA), salicylic acid (SA), and auxins.
Ca2+ acts as a secondary messenger to perceive the environmental stimuli
and transduce them into downstream effectors in order to bring about
changes leading to adaptations to stressful conditions or developmental
effects. The phytohormones have a role in tolerance and adaptations to
plants under abiotic stress. During abiotic stress, cross talk between differ-
ent signaling pathways is very common. In the present review, we eluci-
dated the role of these chemicals in plant signaling under abiotic stress.
The signal transduction pathway involving mitogen-activated protein
kinases (MAPK) under abiotic stress is also discussed.

Abiotic stress • ABA • Ca2+ signaling • CaM • CDPK • MAPK
• Phytohormones

P. Ahmad ()
Department of Botany, A.S. College, Srinagar 190008,
Jammu & Kashmir, India
e-mail: 1 Introduction
R. Bhardwaj
Department of Botanical and Environmental Sciences, Plants are forced to exposure to various abiotic
Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, India
stresses including salt, drought, extreme temper-
N. Tuteja atures (cold and heat), UV radiations, etc., since
Plant molecular Biology Group, International Centre
they are unable to move to more favorable places.
for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology,
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi, India These abiotic stresses adversely affect the plant

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 297
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_14,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
298 P. Ahmad et al.

metabolic activities and are also responsible for (Knight et al. 1997), and the type of tissue
crop loss to a greater extent (Mahajan and Tuteja exposed to stress (Kiegle et al. 2000). For study-
2005; Tuteja 2007a). During stress, the upregula- ing the role of calcium and its dynamics, various
tion of many genes has been reported which helps pharmacological and transgenic approaches have
the plant to withstand the stress conditions and been utilized. The calcium reporter protein
lead to plant adaptation (Tuteja 2009a). aequorin has proved to be very useful for such
Plants perceive the external and internal sig- studies in revealing calcium fluxes within one
nals and are used to regulate various responses cell and in different tissues.
for its development. Exposure to stimuli causes Calcium-binding proteins act as stress sensors,
membrane depolarization of the plant cells with get conformationally transformed upon binding
10–30 s, which is coordinated with early Ca2+ with Ca2+, which facilitates their interaction with
influx (reviewed by Tuteja and Sopory 2008). downstream effector molecules (Clapham 2007;
Signals are perceived by the membranes and Gifford et al. 2007; Tuteja 2009b). Elongation
therefore membrane events are the likely routes factor (EF)-hand motif, which generally occurs
for signal generation and transduction (Tuteja in pairs, is the most common motif present in
and Sopory 2008). Different signaling pathways these Ca2+-binding proteins and helps in high-
can operate independently to each other and can affinity binding of Ca2+. It has a helix-loop-helix
modulate other pathways (Kaur and Gupta structure and is reported in about 250 proteins of
2005). Sometimes, components of pathways are Arabidopsis (Day et al. 2002). In plants these
dependent on each other and can cross talk EF-hand proteins comprise three different cate-
among them. gories, namely, CDPKs (Ca2+-dependent protein
Different molecules have been reported to have kinases), CaMs (calmodulins) and CMLs (CaM-
a role in signal transduction. The present review like proteins), and the CBLs (calcineurin B-like
throws light on various signaling molecules and proteins) (Fig. 14.1). Of these, only CDPKs act
pathways like calcium and MAPK signaling path- as “responders,” as they are capable of directly
ways during abiotic stress. We also tried to cover transducing signals through their catalytic activ-
the role of phytohormones such as ABA, SA, JA, ity. CaMs/CMLs and CBLs are only sensors for
BR, etc., in abiotic stress signaling. regulating the downstream targets. CMLs,
CDPKs, and CBLs are restricted to plants and
some protists, whereas CaM is universal to all
2 Calcium Signaling eukaryotes.

Ca2+ regulates a range of activities within the cell

such as cell division and elongation, cytoplasmic 2.1 Calcium-Dependent Protein
streaming, photomorphogenesis, and plant Kinases
defense against environmental stresses (Song
et al. 2008; Tuteja 2009b; Kader and Lindberg CDPKs have been reported from several plants
2010). It functions as the central node in overall (Kawasaki et al. 2001; Seki et al. 2002; Ozturk
signaling web and has a promising role in stress et al. 2002; Asano et al. 2011) and are specific for
tolerance (Tuteja and Sopory 2008). During a particular osmotic stress response. Studies on
abiotic stress, Ca2+ acts as a second messenger salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive rice varieties
under various stress conditions (Knight 2000). revealed specific CDPKs to be induced earlier
Ca2+ signatures have a leading role in numerous with a sustained expression in the tolerant variety
physiological processes such as regulation of sto- in comparison to the sensitive variety (Kawasaki
matal apertures in plants (Allen et al. 2001). Ca2+ et al. 2001). Arabidopsis CDPKs are also highly
signatures change according to the nature of specific (Sheen 1996). Out of several CDPKs
stress (Kiegle et al. 2000), duration of stress tested, only AtCDPK1 and AtCDPK1a were able
(Plieth et al. 1999), earlier exposure to any stress to transcriptionally activate selected reporter
14 Plant Signaling Under Abiotic Stress Environment 299

Fig. 14.1 Calcium-

dependent signaling.
Environmental stress
responses are perceived
by cell surface which
in turn increases cytosolic
Ca2+ concentration. Ca2+ got
activated by cytosolic Ca2+
and regulates downstream
targets leading to physi-
ological responses

genes. CDPKs are five domain-containing Plants have a large family of Ca2+-dependent
proteins, and range from ~40 to 90 kDa in size. protein kinase (CDPKs) and have an important
Their catalytic domain consists of a highly con- role in signaling during abiotic stresses like
served serine/threonine kinase region, whereas, drought, wounding, and cold (Fig. 14.2).
their N-terminal variable domain ranges from 21 Induction of CDPK by osmotic stress has been
to 185 amino acids in length (Klimecka and shown by many workers in various plants
Muszynska 2007). Adjacent to the kinase domain (Kawasaki et al. 2001; Seki et al. 2002; Ozturk
is a pseudosubstrate-containing autoinhibitory et al. 2002; Witte et al. 2010; Franza et al. 2011;
junction domain that interacts with the active site Wurzinger et al. 2011). Induction of CDPK exists
and inhibits its kinase activity. Next to the autoin- in longer duration in tolerant varieties of rice than
hibitory domain is the CaM-like domain (CLD) in the salt-sensitive variety (Kawasaki et al.
which is responsible for its Ca2+-binding activity. 2001). Martin and Busconi (2001) have reported
Their C-terminal domain is relatively short and that cold stress activates the membrane-associated
variable. CDPK in rice plants. Saijo et al. (2001) have also
300 P. Ahmad et al.

Fig. 14.2 Signaling

through CDPK and protein
phosphorylation by Ca2+

reported that overexpression of OsCDPK7 in rice proteins and alter their activity. The trigger-type
provides cold and osmotic stress tolerance in CaBPs are calmodulin (CaM), CaM-binding
these plants. Sheen (1996) has demonstrated that proteins, Ca2+-dependent protein kinase, and
CDPK is involved in signal transduction. In his phosphatase (Reddy 2001).
experiment, he demonstrated that in protoplast of Stress causes increase in inositol 1,4,5-triphos-
maize leaf the expression of stress-responsive phate (IP3). Activation of phospholipase C (PLC)
HVA1 was induced by active AtCDPK1. Sheen results in hydrolysis of PIP2 to IP3. IP3 is
(1996) has also reported that AtCDPK1 activa- regarded as the activator of vacuolar calcium
tion is blocked by a protein phosphatase type 2C channels in plants. During stress, the increase in
(AtPP2CA). Enhanced induction of CBF1, cytosolic Ca2+ is due to the activation of IP3-
RAB18, RC12A, and LT178 (i.e., RD29A) gene dependent calcium channels (Braam 2005;
expression has been observed in AtPP2CA- Boudsocq and Laurière 2005). Furthermore, cal-
silenced Arabidopsis plants during cold and ABA cium-binding proteins (CaBP) or calcium sensors
treatment (Tahtiharju and Palva 2001). Romeis recognize and translate the information provided
et al. (2001) also reported that pathogen infection in calcium signatures (Tuteja and Mahajan 2007)
also activated CDPK in plants. and pass the information downstream for regula-
tion of gene expression.
These CaBPs are partially responsible in
2.2 Calmodulin and Other Calcium- modulating the intracellular calcium levels. The
Binding Proteins calcium-binding proteins can be regulated either
in a cell- or in a tissue-specific manner. NaCl-
Elevated levels of calcium within a cell activate inducible Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein
various calcium-binding proteins which in turn kinase in pea (PsCCaMK) was reportedly spe-
induce specific kinases. On the basis of function, cific to roots (Pandey et al. 2002). A calmodulin-
calcium-binding proteins are classified into two binding transcription activator family was shown
groups: (1) trigger proteins and (2) buffer proteins. to be specific only to the multicellular organisms
The trigger proteins are activated when they bind (Bouche et al. 2002). Other examples of osmotic
with Ca2+ and after that they interact with other stress-activated calcium-binding proteins include
14 Plant Signaling Under Abiotic Stress Environment 301

Fig. 14.3 Ca2+ signatures

induce transcriptional

Arabidopsis protein AtCP1, the membrane- Ca2+-binding proteins do not contain EF-hand
associated rice protein OsEFA27, and the motifs, such as calreticulin, annexins, calnexin,
Arabidopsis counterpart RD20 (Frandsen et al. phospholipase D (PLD), and pistil-expressed
1996; Jang et al. 1998). Some CaBPs can be neg- Ca2+-binding proteins.
ative regulators of osmotic stress also; one exam- PLD activity has been reported to be involved
ple is the calmodulin-binding protein in in ethylene and ABA responses, synthesis of
Arabidopsis, AtCaMBP25. Although it is upreg- a-amylase in aleurone cells, closing of stomata,
ulated by osmotic stress, its overexpression ren- responses to pathogens, leaf senescence, and
ders plants sensitive to osmotic or salt stresses drought tolerance (reviewed by Tuteja and Sopory
and its antisense transgenics show improved tol- 2008).
erance (Perruc et al. 2004). Annexins have been reported to be involved in
Calmodulin, an important CaBP, is a small biological membrane organization and functions
acidic protein and is responsible for the regula- (Tuteja and Mahajan 2007). The exact function of
tion of intracellular Ca2+ levels. Increased Ca2+ annexins is not clear yet but are thought to play a
concentration activates calmodulin which then role in secretary processes and they have ATPase
induces specific kinases. Calmodulin is a very and peroxidase activities (Tuteja and Mahajan
important calcium-binding protein in Ca2+ signal- 2007). Annexins have been regarded to have a
ing and has been found to be involved in biotic role in stress responses (Gorecka et al. 2007a).
and abiotic stresses (Fig. 14.3) (Reddy 2001; Annexin At1 of Arabidopsis thaliana (AnnAt1)
Tuteja and Mahajan 2007; Tuteja and Sopory plays a vital role in pH-mediated cellular responses
2008). Plants have been found to possess unique to environmental stress (Gorecka et al. 2007b).
Ca2+ sensors like calmodulin-like proteins Calnexin (CNX) is an important calcium-
(CMLs), and Arabidopsis contains 50 such pro- binding protein and is an endoplasmic reticulum
teins (Tuteja and Sopory 2008). The calmodulin- (ER) type 1 integral membrane protein. CNX
like proteins differ from calmodulin in having behaves as a molecular chaperone and has a lead-
more than 148 amino acids and also have one to ing role in the recognition of misfolded proteins,
six EF-hand motifs. These CMLs have been lectin-like activity, and Ca2+ binding (Sarwat and
found to play a role as Ca2+ sensor during stress Tuteja 2007). Till date, the role of calnexin in
in plants (Vanderbeld and Snedden 2007). Certain stress has not been reported but it is considered
302 P. Ahmad et al.

that it has a role in ER stress response in plants mutated, thus preventing it to bind Ca2+ (Ishitani
(reviewed by Tuteja and Sopory 2008). et al. 2000). sos4 and sos5 have recently been
In plants, another group of Ca2+ sensors is the characterized (Mahajan et al. 2008). sos4 encodes
SOS (salt overly sensitive) family and is respon- a pyridoxal (PL) kinase which has a role in the
sible for calcium-mediated pathway for salinity biosynthetic pathway of pyridoxal-5-phosphate,
stress tolerance (Mahajan et al. 2008). Zhu (2003) which is an active form of vitamin B6. Sos5 is a
has isolated sos mutants (sos1, sos2, and sos3) putative cell surface adhesion protein and has a
from Arabidopsis which are hypersensitive to role in normal cell expansion. Under salt stress,
salt. The sos mutants have been shown to accu- sos5 has been found to have a role of maintenance
mulate more proline under salt stress which gives of cell wall integrity (reviewed by Tuteja and
protection to the salt-stressed plants (Liu and Zhu Sopory 2008).
1998). Cloning and characterization of sos genes
(SOS1–SOS3) has opened new doors for ion
homeostasis and plant tolerance to salt. It has 2.3 Calcineurin B-Like Proteins
been reported that sos1, sos2, and sos3 function
in a common pathway leading to salt tolerance These proteins possess four Ca2+-binding EF-hand
(Halfter et al. 2000; Zhu 2000). Sos1 is activated domains and have significant identity to calcineu-
by sos3–sos2 complex and has been reported by rin B subunit and neural calcium sensor from
many workers. Shi and Zhu (2002) demonstrated yeast and animals (Kudla et al. 1999). The CBL
that if sos1 alone was allowed to express in yeast protein family and their corresponding kinases
cells, slight enhancement in salt tolerance was (CIPKs) together form a complex and dynamic
observed. However, if sos1 was expressed with Ca2+ decoding signaling network (Fig. 14.4).
sos3 and sos2 the yeast cells showed more toler- Together they show Ca2+-binding functionality
ance to salt. Qiu et al. (2002) have reported very and kinase activity (Mahajan et al. 2006a).
low Na+/H+ exchange activity in sos mutant plants CIPKs have a conserved N-terminal kinase
in comparison with wild type in plasma mem- domain and C-terminal regulatory domain, sepa-
brane vesicles. Addition of activated sos2 protein rated from the kinase domain by a variable junc-
to isolated membrane vesicles of mutant plants tion domain. A conserved NAF domain present
showed that the exchange activity increased in in the divergent regulatory domain is required for
sos2 and sos3 but remains unaffected in sos1 interaction with CBLs. CBL binds to the NAF
mutants. The results lead to the conclusion that domain of CIPKs, releases the C-terminal (auto-
Na+/H+ exchange activity of sos1 was stimulated inhibitory) domain from the kinase domain, in
by sos3 and sos2 (reviewed by Xiong et al. 2002). turn transforming the kinase into its active state
sos3–sos2 also regulate Na+ transporter AtHKT1, (Guo et al. 2001; Mahajan et al. 2006a).
which is a salt tolerance effector (Uozumi et al. Bioinformatic analysis shows a number of
2000). Homologs of HKT1 in other plant species components of both proteins in the families of
revealed that it can be either a K+ transporter or a CBLs and CIPKs; 10 CBLs and 26 CIPKs in
Na+/K+ cotransporter (Horie et al. 2001; Liu et al. Arabidopsis, 10 CBLs and 30 CIPKs in rice
2001). Rus et al. (2001) demonstrated that muta- (Albrecht et al. 2001; Kolukisaoglu et al. 2004;
tion in AtHKT1 of Arabidopsis suppressed the Weinl and Kudla 2009). However, several species
salt hepersensitivity phenotype of sos3, leading of green algae possess single CBL and CIPK
to the concept that activity of AtHKT1, the Na+ genes, other plant species can have multiples, like
influx transporter, may be inhibited by SOS3 Physcomitrella contains four CBLs and seven
(reviewed by Xiong et al. 2002). CIPKs and the fern Selaginella moellendorfii has
As compared to caltractin and calmodulin, five CBLs and five CIPKs (Batistic and Kudla
sos3 binds with Ca2+ with low affinity and has 2009; Weinl and Kudla 2009); thus showing evo-
three EF-hand motifs (Ishitani et al. 2000). In lutionary complexity of these CBL and CIPK
sos3 mutation, one of the EF-hand motifs gets protein families from lower to higher organisms.
14 Plant Signaling Under Abiotic Stress Environment 303

Fig. 14.4 Signaling

through CBL/CIPK and
protein phosphorylation
by Ca2+ signatures

CBLs are found to be localized all through CBL1, it mediates the ABA-dependent pathway
the cell. In Arabidopsis itself, four CBLs are (D’ Angelo et al. 2006) . CBL1 and CBL9
present at the plasma membrane, four at the vacu- activate CIPK23, and the complex regulates
olar membrane, and two in the cytoplasm and the activity of the shaker-like K+ channel
nucleus (Batistic et al. 2008; Cheong et al. 2007; ARABIDOPSIS K+ TRANSPORTER1 (AKT1)
D’ Angelo et al. 2006; Kim et al. 2007; Weinl and and thus contributes in K+ homeostasis within
Kudla 2009). The pea CBL was reported to be the cell (Kudla et al. 1999). This complex also
exclusively localized in the cytosol whereas pea has a role in stomatal regulation under drought
CIPK is localized in the cytosol and the outer conditions.
membrane (Mahajan et al. 2006b). The pea CBL CBL–CIPK network is a central and critical
and CIPK were reported to be coordinately system functioning in response to a broad variety
upregulated in response to high NaCl, cold, of stimuli in order to decode Ca2+ signals. Each
wounding and also in response to calcium and CBL and each CIPK can make alternative protein
salicylic acid, whereas drought and abscisic acid interactions and are part of multifunctional sig-
had no effect on the expression of these genes naling component, thus determining the flow of
(Mahajan et al. 2006b). information (Mahajan et al. 2006a).
Our knowledge has been greatly facilitated by
the reverse genetic approaches. A CIPK3 loss-of-
function (LOF) mutant showed its involvement in 3 Signaling Through MAPK
regulating ABA-induced gene expression and Kinases
ABA responses during seed germination (Kim
et al. 2003). Through these studies, CBL1 has 3.1 Historical Background
came out to function in an ABA-independent man-
ner in controlling responses to drought, cold, and Sturgill and Ray (1986) for the first time discovered
salinity (Albrecht et al. 2003; Cheong et al. 2003), MAPK in animal cells and named it as microtu-
whereas its closely related Ca2+ sensor CBL9 ren- bule-associated protein-2 kinase (MAP-2 kinase).
ders plants hypersensitive to ABA (Pandey et al. It was renamed as mitogen-activated protein
2004). Interestingly, when CIPK1 complexes with kinase (MAP kinase) 1 by Rossomando et al. (1987)
304 P. Ahmad et al.

as mitogen was found to activate the group of 3.2 MAP3Ks

proteins and this kinase was found to be related
to these proteins (reviewed by Sanan-Mishra It is also known as MAPKKKs or MEKKs.
et al. 2006; Sinha et al. 2011). In 1990, it was MAP3Ks constitute a diverse family of kinases
reported as serine/tyrosine kinase that belonged and are divided into two subfamilies viz. MEKK1
to a multigene family (Gotoh et al. 1990). MAP and RAF-like kinases. The MEKK1-like subfam-
kinase genes (MsERK1) in plant system was for ily members are similar to mammalian MEKK1
the first time reported from alfalfa in 1993 (Duerr and to yeast STE11 and BCK1 and RAF-like
et al. 1993) and D5 kinase in pea (Stafstrom et al. kinases are similar to mammalian RAF1 MAPK
1993). After that they were reported from various (Group et al. 2002). About 8–10 algal MAP3Ks
plants like tobacco, Arabidopsis, etc. (Jonak et al. are found in Chlamydomonas and Volvox and
1994). Three major groups of MAPKs are found in about 40–60 in Sorghum and Populous. One of
yeast and animals: (1) extracellular signal-regulated the important things in MEKK-like kinases is
kinases (ERK) (Cobb et al. 1994), (2) c-Jun having a conserved catalytic domain and
amino (NH2)-terminal kinases or stress-activated Arabidopsis has ten members in this group.
protein kinases (JNS/SAPK) (Davis 1994), and Arabidopsis has been reported to have 80 puta-
(3) high osmolarity glycerol response or p38 tive MAPKKKs whereas rice has 75 members
kinases (Hog/p38) (Landry and Huot 1995). (Rao et al. 2010). Plant species having homologs
MAP kinase genes reported in plants belong to of MAPKKKs have been identified, including the
the ERK subfamily (Hirt 2000) and transmit a MEKK-like protein kinases, oxidative stress-
broader range of stimuli (Ligterink and Hirt activated MAP triplekinase 1 (OMTK1) from
2001). Stafstrom et al. (1993) reported that the alfalfa (Nakagami et al. 2004), ANP1, ANP2,
first MAP kinase gene isolated from pea has ANP3 (Kovtun et al. 2000), YDA (Lukowitz
41% identity with plant cdc2 kinases and et al. 2004) from Arabidopsis, NPK1 (Nicotiana
other kinases involved in osmosensing. MAP protein kinase 1) from tobacco (Nishihama et al.
kinases generally function as a cascade in which 2001), Raf-like protein kinase, EDR1 (enhanced
MAPKKK phosphoralates and activates MAPKK disease resistance 1), and CTR1 (constitutive
which in turn activates MAPK. All the three triple response 1) from Arabidopsis (Frye et al.
kinases are interlinked together and are also 2001; Kieber et al. 1993). MEKK-like proteins
called extracellular receptor kinases (Hirt 2000; have been found to participate in canonical MAP
Sanan-Mishra et al. 2006). Different plant kinase cascades that activate downstream
MAPKs recognize different substrates (Jonak MAP2Ks (Rodriguez et al. 2010). The two RAF-
et al. 2002) because of the high similarity in cata- like MAP3Ks are CTR1 and EDR1, and these
lytic domain and little similarity in N-termini. two RAF-like MAP3Ks are found to participate
The activation domain of most of the plant in ethylene-mediated signaling and defense
MAPKs contains TEY (Thu-Glu-Tyr) sequence responses (Frye et al. 2001; Huang et al. 2003). It
and is similar to ERK/MAP kinases group of has also been reported that CTR1 and EDR1 do
mammals and yeast (Hirt 2000). The activation not participate in a canonical MAPK cascade
domain of some MAPKs possesses TDY (Thr- (Rodriguez et al. 2010).
Asn-Tyr) sequence and is closer to the p38/Hog
group of mammals and yeast (Tena et al. 2001).
No plant MAPK has been found which has TPY 3.3 MAP2Ks
(Thr-Pro-Tyr) sequence at its activation domain.
There are three functionally linked protein kinase It is also known as MEKs and MKKs and is divided
viz.: MAP3K, MAP2K, and MAPKs. 60 into four groups viz. Groups A, B, C, and D (Hamel
MAP3Ks, 10 MAP2Ks, and 20 MAPK have et al. 2006). MKK1 and MKK2 belong to Group A
been reported in Arabidopsis thaliana by Group and act upstream of the MAPK MAK4 (Ichimura
et al. (2002). et al. 1998). There are several reports about the
14 Plant Signaling Under Abiotic Stress Environment 305

involvement of MKK2 in response to cold and stress responses (Andreasson et al. 2005;
salinity stress and apart from this both MKK1 and Brodersen et al. 2006; Qiu et al. 2008). The
MKK2 mediate innate immunity responses characteristic feature of Group D MAPKs is a
(Meszaros et al. 2006; Qiu et al. 2008). Group B C-terminal docking domain that may act as a
includes MKK3. One of the distinguishing fea- docking site for MAP2Ks (Yoo et al. 2008).
tures of this group is nuclear transfer factor (NTF)
domain (Hamel et al. 2006). Steggerda and Paschal
(2002) reported that NTF enhances the nuclear 3.5 MAPKs and Abiotic Stress
import of cargo proteins, which suggests that plant Signaling
MAP2Ks with NTF domains are involved in cyto-
plasmic nuclear trafficking. MKK3 has been found The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK/
to participate in cascades that are elicited by patho- MPKs) cascades transducer environmental cues
gens and are dependent on jasmonic acid (JA) sig- into intracellular responses. The stimulated
naling (Doczi et al. 2007; Takahashi et al. 2007). plasma membrane receptors activate MAP kinase
Group C has MKK4 and MKK5 and Group D has kinase kinase and then the sequential phosphory-
rest of the kinases from MKKs 7–10. In general, lation ensues as MAP3Ks activate downstream
all plant phyla appear to use a more limited num- MAP kinase kinase that in turn activates MAPKs
ber of MKKs compared to other MAPK compo- (Sinha et al. 2011) (Fig. 14.5). MAPKs then
nents. Rodriguez et al. (2010) have reported a target various effector proteins in the cytoplasm
single MKK each for the algae Chlamydomonas or nucleus, which include other kinases, enzymes,
and Volvox. This indicates that the same MAP2K or transcription factors (Khokhlatchev et al. 1998;
may function in several different MAPK modules. Sinha et al. 2011; Wurzinger et al. 2011).
Genetic analysis has shown that closely related Abiotic stress is responsible for the activation
pairs of plant MAP2Ks have similar functions, of MAPK genes and increased MAPK activity.
e.g., MKK1 and MKK2 are proposed to activate MEKK1, MKK2, MPK4, and/or MPK6 have
MAPK MPK4 (Qiu et al. 2008), whereas MKK4 been activated during salt, drought, and cold
and MKK5 act upstream of MPK3 and MPK6, stress (Teige et al. 2004; Sinha et al. 2011).
apparently in a redundant manner (Asai et al. Temperature stress (26–38°C) induces 50 kDa
2002). In rice system, MKK genes exhibit differ- MAP kinase in tomatoes. Induction of MPK3
ential regulation under different abiotic stresses during cold and salinity in Arabidopsis has also
(Kumar et al. 2008). been reported by different workers. Ichimura
et al. (2000) reported that MPK4 and MPK6 are
activated during low-temperature and osmotic
3.4 MAPKs stress. The role of several MAP kinases in
response to salinity has also been reported by
These are also known as MPKs and have been Sanan-Mishra et al. (2006). Matsuoka et al.
divided into four groups (A–D) (Group et al. (2002) demonstrated the role of MAPK kinase
2002). The activation domain of Groups A, B, (MKK1) in abiotic stress signaling. Multiple abi-
and C contains TEY (Thu-Glu-Tyr) sequence otic stresses such as wounding, cold, drought,
similar to ERK kinases of animals. The activation and salinity activated MKK1 which activates
domain of Group D contains TDY (Thr-Asn-Tyr) downstream MPK4 (Matsuoka et al. 2002). In
sequence (Rodriguez et al. 2010). MPK3 and Arabidopsis a specific MAPKK kinase, ANP1,
MPK6 belong to Group A and have been reported was activated by H2O2. This ANP1 activates
to have a role in developmental processes and MPK3 and MPK6 and its positive regulator
also shows responses against biotic and abiotic nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDP) 2 (Moon
stresses (Zhang and Klessig 2001; Seo et al. et al. 2003). Overexpression of ANP1 shows
2007; Sinha et al. 2011). MPK4 belongs to Group tolerance to heat shock, freezing, and salt stress
B and has a role in pathogen defense and abiotic tin transgenic plants (Kovtun et al. 2000). Plants
306 P. Ahmad et al.

calcium and ABA-independent manner (Hoyos

and Zhang 2000). MPK4 acts as a negative regu-
lator in plant defense mechanisms. Tang et al.
(2005) demonstrated that Arabidopsis EDR1 acts
as negative regulator of disease resistance and
drought. The edr1 mutant containing a kinase-
deficient form of the EDR1 gene exhibits
enhanced resistance to pathogens. The edr1
mutants could also enhance stress responses and
spontaneous necrotic lesions under drought con-
ditions (Tang et al. 2005). Accumulation of H2O2,
superoxide anions, and hydroxyl radicals during
abiotic stress causes oxidative burst in cells
(Samuel and Ellis 2000). Plants can withstand
this oxidative stress by production of antioxidant
enzymes like catalase, which decompose H2O2 in
the cells. Xing et al. (2008) demonstrated that
AtMKK1 mediates ABA-induced CAT1 expres-
sion in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Arabidopsis
mutants mkk1 and mpk6 were altered in their
responses to ABA and desiccation stress and the
results showed that MKK1–MPK6 regulate H2O2
metabolism by CAT1 (Xing et al. 2008).
Nakagami et al. (2004) reported that MEKK1–
MPK4 cascades are an important part of ROS
metabolism. During abiotic stress, two signaling
events must occur to induce defense responses in
plant cells: one is the inhibition of negative regu-
lators such as EDR1 and the other is activation of
Fig. 14.5 The MAP kinase signal transduction pathway positive regulators (Tena et al. 2001). LeMPK3
(Adopted from Ahmad et al. 2008)
isolated from Lycopersicon peruvianum is homol-
ogous to AtMPK3 and is activated by UV-B radi-
expressing AtNDPK2 show reduction in H2O2 ations (Holley et al. 2003). Mayrose et al. (2004)
accumulation and tolerance to multiple stresses showed that LeMPK3 is involved in mechanical
like cold, salt, and oxidative stress. Munnik et al. stress and wounding in tomatoes. CbMAPK3 iso-
(1999) demonstrated that a 46 kDa MAP kinase lated from Chorispora bungeana shows identity
named SIMK activated during moderate hyperos- of MPK3 and is activated by cold, salt, and ABA.
motic stress in alfalfa. At severe hyperosmotic H2O2 activated a novel MAPKKK OMTK1 in
stress, a smaller kinase gets activated and the alfalfa which activates the MMK3 pathway. In
activation of SIMK was not observed at severe tobacco, the overexpression of NtMEK2 stimu-
hyperosmotic stress suggesting that the two lates the gene expression for defense and the gen-
kinases function at different stress levels. eration of reactive oxygen species, which are led
Mikolajczyk et al. (2000) showed that a salicylic by the stimulation of two endogenous MAPKs,
acid-induced protein kinase (SIPK) was activated SIPK and WIPK (Yang et al. 2001; Ren et al.
in tobacco cells under hyperosmotic stress. In 2002). In rice system, Rao et al. (2011) showed
tobacco, MAP kinase is activated by multiple activation of OsMPK3 and OsMPK4 by arsenic
stresses like hyperosmotic, hypoosmotic, sali- stress. While OsMPK3 was activated only in
cylic acid, and fungal elicitors. A 40 kDa kinase leaves, both OsMPK3 and MPK4 showed activation
was activated in Arabidopsis by salt stress in a in roots. Recently, MPK3 from rice and pea were
14 Plant Signaling Under Abiotic Stress Environment 307

reported to function as effector molecules of the that externally applied NO or NO donors enhance
stress-regulated beta subunit of pea heterotri- plant tolerance to environmental stresses (Uchida
meric G-proteins (Bhardwaj et al. 2011). et al. 2002; Garcia-Mata and Lamattina 2007;
H2O2 induces 2MAPK-like activities in Zhao et al. 2007a, b).
Arabidopsis and are independent of ethylene and
jasmonic acid (Grant et al. 2000). It is not clear that
these MAPKs belong to AtMPK3 and AtMPK6. 4.1 Biosynthesis of NO in Plants
Jonak et al. (1999) have reported that AtMPK3
and AtMPK6 have similarity to wound and In animals, NO is synthesized via a pathway
SA-induced protein kinases (WIPK and SIPK) of where l-citrulline is formed from l-arginine with
tobacco, respectively. It was also found that only the help of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) (Fig. 14.6).
SIPK is activated in tobacco by ozone and H2O2. The electron donor in this reaction is NADPH
and cofactors FMN, FADH, and tetrahydropterin
are also used in this reaction. For the biosynthesis
4 Nitric Oxide of NO in plants, two enzymes NOS and nitrate
reductase (NR) are involved (Crawford 2006).
Nitric oxide (NO) is an important endogenous There may be other sources for NO biosynthesis
plant signaling molecule that is responsible for apart from these two enzymes (Arnaud et al.
several developmental and physiological pro- 2006). In higher plants, the genes responsible for
cesses (Neill et al. 2003, 2008; Tuteja et al. 2004; the upregulation of NOS proteins are yet to be
Delledonne 2005; Lamotte et al. 2005; Erdei and identified. A unique plant NOS (AtNOS1) was
Kolbert 2008; Molassiotis et al. 2010). Extensive isolated from Arabidopsis which encodes a pro-
work on mammalian system has revealed that tein associated with NO synthesis (Guo et al.
NO is a crucial signaling molecule in animals. 2003). Overexpression of AtNOS1 increases NO
The physiological functions in plants that are synthesis in E. coli. Reduced root growth and
influenced by NO include reduction in seed dor- guard cell NO synthesis has been found in the
mancy (Libourel et al. 2006; Bethke et al. 2007), Atnos1 mutant of Arabidopsis plant in response
plant growth regulation and senescence to ABA (Guo et al. 2003). Low amount of NO
(Mishina et al. 2007), floral transition suppres- accumulation in Atnos1 mutants was also reported
sion (He et al. 2004), stomatal movements (Bright by many workers (Zhao et al. 2007b; Bright et al.
et al. 2006; Garcia-Mata and Lamattina 2007), 2006; Zottini et al. 2007). Recently, AtNOS1 was
and tolerance to abiotic and biotic stress responses found not to have NOS activity and was not
(Uchida et al. 2002; Modolo et al. 2005; Zhao required for the normal synthesis of NO, and it
et al. 2007; Floryszak-Wieczorek et al. 2007; now appears that it is not in fact an NOS at all
Molassiotis et al. 2010). It has also been reported (Crawford et al. 2006; Zemojtel et al. 2006).

Fig. 14.6 Synthesis of NO from l-arginine catalyzed by nitric oxide synthase

308 P. Ahmad et al.

AtNOS1 in the biosynthesis of NO is either (Durner et al. 1998). NO activates the cGMP-
indirect or regulatory and thus AtNOS1 was dependent pathway leading to adventitious root
renamed as Arabidopsis thaliana nitric oxide- formation in cucumber (Pagnussat et al. 2003).
associated 1 (ATNOA1). NO increases the cGMP content and inhibitors of
Another enzymatic source of NO generation cGMP synthesis through guanylate cyclase. It
is NAD(P)H-nitrate reductase (NR) that converts has also been observed that NO induces PCD in
nitrite to nitric oxide (NO) (Yamasaki 2000; Arabidopsis and cGMP synthesis is also involved
Rockel et al. 2002). The preliminary function of there. cGMP was suggested to be the likely target
NR in plants is nitrogen assimilation, but in an of NO signaling in guard cells. The inhibitor of
NAD(P)H-dependent reaction NR can also con- cGMP synthesis ODQ attenuated ABA and
vert nitrite to NO (Neill et al. 2003; Bright et al. NO-induced stomatal closure. Clarke et al. (2000)
2006; Crawford 2006). Generation of NO by NR reported that the addition of cell-permeable
activity has been reported in different plants by cGMP analogue, 8-bromo cGMP relieved this
different workers, e.g., cucumber (Haba et al. inhibition. However, 8-bromo cGMP alone did
2001), sunflower, maize (Rockel et al. 2002), and not promote closing of stomata, suggesting that
wheat (Xu and Zhao 2003). NR is encoded by synthesis of cGMP is involved but is insufficient
two genes NIA1 and NIA2 in Arabidopsis. for stomotal closure (Neill et al. 2002). Desikan
Double mutants (nia1nia2) deficient in NIA genes et al. (2004) reported that stomatal closure by
showed low NR activity and low NO production H2O2 was not suppressed by ODQ which indi-
in guard cells while their stomata do not close in cates that H2O2 and NO are different signaling
response to ABA or nitrite (Desikan et al. 2002). pathways in terms of cGMP signaling. Neither
Modolo et al. (2006) have reported that due to the guanylate cyclase nor a cGMP-dependent protein
lack of NR activity, the nia1nia2 double mutants kinase has yet been isolated and cloned from
showed reduced levels of l-arginine and the plants (Neill et al. 2003). NO activates intracel-
exogenous l-arginine can restore NO generation lular Ca2+ channels through cGMP/cADPR-
in this mutant. Reduction in NOS-mediated NO dependent signaling pathway. Besson-Bard et al.
production may be due to reduced levels of argi- (2008) demonstrated that calcium and MAP
nine. It is still to be identified how cooperation of kinase can mediate NO signaling. K/Na ratios in
two pathways of NO generation controls produc- Populus eupharatica have been regulated by NO
tion of NO in plants. and H2O2 (Zhang et al. 2007). Activation of MAP
Another source of NO is a plasma membrane- kinases by NO has been reported in Arabidopsis
bound root-specific enzyme, nitrite:NO oxi- (Clarke et al. 2000) and tobacco (Kumar and
doreductase (Ni-NOR). The electron donor in Klessig 2000). Other signaling molecules like
this enzyme is not NAD(P)H but cytochrome c H2O2 (Samuel et al. 2000) and SA (Kumar and
and its optimum pH is more acidic than that of Klessig 2000) have been reported to activate
NR. The physiological role and genetic identity MAPK in tobacco which indicates that MAPK
of this enzyme are not clear yet (Stohr and cascades should be a focal point of convergence
Stremlau 2006). of both H2O2 and NO signaling pathway activated
in response to various stresses.

4.2 NO Signal Transduction

5 Sugar as Signaling Molecule
NO signaling involves cyclic GMP (cGMP)-
dependent and -independent pathways such as In plants, the biomolecules are very much essen-
protein nitrosylation. Pfeiffer et al. (1994) dem- tial for plant growth and development. Among
onstrated that NO stimulated cGMP formation in biomolecules, sugars serve as energy source and
spruce needles. It is also reported that in tobacco as structural component in plants. Koch (2004)
cGMP synthesis is required for NO signaling reported that 80% of the CO2 assimilated during
14 Plant Signaling Under Abiotic Stress Environment 309

photosynthesis is used for synthesis of sucrose. have three distinct glucose signal transduction
Sucrose is the major transport form of organic pathways. First is AtHXK1-dependent pathway,
carbon exported from the photosynthetic source where the expression of gene was correlated with
to sink organs. Extensive losses in agricultural the AtHXK1-mediated signaling functions. The
production have been observed due to environ- second pathway is glycolysis dependent and is
mental stresses (Bohnert et al. 2006; Mittler regulated by catalytic activity of both AtHXK1
2006). Sucrose is performing dual functions, one and the heterologous yeast HXK2. The third is
as transported carbohydrate in vascular part and AtHXK1-independent pathway, where the
the other as signaling molecule (Baier et al. expression of gene was independent of AtHXK1
2004). Sugars are responsible for gene expres- (Xiao et al. 2000). Hence, the role of HXK in
sion involved in plant metabolism viz. photosyn- sensing the sugar status is still under discussion
thesis, glycolysis, N2 metabolism, cell cycle (reviewed by Rosa et al. 2009).
regulation, etc. Soluble sugars like hormones can Kempa et al. (2007) reported that MsK4
act as primary messengers and regulate signals (Medicago sativa glycogen synthase kinase 3-like
that control the expression of different genes kinases) have been involved in stress signaling
involved in plant growth and metabolism (Rolland with carbon metabolism. MsK4 is located in
et al. 2006; Chen 2007). Gupta and Kaur (2005) plastids and is associated with starch granules.
have reported that HXK is a sugar sensor in Kempa et al. (2007) have also reported that kinase
plants. Evolutionary conserved glucose sensor activity of MsK4 is induced rapidly under high
hexokinase 1 (HXK1) mixes different signals salt concentration. Overexpression of MsK4 in
(nutrient and hormone signals) and use them for transgenic plants showed tolerance to salinity
the expression of genes and plant growth in stress accompanied with more starch accumula-
response to environmental stress (Cho et al. tion and modified carbohydrate content (Kempa
2006). It is not fully understood how the HXK1 et al. 2007). The protein kinases KIN10 and
controls the gene expression for encoding pro- KIN11 connect abiotic stress signals, sugar sig-
teins involved in photosynthesis. Rolland et al. nals, and developmental signals to regulate plant
(2006) reported two glucose signal transduction metabolism (Baena-Gonzalez et al. 2007).
pathways in plants: hexokinase (HXK)-dependent Sucrose nonfermenting-1 (SNF-1)-related
and -independent. HXK-dependent system proteins, analogues of the protein kinase (SNF-1)
requires the phosphorylation of glucose while yeast signaling pathway, have been reported in
HXK-independent system do not need (Smeekens plants (Loreti et al. 2001). SNF-1-related proteins
2000). Recently, expression of specific photosyn- have a role in sugar sensing (Purcell et al. 1998).
thetic genes by HXK1 nuclear complex has been
observed and the process is glucose metabolism
independent and requires two partners VHAB1 6 Abscisic Acid in Signaling
and RPT5B (Chen 2007). This leads to the
conclusion that enzymes involved in metabolic Ohkuma et al. in 1963 for the first time purified
activities can play a part in signal transduction by and crystallized abscisic acid (ABA) from cotton
expression of genes in the nucleus. Arabidopsis fruits and named it as Abscisin II. It was also iso-
thaliana mutant hsr8 (high sugar response 8) lated from sycamore leaves and was named as
exhibited increased sugar-responsive growth and dormin. Chemical characterization of both revealed
expression of genes (Li et al. 2007). Li et al. identical nature of the two compounds and it was
(2007) observed that hsr8 plants grown under later named as abscisic acid. Apart from being
light showed lower chlorophyll content and having an inhibitory role in the plant system, the
higher levels of starch and anthocyanin in hormone is also known to possess a stress-protective
response to glucose treatment. The hsr8 plant function. ABA plays an important role in plant
grown under dark showed glucose hypersensitiv- responses to drought and salt stresses (Tuteja
ity. HXK transgenic Arabidopsis plants (AtHXK) 2007b; Bansal et al. 2011).
310 P. Ahmad et al.

ABA has been shown to regulate many protein kinases, the role of several calcium-
agronomical aspects of plant development like independent protein kinases has also been
synthesis of proteins and lipids, seed desiccation revealed in ABA signaling. These either belong
tolerance and dormancy, and germinative, vege- to the CDPK or to the SnRK3 family. CDPK1
tative, and reproductive growth (Leung and and CDPK1a have been reported to activate
Giraudat 1998; Rock 2000; Rohde et al. 2000). In ABA-dependent promoters (Sheen 1996). Also,
addition, it mediates the responses of plants to CDPK3 and CDPK6 possess a role in control-
many abiotic stresses like drought, salt, cold ling the aperture of guard cells under abiotic
stress, and biotic stress like pathogen (Leung and stress (Mori et al. 2006). Zhu et al. (2007)
Giraudat 1998; Rock 2000; Rohde et al. 2000; reported the involvement of CPK4 and CPK11
Shinozaki and Yamaguchi-Shinozaki 2000). This which positively regulate ABA signal transduc-
implies that ABA is involved in both long-term tion in seed germination, seedling growth, and
developmental processes as well as short-term stomatal movements. The mechanism involved
physiological effects. Long-term processes is probably the phosphorylation of abscisic acid
involve changes in pattern of gene expression responsive element-binding factor 1 (ABF1)
whereas short-term responses involve changes in and abscisic acid responsive element-binding
the activity of various signaling molecules and factor 4 (ABF4). Finally, several reports con-
fluxes of ion channels across the membranes. firm the involvement of mitogen-activated pro-
Both set of responses require the action of signal- tein kinases (MAPKs) in ABA-dependent
ing elements which amplify the primary signal response to different stresses (Boudsocq and
generated when the hormone binds to its Laurière 2005; Zhang et al. 2006) and germination
receptors. (Lu et al. 2002). ABA, in case of stress, regu-
Signaling through ABA causes the production lates gene expression in both positive and nega-
and accumulation of second messengers like tive manner (Chandler and Robertson 1994).
Ca2+, phosphatidic acid (PA), or reactive oxygen Under stress conditions, the gene expression
species (ROS) in the cell which play an important results in the production of transcripts that are
role in ABA signal transduction (Bansal et al. responsible for hardening or stress tolerance.
2011). Reversible protein phosphorylation is an
early and central mechanism that occurs in ABA
signal transduction (Leung et al. 1997; 7 Phytohormones as Signaling
Himmelbach et al. 2003; Sokolovski et al. 2005). Molecules
This mechanism involves several protein kinases
and phosphatases (Leung and Giraudat 1998; 7.1 Brassinosteroids
Finkelstein et al. 2002). For example, ABA-
activated serine–threonine protein kinase (AAPK) Brassinosteroids (BRs) are plant steroidal hor-
which is a guard cell-specific protein kinase in mones having growth-promoting activities
Vicia faba or orthologous OPEN STOMATA 1/ (Hacham et al. 2011). Grove et al. (1979) discov-
SNF1-RELATED PROTEIN KINASE 2.6 ered the brassinolide (BL) (the most active form
(OST1/SnRK2.6) which regulates ABA- of BR) from the pollens of Brassica napus. BRs
stimulated closure of stomata (Li et al. 2000; play significant role in seed germination, photo-
Mustilli et al. 2002). Fujii et al. (2007) reported morphogenesis, root and stem elongation, vascu-
other SnRK2, SnRK2.2, and SnRK2.3 that regu- lar differentiation, senescence, flowering, and
late ABA response in germination, growth, and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses (Clouse
gene expression. PKABA1 is another protein and Sasse 1998; Divi and Krishna 2010; Divi
kinase involved in suppressing the gibberellin et al. 2010). The biosynthetic pathway of BRs
(GA)-inducible gene expression in barlet aleu- was elucidated through chemical analysis and
rone layers (Gomez-Cadenas et al. 1999). Apart isolation of additional BR-biosynthetic mutants,
from the above-mentioned calcium-independent defective in genes encoding proteins which catalyze
14 Plant Signaling Under Abiotic Stress Environment 311

the plant steroid conversion to BR precursors 7.2 Ethylene

(Asami et al. 2005). First BR biosynthesis inhib-
itor, brassinazole, is another powerful tool for Ethylene is a gaseous plant hormone, plays
elucidation of BR signaling pathway (Asami significant role in developmental processes like
et al. 2000). Genetic, genomic, and proteomic seed germination, senescence, fruit ripening, root
approaches lead to the establishment of BR nodulation, leaf abscission, programmed cell
signaling pathway by providing an important death, stress, and pathogen attack (Johnson and
role in the mechanism of receptor activation and Ecker 1998; Bleecker and Kende 2000; Binder
regulating components by process of phosphory- et al. 2010). Ethylene has “triple response” effect
lation (Tang et al. 2010). on plant growth of etiolated dicotyledonous
In Arabidopsis, extensive genetic screens for seedlings. This response leads to radial swelling
LOF BR signaling mutants are detected in one of hypocotyl, inhibition of hypocotyls, and root
locus, BRI1 encoding LRR RLK (Clouse et al. cell elongation and exaggerated curvature of the
1996; Kauschmann et al. 1996; Li and Chory apical hook. Genetic screens of Arabidopsis are
1997; Noguchi et al. 1999). Phenotypes of BRI1 based on the triple-response phenotype. More than
mutants are similar as that of BR-deficient dozen of mutants are divided into three distinct
mutants, but these are not rescued by the addition categories. Constitutive triple-response mutants,
of BRs. Components of BR signaling pathway i.e., ethylene-insensitive overproduction (eto1),
have been characterized in additional suppressor eto2, eto3, constitutive triple-response1 (ctr1) and
and gain-of-function screens, which involve sec- responsive to antagonist1 (ran1)/ctr2; ethylene-
ond LRR RLK, the BRI1-associated receptor insensitive2 (ein2), ein3, ein4, ein6 and tissue-
kinase-1 (BAK1) (Li et al. 2002); the glycogen specific ethylene-insensitive mutants, i.e.,
synthase kinase-3 (GSK3)-like kinase, BR insen- hookless1 (hls1), ethylene insensitive root1 (eir1)
sitive-2 (BIN2) (Li et al. 2001b; Li and Nam and various auxin-resistant mutants (Johnson and
2002), the serine/carboxypeptidase BRI1 sup- Ecker 1998; Bleecker and Kende 2000; Stepanova
pressor-1 (BRS1) (Li et al. 2001a), the phos- and Ecker 2000). Ethylene belongs to the family
phatase BRI1 suppressor-1 (BSU1) (Mora-Garcia of membrane-associated receptors, which include
et al. 2004), and the transcription factors brassi- ETR1/ETR2, ethylene response Sensor1 (ERS1)/
nazole-resistant 1 (BZR1) (Wang et al. 2002) and ERS2 and EIN4 in Arabidopsis (Chang et al.
BZR2 (BRI1-EMS suppressor 1 (BES1)) (Yin 1993; Hua et al. 1995, 1998; Sakai et al. 1998).
et al. 2002). Ethylene attaches to its receptor by copper trans-
Recently, BR signaling model has been refined porter RAN1-delivered copper cofactor. Functions
by proteomic studies by identifying the compo- of receptor are inactivated by the hormone bind-
nents like BR signaling kinases (BSKs), which ing (Hua and Meyerowitz 1998). EIN2, EIN3,
are not found in previous screens, generating a EIN5, and EIN6 act downstream of CTR1 and
complete signaling pathway from an RLK to positively regulate the ethylene response. EIN2
transcription factors in plants (Tang et al. 2008). acts as an integral membrane protein, EIN3 acts as
BRs regulate the signaling pathway identical transcription factor and expression of intermedi-
to that of classic receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) ate target gene like ethylene response factor1 is
and transform growth factor-b (TGF-b)-mediated regulated.
signaling in plants (Feng and Derynck 1997; Ethylene belongs to the family of five recep-
Schlessinger 2000, 2002). In Arabidopsis, tors (ETR1, ETR2, ETS1, ERS2, and EIN4) and
genome sequence has more than 600 RLK mem- is divided into two subfamilies on the basis of
bers (Shiu et al. 2004) leading to identical signal- structural similarities. Type-I subfamily contains
ing mechanisms. Plant RLKs and signaling ETR1 and ERS1 having amino-terminal ethyl-
pathways provide activation to signaling net- ene-binding domain (which is also known as
works, which are controlled by plant hormones sensor domain) and carboxy-terminal histidine
(Smet et al. 2009). (His) kinase domain, whereas type-II subfamily
312 P. Ahmad et al.

receptors contain ETR2, ERS2, and EIN4, which significant role in ethylene signaling. This
involve an amino-terminal ethylene binding role is not due to His kinase activity of type-I
domain and a degenerate His kinase domain. receptors.
Receptors of ethylene negatively regulates the
ethylene responses (Bleecker and Kende 2000;
Chang and Stadler 2001). Dominant ethylene in 7.3 Jasmonates
sensitivity mutations in receptor ETR1 leads to
signaling (Schaller and Bleecker 1995). LOF Jasmonates (JA) regulate plant growth and devel-
mutants have no ethylene response phenotypes. opment. In the reproductive development of
Recently, LOF mutations were isolated in ERS1 plants, jasmonate signaling plays an important
gene (Zhao et al. 2002; Wang et al. 2003) with role (Stintzi and Browse 2000; Avanci et al. 2010)
etr1, etr2, ers2, and ein4 mutants. Double LOF by giving protection to plants from abiotic stresses
etr1ers1 mutants possess strong constitutive-eth- (Traw and Bergelson 2003; Huang et al. 2004;
ylene response phenotypes (Wang et al. 2003). Avanci et al. 2010; Lackman et al. 2011) and
These phenotypes are present in plants contain- from pathogens and insects (Farmer and Ryan
ing strong allele of ran1, which cause loss-of- 1990; Engelberth et al. 2004; Smith et al. 2009;
function of all receptors of ethylene (Woeste and Ma et al. 2010). In Arabidopsis, three mutants
Kieber 2000). ETR possesses His kinase activity namely jar1, coi1, and jin1, which are defective
in vitro, which is important for receptor function in JA response and one triple mutant defective in
(Gamble et al. 1998). For other aspects of recep- JA biosynthesis (fad3-2fad-72fad8) help in under-
tor functionality like localization, protein stabil- standing the functioning of JA in plants (Staswick
ity or interaction with other factors, His kinase et al. 1992; Feys et al. 1994; Berger et al. 1996;
activity is essential. McConn and Browse 1996). Disruption of bio-
In the mechanism of ethylene signaling, synthetic pathway of JA causes susceptibility of
ethylene perception and signaling occurs at plants to various insects and pathogens
endoplasmic reticulum (Chen et al. 2002; Gao (Engelberth et al. 2004; Lewsey et al. 2010); for
et al. 2003). For ER association, the amino- example, susceptibility of coil to Alternaria bras-
terminal membrane-spanning sensor domain of sicicola and Pythium mastophorum (Feys et al.
ETR1 is essential. ER localization of ETR1 is 1994). Oxo-phytodienoic acid, JA-amino acids,
not affected by the introduction of etr1-1 muta- and JA-glucosyl are the intermediates of JA bio-
tions or BR application. CTR is found at ER synthesis which act as the signaling molecule in
(Gao et al. 2003). CTR1 contains an amino- JA pathway (Staswick et al. 2002).
terminal domain and carboxy-terminal kinase
domain that is linked with Raf-like mitogen-
activated protein kinase (MAPK). CTR1 inter- 7.4 Salicylic Acid
acts with His kinase domains of ETR1 and
ERS1 (Clark et al. 1998). ER-associated CTR1 Salicylic acid (SA) is a naturally occurring phe-
level inhibits due to removal of ethylene recep- nolic compound having carboxylic acid group
tors and distribution of CTR1 and receptor attached to the benzene ring. SA has important
interactions. CTR1–ETR1 interaction depends role in various aspects of plant development
on two lines of evidences in vivo. Co-purification (Hayat et al. 2007, 2010). In mung bean, SA
of ETR1 leads to affinity purification of CTR1 helps in the increase in yield and pod number
from the Arabidopsis ER-membrane fraction, (Singh and Kaur 1980). It also possesses tuber-
which describes the ETR1 and CTR1 presence inducing capacity in potato (Koda et al. 1992). It
in the protein complex (Gao et al. 2003). has positive influence on productivity and nitro-
Overexpression of amino-terminal domain of gen content in maize (Singh and Srivastava 1978;
CTR1 causes LOFctr1 mutant phenotype. Asthana and Srivastava 1978), flowering, and
Type-I receptors, i.e., ETR1 and ERS1 play helps in reducing transpiration by regulation of
14 Plant Signaling Under Abiotic Stress Environment 313

stomata (Khurana and Maheswari 1978; Larque responses, and changes of tissue pattern and
1979) and alleviation of abiotic stress (Ahmad differentiation (Berleth and Sachs 2001; Perrot-
et al. 2011). Rechenmann 2010). Auxin signaling initiates
SA signaling has been evaluated in case of with the interaction of auxin receptors. Auxin is
plants exposed to abiotic stress. Plant tissues considered as a multifunctional hormone and the
when exposed to abiotic stress release more signal is transduced through several signaling
superoxide anions which further increase the pathways. Iglesias et al. (2010) reported that
level of hydrogen peroxide (Doke et al. 1994; auxin signaling participates in the adaptive
Ahmad et al. 2010). The increased level of hydro- response against oxidative stress and salinity in
gen peroxide has the ability to stimulate the accu- Arabidopsis. For wild-type auxin response, a
mulation of SA (Ahmad et al. 2011). Hence, there large screen for mutants with changed auxin
is a connection between increase in H2O2 level sensitivity was used to define genes for normal
and SA accumulation (Rao et al. 1997). Role of functioning. AXR1, AXR2, AXR3, AXR4, and
SA has also been described by many workers AXR6 are five different loci and TIR1 is the
during cold tolerance in plants like maize, rice, sixth one (Leyser 2002).
wheat, cucumber, tomato, banana, pea, and mung
bean (Janda et al. 1999; yDing et al. 2002; Kang
and Saltveit 2002; Kang et al. 2003; Tasgin et al. 8 Conclusion and Future
2003, Krantev et al. 2009; Popova et al. 2009; Perspectives
Khan et al. 2010). Joseph et al. (2010) have
reviewed the exogenous application of SA ant its Plants often experience a variety of changing
protective role in different plants under salt stress. environmental conditions like light conditions,
Scott et al. (2004) showed the inhibitory effect of temperature variations, water and nutrient avail-
SA on the growth of Arabidopsis exposed to ability, CO2 levels, etc. These changes often lead
chilling conditions. Under low temperatures, the to stress which hampers the plant growth and
salicylate is reported to accumulate as free and development. Plants recognize and respond
glucosyl SA. Based on studies on various wild differently to different stresses for their survival.
species and mutants in Arabidopsis, it was pro- Plants can sense the external stimulus and lead to
posed that SA induces low-temperature growth induction of defense mechanism. How plants
inhibition. Wang and Li (2006) showed increase cope with these demands is the subject of inten-
in cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels after the pretreatment sive research and in this review we tried to throw
of grape plants with SA. This increased Ca2+ light on different signaling molecules during
helps in maintaining the integrity of plasma mem- abiotic stress.
brane during the stress conditions. Also, it was Calcium signaling is involved in the regula-
shown that SA-treated plants had higher levels of tion of plant cell cycle progression in response to
antioxidants like glutathione and ascorbic acid. abiotic stress. Our knowledge regarding Ca2+ sig-
naling processes in plants have increased tremen-
dously because of the reverse and forward genetic
7.5 Auxins approaches. Most of this research is focused on
Ca2+ signal decoders. The versatility of Ca2+ ion
Auxin, the dynamic plant hormone, controls the signaling is amazing. Major contributor to this
growth and developmental processes by modu- phenomenon is its unequal distribution which
lating the levels of auxin/indole acetic acid pro- leads to rapid Ca2+ oscillations resulting in major
teins (Mockaitis and Estelle 2008; Iglesias et al. concentration changes. Other contributors being
2011). Exogenous application of auxin to plants highly evolved group of calcium sensors which
causes alteration in the transcription of gene sense these Ca2+ signatures and transduce them
families, changes in the rate of cell division and to downstream targets for phosphorylation and
cell elongation, range of electrophysiological transcriptional responses. These sensors and
314 P. Ahmad et al.

transducers together form intricate signaling responses to necrotrophic pathogens and herbivores,
networks. Ca2+-regulated transcription factors whereas ET plays a great role in fruit ripening
also have an important role in this information and senescence and modulates defense responses.
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important question is how calcium sensor pro- by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), and the
Department of Science and Technology (DST),
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Government of India.
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tion pathway: implications for involvement of active synthesis in Arabidopsis. J Exp Bot 58:1397–1405
Calcium Signalling in Plant Cells
Under Environmental Stress 15
Sylvia Lindberg, Md. Abdul Kader,
and Vladislav Yemelyanov

A change of intracellular calcium concentration is an early event in a large
array of biological processes in plants, such as cell division, polarity,
growth and development at normal conditions and under adaptation to abi-
otic and biotic stresses. This chapter focuses on calcium signalling induced
by different types of abiotic stresses, such as salt, cold, anoxia, aluminium
and heavy metal stress, while a minor part deals with biotic stress signal-
ling. Most investigations, so far, concerned Ca2+ signalling in the cytosol;
however, signalling in the nucleus and other cell compartments such as
mitochondria, ER and cell wall have also been reported. The specific “sig-
nature” of calcium, including duration, amplitude and frequency of the
signalling, induced by different stresses is essential for a change of the
physiological function. Different stores for calcium take part in the signal-
ling under various types of stress. Of special interest is a comparison of
signalling in tolerant and sensitive species and cultivars.

