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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)

Programme title HND in Computing

Assessor Internal Verifier

Unit 03: Professional Practice

Assignment title

Student’s name

List which assessment criteria Pass Merit Distinction

the Assessor has awarded.


Do the assessment criteria awarded match

those shown in the assignment brief? Y/N

Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded

justified by the assessor’s comments on the Y/N
student work?
Has the work been assessed
Is the feedback to the student?
Give details:
• Constructive? Y/N
• Linked to relevant assessment criteria? Y/N
• Identifying opportunities for Y/N
improved performance?
• Agreeing actions?
Does the assessment decision need amend?

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature Date

Programme Leader signature (if required)

Confirm action completed

Remedial action taken
Give details:
Assessor signature Date
Internal Verifier
Programme Leader
signature (if required)

Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal

and transferable communication skills to a
target audience.
P1 Demonstrate, using different communication
styles and formats, that you can effectively
design and deliver a training event for a given
P2 Demonstrate that you have used effective
time management skills in planning an event.
M1 Design a professional schedule to support the
planning of an event, to include contingencies and
justifications of time allocated.
D1 Evaluate the effectiveness and application of
interpersonal skills during the design and delivery
of a training event.
LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to
a range of problem-solving scenarios.

P3 Demonstrate the use of different problem-

solving techniques in the design and delivery of
an event.
P4 Demonstrate that critical reasoning has been
applied to a given solution.
M2 Research the use of different problem-solving
techniques used in the design and delivery of an
M3 Justify the use and application of a range of
solution methodologies.

D2 Critique the process of applying critical

reasoning to a given task/activity or event.

LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of
working within a team and the impact of
team working in different environments.
P5 Discuss the importance of team dynamics in
the success and/or failure of group work.
P6 Work within a team to achieve a defined

M4 Analyse team dynamics, in terms of the roles

group members play in a team and the
effectiveness in terms of achieving shared goals.
D3 Provide a critical evaluation of your own role
and contribution to a group scenario.
LO4 Examine the need for Continuing
Professional Development (CPD) and its role
within the workplace and for higher-level
P7 Discuss the importance of CPD and its
contribution to own learning.
P8 Produce a development plan that outlines
responsibilities, performance objectives and
required skills, knowledge and learning for own
future goals.
M5 Compare and contrast different
motivational theories and the impact they can
have on performance within the workplace.
D4 Evaluate a range of evidence criteria that is
used as a measure for effective CPD.

Table of Contents

 Introduction 2
 Interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a
target audience
 The training event 3
 Professional schedule 4
 Self-reflection of interpersonal skills 5

 Critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving

 Problem solving skills 6
 Applying critical reasoning 6
 Process of applying critical reasoning 7

 Importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact

 Working within a team 8
 Analyzing team dynamics 8
 Evaluating own role 9

 Need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

 Importance of a Continuing Professional Development 10
 Motivational theories and their impact on CPD 11
 Personal Development Plan 11
 Evaluation of continuing professional development 12/ 13

 Conclusion 13
 References 14
 Annexures 15
“Training is any planned activity to transfer or modify knowledge, skills and attitudes
through learning experiences.” An effective training program helps to speed up an
employee's professional development and articulates them to outperform in their role.
People may have need of training for a variety of reasons. We have to first design the
training programme, then delivering or executing it and afterwards the feedback from the
audience. Designing process of training includes assessment of training needs, defining
program’s learning objectives. In implementing process, we have to take in to account the
experience and educational levels of the workforces and the time and resources accessible
for training.

Training should be put in to a setting of continuous performance improvement.

Changing and improving practices need an environment encouraging to work, the
appropriate learning bases, and the continuous use of motivational tactics. Training should
be based the abilities required to do work to the standards expected or more than that.
Therefore, training’s outcome should result in an improvement, efficiency and effective
work than the before. CPD is important for young professionals because it will develop
specific skills and achieve career goals, improve performance at work and it will create
work satisfaction.

