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Field Study 1-3

Dimaano, Chefeceline Anne L.

January 14, 2022
Learning Episode 1: The school as a Learning Environment

My Tools


Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the
column to indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available,
and say how each will contribute to the students’ learning and development.

Facilities / Description Will it contribute to the students’

learning and development? Why?

Office of the / The principal’s office has a It will contribute well for the students
Principal bright walls and comforting for they can learn from their mistakes.
space for the principal. It is It may seem as a scary place for most
well air conditioned. of the students but having to make the
students feel at home while being told
helps them to actually listen to the
disciplinary actions that the principal
will provide.

Library / Books are well organized A library’s purpose is to provide new

and categorized. The room sources, knowledge and information
is also air conditioned and for the students which will contribute
the atmosphere is quiet, much on the student’s learning. For a
perfect for reading. library does not only a provide books
but also a peaceful place to study.

Counseling / This is where the guidance This facility contributes to the welfare
Room councilor supervises. It is of the children. It caters them from
open for students who are in their emotional needs and makes the
need of counseling. school to make it more feel like home.

Canteen/ / This is where food nutrition In this facility, they learn how to
Cafeteria is valued for the students manage their money, save, share, and
and staff. This facility sells communicate. For recess or lunch
food for the students and gives them the opportunity to spend
teacher so they do not time with other classmates and share a
require to go out the school meal with them. They also learn how to
premise. spend their money for the food they
should eat.

Medical Clinic / This is where ill It will contribute to the student’s

students/staff go to be taken learning for they will be provided with
care of by the school nurse. proper prescriptions to take care of
themselves and as well as help them
determine if they have physical
problems or injuries.

Audio/Visual / This facility is where the Most of the time, students are more
Learning students experience their interested when they can see or hear
Resource learning through visuals by what they are learning. AV room helps
Center using the television and provide that method through different
projectors. They learn video presentation by using
through the use of video technology.
presentation and other
visual appeal.

Science / This specific are is where A science laboratory is one important

Laboratory most science experiments facility for students to be engaged into
are done. This facility learning in the field of science.
includes different Through this facility, they are able to
equipment and tools that experience it by themselves and learn
will help students conduct from it.
their experiment.

Auditorium X

Gymnasium / This facility is to provide a This facility will improve the students
spacious place where learning to keep their body active and
students can do physical healthy. This facility also showcases
activities, especially sports. their other talents especially in the area
of sports.

Outdoor/ / A facility where students They can learn the ways of gardening
Garden can experience gardening. and how they can manage their own
garden at home. It also provides a
relaxing view for students to avoid
stressing on school works.

Home / A place where equipment As said, experience is one important

Economics for the subject home part of learning. With the equipment
Room economics are provided. provided by the school, they can learn
how and what to do through their
learnings from this facility. And at the
same time, they can use this knowledge
to try it at home and future.

Industrial X
Workshop Area

PTA Office X

Comfort Room / This is where male students They will learn to stay hygienic and
for Boys rest and for personal develop it also in the future to always
hygiene. keep themselves clean.

Comfort Room / This is where female They will learn to stay hygienic and
for Girls students rest and for develop it also in the future to always
personal hygiene. keep themselves clean.
My Analysis

How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students
going to school? What are your conclusions?
If we want our students to learn well, we must first build a place to accommodate them.
As the school campus and classroom acts as their second home, the impact of it to the student’s
learning is not only limited after class but also affects their future. The experience they gain in
the classroom and campus is one of the huge factors to the student’s learning. A conducive
space is one that engages students to study harder and experience every bit of the school’s
facilities. With the facilities and equipment provided to them, their learning becomes more
How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/How does this
relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
As we have studied child and adolescence, there are certain development requirements
that a child must have. As a child develops, the changes of environment is also a must. The
school campus and the classroom becomes larger as students reach their adolescence. The
facilities as well are improving for them to determine of what skills they have and what they
are good at.

My Reflections/Insights

1. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

.A conducive school campus makes you feel at home. A school campus that has
the proper facilities, equipment, positive teachers, free from violence, healthy
environment and a clean surrounding can motivate students to learn. Thus, a school
campus that provides a safe and peaceful atmosphere is an encouraging learning space
for the students and also for the staff.
2. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?
A classroom that provides a safe space where both student and teachers can
share their ideas with positive outlook. A conducive classroom is well lit, have enough
space for students and teacher, visually appealing, clean and disturbances are limited.
Thus, a conducive classroom for learning is where they can focus well and be safe at
the same time.
3. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 2?
As a future teacher, having my students to help me achieve a classroom they
want to have is important. This will help me have interaction with them and at the same
time make them feel like the classroom is their second home. Another it to provide rules
for cleaning, because it will help them learn to keep their space clean and remain
conducive. And finally, ask the help of the parents to provide what is best for their
children inside the classroom.
4. Write your additional learnings and insights here.
In conclusion, I have learned the importance of having a conducive space for
learning. In a face to face class, we saw how teachers tend to keep on commanding us
to clean the classroom. But now, we understand how they discipline us to keep our own
space conducive for our own. And as a future teacher, this will serve as a guide to help
me keep my own conducive classroom, not only for my welfare but also for the students
to learn it as well.
Learning Episode 2: The Learners’ Characteristics and Needs