Abiotic stress • Aluminium • Anoxia • Calcium • Membrane transport
• Signal transduction • Stress

1 Introduction
S. Lindberg ()
Department of Botany, SU, SE-106 91 Calcium, (Ca2+), is involved in the signal trans-
Stockholm, Sweden
duction of almost all abiotic and biotic stresses in
plants. It also mediates growth and links hor-
Md. A. Kader
monal signals in plants under stress (Marschner
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural
University Mymensingh, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh 1995; Reddy 2001; White and Broadley 2003;
Desikan et al. 2005; Hepler 2005; Covington and
V. Yemelyanov
Department of Genetics and Breeding, St. Petersburg Harmer 2007; Kudla et al. 2010). The signalling
State University, St. Peterburg 199034, Russia network is very complex since it processes multiple

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 325
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_15,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
326 S. Lindberg et al.

signals simultaneously. Signals not only operate Ca2+ concentration thus is well regulated. The
in the cytosol but also in mitochondria, chloro- Ca2+ concentration in the apoplast and vacuoles
plasts, ER and nucleus (Logan and Knight 2003; usually range between 0.1 and 1 mM while the
Xiong et al. 2004; Mazars et al. 2009). The cyto- endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen contains
solic calcium is maintained at submicromolar approximately 1 mM, but these concentrations
level to prevent precipitation of calcium with can increase up to 50 mM (Tuteja 2007). On the
phosphate and other anions, or binding to nega- other hand, the stress-induced Ca2+ elevations in
tively charged macromolecules. Different types the cytosol never exceed micromolar concentra-
of stress usually cause a temporary increase in tion and even a sustained signal may be toxic to
free cytosolic calcium, (Ca2+cyt), concentration the cell and cause apoptosis (Levine et al. 1996).
depending on the specific stimulus that induces Plants have a large family of Ca2+-sensor pro-
it. Calcium is transported into the cytosol by teins. DeFalco et al. (2010) recently presented a
channels in the plasma membrane, tonoplast, ER detailed review of Ca2+ sensors. The different
or mitochondria (Hetherington and Brownlee Ca2+-sensor proteins detect the Ca2+ signals and
2004; Dodd et al. 2010). The signal is transient or transform them to downstream pathways, either
sustained and occurs as repetitive oscillations or by binding or activating the different targets.
spiking, or can last for a longer time. There is a Together with channels, pumps and carrier pro-
great electrochemical potential difference for teins these sensor proteins regulate the free cal-
Ca2+ across the membrane systems. Regulation of cium concentration in the cell cytosol. The
calcium in the cytosol is important for the plant calcium binding proteins (CaBPs) can function
to maintain homeostasis through different chan- as “trigger” proteins as well as “buffer” proteins
nels, pumps and carriers (Dodd et al. 2010). An (Tuteja and Sopory 2008). The former are acti-
increase in Ca2+ concentration in the cytosol and vated by forming complex with Ca2+ and then
nucleus is detected by many Ca2+-sensing pro- affect other proteins of the signalling pathway,
teins, present in these compartments as free pro- while the buffer proteins bind to an elevated con-
teins or attached to membranes. These proteins centration of Ca2+, leading to a decrease of the
are able to decode the information present within free Ca2+ level. The trigger proteins identified so
the different calcium spikes or oscillations and far are calmodulin (CaM), CaM-binding proteins,
process this information into alteration of the cell Ca2+-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) and
function. Different signalling pathways are regu- phosphatases (Reddy 2001).
lated by the transcription machinery and expres- An increase in Ca2+cyt concentration can be
sion of downstream target genes. The downstream sensed by CaM, CDPKs and other calcium-
reactions can cause an adaptation, helping the binding proteins. These proteins can trigger
plant to survive the specific stress. In addition, if downstream responses, which, in turn, can elicit
the stress is severe, or continues for a long time, specific physiological responses. The signals
the response could be growth inhibition or cell from CaM can induce mRNA and gene expres-
death. sion, either directly, or by binding to specific tran-
scription factors (Tuteja and Mahajan 2007), that
can be activated by phosphorylation or dephos-
2 Sensors for Calcium phorylation. The CDPKs are Ser/Thr protein
kinases found in plants and in some protozoans.
The role of Ca2+ as a second messenger molecule Except for the N-terminal domain the CDPKs
depends on its unique physical and chemical have a catalytic domain, an auto inhibitory region,
properties (Jaiswal 2001). The free Ca2+ ion rap- and a calmodulin-like domain activated by cal-
idly binds to anions and easily forms insoluble cium binding (Harper et al. 1991; Hrabak et al.
salts with inorganic and organic macromolecular 2003). The peroxisome-located CDPK may be
anions (Williams 2006). At high concentration in involved in oxidative stress and lipid metabolism.
the cell cytosol, calcium becomes toxic and the In Arabidopsis, 9 CDPK isoforms have been
15 Calcium Signalling in Plant Cells Under Environmental Stress 327

characterized (Dammann et al. 2003). The sub- group and phosphatidic acid (Wang 2001). Many
cellular locations were detected by expression of different isoforms exist with various affinities for
green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion to root tips Ca2+ and difference in their modulation of phos-
of transgene plants and fluorescence microscopy. phoinositides, free fatty acids and lysolipids. The
The isoforms, AtCPK3 and AtCPK4, being pri- regulators of PLD activity are substrate or prod-
marily soluble, showed a nuclear and cytosolic ucts of PLC (phospholipase C). The latter enzyme
distributions, respectively, while all the others cleaves phospholipids into IP3 and diacylglycerol
were membrane bound. Except for AtCPK1, (DAG). These enzymes together with phospholi-
which was targeted to the peroxisomes, all the pase A2 and DAG kinase are supposed to be
others were targeted to plasma membrane, and involved in plant signalling under stress. The
these membranes were associated with the kinase annexins have been found in both animals and
by potential N-terminal acylation sites. plants. They contain 4–8 repeats of about 70
Plants possess calmodulin-like proteins amino acids and bind to phospholipids in a Ca2+-
(CMLs), which differ from CaM in possessing depending way (Tuteja and Mahajan 2007). They
approximately 148 amino acids and also have are supposed to be involved in the organization
1–6 EF hand motifs (Reddy 2001). Some of the and function of membranes. The Arabidopsis
CMLs are suggested to take part as sensors for annexin (AnnAt1) may have an important impact
calcium during stress and developmental on pH-mediated cellular response to environmen-
responses (Vanderbeld and Snedden 2007). tal changes and in ion homeostasis in plant cells
Protein phosphatases are involved in various (Gorecka et al. 2007). CaM can bind to and
stress signals in plants, for instance, at low activate transcription factors. A family of tran-
temperature-induced signal transduction (Sharma scription factors called calmodulin-binding
and Deswal 2004). Cold stress induces protein transcription activators (CAMTA) is probably
phosphatase C (PP2B) and transcripts in the ice involved in stress-induced gene expression in
plant (Miyazaki et al. 1999). Calcineurin is a Arabidopsis, mediated by calcium (Yang and
Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein phosphatase Poovaiah 2002). All CAMTAs have a specific
(PP2B), belonging to the Ser/Thr-specific phos- DNA-binding domain, as well as an IQ motif
phatases. It has a structure similar to CaM with a which binds CaM. In salt stress signals in plants,
catalytic subunit (CnA) and a regulatory subunit the salt overly sensitive (SOS) pathway is
(Hashimoto et al. 1990). When the Ca2+ concen- involved and is discussed in this chapter.
tration is low in a cell, calcineurin becomes inac-
tive, since it has an autoinhibitory domain in the
active site, whereas at elevated Ca2+ concentra- 3 Transporters of Calcium
tion, Ca2+/CaM binds to the CnA subunit of cal-
cineurin, gets activated, causing a conformational In higher plant cells, the free Ca2+ level necessary
change in the enzyme. Calcineurin activity is for maintaining a proper metabolism in the cyto-
present in animal cells, but has not yet been sol usually varies between 30 and 400 nM. By
detected in plant cells. However, calcineurin-like hormone action, light and when plants are sub-
proteins may be involved in stomatal guard-cell jected to biotic or abiotic stresses, calcium ions
opening, as calcineurin inhibitors block this pro- are transported passively into the cytosol by
cess (Luan et al. 1993). Calcineurin-like activity channels in the plasma membrane, tonoplast, ER,
was also shown in Brassica juncea subjected to chloroplasts and mitochondria. Calcium signals
low temperature (Sharma and Deswal 2004). not only generate in the cytosol, but also in organ-
There are calcium-binding proteins with no elles with a double membrane, such as mitochon-
EF-hand motifs, such as PLD (phopholipase D), dria, chloroplasts and nuclei (Xiong et al. 2006).
annexins, calreticulin, calnexin and PCP (Pistil- To restore the low resting concentration, Ca2+ has
expressed Ca2+-binding protein). The PLDs can to be transported out against an electrochemical
split the membrane phospholipids into a head gradient into the apoplast, or into intracellular
328 S. Lindberg et al.

organelles by Ca2+ ATPases or Ca2+/H+ antiporters. 3.2 Calcium/Proton Exchangers

CaBPs play a vital role in regulating the free Ca2+
concentration, whereas the calcium-transporter The Ca2+/H+ antiporters energized by a proton-
proteins have different affinities for Ca2+. It was motive force have less affinity for Ca2+ than Ca2+
suggested by Hirschi (2001) that the Ca2+- ATPases. The proton gradient is generated by the
ATPases, with high affinity (Km = 1–10 mM), tonoplast while the H+ ATPase and the proton-
although low capacity for transport, are respon- pumping pyrophosphatases pump protons into
sible for maintaining the [Ca2+]cyt homeostasis in the vacuole. The Ca2+/H+ antiporters are called
resting cells, but that the Ca2+/H+ antiporters, with cation exchangers (CAXs) 1–6 (Shigaki and
lower affinity (Km = 10–15 mM) and high trans- Hirschi 2006). When the membrane location has
port capacity, are active after Ca2+cyt signals. been identified, for instance for CAX1, CAX2
and CAX4, the location was in the tonoplast
(Hirschi 2001). The CAX1 antiporter has high
3.1 Ca2+ ATPases affinity and high specificity for Ca2+, while CAX2
has high affinity for heavy metals and transports
In plants the major families of Ca2+ ATPases them into the vacuole. Especially CAX1 and
energized by ATP are P-type ATPases IIA and CAX3 seem to be important for Ca2+ homeosta-
IIB (Sanders et al. 2002). In Arabidopsis, the sis. Mutants lacking CAX1, cax1, have reduced
PIIA clade ATPases, present in the ER named lateral roots and number, as well as reduced pri-
ECAs, and the PIIB clade of autoinhibited Ca2+ mary inflorescence length (Cheng et al. 2003).
ATPases, named ACAs, have been identified These mutants also have an increased capacity
(Boursiac and Harper 2007). The nucleotide for cold acclimation and enhanced expression of
specificity of the PIIA (ECA) type is broad, as CBF/DREB1 (Catala et al. 2003). CAX1 and
they can react with GTP and ITP and are inhib- CAX3 are expressed differently in the root and
ited by erythrosine B (Axelsen and Palmgren shoot, and the expression increases at a high Ca2+
2001). The ECA type lacks the N-terminal auto- supply (Hirschi 2001). In shoot, CAX1 expres-
regulatory domain, present in the ACA type. The sion is strong, while in roots, CAX3 expression
ECA group seems to be less important for cal- dominates. It was shown that CAX3 mutants
cium homeostasis (Dodd et al. 2010). The ACA were more susceptible to salt stress (Zhao et al.
type along with Ca–CaM binding and a serine- 2008). The stoichiometry of the tonoplast anti-
residue phosphorylation site can be modulated porters was reported to be 3H+/1Ca2+ (Sanders
by Ca2+cyt, either through activation upon bind- et al. 2002).
ing CaM or by inhibition upon phosphorylation
by CDPK (Hwang et al. 2000). The isoforms of
PIIB (ACAs) ATPases have different affinities 3.3 Calcium Channels
for CaM and are active at different membranes in
Arabidopsis, such as the plasma membrane, Calcium transport into the cytosol is mediated
tonoplast and plastid membranes. It is suggested by different Ca2+-permeable channels, such as
that they have different functions and react dif- depolarization-activated Ca2+ (DACC), hyperpo-
ferently to different Ca2+ signals (Tuteja and larization-activated Ca2+ (HACC) and voltage-
Mahajan 2007). The expression of many Ca2+ independent (VICC) channels (Sanders et al.
ATPases increases under high salinity or high 2002). These channels can be activated by absci-
Ca2+cyt, and some of them are only expressed sic acid (ABA) and ROS, for instance in guard
under stress (Garciadeblas et al. 2001). ACA12 cells, and by ROS at the plasma membrane of
and ACA13 transcripts were upregulated by root hairs during cell expansion (Foreman et al.
pathogen stress (Boursiac and Harper 2007) and 2003). In other membranes, calcium-permeable
ACA8 and ACA10 were differently regulated by channels also take part in the signalling pathway.
cold (Schiott and Palmgren 2005). There are also voltage-dependent channels in the
15 Calcium Signalling in Plant Cells Under Environmental Stress 329

tonoplast and ER (Sanders et al. 2002; Demidchik under different types of stresses. The xylem is
and Maathuis 2007). Moreover, ligand-gated most likely involved in the transfer of signals,
channels in the tonoplast and ER transport Ca2+ e.g. pH changes (Felle et al. 2005). To study cal-
into the cytosol. Results have shown that inositol cium signalling in vivo, in intact plants and in dif-
triphosphate (InsP3) and cADPR can mobilize ferent cell types, luminescence measurements of
Ca2+ from internal stores. However, receptors for seedlings constitutively expressing the calcium-
these substances are not encoded by higher plants binding protein aequorin can be used (Plieth
as in animal cells (Dodd et al. 2010). 2001). To investigate Ca2+cyt changes in single
Other types of Ca2+-permeable channels are living cells or protoplasts, fluorescent probes spe-
cyclic nucleotide-gated channels (CNGCs), glu- cific for calcium, such as Fura 2 and Indo 1, and
tamate receptor-like (GLR) channels, two-pore two-wavelength photometry together with epif-
channels (TPCs) and annexins (Dodd et al. 2010 luorescence microscopy can be used. For confo-
and references therein). Some of the CNGCs, cal laser-scanning microscopy, the fluorescent
besides permeable for monovalent cations, have probe Fluo 3 is more often used. The sub-cellular
also been found in the plasma membrane with distribution of soluble calcium can also be
both a nucleotide-binding domain and a CaM- detected by transmission electron microscopy in
binding one. The GLR channels are homologues combination with potassium pyroantimonate pre-
of animal glutamate receptors and function as cipitation method (Ma et al. 2009).
non-selective cation channels. Arabidopsis has
20 members of the GLR gene family and the
channel is supposed to be a tetramer or pentamer 4.1 Calcium Signalling in Different
(Davenport 2002). Addition of glutamate and five Cell Types
other amino acids, as well as glutathione, to
Arabidopsis seedlings induces a Ca2+ spike in the To detect changes in Ca2+cyt concentration in dif-
cytosol, which is reduced in glr3.3 mutant (Qi ferent root cells, Kiegle et al. (2000) used trans-
et al. 2006). gene Arabidopsis, so-called GAL4 expression in
The Arabidopsis genome contains of a single specific cell types. By fusing yellow fluorescent
member of the TPC. This protein is supposed to protein (YFP) to aequorin, the luminescence of
be a homodimer, with two calcium-binding EF targeted aequorin, reflecting the free calcium
hands and a 14-3-3 binding domain and is prob- concentration, could be measured in the different
ably voltage gated (Peiter et al. 2005). It has been cells when roots were subjected to salt, cold and
suggested that during stress, annexins could form osmotic stresses. Cold stress induced rapid peaks
plasma membrane Ca2+-permeable channels in all cell types tested. However, there were sig-
(Laohavisit et al. 2009). When annexin proteins nificant differences in their response to cold,
were purified from maize and incorporated into osmotic (440 mM mannitol) and salt stresses
planar lipid bilayers, they could function as Ca2+ (220 mM NaCl) in different cell types. The endo-
channels. Also, it was proposed that calcium dermis and pericycle cells displayed prolonged
transport into the nucleus proceeds in different oscillations in Ca2+cyt concentration when sub-
ways (Alonso et al. 2006). jected to osmotic and salt stresses, different from
other cell types (Kiegle et al. 2000).

4 Organ, Cell and Organelle- 4.2 Calcium Signalling in Different

Specific Signalling Organelles

Different types of signalling occur in different Calcium-dependent events take place in the
plant organs, cell types and cell organelles. cytosol, as well as in the organelles containing
Moreover, root-to-shoot signalling often occurs millimolar concentration of calcium, mainly
330 S. Lindberg et al.

sequestrated as bound calcium (Malho et al. removals. The amplitude of Ca2+cyt response to
1998). Calcium signalling takes place in organ- hyperosmotic stimulus was much smaller as
elles originating from prokaryotes, such as compared to hypo-osmotic stimulus. This finding
mitochondria and chloroplasts (Johnson et al. corroborates result from experiments with
1995; Logan and Knight 2003; Xiong et al. 2006; tobacco culture cells (Pauly et al. 2001) showing
McAinsh and Pittman 2009). The sub-cellular that shrinking is less serious for the cells com-
location of Ca2+ sensors plays an important role pared to swelling. Swelling could rupture the cell
in defining their functions. Different organelles wall and/or membrane (Gao et al. 2004). Although
in the cell can communicate with each other by calcium can activate cell-wall phosphatases
Ca2+. For instance, Ca2+ can be exchanged (DeMarty et al. 1984) and apoplastic CaM plays
between chloroplasts and cytosol (Sai and an important role in signal transduction (Sun
Johnson 2002), and between mitochondria and et al. 1994; Ma et al. 1999), it is still an open
ER (Rizutto et al. 2009). The nucleus has the question whether the apoplast plays an important
potential to generate and regulate Ca2+ signals of role in the signalling system under stress. Essah
its own (Pauly et al. 2000; Mazars et al. 2009). (2000) showed that external calcium had no effect
Since the nucleus has a Ca2+ signalling system, on Na+ toxicity in Arabidopsis.
this could originate from prokaryotes too, as
speculated by Galon et al. (2010b). In maize leaf- 4.2.2 Calcium Signalling and Transport
lets under drought stress, the level of Ca2+ in Chloroplasts
increased in cytoplasm, chloroplasts and nucleus It is now more clear that organelles with double
and decreased in vacuoles and intercellular spaces membranes, such as mitochondria, chloroplasts
(Ma et al. 2009). It is evident that calcium signal- and nuclei can generate calcium signals on their
ling in plant cells is very complex. own (Xiong et al. 2006). It was already shown
during 1980 that light induces a calcium influx
4.2.1 Apoplastic Signalling into chloroplasts of both wheat and spinach
Gao et al. (2004) reported both intracellular (Muto et al. 1982; Kreimer et al. 1985). Kreimer
and extracellular pH and calcium changes in et al. (1985) suggested that the influx across the
Arabidopsis mutants under salinity, drought envelope of intact chloroplasts was linked to the
(mannitol) and cold stresses. They used ratio- photosynthetic electron transport. Later on
metric pH-sensitive derivatives of GFP as pH Shabala and Newman (1999) reported, by use of
indicator and fused it with luminescent aequorin ion-selective vibrating microelectrodes close to
for simultaneous calcium measurements. An the leaf surface, that light also induced changes in
Arabidopsis chitinase signal sequence was used H+, K+, Cl− and Ca2+ concentrations in the meso-
to deliver the indicator complex to the apoplast. phyll cells of beans. These ion fluxes were related
Luminescence measurements from the root to changes in plasma membrane potential and a
showed that chilling stress induced different cal- calcium influx was considered as a main depolar-
cium and pH changes in the cytosol compared izing agent in the electrical response to light.
with apoplast. Calcium changes were much more Calcium influx started within 5 s, while net fluxes
distinct in the cytosol than in the apoplast. of H+, K+, Cl− did not begin until after 2 min. The
Osmotic stress (200 mM mannitol) hardly initial alkalinization found in the medium was
affected the apoplastic calcium, but gave pro- suggested to depend on CO2 uptake by the photo-
nounced transients in cytosolic calcium. On the synthesizing tissue, while the activation of the H+
other hand, repeated additions/removals of iso- pump occurred 1.5–2 min later. Two different
osmotic NaCl (100 mM) induced calcium changes mechanisms for uptake of Ca2+ into chloroplasts
both in the apoplast and cytosol. The first NaCl were suggested; one by a potential-stimulated
addition showed a permanent increase of the uniporter at the inner-envelope membrane and
cytoplasmic calcium, after a short transient peak, another by a H+/Ca2+ antiporter in the thylakoids
and this increase remained after several additions/ fuelled by ATP (Xiong et al. 2006).
15 Calcium Signalling in Plant Cells Under Environmental Stress 331

Elevated temperatures induce many changes re-polarized the membrane to initial level. The
in gene expression leading to thermotolerance authors also found similar effects in mitochon-
and improve the cell survival to high temperature. dria accumulating high strontium, Sr2+, concen-
A report of Gong et al. (1998) suggests that cyto- tration in the absence of exogenous Pal, leading
solic Ca2+ is also involved in heat-shock (HS) sig- to activation of phospholipase A2 and formation
nal transduction. Use of transgene tobacco, where of endogenous fatty acids. They concluded that
the aequorin protein was targeted both to cytosol Ca2+ is taken up into mitochondria by a uniporter
and chloroplasts, showed that HS induced a pro- and that Ca2+ efflux is mediated by a short-living
longed, transient increase of Ca2+ in the cytosol Pal/Ca2+-activated pore. Under oxidative stress,
and not in the chloroplasts. Inhibitor analysis an increase of electron transport in mitochondria
suggested that Ca2+ was mobilized from both triggers H2O2 production leading to depletion of
intra as well as extracellular sources. There are ATP, opening of permeability transition pores
some reports showing that chloroplast can con- (PTP) and finally causes death of the cell (Tiwari
trol the cytosolic Ca2+ transients involved in sto- et al. 2002).
matal closure (Nomura et al. 2008; Weini et al.
2008). 4.2.4 The Nucleus Can Generate
and Regulate Calcium Signals
4.2.3 Calcium Signalling and Transport on Its own
in Mitochondria The nucleus can be considered as two compart-
Logan and Knight (2003) described the first suc- ments: the nucleoplasm and the nuclear envelope,
cessful targeting of aequorin to plant mitochon- in which calcium is stored, and possibly both
dria, where they found, that the resting values of have a calcium buffering capacity (Briere et al.
free Ca2+ concentration differed in the cytosol 2006). The envelope lumen is connected with the
(100 nM) and in mitochondria (200 nM). lumen of the ER (Bach et al. 1992). The envelope
Treatment of Arabidopsis seedlings floating in also possesses pores that allow molecules up to
water, with cold, osmotic (mannitol), touch and 40 kDa to penetrate (Brandizzi et al. 2004). It is
oxidative (hydrogen peroxide 10 mM) stresses well known that calcium-dependent processes
showed almost the same calcium signature take place in the nuclei (Xiong et al. 2006). For
(kinetic pattern) in both cytosol and mitochon- instance, an increase in free calcium level is nec-
dria. However, except for hydrogen peroxide essary for activation of nuclear sensing kinases,
addition, the amplitude was much higher in cyto- phosphatases in the nucleus and other steps in the
solic than in mitochondrial calcium increase. signalling pathways both in animals (Carafoli
Touch stress induced an immediate elevation, fol- 2002), as well as in plants (Harper et al. 2004). It
lowed by a return to near-resting concentration has been suggested that the nucleus can be
within 20 s in the cytosol, but the return to resting described as “a cell within the cell” (Bkaily 2006;
level was much slower in mitochondria. The Gomes et al. 2006).
addition of hydrogen peroxide caused almost the Since 1999 it was possible to detect free cal-
same reaction in both compartments and hence cium concentration changes in the nucleus,
indicated that mitochondria could be more sensi- [Ca2+]n. van der Luit et al. (1999) succeeded to
tive to oxidative stress than to other stresses. fuse aequorin to nucleoplasmin, a nuclear pro-
Calcium and palmitic acid (Pal) induced a stable tein. They also investigated the effects by wind
and prolonged partial depolarization of the mito- and cold shock on both cytosolic and nuclear
chondrial membrane, pore opening, release of changes of calcium in tobacco seedlings, and
calcium and swelling of mitochondria (Mironova found different dynamics in [Ca2+]n and [Ca2+]
et al. 2007). Addition of inhibitors of Ca2+ uni- cyt. A simultaneous rapid increase of both [Ca2+]
porters, like ruthenium red and La3+, as well as cyt and [Ca2+]n was obtained, but the increase in
EGTA, added 10 min after Pal/Ca2+-activated [Ca2+]n was delayed with respect to the cytosolic
pore opening, prevented the release of Ca2+ and changes. Wind and cold also induced the expression
332 S. Lindberg et al.

of a CaM gene (NgCAM-1) and a comparison to the nucleus and plasma membranes. When
between calcium dynamics with gene expression localized to the plasma membrane it was isopre-
indicated that wind-induced expression depends nylated at the C-terminus domain, but inhibition
on nuclear calcium signalling, while cold shock- of isoprenoid biosynthesis caused an accumula-
induced expression is mediated by cytosolic cal- tion of CaM to the nucleus. They also showed
cium elevation. When tobacco seedlings were that CaM was associated with the plasma mem-
subjected to decreased osmolarity of the culture brane after light exposure, then transferred to the
medium, an increase of [Ca2+]cyt was followed nucleus in darkness. It has been suggested that
by an increase of [Ca2+]n but the [Ca2+]n remained other calcium-binding or CAM-binding proteins,
for longer time than [Ca2+]cyt (Pauly et al. 2001). as well as calcium-dependent enzymes and dif-
On the other hand, increase of the osmolarity of ferent transcription factors are present in the
the culture medium elicited a smaller change in nucleus and regulate the activity (Mazars et al.
[Ca2+]cyt, but did not modify the biphasic shape 2009). Calcium signals may also be generated via
of the cytosolic response, and did not affect the G-coupled receptors localized to the nucleus with-
[Ca2+]n. out involvement by the plasma membrane. It is
Bimodal long-lasting changes in [Ca2+]cyt suggested that the nucleus can produce inositol
were also found when proteinaceous elicitors 1,4,5 triphosphate (IP3) and IP3 receptor-mediated
were used (Lecourieux et al. 2005). Cryptogein, a Ca2+ release (Gomes et al. 2006). Nuclear activities
polypeptidic elicitor induced a transient peak in are probably regulated by a cross-talk between
[Ca2+]cyt after 5 min followed by a sustained ROS and calcium (Mazars et al. 2010).
increase for at least 2 h. On the other hand, a
weak increase in [Ca2+]n was followed by a sub-
stantial increase for 1 h, with a maximum at 5 Calcium Signalling Under
23 min, and thereby, peaked much later than the Anoxia
[Ca2+]cyt. It was suggested that a 1-s delay
between the cytosolic and nuclear responses is Higher plants are strict aerobic organisms, and
enough to exclude the possibility of just a diffu- thus, directly depend on molecular oxygen for
sion of Ca2+ from the cytosol to the nucleus of the their respiration and other metabolic processes.
cell (Meyer et al. 1995). Xiong et al. (2008) Nevertheless, very often they suffer from oxygen
showed that sphingolipid metabolites selectively shortage in different agricultural, horticultural
elicited an increase in nuclear calcium concentra- and industrial areas. Availability of oxygen has a
tions in a dose-dependent manner both in cell strong influence on distribution of plant species
suspensions and in isolated nuclei of tobacco in ecosystems and severe economical impact.
BY-2 cells. Thus, the nuclear calcium changes Yield loss due to deficiency of oxygen could
were independent of the cytosolic compartment. reach up to 50% (Dennis et al. 2000). The lack of
In pollen tubes, calcium gradients in the tip oxygen usually results from excess of water, ice
were oscillating in the cytosol during normal crust and soil compaction. Waterlogging of rhizo-
polarized growth, but no measurable changes in sphere and partial flooding of the aboveground
[Ca2+]n were found (Watashiki et al. 2004). Thus, parts of plants lead to gradual hypoxia (deficiency
the available results so far demonstrate that dif- of oxygen) and complete submergence brings
ferent calcium signals proceed in different cell about anoxia (total absence of this gas).
compartment and that the [Ca2+]n is not directly
linked by diffusion to a change in [Ca2+]cyt
(Mazars et al. 2009). Proteins that are important 5.1 Anoxic Injury in Plants
for the amplification or diminishing of calcium
signals are found to shuttle to and from the The lack of molecular oxygen leads to inhibition
nucleus. Rodriguez-Concepcion et al. (1999) of aerobic respiration, which in turn ultimately
showed that CaM 53 could be localized reversible causes energy starvation. After the switch from
15 Calcium Signalling in Plant Cells Under Environmental Stress 333

aerobic condition, ATP level in the cell exhausts and use of alternative electron acceptors (like
within 1–2 min (Drew 1997). To provide ATP nitrate, nitrite, unsaturated lipids, etc.) (Crawford
for energizing cellular metabolism, glycolysis and Braendle 1996; Drew 1997; Vartapetian and
is passed into fermentation by activation. Jackson 1997; Gibbs and Greenway 2003;
Overconsumption of respirable sugars by these Greenway and Gibbs 2003; Bailey-Serres and
processes aggravates energy starvation, particu- Voesenek 2008). Hypoxia-tolerant plants are nota-
larly in hypoxia-susceptible species (Vartapetian ble for maintenance of their cell ultra structure
and Jackson 1997). On the other hand, stimula- (Vartapetian and Jackson 1997), membrane stabil-
tion of lactic fermentation and lack of ATP to ity (Crawford and Braendle 1996) and synthesis
energize transport ATPases account for cytosol of anaerobic stress proteins (Vartapetian and
acidification (Drew 1997). Alcoholic fermenta- Jackson 1997; Greenway and Gibbs 2003). Most
tion generates a toxic intermediate (acetic alde- of the anaerobic stress proteins belong to enzymes
hyde) and end-products (ethanol) that together of the glycolytic or fermentative pathways, carbo-
with acidosis self-poison plant under oxygen hydrate mobilization and nitrogen metabolism
deficiency (Vartapetian and Jackson 1997; Gibbs (Vartapetian and Jackson 1997; Greenway and
and Greenway 2003; Bailey-Serres and Voesenek Gibbs 2003). All these metabolic adaptations
2008). In natural habitats flooding leads to low mutually allow tolerant plants to generate suffi-
soil-redox potential and production of reduced cient amount of energy, maintain mineral uptake
substances including Mn2+, Fe2+, H2S, NO2− along and even to grow in total absence of oxygen.
with the intermediates of carbon metabolism such
as methane, ethane, ethylene, acetylene, acetic
and butyric acid (Drew 1997 and references 5.3 Perception of Anoxic Stress
wherein). Moreover, reestablishment of normoxic in Plants
conditions triggers oxidation of these substances
and synthesis of reactive oxygen species (ROS) The mechanism(s) of oxygen sensing by plant cell
resulting in post-anoxic injury. and sensor itself are still to be elucidated. Oxygen
depletion could be detected directly by binding
molecular oxygen (direct sensing) or recognized
5.2 Oxygen Deficiency Tolerance by altered cellular metabolism, i.e. indirect sens-
Mechanisms in Plants ing (Bailey-Serres and Chang 2005; Licausi and
Perata 2009). Only prokaryotes have direct
Capacity to survive under oxygen deprivation oxygen sensors, including heme-containing protein
depends on a number of developmental, morpho- kinases, Fe/S cluster- and SH-containing tran-
logical and metabolic adaptations in plants. scription factors, which induce anaerobic gene
Imposition of hypoxia accelerates growth of shoot expression involved in aerotaxis (Green et al.
axial organs, stimulates formation of adventitious 2009). None of the eukaryotes are reported to pos-
roots and aerenchyma particularly in tolerant plant sess direct mechanism of oxygen sensing. In fungi
species, as a result, the shoot actively transports and animals, anaerobic genes are regulated at
oxygen to a flooded root (for review, see Crawford transcriptional level. Hap-transcription factors
and Braendle 1996; Drew 1997; Vartapetian and involved in oxygen sensing (yeast) and hypoxia-
Jackson 1997; Kende et al. 1998; Sauter 2000; inducible factor (HIF) are widespread throughout
Gibbs and Greenway 2003; Bailey-Serres and the animal kingdom (Bailey-Serres and Chang
Voesenek 2008). Simultaneous shifts occur in the 2005; Bailey-Serres and Voesenek 2008; Licausi
metabolism, particularly underneath lack of oxygen. and Perata 2009). Activity of these factors is regu-
Metabolic adaptations mainly include avoidance lated by the oxygen level, production of ROS and
of energy starvation, prevention of toxicity of redox state of the cell. Furthermore, intracellular
anaerobic intermediate and end products, besides, pH, ATP and sugar level are good candidates for
post-anoxic injury, disposal of cytosol acidification indirect sensing signal.
334 S. Lindberg et al.

5.4 Cytosolic Calcium Signalling plasmalemma K+ channels, a depolarization of

in Plants Under Anoxia the membrane and a Ca2+ influx from extracel-
lular Ca2+ stores.
The main effect of anoxia sensing in eukaryotic Subbaiah et al. (1994a) first reported an eleva-
cells is an increase in [Ca2+]cyt. There are two tion of [Ca2+]cyt in maize suspension-cultured
major hypotheses to explain this reaction in ani- cells, which was completely reversible after a
mal physiology (Lahiri et al. 2006; Fähling 2008) few seconds of reoxygenation. Treatment with
(Fig. 15.1). The “mitochondrial” hypothesis Ca2+-channel blockers prevented the anoxic
states that mitochondrial electron-transport chain induction of ADH1 and SuS1 genes in plant cell
is retarded by depletion of oxygen, produces and post-anoxic seedling survival (Subbaiah et al.
ROS and leads to a Ca2+ release into the cytosol 1994b; Subbaiah 2009). In maize cells, the eleva-
from the mitochondria and other intracellular tion of [Ca2+]cyt within the first minute of anoxia
compartments. While as the “plasma membrane” derived from efflux of Ca2+ from intracellular
or “NAD(P)H-oxidase” hypothesis concerns stores, as it was significantly inhibited by ruthe-
involvement of ROS generated by NAD(P) nium red (RR, inhibitor of intracellular mem-
H-oxidase leading to suppression of outward brane Ca2+/H+-antiporter), but not affected by

Fig. 15.1 A proposed model for Ca2+ signalling under “NAD(P)H-oxidase” pathway is switched on by NAD(P)
anoxia. The “mitochondrial” pathway starts with retardation H-oxidase-dependent synthesis of ROS under oxygen short-
of the mitochondrial electron-transport chain by depletion of age. This leads to a Ca2+ influx from extracellular Ca2+ stores.
oxygen. It stimulates production of ROS that leads to a Ca2+ Increase of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration activates CDPKs,
release into the cytosol from the mitochondria and other and ROS production stimulates a MAPK cascade, leading to
intracellular compartments. The “plasma membrane” or activation of transcription factors and gene regulation
15 Calcium Signalling in Plant Cells Under Environmental Stress 335

EGTA (Ca2+ chelator) and various inhibitors of whereas in Arabidopsis and rice it passes
plasma membrane channels (Subbaiah et al. through both “mitochondrial” and “plasma
1994a). Moreover, subsequent research showed membrane” pathways.
that elevation of Ca2+ in the cytosol of maize cell
originates from mitochondria (Subbaiah et al.
1998) and could be induced by production of 6 Cold Temperature Stress
ROS by the mitochondrial electron transport Signalling
chain under lack of oxygen, according to “mito-
chondrial” hypothesis (Rhoads et al. 2006). Many plant species have the possibility to enhance
On the other hand, a transient spike and pro- freeze tolerance after exposure to non-freezing
longed elevation of [Ca2+]cyt in transgenic apo- temperatures. Cold acclimation is associated with
aequorin-expressing Arabidopsis seedling alterations in plasma membrane lipid composi-
upon imposition of anoxia depends on external tion, increase in proline and sugar contents, syn-
as well as internal stores, since the downstream thesis of new polypeptides and changes in the
anaerobic gene expression is partially inhibited mRNA populations (Steponkus and Lynch 1989;
by EGTA, Gd3+, La3+ (non-specific inhibitors of Guy 1990; Lin et al. 1990; Monroy et al. 1993;
plasma membrane Ca2+ channels) and RR Uemura et al. 1995).
(Sedbrook et al. 1996) supporting both the
hypothesis. Our results showed an ultimate
importance of both external and internal Ca2+ 6.1 Cold-Induced Changes in Plasma
stores for anoxic signalling in rice, whereas the Membrane Lipid Composition
hypoxia-intolerant wheat does not require
external sources for that purpose (Yemelyanov The plasma membrane lipid composition is
et al. 2011). Ca2+ was shown to be important changed under cold stress in order to stabilize the
for anoxic induction of ADH in Arabidopsis membranes against freeze injury. Acclimation
and rice seedlings (Dolferus et al. 1997; Tsuji results in more unsaturated fatty acids causes a
et al. 2000). Aurisano et al. (1995, 1996) dem- drop in the transition temperature. In Arabidopsis,
onstrated involvement of Ca2+cyt, plasma mem- maximal freeze tolerance was induced after
brane Ca2+ channels, CDPKs, CaM and 1 week at 2°C (Uemura et al. 1995). During that
G-proteins in anoxic signal transduction lead- time, the proportions of phospholipids in the
ing to accumulation of GABA and other amino plasma membranes increased, while cerebrosides
acids in rice. Influx of Ca2+ via plasma mem- and free sterols decreased. Moreover, the di-
brane channels in Arabidopsis and rice is unsaturated species of phosphatidylcholine and
closely related with production of ROS on the phosphatidylethanolamine increased. Some pro-
cell surface. Blokhina et al. (2001) revealed teins, like dehydrins and lipocalin may help the
production of ROS in the apoplast of different plant to prevent damage to the plasma membrane
monocot species under anoxia. In Arabidopsis during freezing (Uemura et al. 2006).
seedlings, induction of ADH gene depends on
H2O2. Moreover, treatment of seedlings with
diphenyleneiodonium, an inhibitor of ROS 6.2 Calcium Is Involved in
production by NAD(P)H-oxidase, blocked Acclimatization to Cold
hypoxia-induced ADH activation (Baxter- Temperature
Burrell et al. 2002). This links ROS production
by NAD(P)H-oxidase, ADH induction and Ca2+ Calcium has a role in cold-induced changes in
signalling. A scheme of Ca2+ signalling in protein phosphorylation, gene expression and
plants under anoxia is shown in Fig. 15.1. In development of freeze tolerance (Monroy et al.
maize and wheat plants, accumulation of [Ca2+] 1993; Knight et al. 1996; Tähtiharju et al. 1997;
cyt occurs mainly via “mitochondrial” pathway, Viswanathan et al. 2006). In the freeze-tolerant
336 S. Lindberg et al.

alpine plant, Chorispora bungeana, chilling against a homolog of synaptotagmin, SYT1,

induction at 0°C increased the calcium contents inhibited the calcium-dependent freezing toler-
(Fu et al. 2006) and these Ca2+ levels were differ- ance in Arabidopsis leaf protoplasts and the
ent in various tissues and organs. Knight et al. substance is a calcium sensor that causes exocy-
(1996) reported that inhibition of calcium influx tosis. Moreover, this inhibition indicates that the
caused a partial inhibition of cold-dependent kin1 puncture allowing the antibody to enter into
expression in Arabidopsis. It was also shown that the cytoplasm occurs during freeze/thawing. The
inhibitors of calcium channels, CaM action or authors suggested that calcium-dependent freez-
protein kinases, inhibited development of freez- ing tolerance results from membrane resealing
ing tolerance. In alfalfa plants, calcium elevation and that SYT1 is involved in this mechanism.
caused by low temperature induced expression of
two cas (cold acclimation-specific) genes: CAS15
and CAS18 (Monroy and Dhindsa 1995). In 6.3 Calcium Signalling Induced
Arabidopsis, cold stress induced the KIN1 and by Cold or Chilling Stresses
KIN2 genes but KIN2 mRNA accumulated to a
higher level than KIN1 mRNA under acclimation In transgene Arabidopsis, wherein aequorin was
(Kurkela and Franck 1990). Many cold-regulated targeted to different types of root cells, as well as
genes have one or several copies of the DRE/ to the whole plant, cold water addition caused a
CRT cis-element (dehydration responsive transient rise in [Ca2+cyt] (Kiegle et al. 2000).
element/C repeat) in their promoters. Other tran- The maximum peak occurred at approximately
scription factors bind to this element and activate 15–20 s in all cell types. However, the increase
transcription of downstream genes (Zhu 2001). in [Ca2+cyt] was lower in the root cells, com-
The CBF/DREB1 genes are also induced directly pared with shoot cells. The highest elevation was
by a low temperature and the induction precedes obtained in the deepest cell type, the pericycle,
that of genes containing the DRE/CRT cis- and the lowest peak level in the elongation zone.
element. Thus, a network of multiple signalling Hence, concluded, the size of the perceived ago-
pathways is involved in cold stress response in nist does not decide the magnitude of the cal-
plants, some of them are also induced by salt and cium response, instead, there is a cell-specific
drought stresses in a complicated way. It was pro- response.
posed by Zhu (2001) that low temperature spe- Calcium dynamics under chilling stress were
cifically induces the transcription of the CBF/ also investigated in single mesophyll protoplasts
DREB1-based cascade. Calcium is required for from tomato plants loaded with the calcium spe-
full expression of the CRT/DRE controlled COR6 cific dye Fura2, AM (Sebastiani et al. 1999). The
and KIN1 genes of Arabidopsis (Monroy and protoplasts subjected to chilling stress were kept in
Dhindsa 1995; Knight et al. 1996). In the regula- a temperature-controlled (10–15°C) perfusion
tion of cold-responsive genes and freezing chamber. The results showed that different kinetics
tolerance, also a CBF-independent pathway exists in [Ca2+cyt] occurred, depending on different rest-
(Viswanathan et al. 2006). The transcription fac- ing calcium levels. In 84% of the investigated pro-
tors, HOS9 (a homeodomain type) and HOS10 (a toplasts, there was an increase in [Ca2+cyt] followed
myeloblastosis type), play an important role in by a maximum increase obtained after 10–20 s. In
this system. 21% of the reacting protoplasts, the maximum
Calcium is important not only for gene expres- [Ca2+cyt] was also obtained after 10–20 s, thus cor-
sion during cold acclimation, but also has an roborating results from root cells of Arabidopsis
effect on resealing the membranes after cold (Kiegle et al. 2000); in 11% of the protoplasts both
stress (Yamazaki et al. 2008). In experiments the increase and decrease in [Ca2+cyt] were slower;
with Arabidopsis protoplasts, extracellular cal- and in 32% a constant increase of [Ca2+cyt] was
cium increased tolerance to electroporation that obtained 1 min after start of temperature decrease.
otherwise punctures the membrane. An antibody When the resting calcium concentration was higher
15 Calcium Signalling in Plant Cells Under Environmental Stress 337

Fig. 15.2 Cytosolic calcium changes, detected by Fura solution to the same protoplasts. (c) Reaction in the
2-AM and fluorescence intensity ratio 340/380 nm, in a presence of erythrosine B (Lindberg and Sebastiani,
single wheat protoplast upon cold shock. (a) First addition unpublished results)
of cold (5°C) solution. (b) Second addition of cold

than normal, the increase in [Ca2+cyt] was con- [Ca2+cyt], much smaller than that induced by a
stant. In these experiments, the cooling rate was second addition (Fig. 15.2a). The second addition
constant, as the perfusion system was used. gave a peak response and thereafter; a prolonged
Therefore, it is likely that different cells have dif- calcium increase was observed (Fig. 15.2b).
ferent competence and ability to maintain calcium These results cannot be compared with results
homeostasis. A sustained high [Ca2+cyt] is impli- shown by Knight et al. (1996), since these authors
cated in apoptosis and in hypersensitive responses report a mean of 3 or more cold additions at time
to pathogens (Levine et al. 1996). zero. When the wheat protoplasts were treated
When a cold solution (5°C) was added to mes- with erythrosine B, an inhibitor of Ca2+ ATPase in
ophyll protoplasts of wheat leaves (Fig. 15.2), the ER and plasma membrane, the calcium tran-
much larger changes in [Ca2+cyt] were obtained sient was prolonged and the magnitude was much
compared to chilling sensitive tomato protoplasts, higher than without the inhibitor (Fig. 15.2c).
in which a perfusion system was used (Sebastiani Thus, it is likely that the Ca2+ ATPase is involved
et al. 1999). A second addition of cold solution to in the signalling by pumping Ca2+ out from the
the same wheat protoplast induced different cytosol. It has been proposed that [Ca2+cyt] signa-
[Ca2+cyt] kinetics. The first addition of cold solu- tures are modified by previous experience, indi-
tion gave a transient prolonged increase of cating that the plant has a calcium “memory”
338 S. Lindberg et al.

(Knight et al. 1996). The magnitude of [Ca2+cyt] differed in non-acclimated and acclimated proto-
elevation elicited by wind becomes progressively plasts (D’Angeli et al. 2003). Upon repeated
smaller upon repeated stimulation and for some cold-shock treatment and by using non-severe
stimulus several hours are needed for a second rate changes in temperature, the transient
reaction to take place (Tuteja and Mahajan 2007). increases in [Ca2+]cyt fall, while in the accli-
The calcium signature can also be modified dur- mated protoplasts, the [Ca2+]cyt elevations were
ing a second exposure to a stress as shown in further reduced.
Fig. 15.2. Moreover, the magnitude of [Ca2+cyt] Temperature sensing in Arabidopsis depends
increase can be changed by prior in vivo exposure both on the cooling rate (Plieth et al. 1999) and the
to a contrasting stress. These observations imply final temperature to which cooling occurs (Knight
a cross talk between the signalling cascades. 2002). Plieth (1999) presented a mathematical
In response to cold shock, an immediate rise model of how cold is sensed by a plant based on a
in [Ca2+cyt] was obtained in both chilling-sensi- passive influx across the plasma membrane and an
tive tobacco as well as in chilling-tolerant active efflux by a pump. A single peak in [Ca2+cyt]
Arabidopsis (Knight et al. 1996). In Arabidopsis, obtained with a cold shock, specifically decreases,
both EGTA and lanthanum caused a partial inhi- at a very fast temperature change but at low cool-
bition of [Ca2+cyt] and of cold-dependent KIN1 ing rate, the response lacks the initial peak more
gene expression. To investigate if the vacuole or less. The pump slows down at low temperature
was involved in the calcium signalling, aequorin leading to a second slow phase of the increase in
was targeted to the cytosolic face of the tono- [Ca2+cyt]. A biphasic response to a single cooling
plast. As a result, a higher peak of calcium eleva- step is thus obtained, when the sensitizing action
tion was obtained in the cytosol than in tonoplast by the temperature change on the pumps and
microdomain. In addition, the elevation in the channels is of equal magnitude (Plieth 1999). By
microdomain, [Ca2+mic], was maintained for a applying patch clamp technique to mesophyll
longer time than [Ca2+cyt]. Pre-treatment with cells of Arabidopsis, Carpaneto et al. (2007)
neomycin or lithium, which interferes with phos- showed that cold induced a rapid increase in
phoinositide cycling, diminished the calcium [Ca2+cyt], and that the influx of calcium could
reactions, showing that some efflux of calcium occur through non-selective cation channels.
occurred from the vacuoles. The magnitude of
the cold-shock induced [Ca2+cyt] response was
similar in Arabidopsis and tobacco, although it 6.4 Cold Shock Induces Change
was more prolonged in tobacco. Upon repetitive in the Membrane Potential
addition of cold solution, the response after 3
and 10 min was weaker in both species. However, A drop in temperature can change the transmem-
tobacco was able to recover its ability to respond brane potential. Krol et al. (2004) showed that the
fully to cold shock 30 min after the initial shock, obtained transient depolarization of membrane
whereas Arabidopsis was not. Another differ- potential in mesophyll cells of Arabidopsis,
ence between the species was that they responded Helianthus and Vicia, induced by temperature
in different ways to cold shock after acclimation. decreases, depended on calcium influx both from
Only in chilling-tolerant Arabidopsis, cold accli- apoplast and internal stores. It was verified later
mation altered the signature of [Ca2+]cyt, so that that the cold-induced depolarizations depended
cold shock caused a reduced peak but a pro- on calcium influx (Carpaneto et al. 2007).
longed profile. The different mechanisms in Verapamil, a calcium channel blocker, caused
stress response could depend on the different significant suppression of the cold-induced poten-
sensitivity of Arabidopsis and tobacco to chill- tial changes. Since the presence of CaM antago-
ing stress. Cold shocks of different amplitude nists prolonged the repolarization, this could be
applied to protoplasts of freeze-sensitive olive attributed to activation of CaM-dependent Ca2+-
tree caused transient increases in [Ca2+cyt] that ATPases (Krol et al. 2004). It was reported that
15 Calcium Signalling in Plant Cells Under Environmental Stress 339

Fig. 15.3 A proposed model for cold-stress signalling regulated by cold stress (Schiott and Palmgren 2005).
in plants. Cold and chilling stress induce a transient or The ACA type channels contain a Ca–CaM binding site
prolonged increase in [Cacyt2+]. Calcium influx is mainly and a serine-residue phosphorylation site. Their activ-
mediated by non-selective-cation channels in the ity can be modulated by Cacyt2+, either through activa-
plasma membrane (PM) (Carpaneto et al. 2007), but tion upon binding CaM, or by inhibition upon
also by channels in the tonoplast or other endomem- phosphorylation by CDPK (Hwang et al. 2000). The
branes (Knight et al. 1996; Krol et al. 2004). Calcium signals from CaM also induce mRNA and gene expres-
influx causes a depolarization of the PM potential, and sions, either directly, or by CaM-binding to specific
then a re-polarization (Krol et al. 2004). Erythosine B transcription factors (Tuteja and Mahajan 2007). The
is supposed to inhibit the PIIA ATPases (ECAs) chan- CBF/DREB1 genes are induced by low temperature and
nels in the ER, but may also inhibit PIIB ATPases the induction precedes that of genes containing the
(ACAs) in the PM. ACA8 and ACA10 were differently DRE/CRT cis-element (Zhu 2001; Zhu et al. 2007)

this enzyme is involved in low temperature soil salinity (Flowers and Yeo 1995; Munns 2002;
response in rice (Martin and Busconi 2001). Kader and Lindberg 2008). However, nearly 50%
A suggested model for cold signalling in plants is of the irrigated land in the arid and semi-arid
shown in Fig. 15.3. regions of the world is facing most serious salin-
ity problems.

7 Salinity; Sodium and Osmotic

Stress Signalling 7.1 Salinity Stress Has an Impact
on Agricultural Productivity
Soil salinity is a major environmental hazard
worldwide as more than 40% of the earth is arid Salinity stress adversely affects agricultural pro-
or semi-arid and most of the planet’s water is ductivity by decreasing the crop yield in many
saline. Currently, more than 6% of the world’s ways. Furthermore, the saline area increases day
land which exceeds 20% if only the irrigated area by day due to sea-level rise and, thus, have profound
is considered, is affected by varying degrees of harmful effects on agricultural productivity in
340 S. Lindberg et al.

many countries of the world. Long time ago, evolved from the Streptophyta (Raven and
Buringh (1979) estimated that among 10 hectares, Edwards 2001). The evolution of salinity tolerance
3 hectares of arable land are lost in every minute mechanisms in halophytic plants has recently
due to soil salinization. In 2002, FAO reported been reviewed by Flowers et al. (2010a). Though
that about 20–30 million hectares of irrigated land physiological foundations of salinity tolerance
are seriously damaged by the increased levels of are present in all plants and show a very wide
salts, moreover, 0.25–0.50 million hectares are range of adaptability to salinity stress. For
lost from production every year (Martínez-Beltran example, glycophytes like chickpea is very sen-
and Manzur 2005). The disastrous consequence sitive and suffer toxicity at 25 mM NaCl
of this increasing salinity stress together with the (Flowers et al. 2010b), whereas halophytes can
growing world population is certainly threatening tolerate salinity concentration as high as
the future stable global food availability. 1,000 mM (Khan et al. 2005). The recent
Agricultural productivity in future will depend advancement in molecular biology research is
mostly on our ability to identify or develop salt- uncovering the mechanisms of salinity stress
tolerant crop plants and to grow them in rapidly tolerance including the key genes involved in
increasing salt-affected lands. the molecular networks and the signalling cas-
cade that mediates plant responses to salinity
stress. Plants need different tolerance mecha-
7.2 Salinity Stress Injury in Plants
nisms to be adopted, since salinity stress elicits
two different adverse effects like osmotic stress
The salinity in nature imposes two primary harm-
and ionic toxicity. To deal with the ionic toxic-
ful effects on plants: one is osmotic stress and the
ity, under salinity stress, the key mechanisms
other, ionic toxicity. Due to the presence of high
for tolerance are a diminished toxic ion uptake
salt, salinity stress increases the osmotic pressure
into the cytosol, the ability to limit the entry of
in the soil solution over the osmotic pressure in
these toxic ions into the transpiration stream,
plant cells. As a result, plant loses its ability for
the ability to regulate transpiration in the pres-
uptake of water and minerals, especially the
ence of these toxic ions and compartmentaliza-
uptake of K+ and Ca2+ (Glenn et al. 1997; Munns
tion of Na+ and Cl− ions into the apoplast/vacuole
et al. 2006). Inhibition of plant growth by high
(Blumwald 2000; Tester and Davenport 2003;
amounts of Na+ and Cl− is one of the main delete-
Kader and Lindberg 2005, 2008; Munns and
rious effects of salinity stress. When present in
Tester 2008; Flowers and Colmer 2008; Flowers
excess amount, Na+ and Cl− ions enter into the
et al. 2010a). Compartmentalization of toxic
plant cells and can exert toxic effects on cell
Na+ into the vacuole is advantageous, since it is
membranes and metabolic activities in the cyto-
no more toxic for the cell, and also a benefit for
solic part of the cell (Greenway and Munns 1980;
growth and adjustment of the osmotic potential
Hasegawa et al. 2000; Zhu 2001). The resultant
(Flowers and Läuchli 1983; Zhu 2003; Subbarao
effect of osmotic stress and ionic toxicity may
et al. 2003; Rodríguez-Navarro and Rubio
lead to secondary effects in plants such as
2006). Jou et al. (2006) showed that excess Na+
decreased cell expansion, production of assimi-
also can be compartmentalized in ER and Golgi
late and membrane functions, decreased cytoso-
bodies. An important tolerance mechanism is
lic metabolism with raised production of ROS.
also a plant’s capability to increase and decrease
the uptake of potassium (K+), and Na+ into the
7.3 Salinity Stress Tolerance cytosol, respectively, under high sodium con-
Mechanisms in Plants centration. Expression analyses of transporter
genes for K+ and Na+ transporters OsHKT1 and
As paleontological and molecular evidence sug- OsHKT2 showed that they were differently
gest that some 500 million years ago, the embry- expressed in tolerant and sensitive rice cultivars
ophytes (terrestrial plants that are not algae) were (Kader et al. 2006).
15 Calcium Signalling in Plant Cells Under Environmental Stress 341

To obtain osmotic homeostasis, the synthesis and re-establishes the Na+ homeostasis of the
of compatible organic solutes, such as glycine cells. An elevation of [Ca2+]cyt is also detected
betaine, mannitol, pinitol, proline, sorbitol, by CBL10, interaction with SOS2 might trigger
sucrose and trehalose in the cytosol, is of great tonoplast Na+/H+ antiporter to transport Na+ from
importance (Bohnert and Jensen 1996; Chen and cytosol to vacuole. Furthermore, the increase in
Murata 2002; Zhu 2002; Zhang et al. 2004; [Ca2+]cyt can also be perceived by CBL1 and
Chinnusamy et al. 2005; Taiz and Zeiger 2006; CBL9, which then bind to CIPK23 and interact
Liang et al. 2009). with the C terminus of AKT1. In this way the
AKT1 channel is activated causing an increased
K+ uptake into the cell, hence confer salinity tol-
7.4 Perception of Salinity Stress erance. However, it is still necessary to clarify
in Plants how Na+ toxicity is sensed by the plant cell. It
was suggested that SOS1 protein, with its long
Cellular perception of salinity stress by plants is C-terminal tail in the cytosol, might sense Na+
prerequisite to start the activation of the whole (Zhu 2003; Zhang et al. 2004; Shabala et al.
cell-signalling cascade. This begins with an ele- 2005). Kader et al. (2007) showed that, for Na+
vation of [Ca2+]cyt and ends with different toler- sensing in rice protoplasts, Na+ primarily must
ance mechanisms activated in the plant. Like enter into the cytosol. The results corroborate
other stresses, salinity stress (both osmotic stress with the earlier suggestion that the cytosolic tail
and ionic toxicity) is perceived in plants at the of the SOS1 protein might sense Na+. Conversely,
cell membrane, either extracellular or intracellu- in the halophytic plant quince, Na+ entry in to the
lar by a protein spanning the plasma membrane cell was not necessary for the shift in cytosolic
and/or an enzyme within the cytosol (Zhu 2003). Ca2+ (D’Onofrio and Lindberg 2009). Therefore,
Under salinity stress, a low K+ level in the cytosol the question still remains to be answered con-
may also lead to cytosolic calcium signals (Luan cerning the sensors for Na+ toxicity in plants, and
et al. 2009). For sensing the osmotic component if they differ in different species, and/or in salin-
of salinity stress, probably several sensors are ity sensitive as well as salinity tolerant cultivars.
involved (Urao et al. 1999; Reiser et al. 2003;
Tamura et al. 2003; Boudsocq and Lauriere 2005;
Tran et al. 2007; Wohlbach et al. 2008). A sub- 7.5 Cytosolic Calcium Signalling in
stantial progress in understanding the signal Plants Under Salinity Stress
transduction under Na+ toxicity was made by
identification of the SOS pathway in Arabidopsis It is clear, the salinity stress perception, irrespec-
(Zhu 2002). In a recent review, Luan et al. (2009) tive of how the stress is perceived, triggers an
suggested that CBL (calcineurin B-like proteins)– intracellular signalling cascade starting with the
CIPK (CBL-interacting protein kinase) pathways elevation of secondary messenger molecules like
regulate Na+ transport in plants and thus confer calcium in the plant cytosol [Ca2+]cyt. Many stud-
salinity tolerance. The CBLs also appear to be an ies were done to measure the [Ca2+]cyt changes in
important group for conferring salinity tolerance cells, organs or intact plants under salinity stress
through enhanced K+ uptake under salinity stress by use of different techniques. Fluorescence
(Luan et al. 2009). As shown in Fig. 15.4, the microscopy measurements were performed in root
salinity tolerance mechanisms in plants entails hairs (Halperin et al. 2003) and in individual mes-
SOS3, a Ca2+ sensor in the cytosol, that reads the ophyll protoplasts (Kader et al. 2007; D’Onofrio
changes in [Ca2+]cyt under salinity stress and spe- and Lindberg 2009) Measurements in intact whole
cifically binds Ca2+ followed by protein interac- plants were made by aequorin luminescence detec-
tion through SOS2 protein kinase. Thereafter, the tion (Knight et al. 1997; Gao et al. 2004; Henriksson
SOS3–SOS2 complex in turn activates the plasma and Henriksson 2005, Tracy et al. 2008). These
membrane Na+/H+ antiporter, the SOS1 protein, studies suggest that the “signature” of [Ca2+]cyt
342 S. Lindberg et al.

Fig. 15.4 A proposed model for calcium signalling under salinity tolerance (Luan et al. 2009). The SOS3, Ca2+ sensor
salinity stress. Salinity stress (both osmotic stress and in the cytosol, reads the changes in calcium level and
ionic toxicity) is perceived in plants at the cell membrane, binds Ca2+. This protein interacts with a SOS2 protein
either extracellular or intracellular by a transmembrane kinase, and then the SOS3–SOS2 complex activates the
protein, or within the cytosol by enzymes (Zhu 2003). SOS1 protein, a plasma membrane Na+/H+-antiporter,
Several osmo-sensors are involved in sensing the osmotic thereby re-establishing the Na+ homeostasis in cells. The
stress (Urao et al. 1999; Reiser et al. 2003; Tamura et al. elevation of [Ca2+]cyt is also detected by CBL10, which in
2003; Boudsocq and Lauriere 2005; Tran et al. 2007; interaction with SOS2 might trigger tonoplast Na+/H+
Wohlbach et al. 2008). Na+ stress is sensed by the SOS antiporter to transport Na+ from the cytosol into the vacu-
pathway (Zhu 2002). The CBL (calcineurin B-like ole. The increase in [Ca2+]cyt can also be perceived by
proteins)–CIPK (CBL-interacting protein kinase) path- CBL1 and CBL9, which then bind to CIPK23 and activate
ways regulate Na+ transport in plants and thus confer the AKT1. This leads to increased K+ uptake into the cell

change, e.g. the amplitude, duration and frequency, [Ca2+]cyt activates different downstream reac-
is very important for transferring of specific down- tions, such as up-regulation or down-regulation of
stream reactions leading to stress tolerance. different genes. The reactions may also change
with the particular stress (Kiegle et al. 2000), the
stress development rate (Plieth et al. 1999; Tracy
7.6 The Signature of Cytosolic et al. 2008; D’Onofrio and Lindberg 2009), pre-
Calcium Differs exposure to the stress (Knight et al. 1997) and the
tissue type (Kiegle et al. 2000; Tracy et al. 2008).
The change in [Ca2+]cyt varies with species, cell Upon application of 100 mM NaCl to root cells of
type or tissue type and also with different tech- Arabidopsis (Cramer and Jones 1996; Halperin
niques used (Cramer and Jones 1996; Kiegle et al. et al. 2003), or to corn root protoplast (Lynch and
2000; Kader et al. 2007; Tracy et al. 2008; Läuchli 1988), a decrease in [Ca2+]cyt was
D’Onofrio and Lindberg 2009). The change in obtained. On the other hand, most studies show an
15 Calcium Signalling in Plant Cells Under Environmental Stress 343

increase in [Ca2+]cyt upon salinity stress (Bittisnich binds to the root apex and inhibits root elongation
et al. 1989; Lynch et al. 1989; Knight et al. 1997; (Ryan et al. 1993; Kochian 1995; Matsumoto
Halfter et al. 2000; Kiegle et al. 2000; Knight 2000; Barcelo and Poschenrieder 2002).
2000; Zhu 2001; Gao et al. 2004; Henriksson and Aluminium affects the transmembrane potential
Henriksson 2005; Kader et al. 2007; D’Onofrio of root cells and inhibits ATPase activities. After
and Lindberg 2009; Kader and Lindberg 2010). cultivation of sugar beets in the presence of low
pH and/or AlCl3, the transmembrane potential,
PD, between the vacuole and external medium,
7.7 Plant Roots and Shoots Signal PDv, of root cells was largely depolarized
Differentially Under Sodium (Lindberg et al. 1991). Since the effect of dinitro-
Toxicity and Osmotic Stress phenol was negligible, it was suggested that Al
interacts with the active component of the PD.
Contrasting results are reported whether osmotic This was confirmed by experiments showing that
stress increases or decreases [Ca2+]cyt (Cramer Al inhibits the plasma membrane ATPase activity
and Jones 1996; Knight et al. 1997; Kiegle et al. (Lindberg and Griffiths 1993) as well as proton
2000; Kader et al. 2007). In Arabidopsis root transport (Matsumoto 1988). Lipid analysis of
cells, osmotic and ionic stresses induced different sugar beet plasma membranes showed that Al
shifts in [Ca2+]cyt and the heterogenous [Ca2+]cyt treatment during cultivation caused an increase in
changes were found only in the root (Tracy et al. the ratio of phosphatidylcholine: phosphatidyle-
2008). Also in experiments with rice and quince thanolamine (Lindberg and Griffiths 1993). The
protoplasts, different [Ca2+]cyt changes were lipid changes correlated with the observed change
induced under sodium and osmotic stresses in the Km for the Mg ATPase, and, hence, it was
(Kader et al. 2007; D’Onofrio and Lindberg concluded that Al could bind to the membrane-
2009). A proposed model for calcium- and pH- bound enzyme and/or modify the lipid environ-
signalling under salinity stress is reviewed in ment. The inhibition of the ATPase activity causes
Kader and Lindberg (2008, 2010). A simplified a reduced uptake of minerals. In the soil, precipi-
model is shown in Fig. 15.4. tation of phosphate with Al causes phosphate
deficiency in plants (Horst et al. 1982). Addition
of low concentrations of Al (10–50 mM) to plant
8 Aluminium and Heavy Metal roots cultivated without Al caused a fast hyperpo-
Stress Signalling in Plants larization of PDv, and of PDc, the membrane
potential across the plasma membrane. A depo-
8.1 Aluminium Toxicity to Plants larization of PDc was obtained at pH 6.5
(Lindberg et al. 1991). At the latter pH, the domi-
Aluminium (Al) toxicity in plants is a serious nant species Al(OH)30 can easily penetrate mem-
factor, limiting crop production in acidic soils branes. Using artificial liposome vesicles it was
and affecting up to 40% of the world’s arable shown that Al uptake was facilitated at neutral
soils (Haug 1984; Foy 1984). When the soil pH pH compared with pH 4 and 5 (Shi and Haug
decreases below 5, Al3+ is dissolved in the soil, 1988). Therefore, toxic effects of Al on plants
causing harmful effects on plant roots. At pH 4, can also occur at a neutral pH. Most of the Al
the dominating species is Al(H2O)3+ while at binds to the cell walls of root epidermal and cor-
higher pH, Al(OH)2+, Al(OH)2+, Al(OH)30 and tical cells (Delhaize et al. 1993) and to the plasma
Al(OH)4− are present, besides sulphate complexes membranes. It can also penetrate the plasma
and polynuclear species (Lindsay 1979).When membrane (Lazof et al. 1994). When Al enters
roots are subjected to Al, they become stunted into a cytosol, it may inhibit cell division in the
and damaged with poor root hair development meristem and cell elongation in the elongation
(Clarkson 1965). The uptake of water and minerals zone (Baluska et al. 1993) probably by binding to
is severely inhibited. At a low pH, Al mainly nucleic acids (Matsumoto et al. 1976).
344 S. Lindberg et al.

