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Shyam Mehta

•Which natural medicines will
help you and which will not
•The slow and steady debilitating
effects of Western drugs and
•Why their dramatic effects are
not picked up by Western tests

The Loving Heart Centre Collection

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

Volume 23 of The Loving Heart

Centre Collection

Natural Medicine



© Shyam Mehta.

© Cover page Shyam Mehta.

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

All Rights Reserved

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

My Works
I have written the following 23 books:

A Man's Guide to Developing Love and Happiness, ISBN: 1-4121-5210-0

I show both men and women that you can lead a happier life more peacefully than you think.

Future World
What is a reasonable view on the main factors impacting you over the next 20 years?

Predictions. You need to decide.

Human Being Self Analysis Kit, ISBN: 1-4121-5380-8

Exactly how well do your sex organs, your body, your emotional centre and your mind function?

Indian Marriage, ISBN: 1-4121-5321-2

How can you achieve a long lasting happy marriage?

Indian Philosophy and Religion, ISBN: 1-4121-5211-9

Indian philosophy is to do with helping you achieve your purpose in life.

Natural Medicine
What will help you and what will not.

People with no Clothes, ISBN: 1-4121-5365-4

Why Bangalore, India, was the place to be 50,000 years ago. How many babies did they have?
Where are people with no clothes today?

Perfecting Your Emotional Energy Sphere, ISBN: 1-4121-5164-3

You need to tackle the root cause, the single emotional disease that is adversely impacting you.

Perfecting Your Love Energy Sphere, ISBN: 1-4121-5169-4

You need to search for love. It does not in this age fall on your lap. It takes time and effort.

Perfecting Your Mental Energy Sphere, ISBN: 1-4121-5165-1

The perfect mind absorbs the information you need, analyzes it with dispassion, and then

Perfecting Your Physical Energy Sphere, ISBN: 1-4121-5167-8

Is your body fit and strong, healthy? Are you happy with it the way it is?

Perfecting Your Sexual Energy Sphere, ISBN: 1-4121-5163-5

Your need an active sex life with your marital partner. What steps are needed to achieve this?

Science, ISBN: 1-4121-5235-6

New sciences to help the world.

Spiritual and Religious Journey, ISBN: 1-4121-5206-2

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

All of your energy spheres need to be satisfied. You need to start with your sexual energy.

The 108 Heads of Lord Patanjali, ISBN: 1-4121-5160-0

I use simple mathematical logic to show that the Yoga Sutras are a trap for scholars.

The Eight Sacred Texts of India, ISBN: 1-4121-5162-7

I show that these were constructed carefully to impress and influence India’s Persian rulers.

The History of the World, ISBN: 1-4121-5166-X

There is a single reason for the whole of the history of the universe, from its beginning.

The Psychology of the Mind

Mr Western Psychologist, is the fundamental make-up of my mind like that of Einstein or Stalin?
He has no idea. In this book I present original thoughts on how you can understand yourself.

Western Philosophy, ISBN: 1-4121-5207-0

I summarise what it is.

What Men Should Know about Christian Women, ISBN: 1-4121-5450-2

Two types of women. They both need love. This book tells you how to love one of them.

Yoga, ISBN: 1-4121-5161-9

There are many adverse effects from doing yoga exercises, breathing techniques and meditation.

Your Self and Mind, ISBN: 1-4121-5208-9

Today, the mind itself, the self itself, is going wrong. I explain what you can do to help yourself.

The books are available in English and many are available in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese Mandarin,
French, German, Gujarati, Hindi, Italian, Marathi, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Urdu.

Many of my paintings can be viewed on my web site page:

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,


There are seven components to being and becoming healthy:

 being in contact with nature

 exercise
 sexual activity
 happy marriage
 leading an active life
 diet
 doing one's duty

If you have specific issues on which you need advice you can go to the 'Books' section of
my web site. My books and articles on these subjects are not based on Western thinking
and therefore give you a valuable alternative (or I would like to think main) view on
solving your difficulties.

For almost everybody, it is the nervous system that is under most attack in the world
today. The attack is two fold: mental stress (at school to perform, to do homework, at
work to retain your job and earn money, in marriage to keep your partner,...) and
pollution in the element called akasha in India (space, ether). This pollution of space
comes from the disturbance to the equilibrium of energy in space caused by TV, radio
and communication signals permeating the whole of space. It is resulting in a detachment
of the flesh from bone in every human and animal on the planet, as the nerve cells are
damaged (see the web site article "Pollution Can Be Good For You"). The result is that in
the next ten or twenty years almost everyone will be suffering badly from diseases like
Fybromyalgia and Myofascial Pain. Besides this, the destruction of traditional societal
structures by Christians over the last 1500 years or so, and the onslaught of materialism
that has followed means that as pollution takes grip of Mother Earth, many natural
calamities will happen, good food, water, shelter, medical treatment, etc will be scarce
and crime will be commonplace.

