Agenda Meeting of The City of Cape Coral Budget Review Committee

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1015 Cultural Park Blvd.

Cape Coral, FL 33990


July 26, 2021 9:00 AM Council Chambers

1. Call to Order
A. Chair Botkin
2. Roll Call:
A. Botkin, Eidson, Gruber, Merchant, Scheele, Starner, Stevens, and
Alternate Williamson
3. Public Input
4. Business
A. Overview of the FY 2022-2024 City Manager's Proposed Budget -
Financial Services Director Mason
B. Presentation Made to Council FY 2022 Budget Preview - Financial
Services Director Mason
C. Discussion of the FY 2022-2024 City Manager's Proposed Budget
5. Public Input
6. Member Comment
7. Date and Time of Next Meeting:
A. The next meeting of the Budget Review Committee will be held on
Wednesday, July 28, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. in Council Chambers.
8. Adjournment
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section of
286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special
accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the Office of
the City Clerk at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. If hearing
impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service Numbers, 1-800-955-8771
(TDD) or 1-800-955-8770 (v) for assistance.

If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the

Board/Commission/Committee with respect to any matter considered at
such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for
such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the
proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence
upon which the appeal is based.
Item Number: 4.B.
Meeting Date: 7/26/2021 AGENDA REQUEST FORM
Item Type: Business

Presentation Made to Council FY 2022 Budget Preview - Financial Services Director Mason



Description Type
City Manager's Proposed Budget Summary Backup Material
FY 2022 Budget Preview
Budget Proposal

FY 2022 Change from FY Percentage FY 2023 FY 2024

Fund Type FY 2021 Adopted Proposed 2021 Adopted Change Forecast Forecast
General Fund $ 253,670,210 $ 303,596,335 $ 49,926,125 19.68% $ 309,173,461 $ 330,577,773
Special Revenue Funds 105,208,688 163,255,219 58,046,531 55.17% 160,940,162 177,721,697
Debt Service Funds 24,670,337 21,442,821 (3,227,516) -13.08% 27,691,619 23,057,150
Capital Projects Funds 19,935,919 40,290,039 20,354,120 102.10% 14,455,602 8,007,000
Enterprise Funds 469,064,118 343,448,224 (125,615,894) -26.78% 282,165,788 336,479,477
Internal Service Funds 69,106,707 71,180,802 2,074,095 3.00% 73,958,547 76,820,899
Charter School Funds 36,777,906 35,647,795 (1,130,111) -3.07% 32,590,880 31,315,636
Total Expenditures All Funds $ 978,433,885 $ 978,861,235 $ 427,350 0.04% $ 900,976,059 $ 983,979,632

Revenue Proposals – General Fund
• Millage Rate stays same at 6.375 mills = $11,041,789 additional revenue used towards restoring service
levels with Police positions and providing resources for capital improvements.

• Public Service Tax – remove 500 Kwh Exemption = $2,609,060 dedicated towards the Charter School
system. Amount represents $26.76 per meter annually or $2.23 per month.

• Vacation Rentals Business License Tax = $81,000 Implement Business License Tax for Vacation Rentals
similar to other short-term rentals in the City – Business License Tax proposed to be dedicated to Code

• Total - $13,731,849

§ 26 16 Indebtedness.

Charter School Ordinance

§ 26-16 - Indebtedness.
In addition to the powers and/or duties enumerated in § 26-15 above, the city
shall have the authority to issue bonds, securities or other forms of
indebtedness allowed by law to finance the construction, renovation,
remodeling or operation of charter schools, providing that no indebtedness will
ever be a general obligation of the city and no city ad valorem tax revenue shall
ever be pledged for any indebtedness incurred on behalf of charter schools
unless approved by a vote of the city electorate.
(Ord. 41-04, 4-12-2004)

General Fund Operating Fund Balance Carry-Forward
City of Cape Coral
General Fund - Fund Balance

General Fund Balances Brought Forward in FY 2019 Budget 29,330,548

BA#1 - Balance forward adjustments based on FY 2018 Actuals 8,825,655
General Fund Balances Brought Forward in FY 2019 Budget 38,156,203 Agrees to FY 2018 CAFR

General Fund Balances Brought Forward in FY 2020 Budget 42,732,996 ($44,568,337 FB incl committed of $8,544,000 incl in adopted budget)
BA#1 - Balance forward adjustments based on FY 2019 Actuals 22,466,848
General Fund Balances Brought Forward in FY 2020 Budget 65,199,844 Does not agree to FY 2019 CAFR ($71,330,081)

General Fund Balances Brought Forward in FY 2021 Budget 60,789,855

BA #2 FB reconciliation to FY 2020 beginning FB 10,540,226 CAFR FB not available at this time used FY 2019 CAFR FB
Total Fund Balance - Sept 30, 2019/October 1, 2019 for FY 2020 -
General Fund Balances Brought Forward in FY 2021 Budget 71,330,081 Agrees to FY 2019 CAFR

General Fund Balances Brought Forward in FY 2021 Budget 60,789,855
BA #2 FB reconciliation to FY 2020 beginning FB 10,540,226 CAFR FB not available at this time used FY 2019 CAFR FB
BA #3 FB reconciliation to FY 2020 beginning FB 15,523,276 Amount to bring GF Balances to FY 2020 CAFR less Nonspendable amounts
Total Fund Balance - Agrees to FY 2020 CAFR less Nonspendable
General Fund Balances Brought Forward in FY 2021 Budget 86,853,357 amounts

