NSTP Finals

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1. It comes from the Latin word “valere” meaning “to measure the worth of something”.

C. Values

2. Someone who acts as a guide, a directing head and someone who leads a body of troops.

A. Leader
3. A feeling of superiority, you will think that your country is better than other countries, to
the point that you reject other countries – their people, products, culture, language, etc. –
simply because they are from other countries. Even if things from your own country are
inferior, you defend them unconditionally because you believe you country is better.
B. Nationalism
4. This is the root word for patriot or a person who is loyal to their country and it is the
support for one’s country because you feel pride in it, and a belief in the values of that
A. Patriotism
5. It is the quality of a person’s behavior, as revealed in his habits of thoughts and
expressions, his attitudes and interests, his action, and his personal philosophy in life.
B. Character
6. The following are the 10 modern ways to express Filipino nationalism except.

D. Be Proactive

7. These are the Seven (7) Habits of Highly Effective People except.

C. Think win-win
8. A level of values maturity that values are based on personal needs.

B. Self-centered
9. This are convictions about a person’s desired characteristics or ways of behaving such as
being polite and values influence one’s choices, but one’s choices also influence other’s
values over time.
C. Instrumental Values
10. This are the desired end states that a person strongly wants to achieve like a comfortable

lifestyle, and everyone has different set of terminal values in one’s values complex.

B. Terminal Values
11. It is doing something which has a positive impact in the society without having any

expectation for the reward. 

C. Volunteerism

12. They can also play an important role in fund-raising for a global cause and in a much
more effective way.  They can raise awareness in the society which may lead to increased
human rights activism.
B. Youth
13. refers to an individual or group who for reasons arising from their socio-developmental,
business and corporate orientation, commitment or conviction, contribute time, service
and resources
a. volunteers
14. Refers to those sectors of Philippine society that organizes themselves into volunteers to
take advocacy and action primarily for local and national development as well as
international cooperation and understanding
C. Voluntary Sector
15. It is also a tool for positive youth development.
a. Volunteerism
16. . Examples of their activities: arts and crafts workshops, acting workshops and martial
arts and dance workshops
C. Uhappyevents
17. It is also the name of the foundation which pioneered environmental organization.
A. Haribon
18. It refers to a local or foreign group that recruits, trains, deploys and supports volunteer
workers to programs and projects implemented.
A. Volunteer service organization
19. It is one step that many volunteer programs skip, but it’s essential for developing an
effective program.
D. Evaluate the volunteers
20. This organizations deals with emergency cases and needs their volunteers to be fully
B. Red Cross
21. Common peace teachings of different Religions are:
B. Love and compassion for other and fairness

22. Socio, cultural violence belongs to

B. Form of violence
23. Peace Education is the process of ________ the values, the knowledge and ________ the
attitudes, skills, and behaviors to live in harmony with oneself, with others, and with the
natural environment.
A. acquiring, developing

24. Why is education the best way to promote peace in teaching the students non-violent,
humane and ecological alternative in dealing and eradicating violence?
A. Because it is practical alternative
25. Peaceable teaching-learning process has three phases, namely, cognitive, active, and
affective. In what phase when students must be concerned, respond, and value this
B. Affective.

26. It promotes the culture of peace that is essential in changing peaceful society
B. Transformative Education

27. Structural violence refers to

A. any scenario in which a social structure perpetuates inequity, thus causing
preventable suffering

28. Peace Education is a ____________ participatory process that includes teaching for and
about the democracy and human rights, nonviolence, social and economic justice, gender
equality, environmental peace practices, international law, and human security.
B. holistic

29. Peace Education provides _______________, because it indicates that their society is
aware of its ills and is striving ____________ to live.
A. all choices

30. Peace is both___________ and the presence of social justice.

D. the absence of personal/direct violence

31. Which of the following can be triggered by an earthquake?

D. All of these
32. If ever an earthquake occurs, how long does it usually last?
C. 60 seconds
33. The amount of ground displacement in a earthquake is called the _________ .
C. Slip
34. The most common cause of injuries to people brought about by earthquakes is:
B. Injuries from falling objects or structure
35. An intensity 6 earthquake is one of the following:
A. Can destroy even strong bridges
36. If an earthquake occurs inside a building, one of the following is the best thing to do:
C. Seek protection under a sturdy table, while the ground is still shaking
37. If an earthquake occurs while one is inside a vehicle, one of the following is the best
thing to do:
D. The driver should stop the vehicle in a place away from tall buildings
38. What is the most important thing to remember when an earthquake occurs?
A. Stay calm with presence of mind at all times

39. Which of the following conditions will pose a danger to the students during earthquakes:
D. All of the above

40. During a school earthquake drill, what does “ringing of the alarm or bell” represent:
D. It represents the start and end of ground shaking

41. The elements of fire triangle are:

a. Heat, oxygen, fuel -answer
42. In case of electrical fire which fire extinguisher should be applied?
c. CO2 and dry powder - answer
43. An emergency action plans tells _______what actions to take in emergency situations.
B. Firemen

44. To operate a fire extinguisher one must pull, aim, squeeze and ________
D. Sweep

45. If you are escaping from building during a fire or other emergency
B. Don’t use the elevators or escape to the roof – answer

46. To operate a fire extinguisher, follow the:

47. "Stop, Drop and Roll" is a reference to?

B. Dropping On The Ground And Rolling To Put Out A Fire On Your Person -

48. Once you have escaped a burning home, you can go back inside to retrieve what?

B. Nothing

49. When cooking on the stove, you should never do what?

B. Leave It Unattended
50. Which of these would be a safety hazard on your Christmas tree?

C. Tinsel - answer

51. When making a 911 call, what are the three W’s?

B. Where, What and Why

52. What is first aid?

B. The first help given to the victim of an accident

53. What treatment does a victim who’s life threatening condition is “not breathing” need?

A .The Heimlich Maneuver, two rescue breaths and CPR - answer

54. After you have surveyed an accident scene and provided for your own safety you should:

C. Call 911 or your local emergency number

55. Which of the following correctly describes the CPR technique for an adult when loss of
B. 30 compressions , 2 to 3 inches deep at a rate 100-120 per minute plus 2 breaths
56. Epilepsy is
E) all of the above

57. Which of the following can cause a stroke?

A. A blood clot in an artery in the brain

58. What should your first action be when treating an electrical burn?

A. Ensure that the casualty is still breathing

59. What is a faint?

B. An unexpected collapse

60. What steps would you take to control bleeding from a nosebleed?

A. Sit casualty down, lean forward and pinch soft part of nose

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