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Class- Half-sidhe coggleborn goblin 2, Goblin Paragon1,Advanced 1,Template+2

Alignment Eyes/Hair-
Movement- Languages Spoken- Common, Goblin,
STR: 18 +4
DEX: 24 +7
CON: 20 +5
INT: 24 +7
WIS: 19 +4
CHA: 22 +6
BAB Melee/Ranged-
HP DR- Fast Heal
Senses- Darkvision 120ft
Saves Base Attr Misc Total
+2 to Perception,Larceny,Spellcraft, Use Magic Device checks

Special Abilities
Half Sidhe (ECL+2)
Special Attacks: Spell-like Abilities: Each is usable once per day, unless otherwise indicated, and has a saving throw DC of 10 + spell level + the
half-sidhe’s Charisma modifier. Caster level is equal to a sorcerer of a level equal to the half-sidhe’s HD.
Choose abilities based on the chart that follows:
Hit Dice Abilities- detect magic at will; detect spirits, read magic, light detect spirits at will, one of bull’s strength, expeditious retreat,mage
armor, or true strike,invisibility, see invisibility
[7-8 read magic, light 2/day][9-10 invisibility 2/day][11-12 ethereal jaunt] [13-14 one of bull’s strength, expeditious retreat, mage armor or true
strike, or same spell selected at 3 HD 2/day] [15+ etherealness]
Ageless Heritage (Ex): 3x normal lifespans. Cold Resistance (Ex): 5
Immunities: sleep, paralysis, and charm spells and effects.
Mixed Blood (Ex):considered to be the base creature and sidhe for the purposes of racially specific abilities and effects.
Spell Resistance (Ex): A half-sidhe’s spell resistance starts at 10 and improves by +1 every 2 HD.
Abilities:+2 to any two abilities of your choice besides Charisma, which gets +4.
Skills: +2 racial bonus to Perception checks.
Coggleborn Goblin
Speed 30 feet. Darkvision: 60ft Coggleborn Resistances (Ex): +4 racial bonus to saves against poison.
Construct Hunter (Ex): +1 hit//damage rolls against constructs/objects,may crit/sneak attack them as if normal creatures
Insightful (Ex): Replace their Wis with Int for skill checks and ability checks (but not for saving throws and other effects).
Rapid Assembly (Ex): Make craft checks x10 faster,can disable a device in a shorter time as well, one step less complex (Wicked to Difficult to
Tricky to a minimum of Simple).
Trap Mastery (Ex):Trapfinding as a rogue/trap sense of a barbarian of their level. If they gain trapfinding/trap sense from a class or other ability
they instead gain a +2 bonus on rolls to find or disable traps.
We Can Rebuild It (Ex): When repairing a broken magic item, a coggleborn goblin can restore the magic it had before it was broken by paying
1/20th the cost of the item in additional gold.
Skills (Ex) +2 racial appraise/craft checks with metal items,disable device and open lock. They may use said skills untrained.
Enchanted +2- Hit Dice: The
base creature's Hit Dice remain unchanged, but they gain a +1 bonus to their hit points for each HD they possess.
Speed: +10 foot bonus to their base speed for any movement modes they possess. If they can fly, their maneuverability increases by one step to a
maximum of perfect.
AC and Saves: The base creature gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC.
SLA's:: At will--prestidigitate , Contaanly Active- ar cane sight, read magic, see invisibility. At 10HD- true seeing.These effects can be
dispelled or subdued, but the enchanted can reactivate them as a free action. Save DCs are Charisma-based.
Fast-Healing 2 (Ex),Low-Light Vision (Ex): . If they already possess low-light vision, they gain darkvision out to 60 feet, or +30 feet to that
range if they already possess darkvision.
Spell Resistance (Ex): 5 + 1 per HD. If they already possess spell resistance, they instead a +5 bonus to whichever is highest.
Spells: Learn and cast arcane spells as Sorcerer 1.2 her HD. (Divination, Enchantment, or Illusion schools only)
Abilities: Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +4
Skills: +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft and Use Magic Device checks, and these are always considered class skills for the enchanted.
Goblin Paragon 1
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: all simple weapons,light armor and shields (except tower shields).
Ambusher (Ex): may add their class level as a racial bonus on all Move Silently checks.
Improved Darkvision (Ex):+30ft
Advanced Template 1
AC Nat armor by +2; Ability Scores +4 to all ability scores

FEATS *indicates bonus feat from class/other source

(Archetype Feat)

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