Relation of Pattern To Perception of Interior Design

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Shruti Kohli

Errol Reubens
Contemporary Interior Practices

Date- 08.11.2021


What is a Space?
An accessible volume within the fully or semi enclosed surface which can be defined for some
function- home/ Office/ public ameneties/ urban etc. can be called as an interior space.

Fig. 1- Showing an enclosed interior Fig. 2- Showing a semi open interior Fig. 3- Showing a residence interior
space space

Experiencing space is a subtle act of the human body and mind. One uses their eyes to visually probe
a space, making thousands of subconscious computations every second. Wayfinding, orientation,
direction, etc. all come from visual clues. The lens of human eye, with a 22mm focal length allows a
person to experience perspective space in a consistent and readable way. one’s neck and eyes move,
completing a spherical dome of information surrounding us at any point. But, when a slight change
is introduced to this formula one starts to question what exactly space is. (Studio TMD,2017)

Fig. 4- Showing various perceptions of space based upon view angle

Space is mostly as such in front of us but the perception of space is mostly dependent upon how
it is being viewed by our brain. The human brain’s mechanism of inputting the information and
then giving an output almost simultaneously on which a person acts helps in processing vsiual
informations but it sometimes trigger the cognitive loopholes. these loopholes are called optical

Beside physical methods to modify the limits of interior space, there are also some design decisions
and tricks that can change the perception of a visual space. Therefore, it’s possible to correct interior
without redesigning or destructions – breaking old walls and making new ones, for example, with
the help of optical illusions that change visual perception of interior space. A room can be visually
enlarged, deepened, broadened, heightened, narrowed, or lowered. Things like color, lighting,
interior elements placement, integrated – horizontal or vertical – lines, shapes, mirrors and even style
of interior equipment and finishing materials can correct the interior space because they can have a
significant impact on the size, proportion and mood of a space. It’s possible to achieve great effects
by combining knowledge of perception and knowledge of design. (Jaglarz, 2011)
There could be many factors defining the perception of space- the
colours of walls/ ceilings/ floorings, the lighting design, placement
of windows letting in the natural light, the placemen of mirrors,
patterns within the various surfaces in an interior space,

Defining Pattern
Pattern is defined as a repeating element or design that produces
obvious directional movements and is a great way to accent a
space. Patterns come in all shapes and forms, and can be applied
in a myriad of ways. Everything from wallpaper to wall tiles, flooring
to ceiling patterns, upholstery and art can incorporate patterns to
add depth and interest to the space. (Avery, McCarter Design)

A pattern adds interest within a room as it adds the element of

interest and makes one’s human eye to run across the whole
Fig. 5,6- Showing difference in space and admire it in its entirety. A space is percieved accordingly
perception of space based upon colour
depending upon the backdrop colours, the intensity of pattern,
size of pattern, orientation of pattern, its frequency etc. . Patterns are 2 dimensional forms which
come in various types, such as stripes, geometric, pictorial, organic, motif and animal prints. Although
pattern can help to add texture to a space it has a very different definition. Pattern relates to the
repetition of a graphic motif on a material.

Fig. 7- Showing use pattern in office Fig. 8- Showing pattern on wooden Fig. 9- Showing use pattern in house
space cupboard interior
In commercial interior design, pattern is often applied using wallcoverings, tile, carpeting, and other
graphic elements. Like texture, pattern can also define surfaces, impact scale, convey a design style,
and add visual interest to a space.
Is “Pattern” a contemporary concept?
Patterns have been the part of architectural spaces since long back. Addition of motifs on famous
structures such as Taj Mahal, Agra, using of patterned tiles in the residence spaces, striped arches
at Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, significance of patterns in moroccon style of interior design etc. .
The famous structures define how important patterns have been with respect to the perception of
an interior space.