Diseases are of two types, viral and nonviral. Both are incurable: you will be under the
influence of the disease until your body is immune and other systems overcome it or you
will die. Disease can be suppressed by antibiotics, and in some cases killed, but this leads
to enormous harm to your physical and mental energy systems. Antibiotics will not be
used in the future.

Viral diseases are environmental. You catch a virus because of something you eat, drink
or breathe. They are not transferred by touch.

Nonviral diseases results from unethical behavior. These are, for example, heart disease,
AIDS, cancer and so forth.

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

The current calamity that is hitting the world is "Avian Influenza". There are 14 main
infectious diseases. All of these are uncurable: there is nothing one can do to stop their
operation, once caught.

Here is what one expert, Jonathan Campbell, Health Consultant of the Natural Therapies
for Chronic Illness & Health Maintenance, says as at 12 October 2005:

"Various U.S. and U.N. agencies and the Council on Foreign Relations are spreading the
word that the Avian Influenza, if it breaks out this fall or winter, could be as severe as the
worldwide Spanish Influenza epidemic of 1918, and they are predicting hundreds of
millions of deaths worldwide.

This influenza, currently isolated in China, is a hemorrhagic illness. It kills half of its
victims by rapidly depleting ascorbate (vitamin C) stores in the body, inducing scurvy
and collapse of the arterial blood supply, causing internal hemorrhaging of the lungs and
sinus cavities.

Most people today have barely enough vitamin C in their bodies (typically 60 mg per
day) to prevent scurvy under normal living conditions, and are not prepared for this kind
of illness. (Vitamin C deficiency is the root cause of many infant and childhood deaths
worldwide, and it is the root cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - SIDS.)

The way to prepare yourself and protect your family from this influenza is not a vaccine
or anti-viral drug. If vaccines and/or anti-viral drugs are offered to you, please refuse
them. These actually reduce your immunity; vaccines contain many toxic components,
such as aluminum and mercury, and anti-viral drugs interfere with critical body
processes. Historical evidence of vaccinations has shown that they actually increase the
chances of becoming severely ill."

There are two paths towards health and coping with a hostile environment (see my web
site article "Slow Walking: Essential Exercise"): love-dependency and violence-
independency. The first is represented by yoga and the path of karma yoga: serving God
with a view to creating happiness in the world. The second is to try and become
independent through for example martial arts (tai-chi being the least violent). My web
site considers only the path of love not of violence, recognising that the second path of
violence and independence will not at the end of the day work for you.

Dependency involves the man becoming dependent on God, and the woman becoming
dependent on her husband or guardian. Love involves also every aspect of your life, but
starting with a commitment to create happiness in the world in a way consistent with the
wishes of God or your husband.

Crucially, your mind needs to be healthy. For this you need to read my web site article
"Information Overload and What to Learn" to understand that nowadays the mind of each

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

person (adult and child) is under tremendous stress and needs to be relaxed in every
activity that you undertake.Natural living.

The Self's ability to heal and determine what is right for your body and mind is
enormous, because your Soul loves you and guides you every moment of the day. Natural
living, yoga practice help you to attune to what your soul is telling you you need to do.

Exercise. You need exercise prior to marriage, in order to be able to attract and satisfy
your future spouse. Exercise should be balanced: developing an all round ability in terms
of flexibility, stamina and strength. You should not develop the one sided abilities of a
runner or a weight lifter or a gymnast, but a bit of each. The best way is to do a few
minutes of one exercise or posture until such time as you cannot keep your face relaxed.
Spend about 30 minutes per day. See also my web site articles called "The Best Exercise"
and "Slow Walking: Essential Exercise". Slow walking is a must for everyone who
wishes to be healthy (before or after marriage); the optimal is about one hour per day.

Sexual activity. The sexual energy sphere is the base for all health and happiness. Much
of the disease and unhappiness in this world comes from a perverted understanding of
sex. One's creative energy ('Kundalini') rests at the root of one's spine and needs to rise
during one's religious journey, see the standard yoga text 'The Hatha Yoga Pradipika'.
Sexual activity is natural in humans unlike in the rest of creation. Non-harmful sexual
activity is necessary prior to marriage, and, for religious progress, sex itself, as well as
sexual activity, is necessary after marriage.

Marriage. Happy marriage and subsequently bringing up children naturally gives you the
exercise you need. After your children have been brought up, and if you subsequently
become single, you should revert to exercise.

Active life. This means walking, getting up, climbing stairs, etc, without strain. It means
that you should not sleep too long, nor sit nor stand for too long. Your brain should be
kept active, not watching TV for too long, not doing meditation, etc. Meditation is the
seventh stage of yoga practice and causes serious harm to you unless the meditation is on
God or one of the Gods or Goddesesses.

