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Chapter 1.

Ideally no difference between treatment and control group :

1.confounding factor
4.randomization(no systematic)
Chapter 3: histogram to draw:
Convert count to % if necessary , find widths then height = Area (%)/width, draw
axis and labels and bars
a.area=% total A = 100%
B.class intervals are ranges for x (each class int corresponds to a bar)
C. density scale is y axis (units are % per x unit)
3.Discrete histograms have bars centered on values , edges +- 0.5,width=1
*****Use continuity.correction when doing normal approx JUST for a 0,1 box
(binomial) +0.5 for edge
4.For continuous histograms,(bars include left end not right)

Chapter 4:summary statistics

Chapter 5: normal curve
Normal curve is a histogram
Convert value to SU(z) to percentile(area)
SU tell how many SD above or below avg a value is
Chapter 13-14
Complement :
(at least one, not all
Chapter 15 Binomial
n!/k!(n-k)! # #sequences p^k(1-p)^(n-k)# probability of one sequence
Adding p up #sequence many times, as long as chance of each sequence is the same
IF chance not equal
Ex: 2 spade in 5 cards
p^k(1-p)^(n-k)=ssnotnotnot = 13/52 12/51 39/50 38/49 37/48
And we there are 5!/2!3! Ways of ordering ssnotnotnot
Chapter 16: law of avg/ box model
1.LOA: actual= EV+chance error
#rep inc, chance error inc in absolute terms
#rep inc, chance error dec for % or avg
2. Box models:
1.what # goes on tickets(what could happen to sum of draws on each draw?) many of each (should reflect chances) many draws(with replacement)

Chapter 17,20.1-3,23.1: SE% SEavg�
Chapter 18: Probhist and normal curve
***Sum of draws are discrete : need continuity correction for (0s 1s) box
avg,% are continuous

As #rep inc, empirical hist.(proportion of each bar happening) Gets closer to
prob.hist.(probability of each bar happening)
As #draws, prob hist. Gets closer to normal curve

continuity correction----> + - 0.5 to edges of bar use for (0,1) box and find area
of bars

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