My Reflections/Insights

1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you
were their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you
As I observe the learners, I have reminisce my own self back in the days. I do
remember being part of a classroom being observed. We used to stay quiet and be active
when the teachers asks. The same with what I have seen, in a sample DepEd video of a
face to face classroom being observe, the students raise their hands when we they know
the answer which is similar to what we do before.
2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/he
help or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social, and cognitive)? How
did it affect you?
I remember my math teacher who is very strict because of her old age. However,
I viewed her as someone smart and creative. She gave us activities that improve our
creativity even though our subject is mathematics. We had to do diorama and dance
mathematical equations. I was amazed by her teaching strategies and it helped me
improve my creativity and my intelligence as well.
3. Share your other insights here.
Observing students in a class helps us determine what more we can improve and
strategies we can create in the future. Another is that, we can adopt to what the teachers
are giving the students and how they cope when no one seems to be into the lesson.

My Learning Portfolio

Which is your favorite theory of development. How can this guide you as a future teacher?

As I have read the different theory of development, Behavioral Child Development

Theory has sparked my interest. As I observed from children and friends I have known, they
all have different behaviors once we get to know them. This theory relates to how students
are behaviorally diverse in a classroom because of the environment they are in. Thus, this
theory will support us as teachers on how we can cope and manage their behavior to avoid
disturbances to other students. This will also serve us a guide for teachers like us to determine
how to handle and create strategies for the classroom.

Clip some readings about this theory and paste them here.

Behavioral Child Development Theories

According to the behavioral perspective, all human behavior can be described in terms of
environmental influences. Some behaviorists, such as John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner,
insisted that learning occurs purely through processes of association and reinforcement.

Behavioral theories of child development focus on how environmental interaction

influences behavior and is based on the theories of theorists such as John B. Watson, Ivan
Pavlov, and B. F. Skinner.

If you’re studying to become a teacher, your courses will help you learn classroom
management techniques that will prepare you for difficult students. Additionally, it’s
extremely valuable to learn about learning theories and recognize that there are different
methods and thoughts about how people learn.

Behaviorism or the behavioral learning theory is a popular concept that focuses on how
students learn. Behaviorism focuses on the idea that all behaviors are learned through
interaction with the environment.

History of behaviorism
Behaviorism started as a reaction against introspective psychology in the 19th century, which
relied heavily on first-person accounts. J.B. Watson and B.F. Skinner rejected introspective
methods as being subjective and unquantifiable. These psychologists wanted to focus on
observable, quantifiable events and behaviors. They said that science should take into
account only observable indicators. They helped bring psychology into higher relevance by
showing that it could be accurately measured and understood, and it wasn’t just based off
Watson and Skinner believed that if they were given a group of infants, the way they were
raised and the environment they put them in would be the ultimate determining factor for
how they acted, not their parents or their genetics.

Pavlov’s Dogs is a popular behaviorism experiment. A group of dogs would hear a bell ring
and then they would be given food. After enough time, when the bell would ring the dogs
would salivate, expecting the food before they even saw it. This is exactly what behaviorism
argues—that the things we experience and our environment are the drivers of how we act.

The stimulus-response sequence is a key element of understanding behaviorism. A stimulus

is given, for example a bell rings, and the response is what happens next, a dog salivates or
a pellet of food is given. Behavioral learning theory argues that even complex actions can be
broken down into the stimulus-response.
Learning Episode 3: Classroom Management and Learning

Be guided by these questions as you recall of the classroom management. It is also good
to ask the teacher for additional information, so you can verify your observation. Write
your notes below; and then organize your data in the table that follows.

