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Annex 1, Functional tests for SW-FAT Westrace MK2

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2
Purpose and scope....................................................................................................... 2
Software versions ........................................................................................................ 2
2. SW-FAT Westrace MK2 Test Cases ...................................................................................... 3
Route setting / Signal Aspect of the Route .................................................................. 3
Route setting / Signal Aspect for equipped train ........................................................ 4
Releasing Route by Train .............................................................................................. 5
Supervision claimed logical track element .................................................................. 6
Supervision destination signal ................................ Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.
Block track detection section. ..................................................................................... 8
Block the Start Signal ................................................................................................... 9
Block the Destination Signal ...................................................................................... 10
Route releasing with approach lock .......................................................................... 11
Supervision Emergency Plunger (EMP) .................................................................. 12
Supervision Platform Screen Door (PSD) ............................................................... 14

最後修改日期:2022/3/3 1

1. Introduction

Purpose and scope

This appendix shows the list of functional tests for SW-FAT Westrace MK2. The
SW-FAT Westrace MK2 test sheets contain the procedures for testing and the pass /
fail criteria. The filled and signed test sheets are available as annex to the SW FAT
Test Report.

Software versions
The following versions of software were used for the SW-FAT

System Version Signature/SW version Baseline

Westrace MK2 for
Westrace MK2 for TT
R9K for TT
R9K for ML
Falco n/a n/a n/a
Vicos S&D n/a n/a n/a
Vicos NCU n/a n/a n/a
WCU ATP for A22
WCU TTS for A22
TDB for A22
TDB for TT

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2. SW-FAT Westrace MK2 Test Cases
Route setting / Signal Aspect of the Route

Test case identifier #TEST-FAT-IXL-01#

Title Route setting / Signal Aspect of the Route

Description Set the route and check the signal aspect.

Test environment Westrace MKII, Rail9000, TGMT WCU_ATP, WCU_TTS;

Initial State IXL is up and running

1. Action Set the route according to the control table and check the signal aspect.

Expected Reaction The route is set.

All track elements in the route are locked.
The start signal is set to proceed aspect according to the control table.
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

2. Action Cancel the route.

Expected Reaction The start signal is set to stop aspect immediately.

The route is cancelled immediately.
All track elements in the route are released.
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

Location Test Track ☐

Mainline ☐
Overall ☐

Overall result Ok ☐ failed ☐

Date / Signature


最後修改日期:2022/3/3 3

Route setting / Signal Aspect for equipped train

Test case identifier #TEST-FAT-IXL-02#

Title Route setting / Signal Aspect for equipped train

Description Set the route and check the signal aspect.

Test environment Westrace MKII, Rail9000, TGMT WCU_ATP, WCU_TTS;

Initial State IXL is up and running

1. Action Send the override ATA. (ATA = Automated Train Approached)

Set the route according to the control table and check the signal aspect.

Expected Reaction The override ATA is set

The route is set.
All track elements in the route are locked.
The start signal is set to MB proceed aspect according to the control
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

2. Action Cancel the route.

Expected Reaction The start signal is set to stop aspect immediately.

The route is cancelled with delay.
All track elements in the route are released.
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

Location Test Track ☐

Mainline ☐
Overall ☐

Overall result Ok ☐ failed ☐

Date / Signature

Remarks Note the delay time.

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Releasing Route by Train

Test case identifier #TEST-FAT-IXL-03#

Title Releasing Route by Train

Description Set the route and drive through the route.

Test environment Westrace MKII, Rail9000, TGMT WCU_ATP, WCU_TTS;

Initial State IXL is up and running

1. Action Set the route according to the control table.

Expected Reaction The route is set.

All track elements in the route are locked.
The start signal is set to proceed aspect according to the control table.
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

2. Action Drive through the route and the overlap, stop in the first track behind the

Expected Reaction The route and overlap are released by train.

Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

Location Test Track ☐

Mainline ☐
Overall ☐

Overall result Ok ☐ failed ☐

Date / Signature


最後修改日期:2022/3/3 5

Supervision claimed logical track element

Test case identifier #TEST-FAT-IXL-04#

Title Supervision claimed logical track element

Description Set the Route and occupy the supervised logical track element.

Test environment Westrace MKII, Rail9000, TGMT WCU_ATP, WCU_TTS;

Initial State IXL is up and running

1. Action Set the Route according to the control table.

Expected Reaction The Route is set.

All track elements in the route are locked.
The start signal is set to proceed aspect.
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

2. Action Occupy the supervised logical track element.

Expected Reaction The supervised logical track element is occupied.

The start signal is set to stop aspect.
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

3. Action Clear the supervised logical track element.

Expected Reaction The supervised logical track element is clear.

The start signal should show green aspect.
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

4. Action Set the start signal to proceed aspect.

Expected Reaction The start signal is set to proceed aspect.

Ok ☐ failed ☐

Location Test Track ☐

Mainline ☐
Overall ☐

Overall result Ok ☐ failed ☐

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Date / Signature


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Block track detection section.

Test case identifier #TEST-FAT-IXL-06#

Title Block track detection section.

Description Block track detection section and try to set a route over them.