Diet. When, through contact with nature and a happy married life, one develops
happiness and hence perfect mental health, you should eat what your Soul tells you, and
there are no restrictions on what vegetarian food you should eat. The amount and timing
of food intake should be very variable, just as in the wild. In this way, the body's
digestive system strengthens as it accomodates to different stresses and strains. However,
with pollution everywhere, man's immune systems are being destroyed. Your best
strategy is to stop eating food, this being polluted, and switch to a milk based diet.

Duty. Not doing one's duty leads inevitably to an imbalance between what one's soul is
telling you to do (conscience) and what you, the Self, is doing. This is the source of most

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

health problems. The result of not doing one's duty is that one's sleep is disturbed (by
God), and this in turn leads to these health problems.

A few comments on natural approaches to healing are also appropriate. Note that these
are not alternative approaches since in all societies, it is the natural healing that is
mainstream and should take priority over artificial poorly tested techniques.

The need for natural approaches to dealing with pain and illness is that Western healing
methods are harmful and have side effects (many more side effects than disclosed by the
pharmaceutical companies, since they have no incentive to test for harm other than as
required by law). As another example, a psychotherapist will typically be a stranger not
necessarily representing or knowing your best interests but will use up many hours of
your time (there is sometimes a financial incentive for him or her to do this) intruding
into your private life.

The first principle of yoga practice is non-injury. The standard in the Indian system of
medicine, ayurveda, is that its medicines as prescribed should have no harmful side
effects whatsoever.

The following is a list of relevant articles that you can link to on my web site:

 Ayuverda and Disease

 Diet
 Indian Dance Therapy
 Information Overload and What to Learn
 Minerals and Vitamins
 Pollution Can be Good for You
 Setting Your Objectives in Life
 Slow Walking: Essential Exercise
 The Best Exercise

You should not use Western treatment to prolong your life. When your time is up, there is
no point in trying to live for one year longer say, and you particularly need to die
naturally. God gives you an optimum time of death and an optimum condition of death
according to your accumulated merit or demerit and with mercy. It is most important to a
spiritual/religious practitioner if possible to minimize medication at the time of and just
preceding death. According to Indian science, you are what you eat and your mind is
turned out from the subtle life force that you consume by eating. Taking Western
medicine pollutes the mind as well as the body. At the time of death your mind needs if
possible to be in an undrugged state, absorbed in God. Clearly there will be occassions
when pain is preventing you from your focus on God and it may be that you then decide
to use modern pain killers.

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

It should be said that your body belongs to you and to God. You should listen to advice
from whomever you believe to be reliable but the responsibility for taking care of it, and
treating it, lies with you, not with me, not with this web site, nor with your doctor.

Contact with God is beneficial for health.

Shyam Mehta

The Loving Heart Centre
29 October 2007

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,


My Works....................................................................................................................... 4
Preface ............................................................................................................................ 6
Contents........................................................................................................................ 11
Chapter 1: Honey and Cinnamon ................................................................................. 12
Chapter 2: Because....................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 3: Milk............................................................................................................. 15
Chapter 4: Solving Your Problem ................................................................................ 16
Chapter 5: Side Effects of Pharmaceutical Medicines ................................................. 17
Chapter 6: Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain ............................................... 19
Chapter 7: Effects of Losing Blood .............................................................................. 20
Chapter 8: Effects of Having an EEG........................................................................... 22
Chapter 9: Remedy ....................................................................................................... 24
Chapter 10: List of Natural Substances ........................................................................ 25

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

Chapter 1: Honey and Cinnamon

“Drugs and surgeries are obviously not the solution to our medical problems; each year
MORE, not fewer people die slowly (and expensively) from pharmaceutically and
surgically-treated diseases.”



“Weekly World News, a magazine in Canada, on its issue dated 17 January, 1995 has
given the following list of diseases that can be cured by Honey and Cinnamon as
researched by western scientists.

HEART DISEASES: Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread,
chappati, or other bread, instead of jelly and jam and eat it regularly for breakfast. It
reduces the cholesterol in the arteries and saves the patient from heart attack. Also those
who already had an attack, if they do this process daily, they are kept miles away from
the next attack.

Regular use of the above process relieves loss of breath and strengthens the heartbeat. In
America and Canada, various nursing homes have treated patients successfully and have
found that as age the arteries and veins lose their flexibility and get clogged; honey and
cinnamon revitalizes the arteries and veins.

INSECT BITES: Take one part honey to two parts of lukewarm water and add a small
teaspoon of cinnamon powder, make a paste and massage it on the itching part of the
body slowly. It is noticed that the pain recedes within a minute or two.

ARTHRITIS: Arthritis patients may take daily, morning and night, one cup of hot water
with two spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. If taken regularly
even chronic arthritis can be cured.

In a recent research conducted at the Copenhagen University, it was found that when the
doctors treated their patients with a mixture of one tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon
Cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found that within a week out of the 200 people
so treated practically 73 patients were totally relieved of pain and within a month, mostly
all the patients who could not walk or move around because of arthritis started walking
without pain.