1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids,
books, students’ belongings, supplies, etc.)? Describe these areas.
There is an area in the classroom that are intended for storing teaching aids, books,
student belongings, and other supplies. They have lockers provided for the students
to keep their personal things like hygiene kit and school supplies. As there is a
workspace for teachers to keep the student’s outputs and as well for their teaching
aid. There is also shelves for text books and other printed resources.
2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room? List them down.
There are rules and procedures posted in the room like the ClayGo which means
clean as you go. There is also a bulletin board which has the classroom lists of officers
and top awardees. In the bulletin, the class cleaners are also indicated. The classroom
also has the “Honesty is the best policy” posted for their values rule.
3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules? If yes, and the resource
teacher is available, ask him/her to describe the process.
The students did not take part of creating the classroom rules for it is already
provided by the teacher.
4. What are the daily routines done by the teacher? (prayer, attendance, assignment of
monitors, warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?
The teacher let someone lead the prayer then once it is done she lets them be
seated. She does her greeting then takes the attendance. Next is her motivational
activity relating to the topic. After the class, she lets them pick the trash under their
seats before leaving.
5. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement?
The seating arrangement is in alphabetical order which the boys are separated by
the girls. Some students who are having trouble with their eyesight are seated in the
front row.
6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?
If there is a noisy student, the teacher shushes them and warns them. When the
classroom is still noisy, the teacher takes their attention for them to keep quiet. Some
students are requested to speak in front of the class for why are they noisy.
7. If a learner is not following instructions or is off-task, what does the teacher do?
Describe the behavior strategies used.
The teacher approaches them kindly and does not embarrass them in front of the
class. They either talk to them privately of why they are not getting the task correctly.
They often say politely once they are wrong and instead of saying they are wrong,
they say “try again”.
8. What does the teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors? (behavior strategies)
The teacher must use positive behaviors as well to radiate them to their students.
Once a student are giving positive behaviors then the teacher must commend them
for it can be a role model for other students.


Aspect of Classroom Description Effect on the Learners

Management (to be filled up after you
answer the analysis

1. Specific Areas in the The prominent areas of the This effects the learner’s
Classroom classroom are the student knowledge of keeping one’s
seats, front table, and the place. Like the front table is
teacher’s worktable. only for the teacher and their
seats are for them.
2. Classroom Rules It is posted on the wall near They are always reminded of
the entrance of the the rules for it is posted on the
classroom. classroom.

3. Classroom The classroom procedures It provides the students to be

Procedures are given by the school like a more organized of their tasks.

4. Daily Routines The daily routine are always Students become prepared of
observed and followed their daily tasks.
because the teacher has it
already planned out.

5. Seating Arrangement The seating arrangement is This help them interact with
alphabetically ordered and each other and at the same
boys and girls are separated. time, it gives them a better
The front seats are occupied conducive space.
for students with poor

6. Handling Instead of embarrassing them Students become more aware

misbehavior/off-task in front of the class, the of their mistakes and instead
behavior teacher tells them to do better of rebellion, they try to
next time. And also warns become better.
them for misbehavior.

7. Reinforcement of The teacher will commend The student might thrive to

Positive Behavior the student for their positive do more of the positive
actions as well as reward behavior as well influence
them a point. other students.
Learning Episode 4: Individual Differences and Learners’ Interaction

My Analysis

1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationships and interactions in the
classrooms. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be the leader,
a mascot/joker, an attention seeker, a little teacher, a doubter/pessimist?
There are students that showcased themselves much in answering questions.
They seem to be the smart students and confident ones. The president of the classroom
is the one who is the very leader and acts like one. There is also the clown of the group
where answers seem to be far from what the teacher needs. Some students do not raise
their hands and remains quiet the whole class.
2. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual
differences of the students?
The teacher influences class interaction in the form of grouping them so that
they can interact with each other even in their differences. Another is that their seating
arrangement affects the class interaction as well.
3. What factors influence the grouping of learners outside the classroom?
The factors that influence on the groupings of learners are the roles and the
diversity of the students. As they differ in interest and their circles, the chances of them
being friends outside the classroom is greater.

My Reflections/Insights

1. In the future, how would you want the learners in your classroom to interact? How will
you make this happen?
As a future teacher, the best way for them to interact is to involve everyone in a
game where they can know more about each other. Like how the strategy of my teacher
back in my elementary days where she gave each of us a piece of paper and write down
our names on the top of the paper. The papers will be passed around the classroom and
each passing is a word that will be written from the other classmates that describes the
owner of the paper. This can help them determine their interest and who they think they
can be friends with. Another way is to group them into activities so that they can know
each other more.
Learning Episode 5: Individual Differences and Learners’ Interaction

My Reflections/Insights

1. Recall the time when you were in elementary or high school. Recall the high
and low achievers in your class. How did your teacher deal with differences in
abilities? Was your teacher effective?

Back in my high school years, we always had this top student in our class beginning
from grade 7 to 10. He was well appreciated by the teachers and my classmates as well.
Aside from being smart, he was also talented which he performs dance and is also the
crush of the campus. He was very active in extracurricular activities which we can’t
deny that he is mostly favored by the teachers. On the downside, my transfer classmate
who seem to be slow in keeping in pace with the other students fails most of the
subjects. She was new to the public system unlike the private school she was in before.
She had trouble with keeping up as we are in the higher section. One of the teacher also
called her parent out for the failing mark she had.
We cannot lie that some teachers only interest in students who excel and instead of
creating new strategies for other students who can’t keep up, they tend to pass it by.
However, my teacher who failed one of my classmate gave her a second chance which
really helped her improve rather than fail another one. Our adviser recommended that
she should ask help with my top classmate and at the same time interact with others for
she is new. In the end, the teacher’s ways of telling the parent was effective and
recommending her to interact more has brought her to achieve the desirable grades and
My Learning Portfolio

With the principle of individual differences in mind, what methods and strategies will
you remember in the future to ensure that you will be able to meet the needs of both the
high and low achievers in your class? Make a collection of strategies on how to address
the students’ different ability levels.

