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(a) I am in class today. (b) I was in class yesterday.

( c ) Alice b at the library today. (d) Alice was at the library yesterday.
( e ) My friends are at home today. ( f ) My friends were at home yes&rday.


Singular Plural
Iwas we were
you were (one person) you were (more than one person)
she was they were
he was
it was

H EXERCISE 1-ORAL: Change the sentences to the past.

1. Bob is in class today. + He was in class yesterday too.

2. I'm in class today. + I was in class yesterday too.

3. Mary is at the library today. 7. The classroom is hot today.

4. We're in class today. 8. Ann is in her office today.

5. You're busy today. 9. Tom is in his office today.

6. I'm happy today. 10. Ann and Tom are in their offices today.
EXERCISE 2-ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): l l l k about today and yesterday.
Example: I'm in class.
Response: I'm in class today. I was in class yesterday too. ..,,
( . . . ) is in class.
Examph: I. ..*.

( . . . ) is in class today. ShelHe was in class yesterday too.

' 'I
. ~

6 . ( . . . ) is absent.
% J!

..iR." 1. We're in class.

.P. , , 2. I'm in class. 7. I'm tired.
, .r . ..
3. ( . ) is in class .
8. ( . . . ) and ( . . ) are (in the front row)
. .-
"" "
a., . ..
4. ( . . ) and ( . ) are in class. 9. The door is open/closed.
5. ( . . . ) i s h e r e . 10. It's hotlcold.

(a) I
(b) I
waa not in class yesterday.
wcrsn't in class yesterday.

( c ) They woro not at home last night.

NEGATIM! S : + not = waan't
C O ~ C T I O Nwaa
were + not = weren't I
(d) They waven't at home last night.

EXERCISE 3: Study the time expressions. Then complete the sentences. Use wcrwr't or
weren't. Use a past time expression.

today + yesterday
this morning + yesterday morning
this afternoon + yesterday afternoon
tonight + last night
this week + last week

1. Ken is here today, but he wasnIt here yesterw

2. I'm at home tonight, but I wasn't at home last night.
3. Olga is busy today, but

4. We're in class this morning, but

, , 5. Tom is at the library tonight, but

6. It's cold this week, but
7. Alex and Rita are at work this afternoon, but

172 m CHAPTER 5
8. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are at home tonight, but
9. You're in class today, but
10. Dr. Ruckman is in her office this afternoon, but

- -- -


( a ) Were YOU in class yesterday? -r Yes, I wan. ( I was in class yesterday.)

(be) + (subject) -r No, I wasn't. ( I wasn't in class yesterday.)

( b ) Was Carlos at home last night? -r Yen, he was. (He was at home last night.)
(be) + (subject) -r No, he wasn't. (He wasn't at home last night.)


( c ) Where were you yesterday? -r In class. (I was in class yesterday.)
When + (be) + (subject)

(d) Where was Jennifer last night? -r At home. (She was at home last night.)
Whae + (be) + (subject)

EXERCISE 4: Make questions and give short answers.

1. (you \ at home \ last night) -
I \, .,*I'

A: Were ,youat h w e last n u t ?

2. (Mr. Yamamoro \ absent @om class \yesterday)

B: Yes,
' Y'
3. (Alex and Sue \ at home \ last night)
( ,a,, 1 , ' 1 111, .

B: Yes,
4. (you \ nervous \ the first day of class)

B: No,
5 . (Ahmed \ at the library \ last night)

B: Yes,

6 . (Mr. Shin \ in class (yesterday)

B: No,
A: Where
B: At home. ...
7 . (you and your wife \ in Canada \ last year)
-c:*ri3 . 8
' *,,8 a " A:
7: No,
A: Where
B: In Ireland.

EXERCISE 5: Make questions and give short answers.

1 . (you \ in class \yesterday)

A: Were you in class yesterday?

B: Yes, / WQS.
2. (Anita \ in class \ today)
: i : ., ?.,,

A: Is Anita in class today ?

B: NO, she rsn t.I
She's absent.

3. (you \ tired \ last night)


B: Yes, . I went to bed early.

4 . (you \ hungry \ right now)

B: No, ,but I'm thirsty.
5 . (the weather \ hot in New York City \ last summer)

B: Yes, . It was very hot.
6 . (the weather \ cold in Alaska \ in the winter)


B: Yes, . It's very cold.

( r ".
7. (Yoko and Mohammed \ here \ yesterday afernoon)

' .,'
B: Yes,
8. (the students in this class \ intelligent)

B: Of course ! They are very intelligent!

9 . (Mr. lbk \ absent \ today)


B: Yes,

A: Where
, . L.

10. (limy and Benito \ at the party \ last night)

. . .
B: No,
-. .,.,,. .
A: Where

1 1 . (Mr. and Mrs. Rice \ in town \ this week)

B: No, . They're out of town.
A: Oh? Where
12. (Anna \ out of town \ last week)

B: Yes,
A: Where

EXERCISE 6-ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): Pair up with a classmate and ask questions. If
Student B answers yes, the exercise item is finished. If Student B answers no,
Student A should follow with a whsre-question.
Example: in class \ now
STUDENT A: ( . ), are you in class now? (StudentA's book is open.)
STUDENT B: Yes, I am. (Student B's book is closed.)
Example: at the library \ last night
STUDENT A: ( ...
), were you at the library last night?
STUDENT B: NO,I wasn't.
STUDENT A: Where were you?
STUDENT B: I was (at home /inmy room / at a party, etc.) t ,~ 3 1 .d

1. at home \ now
2. at home \ yesterday morning
3. at home \ last night
4. in class \two days ago
5. in (name of a place in this city) \ now
6. in (mame of this city) \ last year
7. (name ofyour teacher) \ in class \ yesterday
8. (names of two classmates) \ here \ yesterday

Change roles. Student B should now ask StudentA questions.

9. in (name of this country) \ two weeks ago
10. in (name of this country)\ two years ago
11. in (name of a city) \ now
12. at (name of a park in this city) \ yesterday afternoon
13. at (name of a famous place in this city) \ this morning*
14, at (name of a popular plnce where students like to go) \ last night
15. (name of the teacher) \ at home \ last night
16. (names of two students) \ (name of this building) \ yesterday aftemoon

*Student B: If you are asking this question in the morning, use a present verb. If it is now afternoon or
evening, use a past verb.
(a) I
(b) I
walk toschool wory day.
waRed to school yesterday.
wrb + -ed = the simple past tense

( C ) Ann
( d ) Ann
walks to school
walked to school
every day.


1 +walked (verb + -ed)

EXERCISE 7: Complete the sentences. Use the words in the list; use the SIMPLE PRESENT or

I. ~t often rain5 in the morning. ~t famed

2. I to school every morning. I to
school yesterday morning.
3. Sue often questions. She a
question in class yesterday.
4. I a movie on television last night. I usually
T V in the evening because I want to improve my English.
5. Mike his own dinner yesterday evening. He
his own dinner every evening.
6. I usually home at night because I have to study. I
home last night.
7. I have a job at the library. I at the library every evening. I
there yesterday evening.
8. When I am asleep, I often .I
about my family last night.*,. ,

*The past of d r a m can be dreamed or dwamt.


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