8.2 Aluminium Interferes a blockage of calcium channels. Addition of

with Calcium Homeostasis LaCl3 or EGTA also decreased the resting cal-
cium level, and thus inhibited the cell growth.
A disruption of cytosolic calcium homeostasis is The different results from wheat protoplasts and
a primary trigger of Al toxicity. Calcium plays an tobacco cells depend on the different concentra-
important role in cell division and cell expansion. tions of Al used, or that different plant material
For instance, transient changes in the cytosolic reacts differently. However, most investigations
calcium concentration, [Ca2+cyt] have been using other suspension cells, intact root tips, root
observed to accompany the mitotic mechanism hairs, excised whole roots and protoplasts showed
(Hepler 1994). Calcium promotes elongation in an increase in [Ca2+cyt] (Rengel and Zhang 2003).
many plant cells (Takahashi et al. 1992; Levina The source of Ca2+ for increase in [Ca2+cyt] under
et al. 1995) and calcium antagonists can block Al exposure is partly extracellular, likely due to
elongation (Cho and Hong 1995). Sustained gra- flux through DACC and through Ca2+-permeable
dients in Ca2+cyt are necessary for expansion of non-selective cation channels in the plasma mem-
tip-growing plant cells, such as pollen tubes brane (Rengel and Zhang 2003 and references
(Clarkson et al. 1988; Felle and Hepler 1997; therein). Lin et al. (2005) proposed that in
Wymer et al. 1997). A maintained homeostatic Arabidopsis, the AtTPC1 is the only channel,
control is, thus, necessary for cell viability (Bush sensitive to Al. This channel also is responsive to
1995). Aluminium affects the calcium homeosta- ROS and cryptogein, a fungal elicitor protein. It
sis in cell by inhibition of calcium uptake or is believed that intracellular channels in the tono-
efflux (Lindberg 1990). In 1-h experiments with plast and ER participate in the signalling. The lat-
intact sugar beet plants, the metabolic influx of ter channels could be activated by the increase in
Ca2+ and K+(86Rb+), and efflux of 45Ca2+ were [Ca2+cyt]. An Al-related inhibition of the plasma
inhibited in the presence of Al (Lindberg 1990). membrane, endo-membrane Ca2+-ATPases and
Aluminium at a low concentration and low pH Ca2+ exchangers (CaX) are likely to exist. Kawano
can elevate the [Ca2+cyt] (Lindberg and Strid et al. (2003) showed that addition of AlCl3 to
1997). Aluminium may also interact with the tobacco cells triggers the generation of superox-
phosphoinositide signalling pathway. Both AlCl3 ide (O2 −) and that NADPH oxidase was involved
and Al-citrate inhibited the phospholipase C in the production of O2 −and was produced in a
(PLC) action in a dose-dependent manner (Jones dose-dependent way concerning Al concentra-
and Kochian 1995). tion. A fast spike in O2 − generated a gradual
increase in Ca2+cyt. A scavenger of O2 − and a cal-
cium chelator significantly lowered the level of
8.3 Aluminium Induces Cytosolic [Ca2+cyt] increase, indicating, that O2 − stimulates
Calcium Elevation the influx of Ca2+. Moreover, high concentrations
of Al inhibited the [Ca2+cyt] increase. A change
In protoplasts of wheat roots, AlCl3 (80 mM) in [Ca2+cyt] is often connected with a change in
induced immediate and transient oscillations in cytosolic pH (pHcyt) (Kader and Lindberg 2010).
[Ca2+cyt], during 1–2 min in the presence of 0.1, In wheat-root protoplasts, a decrease in pHcyt,
0.2 and 0.5 mM external calcium concentration upon AlCl3 additions was observed (Lindberg
(Lindberg and Strid 1997). No difference in the and Strid 1997). This pH decrease was most obvi-
transients was obtained in the tolerant and sensi- ous in the Al-sensitive cultivar. Membrane poten-
tive wheat cultivar. Different cells may behave tial measurements with intact roots of the same
differently, since the reaction was found in only wheat cultivars showed similar results as with
60% of the protoplasts. Jones et al. (1998) sugar beet roots (Lindberg et al. 1991). Additions
reported an opposite effect of Al on [Ca2+cyt], of AlCl3 both at pH 4 and 5 caused hyperpolar-
using cultured cells of tobacco, BY-2. Upon addition izations, and upon removal of Al depolarizations,
of 200 mM Al, the [Ca2+cyt] decreased, suggesting the final depolarization was found larger in the
15 Calcium Signalling in Plant Cells Under Environmental Stress 345

sensitive cultivar (Lindberg and Strid 1997). As and other trace metals strongly bind to thiol
concluded, the toxic effect of Al on the sensitive groups and thus to cystein-rich proteins (Vallee
cultivar should be related to the larger change in and Ulmer 1972; De Filippis 1979). Cadmium
pH, probably as a result of inhibition of the binding to plasma membrane sulfhydryl (SH)
plasma membrane H+ ATPase. groups could be the reason for cadmium inhibi-
tion of plasma membrane ATPase activity and
mineral uptake in sugar beet roots (Greger and
8.4 Heavy Metal Toxicity Lindberg 1987; Lindberg and Wingstrand 1985;
and Uptake in Plants Greger et al. 1991). Cadmium and copper also
inhibited the plasma membrane ATPase in root
Increased anthropogenic activities have caused cells of cucumber and changed the lipid compo-
rapid release of toxic compounds, such as trace sition of the membrane (Kabata et al. 2008).
elements (including heavy metals and metal- Heavy metals inhibit photosynthesis and growth
loids) into the environment. Within the European (Foy et al. 1978; Vangronsveld and Clijsters
community, the 11 trace elements of highest 1994; Maksymiec et al. 1994; Maksymiec and
concern are arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, Baszynski 1999; Vinit-Dunand et al. 2002;
copper, mercury, manganese, nickel, lead, tin Alaoui-Sossé et al. 2004; Rahman et al. 2005).
and thallium. Some of them, usually called Besides chlorophyll degradation, cadmium along
“heavy metals”, e.g. cadmium, mercury and lead, with lead and mercury has been reported to inter-
pose serious threat to microorganisms, plants, act with light-harvesting proteins of chloroplast’s
animals and humans, while other trace elements thylakoid membranes (Ahmed and Tajmir-Riahi
in low concentrations like zinc, copper and iron 1993). Root growth inhibition in barley was sug-
are essential for normal growth and functioning gested to depend on cadmium-induced water and
of organisms. Their toxicity depends on their oxidative stress (Tamas et al. 2008). Heavy met-
available concentration, efficiency in uptake and als can cause lipid peroxidation of photosynthetic
translocation within the plant (Lindberg and membranes and affect the lipid composition of
Greger 2002). The uptake depends on pH, other the plasma membranes (Chaoui et al. 1997;
ions and chelating agents present, as well as root Quartacci et al. 2001; Nouairi et al. 2006).
microbes. Different trace elements are taken up
and translocated in different ways depending on
species and type of trace element. Cadmium is 8.5 Tolerance Mechanisms
highly mobile in the soil and is easily taken up to Heavy Metals
by the plant roots via active and passive path-
ways (Greger and Lindberg 1986; Hart et al. Plant metal homeostasis must be tightly regulated
1998; Lindberg et al. 2004). Most of the cad- in order to prevent toxic concentrations of non-
mium ions (Cd2+) are bound to the cell wall, but essential metals and also to ensure sufficient
some Cd2+ enters into the cytosol by unspecific micronutrients like Zn, Cu, Fe, etc. (Clemens
cation channels (Perfus-Barbeoch et al. 2002; 2001; Hall 2002). Plants have mechanisms that
Lindberg et al. 2004). enable them to extrude cadmium and other heavy
Cadmium, mercury and lead are considered as metals from the cytosol. Different transporters
non-essential and are potentially toxic because of have been identified such as ATP-binding cas-
their reactivity with S and N atoms in amino acid sette (ABC) and Zinc–Iron-Like Proteins (ZIP)
chains of proteins (Chiang et al. 2006). Heavy (Colangelo and Guerinot 2006; Clemens 2006).
metals also bind to oxygen atoms of membranes, The P-ATPase HMA (heavy metal associated)
or to histidine, tryptophan and tyrosine groups of also plays an important role in allocation and
polypeptides (Maksymiek 1997), interfere with detoxification of heavy metals (Williams and
several metabolic processes and alter the physio- Mills 2005). In Arabidopsis, eight genes belong
logical functions of different enzymes. Cadmium to HMAs (Baxter et al. 2003). Among them the
346 S. Lindberg et al.

HMA1-4 specifically may transport Zn2+/Cd2+/ cadmium to barley seedlings, lipid peroxides
Pb2+/Co2+, while HMA5-8 transports Cu2+, and were formed (Metwally et al. 2003). It was sug-
probably Ag+. In planta, AtHMA1 is expressed at gested that Cd toxicity might be alleviated by
the inner envelope membrane of the chloroplast salicylic acid (SA), a known factor that can block
(Seigneurin-Berny et al. 2006), while AtHMA4 is the jasmonate pathways (Gupta et al. 2000).
expressed in the plasma membrane (Hussein et al. Although many investigations deal with induc-
2004) involved in Zn and Cd xylem loading. The tion of different genes and proteins by heavy met-
AtHMA3 was found to be a vacuolar transporter als (see references in Maksymiek 2007) little
whose overexpression increased the Cd, Pb and information is available about calcium signalling
Zn tolerance (Morel et al. 2009). Besides HMAs, in heavy metal transduction pathways. An
CAX and metal chelators like phytochelatins, increased level of H2O2 can alert plant cells
metallothioneins and organic acids could be against environmental stresses (Lamb and Dixon
important in plant tolerance to heavy metals, 1997; Foyer and Nocter 2003) and may increase
transporting metals into the vacuole (Clemens the antioxidant response by expression of gluta-
2006; Morel et al. 2009). It was found that wheat thione transferase gene through calcium signal-
protoplasts took up more cadmium when added to ling (Rentel and Knight 2004). Calcium and
control than protoplasts from wheat seedlings pre- calcium channels may be involved in Cu2+ toxic-
treated 1 week with 1 mM CaCl3 (Lindberg et al. ity in bean plants (Maksymiec and Baszynski
2007). In the control protoplasts, a H+/Cd2+ anti- 1999). Recent results with protoplasts from
port was suggested at the plasma membrane, but Elodea canadensis showed that addition of low
in the Cd-pretreated protoplasts, a phytochelatins- concentration of CdCl2 induced an increase in
Cd transport was more likely. An ABC transporter both cytosolic and vacuolar pH, followed by a
AtPDR8 is also supposed to be involved in Cd2+ cytosolic calcium increase, and was found to be
efflux at the plasma membrane (Kim et al. 2007). dose dependent (T. Javed, S. Lindberg, M. Greger
2011, unpublished results). Rodriguez-Serrano
et al. (2009) reported that cadmium reduced the
8.6 Heavy Metal Signalling superoxide dismutase (SOD) iso-enzyme activity
in pea plants. They suggested that the down-reg-
Toxic effects of heavy metals on plants depend ulation of SOD could be due to cadmium-induced
on direct effects on membranes, including photo- calcium deficiency. Production of superoxide
synthetic membranes, as well as indirect effects radicals was also prevented by external calcium.
caused by signalling pathways (Maksymiek On the other hand, nitric oxide (NO) production
2007). Jasmonate, ethylene and H2O2 were was strongly reduced by cadmium and treatment
reported to be involved in the signalling pathways with calcium prevented this effect. Therefore,
(Maksymiek 2007, and references therein). they proposed a complicated cross talk between
Investigations showed that trace elements are ROS, NO and calcium.
able to induce oxidative stress in plants (Clijsters
et al. 1999; Unyayar et al. 2006; Sharma and
Dietz 2009). During oxidative stress, increased
concentrations of superoxide anion (O2 −), hydro- 9 Calcium Interactions
gen peroxide (H2O2) and its radical (OH ) are pro- with Hormones in Plants
duced and damage the cellular components. After Under Stress
the first hours of stress, H2O2 can be synthesized
as a result of activation of the NADPH oxidase 9.1 Abscisic Acid
(Foreman et al. 2003) or indirectly, by increased
lipid peroxidation and increased level of jas- ABA is a prime mediator of plant responses to
monate (Maksymiec and Krupa 2002, 2006, cold, drought and salt stresses (Zhu 2002). It has
Metwally et al. 2003). At prolonged exposure of many different functions, including regulation of
15 Calcium Signalling in Plant Cells Under Environmental Stress 347

stomatal closure and activation of gene expression. of Pisum sativum, sucrose efflux was maximally
Many second messengers, such as Ca2+, InsP3 increased at 10−7 M ABA. ABA also increased
and others are involved in ABA-mediated signal- the pHcyt, independent of sucrose concentration
ling. Both ABA-dependent and ABA-independent (Opaskornkul et al. 1999). Not only calcium
pathways are interacting in a complex way. Under changes, but also pH changes are also induced in
drought stress, drought-responsive factors, such the cytosol of plant cells subjected to different
as DREBA2A and ERD1 were identified stresses (Kader and Lindberg 2010).
(Shinozaki and Yamaguchi-Shinozaki 2000,
2007; Yamaguchi-Shinozaki and Shinozaki
2006). InsP3 may act as a negative regulator in 9.2 Jasmonic Acid
the DREB2A drought-signalling pathway (Perera
et al. 2008). ABA-responsive elements, ARBREs, Jasmonic acid (JA) plays an important role in
are present in the promoter of the transcription protecting plants from pathogens or insect attacks,
factors C-repeat/DRE binding factors (CBF or as well as from abiotic stress (Hu et al. 2009).
DREB1), that function as main regulators of abi- Calcium influx, ROS and NO are often involved
otic stress responses (Finkler et al. 2007). These in JA signalling (Besson-Bard et al. 2008; Beligni
findings suggest a direct connection between Ca2+ and Lamattina 2008; Hu et al. 2009). The influx
regulation of transcription and abiotic stress of calcium seemed to be necessary for elicitor-
responses. CAMTAs are Ca2+-dependent CaM- induced JA synthesis and secondary metabolite
binding transcription factors, which may mediate accumulation in cultured ginseng cells (Hu et al.
the binding of CAMTAs to DNA. CAMTA gene 2009). Addition of JA to Arabidopsis leaves
expression in Arabidopsis responds rapidly to could induce an increase in [Ca2+cyt] (Sun et al.
cold, salinity and hormones, such as ABA and 2006). Moreover, JA induced gene expression
jasmonic acid (Yang and Poovaiah 2002). ABA could be mimicked by high concentration of
effects on plant-guard cells have been intensively extracellular Ca2+. It was proposed that the influx
studied. When maize seedlings were subjected to of Ca2+ through a Nif-sensitive channel in the
drought stress, ABA induced calcium increase in plasmalemma may be responsible for the eleva-
the mesophyll and guard cells of the leaves (Ma tion of Ca2+ and the expression of genes encoding
et al. 2009). The increase in calcium concentra- molecules downstream to JA. Increased concen-
tion occurred in cytosol, chloroplasts and nucleus trations of magnesium (Mg) and Ca in the apo-
under PEG treatment, while it decreased in vacu- plast of V. faba leaves significantly enhanced the
oles and intercellular spaces. The calcium eleva- biological activity of systemin (Liu et al. 2005).
tion in the cytosol was ABA dependent and Liu et al. (2005) also showed that addition of Ca
originated from extracellular Ca2+. CaM also par- ionophores, which cause influx of calcium, also
ticipated in ABA signal transduction, since ABA induced accumulation of proteinase inhibitors.
induced changes in Ca2+/CaM concentration. In
Arabidopsis guard cells, ABA induced an increase
in ROS level (Pei et al. 2000). This increase in 9.3 Ethylene
ROS would stimulate ABA-regulated HACC
both in Arabidopsis and Vicia faba guard cells Ethylene concentration increases in plants under
and regulate stomatal closure. It is suggested that stress. Heavy metals, such as Cd, Cu, Fe and Zn
ROS also activate other Ca2+ permeable channels can induce ethylene production (Gora and
(Mori and Schroeder 2004). Staxen et al. (1999) Clijsters 1989; Maksymiek 2007). Ethylene
have shown that phosphoinositide-specific phos- induces stomatal closure by a signalling system
pholipase C can be involved in ABA-induced cal- involving Ca2+ and NO. Treatment of V. faba with
cium oscillations in guard cells. ABA can affect ethephon, an ethylene-released compound, caused
the transport of sucrose from mesophyll cells a time- and dose-dependent stomatal closure.
during apoplastic phloem loading. In protoplasts Ethylene is also involved in epinastic movements.
348 S. Lindberg et al.

The ethylene-induced epinasty of tomato petioles active auxin (Shishova and Lindberg 2004).
was further stimulated by Ca2+ addition (Lee et al. Inhibitor analyses showed that the shift in
2008). Pre-treatment with NPA, an auxin-trans- [Ca2+cyt] could depend on the activation of cal-
port inhibitor prevented the effect by calcium cium channels, i.e. both in the plasma membrane
ions on the petiolar epinasty. Ethylene caused and tonoplast. External calcium also increased
accumulation of Ca2+ towards the lower (abaxial) the sensitivity to auxin. In several investigations,
side of the petioles, opposite to the 14CIAA redis- a simultaneous shift in pHcyt was obtained (Felle
tribution. These results suggest that the gravity- 1988; Irving et al. 1992; Shishova and Lindberg
insensitive ethylene-induced Ca2+ redistribution 1999). Shishova and Lindberg (1999) showed
and accumulation towards the abaxial side are that verapamil, an inhibitor of calcium channels,
closely coupled to the upper (adaxial) auxin blocked the cytosolic acidification, indicating the
redistribution and accumulation and, hereby, to cell response to auxin depends on Ca2+-channel
the epinastic curvature. Addition of ethephon and activation. Receptors for auxin are supposed to
ACC (precursor of ethylene), to tobacco proto- be located both at the plasma membrane and
plasts, activated the plasma membrane channels intracellular. A soluble receptor, the F-box trans-
permeable to Ca2+, Mg2+ and Ba2+ (Zhao et al. port inhibitor resistant 1 (TIR1) protein in the
2007). Ethephon also modified the calcium sig- nucleus was discovered (Dharmasiri et al. 2005;
nalling in the cytoplasm induced by herbivores Kepinski and Leyser 2005). For the plasma mem-
(Arimura et al. 2008). This was necessary for brane receptor, two models have been proposed:
both JA and terpene biosynthesis. Thus, elevation either the receptor includes a protein kinase or it
of [Ca2+cyt] is supposed to be an important com- is connected with a G-protein. Based on the
ponent in ethylene signalling in plants. Ludwig found auxin-induced reactions, such as changes
et al. (2005) found an ethylene-mediated cross- in membrane potential, shifts in cytosolic con-
talk between CDPKs and mitogen-activated pro- centrations of Ca2+ and pH as well as increase in
tein kinases (MAPKs) in response to stress in cell sensitivity to auxin by external calcium, a
tobacco. third model was also proposed (Shishova and
Lindberg 2010). This model suggests that an
associative domain of the ABP1 protein is closely
9.4 Auxin and Calcium Signalling connected with the calcium-permeable ion chan-
nel. Little is known about the mechanisms of
Auxin, an important plant hormone, regulates the integrating auxin effects on growth and stress
growth of plant and development. Early investi- responses. However, it was recently shown that
gations showed that auxin induces elongation the calmodulin-binding transcription activator
growth and causes oscillating kinetics of the 1 (CAMTA 1) is involved in auxin signalling
transmembrane potential, starting with an imme- and responds to stress (Galon et al. 2010a).
diate depolarization, and then changing to a The expression pattern of CAMTA1 changed
hyperpolarization (Cleland et al. 1977; Poovaiah significantly and differentially on exposure of
and Reddy 1987; Cho and Hong 1996; Polevoi Arabidopsis to high salt concentration and heat.
et al. 1996 and others). Auxin addition to maize-
coleoptile cells showed a rapid elevation in
[Ca2+cyt] within the first 3–5 min (Felle 1988). 9.5 Gibberellins
Later on, similar reactions were found in maize
roots, parsley hypocotyls, wheat and maize pro- Calcium is also involved in gibberellin signal-
toplasts (Gehring et al. 1990; Shishova and ling. The homeostasis of gibberellins (GAs) in
Lindberg 2004, 2010; Shishova et al. 2007). In plant cells is maintained by a negative-feedback
wheat protoplasts, calcium elevation occurred regulation. A transcriptional activator (RSG,
within 5–10 s after addition of 1-naphthyl acetic Repression of Shoot Growth) is suggested to take
acid (1-NAA), a synthetic and physiologically part in the feedback mechanism causing RSG
15 Calcium Signalling in Plant Cells Under Environmental Stress 349

and regulating genes coding GA biosynthetic bacteria in a process called nitrogen fixation. The
enzymes (Nakata et al. 2009). A 14-3-3 signal- microsymbiont is hosted in special organs, called
ling protein negatively regulates RSG by moving root nodules, and are developed on the plant roots
into the cytoplasm in response to GAs. A phos- upon infection (reviewed by Mylona et al.
phorylation is necessary for binding of 14-3-3 to 1995).
RSG. It was found that a CDPK promoted the Two types of root-nodule symbiosis are
binding. This CDPK decodes the Ca2+ signal pro- known: symbiosis between legumes and gram-
duced by GAs. negative, unicellular soil bacteria, called rhizo-
bia, and between actinorhizal plants (of the order
Fagales and Cucurbitales) and gram-positive
10 Biotic Stress Signalling actinomycetes of the genus Frankia (reviewed by
Sprent 2006). Less information is available on
Pathogens, as well as symbiotic microorganisms the actinorhizal, than on legume–rhizobia sym-
induce Ca2+ signals in plant cells; however, the biosis. In the legume–rhizobia interaction, the
defence responses obtained can be both activated plant secretes flavonoid compounds from the
and suppressed by the signals. This suggests that roots and induces the expression of rhizobial
Ca2+-responsive, but antagonistic, signalling nodulation (nod) genes. The Nod genes encode
mechanisms are present (Dodd et al. 2010). proteins involved in the rhizobial signal transduc-
Molecules with microbe-associated molecular tion, such as Nod factors, which induce deforma-
patterns, called MAMPs, can cause both cytoso- tion of plant roots, plant gene expression and
lic and nuclear calcium increases, but the signals nodule development. Most terrestrial plants
may be more prolonged in the nucleus. Lecourieux (80%) can also establish a symbiosis with a fun-
et al. (2005) found the Ca2+ elevations induced by gus of the phylum Glomeromycota (Parniske
harpin, in cell cultures from tobacco cells, con- 2008). Such symbiosis is an advantage to the
tinued for 5 min in the cytosol and for 150 min in plant, since the mychorrhiza increases the avail-
the nucleus. Calcium was mobilized from both ability and uptake of soil nitrogen and phospho-
extracellular (apoplast) and intracellular (vacuole rus into the plant. For the establishment of
or ER) stores. It was reported that MAMP- mycorrhiza, diffusible fungal signal factors, so-
induced Ca2+ signals caused activation of SA and called Myc factors must be recognized by the
mitogen- and wound-activated protein kinases plant. Both Myc and Nod factors are representa-
(Lecourieux et al. 2005; Ma and Berkowitz 2007). tives of lipochito-oligosaccharides (Denarie et al.
Usually Ca2+ increase encodes stimulus-specific 2010) and play a great role of the signalling sys-
information, but MAMP-induced signals cause tem for development of nodules and mycorrhizal
similar defence responses irrespective of the type infection (Kosuta et al. 2008; Oldroyd and
of elicitor (Ma and Berkowitz 2007 and refer- Downie 2008). Kosuta et al. (2008) suggested
ences within). Moreover, Du et al. (2009) found that in legume plants, at least seven common pro-
the Ca2+ signals may also suppress the teins mediate infection by both mycorrhizal fungi
SA-mediated gain of systemic acquired resis- and rhizobial bacteria. For instance in Medicago
tance. When the Ca2+/CaM complex binds to the truncatula, the proteins DMI1, DMI2 and DMI3
transcription activator CAMTA, EDS1 (enhanced are necessary for both types of symbiosis signal-
disease susceptibility 1) is repressed. As EDS1 ling. In symbiotic signalling, cytosolic calcium
functions as a positive regulator of resistance and changes are supposed to be linked to nuclear cal-
SA levels, Ca2+ signals in this case repress the cium changes by a complicated system (Oldroyd
resistance mechanisms. Calcium also plays an and Downie 2006). Two receptor-like kinases at
important role in the symbiosis between a plant the plasma membrane, NFR1 and NFR5, are
and a microorganism. Since atmospheric nitro- required for Nod-factor perception (Madsen et al.
gen, N2, cannot be used by the plant, it needs to 2003) and an equivalent receptor-like kinase is
be converted to ammonia by certain prokaryotic supposed to exist for Myc factors. A third kinase
350 S. Lindberg et al.

could also function in a common symbiotic path- stresses investigated. Calcium signalling is very
way (Endre et al. 2002; Limpens et al. 2003). The complex and takes place not only in the cytosol,
phosphorylations at the plasma membrane fol- but also in the nucleus, mitochondrion and ER.
lowing Nod factor recognition must be linked to The specific “signature” of calcium, such as
the induction of calcium changes associated with duration, frequency and amplitude of calcium
the nucleus (Oldroyd and Downie 2006). The concentration changes is important for the down-
secondary messenger involved so far is unknown, stream reactions. Plants have many different cal-
but could be a product of phospholipase C and D cium sensor proteins, such as CaM, CaM-binding
(PLC and PLD). The perception of Nod and Myc proteins, CDPKs and phosphatases, annexins, as
factors at receptors in legume roots induces cal- well as CaM-like and calcineurin-like proteins.
cium oscillations, but the frequencies of the They exist in the cell as free proteins or bound to
spikes differ depending on the elicitor factor membranes. Some of these proteins are “buffer”
(Kosuta et al. 2008). Kosuta and co-workers protein, that is, they regulate the free calcium
showed that Nod factors induced calcium spiking concentration, others are so-called trigger pro-
during longer periods and with higher amplitude teins, which are activated by calcium binding and
than the mycorrhizal spiking. It is interesting that in turn activate other proteins. Calcium and CAM
in both cases, the oscillation was chaotic in can also activate transcription factors and are
nature, that is, deterministic and predictable supposed to be involved in stress-related gene
(Casdagli 1992), as shown by the Lyapunov expression.
method and other mathematical analyses (Kantz In most stress reactions investigated so far, the
and Schreiber 1997). Chaos is not common in change in calcium concentration is connected
biological systems, but may provide a mecha- with a change in pHcyt. The pH change differs in
nism for flexibility (Kosuta et al. 2008). Chaotic salt-tolerant and -sensitive cultivars or species,
systems can produce variable responses with very but the reason for this is unknown. More infor-
little energetic input. mation is needed about pH changes in plant cells
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were shown to under various stresses since the proteins and
induce calcium signalling in the host plant enzymes in the downstream reactions are pH
(Navazio et al. 2007). A difference in amplitude sensitive.
and frequency of calcium oscillations has been Even if there is considerable knowledge about
linked to differences in gene expression and enzy- the tolerance mechanisms and gene expression
matic activities in several systems (Kummer et al. under different types of stress, the nature of the
2005). For nodule development and mycorrhizal sensors for different stresses is still enigmatic and
association, an activation of CCaMK (calcium– needs clarification. Further research should also
calmodulin activated kinase) is necessary and the focus on the complex signalling system in differ-
different outcome could depend on the difference ent compartments of a cell and how they interact
in calcium oscillations (Kosuta et al. 2008). A sus- with each other.
tained high cytosolic calcium concentration leads
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Role of H2O2 as Signaling
Molecule in Plants 16
M.A. Matilla-Vázquez and A.J. Matilla

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is continuously produced as a by-product of
oxidative plant aerobic metabolism. It plays a dual role in cells. Under
normal conditions, H2O2 acts as a key regulator of many biological
processes because H2O2 have been identified as an important second
messenger in signal transduction networks. On the other hand, H2O2 is a
sharp oxidant triggering cell damages or even death during oxidative
stress. Therefore, cellular “redox homeostasis” is tightly regulated by H2O2
production and scavenging. In these processes a great number of genes are
involved. Organelles with a high oxidizing metabolic activity or with an
intense rate of electron flow, such as chloroplasts, mitochondria, or peroxi-
somes are major sources of H2O2 production. However, its notable
apoplastic production by means of a plasmalemma NADPH-oxidase must
be taken in account. H2O2, interacting with thiol-containing proteins, can
modulate the activities of many components in signaling, such as protein
kinases, protein phosphatases, or transcription factors. Moreover, the H2O2
cascade can result in the downstream activation of Ca2+ channels, which
may be the central step in many H2O2-mediated processes. All these sum-
marized alterations trigger the regulation of important processes like gene
expression, elongation growth, ABA-mediated stomatal closure, pro-
grammed cell death, defense against pathogens, seed dormancy, and ger-
mination. The molecular mechanisms by which these processes are affected
by H2O2 signaling have not been completely clarified. Here, we describe
several aspects of H2O2 production, scavenging and gene regulation, and
cross-talk with ABA and ethylene during plant growth and development.

A.J. Matilla ()

Departamento de Fisiología Vegetal, Facultad de
Farmacia, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC),
15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain
M.A. Matilla-Vázquez
Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge,
Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB2 1QW, UK

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 361
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_16,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
362 M.A. Matilla-Vázquez and A.J. Matilla

H2O2 • Production • Scavenging • Signaling • Transcription factors • Plant
interactions • Plant growth

effects. Under abiotic (e.g., drought, salinity,

1 Introduction flooding, heat, and cold) and biotic stresses
(Gechev et al. 2006; Gadjev et al. 2008; Miller
The evolution of oxygen (O2) metabolism in et al. 2008), the overproduction of ROS can
higher plants led to the production of reactive overcome the antioxidant systems (scavenging
oxygen species (ROS) in the organelles involved mechanisms) resulting in oxidative damage of
in this aerobic process (mitochondria, chloro- lipids, sugars, proteins, and nucleic acids. In
plasts, and peroxisomes) (Apel and Hirt 2004; some cases, the inactivation of specific targets
Slesak et al. 2007; Corpas et al. 2009). ROS loss of physiological functions takes place,
appear under physiological conditions and they thereby leading to cell death (Gadjev et al. 2008).
are highly reactive molecules that can disturb It became clear that ROS play a dual role in plants
membranes and other cellular components. as toxic compounds as well as key regulators of
Hence, it is important to remove these toxic mol- many biological processes such as growth, cell
ecules from cells to prevent stress-induced inju- cycle, hormone signaling, biotic and abiotic cell
ries. The plants possess a complex battery of responses, programmed cell death (PCD), and
antioxidant defense systems to regulate ROS pro- plant development (Apel and Hirt 2004; Miller
duction with beneficial effects. ROS are gener- et al. 2008; Corpas et al. 2009). In the last decade,
ated in the cells by several enzymatic reactions H2O2 has been identified as an important second
and electron transport systems (Fig. 16.1). The messenger in signal transduction network of
ROS includes superoxide (O2●−), hydroxyl (HO ) plants. Here, the latest data related to H2O2
radicals, singlet oxygen (1O2), and hydrogen per- signaling are described and summarized.
oxide (H2O2). HO● has indiscriminate reactivity
towards biological molecules, whereas O2●− and
H2O2 have preferential biological targets. Plants 2 Chemical Properties of H2O2
have an abundance of antioxidant defense sys-
tems to regulate their production with beneficial In aqueous solution, O2●− is moderately reactive,
but it can generate H2O2 by dismutation. The
H2O2 belongs to non-radical ROS, carries no net
charge, is the only ROS species that is stable in
solution (cellular half-life ~1 ms, steady-state
levels ~10−7 M), and it can diffuse across biologi-
cal membranes making H2O2 fit for signaling.
Diffusion of H2O2 might be modulated by changes
in lipid membrane permeability or by transport
through aquaporins (Bienert et al. 2006). Its
toxicity is essentially the consequence of its
reduction to HO● by metal-catalyzed Fenton
chemistry. H2O2 is actually a poor oxidant
that reacts mildly with [Fe-S] (rate constant
of 102–103 M−1 s−1), it loosely binds metals
Fig. 16.1 Sequence of electron transfer reactions at the (103–104 M−1 s−1), and it also reacts with methion-
O2 molecule ine residues (102 M−1 s−1). In contrast, its reactivity
16 Role of H2O2 as Signaling Molecule in Plants 363

Fig. 16.2 Oxidation by

H2O2 of containing Cys

towards Cys residues can significantly increase H2O2 production requires a continuous Ca2+ entry
to 10–106 M−1 s−1 depending on the protein envi- to activate the plasmalemma-localized NADPH-
ronment (D’Autréaux and Toledano 2007). oxidase, leading to Ca2+-dependent cellular
Sulfur-mediated nucleophilic attack of the perox- responses resulting from anion and K+ exit. This
ide O–O bond by the Cys thiol group (−SH) leads fate was also confirmed by the administration of
to H2O2 release and formation of sulphenic acid Ca2+ inhibitors which prevent increases of cytosolic
(−SOH). The –SOH is highly reactive, its stabil- Ca2+ concentration. Under these conditions, the
ity is influenced by the availability of a proximal accumulation of endogenous H2O2 was prevented.
nitrogen to form a sulphenamide or by the pres- H2O2 is produced by means of the following
ence of H2O2, which further oxidizes it to form reactions:
sulphinic (−SO2H) or sulphonic (−SO3H) acids
O2 • − + 2H + → H 2 O2 + O2
(Spadaro et al. 2010) (Fig. 16.2).
O 2•− + H + + XH 2 → H 2 O 2 + XH
(X ≡ reductant molecule)
3 Production of H2O2 by Plants
That is, H2O2 production is related to the
Close to 1% of O2 consumed by plants is diverted synthesis of O2●−. However, glycolate, glucose,
to produce ROS in various subcellular sites amino-acid, and sulfite oxidases also release
(Bhattachrjee 2005). The multiple sites and H2O2 following the oxidation of their respective
sources of ROS production increase its complex- substrates. Moreover, cell wall (CW)-bound per-
ity. The endogenous concentration of H2O2 is oxidases and oxalate, amine and plasmalemma
reported in a wide margin, ranging from nmol to NADPH-oxidases are other enzymatic sources of
several hundred mmol/gFW. Plant tissues can tol- O2●− and H2O2. Peroxisomes, mitochondria, and
erate high concentrations of H2O2 in the range of chloroplasts are cellular compartments involved
102–105 mM. Normally, H2O2 generation is often in H2O2 production (Mittler et al. 2004). It is esti-
maintained at a constant basal level in healthy mated that the chloroplast/peroxisome system
cells, but their levels increase transiently or generates about 90% of the total H2O2 in the pho-
persistently in response to stress (Desikan et al. tosynthetically active plant cell. Excess H2O2
2003; Apel and Hirt 2004). Although it was pre- leads to oxidative stress and it is capable to cause
viously hypothesized that H2O2 produced intrac- injury to cells. For that reason, during the course
ellularly diffuses to other cells, it now appears of evolution plants were able to achieve a high
more probable that intracellularly produced H2O2 degree of control over H2O2 accumulation. It is
is consumed quickly and locally, and that extra- suggested that the tolerance of plants to high
cellular metabolism uses H2O2 produced extra- H2O2 levels is due to the fact that plant antioxi-
cellularly. Transmembrane movements of H2O2 dant response systems are designed more for the
(e.g., from the apoplast to the cytosol) probably control of the cellular redox state than for com-
involve aquaporins (Bienert et al. 2007). The plete elimination of H2O2.
364 M.A. Matilla-Vázquez and A.J. Matilla

Table 16.1 H2O2 (nmol mg−1 protein) production in Table 16.2 Peroxisomal enzymes involved in the H2O2
different plant organelles production
Chloroplast Mitochondria Peroxisomes Fatty acid degredation
1.79 1.30 2.81 Short chain acyl-CoA oxidase
For more details see Corpas et al. (2009) Medium chain acyl-CoA oxidase
Long chain acyl-CoA oxidase
Glycolate oxidase
Purine metabolism
Urate oxidase
Xanthine oxidoreductase
Catalase (CAT)
Ascorbate–glutathione cycle
Ascorbate peroxidase (APX)
Sarcosine oxidase
Sulfite oxidase
With the exception of APX (membrane-bound), all
enzymes have been found in the peroxisomal matrix

Fig. 16.3 Generation of H2O2 as a consequence of plant

peroxisomal metabolism. CA catalase, Cyt-b cytochrome-b,
SOD forms are induced with different kinetics
MDAR mono-dehydro-ascorbate reductase, SOD super-
oxide dismutase, XOD xanthine oxidase. For details see during sustained stress conditions. The presence
Corpas et al. (2009) in peroxisomes of Cu/Zn-SOD was unequivoca-
bly demonstrated. However, the genes encoding
this peroxisome Cu/Zn-SOD have not yet been
identified. Other peroxisome enzymes involved
3.1 Peroxisomes (Glyoxisomes) in the H2O2 production are included in Table 16.2
(Corpas et al. 2009). On the other hand, the
Peroxisomes are one of the main sites for the uricase or urate oxidase, essential in the plant
generation of H2O2 due to an essentially oxidative catabolism of purines, catalyzes the oxidation of
type of metabolism (Table 16.1). The H2O2 pro- uric acid to allantoin with the concomitant gen-
duction is mainly through the photorespiration eration of H2O2. Under physiological conditions,
and fatty acid b-oxidation pathways. At least two the peroxisomal level of H2O2 and O2●− are
sites of O2●− generation were demonstrated in the controlled by catalase (CAT) and ascorbate
peroxisome (Fig. 16.3): (1) in the matrix by peroxidase (APX) and by SOD, respectively. In
means of xanthine oxidase (XOD), which cata- peroxisomes/glyoxisomes, CAT predominates,
lyzes the oxidation of xanthine and hypoxanthine but its properties suggest that the enzyme is inef-
to uric acid and it is a well-known producer of ficient to remove low concentrations of H2O2.
O2●−; and (2) in the organelle membranes being Taken together all the disposable data on the
dependent on NAD(P)H (Corpas et al. 2009). H2O2-producing peroxisomal b-oxidation of fatty
The superoxide dismutase (SOD) is a metalloen- acids, they strongly suggest that any type of plant
zyme that catalyzes the synthesis of H2O2 follow- stress inducing the peroxisomal production of
ing the reaction: O2●− + O2 + 2H+ → H2O2 + O2. The O2●− and ●NO radicals inhibits the CAT and APX
SOD is an important enzymatic component of a activities and, perhaps, increases the level of
defense mechanism that protects cells from the H2O2 by enhancing the peroxisomal fatty acid
damaging action of O2●− radicals. The various b-oxidation.
16 Role of H2O2 as Signaling Molecule in Plants 365

Fig. 16.4 Generation and scavenging of H2O2 in plant oxidation, peroxisomes and glyoxisomes, respectively,
cells. APX ascorbate (AsA) peroxidase, CAT catalase, Fd produce large amounts of H2O2 which is rapidly scav-
ferredoxine, GR glutathione reductase, GSSG-oxidized enged by CAT. The movement of H2O2 between different
glutathione, GSH-reduced glutathione, MDA monodehy- cellular compartments is facilitated by peroxoporins (spe-
droascorbate, MDHAR MDA-reductase, SOD superoxide cialized aquaporins). The excess of H2O2 leaking into
dismutase. Chloroplastic H2O2 is detoxified by APX with cytosol from different compartments is metabolized by
the AsA as an electron donor and transformed in GSH by various peroxidases or may eventually be transported
means of the intervention of GR and DHAR activities, and detoxified into the vacuole. Adapted from Gechev
respectively. During photorespiration and fatty acid et al. (2006)

3.2 Mitochondria appears to be the major site of mitochondrial

H2O2 production. A plant mitochondrial-specific
In the dark or in non-photosynthetic tissues, Mn-SOD is involved in the formation of H2O2
mitochondria can be the major source of ROS from O2●− produced in two complex of the elec-
comparing with chloroplasts and peroxisomes tron transport chain (ETC), NAD(P)H dehydro-
(Rhoads et al. 2006). The mitochondrial contri- genase and cytochrome bc1, respectively.
bution in H2O2 generation in plant cells under
light conditions requires further study since pho-
tosynthesis and respiration in the light are strongly 3.3 Chloroplasts
interdependent. About 1–5% of mitochondrial O2
consumption leads to H2O2 production (Moller Much of the ROS generated in photosynthetic
2001). The plant mitochondria have five H2O2- plant cells is produced in chloroplasts which are
generating enzymes that exist only in plants (i.e., notable sites of H2O2 production as a by-product
one alternative oxidase and four NADPH dehy- of the reduction of O2 (Fig. 16.4). Chloroplasts
drogenases assembled to flavoproteins). During produce singlet O2 from the excited triplet state
respiration, H2O2 production is carried out in the of chlophyll (photosystem II) and O2●− in the
NADH dehydrogenase complex (CI) and in the Mehler reaction (photosystem I). As in the mito-
ubiquinol-cytochrome bc1 complex (CIII), chondria, H2O2 generation in chloroplasts is also
respectively. In CIII, which is inhibited by KCN, linked to the ETC (pseudocyclic electron flow).
it takes place the conversion of O2 → O2●− and it In PSI, under limiting conditions the availability
366 M.A. Matilla-Vázquez and A.J. Matilla

of NADP or in situations of overloading of the reductase during deoxyribonucleotide synthesis

ETC, a part of the electron flow is diverted from and various other oxidases induced by biotic and
ferredoxin to O2, and the O2●− can be produced abiotic stresses (Foreman et al. 2003; Gechev
via a Mehler reaction. There seems to be a con- et al. 2006). Interestingly, Rops (Rho-like small
sensus that the Mehler reaction acts as an alterna- G-proteins) signaling have an important role in
tive sink for an excess of electrons, generated regulating H2O2 production, potentially via
during excess excitation energy stress. Currently, NADPH-oxidase (Neill et al. 2002). The O2
this reaction is considered as the primary and the deprivation was found to activate Rop signaling
most powerful source of H2O2/ROS in chloro- that in turn activates NADPH-oxidase. This fate
plasts (Logan et al. 2006). In the stroma side of the was attenuated by H2O2-induction of RopGAP
membrane, O2●− is spontaneously dismutated to gene expression that leads to the deactivation of
H2O2 by Cu/Zn-SOD. On the other hand, is known Rop (Neill et al. 2002).
that the acceptor side of PSII also provides sides
(AA, QB) with electron leakage to O2 producing 3.4.2 Cytoplasm
O2●− (Quan et al. 2008). Besides exercising its The cytosol cannot be regarded as the major
signaling function in the chloroplast, H2O2 can be source of H2O2 in plant cells, but it may act as a
secreted from it and elicit signaling in the cytosol, sink for H2O2 leaking from other cellular compart-
elsewhere in the cell or even systematically. Thus, ments. The function of cytosol-generated H2O2 is
H2O2 may play an important role as initiator or not understood. The ETC associated with the
transducer of signals from chloroplast to the endoplasmic reticulum is the main source of H2O2/
nucleus in response to environmental factors ROS, where reduced forms of cytochrome P450
(Gálvez-Valdivieso and Mullineaux 2010). and cytochrome P450 reductase that are involved
in oxidation and hydroxylation processes.
Likewise, cytochrome b5 and cytochrome b5
3.4 Other Sites Producing H2O2 reductase that are engaged in fatty acid desatura-
tion, donate electrons to O2 producing O2●−, and a
3.4.1 Plasmalemma and Cell-Wall cytosolic form of SOD can convert O2●− to H2O2.
CW-associated peroxidases as well as plasmalemma-
bound NADPH-oxidases are the main O2●− and 4 Scavenging of H2O2
H2O2 producing apoplastic enzymes which are
regulated by various developmental and environ- In plant cells, enzymes and redox metabolites act
mental stimuli. The NADPH-dependent oxidase in synergy to carry out H2O2 scavenging. Plant
system (rboh, respiratory burst oxidase homo- antioxidant enzymes together with ROS-
logue) has received further attention. It catalyzes producing enzymes constitute a highly sophisti-
the production of O2●− by one-electron reduction cated and redundant network, which in
of O2 using NADPH as the electron donor (Apel Arabidopsis thaliana consist of at least 289 genes
and Hirt 2004). Genes of rboh have been cloned (Gechev et al. 2006). This network maintains
from several plant species (Desikan et al. 2003). ROS homeostasis in all cellular compartments and
The O2●− is most likely located in the CW apo- regulates the adjustment of ROS levels according
plastic space and is converted either spontane- to the cellular need at a particular time (Fig. 16.4).
ously or by extracellular SOD to H2O2. The role SODs are the only plant enzymes capable of
of H2O2 and other ROS in CW apoplast should scavenging O2●−, whereas high concentrations of
not only be limited to defense responses, but their H2O2 can be catabolized directly by CATs or with
primary role is in the regulation of the synthesis the help of various reductants like APXs, gluta-
of CW components (e.g., lignin). On the other thione peroxidases (GPXs), and guaicol peroxi-
hand, O2●− and H2O2 are also produced by dases. The balance between SOD and the different
XOD during purine catabolism, ribonucleotide H2O2-scavenging enzymes in cells is considered
16 Role of H2O2 as Signaling Molecule in Plants 367

to be crucial in determining the steady-state level sisting of three genes (CAT1, CAT2, CAT3)
of O2●− and H2O2. APX has a high affinity for encoding individual subunits that associate to
H2O2 and it is probably the most important H2O2- form at least six isoenzymes. Furthermore,
scavenging enzyme produced in chloroplasts; peroxisomal CAT2 and CAT3 show circadian
this enzyme is also present in cytoplasm, peroxi- regulation (Du et al. 2008). On the other hand,
somes, and mitochondria (Narendra et al. 2006). a genetic system that controls H2O2 levels with
Likewise, by combining APX with glutathione the involvement of CAT has been identified
reductase (GR), H2O2 can also be removed by and described in Arabidopsis (Mateo et al.
redox reactions promoted by glutathione (GSH), 2004, 2006). A network of at least 152 genes
hence preventing cell damage. Lipid-soluble is involved in managing the level of H2O2
antioxidants like ascorbate (AsA; vitamin C), (Mittler et al. 2004). Transcriptome analysis
GSH, tocopherol (vitamin E), and carotenoids of CAT-deficient plants demonstrated that
are non-enzymatic antioxidants that contribute to perturbation of the H2O2-scavenging capacity
ROS homeostasis in plants (Dellapenna and significantly affects nuclear gene expression
Pogson 2006; Gechev et al. 2006). Since GSH (Queval et al. 2007). Likewise, in response to
appears in plant cells in millimolar concentra- H2O2, 349 transcripts were significantly
tions, it is regarded as the key determinant of the induced (upregulated) and 88 were repressed
cellular redox state. GSH levels, redox status, and (downregulated) in the above CAT-deficient
biosynthesis can regulate the expression of a plants (Vanderauwera et al. 2005). A detailed
large number of genes including the antioxidant description on photorespiratory H2O2-depen-
defense system and the pathogenesis-related 1 dent gene expression is reported by
(PR1) gene (Ball et al. 2004). Taking it all Vanderauwera et al. (2009).
together, all cellular compartments are well 2. Ascorbate peroxidase catalyzes in distinct cell
equipped with antioxidant enzymes and antioxi- compartments the electron transfer from AsA
dants. However, when this local antioxidant to H2O2 to render dehydroascorbate and H2O.
capacity cannot cope with ROS production, H2O2 APX is the main enzyme responsible for H2O2
can leak into cytosol and diffuse to other com- removal in the chloroplast, peroxisome, and
partments, for example, vacuoles (Bienert et al. mitochondria. Expression of genes for the
2006). Vacuoles are enriched in flavonoids, AsA, cytosolic APX1 and APX2 is controlled, at
and GSH, whereas the peroxidases are localized least in part, at the chloroplast level. The activ-
at the tonoplast inner surface. The main scaveng- ity of APXs is thought to form a second bar-
ing enzymes are described below. rier of defense against H2O2/ROS produced in
1. Catalase was the first antioxidant enzyme the chloroplasts (Chang et al. 2004). Recently,
found in peroxisomes (2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2). It it has been reported that H2O2-mediated inac-
degrades H2O2 without any reducing power tivation of two chloroplastic peroxidases, APX
and it is active only at relatively high H2O2 and 2-cys peroxiredoxin, and it is discussed
concentrations. Thus, lower H2O2 levels are how the chloroplast become susceptible to
eliminated by APX and other peroxidases with H2O2 damage (Kiitajima 2008; Tripathi et al.
the aid of various reductants like AsA and 2009). It has also been described that the over-
GSH. CAT is of enormous importance for reg- expression of APX in barley peroxisomal
ulating H2O2 homeostasis, as it can function as membrane increases the tolerance to heat
a cellular sink for H2O2. CAT is tightly regu- stress, whereas the Arabidopsis peroxisomal
lated at transcriptional and translational levels APX is essential for plant growth and devel-
and in plants CAT is encoded by a multigene opment (Narendra et al. 2006).
family. Therefore, two genes in cotton, three in 3. Glutathione reductase (GR) catalyzes the
maize, and five in pea were described (Gechev reduction of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) to
et al. 2006; Corpas et al. 2009). In Arabidopsis, glutathione (GSH). This ubiquitous enzyme is
CAT is encoded by a multigene family con- a component of the AsA–GSH cycle (AGC)
368 M.A. Matilla-Vázquez and A.J. Matilla

that controls the cellular level of H2O2 (Foyer signal. In order to H2O2 as a specific signaling
and Noctor 2005). The peroxisomal isoform molecule, its cellular alterations must be tightly
of GR has been characterized, but the gene perceived. To start the H2O2 signaling process it
encoding it has not yet been identified is necessary that a concrete protein specifically
(Romero-Puertas et al. 2006). Other compo- recognize H2O2, or alternatively a direct chemical
nent of AGC is the monodehydroascorbate interaction exist to propagate the H2O2 signal.
reductase (MDAR) which catalyzes the reac- The first possibility is unlikely due to the small
tion: monodehydroAsA + NAD(P)H → AsA + size of H2O2. One likely mechanism for cells to
NAD(P)+. In Arabidopsis it has been shown perceive H2O2 was proposed by Hancock et al.
that the membrane-bound MDAR4, compo- (2006). In this sense, mechanism should involve
nent of the AsA-dependent electron transfer H2O2-dependent protein modifications. H2O2 can
system, is necessary to detoxify H2O2 directly interact with Cys residues within pro-
(Eastmond 2007). In relation to GR, the GSH teins. This modification of –SH groups is the key
peroxidase (GPX) uses GSH to reduce H2O2, to H2O2 perception since it could alter protein
thereby protecting cells against oxidative conformation, affecting their activity and there-
damage. In plants, GPX exist in the cytosol to fore initiating subsequent cellular responses
reduce H2O2 to H2O. However, its ability to (Foyer and Noctor 2005; Hancock et al. 2006). If
scavenge H2O2 decrease due to its Cys residue two –SH groups are present in a specific protein,
without selenium. Therefore, the major func- the formation of a S–S bridge could be a possible
tions of GPX are lignin biosynthesis, resis- mechanism for protein conformational changes
tance to pathogens, and degradation of involving functional alterations. Alternatively,
indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). single –SH groups can be oxidized and reversal
oxidation carried out under reducing conditions,
for example, in the presence of GSH or thiore-
5 H2O2 Signaling doxin (TRXH). Many cellular and extracellular
proteins are potential targets of such oxidative
Oxidants utilized in cellular signaling must modification.
exhibit specificity for their target substrate.
Furthermore, the given redox-based modification
must be reversible to ensure signal transduction 5.1 H2O2 Signal Perception
and is transient rather than constitutive. H2O2,
O2−, and NO execute Cys-based modifications The first genes involved in ROS perception and
that are substrates-specific and generally revers- signal transduction have been identified (Lee et al.
ible (D’Autréaux and Toledano 2007). The rela- 2007; Vanderauwera et al. 2009). However, it still
tive stability, rapid turnover, and higher remains to be identified a cell surface protein that
concentrations of H2O2 in plant cells could point acts as H2O2 sensor. In contrast, two possible H2O2
to the fact that H2O2 plays a key role as a signal sensor candidates exist in the cytosol (e.g., glycer-
transduction factor. Nowadays, there are many aldehide-3-P-dehydrogenase) and the endoplas-
reports indicating that H2O2 is a cellular compo- mic reticulum (ethylene receptor), respectively.
nent at physiological conditions. However, signal Miller and Mittler (2006) have argued that heat-
molecules are usually present in very low con- shock transcription factors are the molecular sen-
centrations. Therefore, it is thought that H2O2 is sors of ROS and their complexity, flexibility, and
not only a signaling molecule, but also plays a specialty allow them to control the expression of a
key role in primary plant metabolism. Although wide range of stress-response genes, not only
H2O2 is a signal molecule affecting transcriptome, those involving in heat shock. But confirmation of
it is not clear whether H2O2 is actually the signal this possibility has not been carried out.
per se, or whether oxidation of other molecules 1. Glyceraldehide-3-P-dehydrogenase (GAPDH):
by H2O2 is needed to generate an intracellular using the 5-iodoacetamide fluorescein (IAF)
16 Role of H2O2 as Signaling Molecule in Plants 369

methodology is possible to mark a number of induced by environmental and hormonal

cytosolic proteins. Pretreatment with H2O2 signals (Desikan et al. 2008). It appears that
severely reduced the IAF binding to one par- modification of –SH groups belonging to
ticular protein (Mw » 40 kDa) which corre- ETR1 may be the key for the H2O2 signaling.
sponded to the glycolytic enzyme GAPDH However, it is not currently known whether
(Hancock et al. 2005). GADPH inhibition with this modification is a direct effect of H2O2 or it
low concentrations of H2O2 (<250 mM) can be is conducted by another H2O2-sensing protein.
restored with GSH or dithiothreitol (DTT),
suggesting that inhibition is indeed reversible.
GADPH has also been inhibited by NO, and 5.2 Transduction of H2O2 Signal
this inhibition could be reversed with DTT
(Lindermayr et al. 2005). At present it is H2O2 acts as a second messenger, mediating the
unknown whether NO and H2O2 are targeting acquisition of tolerance to biotic and abiotic
the same –SH groups in GADPH. On the other stresses. One of the earliest events that follow
hand, GAPDH has been shown in other differ- elevation levels of H2O2 is alteration of K+ and
ent systems to plant being S-thiolated by the Ca2+ ion fluxes. The transient Ca2+ oscillations are
addition of GSH to the thiol side group. It is stress-specific and can lead to various down-
unknown whether this modification also occurs stream effects through the numerous Ca2+-
in plants. interacting proteins (e.g., calmodulins, CaM) and
2. Ethylene receptor (ETR1): in yeast, histidine Ca2+-dependent protein kinases (PKs) or/and
kinases (HKs) of two-component signaling over-amplification of the H2O2 signal. Changes in
systems have been reported to function as sen- plasmalemma permeability leading to Ca2+ and
sors of oxidative stress. In Arabidopsis, the H+ influx appear to be necessary and sufficient to
HK of the ETR1 appears to be essential for induce H2O2 production. Exogenous H2O2 could
H2O2 perception during stomatal movement. activate Ca2+ channels to concomitantly elevate
Thus, mutation of a Cys residue in the the cytosolic Ca+2 (Cacyt2+) content. The activation
N-terminal region of ETR1 disrupted the per- of these channels by endogenous H2O2 produc-
ception, indicating that this thiol group is tion could be an autocatalytic process in which
important for the H2O2 signaling. As the ETR1 NADPH-oxidase is also involved. This fact is a
kinase domain is not required for H2O2 per- positive regulation of H2O2 level. The Ca2+/CaM
ception, the H2O2-provoked signaling through complex has been supposed to increase H2O2 pro-
ETR1 was seemingly unrelated to its well- duction through Ca2+/CaM-dependent NAD-
described role as an Et receptor. This fate kinase which affects the concentration of available
suggests that the signaling through ETR1 pro- NADPH during activation of NADPH-oxidase.
voked by H2O2 is different from Et induced. On the other hand, it can also effect a negative
The S. cerevisiae mutant TM219 has not regulation of H2O2 level in plants. That is,
SLN1-SSK1, a functional two-component the Cacyt2+ elevation activates the CaM and subse-
system and therefore it has enhanced suscepti- quently the signal is transmitted to a downstream
bility to H2O2 and shows a great growth inhibi- target protein (i.e., CAT). These findings suggest
tion. The transformation of SLN1-SSK1 with that Ca2+/CaM complex and CAT activation
AtETR1 restored the yeast tolerance to H2O2 downregulates the H2O2 levels. Likewise, there
(Desikan et al. 2005). Likewise, etr1-1 which are evidences indicating that Ca2+ has dual func-
contains the Cys65Tyr mutation, has reduced tions in the regulation of H2O2 homeostasis,
stomatal closure in response to H2O2, suggest- influencing the redox signaling in response to
ing that the –SH group of Cys65 is important environmental signals (Yang and Poovaiah 2002;
for H2O2 signaling. On the other hand, the HK Hung et al. 2005). CaM activated some plant
AtHK5 plays a crucial role in mediating H2O2- CAT in the presence of Ca2+, thus, AtCAT3 can
dependent processes in stomatal cells that are bind CaM in a Ca2+-dependent way (Du et al. 2008).
370 M.A. Matilla-Vázquez and A.J. Matilla

Recently, it was demonstrated that intraperoxi- Summarizing, all existing data suggest that both
somal Ca2+ rise increases CAT activity, which in environmental and cellular stress induce the gen-
turn increases peroxisomal H2O2 scavenging effi- eration of cytosolic H2O2, which in turn induces a
ciency (Costa et al. 2010). On the other hand, MAPKs cascade that subsequently stimulates
H2O2 increases when the plants are under deficit expression of antioxidants genes, reducing H2O2
of K+. Therefore, H2O2 might play a role in cel- levels and restoring cellular homeostasis. Besides
lular signaling of K+ deprivation (Shin and everything described, PPs can be involved in H2O2
Schachtman 2004). During stomatal closure, in signaling. However, H2O2 inhibits PPs activities,
addition to regulate Ca2+ channels, H2O2 also probably by the direct oxidation of Cys in the
inhibits K+ channel activity and induces cytosolic active site of these enzymes. The Arabidopsis
alkalinization in guard-cells. The overall effect of PP2C enzymes ABI1 and ABI2, negative regula-
exogenous H2O2 on the cellular redox state may tors of ABA signaling, and the Tyr-PP AtPTP1
mean that a multitude of proteins can be involved have been suggested to play a role (Gupta and
(Foyer and Noctor 2005). A variety of forward Luan 2003). ABI1 and ABI2 could be receptors
and reverse genetics studies revealed a number of for the H2O2 signal in higher plans (Hung et al.
components in the H2O2 signaling network, 2005). Interestingly, AtPTP1 regulates the activity
including PKs, protein phosphatases (PPs), and of MAPKs, suggesting a tight relationship among
ROS-responsive transcription factors (Cheng and H2O2, PKs, and PPs. All these described effects
Song 2006). The activity of PKs has been a provoked by H2O2 in plants raise the question: if
particular focus. Thus, studies of PKs have shown H2O2 is involved in so many diverse responses,
that the mitogen-activated protein kinases how can it be specific?
(MAPK) cascade in plants are activated by H2O2,
in particular the Arabidopsis AtMPK3 and
AtMPK6, thereby regulating the cellular redox 6 Expression of Transcription
state (Hancock et al. 2006). Whether H2O2 has a Factor Genes H2O2-Dependent
direct effect on MAPKs or activates upstream
effectors is unclear. Interestingly, the stabiliza- The control of gene expression is one of the most
tion of MKK4 and MKK5-MAPKKs by H2O2 important changes induced by H2O2. In plants,
was demonstrated and the authors hypothesized the first report on a genome-wide expression
that H2O2 might have a general stabilizing effect analysis was provided by Desikan et al. (2001).
on MAPKKs (Dòczi et al. 2007). In addition, the By using a cDNA microarray from Arabidopsis,
ANP1-MAPKKK and the Ser/Thr-PK OXI1 at least 113 and 62 transcripts were induced and
(oxidative signal-inducible), have also been repressed, respectively, in the presence of H2O2.
shown to be induced specifically by H2O2, being The predicted function of all these genes was:
important for H2O2 sensing and the activation of cell signaling, transcription, cell death, and
MAPK cascade in Arabidopsis (Rentel et al. defense response. Among these genes are tran-
2004). ANP1 activates two downstream MAPKs, scription factors (TFs) due to their capacity of
AtMPK3 and AtMPK6 and eventually regulates activating the expression of downstream target
gene expression of specific H2O2-inducible tran- genes. Several redox-controlled TFs have also
scripts. OXI1 activity is required for full activa- been identified. In Arabidopsis, a TF called CBF1
tion of AtMPK3 and AtMPK6 (Rentel et al. (C-repeat binding factor) belonging to the
2004). Another H2O2-inducible PK is OMTK1 APETALA/EREBP-family was described. CBF
(oxidative stress-activated MAPK triple kinase), seems to be able to indirectly regulate the redox
isolated from alfalfa. In contrast to OXI1, OMTK1 status of cytosol by activating downstream genes
is H2O2-specific and not activated by phytohor- that encode antioxidants enzymes (e.g., CAT).
mones (Nakagami et al. 2004, 2005). In contrast, Nevertheless, there is still no evidence that join
OMTK1 activated the downstream MAPK- the H2O2 signaling with CBF accumulation or
MMK3 which can be activated by ethylene (Et). activation. However, the overexpression in tomato
16 Role of H2O2 as Signaling Molecule in Plants 371

by H2O2 (Gadjev et al. 2008). More alterations in

TFs caused by H2O2 will be described later in the
stomatal closure section (Sect. 7.1).