As we are to face different individuals with diverse culture, behavior, and environment
that they originated in, we have the responsibility to act as the mediator. It is always a reminder
that we cannot control one’s behavior but we can manage it to avoid disturbances to others.
Not only has it differed with their behavior but also their capacity to understand and learn.
Some students are gifted and special which as a teacher, we are the ones who make their gifts
bloom. We are have to cater each and every students needs as long as we can provide it.
For students with that are high achievers, we must make sure to reward them to continue
their positive behavior. This will help them improve more and at the same time to keep them
going. Do not put pressure on them and let them be open for mistakes. This will help them to
not be dismayed of their wrong doings. Make sure to not limit their ideas and express it more
for they are bright students.
For the students who are slow in keeping pace with the lessons, make sure to keep watch
on them. These students require more attention in the academic area. However, some students
who are slow in understanding also has different skills and abilities they can showcase. For
every child has a special gift, the teacher’s responsibility it to determine it. We can also tell
them to try instead of letting them give up.
Learning Episode 6: Home-School Link


The Learner’s Development Profile

Name of the Learner: Gabriel L. Matienzo_____
School: Talipan National High School________
Date of Home Visit: November 28, 2021______
Date of Birth: __July 6, 2007________________________ Age:14____________________
Grade/Year Level: _Grade 9_____________________Gender: Male______

Family Profile
Number of Siblings: 3
Birth Order: Middle Child

Mother: _Maria Fe L. Matienzo______________________________________
Age: ___46 years old_____________________________________________________
Occupation: House Wife____________ Educational Attainment: _College Graduate___
Father: ____Edwin Matienzo_______________________________________________
Occupation: Government Mechanic___ Educational Attainment: _College Graduate___

Physical Development
As I observe, the student don’t move a muscle much when it comes to home school
learning. As said by his mother, they do not have much time to do physical activities unlike
the face to face classes. The only thing they do is answer the module while the mother guides
and check for errors. However, they do take breaks to stretch their bones from a long sitting.
Their breaks are often using the cellphone to play video games which does not improve much
the physical development of the student.

Social Development
The social development I have observed was their relationship with his mother. Through
the guide of the mother, the student trusts her which then improves their relationship. The
student also responses to the mother’s questions as well as she is open for the child’s
questions. The parent’s response was that it was helpful for her to build a better relationship
for her child and her unlike the face to face class where she can’t watch over the child.

Emotional-Moral Development
As I have observed, the emotional-moral development of the student was includes their
respect for their parent. If mistakes were made, they are still positive about correcting it rather
than throwing a tantrum. As the parent guides him, he showed respect to her throughout the
session of answering.

Cognitive Development
As it is a modular way of learning, the student I have observed answers the questions very
well. His skill when it comes to understanding English is good. However, when answering
mathematical questions, he asks for help to his parent. The parents responses is the same as
well, that the child is good at understanding English and situational questions than numbers.

The important points in this observation is that the student’s cognitive and social
development are noticeable. However, the physical development when it comes to home
school learning does not improve that much. As it is seen, the students tend to do the activities
on their own cognitive skills. Therefore their cognitive development is well improved. Then,
the relation with his mother also improves his social skills and build better relationship. It
improves his communication skills to interrogate questions when he does not know much.

There is a huge difference in home schooling and face to face classes. The student are
limited to the resources at home which can be a disadvantage or advantage. They are not well
corrected because they are on their own when answering questions. At the same time, parents
cannot answer most of the questions in the modules provided. Another is that the student’s
physical development is not encouraged because the parents focus more on cognitive that
letting the child do other physical activities.

My recommendations is to improve the physical development of the child to keep
everything balance. They can do certain activities like jogging or exercises before or after
studying. To improve the student’s emotional moral, the parent should motivate the child
before or while doing the tasks given to them. Lastly, I recommend adding creativity for
students to be engaged more than just answering modules. They can watch educational
movies or answer interactive quizzes with the help of the parents to give them extra
knowledge and at the same time enjoy learning.

My Analysis

Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile will

help you answer the questions here.