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

HAIR LOSS: Those suffering from hair loss or baldness, may apply a paste of hot olive
oil, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder before bath and keep it
for approx. 15 min. and then wash the hair. It was found to be effective even if kept on
for 5 minutes.

BLADDER INFECTIONS: Take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon
of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. It destroys the germs in the bladder.

TOOTHACHE: Make a paste of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of
honey and apply on the aching tooth. This may be applied 3 times a day till the tooth
stops aching.

CHOLESTEROL: Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder

mixed in 16 ounces of tea water, given to a cholesterol patient, was found to
reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10% within 2 hours. As mentioned for
arthritic patients, if taken 3 times a day, any Chronic cholesterol is cured. As per
information received in the said journal, pure honey taken with food daily relieves
complaints of cholesterol.

COLDS: Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon
lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This process will
cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses.

INFERTILITY: Yunani and Ayurvedic Medicine have been using honey for thousands of
years to strengthen the semen of men. If impotent men regularly take two tablespoon of
honey before going to sleep, their problem will be solved.

In China, Japan and Far-East countries, women, who do not conceive and need to
strengthen the uterus, have been taking cinnamon powder for centuries. Women who
cannot conceive may take a pinch of cinnamon powder in half teaspoon of honey
and apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day, so that it slowly mixes with the
saliva and enters the body.

A couple in Maryland, USA, had no children for 14 years and had lost hope of having a
child of their own. When told about this process, husband and wife started taking honey
and cinnamon as stated above; the wife conceived after a few months and had twins at
full term.

UPSET STOMACH: Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomachache and also
clears stomach ulcers from the root.

GAS: According to the studies done in India & Japan, it is revealed that if honey is taken
with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas.

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

IMMUNE SYSTEM: Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune
system and protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks. Scientists have found that
honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of honey strengthens
the white blood corpuscles to fight bacteria and viral diseases.

INDIGESTION: Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before

food, relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals.

INFLUENZA: A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural ingredient,
which kills the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu.

LONGEVITY: Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly arrests
the ravages of old age. Take 4 spoons of honey, 1 spoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups
of water and boil to make like tea. Drink 1/4 cup, 3 to 4 times a day. It keeps the skin
fresh and soft and arrests old age.

Life spans also increases and even a 100 year old, starts performing the chores of a 20-

PIMPLES: Three tablespoons of Honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste.
Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm
water. If done daily for two weeks, it removes pimples from the root.

SKIN INFECTIONS: Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the
affected parts cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin infections.

WEIGHT LOSS: Daily in the morning 1/2 hour before breakfast on an empty stomach
and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one-cup water.
If taken regularly it reduces the weight of even the most obese person.

Also, drinking of this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body
even though the person may eat a high calorie diet.

CANCER: Recent research in Japan and Australia has revealed that advanced cancer of
the stomach and bones have been cured successfully. Patients suffering from these kinds
of cancer should daily take one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon
powder for one month 3 times a day.

FATIGUE: Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more helpful
rather than being detrimental to the strength of the body. Senior citizens, who take honey
and cinnamon power in equal parts, are more alert and flexible.

Dr. Milton who has done research says that a half tablespoon honey taken in a glass of
water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder, taken daily after brushing and in the

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

afternoon at about 3.00 p.m. when the vitality of the body starts to decrease, increases the
vitality of the body within a week.

BAD BREATH: People of South America, first thing in the morning gargle with one
teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water. So their breath stays fresh
throughout the day.

HEARING LOSS: Daily morning and night honey and cinnamon powder taken in equal
parts restore hearing.”

Why are honey and cinnamon so effective in curing so many diseases?

Chapter 2: Because

"After only 3 weeks on the ASH Formulas the doctor cancelled my heart surgery for
clogged arteries. Now, after 2 years my blood pressure remains normal and I no longer
have high cholestrol. I learned how to give back to the body what it needed and I want
the whole world to know"
F. Nelson.

So now you know why ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC HEALTH attracts people to its web

ASH Formulas are relatively cheap and easy to buy and use.

Chapter 3: Milk

“The Healing Properties of Breast Milk

Provided By: Associated Content, Inc. Breastfeeding is such an amazing advantage for
both a mother and nursling. It has long been established that both parties benefit from the
antibodies and nutrients in breast milk. The mother reduces her chances of developing
cancer, as well as osteoporosis.

The baby also boosts his immunity and starts a healthy eating habit, reducing his chances
of obesity. Those are but a few effects of breast milk and some homeopaths claim that
breast milk can be used for a variety of purposes. Here are a few:

Conjunctivitis/Infected Tear Duct- According to many naturalists and lactation

consultants, squirting breast milk into an infected eye can clear up the condition as well
as any topical, prescription antibiotics.

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

Diaper Rash- Again, the healing properties of the breast milk are supposed to work on
this infection. It is recommended that you clean the area, coat it with breast milk, and
then apply a barrier after it is completely dry.

