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How-to fix tightly coupled

with Corey Scott
About me
Why does it even
What is coupling?
Example - PersonLoader
Example - PersonLoader
The Dependency
High level modules should not depend on low level

Both should depend on abstractions.

Abstractions should not depend on details.

Details should depend on Abstractions.
- Robert C. Martin
High-Level packages should not
depend on Low-Level Packages
High-Level vs Low Level Packages
High-Level vs Low Level Packages
Abstractions should not depend on
Details should depend on
Structs should not depend on Structs
type PizzaMaker struct{}

func (p *PizzaMaker) MakePizza(oven *SuperPizzaOven5000) {

pizza := p.buildPizza()
Structs should not depend on Structs
type PizzaMaker struct{}

func (p *PizzaMaker) MakePizza(oven Oven) {

pizza := p.buildPizza()

type Oven interface {

Bake(pizza Pizza)
Interfaces should not depend on Structs
type Config struct {
DSN string
MaxConnections int
Timeout time.Duration

type PersonLoader interface {

Load(cfg *Config, ID int) *Person
Interfaces should not depend on Structs
type PersonLoaderConfig interface {
DSN() string
MaxConnections() int
Timeout() time.Duration

type PersonLoader interface {

Load(cfg PersonLoaderConfig, ID int) *Person
Fixing Tightly
Coupled Code
Example - Typical tightly coupled code
The Example - Introducing an Interface
The Interface Segregation Principle:

Clients should not be forced to depend on methods that

they do not use.
- Robert C. Martin
The Example - The Decoupling
An inverse
Example - Building a “Get user” API
Example - Starting at the bottom
type UserStore struct {}

func (u *UserStore) LoadByID(ID int) (*User, error) {

// code removed

// return the populated user

return &User{}, nil

type User struct {

ID int
Name string
Email string
Example - The Business Layer
type UserLoader struct {
store *storage.Store

func (u *UserLoader) LoadUser(userID int) (*storage.User, error) {

// code removed

// return user from storage layer

Example - HTTP Handler
type LoadUserHandler struct {
logic *business.UserLoader

func (l *LoadUserHandler) ServeHTTP(resp http.ResponseWriter, req

*http.Request) {

_ = req.ParseForm()
userID, _ := strconv.Atoi(req.Form.Get("userID"))

user, _ := l.logic.LoadUser(userID)

payload, _ := json.Marshal(user)
Example - Extension == WHOOPS
Original: After the Login feature was added.

type User struct { type User struct {

ID int ID int
Name string Name string
Email string Email string
} Password string
func (l *LoadUserHandler) ServeHTTP() {
// code removed

user, _ := l.logic.LoadUser(userID)
payload, _ := json.Marshal(&loadUserResponse{
ID: user.ID,
Name: user.Name,
Email: user.Email,

type loadUserResponse struct {

ID int
Name string
Email string
Thank YOu!
Bonus Content:
Injection and
Reducing the cost of Dependency Injection
func NewHandler(logger Logger, statsD StatsD, auth Authenticator, loader
UserLoader) *LoadUserHandler {

return &LoadUserHandler{
logger: logger,
stats: stats,
auth: auth,
loader: loader,
store: store,
Strategy 1 - Config Injection
func NewHandler(logger Logger, stats StatsD, auth Authenticator, loader
UserLoader) *LoadUserHandler {

return &LoadUserHandler{
logger: logger,
stats: stats,
auth: auth,
loader: loader,
Strategy 1 - Config Injection
func NewHandler(cfg Config, auth Authenticator, loader UserLoader)
*LoadUserHandler {
return &LoadUserHandler{
logger: cfg.Logger(),
stats: cfg.Stats(),
auth: auth,
loader: loader,

type Config interface {

Logger() Logger
StatsD() StatsD
Strategy 2 - Double Constructors
func NewHandler(cfg Config, auth Authenticator, loader UserLoader)
*LoadUserHandler {

return &LoadUserHandler{
logger: cfg.Logger(),
stats: cfg.Stats(),
auth: auth,
loader: loader,
Strategy 2 - Double Constructors
func NewHandler(cfg Config, loader UserLoader) *LoadUserHandler {
return newHandler(cfg, &MyAuthenticator{}, loader)

func newHandler(cfg Config, auth Authenticator, loader UserLoader)

*LoadUserHandler {

return &LoadUserHandler{
logger: cfg.Logger(),
stats: cfg.Stats(),
auth: auth,
loader: loader,
Thank YOu!

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