1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of presenting
experienced by the learner? Explain your answer.
The style of presentation that the learner is experiencing is the connector style
where the parent acts as the teacher and questions are given to the child. The learner
reacts to the questions as well as guided by the parent. As the role of the parent is to
only guide the student in answering, it challenges the student to determine it on their
2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what family factors
do you think contribute to the development and overall adjustment of the learner in
The support of the parents contributed a lot to the development of the child. The
parent was always there on the look for corrections and as well supports them to become
independent. Their atmosphere was very light and no pressure was shown by the parent.
3. Does the communications between the home schools have an effect on the learner? If
yes, what are those effects?
The communications in home schools differ from face to face learning. Unlike
the teacher and student, the home school is more on relationship of the family. As they
support the children’s studies, the more the child engages to learning. However, the
communication is limited only to the family. Students also need to socialize and make
friends to improve their social development. Which is a part of the face to face class to
meet other students with the same interests as them.
Process observation: Effective Teaching and Learning

Using the chains of Effective Teaching and Learning Principles as your guide do the given

1. Observe one teaching episode in any K TO 12 Class sessions

2. Record what the teacher does at the beginning, during, and at the end of the lesson.


At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher

1. Instructs the student to prepare their paper and pencils. She introduces herself and
the subject she about to teach.

2. Performs a song relating to the topic.

3. Ask questions that helps students review their previous lessons that are related to the

4. States the objectives of the lesson.

During the lesson, the teacher

1. Has prepared an activity that connected to the lesson. The teacher lets the student
determine if they experience situations that relate to them by answering “nagaganap”
and if it does not, they answer “’di nagaganap”

2. Evaluates the given activity to the students.

3. Showcases different scenarios through visual presentation or animation.

4. Asks questions that are answerable by yes or no, then commends the student if they
answer similarly to the correct answer.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher

1. Presents an activity that determines if the students experience changes as they
develop to adolescence. They are given characteristics on situation then answered by
the students of what they know about that certain situation.

2. Prepares a short identification quiz with prepared answers.

3. Tells their goodbyes through the a song entitled “Paalam Na”

4. Tells her outro and introduces herself once again.

My Short Reflection in Formulating Learning Objectives

Make a short reflection on how a teacher should formulate learning objectives considering
the development of the mind, the heart, and the hands.


 How will I construct my objectives for effective learning?

To construct objectives for effective learning, a teacher must acquire first the
purpose of the lesson, consider the student’s capabilities, and determine what we want
to achieve after the lesson. Constructing objectives steps are to plan ahead before
proceeding to discussion. Without a clear objective, our students might get lost on the
lesson’s true intention.
 How will I sequence my objectives for efficient learning?
To create a sequence of objectives, we must always keep in mind the bloom’s
taxonomy. It can serve as a guide to create our objectives from remembering to
creating. As it is in bloom’s taxonomy to begin with knowledge first, then the last part
would be the output of the students throughout the lesson.
Points and Counterpoints Interview

Interview your favorite teacher and ask when does he/she use and not use the following
Teacher-centered and Learner- Centered methods. Chart his/her responses below.

Teacher Interviewed: Itok A. Dimaano

School based in: Pagbilao Central Elementary School

A. Teacher Centered When to use When not to use

In a typical discussion where When discussions require
1. Didactic students listen and be asked the need of presentation or
with questions. Includes real time applications.
introduction of terms,
definitions, and situations.
In discussions where visual When discussing terms.
2.Demonstration presentation is preferred so
they can see what it is rather
than imagine.
When you are introducing a When the lesson is already
3. Deductive new lesson. known to the students.

B. Learner-Centered When to use When not to use

It is used when students When a lesson is being
1.Inductive Discovery already has knowledge introduced.
about the topic.
It is used when a lesson When it is pure discussion
2.Laboratory needs to be experienced than than demonstration.
Used for determining the When situational objectives
3.Problem Solving student’s critical thinking in are needed to be met.
solving problems.
It is used when students When the teacher is the one
4. Inquiry want to introduce their own who shares the idea.
Objectives-Methods Chart

The first column presents prototype objectives. In the right column, list what you think are
the most effective methods/strategies a teacher should employ.


The method that can be used is
demonstration method. The teacher can
1. To identify the parts of plants bring a plant and then dissect its parts for the
student to determine and label it. This can
also be an activity for the students by
creating an illustration of the different parts
of plants.
Create a word of clouds where students can
2. To define in your own words the meaning answer one by one of how they describe
of literature. literature with words of their own.

Provide different examples before giving

3. To apply equation extracting for a square the students an activity with the equations to
Root of a number. be solved.

Let them recite the poem in class and

4. To analyze the message of a given poem analyze what they have read. They can also
do it creatively through a short skit of their
Teachers can have them watch an oratorical
5. To critique an oratorical piece according piece then write a critique about it. The
to a given set of standard standards must be presented first before
creating the written output.
The teacher must discuss on how to write
6. To write a letter of application for the letter by providing example letters. The
summer part time job activity should be a written output of their
own letter.
Final thoughts

If teaching is a science, how does it challenge me as a future teacher?