Sore throat/Cold- Women have given their older, non-breastfed children expressed milk
in a cup to soothe sore throats and to boost their immune system.

Make-Up Removal- Sounds crazy, but some swear by it. Hey, it couldnt hurt, could it?

Mosquito Bites- Dab a little breast milk on an itchy insect bite and feel instant relief-
without the steroids from certain topical medications.

Stuffy Nose- Even Ive done this when out of saline drops. It can be used to soften up
your babys mucous for the aspirator.

Ear Infection- Sore ears are supposedly soothed by breast milk.

Sore Nipples- This is highly regarded, as nipples can become very sore when beginning
to nurse. Rubbing a little on sore, cracked nipples and allowing them to air-dry speeds up
healing time.

While it is always best to consult a doctor when infections arise, most of these
alternatives seem harmless. Whether they are accepted by the medical community is
another matter, but many mothers have learned these tricks by trial and error (and without
the influence of major drug companies).

It is scientific fact that 80% of the cells that make up breast milk contain antibodies.
Many of the components are yet to be discovered, let alone reproduced in any lab. Keep
these home remedies in mind if you are a nursing mother.”

Original article by Dinah Laurel, published on Feb 27, 2006

Chapter 4: Solving Your Problem

Here is a possible approach to avoiding problems and finding solutions:

1. Look on the web for Western drugs and surgery that may tackle the problem.
2. Look on the web for the side effects of the Western drugs and surgery that may
tackle the problem (see Chapter 5 on Side Effects)
3. Look on the web for ASH Formulas and also their side effects

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

4. Look at my list of natural substances (see Chapter 10)

5. Search the web for the substance that will benefit you.

Chapter 5: Side Effects of Pharmaceutical Medicines

The benefits of taking Western medicines are well advertised and need no further comment here
other than to say that they are clearly very effective in achieving the primary purpose of alleviating
pain or suppressing a symptom etc. However, the side effects are less well known. It is not in the
interests of pharmaceutical companies to test for adverse effects except as required by law.

As shown in standard textbooks about Western drugs, for example, the British National
Formulary, most drugs have an enormous range of possible side effects. The actual range of
effects is far wider than stated, as noted below.

The first thing to observe is that the base of many drugs is acidic. As a worst case imagine the
cumulative effect of pouring acid on muscles, bone, tissue, nerves, etc. Consider the effect of for
example antipsychotic drugs which operate directly on the central and autonomous nervous
system. The point here is that the cellular structure of the body is a highly refined sensitive
system and that both acidic and alkaline accumulation is to be avoided where possible.

However targeted, in fact drugs interfere with every cell in the body, since every cell has a
nervous response with other cells. The range of stated possible side effects in the British National
Formulary is amazingly widespread, but the side effect is sometimes only triggered when there is
interference with the cells of a body system that is weak. All the stated possible side effects do
not arise at once, because the person has a healthy system that is able to withstand most effects.

We should note that every cell and hence every body system is involved - ranging from hair
growth to intelligence to eyesight to ability to love. The drug companies do not test the reactions
of the drug on these various body systems as otherwise they would show widespread
deterioration in lots of different body/mental functions: each cell is damaged by the interference.
In other words they do not test the impact of the drug on hearing functionality and all the other
functions of the body. They only see whether the patients complain of problems. But most of us
will not notice a 20% hearing loss or 40% loss of stress tolerance, let alone a creeping 4% loss
each time the drug is taken. This general widespread and gradual impairment of body functions is
unnoticed and not tested.

Drugs have much more widespread effects than hitherto supposed. These are the main body
functions that are adversely and permanently impacted by Western drugs:
 Increase in Thyroid Activity
 Loss of Vision
 Loss of Libido
 Loss of Strength from Impaired Muscle Efficiency
 Reaction Speed from Impaired Brain Functionality
 Loss of Strength: Other Impacts
 Loss of Reaction Speed: Other Impacts
 Hearing
 Taste
 Touch
 Smell
 Amount of Sleep Needed to Recover from a Typical Day

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

 IQ
 Analytical Ability
 Emotional Stability
 Capability of Loving
 Mental Stability
 Sexual Ability
 Faith in God
 Self Confidence
 Fluency
 Digestion
 Speed of Recovery from Disease
 Agility
 Flexibility
 Resistance to Disease
 Life Span
 Pain Threshold
 Dexterity
 Coordination
 Fear
 Anger
 Stress
 Colour Vision
 Short Sight/Long Sight
 Directional Hearing
 Hearing of Low frequencies
 High Frequency Hearing Ability
 Breathing

The permanent loss of functionality is substantial. The average loss from a two week course of
typical anti-psychotic drugs is 30%; after 5 weeks this rises to 35%. The first one week course of
such drugs in your life results in a 23% average deterioration in your main body and mind
functions. It is possible to counteract the effect of such drugs, as stated in the last chapter of this

Another aspect of Western drugs arises in relation to their tendency to cause the diseases of
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain.