In this document, we discuss and analyze the design and delivery of the training
program for the staff of Divisional Secretariat Office, Pallewela regarding the MS Office
Excel and Word and the aftereffect of the training need for a continuous professional
development. Also this document will cover the application and effectiveness of
interpersonal skills during the session and the critical reasoning and thinking regardingthe
problem solving at the training. Additionally, this will discuss the importance and
dynamics of working within a team.
Design and Deliver a Training Programme

“MS Office Excel and Word 2010 for workplace “

Date : Thursday, March 15, 2018

Venue : Divisional Secretariat Office, Pallewela

Duration : 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Programme summary : - Introduction to MS Office

- Overview of MS Office Word 2010 with inserting text

and image including options
- Overview of MS Office Excel 2010
- Internet and Email

Interpersonal and Transferable Communication Skills to a Target Audience

The Training Event

A training is composed of scheduled activities with training goals, learning objectives,

subject areas, methods, trainers, trainees, methods of assessment, and locations.

We had brainstorming sessions after the lectures and within our social media groups about
a suitable training topic means by what it will be all about. Then all of us came to agreed
that MS office package will be the best suitable topic for conducting a training as regards
it. Because that is the basic and compulsory requirement for any employment using
information and communication technology nowadays. When considering the need for a
training also we observed that we have to divided it in to periods or sessions. We came to
a conclusion that we will only considering word and excel for our training program since
the time constraint. From training methods, we selected lecture type training to conduct
the training for the trainees.

A good training will be the ultimate solution for many problems in many issues at
workplace such as less productivity, efficiency, effectiveness and although saving time
cost an energy. Also it will boost up the motivation to work within personnel and utterly it
will lead to success. Then the question was selecting appropriate audience and time
The professional schedule

One of our team member suggested of a Divisional Secretariat Office, Pallewela as our
target audience by targeting the new recruits from the internal staff members. Then we
had to communicate with the Divisional Secretariat for deciding a suitable time slot and a
date. Few members agreed to visit the suggested premises and discuss the time and date
while other members arranging the transportation and other resources such as lap tops,
study materials and other technical aids.

After few discussions Divisional Secretariat agreed to conduct the training on their office
premises on Thursday,15 March at 9am to 5 pm. We explained the program schedule and
the effective outcome briefly to the Divisional Secretariat and get the authorization to
conduct our training. Facility providers had to confirm the daily operations are conducted
effectively and not affected by the training on particular day in addition they were
considering on selecting the trainees for our program.

When conducting training for a group of adults, we had to concern about adult leaning
principles as well as self-directed, coming to training with a period of existing knowledge,
experience, and opinions, are goal-oriented, want training that is relevant, want training
that is task-oriented, learn when they see “what’s in it for them”, want to be and feel
respected. Therefore, we had to consider about adult learning principles when deciding
our target audience for training.

Effectiveness and application of interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills are necessary for the establishment of relationships between one’s self
and fellows, which leads to a mutual exchange of ideas, information and skills. Proper
planning led to a proper outcome ultimately and proper planning require good
interpersonal skills. To conduct an enhanced training, trainer should have a good
knowledge of the subject, able to assess and measure training needs, strong
communicational and interpersonal skills, a passion for continuous learning, innovative
thinking and embrace efficiency.

Interpersonal skills were highly required since the communication is the key to conduct a
better training program. With the previous gained knowledge about the training topic,
every member was enhanced and aware of the subject. It was a great asset for the training
to conduct effectively and efficiently because of that.
In our case we have recognize the need for a training like this because it might help the
new recruits to get along with the needed computerized documentary skills and also
increase the knowledge of existing employees.

Regardless of whether the trainer conduct his own training programs or not, it is vital for a
good trainer to be highly efficient in communication of all types. Understanding
problems, conveying ideas, conducting training – all of this is carried through words.
while a way with words is a great asset, it is nothing if it’s not tempered with
understanding, rooted in the understanding of how people learn, and backed by good
interpersonal skills. Whereas in the training session we identified the problems trainees
facing while observing them when they apply training in practical. All of the members
help trainees to come up with solutions by ensuring the smooth operation of training. We
had help the trainees with the technical support using lap tops and engage in friendly
interaction. All of the interpersonal and communicational skills of every member
contributed to the success of delivering the training.
Critical reasoning and thinking of problem-solving scenarios

Problem Solving skills/ Critical Thinking and reasoning

Effective problem solving skills enable people to analyze problems, identify problem
severity and evaluate the impact of alternative solutions. Additionally, they practice
reaching accord by seeing a problem from a professional, not personal, perspective.