7 H2O2-Mediated Physiological
Fig. 16.5 The OxyR transcription factor regulates the Processes
H2O2 E. coli response. H2O2 oxidizes OxyR Cys199 to an
R-SOH that reacts with Cys208 in an intramolecular dis-
ulphide bond. The resulting allosteric change activates 7.1 H2O2-Signaling in Stomatal
OxyR DNA binding. OxyR is reduced by glutaredoxin-1 Movements
The exposure of guard-cells to H2O2 induced ele-
vations of (Cacyt2+) and stomatal closure. There is
considerable interest in the study of the relation-
of AtCBF1 induced a high tolerance for water ship of ABA/H2O2. The discovery that ABA
deficit stress, CAT activity increased and H2O2 induces H2O2 production in guard-cells was a sig-
concentration decreased comparing with wild nificant finding. It is well established that H2O2
type (wt) plants (Hsieh et al. 2002). The activity production is required to initiate the ABA-
of TFs can be directly regulated by oxidative induced stomatal closure and that chloroplasts
modifications as exemplified by the S. cerevisiae are the principal sources of H2O2 in guard-cells
oxidative stress TF Yap1 (Herrero et al. 2008). (Wang and Song 2008). It has been clearly dem-
However, oxidation of Yap1 is not directly by onstrated that: (1) stomatal closure induced by
H2O2, but mediated by GSH peroxidase like Gpx3 ABA is a different process that inhibition of
enzyme. In this process, Cys36 of Gpx3 forms an stomatal opening induced by ABA; and (2) H2O2
intermolecular disulphide with Cys598 of Yap1 is involved in inhibition of stomatal opening
(a TF that activates the expression of genes for induced by ABA (Yang et al. 2007). Moreover,
antioxidants), forming a disulphide which is rear- the mediation of H2O2 in ABA-induced stomatal
ranged forming a disulphide in Yap1 itself and closure by targeting inward K+ channels in plas-
activating it (Hancock et al. 2006). Yap1 is a malemma was also suggested. Experiments with
functional homologue of OxyR which is an E. abi1, abi2, and abi2-1 suggest that the last double
coli (Fig. 16.5) transcriptional regulator with six mutation impairs ABA signaling downstream of
Cys residues, being their Cys199 pivotal in the H2O2 production (Wang and Song 2008). An
response of OxyR to redox cues. A Cys-rich overlap exists between ABA- and H2O2-induced
domain of Yap1, that influenced in the nuclear transcription genes, and both signaling molecules
localization of Yap1 when it was activated, it was regulate many dowstream genes in a coordinated
also necessary for H2O2 tolerance. Therefore, manner (Yang et al. 2007). Several TFs that are
alteration of key Cys residues of Yap1 provides a redox-controlled have also been identified during
direct and powerful means to influence nuclear guard-cell signaling for H2O2 and ABA. Thus, the
gene expression (Delaunay et al. 2002). In sum- beforehand described Yap1 (Delaunay et al.
mary, Gpx3 acts as a protein that perceives H2O2 2002), AtMYB60, and AtMYB61 have been
and transduces their signal to Yap1. On the other described to be specifically expressed in guard-
hand, the H2O2 gene network eventually transmits cells. However, the relationship between
the signal to ROS-specific TFs. Some of these are AtMYB60 and AtMYB61 with H2O2 signaling is
LSD1 and LOL1 (negative and positive regula- under study (Liang et al. 2005). A cross-talk
tors of ROS-induced cell death), the senescence- between ABA and H2O2-signaling cascades seem
specific WRKY53, and the ROS-inducible to be clear. On the other hand, various common
WRKY75 and some heat-shock TFs. Two other components of ABA and H2O2-signaling cas-
zinc finger TFs, Zat11 and Zat12, are also induced cades (e.g., cytosolic-free Ca2+ levels, MAPKs,
372 M.A. Matilla-Vázquez and A.J. Matilla

and NADPH-oxidase) are involved during guard- over-expression results in a constitutive lower
cell movements. Two CDPK (i.e., CPK3 and stomatal closure than wt plants. Interestingly, treat-
CPK6) genes expressed in Arabidopsis guard- ment with flagellin (flg 22) also exhibited reduced
cells have remarkable functions in the regulation stomatal closure and H2O2 production in ahk5
of guard-cells ion channels, and provide genetic mutants (Desikan et al. 2008). Finally, the two
evidence for the existence of Ca2+ sensors that Arabidopsis NADPH-oxidase catalytic subunit
transduce stomatal ABA signaling (Mori et al. genes AtrbohD and AtbohF function in the signal
2006). The results of Chen et al. (2004) strongly transduction of ABA in guard-cells (Kwak et al.
suggest that extracellular CaM activates a signal- 2003). In AtrbohD/F, the exogenous H2O2
ing pathway which involves the activation of restored the ability of the Ca2+ channel activation
G-protein, H2O2 production, and changes in and stomatal closure in response to ABA stimula-
(Cacyt2+), thus regulating the stomatal movements. tion. The rboh transposon-insertion mutants of
Likewise, H2O2 and ABA can activate the same Arabidopsis have been used to provide unequivo-
MAPK which mediates both ABA- and H2O2- cal evidence that NADPH-oxidase-mediated
induced stomatal closure (Wang and Song 2008). H2O2 production is required for ABA-induced
Time-course analysis of both MAPK activation stomatal closure (Kwak et al. 2003). Likewise,
and ROS production indicated that the increase treatment with ABA increased the expression of
of H2O2 preceded the MAPK activation and sub- AtrbohD in guard-cells. The activation of MAPKs
sequently takes place the activation of the ABA- can amplify H2O2 signals directly regulating
signaling pathway. That is, the rise of H2O2 NADPH-oxidase activity, or activating also TFs
induced by ABA activates MAPK, which in turn to increase the expression of NADPH-oxidase
leads to the upregulation of antioxidant defense genes in the ROS signal transduction (Mittler
systems. Recently, the MAPK-MPK3 was shown et al. 2004). ABA can also enhance the gene
to be essential in Arabidopsis for ABA and H2O2- expression (Kwak et al. 2003) and NADPH-
inhibition of stomatal opening (Gudesblat et al. oxidase activity. Therefore, the MAPK activated
2007). On the other hand, the PK-OST1 also reg- by ABA might increase H2O2 signals via NADPH-
ulates the production of H2O2 in guard-cells by oxidase activity.
means of signaling pathways requiring AtrbohD
and AtrbohF (Kwak et al. 2003). As previously
described in Sect. 5.1, one member of the 7.2 H2O2-Signaling in Germinating
Arabidopsis histidine kinase (HK) family (De la Seeds
Torre et al. 2006) has a dual function in guard-
cells: (1) it is a possible target for H2O2 during Likely, the seeds have high levels of stress and
stomatal closure, ETR1-Cys65 being essential accumulate free radicals in their desiccated state
for this function (Desikan et al. 2005, 2008); and and show high levels of CAT and SOD (Bailly
(2) it perceives the hormone Et. Therefore, Et et al. 2008). This detoxification occurs during
induces stomatal closure that is dependent on dormancy, after-ripening (AR) (Iglesias-
H2O2 production in guard-cells, generated by Fernández et al. 2011), and germination to pre-
NADPH-oxidase AtrbohF. Moreover, Et and vent irreversible alterations in proteins,
H2O2 signaling in guard-cells are mediated by membranes, and DNA (Kibinza et al. 2006). The
ETR1 via EIN2 and ARR2-dependent pathways(s) H2O2 production during seed storage in the dry
(Desikan et al. 2006). Recently, AHK5, another state was initially documented by Pukacka and
member of the Arabidopsis HK family, was Ratajezak (2006). More broadly, O2●− and other
studied (Desikan et al. 2008). In addition to the ROS appear to play roles during seed germina-
predicted cytoplasmic localization of AHK5, it tion and dormancy (Oracz et al. 2007; Müller
also appears to co-localize to the plasma- et al. 2009). In a recent update, it was proposed
lemma. Mutants lacking AHK5 show a reduced that ROS play a key role in the completion of
stomatal closure in response to H2O2. The AHK5 germination and that they should be considered
16 Role of H2O2 as Signaling Molecule in Plants 373

as messenger or transmitters of environmental leads to targeted protein carbonylation not only

cues during seed germination (Bailly et al. 2008). during dry AR but also during artificial breaking
Thus, rice germination is inhibited by inhibiting of dormancy by cyanide application (HCN)
NADPH-oxidase, and exogenous H2O2 stimu- (compound that triggers ROS accumulation
lates the germination of dormant seeds belong- because it is an inhibitor of SOD, CAT, and car-
ing to several species. Likewise, exogenous H2O2 bonylation) or methylviologen (ROS-generating
results in a decrease of ABA in dormant seeds compound) (Oracz et al. 2007; El-Maarouf-
and alleviation of dormancy by HCN induces an Bouteau and Bailly 2008). It was hypothesized
increase in H2O2 level and a decrease in ABA that the action of HCN in sunflower seed dor-
content (Bailly et al. 2008). On the other hand, mancy alleviation does not involve Et production
Oracz et al. (2007) show that AR is associated (Oracz et al. 2008). However, the hypothesis that
with accumulation of H2O2 in the embryonic HCN interacts with ROS-producing pathways
axes of sunflower seeds. In summary, H2O2 acts have been supported by data on intracellular ROS
directly, or as a messenger of hormonal net- production in response to HCN treatment (Oracz
works, signaling molecules involved in the tran- et al. 2009).
sition from dormant to non-dormant state. But It has been proposed that NADPH-oxidases
the H2O2 mechanism at the cellular level during are involved in H2O2 production in seed germina-
the regulation of dormancy is far from being tion (Liu et al. 2007) and dormancy breaking
resolved. Data recently obtained in Arabidopsis (Oracz et al. 2009). Recently, Müller et al. (2009)
seem to indicate that H2O2 could regulate seed have demonstrated that dry AR in Arabidopsis is
dormancy by triggering ABA catabolism and impaired in the NADPH-oxidase (AtrbohB)
GA synthesis (Liu et al. 2010). Thus, exogenous mutant which also shows reduced protein oxida-
H2O2 decreased seed dormancy and rose tran- tion. The ABA sensitivity was not affected in dry
scription of genes involved in ABA conjugation AR AtrbohB mutant seeds. It mentions that: (1)
(ZYP707A) and GAs synthesis (GA3ox and AtrbohB gene is expressed in the embryo but not
GA20ox), respectively. These data also support in the endosperm, (2) AtrbohB pre-mRNA is
the possibility that H2O2 downregulates genes spliced in seeds depending on ABA and the seed
responsible of GA biosynthesis and ABA dry AR status, and (3) AtrbohD gene is more
catabolism. abundant in the endosperm than in the embryo of
On the other hand, ROS can alter the function ABA-treated seeds. On the other hand, Oracz
of seed-specific proteins through its carbonyla- et al. (2009) have demonstrated that in sunflower
tion (i.e., introduction of CO into a molecule), the expression of genes related to ROS produc-
thereby relieving dormancy (El-Maarouf- tion (i.e., NADPHox, NADPH-oxidase, and POX,
Bouteau and Bailly 2008; Oracz et al. 2007). The peroxidase) is differentially affected during dry
carbonylation is the most commonly occurring AR or by HCN treatment, and the effect of HCN
oxidative protein modification. Protein carbony- is likely to be mediated by ROS.
lation inhibits or alters protein activities and Bailly et al. (2008) propose a model to account
intensifies their susceptibility to proteolytic for the dual role of ROS in seed physiology. Seed
attack. There are no indications that carbonyla- germination is only possible when the ROS level
tion is reversible. The identification of the factors is in an oxidative threshold. Below this level (i.e.,
causing the carbonylation is very complex. dormancy), the amount of ROS during imbibition
Several main possibilities include: (1) a decrease is too low for allowing germination. Alleviation
in the antioxidant defense system, (2) an increase of dormancy (i.e., AR) leads to an increase of the
in the ROS production, (3) a decreased capacity cellular level of ROS during seed imbibition thus
to remove oxidized proteins, or (4) an augment ensuring germination completion, owing to the
in the proteic sensitivity to oxidative attack. ROS signaling role. Above this threshold, ROS
These four possibilities are not mutually exclu- content is too high, because seeds are aged or
sives. In sunflower seeds, ROS accumulation placed in inappropriate environmental conditions
374 M.A. Matilla-Vázquez and A.J. Matilla

during their imbibition, and ROS become pathogen growth and which is mainly effective
deleterious and cause cellular oxidative damages against biotrophic pathogens (Apel and Hirt 2004;
that prevent delay of germination. Shetty et al. 2008). In contrast, during compatible
interactions only the first transient phase is induced
(Jourdan et al. 2009). During these responses,
7.3 Role of H2O2 in Plant– H2O2 is produced by enhanced apoplastic
Microorganism Interaction CW-peroxidases or plasmalemma NADPH-
oxidases (Almagro et al. 2009; Bolwell and Daudi
Plants have developed well-organized defense 2009). Additionally, H2O2 can be directly gener-
mechanisms against a wide range of pathogens. ated by diamine and oxalate oxidases.
Therefore, plants can react actively to attack of Several functions are attributed to H2O2 dur-
pathogenic microorganisms with an array of ing plant–pathogen interactions (Shetty et al.
inducible responses that lead to local and sys- 2008; Torres 2010). H2O2 could kill directly the
temic expression of a broad spectrum of antimi- pathogen functioning as an antimicrobial agent.
crobial defenses. These defensive systems can be However, this toxicity depends on the sensitivity
triggered by recognition, via cell surface recep- of the pathogen to the concentration of H2O2
tors, of pathogens- or microbial-associated present because many pathogens can grow in
molecular patterns (PAMPs or MAMPs), such as high concentrations of H2O2 (mM) or possess
flagellin, lipopolysaccharides, peptidoglycanes, effective detoxification mechanisms (Aguirre
or siderophores from bacteria or glucan and chi- et al. 2005; Matilla et al. 2007; Molina and
tosan from fungi (Bolwell and Daudi 2009; Jones Kahmann 2007; Shetty et al. 2008). Interestingly,
and Dangl 2006). Since Doke reported the pro- H2O2 production has been detected during the
duction of O2●− during incompatible interactions rhizobium–legume interaction, suggesting that
between potato and the pathogen Phytophthora symbiotic bacteria are initially recognized as
infestans (Doke 1983), the generation of ROS, pathogens by the host plant (Chang et al. 2009).
especially H2O2, have been repeatedly associated Additionally, H2O2 production has been reported
with successful resistance responses (Torres to benefit infection by necrotrophic pathogens
2010). This transient production of ROS is termed because these usually kill host cells and extract
“oxidative burst” (Shetty et al. 2008) and it has nutrients from them (Shetty et al. 2008).
been also observed through the direct application Alternatively, H2O2 production has been associ-
of purified siderophores (De Vleesschauwer et al. ated with establishment of physical defensive
2008), mycotoxis (Desmond et al. 2008), or barriers by reinforcing the CW to prevent plant
cyclic lipopeptides (Jourdan et al. 2009) to the invasion by pathogens, through cross-linking of
plant or plant cells inducing a timely and highly CW structural proteins and by deposition of
localized H2O2 production. callose-rich papillae, lignin, and suberin in the
Although three phases have been observed in penetration sites (Almagro et al. 2009;
specific interactions (Shetty et al. 2008) and H2O2 Hückelhoven 2007; Shetty et al. 2008). However,
production occurs in a biphasic manner during experimental data also suggest that H2O2 could
incompatible interactions (Apel and Hirt 2004). have a signaling role mediating changes in gene
First, an unspecific and transitory phase usually expression (Shetty et al. 2008; Torres 2010). The
takes place within minutes after the interaction fast production of H2O2 in response to pathogen
followed by a second and prolongated production attack and its capacity to diffuse across mem-
of H2O2 that occurs between 3 and 6 h after patho- branes suggest that it can exert this function
gen attack (Lamb and Dixon 1997). This second directly through redox control of TFs or indi-
phase is usually associated with the establish- rectly by interacting with other signaling compo-
ment of the defenses and the hypersensitive nents like phosphorylation cascades (Torres
response (HR), further characterized by a rapid 2010). Furthermore, H2O2 and other ROS, in
cell death at the site of infection to restrict association with salicylic acid (SA), have been
16 Role of H2O2 as Signaling Molecule in Plants 375

related with the establishment of SAR (Conrath regulator. The initiation of root hair growth
2006; Vlot et al. 2009), an inducible plant defense process is known to be a physiologically and
response triggered by necrotizing microbes and genetically separate program from tip growth,
SA-dependent (Conrath 2006). Redox regulation suggesting that the lesion in rhd2 (root hair
has been reported for the nonexpressor of patho- defective 2) mutant is selectively affecting the
genesis-related 1 (NPR1) and the leucine zipper tip growth machinery. In the rhd2 background,
TF TGA1 that are important mediators of sys- root hairs are able to initiate their developmental
temic acquired resistance (SAR) during plant– program. When various alleles of the rhd2 muta-
pathogen interactions. Reduction of key Cys tion were cloned, they were found to reside in a
residues in these proteins relocates NRP1 to the gene encoding AtrbohC of Arabidopsis, a
nucleus and modulates the DNA-binding activity homolog of the gp91phox domain of the neutro-
of the NPR1/TGA1 protein complex, thereby phyll respiratory burst NADPH-oxidase. At dif-
affecting decisively downstream gene expression ference of mammals, plant Rbohs are not
(Mou et al. 2003). Interestingly, the oxi1-null glycosilated. Rbohs NADPH-oxidase proteins
mutant has abnormal root hair growth and are localized into the plasmalemma, where they
enhanced susceptibility to pathogen infection, oxidize cytosolic NADPH, transferring an elec-
two processess mediated by H2O2 (Rentel et al. tron across the membrane to generate apoplastic
2004). Collectively, the modifications of ROS O2●−. This O2●− dismutates to H2O2 which is
levels in the host might be a strategy that is thought to diffuse back into the cell, providing a
extended among the pathogens to increase host possible cytosolic regulator (Swanson and
susceptibility. Gilroy 2010). The gene family has ten known
Following with the study on pathogenesis and members in Arabidopsis; AtrbohA-J and its
oxidative stress, nitric oxide (NO) is often pro- homologues have also been found in other angio-
duced at the same time and in the same locations spermic species. Each member of Rboh family
in plants as H2O2 and it is also involved in a pleth- differ in their expression pattern across plant
ora of responses and functions (Neill et al. 2003). and have been shown to be involved in a range
S-nitrosylation, the covalent attachment of an of processes as root elongation and root hair
NO group to a reactive Cys thiol to form an development (Foreman et al. 2003; Swanson
S-nitrosothiol (SNO), has emerged as a proto- and Gilroy 2010). Thus, AtrbohC is present in
typic redox-based posttranslational modification root epidermal cells of the elongation zone but
(Spadaro et al. 2010). NO seems to collaborate its expression becomes limited to those capable
with H2O2 in plant disease resistance. During of making root hairs. In the rhd2 mutant lacking
plant–pathogen interactions: (1) NO can act as an AtrbohC, the hair roots fail to extend. Further
antioxidant, scavenging excess H2O2, ending evidence for the role of H2O2 in hair roots
radical-mediated lipid peroxidation and inhibit- growth came from the studies of the atrbohC
ing H2O2 signaling pathways, which leads to cell mutant which has low ROS levels in root hairs
death; and (2) NO can act synergistically with and is defective in activation of Ca2+ channels
H2O2 to induce SAR (Quan et al. 2008). NO may required for formation of Ca2+ gradient neces-
also react with thiol groups on proteins to yield a sary for root hair growth (Foreman et al. 2003).
–S-NO group. Many of the proteins modified in According to these findings, the atoxi1-null
this way by NO are also potentially modified by mutant has reduced root hair growth (Rentel
H2O2 (Lindermayr et al. 2005). et al. 2004). AtOXI1 has been implicated in
root hair development and AtOXI1 kinase is
induced by H2O2. Oxi1 null mutants are impaired
7.4 Plant Growth H2O2-Mediated in the activation of MAPKs, MPK3 and MPK6,
upon oxidative stress, suggesting that OXI1
The root hair growth is one of the most impor- functions downstream of ROS but upstream of
tant studied effects of H2O2 as developmental the MAPK module.
376 M.A. Matilla-Vázquez and A.J. Matilla

7.5 H2O2 in PCD case for Centaurea maculosa whose roots secrete
the phytotoxin catechin that triggers ROS accu-
Cell death is essential for plant growth and devel- mulation in root meristems of neighboring spe-
opment and responses to the environment. PCD cies and subsequent Ca2+-dependent cell death
can be initiated by all types of ROS. H2O2 is the (Gechev et al. 2006; Gechev and Hille 2005).
key factor in PCD (Vanderauwera et al. 2009).
However, the mechanisms by which H2O2 induces
PCD are not yet established, although several 8 Conclusion and Future
studies point to effects on mitochondrial func- Perspective
tion. Hence, exogenous H2O2 increased subse-
quent H2O2 production in this organelle, altering As can be inferred from this review, a wealth of
mitochondrial function and inducing PCD. On information about H2O2 was generated in the last
the other hand, if MAPKs are long time activated, ten years. The strategy used to study the mecha-
H2O2 production will increase and PCD will be nism and mode of action of H2O2 was similar to
induced. It is already known that H2O2 activates the one for all the signaling molecules known in
MAPK pathways, and it is tempting to speculate plants. The H2O2 concentration in different sub-
that increased H2O2 can stimulate further mito- cellular compartments is not yet known and H2O2
chondrial H2O2 production, perhaps via MAPK accumulation is maintained at a very low level
activation, in an amplifying oxidative death cycle. due to the existence of an antioxidant system that
During endospermic seed germination, a-amylase eliminates excess of H2O2 production. Sensitive
GA-induced degredation of carbohydrates from intracellular imaging will be required to visual-
aleurone layer and the PCD appears. This cell ize H2O2 in cells. The NADPH-oxidase (rboh
death is dependent on glyoxysomal production of gene family) was reported to be the pivotal
H2O2 and there are evidences that CAT, APX, and enzyme involved in apoplastic H2O2 production.
SOD are downregulated by GA3 to ensure suffi- H2O2, as a signaling molecule, must possess
cient accumulation of H2O2 prior to onset of cell some cellular metabolic molecule(s) that
death (Gechev et al. 2006; Gechev and Hille recognize(s) it and form(s) either a complex or a
2005). The application of H2O2 have confirmed derived product that triggers the transduction
the role of H2O2 as a triggering of cell death and cascade. However, data on the existence of H2O2
also showed that high concentrations of H2O2 can receptor are still unclear. The interaction of H2O2
cause necrosis instead of PCD. In agreement with with proteins having Cys-groups seems beyond
these observations, overexpression of APX can doubt. The discovery of specific biological
suppress the cell death induced by H2O2 or NO system with high sensitivity and rapid response
(Murgia et al. 2004). In addition, CAT deficiency to H2O2 is key to all above investigations. Tip-
leads to the increase of H2O2 levels and the trig- growing cells and stomatal cells-guard move-
gering of PCD (Vandenabeele et al. 2004; Gechev ments have proven to be powerful tools in
et al. 2006). Following pathogen infection, tran- elucidation of physiological process under H2O2.
sient H2O2 overproduction and accumulation can It is very interesting to study in detail these
promote a local defense response connected with biological systems. Biochemical evidences indi-
NADPH-oxidase activation. The increase of H2O2 cated that MAPK cascades are responsible for
levels causes the HR as well, leading to rapid transmitting the H2O2 signal. The recent identifi-
localized cell death at infection sites or can induce cation in Arabidopsis of the Ser/Thre kinase
SAR (Slesak et al. 2007). Although, in many OXI1, as an essential component of the H2O2 sig-
plant–pathogen interactions PCD is a welcome naling, provided new insights into the H2O2-
event for the plant host, there are examples of transmiting kinase network. In addition to MAPK
pathogen-triggered cell death that are mortal for cascade, the H2O2 signal can also be transmitted
the plant. On the other hand, ROS can be involved through changes in Ca2+ ion fluxes and cellular
in allelopatic plant–plant interactions. This is the redox state. In addition, H2O2 seems to work
16 Role of H2O2 as Signaling Molecule in Plants 377

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Acknowledgments We would like to thank the Ministerio Conrath U (2006) Systemic acquired resistance. Plant
de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) (grant nº CGL2009- Signal Behav 1:179–184
11425) for funding this research. We also thank Dra María Corpas FJ, Barroso JB, Palma JM, del Río LA (2009)
del Carmen Rodríguez-Gacio for help in preparing the Peroxisomes as key organelles in the metabolism of
manuscript. reactive oxygen species, and reactive sulfur species in
plants. Research Signpost, Trivandrum, Kerala
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Role of Phytohormone Signaling
During Stress 17
Mohammad Miransari

Plant hormones are among the most important plant components regulating
different plant functions, which can equip the plant to survive under stress
conditions. There has been extensive research work regarding the effects
of plant hormones on plant growth and development. The notable phyto-
hormones include auxin, abscisic acid, ethylene, cytokinins, gibberellins,
jasmonates, salicylic acid, brassinosteroids, and strigolactones. Role of
phytohormones may be useful for the production of transgenic plants,
which are tolerant to stress. Selected plant hormone biosynthesis, their
role on plant growth under stress, signal transduction pathways, and inter-
actions are reviewed.

Auxins • ABA • Gibberellins • Jasmonates • Brassinosteroids

including stress (Table 17.1). There are different

1 Introduction physiological alterations made by plant hormones
at cellular and molecular level. At the time of
Plant hormones are a group of biochemical hormonal activity plant genes are activated result-
products handling different functions in plant. ing in different morphological and physiological
Plant hormones include auxin, abscisic acid responses in plant (Table 17.1). Fluctuations in
(ABA), ethylene, cytokinins, gibberellins, jas- hormones can influence plant growth (Kagale
monates, salicylic acid, brassinosteroids, and et al. 2007; Jackson 2008; Hirayama and
strigolactones. They can regulate plant growth Shinozaki 2010).
and development under different conditions The functions of plant hormones include: tis-
sue organogenesis and development by affecting
cell cycling, fruit ripening, controlling water
M. Miransari () behavior in plant by adjusting the stomata activ-
Department of Soil Science, Shahed University, ity, and enhanced plant resistance to stress by
College of Agricultural Sciences,
18151/159, Tehran, Iran activating different signaling pathways (Van der
e-mail: Knaap et al. 1999; Wang et al. 2007; Tuteja 2007).

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 381
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_17,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
382 M. Miransari

Table 17.1 Plant hormones and their activities

Hormone Activities Reference
Auxin (1) Regulation of phototropism, (2) regulation of embryo Han et al. (2009), Tomasz
and fruit development, (3) organogenesis, formation and differen- and Jiri (2006)
tiation of vascular bundle, (4) root growth and development,
(5) apical formation and dominance
ABA (1) Dormancy and development, (2) stomatal activity, Tuteja (2007), Tripathi and
(3) morphogenesis of embryo, (4) protein and lipid production, Tuteja (2007)
(5) senescence of different tissues, and (6) tolerance to pathogens
Cytokinins (1) Cell division and differentiation, (2) formation of membrane Yordanov et al. (2000),
components, (3) carbon cycle in photosynthesis, (4) chlorophyll Kulaeva and Prokoptseva
formation, (5) delaying leaf and chlorophyll senescence by (2004), Muller and Sheen
decreasing the rate of protein and RNA degradation, (6) develop- (2007)
ment of seed, (7) differentiation of vesicular bundle, (8) root and
shoot growth, (9) balance of nutrients, and (10) stress resistance
Ethylene (1) Seed germination, (2) tissue senescence and abscission, Arteca and Arteca (2008)
and (3) tissue elongation under submerged conditions
Gibberellins (1) Inducing plant systemic resistance, (2) seed germination, Ueguchi-Tanaka et al.
and (3) mediating plant response to environmental stresses (2005), Achard et al. (2006),
Griffiths et al. (2006),
Miransari and Smith (2009a,
Brassinosteroids (1) Enhancing plant resistance to environmental stresses Nunez et al. (2003), Vardhini
and Rao (2003)
Jasmonates (1) Enhancing plant resistance versus different environmental Wasternack (2007), Murray
stresses and pathogen infection, (2) nodule morphogenesis et al. (2007), Balbi and
Devoto (2008), Hu et al.
Salicylic acid Inducing plant systemic resistance Lian et al. (2000), Sun et al.
(2006), Chen et al. (2009)
Strigolactones (1) Hyphal branching in AM fungi, (2) shoot branching Akiyama et al. (2005),
in the host plant as well as the parasitic plant, Striga López-Ráez et al. (2008),
Miransari (2011)

Plant hormones regulate plant growth and

development through a set of complex inter-
2 Auxins
action between their signaling pathways. A sig-
Auxin is among the most important plant hormones
naling pathway is defined by a collection of
affecting plant growth and development. Auxin
elements, which eventually results in plant
can modulate plant growth by affecting the pro-
response to different parameters including stress
cess of phototropism in plant (Darwin 1880;
(Schwartz and Baron 1999; Klipp and
Tomasz and Jiri 2006). In addition, auxin can
Liebermeister 2006). Research has indicated the
regulate the development of embryo and fruit,
importance of plant hormones during stress.
organogenesis, formation and differentiation of
During stress the activation of different signaling
vascular bundle, root growth and development,
pathways mediated by different plant hormones
and apical formation and dominance (Han et al.
and their interaction can enhance plant resistance
2009). The place of auxin synthesis is stem tip
to stress (Nakamura et al. 2006; Rolland et al.
and young leaf, and it is then translocated to the
2006; Truman et al. 2007). Accordingly, some of
site of action (Ljung et al. 2001).
the most important findings regarding the effects
Among the most important functions of
of plant hormones through their signaling path-
auxin in plant is the formation of lateral roots
ways on different stresses are presented.
17 Role of Phytohormone Signaling During Stress 383

(Han et al. 2009), which is of special significance would adversely affect the Aux/IAA repressors
to plant growth under different conditions includ- and hence restores the activity of such responsive
ing stress. For example, root growth under com- genes (Han et al. 2009; Jain and Khurana 2009;
paction is adversely affected, decreasing plant Ghanashyam and Jain 2009).
growth as a result of reduction in the uptake of
water and nutrients (Miransari et al. 2007, 2008,
2009a, b). Therefore, role of auxin under such 3 Abscisic Acid
conditions can be important in the alleviation of
stress by stimulating root growth. There are a wide range of functions controlled
The expression of different auxin-responsive and affected by ABA in plant including seed
genes indicates that there is a cross-talk between dormancy and development, stomatal activity,
auxin and signaling pathways (Jain and Khurana morphogenesis of embryo, protein and lipid pro-
2009). Auxin can rapidly induce the accumula- duction, senescence of different tissues, and
tion of a significant number of transcript factors tolerance to pathogens (Tuteja 2007; Tripathi and
related to different plant genes under different Tuteja 2007). Different stresses result in cell des-
conditions including stress. Such plant genes iccation and osmotic imbalance and hence there
include Aux/IAA, GH3, and small auxin-up RNA may be similar signaling pathways and genes,
(SAUR) genes (Guilfoyle 1999). Molecular expressed during the stress (Tuteja 2007).
genetics and biochemical research have sug- Stresses such as drought and salinity result in
gested that the Aux/IAA genes are related to the production of ABA in the roots and its even-
auxin signaling (Leyser 2002; Woodward and tual translocation to the shoots affecting stomata
Bartel 2005). These genes can activate the pro- activities and cellular growth. In addition, ABA
teins, which can suppress the transcriptional can also be produced in plant leaf and translo-
activities regulated by auxin (Tiwari et al. 2004; cated to the other parts of plant (Wilkinson and
Woodward and Bartel 2005). Davies 2002; Chaves et al. 2009). The other
The GH3 genes are responsible for the pro- parameter controlling ABA localization is the
duction of enzymes, which produce amino acid- xylem/apoplastic pH. For example, when plant is
related products by adenylation of indole 3-acetic subjected to drought stress the higher xylem/apo-
acid and hence inhibit the production of extra- plastic pH prohibits the movement of ABA from
free auxin resulting in auxin homeostasis the xylem/apoplastic to the symplastic space
(Staswick et al. 2005). The GH3 genes can also resulting in the enhancement of ABA concentra-
turn the produced amino acid-related products tion in the guard cells. Different stresses includ-
into salicylic acid and jasmonates (Staswick ing drought, light, salinity, and nitrate can increase
et al. 2002). The SAUR genes can result in the xylem sap pH and hence affect stomata activities
production of proteins, which may influence cell (Jia and Davies 2007). ABA can also influence
elongation regulated by auxin (Hagen and plant growth under stress by affecting gene
Guilfoyle 2002). expression. Furthermore, under drought and high
Auxin signaling pathway is related to the light stress, the production of sugars and their
expression of different genes, which are mostly translocation in the xylem can affect stomata
induced by two transcriptional factors including response to ABA (Wilkinson and Davies 2002).
auxin response factors (ARFs) and the Aux/IAA Chaves and Oliveira (2004) indicated that
repressors. The auxin response promoter ele- under stress the production of soluble sugars,
ments in the responsive auxin genes are bound by which can also act as signal molecules in plant, is
ARFs. Reduction of auxin concentration to the altered. In addition, such sugar molecules can
amounts less than the threshold level results in also be interactive with plant hormones (Rolland
the combined activation of ARFs and Aux/IAA et al. 2006). It has been indicated that nitrous
repressors and hence the inhibition of the responsive oxide is also a signal molecule influencing the
genes. However, high concentration of auxin effects of plant hormones and other signal
384 M. Miransari

molecules in response to environmental parame- plant hormones. The accumulated amounts of

ters by enhancing the sensitivity of plant cells to ethylene down regulate the production of
such signal molecules. In addition, nitrous oxide ABA through inhibiting the expression of 9-cis-
can also influence ABA effects on the activity of epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase and by turning
stomata (Neill et al. 2003). ABA into pahseic acid. The 9-cis-epoxycarote-
Under water stress the amount of ABA noid dioxygenase are among the genes, responsi-
increases (Kulkarni et al. 2000; Liu et al. 2005). ble for the production of ABA through the pathway
ABA can primarily control water transpiration of carotenoid cleavage dioxygenases (Kende et al.
from the leaf and then can alleviate the stress and 1998; Benschop et al. 2005). Prevented produc-
enhance plant tolerance by activating the expres- tion of endogenous ABA results in the activation
sion of different stress genes (Bray 2004; Zhang of the enzyme, gibberellin 3-oxidase, which catal-
et al. 2006). Genes, which are expressed under yses the pathway related to the production of gib-
drought stress, include functional and regulatory berellins (Benschop et al. 2006), and in submerged
ones. Functional genes can perform some spe- rice the production of gibberellins by the inter-
cific functions related to the alleviation of stress nodes (Kende et al. 1998). Down regulation of
by inducing different transporters including gibberellins-related genes can induce the elonga-
detoxifying enzymes, enzymes related to the pro- tion of rice roots under submerged conditions.
duction of osmolyte, and different proteases. The activities of such genes include the loosening
However, regulatory genes including transcription of the cell wall, cell cycle, and starch turnover
factors, phosphatases and protein kinases, and (Van der Knaap et al. 1999, 2000).
the ones related to the production of ABA, can
regulate the activity of functional genes (Aroca
et al. 2007). 4 Cytokinins
With respect to the functions mentioned for
ABA, it is the most important plant signal acti- The plant hormone cytokinins can regulate the
vated during stress (Zhang et al. 2006). following important functions in plant: (1) cell
Interestingly and similarly, the soil fungi, arbus- division and differentiation, (2) formation of mem-
cular mycorrhiza (AM), can alleviate drought brane components, (3) carbon cycle in photosyn-
stress in their host plants. AM fungi can estab- thesis, (4) chlorophyll formation, (5) delaying leaf
lish symbiosis with their host plant and enhance and chlorophyll senescence by decreasing the rate
its water and nutrient uptake by its extensive of protein and RNA degradation, which is related
hyphal network in exchange for carbon. to the controlling effects of hormone on the pro-
Mycorrhizal plants are able to regulate their duction of protease and activity of RNase, (6) devel-
ABA level more efficiently (Auge 2001; Aroca opment of seed, (7) differentiation of vesicular
et al. 2007). bundle, (8) root and shoot growth, (9) balance of
The nced genes, which are expressed in plant nutrients, and (10) stress resistance (Yordanov
under drought stress (Wan and Li 2006), are et al. 2000; Muller and Sheen 2007). The receptors
induced by ABA, if available at a minimum perceiving cytokinins were found in the cellular
amount (Cohen et al. 1999). The effects of small membrane. Cytokinins are able to act multifunc-
RNA pathways on ABA were evaluated by Zhang tionally by affecting different physiological pro-
et al. (2008) using mutants. They found that cesses in plant and controlling stresses (Kulaeva
adverse effects on small RNA pathways can and Prokoptseva 2004).
increase the production of ABA indicating that Under nonstressed or stressed conditions,
there is a link between small RNA pathways and decreased level of cytokinins result in leaf senes-
signaling pathways resulting in the production of cence (Naqvi 1995). Exogenous application of
ABA in plant cells. cytokinins delays the process of leaf senescence
Under submerged conditions there is some (Okamoto et al. 2010). The process of leaf
kind of interesting interactions between different senescence can also be delayed by regulating the
17 Role of Phytohormone Signaling During Stress 385

related genes pathways, which are under the during the stress control in plant, there is a cross-
influence of cytokinins level in plant (Naqvi talk between cytokinin, ABA, and the osmotic
1995). The gene, which is responsible for the stress indicating that cytokinin pathway and
production of cytokinins is ipt, which produces metabolism is of particular importance to plant
the enzyme isopentyl transferase, promoting growth and development, especially under stress
the formation of isopentenyladenosine-5¢- (Tran et al. 2009).
monophosphate (McGraw 1987). The ipt genes
are expressed at low levels under controlled and
drought-stress conditions, being highly specific 5 Ethylene
in the cellular tissue (Vyroubalova et al. 2009).
Cytokinins are able to protect the process of Ethylene is a gaseous plant hormone with impor-
photosynthesis in plants under stress. The related tant functioning in plant. Although ethylene is
mechanism includes the interaction of cytokinins among plant hormones with the simplest struc-
with receptor proteins resulting in the production tures, it can regulate some of the most important
of the signal pathway. Consequently, the genes are functioning in plant including seed germination,
expressed and produce mRNAs, photosynthesis- tissue senescence, and abscission (Arteca and
related proteins, the enzyme ribulose bisphos- Arteca 2008). There are some complex pathways
phate carboxylase/oxygenase, electrons, and and signaling related to ethylene, stimulated by
carbon (Chernyadev 2009; Bianco et al. 2009). other plant hormones and parameters such as
It is likely to enhance plant tolerance to plant growth, pathogens, and sugars (Abeles et al.
drought by genetically modifying the plant using 2004; Stepanova and Alonso 2005).
the ipt gene regulated by the related promoter, There is a set of interactions between ethylene
which delays the process of leaf senescence. In and ethylene receptors in the plasma membrane
addition, the rate of photosynthesis and produc- indicating the pathway of ethylene signaling,
tion of antioxidant enzymes increase under such although such a pathway is adversely affected by
genetic modification. It must be mentioned that the ethylene receptors. The membrane receptors
there is a kind of regulatory interactions between are two-component histidine protein kinases
leaf transpiration and leaf photosynthesis while (Mount and Chang 2002). The degradation of
the leaf senescence takes place in the plant ethylene receptors after ethylene binding can fur-
(Rivero et al. 2007, 2009). ther increase ethylene sensitivity, determined by
While leaf senescence can increase plant tol- the presence of a novel protein. The degradation
erance to drought stress by significantly reducing of transcription factors in the nucleus is also con-
the rate of leaf transpiration, the presence of old trolled (Kendrick and Chang 2008).
leaf in plant can contribute to the enhanced pho- In the recent years the signaling pathway of
tosynthesis process in plant (Chaves et al. 2003; ethylene is among the most known pathways.
Rivero et al. 2007, 2009). Under stresses such as The important transcription factor is ETHYLENE
drought while the production and transport of INSENSITIVE3 (EIN3). However, what has to
cytokinins are prohibited, its degradation is be yet investigated is the biochemical mechanism
encouraged resulting in a decrease in plant growth by which the ethylene receptor signaling is per-
as well as plant-reduced tolerance to stress (Yang formed (Kendrick and Chang 2008). A key pro-
et al. 2002; Kudoyarova et al. 2006). cess in the functioning of ethylene is the
The two-component pathways related to cyto- degradation of proteins, which control both eth-
kinins regulation may affect ABA activity and ylene biosynthesis and ethylene perceiving by the
can alleviate the effects of osmotic stress. The receptors. The other important component related
three histidine kinases as cytokinins receptors to ethylene signaling is the degradation of EIN3
can adversely regulate ABA activity, as well as by the proteins EIN-BINDING F-BOXES
the stress. Accordingly, it can be mentioned that (McClellan and Chang 2008).
386 M. Miransari

Importantly, the elevated production of

ethylene under stress adversely affects plant 6 Gibberellins
growth and development. If there is any way by
which the degradation of ethylene is performed, Gibberellins are plant hormones performing dif-
the stress of ethylene on plant growth and devel- ferent functions in plant. The three enzymes of
opment can be controlled. Plant growth promot- cyclases, monooxygenases, and dioxygenases
ing rhizobacteria (PGPR) have the ability to catalyze the production of gibberellins, which
produce the enzyme, 1-aminocyclopropane-1- are tetracyclic diterpenoids, from geranylgera-
carboxylate (ACC) deaminase, which can degrade nyl diphosphate (Sponsel and Hedden 2004).
the precursor for ethylene production by the ACC Gibberellins are able to enhance plant growth
oxidase pathway. There has been extensive by degrading the negative growth regulators
research work regarding such alleviating effects DELLA proteins (Ueguchi-Tanaka et al. 2005;
of ACC-deaminase on plant growth and develop- Griffiths et al. 2006). Gibberellins can induce
ment under stress, especially by professor Glick plant systemic resistance and result in seed ger-
and his research team (Glick et al. 2007; Yang mination. Fungi and bacteria are also able to
et al. 2008; Jalili et al. 2009). produce gibberellins as secondary metabolites
The other important functioning regarding resulting in the signaling interaction with their
ethylene is its important role under submerged host plant (MacMillan 2001; Miransari and
condition, which is considered stressful to most Smith 2009a, b).
plant species. Under submerged conditions, the It has been recently indicated that Arabidopsis
plant must own some unique abilities to be able DELLA proteins, as negative regulator of gibber-
to grow under such conditions. Increased rate of ellins signaling, can influence plant systemic
adventitious roots as well as formation of new resistance by affecting jasmonates and salicylic
leaf and hence increased photosynthesis under acid signaling pathways (Navarro et al. 2008).
submerged conditions is among such abilities The Arabidopsis mutant which does not have the
regulated by ethylene. Ethylene concentration DELLA genes is very susceptible to pathogenic
can increase up to 100 times higher in plants fungi (Navarro et al. 2008). DELLA proteins are
under submerged compared with nonsubmerged able to activate plant systemic resistance to patho-
conditions resulting in tissue elongation. Such genic fungi by affecting the jasmonates/ethylene
kind of elongation is a result of processes, which pathways. Accordingly, DELLA proteins can
would loosen the cell wall, extend and divide influence plant systemic resistance by affecting
the cell, and is also under the influence of ethyl- the combined response of salicylic acid, jas-
ene interaction with other plant hormones monates, and ethylene pathways to the fungal
(Jackson 2008). infection.
Under submerged, due to the efficiency of It has also been indicated that the response of
oxygen and high concentration of CO2 the synthe- plant to the environmental stresses is also medi-
sis of ethylene can increase up to four times higher ated by DELLA proteins affecting the combined
in the base of rice stem. The increased ethylene response of plant hormonal pathways to the stress
concentration is a result of higher biosynthesis of (Achard et al. 2006). Mutant, which do not have
ethylene prerequisite 1-aminocyclopropane-1- gibberellins receptors in their cellular membrane,
carboxylic acid (ACC). Such alterations are accumulate higher rate of gibberellins enhancing
accompanied with some other genetic processes plant response to pathogenic fungi relative to the
including mRNA control on the activation of wild types (Tanaka et al. 2006). In addition to
ACC oxidase genes. These activities would col- fungi, viral infection can also affect gibberellins
lectively result in the enhanced production of pathway in plant. For example, rice dwarf virus
ethylene in rice under submerged conditions suppressed the expression of the enzyme ent-
(Mekhedov and Kende 1996; Vriezen et al. 1999; kaurene oxidase, which results in the production
Zhou et al. 2001). of gibberellins in rice plants (Zhu et al. 2005).
17 Role of Phytohormone Signaling During Stress 387

as well as the non-enzymatic antioxidants including

7 Brassinosteroids gluthatione, cartenoids, tocopherols, ascorbic
acid, etc. (Nunez et al. 2003; Vardhini and Rao
Brassinosteroids are plant hormones found in 2003). In sorghum (Sorghum vulagre L.) sub-
different parts of the plant including seed, pollen, jected to osmotic stress while brassinosteroids
flower, fruit, leaf, vesicular bundle, root, and increased the activity of catalase, they decreased
shoot. Such steroidal compounds can be found in the activities of ascorbic acid oxidase and peroxi-
association with sugars and fatty acids. So far dase (Vardhini and Rao 2003).
about 70 different plant brassinosteroids have Under salinity stress, treating rice seedlings
been recognized and isolated, affecting plant with brassinosteroids significantly enhanced the
growth and development (Sasse 2003; Yu et al. activity of catalase, superoxide dismutase, and
2008). Under biotic (pathogen infection) and abi- glutathione reductase and slightly increased the
otic stresses the level of brassinosteroids in plant activity of ascorbate peroxidase (Nunez et al.
may increase. However, the related mechanisms 2003). The fact that molecular oxygen is neces-
are not known yet (Krishna 2003). sary for the production of brassinosteroids at dif-
Different stresses such as salinity, drought, ferent stages indicates that this hormone can
heavy metals, high or low temperature, etc., usu- mediate the effects of hypoxia on plant growth
ally result in the similar cellular pathways and and development. Upreti and Murti (2004) indi-
responses including the regulation of antioxidants, cated that brassinosteroids can increase root nod-
production of stress protein, and increased concen- ulation in Phaseolus vulgaris as well as ABA
tration of solutes altering the production of hor- contents and cytokinin transzeatin riboside.
mones in plant (Smirnoff 1995; Sajedi et al. 2011). Brassinosteroids can also enhance root nodu-
There is a cross-talk between different hormones lation and crop yield under nonstressed and
affecting plant growth and development. Under water-stressed conditions by affecting the content
stress, the production of kinase protein in plant and of cytokinin in the nodulated roots of Phaseolus
the related responses by plant hormones is altered vulgaris. Seedling growth of sorghum and sugar
resulting in the induction of signals related to the beet was increased by brassinosteroids under
production of reactive oxygen species, which is of osmotic and water stress, respectively. Such alle-
high significance in the alleviation of stress. In viating effects were attributed to the enhanced
addition, there is also some sort of interaction level of acid invertase in the plant young leaf
between different plant hormones under stress. For (Schilling et al. 1991). As a result of osmotic
example, among the mechanisms by which stress, the content of protein in three sorghum
brassinosteroids can affect plant response to stress varieties decreased, which was completely
is the production of jasmonates (Mussig et al. restored and stimulated by brassinosteroids. The
2000; Schaller et al. 2000; Miller et al. 2010). stress also increased the proline level (Vardhini
Under stress the production of reactive oxy- and Rao 2003).
gen species can adversely affect cellular growth Use of brassinosteroids alleviated the stress of
and development (Sajedi et al. 2011). The role of cadmium on the performance of chickpea (Hasan
brassinosteroids in different plant physiological et al. 2008) and mustard (Hayat et al. 2007) and
mechanisms, which results in the regulation of also the stresses of aluminum and nickel on the
plant growth and development, has been indi- growth of mung bean (Ali et al. 2008) and mus-
cated. However, there is not much known about tard (Alam et al. 2007), respectively. Such allevi-
the controlling effects of brassinosteroids on oxi- ating effects may be attributed to the enhanced
dative stress. activities of antioxidant enzymes such as cata-
Under stress, use of exogenous brassinosteroids lase, superoxidase, and peroxidase by brassinos-
results in the modification of antioxidant enzymes teroids (Hasan et al. 2008).
including gluthatione peroxidase, ascorbate In case of salinity stress, brassinosteroids alle-
peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase viated the stress of salinity on rice (Oryza sativa),
388 M. Miransari

seed germination, and seedling growth. The The important role of jasmonates in nodule
hormone was also able to restore plant chloro- organogenesis has also been indicated by differ-
phylls and enhance the activity of nitrate reductase ent researchers. Nodules are root organs devel-
under salinity. Brassinosteroids increased the cel- oped during the symbiosis between the soil
lular growth of rice seedlings under suboptimal bacteria Rhizobium and their specific host plant
temperature (15°C) as well as the germination of from the leguminous family. Nodules are the
rice and corn seeds (He et al. 1991; Fujii and place of rhizobium residence, for the fixation of
Saka 2001). Although brassinosteroids and ABA atmospheric N by the production of rhizobium
may affect plant systemic resistance at the time nitrogenase (Miransari and Smith 2007, 2008,
of pathogen infection, the induction of plant 2009a, b). It has been recently indicated that for
systemic resistance is mostly related to the com- the onset of nodule development, the cytokinins
bining effects of signaling pathways induced by signaling pathway is necessary (Murray et al.
salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, and ethylene. 2007).
The other plant hormones including auxin,
ABA, ethylene, gibberellins, and brassinosteroids
8 Jasmonates are also required for nodule development (Oldroyd
et al. 2001; Ferguson et al. 2005; van Noorden
Jasmonates are lipid plant hormones affecting et al. 2006). However, more research must be per-
plant systemic resistance as well as plant growth formed to indicate the other important details
and development and elasticity by their signaling regarding the complex effects of hormonal signal-
pathways. The lipase enzymes synthesize jas- ing pathways on nodule organogenesis.
monates as oxylipins (oxygenated fatty acids). It has also been indicated that jasmonates can
The enzymes, which are located in the chloro- also influence nodule formation. For example,
plast membrane, result in the release of linolenic the antagonistic effects of jasmonates on the pro-
acid, which is then oxygenated by lipoxyge- cess of nodulation in Medicago truncatula and
nases and produces hydroperoxide derivatives Lotus japonicus have been indicated (Sun et al.
(Wasternack 2007; Schaller and Stintzi 2009). 2006; Nakagawa and Kawaguchi 2006). There is
Jasmonates are able to affect gene expression in also some kind of positive and negative interac-
plant positively or negatively while interacting tions between jasmonates and salicylic acid dur-
with other plant hormones including salicylic acid, ing the process of nodule formation (Sun et al.
auxin, ABA, and ethylene (Wasternack 2007). 2006). Jasmonates are able to alleviate the stress
Jasmonates can enhance plant resistance versus of salinity on barley growth. In plants treated
different environmental stresses and pathogen with jasmonates, lower amounts of Na+ were
infection. There is a high rate of positive or nega- found in plant shoot. Such alleviating effects
tive cross-talk and interactions between jasmonates were attributed to the performance of the follow-
and the other plant hormone salicylic acid deter- ing three genes including apoplastic invertase,
mining the ultimate response of plant to stress arginine decarboxylase, and Rubisco, regulated
(Wasternack 2007; Balbi and Devoto 2008). by jasmonates (Tuteja and Sopory 2008).
Plant mutants lacking the ability to synthesize
jasmonates have been used to investigate the sig-
naling pathways, which result in the production
of jasmonates (Devoto and Turner 2005; Lorenzo 9 Salicylic Acid
and Solano 2005; Schilmiller et al. 2007).
Jasmonates can also mediate plant response to Salicylic acid is also another important plant hor-
stress by affecting the production of reactive oxy- mone affecting plant systemic resistance to
gen species, nitrous oxide (NO), influx of cal- pathogen infection (Lian et al. 2000). During the
cium as well as activation of nitrogen protein activation of plant systemic resistance, transcrip-
kinase (Hu et al. 2009). tional factors are activated and transcriptional
17 Role of Phytohormone Signaling During Stress 389

repressors are inhibited (Dong 2001). It can weeds such as Striga. Their production by plants
adversely affect gene expression when affected roots is significantly enhanced by phosphate star-
by the stress hormone jasmonates. Borsani et al. vation (Akiyama et al. 2005; López-Ráez et al.
(2001) indicated that salicylic acid can affect the 2008; Miransari 2011).
production of reactive oxygen species as a result During the process of symbiotic association
of osmotic stress by NaCl in Arabidopsis seed- between AM fungi and the host plant, an exten-
lings. According to Ndamukong et al. (2007), sive network of hypha is developed, substantially
glutaredoxin is the protein regulating the path- increasing the uptake of water and nutrients by
ways related to salicylic signaling. It has been the host plant (Smith and Read 2008). Among
indicated that the adverse effects of salicylic acid different nutrients, phosphorous is more affected
on pathogen growth in plants is by the suppress- by AM fungi symbiosis with the host plant.
ing effects of salicylic acid on the auxin signaling Interestingly, strigolactones are more produced
pathway (Wang et al. 2007). There are also posi- under phosphate starvation, which mediate the
tive and negative interactions between salicylic activation of strigolactones producing genes
acid and jasmonates during the process of nodule (López-Ráez and Bouwmeester 2008). However,
organogenesis (Sun et al. 2006). other than P starvation, there is no any other
There are two different pathways by which details regarding the effects of strigolactones on
salicylic acid is synthesized. The cinnamate path- stresses affecting plant growth.
way in which cinnamate is synthesized from the
phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) resulting in
the production of salicylic acid. Silencing the 11 Conclusion and Future
PAL genes inhibits the production of salicylic Perspectives
acid in plant and inhibiting the activity of PAL
genes chemically reduces the production of sali- Some of the most important details regarding the
cylic acid in plant. Salicylic acid is also produced production of plant hormones, their signal path-
in the isochorismate pathway catalyzed by iso- ways under different conditions including stress
chorismate synthase (Chen et al. 2009). and the interactions between plant hormones
In brief, it can be stated that plant parameters were reviewed. Accordingly, plant hormones are
such as salicylic acid can enhance plant systemic among the most important plant components
resistance to stresses such as pathogen invasion which can make the plant survive under different
by the following mechanisms: (1) expression of conditions including stress. Under stress plant
PAL genes, (2) expression of priming genes, (3) hormones mediate plant genes, which can allevi-
activation of pathways resulting in phytoalexin ate the stress by the production of stress proteins.
production, (4) deposition of callose, (5) oxida- There are yet more details that must be known
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products (Goellner and Conrath 2008). of such details may result in the production of
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Ethylene and Abiotic Stress
Tolerance in Plants 18
Elisa Gamalero and Bernard R. Glick

Plants are commonly exposed to large number of different environmental
stresses including extremes of pH and temperature, flooding, drought,
high salt, both organic and inorganic contaminants, and a variety of patho-
genic organisms. As a consequence of these environmental stresses, plants
typically synthesize increased levels of the phytohormone ethylene and
are often unable to grow and proliferate to any great extent, at least until
the stress is removed and the ethylene level is lowered. To reduce the del-
eterious effects of ethylene stress, plant growth-promoting bacteria
(PGPB) that facilitate the proliferation of plants under stress conditions
may be added to the system. These bacteria lower the level of growth
inhibiting stress ethylene within the plant through the action of the enzyme
ACC deaminase, and are also able to directly promote plant growth, usu-
ally by providing the plant with the phytohormone indoleacetic. The net
result of adding PGPB to plants is a significant increase in both the num-
ber of seeds that germinate and the amount of biomass that the plants are
able to attain under otherwise stressful and inhibitory conditions. In this
chapter we provide a detailed overview regarding the functioning, the bio-
chemistry and the regulation of ACC deaminase, with emphasis on appli-
cation of PGPB synthesizing this enzyme and supporting plant growth
under abiotic stress such as salinity, flooding, drought, organic, and inor-
ganic pollution. Finally, recent developments on the exploitation of trans-
genic plants expressing ACC deaminase are discussed.

E. Gamalero ()
Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e della Vita,
Università del Piemonte Orientale, Viale Teresa
Michel 11, Alessandria 15121, Italy
B.R. Glick
Department of Biology University of Waterloo N2L 3G1,
Waterloo, ON, Canada

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 395
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_18,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
396 E. Gamalero and B.R. Glick

Ethylene • Plant growth-promoting bacteria • Salt • Flood • Drought
• Metal stress • Transgenic plants

of stress or it can lead to responses that enhance

1 Introduction plant survival under adverse conditions. Thus,
alleviation or exacerbation of the stress-induced
Plants are characterized by a high level of physi- effects of the stress depends on the plant species,
ological plasticity, which ensures a wide range of its age and the nature of the stress (VanLoon and
protective responses and enables them to survive Glick 2004). This behavior has been explained
a variety of different environmental stresses by the two-phase model proposed by Glick et al.
(Lusk et al. 2008; Schmidt 2008; Potters et al. (2007a). A few hours after the onset of a stress,
2009). The exposure of plants to mild chronic an initial small peak of ethylene occurs. This ben-
stress causes stress-induced morphogenic eficial peak of ethylene initiates a protective
responses (SIMRs), with auxin, reactive oxygen response by the plant, such as transcription of
species (ROS), and ethylene playing the role of pathogenesis-related genes and induction of
response mediators. The visible consequences of acquired resistance (Ciardi et al. 2000; VanLoon
the SIMRs are the inhibition of root and/or shoot and Glick 2004). Then, if the stress becomes
elongation and the simultaneous enhancement of chronic or more intense, 1–3 days later, the ACC
root and axillary branching. synthase genes are transcribed; as a consequence
Ethylene is a gaseous phytohormone that is of the synthesis of additional ACC, a second
involved in several phases of plant growth (e.g., much larger ethylene peak is observed. This sec-
fruit ripening, flower senescence, leaf and petal ond ethylene peak is considered to be deleterious
abscission) as well as in plant responses to biotic to the plant in that it induces processes such as
and abiotic stresses (Abeles et al. 1992). In fact, senescence, chlorosis, and abscission that may
the term “stress ethylene” (Abeles 1973) indi- lead to a significant inhibition of plant growth
cates the increase in ethylene synthesis associ- and survival.
ated with environmental stresses such as extremes
of temperature, high light, flooding, drought,
heavy metal and organic pollution, radiation, 2 Plant Growth-Promoting
wounding, insect predation, high salt, and vari- Bacteria
ous pathogens including viruses, bacteria, and
fungi (Morgan and Drew 1997). Due to the release of photosynthate by the plant
In higher plants, the synthesis of ethylene roots, the rhizosphere (the zone of soil surround-
involves three enzymes: (1) S-adenosyl-l-methionine ing the roots of plants) is a microhabitat relatively
(SAM) synthetase, which catalyzes the conversion rich in nutrients which favors the establishment
of methionine to SAM (Giovanelli et al. 1980), (2) of complex multitrophic interactions among the
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) plant, the microorganisms, and the soil itself
synthase, which mediates the hydrolysis of SAM to (Lynch and Whipps 1990). Consequently, the
ACC and 5¢-methylthioadenosine (Yang and rhizosphere is considered as a “hot spot” that
Hoffman 1984; Kende 1989), and (3) ACC oxidase attracts large and active microbial populations
which catalyzes the conversion of ACC to ethylene, able to affect plant growth by exerting beneficial,
carbon dioxide, and cyanide (John 1991). detrimental, or no effects. “Plant growth-promoting
Ethylene synthesized in response to environ- rhizobacteria” (PGPR) (Kloepper and Schroth
mental stresses can either exacerbate the symptoms 1978) are soil bacteria able to efficiently colonize
18 Ethylene and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants 397

plant roots after their inoculation onto seeds. Shimomura 1978). Since then, numerous studies
Once the colonization of the roots by PGPR is have demonstrated ACC deaminase activity in a
well established plant biomass by direct or indi- wide range of soil microorganisms including the
rect stimulation of plant health are frequently fungus Penicillium citrinum (Honma 1993) and
achieved (Cook 2002). In order to discuss the various bacteria (Jacobson et al. 1994; Glick et al.
modes of action of a wide range of plant benefi- 1995; Burd et al. 1998; Belimov et al. 2001;
cial bacteria, the term “plant growth-promoting Ghosh et al. 2003; Ma et al. 2003a; Sessitsch
bacteria” (PGPB) was proposed (Bashan and et al. 2005; Blaha et al. 2006; Madhaiyan et al.
Holguin 1998). In agreement with this proposal, 2007; Kuffner et al. 2008; Chinnadurai et al.
in this chapter we will use the term PGPB instead 2009). Bacteria that have ACC deaminase facilitate
of PGPR. plant growth under different ethylene-producing
Enhancement of plant development by PGPB environmental stresses, including flooding (Grichko
has been demonstrated on a wide range of different and Glick 2001a, b; Farwell et al. 2007), pollu-
crops under both controlled conditions and in the tion caused by organic toxicants such as polycy-
field, and a large number of papers have been pub- clicaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polycyclic
lished on this topic (Reed and Glick 2004). As an biphenyls (PCBs) and total petroleum hydrocar-
initial requirement for effective use of PGPB, effi- bons (TPHs) (Huang et al. 2004; Saleh et al.
cient root colonization by the bacteria is required, 2004; Reed and Glick 2005) and by heavy metals
in particular in open field conditions, where com- including nickel, lead, zinc, copper, cadmium,
petition with autochtonous microorganisms is high cobalt and arsenic (Burd et al. 1998, 2000;
(Gamalero et al. 2004, 2005; Pivato et al. 2008). Belimov et al. 2001, 2005; Nie et al. 2002; Glick
2003; Reed and Glick 2005; Farwell et al. 2006;
Rodriguez et al. 2008; Ma et al. 2009), salinity
2.1 Mechanisms Used by PGPB
(Mayak et al. 2004b; Saravanakumar and
Samiyappan 2006; Cheng et al. 2007; Gamalero
PGPB can promote plant growth in two different
et al. 2010), drought (Mayak et al. 2004a; Arshad
ways: either indirectly by plant disease suppres-
et al. 2008; Belimov et al. 2009), and phytopatho-
sion or through direct stimulation (Glick 1995).
gen attack (Wang et al. 2000; Hao et al. 2007;
While plant disease suppression leads to improve-
Toklikishvili et al. 2010).
ment of plant health, the direct effects of many
In addition to the above-mentioned stresses,
soil bacteria on plants is mediated by a range of
other natural processes such as nodulation of
mechanisms including improvement of mineral
legumes and mycorrhizal establishment in the host
nutrition (P, N, Fe), enhancement of plant toler-
plant induce local increases in ethylene content
ance to biotic and abiotic stresses, and modifica-
which has the potential to decrease various aspects
tion of root development (Glick 1995; Glick
of plant growth and development. In this context,
et al. 1999; Kloepper et al. 1989; Gamalero et al.
ACC deaminase-producing bacteria, lowering the
2002, 2004). The bacterial traits involved in these
ethylene content in the plants, can increase nodu-
activities include nitrogen fixation, phosphate
lation in legumes such as pea and alfalfa (Ma et al.
solubilization, iron sequestration, synthesis of
2003a, 2004) and mycorrhizal colonization in
phytohormones, and modulation of plant ethyl-
cucumber (Gamalero et al. 2008).
ene levels (Gamalero and Glick in press).
2.2.1 Model
2.2 ACC Deaminase In a model that was previously reported by Glick
et al. (1998), PGPB that synthesize ACC deami-
In 1978, an enzyme capable of degrading the eth- nase begin seed or rootlet colonization following
ylene precursor, ACC, to ammonia and a-ketobu- the release of tryptophan and other small molecules
tyrate was isolated from the bacterium by seed or root exudates (Bayliss et al. 1997;
Pseudomonas sp. strain ACP (Honma and Penrose and Glick 2001). Thereafter, the bacteria
398 E. Gamalero and B.R. Glick

synthesize and secrete IAA (Patten and Glick 2.2.3 Occurrence in Nature
1996, 2002) that, together with the IAA synthe- Bacterial ACC deaminase activity is relatively
sized by the plant, can either stimulate plant common. Genes coding for ACC deaminase have
growth or induce the transcription of the gene been found in gram-negative (Wang et al. 2000;
encoding the plant enzyme ACC synthase, which Belimov et al. 2001; Hontzeas et al. 2005) and
converts SAM to ACC. A portion of the ACC that -positive (Belimov et al. 2001; Ghosh et al. 2003;
is produced by this reaction has been shown to be Raddadi et al. 2008) bacteria, rhizobia (Ma et al.
exuded from seeds or plant roots, taken up by the 2003a, b; Shaharoona et al. 2006; Duan et al.
bacteria, and subsequently converted by the 2009), methylobacteria (Chinnadurai et al. 2009),
enzyme ACC deaminase to ammonia and endophytes (Sessitsch et al. 2005; Rothballer
a-ketobutyrate (Bayliss et al. 1997; Penrose and et al. 2008), and fungi (Jia et al. 1999; Viterbo
Glick 2001). As a result of this activity, the level et al. 2010). In one study, 12% of isolated
of ethylene produced by the plant is lowered and Rhizobium spp. from various sites in southern
does not reach levels which are inhibitory for and central Saskatchewan possessed this enzyme
plant growth. In addition, ethylene inhibition of (Duan et al. 2009). In another study, ACC deaminase
IAA signal tranduction is decreased thereby activity/genes were found in a wide range of bac-
facilitating IAA stimulation of plant growth terial isolates including Azospirillum, Rhizobium,
(Glick et al. 2007a). The main short-term visible Agrobacterium, Achromobacter, Burkholderia,
effect of seed inoculation with ACC deaminase- Ralstonia, Pseudomonas, and Enterobacter
producing bacteria, under gnotobiotic conditions, (Blaha et al. 2006).
is the enhancement of root elongation (Glick Although, based on sequence similarity, many
et al. 1995; Hall et al. 1996; Shah et al. 1997). organisms have putative ACC deaminase genes
(Kaneko et al. 2010; Taghavi et al. 2010),
2.2.2 Protein Biochemistry sequence homology by itself does not suffice to
ACC deaminase is a multimeric enzyme (either a define these open reading frames as ACC deami-
dimer or a trimer) that utilizes the coenzyme pyr- nase encoding sequences (Glick 2005) since
idoxal phosphate as a tightly bound cofactor, with other pyridoxal phosphate enzymes have
an approximate subunit mass of 35,000–42,000 sequences similar to ACC deaminase (Todorovic
and a native size estimated to be 100–112 kDa and Glick 2008).
(Jacobson et al. 1994; Hontzeas et al. 2004;
Karthikeyan et al. 2004; Klee et al. 1991; Sheehy 2.2.4 Regulation
et al. 1991). In all instances examined, the Km Analysis of DNA sequence data for the region
indicated that the enzyme did not have a particu- upstream of the ACC deaminase structural gene
larly high affinity for ACC with Km values typi- (i.e., acdS) from the PGPB Pseudomonas putida
cally around 1.5–6.0 mM. While most organisms UW4 indicated that this DNA segment contained
with ACC deaminase contain a basal level of a CRP (cyclic AMP receptor protein) binding
enzyme activity, ACC is induced by ACC, at lev- site, an FNR (fumarate-nitrate reduction regula-
els as low as 100 nM (Jacobson et al. 1994) with tory protein) binding site (which is a known
full induction requiring up to 10 h. The amino anaerobic transcriptional regulator), an Lrp
acids l-alanine, dl-alanine and dl-valine can also (leucine-responsive regulatory protein) binding
induce enzyme activity to a small extent, and site, and a gene encoding an Lrp protein (Grichko
a-aminoisobutyric acid can induce activity to and Glick 2000; Li and Glick 2001). All of these
almost the same level as ACC (Honma 1983). features were previously shown to be compo-
ACC deaminase activity is optimum at a temper- nents of the transcriptional regulatory mechanism
ature of 30°C and at pH 8.5 (Hontzeas et al. of the ACC deaminase gene from this bacterium,
2006). The affinity of the substrate ACC and the with the acdS promoter under the transcriptional
competitive inhibitors l-alanine and l-serine for control of the regulatory Lrp protein (encoded by
the enzyme is also highest at pH 8.5. acdR). Subsequent studies have indicated that in
18 Ethylene and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants 399

a large number of bacteria the acdS gene is under Notwithstanding other effects, salinity-induced
the transcriptional control of acdR (Ma et al. 2003b; stress in plants is partly ascribed to ethylene pro-
Blaha et al. 2006; Prigent-Combaret et al. 2008; duction (O’Donnell et al. 1996; Cuartero and
Duan et al. 2009; Sun et al. 2009). Moreover, in Fernandez-Munoz 1999; Blumwald 2000; Mayak
strain P. putida UW4, a protein that specifically et al. 2004a, b; Shibli et al. 2007). For instance,
interacts with ACC, the Lrp protein and the region ethylene synthesis was enhanced from two- to
of DNA upstream of acdS has been identified and about tenfold in tomato (Lycopersicon esculen-
characterized (Cheng et al. 2008; Glick et al. tum) and Arabidopsis plants exposed to salinity
2007b).While transcriptional regulation of acdS stress (Richard and El-Abd 1989; Hall and Smith
by acdR is a key feature of the expression of 1995). In addition, in chickpea (Cicer arietinum),
many bacterial ACC deaminases, in some salinity induced increases of ethylene, ACC con-
instances acdS is not under the transcriptional tent, and in the activity of the enzyme ACC oxi-
control of acdR. For example, an acdS gene from dase (Kukreja et al. 2005). One of the major
a strain of Mesorhizobium loti has been shown to mechanisms by which PGPB facilitate plant
be transcriptionally regulated by the nifA pro- growth under stressful conditions is the reduction
moter (Kaneko et al. 2000), and to be expressed of ethylene levels through the enzyme ACC
exclusively within legume nodules (Uchiumi deaminase (Glick 1995, 2004; Glick et al. 1998,
et al. 2004). It is possible that the expression of 2007a, b).
ACC deaminase genes within nitrogen-fixing PGPB isolated from soil samples derived from
nodules might decrease the rate of nodule senes- dried river beds in the arid and salty Arava region
cence – as nitrogen fixation with its high energy in the southern part of the Negev desert in Israel
demand could activate stress ethylene synthesis were selected to assess their ability to produce
– and thereby effectively increase the amount of ACC deaminase and, on the basis of preliminary
fixed nitrogen. testing, one bacterium, Achrobacter piechaudii
ARV8, was further characterized (Mayak et al.
2004a). Tomato plants inoculated with this strain
3 Decreasing Plant Stress and exposed to salt concentrations up to 200 mM
with PGPB showed increased root and shoot biomass, this
effect being related to the reduction of ethylene
3.1 Salt levels in plants. This pioneering work served as
the basis for a spate of experimental work on sev-
Salinity is an enormous worldwide problem for eral different plants by scientists from all over the
agriculture, especially for crops that are grown world. Since then, labs from India, Pakistan,
under irrigation. The amount of salt-affected land China, Italy and Canada have reported success-
worldwide is >900 million ha which is approxi- fully employing ACC deaminase-expressing bac-
mately 6% of the total global land mass, or about teria to promote plant growth in presence of high
20% of the world’s cultivated area. Moreover, it concentrations of salt (Saravanakumar and
has been estimated that around half of the land Samiyappan 2006; Cheng et al. 2007; Nadeem
devoted to the growth of irrigated crops is et al. 2007; Yue et al. 2007). These studies have
adversely affected by salinity (Flowers 2004). included groundnut (Saravanakumar and
Plants exposed to excessive salinity are inhib- Samiyappan 2006), maize (Nadeem et al. 2007),
ited in their growth and development: seed ger- cotton (Yue et al. 2007), canola (Cheng et al.
mination, seedling growth and vigor, flowering 2007), wheat (Nadeem et al. 2010), and cucum-
and fruit set are negatively affected by salt stress ber (Gamalero et al. 2010) as experimental sys-
which induces osmotic stress, Na+ and Cl− toxic- tems. A very important point is that the efficacy
ity, plasmolysis, nutrient imbalance, production of the ACC deaminase-producing strains in pro-
of reactive oxygen species, and interference tecting plants against growth inhibition induced
with photosynthesis, in a wide range of plants. by salinity is evident in the field as well as in a
400 E. Gamalero and B.R. Glick

laboratory or greenhouse setting (Saravanakumar been demonstrated by the experiments performed

and Samiyappan 2006). In the experiments by Grichko and Glick (2001a). Tomato plants
reported by Cheng et al. (2007) and Gamalero inoculated with bacteria able to produce ACC
et al. (2010), only wild-type Pseudomonas putida deaminase and subjected to 9 days of flooding
UW4 and not an ACC deaminase minus mutant were taller, healthier, and greener (due to
of this bacterium protected canola and cucumber increased levels of chlorophyll) compared to
plants, respectively, against growth inhibition by noninoculated ones. In addition, an increased
salt. These results provide a clear demonstration development of adventitious roots and stem aer-
of the role of ethylene in growth inhibition by enchyma was observed in flooded plants treated
high salt. with ACC deaminase-expressing bacteria com-
pared to flooded plants inoculated with bacteria
which did not contain this enzyme or plants that
3.2 Flooding were flooded but not inoculated with bacteria.

