Linguistics - The Skill 5e Forgot: Why Do You Need It?

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Linguistics - The Skill 5e Forgot

anguages are a living thing. They evolve, Ability Modifier
mutate, mix and diverge. WIS, not INT. Why?
People fluent in multiple languages find it It has been my experience, traveling the world, that street
easier to learn or pickup words in new urchins and beggars of zero education but lots of street-
languages. smarts and common sense - speak a plethora of languages
Some languages share a common alphabet, (basically all the tongues of the tourists that visit there) - way
vocabulary, syntax, grammar. more than most academia established professors (for the
Spending a short time surrounded by people who speak a most part). For me, that means languages is more Wisdom
forgein tongue, will allow most people to acquire some basic based than Intelligence.
understanding of the language, and, this knowledge will be I can see arguments to the other side - at the end of the day,
perishable quickly if not practiced. go with what seems right to your campaign.
Nothing of this is covered in the standard D&D 5e
Languages rules and while there is the Comprehend Proficiency Modifier
Languages spell (PHB 224), handling multi-lingual Chances are, none of your party PCs is proficient in this, as
encounters / events without it - often feels too binary (you they didn't know it was an option to choose. But they can gain
either know or don't know the language). proficiency in it when they level up and get a chance to take
another skill proficiency. PCs proficient in linguistics, have an
Why do you need it? above average knack / knowhow / background experience
with studying multiple, foreign languages.
Because you feel that without magical means, PCs can You might consider giving this proficiency for "free" to one
attempt to gain partial understanding of languages they might or more PCs, if it seems to be "right up their alley" with their
not know or have picked up at character creation / levelling background / character design.
And because you welcome a more non-binary (success/fail) Expertise Modifier
approach to handling conversations and correspondence in A person who speaks several languages, find it easier to learn
your campaign more new languages. Again, this is something from my
experience and I want this represented in the game. For
every known language, except their native one, a PC gets +1
The Party camps out in a large empty cave, after
to their Linguistics roll.
noticing one cave wall is riddled with strange +1 per known language -1
markings / runes... Example: A Dwarf/Rogue PC speaking Common, Dwarf,
DM: "On a closer look, the strange markings on Undercommon, and Thieve's Cant - would get a +4 (+5 for
the wall appear to be some text paragraph in some total languages, -1 for their native Dwarf tongue).
unfamiliar alphabet." And yes, I would include Thieves Cant, Druidic and
PC: "Before I go to sleep, I will spend an hour or everything you consider to be a "real language" in your
two studying it by the campfire light, taking notes campaign world.
of my research (I have ink pen and parchment)"
DM: "Cool. Make a Linguistics roll with
advantage (for the time taken and the fact you are
writing it down)"
PC: "Errr... I don't have Linguistics on my
character sheet"

Rolling for Linguistics?

Ability modifier (Wisdom)
Proficiency modifier (see below)
Expertise modifier (see below)
Setting Linguistics DCs Linguistics and Cyphers
As always, setting the DC is mostly about gauging the right Often times in a D&D adventure, thep players will encounter
difficulty level. Contextual modifiers apply here as usual of unfamiliar texts as puzzle handouts - the idea being the
course (how much time is spent? are there interruptions? players have to use their own brains to decypher the text,
visibility / audability optimal or subpar?). In addition to these, rather than just have their PCs roll for everything. You can
try to consider modifiers based on the source language's decide to augment these puzzles with Linguistics checks,
familiarity / foreignness to the languages the PC already especially if the players are having a hard time. A good roll
knows. may provide some vowels, letters, or reveal a specific word.
Example: So a PC who speaks Sylvan but not Elvish, might
benefit a modifier bonus when attempting to decipher an Other Notes
Elvish text, as, in our campaign, Elvish is derived from
Sylvan. There are a lot more ways you can expand and extend
languages and linguistics in your gameworld, if this adds a
Oral vs. written Linguistics value to you and your players
While a written text is usually there to be examined Consider creating a basic "ancestry tree" for your
thoroughly and carefully, it offers no clues as to intonation, campaign's languages
context, sarcasm, emotion,etc... Spend some time pondering:
On the other hand, being present in a conversation (seeing which languages came first?
and hearing), does offer a whole lot more context. Even heard which languages derive from which?
only phrases may betray intonation, urgency, fear, etc. Consider how much slang and local dialects your
Convestions, though, are heard / perceived only once - and campaign's main languages has?
then go into the realm of memory. Consider unique words in your world, that might permeate
Considering the above, it is my feeling that neither should several languages. For instance, decide that the word
be easier / harder to decipher using Linguistic rolls. Once Dragon / Drake is used in all languages similarly (sort of
more, this will usually be determined contextually, at the like we use the word "internet" in most languages in our
session, at the given encounter. world)
An insight roll (At disadvantage) might be a better way to Consider crafting a list of common greetings, farewells,
gauge emotions (fear, urgency, etc.) of someone crying in the swear words and exclamations. Some words (dor instance
dark in an unknown language, than a Linguistics roll. "mofo") become so well known they transcend language
Eavesdropping on a bugbear hunting pack w/o knowing and may be used uttered or recognized in many tongues...
Bugbear, however, may be a good case for a Linguistics roll.
Variant: Open Linguistics Rolls Comprehend Languages
The open roll is a riff on some older D&D edition mechanic (I This spell, let's the caster full knowledge of any language they
don't recall which now), that may apply to many proficiency / see or hear (written texts require touch range).
skill checks, but I will describe how to use it with Linguistics. Using Linguistics in a party where members have access to
The PC rolls his D20 and adds their modifier as usual, but this spell should not be problematic. Keep using the spell as
instead of overcoming a DC, they count "successes", where is - meaning no Linguistics rolls are required when dealing
each success is worth 5. This basically means: with languages while under the spell effect. Linguistics
1d20 + all modifiers / 5 rounded down. should come into play whenever you deal with languages
The more successes netted, the better understanding of the without arcane or divine power.
text heard / read.
Result Successes DM Interpretation / Ruling Art Credits
1-4 0 Total failure - nothing perceived / Photo 1: "Distracted Bard" by HolyVarus
understood Photo 2: "The Alchemist" by Rodrigo Ramos
5-9 1 Mostly failed, some minor hint or
revelation (here's a vowel)
10- 2 Near success. PC gain 25%-50%
14 understanding of the text
15- 3 Partial Success. PC gains 50%-75%
19 understanding of the text
20- 4 Success. PC gains 75%-90%
24 understanding of the text
25+ 5+ Complete success. PC gain 90%-100%
understanding of the text

Note: a natural 20 is just a 20 in an open roll. no auto-


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