Test environment Westrace MKII, Rail9000, TGMT WCU_ATP, WCU_TTS;

Initial State IXL is up and running

1. Action Block the track detection section against route setting.

Expected Reaction The track detection section is blocked against route setting.
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

2. Action Try to set a route over the blocked track detection section.

Expected Reaction Route setting is rejected.

Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

Location Test Track ☐

Mainline ☐
Overall ☐

Overall result Ok ☐ failed ☐

Date / Signature


最後修改日期:2022/3/3 8

Block the Start Signal

Test case identifier #TEST-FAT-IXL-07#

Title Block the Start Signal

Description Block the start signal and try to set a route from them.

Test environment Westrace MKII, Rail9000, TGMT WCU_ATP, WCU_TTS;

Initial State IXL is up and running

1. Action Block the start signal against route setting.

Expected Reaction The start signal is blocked against route setting.

Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

2. Action Try to set a route.

Expected Reaction Route setting is rejected.

Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

Location Test Track ☐

Mainline ☐
Overall ☐

Overall result Ok ☐ failed ☐

Date / Signature


最後修改日期:2022/3/3 9

Block the Destination Signal

Test case identifier #TEST-FAT-IXL-08#

Title Block the Destination Signal

Description Block the destination signal and try to set a route to them.

Test environment Westrace MKII, Rail9000, TGMT WCU_ATP, WCU_TTS;

Initial State IXL is up and running

1. Action Block the destination signal against route setting.

Expected Reaction The destination signal is blocked against route setting.

Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

2. Action Try to set a route.

Expected Reaction Route setting is rejected.

Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

Location Test Track ☐

Mainline ☐
Overall ☐

Overall result Ok ☐ failed ☐

Date / Signature


最後修改日期:2022/3/3 10

Route releasing with approach lock

Test case identifier #TEST-FAT-IXL-09#

Title Route releasing with approach lock

Description Set a route with occupied approach section and release the route.

Test environment Westrace MKII, Ra9il9000, TGMT WCU_ATP, WCU_TTS;

Initial State IXL is up and running

1. Action Set a route and occupy the approach section according to the control

Expected Reaction The route is set.

All track elements in the route are locked.
The start signal is set to proceed aspect.
The approach section is occupied.
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

2. Action Cancel the route.

Expected Reaction The start signal is set to stop aspect.

The route releases after delay time according to the control table.
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

Location Test Track ☐

Mainline ☐
Overall ☐

Overall result Ok ☐ failed ☐

Date / Signature


最後修改日期:2022/3/3 11

Supervision Emergency Plunger (EMP)

Test case identifier #TEST-FAT-IXL-10#

Title Supervision Emergency Plunger (EMP)

Description Set a route and release the emergency plunger (EMP).

Test environment Westrace MKII, Rail9000, TGMT WCU_ATP, WCU_TTS;

Initial State IXL is up and running

1. Action Set the route according to the control table.

Expected Reaction The route is set.

All track elements in the route are locked.
The start signal is set to proceed aspect according to the control table.
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

2. Action Activate the corresponding EMP according to the control table.

Expected Reaction The start signal is set to stop aspect.

Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

3. Action Clear the EMP.

Expected Reaction The EMP is clear.

The start signal remains in green aspect.
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

4. Action Set the start signal to proceed aspect.

Expected Reaction The start signal is set to proceed aspect.

Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

5. Action Cancel the route.

Expected Reaction The route is cancelled.

Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

Location Test Track ☐

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Mainline ☐
Overall ☐

Overall result Ok ☐ failed ☐

Date / Signature


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Supervision Platform Screen Door (PSD)

Test case identifier #TEST-FAT-IXL-11#

Title Supervision Platform Screen Door (PSD)

Description Open the Platform Screen Door (PSD) and try to set a route.

Test environment Westrace MKII, Rail9000, TGMT WCU_ATP, WCU_TTS;

Initial State IXL is up and running

1. Action Open the corresponding PSD according to the control table.

Expected Reaction The PSD is open.

Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

2. Action Try to set the route.

Expected Reaction The route is rejected.

Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

Location Test Track ☐

Mainline ☐
Overall ☐

Overall result Ok ☐ failed ☐

Date / Signature


最後修改日期:2022/3/3 14

Supervision Code Red & Code Ember
Test case identifier #TEST-FAT-IXL-5#

Title Supervision Code Red/Ember

Description Set a route and release the Code Red/Ember.

Test environment Westrace MKII, Rail9000, TGMT WCU_ATP, WCU_TTS;

Initial State IXL is up and running

1. Action Set the route according to the control table.

Expected Reaction The route is set.

All track elements in the route are locked.
The start signal is set to proceed aspect according to the control table.
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

2. Action Set code red according to the control table.

Expected Reaction The corresponding signals are set to stop aspect. (Code red shall affect
all signals)
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

3. Action Unset the Code Red.

Expected Reaction The Code Red is unset.

The corresponding signal is set to proceed aspect.
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

4. Action Set Code Ember

Expected Reaction The corresponding signal is set to stop aspect. (Code ember shall affect
signals at platform)
Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

5. Action Unset the Code Ember.

Expected Reaction The corresponding signal is set to proceed aspect.

Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.
Ok ☐ failed ☐

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6. Action Cancel the route.

Expected Reaction The route is cancelled.

Illumination according to the command and illumination catalogue.

Ok ☐ failed ☐

Overall result Ok ☐ failed ☐

Date / Signature


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