The main consequence of flooding is oxygen

deprivation to the plant roots (Kozlowski 1984; 3.3 Drought
Jackson 1985) which respond with reduced root
permeability, water absorption and mineral Soil aridity is one of the greatest limitations
uptake; closure of stomata followed by a decrease being faced by present-day agriculture leading to
in photosynthesis, alterations in hormone bal- serious reduction of crop yield. When exposed to
ance, inhibition of stem and root growth, hyper- drought, plant roots sense the soil drying condi-
trophy of lenticels, development of aerenchyma tion. In order to maintain cellular water status,
and adventitious roots, epinasty, chlorosis, leaf the roots send chemical signals, including absci-
abscission and premature fruit drop (Vartapetian sic acid (ABA), via the xylem to the shoots to
and Jackson 1997). It has been calculated that restrict water use. In addition, drought stress has
under normal conditions, about 230 mmol m−3 of been extensively associated with other long-
oxygen is dissolved in water, and when the oxy- distance signals such as ACC. As a consequence
gen level is reduced to 50 mmol m−3, hypoxia of this raised level of ACC, high amount of
occurs (Nilsen and Orcutt 1997; Vartapetian and endogenous ethylene is synthesized by the plant
Jackson 1997). In this condition, the remaining (Graves and Gladon 1985; Kalantari et al. 2000;
available oxygen is quickly consumed by soil Mayak et al. 2004a; Sobeih et al. 2004) leading
microorganisms leading to a worsening of the to growth inhibition, premature senescence and
stress (Frankenberger and Arshad 1995). In addi- abscission, and reduction of crop yield (Davies
tion, hypoxia induces transcription of ACC syn- and Zhang 1991; Dodd 2005). Therefore,
thase genes in flooded roots (Drew 1997); together with the promotion of root growth
however, the oxidation of ACC to ethylene (by which is beneficial for improving plant water
ACC oxidase) is thwarted by the lack of oxygen uptake (Reynolds and Tuberosa 2008), the low-
(Abeles et al. 1992; Shiu et al. 1998). Therefore, ering of the ethylene levels could be a strategy to
some of the ACC synthesized by the plant is improve the development and health of plants
exuded into the surrounding soil and becomes grown under drought stress.
available to the soil bacteria expressing ACC The first demonstration of the efficacy of ACC
deaminase (Else et al. 1995) that in turn could deaminase-expressing bacteria in supporting the
support the growth of the plants exposed to growth of plants cultivated in water scarcity came
flooding. In plants whose roots are not associated from Mayak et al. (2004a). In this work, tomato
with bacteria that produce ACC deaminase, the and pepper plant tolerance to water deficit was
excess ACC moves up from the plant roots to the conferred by the bacterial strain Achromobacter
shoots where more oxygen is available and ethyl- piechaudi ARV8, able to synthesize ACC deami-
ene synthesis is thereby enabled. This idea has nase, resulting in significant biomass increases
18 Ethylene and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants 401

when plants were rewatered following several 3.4 Metals

days of drought. Although the relative water
contents were unaffected by seed inoculation Plants exposed to toxic levels of heavy metals
with the bacterial strain, ethylene synthesis was show several macroscopic consequences such as
reduced in inoculated plants compared to con- reduced growth (of both roots and above ground
trols, with a simultaneous dramatic improved parts), leaf chlorosis and necrosis, loss of turgor,
recovery from water deficiency (Mayak et al. a decreased rate of seed germination, cell and
2004a). plant death (Bingham et al. 1986; Foy et al. 1978).
In a subsequent study, two pseudomonads, These effects are typically ascribed to ultrastruc-
showing ACC deaminase activity, significantly tural, biochemical, and molecular changes in
decreased the “drought stress-imposed effects” plant tissues and cells caused by the presence of
on the growth and yield of peas (Pisum sativum heavy metals. At a biochemical level, the protein
L.) subjected to drought stress (Arshad et al. profile of plants exposed to heavy metals is modi-
2008). Exposure of plants to drought stress at fied as a consequence of the reestablishment of
the vegetative growth stage reduced shoot bio- the unstressed plant’s cellular and redox homeo-
mass by 41% in uninoculated plants, and by stasis and is an indication of the plant’s adapta-
only 18% in inoculated plants. While plants tion to chronic stress (Bona et al. 2007). Other
exposed to drought stress at the flowering and plant reactions are the synthesis of polyamines,
pod formation stages showed a lower grain accumulation of reactive oxygen species
yield, bacterial inoculation resulted in better (Mithöfer et al. 2004; Rodrìguez-Serrano et al.
grain yields (up to 62% and 40% higher at these 2006), changes in plant nutrient levels (Sandalio
two stages, respectively) than the uninoculated et al. 2001) and in water status (Perfus-Barbeoch
ones. Finally, delay of pod ripening observed in et al. 2002), a decrease in plasma membrane H+-
inoculated plants was associated with reduction ATPase activity, and a reduction in photosynthe-
of the endogenous ethylene concentration sis (Krupa 1988; Hsu and Kao 2004; Bačkor et al.
(Arshad et al. 2008). 2007). In addition, independent of the varying
A conclusive demonstration of the involve- amounts of heavy metal mobilization and accu-
ment of ACC deaminase in supporting plant mulation, the presence of heavy metals raises
growth under drought stress comes from the plant ethylene levels which lead to subsequent
recent work of Belimov et al. (2009). Inoculation inhibition of root elongation and a stress/senes-
with Variovorax paradoxus 5C-2, but not with a cence response (Deikman 1997). For example,
transposon mutant of this bacterium with ethylene can: speed up senescence of plants
decreased ACC deaminase activity, improved exposed to high concentrations of Cu for a pro-
growth, yield and water-use efficiency of drought- longed period of time (Maksymiec et al. 1995;
stressed peas. At a local level (within the root), Maksymiec and Baszyński 1996), inhibit cell
the bacterial strain enhanced nodulation by sym- growth, and increase cell wall rigidity through
biotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria, thereby prevent- deposition of lignin (Enyedi et al. 1992).
ing a drought-induced decrease in nodulation and Despite the fact that heavy metals adversely
seed nitrogen content. Systemic (within the affect soil microflora (Bååth 1989; Van Beelen
shoot) inoculation with strain V. paradoxus 5C-2 and Doelman 1997; Giller et al. 1998; Regvar
induced an increased ABA concentration in the et al. 2001; Rajapaksha et al. 2004), some benefi-
xylem, and a reduction of the xylem ACC con- cial microorganisms typically found living on
centration. The exploitation of ACC deaminase- plant roots can relieve some of the metal toxicity
expressing bacteria combined with deficit to plants. This may occur as a result of the micro-
irrigation may be an effective way of more effi- organisms modifying the metal bioavailability
ciently using water in agriculture while reducing (via volatilization, or the sequestering/accumulation
the yield loss induced by soil drying (Belimov of the metal), through the release of chelators,
et al. 2009). acidification, or redox changes (Abou-Shanab
402 E. Gamalero and B.R. Glick

et al. 2008), or by increasing the tolerance to the compounds by plant roots. Recently, the ability
presence of the metals through the synthesis of of Pseudomonas tolaasii strain ACC23 to increase
the enzyme ACC deaminase (Glick 1995, 2004; the biomass of canola plants in the presence of
Glick et al. 1998, 2007a, b). Several studies have Cd stress (83% for roots and 94% for shoots) and
demonstrated the involvement of this bacterial the cadmium uptake per plant (107%), compared
activity in improving the survival and health of to uninoculated plants, was demonstrated
plants grown in heavy metal-polluted soils through (Dell’Amico et al. 2008). Since the specific
reduction of the endogenous ethylene levels. uptake of Cd into shoots and roots did not change
Kluyvera ascorbata SUD165 is a nickel-resistant following bacterial inoculation, strain ACC23
siderophore-producing bacterial strain that can did not affect metal availability or mobility; how-
grow at cold temperatures (5–10°C) and synthe- ever, plant biomass was increased following the
size ACC deaminase (Burd et al. 1998). This addition of this strain and the total amount of Cd
organism was originally isolated from nickel- accumulated was also increased (Dell’Amico
contaminated soil from northern Ontario, Canada. et al. 2008). Detailed physiological characteriza-
It promoted the growth of Indian mustard, tomato, tion of this bacterium indicated that it had the
and canola in the presence of high concentrations ability to produce IAA, siderophores as well as
of nickel (and other metals) under a range of dif- the enzyme ACC deaminase. While this study did
ferent experimental conditions (Burd et al. 1998, not show direct involvement of any of these plant
2000; Ma et al. 2001) by increasing plant toler- beneficial traits in the promotion of plant growth
ance to the metal through an observed three- to in the presence of cadmium stress, it is neverthe-
fourfold reduction of the ethylene level. Moreover, less probable that the success of this bacterial
the siderophores produced by this bacterium inoculant depended on one or more of these bac-
helped the plants to accumulate sufficient iron so terial traits.
that they were no longer chlorotic (and iron-
stressed, which also can cause the synthesis of
stress ethylene). 3.5 Organic Compounds
Several cadmium-tolerant bacterial strains of
Pseudomonas, Alcaligenes, Variovorax, Bacillus, Many soil bacteria are able to degrade anthropo-
and Rhodococcus spp. that express the enzyme genic organic chemicals such as herbicides
ACC deaminase have been isolated from the (Sorensen et al. 2008), pesticides (Wackett et al.
rhizoplane of pea and Indian mustard plant that 2002; Kim et al. 2004), refrigerants (Parnell et al.
were cultivated in the presence of heavy metal- 2006; Field and Sierra-Alvarez 2008; Pieper and
polluted soil or sewage sludge (Belimov et al. Seeger 2008), solvents (Coleman et al. 2002; Park
2001). These strains stimulated the root elonga- et al. 2002; Lee et al. 2010), and other organic
tion of canola and Indian mustard cultivated in xenobiotics. As a consequence of their versatile
presence of 300 mM CdCl2. In addition, a positive catabolic properties, bacteria belonging to the
correlation was observed between the measured pseudomonad group are often well equipped to
in vitro ACC deaminase activity and the effect of carry out the biodegradation of complex organic
the added bacteria on plant root elongation compounds, a process that typically requires the
(Belimov et al. 2005). concerted efforts of several enzymes. The genes
In addition to stimulation of the growth of that code for the enzymes of these biodegradative
plants cultivated on heavy metal-polluted soils, pathways are often located on large (~50–200 kb)
in some instances ACC deaminase-expressing “biodegradative” plasmids (Ghosal et al. 1985;
bacteria can improve phytoremediation efficacy. Cork and Krueger 1991). Nonhalogenated aro-
In that situation, the plant can accumulate higher matic compounds can be enzymatically converted
levels of heavy metals and/or there may be an by degradative bacteria to either catechol or pro-
enhanced mobilization of metals in the soil due to tocatechuate, compounds that are readily metabo-
an increase in the exudation of a variety of organic lized by almost all organisms. Halogenated
18 Ethylene and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants 403

aromatic compounds, which are the main compo- various benefits to plants, including the synthesis
nents of most pesticides and herbicides, may also of compounds that increase plant tolerance to
be degraded by these plasmid-encoded enzymes, stress by lowering plant stress hormone levels
but with a much slower rate of degradation (Glick and the degradation of contaminants before they
et al. 2010). Therefore, microbial degradation can negatively impact the plants (Gerhardt et al.
might provide a reasonable and effective means 2009). Besides degrading polycyclic aromatic
of disposing of toxic chemical wastes and inocu- hydrocarbons, bacteria with hydrophobic exter-
lation of bacteria with biodegradative capabilities nal surfaces may make these relatively insoluble
in polluted soils can facilitate the breakdown of compounds more bioavailable (Johnsen and
the contaminants. While this is especially true Karlson 2004) through the formation of biofilm
under laboratory conditions, successful bioreme- on the surface of some crystal-like polycyclic
diation is often more difficult to achieve when aromatic hydrocarbons.
bacteria are inoculated directly in environment. Several studies have reported the efficacy of
On the other hand, the use of plants to clean improving phytoremediation by the combined
up contaminated soils (i.e., phytoremediation) is use of plants and biodegradative bacteria for
a viable remediation strategy for environmen- removing: petroleum products (Escalante-
tally persistent organic compounds, but several Espinosa et al. 2005; Huang et al. 2005;
limitations hamper its widespread application in Radwan et al. 2005; Alarcón et al. 2008;
the field (Salt et al. 1998; Pilon-Smits 2005; Al-Awadhi et al. 2009), polycyclic and other
Glick 2003). Thus, plant photosynthesis, respira- aromatic hydrocarbons (Daane et al. 2001;
tion, and metabolism may be impaired by organic Huang et al. 2004; Sheng and Gong 2006;
contaminants leading to low plant biomass and, Sheng et al. 2008; Germaine et al. 2009), and
subsequently, low remediation efficacy (Medina halogenated compounds (Sicilano and Germida
et al. 2004; Pilon-Smits 2005). In addition, plants 1997; Yee et al. 1998; Leigh et al. 2006; Liu
showing some degree of tolerance to soil con- et al. 2007; Uhlik et al. 2009) from contami-
taminants are often characterized by a reduced nated soils. Although most of these studies
biomass that does not allow for the efficient and have been performed under controlled labora-
timely degradation of the contaminant. One tory, growth chamber or greenhouse conditions
strategy to overcome these problems is rhizore- and some field scale phytoremediation studies
mediation, that is, the combined use of plants have also been reported (Gurska et al. 2009;
tolerant to the organic pollutant together with Kamath et al. 2004).
biodegradative bacteria having plant growth- In general, plants inoculated with PGPB hav-
promoting activity (Gerhardt et al. 2009). In this ing degradative capabilities withstand the stress
case, degradation of organic compounds to non- of growing in the polluted soils better than noni-
toxic, or less-toxic, chemicals results from com- noculated ones. Gurska et al. (2009) performed a
plex interactions involving roots, root exudates, 3-year field test at a Southern Ontario site
rhizosphere soil, and microbes. Depending on (~130 g kg−1 of total petroleum hydrocarbons,
the plant species, age and environmental condi- TPH) used for land farming of refinery hydrocar-
tions, root exudation can account for up to 40% bon waste for many years. The low molecular
of net fixed carbon (Lynch and Whipps 1990). weight TPH fractions were removed through land
On average, 15–20% of net fixed carbon is farming and bioremediation; the high molecular
released by the roots (Nguyen 2003) into the soil weight, recalcitrant fractions remained at high
as sugars, amino acids, organic acids, and larger levels in the soil and were remediated by combining
organic compounds (Kumar et al. 2006). These plants (annual ryegrass, tall fescue, barley, and
compounds attract a dense and diverse microbial fall rye) and the ACC deaminase-expressing
population which can bind efficiently to plant strains P. putida UW3 and P. putida UW4. Using
roots and colonize the root surface and often this approach, TPH levels in soil decreased from
the interior of the plant as well. This provides 129.3 to 46.4 g kg−1 over a 3-year period. In addition,
404 E. Gamalero and B.R. Glick

the biomass of the plants grown in these polluted 4.1 Salt

soil was enhanced by PGPB by 40%.
Although phytoremediation represents a prom- A variety of genetic engineering approaches to
ising alternative to other, more expensive, reme- the improvement of salt tolerance in plants have
dial biotechnologies, the efficacy of this system been reported (Karuna Stree et al. 2000; Shi et al.
may be limited when toxic levels of contaminants 2000; Tabaei-Aghdaei et al. 2000; Zhang and
hinder plant growth and depress microbial popu- Blumwald 2001; Zhang et al. 2001; Zhu 2002),
lations. Inoculation of seeds or seedlings with but only one paper dealt with the salt-stress toler-
PGPB addresses these problems directly by ance by transgenic plants expressing the bacterial
increasing the plant’s tolerance to a variety of gene encoding for ACC deaminase (Sergeeva
xenobiotic compounds. et al. 2006). In this work, the transformed and
nontransformed canola plants were cultivated in
the presence of 0–200 mM NaCl and several
4 Decreasing Plant Stress parameters of plant growth and physiology were
with Transgenic Plants assessed.
The data are consistent with the possibility
The impact of abiotic stress on plant develop- that the presence of ACC deaminase confers tol-
ment represents an advantage both in agriculture erance to transgenic canola lines under salt stress
and horticulture as well as in more recent devel- as compared to the nontransformed canola plants.
oped environmental biotechnologies such as This protection occurs due to the decreased syn-
phytoremediation of contaminated soils. thesis of ethylene. Nevertheless, the protection
Although several transgene products altering given by the insertion of the ACC deaminase
ethylene synthesis have been reported, labora- gene in canola plants was not significantly differ-
tory studies of transgenic plants expressing the ent from that provided by seed inoculation with
bacterial gene encoding ACC deaminase are PGPB able to synthesize ACC deaminase (Mayak
characterized by an enhanced tolerance to abi- et al. 2004b).
otic stresses such as flooding (Grichko and Glick
2001a), salinity (Mayak et al. 2004b; Sergeeva
et al. 2006), and metal contamination (Stearns 4.2 Flooding
et al. 2005; Grichko et al. 2000; Nie et al. 2002).
To our knowledge, no report regarding the Experiments involving ACC deaminase trans-
growth of transgenic plants expressing ACC genic plants exposed to flooding were conducted
deaminase exposed to either drought stress or on tomato (Grichko and Glick 2001a) and canola
organic pollutant contamination has yet been (Farwell et al. 2007) as model plants. Preliminary
published. results obtained by Grichko and Glick (2001a)
The main advantage of this approach is that showed that the transgenic tomato plants express-
with genetic manipulation (i.e., lowered level of ing ACC deaminase gene showed some increased
stress ethylene), plant tolerance to a wide range tolerance to flooding stress and were less affected
of different abiotic stresses may be gained. But by deleterious effects of root hypoxia than non-
PGPB are typically more effective in protecting transformed plants. Recently, Farwell et al. (2007)
plants against the deleterious effects of various compared the growth of transgenic canola express-
abiotic stresses than the transgenic plants express- ing ACC deaminase to that of nontransformed
ing ACC deaminase. This is because PGPB may canola, inoculated or not with the bacterial strain
contribute to plant growth under stressed or natu- P. putida UW4, able to synthesize ACC deami-
ral environments by a number of different mech- nase, and simultaneously exposed to two major
anisms, including the synthesis of IAA and stresses, i.e., flooding and nickel contamination.
siderophores, and not solely by reducing plant The biomass of transgenic canola, especially when
ethylene levels. inoculated with P. putida UW4, was significantly
18 Ethylene and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants 405

higher than that of nontransformed canola in root system, and accumulated a greater amount
metal-contaminated soil under low flood-stress of Cu2+ and Co2+ than nontransformed plants
conditions. However, as observed earlier, using (Zhang et al. 2008). Finally, inoculation of trans-
either transgenic canola or a bacterial strain able genic plants expressing ACC deaminase with
to express ACC deaminase, a similar level of tol- bacteria able to synthesize this enzyme also led to
erance under low flood-stress conditions in the better plant performance, highlighted by improved
presence of nickel was observed. growth and higher metal accumulation. Thus,
inoculation of transgenic canola plants express-
ing ACC deaminase in the roots, with
4.3 Metals Pseudomonas putida Biovar B strain HS-2, which
is also able to synthesize this enzyme, induced an
The use of transgenic plants in the phytoremedia- increase in plant biomass and nickel (Ni) uptake
tion of contaminated environments may provide by shoots and roots (Rodriguez et al. 2008).
the plant with some significant growth and sur-
vival advantages. Transgenic plants increase the
plant’s capacity to tolerate, accumulate, and/or 5 Conclusion and Future
metabolize pollutants thereby resulting in the Perspective
production of large biomass (Krämer and
Chardonnens 2001; Pilon-Smits and Pilon 2002). Soil-based plant–bacterial interactions have
Previously, transgenic tobacco, canola, and likely existed for millions of years. However, it
tomato plants expressing the bacterial enzyme was not until the middle of the twentieth century
ACC deaminase have been constructed and tested that scientists selected and tested a wide range
(Grichko et al. 2000; Nie et al. 2002; Stearns of bacteria that actively facilitated plant growth.
et al. 2005; Farwell et al. 2006). While the use of Many early experiments with PGPB suffered
transgenic plants may appear to be advantageous from a lack of reproducibility, probably reflect-
in comparison with the use of plant growth- ing the lack of a detailed understanding of the
promoting bacteria, especially in soils that might key bacterial traits essential to make this rela-
inhibit or prevent the proliferation of added bac- tionship work effectively. However, modern
teria, in practice, when they are tested, these biochemical and genetic techniques have
transgenic plants are found to perform quite simi- allowed scientists to develop a deeper under-
larly to plants treated with ACC deaminase- standing of the mechanisms used by many bac-
expressing rhizobacteria. teria to promote plant growth. Thus, there are a
The fitness of transgenic tomato plants large number of reports of successful field trials
expressing ACC deaminase versus nontrans- of bacteria that were initially selected and tested
genic tomato plants was compared in presence in the laboratory to produce ACC deaminase,
of heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Mg, Ni, Pb, or Zn) IAA, and siderophores. Notwithstanding the
and measured as metal concentration and ACC involvement of other bacterial traits, especially
deaminase activity in both plant shoots and roots; in specific circumstances, selection of bacteria
root and shoot development; and leaf chloro- for the three above-mentioned traits appears to
phyll content (Grichko et al. 2000). The trans- be one way to short circuit the otherwise long
genic tomato plants accumulated a greater and laborious search for effective and reproduc-
amount of metal within their tissues and, at the ible PGPB. In addition, while all of the evidence
same time, were less subject to the deleterious is not yet in, it appears that more efficacious and
effects of the metals on plant growth than the reproducible PGPB may be found amongst bac-
nontransgenic plants. Similarly, transgenic terial endophytes than amongst rhizospheric
tobacco plants co-expressing ACC deaminase bacteria. This is probably a reflection of the fact
and tryptophan monooxygenase showed faster that endophytes are somewhat protected from
growth with larger biomass with a more developed the sometimes hostile soil environment.
406 E. Gamalero and B.R. Glick

Finally, given the increasing understanding of IA, Kluge C, Preisfeld A, Dietz KJ, Stepanok VV
the mechanisms used by PGPB that has devel- (2001) Characterization of plant growth promoting
rhizobacteria isolated from polluted soils and contain-
oped over the past 20 years or so, it would appear ing 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase.
that this is a technology whose time has come. Can J Microbiol 47:642–652
Over the next 20 years, commercial use of PGPB Belimov AA, Hontzeas N, Safronova VI, Demchinskaya
is likely to increase dramatically, first in the SV, Piluzza G, Bullitta S, Glick BR (2005) Cadmium-
tolerant plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria associ-
developing world, where the cost of chemical ated with the roots of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea
fertilizers and pesticides is often prohibitive, and L. Czern.). Soil Biol Biochem 37:241–250
then in more developed countries with organic Belimov AA, Dodd IC, Hontzeas N, Theobald JC,
farmers possibly being in the vanguard. Safronova VI, Davies WJ (2009) Rhizosphere bacteria
containing 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deam-
inase increase yield of plants grown in drying soil via
both local and systemic hormone signaling. New
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New Approaches to Study
Metal-Induced Stress in Plants 19
M.C. Cia, F.R. Capaldi, R.F. Carvalho, P.L. Gratão,
and R.A. Azevedo

The contamination of water, soil, and sediments with toxic metals has been and
will continue to be a major environmental problem that needs to be dealt with.
In more recent years, the studies with metals have concentrated on the antioxi-
dant stress response characterization in a wide range of plant species. The
effects of many different metals have been published, but all have consistently
addressed very similar problems and investigated basic parameters. These
kinds of studies are important as they allow the verification of the sensitivities
of different plant species to distinct metals, eventually indicating specific bio-
markers to stressful situations. However, metal-induced stress studies need new
approaches that are likely to increase our understanding as how these elements
affect plant metabolism and to identify the modifications that are needed to
improve plant adaptation and tolerance. New techniques that have greatly
improved the identification, localization, and quantification of metals within
plant tissues have led to the science of metallomics. This advancement in
knowledge should eventually allow the characterization of plants used in the
process of phytoremediation of soils contaminated with toxic metals. In this
chapter, we discuss the use of new techniques and approaches to study the
effects of toxic metals and we propose a more integrated action among distinct
areas in the field of metallomics and other “omics.”

Heavy metals stress • Signaling • Proteomics • Grafting • Cytogenetics
• Metallomics

R.A. Azevedo () • M.C. Cia

• F.R. Capaldi • P.L. Gratão
Departamento de Genética, Escola Superior de
Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Universidade de
São Paulo, Piracicaba 13418-900, SP, Brazil
R.F. Carvalho
Departamento de Biologia Aplicada à Agropecuária,
Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho,
Jaboticabal 14884-900, SP, Brazil

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 413
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_19,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
414 M.C. Cia et al.

cofactors of many proteins and are therefore

1 Introduction essential for growth and development, however at
high concentrations cause oxidative stress
There is abundant evidence of shifts in temperature,
(Hansch and Mendel 2009). Aluminum (Al) is
rainfall pattern, species distribution, and bio-
another toxic element with significant implica-
geochemical cycles in response to global cli-
tions for agriculture, because 30% of the world’s
mate change (Parmesan 2006; Allan and Soden
land areas consist of acid soils (Horst et al. 2010).
2008; Campbell et al. 2009). This change will
Several other metals have been investigated for
probably affect the behavior of contaminants
their effects on plant metabolism, toxicity, and
present in the environment. High temperatures
crop productivity (Becana et al. 1998; Panda and
can lead to changes in organic matter and
Choudhury 2005; Gomes-Junior et al. 2007).
increase the availability of the bound toxic met-
Exposure to a toxic metal can result in inhibi-
als (Porcal et al. 2009). An increase in the fre-
tion of seed germination, photosynthesis, plant
quency of precipitation can transport toxic
growth, and consequently causes yield losses.
metals from a contaminated area to a noncon-
These symptoms are normally related with over-
taminated one (Harmon and Wyatt 2008).
production of reactive oxygen species (ROS),
Moreover, toxic metals may be continuously
changes in the permeability and structure of cell
introduced into the environment by mining,
membranes, imbalance of mineral nutrients,
metalliferous industries, application of fertiliz-
incorporation of the metal into S-containing mol-
ers, sewage sludge, metal-based pesticides, and
ecules, and cell cycle disruption (Schutzendubel
other anthropogenic activities. Thus, contami-
and Polle 2002; Benavides et al. 2005). However,
nation of water, soil, and sediments with toxic
the toxicity of metals varies among plant species
metals has been and will continue to be a major
(Tolrà et al. 2006), cultivars (Liu et al. 2007),
environmental problem that needs to be dealt
according to the characteristic of the soils (Bradl
with (Gratão et al. 2005).
2004; Li et al. 2009a), and the dose and time of
Some metals have been classified as toxic,
metal exposure (Gratão et al. 2008). Moreover,
persistent, and bioaccumulative elements.
metals can be found in different oxidation states
According to the Agency for Toxic Substances
and form various species. The different oxidation
and Disease Registry (ATSDR 2007), among the
states of a particular metal ion possess different
ten most hazardous substances to human health,
physicochemical properties and vary in their tox-
four are toxic metals: lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), arse-
icity (Shanker et al. 2004).
nic (As), and cadmium (Cd). Interestingly, Pb
The majority of toxic metals are presented as
and Hg rank first among the most harmful metals
cations under physiological conditions, with a
to plants, followed by copper (Cu), cadmium
high redox potential. Thus, when exposed to
(Cd)/arsenic (As), cobalt (Co)/nickel (Ni)/zinc
toxic metals, cells can suffer oxidative damage
(Zn), and manganese (Mn) (Kopittke et al. 2010).
caused either directly by redox-active metals or
Pb and Hg have been reported as mutagenic
indirectly by metal-induced metabolic distur-
agents in plants (Patra et al. 2004). Due to its
bance (Valko et al. 2005). Any current literature
chemical similarity to phosphorus, As may inter-
search will reveal that a lot of attention has been
fere with several physiological and biochemical
given to the responses of antioxidant defense
processes (Patra et al. 2004). Cd does not appear
systems to exposure to toxic metals (Azevedo
to have any physiological function, with the
and Azevedo 2006). Although these studies
exception of the marine diatom Thalassiosira
have led to a considerable increase in our under-
weissflogii, that possesses a carbonic anhydrase
standing of the responses of plants to abiotic
with Cd as its metal center (Lane et al. 2005). Cu,
stress, new methodologies have emerged
Ni, Co, Zn, and Mn are all plant micronutrients.
(Arruda and Azevedo 2009) and will be dis-
They participate in prosthetic groups and as
cussed in this chapter.
19 New Approaches to Study Metal-Induced Stress in Plants 415

expression, cell structure (Shao et al. 2008), and

2 Studies on Metal-Induced modulation of antioxidant response and pro-
Stress in Plants grammed cell death (Gechev et al. 2006).
The most important sites of ROS generation
Plants respond to metal toxicity in many different and scavenging in plants are the chloroplasts,
ways, according to species sensitivity, metal spe- due to the interaction between electron escape
ciation, mobility within the living organism, from the photosynthetic electron transfer system
intensity and duration of the exposure. A metal and molecular oxygen (Asada 2006; Wu et al.
can cause the accumulation of an array of metab- 2008) and mitochondria (Navrot et al. 2007; Wu
olites, such as proline and other amino acids et al. 2008). In chloroplasts, Cd can induce alter-
(Sharma and Dietz 2006), anthocyanins and other ations in organization and shape of the thylakoid
phenolic compounds (Posmyk et al. 2008), phe- membranes with deposition of electron-dense
nylpropanoids, terpenoids, alkaloids, and many material in double membranes (Ouzounidou
others secondary metabolites (Mithofer et al. et al. 1997; Vitória et al. 2006; Lage-Pinto et al.
2004). It is known that metals influence plant 2008). Moreover, Cd can cause structural
development at all level of organization (Prasad changes in mitochondria; breakdown of the
and Strzalka 2002). nuclear envelope (Vitória et al. 2006); disinte-
Metal-induced stress increases the generation gration of the epidermis; changes in root diame-
of ROS by imbalance of cellular redox status, ter, cell size, and intercellular spaces (Gratão
leading to a condition of oxidative stress and et al. 2009). These effects may also be found
increased cellular damage (Møller et al. 2007). when plants are exposed to other metals such as
A relationship between redox homeostasis, metal Cr (Choudhury and Panda 2004; Panda 2007),
stress, and antioxidant capacity was indicated Ni, Zn (Jin et al. 2008), Cu (Wójcik et al. 2009;
recently through a link attributed to salicylic acid Upadhyay and Panda 2009), Pb (Choudhury and
(Sharma and Dietz 2009). Reactive nitrogen spe- Panda 2005; Islam et al. 2008), and Tb (Wang
cies (RNS) are also important endogenous sig- et al. 2009b).
nals in plant stress; for instance, nitric oxide (NO) In the last few years, a number of reports have
can mediate responses to several stimuli. focused on the oxidative stress characterization
Exogenous NO can protect plants against oxida- and antioxidant enzyme response of a wide range
tive stress, acting also in stomatal closure (Neill of plant species. The effects of many different
et al. 2008). The data suggest that NO can induce metals have been published, but all have consis-
cGMP production and mitogen-activated protein tently addressed very similar problems and
kinase (MAPK) activity, which are required for investigated basic parameters. These kinds of
abscisic acid (ABA)-induced stomatal closure studies are important, as they allow the verifica-
(Neill et al. 2008). tion of the sensitivities of different plant species
ROS such as the superoxide radical (O2•−), to distinct metals, eventually indicating specific
hydroxyl radical (HO•), hydrogen peroxide biomarkers to stress situations. However, metal-
(H2O2), and oxygen singlet (1O2) are common induced stress studies need new approaches that
products of aerobic metabolism. Their produc- are likely to increase our understanding of how
tion often leads to a nonspecific oxidation of these elements affect plant metabolism and to
membrane lipids, carbonylation of proteins, DNA identify the modifications that are needed to
and carbohydrate damage, blocking essential improve plant adaptation and tolerance (Arruda
groups, and displacement of essential ions from and Azevedo 2009).
biomolecules (Schutzendubel and Polle 2002; Acquired tolerance can in some cases be
Mithofer et al. 2004). In fact, during stress situa- observed by growing the plant under increasing
tions, ROS production is an essential component metal concentrations, thus indicating the role
of the signals (Gechev et al. 2006; Møller et al. of antioxidant enzymes and compounds in the
2007) that plants use to make adjustments in gene adaptation process (Gratão et al. 2008).
416 M.C. Cia et al.

Chronic exposure of plants is interesting because plant development, it is expected and it has been
it can indicate tolerant or bioaccumulator species confirmed that they play an important role in the
that will be useful for phytoremediation and biochemical program during stress, also influenc-
rhizoremediation programs to degrade, stabilize, ing the adaptive response.
and/or remove soil contaminants. Plant tolerance Although virtually every hormone may be
to metals can occur through a high capacity for involved in plant defense responses against vari-
sequestration, immobilization or chelation and by ous biotic and abiotic stresses, the work with
exclusion mechanisms (Mora et al. 2009; Válega brassinosteroid (BR), jasmonic acid (JA), and
et al. 2009; Yang et al. 2010). Genes involved in salicylic acid (SA) has presented new perspec-
glutathione and phytochelatin biosynthesis have tives on stress tolerance studies. For instance, it
been identified (Sung et al. 2009) and also the has been reported that there is an ameliorative
contribution of metallothioneins (Guo et al. 2008) influence of BR on drought stress (Behnamnia
and vacuolar membrane transporters (Kawachi et al. 2009; Fariduddin et al. 2009), low (Kamuro
et al. 2009) in increasing the response/tolerance to and Takaysuto 1991) and high (Dhaubhadel et al.
metal stress (Shim et al. 2009). Critical parame- 1999) temperature, and salinity (Hayat et al.
ters for the use of phytoremediation such as envi- 2007a; El-Khallal et al. 2009). BR may also
ronmental and climatic characteristics, nutrient reduce the inhibitory effect of metals such as Cd
sustainability, feasible ecosystems, and pollutant (Anuradha and Rao 2007; Hasan et al. 2008) and
characteristics influence the level of technical Al (Ali et al. 2008), and more recently to have an
success for such an approach (McCutcheon and ameliorative effect on excess manganese-induced
Jorgensen 2008). The rhizosphere plays an impor- oxidative stress in maize (Wang et al. 2009a).
tant role in phytoremediation, because microor- JA has been correlated with pathogen defense,
ganisms can decisively interfere with and alter but recently it has been shown to be an important
metal mobility and availability to plants (Li et al. component in the mediation of abiotic stresses,
2009b; Martínez-Alcalá et al. 2009; Yang et al. such as toxic metals (Maksymiec et al. 2005) and
2010). However, more field experiments are nec- drought (Shan and Liang 2010). SA can also
essary to validate the results obtained in the labo- modulate the plant response to several stresses,
ratory and greenhouse. such as ultraviolet light (Yalpani et al. 1994),
In the field, plants are often exposed to a com- toxic metal (Mishra and Chordhuri 1999), chill-
bination of different stress-causing agents and ing (Janda et al. 1999; Kang et al. 2003), heat
the response of individual plants species may be (Dat et al. 1998), salt (Taşgın et al. 2006), and
unique and should be one of the focuses of future pathogens (Khaosaad et al. 2007). Recently,
studies (Moffat 2002; Mittler 2006). Molecular Belkhadi et al. (2010) showed that the presoaking
and genetical approaches, genome response, of dry flax grains in SA-containing solutions par-
transcriptome and proteomic analyses are essen- tially protected seedlings from Cd toxicity during
tial tools to be used more often from now on for the following growth period.
the generation of a wide range of information on One of the points that had been approached in
plant responses to metal stress or any other envi- the above-cited works is that the mutual modifi-
ronmental contaminant. cations induced by hormones result in an anti-
oxidant burst, which can explain an adaptive
system (Mazorra et al. 2002; Behnamnia et al.
3 Hormonal Modulation 2009). For instance, the activities of the antioxi-
of Stress Signaling dant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD),
ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT),
It is not surprising that some of the major compo- and glutathione peroxidases (GPX) were
nents believed to be involved in the responses to increased in the seedlings of Raphanus sativus
stress signaling are the plant hormones. Since treated with BR (Anuradha and Rao 2007). In
these substances regulate almost every step of maize (El-Khallal et al. 2009) and tomato
19 New Approaches to Study Metal-Induced Stress in Plants 417

(El-Khallal 2007) plants, an increase in the response, although the biochemical pathway
activities of SOD and CAT after pretreatment from hormone to response seems to be a very
with BR was also observed. Recently, BR was complex phenomenon. This complexity is due to
shown to lead to an increase in the activity of the four main issues: (1) it has been assumed that
SOD, CAT, APX, and guaiacol peroxidase hormones act as secondary messengers for the
(GPOX) in tomato (Ogweno et al. 2008; induction of an antioxidant defense system in
Behnamnia et al. 2009) as well as the activity of stressed plants and thereby could effectively
CAT and SOD in Brassica juncea (Hayat et al. scavenge ROS in plants under stress leading to
2007a, b; Fariduddin et al. 2009). It has been reduced levels (Ogweno et al. 2008; Zhang and
shown that JA can induce an increase in the Xing 2008); (2) although there are enhanced
activities of a wide range of antioxidant enzymes. activities of antioxidant enzymes in plants treated
APX, CAT, glutathione reductase (GR), and with exogenous hormones, high ROS levels can
SOD were increased with JA treatments in the still be maintained (Hung and Kao 2004; Cao
leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Top Crop et al. 2009; Parra-Lobato et al. 2009); (3) a wide
(Clarke et al. 2002). JA was also reported to range of stress-associated genes can be induced
enhance the antioxidant response of Brassica by hormones (O’Donnell et al. 2003; Uquillas
napus roots and shoots, particularly by a higher et al. 2004; Blanco et al. 2005), and therefore
activity of SOD when compared to the control become a more acute issue, primarily because the
(Comparot et al. 2002). In other studies, the activation of these genes can result in the induc-
activities of SOD and CAT have also been shown tion of ROS which can induce stress genes result-
to increase in JA-treated plants (Hung and Kao ing in a complex biochemical network (Moon
2004; Kumari et al. 2006), as well as in recent et al. 2003; Torres et al. 2002; Seo et al. 2007);
reports in which enhanced GR, GPX, APX, and (4) signaling stress can be accompanied by dif-
CAT and SOD activities were observed (Cao ferent forms of biochemical regulation due to
et al. 2009; Parra-Lobato et al. 2009; Shan and exogenous hormones. Thus, when applied at
Liang 2010). Equally, activation of antioxidant physiological concentrations, these substances
enzymes induced by the treatment with SA may may cause a temporary low level of oxidative
contribute to its ability to protect plants against stress in plants, which acts as a hardening pro-
stress. SA pretreatment of Zea mays L. caused an cess. This low stress can improve the antioxida-
increase in GR, SOD, CAT, and APX activities tive capacity of the plants and help to induce the
(Janda et al. 1999, 2000; Kang et al. 2003), synthesis of protective compounds. On the other
besides other recent observations in which SOD, hand, overdosage, repeated or prolonged applica-
CAT, and APX activities were shown to be tion can cause irreversible disturbance of plant
altered (El-Khallal et al. 2009; Mutlu et al. 2009). metabolism. Certainly, these issues fall into the
Hormonal applications have also been exploited question of how one hormone and the various
to enhance production of antioxidants in fruits components of oxidative stress work together
(Kubicka and Zadernowski 2007; Cao et al. interacting with others hormones. The final
2009), an interesting approach toward the response to one hormone depends on the cross-
improvement of food quality. talk between the different signaling routes,
Although in the examples cited earlier it is involving perhaps synergetic or antagonistic
proposed that exogenous hormones increased the interactions inducing a wide spectrum of anti-
activity of some antioxidant enzymes causing stress reactions in plants (Campos et al. 2009).
mitigation of oxidative stress, the details of the Considerable attention has been focused on
biochemical and molecular mechanisms involv- the use of new molecular and genomics tools,
ing BR, JA, and SA in these amelioration which have provided useful information for
responses are still unclear. The linear concept in improving our understanding of the complex
which an antioxidant burst appears as a result of interplay between hormones and components of
hormone-induced ROS could explain the defense oxidative stress. Over the past decade, several
418 M.C. Cia et al.

mutants with changed hormone signal perception stress, and the gene expression level for several
and transduction have been isolated and well genes reached a maximum, for example, after
characterized with some of them being useful in cold treatment for 24 h (Rabbani et al. 2003). On
helping to improve our understanding of the the other hand, 18 cold-responsive rice
modulation of ROS signaling by the reactive oxy- MicroRNAs (miRNAs) were downregulated
gen gene network of plants. In addition, the cel- (Lv et al. 2010). Current data of microarray anal-
lular localization and coordination of the ROS ysis showed that the RPK1 (receptor-like protein
scavenging pathways of plants, including compo- kinase 1), which act as a regulator of ABA,
nents involved in mediating the cross-talk enhances the expression of stress-responsive
between these pathways and hormones have been genes, such as Cor15a, Cor15b, and rd29A, in
studied. These often operate synergistically to addition to H2O2-responsive genes (Osakabe et al.
activate the expression of some defense-related 2010). Although this gene expression profiling
genes after stress, including NO and peptide hor- under stress has increased our understanding a
mones, such as systemin and hydroxyproline-rich great deal, it is still important to know how the
glycopeptides systemins (Glazebrook 2005; Miao transcriptional changes are reflected at the trans-
and Zentgraf 2007). Additionally, key compo- lational level (Cui et al. 2005).
nents of the reactive oxygen gene network have In recent years, proteomic profiling has been
been identified by reverse genetics, and microar- used to study the effects of stresses on plants
ray analysis of defense-related genes, which have under different conditions. Changes in proteomic
revealed a significant overlap in the number of profiles at the organelle, cell, organ and tissue
genes induced by ROS and hormones (Schenk levels, induced by several stress have been
et al. 2000). Finally, the recent identification of described in a wide range of plant species and
oxidative stress-specific transcription factors compared to proteomes affected by different
(Dietz et al. 2010) represents an additional effort physiological conditions (Porubleva et al. 2001).
in the elucidation of stress signaling in plants. Moreover, the new generation of proteomic tech-
However, a better understanding of phytohormone- niques facilitates the investigation of the global
mediated plant defense responses is important in protein expression profile using efficient protein
designing effective strategies for engineering extraction and identification methods (Cui et al.
crops that will be resistant to biotic and abiotic 2005). This has helped in the identification of
stresses (Overmyer et al. 2000; Mittler et al. specific proteins, elucidation of protein structures
2004; Bari and Jones 2009). and identification of protein functions, protein–
protein interactions, and localization of proteins
during stress-signaling cascades.
4 The Proteome in the Context Today proteomics is boosted by new technolo-
of Stress gies and equipments/instruments, which have
made it a key research field (Agrawal et al. 2006).
Dramatic biochemical changes during a wide Oxidative stress proteomic studies have employed
range of stresses have been shown to be closely the use of 2D-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
related to gene expression (Mousavi and Hotta (PAGE) associated with a mass spectrometry
2005). Progress in obtaining complete plant (MS) (Agrawal et al. 2006; Rinalducci et al.
genome sequences has not only updated our 2008). The use of these techniques has allowed
knowledge but has also provided a substantial the recognition of proteins involved in ROS reac-
platform from which to study plant stress physi- tions triggered by stresses (Seggara et al. 2007;
ology (Cui et al. 2005). Microarray analysis has Ahsan et al. 2008a). This approach has allowed
provided a global examination of gene expres- the identification, for example, of predominant
sion corresponding to stress (Perez-Torres et al. proteins related to ROS, and how, what, and why
2009; Soren et al. 2010). It has been shown that a the proteins are modified during stress.
wide range of genes appear to be induced under Comparative proteomics of salt tolerance revealed
19 New Approaches to Study Metal-Induced Stress in Plants 419

a total of 79 and 32 proteins involved in photosyn- these organelles. Certainly, these stress tolerance
thesis, energy metabolism, and stress response in mechanisms involve antioxidant molecules,
Arabidopsis thaliana and Thellungiella halophila, which, based on recent proteomic data, indicate
respectively, showing distinct patterns of protein the involvement of enzymes of the ascorbate–
changes in the two species (Pang et al. 2010). glutathione pathway (Lee et al. 2010).
The answer to these questions had also allowed Future progress in proteomics tools will allow
the understanding of the importance of proteins the identification and complete characterization
in ROS and oxidative damage for maintenance of of protein markers in a given stressed physiologi-
plant function under stress in field condition as cal condition. These findings in association with
well as controlled environments (Salekdeh and genomics and metabolomics will result on global
Komatsu 2007). Thus, using a proteomic cellular responses to oxidative stress, providing
approach, a wide range of reports demonstrated data for the biochemical networks involved in
that the expression of various cell compartment functional and/or structural alterations to proteins
proteins was up- or downregulated following (Rinalducci et al. 2008).
exposure to ROS (Shulaev and Oliver 2006).
However, ROS can affect the proteome not just
by increasing or decreasing the levels of proteins 5 Grafting
directly or indirectly, but also by modification of
protein activity. For example, Irar et al. (2010) Stress signaling is an aspect that still demands
compared several shock proteins, enzyme metab- more attention for future research. For this pur-
olism, and radical scavengers in mature embryos pose, grafting can be a powerful tool to improve
from wheat genotypes, Mahmoudi (salt and our understanding of the stress signaling and spe-
drought sensitive) and Om Rabia3 (salt and cific reponses between plant organs during stress.
drought tolerant), suggesting that the protein dif- The grafting technique relies on an old principle
ferential accumulating could be used for the and has been extensively used in the horticultural
screening of tolerance/sensitivity to drought and industry for woody species.
salt stress. Analyses of such plants and their controls may
Recently, several efforts have been made to indicate a complex array of long distance or sys-
generate proteome maps and to investigate the temic signals, including abiotic stress responses
overall response at the proteome level of plants (Turnbull et al. 2002). Recently, the production
under toxic metal stresses. The results of these of grafted plants has been shown to be a useful
studies have shown that plants operate various strategy in increasing the salinity tolerance of
mechanisms in which proteins play central roles Cucurbita focifolia (Huang et al. 2010), Cucumis
in coping with metal stress (Ahsan et al. 2008a). sativus L. (Zhen et al. 2010), and salinity resis-
Thus, a large set of differentially expressed pro- tance in tobacco plants (Ruiz et al. 2005).
teins is involved in several cellular functions dur- However, the use of the grafting technique on
ing metal toxicity. These functions have been plants subjected to toxic metals is rare and only
analyzed in different species, from algae (Gillet very few studies have been reported. Thus, graft-
et al. 2006) to trees (Kieffer et al. 2008), and ing studies focusing on stress signaling by toxic
showed that metals, for example, Cd (Rodríguez- metals need to be more firmly addressed and
Celma et al. 2010 ) , Al (Yang et al. 2007 ) , explored. For instance, Sugiyama et al. (2007)
Cu (Li et al. 2009c), and As (Ahsan et al. 2008a), reported that the seed Cd concentration can be
have a severe effect on proteins involved in pho- influenced by differences in the translocation of
tosynthesis and respiration. For example, Visioli Cd to the seed and in the Cd accumulation capac-
et al. (2010) showed the importance of mitochon- ity of roots among soybean cultivars. In another
dria and chloroplasts in the response to metal study, Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Belladona F-1
stress, verifying that the proteins which were plants were either self-grafted or grafted onto the
more abundant in response to Cd were located in rootstock “He-Man” showing that cv. Belladona
420 M.C. Cia et al.

was more tolerant to excess Mn than to Mn defi- aberrations and micronuclei formation in Allium
ciency in terms of vegetative growth and fruit yield cepa (Seth et al. 2008). Finally, it has also been
(Savvas et al. 2009). The message is very clear: demonstrated that exogenous antioxidants such
there is plenty of room for research using this as anthocyanins limit and prevent the cytogeneti-
approach which appears to be quite powerful. cal damage induced by Cu in Vicia faba (Posmyk
et al. 2009).

6 Cytogenetic
7 Metallomics
As already discussed, ROS can affect macromol-
ecules and cause severe damage to nucleic acids Metal ions are used by biological systems in fun-
leading to alterations in the number and structure damental processes such as signaling, gene
of chromosomes. This aspect has been poorly expression, and catalysis and the absence of some
explored in plants subjected to metal stress, but metals can result in cellular disorders, whereas
the interest in the genetical and cytological effects the presence of others has frequently been evoked
of toxic compounds was greatly stimulated by the in the context of toxicity (Szpunar 2004). The
results obtained with cyanide which indicated that aim of metallomics is to achieve a better under-
hydrogen peroxide was involved in the production standing of the function and regulation of metals
of mutations and chromosome aberrations in biological systems, allowing a comprehensive
(Kihlman 1957). Furthermore, studies on geno- look at the role of essential and toxic metals.
toxicity can be correlated with tissue concentra- Several original papers have been published on
tion and plant availability of the toxic metal, total element determination and, only recently,
having ecotoxicological implications. the research has moved towards elemental spe-
A variety of cytogenetic tests have been ciation analysis, characterizing metals or metal-
applied to plants species as bioindicators, evalu- loids in a cell or sample (Muñoz et al. 2009).
ating the toxicity and mutagenicity of environ- The metallomics techniques require the devel-
mental contaminants such as cyanide, fluoride, opment of versatile measurement tools involved
organics, and metals (Andrade et al. 2010). with detection, mapping, and/or quantification of
Cytotoxic evaluation using root length, weight metals associated with proteins in biological sys-
gain, mitotic index (MI), frequency of micronu- tems (Mounicou et al. 2009). Thus, the metal-
clei (MN) and chromosomal aberrations (CAs) lome can give us the information about how the
was investigated on Cicer arietinum L. root tip element (metal or metalloid) is distributed among
cells submitted to different concentrations of Pb the cellular compartments, in which biomolecule
and Hg ions (Cavusoglu et al. 2009). A high fre- it is incorporated, and the concentrations of the
quency of interphase aberrations was found in individual metal species present (Szpunar 2004).
Armeria maritima grown in soils with high con- Metallomics can elucidate the metal specia-
centrations of toxic metals or increased salinity tion and biological functions of biometals in toxic
(Coulaud et al. 1999). In root tip cells of metal accumulating and hyperaccumulating plant
Helianthus annuus submitted to copper chloride, species (Peng and Yang 2006). In contrast to tra-
condensed and sticky chromosomes, scattered ditional approaches, metallomics allows the
chromosomes, and chromatid bridges were investigation of global and multielement interac-
observed (Ünceer et al. 2003). tions in a protein or enzyme system. Although
It is now clear that cytogenetical alterations well established, the sample preparation has been
can also be detected in plants submitted to metal subject to change and new strategies have been
toxicity. Cu decreased mitotic index, inhibited adopted (Arruda 2007). It is important that the
meristematic cell proliferation, resulting in stability of the linkage between the metal and the
changes in morphology of the chromosomes organic species or the biomolecule is considered.
(Posmyk et al. 2008). Cd also caused chromosome However, the more common methods used for total
19 New Approaches to Study Metal-Induced Stress in Plants 421

metal extraction and determination are not able to Azevedo 2009). The measurements of antioxi-
maintain metal-organic linkages (Magalhães and dants as stress markers will remain an essential
Arruda 2007). Others methods, such as microwave- aspect in assessing the stress response in plants,
assisted extraction (Sussulini et al. 2007), micro- but other aspects related to an interdisciplinary
wave water-assisted extraction (Salgado et al. 2006), view should be taken into account, particularly
and molecularly imprinted solid phase extraction when considering the complexity of the studies
(Xu et al. 2009) have been shown to be efficient. that are now required (Arruda and Azevedo
Two dimensional (2D) electrophoresis such as 2009).
PAGE, or more recently fluorescence difference The information available in this chapter is just
gel electrophoresis (DIGE) are particularly use- an overview of aspects that have not received the
ful techniques for a high resolution separation attention that they deserve. At the same time, the
(Timms and Cramer 2008), as well as two dimen- text provides some new points to the emerging
sional liquid chromatography (Pedrero et al. techniques that are available or are being devel-
2007). After the separation of the proteins/ oped, which, eventually may be powerful tools to
enzymes, the next step is related to their identifi- aid our understanding of the different molecular
cation and some techniques like MALDI- and cellular mechanisms involved in cell stress
QTOF-MS (matrix assisted laser desorption responses. Thus, a more comprehensive view has to
ionization-quadrupole time of flight-mass spec- be considered and must necessarily include studies
trometry) (Garcia et al. 2009), and ESI-MS (elec- on gene expression, protein translation, enzyme
trospray ionization mass spectrometry) can be activity, and metabolite concentrations, all con-
applied (Aki and Yanagisawa 2009). sidered simultaneously, wherever possible.
At the last step, some techniques are used for
metal identification, as well as sensitivity for
metal quantification. Inductively coupled plasma
mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) can be used for
ultra-sensitive quantification of metal-containing Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
proteins or peptides which are determined down (ATSDR), Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
to the low attomole range (Bettmer et al. 2009). Registry (ATSDR) (2007) CERCLA priority list of
ICP-MS can provide higher sensitivity, selectiv- hazardous substances. Department of Health and
Human Services, Atlanta, GA, http://www.atsdr.cdc.
ity, and reliability in molecule tracing (González- gov/cercla/07list.html. Accessed 3 Sept 2010
Fernández et al. 2008). Agrawal GK, Jwa NS, Iwahashi Y, Yonekura M, Iwahashi H,
Metallomics can be successfully used in tradi- Rakwal R (2006) Rejuvenating rice proteomics: facts,
tional biomarker analyses, providing a quanti- challenges, and visions. Proteomics 6:5549–5576
Ahsan N, Lee DG, Alam I, Kim PJ, Lee JJ, Ahn YO,
tative analytical approach in proteomics Kwak SS, Lee IJ, Bahk JD, Kang KY, Renaut J,
(metalloproteomics), which converts this rela- Komats US, Lee BH (2008a) Comparative pro-
tively recent technology to a valuable alternative teomic study of arsenic-induced differentially
for biomolecule analysis (González-Fernández expressed proteins in rice roots reveals glutathione
plays a central role during As stress. Proteomics
et al. 2008). 8:3561–3576
Aki T, Yanagisawa S (2009) Application of rice nuclear
proteome analysis to the identification of evolution-
arily conserved and glucose-responsive nuclear pro-
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Sulfur in the Alleviation
of Cadmium-Induced Oxidative 20
Stress in Plants
Noushina Iqbal, Nafees A. Khan, Md. Iqbal R. Khan,
Rahat Nazar, Asim Masood, and Shabina Syeed

The toxicity of cadmium (Cd) is an emerging environmental problem that
has attracted the attention of plant scientists all over the world. It deteriorates
soil, plant and human health. Researchers have focused their attention in
evolving strategies to reduce its toxicity at cellular, molecular and/or whole
plant level. Sulfur is an important plant nutrient that takes part in plant
metabolism and provides vigor to plants under stressful environments.
This nutrient element could be used in agricultural system for reducing Cd
toxicity and increasing sustainability. Sulfur uptake results in the forma-
tion of the first stable product cysteine through a cascade of enzymatic
reactions. The formation of cysteine leads to the synthesis of glutathione,
a nonenzymatic antioxidant known to be involved in Cd detoxification
either through quenching reactive oxygen species or formation of phyto-
chelatin that binds Cd and sequester it into vacuole. Manipulation of sulfur-
assimilating enzymes, cysteine, glutathione and/or phytochelatin content
could possibly lead to Cd detoxification. The present work gives insight
into the role of sulfur in the alleviation of Cd stress.

