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Liceo de Cagayan University

School of Teacher Education


Name: Alliyah Jyra Alycxon O. Eco Major: BECE
Activity: Observation
Date: November 30, 2021

My Two Days Class Observation Journey


November 22, 2021, was my first observation. It was MAPEH (Arts) subject in Grade 1-
Kindness. Students are having mosaic rainbow activity because their topic focused on different
textures. Students exercised their creativity, identified different colors and textures, and
manipulated their fine motor skills with that activity. From what I have observed, some parents
assist the students in making the rainbow mosaic. As for the teacher, the delivery of instruction
was precise, utilized the media well, and had clear objectives on what students should learn at
the end of the activity. Furthermore, the teacher asked me for help to observe her students, tell
her whether they followed instructions, and watch out if they paste the correct color. Overall, the
whole duration of the activity was well done.
In my day two observation, last November 29, 2021. I observed grade 2- cheerfulness in
their Filipino. In their Filipino class, it was a recorded class and I am the one who screen-shared
the recording video to class for some reason. Even though it was a recorded discussion, the
teacher monitored the class; students were interactive and active listeners. Also, the teacher
delivered the lesson well even it was recorded discussion.

Note: Documentation is on the next page.


This is during the instruction before they will proceed to the rainbow mosaic activity.

During and after the activity


During the last week of November, I have observed two different classes. Words are not
enough to express how much I learned by attending these classes, significantly that I was able to
assist my resource teacher in some of her classes. I can say it was worthwhile and fulfilling. I
have witnessed how a teacher should deliver instruction in primary grades. By the way, the
resource teacher is my instructor in some of my major subjects— which is why I have to observe
very well how she delivers her class, from classroom management to delivery of instruction and
how she utilizes media. I was amazed because, despite the struggles in online learning, students
can still exercise their psychomotor skills while the teacher can monitor their work. Also, it was
great since parents/guardians were able to guide their child upon making the activity. All this time,
I mistakenly assumed that online learning could hinder a child’s learning. Well, maybe it depends
on how the teacher will deliver her class.

Another observation from a different class last November 29, 2021, was an Araling
Panlipunan subject. A student-teacher is the one who conducts the class. I noticed that the class
was not interactive, and it was too silent for a grade 2 class. Although the content is good,
however, I think it lacked preparation and energy. I believe it was really challenging for her,
especially in this new normal modality, since we have different preferences. Especially knowing
that this is her start in her teaching journey, it is nerve-wracking while it is worthwhile. This
observation helps me reflect on myself as a future teacher on the consequences and take note of
what needs to be addressed. Knowing that I am teaching primary grades, I have to be creative
enough to cater learning and developmental needs of the students.

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