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This is a type of source where first-hand information is given.


What is the foundation of argumentation?

-Critical Thinking

As a student, you were not serious during the second term. When you knew that your grade is
lower from what you have expected, you will approach the teacher and tell her to at least make
it a little bit higher since you value your scholarship so much.
-Ad Misericordiam

Since conflict will likely arise due to the differences of beliefs, what then is/are the solution/s to
avoid it?
-Both A and B

Reasoning, according to Cavender and Kanahe (2010), is the essential ingredient in problem

The goals of the speaker is to present the information that is direct to the point and based on
facts to make it more reliable.

On your way home, you saw a black cat on the road. Few minutes later, your car crashed
because you bumped into another car. Then, you blamed the black cat as the reason why you
were in danger.
-Post Hoc

The speaker wants to show the different sides of the people as to the lowering on the age of
criminal liability.

A teacher said, “Students always cheat during examinations.”

-Hasty generalization

Logic refers to the art of thinking methodically while rhetoric refers to the science of
communicating persuasively.

Deductive reasoning is from general to specific while inductive reasoning is from specific to

The speaker uses metaphorical speech to gain the interest of the audience.

The Greek name of ad populum means “to the people”.


Equivocation is sliding between two or more different meanings of a single word or phrase that
is important to the argument.

You have a classmate who is known as the son of the murderer. You always avoid him and gets
yourself away from him as much as possible. This is because your mindset is, if he is the son of a
murderer, then he will also become like that.
-non sequitir

The following are characteristics of a critical thinker EXCEPT

-Accepts ideas immediately

Francis Bacon avowed in 1605 that “Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt,
fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set
in order, and _______ for every kind of imposture”

In a debate, you took things personally with your opponent who is your real life enemy. Your
speech is now centered on him instead of the proposition given.
-Ad hominem

A person may possess this quality if he/she questions ideas first before accepting them.
-critical thinker

If you continue to watch professional wrestling, your grades will drop, you will become violent,
and eventually you will end up in jail.
-slippery slope

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