Fig. 10- Showing moorish Fig. 11- Showing Cathedral of Fig. 12- Showing interiors of Taj
architecture use of patterns Cordoba Mahal

The intricate design patterns including hand cut floral motifs, squinch designs, patterned marble
floorings in the interiors of historical monuments such as Taj Mahal, Humayun’s Tomb, Amber Fort
etc. influence the interior space of such monuments appear to be rich and make people percieve
them as a royal setting with such intricate designing done also representing the amount of work
that has gone behind making all the details possible.
Significance of patterns in an interior space
Patterns have been a part ofinterior design since historical times. They tend to not only affect how
an individual percieves an interior space but also act as value addition to the space.
For eg. -
-the geometrical islamic patterns give the spiritual, aesthetic, religious meaning to an interior space.
-they help appear a room smaller or larger than its original size based upon the different variables
such as size, colour, element etc. of the pattern
-they evoke emotional responses by value addition to an interior space.

Fig. 13- Showing spiritual significance of Fig.14- Showing pattern of islamic

patterns in islamic architcture architecture
Patterns and their effect on Perceptions
1. Change in intensity changes the perception of size of a space

Fig.15,16,17- Showing Variation perception of similar dimension rectangle due to change in intensity of pattern
2. Patterns help in breaking the monotony of a space

Fig.17,18,19- Showing breking of monotony due to presenceof pattern

3. They help in changing the perception of the scale of a space

Fig.20,21,22- Showing change in perception of scale of space due to presence of pattern

4. Help in evoking different emotional responses within an individual
5. Patterns signify more than just a pattern in some religions such as islam where they may respresent

Fig.23,24,25- Showing Patterns of religious importance in islamic architecture

Explaining relationship of Pattern & Perception by example

The way people perceive and respond to the conditions of their immediate physical environment
is often based on past experiences and accumulated knowledge stored in their memory. Those
experiences shape a person’s expectations. It is shown that emotions associated with sensations
that one experienced in a physical space would form part of one’s personal memory, and the physical
design characteristics of a space have been shown to impact on people’s mental state. Architects
and designers have long capitalized on place related memories by using colour, material, texture,
architectural form and other design elements in attempts to evoke spatial experiences, which in
turn induce varying emotions and moods. (Mahmoud, Talla, 2017)
While comparing the two similar restaurant spaces of Port Hotel, Vizag by Praxis Architects and
Pink Zebra by Studio Renesa one can see that how the use of patternscan change the perception of
space and establish different kind of emotions while present in these two spaces while in different
points of times. Where Port hotel hasmuted colours, subtle patterns are there on table top surfaces
where as in project Pink Zebra, the use off pattern on walls and flooring gives the sense of confusion,
curiosity and makes the space look larger than it really is.

Fig. 26- Restaurant at Port Hotel, Visakhapatnam Fig. 27- Restaurant at Port Hotel, Visakhapatnam

Project Pink Zebra by Studio Renesa speaks of a complex and contradictory architecture based on
the richness and ambiguity of old and modern experience including that very experience which is
inherent in art. The core idea of the designer was to create a hybrid rather than pure, compromising
rather than clean and leave the visitor hanging in the middle of an artistic sea which is translated as
can be seen through the images.
Fig. 28- The Pink Zebra, Kanpur Fig. 29- The Pink Zebra, Kanpur

The addition of zebra lines in studio by Renesa Studio created a dramatic contrast and a very different
emotional response. Where one of Port Hotel creates a soothing environment generating feelings
of relaxation and other of Pink Zebra has that eclectic vibe to it creating the aura of activeness.
Which shows the small changes in patterns can change the emotional response of a being while
percieving a space differently while it appears to be larger in this case. For which one can rely on the
environments and perceptions that humans have gathered from their environments throughout
their course of life.

Designers at the practise of Praxis have captured the human notion of calling it a comfortable,
soothing and cozy environment which can be seen through their minimal use of patterns, material
palette, minimalist furniture and various textures. Whereas, designers at Studio Renesa have tried
capturing the idea of motion, energetic and cheerful environment through minimalistic approach
of colours and furniture elements but adding the pattern in a bold and playful way has changed the
emotional perception of the space.

There are multiple elements that make an interior space as it is being percieved, the value addition
that a pattern does to the space redefines the whole essence of the space depending upon the
place of usage of the pattern, the color, the pattern itself. The use of patterns has a significant history
which is there in our environment of day to day life due to which people intake the use of patterns
with emotional responses knowingly or unknowingly. So it can be concluded that the use of pattern
in an interior space can add to the generation of a new language of an existing interior space.


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