Sulfur • Cadmium toxicity • Cadmium tolerance • ROS • Antioxidants
• Nutrient availability • Sulfur sink

1 Introduction

Plants experience a range of abiotic stress factors

such as drought, cold, salinity, temperature and
heavy metals during their life time, which cause
N. Iqbal () • N.A. Khan • Md.I.R. Khan • R. Nazar extensive loss to agricultural productivity world-
• A. Masood • S. Syeed
Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University,
wide (Boyer 1982; Bray et al. 2000; Peters et al.
Aligarh 202002, Uttar Pradesh, India 2004). Heavy metal toxicity in particular is one
e-mail: of the major abiotic stresses that lead to reduction

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 429
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_20,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
430 N. Iqbal et al.

in health and vigor of plants, and also of animals distribution of macronutrients and micronutrients
through food chain. The growth of anthropogenic (Lozano-Rodriguez et al. 1997; Sandalio et al.
activities associated with development has added 2001; Benavides et al. 2005; Dube et al. 2009).
high concentrations of heavy metals in agricul- As heavy metals cause deficiency of essential
tural soils and large magnitude to environmental mineral nutrient elements by restricting their
pollution (Sanita di Toppi and Gabbrielli 1999; uptake and distribution in plant tissues (Siedlecka
Rao and Reddy 2008). Heavy metals such as 1995), better understanding of how the supply of
arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, copper, nickel, zinc, these nutrients may reverse metals toxicity is
and chromium are phytotoxic either at all con- needed (Pankovic et al. 2000). Optimization of
centrations or above certain threshold levels. mineral nutrients may probably reduce some of
Some of these heavy metals are essential for plant the metal-induced negative effect on plants as
growth when they are present at optimal level, mineral nutrients affect the activity and bioavail-
but become toxic at high concentration, and may ability of Cd in the soil–plant environment. The
cause toxic effects on plant growth and yield or study of interaction of Cd with plant nutrients in
even death of plants. Heavy metal toxicity pri- soil–plant systems is, therefore, of great impor-
marily interferes biochemical reactions of photo- tance and may be used to minimize Cd accumula-
synthetic apparatus leading to adverse effects on tion in edible plant parts (Dheri et al. 2007).
biomass production and leads to progressive Among the various macronutrients, sulfur (S)
senescence (Sobkowiak and Deckert 2003; serves a distinguished role in Cd detoxification
Alaoui-Sossé et al. 2004; Lin et al. 2005). Of all because it is an integral part of most of the defense
toxic heavy metals, cadmium (Cd) is of major compounds involved in Cd detoxification.
environmental concern because the discharged Optimum S nutrition is helpful in reducing Cd
rate of Cd in soil is of the order of 22,000 tons per translocation within the plant system (Sarwar
year globally (Nriagu and Pacyna 1988) and it et al. 2010). Cadmium induces generation of
ranks highest in terms of damage to plant growth reactive oxygen species (ROS) that causes oxida-
and human health. The conscious or unconscious tive stress in plants (Skórzyńska-Polit et al.
addition of Cd in the soil disturbs the plants bio- 2003/04; Mobin and Khan 2007; Anjum et al.
logical functions as the residence time of Cd in 2008; Khan et al. 2009; Iqbal et al. 2010). These
soil is more than thousand years (Alloway 1995). excess ROS cause damage to proteins, lipids, car-
Excess Cd induces complex changes in plants at bohydrates, DNA and ultimately may result in
genetical, biochemical and physiological levels, cell death (Foyer and Noctor 2005; Djebali et al.
leading to phytotoxicity. Plants are also able to 2008). Cadmium-induced ROS leads to reduction
load part of the Cd taken up from soil into the in photosynthesis, plant growth and yield. Iqbal
xylem and transport it to leaves (Chardonnens and Khan (2010) reported that Cd leads to reduc-
et al. 1998). Cadmium can interfere with photo- tion in photosynthetic pigments, growth and
synthetic and respiratory activities, mineral nutri- yield. The present review focuses mainly to gain
tion, enzymatic activities, membrane functions, detailed insight on the effects of Cd toxicity in
and hormone balance (Chien and Kao 2000). plants and elucidates the potential of sulfur in
In fact, the inhibition of Cd stress effects modulating Cd-induced oxidative stress.
on plant physiological processes is related to
its effect on nutrient uptake and distribution.
The interactions of Cd and metal nutrients, 2 Updates on the Cadmium
such as Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn have been reported Toxicity in Plants
in some plant species (Zhang et al. 2002 ;
Wu and Zhang 2002). Most plants are sensitive Cadmium is a highly toxic heavy metal that nega-
to low Cd concentrations and show inhibition tively affects physiological processes in plants,
in plant growth as a consequence of alterations growth and development, and eventually plant
in the photosynthesis rate and the uptake and death. The critical concentration at which Cd
20 Sulfur in the Alleviation of Cadmium-Induced Oxidative Stress in Plants 431

causes injuries is in the range of 3–10 mg/kg dry any cell compartment between the production of
mass (Balsberg-Pahlsson 1989). Its accumulation ROS and antioxidant defense, leading to signifi-
in plants adversely affects photosynthetic pro- cant physiological challenges (Foyer and Noctor
cesses and diminishes water and nutrient uptake 2000). These excess ROS cause damage to pro-
(Sanita di Toppi and Gabbrielli 1999; Maksimović teins, lipids, carbohydrates, DNA and ultimately
et al. 2007), root and shoots growth and disturbs result in cell death (Mittler et al. 2004; Foyer and
cellular redox control (Clemens 2001; Noctor 2005; Shulaev and Oliver 2006; Djebali
Schützendübel and Polle 2002). et al. 2008). Evidence that Cd causes the produc-
Cadmium induces significant disturbances in tion of ROS in plants arises from the observations
the structural organization and functional activity that new isozymes of peroxidases were detect-
of the photosynthetic apparatus (Baszynski 1986; able in both root and leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris
Vassilev et al. 1995; Dahlin et al. 2000). The main (Van Assche and Clijsters 1990). Besides, this
targets of toxic Cd effects are the pigment appa- fact is also confirmed from the detection of lipid
ratus and photosynthetic gas exchange system peroxidation, increased lipoxygenase activity,
(Clijsters and Van Assche 1985; Tukiendorf and chlorophyll degradation and inhibition or stimu-
Baszynski 1991; Lang et al. 1995). The most lation of the activity of several antioxidant
characteristic symptoms of Cd stress are brown enzymes under Cd stress (Dixit et al. 2001; Leon
and short roots, chlorosis, fewer tillers, senes- et al. 2002; Skórzyńska-Polit et al. 2003/04;
cence and reduced plant growth and biomass Mobin and Khan 2007; Anjum et al. 2008;
(Arduini et al. 1994; Wu and Zhang 2002; Wu Agrawal and Mishra 2009). Cadmium-induced
et al. 2003; Cosio et al. 2006). Moussa and increase in ROS production acts as a cellular sig-
El-Gamal (2010) reported that at higher concen- nal triggering the stress response (Verbruggen
trations of Cd (400–1,000 mM Cd), the toxic et al. 2009). Stress-responsive MAP kinases seem
symptoms of root cells are mainly continued to to be involved in transcriptional responses to Cd
disintegration of cell organelles, disruption of as they are activated possibly by ROS under Cd2+
membranes, withdrawal of plasma membrane excess (Jonak et al. 2004). Another putative
from cell walls, and formation of multivesiculate player in Cd-induced oxidative stress signaling is
bodies in the cytoplasm. The uptake of Cd from AtOS1, a member of the Abc1 family localized in
soil seems to occur mainly via Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, the chloroplasts. AtOS1 does not transport Cd
Mn2+ and Zn2+ transporters (Clemens 2006). The but seems to be crucial for Cd tolerance, possibly
best-studied nonspecific transporter is the ZIP through a putative kinase activity (Jasinski et al.
IRT1, which is the major transporter responsible 2008). An important source of Cd toxicity is its
for high-affinity iron uptake from the soil. chemical similarity with essential elements, in
Cadmium exposure rapidly induces apparent Zn particular Zn, but also Ca and Fe, deregulating
deficiency that may be through binding to a Zn the homeostasis of the latter elements or causing
sensor protein (Weber et al. 2006; Roth et al. their displacement from proteins (Verbruggen
2006). Cadmium stress inactivates macromole- et al. 2009; Sarwar et al. 2010).
cules and cellular structure (Stroi ski et al. 1990; The principal mechanisms of plant response
Jiang et al. 2009) resulting in altered physiology to Cd stress include phytochelatin (PC)-based
processes and biochemical mechanisms. sequestration and compartmentalization, and
The Cd-induced toxicity in plants is because additional defense mechanisms based on cell
of altered physiological phenomena (Demirevska- wall immobilization, plasma membrane exclu-
Kepova et al. 2006). Cadmium exerts its toxic sion and induction of stress proteins (Draži et al.
effect in plants by inducing oxidative stress gen- 2006). Cadmium stress leads to the activation of
erated due to overproduction of ROS (Sandalio antioxidant defense system. The effects of Cd on
et al. 2001; Ali et al. 2002; Ranieri et al. 2005; antioxidative capacity are dual: on one hand, Cd
Smeets et al. 2005; Singh et al. 2008). Oxidative can induce oxidative stress via the inhibition of
stress occurs when there is a serious imbalance in antioxidants, but on the other hand it also activate
432 N. Iqbal et al.

several antioxidative components as a result of a protein) (Kolukisaoglu et al. 2002), ATM3 (ABC
disturbed redox balance and a consecutively transporter of the mitochondria) (Kim et al. 2006)
induced signal transduction cascade. and PDR8 (pleiotropic drug resistance) (Kim
A putative chromatin remodeling factor, et al. 2007). The strong upregulation effects in
named OXS3, was recently identified in a screen the roots on genes that are putatively involved in
for Cd tolerance of a Brassica juncea cDNA Cd detoxification indicate that the ATPase and
library in Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Blanvillain the ABC transporters might have been activated
et al. 2008). An oxs3 mutant was hypersensitive by both the increased Cd concentration and the
to Cd and its overexpression improved Cd toler- increased availability of sulfur (Fässler et al. 2011).
ance. Verbruggen et al. (2009) postulated that Nicotianamines (NA) are involved in Cd chela-
OXS3 might protect DNA or alter its transcrip- tion, transport and detoxification in plants.
tional selectivity. While most Cd are chelated Nicotianamines are ubiquitously present in plants
before its transport to the vacuole, Cd2+ can be and synthesized from three molecules of methio-
directly transported into the vacuoles by Cd2+/ nine by nicotianamine synthase (NAS) (Sharma
proton antiporters such as CAX2 and CAX4 and and Dietz 2006).
possibly also by MHX (Korenkov et al. 2007; Responses to Cd also include the induction of
Berezin et al. 2008). Korenkov et al. (2007) have genes involved in sulfur and glutathione metabo-
reported that the overexpression of AtCAX2 or lism (van de Mortel et al. 2008). Cadmium shows
AtCAX4 in tobacco enhances Cd and Zn trans- a high affinity for thiols, and therefore the major
port into root tonoplast vesicles and enhances Cd thiol antioxidant, reduced glutathione (GSH),
accumulation in roots of plants exposed to Cd. that is highly abundant in cells is a primary target
NRAMP3 and NRAMP4 are responsible for for free Cd ions. The Cd-induced depletion of the
Cd2+efflux from the vacuole (Thomine et al. reduced GSH pool (Lopez et al. 2006) results in a
2003). Their overexpression increased Cd sensi- disturbance of the redox balance leading to an
tivity in Arabidopsis as a result of the impairment oxidative environment.
of Fe homeostasis, as NRAMP3 and NRAMP4
are responsible for the release of vacuolar Fe2+.
Plant cells contain a range of protective and repair 3 Nutrients Availability
systems, which under normal circumstances min- and Cadmium Tolerance
imize the occurrence of oxidative damage. There
are systems which either react with ROS and Plant metabolism is affected by optimal compo-
keep them at a low level or with antioxidant sition of mineral nutrients. Cations such as Ca2+,
enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), Mg2+, Zn2+, and Mn2+ compete with Cd for uptake
catalase (CAT), guaiacol peroxidases (POD), by plants (Tlustos et al. 2006) and for exchange
ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione site in soils (Degryse et al. 2004). Studies have
reductase (GR) that quench ROS. The quenching shown that appropriate application of plant nutri-
of ROS is supported by nonenzymatic antioxi- ents increases plant biomass and grain yield, and
dants, glutathione, ascorbic acid, a-tocopherol decreases Cd concentration in grain and other
and carotenoids (Sairam et al. 2000; Shah et al. edible plant parts by dilution effect (Sarwar et al.
2001) or systems that regenerate oxidized anti- 2010). Plant nutrients also help to sequester Cd in
oxidants (glutathione, mono- and dehydroascor- vegetative parts by production of PCs and avoid
bate) (Markovska et al. 2009). Cd accumulation in grains. They help to alleviate
Genes that are involved in Cd detoxification physiological stress caused due to an excess of
notably include ATP-binding cassette (ABC) Cd. However, antagonistic interaction between
proteins (Hall and Williams 2003; Plaza and Cd and content of these nutrients has been
Bovet 2008). Members of the ABC transporter reported (Uraguchi et al. 2006). In fact, the toxic-
family that are known to confer Cd tolerance to ity symptoms due to Cd are correlated with dis-
plants include MRP3 (multidrug-resistance-related turbances in the uptake and distribution of macro
20 Sulfur in the Alleviation of Cadmium-Induced Oxidative Stress in Plants 433

and micronutrients in plants (Gussarson et al. growth of plants. Birch plants grown in the presence
1996). Cadmium is taken up by plants via cation of Cd showed a reduction in the concentration of
transport systems normally involved in the uptake Fe, Mn and Cu in the shoot, while in roots no
of essential elements, such as members of ZIP significant changes were observed, and the con-
and Nramp families or Ca2+ channels and trans- tent of Zn did not change either in shoots or roots
porters (Pence et al. 2000; Perfus-Barbeoch et al. (Gussarson et al. 1996). Thus, the presence of Cd
2002). Zhao et al. (2002) reported that Cd is taken in the plants caused a general decrease in the
up by the roots via the Ca channels or via Zn and nutrient content of plants.
Mn transporters. Its entry through the Ca channel Cd stress leads to a decrease in nutrients con-
in the leaves disturbs the plant–water relationship tent, and the severity of Cd toxicity can be reduced
(Perfus-Barbeoch et al. 2002) causing stomatal through the optimization of these nutrients.
closure in many plants, leading to lower transpi- Sufficient amount of nutrients may reduce the
ration rate and inhibition of photosynthesis accumulation of the metal in plants thereby
through an adverse effect on chlorophyll metabo- reducing its toxicity. Pankovic et al. (2000) have
lism. This subsequently leads to growth inhibi- shown that optimal N supply decreases the inhib-
tion and imbalance in the nutrient level (Sandalio itory effects of Cd on photosynthesis of sunflower
et al. 2001; Chaffei et al. 2004). The effect on plants probably by increasing ribulose
growth reduction may also be due to the rate of 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco) activity.
interference of toxic metals and nutrients with They found that it was only at optimum N that the
sensitive metabolic reactions (Gupta et al. 1995, adverse affect of Cd was reduced and thus N
1998; Haag-Kerwer et al. 1999). The decrease of nutrition could be manipulated as a means of
Mn, Fe, Mg, S and P concentrations in Cd-sensitive decreasing Cd phytotoxicity. Potassium may pro-
cultivar’s (Brassica oleracea L.) leaves under Cd tect plants from Cd-toxicity-induced oxidative
stress may be the key reason for the restraint of damage by reducing the Cd availability to the
leaf photosynthesis, and the decrease of plant plants thereby depressing the contents of H2O2
growth (Sun and Shen 2007). and TBARS in the mustard leaves and increasing
The increase or decrease in plant nutrients the content of antioxidative enzymes (Umar et al.
under Cd stress may vary in root and shoot. 2008). He et al. (2005) suggests that Ca2+ can
Inhibition may occur at the uptake level or in enhance Cd tolerance by increasing the expres-
translocation of nutrients. Different transporters sion of PC synthase gene under Cd2+ stress. The
are involved in the translocation of nutrients into deficiency of Mg enhances Cd-induced oxidative
the aerial part of the plant at different levels and stress resulting in damage to chlorophyll, photo-
Cd can inhibit these transporters. Morphological synthesis and plant growth. Abul Kashem and
changes of the conducting xylem tissue may also Kawai (2007) have reported that Mg decreases
contribute to a limited translocation of nutrients the content of Cd in the shoots because of the
from the roots (Barceló et al. 1988). Zornoza enhancement of shoot dry weight induced by the
et al. (2002) have reported that cadmium addition detoxifying effect of higher Mg concentration in
reduces P, K, Fe, Mn and Zn concentrations in the Japanese mustard spinach.
shoot and Mn in the root of Cd-treated plant.
However, the effect of Cd on the nutrient content
depends on the plant species and the experimen- 4 Sulfur as Essential Factor
tal conditions. A number of factors, viz. concen- for Cd Tolerance
trations of ions, pH, abundance of chelators, etc.
govern these interactions and thus various types Among all the nutrients involved in Cd detoxifica-
of responses may take place in different experi- tion, the role of S in Cd tolerance is important
ments using cadmium. It is of general concern because of its presence in most of the defense com-
that cadmium in certain concentration may cause pounds. Sulfur has been accepted as an outstanding
deficiency of other elements essential for normal factor for the improvement in production and
434 N. Iqbal et al.

quality of crops in several plant species. The (i.e., cysteine and methionine) is the rate-limiting
negative relation between Cd and NPK could be factor for the regulation of b-conglycinin chains
mitigated with S nutrition as several studies have that usually synthesized only during late seed
shown the synergistic interaction effects of S with development (Meinke et al. 1981). Sulfur defi-
N and K in influencing the yield, quality (oil, pro- ciency is an environmental condition that highly
tein, amino acid, and fatty acid synthesis) and upregulates sulfate assimilation in seed plants
uptake of nutrients by different crops (Tandon (Hirai et al. 2003; Maruyama-Nakashita et al.
1991; Aulakh and Chhibba 1992). Probably, the 2003; Nikiforova et al. 2003).
improved S nutrition allows a more adequate plant Sulfur is found in soil in the form of sulfate
defense response by synthesis of sulfur defense and, through a set of reaction, is converted to sul-
compounds, including PC and GSH. The impor- fide and into an N/C-skeleton forms cysteine or
tance of S in Cd tolerance is discussed emphasiz- its homologues (Droux 2004). The assimilation
ing on the upregulation of various S-assimilating of sulfate could be summarized in four steps: (1)
enzymes under Cd stress, which ultimately lead to uptake of sulfate, (2) activation of sulfate, (3)
synthesis of S containing defense compounds. reduction of sulfate and (4) synthesis of cysteine.
Sulfur is an essential nutrient, taken up as sul- Sulfate uptake is facilitated by sulfate transport-
fate from soil, reduced and incorporated into ers; once sulfate is within the cells, it can either
bioorganic compounds in plant cells. The path- be stored or enter the metabolic stream.
way of sulfate assimilation is highly regulated in Metabolism of sulfate is initiated by its activation
a demand-driven manner in seed plants. The by the reaction of adenylation catalyzed by ATP-
importance of S as a plant nutrient is becoming sulfurylase. The reaction product adenosine
more imminent due to its effect on crop produc- 5¢-phosphosulfate (APS) is a branch point inter-
tivity and quality. Sulfur is present in amino mediate, which can be channeled toward reduc-
acids, proteins, peptides, coenzymes and vita- tion or sulfation (Leustek et al. 2000). The key
mins. Plants and many microorganisms are able enzyme of plant sulfate assimilation is the ade-
to utilize inorganic sulfate and assimilate it into nosine 5¢-phosphosulfate reductase (APR), which
these compounds (Leustek et al. 2000; Kopriva reduces activated sulfate as demonstrated by con-
2006). A large number of studies have reported a trol flux analysis (Vauclare et al. 2002). The sul-
marked influence of applied S on the yields of fate assimilation pathway and APR are highly
several cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, for- regulated in a demand-driven manner (Lappartient
ages and other crops (Pasricha et al. 1987; Tandon and Touraine 1996; Leustek et al. 2000; Vauclare
1991; Ahmad et al. 1998; Aulakh and Pasricha et al. 2002; Kopriva 2006; Davidian and Kopriva
1998). Oilseed rape has a high requirement for S 2010). In periods of low sulfate availability,
and is particularly sensitive to any shortfall in S plants increase sulfate transport and rate of reduc-
supply (Ahmad et al. 2005). Yield responses of tion. Activation of sulfate reduction is the domi-
oilseed rape to S supply have been reported nant route for assimilation and is carried out in
(Walker and Booth 1992). In fact, S is an impor- plastids (Leustek et al. 2000; Saito 2000). APS is
tant nutrient for oilseed rape due to its association reduced to sulfite by APS-reductase (APR)
with yield and also a range of quality factors. It is (Leustek and Saito 1999; Kopriva and Koprivova
required by Brassicas for the synthesis of the 2003), and finally sulfite is reduced to sulfide by
S-bearing compound, glucosinolates. Seeds from sulfite reductase (SiR). Sulfide is then transferred
many plants, especially of legume crop, contain to activated serine by O-acetylserine(thiol)lyase
low concentrations of small 2S proteins that are (OAS-TL) to form cysteine. The formation of
relatively rich in cysteine and methionine (Shewry cysteine is a direct coupling step between S and
and Pandya 1999). Glycine max also produces N assimilation in plants (Brunold 1990, 1993;
low molecular weight polypeptides that contain Brunold et al. 2003). Cysteine is the precursor or
disproportionately high methionine content (Paek S-donor for most other organic S-compounds in
et al. 2000). In fact, the availability of reduced S plants. In addition, cysteine is the precursor of
20 Sulfur in the Alleviation of Cadmium-Induced Oxidative Stress in Plants 435

GSH, a low molecular weight water soluble non- reported the upregulation of sulfate transporter(s),
protein thiol compound which functions in pro- ATPS and APR under Cd stress. Hermsen et al.
tection of plants against varied environmental (2010) reported that mRNA levels of APR, SiR2
stresses (De Kok et al. 2005). and SULTR4;1 were increased while ATPS2,
Cysteine synthesis in plants represents the SULTR1;1, -1;2 and -1;3 were significantly
final step of assimilatory sulfate reduction and reduced upon Cd treatment in P. patens.
the almost exclusive entry reaction of reduced Nussbaum et al. (1988) reported that Cd accu-
sulfur into plant metabolism (Wirtz and Hell mulation increased ATPS and APR activities in
2006). The importance of reduced sulfur is fur- Zea mays seedlings. Rüegsegger et al. (1990) have
ther illustrated by the multitude of functions that shown that APR activity is induced coordinately
are directly or indirectly mediated by the major with glutathione synthetase in Cd-treated Pisum
sulfur metabolites cysteine, methionine and sativum plants. ATPS is regulated as demand-
GSH. This step also marks the convergence of S driven homeostatic mechanisms in order to match
and N metabolism giving rise to regulatory inter- the rate of cysteine and GSH biosynthesis with the
actions (Kopriva et al. 2002). Further, increased total sulfur needs of the whole plant (Lappartient
rate of synthesis and accumulation of cysteine and Touraine 1996; Lappartient et al. 1999).
occur in order to form GSH during the abiotic ATPS and serine acetyl transferase (SAT) play
defense response of plants to heavy metals or important roles in heavy metal tolerance and
xenobiotics (Rüegsegger and Brunold 1992; accumulation (Hawkesford 2003; Freeman et al.
Farago et al. 1994). 2004). Harada et al. (2002) reported the expres-
Sulfur assimilation has an important effect on sion of three sulfur assimilation pathway enzyme
Cd accumulation. A significant induction in S genes including ATPS increased significantly, and
assimilation has been reported in heavy metal that the total thiol compounds increased threefold
exposed higher plants (Tukiendorf and Rauser under Cd stress in Arabidopsis. These may be due
1990). Exposure of plants to Cd induces enzymes to the need of thiol for increased chelation. Rother
involved in the sulfate assimilation pathway et al. (2006) have reported that in heavy metal
(Herbette et al. 2006; Khan et al. 2007). Cadmium dependent induction of genes involved in cysteine
stress induces intracellular sulfur sink because of and GSH biosynthesis, the increased activity of
increased PC synthesis. In response, the plant may the corresponding proteins and thiol metabolites
adapt the expression of genes involved in S assimi- are the bases for elevated intracellular GSH con-
lation and GSH biosynthesis, allowing an increased centrations. Treatment with Cd2+ influenced the
flux through the entire pathway when sulfate is not transcriptions of genes coding for enzymes
limiting. In S. cerevisiae, very high Cd concentrations involved in sulfate reduction and GSH biosynthe-
(1 mM) led to upregulation of the MET3 gene sis in time- and concentration-dependent manner.
(ATPS, Fauchon et al. 2002) and concomitantly, However, transcription of the SAT gene, encoding
ATPS protein levels increased sixfold (Vido et al. the OAS-generating enzyme, was hardly affected
2001). In addition, a microarray analysis of S. cer- upon Cd2+ stress in P. patens.
evisiae under yet another Cd concentration Krishnan (2005) reported increased OASTL in
(300 mM CdCl) showed that MET14 (APK) and Cd-treated soybean. Manipulation of critical
MET 16 (PAPSR) had increased gene expression enzymes in the sulfur assimilation pathway is one
of 21- or 6-fold (Momose and Iwahashi 2001). of the most promising approaches for increasing
It has been noted that genes involved in S the amounts of sulfur containing amino acids in
assimilation pathway are rapidly upregulated soybean. In fact, the relatively higher expression
such as Sultr1;1 and Sultr2;1 encoding two sul- of GmOASTL4 gene occurred in transgenic plants
fate transporters which are upregulated after 2 or treated with CdCl2 than that in untreated trans-
6 h of Cd treatment and 12–24 h after sulfate genic plants, which could explain the clear induc-
depletion (Takahashi et al. 2000; Herbette et al. tion of OASTL activity. Ning et al. (2010) reported
2006; Sarry et al. 2006). Heiss et al. (1999) that GmOASTL4 overexpression stimulates the
436 N. Iqbal et al.

antioxidant enzyme system. Howarth et al. (2003) activates the sulfur metabolism resulting in the
observed an increase in the expression of all SAT production of GSH. Glutathione, besides per-
genes in response to cadmium in A. thaliana. forming critical functions in regulating plant
In A. thaliana, OASTL gene Atcys-3A and the growth and adaptation to abiotic stresses, acts as
SAT gene Sat-5 are induced in leaf lamina, root an important S sink in the plant system (Leustek
and stem cortex and trichomes in response to Cd et al. 2000; Maughan and Foyer 2006).
treatment (Domínguez-Solís et al. 2001; Howarth Glutathione occurs in reduced form (GSH) in
et al. 2003). Additionally, the overexpression of plant tissues and is localized in all cell compart-
Atcys-3A in A. thaliana resulted in increased Cd ments such as cytosol, endoplasmic reticulum,
tolerance (Domínguez-Solís et al. 2001). These vacuole, mitochondria, chloroplasts, peroxisomes
results suggest that specific OASTL and SAT iso- as well as in apoplast (Jimenez et al. 1998). It is
forms may play a role in increasing cysteine pro- necessary to maintain the normal reduced state of
duction under conditions of heavy metal stress cells so as to counteract the inhibitory effects of
when increased biosynthesis of GSH is required. ROS-induced oxidative stress (Meyer 2008) and
Plants overexpressing SAT were found to have is a potential scavenger of 1O2 and H2O2 (Briviba
elevated levels of cysteine and glutathione when et al. 1997; Noctor and Foyer 1998). In addition,
compared to the wild type (Blaszczyk et al. 1999; GSH is a substrate for glutathione peroxidase
Harms et al. 2000). Thus, the overexpression of (GPX) and glutathione-S-transferases (GST),
S-assimilating enzymes led to the production of which are also involved in the removal of ROS
GSH and subsequently PC which are involved in (Noctor et al. 2002). Glutathione-S-transferases
Cd detoxification. can reduce peroxides with the help of GSH and
produce scavengers of cytotoxic and genotoxic
compounds. An increased GST activity was
5 Sulfur Sinks and Cd Tolerance found in leaves and roots of Cd-exposed Pisum
sativum plants by Dixit et al. (2001) and in roots
Glutathione is a tripeptide thiol (Glu-Cys-Gly) of Oryza sativa and Phragmites australis plants
and is a major water soluble antioxidant and (Iannelli et al. 2002; Moons 2003). Besides, GSH
redox buffer in plants, performing critical func- plays a key role in the antioxidative defense sys-
tions in cell cycle regulation, development, sulfur tem by regenerating another potential water solu-
transport and storage, stress responses, and heavy ble antioxidants such as Ascorbate (AsA), via the
metal detoxification (Maughan and Foyer 2006). Ascorbate–glutathione (AsA–GSH) cycle (Foyer
It is synthesized from its immediate precursor and Halliwell 1976). GSH is a constituent of the
cysteine formed through reductive sulfur assimi- AsA–GSH cycle that is a major pathway for the
lation pathway in a cascade of enzymatic reac- conversion of H2O2 and is stimulated under Cd
tions (Kopriva 2006). The synthesis of GSH is stress (Smeets et al. 2008; Smeets et al. 2009).
accomplished in two sequential ATP-dependent Further, Chen et al. (2010) reported that GSH
reactions catalyzed by c-glutamylcysteine syn- promotes acclimative and adaptive responses in
thetase (cECS) and glutathione synthetase antioxidant systems of barley seedlings to cope
(GSHS) (Becana et al. 2010). Sulfur supplemen- with Cd stress. It not only acts as a directly pre-
tation might further help the plants to improve formed antioxidant to scavenge ROS but might
the content of GSH by enhancing g-ECS enzymes also act indirectly in modifying the redox balance
(Schneider and Bergmann 1995; Strohm et al. by pro- or con-activating such antioxidant
1995). Hassan et al. (2008) reported that addition responses depending on its endogenous levels to
of (NH4)2SO4 to Cd-fed plants showed increased alleviate Cd toxicity. They reported that GSH-
glutathione content, which reduced oxidative induced alleviation of Cd stress by stimulating
stress in Oryza sativa plants that were related to APX (especially cAPX, sAPX and tAPX iosen-
more S supply for this N form. As discussed zymes) and CAT activities. It upregulated root
above, the entry of Cd into the cytosol promptly cAPX and leaf cAPX, CAT1 and CAT2 expression
20 Sulfur in the Alleviation of Cadmium-Induced Oxidative Stress in Plants 437

Table 20.1 Role of thiols in reducing cadmium (Cd)-induced oxidative stress. (+) sign indicate increase and (−) sign
indicate decrease
Thiols decrease Plants Parameters Response Reference
Glutathione Increase Brassica juncea Cd content − Zhu et al. (1999a)
Glutathione Increase Glycine max OH• − El-Shintinawy (1999)
Phytochelatin Increase Transgenic Nicotiana Cd content − Harada et al. (2001)
(added) tobacum
Glutathione Increase Phragmites australis Antioxidative + Pietrini et al. (2003)
enzymes and Ederli et al. (2004)
Phytochelatin Increase Bread wheat H2O2 − Ranieri et al. (2005)
Glutathione Increase Oryza sativa MDA − Hassan et al. (2005)
Glutathione Decrease Helianthus annuus TBARS + Gallego et al. (2005)
Glutathione Increase Brassica chinensis and Cd content − Liu et al. (2007)
Brassica pekinensis
Glutathione Increase Brassica campestris Cd content, − Anjum et al. (2008)
Glutathione and Increase Sedum alfredii H2O2 − Chao et al. (2008)
total sulfur
Phytochelatin Increase Lycopersicon esculentum Cd content − Ammar et al. (2008)
Cysteine and Increase Tagetes erecta L. Cd content − Feng et al. (2009)
Glutathione Increase Brassica juncea H2O2, TBARS, − Khan et al. (2009)
e-leakage and Iqbal et al. (2010)
Glutathione Increase Solanum nigrum TBARS, H2O2, − Deng et al. (2010)
(added) superoxides
Glutathione Increase Cucurbita pepo Lipid + Kolb et al. (2010)
Glutathione Increase Solanum tuberosum Oxidative stress − El-Tayeb et al. (2010)

in the sensitive genotype of barley to achieve Increased GSH levels are connected with enhanced
stimulation. Cuypers et al. (2010) reported that plant tolerance to stress (Stancheva et al. 2010).
glutathione metabolism played a crucial role in Xiang et al. (2001) observed that plants with low
controlling the gene regulation of the antioxida- levels of GSH were highly sensitive to even
tive defense mechanism under Cd stress in the low levels of Cd2+ due to limited PC synthesis.
roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. Therefore, sulfur plays an important role in
The role of GSH in the antioxidant defense sys- Cd detoxification through the synthesis of GSH
tem provides a strong basis for its use as a stress and PC. Fan et al. (2010) reported that sulfur
marker (Tausz et al. 2004). Pietrini et al. (2003) could alleviate the Cd stress in rice due to
reported that the antioxidant activity in the leaves S-induced increase of GSH for synthesis of PCs
and chloroplast of Phragmites australis Trin. (cav.) related to Cd tolerance. Studies have shown that
ex Steudel was associated with a large pool of thiols reduce Cd-induced oxidative stress (Zhu
GSH which resulted in protecting the activity of et al. 1999a, b; Ammar et al. 2008; Feng et al.
many photosynthetic enzymes against the thio- 2009; Khan et al. 2009; Iqbal et al. 2010; Kolb
philic bursting of Cd. GSH is a precursor of PCs, et al. 2010, Table 20.1).
which plays an important role in controlling cel- Phytochelatins are peptides that consist of rep-
lular heavy metal concentration (Grill et al. 1985). etitions of the g-glutamylcysteine (g-GluCys)
438 N. Iqbal et al.

Fig. 20.1 Representation of sulfur assimilation and cadmium tolerance. ROS reactive oxygen species, LMW low
molecular weight complex, HMW high molecular weight complex

dipeptide followed by a terminal glycine. The Overproduction of PCS from wheat in S. cerevisiae
basic structure being (g-Glu-Cys)-Gly, where n enhances tolerance to and accumulation of
is generally in the range 2–7. These peptides cadmium (Clemens et al. 1999).
are synthesized from glutathione and related Cadmium leads to activation of sulfur metabo-
thiols by PC synthases (PCS, a g-glutamyl- lism leading to the production of PC (Sanita di
cysteinyl transpeptidase (EC PCS Toppi and Gabbrielli 1999) since biosynthesis of
mediates a dipeptidyl transfer reaction in the PC is closely dependent on sulfur metabolism
presence of heavy metals, leading to the forma- (Leustek et al. 2000). An increased expression of
tion of PCn with a greater number of g-glutam- genes involved in sulfur assimilation and GSH
ylcysteinyl units, which has increased the and PC syntheses in response to Cd treatment has
affinity for heavy metals and the capacity to been shown in Arabidopsis (Harada et al. 2002),
sequester them more effectively (Löffler et al. and Brassica juncea (Heiss et al. 1999). Among
1989; Clemens 2006). the mechanism utilized by the plants to detoxify
Phytochelatins have been involved in metal ROS, production of GSH appears to be more
detoxification, and used as potential biomarkers important as this is a substrate for the biosynthe-
for an evaluation of metal toxicity (Wang et al. sis of PCs, which are involved in heavy metal
2008). The levels of PCs were positively corre- detoxification (Inouhe 2005). Sulfur assimilation
lated with external metal concentrations (Keltjens results in GSH synthesis that detoxifies ROS
and van Beusichem 1998; Sneller et al. 1999; either directly or through the synthesis of PCs.
Sun et al. 2005). The increase in PCs has been Phytochelatins are involved in Cd removal by
reported to increase Cd tolerance in plants chelation. They form low molecular weight
(Martínez et al. 2006; Pomponi et al. 2006; Gasic Cd-PC complex (LMW) that enters the vacuole
and Korban 2007). It is an important intracellu- and combines there with more Cd and sulfide to
lar Cd chelating molecule that mediates the form high molecular weight Cd-PC complex
sequestration of the heavy metal-PC conjugant (HMW), thus, binding maximum Cd and storing
in the vacuole (Siripornadulsil et al. 2002; it into vacuole. This keeps the cell free from Cd
Mendoza-Cozatl and Moreno-Sanchez 2006). toxicity (Fig. 20.1).
20 Sulfur in the Alleviation of Cadmium-Induced Oxidative Stress in Plants 439

provide a novel strategy to reduce Cd toxicity

6 Conclusion and Future through various pathways that are accelerated by
Perspective its application.

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Role of Salicylic Acid in
Alleviating Heavy Metal Stress 21
Losanka P. Popova, Liliana T. Maslenkova,
Albena Ivanova, and Zhivka Stoinova

Both plant breeders and crop producers have an interest in finding crops
capable of tolerating environmental changes with damage as little as
possible. In order to develop such crops, the knowledge of plant defense
mechanisms and regulatory processes is essential. The study presented in
this chapter was performed to analyze the role of salicylic acid (SA) in
regulation of plant growth and development, flowering, ion uptake, sto-
matal regulation and photosynthesis. The role of SA in development of
plant resistance to different environmental stresses is described. Besides
the physiological functions of SA, the general properties, biosynthesis and
metabolism of this plant growth regulator are discussed. The present chap-
ter focuses on the mechanisms of the beneficial effect of SA on maize
plants exposed to toxic Cd concentrations.
Exposure of plants to Cd (10, 15 and 25 mM) caused a gradual decrease
in the dry weight accumulation of shoots and roots. Pretreatment of seeds
with 500-mM SA for 6 h alleviated the negative effect of Cd on plant
growth parameters. The same tendency was observed for the chlorophyll
level. The rate of CO2 fixation was lower in Cd-treated plants, and the
inhibition was partially overcome in SA-pretreated plants. A drop in the
activities of carboxylating enzymes ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxy-
lase (RuBPCase) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) was
observed for Cd-treated plants. Pretreatment with SA alleviated the inhibi-
tory effect of Cd on the enzymes activity. In vivo the excess of Cd-induced
alterations in the redox cycling of oxygen-evolving centers and the assimi-
latory capacity of maize leaves as revealed by changes in the termolumi-
nescence emission. Pretreatment with SA before imposition of high

L.P. Popova () • L.T. Maslenkova • A. Ivanova

• Z. Stoinova
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Plant
Physiology, Acad. G. Bonchev str, BL. 21,
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 447
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_21,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
448 L.P. Popova et al.

concentration of Cd has a stabilizing effect on photochemical reactions.

Changes in the activity of several important antioxidative enzymes, namely
superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT),
guaiacol peroxidase (POD), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione-S-
transferase (G-S-Tr) were measured. The presence of Cd in the nutrient
solution led to disturbances in the activity of the antioxidant enzymes.
Pretreatment with SA alleviated the negative effect of Cd on the studied
enzymes. Our results suggest that the phytotoxicity of Cd is mainly induced
by oxidative stress and SA is involved in the defense responses of maize
plants to Cd exposure. This suggestion was consistent with the observed
protective role of SA on the lipid membranes of Cd-treated maize plants.

Maize • Oxidative stress • Photosynthesis • Thermoluminescence
• Salicylic acid

by plants it induces various visible symptoms of

1 Introduction phytotoxicity, for example, leaf roll, chlorosis
and growth reduction of root and shoot, brown-
Salicylic acid (SA) is a widespread phenolic
ing of root tips and finally death (Kahle 1993).
compound, and many of its physiological and
A large number of studies have demonstrated the
biochemical effects have been known for a long
toxic effect of Cd on of photosynthesis through
time (Raskin 1992a). As a potent signaling mol-
effects on the chlorophyll metabolism and chlo-
ecule in plants it is involved in eliciting specific
roplasts structure (Gadallah 1995), the activity of
responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. It has
both photosystem II and the enzymes of photo-
been shown that SA provides protection in maize
synthetic carbon metabolism (Krantev et al. 2008;
plants against different stresses, e.g., low-temper-
Popova et al. 2009). Cadmium also produces
ature stress (Janda et al. 1999; Tasgin et al. 2003)
alterations in the functionality of membranes by
induces thermotolerance in mustard seedlings
inducing changes in their lipid composition
(Chen et al. 1997; Dat et al. 1998a, b) or modu-
(Hernandez and Cooke 1997), and this can affect
lates plant responses to salt and osmotic stresses
some enzymatic activities associated with mem-
(Borsani et al. 2001), ozone or UV light (Sharma
branes such as H+-ATPase (Fodor et al. 1995).
et al. 1996), drought (Senaratna et al. 2000; Singh
Once Cd enters the cytosol, other detoxification
and Usha 2003), herbicides (Ananieva et al.
mechanisms are induced, primarily the formation
2004) or pathogens (Malamy et al. 1990; Durner
of complexes between Cd and phytochelatins
et al. 1997). Furthermore, SA is also known to be
(PCs) and their subsequent compartmentalization
involved in plant protection to heavy metals. SA
(Vazquez et al. 2006). Other mechanisms that
pretreatment alleviates Pb- and Hg-induced
plants have developed to cope with damages
membrane damage in rice (Mishra and Chudhuri
caused by cadmium are related with some stress
1999) and Cd toxicity in barley (Metwally et al.
signaling molecules, such as SA, jasmonic acid
2003) and maize plants (Pal et al. 2002).
and ethylene. All these compounds were induced
Cadmium (Cd2+) is a highly toxic trace ele-
by Cd treatment, which suggest that they are
ment which enters the environment mainly from
involved in cell response to Cd toxicity
industrial processes and phosphate fertilizers. It
(Rodriguez-Serrano et al. 2006).
can reach high levels in agricultural soils and is
Although there have been many reports on the
easily assimilated by plants. Taken up in excess
photochemical and biochemical events occurring
21 Role of Salicylic Acid in Alleviating Heavy Metal Stress 449

in photosynthesis during Cd toxicity, a lot of SA in leaves and reproductive structures of

contradictory data can be found in the literature. nonthermogenic angiosperms confirmed the ubiq-
Probably this is because of the very heteroge- uitous distribution of this compound in plants.
neous experimental approaches, including both Levels of SA varied substantially in the floral
laboratory-grown conditions and field experi- parts of seven nonthermogenic species and in the
ments. Only a limited number of studies have leaves of 27 nonthermogenic plants. The highest
been carried out during the germinating stage of levels of SA were determined in the inflorescence
plants. We have attempted to study the effect of with necrotizing pathogens (Raskin et al. 1990).
exposure of maize plants to Cd during early In the early 1960s it was suggested that in
stages of their establishment, on the physiologi- plants SA is synthesized from cinnamic acid by
cal and biochemical properties of maize leaves. two possible pathways: one involves side-chain
Our main purpose was to determine the physio- decarboxylation of cinnamic acid to benzoic acid
logical and biochemical changes in maize plants followed by 2-hydroxylation to SA. Alternatively,
treated by SA during Cd-induced stress, to inves- cinnamic acid could be first 2-hydroxylated to an
tigate whether this plant regulator is involved in o-coumaric acid and then decarboxylated to SA.
the induction of defense response and to test the These pathways differ in the order of ß-oxidation
hypothesis that the observed protection of SA on and ortho-hydroxylation reactions and could
photosynthesis against Cd stress is mediated by operate independently in plants. Two key enzymes
its effect on antioxidant defense system. are involved in SA biosynthesis and metabolism:
benzoic acid 2-hydroxylase, which converts ben-
zoic acid to SA, and UDP glucose: SA glucosyl-
2 SA: Properties, Structure transferase, which catalyzes conversion of SA to
and Biosynthesis SA glucoside. It was shown that the cinnamic
acid → benzoic acid → SA pathway functions in
SA or ortho-hydroxybenzoic acid and related rice seedlings (Sillverman et al. 1995) and tobacco
compounds belong to a diverse group of plant plants (Yalpani et al. 1993). However, recently,
phenolics. Salicylates from plant sources have genetic studies in Arabidopsis have shown that
been used in medicines since antiquity. In 1828, SA was also produced via chorismic acid – an
in Munich, was isolated for the first time a small important intermediate of shikimic acid path-
amount of salicin, the glucoside of salicyl alco- ways, and the rate of SA biosynthesis and excre-
hol, from willow bar. Ten years latter Raffaele tion can be substantial (Wildermuth et al. 2001).
Piria named it SA, from the Latin word Salix for Some publications have suggested that the
willow tree. Aspirin, a trade name for acetylsali- rate-limiting step in SA biosynthesis is the con-
cylic acid (ASA), undergoes spontaneous hydro- version of trans-cinnamic acid to benzoic acid,
lysis to SA. It is rapidly converted to SA when and that this involves a ß-oxidation pathway in
applied exogenously. Despite the fact that aspirin which trans-cinnamoyl CoA is the first of four
was not identified as a natural product, it is widely intermediates. However, evidence is increasing
used by many plant scientists in their experiments. for an alternative, as yet undefined, rout to SA that
The reason is the similarity in their physiological does not involve benzoic acid (Hayat et al. 2010).
effects (Popova et al. 1997; Hayat et al. 2010). Many different types of SA conjugates have
SA could be actively transported, metabolized been found in plant species. They were mainly
or conjugated, and it could also translocate formed by glucosylation and less frequently by
rapidly from the point of initial application to esterification. Large amounts of SA glucosides
different plant tissues. Salicylates are distributed were detected in sunflower, oat and bean roots
in many important agricultural plant species. In (Yalpani et al. 1992a, b). Methyl salicylate was
many plants, such as rice, crabgrass, barley, soy- found in the leaves of oats, red clover, tobacco
bean, etc., the levels of SA has been found to be and in the volatile fractions of fruits (plum, straw-
approximately 1 mg g−1 fresh weight. A survey of berry, black cherry and tomato). Large amounts
450 L.P. Popova et al.

of volatile methyl salicylate are released from respiration in both model systems. The involvement
tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-inoculated tobacco of the alternative pathway was enhanced by SA
indicating that this compound may be a major to a greater extent in dormancy-breaking potato
metabolite of SA. It is tempting to speculate that tubers. The thermal effect of SA was abolished
methylsalicylate may function as an airborne with inhibitors of the alternative pathway, such as
signal for both intra- and inter-plant communica- salicylhydroxamic acid and propyl gallate. It was
tion. SA forms also conjugates with aminoacids. suggested that, as in thermogenic species, SA
Salicyloyl aspartic acid was identified in wild increased both the activity of the total respiration
grapes, but its physiological function is not and the cyanide-resistant pathway in tobacco
known (Sillverman et al. 1995). leaves, leading to an elevation in surface temper-
ature (Van der Straeten et al. 1995).
There are experimental data indicating partici-
3 Physiological Functions pation of SA in signal regulation of gene expres-
of Salicylates sion in the course of leaf senescence in Arabidopsis
(Morris et al. 2000). Moreover, SA might serve
The first indication for a physiological effect of as a regulator of gravitropism, and the inhibition
SA was the discovery of flower-inducing action of fruit ripening (Srivastava and Dwivedi 2000).
and bud formation in tobacco cell cultures SA is an effective inhibitor of ethylene biosyn-
(Eberhard et al. 1989). The stimulatory effect of thesis, the effect being pH-dependent.
SA on flowering was later demonstrated in other More widespread interest in SA was gener-
plant species, and this was ground for suggesting ated when it was closely linked to the hypersensi-
that SA functions as an endogenous regulator of tive response, a disease-resistant mechanism in
flowering. The SA effect was not specific and it which plants restrict the spread of fungal, bacte-
promoted flowering in combination with other rial or viral pathogens by producing necrotic
plant regulators (e.g., gibberellins). lesions around the initial point of penetration.
The ability of certain Arum lilies to generate Treatment of tobacco plants with aspirin solution
heat in the inflorescences during blooming has showed that plants have enhanced resistance to
provoked studies on the role of SA in heat pro- TMV and reduced number and size of necrotic
duction. When SA was applied to the inflores- lesions. Treatment of tobacco genotypes with SA
cence exogenously, it elicited heat production in resulted in the coordinate expression of patho-
spadix. On the day proceeding blooming, the genesis-related (PR) genes. Several lines of evi-
levels of endogenous SA in the spadix increased dence suggest that SA is the endogenous signal
100-fold to 1 mg g−1 fresh weight and returned to involved in induction of PR protein synthesis and
control levels at the end of the thermogenic systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in tobacco
period. By this way SA appears to be calorigen. and cucumber. It has been established that during
The heating is believed to be associated with a infection by pathogens, a huge number of pro-
large increase in the cyanide-insensitive, non- teins are induced, including PR protein families,
phosphorylating electron transport pathway. It which are thought to play an active role in defense
was also shown that SA caused the induction of processes.
the alternative oxidase gene and the alternative Resistance to pathogens and the production of
oxidase protein with molecular mass of 38.9 kDa some PR proteins in plants can be induced by SA
was isolated and characterized (Rhoads and or aspirin, even in the absence of pathogenic
McIntosh 1991). The effects of SA on the alter- organisms. Exogenously applied SA-induced PR
native pathway respiration in slices and isolated proteins mainly at the side of application, in con-
mitochondria of dormant and dormancy-breaking trast to pathogens that induced PR proteins sys-
potato tubers were compared (Wen and Liang temically (Hayat et al. 2010). The levels of SA
1994). It was found that treatment with 20-mM increased dramatically following inoculation of
SA increased the capacity of cyanide-resistant tobacco or cucumber plants with pathogens.
21 Role of Salicylic Acid in Alleviating Heavy Metal Stress 451

Increases in SA levels have been correlated to carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) synthesis.

changes in gene expression. The production of It was also found that treatment of barley plants
active oxygen species such as superoxide ions is with SA caused decrease in the level of total sol-
a rapid response that precedes cell death. It has uble protein, in particular in the level of RubisCO.
been proposed that oxygen radicals play a direct The percentage of inhibition on the small subunit
role in cell death during the hypersensitive was higher, as a result of which the small/large
response. H2O2 formed during the oxidative burst subunit ratio was lower for the experimental vari-
may also trigger cell death and serve as a diffus- ants (Pancheva and Popova 1998). It was sug-
ible signal for induction of defense-related genes gested that SA like some other stress factors
in surrounding cells (Levine et al. 1994). Leon diminished chloroplast photosynthetic activity as
et al. (1995) have demonstrated that treatment of a result of effects on the thylakoid membranes
tobacco leaves with H2O2 induced accumulation and light-induced reactions connected with them,
of free benzoic acid and SA. They have suggested and in this way it may indirectly participate in
that H2O2 activated SA biosynthesis. regulating the activity of RubisCO. Additional
Wounding the leaves by chewing insects or data showed that treatment of barley seedlings
other mechanical damage induces the synthesis with SA caused alterations in leaf anatomy and
of defensive proteinase inhibitor proteins in both chloroplast ultrastructure (Uzunova and Popova
wounded leaves and distal unwounded leaves. 2000). The suggestion was that the observed low
Stomatal behavior and regulation are a very rate of growth and photosynthesis might be asso-
important factor for photosynthetic ability. The ciated with disorders of leaf anatomy and plastid
established effects of SA on stomatal function, ultrastructure. At the same experimental condi-
chlorophyll content, transpiration rate and respi- tions Maslenkova and Toncheva (1998) observed
ratory pathways lead to the assumption that SA the inhibitory effect of SA on PSII oxygen-
might possess another physiological function, evolving reactions. The effect of SA depended
most probably involved in regulation of some on the time of treatment duration – no changes in
photosynthetic reactions. Since the past 15 years these parameters were observed when barley
our team had studied the role of SA in regulation seedlings were treated with SA for 2 h, the inhi-
of photosynthesis. Pancheva et al. (1996) demon- bition appeared 6 h after the start of treatment.
strated that long-term treatment (7 days) of barley These data confirm the suggestion that SA plays
seedlings with SA decreased the rate of photo- different roles based on its endogenous levels in
synthesis and the activity of RuBP carboxylase, particular plant species under specific develop-
and increased both CO2-compensation point and mental and environmental conditions (Pancheva
stomatal resistance. The short-term treatment et al. 1996).
with SA (from minutes to 2 h) did not affect The ability of SA and ASA to induce a protec-
either the rate of photosynthesis or the capacity tive effect on plants under stress received consid-
of biochemical machinery as compared with erable interest during the past few years. It has
untreated control plants. An explanation for these been shown that SA provides protection in maize
changes could in part be because of stomatal clo- (Janda et al. 1999) and winter wheat plants
sure and reduced supply of CO2. However, the (Tasgin et al. 2003) against low-temperature
Ci-values were not declined in SA-treated plants. stress, induces thermotolerance in mustard seed-
This implies that stomatal closure did not restrict lings (Chen et al. 1997; Dat et al. 1998b) or mod-
CO2 entry into the leaf enough to reduce internal ulates plant responses to salt and osmotic stresses
CO2 level and the reduction in photosynthesis (Borsani et al. 2001), ozone or UV light (Sharma
probably was nonstomatal. It was suggested that et al. 1996), drought (Senaratna et al. 2000) and
one very possible reason for the observed inhibi- herbicides (Ananieva et al. 2004). SA has been
tion of photosynthetic ability and RuBP carboxy- shown to accumulate in plants in response to
lase activity could be the effect of SA on protein various oxidizing stresses, such as H2O2 (Leon
synthesis, including ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate et al. 1995), ozone (Sharma et al. 1996), heat
452 L.P. Popova et al.

Fig. 21.1 Physiological

effects of SA and factor
affecting changes in its
endogenous accumulation

(Dat et al. 1998b), and it has been suggested that is increasingly severe worldwide and the global
it is directly involved in signaling different anti- average annual emission of Hg, Cu, Pb, Mn and
oxidant responses (Larkindale and Knight 2002). Ni are 15,000 tons, 3.4 million tons, 5 million
These relationships are presented in Fig. 21.1. tons, 15 million tons and 1 million tons, respec-
tively (Popova and Lu 2010).
Cadmium (Cd) is a trace metal, which may
4 SA and Heavy Metal Stress accumulate to potential harmful levels in cer-
tain crops. It is one of the most toxic pollutants
The environmental quality is endangered by found in air, water and soil. It is highly toxic to
many adverse effects. The most important prob- plants and animals. Accumulation of cadmium
lem for plant ecosystems is a consequence of the in plant tissue is influenced by the levels of cad-
contamination by toxic wastes, biotic stress fac- mium available in the soil in which the plants
tors and abnormal climate changes. In addition to are grown. It should be mentioned that phos-
industrial pollution (heavy metals, pesticides, oil phate fertilizers additionally increase the level
residues, etc.), the global warming and dehydra- of Cd in soil. Cadmium is easily taken up by
tion as well as pathogen infection are recognized plant roots and can be loaded into the xylem for
as environmental constraints that the vegetation its transport into leaves. Cd induces genetic and
endures. biochemical changes in plant metabolism
Heavy metals are used in various industries related to general and Cd-specific stress
and are consequently discharged into the envi- responses. A large number of studies have dem-
ronment. At least 20 metals are known to be onstrated the toxic effect of Cd on plant metab-
toxic, and fully half of these, including cadmium olism, such as decreased uptake of nutrient
(Cd), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), sil- elements (Sandalio et al. 2001), changes in
ver (Ag) and zinc (Zn), are released into the envi- nitrogen metabolism (Boussama et al. 1999),
ronment in sufficient quantities to present a risk inhibition of photosynthesis through effects on
to human health. Soil heavy metal contamination the chlorophyll metabolism and chloroplasts
21 Role of Salicylic Acid in Alleviating Heavy Metal Stress 453

structure (Gadallah 1995; Stoyanova and prevailing part of cell Cd is bound to phytochela-
Tchakalova 1997; Stoyanova and Merakchiiska- tins (PC) and transported into vacuole as
Nikolova 1992), inhibition of stomatal opening PC–Cd–S complex through Fe-dependent trans-
(Barcelo and Poschenrieder 1990) and activity porters (Hall and Williams 2003). Survival under
of both photosystem II and the enzymes of stressful conditions depends on the plant’s ability
photosynthetic carbon metabolism (Krupa and to perceive the stimulus, generate and transmit
Baszynski 1995; Krantev et al. 2008; Popova signals, and induce biochemical changes that
et al. 2009). The main targets of the influence of adjust the metabolism accordingly. Therefore,
Cd are two key enzymes of CO2 fixation, the search for signal molecules that mediate the
RubisCO and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase stress tolerance is an important step in our better
(PEPCase). It has been shown that Cd2+ ions understanding on how plants acclimate to the
lower the activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate adverse environment.
carboxylase (RuBPCase) and damage its struc- Convincing data have been obtained on
ture by substituting for Mg2+ ions, which are SA-induced plant protection to heavy metals,
important cofactors of carboxylation reactions demonstrating the involvement of SA in the
and also Cd can shift RuBPCase activity toward induction of different antistress programs. SA
oxygenation reactions (Siedlecka et al. 1998). pretreatment alleviates Pb-induced membrane
Stiborova (1988) and Malik et al. (1992a, b) damage in rice (Mishra and Chudhuri 1999),
demonstrated that Cd caused an irreversible Hg-induced oxidative stress in Medicago sativa
dissociation of the large and small subunits of (Zhou et al. 2009), and Cd toxicity in barley
RuBPCase thus leading to total inhibition of the (Metwally et al. 2003) and maize plants (Pal
enzyme. The early studies indicated that Cd et al. 2002; Krantev et al. 2008). Recently He
ions affect the oxidizing side of PS2 and lead to et al. (2010) showed that pretreatment of rice
uncoupling of electron transport in chloroplasts seeds with 0.1-mM SA for 24 h alleviated the
(Atal et al. 1993; Mohantly and Mohanty 1988). negative effect of Cd on germination parameters
With regard to site and mechanism of inhibition and early seedlings growth. Kovacik et al. (2009)
of Cd, it is generally accepted that the water- studying the effect of SA on Cd and Ni uptake in
oxidizing complex (OEC) of PS2 is affected by Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) reported
Cd by replacing the Ca2+ in Ca/Mn clusters that it is differentially modulated by SA. In case
that constitutes the oxygen-evolving centers of Ni, it seems that SA serves as a root barrier in
(Sigfridsson et al. 2004) or by some modifica- order to prevent Ni from reaching the above-
tions in Qb-binding site (Geiken et al. 1998). ground organs. The exogenous application of
Cadmium ions are known to cause alterations SA conferred Al tolerance to the plants of Cassia
in the functionality of membranes by affecting tora, exposed to Al toxicity that was mediated
the lipid composition (Quariti et al. 1997) and by an increase of citrate efflux in roots of the
some enzymatic activities associated with mem- treated plants (Yang et al. 2003). Shi and Zhu
branes, such as H+-ATPase (Fodor et al. 1995). (2008) reported that exogenous SA alleviated
Evidences suggest that cadmium toxicity induces the toxicity generated in Cucumis sativus by
oxidative stress, as a result of stimulation of free manganese exposure and the response was medi-
oxygen radical production (Sanita di Toppi and ated by reduction in ROS level and lipid
Gabrielli 1999) and by modified activity of peroxidation.
various antioxidant enzymes (Hagedus et al. Recent experiments revealed a clear relation-
2001). To avoid Cd toxicity, plants adopt various ship between metal stress and redox homeostasis
defense strategies, including phytochelation and and antioxidant capacity. It was proposed that SA
sequestration as well as induction of antioxidant serves as a link between the degree of plant toler-
machinery and stress proteins (Cobbett and ance to metals and the level of antioxidants
Goldsbrough 2002; Vazquez et al. 2006). The (Sharma and Dietz 2009).
454 L.P. Popova et al.

concentration, the treatment duration on the plant

5 Role of SA in the Regulation species, its age and the plant organ examined.
of Cadmium Toxicity in Maize Next data will be focused only on physiologi-
(Zea Mays L.) cal changes of maize plants to Cd toxicity and on
the protective role of SA.
Different plant species and varieties show a wide Changes in some parameters associated with
rage of plasticity in Cd tolerance, reaching from oxidative stress, namely proline production, lipid
the high degree of sensitivity to the hyper accu- peroxidation, CO2 fixation and the activity of the
mulating phenotype of some tolerant plants. carboxylating enzymes RuBPCase and PEPCase,
Legume plants are less tolerant to Cd toxicity were assayed as they are known to be most
than cereals and grasses (Metwally et al. 2005). affected by Cd treatment. The other goal was to
Although there have been many reports on the test the hypothesis that the observed protection of
photochemical and biochemical events occurring SA on photosynthesis against Cd stress is medi-
in photosynthesis during Cd toxicity, a lot of con- ated by its effect on antioxidant defense system.
tradictory data can be found in the literature. also In addition we tried to explain the possible
Probably this is because of the very heteroge- effect of SA on Cd toxicity with events leading to
neous experimental approaches, including both detoxification of cadmium.
laboratory-grown conditions and field experi-
ments. Only a limited number of studies have
been carried out during the germinating stage of 5.1 CO2 Assimilation Rate and
plants. We have attempted to study the effect of Carboxylating Enzymes Activity
exposure of maize plants to Cd during the early
stages of their establishment, on their physiologi- Here we demonstrated that growth inhibition of
cal and biochemical properties. The study reported maize plants was accompanied by a decrease in
here is mainly focused on the mechanisms by the rate of photosynthetic CO2 fixation expressed
which SA influences the photosynthetic processes on both fresh weight and chlorophyll content
to overcome Cd toxicity in maize plants. In appro- bases because Cd treatment caused a reduction in
priate parts of the work we tried to compare the chlorophyll level.
obtained results with maize to pea plants because The activities of both carboxylating enzymes
they differ in their sensitivity to Cd toxicity. It has (RuBPCase and PEPCase) were also affected by
been shown that Cd produced a concentration- Cd treatment. PEPCase activity was reduced only
dependant reduction in the growth of maize and after exposure to 25-mM Cd, while RuBPCase
pea. Under our experimental conditions, pea activity exhibited a strong reduction at all Cd
plants did not tolerate Cd concentrations higher concentrations applied.
than 5 mM without showing any visible toxicity Pretreatment of maize plants with SA before
symptoms. This confirms the data by other authors exposure to Cd alleviated the inhibitory effect of
(Belimov et al. 2003) that pea plants can be con- Cd and led to nearly a twofold increase in
sidered as cadmium-sensitive species. PEPCase activity compared with untreated plants.
Maize plants grown for 14 days with 10-, 15- A very strong protective effect of SA was
and 25-mM CdCl2 exhibited a significant inhibi- observed on RuBPCase activity (Fig. 21.2).
tion of growth. After 14 days of treatment, plants
grown on 25-mM Cd showed visible toxicity 5.2 Thermoluminescence
symptoms and the survival rate declined greatly. Emission in Cd-Stressed and
The comparison of the growth injuries of both SA-Pretreated Maize Leaves
plant species confirmed that maize plants are able
to tolerate higher Cd concentrations. In general, The illumination of unfrozen dark adapted leaves
it can be said that the sensitivity of given plant from nontreated (control) maize plants with two
species to heavy metal toxicity depends on its consecutive flashes (2Fl) induced a main TL peak
21 Role of Salicylic Acid in Alleviating Heavy Metal Stress 455

Fig. 21.2 Photosynthetic CO2 fixation rate and activities of water (white bars) for 6 h and were germinated for 3 days in
carboxylating enzymes RuBPCase and PEPCase in maize moist filter paper. They were grown for 14 days in hydroponic
plants treated with Cd or pretreated with SA before exposure medium without Cd or with Cd (in the respective concentra-
to Cd. Dry seeds were soaked in 500-mM SA (black bars) or tions). Data are means ± s.e. (n = 3) from three experiments

at 35°C, the so-called B-band (S2Qb−) and a in charge separation. Short-term application of
hardly distinguishable shoulder at temperature 500-mM SA to the maize seeds did not exert sub-
about 42°C (Fig. 21.3), designated as afterglow stantial changes in the investigated TL parame-
(AG). The B-band results from the thermal ters. However, pretreatment with SA before the
activated recombination of the trapped electrons imposition of high concentration of heavy metal
and positive charges on the reduced quinone has a stabilizing effect on photochemical reac-
acceptor (Qb−) and the S2(S3) oxidation state of tions, judging from some restoration of TL bands
the water-oxidizing complex of PSII, respectively amplitude (Fig. 21.3) and B-band oscillation
(Rutherford et al. 1982). The AG TL emission pattern (not shown).
corresponds to a back electron transfer toward
PSII centers initially in the S2(3)QB state (Ducruet
2003). Increasing Cd concentrations decrease the 5.3 Effect of SA on Chlorophyll
overall TL intensity, the inhibitory effect of Content, Proline Level
B-band amplitude being more expressed in com- and Relative Water Content
parison with AG emission (Fig. 21.3). A damping
of period-four oscillation of B-band, according to Chlorophyll content decreased only in the variant
exciting flash number, was also observed (not treated with 25-mM Cd and the inhibition was
shown). The characteristic damping of oscillation partially overcome in those pretreated with SA
of B-band intensity can be ascribed to already seeds. The concentration of the stress metabolite
known effects of Cd on PSII, by increasing misses proline increased upon Cd exposure. The most
456 L.P. Popova et al.

