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Micah P.

The Baptism of Christ
By: Leonardo da Vinci and Andrea del Verrocchio

Background of the Painting

The painting was Medium
crafted by Andrea del Verrocchio in collaboration with
Source of the his student,
The da Vinci who
Baptism painted
of Christ andmainly
was finished
donethe The
details of some
source of the parts of isthe
subject painting,
religion since the
specifically the angel. The
by Verrocchio using painting was on
tempera commissioned
wood artistsbyinspiration
the monksisof Santhe
from Salvi Church
with theas collaboration
near Florence an altarpiece. Theof Leonardo
Baptism of da
Christ represents one of the most important
events Vinci who uses This
in Christianity. oil paint.
painting shows St. John the Baptist during the baptism of the Lord
Jesus Christ inspired by the Gospels of Mark, Luke, and Matthew. The four figures are
completed by two angels on the left side of the painting. The painting also shows a symbolic
scene with God's extended arms and a dove with its wings widely spread, as well as a
cruciform halo on top of Jesus' head and another halo on top of St. John the Baptist. The
clothes of Jesus are held by two angels. The two angels on the left and the water in the river
are the work of Leonardo da Vinci where he used oil paint, which was a new medium at the
Ways of Presenting the Art Piece
This artwork used the art style of Symbolism. It doesn’t only show the Baptism of Christ but
many of the details have symbolism. Thus, da Vinci and Verrocchio use a visible sign of an
idea to convey to the viewers the message of their work.

The following are some of the symbolic elements of the painting:

The hands of God appearing on top of the


The dove with rays of light symbolizes the

Holy Spirit

The palm tree is a symbol of salvation and life.

John the Baptist is holding a staff which
features a gold cross on top.

As when John the Baptist poured water upon

the head of Christ and as Christ prayed, it
means “… the heaven was opened, and the Holy
Ghost descended in a boldly shape like a dove
upon him , and a voice came from heaven ,
which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I
am well pleased.”  (Luke 3:21-22)

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