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Exercise no. 3


Cave paintings are a type of parietal art which

category also includes petroglyphs, or
engravings found on the wall or ceiling of the

Cave paintings are quite interesting as

paintings. It shows a real sophistication of
observation and the ability to render any form of
animals from memory. Commonly, it depicts the
lives of early humans.
35,000 BC

In ancient Rome, Acta Diurna also called Acta

Publica or simply acta or diurna is a sort of daily
government gazette, containing an officially
authorized narrative of noteworthy events. Its
contents were partly official (court news, decrees
of the emperor, senate and magistrates) partly
private (notices of birth, marriages and deaths).
They were carved on stones or metal and
presented in message boards in public places like
the Forum of the Rome.

ACTA DIURNA Acta Diurna may refer to modern newspaper. It

was used as a source of information by ancient
130 BC Romes. Acta duirna keeps inhabitants of ancient
Rome up to date with current events.
Is a technique for printing text, images or
patterns used widely throughout East Asia and
originating in China in antiquity as a method of
printing on textile and later paper. Woodblock
printing existed in Tang China during the 7 th
century and remained the most common East
Asian method of printing books and other texts
as well as images until the 19th century.


WOOD BLOCKS Woodblock printing played an important role in
the spread of information and commercial
220 AD
transactions. Printing press using wood blocks
enables the widespread publication of a variety
of text and the dissemination of knowledge and

A typewriter is a mechanical or
electromechanical machine for writing
characters similar to those produced by
printer’s movable type. It is a device with
keys that are pressed to print letters or other
characters one by one on a sheet of paper
inserted. At the end of the nineteenth century,
the term typewriter was also applied to a
person who used a typing machine.

Typewriter is the most important personal

machine used by editors in newspapers, and
TYPEWRITER magazines. It provides fast and reliable
1800 information through reporters and editors all
over the world. It is also widely used in offices.
The world telegraph was first coined by the
French inventor of the Semaphore line, Cloud
Chappe, who also coined the word “semaphore”.
The first telegraph came in the form of optical
telegraph, including the use of smoke signals,
beacon or reflected light, which have existed
since ancient times. A telegraph is a device for
transmitting and receiving messages over long

The telegraph vastly improved communications
1830 throughout the world. It allows instant
communication over large distances for the first
time in the human history.

A telephone is a telecommunication device

that permits two or more users to conduct a
conversation when they are too far apart to be
heard directly. A telephone converts sound,
typically and most efficiently the human voice
into electronic signals that are transmitted via
cables and other communication channels to
another telephone which reproduces the
sound to the receiving user. The telephone
was the first device in history that enable
people to talk directly with each other across
large distances.

1876 The invention of telephone had a great impact
towards society. The telephone has made
business more efficient, save money from
having to travel back and forth from distant
places, and it made transaction able to occur
more quickly. It has led to instant
communications around the world.

A transistor radio is a small portable radio

receiver that uses transistor-based circuitry.
Following their development in 1954, made
possible by the invention of the transistor in
1947, they became the most popular electronic
communication device in history. Their pocket
size sparked a change in popular music listening
habits, allowing people to listen to music
anywhere they went.

A transistor radio is one of the most revolutionary

TRANSISTOR RADIO inventions in communication. The transistor radio
opens the world to millions of ears, including to
those of the most isolated and uneducated
people. The transistor radio allows people to
listen to music they wanted to anytime and

Television is a telecommunication medium used

for transmitting moving images in monochrome
(black and white) or in colour, and in two or three
dimensions and sound. It is an electronic device
use for receiving and reproducing the images and
sound of a combined audio and video signal.
Television is a mass medium for advertising,
entertainment and news.

Television is one of the most important means

of communication. Television become the
TELEVISION primary source of information, entertainment
and a provider of coverage of important
events. Through televisions, viewers can see
and learn about people, places and things in
faraway land.
Mainframe computers are computers used
primarily by large organizations for critical
applications, bulk data processing such as
census, industry and consumer statistics,
enterprise resource planning and transaction
processing. The term originally referred to a
“large cabinet’ called main frames that housed
the central processing unit and main memory
of early computers. Later, the term was used
to distinguished high-end commercial
machines from less powerful units.

Mainframe computers are important in the field
of businesses because it store massive
amounts of information. Both e-businesses
and e-commerce used mainframe computers
to perform business functions and exchange
money over the internet.


Smartphones are a class of mobile phones

and of a multi-purpose mobile computing
devices. It offers advanced technologies with
functionality similar to those personal

Having a smartphone is a must in today’s

world. A smartphone can do almost all the
work a laptop can do. Smartphones can
help us almost everywhere whether it is our
SMARTPHONES safety, or we want to learn something, or we
1992 want to go to some place. Smartphones
also connects us with our friends and love
A web browser is a software application for
accessing information on the World Wide
Web. Each individual web page, image and
video is identified by a distinct URL, enabling
browsers to retrieve and display them on the
user’s device. The first web page was invented
by sir Tim Berners Lee.

WEB BROWSER Web browser is essential because it provides

resources or information to the user. It allows
1993 users to access and retrieve their documents
using internet. It also allows users to navigate
through the complete web page and see its
source code in the HTML format.

Friendster is a social networking website that

connects individuals across the world with the
hopes of helping them develop friendships.
Users share videos, photos, messages and
comments with other members via profiles
and networks. Friendster is considered as
one of the original social networks.

FRIENDSTER The existence of friendster provides

opportunity for people to make new friends and
2002 to stay in touch with old ones. It allow users to
communicate with other member, discover new
events, and share media and online contents.

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