Fig. 21.3 Changes in thermoluminescense glow curves TL was recorded immediately after two flashes excitation,
of maize plants treated with 15- and 25-mM Cd or pre- with a 0.5°C s−1 heating rate
treated with 500-mM SA before exposure to heavy metal.

prominent effect was observed at 15–25 mM Cd amounts of the leaf biomass (compare samples 1
(a nearly twofold rise compared with the control). and 5, Table 21.2). The treatment with Cd led to
SA pretreatment counteracted the Cd-induced an increase of the total lipophilic extracts. The
increase in proline levels. Exposure of maize moderate Cd stress (10 mM) led to increased
plants to Cd led to a slight decrease in leaf RWC. FAME, but the higher Cd concentration caused
The values of this parameter for the control plants decreased FAME amounts (samples 3 and 4,
were 95–97% and 92–93% for H2O- and Table 21.2). The decrease of lipids (respectively,
SA-presoaked plants, respectively. The reduction FAME) was observed in Cd-stressed wheat
in RWC was approximately 6 and 11% for H2O- (Malik et al. 1992a, b), barley (Vassilev 2004),
and SA-presoaked plants, respectively, in the tomato (Krupa and Baszynski 1989,1995, Quariti
variants treated with 10–15 mM Cd (Table 21.1). et al. 1997; Ben Ammar et al. 2005) and mustard
(Gaur and Grupa 1994; Nouairi et al. 2006)
plants. Pretreatment of maize plants with SA
5.4 Effect of SA and Cd on the resulted in an increase in Cd-induced changes in
Amount of Biomass, Total lipid content by low and mild Cd stress. Only the
Lipophilic Extracts and FAME severe Cd stress led to a decrease in FAME con-
tent, similar to those observed in non-pretreated
It is evident that SA treatment increased the with SA plants (compare samples 4 and 8,
amounts of the total lipophilic extracts and the lipid Table 21.2). Probably, by high Cd concentrations
composition (expressed as FAME), but there in the nutrient solution the SA cannot prevent the
were no statistically significant differences in the effect of Cd on lipid membranes of maize plants.
21 Role of Salicylic Acid in Alleviating Heavy Metal Stress 457

Table 21.1 Effect of Cd and SA on relative water content (RWC), chlorophyll content and proline accumulation.
Means ± s.e, n = 4
Variants RWC (%) Chlorophyll a + b (mg chl/g fw) Proline (mmol/g fw)
Control 95.700 1.7 ± 0.11 1.12 ± 0.08
10-mM Cd 91.500 1.7 ± 0.09 1.60 ± 0.07
15-mM Cd 91.820 1.6 ± 0.10 2.38 ± 0.45
25-mM Cd 90.010 0.9 ± 0.08 2.26 ± 0.37
Control + SA 92.680 1.57 ± 0.10 0.82 ± 0.09
10-mM Cd 81.385 1.11 ± 0.09 0.94 ± 0.09
15-mM Cd 82.900 1.10 ± 0.10 0.91 ± 0.06
25-mM Cd 88.285 1.37 ± 0.08 1.02 ± 0.07

Table 21.2 Effect of SA and Cd on the amount of biomass, total lipophilic extracts and FAME in maize leaves
No. Variants/samples Dry weight (g)a Total lipophilic extract (mg g−1 DW)a FAME (mg g−1 DW)b
1 Control 0.7 ± 0.1 150 ± 6 6.3 ± 0.5
2 10-mM Cd 0.6 ± 0.1 183 ± 8 10.2 ± 0.8
3 15-mM Cd 0.6 ± 0.1 175 ± 7 1.8 ± 0.1
4 25-mM Cd 0.5 ± 0.1 170 ± 7 3.2 ± 0.2
5 Control + SA 0.8 ± 0.1 185 ± 8 10.9 ± 0.9
6 10-mM Cd 0.7 ± 0.1 214 ± 11 11.0 ± 0.9
7 15-mM Cd 0.5 ± 0.1 100 ± 4 10.4 ± 0.8
8 25-mM Cd 0.6 ± 0.1 175 ± 7 4.7 ± 0.4
Results ± s.e. from three parallel experiments
Results obtained from three parallel preparative thin-layer chromatographic and GC procedures

5.5 Effect of SA and Cd2+ observed in tomato plants (Quariti et al. 1997).
on the Fatty Acid Composition The more severe Cd stress led to decreased lino-
in Maize Leaves lenic acid content, as observed in other Cd-treated
plants (Krupa and Baszynski 1989; Jemal et al.
Treatment with Cd (samples 2–4, Table 21.3) led 2000; Vassilev 2004; Nouairi et al. 2006). The
to a decrease in the content of the short-chain changes in the content of the oleic (C18:1) and
(C14–C15) and an increase in the long-chain fatty linoleic (C18:2) acids showed a reserve trend. The
acids (C20–C24). Possibly the Cd treatment same was observed in mustard seeds treated with
caused activation of enzymes, responsible for Cd (Gaur and Grupa 1994). The content of satu-
elongation of C18 – acids. The higher Cd stress rated acids increased, but the amount of hexade-
(sample 4, Table 21.3) increased the content of canoic acids remained constant. Pretreatment of
saturated acids (16:0 and 18:0) and decreased the maize plants with SA seemed to have an insignifi-
content of linolenic (18:3) acid. This is a typical cant effect on their fatty acid composition (sample
reaction of plant lipid membranes to environmen- 5, Table 21.3). There was a slight increase of
tal stress, leading to decreased lipid membranes linolenic acid and a decrease of all saturated FA.
permeability. The same effect was observed in The mild Cd stress (10 mM) applied on the
other plants too (Jemal et al. 2000). The FA pretreated with SA plants led to the same changes
changes in maize plants treated with low doses of in their FA composition, as in the nontreated
Cd were apparently smaller. A similar effect was (compare samples 2 and 6, Table 21.1). The
458 L.P. Popova et al.

Table 21.3 Effect of SA and Cd on the fatty acid composition in maize leaves
Fatty acids (wt% of total)*
No. Variants/samples 14:0 14:1 15:0 15:1 16:0 16:1 18:0 18:1 18:2 18:3 20:0 22:0 24:0
1 Control 3.3 3.2 1.2 1.9 25.1 3.7 3.1 3.8 14.8 36.3 1.0 1.4 1.3
2 10-mM Cd 0.4 2.2 0.9 1.8 23.4 3.5 2.6 3.7 16.0 42.4 0.8 1.0 1.4
3 15-mM Cd 1.2 2.7 1.0 1.5 27.2 4.0 3.2 3.7 15.8 35.6 1.0 1.5 1.7
4 25-mM Cd 1.0 3.1 1.4 2.2 33.2 3.5 4.2 5.0 14.3 26.3 1.4 2.1 2.4
5 Control + SA 1.5 2.4 0.8 1.8 22.9 3.5 2.6 4.5 16.4 40.4 0.7 1.3 1.1
6 10-mM Cd 1.7 2.2 0.8 1.4 21.5 4.1 2.2 3.4 18.5 41.1 0.7 1.1 1.2
7 15-mM Cd 0.6 1.4 0.2 1.2 20.5 3.1 2.3 4.5 18.4 46.3 0.4 0.6 0.4
8 25-mM Cd 1.8 3.5 1.1 1.6 21.9 3.5 2.4 2.9 13.7 43.9 0.8 1.4 1.6
* Values obtained from three parallel measurements; the s.e. (related to peak proportions on the chromatogram) are as
follows: ±0.3 for 16:0 and 18:3; ±0.2 for 18:2 and ±0.1 for the others

Fig. 21.4 Effect of Cd and SA on SOD and APX activity in leaves and roots of 14-day-old maize plants. For variants
and treatments, see Fig. 21.2. Data are means of four independent experiments ± s.e.

amount of the saturated acids decreased, whereas the nontreated plants (compare samples 4 and 8,
the content of linoleic and linolenic acid increased. Table 21.3). Antagonistic influences of Cd and
The severe Cd stress (25 mM) applied on the pre- SA have been observed also in other plants
treated plants with SA led to FA profiles, similar (Drazic and Mihailovic 2005; Drazic et al. 2006).
to those of the control plants (compare samples 1 On the basis of the results presented in Table 21.3,
and 8, Table 21.3). In all cases, the changes in it could be concluded that SA plays a protective
fatty acid composition after severe Cd stress in the role on the lipid membranes of Cd-treated maize
pretreated plants with SA were opposite, as in plants.
21 Role of Salicylic Acid in Alleviating Heavy Metal Stress 459

Fig. 21.5 Activity of CAT and POD in the leaves and roots of 14-day-old maize plants. For variants and treatments, see
Fig. 21.2. Data are means of four independent experiments ± s.e.

5.6 Effect of SA and Cd on The same tendency was observed and for GR
Antioxidant Enzymes Activity activity – nearly 50% increased in Cd-treated
variants and without changes after SA pretreat-
The activity of the antioxidative enzymes was ment. Regarding to the last studied enzyme gluta-
measured in leaves and roots of treated plants. thione-S-transferase (G-S-Tr) we observed that
The presence of Cd in the nutrient solution (10-, Cd caused an opposite effect in leaves and roots.
15- and 25-mM Cd) led to disturbances in the Pretreatment with SA alleviated the stimulating
activity of the antioxidative enzymes (Fig. 21.4). effect of Cd in leaves and had no significant effect
The superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of on roots G-S-Tr (Fig. 21.6).
leaves and roots increased at all Cd concentra-
tions. Pretreatment with SA before Cd applica-
tion kept the same tendency in leaves while SA 6 Discussion
reduced the activity of SOD of roots when com-
pare with Cd treatment alone. In contrast to SOD, Summarizing our results we showed that Cd pro-
ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity was sup- duced a concentration-dependant reduction in the
pressed by all Cd concentrations and SA treat- growth of maize plants (Photo 2). Maize plants
ment alone with smaller effect on roots. grown for 14 days with 10-, 15- and 25-mM CdCl2
Catalase (CAT) activity was not affected by Cd produced a significant inhibition of growth. In
treatment both in leaves and roots. guaiacol peroxi- our model system maize plants did not tolerate
dase (POD) activity of leaves and roots increased Cd concentrations higher than 25 mM, which sug-
in all Cd concentrations but dropped after SA gests that maize can be considered as a relatively
pretreatment mainly in leaves (Fig. 21.5). cadmium-sensitive species. We explain this result
460 L.P. Popova et al.

Fig. 21.6 Activity of GR and G-S-Tr in the leaves and roots of 14-day-old maize plants. For variants and treatments,
see Fig. 21.2. Data are means of four independent experiments ± s.e.

with the fact that plants were exposed to Cd at the implicated as a main site of the inhibition. In our
very early stage of their development. The data attempt to contribute to the understanding the
showed that chlorophyll content was reduced in effects of cadmium on PSII reactions, an analysis
Cd-treated plants (Table 21.1). The growth of the TL glow curve parameters was performed
inhibition of maize plants was accompanied by a in Cd-stressed pea. Our data showed that higher
decrease in net photosynthesis measured as CO2 Cd concentrations affect the B-band oscillation
assimilation (Fig. 21.2). The activity of RuBPCase pattern and decrease the TL intensity. These
(Fig. 21.2) and chlorophyll content (Table 21.1) results showed a reduction in the number of PSII
also decreased with rising Cd concentrations. reaction centers and an increase of misses in
These severe alterations on the chlorophyll charge separation thus suggesting that the centers
level, chloroplast photochemistry and carboxy- cannot reach higher oxidation state S3 and S4.
lating enzyme activities are ultimately responsi- Although the B-TL band is specific for PSII
ble for the destruction of photosynthesis caused charge recombination (Rutherford et al. 1982),
by Cd. In addition to the negative effects of Cd on the AG band is thought to originate from a feed-
the photosynthetic carboxylation reactions PSII back of reducing equivalents from the stroma
electron transport and especially oxygen-evolving toward PSII centers initially in TL inactive S2(S3)
complex were found to be very sensitive to the Qb state (Ducruet 2003). AG to reflect the
effect of Cd (Clijsters and van Assche 1985). [NADPH + ATP] assimilatory potential in the
Different components of electron transport chain chloroplasts when induced by flashes has been
were proposed as primary targets of Cd and dif- proposed (Miranda and Ducruet 1995). The
ferent mechanisms of actions were discussed. decrease of the assimilatory potential can be as a
Donor side (Clijsters and van Assche 1985; Krupa result of the reduced electron transport. In the
et al. 1993) or acceptor side (Atal et al. 1993) was case of high concentration of heavy metal, this
21 Role of Salicylic Acid in Alleviating Heavy Metal Stress 461

can be a result of harmful effect of reactive Cd stress (Table 21.1). Previously we found that
oxygen species on the thylakoid membrane SA pretreatment decreased MDA accumulation
composition and function. Our data showed that and altogether with the reported decline in the
Cd toxicity, especially in sensitive pea plants, level of electrolyte leakage in pretreated with SA
was linked to free radical processes in membrane maize plants (Krantev et al. 2008) led to the
components leading to alterations in membrane suggestion that SA is involved against oxidative
stability and increasing their permeability damage. Our data are in agreement with those
(Popova et al. 2009). reported by Metwally et al. (2003).
Presoaking of maize seeds for 6 h with 500- When plants are exposed to various environ-
mM SA before exposure to Cd had a beneficial mental stresses they produce large quantities of
effect on growth, photosynthesis, carboxylation ROS sufficient to disturb cellular and metabolic
reactions, thermoluminescence characteristics functions of the plants. These oxygen species
and chlorophyll content, and it led to a decrease (O −, OH−, H2O2) can convert fatty acids to toxic
in oxidative injuries caused by Cd. lipid peroxides, destroying biological membranes.
Recently we have published that leaves of Although Cd does not generate directly ROS like
maize plants contained both the SA-free and other heavy metals as Cu and Fe, it also generates
bound forms. Cd treatment caused accumulation oxidative stress via the interference with the
of free and conjugated SAs, to a greater extent in antioxidant defense system (Sanita di Toppi and
the bound form (Krantev et al. 2008). A similar Gabrielli 1999; Somashekaraiah et al. 1992).
effect of cadmium on SA accumulation has been An important ROS-scavenging antioxidate
reported by Pal et al. (2005) for maize plants. enzyme is SOD. By catalyzing the detoxification
In addition, we have reported that Cd content of O2− (superoxide radical) to O2, SOD blocks
of dry seeds and root tissue was low in the absence O2−-driven cell damage. Our results showed that
of Cd in the growth medium and strongly Cd treatment increased SOD activity both in roots
increased after treatment with Cd (Krantev et al. and leaves indicating activation of the antioxida-
2008). SA pretreatment led to an insignificant tive system. The activity of SOD was found to be
decrease in the root level of Cd in 15- and 25-mM much higher in roots than in leaves and treatment
Cd-treated plants. Our results excluded the pos- with 10- and 15-mM Cd caused nearly threefold
sibility that formation of stable SA–Cd complexes increase in the enzyme activity (Fig. 21.4).
has lowered Cd toxicity after SA pretreatment. Among the H2O2 destroying enzymes it was the
Cd–SA complex formation in the hydroponic POD activity that was stimulated by Cd
solution could not be the cause for the beneficial (Fig. 21.5). Pretreatment with SA lowered the
effect of SA because the exposure to Cd started activity of POD. This result fits well with the
3 days after 6-h SA soaking of seeds. Another increased rate of lipid peroxidation reported
cause to exclude the formation of such a complex recently by Krantev et al. (2008) and corresponds
is that pretreatment with SA decreased the level to other observations (Shaw 1995). The findings
of root Cd accumulation to a very lesser extent indicate that the activities of these enzymes (SOD
[from 27.23 ng/g fw for the control to 35.79 ng/g and POD) are directly or indirectly regulated by
fw for SA-treated-alone maize plants (Krantev SA, thereby providing protection against Cd
et al. 2008)]. stress. It is also known that POD participates in
Accumulation of large amounts of osmolytes the lignin biosynthesis and by this way might
(proline) is an adaptive response in plants exposed build up a physical barrier against poisoning
to stressful environment. Proline is known to heavy metals. Earlier data in the literature con-
accumulate in plants under drought, salt, hypoxia, cerning the CAT and APX response in leaves
UV radiation, etc. Proline accumulation appeared exposed to Cd stress are completely contradictory
to be a suitable indicator of a heavy metal stress. since both enzyme activation (Lee et al. 1976)
The observed decrease in the level of proline in and inhibition (Gallego et al. 1996) have been
SA-pretreated seeds indicated partial relief from described. In our experiments Cd did not induce
462 L.P. Popova et al.

changes in CAT activity (Fig. 21.5), while the its endogenous levels (Yang et al. 2004). It has
activity of APX was decreased (Fig. 21.4). GR is been observed that not only SA but also other
known to catalyze some vital steps of the ascor- related compounds, such as oHCA, could pro-
bate–glutathione cycle. The enzyme maintains voke protection against abiotic stress (Janda et al.
high ratio of GSH/GSSG, which is essential for 2000). On the basis of ability of oHCA to quench
the recovery of ascorbate so as to activate a singlet molecular oxygen, it was suggested that it
number of enzymes involved in CO2 fixation. may play a role in the antioxidative response
Here we found that GR activity increased upon (Foley et al. 1999).
Cd treatment but suppressed upon SA treatment. Several hypothetical explanations may account
Similar tendency was observed and for G-S-Tr for the positive effect of SA on Cd-induced stress
activity and changes were well expressed both in in maize plants. SA prevented cumulative dam-
roots’ and leaves’ tissues (Fig. 21.6). age development in response to Cd. The sugges-
Summarizing our results, we can conclude tion is supported by the data of the lowered root
that among the H2O2-eliminating enzymes POD level of Cd in SA-pretreated maize plants (Krantev
responds to Cd stress. The absence of changes in et al. 2008). Similar data have been reported by
CAT activity suggests a different role of CAT in Szalai et al. (2005) in maize and by Popova et al.
the heavy metal-induced oxidative stress. At the (2009) in pea plants. Cd is usually accumulated
first glance, it may appear surprising that Cd, in the roots, because this is the first organ exposed
which is not a transient metal, may cause oxida- to heavy metals in the soil, but it is also translo-
tive stress. However, Cd binds to thiol groups and cated into the shoots. Obviously the lowered root
thereby inactivates thiol-containing enzymes. level of Cd in SA-pretreated maize plants reduced
That could be the reason for the observed inhibi- the harmful effect of Cd and exerted a beneficial
tion of APX activity as it is known that the effect on the growth and photosynthesis. SA alle-
enzyme is sensitive to thiol reagents. viated the oxidative damages caused by Cd. The
Our data suggest that endogenous SA plays values of MDA, electrolyte leakage (Krantev
an important anti-oxidant role in protecting et al. 2008) and proline content of SA-pretreated
maize plants from oxidative stress. SA is a direct plants were lower compared with the Cd-exposed
scavenger of hydroxyl radical and iron-chelating plants (Table 21.1). Pretreatment with SA exerted
compounds as well as their generation via the a protective effect on the membrane stability
Fenton reaction (Dinis et al. 1994; Halliwell judging by the increased total lipids’ level and by
et al. 1995). Data have been presented for a sali- changes in their FA composition.
cylate–iron complex with SOD activity catalyz- Taken together these evidences support the
ing the dismutation of superoxide radicals (Jay conclusion that SA may indirectly attenuates Cd
et al. 1999). Therefore, high levels of SA in toxicity through a development of general anti-
maize plants may act directly as a preformed stress response of the plants which probably
antioxidant to scavenge ROS and/or indirectly includes the regulation of antioxidant system and
modulate redox balance through activation of lipid metabolism leading to maintenance of mem-
antioxidant responses as was suggested by Yang brane integrity.
et al. (2004) for rice plants. Rao and Davis (1999)
proposed two different mechanisms to explain
the role of SA in ozone-induced cell death in 7 Conclusion and Future
Arabidopsis. In some cases, SA potentiates the Perspective
activation of antioxidant defense responses to
minimize the oxidative stress induced by ozone, Phytohormones play a vital role in plant tolerance
while in other cases, high levels of SA led to the against environmental stresses. Plant resistance
activation of oxidative bursts and cell death. can be induced by adopting various strategies. One
These examples demonstrate that SA is an impor- of these exogenous uses of various growth regula-
tant component in modulating stress responses tors and other chemicals has been proved worthwhile
and may play pro- or antioxidative roles based on in producing resistance to many stresses in a
21 Role of Salicylic Acid in Alleviating Heavy Metal Stress 463

number of plants. Another important function of Ben Ammar W, Nouairi I, Tray B, Zarrouk M, Jemal F,
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and Mitigation of Organic 22
Contaminants in the Era
of Climate Changes
Laura Coppola, Edoardo Puglisi,
Costantino Vischetti, and Marco Trevisan

In the present chapter, we addressed the possible links between climate
changes and the fate, degradation, and mitigation of organic contaminants
in the environment. Particular interest was devoted to techniques based on
plants (phytoremediation, wetlands, and buffer strips), organic biomass
residues (biobeds), as well as on bioremediation processes controlled by
microorganisms. Climate change scenarios were identified, and the
obtained info critically correlated on available info about the effects of
climatic parameters (temperature, precipitations, soil humidity, pH,
organic matter, and nutrients) on the fate, degradation, and mitigation of
We conclude that climate change most probably has a significant effect on
the fate and behavior of contaminants, and a more limited effect on biore-
mediation and mitigation strategies. Since fate and behavior determine the
exposure of biological receptor to contaminant toxicity, it will be very
important to carry out risk assessment evaluations in the context of climate
change. Bioremediation and mitigation will remain as powerful tool to
address the ever increasing global pollution. Attention must be devoted to
adapt these tools to climatic changes, in order to maintain and, if possible,
improve their efficiencies.

Climate change • Organic contaminants • Bioremediation • Phyto-
remediation • Wetlands • Buffer strips • Biobeds

E. Puglisi () • M. Trevisan

Istituto di Chimica Agraria ed Ambientale, Università
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Via Emilia Parmense 84,
Piacenza, Italy, 29122
L. Coppola • C. Vischetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali e delle Produzioni
Vegetali, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce
Bianche, Ancona, Italy

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 467
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_22,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
468 L. Coppola et al.

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel

1 Introduction on Climate Change (IPCC 2007) has projected
significant warming over Europe by the 2030s,
A large debate is ongoing about climate change:
with greater warming in winter in the North, and
the main issues including the influence and
in summer in Southern and Central Europe. It is
responsibilities of anthropic activities, the possi-
expected that the mean annual precipitation will
ble predicted scenarios, and the effects on eco-
increase in Northern Europe and decrease in
logical system. Climate change is expected to
Southern Europe. Significant changes to climate
have a wide range of impacts on the environment,
variability and extremes are also projected,
such as direct effects from increased tempera-
although many of the studies also refer to the
tures, changes in precipitation, more intense
2050s or 2080s.
floods, droughts, hurricanes and storms, a lower
In accordance with climate change model pre-
air quality and a potential change in the environ-
dictions, the IPCC has depicted different emis-
mental and human exposure to toxic environmen-
sion scenarios that are based on predictions about
tal pollutants such as persistent organic pollutants
future demographic, economic, and technologi-
(POPs), metals, and pesticides.
cal developments and related greenhouse gases
In the present chapter, we will throw light on
emissions (Nakicenovic et al. 2000). Six scenar-
different scenarios indicated by the scientific
ios have been specifically made: A1 assumes a
literature in relation to their possible effects on
high demographic rise reaching its peak in the
the main ecological parameters affecting the
middle of the twenty-first century, but also
persistence and the bioremediation/mitigation of
includes the introduction of new efficient tech-
pollutants in the environment.
nologies. A1 is then divided into three subsce-
The chapter begins with a brief introduction
narios based on the relative future reliance on
on climate change, with description on the main
fossil fuels: A1F1 is fossil intensive, A1T is
possible scenarios depicted by scientists in terms
mostly based on nonfossil energy resources, and
of possible changes on ecological parameters
finally A1B is in between the two. A2 assumes
(temperature, water availability, soil moisture,
high population growth, slow economic develop-
soil organic matter (SOM), and pesticides utiliza-
ment, and slow technological change, B1 is
tion); these scenarios are then critically discussed
assumed to be similar to A1, but with a lower
in order to assess their possible effects on the fate
technological development, and finally B2 is a
and behavior of organic contaminants in the envi-
scenario that takes into account the introduction
ronment and about the main strategies for their
of local solutions for economic, social, and envi-
bioremediation and mitigation.
ronmental sustainability. For each of these sce-
narios, the ICPP has then made the following
previsions of warming estimates at year 2090:
2 Climate Change Scenarios 1.8°C for B1, 2.4°C for A1T, 2.4°C for B2, 2.8°C
for A1B, 3.4°C for A2, and 4.0°C for A1F1.
The reconstruction of the historical climate The predictions at climate level have then been
trends of our planet demonstrates how climate linked by the IPCC to the ecological level.
is constantly changing, showing peculiar oscil- According to IPCC (2007), it is likely that climate
lations at different time scales. Climate is far change and associated disturbances such as flood-
from being constant, even in the short term, as ing, drought, and wildfires will affect negatively
the alternation of glacial and postglacial peri- the resilience of many ecosystems in the world.
ods is accompanied by less dramatic short- The situation will be most probably worsened by
term climate oscillations that nonetheless can other global change drivers such as changes in
result in significant alterations of ecosystems land use, pollution, fragmentation of natural
and living organism distribution (Dalla Valle systems, and resources overexploitation. It is also
et al. 2007). expected that the extinction rates for plant and
22 Bioremediation and Mitigation of Organic Contaminants in the Era of Climate Changes 469

animal species will increase to approximately 20 exceed that by chemical degradation, runoff, or
to 30% for temperature increases ranging from leaching (Taylor and Spencer 1990). Loss of
1.5 to 2.5°C. chemicals in the air typically range between 20
Possible effects on crops productivity are more and 30% of the applied active ingredient during
differentiated. Production is projected to increase the application, and around 50–60% after the
slightly at mid-to-high latitudes for local mean application and can sometimes reach up to 90%
temperature increases of up to 1 to 3°C depend- (Gregoire et al. 2009). Once volatilized, pesti-
ing on the crop, but it is then to decrease beyond cides can then be easily deposited with rainfall
that temperature. At lower latitudes the situation events (Trevisan et al. 1993). A significant
is instead different, since crop productivity is proportion may also remain in the soil as a
generally projected to decrease for even small persistent residue bound to the soil colloids
local temperature increases (1–2°C). (Calderbank 1989). In this bound state contami-
One of the most important factors affected by nants are usually difficult to extract and charac-
climate change will be of course water and hydro- terize, but they also tend to lose their biological
geological cycles. Previsions include changes in activity.
precipitation patterns with more intense and Uptake of chemical from the soil by plants is
extreme events, melting of snow and ice, increases another important route, and also a likely major
in evaporation and atmospheric water vapor, source of food chain bioaccumulation and an
changes in soil moisture and runoff. A likely important way of exposure to humans and animals
increase in typhoons and hurricanes is expected, (Paterson et al. 1990).
as well as heavier precipitation and higher peak Water may disperse contaminants into the
wind speed (IPCC 2007). environment via foliar wash off, surface runoff,
Another very important issue related to cli- and leaching. Runoff may contribute to pollution
mate change is related to ice melting from moun- of surface water, and leaching to contamination
tain glaciers and icecaps (Raper and Braithwaite of groundwater.
2006): this will in turn not only raise the global Runoff may include dissolved, suspended
sea level, but also affect the exchange rates of particulate and sediment-adsorbed pollutants.
contaminants from air to water, and thus affect Chemicals that remain at the soil surfaces for
their environmental distribution. longer period of time, because they are strongly
adsorbed and resistant to degradation and volatil-
ization, will be more susceptible to runoff,
3 Effects of Climate Change on whereas incorporation into the soil will reduce
Fate and Behavior of Organic runoff risk (Larson et al. 1995).
Pollutants Groundwater contamination is mainly due to
the leaching through infiltration. The extent to
Once organic contaminants are intentionally or which groundwater contamination occurs will
unintentionally released into the environment, depend among others on chemicals properties,
they undergo a series of distribution and fate pro- soil characteristics, drainage rate, and water table
cesses related to their physicochemical properties depth. For many years, chemical mobility has
and the properties and processes of the environ- been identified as a key characteristic in assess-
ment (Fig. 22.1). It is thus clear that the environ- ing groundwater potential pollution. However,
mental scenarios related to climate change mobility alone is not a good indicator of the
summarized earlier will indeed affect the fate and groundwater pollution potential of a chemical,
behavior of organic contaminants. but rather the combination of mobility and persis-
Chemicals may volatilize into the air, runoff tence determines whether a compound will be
or leach into surface water and groundwater. degraded during its residence time in the zone
Volatilization is a major cause of losses (Kurtz above the groundwater (Jury et al. 1987;
and ACS 1990) and the rate of these losses often Gustafson 1989).
470 L. Coppola et al.

Fig. 22.1 Description of the processes affecting the fate and behavior of organic contaminants in soil, air, water, sedi-
ment, and plants/biomass

Table 22.1 Effects of increases in temperature (T) and precipitation (P) on the main processes
governing the fate of organic contaminants in air, soil, and water
Effects Environmental compartment Expected impact on processes
↑T Air ↑ Photodegradation
Soil ↑ Volatilization
↑ Microbial degradation
↑ Volatilization
↑ Hydrolysis
↑ Solubility
↑ Microbial degradation
↑P Air ↑ Deposition
Soil ↑ Soil moisture
↑ Runoff
↓ Persistence
Water ↑ Dilution
↑ increase, ↓ decrease

Even if concerns for surface water are often effects. Direct effects are those affecting the pro-
separated from groundwater, the hydrolytic cycle cesses shown in Fig. 22.1. As discussed in detail
provides direct connection between these com- later, it is expected that the increase in tempera-
partments (Leonard 1990). Therefore, levels of ture and precipitation due to climate change will
pollution in surfaces water may affect groundwa- affect almost all processes involved in organic
ter or in turn be affected by groundwater. contaminants environmental fate. As outlined in
Climate change will affect organic contami- Table 22.1, most of these processes will be
nant fate and distribution in several ways: it is increased, with different effects on contaminant
possible to distinguish between direct and indirect distribution.
22 Bioremediation and Mitigation of Organic Contaminants in the Era of Climate Changes 471

Indirect effects are instead related to shifts in distribution and fate of some selected chemicals
agriculture systems because of climatic changes. (namely, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and
Climate change is indeed likely to affect agricul- PCDDs) in a temperate region, the Venice Lagoon
ture by shifting the locations and type of crops area, which is quite polluted by industrial activi-
grown and the range and magnitude of crop: ties. An environmental fate model was then
pesticide use will thus shift in response to these applied, using experimental data about chemical
altered cropping patterns and crop pest distribu- properties and sources of pollution as model
tion (Noyes et al. 2009). inputs. Three scenarios were then assumed. In
A study was carried out in order to assess the scenario A, defined as the “control scenario,”
possible effects of climate change on the range environmental conditions have been considered
and severity of the plant disease “phoma stem constant along the 50 y of the simulation, with
canker,” an important disease of Brassica crops constant temperature (15°C, the annual mean
caused by Leptosphaeria maculans, a fungal temperature in Venice), precipitation (900 mm/y),
pathogen (Evans et al. 2008). In this study, sce- solar radiance, and degradation rate. Scenario B
narios for the future severity of epidemics in the assumed a modest and gradual evolution of the
UK were generated by joining weather-based initial conditions along the simulation run, with
models predicting the development of phoma temperature increasing from 15 to 16°C, precipi-
stem canker epidemics with climate change tations decreasing by 5% of the degradation rate
models. Different parameters such as total rain- increasing by 10%. In the last scenario C, more
fall, mean maximum temperature, start of leaf dramatic variations were assumed, with the mean
spotting and thermal canker, as well as different annual temperature reaching 18°C, precipitations
climate models were used to develop the multi- decreasing by 10%, and degradation rate increas-
parametric model. Results showed that increase ing by 30%. Four PCB and PCDF congeners
in temperature as well in changes in the intensity were considered: PCB 118, PCB 180, 1,2,3,4,7,8-
of rainfall events will most probably affect not HCDF, and 2,3,7,8- TCDF. The net result of the
only the severity of the disease but also spread its tested scenarios pointed towards a faster reduc-
geographical distribution, at least in the UK. This tion of the overall contaminants budget, but at the
type of phenomena will surely affect the global same time an enhancement of their mobility. This
costs and the use of pesticides. Chen and McCarl may result in a greater transfer to polar regions,
(2001) carried out a statistical study to assess where degradation and removal from the envi-
how the costs of pesticide usage are influenced ronment is more difficult for such chemicals,
by temperature and precipitation. The investiga- causing an increase in bioaccumulation and
tion was carried out using pesticide usage and biomagnification.
weather data, and considering corn, cotton, Lamon et al. (2009) reviewed a number of
potato, and soybean cultivations in the USA. For environmental factors potentially affected by cli-
all four crops, the authors found that increase in mate change in relation to their possible effects
precipitation significantly increases pesticide on POPs environmental behavior. Wind and pre-
usage cost. Regarding temperature, the results cipitation patterns can alter the way chemical
showed mixed effects: corn, cotton, and soybeans redistribution in the environment, temperature is
costs also increased with temperature but wheat going to affect the degradation rate as well as the
costs decrease. In a following study, Reilly et al. emission rate from soils, changes in duration and
(2003) predicted for US agriculture yield reduc- intensity in seasonal precipitation may lead to
tion for crops such as corn, potato, soybean, and changes in the spatial and temporal distribution
cotton, and subsequent increase in pesticide pro- of POPs wet deposition and their degradation
duction and use. products, floods may result in POPs environmen-
Climate change is also expected to affect the tal dissemination as contaminated sediments may
distribution of pollutants. Dalla Valle et al. (2007) be redistributed on large uncontaminated soil
conducted a semiquantitative assessment of the areas, increase in salinity may lead to a decrease
possible influence of climate change on the in POPs solubility. The situation is of course very
472 L. Coppola et al.

uncertain, because of the variability of the fore- mitigation by means of wetland, buffer strips,
seen scenario and the lack of enough data, but the and biobed systems are presented and discussed
authors confirm the importance of taking into in the context of climate changes.
account climate changes in the monitoring, mod-
eling, and risk assessment of pollutants fate.
Changes in climatic conditions can also have 4.1 Bioremediation and Natural
consequences on the ecotoxicity of pesticides. Attenuation
The effect of increase in salinity and temperature on
the toxicity towards grass shrimp (Palaemonetes Bioremediation is not a new concept since scien-
pugio) of two common pesticides, chlorothalonil tists have studied these processes since 1940s,
and scourge (a mixture of resmethrin and pipero- but it became popular after the Exxon Valdez oil
nyl) has been assessed (deLorenzo et al. 2009). spill in Alaska in the late 1989. Bioremediation
Toxicity of chlorothalonil increased with both can be defined as a biological technique to
temperature (10°C increase) and salinity (10 ppt reduce hazardous pollutants contamination in
increase), while the toxicity of the fungicide the environment to undetectable, nontoxic, or
source was also increased by temperature, but acceptable levels. Bioremediation is based on
reduced by salinity. These results suggest that the biodegradation process, which can be defined
standard toxicity bioassays may not be predictive as a natural process whereby bacteria or other
of actual pesticide toxicity under variable envi- microorganisms alter and breakdown organic
ronmental conditions, and testing under a wider molecules into other substances (Hoff 1993).
range of exposure conditions is important in Microbial metabolism is probably the most
order to improve the accuracy of chemical risk important process of pollutant degradation in
assessments. soils (Kearney and Wauchope 1998). Indeed,
Assessment of the effects of increasing microorganisms have the ability to interact both
temperature on the response of labile and resis- chemically and physically with a huge range of
tant soil carbon pools has been shown by Fang organic compounds, often leading to a structural
et al. (2005). Experiments carried out on incubat- change or the complete degradation of the mol-
ing organic matter fractions of different lability at ecule (Semple et al. 2001).
different temperature showed that also the stable For bioremediation to be successful, it is
fraction is affected by increasing temperature. necessary to have the right microbes in the right
These results, together with model evidences, place with the right environment factors for deg-
indicate according to the authors that by 2100, the radation to occur (Boopathy 2000).
SOM loss could be up to 46% in arable soil, 37% A particular example of bioremediation is
in grassland, and 32% in forest. Since organic represented by natural attenuation, a remediation
matter is an important factor affecting the bio strategy that is becoming much popular in the last
availability and degradation of contaminants years. It is possible to define natural attenuation
(Puglisi et al. 2007a), these predicted changes in processes as a number of chemical, physical, or
SOM levels will surely have an influence on biological process that, under favorable condi-
organic contaminants fate worldwide. tion, act without human intervention to reduce
the toxicity, mobility, or concentration of con-
taminants. The most common among these in situ
4 Effects of Climate Change on processes are biodegradation, dilution, sorption,
Strategies for Risk Reduction volatilization, and chemical or biological stabili-
zation. In order to identify and understand the
A number of techniques can be applied to reduce possible impacts of climate change on bioreme-
the risk related to the presence of organic con- diation strategies, it is however useful to discuss
taminants in the environment. Here bioremedia- which are the most important limiting factors for
tion, natural attenuation, phytoremediation, and biodegradation.
22 Bioremediation and Mitigation of Organic Contaminants in the Era of Climate Changes 473

Table 22.2 Examples of the effect of temperature on the degradation rate of organic contaminants
Contaminants Soil temperature (°C) Degradation rate References
Hydrocarbon From 1 to 40 Degradation rate significantly increase (Walworth et al. 2001)
(gasoline and diesel) from 1 to 20°C
n-hexadecane 18 60°C enhanced the degradation rate (Perfumo et al. 2007)
Rimsulfuron 10 Lower half life at higher temperature (Vischetti et al. 1997)
DDT 15 45°C enhanced the degradation rate (Samuel and Pillai 1989)
Acephate 15 Degradation was significantly faster (Chai et al. 2010)
25 at 35°C compared with 15°C
Metribuzin 20 T1/2 = 20 days; (Stenrød et al. 2008)
+5/−5 no significant degradation

The biodegradation of an organic contaminant and bioavailability of pesticides on organic matter

does not depend only on the physicochemical and clay colloids. Commonly, acidic soil tends to
property of the chemical, but it is the resultant of increase pollutant solubility and reduce sorption
a number of factors related to both chemical and on soil particles (Gavrilescu 2005).
environmental conditions. Indeed, the fate and Temperature is one of the important factors in
behavior of organic pollutants is usually limited bioremediation strategies since it controls the rate
by different factors such as the chemical (pH, of enzymatic reaction of microorganisms
temperature, moisture, oxygen, nutrients) and (Worthington 1988), the rate of microbial growth,
biological site conditions (biomass concentra- and it can also modify the physical nature of the
tion, population diversity, enzyme activity). contaminants. Many researchers studied the rela-
These parameters affect the acclimation period of tionships between degradation and soil tempera-
the microbes to the substrate, while the molecular ture of different organic contaminants. In general,
structure and contaminant concentration have it has been found that temperature is positively
been shown to strongly affect the feasibility of correlated with the degradation of organic con-
bioremediation strategy and the type of microbial taminants. In Table 22.2, some examples of deg-
transformation occurring (Boopathy 2000). radation of some organic contaminants in different
The pH of soil environments can vary widely. temperature conditions are reported and dis-
In general, biotic and abiotic factors can be influ- cussed. Walworth et al. (2001) carried out a study
enced by soil pH and both of them can have thus to assess the effect of temperature on microbial
an influence on contaminants dissipation. Low or activity and petroleum hydrocarbon degradation
high pH levels can inhibit growth and metabo- in contaminated cryic soils. They observed maxi-
lism of the microbial community and microbial mum microbial activity between 21 and 31°C,
degradation process. Many researchers have while average biodegradation rates increased
demonstrated a positive correlation between pH from 1.7 mg kg−1 day−1 at 1°C to 8.2 mg kg−1
and soil microbial biomass and activity (Singh day−1 at 11°C, and to 15.1 mg kg−1 day−1 at 21°C.
et al. 2003). In general, most heterotrophic bacte- Average biodegradation rates were similar at 21
ria favor neutral pH, while fungi are less adversely and 31°C, and decreased slightly when the tem-
affected by low pH value (Baath and Anderson perature was increased to 41°C. The greatest
2003). Moreover, soil pH can also affect the solu- increases of biodegradation rate occurred between
bility of pesticides and influence the adsorption 1 and 21°C. The decrease in degradation at 41°C
474 L. Coppola et al.

can be explained considering that the study was equations describing the temperature dependence
conducted on a sub-Arctic soil, which most prob- of degradation are set so that a change in
ably harbored a microbial community adapted to temperature of 10°C changes the half-life by a
low temperatures. factor of two.
Perfumo et al. (2007) using instead an unpol- Another important parameter affecting the
luted soil spiked with hexadecane found that an organic contaminant disappearance is soil mois-
increase in temperature up to 60°C resulted in ture, since water availability has also an effect on
significant increases in degradation, with or with- microbial growth and enzymes production
out the addition of biosurfactants or degrading (Marín et al. 1998). Besides affecting the micro-
strains. Vischetti et al. (1997) assessed the persis- bial activity, soil moisture can also influence the
tence of Rimsulfuron, a sulfonylurea, in a silty contaminant binding and distribution. Indeed,
clay loam soil, and found that both DT50 and water plays a significant role in contaminant
DT90 disappearance rates were increased when availability for microbial utilization (Atagana
the temperature of the soil microcosms was raised et al. 2003) and, by decreasing the sorption, it
from 10 to 25°C. Samuel and Pillai (1989) can also increase the rate of microbial degrada-
assessed the effect of raising the temperature tion (Sims et al. 1991). Low levels of moisture
from 15 to 45°C on the volatilization, soil bind- may limit the microbial activity and the amounts
ing, and degradation of DDT: at the higher tem- of contaminants in solution, on the other hand
perature they found a significant increase in wetter soil can affect oxygen diffusion because
volatilization and degradation, but they also the free pore space may be blocked by water.
found a significant increase in the formation of Schoefs et al. (2004) have observed that hexade-
bound residues. They also compared soils at 75% cane biodegradation rate decreases with increas-
water holding capacity (WHC) with flooded soils, ing water content, concluding that the effect of a
and found that in the latter both volatilization and limitation of oxygen through the aqueous phase
degradation were higher. appears dominant. While Garcia-Valcarcel and
Chai et al. (2010) studied three different soils Tadeo (1999) reported that simazine and hexazi-
and found that the degradation of acephate, an none degradation rate increase with soil moisture
organophosphorus insecticide with high water content.
solubility and low Kow, was significantly faster This different behavior is most probably due
at 35°C compared with 15°C. Acephate degraded to differences in the physicochemical properties
completely at 70 days for soils incubated at 25 of the compounds, mainly water solubility and
and 35°C while periods of up to 160 days were hydrophobicity (as expressed by the coefficient
required for complete acephate degradation at of partition between octanol and water – Kow):
15°C. for hydrophobic compounds such as hexadecane
Stenrød et al. (2008) assessed degradation and the increase in water content may reduce or not
leaching of Metribuzin, an asymmetrical triazine affect biodegradation because of low water solu-
prone to leaching because of its weak adsorption bility, while for more polar compounds an
in soils. They compared degradation at 20, 5, and increase in soil moisture can result in a higher
−5°C, and they found a significant degradation fraction of contaminants in the water phase more
only in the first case. They also found that freeze- susceptible to microbial attack.
thaw cycle increased the mobility of the pesticide Moreover, Chai et al. (2010) observed that
but had no effect on degradation, which at there were no significant differences in the deg-
temperatures below 5°C was found to be always radation rates of acephate among different soils
negligible. for the same level of moisture content indicating
In order to describe the effects of temperature that the soil type did not markedly affect degra-
on degradation, Walker and Eagle (1983) devel- dation. However, several researchers reported
oped a simplified degradation model, where the that moisture levels of 60% of WHC are the
22 Bioremediation and Mitigation of Organic Contaminants in the Era of Climate Changes 475

optimum for the dissipation of most contami- 4.2 Phytoremediation

nants, because it represents a sufficient amount
of water for microbial processes, enough oxygen Phytoremediation has been first defined in 1993
to support aerobic processes and solubilization as the use of green plants to remove, contain, or
of contaminant. render harmless an environmental contaminant
Microbial degradation rates in soil are often (Cunningham and Berti 1993). Phytoremediation
limited by ineffective supply of nutrients to the has emerged as a promising, cost effective, and
microorganisms (Morgan and Watkinson 1989). solar-driven in situ technology for the remedia-
A number of studies on soils clearly demonstrated tion of contaminated sites (Vamerali et al. 2010).
that nutrient supplementation (C, N, and P) can Most phytoremediation studies are aimed at inor-
augment microbial growth rate-limiting compo- ganic pollutants through different approaches
nents (Graham et al. 1999) and can further defined as phytoextraction (the use of metal-accu-
enhance biodegradation of organic pollutants mulating plants to transport and concentrate met-
(Atlas and Bartha 1972; Zhang et al. 2005; Qui als from the soil into roots and above-ground
et al. 2009). Adequate nutrients must be available biomass), rhizofiltration (the use of plant roots to
to meet the metabolic and growth needs of the absorb, precipitate, and concentrate toxic metals
microbial populations performing the degrada- from polluted effluents), and phytostabilization
tion reaction (Graham et al. 1999). In other case, (the use of plants to reduce the mobility of metals)
nutrient stimulation does not improve the biodeg- (Salt et al. 1995). These approaches can however
radation rate, and this could be due to inadequate be applied also for organic contaminants: phyto-
nutritional supplements that advance the activity extraction has been used to remediate BTEX
of nondegrading microorganisms (Steffensen and (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes)
Alexander 1995). Moreover, Alexander (1994) mixtures, pentachlorophenol, and short-chained
reported that the time necessary to biodegrade organic contaminants; phytostabilization has been
organic compounds containing P and N can be successfully applied in the case of phenols and
long because the organisms use the inorganic chlorinated solvents such as tetrachloromethane
P and N from the environment in preference to and tricholoromethane; and finally rhizofiltration
the forms which would be released as results of to degrade different organic pollutants (Susarla
degradation of the contaminant. et al. 2002).
However, Davis and Madsen (1996) reported Plants of course are not the only drivers of the
that microbial activity usually show greater remediation of pollution: rhizosphere-associated
results at a carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus ratio of microorganisms also play a major role, and the
100:5:1, indicating that in soil containing high term rhizoremediation thus often used. As for
level of organic material, the toluene degradation other bioremediation practices, the remediation
appeared to be limited by the availability of N is mainly due to the expression and activity of
source in this soil. enzymes able to degrade, detoxify, or block the
Microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi organic pollutants and these enzymes can indeed
play a key role in bioremediation process and have a microbial or a plant origin. Among plants,
generally they can use two different mechanisms many species are able to produce enzymes with a
in biodegrading pollutants (metabolic and comet- role in transforming organic pollutants. Some
abolic). Depending on the concentration of the hybrid poplars (Populus sp.) produce aliphatic
compound and the environmental condition, the dehalogenases that are capable of degrading
microorganisms can exhibit different acclimation chlorinated pollutants such as trichloroethylene
period. This could be due to different factors such (TCE), one of the most polluting industrial
as enrichment of the capable microbial popula- solvents. Plants grown in TCE polluted soil are
tion, enzyme induction, and production of toxic indeed able to extract TCE, transpire it, as well as
metabolites. improve the rhizodegradation by feeding
476 L. Coppola et al.

degrading microorganisms in the rhizosphere phytoremediation abilities. Some speculations of

with root exudates (Meagher 2000). Interestingly, interest can, however, be made about effects of
plant dehalogenases are thought to act with an increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concen-
oxidative pathway, while in microbes dehaloge- trations on the soil–plant interface. There is a
nation is only a reductive process. Other pollut- substantial agreement in the scientific community
ants for which plants show good degrading in associating increases in CO2 air concentrations
abilities are nitroaromatic compounds such as with a higher rhizodeposition and in turn with
2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT), hexahydro-1,3,5- higher microbial densities and activities (Rogers
trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX), and nitroglycerin et al. 1994; Smart et al. 1997; Marilley et al.
(GTN): little is still known about the genetic 1999; Lu et al. 2004). Since organic contaminants
basis of the degradation of these compounds, degradation is a rhizobacterial activity thought to
although a role of glutathione-S-transferases has be increased by CO2 (Shaw and Burns 2005),
been recently suggested by a study conducted on it can be even possible to predict a positive
poplar plants exposed to TNT (Brentner et al. effect of some climate change scenarios on
2008). Another example is represented by the phytoremediation. Moreover, it should be taken
phytoremediation of PCB contaminated sites. into account how phytoremediation has proven to
PCB degradation is mainly a microbial process, be a successful approach on different climatic
as encoded by the biphenyl (bph) pathway: since and pedological conditions, ranging from arid
the bioavailability of these pollutants is low zones (Mendez and Maier 2008; Cook et al. 2009;
(Puglisi et al. 2007b). Plants can improve the Zhu et al. 2010) to wetlands and buffer strips, as
degradation not only by feeding microbes, but discussed in the following paragraphs. It is thus
also by enhancing the bioavailability of PCB expected that climate change will not represent a
through rhizodeposition processes. A recent limitation to phytoremediation: particular atten-
study also demonstrated for the first time a role tion should be however devoted to the choice of
of a plant nitrate reductase from Zea mays in the species cultivars most adapted to specific pedo-
dechlorination of one representative PCB conge- climatic conditions.
ner, PCB 153 (Magee et al. 2008).
As for other techniques discussed in this
chapter, there are no published works about the 4.3 Mitigation: Wetlands
possible effects of climate changes on the phy-
toremediation of organic pollutants. We can thus Wetlands are transitional habitats between terres-
only speculate using evidence about phytoreme- trial and aquatic systems, where the water table is
diation in arid or wet areas and about general usually at or near the surface or the land is covered
effects of climate change on plant physiology. As by shallow water (El-Refaie 2010). The ability of
discussed in details in other chapters of this book, natural wetland to mitigate nonpoint source
climate change is indeed expected to have a range pollution and to limit surface water contamina-
of effects on the physiology of plant species and tion has been extensively demonstrated (Salmon
on their geographical distribution (Thuiller et al. et al. 1998; Weaver et al. 2004; Moreno et al.
2005). The climatic variables which are consid- 2007). In order to exploit these mitigation abili-
ered to have the strongest effects on plant growth ties, several artificial wetlands were constructed
and physiology are mean annual precipitation, and studied. Indeed, constructed wetlands offer a
mean annual temperature, minimum temperature cost-effective alternative to the traditional treat-
of the coldest month, and moisture availability ment systems to clean up water by organic and
were identified as the climatic variables influenc- inorganic contaminants.
ing more plant growth and physiology. Although Compared to natural wetlands, artificial
changes in these climatic variables will most wetlands offer different advantages related to the
probably alter the geographical distribution of possibility of controlling parameters such as
plants, previsions are difficult to make about substrate types and concentrations, plant species,
22 Bioremediation and Mitigation of Organic Contaminants in the Era of Climate Changes 477

and hydraulic connectivity. Within wetlands, land use may have an important effect on the fate
organic contaminants are removed as a resultant of of contaminants in the environment (Bloomfield
chemical, physical, and biological processes such et al. 2006; Gregoire et al. 2009).
as sedimentation, precipitation, adsorption, plant Because the increasing variability in seasonal
uptake, and microbial degradation (Brix 1994). rainfall pattern leads to an unstable distribution
Indeed, the main processes in which wetland con- of water resources, it is important to optimize the
tribute to pollutant degradation are phytoremedia- hydraulic design of wetlands to the specific site.
tion and bioremediation, which have been Hydraulic retention times are important
discussed earlier. parameters and commonly too low to permit an
The active reaction zone for the degradation of optimized adsorption and degradation of pollut-
contaminants in wetland is always the root zone ants. Thus, the control of the hydraulic design
(or rhizosphere), in which the interactions and the use of adsorbing materials can be useful
between plant, microorganisms, soil, and pollut- to increase the pollutant residence time and the
ants take place (Stottmeister et al. 2003). contact between pollutants and biocatalyzers
Macrophytes play an important role in the (Gregoire et al. 2009). Therefore, hydraulic
water treatments of wetlands because they have a dimensioning of artificial wetland should take
significant and positive effect on biological into account the groundwater and surface water
removal of organic contaminant. They take up interaction and the evapotranspiration from
inorganic pollutants, decrease the flow velocity wetlands.
favoring the absorption of solutes, transport gases Once the contaminants are sequestered in the
and solutes between above-ground root zones, wetlands, biological treatments can be activated.
release oxygen and carbon compounds into the To improve biological treatments in the climate
rhizosphere, and influence microbial diversity change scenario it is important to consider two
and activity (Brix 1994; Tanner 2001; Taylor aspects, the adsorption by selected macrophyte
et al. 2010). and the degradation by microorganisms induced.
On the other hand, microorganisms play the Thus, the introduction and stimulation of degrad-
main role in the transformation and mineraliza- ing microorganisms and plants adapted to the
tion of organic contaminants. In subsurface specific environmental conditions which can
flow systems, near roots and on the rhizoplane, degrade and adsorb specific contaminant can be a
aerobic processes are predominant in the zones solution to improve the efficiency of the system.
that are largely free of oxygen, anaerobic pro-
cesses such as denitrification, sulfate reduction,
and/or methanogenesis take place (Stottmeister 4.4 Mitigation: Buffer Strips
et al. 2003).
Gregoire et al. (2009) have extensively studied Buffer strips are filter zones inserted near the
the artificial wetland in European countries and edge of the field, between the agricultural fields
reported that the purification capability of and the receiving water, permanently vegetated
wetlands can be optimized by developing both with trees, shrubs, or grasses (planted or indige-
physical (hydraulic design, soil management, and nous). Buffers can reduce the amount of pollut-
water pathway) and biological processes (plant ants carried by runoff, erosion, spray drift, and
and bacteria development). drainage to the nearby surface water.
It is important to assess the possible impacts of Buffer strips can have several different
climate changes on artificial wetlands in order to configurations such as grassed waterways, filter
adapt and optimize future mitigation strategies. strips, vegetative barriers, riparian buffers,
Indeed, the indirect effect of climate change can contour buffer strips, or field borders (Fig. 22.2).
have an important implication on the efficiency of Grassed waterways are very simple and useful
the systems. Since the change in demand of water, buffers to reduce soil erosion and capture most
the variability of temperature, and the change in the organic contaminants that would wash out of
478 L. Coppola et al.

Fig. 22.2 Examples of different types of buffer strips and vegetated areas for mitigation of organic contaminants

fields into waters. Filter strips are important in they are effective in reducing wind and water
protecting water quality, and they are composed erosion.
of grass or permanent vegetation that protects Due to their environmental benefit in treating
riparian areas from pesticides, organics, nutri- non-point-source pollution, buffers are consid-
ents, and sediment runoff. Vegetative barriers are ered as natural solutions for pollutant removal.
narrower compared to the other types of buffer, Several studies have demonstrated that buffers
and they are performed by perennial grasses or have the potential to improve water quality by
shrubs planted and are very effective in reducing reducing soluble nutrient concentrations and
water erosion which results in sediment or con- removing pollutants from field runoff (Patty et al.
taminant trapping and water infiltration. Riparian 1997; Hefting and de Klein 1998; Schmitt et al.
buffers, designed by diverse community of trees, 1999; Borin et al. 2005).
shrubs, and perennial grasses, effective to inter- Different mechanisms are involved in contam-
cept sediments, nutrients, pesticides, and other inant removal such as reducing surface runoff,
materials in surface runoff and reduce nutrients filtering surface and groundwater runoff, reduc-
and other pollutants in shallow subsurface water ing erosion, and filtering pollutants from field
flow. Contour buffer strips are simply strips of (Borin et al. 2010).
perennial vegetation that is interchanged with Sediment deposition process largely controls
cultivated strips of crop. These types of strips are the effectiveness of the filter area, whereas infil-
most effective when runoff water enters uni- tration is the controlling factor for contaminant
formly. Field borders are characterized by transport. Buffer strip alters flow hydraulics,
perennial vegetation on the edge of a field and reducing runoff speed and increasing water
22 Bioremediation and Mitigation of Organic Contaminants in the Era of Climate Changes 479

infiltration and contaminant deposition before However, it was noted that the width of the buffer
to their export to the water bodies (Misra et al. zone controls the trapping of contaminants up to
1996; Vianello et al. 2005). Wilson (1967) a maximum after which no improvements were
observed that increasing the flow volume and observed. Establishing a buffer width is depen-
velocity markedly reduced filtration efficien- dent on different factors including vegetation and
cies. Indeed, buffer strips are most effective hydraulic conditions, topography, geology, and
when the flow is shallow, slow, and enters the local climatic conditions (Vischetti 2008).
buffer strip uniformly along its length (Barling The slope can affect the performance of the
and Moore 1994). buffer strip since higher inclination can increase
The presence of vegetation on buffer strips is runoff flow velocity, and thus reduces the con-
strongly recommended mainly to limit the amount taminant trapping efficiency.
of surface and subsurface flow and erosion. Misra Climate variability also affects the decontami-
et al. (1996) determined that the major factor in nation effectiveness of buffer strips and should be
reduction of herbicide transport was infiltration carefully studied to adapt the system to the future
of inflow into the vegetative buffer strips. Abu- scenario. Buffer performance and efficiency
Zreig (2001) demonstrated that the conservation could be affected by climate change.
of grass cover in buffer strips prevents the forma- In prevision of high rainfall events that can
tion of preferential flow channels, while Patty exceed the infiltration capacity of the soil and this
et al. (1997) showed that more than 99% of can affect surface runoff and contaminants remo-
isoproturon and 97% of diflufenican residues in bilization, hydrology parameter should thus be
runoff were removed by grass buffer strips. carefully implemented. For example, concen-
Plants also confer higher organic matter con- trated surface flow through buffer zones or flow
tent in the filter zone, which increases pollutant through subsurface drains may affect buffer per-
adsorption capacity and microbial activity for formance. Other consideration can be made on
degradation. An interesting work was presented buffer strip width that should be proportioned on
by Benoit et al. (1999), which observed a rapid the basis of flow length to decrease the pesticides
degradation of isoproturon in soil from grass buf- load in receiving water.
fer strips compared to the cultivated soils. High temperature promotes infiltration, since
Isoproturon half-live was significantly reduced evapotranspiration and soil water requirement are
from 72 days in the cultivated field to 8 days in both higher during this period. Moreover, Ledwith
the grass buffers. In the same study, authors (1996) observed that buffer width has an effect
observed that isoproturon sorption was enhanced on air temperature and relative humidity. It should
in the grassed soil compared to the cultivated soil be taken into account indeed that buffer strips of
and especially in the surface layer (0–2 cm) con- insufficient width may allow an increase in direct
taining a high proportion of nondecomposed and reflected solar radiation, thus increasing the
plant residues. air temperature and lowering the relative humid-
It is generally recommended that the species ity on warm days.
to be used in buffer strips should be appropriate On the contrary, it has been observed that
to the local soil, climate, and specific require- during the winter when temperatures are lower
ment, for example, plants with high nitrogen the biological activity and the plant uptake
requirement or herbaceous plants with a long declines, thus nutrient circulation in the envi-
growing period, high moisture tolerance, and ronment is encouraged (Delgado et al. 1995).
extensive root system (Delgado et al. 1995). The introduction of plants adapted to the spe-
Traditionally buffer strips are usually rela- cific environmental conditions, adequate buffer
tively narrow, between 5 and 30 m, but different configuration with appropriate buffer width and
climatic conditions and cropping systems may slope can be a solution to improve the effi-
require different types of buffer strips to assure ciency of the system in different temperature
the best performance (Vianello et al. 2005). conditions.
480 L. Coppola et al.