The best way to prevent difficulties during training event is to make sure that trainer is
ready to do the training, and that have clearly specified the aims and objectives of the
training. Problem solving and critical thinking refers to the ability to use knowledge, facts,
and data to effectively solve problems.

When conducting the training we had to face with problems with resources, trainees and
other facts. We had brought the projectors, lap tops and other training materials and
technical aids for the training in case make sure the smoot delivery of training. Meanwhile
we were delivering the training, continuous power cuts happened and it was a great
difficulty to carry on the training. However, we managed to come up with creative
solutions to ensure the training will not be affected by the restrictions provoked. Every
member had brought their lap tops for the training and we have spread them and begin to
assist with equipping the individual attention for trainees. That solution led to get purged
of the complications we confronted and trainees did not felt any disturbance.

Also the trainees seemed with different level knowledge skills about the subjects and it
required a close attention and assistance. This might reflect the fact that they do not have
the correct background knowledge to make use of the training. Then and there we had to
encourage them to cope up with the training to carry on. We have anticipated this might
happen while the training and we were prepared with simplified study materials
explaining by step by step of what were we doing at the training and how to do it. This
help us to make sure everything was on set and we are good to carry out our training
session because audience was in clear and solid minded. As well we previously decided to
have a few minutes break to give our trainees some time to relax and be refreshed.

Although we let our trainees ask questions if they are not cleared with something and our
members were cooperative to assist them with the accurate and friendly aids. Every
member made sure that trainees are in the correct track with us all the time and they are
not disturbed with external factors.
To make familiar and stress-free the trainees we arranged training session with small pair
works by grouping them to do small activities regarding the subject. This made training
and learning fun and distressful by making a friendly environment. We made sure that we
gave participants enough information to know how to carry out group activities, and be
prepared to facilitate groups if they do not seem to know what to do. Also we encouraged
group members to help and support each other.

Importance and dynamics of working within a team and its impact

Working within a team

A team that works well together grows and develops together. In an organization, teams
work together towards attaining the company goals as well as their own personal targets.
Each idea, comment, feedback, and disagreement is vital to the team’s growth and
development. This is how mutual goals are achieved and individual employees grow by
being a part of their crews.

Team dynamics are super important to the success of every company and every project. In
fact, you can make the case that team dynamics are the most imperative aspect of
managing as success project, whether you are using usual project management, agile,
lean, or any one of a variety of these practices. Team dynamics are complex, which is a
lot different that working with and learning a complicated system. Complicated systems
can be difficult, but they can be learned and they are predictable, whereas complex
systems like team dynamics are not anticipated and tend to evolve within the system and
changes over time as it evolves. This is why we have been working with entities and
teams to help build skills necessary to build high performing teams.

Analyzing the team dynamics

Brainstorming sessions helped team members to develop relationships among us and be

socialized. Ultimately it gave the synergy effect while everyone subscribed with their own
ideas to design and deliver the training programme. Each moment we faced bunch of
difficulties in design and deliver the training and every member makes sure they have put
their best for it to overcome the problems with great contribution.
After the entire training event scheduled, planned and organized in to the tasks and
responsibilities, every team associate took a share and contribute well for the efficiency of
the training and the success we accomplished at the completion of training. One member
had the contact of the Divisional Secretariat office, Pallewela and other members helped
for scheduling the date, venue and time. Since the location was remote from the
organization and our residences, we had to arrange our transportation facilities. In that
case I myself made available transportation needs on training date from organization
premises to training location for the team members. Our organization has agreed to
provide all the technical aids and study materials have prepared by team members. Team
members equally shared the expenses for refreshments and printed training materials for
trainees. Training was divided in to sessions and delivered by each and every member and
the session regarding internet and email was delivered by me. Assistance for problems
encountered by trainees, except the trainer at the moment other members cope with
explanations. Continuous power cuts were the major struggle we engaged in and all of the
members did a very good job to make sure it will not interrupt the delivery of training by
providing trainees their lap top computers and assist them to move forward. Group
activity arrangements provide a great prospect for trainees to get along with each other
and team members were divided within groups for further assistance and winning team
was praised with a prize.