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

Chapter 6: Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain

Fibromyalgia, or FMS, means pain in the connective tissue of tendons and ligaments, and also in
the muscles. In FMS, ordinary non painful sensations are amplified and intensified with disastrous
effect. It becomes worse if there is a traumatic physical event. You may become sensitive to the
slightest smell, sound, light, touch or vibration. You will have specific tender points. For older
people, the greatest problem may be fatigue, soft tissue swelling and depression. Younger people
get discomfort after exercise, and get light fevers, feel cold and have sensitive skin. FMS is a
central nervous system disorder, with disorders to your biochemical system affecting your whole

Related (but not the same) disorders include: Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome
(CFIDS, also known as CFS or myalgic encephalomyelitis or ME) and Chronic Myofascial Pain,

With CMP, you have specific Trigger Points that hurt. The myofascia is the thin nearly translucent
film wrapped around muscle tissue. A small change in the myofascia can cause great stress to
other parts of the body.

Symptoms with both FMS and CMP vary hour to hour. If very active there is a "flare". This is high
intensity pain and grief: an overwhelming episode of intensity that creeps up and then hits you. It
is all consuming. In FMS there is a disorder of sensory perception and your whole body is like a
raw nerve dragged over hot coals.

FMS and CMP were relatively unknown a few years ago but their incidence amongst the
population is increasing at an exponential rate. A not well publicized fact is that, together with ME,
already 5% or 10% of the population in a typical Westernised country now suffer from these
diseases. They are caused by an accumulation of food additives, pollution and the intake of
Western pharmaceutical medicines. Even twenty or thirty years ago the average person suffered
little from this accumulation. Nowadays it is often difficult to buy or eat food that has not been
subject to pollution for example in the form of artificial fertilizers or food supplements and
additives (the trend to eating ‘organic’ food is to be welcomed). And many more people nowadays
take drugs for flu or a headache or perhaps have undergone cosmetic surgery. Aggravating
factors include lack of sufficient and good quality sleep and worry and stress.

The main difficulty for society with in future having a large proportion of the population suffering
from FMS, ME or CMP is that there is no cure. Very little can be done to alleviate the pain in FMS
and CMP (in fact the worry and strain of trying out numerous things which do not work aggravates
the condition). There is one herbal remedy but use of this involves switching your entire diet away
from natural food. With ongoing damage to the environment it is not clear how long this route will
be available.

There are a large number of books on FMS and CMP and I recommend a glance at some of

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

Chapter 7: Effects of Losing Blood

Medical science is as yet unaware of the highly deleterious effects on a person of him or her
losing (or giving) blood, even if this is subsequently replaced. The following lists the approximate
effects for an average healthy person of having lost 1 litre of blood during your life to date. The
more blood that is lost or taken, the worse the cumulative effects. But, there are maximum losses
in functionality of the body so that after having lost about 10 litres of blood in your life the further
damage from losing more blood is relatively small. The average loss of functionality from losing
10 litres of blood is 29% compared with 6% shown in the table below for loss of 1 litre of blood.
Losing 30 litres in your life results in a loss of functionality of on average 36%.

Damage Percent
Increase in Thyroid Activity 12%
Loss of Vision 10%
Loss of Libido 23%
Loss of Strength from Impaired Muscle Efficiency 40%
Reaction Speed from Impaired Brain Functionality 4%
Loss of Strength: Other Impacts 4%
Loss of Reaction Speed: Other Impacts 20%
Hearing 3%
Taste 4%
Touch 5%
Smell 4%
Amount of Sleep Needed to Recover from a Typical Day 11%
IQ 7%
Analytical Ability 17%
Emotional Stability 3%
Capability of Loving 2%
Mental Stability 4%
Sexual Ability 5%
Faith in God 4%
Self Confidence 1%
Fluency 4%
Digestion 6%
Speed of Recovery from Disease 2%
Agility 11%
Flexibility 1%
Resistance to Disease 4%
Life Span 4%
Pain Threshold 3%
Dexterity 4%
Coordination 4%
Fear 4%
Anger 7%
Stress 6%
Colour Vision 0%
Short Sight/Long Sight 2%
Directional Hearing 1%
Hearing of Low frequencies 2%
High Frequency Hearing Ability 4%

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

Breathing 1%
Average 6%

It is of course easy to scientifically test most but not all of the percentage losses that I refer to in
this table. Which medical researcher will have the courage to do this?

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

Chapter 8: Effects of Having an EEG

The brain is the most sensitive part of the body. The following lists the approximate effects for an
average healthy person of having an EEG (electrocephalograph): electrodes attached to different
parts of your scalp. The first time you have an EEG there is an astonishing (permanent) loss of
performance in your body and mind. Subsequent EEGs have little effect. Because the usual
circumstances when you have an EEG are so serious the effects of having an EEG are not
noticed. But, more than that, people do not notice even dramatic changes in their abilities. You
are busy with your daily activities and forget about what you were like yesterday; you do not and
can not measure your abilities even remotely accurately. You are not in touch with your body
because you are brought up in a Westernised society.