4.5 Mitigation: Biobeds short time, thus it generates interest in other

countries. Since environmental conditions and
A system for reduction of point sources of organic agricultural practices vary widely between
contaminants was presented by Torstensson and Countries, the original biobed model has been
Castillo (1997) with the introduction of biobed. modified to satisfy site-specific conditions and to
Biobed is a simple and cheap on-farm con- utilize locally available organic materials (Fogg
struction aimed at minimizing point source envi- et al. 2003; Vischetti et al. 2004; Pigeon et al.
ronmental contamination by means of pollutants 2005; Spliid et al. 2006; Coppola et al. 2007).
adsorption and degradation. A series of studies have shown that biomixtures
Point source contamination usually derives consisting of composted materials instead of peat
from inappropriate managements of organic con- have high degradation and adsorption capacity
taminants especially by the utilization of pesti- (Fogg et al. 2003; Coppola et al. 2007; Fait et al.
cides in agriculture. Indeed, unsatisfactory 2007; Vischetti et al. 2007; Monaci et al. 2009;
pesticides handling such as tank filling, spilling, Kravvariti et al. 2010; Coppola et al. 2011).
and residues disposal procedure can be a major Since there are no studies correlating the
cause of pesticides contamination in water and biobed system with climate change scenarios, it
groundwater. is only possible to predict the activity of the
The original biobed design proposed by system on the basis of previous work in different
Torstensson and Castillo (1997) consists of a environmental conditions.
lined hole in the ground (at least 0.6 m deep and The future variations in temperature and mois-
a minimum surface area of 1 m2 for every 1,000 L ture levels can affect the efficiency of the system.
of liquid requiring treatment) filled with topsoil Temperature, as in all biological processes, affects
(25%), straw (50%), and peat (25%) which have the pollutant degradation, while moisture is a
the ability to retain and degrade contaminants critical factor, which affects contaminants leach-
from the water. This biomixture was used in order ing, oxygen availability, and microbial activity.
to ensure maximum binding capacity, moisture Castillo and Torstensson (2007) carried out a
control, and to create optimal conditions for laboratory study in order to determine the opti-
microbial degradation (Fogg et al. 2004). As mal conditions of temperature and moisture for
extensively reported by Castillo et al. (2008), pesticides degradation in a biomixture composed
straw is the main substrate for pesticide degrada- by straw–peat–soil in different proportion. They
tion and microbial activity, especially from observed that increasing temperatures increase
lignin-degrading fungi; the soil provides sorption the microbial and enzymatic activity, which have
capacity and should be rich in humus and suffi- a positive effect on the degradation of most of
cient clay content to promote microbial activity; the pesticides tested. Moreover, it should also be
the peat contributes to sorption capacity, mois- considered that increase in temperature can also
ture control, and abiotic degradation. increase the solubility of the organic contami-
Biobeds are also made up of an impermeable nants, which resulted in higher fraction bioavail-
clay layer (10 cm) in the bottom part, which able for microbial attacks.
decreases the water flow downward and increases However, increases in temperature have also
the contaminants retention time in the system. effects on the degradation of organic matter and
Moreover, a grass layer covering the biobed regu- this may have drawbacks in terms of necessities
lates the moisture, enhances evapotranspiration, for more frequent substitution of the substrate to
and produces root exudates to support cometa- ensure the system activity. Moisture content in
bolic processes. The survival of this grass cover the biomixture should be enough to leave oxygen
can also be used as an indicator of herbicide spills for aerobic processes and to promote microbial
(Castillo et al. 2008). activity and pesticides solubilization.
Torstensson (2000) demonstrated that biobed In the same work, Castillo and Torstensson
can effectively retain and degrade pesticides in (2007) observed that moisture at 60% of the
22 Bioremediation and Mitigation of Organic Contaminants in the Era of Climate Changes 481

WHC gave the highest dissipation of most pesti- intensity and frequency) in some areas, and
cides tested while moisture at 30 or 90% limited decreased precipitations in others. These changes
the microbial activity. As discussed for the will most probably affect other relevant ecologi-
wetlands and buffer strips, the most critical effect cal parameters, such as pH, soil moisture, organic
of climate changes on biobeds would probably be matter levels, microbial activities, and chemicals
related to water management, while possible bioavailability. According to the information
increase in temperature (as reported for bioreme- gathered in this chapter, these changes will have
diation) would probably just result in an increased a quite strong effect on the fate and behavior of
bioremediation. Given the negative effects of contaminants, affecting their distribution in envi-
oversaturating WHC on the biobed performances, ronmental compartments. Major processes
it will be at least necessary to work with covered controlling the distribution of contaminants will
biobed systems, to avoid negative effects of be indeed affected, with probable increases in
increased precipitations, and to promote the rela- photodegradation, volatilization, hydrolysis,
tive presence in the biomixture of substrates with deposition, runoff, and leaching. Persistence of
higher water sorption capacities such as peat or contaminants may probably be reduced because
compost. The development and introduction of of increased microbial activity, but on the other
closed-cycle drainage systems may also represent hand the reduction of SOM levels predicted by
an improvement of biobed in order on one hand some authors will result in lower degradation and
to reduce the moisture levels, on the other to higher bioavailability of pollutants, with possible
increase the residence time of the contaminated negative effects in terms of risk assessment.
water on the biomixture. While effects on fate and behavior can be con-
sidered quite relevant, it was found that biodegra-
dation and mitigation will have limited and in
5 Conclusion and Future some cases positive effects from climate changes.
Perspectives Temperature and moisture will probably increase
biodegradation rates, high moisture levels may
In the present chapter, we have addressed a topic negatively affect some systems (e.g., wetlands,
still quite neglected in the scientific literature, buffer strips, and biobeds), but this can be easily
which is the possible impact of climate changes addressed by promoting more efficient water
on the fate, degradation, and mitigation of organic management systems. In plant-based bioremedi-
contaminants in the environment. Particular inter- ation and mitigation systems (phytoremediation,
est was devoted to techniques based on plants wetlands, and buffer strips), it should be however
(phytoremediation, wetlands, buffer strips), taken into account how climate change will affect
organic biomass residues (biobeds), as well as on plant physiology and distribution. The solution
bioremediation processes controlled by microor- here is local adaptation, that is the choice of
ganisms. Since in most cases no specific works species (in wetlands and buffer strips) or organic
on the effects of climate change on bioremedia- materials (in biobed mixtures) that will be more
tion and mitigation of organic contaminants could efficient in future climatic conditions. The history
be found in the scientific literature, climate of biobed development described in the last
change scenarios were identified, and the obtained chapter is already a successful example of this
info critically correlated on available info about adaptation possibility, as it shows how a system
the effects of climatic parameters (temperature, developed in Northern Europe climatic condi-
precipitations, soil humidity, pH, organic matter, tions has been adapted with success to function
nutrients) on the fate, degradation, and mitigation properly in very different climates.
of contaminants. We can conclude that possible climate change
As widely known, it was evinced how the will indeed have a significant effect on the fate
future scenarios will be dominated by increasing and behavior of contaminants, and a more lim-
temperatures, increased precipitation (both in ited effect on bioremediation and mitigation
482 L. Coppola et al.

strategies. Since fate and behavior determine the Castillo MdP, Torstensson L (2007) Effect of biobed com-
exposure of biological receptor to contaminants position, moisture, and temperature on the degradation
of pesticides. J Agric Food Chem 55:5725–5733
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Exploitation of Weeds
and Ornamentals 23
for Bioremediation
of Metalliferous Substrates
in the Era of Climate Change
M.N.V. Prasad

Weeds not only adversely affect the plant productivity but many of them
also cause health hazards in human beings and animals. They are also
known to seriously affect the biodiversity. Apart from this negative side,
many weeds are known to have beneficial properties in one way or the
other and have immense potential as food and fodder, medicinal, aromatic,
phytoremediation, industrial, soil and water conservation resources, etc.
A very little information is available on the use of weeds for such benefi-
cial purposes. Therefore, this subject of research needs to be explored and
expanded. Several of the weeds are utilized for (a) soil and water conser-
vation, (b) alternative livelihood opportunities, and (c) industrial uses.
Survey of published literature indicates that there is great scope for appli-
cation of weeds in bioremediation. More research efforts are required for
utilizing weeds for bioremediation of different type of pollutants from air,
water, and soil. Ornamental plants have an added advantage of enhancing
the environmental esthetics besides cleaning the environment. This
approach has several advantages for environmental moderation, cleanup,
and generation of revenue. Therefore, this approach will add a new dimen-
sion to the field of bioremediation of contaminated aquatic and terrestrial

Weeds • Ornamentals • Phytostabilization • Phytoremediation • Metalli-
ferous substrates • Biocontrol

M.N.V. Prasad ()

Department of Plant Sciences, University of Hyderabad,
Prof. C.R. Rao Road, Gachibowli,
Central University P.O., Hyderabad, AP 500 046, India

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 487
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4_23,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
488 M.N.V. Prasad

Technogenic and anthropogenic sources of

1 Introduction metals is subject of importance not only to human
health but also in general to the field of
Bioremediation is an emerging and an effective biogeochemistry, environment, and medicine
technology for treatment of a wide variety of con- (Figs. 23.2–23.4). Smelting and mining processes
taminants. This technology includes plant- and are the point source of a contamination of metals
microbe-mediated processes (phytoremediation causing environmental contamination and pollu-
and rhizoremediation, respectively). Bioremediation tion. Consequently, these pollutants get dispersed
approach is currently applied to contain contami- in natural resources (soil, water, and air) and ulti-
nants in soil, groundwater, surface water, or sedi- mately enter the food chain. Physical stabilization
ments including air. These technologies have (covering the metalliferous waste with geotextiles/
become attractive alternatives to conventional geomembranes, etc.) and chemical stabilization
cleanup technologies due to relatively low capital (use of chemical binding agents) to reduce wind
costs and the inherently esthetic nature (Fig. 23.1). and water erosion are not a feasible proposition for
Quite a variety of plants, natural, transgenic, and/or large areas. However, phytostabilization – use of a
associated with rhizosphere micro-organisms are specific type of vegetation is far more desirable
extraordinarily active in these biological interven- than physical and chemical stabilization (Prasad
tions for cleaning up pollutants by removing or 2006; Tordoff et al. 2000). Phytostabilization is an
immobilizing (Ma et al. 2011). Climate change will effective process of phytoremediation technology.
affect the ability of ecological systems that provide In order to cleanup large areas contaminated
a range of essential ecological goods and services, with toxic metals, plants producing very high
such as food and fiber production; provision of biomass with limited inputs and simplistic
clean and sufficient water maintenance of biodiver- management are desirable. It is a general belief
sity; maintenance of human health; and storage and that climate change promotes explosion of
cycling of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. weeds in addition to other phenomena (Fig. 23.5).

Fig. 23.1 Bioremediation, a schematic presentation. through wetland systems, restoration of degraded natural
Bioremediaiton is based on use of the ecosystem services systems or establishment of Eco-industrial parks, carbon
provided by its biotic compartment. Some examples of its sinks and ameliorating the effects and impacts of climate
application include the reduction and control of pollution change
23 Exploitation of Weeds and Ornamentals for Bioremediation of Metalliferous… 489

Fig. 23.2 Biogeochemical cycling of heavy metals in a generalized ecosystem

and Natural Resources (IUCN), alien invasive

species means, an exotic species which becomes
established in natural or seminatural ecosystems
or habitat, an agent of undesirable change which
threatens the native biological diversity. Invasive
species are therefore considered to be a serious
hindrance to conservation and profitable use of
biodiversity, with significant undesirable impacts
Fig. 23.3 Bioremediation knowledge capital triangle on the services provided by ecosystems. Alien
invasive species are supposed to have huge
requirement and destructive modes of resource
Non-alien plants when they grow outside their acquisition and consumption that would ulti-
niche become invasive. Invasives are widely dis- mately bring change in soil structure and nutrient
tributed in a variety of ecosystems throughout the composition, its profile, decomposition, moisture
world. Many invasive alien species support farm- availability, etc.
ing and forestry systems positively in a big way. Trace metal contamination and pollution in
However, some of the alien species become invasive the environment is increasing due to technogenic
when they are introduced deliberately or uninten- and geogenic sources. The flux of trace metals
tionally outside their natural habitats into new areas deteriorates the quality of the environment since
where they express the capability to establish, these are considered to be cytotoxic, mutagenic,
invade, and outcompete native species. According and carcinogenic. In order to be healthy, physi-
to International Union for Conservation of Nature cally and mentally, clean soil, water, and air are
Fig. 23.4 Sources of heavy metals in the environment and various applications of bioremediation for treatment of natural
resources and for miscellaneous applications

Fig. 23.5 Climate change induced adaptations and mitigation processes

23 Exploitation of Weeds and Ornamentals for Bioremediation of Metalliferous… 491

prerequisites. Trace metal contamination and with mycorrhizal and endophytic fungi (Chen
pollution would exert direct and indirect harmful et al. 2008; Deram et al. 2007, 2008; Kuldau and
effects that would eventually deteriorate biodi- Bacon 2008; Ortega-Larrocea et al. 2010;
versity and economic wealth. In developed Punamiya et al. 2010). Grasses together with
nations, trace metal contamination or pollution is legume association have helped in situ stabiliza-
often highly localized and the pressure to use tion of chemical waste (Hartley et al. 2009;
such contaminated land and water for agricultural Hartley and Lepp 2008). In climate constrained
food production is minimal. In contrast, the tech- and carbon dioxide enriched era, grasses have
nogenic/geogenic pollution and contamination is physiological advantage (majority being C4) of
widespread in many Asian and eastern European producing/increasing their biomass. Hence,
countries and is dramatically increasing in grasses perform well in phytostabilization pro-
Southeast Asia, India, and China (Cheng 2003; cess (Wu et al. 2009). In view of their advanta-
Meharg 2004). In order to contain trace metal geous metabolic processes, hydroponic grass
pollution in soil, water, and air, phytoremediation system based on plate or fabric is considered for
is being considered as a low cost solution and a the treatment of aquacultural wastewater (Pan
globally recognized technology (Garbisu and et al. 2007).
Alkorta 2001; Garbisu et al. 2002; McCutcheon
and Schnoor 2003; Prasad and Freitas 2003;
Macek et al. 2004; Gratão et al. 2005). Ornamental 2.1 Lolium perenne (Ryegrass)
foliage plants have been suggested for the removal
of arsenic (Alkorta et al. 2004). Therefore, this It is a perennial exhibits luxuriant growth and pro-
approach of involving weeds for bioremediation duces large amounts of aboveground biomass. It
of metalliferous substrates in the era of climate has been used for phytostabilization of abandoned
change would yield desirable results with limited uranium mine (Abrutiga, Portugal) (Fig. 23.6).
efforts and investments (Lorenzini et al. 2006;
Prasad and Freitas 2003).
2.2 Panicum virgatum (Switchgrass)

2 Grasses: Ideal It is one of the perennial rhizomatous grasses

for Phytostabilization being developed for the purpose of biomass pro-
duction. It is a perennial C4 grass propagated by
Grasses are tolerant to toxic metals and have seed that can be established at low cost and
played a convincing role in phytostabilization requires very low inputs while giving high bio-
(Prasad 2006; Lai and Chen 2006; Li et al. 2009; mass yields even on marginal soils. Attributes of
Néel et al. 2007; Redondo-Gómez et al. 2011; switchgrass desirable for bioenergy cropping
Shu et al. 2002; Vernay et al. 2007; Wang et al. include its demonstrated high productivity across
2005; Zhang et al. 2010; Atabayeva et al. 2010). many environments, suitability for marginal and
Abandoned mine soils and estuarine sediments erosive land, relatively low water and nutrient
are phytostabilized against erosion by grass spe- requirements, and positive environmental bene-
cies (Cambrollé et al. 2008; Comino et al. 2009; fits. There is need to examine its (a) adaptability
Mateos-Naranjo et al. 2008). Soil amendments across a range of contaminated sites, (b) fresh and
and biosolids accelerate phytostabilization pro- dry matter yields.
cess (Santibáñez et al. 2008; Zhou et al. 2007).
Grasses possess thickets of adventitious roots,
unique root morphology (Li et al. 2009), high 2.3 Prosopis juliflora (Velvet Mesquite)
bioproductivity (Liu et al. 2009), therefore have
an added advantage for application in phytostabi- It is an evergreen phreatophyte, fast growing,
lization. Further, grasses are often associated drought resistant, widely distributed not only in
492 M.N.V. Prasad

Fig. 23.6 Lolium perenne – phytostabilization of abandoned mine and soil profile

India but also in other arid and semiarid tropical inocula isolated from its rhizosphere (low cost agro-
countries. It is the only exotic species capable of technology) were found to accelerate the growth of
growing on a wide variety of soils and climatic other agroforestry and social forestry legumes in
conditions. It is a valued tree for shade, timber, perturbed ecosystems (Gardea-Torresdey et al. 2005;
and forage. It is a thorny, deciduous, large crowned Siddhu and Behl 1997; Singh 1995).
and deep rooted bush or tree which grows up to
10-m height or more, depending on the variety
and climatic conditions. It is also widely distrib- 3 Ornamentals for
uted in the dry tropical and subtropical regions of Environmental Moderation
Central America and Northern South America. and Toxic Trace Metal Cleanup
P. juliflora is an ideal species for stabilizing the
pegmatitic tailings of mica mines in Nellore district Several ornamental plants have successfully
of Andhra Pradesh, India (Nagaraju and Prasad been applied in environmental toxic cleanup.
1998). It is also helpful for reclamation of copper, (Belmonth and Metcalfe 2003; Chintakovid et al.
tungsten, marble, dolomite mine tailings and is a 2007; Davies et al. 2001; Madejon et al. 2003;
green solution to heavy metal contaminated soils Mazen 2004; McIntyre 2003; Mungur et al. 1995;
(Varun et al. 2011). It is an appropriate species for Murillo et al. 1999; Negri and Hinchman 2000;
rehabilitation of gypsum mine spoil in arid zone Niu et al. 2007; Wei et al. 2009, 2010a, b)
and restoration of sodic soils. It outperformed all Lemon-scented geraniums (Pelargonium sp.
other tree species in sand dune stabilization “Frensham,” or scented geranium) accumulated
(Kailappan et al. 2000; Rai et al. 2003; Senthilkumar large amounts of Cd, Pb, Ni, and Cu from soil in
et al. 2005). Mycorrhizae are reported to greatly greenhouse experiments (Dan et al. 2000).
improve the growth of P. juliflora on high pH soils. Biotechnological interventions through hairy root
P. juliflora was able to grow satisfactorily without regenerants are useful in floriculture (Giri and
amendments up to pH 9. Arbuscular mycorrhizal Narasu 2000; Giovanni et al. 1997). Pellegrineschi
23 Exploitation of Weeds and Ornamentals for Bioremediation of Metalliferous… 493

et al. (1994) improved the ornamental quality of Amaranthaceae produce large biomass and are
scented Pelargonium spp. This plant has pleasant suitable for environmental remediation and
odor that adds scent to the toxic metal contami- toxic metal cleanup (for e.g., Amaranthaceae
nated soil. retrflexus, Prasad 2001) (Table 23.1).
Vetiveria zizanioides (Vetiver grass): It is (c) Talinum cuneifolium (Portulacaceae): It is
known to have multiple uses. This plant had sev- a succulent shrub of about 60-cm height
eral popular names such as “the miracle grass,” “a with cuneate to obovate leaves, flowers in
wonder grass,” “a magic grass,” “an unique plant,” terminal panicles and purple colored
“an essential grass,” “an amazing plant,” “an corolla. It flowers and fruits throughout the
amazing grass,” “a versatile plant,” “a living bar- year. It is widely distributed in India,
rier,” “a living dam,” “a living nail,” “a living Arabia, and Africa. Cuttings are a ready
wall,” “an eco-friendly grass.” This extraordinary means of propagation of these plants. T.
grass is adaptable to multiple environmental con- cuneifolium is and has been reported to
ditions and it is globally recognized as an easy accumulate high levels of copper in its
and economical alternative to control soil erosion leaves. These plants showed absorption
and to solve a variety of environmental problems. barriers at high soil copper concentrations,
It has been used for restoration, conservation, and indicating limits to uptake of the metal
protection of land disrupted by man activities like (Tiagi and Aery 1986; Adeniyi 1996).
agriculture, mining, construction sites, oil explo-
ration and extraction, infrastructure corridors, as
well as used for water conservation in watershed 4 Ornamental Hydrophytes
management, disaster mitigation, and treatment for Phytoremediation
of contaminated water and soil. Research at the
global level has proved the relevance of vetiver in Several ecotechnological opportunities are avail-
multiple applications. In Australia, V. zizanioides able for aquatic plants (Lakshman 1987; Outridge
has been successfully used to stabilize mining and Noller 1991). The use of aquatic plants in
overburden and highly saline, sodic, magnesic, water quality assessment has been in practice for
and alkaline (pH 9.5) tailings of coalmines, as centuries. The occurrence of aquatic macrophytes
well as highly acidic (pH 2.7) arsenic tailings of is unambiguously related to water chemistry and
gold mines. In China, it has been demonstrated using these plant species or communities as indi-
that V. zizanioides is one of the best choices for cators or biomonitors has been well recognized
revegetation of Pb/Zn mine tailings due to its high and established for in situ bioremediation (Deng
metal tolerance (Chen et al. 2004a, b; Chiu et al. et al. 2004). The noable examples are: Azolla
2005, 2006; Chong and Chu 2007; Rotkittikhun filiculoides, A. philoxeroides, Bacopa monnieri,
et al. 2007; Makris et al. 2007; Pang et al. 2003; Canna flaccida, Carex juncell, Carex pedula,
Singh et al. 2008; Truong 2000; Wilde et al. Carex rostrata, Carex Sp., Ceratophyllum
2005). demersum, Chara, Nitella, Cladium jamaicense,
(a) Hydrocotyle umbellata (Pennywort): It is a Cyperus eragrostis, Distichlis spicata, Eichhornia
wetland/marshy plant commonly found in crassipes, Elodea canadensis, Elodea densa, E.
many tropical countries. The plant grows very crassipes, Eriocaulon septangulare, Euryale ferox,
rapidly and serves as an ornamental and deco- Elodea nuttallia, E. canadensis, Eloea sptangu-
rative purpose. It is reported to remove trace lare, Eriophorum angustifolium, Eriophorum
metals from aquatic systems. scheuchzeri, Glyceria fluitans, Hydrilla verticil-
(b) Alternanthera philoxeroides (Alligator weed): lata, Hygrophila onogaria, Isoetes lacustris,
It is one of the most common aquatic weed in Lemna minor, L. trisulca, L. gibba, L. palustris,
contaminated/polluted ecosystem. This is H. umbellata, Ipomea aquatica, Juncus articulatus,
native to South America and naturalized in L. minor, Littorella uniflora, Ludwigia natans,
India (Naqvi and Rizvi 2000). Several Lysimachia nummularia, Myriophyllum spicatum,
494 M.N.V. Prasad

Table 23.1 Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb: Potential for environmental remediation and cleanup
Tolerant to cadmium stress Ding et al. (2007)
Responds rapidly to shoot removal Wilson et al. (2007)
Accumulate Cd, Pb, and Zn from constructed wetlands Liu et al. (2007a, b)
Herbivory, mowing, and herbicides differently affect production Schooler et al. (2007)
and nutrient allocation
Distribution and bioaccumulation of microcystins in water columns: Song et al. (2007)
a systematic investigation into the environmental fate and the associated risks with
Lead and zinc accumulation and tolerance in populations Deng et al. (2006)
Exhibit phenotypic plasticity in relation to different water availability Geng et al. (2006)
Differently respond to biological control Li and Ye (2006)
Abiotic stress and phenotypic plasticity influenced riparian zone population Pan et al. (2006)
Growth and reproduction simulated herbivory Schooler et al. (2006)
Removes Ni(II), Zn(II), and Cr(VI) from aqueous solution Wang and Qin (2006)
Genetic diversity has been established in Alternanthera philoxeroides in China Wang et al. (2005)
Suitable for phytoremediation of small-scale oil spills in fresh marsh environments: Dowty et al. (2001)
a mesocosm simulation
Biologically controlled with fungi Barreto et al. (2000)
Its extract had antiviral effect on epidemic hemorrhagic fever virus in vivo Peng et al. (1997)
Contain phytochemicals, viz., alternanthin, A C-glycosylated flavonoid Zhou et al. (1988)
Accumulate monosodium methanearsonate (MSMA) Anderson et al. (1980)
The economics of its biological control Andres (1977)
Insects as agents for biological control Bennett (1977)
The biological control in the USA Spencer and Coulson (1976)
Water hyacinths and alligator weeds for removal of lead, mercury, silver, cobalt, Wolverton and McDonlad
and strontium from polluted waters (1975a, b)
This is not an exhaustive

M. alterniflorum, Melilotus indica, Mentha aquat- Aquatic plants have been frequently used to
ica, Miscanthus floridulus, Miscanthus sacchari- remove suspended solids, nutrients, trace metals,
florus, Mougeotia, Najas marina, Nasturtium toxic organics and bacteria from acid mine
officinale, Nuphar lutea, Nymphaea alba, drainage (AMD), agricultural landfill, and urban
Nymphaea violacea, Nymphoides germinate, storm-water runoff. In addition, considerable
Potamogeton natans, P. attenuatum, P. communis, research has been focused on determining the
Potamogeton crispus, P. filiformis, P. lapathifoi- usefulness of macrophytes, as biomonitors of
lum, P. orientalis, P. pectinatus, P. perfoliatus, P. polluted environments and as bioremediative
richardsonii, P. subsessiles, Phragmites karka, agents in waste water treatments. The response of
Pistia stratiotes, Ranunculus aquatilis, Ruppia an organism to deficient or excess levels of metal
maritima, Sagittaria latifolia, Salvinia acutes, (i.e., bioassays) can be used to estimate metal
Salvinia molesta, Scapania uliginosa, impact. Such studies done under defined experi-
Schoenoplectus lacustris, Scirpus validus, Spartina mental conditions can provide results that can be
alterniflora, Spirodela oligorrhiza, Sporobolus extrapolated to natural environment. There are
virginicus, Typha domingensis, Typha latifolia, multifold advantages in using an aquatic macro-
Vallisneria americana, Vallisneria spiralis, Wolffia phyte as a study material. Macrophytes are cost-
globosa, and Zizania aquatica (Prasad 2007; effective, universally available with their ability
McCutcheon and Schnoor 2003; Keskinkan et al. to survive adverse conditions and high coloniza-
2004; Peles et al. 2002; Hattink et al. 2000; tion rates and are excellent tools for studies of
Sheppard and Motycka 1997). phytoremediation. Rooted macrophytes especially
23 Exploitation of Weeds and Ornamentals for Bioremediation of Metalliferous… 495

Fig. 23.7 Cascade model for removal of xenobiotics and Salicornia alterniflora, Vermillon cordgrass; Scirpus
treatment of waste streams. Most commonly employed validus, Great bulrush. A cascade model of treatment
species are Spartina alterniflora, Cord grass; Sporolobus system was suggested for removal of radionuclides by
virginicus, Coastal dropseed; Salicornia virginica, rhizofiltration Dushenkov et al. 1995; 1997a, b; 2002 and
Perennial glasswort; Cladium jamaicense, Sawgrass; blastofiltration (seedlings), e.g., sunflower

play an important role in metal bioavailability are relevant to many aquatic environments, including
through rhizospheric processes. Macrophytes lakes, streams, and effluents.
(floating, emergent, and submersed) readily take The most important role of plants in wetlands
up metals in their reduced form from sediments, is that they increase the residence time of water,
which exist in anaerobic situations due to lack of which means that they reduce the velocity and
oxygen and oxidize them in the plant tissues thereby increase the sedimentation of particles
making them immobile and bioconcentrate them and associated pollutants. Thus, they are indi-
in their tissues, thus reduced the toxic trace metal rectly involved in water cleaning. Plants also add
bioavailability in the interstitial waters. Rooted oxygen providing a physical site of microbial
and emergent macrophytes make them particu- attachment to the roots generating positive condi-
larly effective as bioindicator of metal pollution, tions for microbes and bioremediation.
as they represent real levels present at that site. Constructed and engineered wetlands (includ-
In the past research with macrophytes has centered ing naturalvwetlands) are in use for centuries for
mainly on determining effective eradication tech- waste water treatment containing organic matter,
niques for nuisance growth of several species such as nitrogen, phosphorus, (Kadlec and Knight 1996)
Elodea canadensis, Eichhornia crassipes, Cerato- (Figs. 23.7 and 23.8).
phyllum demersum, etc. Scientific literature exists for Aquatic macrophytes have paramount signifi-
the use of a wide diversity of macrophytes in toxicity cance in the monitoring of metals in aquatic eco-
tests designed to evaluate the hazard of potential systems (e.g., L. minor, E. crassipes, Azolla
pollutants. Estuarine and marine plant species are pinnata). Aquatic plants are important in nutrient
being used considerably less than freshwater species cycling, control of water quality, sediment stabi-
in toxicity tests conducted for regulatory reasons. lization, and provision of habitat for aquatic
Lemna, Myriophyllum, Potamogeton, Ceratophyllu, organisms. The use of aquatic macrophytes in
Elodea, E. crassipes have been exhaustively used in water quality assessment has been a common
phytotoxicity investigations. Duckweeds have re- practice employing in situ biomonitors
ceived the greatest attention for toxicity tests as they (Sobolewski 1999). The submerged aquatic
496 M.N.V. Prasad

Fig. 23.8 Use of arsenic hyperaccumulator ferns and wetland vegetation (Carbonell-Barrachina et al. 1998; Rahman
and Hasegawa 2011; Ma et al. 2001) for arsenic removal from water (Elless et al. 2005)

macrophytes have very thin cuticle and therefore tailings rich in sulfides, e.g., pyrite, can form
readily take up metals from water through the AMD if it reacts with atmospheric oxygen and
entire surface. Macrophytes with their ability to water, which may also promote the release of
survive adverse conditions and high colonization metals and As. To prevent AMD formation, mine
rate are excellent tools for phytoremediation. tailings rich in sulfides may be saturated with
Further they redistribute metals from sediments water to reduce the penetration of atmospheric
to water and finally take up in the plant tissues oxygen. An organic layer with plants on top of
and hence maintain circulation. Benthic rooted the mine tailings would consume oxygen, as
macrophytes (both submerged and emergent) would plant roots through respiration. Thus, phy-
play an important role in metal bioavailability tostabilization on water-covered mine tailings
from sediments through rhizosphere exchanges may further reduce the oxygen penetration into
and other carrier chelates. This naturally facili- the mine tailings and prevent the release of ele-
tates metal uptake by other floating and emergent vated levels of elements into the surroundings.
forms of macrophytes. Macrophytes readily take Metal tolerance can be evolutionarily developed
up metals in their reduced form from sediments, while some plant species seem to have an inher-
which exist in anaerobic situations due to lack of ent tolerance to trace metals. Since, some wet-
oxygen and oxidize them in the plant tissues land plant species have been found with the latter
making them immobile and thus get bioconcen- property, for example, T. latifolia, G. fluitans, and
trated in their tissues (Okurut et al. 1999). Phragmites australis, wetland communities may
A special group of plants may reduce element easily establish on submerged mine tailings,
leakage from mine tailings by phytostabilization. without prior development of metal tolerance.
Plants that are tolerant to elements of high Some plant species have mechanisms that make
concentrations have been found useful for it possible to cope with high external levels of
reclamation of dry mine tailings containing ele- elements. Low accumulators are plants that can
vated levels of metals and other elements. Mine reduce the uptake when the substrate has high
23 Exploitation of Weeds and Ornamentals for Bioremediation of Metalliferous… 497

element concentrations or have a high net efflux (a) Adaptive and tolerance mechanisms.
of the element in question, thus the plant tissue (b) Fast growing with high bioproductivity such as
concentration of the element is low even though duck weeds (Fig. 23.9) Typha latifolia (Cattail)
the concentration in the substrate is high (Williams and Phragmites australis (Ye et al. 1997a, b),
2002; Wood and Mcatamney 1994; Woulds and Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth),
Ngwenya 2004; Ye et al. 2001). Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligator weed),
Pistia stratiotes (water lettuce), and
Potamogeton crispus. The biomass production
5 Utilization of Water Weeds of these plants often exceeds the yield of most
for Bioremediation of productive agricultural crops.
Metalliferous Substrates Further, the dried biomass of many of these
aquatic macrophytes is an excellent biosorbent
Weeds cannot be eradicated, hence there is a need for removal of Cr(III), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II),
to find appropriate and sustainable solutions. (Ji Cd(II), and Pb(II) (Andre et al. 1999). Wetland
et al. 2011; Lin and Liu 2003); Liphadzi et al. plants (water weeds) accelerate the sedimenta-
2003) Several of the wetland plants not only effec- tion in constructed wetland and this being princi-
tively purify metal contaminated water effectively pal process for the removal of heavy metals from
(Horne 2000), Zhang et al. 2007 but also establish wastewater. Also wetland plants act as sites for
a dense vegetative cover (Ye et al. 2003). metal precipitation (Mays and Edwards 2001).
For successful phytoremediation, plants cho- Water weeds for treatment of waste water are
sen should have the following attributes: enumerated in Table 23.2

Fig. 23.9 Duck weeds for waste water treatment and for phytoproducts
498 M.N.V. Prasad

Table 23.2 Water weeds for treatment of waste water: Lab, field, and pilot-scale experiments (not exhaustive)
Uptake of Zn, Cu, and Cd in metal loaded Elodea canadensis Nyquist and Greger (2007)
Tolerance and phytoaccumulation of chromium by three Azolla species Arora et al. (2006)
Tolerance and accumulation of copper and chromium in two duckweed species: Ater et al. (2006)
Lemna minor L and Lemna gibba L
Phytoremediation of chromium by model constructed wetland Mant et al. (2006)
Wetland grasses for phytoremediation Czako et al. (2005)
Accumulation of As in Lemna gibba (duckweed) in tailing waters of two Mkandawire and Dudel (2005)
abandoned uranium mining sites in Saxony, Germany
Potential of Azolla caroliniana for the removal of Pb and Cd from wastewaters Stepniewska et al. (2005)
Lead accumulation in the aquatic fern Azolla filiculoides Benaroya et al. (2004)
The ability of Azolla caroliniana to remove heavy metals such as Hg2+, Cr3+, Cr6+ Bennicelli et al. (2004)
from municipal wastewater
Responses induced by high concentration of cadmium in Phragmites australis roots Ederli et al. (2004)
Capacity of Salvinia minima to tolerate and accumulate As and Pb Hoffmann et al. (2004)
Phytoaccumulation of heavy metals by aquatic plants Kamal et al. (2004)
Bioaccumulation of copper from contaminated wastewaters by using Lemna minor Kara (2004)
(aquatic green plants)
Heavy metal adsorption properties of a submerged aquatic plant (Ceratophyllum Keskinkan et al. (2004)
Capacity of Lemna gibba (duckweed) for uranium and arsenic phytoremediation Mkandwire et al. (2004)
in mine tailing waters
Accumulation of trace elements by Pistia stratiotes: implications for Odjegba and Fasidi (2004)
Metal uptake transport and release by wetland plants: implications for phytoreme- Weis and Weis (2004)
diation and restoration
Lead and nickel removal using Microspora and Lemna Axtell et al. (2003)
Removal of heavy metals from aqueous solution by water hyacinth Ingole and Bhole (2003)
(Eichhornia crassipes)
Removal by marsh macrophytes Spartina alterniflora (cordgrass) and Phragmites Windham et al. (2003)
australis (common reed)
Phytoaccumulation and phytotoxicity of Cd and Cr in Wolffia globosa Boonyapookana et al. (2002)
Chromium removal from tannery effluents by aquatic plants Sinha et al. (2002)
Biosorption of cadmium and chromium in duckweed Wolffia globosa Upatham et al. (2002)
Chromium phytoaccumulation from solution by selected hydrophytes Zurayk et al. (2001)

5.1 Ipomoea aquatica vine commonly found in creeping on muddy

stream banks or floating in freshwater marshes
Ipomoea aquatica is a fast growing aquatic and ponds. Moreover, its leaves have high nutri-
plant and has been applied widely to purify tive value and eaten as vegetables by human
eutrophic water. It is a metal accumulator and beings as well as fish and other grazing animals,
metal removal potential depends upon levels of and possess medicinal importance. In addition,
metal contamination in the water body in which in recent years, it is also used widely to purify
they were growing. Water is regarded as a lim- wastewater (Gothberg et al. 2002, 2004; Cao
ited and susceptible resource, essential for life. et al. 2006; Hu et al. 2007). Rai et al. (1995)
It is widely distributed throughout tropical and reported the toxic metals Pb, Cd, and Cr in
warm climate regions in the world, especially in I. aquatica accumulated highly from water
China and India. It is a fast-growing herbaceous resources of Eastern Ghats of India.
23 Exploitation of Weeds and Ornamentals for Bioremediation of Metalliferous… 499

6 Biocontrol of Invasives
Applied in Phytoremediation

Classical biocontrol agents or mycoherbicides

are known for biocontrol of the following water
weeds (Barreto et al. 2000): Azolla xliculoides,
Echinochloa polystachya, Eichhornia azurea,
E. crassipes, Egeria densa, Myriophyllum aquat-
icum, Paspalum repens, Pistia stratiotes,
Polygonum spectabile, Salvinia auriculata, S.
molesta, and Typha domingensis.
A triad approach of lab, pilot, and field studies
are necessary for understanding the limitations
and scope of bioremediation potential of weeds
(Figs. 23.10 and 23.11).

7 Conclusions and Future

Fig. 23.11 Scope and limitations of weed application for
Screening of weeds and ornamentals capable of bioremediation of heavy metals
accumulating and hyperaccumulating metals for
bioremediation of metalliferous substrates in the
era of climate change has sufficient scope. Weeds, nated with metals are Solanum nigrum, Rorippa
ornamentals, and grasses possess such properties. globosa, Bidens pilosa, Taraxacum mongolicum,
Some of these are extensively adaptive in capacity. Conyza canadensis, and Kalimeris integrifolia
Compared with crop, they possess adaptive and (Wei and Zhou 2004a, b, 2008a, b; Wei et al. 2005,
antistress properties which make them exceptional 2006, 2008a, b, 2009, 2010a, b). Chromolaena odo-
to grow in metalliferous substrates. With these rata (L) King & Robinson, (Asterceae), an inva-
characteristics, it is possible that weeds exhibit sive weed has the capability to phytoremediate soil
strong tolerance and exceptional functions to heavy contaminated with crude oil in the presence of
metals. Identification of appropriate soil amend- metals (Atagana 2011; Tanhan et al. 2007). Critical
ments that can enhance biomass production need functions of weeds for potential applications in
to be investigated. Selected examples of weeds cleanup of metalliferous substrates are:
that might be useful for polishing soils contami- (a) Translocation property: the contents of heavy
metals in shoots should be higher than those
in its roots, i.e., TF (transport factor) > 1.
(b) Enrichment factor: the concentration ratio in
plant shoots to soils should be higher than 1
(EF > 1).
(c) Use of soil amendments for enhancing the
biomass production for removal of metals.
Several potential and promising options for
this emerging technology are forging ahead for
environmental management., yet certain bottle-
necks are to be investigated for wider applica-
Fig. 23.10 The triad approach for successful bioreme- tions such as (a) many tested plants have bio-
diation concentration factor (BCF) less than 1, (b) usage
500 M.N.V. Prasad

of soil amendments and chelators may be neces- The compost generated from the plants used
sary for achieving the hyperaccumulation and in remediation serves as a compost and can be
BCF > 10. reused as growing media for production of orna-
The regulatory bodies and environmental mentals (Abad et al. 2001; Benito et al. 2006;
safety agencies are concerned about chelate and Hernandez-Apaolaza et al. 2005; Hicklenton
amendment assisted cleanup, as this approach et al. 2001; Ingelmo et al. 1998) (Table 23.3).
would rapidly mobilize contaminant and increase These questions have been satisfactorily answered
the area of contamination including leaching of for fostering phytoremediation using ornamen-
the toxic trace metals into ground water. Costs of tals. Phytoremediation technologies today have
the chelate applications need to be assessed. reached the site from lab to pilot-scale trials and
Arsenic hyperaccumulating fern, Pteris vittata field applications using aquatic, terrestrial (Prasad
(an important foliage ornamental), was used in 2003, 2004a, b, 2007; Prasad and Freitas 2003)
the pilot-scale demonstration phytofiltration including space ecology (Kozyrovska et al. 2004,
project to produce drinking quality water from 2006). The debris generated from the ornamen-
arsenic contaminated ground water in New tals containing the toxic metal residues need to be
Mexico, a classic example of service to mankind treated as the biomass would be relatively less in
(Elless et al. 2005). view of high water contents and an appropriate

Table 23.3 Ornamentals for environmental cleanup and ecosystem service

Ornamental for environmental moderation and remediation References
Calendula officinalis and Althaea rosea exhibited higher tolerance to Cd Liu et al. (2007a, b)
and Pb contamination and could effectively accumulate these metals
Ni(II) biosorption by Cassia fistula (its common names are Amaltas, Hanif et al. (2007)
Canafistula, Golden Shower, and Indian Laburnum)
Flindersia schottiana is a tree species used in the ornamental horticulture Chan and Joyce (2007)
industry. Urea formaldehyde resin foam (UFRF) product used as a soil
amendment. It is proposed to improve the physicochemical properties (viz.,
water relations and aeration) of the plant root zone. UFRFs are a relatively
new class of soil amendment compared with hydro gels. Under plant nursery
conditions, incorporation of 30% (v/v) Hydrocell™ into composted pine bark
media and also into sand and loam soils led to limited, but significant
(P £ 0.05) growth benefits (e.g., increased leaflet number) for potted
Biodegradable chelating agents, [S,S]-ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid (EDDS) Cao et al. (2007)
and methylglycinediacetic acid (MGDA) assisted. Trace metals phytoextrac-
tion was demonstrated in Mirabilis jalapa including the growth of the
associated bacterial population
Phytoextraction trace metals with Mirabilis jalapa, combinatorial effect Cao et al. (2007)
of biodegradable chelating agents and on its associated bacteria
Crassula portulacea (Crassulaceae), Hydrangea macrophylla Liu et al. (2007a, b)
(Hydrangeaceae), Cymbidium Golden Elf (Orchidaceae), Ficus microcarpa
var. fuyuensis (Moraceae), Dendranthema morifolium (Asteraceae), Citrus
medica var. sarcodactylis (Rutaceae), Dieffenbachia amoena cv. Tropic Snow
(Araceae), Spathiphyllum Supreme (Araceae), Nephrolepis exaltata cv.
Bostoniensis (Davalliaceae), and Dracaena deremensis cv. Variegata
(Dracaenaceae) had greatest capacity to remove benzene from indoor air
African marigold (Tagetes erecta), scarlet sage (Salvia splendens), and sweet Wang and Zhou (2005)
hibiscus (Abelmoschus manihot) were investigated. According to the tolerant
indexes, sweet hibiscus (A. manihot) was the most tolerance while scarlet sage
(S. splendens) was the least and African marigold (Tagetes erecta) is in
Different compensatory mechanisms in two metal-accumulating aquatic di Toppi et al. (2007)
macrophytes exposed to acute cadmium stress in outdoor artificial lakes
23 Exploitation of Weeds and Ornamentals for Bioremediation of Metalliferous… 501

Table 23.3 (continued)

Ornamental for environmental moderation and remediation References
Ficus microcarpa can provide useful information about the spatial variations Oliva and Rautio (2005)
of Ba, Cu, Fe, and Mg contents assuming the spatial differences are high
enough. Temporal variations are evident for Al, Cu, Fe, Mg, Pb, V, and Zn.
F. microcarpa foliage is not considered as a reliable biomonitor for Pb, Zn,
and V in the urban areas
Tagetes patula and ornamental arum (Syngonia sp.) as phytoremediators Huq et al. (2005)
of arsenic
Araucaria angustifolia (Brazilian pine). The species is valuable for its wood, Zandavalli et al. (2004)
edible seeds, and ornamental use, and is today listed as a threatened species.
This tree species establishes associations with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus
Glomus clarum, Araucaria angustifolia seedlings inoculated with G. clarum
had a high degree of mycorrhizal colonization of their roots (81%). The
inoculated seedlings grew significantly more (312% mass increase) than
the controls
Cyperus papyrus and Miscanthidium violaceum-based constructed wetlands Kyambadde et al. (2004)
for wastewater treatment in a tropical country – a comparative study
Anorthosite is a poor support of the marigold growth, hence bacterial residents Kozyrovska et al. (2004, 2006)
of alumino-silicate rocks to leach the plant essential ions from a substrate and
therefore improved plant development and identified pioneer plants for a lunar
Ipomoea aquatica (water spinach, Morning glory, Convolvulace), is common Costa-Pierce (1998),
in Southeast Asia. I. aquatica significantly accumulated toxic metals (such as Kashem and Singh (2002),
cadmium, copper, and lead) in the roots, stems, and leaves Gothberg et al. (2004)
Ornamental hydrophytes, viz., Acorus gramineus Soland and Iris japonica Liu et al. (2003),
L., Acorus calamus L., Lythrum salicaria L., are suitable for sewage Zhao et al. (2003)
treatment. Performance of Canna indica on domestic sewage was better than
Phragmites communis
Phosphate enhanced arsenic uptake by Lolium perenne, Urtica dioica, and Otte et al. (1990),
P. vittata. Thus to alleviate arsenic toxicity, phosphate condition has to be Cao et al. (2003)
Uptake and translocation of plutonium in two plant species using hydroponics. Lee et al. (2002a, b)
Comparative uptake of plutonium from soils by Helianthus annuus
Transgenic hairy roots in ornamentals: recent trends and applications Giri and Narasu (2000)
Reed beds for water treatment Lienard et al. (1995)
Nutrient removal from aquaculture wastewater using a constructed wetlands Lin et al. (2002)

techno-economic feasible options based on inte- References

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worked out for the ornamental plants proposed tal potted plant production: case study in Spain.
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ing a wide range of bioresource for the welfare of triangulare) in dumpsites. Environ Int 22:259–262
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vice, viz., environmental remediation and enhanc- Environ Int 30:949–951
ing the beauty with esthetics and fragrance Anderson AC, Abdelghani AA, McDonell D (1980)
(Table 23.3). Screening of four vascular aquatic plants for uptake of
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A AM symbiosis. See Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM)

ABA. See Abscisic acid (ABA) symbiosis
Abiotic stress responses Anoxia, 332–335
atmospheric CO2 concentration, 15–19 Anthocyanins, 67–71
compatible solutes Antioxidant enzyme expressions, 17
amides, 6–8 Antioxidants, 431, 432, 436, 437
amino acids, 6–8 AR4. See Fourth Assessment Report (AR4)
betaines, 4–6 Arabidopsis chilling-sensitive mutants
polyamines, 9–10 category, 162
proline, 6–8 functional categorization, 171
sugars and sugar alcohols, 8–9 mapping of, 167–169
oxidative stress and antioxidative responses physiological and biochemical responses, 164–168
enzymatic antioxidants, 11–14 transcriptome of, 168–170
nonenzymatic antioxidants, 14–15 vs. wild-type, 165–168
ROS, production of, 10–11 Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis
Abiotic stress signaling beneficial and nonbeneficial soil microflora,
calcium, 327, 347 252–253
and MAPKs, 305–306 intrinsic vs. extrinsic stress tolerance, 234–236
Abiotic stress tolerance macro-and micronutrient uptake
adaptations micronutrient (metal) uptake, 244–246
antioxidant systems, 38–39 N acquisition, 240–242
genomic approaches, 40–43 P acquisition, 242–244
ion compartmentation, 33 and Mycorrhizae, 236–240
osmotic adjustment, 35–38 plant stress tolerance, 253–257
plant responses, 33, 34 plant water relations, 246–247
redox and energetics, 39–40 soil structure stabilization
succulence, 35 metal biosorption, 250–252
desalination and stabilization, saline soils, 44–45 soil aggregation, 248–250
halophytes, 30–32 Artificially enhanced UV-B radiation, 63–64
halophytes diversity, 32 AS. See Asparagine synthetase (AS)
phytoremediation, 45–47 Asparagine (Asn), 226
saline agriculture, 48–49 Asparagine synthetase (AS), 226
wetland restoration and revegetation, 47–48 Atmospheric CO2 concentration
Abscisic acid (ABA) antioxidant enzyme expressions, 17
calcium signaling, 346–347 GSH/GSSG ratios, 16
K+ nutrition, 34–95 osmolytes, 18
phytohormone signaling, 383–384 Auxins, phytohormone signaling, 96, 313, 382–383
plant signaling, 309–310
Acclimatization, 124–126, 130
Adaptation, high temperature, 130 B
Aluminium, 343–346 Betaines, 4–6
Ambient light environment, 59 Biobeds, 480–481
Amides, 6–8 Biochemical responses (chs mutants), 164–167
Amino acids, 6–8 Biocontrol, phytoremediation, 499

P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad (eds.), Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance 509
of Plants in the Era of Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0815-4,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
510 Index

Bioremediation membrane potential, 338–339

organic contaminants, 472–475 plasma membrane lipid composition, 335
weeds and ornamentals, 488, 490, 493–497 with hormones
Biotechnological perspectives abscisic acid (ABA), 346–347
genetic engineering, 103–104 auxin, 348
natural variability and QTL mapping, 102–103 ethylene, 347–348
Biotic environmental stress factors, 234 gibberellins, 348–349
Brassinosteroids (BRs), 310–311, 387–388 jasmonic acid (JA), 347
Buffer strips, 477–479 organelles
apoplastic signaling, 330
chloroplasts, transport, 330–331
C mitochondria, transport, 331
Cadmium-induced oxidative stress nucleus, transport, 331–332
cadmium toxicity, 430–432 salinity stress
nutrients availability and cadmium tolerance, 432–433 agricultural productivity, 339–340
sulfur, 433–436 cellular perception, 341
sulfur sinks, 436–438 cytosolic calcium signaling, 341–343
Cadmium stress injury, 340
nitric oxide (NO) production, 203–205 sodium toxicity and osmotic stress, 343
plant responses tolerance mechanisms, 340–341
cellular detoxification and repair, 206–207 sensors for, 326–327
cell wall metabolism, 207 transporters
hydric balance, 208 Ca2+ ATPases, 328
metal transporters, 207 calcium channels, 328–329
photosynthesis regulation, 205 calcium/proton exchangers, 328
protein degradation, 208 CaM-binding protein kinase (CBK), 287
signal transduction, 205–206 Carboxylating enzymes activity, 454
sulfate and GSH metabolism, 207–208 Cation proton antiporters, 89
transcriptional regulation, 205–206 CBK. See CaM-binding protein kinase (CBK)
ROS, 201–203 CDPKs. See Calcium-dependent protein kinases
signal transduction, 208–209 (CDPKs)
toxic effects, 200–201 Cellular detoxification and repair, 206–207
Cadmium tolerance Cell wall metabolism, 207
nutrients availability, 432–433 Chilling injuries, 119–120
sulfur, 433–436 Chilling-sensitive plants, 122
sulfur sinks, 436–438 Chilling tolerance. See also Arabidopsis chilling-sensitive
Cadmium toxicity. See Zea Mays L., cadmium toxicity mutants
Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs), 298–300 Arabidopsis, 160–162
Calcium signaling Arabidopsis chilling-sensitive mutants, 162–164
aluminium and heavy metal stress signaling Chlorophyll content, chilling effects, 166
aluminium toxicity, 343 Climate changes
calcium homeostasis, 344 adaptations and mitigation processes, 490
cytosolic calcium elevation, 344–345 biogeochemical cycling, heavy metals, 489
heavy metal signaling, 346 bioremediation, 488, 490, 493–497
heavy metal toxicity and uptake, 345 and natural attenuation, 472–475
tolerance mechanisms, 345–346 mitigation
anoxia biobeds, 479–481
anoxic injury, 332–333 buffer strips, 477–479
anoxic stress, 333 wetlands, 476–477
cytosolic calcium signaling, 334–335 organic pollutants, 468–471
oxygen deficiency tolerance mechanisms, 333 ornamentals, 492–493, 500
biotic stress signaling, 349–350 phytoremediation, 475–476
calcineurin B-like proteins, 302–303 phytostabilization, 491–492
calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs), 298–300 root formation
calmodulin and other calcium-binding proteins, and altered precipitation, 180–183
300–302 and excess water, 180–185
cell types, 329 and high temperature, 177–180
cold temperature stress signaling and salinity, 186–192
acclimatization, 335–336 water weeds, 497–498
cold/chilling stresses, 336–338 CNGCs. See Cyclic nucleotide-gated channels (CNGCs)
Index 511

Cold temperature stress signaling, Ca2+ signaling Ethylene

acclimatization, 335–336 mechanisms, 397
cold/chilling stresses, 336–338 phytohormone signaling, 385–386
membrane potential, 338–339 plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPR)
plasma membrane lipid composition, 335 ACC deaminase, 397–399
Compatible solutes, 38 drought, 400–401
Conventional breeding, 147–148 flooding, 400
Cyclic nucleotide-gated channels (CNGCs), 89–90 metals, 401–402
Cytogenetics, 420 organic compounds, 402–403
Cytokinins salt, 399–400
K+ nutrition, 96 plant signaling, 311–312
phytohormone signaling, 384–385 transgenic plants
flooding, 404–405
metals, 405
D salt, 404
DNA, damage and repair, 64–67 European Ozone Research Coordinating Unit (EORCU), 59
DNA repair mechanisms, 64–65
DREB1/CBF TFs, 280–283
Drought stress, 180, 181, 183, 235, 246, 247, 250 F
DREB2, 283–286 Flavonoids, 67–71
miRNAs, 275 Flooding
plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPR), 400–401 ethylene and abiotic stress tolerance, 404–405
plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPR), 400
Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), 177
E Freezing injuries, 119–120
Electrolyte leakage rates, chilling effects, 166 Freezing stress, 119, 121–124
Environmental abiotic stresses
annotation criteria, 270–271
K+ nutrition G
cross-talk, NH4+, NO3-, Pi, 101–102 GB. See Glycine betaine (GB)
high CO2, 98–99 GCM. See Global Climate Model (GCM)
high temperature, 99 Gene expression, modification of, 104
and NH4+, 101 Genes mapping (chs1, chs2, and chs3), 167–169
salinity, 99–101 Genetic engineering, 103–104
soil moisture, 99 Genomic approaches, 40–43
miRNAs isolation and characterization Gibberellins
cold and related stresses, 273–274 calcium interactions, 348–349
drought stress, 275 phytohormone signaling, 386
hypoxia, 275 Gln. See Glutamine (Gln)
mechanical stress, 274 Global Climate Model (GCM), 59
nutrient stress, 271–273 Glutamate synthase (GOGAT) gene systems, 225–226
salt stress, 274–275 Glutamine (Gln), 226
in silico prediction and characterization, Glutamine synthetase (GS), 225–226
267–269 Glycine betaine (GB), 37
sRNA library preparation, 269–270 Grafting, 419–420
submergence, 275 GS. See Glutamine synthetase (GS)
nomenclature parameters, 271 GSH metabolism, 207–208
stress factors, 234 GSSs analysis, 268
Environmental moderation and toxic trace metal cleanup,
Environmental stressor, 62 H
Enzymatic antioxidants Halophytes, 30–32
ascorbate peroxidase, 13 Heat shock proteins (HSPs), 283, 286–287
catalase, 12–13 Heat stress. See also High temperature stress;
glutathione reductase, 13–14 Low temperature stress
superoxide dismutase, 11–12 anatomical and developmental responses, 139, 140
Enzyme activity, 114–117 growth and phenology, 137–139
EORCU. See European Ozone Research Coordinating management, 147–148
Unit (EORCU) molecular responses, 143–147
ESTs analysis, 268 physiological and metabolic responses, 139–143
512 Index

Heavy metal stress. See also Metal-induced stress IPCC. See Inter governmental Panel on Climate Change
calcium signaling (IPCC)
aluminium toxicity, 343 Ipomoea aquatica, 498
calcium homeostasis, 344
cytosolic calcium elevation, 344–345
heavy metal signaling, 346 J
heavy metal toxicity and uptake, 345 Jasmonates (JA), 312, 388
tolerance mechanisms, 345–346
salicylic acid, 452–453
High temperature stress K
anatomical and developmental responses, 139, 140 K+ nutrition
growth and phenology, 137–139 arabidopsis model
management uptake systems, 96–97
conventional breeding, 147–148 uses, 97
genetic variability, exploitation of, 147 biotechnological perspectives
molecular strategies, 147–148 genetic engineering, 103–104
seed treatments and plant acclimation, 148 natural variability and QTL mapping, 102–103
molecular responses deficiency, 87
dehydrins, 145–146 environmental abiotic stresses
heat shock genes and proteins, 143–145 cross-talk, NH4+, NO3-, Pi, 101–102
senescence-associated genes, 146–147 high CO2, 98–99
Stay-green gene, 147 high temperature, 99
physiological and metabolic responses and NH4+, 101
metabolite synthesis, 142–143 salinity, 99–101
osmolytes accumulation, 141–142 soil moisture, 99
photosynthesis, 140–141 levels inside, plant, 86–87
reactive oxygen species and oxidative damage, 141 transport systems
water relations, 141 post-translational regulation, 93–94
Hormone activities signaling molecules, 94–96
phytohormone signaling, 381–382 transcriptional regulation, 92–93
and ROS, 94–96 uptake systems
H2O2 signaling. See Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) signaling entities mediating root, characterization, 90–92
Hydric balance, 208 high-and low-affinity, 88
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) signaling molecular entities mediating affinity, 88–90
accumulation, chilling effects, 168
chemical properties, 362–363
electron transfer reactions, 362 L
physiological processes Lethal temperatures, classification of plant, 119–120
germinating seeds, 372–374 Living organism, classification of, 113–114
microorganism interaction, 374–375 Low temperature stress, 161
plant growth, 375
programmed cell death (PCD), 376
stomatal movements, 371–372 M
production of Macronutrient, 240–242
chloroplasts, 365–366 Maize, 454–459. See also Zea Mays L., cadmium toxicity
cytoplasm, 366 MAPK kinases
mitochondria, 365 abiotic stress signaling, 305–307
peroxisomes (glyoxisomes), 364–365 MAPKs, 305
plasmalemma and cell-wall apoplast, 366 MAP2Ks, 304–305
scavenging, 366–368 MAP3Ks, 304
signal perception, 368–369 Mechanical stress, 274
transcription factor genes, 370–371 Membrane transport, 327–329
transduction of, 369–370 Metabolism, 117, 118, 128
Hypoxia, 275 Metabolite synthesis, 142–143
Metal-induced stress
cytogenetics, 420
I grafting, 419–420
Inter governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 177 hormonal modulation, 416–418
Ion compartmentation, 33 metallomics, 420–421
Index 513

proteome, 418–419 Nonenzymatic antioxidants

ROS, 415 ascorbic acid, 14–15
Metalliferous substrates, 497–498 reduced glutathione, 15
Metallomics, 420–421 a-tocopherol, 15
Metals N pollution, 222–223
biosorption, 250–252 NUE. See Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE)
ethylene and abiotic stress tolerance, 405 Nutrients availability, 432–433
plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPR), 401–402 Nutrient stress, miRNAs
transporters, 207 copper maintenance, 273
Micronutrient, 244–246 phosphorus starvation, 272
MicroRNAs (MiRNAs) sulfur deficiency, 272–273
abiotic stress
cold and related stresses, 273–274
drought stress, 275 O
hypoxia, 275 Organic compounds, PGPB, 402–403
mechanical stress, 274 Organic contaminants
nutrient stress, 271–273 climate change scenarios, 468–469
salt stress, 274–275 fate and behavior, 469–471
submergence, 275 phytoremediation, 475–476
annotation criteria, 270–271 risk reduction
isolation and characterization biobeds, 480–481
ESTs and GSSs analysis, 268 bioremediation and natural attenuation, 472–475
in silico prediction and characterization, 267–269 buffer strips, 477–479
potential miRNAs, 268 phytoremediation, 475–476
target prediction, 268–269 wetlands, 476–477
nomenclature parameters, 271 Ornamentals, 492–493
sRNA library preparation, 269–270 Osmolytes accumulation, 15–19, 141–142
Molecular entities mediating low-and high-affinity K+ uptake Osmotic adjustment
cation proton antiporters, 89 glycine betaine, 37
cyclic nucleotide-gated channels (CNGCs), 89–90 proline, 36–37
HAK/KT/KUP transporters, 88–89 soluble sugars, 37–38
HKT transporters, 89 Oxidative stress
Shaker channels, 88 and antioxidative responses
Morphogenic responses, 71–73 enzymatic antioxidants, 11–14
Mycorrhizospher, 236 nonenzymatic antioxidants, 14–15
ROS, production of, 10–11
salicylic acid, 453, 454, 462
Nitrate uptake regulation, 223–224
Nitric oxide (NO) P
biosynthesis of, 307–308 Peroxisomes (glyoxisomes), 364–365
cadmium stress, 203–205 PGPR. See Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPR)
signal transduction, 308 Phosphorus starvation, 272
Nitrogen metabolism, signaling and regulation, 226–227 Photosynthesis
Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) chilling effects, 166
concept of, 221–222 regulation, 205
physiological and molecular aspects salicylic acid, 451, 452
asparagine (Asn), 226 Physiological responses (chs mutants), 164–167
asparagine synthetase (AS), 226 Phytohormone signaling
glutamate synthase (GOGAT) gene systems, abscisic acid (ABA), 383–384
225–226 auxins, 313, 382–383
glutamine (Gln), 226 brassinosteroids (BRs), 310–311, 387–388
glutamine synthetase (GS), 225–226 cytokinins, 384–385
nitrate reduction, physiology of, 224 ethylene, 311–312, 385–386
nitrate uptake regulation, 223–224 gibberellins, 386
transport gene systems, 224–225 hormone activities, 381–382
proteomics approach, 228–229 jasmonates (JA), 312, 388
QTL approach, 227–228 salicylic acid (SA), 312–313, 388–389
NO. See Nitric oxide (NO) strigolactones, 389
514 Index

Phytoremediation R
biocontrol, 499 Reactive nitrogen (Nr). See also Nitrogen use efficiency
organic contaminants, 475–476 (NUE)
ornamental hydrophytes, 493–497 nitrogen removal by crops, 221
Phytostabilization N loss in ecosystem, 220
Lolium perenne, 491–492 N pollution, agriculture, 222–223
Panicum virgatum, 491 NUE, 221–222
Prosopis juliflora, 491–492 Reactive oxygen species (ROS), 160, 163
Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPR) cadmium stress, 201–203
ACC deaminase cadmium tolerance, 438
model, 397–398 cell death, 10
occurrencenature, 398 ethylene, 95
protein biochemistry, 398 and oxidative damage, 141
regulation, 398–399 Redox and energetics, 39–40
drought, 400–401 Root form
flooding, 400 and altered precipitation, 180–183
metals, 401–402 and excess water, 180–185
organic compounds, 402–403 and high temperature, 177–180
salt, 399–400 and salinity
Plant interactions, 374–375 and function, 188–192
Plant signaling hydroponic vs. soil systems, 186
abscisic acid (ABA), 309–310 Na + uptake and accumulation, 187
calcium signaling salt-overlay-sensitive, 188
calcineurin B-like proteins, 302–303 soil constraints, 186–187
calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs), ROS. See Reactive oxygen species (ROS)
calmodulin and other calcium-binding proteins,
300–302 S
MAPK kinases Salicylic acid (SA)
abiotic stress signaling, 305–307 biosynthesis, 449–450
MAPKs, 305 cadmium toxicity, Zea Mays L.
MAP2Ks, 304–305 antioxidant enzymes activity, 459
MAP3Ks, 304 carboxylating enzymes activity, 454
nitric oxide (NO) chlorophyll content, 455–456
biosynthesis of, 307–308 CO2 assimilation rate, 454
signal transduction, 308 FAME, 456–457
phytohormones fatty acid composition, 457–458
auxins, 313 proline level, 455–456
brassinosteroids (BRs), 310–311 relative water content, 455–456
ethylene, 311–312 thermoluminescence emission, 454–455
jasmonates (JA), 312 total lipophilic extracts, 456–457
salicylic acid (SA), 312–313 and heavy metal stress, 452–453
sugar, 308–309 physiological functions, 450–452
Polyamines, 9–10 phytohormone signaling, 388–389
Post-translational regulation, 93–94 plant signaling, 312–313
Potassium. See K+ nutrition properties, structure, 449–450
Potential mycorrhizospheric interactions, 240 Saline soils
Precipitation, 180–183 desalination and stabilization, 44–45
Pretreatment strategies, 147–148 saline agriculture, 31, 48–49
Programmed cell death (PCD), 376 Salinity stress
Proline, 6–8 calcium signaling
Protein activity, modification of, 104 agricultural productivity, 339–340
Protein degradation, 208 cellular perception, 341
Proteomics approach cytosolic calcium signaling, 341–343
metal-induced stress, 418–419 injury, 340
NUE, 228–229 sodium toxicity and osmotic stress, 343
tolerance mechanisms, 340–341
DREB2 and drought/high salinity stress, 283–286
Q responses, 41
QTL approach, 227–228 root formation
QTL mapping, 102–103 function, 188–192
Index 515

hydroponic vs. soil systems, 186 Transcription factors (TFs)

Na+ uptake and accumulation, 187–188 AtMYC2 and AtMYB2 proteins, 288
salt-overlay-sensitive (SOS) pathway, 188 DREB1/CBF TFs and cold stress response, 280–283
soil constraints, 186–187 drought/high salinity stress response
Salt and AREB TFs, 284–286
K+ nutrition, 100–101 and DREB2, 283–284
miRNAs, 274–275 H2O2, 370–371
PGPR, 399–400 HSFs and HSP-related heat stress response, 286–287
transgenic plants, 404 NAC gene family, 288
Scavenging, 366–368 ZFHD proteins, 288
Secondary metabolites, 67–71 Transcriptome, 168–170
Signal factor, 60 Transgenic plants
Signaling molecules. See also Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) flooding, 404–405
signaling metals, 405
abscissic acid (ABA), 94–95 salt, 404
AtAKT1 activity, 94 Transporters
auxins, 96 HAK/KT/KUP, 88–89
cytokinins, 96 HKT, 89
ethylene, 94
jasmonic acid (JA), 95
ROS, 94 U
Signaling pathways, 73–77 UV-B radiation
Signal transduction, 205–206, 327, 330, 335 anomalous signal factor, 60
Soil structure stabilization artificially enhanced UV-B radiation, 63–64
metal biosorption, 250–252 environmental stress factor, 60
soil aggregation, 248–250 life of terrestrial plants, 59
Solar UV-B radiation. See UV-B radiation physiological and morphological responses
sRNA library preparation, 269–270 DNA, damage and repair, 64–67
Starch accumulation, chilling effects, 167 flavonoids and anthocyanins, 67–71
Stratification, 115 morphogenic responses, 71–73
Stress signaling, 416–418 plant function, 60
Stress tolerance mechanism, 34 and signaling pathways, 73–77
Strigolactones, 389
Succulence, 35
Sugars and sugar alcohols, 8–9 V
Sulfate and GSH metabolism, 207–208 Vernalization, 114–115
Sulfur, Cd tolerance, 433–436
Sulfur sinks, 436–438
Waterlogging, 183–185
T Water weeds utilization, 497–498
Temperature stress Weeds
enzymes, 115–119 duck weeds, 497
high temperature water weeds, 497–498
adaptation to, 130 Wetlands, 476–477
heat exposure, 126–128
plant resistance mechanism, 128–130
living organisms, classification of, 113–114 Z
low temperature Zea Mays L., cadmium toxicity
chilling and freezing stress, 119–124 antioxidant enzymes activity, 459
resistance to, 124–127 carboxylating enzymes activity, 454
membranes, 115–119 chlorophyll content, 455–456
metabolic processes, 115–119 CO2 assimilation rate, 454
stratification, 115 FAME, 456–457
vernalization, 114–115 fatty acid composition, 457–458
Terrestrial plants, solar UV-B radiation, 59–63 proline level, 455–456
TFs. See Transcription factors (TFs) relative water content, 455–456
Thermoluminescence, 454–455 thermoluminescence emission, 454–455
Transcriptional regulation, 92–93, 205–206 total lipophilic extracts, 456–457

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