Self-evaluation and contribution

This design and delivery of a training programme has given a worthy opportunity for me
to develop my interpersonal and team dynamics followed by planning and organizing
skills. I have subscribed my team with my ideas and opinions when we design the training
programme by finding the nearby location after selecting a divisional secretariat office as
the place for location. When it was a bit remote from our organization I agreed to provide
transportation for our team members on training day. I have subscribed with my
information and technology skills and creativity when designing study materials for the
trainees for their guide on training programme. I tend to corporate with my interpersonal
and organizing skills when delivering the training as we engage in some difficulties with
power cuts, variety of knowledge levels of trainees and time constraint.

The whole training program was divided in to sessions and I have prepared for my session
with gained knowledge at work, browsed and researched information from internet,
online and offline articles. It was an excessive advantage for me to conduct my session
with confident and enriched. I have supported to have a feedback session to get to know
about what was their opinion about our training including suggestions, critics, comments
and improvements. It was effective and more than 80% of the audience were satisfied and
90% agreed with the need of continuous professional development within workplace. I
think I have contributed my team well with what I have in me and I believe it facilitated
for the overall success of the delivery of our training.

Need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role within the
workplace and for higher level learning

Importance of a Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Continuing Professional Development is widely recognized as essential to the

improvement of standards and skills for individuals and their businesses.

CPD can be deliver in many ways as training courses and workshops, studying for a
qualification, online courses/webinars/podcasts, observation, mentoring, attending
exhibitions and conferences, self-reflection and personal reading or research. CPD will
keeping up-to-date with technical developments in your area(s) of specialization,
extending your knowledge, improving existing skills and developing new ones,
developing an understanding of the practical application of new skills and knowledge,
applying your learning and accumulating experience. It is a critical component of modern
business strategy. By nurturing the professional development of employees, not only does
staff have greater feelings of satisfaction at work, but capitalizing in worker development
drives businesses forward and is a key driver in company accomplishment.

As a young professional CPD is important because it will develop specific skills and
achieve career goals, improve performance at work and it will create work satisfaction.
While CPD supports employees to grow solid, it will benefit employers moreover in
overcome skillset problems and boosting staff morale and consequently improve retention
rates. Likewise, it will help professionals to be competent, effective and innovative in
their roles. Also CPD will enhance confidence and motivation, contribute to career
development and allow you to consolidate and demonstrate your professionalism, both to
yourself and others; indeed, ongoing CPD can be seen as the trademark of the
professional. The
importance of continuing professional development should not be undervalued – it is a
career-long commitment for enthusiastic experts.

Motivational theories and their impact on Continuing Professional Development


Motivation refers to an individual's engagement, participation and persistence in particular

activities. If individuals are to persist and implement professional learning in their
everyday practice, they would need to be motivated.

The Scientific Management theory/ piece-rate pay theory proposed by Frederick Taylor
suggests workers are motivated almost entirely by pay. He recommends workers dislike
working and would choose to enjoy leisure activity over work if given the optimal. This
theory suggests workers are given a motivation to increase productivity when they
increase output. The transportation industry is one illustration. A major criticism of theory
is it does not explain every job category.

Elton Mayo contended the Human Relation theory best spoke motivating a group. He
introduced the Hawthorne Effect by learning the effects of management in Chicago. This
theory claims people are motivated to perform when they are part of a team. This theory is
probably the most extensive motivation system in use today, evolving into the primary
evaluation system in many companies. One institution where it is easily observed is the
military. A criticism of this theory is the inadequate contributions of workers.

The theory of the Hierarchy of Needs is closely related to Mayo's theory. Awards in this
system vary dependent upon the needs and expectation of the workers. This theory gives
companies the greatest diversity in providing individual motivation to workers. It is an
emerging motivation field seen in many corporations such as Google with fringe benefits
not seen in outdated office environments. The downside is the benefits can be costly and
are the first thing to be cut during downturn which can multiply demotivation among
Personal Development Plan

“My personal vision is to use my best potential to become a successful

professional in system engineering and climb up in my career life and
be an inspiring personality who subsists the life to the fullest.”

