Name: Wenseslaus Belo Mas Nim: 191111033 Class/semester: Kep A/ 4

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Name : Wenseslaus Belo Mas

Nim : 191111033
class/semester : Kep A/ 4

Part A

1.Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness
and recover without requiring special treatment

2.The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to know well about the COVID-19 virus,
the disease it causes, and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your
hands frequently or using an alcohol-based scrub and not touching your face

3.The COVID-19 virus is spread mainly through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an
infected person coughs or sneezes

4.not, because COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most people who are infected
will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization

5.People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should manage their symptoms at home

6.On average it takes 5-6 days after a person is infected with the virus to show symptoms, but it can
take up to 14 days

7.Keep a distance of at least 1 meter between you and people who are coughing or sneezing, avoid
touching your face and cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing

8. a. choose safe transportation

b. Keep contact to a minimum when traveling

c. Choose safe social activities

d. Keep your distance at events or gatherings

e. Keep your distance while exercising

Part B

1. corona virus is a large group of viruses they consist of genetic material sorounded by envelope
with protein spikes. This keep thr appearance of the crown. The crown mean corona. So thats how
the virus get the name or we know as a corona virus.

2. mers corona first discovered in saudi arabia in 2013.

3.This virus come from china in 2019. This virus circulate in a range of animals, sometimes can jump
from animal to human, we call spillover.and could be do a range of factors.
4 there can be a number of symptom from mild to severe such us fever, cough, shortness of breath
and can cause penumonia, kidney failure and death.

5.PCR( polymerase chain reaction) the function can be used to get genetic fingerprint or to copy a
specific dna targer

6.For the treatmen.actually theres currently no vaccine to protect against the virus. Treatment and
vaccines are in development

7.This virus currently has limited geographic spread. There are number of standard hygene that have
been recomended to protect the infection and virus include :

a. Covering your mouth and nose when cough your sneezing with medical mask or tissue

b. Avoiding close contact with those who are sick

c. Use mask and personal protective equipment especially in health care setting

d. Washing hand reguraly with soap or alcohol

e. Avoiding unnecessary contact with animal

f. Trough cooking before eat

8.If we feel or have fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, we must seek medical care early and share
your travel history with health care provider.

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