FY 2020 General Fund Balance Carry-Over Balances

Fund Balance Calculations

Total Fund Balance 9/30/2020 $ 87,192,843
Less Nonspendable Fund Balance (339,486)
Net Fund Balance Available 86,853,357
(1) Committed Fund Balance - ACFR FY 2020:
Less Committed Fund Balance (1) (15,034,294) Sale proceeds of surplus property $ 2,051,834
Unassigned 9/30/2020 - CAFR FY 2020 71,819,063 FEMA reimbursements - Hurricane Irma 4,438,460
Economic incentives 544,000
Less Additional Committed Fund Balance (2) (8,931,456)
Capital equipment 1,500,000
Less Financial Policy (proposed 2.5 months Facilities maintenance 500,000
Expenditures) (45,779,841) Disaster reserve 6,000,000
Adjusted unassigned fund balance available for $ 15,034,294
one-time expenditures 17,107,766 (2) Additional Committed Fund Balance:
Gross up to expected total reimbursements from FEMA $ 2,913,087
Gross up to expected total land sale revenue available 1,070,995
For 3 Months Unassigned: Fund Balance is reduced by $9,155,968.
CARES Grant - COVID from County 5,491,374
New adjusted Fund Balance: $7,951,798
Less transfer Economic Development Reserve to New
Special Revenue Fund (544,000)

Proposed Use of Unassigned Fund Balance
Recommended use of Unassigned Fund Balance - General Fund
Fund Balance Available to apply towards FY 2022 17,107,766
Less Loan to CRA (reserve in FY 2022) (10,350,000)
Net Fund Balance Available to apply towards FY
2022 6,757,766
Less recommended applied to capital and transfers
in FY 2022 (3) (5,757,766)
Less recommended $1 million reserve for Bridge
Repair (1,000,000) Notes
Net available for other one time expenditures $ - (3) Recommended FB applied to CIP and Transfers:
Community Beautification $ 1,000,000
Sidewalks 2,500,000
Economic Development (reserve $544,000) additional
$1,000,000 1,544,000
FS 13 Design 713,766
$ 5,757,766

General Fund Operating Proposal Budget Additions
• Proposed Revenue Additions - $13,731,849

• Total Additions to General Fund Budget - $12,493,194

• Dedicate $2,609,060 PST adjustment to Charter Schools - $2.6 million

• Business License Tax (Vacation Rentals) dedicated to Code Enforcement - $81,000

• Personnel - $3,411,647:
◦ Police – 15 additional officers - $2,638,039; 1 additional CSR $31,821
◦ City Clerk – Transfer two CSRs to Police
◦ City Manager Office – 2 positions - $191,378 – 1 position part of UEP/CIP reorganization
◦ Finance – Controller $172,981 – reallocate 1 position
◦ Information Technology – Reclass savings – ($10,395)
◦ Public Works – Arborist - $134,025
◦ Parks & Rec – 2 custodians – new parks - $48,899 (one-half year)

General Fund Operating Proposal Budget Additions

General Fund Operating - $490,418:

◦City Clerk - $3,432
◦Public Works - $280,000
◦Parks & Rec Facility Repairs - $206,986

General Fund Operating Proposal Budget Additions
General Fund Capital and Transfers - $6,437,028:
◦ Fire - $393,002

◦ Capital Improvements:
◦ Fleet Services Building Design - $2,000,000
◦ UEP 2 Median Enhancements - $1,000,000
◦ Jaycee Park Shoreline matching grant - $1,500,000
◦ Bimini Basin Mooring Field - $260,000

◦ Parks & Recreation – Facility Improvements including A/C Replacements & Roof
Replacement - $1,643,026

◦ Capital Equipment – Police vehicles – new positions; Police Fleet Sustainability; Fire
Fleet Sustainability - $2,496 million – Bank finance 5 years, first payment due in FY 2023.

Rolled-Back Rate
Rolled-Back Rate – 5.9962 –
◦ Provides an additional $4,356,859 additional revenue based on added growth
value of $708 million.
◦ This is $295,637 more than forecasted in the FY 2021 budget proposal for FY

Additional Proposed Adjustments
Old New
Department of Community Development - Department Overview
Development Services - Department Overview Department
Building Fund - Special Revenue Building Code Fund Fund
Building Building Code Enforcement Division
Customer Service Customer Service Permitting Division
City Clerk Building City Clerk Records Management Division
Fire Building Fire Code Enforcement Division
Economic Development Division
Economic and Business Development Fund
Risk Risk Management Fund
Property Liability Combine to Risk Management Fund Division
Workers Compensation Combine to Risk Management Fund Division
Add Communications Division to CMO Division
Add UEP/CIP Program Division to CMO Division

Renamed Facilities Management Division to Property

Real Estate Office Management Division Division
To collapse Special Revenue Fund to General Fund Government
City Centrum - Special Revenue
Seawall Assessments - Special Revenue Fund To collapse Special Revenue Fund to General Fund Government
Police Evidence Fund - Special Revenue Fund To collapse Special Revenue Fund to Police Confiscation Fund
Special Revenue Fund
Solid Waste - Agency Fund Solid Waste - Special Revenue Fund

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