Currently I’m following a Higher National Diploma in Computing at ESoft Metro

Campus, Gampaha while working. I wish to climb up in my career as a system engineer
and further. To be success in that, subject knowledge, experience and language
proficiency are the capacities that I needed and I wish to improve them further more by
doing higher studies. Also the business communication skills and competencies should be
additionally improved to be successful in the future.

Be a professional system engineer and owned a customized designed shop was one of my
desires since a child. This step is hoping to initiate after established in a stable
employment and hoping to continue with innovation and creativity in future.

To accomplish above mentioned goals it should need to capable with strategies to initiate
objectives in short term.

 Work hard effectively and efficiently to subscribe for the growth of the company
while developing my professional career
 Study well and research for further knowledge by self-study and practice by
achieving a higher grade in my professional qualification
 Ask anyone who excels at the skill to give feedback- expert, mentor
 Define criteria for success and then assess own improvement

Evaluation of continuing professional development

CPD must be amenable to external evaluation to become transparent, demonstrable, and

accountable. If consistently planned, undertaken, and recorded; CPD can be assessed.
Ideally always as a self-assessment including regular discussions with peers or a formal
examination. CPD program's assessment should provide information on whether: target
audience needs were addressed, learning objectives were met, participants were engaged
and behavior changes were achieved. Whichever form your CPD takes, evidence shows
that the most effective CPD is that which is:
• Personalized – i.e. built on your identified needs and requirements rather than a ‘one
size fits all’ approach.

• Relevant – Relates to your training theory and/ or subject specialism and the needs of
your learners/ trainees.

• Sustained – New skills and ideas need time to take hold; the experimentation and
refinement is the best way to embed new ideas into your workplace practice.

• Supported – by coaching or mentoring from experienced colleagues, either from within

or from outside your organization.

• Collaborative – while training could be seen as a solitary profession, collaboration with

your fellow trainers and colleagues has been identified as one of the most relevant

features required for learning.

Further we can evaluate professional development using participant’s reaction,

participant’s learning, organization and support, participant’s use of new knowledge and
learning outcomes.


A training is composed of scheduled activities with training goals, learning objectives,

subject areas, methods, trainers, trainees, methods of assessment, and locations. When
conducting a training programme we had to first design it by identifying the target
audience and their needs. To deliver a proper and successful training, trainer should plan,
organize and practice the whole session very well. Interpersonal and communication skills
are highly required to convey a successful training and trainer should be enriched with it.
To overcome from encountered problems critical reasoning and thinking is needed and we
can use several methodologies for solutions. Team dynamics are super important for any
project, activity at workplace. Continuous professional development is especially
essential for young professionals and motivation has a positive impact on CPD.
Professionals should have a personal development plan for future success with an
effective CPD.

o Armstrong M, A Handbook of Personnel Management Practice, reproduced in

Personnel in Practice, Currie, Donald: Blackwell Business (Oxford, UK); 1997.
o Billett, S. (1998). Understanding workplace learning: Cognitive and sociocultural
perspectives. In D. Boud (Ed.), Current research and new agendas in workplace
learning (pp.47-68). Adelaide: National Centre for Vocational Education
Research, Adelaide.
o Steven A. Beebe, Timothy P. Mottet and K. David Roach,2012, Training and
Development: Enhancing Communication and Leadership skills
o Malcolm S. Knowles Ph.D., Richard A. Swanson Ph.D. and Elwood F. Holton III
Ed. D, 2011, The Adult Learner, Seventh Edition
o Goldstein and Ford (2007), “Training in Organization”, Fourth Edition 2007,
published by Thomason Learning, pp34-83
o Luke H. (March 8, 2016). Business Partner Magazine. [Online] why continuing
professional development is important for employee satisfaction and company
growth. Available at:
growth/ . [Accessed on 10th May 2018]
o Mills C. (Mon 6 May 2013). The Guardian. [Online] keeping professional
development continuous. Available
development-continuous . [ Accessed on 10th May 2018]
o Jack Phillip (2004), “Handbook of Training Evaluation and measurement
methods”, First edition 2004, published by Jaico Publishing House.
Feedback of Audience
Snapshots collection of training programme, “MS Office Word and Excel 2010 for
workplace” at Divisional Secretariat Office, Pallewela on Thursday, March 15th, 2018.

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