Like science, there is always an unknown yet to discover when we are in a teaching
field. There is always something new to discover and to learn in our way as we gain experience.
It is a challenge because we are to face uncertainty but then remain positive about what can we
do more. Like science, teaching is also limitless for there are a lot of different strategies that
keeps accumulating over time.

If teaching is an art, what is its implication to me as a future teacher?

Becoming a teacher requires skills not only in communication but also having creative
minds to innovate and experiment on different strategies to effectively teach the students. As a
future teacher, teaching is an art because we are to create our own unique methods to produce
a masterpiece. Our artworks are our students as we paint them with our creative and innovative
strategies. They become persons in the future that we look up to if we give them the best

Activity 6:


What major decisions and tasks do teachers make in each of the planning phases?

A. Pre-lesson Planning
In the pre-lesson planning, a teacher must ready her lessons and continuously study
it. It is also important to do research to prepare for questions that are outside of the lesson’s
limitations. Gathering data bout the student’s needs are also included in pre-lesson

B. Lesson Planning for Implementation

After acquiring data about the lesson, students, and determining objectives, proceed
to create the lesson plan. Plan out the strategies and methods from the data gathered in
creating the lesson plan. Prepare the visual aids to and motivational activity before

C. Post lesson planning

For the post lesson planning, it is important to remember the feedback of the students.
As every classroom has different needs, teachers must take note of the responses they
received from each class.
Putting them all together

Think of a particular lesson in your major field, then write your desired activities in each of
the three stages of the planning cycle.

A. My Pre-Lesson Planning Activities

For the lesson, Baking Tools and Equipment for Grade 8, first I must gather my
resources and read the text books. Creating a lesson plan that will serve my guide in the
discussion. Another is creating my visual aids using PowerPoint as my resource. Adding
pictures to engage my students more to what are the different baking tools and Equipment.

B. My Plan for Implementation

1. Lesson introduction
First, I will do the daily routine of opening prayer, greetings, and motivational
activity. The motivational activity is going to be “4 Pics, 1 Word” where the words, baking,
equipment, and tools are incorporated.
2. Lesson Development
For the lesson development, this will include the analyzing and relation of the
motivational activity to the topic. This also includes the presenting of objectives and
learning outcomes.

3. My Culminating Activity
For the students to be engaged in the lesson, a group activity will be presented
whereas the students guess what is the tool or equipment being presented. However, their
task is not to label the image but to define where it is used for. They will be rewarded if
they get the highest points.

C. My Post Planning Activities

For the post planning activities, an assignment and a short quiz will be given. The
quiz will be 5 objective type questions about the different uses of equipment. Then, for
their assignment, they are tasked to determine how to clean and sanitize these tools and
Activity 9:

3 Hours DepEd Video Watching

Year Level: Grade 7/8
Subject: TLE
Topic/Lesson: Grade 7/8 TLE Q1 Ep 1 Using Hand Tools
 Using And Maintaining Hand Tools (UHT)
 Performing Computer Operations (PCO)
 Performing Mensuration And Calculation (PMC)
 Terminating And Connecting Electrical Wiring And Electronics Circuit (TCEW)
 Testing Electronic Components (TEC)

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher
Introduces himself and does a reminder check relating to being part of the
internet community. After that, he introduces the future and current topics that are about
to be discussed. Also, he introduced the different topics in TLE such as home
economics and industrial arts.

During the lesson, the teacher

The teacher has provided a game entitled “Choose me and Use me. He
explained the instructions which is to choose the appropriate hand tool for a certain
situation. Students only have 3 seconds to answer the questions.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher

The teacher prepared a quiz for the students relating to the topic to determine if
they listened carefully. The teacher also had a quick recap of the lesson. The co-teacher
also reminded the netiquette or internet etiquette. Lastly, the teacher tells their greetings
and plugged their YouTube account.
Activity 9:

3 Hours DepEd Video Watching

Year Level: Grade 7/8
Subject: TLE
Topic/Lesson: Components of a Computer System (Part 1)
 Using And Maintaining Hand Tools (UHT)
 Performing Computer Operations (PCO)
 Performing Mensuration And Calculation (PMC)
 Terminating And Connecting Electrical Wiring And Electronics Circuit (TCEW)
 Testing Electronic Components (TEC)

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher
Introduces himself and does a reminder check relating to being part of the
internet community. After that, he recapped the lesson last time which is Using Hand
tools. He also provided a task where the students have to write down where they can
find computers.

