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NAME: Chefeceline Anne L.

Dimaano SCORE:
Food Safety and Sanitation
1. Foods can be contaminated in several ways. Explain the differences between biological,
chemical and physical contamination. Give an example of each.

The biological changes once a food is contaminated happens when the food is exposed to
bacteria, or also known as pathogens that can cause molds, dust, mites or even viruses that makes
the food inedible. These food causes harm when eaten by humans or animals. Chemical
contamination happens when the food is exposed to chemical substances that makes the food
harmful for eating. The best example of chemical contamination are the industrial chemicals that
are sometimes applied to food. Lastly, physical contamination occurs when the food is unprotected
from the physical environment whereas foreign objects such as the human hair can be mixed unto
the food. Some examples of physical contamination are hair, jewelry, insects, fingernails, metal,
broken glass, and more.

2. Under what conditions will bacteria thrive? Explain what you can do to alter these

Bacteria thrives in food that are of low temperature. Therefore, accurate temperature control
should be monitored before cooking foods. Another that we must consider is the cooking time of
the food.

3. What is the temperature danger zone? What is its significance in food preparation?

The temperature danger zone is 41 ℉ or 5 ℃. The significance of having the temperature

danger zone is to prevent the microorganisms from the food to grow. Any food to be cooked sous
vide must be chilled below the temperature danger zone before cooking.

4. Explain how improper or inadequate pest management can lead to food-borne illnesses.

Infestation of rodents in insects to food can cause severe health risk once the food is eaten by
human beings. AS rodents and insects have bacteria carrying with them, the chance of infecting
food that is unprotected can be harmful. Having proper pest management lessens the risk of pest
infestation to zero. Thus it also prevents us from having inhospitable environment for pests.

5. Define HACCP, How is this system used in a typical food service facility?

HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control provides an effective and competent food
and safety system that maintains and manages the sanitary conditions of all types of food.
According to the book, it was first provided to help astronauts of NASA to have a safety food
management. The HACCP provides a process call critical control point where it is the blueprint of
handling and processing food properly to prevent mistakes of transmission and growth of bacteria.
They have provided a flowchart that follows from identifying potential hazards and evaluating the
risks, then identifying the critical control points. Establishing procedures to prevent such hazards
and correcting them. Monitoring the critical control points and problems that will happen. Then,
setting up records to prevent further problems. Finally verifying the system and adjust the
workplace if needed.

6. Visit the Web sites of the US Department of Agriculture and the
Food and Drug Administration ( ). What is the Model Food Code?
What types of programs do these agencies offer for training consumers about food safety?

As I have researched, the FDA and USDA has both provided a food code model which is stated as
a guidebook that assists food control over facilities that cater food for humans. This is a model to
regulate and monitor the facility, food, and prevent risk and hazards that can harm humans. These
are developed with scientifically and with pure research thus it is a legal basis for restaurants,
markets, and other food establishments that require sanitary and safety measures. The FDA has
provided the adaptation of Model Food Code to restaurants and groceries, another is the
implementation of the Food Code to the military bases in the US. While the USDA has provided
meat, poultry, and egg products inspection acts and the humane methods of slaughter act.

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