Damage Percent
Increase in Thyroid Activity 36%
Loss of Vision 40%
Loss of Libido 35%
Loss of Strength from Impaired Muscle Efficiency 2%
Reaction Speed from Impaired Brain Functionality 40%
Loss of Strength: Other Impacts 1%
Loss of Reaction Speed: Other Impacts 1%
Hearing 40%
Taste 30%
Touch 40%
Smell 40%
Amount of Sleep Needed to Recover from a Typical Day 60%
IQ 40%
Analytical Ability 23%
Emotional Stability 40%
Capability of Loving 40%
Mental Stability 54%
Sexual Ability 32%
Faith in God 36%
Self Confidence 14%
Fluency 28%
Digestion 20%
Speed of Recovery from Disease 12%
Agility 6%
Flexibility 20%
Resistance to Disease 15%
Life Span 12%
Pain Threshold 12%
Dexterity 24%
Coordination 30%
Fear 21%
Anger 24%
Stress 16%
Colour Vision 2%
Short Sight/Long Sight 40%
Directional Hearing 3%
Hearing of Low frequencies 19%

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

High Frequency Hearing Ability 24%

Breathing 16%
Average 25%

Additional comment about your sleep and IQ loss is useful. The amount of sleep you need is
partly related to mental effort and partly related to physical effort. An average person needs about
20 minutes of sleep to recover from their mental activities of the day and it is this that is increased
by 60%. But, some people require substantially more sleep as a result of having an EEG (up to 3
hours more), if they have intensive mental effort during the day. Additional sleep requirement in
respect of physical effort is small.

In terms of IQ, current tests of IQ are mainly tests of memory rather than IQ. The first EEG that
you have has a substantial effect on your analytical abilities (i.e. your intelligence) but only a
relatively small (7 point) impact on IQ as typically measured.

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

Chapter 9: Remedy
It may happen that you are forced against your wishes to have western medicine or poison. What
can you do to counteract the effects of having such intervention? Here is the procedure:

 Think of God immediately afterwards or whenever you can.

 Do 10 minutes of pranayama (yogic breathing exercises) first. This should be smooth
quiet deep breathing (called ujjayi), focussing on exhalations. You should be lying down.
 Then sit up, with your legs simply crossed and head straight and imagine white light
entering the crown of your head. Your whole brain should become bright. Keep this
sensation (of the brain being light) for as long as you can with your eyes looking down
into your heart. Your body too may become light i.e. bright. The effort is of keeping the
sensation of the brain being light and bright. This light is God. Stay for up to 20
 Do not worry if your concentration comes and fades. God rewards effort, rather than
 Afterwards lie down on your back again (yogic posture: savasana), for 20 minutes.

This procedure works for Western medicines or (some) poisons that are taken in tablet
(swallowing) or when dissolved in water.

The poisons referred to here do not include types or quantities that will kill you in less than one
day. Where the poison will kill you, you should follow the procedure (i.e. witness the white light
entering the crown of your head) as best you are able, and do not worry if you struggle. The
poison will still kill you, but it will be less painful and the period before death will be less traumatic
than if you have Western treatment - even if you avoid pain thereby and escape death with such
treatment, your death on a subsequent occasion will be more painful.

Before having such medicine in liquid form you should check if possible whether it has been
dissolved in water and not in something else.

If the liquid is not or cannot be water, do as much pranayama as you can (up to 10 minutes) but
you may need to lie down both for some of the pranayama and for when you would otherwise be
sitting and witnessing God. Just do the best you can.

This same procedure also works for other poisons that are injected into your body. The effects of
the substance are reduced to a minimum.

Practice this the day before and on the day three times.

After the interventions and your experience of God, you will need at least 24 hours to recover and
for the remedy to work. It is very beneficial if you repeat the procedure during these 24 hours (i.e.
so that you have a minimum of five experiences of God for each intervention).

There is nothing specific to do before or during the intervention, other than to stay relaxed, and to
be exhaling deeply for as much time as possible during the intervention. Mostly you will be too
nervous to have the white light sensation, but if you do then you will benefit rather than be
harmed by the intervention.

If you want to try this then sit with your legs simply crossed, close your eyes and ask the person
who is harming you (or his or her assistant) to tell you when the intervention is about to happen.
Lie on your back (savasansa) afterwards.