During the lesson, the teacher

The teacher interacted with the students through a virtual field trip. He asked
the students to locate different gadgets that are found in their homes. He relates this to
the topic and continues to engage with the students with various questions.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher

The teacher provided a short quiz where the students have to determine the Input
Device, Output Device, and Storage device. They are instructed to write it down on
their TLE notebook and answer in the limit of 3 seconds. Finally, the teacher made a
quick recap and said his reminders relating to internet netiquette.
Activity 9:

3 Hours DepEd Video Watching

Year Level: Grade 7/8
Subject: TLE
Topic/Lesson: Components of a Computer System (Part 2)
 Using And Maintaining Hand Tools (UHT)
 Performing Computer Operations (PCO)
 Performing Mensuration And Calculation (PMC)
 Terminating And Connecting Electrical Wiring And Electronics Circuit (TCEW)
 Testing Electronic Components (TEC)

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher
Introduces himself and does a reminder check relating to being part of the
internet community. After that, he recapped the lesson last time which is computer
operations part 1. A co-teacher provided the motivational activity where students have
to guess the images shown. They have 5 seconds to answer on their notebook.

During the lesson, the teacher

He relates this to the topic and continues to engage with the students with
various questions. The discussion is continues and presented through various images.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher

The teacher provided a short quiz entitled “Techno Quest” where the students
have to determine the answer in a limited time. They are instructed to write it down on
their TLE notebook and answer in the limit of 3 seconds. Finally, the teacher made a
quick recap and said his reminders relating to internet netiquette.
Activity 9:

3 Hours DepEd Video Watching

Year Level: Grade 7/8
Subject: TLE
Topic/Lesson: Performing Mensuration and Calculation
 Using And Maintaining Hand Tools (UHT)
 Performing Computer Operations (PCO)
 Performing Mensuration And Calculation (PMC)
 Terminating And Connecting Electrical Wiring And Electronics Circuit (TCEW)
 Testing Electronic Components (TEC)

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher
Introduces himself and does a reminder check relating to being part of the
internet community He provided an engaging activity entitle, “Guess that Part”. After
that, he recapped the lesson last time which is Mensuration and Calculation.

During the lesson, the teacher

He teaches binary with computations examples that he asks students after an
example. The discussions focused more on explaining the binary conversion and how
they used.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher

The teacher provided an activity where the students convert their name to
binary. They answer it in their notebook or in the Facebook live. After that, the teacher
tells his goodbyes and reminders. Also, a recap of the lesson was done by the co-teacher.
List of Available Learning Resources

Available Learning
Characteristics and Unique Teaching Approaches where
Capabilities the Resource is Most Useful
(Enumerate in bullet form)

1. Print Resources These are secondary resources The teaching approach that is
 Text books that are published to provide very applicable to print
information. Most of these are resources are outlining,
 Modules found in the library and very reading comprehensions, and
useful for research related chorus reading to enhance
 Books (dictionary, literature. their vocabulary and reading
encyclopedia, etc.) skills.
2. Audio Resources These resources focuses more Audio resources can also be
 Podcasts on the senses of the students, used in movie watching or
specifically in the auditory music listening where students
 Radio Broadcast senses. This helps them be can interpret the audio they
more engaged in learning have listened.
 Audio books through various sounds.
3. Non-electronic These resources are used to It is best used in presenting a
Visual Resources present the lessons by certain lesson through the
 Blackboard manually typing or visual aids that can be pasted
showcasing it to the students. onto these resources. This can
 Whiteboard These can be used creatively help students visualize what
to engage more students. you are discussing.
 Picture Prints
4. ICT Resources These are resources that are It is now the new way of
 PowerPoint produced by the innovation of presenting lessons. Teachers
Presentation technology. Thus, it provides can use these ICT resources to
more creativity and come up with new activities
 Instructional engagement for the students such as games and quizzes that
software through gadgets. are interactive enough for the
students. As well as ICT
 Online Websites related software that can help
improve student’s

My Reflections/Insights

1. Which of the Materials in the Learning Resource Center caught your interest the most
and why?
The ICT resources poke my interest for I have a more knowledge in this field.
The capabilities of using technology for learning is limitless. We can create more
likeable games that will motivate students to learn. Students nowadays know better
about technology that is why introducing them educational websites or games can
encourage them to study. And as future teachers, we can be creative and productive as
well through the use of various ICTs.
2. Which of the gadgets/materials are you already confident to use/operate? Explain
your answer.
As we are in the online platform, using laptop and presenting through
PowerPoint presentations is more convenient. Software such as Microsoft PowerPoint
and Word are something I have enough knowledge to use. In being productive, my
phone is also a tool that I can use to present and edit files. I also am confident in using
traditional materials such as Manila papers and Cartolina Paper for we have
experience reporting in front of the class.
3. Which ones do you feel need to learn more about?
For trying out different teaching approaches, I am interested in learning more
about audio resources that can help students who are good listeners. At the same time,
the unending study of media literacy is important to determine reliability of the
sources we are getting.
1. Name at least 5 skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective
board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
A teacher must have the skills of being creative, enthusiastic, patient, organized,
and dedicated. As we all know, bulletin board should capture the attention of the
students with its appealing look. The teacher must present the skills of being creative
in choosing the colors, design, and calligraphy of the bulletin. But before one can
achieve this, they must be dedicated to the purpose of making the students happy with
the bulletin’s output. Enthusiasm must also be shown when creating the bulletin board
for it to be felt by the students also. Creating a bulletin is also a process thus a teacher
must be patient and organize in planning, brainstorming, and lastly executing.