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

Chapter 10: List of Natural Substances

Obviously there are many natural substances and so the following only lists those that
have strong medicinal properties:

Bee pollen 1
Green leafy vegetables 1
Mustard 1
Nutmeg 1
Peach 1
Pomegranate 1
Radish 1
Tamarind 1
Beetroot/beets 2
Lemon 2
Rhubarb 2
Spinach 2
Turmeric 2
Cow's milk 3
Cranberries 3
Ginger 3
Jaggery 3
Papaya 3
Bitter gourd 4
Cardamom 4
Prunes 4
Spring onion 4
Tomato 4
Vinegar 4
Berries sour 5
Guava 5
Horse radish 5
Pepper, black 5
Plums sour 5
Raisins 5
Toor/thur dhal 5
Yoghurt 5
Goat's milk 6
Honey raw, not processed 6
Oranges sweet 6

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

If you have an ailment, and desire a natural cure, this is the list you need to search on for
indications as to whether or not your ailment can be helped by natural treatment.

Other natural products may be marginally useful but for practical purposes can be
If Western medical scientists want to be useful in alleviating suffering then they need to
start researching the properties of the above substances.

For someone with a serious illness, your search of the internet on these 35 substances will
often enable you to identify the one substance (there is always only a maximum of one
substance) that may help you. If you try this and it does not work, or if you cannot find
such a substance, then you can consume some of the above products (they do not have ill
effects unless consumed to excess) in the hope that one of them will help.

Natural medicines work on six of your seven energy spheres. The length of time that
these medicines take to operate can be determined by analysing in which energy sphere
the problem has arisen and then using the following table:

Time before natural Time after which

Functional medicine impact there is no further
problem commences, days impact, months
1 Sexual 2 1
2 Physical 5 7
3 Emotional 12 3
4 Love 24 5
5 Mental 48 4
6 Spiritual 97 144
7 Divine - -

For example, in terms of the three ailments referred to at the back of this book, cancer is
caused by a difficulty in the emotional energy sphere, kidney stones are caused by
difficulties in one’s physical energy sphere and infections in the uterus are caused by
problems with one’s mind.

In reality, the medicines work on these six energy sphere difficulties, rather than the
symptoms. The table at the beginning of this chapter indicates which medicine effects
which energy sphere.

Whether a particular medicine works for you or not depends on your karma, and I discuss
more about this in some of my other books.

Sometimes vitamin supplements, pills, drugs etc do ‘work’ (whilst of course, being
Western, having adverse side effects as discussed earlier). This will only be the case if

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

their active ingredient is strongly connected with one of the 35 natural substances
referred to above.

All problems are caused by a breach of one or more of the five ethical principles of yoga
philosophy, yama (non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, chastity and non-
acquisitiveness). I discuss this in detail elsewhere. If a ‘medical’ ‘remedy’ you use has
been tested on animals, you will likely have been breaching the principles of non-
violence: almost always modern medicine is tested on animals. This is one of the main
reasons why the side effects are so severe. With a blood infusion, you will have been
harming another human being; with an EEG, you will have been harming yourself.
Taking another example, if you take an excess of a medicine you will be breaching the
principle of non-acquisitiveness and hence will also be doing yourself harm.

In reality, there are two lists of natural medicines.

There is one list for someone who is practising yoga, that is observing the five principles
called niyama:
 Cleanliness (saucha), of the body and of the things one eats, drinks, sees, feels and
 Contentment (santosha), absence of action to secure more than one needs.
 Austerity (tapas), actions to develop purity of body and mind.
 Study of scriptures (svadhyaya), actions to develop innocence of mind.
 Surrender to God (Ishvara Pranidhana).

Such a person relies on God, “for better or worse”. As I explain elsewhere, it relates to
those people in life who set about with the intention of making those nice people whom
they meet happy. As they progress on their life path of searching for and finding God,
they will be given an appropriate set of inclinations and experiences. All medicines they
consume whether Western or other are ‘natural’ and helpful to them in their life path.

In other cases, the ethical principles of yama are very likely to be being broken. This
leads to disorders in one or more of the six fundamental energy spheres of the person.
Natural medicines can help them overcome specific symptoms. Since Western medicine
is typically tested on animals or humans, using this involves the person in further
breaches of the principle of non-violence. Natural medicines do not compound the
fundamental difficulties the person may have, Western medicines do.

Shyam Mehta, The Loving Heart Centre,

Shyam has been practising yoga since 1957

and been teaching yoga since 1973.

He had a Christian upbringing, in England.

At Cambridge University he became

interested in yoga philosophy and

Later he gave up his Hindu sacred thread in

order to fully devote his life to helping all
nice people become happy.

He has had a variety of religious

So you have cancer. You need to go on a
experiences in his life and worships God
cow’s milk diet with very little else unless
almost every moment of his waking hours.
you desire surgery.

Problem with your kidneys? You need a

mixture of orange juice and lemon juice
with a little ginger, five times per week.

Bacterial infection in the uterus? You need

a Ukrainian milk based product called

Any medical condition? You need Western

medical drugs and interventions like a hole
in the head. This book sets out the true
horrors of such ‘remedies’ and explains the
simple reason why Western medical
researchers fail to notice the main side
effects. They do not look for them.


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