2. Which of the skills you named in #1 do you already have? Recall your past
experiences in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
Back in my junior high school days, I was one of the students who work with
creating the bulletin boards of the school campus. We had a team to work for a bulletin
that is a size of a classroom black board. We began with brain storming about the events
to occur. Once we are finished with planning and sketching, we then budget the
materials to be used before executing the piece. As said from the skills above, I do
continue to hone these skills. I still do creative activities like painting and participate in
art contest. Joining competitions like this also improves my patience, determination to
win, enthusiasm to finish, and the effort I put in those artworks.

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how
you can improve on or acquire these skills?
The skills I need to improve are my communication, organization, and
discipline. To improve these skills, I must continue practicing it. In terms of
communications, I have to socialize more and be confident of myself when speaking.
Organization can be improved by doing journals and setting up plans.

4. What difficulties, if any did you encounter in making the bulletin board? How did you
overcome it?
The most difficult part was brainstorming for ideas because we always want to
create something unique that still represents a certain month. However, once this
phase is overcome, the ease of creating the bulletin itself is made in ease.
When I become a teacher what will I do to ensure the availability of teaching aids for
teaching? What will I do to ensure that the teaching aids I will be using are appropriate and
relevant to the learning tasks given to the students?

As a teacher our job is to cater each children’s development in school. For us to

achieve that goal, a teacher must be equipped and prepared of what problems might occur.
To ensure the availability of teaching aids, I will plan before setting into battle. Organizing
and studying before taking into discussion is one of the most important element to a
successful discussion. In organizing, we must set first the list of lessons and objectives before
creating a planned lesson. After creating the lesson plan, we can now proceed to creating our
teaching aids.
Becoming a teacher is a never ending process of learning and innovating. Thus, we
must be open for new strategies and techniques to improve our own. Another is that our
resources change over time which needs us to modernize our teaching aids. We must also be
inspired of what other teachers do and as well share our own.

Choose one corner of your house. Make your own bulletin board. (Situation: You are an
adviser Grade 10 students. Decorate your bulletin board in TLE- MONTH OF JULY). Take
a photo of it and attach here the photo.
ACTIVITY 5: Design bulletin board displays for instructional purposes.

1.1. Describe your board displays

a. Subject area/s where the bulletin boards are relevant or useful

It is relevant to the subject of TLE because month the month of July celebrates
nutrition month.

b. The kind of materials used in making the bulletin boards

The materials used in making the bulletin board is paint, paper, and pencil. The
sketch is done by using the pencil, then the paint to add color. I also used markers to do the
outline of the bulletin board. For I have limited materials, I needed to improvise most of the

c. Combination of colors used in bulletin boards

The colors used ire vibrant orange and yellow to bring out the colors. As there are
limited materials, I mix the colors to create the color green for the vegetables and fruits.

d. Accuracy of information

As it is timely to the celebration of nutrition month, there are fruits and vegetables
that represents the celebration. As well as the presentation of best works from last month and
announcements of coming event. This also has the achievers to commend and motivate other
students to do better.
Activity 6:

3 Hours DepEd Video Watching

Year Level: Grade 7/8
Subject: TLE
Topic/Lesson: Preparing and Interpreting Technical Drawings
 Using And Maintaining Hand Tools (UHT)
 Performing Computer Operations (PCO)
 Performing Mensuration And Calculation (PMC)
 Terminating And Connecting Electrical Wiring And Electronics Circuit (TCEW)
 Testing Electronic Components (TEC)

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher
Introduces himself and does a reminder check. He recaps the previous topic to
the students. Through a cartoon heart, he introduces the lesson. The cartoon was in a
situational problem that answers relating to the topic preparing and interpreting
technical drawings.

During the lesson, the teacher

Showcases different scenarios through different clip arts that relates to real life
usage of flowcharts. There are also a little bit of animation to engage the students more.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher

The teacher provided a puzzle entitled “How fast can you think?” where the
students have to write the answers in their notebook. This puzzle involves the cat, rat,
and a corn. A sequence should be created to avoid cat eating the rat or the rat eating the
corn while crossing the lake. The teacher made a recap of the lesson before stating his

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